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The Whitehall Evening-Post


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The Whitehall Evening-Post

Date of Article: 30/09/1784
Printer / Publisher: J. Lee 
Address: No.4, Ludgate Hill
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 5768
No Pages: 3
Sourced from Dealer? No
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The Whitehall PRICE THREE- FENCE.] From TUESDAY, September 28, to THURSDAY, September 30, 1784. ( No 5768. WEDNESDAY, Sept. 29. SHIP- NEWS. Deal, Sept. 28. WIND W. N. W. Sailed for the River, the Fox East - Indiaman, from St. Helena; and Nan- cy, Bowden, from Que- bec. Came down, and sail- ed with the outward- bound as before, the Carron, Belmana ; and Liberty, Owtram, for Virginia. " Remain the Wasp and Scout sloops. Nim- ble cutter, and a Danish East- Indiaman." DUTY ON H1 From the LONDON GAZETTE. Dividends to be made. Oct. 21. John Barnard, late of Upperthorpe, Sheffield, Yorkshire, tanner, at ten, at the White- Bear in Sheffield. Final. Oct. 22. William Mosely, late of Stourbridge, Worcestershire, ironmonger, at four, at the Tal- bot Inn in Stourbridge. Nov. 2. George Scholey, of Bridge- street, Cam- bridge, vintner, at five, at Guildhall. Nov. 2. George Hirschman, of Leicester- fields, vintner, at eleven, at Guildhall. Oct. 23. James Stephens, of Orange- court, Lei- cester- fields, merchant, at ten, at Guildhall. Oil. Richard Bird, of Coventry, Warwick- shire, ribbon- weaver, at eleven, at Guildhall. Nov. 8. Ebenezer Evans, of Newport- street, So- ho, leather- seller, at ten, at Guildhall. Dividend adjourned. " Nov. Christopher Fry the younger, of Exeter, grocer, at ten, at Guildhall. Final. Certificate to be granted. Oct. 19. James Rosser, formerly of the city of Bristol, butcher, but now or late of Trellick, Monmouthshire, timber- merchant. bankruptcy superseded. James Palmer, of Bristol, cooper. [ The Gazette likewise contains an Address from the High Sheriff and Grand Jury of the county of Antrim, in the kingdom of Ireland, testifying their duty and allegiance to his Ma- jesty.'] HAT TAX. Stamp- Oftice, Sept. 17, 1784. HIS Majestys Commissoners for managing the Stamp Duties do hereby give notice, That the NEW STAMP DUTIES UPON HATS commence on the 2d of OCTober next, when the undermentioned rates are to be paid : For every Licence to sell Hats by retail, within the Cities of London and Westminster, or within the distance of the Bills of Mortality, or within the Borough of Southwark, Forty Shillings. For the same in any other part of the kingdom, Five Shillings. For every Hat not exceeding the value of Four Shillings, Three Pence. For ditto above Four Shillings, and not exceeding Seven, Sixpence. For ditto above Seven Shillings, and not exeeding Twelve, One Shilling. For ditto above Twelve Shil- lings, — Two Shillings, j Persons selling Hats by retail, without being duly licenced, forfeit for every offence a pe- nality of - Fifty Pounds. Every licenced retailer, selling Hats without having the words " DEAlEr IN HATS BY RE- " TAIL," painted or written over the door of his shop or warehouse, forfeits for each Hat so sold, Forty Shilling*. A Stamp Ticket, denoting the par- ticular rate of duty to be paid on each Hat, is to be affixed to the lining in the inside of the crown thereof: And every per- son ( except licenced Retailers dealing with each other) who shall sell, buy, or exchange, any Hat, without having such stamped ticket affixed as afore- said, forfeits for every Hat so sold,' bought, or exchanged, Ten Pounds. The Commissioners therefore, in pursuance of the above Act, do hereby give notice, That all persons, residing within the Cities of London and Westmin- ster, or within the distance- of the Bills of Mor- tality, or within the Borough of Southwark, who are required to take out the said Licences, and to provide themselves with stamped tickets for denoting the duties on the said Hats respectively, may apply for the same at the Office, appointed for that purpose, at No. 16, Boswell- court, Lincoln's Inn, on the xyl instant, and every other day till the commence- ment of the said duties, in order to . take out their Licences, and to receive the different sorts of stamped Labels nccessary under the said 4.8. And all dealers in Hats in other parts of the kingdom are to apply to the respective distributors of stamps in the different counties, who are duly autho- rized by tbe Commissioners for the like purposes. By Order of the Commissioners, John Brettell, Secretary. ON HORSES. Stamp- Office, Sept. 23, 1784. IS Majesty's commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties do hereby give notice, That by an Act of the last Session of Parliament for grant- ing certain Duties on Horses, and on Licences to be taken out by Dealers therein, it is enacted, That all Persons residing within the Cities of London or Westminster, or within the weekly Bills of Morta- lity, or within the Borough of Southwark, who shall keep a Horse or Horses liable to the Duties herein after mentioned, shall, within Twenty Days after the 29th of September instant, give notice in writing at the Stamp- Office in London of the number of Horses kept and used by them, and of the parish or place where they reside, at the same time paying the respective Duties imposed by the said Act; and in case of taking out a Licence, a penalty of Five Pounds is forfeited by every person who shall neglect to affix in legible characters, the words, Licensed Dealer in Horses, on a part of the house, gateway, or stable, of the Party so li- censed. It is also provided, that persons residing in other parts of the kingdom, and subject to the said Duties, shall give notice, and pay the same within Thirty Days after the 29th of September in- stant to the Head Distributors of Stamps, or their respective Deputies, in the different Counties, ob- serving the above rule of affixing notice of their being licensed as aforesaid, under penalty of the said forfeiture. And whenever any persons, after the expiration of the said limited periods, shall be- gin to keep and use Horses subject to these Duties, Notice thereof must be given, and payment of the Duty made within Ten Days after so beginning to keep and use Horses as aforesaid, the same not being in place and stead of others for which the Duty had been before paid. It is likewise required that all persons who have divers places of residence, and keep Horses at each such place, do, within the space of One Month after payment of the Duties, if such payments shall have been made at the Stamp Office in London, deliver, or cause to be delivered to the Stamp- Officer in the Market- town nearest to his place of resi- dence, a Duplicate of every such Entry or Register, expressing the date of its commencement and the Duty paid for the same, or upon neglect thereof to forfeit the sum of Two Pounds. The Commissioners therefore, in pursuance of the above Act, do hereby give Notice, that all persons residing within the Cities of London and Westmin- ster, or within the distance of the Bills of Morta- lity, or within the Borough of Southwark, who are required to pay tbe said Duties, or to take out Licences, may apply at the Office appointed for that purpose, at No. 16, Boswell Court, Lincoln s- Inn, on Monday next, the llth instant, and every sub sequent day until the 19th day of October next in- clusive. And all other persons are to apply to the respective Distributers of Stamps in the different Counties, who are duly authorised by the Commissioners for tbe purposes aforesaid. The RATES and DUTIES are as follow : For every Horse, Mare, or Gelding, kept and used for the purpose of riding, or drawing any Carriage for which a Duty of Excise is paid or payable ' — Ten Shillings. For every Horse, Mare, or Gelding, entered to start or run for any Plate, Prize, Sum of Money, or other thing whatsoever, a further Sum of Two Pounds Two Shillings. the same to be paid previous to the entering of said Horse, &' c. for any race, or on refusal or neglect thereof, the Owner to forfeit Twenty Pounds. For every Licence granted to any Person exercising ihe Trade and Business of an Horse- Dealer, within the Cities of London and West- minster, the Weekly Bills of Mortality, or within the Borough of Southwark Ten Pounds. For every Licence granted to any Person exer- cising the said Trade and Business of an Horse- Dealer in other parts ef the kingdom Five Pounds. EXEMPTIONS. Horses belonging to Non- Commissioned Officers and Soldiers of the Cavalry— also Horses belonging to Licensed Dealers, kept for sale in their stables, and not for hire— And all Horse likewise let to hire by Post- Masters for travelling Post. By Order of the Commissioners, ' JOHN BRETTELL, Secretary. This Day Was published, price 1s. 6d. The THIRD QUARTERLY NUMBER for 1784, of THE LONDON MEDICAL JOURNAL. Containing the following original Papers, viz. Case of a Fractured Scull successfully treated by a new Method, by Messrs. Jones and Mynors of Birmingham ; Observa- tions on Hydrophobia, by Dr. Michaelis, of Cassel; a remark- able Case of concussion of the Brain, by Mr. W. Houlston, Surgeon in London; on the Efficacy of Vitrum Cer. Ant. in Chronic Dysentery, by Mr. Chavasse of Walsall; farther Observations on the spontaneous Evolution of the foetus in Cases of Arm presentation, by Dr. Denman. Dr. Cogan, and Mr. W. Hey, F. R. S This Number also contains ' the Report of the Academy of Sciences at Paris concerning Animal Magnetism, and Abstracts of several new Medical Books. Communications for this Work may be addressed to Dr. Simmons, Air- street, Piccadilly. Sold by J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church- yard, London; C. Elliot, Edinburgh; and P. Byrne, Dublin. Where may be had, lately published, 1. Observations 0n the Cure of Ghnorrheea, and some other Effects of the Venereal virus. By SAMUEL FOART SIMMONS, M. D. F. R. S Member of the College of Physicians, London ; and of the Royal Medical Society at Paris. The Second Edition, 8vo. price 1s. 6d. 2. An Account of the Life and Writings of the late William Hunter, M. D. F. R. S. By the same Author, 8v - vricc 2s. NAVY- OFFICE, Sept. 8, 1784. THE principal Officers and Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy do hereby give Notice, That on Tuesday the \ th of next month they will treat with such persons as may be willing to undertake the ' performance of the PAINTERS WORKS at His Majesty's Yard at Portsmouth, on a standing Con- tract, to commence in six months. Government will allow the Discount on Navy- Bills. The Form of the Tenders to be seen at this Office. OXFORDSHIRE. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, r THAT capital and very elegant MANSION- * HOUSE, called SARSDEN, with Stabling for Forty Horses, and other Offices, the Gardens, Lawns, and Pleasure Grounds, thereto belonging. And also the valuable and extensive M A NORS of SARSDEN, CHURCHILL, and LYNEHAM, MERRISCOURT, and FYNES COURT, and the farms, Lands, & c. there- of, and certain Lands in the adjoining Parish of King- ham, the whole within the Compass of five Miles ( the House in about the Centre) and consists of nearly 6000 Acres of excellent and very improveable Land, of which about 240 are in Hand, 3400 let to Tenants only from Year to Year at very low Rents, upwards of 900 on Leases for Lives ( most of them very old), and the remainder Common and Waste Ground admitting of very great Improvement by Inclosure. Also the valuable RECTORY of SARSDEN, of which the present Rector ia near 70 Years of Age. These Estates are situated in a fine Sporting Country, and Sarsden House is diatant from Oxford nineteen, Bur- ford eight, and Chipping Norton three Miles, and is com- pletely and richly Furnished in the modern Taste, ( the ixture s and Part of the Furniture will be aold) the Gardens are well Stocked and in good Condition, and the Land in Hand in very high Order, and altogether fit for the immediate Reception of a Family of the first Distinc- tion. N. B. Tbe Timber has been valued at near 12,000b About half the Purchaae Money may remain on the Se- curity of the Estate. , The Manor and House of Saraden with about half the Lands of these Estates may be purchased separately. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Wade, of Crane- court, Fleet- street; Mr. Drewe, of New Inn, London; or to Mr. Bulley, Attorney at Law, Chadlington, near Chipping Norton, Oxon; the latter of whom will shew the Estate. Admiralty- Office, Sept. 3b. 1784. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Session of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol- Delivery for the Trial of Offences committed on the High Seas within the Jurisdiction of the Admiralty of England, will be held on Thursday the Eleventh of November next, at Justice- Hall in the Old- Bailey London, at Eight o'Clock in the Morning. P. STEPHENS. DURHAM. To be SOLD in LOTS, Before EDWARD MONTAGUE, Esq. one of the Mas- ters of the High Court of Chancery, at his Chambers in Symond's Inn, Chancery- lane, London, on Thursday the 4th Day of November next, between the Hours of Ten and Twelve of the Clock in the Forenoon, A FREEHOLD ESTATE at AISLABY in ^ the Countv of DURHAM, consisting of two very capital Farms, with suitable Barns, Stables, and other Out- Buildings in complete Repair; and divers Cottages, and several Closes, Pieces, or Parcels of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, containing together 553 Acres 1 Rood and 11 Poles, or thereabouts, and lett to respectable Tee nants, at the yearly Rent of 545I, or thereabouts. Th- Land- Tax is moderate. Aislaby is situate upon the navi- gable River Tees, withinone Mile of Yarm ; five. of Stock- | ton; and feven of Darlington, three good Market Towns, | and the Communication to each is by good Turnpike- i Roads. The Estate is supposed to abound with Coal. Particulars may be had at the said Master's Chambers; j and of Mr. Reed, Attorney at Law, Ely- Place, London J ! Mr. Dunn, Attorney at Law, Yarm ; Mr. James Kitchin, of Worsall; and Mr. Robinson Jackson, of Aislaby, both near Yarm. This Day were published, Neatly printed in Two Volumes, Crown Octavo, Price 6s. fewed, or 7s. bound, The SECOND EDITION of A COLLECTION of LETTERS Of the late Rev. JAMES HERVEY, A. M. Rector of Weston- Favell, in Northamptonshire. Which exhibit in their Purport, Composition, and va- rious Tendencies, a striking and amiable Picture of the Ingenuity, Learning, Candour, and Pi<>_>', of their ex- cellent Author. To which is prefixed, an Account of his Life and Death. Printed for J. F. and C. Rivington, No. 63, St. Paul's Church- yard. Of whom may behad, by the same Author, 1. Meditations and' Contemplations, in two Volumes Crown Octavo, price 6s. bound, or neatly printed in one Volume 12mo. price 3s. bound* a. Theron and Aspasio, or a Series of Dialogues and Letters upon the most important and interesting Subjects, handsomely printed in three Volumes large 8vo, price 13s. inboards, or ijs. bound. 3. Eleven Letters to the Rev. Mr. John Wesley, in Anfwer to that Gentleman's Remarks on theron and Aspasio, in one Volume crown 8vo. price 3s. bound. 4. Letters to the Right Honourable Lady Frances Shirley, in one Volume crown 8vo. price 35. fewed, or 3s. 6d. bound. 5. Sermons and Miscellaneous Tracts, price 3s. sewed, or 3s. 6d. bound. This Day was published, Price bound is. 6d. or : 6s. a Dozen to those who give them away, A NEW EDITION, being the TWENTIETH, of THE PIOUS COUNTRY PARISHIONER instructed how to spend every Day through the whole course of his Life, in a religious and acceptable Manner. Advice how to keep the Lord's Day holy. A Course of Reading the Holy Scriptures, wherein is shewn how much they out- do in Eloquence all the Rules of Human Art. A right Method of Education ; the ill Consequcnce of with holding Instructions from Children ; how to sub- due their Passions, and make them a Comfort to their Friends, and a Blessing to the World. The Feasts and Facts. To which are added, Collects on several Occa- sions; also a Discourse concerning the indispensible, though in Country' Parishes much neglected Duly, of re- ceiving the Blessed Sacramcnt of the Lord's Supper; where- in the Nature of it is described, the Obligations of fre- quenting it enforced, all the Excuses usually Brought for the Neglect of it answered; the ignorant Person taught what he must do in order to be a worthy Communicant j and bceause all must die, Rules are given for a devout Behaviour in the Time of Sickness, and Directions laid down how to prepare for a happy Change at Death. Printed for J. F. and C. Rivington, No. 62, St. Paul's Church yard; B. Law, R. Baldwin, S. Bladon, and C. and T. Wilkie. ( f3* This Book is in the list of Books recommended and dispersed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, aud may be had by the Members on the usu- al Terms. TOWN of CARDIGAN. ... To be SOLD, ALarge and convenient FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, situated in the Town of Cardigan, with an enclosed Yard, Garden, and Six Stalled Stable adjoining, now in the Occupation of W. P. CUTHBERTH, Esq. For Particulars please to enquire of Mr; Thomas Pryce, No. 9, Lamb's Conduit- street; London. Mr. John Bor- ven, Surgeon, in Cardigan, will shew the Premises. Cardigan is pleasantly situated in a fine Sporting Coun- try, on the navigable River Tivy, and on the borders, of Pembrokeshire, is the County Town and sea Port, about two Miles from the Sea, in a very plentiful Country, where Provisions of all Sorts, particularly Fish and Fowl, arc very Cheap and good in Quality: There is a general Turnpike- Road throughout the County ; with Balls, As- semblies, Card Parties, & c. during the Winter Season; and also a Pack of thirty Couple of Hounds kept in the. Town by a Society of Gentlemen. Lamb's Conduct- street, London, Sept. 21ft, 1784. STATE LOTTERY, 1784, Begins Drawing the 23d of November. AMICABLE SOCIETY of LOTTERY ** ADVENTURERS and general Subscription for the Purchase of Lottery Tickcts and legal Shares, inllitutcd October sjft, 1783 and removed from No. to No. 23, Exchange- alley, Cornhill, opposite the Royal Ex- change, London. For the Convenience of the Subscri- bers residing at the West End of the Town, Books are by Appointment of the Managers opened at No. 75; New Bond- street, eight Doors from Oxford- street; where, and at No. 23, Exchange- alley, proper Clerks now attend to admit Subscribers in the different Classes, viz. FIRST CLASS, And Eighteen Shillings upon a Prize of 20I. EIGHTH CLASS, Two Guineas and a Half each Subscriber. DIVIDENDS, 3000I. on a Prize of 20, oool. 1300I. on 10, oool. and descending in proportion upon other Prizes, down to Two Guineas and a Half upon a Prize of 2oI. The Mode of subscribing is not attended with Trouble, Loss of Time, or Expence, but as plain as the Purchase of a Ticket, nothing being necessary for Ladies or Gentle- men in Town or Country, but to state Personally, or by Letter, the Class they subscribe into, or the Sum they mean to subscribe, when a Certificate specifying such Class and the Number of the Ticket is delivered, or re- mitted, and the Subscriber entered as if present. To the PUBLIC. In- the Plan at large of this Society, given GRATIS, in which is included an exact Table of the Dividends in cach Class, the Origin and Progress of this Institution are par- ticularly explained ; It is sufficient here to remark, that amongft its principal Objects are, the obviating the hazards Adventurers incur in purchasing Divisions of Tickets at many of the Lottery Offices, and removing the numerous Inconveniencies of entering into Public- house Subscriptions for Shares or Tickets. , The Approbation last Year of near TEN THOUSAND MEMBERS, has furnished the strongest testimony in fa- vour of the Conduct of the Managers, DirectorS, and Se- cretary, whose Candour was fully proved by the Distri- bution of many LARGE PRIZES, amongst which were One of 5000I. and a Share of 20, oool. It is worthy Re- mark, that of above Oflt HUNDRED paltry Imitations of this. Institution in the last Lottery, not a SINGLE ONE survived the first Fortnight of the Drawing. The Managers and Directors flatter themselves that they establish this Undertaking upon a Foundation no less per- manent than useful. It's fair Intent and superior Advan- tages will be clearly evident by its Regulations, in the Construction of which they have been governed by the most sound Judgement and able Advice this Country can produce ; the many OPINIONS of COUNSEL ( and particularly the very explicit ones of Mr. Sheridan and the late Mr. Howarth), will, without doubt, be satisfac- tory as to the Security and Legality of the Initiation. I It will be observed that thole who wish to hazard small Sums, have no Opportunity whatever upon fair Terms and solid Foundation- I - All Letters from the Country, or Orders, to be directed I To Mr. RICHARD JACKSON, at No. 23, Exchange- I Alley, Cornhill, opposite Royal Exchange, London j and no Bills but at Sight or short Date can be taken. ( Signed by Order) RICHARD JACKSON, Sec. THURSDAY, Sept. 30. IRELAND. Limerick, Sept. 16. ON Tuesday evening— was conducted i to this city, by a numerous escort guard of the Limerick cavalry, Mrs. Hannah Villiers, who pn Sunday morning last was vio- lently and forcibly run off with by a set of ruf- fians and desperadoes, from an interior part of our country. However, by the spirited and manly exertions of the Limerick cavalry, in de- spite of every possible impediment, opposition and fatigue, she was rescued from her assailants, with honour to herself, and triumph to a corps of gentlemen, who are determined to give ope- ration and effect to the laws of this country, and peace and good order to society in general. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, Sept. 15. So great a quantity of herrings have been taken this week on the East coast, that they were selling at Dunbar for 6d. the hundred, or one penny the score. Died lately at Maybole, upwards of toe years of age, Mr. David Doig, late Master of the Grammar School of that plaCe. LONDON. Yesterday being the birth- day of her R. High- ness Princess Augusta Charlotta Matilda, Princefs Royal, who now entered the 19th year of her age, their Majesties and her Royal Highness re- ceived the compliments of the Nobility on the occasion at Windsor. Yesterday morning a Prussian Nobleman ar- rived in town from Berlin, and soon after set cut for Windsor to wait on the King. On Tuesday last a deer wis turned out at Swindley for the diversion of his Majesty, & c. and afforded a chace of several hours before it was taken at Cobham near Guildford. And yesterday his Majesty took the diversion of hare- hunting for the first time for the season. On Tuesday Mr. Pitt arrived in town from Brighthelmstone, and immediately set off for Windsor to the King. We can assure our Readers that a treaty is now going on for a marriage between Miss Pul- teney and Mr. Pitt. Mr. Pulteney demands a Peerage, and that there shall be paid to him the sum of 170,000l. as the savings 011 the B estate. The first of these conditions would be instantly complied with, for he or any man may be a Peer ; but Ministers cannot so soon after the General eleCtion sport with such a fum of the public money as 170,000!. Here the matter rests ; a few weeks probably will decide the matter. — Gazetteer. Yesterday some dispatches were received from Quebec, brought by the Nancy Capt. Bondan, arrived in the River from that Province, which mention that the Governor and garrison were in good health, and trade in a flourishing con- dition. Yesterday arrived a mail from Hallifax, brought to Falmouth by the Carteret packet- boat, in II days. Also arrived a mail from Lisbon, brought to Falmouth by the Expedition packet boat, in 9 days. Capt. Dashwood, of the Expedition packet- boat, coming over the Bar of Lisbon, spoke the North America packet, Wilson, and Ann, Cockburn, from London to Lisbon. The Sandwich packet, Dillon, from Fal- mouth, is arrived at Hallifax in five weeks. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Sept. 28. " Arrived the Hope, Blubber, from New- castle. Sailed ihe Firebrand, Raymond, for Am- sterdam; Prince George, Bray, for London; and Hebe frigate, on a cruize. « ' This morning passed by, for Copenhagen, the Copenhagen homeward bound Danish East- India ship. Wind W. N. W." Extract of a Letter from Gravesend, Sept. 28. " Past by the Johanna- Maria, Young, from Rotterdam." The Nottingham, Curtis, was well at Batavia in January last bound to Bombay. The N. S. Socono, from China, and the St. Joze o Triunso, from Goa, are arrived at Lis- bon. The Princess of Holstein was well at Goa the fifth of March last. The Catharina Marin, Rhotapt, from Baltic more to Rotterdam, has been on shore on tUe Goodwin Sand, but by throwing part of her cargo overboard, is brought into Dover. Several vessels from the Leeward Islands and Jamaica are arrived within these few days, which sailed r. n the first of August, laden with sugar, rum, and cotton. They bring accounts that the crops this year have been so great, that a considerable quantity of produce has been left behind, for want of shipping to bring it to Eu- rope. The Osterley and Houghton East- Indiamen, early ships, stationed for Madeira, Coast and China, are ordered to be at Gravesend to com- pleat their lading by the 12th of next month. A Court of Aldermen was held yesterday at Guildhall before the election of a Lord- Mayor, when John Hart, Esq. Alderman of the ward of Dowgate, and Evan Pugh, Esq. Alderman of the ward of Tower, surrendered their gowns. The Court returned thanks to the Rev. Mr. Bowen, Chaplain to the Lord- Mayor, for his sermon preached at St, Paul's on Thursday tbe 29th of July last, and for his sermon preached yesterday at St. Lawrence's. Yesterday came on at Guildhall the election of Lord Mayor for the year ensuing. All the Aldermen below the chair were put in nomina- tion, when the majority of hands appearing for, Alderman Clark and Alderman Wright, they were returned to the Court of Aldermen for their choice of one. Alderman Clark being senior in Office was accordingly declared duly elected, and being invested with the chain, i. e. thanked the Livery for the honour they had conferred upon him. After which Matthew Nesbitt was elected Aleconner, in the room of Mr, Scarlett, deceased. The business being, over, the two Lord Mayors returned to the Mansion House, where the Aldermen were en- tertained in an elegant manner. The Lord Mayor has appointed Saturday next for the election of two gentlemen to the office of Aldermen, in the room of Mess. Hart and Pugh resigned. Rich. Atkinson and Paul Le Mesurier, Esqrs. are mentioned for Aldermen in the room of Messrs. Hart and Pugh. The carriage of Mr. Hopkins is the same as was used by Mr. Nicholson. The livery coat is drab- coloured, button- holes silver and gold mixed, an epaulet on the right shoulder— Saxon blue waistcoat and breeches, with button holes the same as the coat: black horses, decorated with ribbons. Mr. Sheriff Bates's carriage is painted of a light colour, with straw- colour lining, the ham- mer cloth the same fringed with green and straw coloured trimmings, the arms ornamented with military trophies ; bay horses, decorated with green and straw- coloured ribbons ; the harness set off with gilt ornaments ; the livery coat green, with gold lace intermixed with black,, button- holes the same, straw coloured cuff, and elegant gold and black epaulets ; straw coloured waistcoat and breeches, button- holes the same as the coat, and gold laced hats. The fashionable companies in the great and little world are, as usual in idle times, em- ployed in discussing a variety of topics, which have very little connexion one with another ; as, for instance,—— The high price of Teas. This is only remark- able because the publick supposed, that after a certain day, hour, and minute, they could pur- chase teas for one half, or one third the usual price ; and so they may yet, if they wilL have patience. Air Balloons. Perhaps this subject occurs by a kind of connexion with the former. But it is fashionable to speak of balloons— my Lord speaks of balloons— my Lady speaks of bal- loons-~ Tom the footman, and Betty the cook, speak of balloons— yea, and balloons shall be spoke of. The sprightly Miss talks of nothing but inflammable air, and mamma checks her pre- sumption, and tells her that air balloons and inocu- lation are equally impious. No money from America. This is to be heard ' at Change, and its environs— and somehow, or other, the words humming, dupe, cheat, and such like naturally creep in. Frequent bankruptcies— Vide the Gazette, and compare it with the appearance of things at Guildhall. See the wealthy spendthrift squander a princely fortune on cards, dogs, and horses, pop into the Gazette, and in a few days pop out clean washed, and ready to return with the dog to the vomit, and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. The duty on windows, in an enlightened age like the present, seems to portend days of darkness and ignorance: so say the witty politicians. The rage of duelling, encouraged with a view to promote good breeding. It says nothing for the improvement of the age. Boys are generally whipt into good behaviour, but nothing less than blowing out brains and cutting throats can hu- manize grown gentlemen. The India Commissioners. As they are but lately entered, upon their office, we leave to their enemies to find but what they are about. Military Promotions. These prosper in times of peace ; a proof that actual service never fails to meet its reward. Lunardi. The ladies have made many en- quiries after this gentleman, and we hope now they are satisfied. His dog and cat have had their share in the conversation. Theatrical Politics. Both houses are opened. Their new actors have appeared in old parts, and their old aCtors in new parts. Time will shew how far the several revolutions that have taken place, will operate to the entertainment of the town. A complaint of a most atrocious nature came yesterday before Mr. Addington. Three young girls, who were seduced from their friends, and debauched by the means of a woman in Cum- berland- court, not willing to submit to her im- positions, left her house, and the day after were arrested at her suit for ten pounds each ; they wrote a letter to the magistrates in Bow- street, stating their situation, and the treatment they met with from the Woman, who received above ten pounds a week from these unhappy girls, and allowed them out of every guinea no more than sixpence; the youngest is not more than fourteen years old, and the eldest not seventeen. Mr. Addington, on reading the letter, sent for the Sheriff's officer, who very humanely brought his prisoners to the office to give informations. A warrant was granted against the woman, and the magistrates are determined to have her prosecuted. On Tuesday Henry Moore and Richard Dodd were committed to Newgate by Peter Green and John Staples, Esqrs. charged on oath of Mr. Richard Akerman and others, for feloniously assaulting him on the highway, in company with three other gentlemen near Limehouse on Satur- day last, and forcibly breaking from his watch, and taking from him three gold seals. They were further charged on oath of John Cotton, Esq. for feloniously assaulting him at the same time, and robbing him of a silk purse with two gold sliders, two guineas, and a half- crown piece. Another charge was also made against them on oath of Patrick Begbie, Esq. for felonioully as- saulting him at the same tune and place, and robbing him of a silk purse, a guinea, and a King Charles's farthing and it was attended with compleat success. Mons. Vallet, to whom the brothers committed the charge of filling the globe, began tbe bu- siness on Saturday afternoon. He employed new apparatus, constructed on the most inge- nious and simple principles, by means of which the balloon was amply filled in three hours. The operation would not have required more than an hour and a half, if the workmen had been ac- customed to the new method. As it was the intention of the brothers to . make this voyage useful to science, they took great pains to establish a set of signals between them- selves and those appointed to observe them. It was settled that persons should be stationed at dif- ferent places for the purpose of observations; and that they might all communicate together as to time, and to measure the angles of vision, it was agreed, that at nine o'clock in the morning a red flag should be hoisted at the top of the dome of the castle of the Tuilleries which, after remain- ing for a time, that the observers might take the height, should be lowered on the firing of a can- non, exactly half an hour before the departure of the balloon— that five minutes after this a small quantity of powder should be flashed from the top of the dome, as a signal for them to observe their watches— and that this should be repeated twice at the interval of a minute, left the first should not be perceived— That at the second discharge of the cannon, which was to be the signal for the ascension, the red flag should be hoisted again ; and that when the travellers had brought the machine to an equilibrium in the air, they should suffer it for some minutes to be borne along in the atmosphere by the direction of the wind— and that then, on a fresh signal, they should put their oars and wings in motion, and use their utmost efforts to navigate the ma- chine against the wind, and to see how many points they could steer from it. These preliminaries being settled, at half an hour after eleven o'clock the aerostatic globe was conducted with great pomp by the gate of the grand walk to the terrace prepared for it oppo- site the Castle. The four cords were held by M. le Marechal de Richlieu,. M. le Marechal de Biron, M. le Bailli de Suffrein, and M. le Duc de Chaulnes. When it came to the terrace, the three tra- vellers, viz. the brothers Robert and M. Colin Hullier, their brother- in- law, took their seats in the car ; aud afier the necessary experiments to prove and reCtify their weight, the machine rose into the atmsfphere exaCtly two minutes before twelve o'clock, amidst the acclamations of a most numerous and brilliant assembly. After having travelled at the same height about forty- five minutes, they descended near the ap- parent horizon, almost to the earth, and ascended again immediately. At fifty- seven minutes past twelve they descended again, and mounted in an instant. At thirteen minutes past one they de- scended a third time, and were for a minute lost behind the hills which bound the horizon to- wards St. Prix. They were observed on their re- ascension ; and it was ascertained that on every new elevation they mounted higher than in the preceding one. At this time they appeared about a degree and a half above the horizon, which, estimating their distance at ten or twelve leagues, states their aCtual height to be between five and six hundred toises *. At fifty minutes past one they disappeared from the Best glasses. The wind at their departure was S. E. but it became soon after more southerly. The balloon evi- dently went with the wind, both at first and al- ter its change. They bore at first to the left from the observer at the Tuilleries, and after- wards veered considerably to the right. No certain account of their descent came to Paris when our letters were dispatched, which was on Wednesday the 22d. They - were ob- served over the village of Ravenel, twenty leagues from Paris, at three o'clock in the af- ternoon, and they kept in view of the same ob- servers, and saluted them with their flag over the village of Reye, which is seven leagues farther. They were seen also by M. de Saint Fuffian, near Montdidier. But by another letter we learn that they landed at Bethune, in the pro- vince of Artois, which is fifty leagues from Paris, at four minutes after six o'clock. • A toise is a fathom, or six feet. PARISIAN INTELLIGENCE. AEROSTATION. THE third aerostatic experiment of the bro- thers Robert took place on Sunday the 19th instant, in the Royal Garden of the Tuilleries, M A R R I E D. Friday, Matthew Cunningham, Esq. of the Middle Temple, to Miss Harrison, of Worces- tershire. For the Whitehall evening- Post. ABSTRACT of the most CURIOUS and INTERESTING PARTICULARS of CAPTAIN COOK's LAST VOYAGE to the PACIFIC OCEAN., ( Continued from our Paper of Tuesday, Sept. 21.) tHE diversions being over, Feenou told the Captain that the provisions on the right hand were for Omai, and those 011 the left for himself ; and that they might take them on board when it suited them ; but there would be no occasion 10 set any guard over them, as he might be assured, that a single cocoa nut would not be taken away by the natives: and so it proved ; for though Captain Cock went on board the ship to dinner, and took the chief with him, leaving every thing on shore ; yet when they returned for them in the afternoon, not a single article was missing; and there was as much as loaded four boats. " I could not " help," says Captain Cook, " being struck with the munificence of Feenou; for this pre- sent far exceeded all that I had ever received from any of the sovereigns of the various isles 1 had visited in the Pacific ocean ; I therefore lost no time in convincing my friend that I was not insensible of his liberality, by bestowing on him, before he left the ship, such things as were most valuable in his estimation. And the return I made was so much to his satisfaction, that, as soon as he got on shore, he made me again his debtor, by sending me two large h° gs, a great quantity of cloth, and some yams." Feenou had expressed a desire of seeing the marines perform their military exercise. Cap- tain Cook therefore ordered them 0n shore from both ships; and after they had performed vari- ous evolutions, and fired several vollies, with which the natives seemed well pleased ; they, in return, entertained their visitors with an ex- hibition which, for dexterity and exaCtness in the performance, was agreed, on all hands, to surpass by far the specimen which the English had given of their military manoeuvres. It was a kind of dance, in which one hundred and five men performed. Each held in his hand an instrument made very neatly, and shaped like a paddle, with a small handle and thin blade ; so that it was very light. With these they made many and various flourishes, each cf which was accompanied with a different move- ment, or attitude of the body. they first ranged themselves in three lines; and by vari ous evolutions and motions they soon changed their stations, so that those who were at first in the rear came in front. They never remained long in one position, and the changes were made by sudden transitions. At one time they were extended in one line ; they then formed themselves i to a semicircle, and were afterwards in two square columns. While this last move- ment was executing, one of them advanced and performed an antic dance before Captain Cook with which the piece ended. The musical instruments made use of on this occasion, were two drums, which were two hol- low logs of woOd, from which some variation of sounds was produced by beating on them with two sticks; but it did not appear that the dancers were so much directed in their motions by these sounds, as by a chorus of vocal music, in which all the performers joined ; and which was not destitute of pleasing melody. The cor- responding motions were performed with so much exactness, that this numerous body of dancers seemed to act as if they were one great machine : and it was the opinion of everyone present, that such a performance would have met with universal applause on an European theatre. It exceeded, indeed, so far every at- tempt that our people had made t0 entertain the natives, that Captain Cook confesses the inferiority ; and the natives seemed so sensible of this, that they piqued themselves not a lit- tle upon it. To retrieve, ; n some mcafure, their faded laurels, and to give the natives a more favoura- ble opinion of English amusements, as well as to leave their minds fully impressed with the deepest sense of our superior attainments, Cap- tain Cook ordered some fire- works to be got ready, and as soon as it was dark they were played off in the presence of Feenou, and' a vast concourse of people. Some of them, and par- ticuiarly the sky and water rockets, were in ex- cellent order, and succeeded so perfectly as to please and astonish them beyond all conception; and the scale was now entirely turned in favour of our countrymen. This, however, seemed only to furnish them wiih an additional motive 10 make fresh exersions of their very singular dexterity; and the fireworks were n0 sooner ended, than a succession of dances began, which were, if possible, superior to those they had alredy exhibited. A band of music, con- filling of eighteen, seated themselves in the center of the circle composed by ihe numerous speCtators. Four or five of this band had pieces of large bamboo from three to five or six feet long, which they held neatly in a vertical posi- tion ; the upper end was open, but the lower was closed by one of the joints. With this closed end the performers kept constantly strinking the ground, by that mesns producing different notes according 10 the different lengths of the instruments. All these, however, were hollow, or base notes ; to counteract which, a person kept striking with two sticks very briskly, on a split bamboo, which lay horizontally, and which produced tones as acute as the others were grave ; and both were so attempered by a flow soft air, which was sung by the whole band, without exception, that no by stander, however accustomed to the most perfeCt and varied modulation of sounds, could avoid con- fessing the power and pleasing effeCt of this sim- ple harmony. The concert had continued about a quarter of an hour, when twenty women entered the circle, with garlands of flowers on their heads { and their dress otherwise ornamented in a very agreeable manner. They formed a circle round the band, with their faces toward it ; and began by singing a soft air, to which responses were made by the chorus, and the women accompanied their song wi h several very graceful motions of their hands, making, constantly, at the same time, a step forwards and back again, with one foot, whilst the other remained fixed. They next turned their faces towards the assembly, sung some time, and then retreated slowly in a body to that part of the area which was opposite the hut where the principal spectators sat. Af- ter this, one of them advanced from each side, passing each other in the front, and continuing their progress round till they joined the party on the other side. Two then advanced from each side ; one of each passed each other in the front, and returned on contrary sides as the former did ; but the other two remained be- tween the hut and the music, and these were joined at intervals by two ar. d two at a time, one frem each, until the whole hid joined them and formed a circLe round the bard as at first Their manner of dancing was now changed to a quick measure, in which they make a kind of half- turn by leaping, clapping their hands at the same time, or snapping their fingers and repeating some words in conjuction with the chorus. Toward the end, the quickness of the music increased, their gestures and attitudes were varied with vigour and dexteri- ty ; and some of their motions might, perhaps, with us, be reckoned rather indecent, though probably not meant to be such, but intended merely to display the astonishing variety of their movements. ( To be continued.) HELICON BAG,, To the Printer of the Whitehall Evening- Post. SIR, I Have often observed, that Instead of the insipid puns, scandal, and vile poetical trash that dis- grace all other Newspapers, your Helicon Bag has conveyed very useful instruction, which I have with pleasure ordered my children occa- sionally to transcribe. If you shall think what I have commissioned their better pens to copy in the next page, from a poem entitled, Mo- ral Hints. to the rising Generation, worth your while to insert- [ at different times] their labour may perhaps be found not unacceptable to many a considerate parent. A MORAL HINT. BY pleasure courted, in the sanguine flush Of young desire, on danger prone to rush, Hark! thy good Genius checks thee, hov'ring nigh In perils, leaves a deep heart- thrilling sigh : It speaks his dread, left o'er thy hopeful dawn Untimely night by lust impture be drawn ; Disease, with shame, cut short thy bright career, The Enchantress whelm with guilt thy youthful bier; Exulting, with the foe to heav'n and earth, At virtuous fame, thus blasted in the birth. Behold our high- bred vulgar, born to swill, PENElopE's lewd suitors, revel still, Fops, loungers, fribbles, a Phaeacian race, Their form the tailor shapes, friseur the face. What now remains of Heav'n created man? Proud to confound harmonious Nature's plan, At masque, ball, coterie, club, green- room, rout, They slouch, yawn, smirk, prate, gamble, caper, spout, By wax- light all Day's odious glare they shun, Shrouded in sleep, to the declining sun ; Half- waked to fiddling, wake at length to cards : These, the sole Deities the race regards, To Whist recall each bubble school'd to bite, To Whist, the regent of unblushing night. Blind would- be rooks; unconscious dupes to play, They cast their substance, honour, life away. Thine eye, where honest warmth, and spirits high, Yet speak pure Nature, thine indignant eye, Keen- glancing, questions- thus the thristless crew : " Ye replies what, on earth, have you to do?" To some dire end from day- light skulk, as they, Night roaming felons, for their nightly prey : To what end these? Remorse, and ruin wait. The loit'rers. Rouse; bestir thee ; shun their fate. Like Ithaca's dread Lord, forth flaming stands The God they scorn'd, and breaks their impious bands. to the Printer of the Whitehall Evening- Post. ' SIR, BEING the proprietor of many small detached pieces of land in the county of Kent, I have no less than nine- and- twenty barns to keep up, on farms that scarce produce me 500. per ann. Being all thatched, one was, seven years ago, consumed by lightning ; when rebuilt, I covered it with tiles. Another was fired last year by the wadding of a gun alighting upon the thatch, which I in like manner rebuilt and tiled. A third barn has this year undergone the same fate in the dead of night, of which event no cir- Cumstance could be traced with Certainty, except that the fire commenced at the thatched top, 0n a night entirely free from thunder and light- ning. This moment intelligence is brought me of a like calamity near Canterbury, occasioned by the blaze of an air balloon; and all my neighbours and fellow sufferers are loudly cursing what they now, with the highest degree of pro- bability, suppose they have discovered to have been the cause of our late misfortune. Heavily as these repeated losses have fallen upon a man of a slender estate, I am preparing to roof my third new- erected barn with tiles, notwithstand- ing the much- lamented tax upon them. But, alas! I have six and twenty more to tile!— ( God forgive me this ejaculation of Complaint, when 1 . tight rather to have expressed my thankfulness for the bounty of his Providence!) Tiled they all shall most certainly be, as fast as I can, by the most rigid oeconomy, be enabled to consult the future security of my poor tenants, and set about the work. In the meantime let me add, that it is now high time the Le- gislature should interpose in checking, by the severest penalties, the pernicious folly of the unthinking masters and misses, who care not whether what is sport to them be destruCtion to The Proprietor of a Thatched Barn. Kent, Sept. 2$. postscript. Thursday Afternoon, Sept. 30. LONDON. While the French are taking the most effectual measures for the increase of their marine, we seem, from a false notion of oeconomy, to be resolved to let ours run to ruin. Some years ago a proposal was made to make the marines and soldiers of the matching regiments do the duly of sailors on board the men of war. For what reason is not known, this scheme, notwithstand- ing its manifest utility, was rejected. Now that we are at peace is the proper time to revive it, as the men will be sufficiently trained before we are again attacked. Every other maritime Power takes care to send out from time to time small squadrons to cruize and perform the different manoeuvres necessary in case of real action ; by this means their crews will in a short time have the same advantage over ours, that a body of regulars has over an undisciplined militia. They will besides, as usual, be able to have a formi- dable fleet at sea, while our ships are repairing in the docks, or lying useless in the harbours for want of men, and at last must be sent out with half their complement, or crouded with land- men, who, in case either of a storm or an en- gagement. do more harm than good. The ex- pence that this will be attended with may be made an objection but all the men need not be employed at once; let them take their turns on board the ships, and they will soon become ex- pert ; besides, the nation in its present circum- stances had better endure a moderate though continued expence to. keep itself in a posture of defence, than by being entirely unprepared in- vite an attack, which might be attended wiih sudden and total ruin, and at best will at once subjeCt us to a burden much more heavy than we should be obliged to bear, were this plan adopted. The Emperor has published an ediCt making the ducats of Kreninitz, the Imperial ducats of the coin of his Majesty, and whole crowns as well of his Majesty's coin as of Kremnitz, cur- rent in the Low Countries. The Kremnitz ducats 23 carats nine grains fine, and weighing two esterlins nine asses, to pass for six florins six deniers Brabant currency, and the double ducats for 12 florins one fol. Imperial ducats, 23 karats 8 grains fine, and of the same weight with the Kremnitz ditto, to pass for 6 fl. 6 d, Brabant currency ; the double ducats, 12 fl. is. The crown pieces of Kremnitz and the Im- perial coin 10 dwts. fine, are to pass for 2 fl. 17 (. 3 d. Brabant currency, No ducats single or double to be paid or re- ceived without being first weighed, no greater deficiency in weight than one as to be allowed ; all greater than that as far as five inclusive, to pay at the rate of two sols three den. for every- one as ; if the deficiency amount to six asses ; the coin to be looked upon as bullion, and cease to be current. In Luxemburg the Kremnitz ducats to pafs for 6 fl. 13 s.' 4J d. double ditto 13 fl. 6 s. 9 d. Imperial ducats 6 fl. 12 s. 9 d. double ditto 13 fl. 5 s. 6 d. Crowns 3 fl. 3 s. id. , A private letter from Berlin, by the Dutch mail, says, that the King of Prussia is raising more men, and daily exercising them, that they may be ready to march at a very short notice. Extract of a Letter from Copenhagen, Aug. 31. " The Russian fleet still continues here; nor do we at present hear any thing of its sailing. Admiral Tigitchgoste has had an interview with the Supreme Council, which gives reason to think that this squadron, wherever bound, is to act in concert with the Danish fleet as occasion may require, or at least to protect the trade of this nation 111 common with their own." Extract of a Letter from Amsterdam, Sept. 21. " The College ot Admiralty here have just issued orders for the Van Zureten of 40 guns, and the Snoeck of 24 guns, to proceed imme- diately to the North Seas; the Vigilant of 44 guns, and the Albina of 26 guns, are ordered with the same expedition to the British Chan- nel, to proteCt our trade. " A rumour prevails here, that two Imperial ships are stopt by the guardships which the States of Zealand had caused to be stationed in the Scheldt. The correspondence between the States- General, who are now sitting at the Hague, and the Congress at Brussels, is not- withstanding Continued." Extract of a Letter from Flushing, Sept. 26. " We just now learn, that the Dutch packet, which passed up to Antwerp, is stopt by order of the Court of Brussels and that an order has been given for no vessels in future to be em- ployed in that conveyance but such as bear the Imperial flag." A letter from Lisbon says, that two American ships lately arrived there, loaded with wheat and flour, but the Commanders would not suffer any part of their cargo to be landed till they had assurance of being paid for them in cash, and not afterwards stopped for having so much Portugal money on board ; that what put them upon their guard was, that just as they came into the harbour an English vessel was stopped on that account, but got released at the intercession of the English Consul. A private letter from Plymouth says, that the Magistrates in that town and the adjacent parts have forbid air- balloons being sent up in the night, for fear they should take fire ; and if they were to fall in the dock- yard amongst the wood or amongst the combustible matter, the conse- quence might be very fatal. The state of the Westminster Scrutiny yester day was, forty- four bad, nine good, three re- served, one unfinished. The Balloon in Lord Foley's Garden was yes- terday endeavoured to be filled, in order to try how far it was practicable to make it mount ; but unfortunately the Balloon caught fire in the experiment, and was consumed. Whether like a pheonix, a new Balloon will rise from its ashes, time will determine. Extract of a Letter from Deal, Sept. 29. " Wind E. N. E. blows hard. Came doWn and sailed ' the Liberty, Barnard, for New York. " Sailed the Scout sloop, Nimble cutter, with the Danish East- Indiaman. " Remain the Wasp sloop." Last week a person attempted to obtain goods to the amount of one hundred pounds in Bir- minghnm, for a bill of that value drawn upon Mess. David Harvey and Co. in London, and signed James Moore ; but when the bill was presented for payment, the gentlemen upon whom it was drawn declared they were totally unacquainted with the drawer, but that they had several similar bills presented to them in the same hand writing. This is inferred as a caution to the public, as it is supposed the per- son who offered the bill is still in those parts. Bills also of the value of ten, fifteen, and twenty pounds, drawn by S. Taylor upon G. Wilkinson, No. 5, Brook- street, Holborn, ( who is not to found) have likewise been put off in that neigh- bourhood for goods purchased, in part, and for cash received for the difference. These bills are drawn upon a copper- plate printed note, with a cypher G. W, and the word Birmingham en- graved at the top. The name of the person upon whom they are drawn, and his address, are also engraved ; and they generally have several indorsers. It is a faCt that Common green tea is retailed in the neighbourhood of Shadwell at 2s. 8d. the pound : a proof how extremely difficult it will be to put the fair trader upon terms of equality with the smuggler. Tuesday afternoon, while an assistant to the Proprietor of the Dancing Dogs at Sadlers Wells was preparing a remedy for a gentle- man's dog that he had undertaken to cure of the mange, in a little room behind the shop of Mr. Astwell, next to the sign of the Empress of Russia, opposite the gate of the Wells, the ma- terials, consisting of a pound and a half of gun- powder, and two pounds each of flower of sul- phur and hog's lard, which he had placed over the fire in order to melt the lard, went off with a great explosion, burst through the partition into the shop, the windows of which were shat- tered to pieces, and the frames forced into the road; but the most melancholy circumstance attending this accident is, that at the moment of the explosion the incautious man, who was employed as above described, was looking into the vessel containing the combustibles, to see how his process succeeded, in consequence of which his face, head, and neck were burnt and scalded in a- manner truly shocking ; and there is said to be no probability of his sight being restored. As soon as the Proprietors of Sadlers Wells heard of the above accident, they ordered proper care to be taken of the unfortunate man, and their carpenters, See. immediately to set about repairing the damage done to Mr. Ast- well's house-. Late at night on September 21, or early in the morning of September 22, the Mansion- House of Sir Thomas Slacken, near Barnsley, was feloniously entered and robbed of a consi- derable sum of money in cash, together with six Bank Notes, value 100'. a gold medal worth 18 guineas, and some other articles. The thieves opened a bureau, in which was a box containing a considerable number of diamonds and pearls, but luckily did not perceive it. Dixon, the accomplice of Morgan in the robbery and murder of the unfortunate Mr. Linton, a month or two since, in St. Martin's- lane, was on Tuesday apprehended at the house of his father, in Lisle- street, Leicester- fields, and brought before Justice Addington, at the Office in Bow- street, where, on his examination, a charge was made against him of a burglary, com- mitted in the house of Mr. Andrews, watch- maker, at Dover, on or about the 18th instant. The father was concerned with Dixon, in re- ceiving the property taken at Dover, and it was on that account that Sir Sampson Wright's officers visited his house in Lisle- street ; while they were searching for the stolen goods in a dark closet, which the mother endeavoured to keep them from looking into, they felt the face of a man ; and upon their forcing him from his hiding place, it appeared to be Dixon, after whom they had long been in pursuit. The fa- ther is in Dover gaol, having been apprehended at the Ship Inn in that town, on suspicion of being concerned in the burglary ; a part of the goods, stolen from Mr. Andrews, were found upon him ; and on Tuesday night the sister of Dixon, a decent well- looking girl, was commit- ted to New Prison for further examination. The mother made her escape; but Dixon will him- self be re- examined on Friday. He on Tuesday evening asserted that Morgan and he were both innocent of the murder of Mr. Linton. The circumstances attending the taking of Dixon, who was concerned in the murder of Mr. Linton, are these : He went to Dover about ten days since, and skulked about the town until he fixed upon a watchmaker's shop to rob: he ef- fected his purpose, and took a very considerable property, but finding it difficult to convey the whole to London himself, he sent for his father to assist him ; upon the father's arrival at Dover the son came to London, with the greatest part of the property, which he secreted in his father's house, who being a stranger in Dover, and not giving a satisfactory account of himself, was taken up and sent to prison, and the next day confessed the robbery, and gave information where the property was secreted. The watch- maker came to town, got a search warrant, and went to the house of Dixon, where, in examining for the plate and W3tches, young Dixon was found concealed, Last night, between eleven and twelve o'clock, as Mr. Oram, enameller, in Clerkenwell- close, was crossng West- Smithfield, he was stopped opposite the end of Long- lane by two fellows, who with horrid oaths demanded his money ; but upon his putting himself in a posture of defence, and calling to a watchman Who hap- pened to be near, they made off without robbing him. Bath, Sept. 29. Monday last Wm. Street, Esq; was eleCted Mayor ; John Chapman and Leonard Coward, Esqrs. Justices ; Wm. An- derdon, Esq; Chamberlain ; and Mr. Wm. Ed- wards, and Mr. Edmund Hutchinson, Sheriffs, of this city, for the ensuing. Thursday last, Mr. Thomas Long was elect- ed Mayor of Salisbury for the year ensuing ; and Mr. Richard Smith and Mr. Edward Ballard were chosen Common Councilmen. L. eeds, Sept. a3. Thursday a most extraordi- nary wedding happened at Newark ; Mr. Wil- liam Barnett, aged 80, was married to Eliza- beth Slack, aged 33. The old man was sup- ported to church by the help of the father and a crutch, and back again by the bride on one side, and the crutch on the other : a great number of people attended, who gave them several huzzas 1 on their return. York, Sept. 28. On Tuesday last, At the Guildhall, Mr, Henry Jowett and Mr. William Slater were chosen Sheriffs of this city for the ensuing year. Mr, George Smith paid the usual fine to be excused serving that office. On Saturday last, for a considerable Wager, Mr. Harrison, of Abberford, undertook to trot his Galloway ( 13 hands two inches high) 15 miles on the turnpike road within an hour, but lost it by two minutes and a half. COVENT- GARDEN. Last Night, King Hen- ry the Fourth ; with The Musical Lady. DRURY- LANE. This evening, The Clan- destine Marriage ; with The Quaker. STATE LOTTERY, The Tickets are sold and divided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, by HAZARD and Co. Stock- Brokers, at their State Lottery Of- fice, No. 93, under the Royal Exchange, London, arid no where else on their account. CorreCt nu- merical and register Books are kept, and Tickets and Shares registered at Sixpence per Number. Note, In the last Lottery the following capital Prizes were sold and shared at this Office, viz. No. 30,503, a Prize of 2o, oool. in two Quarters, two Eighths, and four Sixteenths ; No. 22,151, a Prize of 2t?) Oool.; No. 3,668, and 45,552, Prizes of 1o, o0ol. in whole Tickets. Two Blanks to a Prize. All Shares sold at this Office will be stamped agree- able to ACt of Parliament, and also with the Crown, and round it Hazard's Lottery Office. Money for the Prizes- will be paid at this Office as soon as drawn. Letters ( Post paid) duly answered, and Schemes gratis. Begins drawing the of No- vember. N- B- Agreeable to Act of Parliament, no Business in the Lottery transacted before Eight o'clock in the Morning, nor after Eight o'clock in the Evening. Bank, India, and South Sea Stocks, with their several Annuities, India Bonds, Navy and Victualling Bills, and ail kind of Government Se- curities bought and sold by Commission. LECTURES on SUSPENDED ANIMATION Dr. HAWES, Physician to the Surry Dispen- sary, will commence his. Medical Course of Lec- tures the Second Week in OCtober, aud the Pu- pils who attend diligently will be entitled to a Certificate, as an undoubted proof of their hav- ing paid a proper and serious attention to this new and important investigation.— Mr. Hale in a Letter observes as follows: " Several of your Pupils having informed me of the utility of your Course of LeCtures, I can only say, that the re- port of your abilities answered my expectation; ; and I trust that the principles you have incul- cated will never be erased from my memory." Mr. R. SCOTT, " The pleasure and satisfaCtion I now enjoy in being the happy instrument of res- cuing a fellow- creature from perdition, leaves me destitute of words to express my acknow- ledgements for the advantages I received in at- tending your useful Course of LeCtures on Animation." *„* Lately published, the Third Edition with Additions, An ADDRESS to the KING and PARLIAMENT, on preserving the Lives of the Inhabitants of Great Britain ; to which are now added Observations on the General Bills of Mor-. tality, by W. HAWES, M. D. Printed for Dods- ley, Cadell, Dilly, and Dennis. iTTTTTriC s, CUSTOM- HOUSE, Sept. 28, : 78- f. FOR SALE. BY Order of the Honourable Commissioners of his Majesty's Customs, & c. in pursu- ance of an ACt ot Parliament of the third year of his present Majesty, on Wednesday the 6th, Thursday the 7th, and Friday the 8th of Octo- ber, 1784, at three of the clock in the afternoons of the said days, will be put up to sale in the Long- Room in the Custom- House, London, The FOLLOWING GOODS, Which are allotted in small quantities for the better accomodation of the several dealers, as well as private persons, who chuse to become purchasers. For EXPORTATION, East- India prohibited goods, cambricks, silks, shapes for clothes, Blois and thread bone lace, muslin stitched with thread, and leather gloves. For HOME CONSUMPTION, Muslin, callico, printed cotton, shawls, nan- keen, cloth, crapes, thread, gauze, ostrich fea- thers, opens, tapes, foil, foilstone, kid skins, ( gold and silver wearing apparel to be burnt) China ware, wine in casks and bottles, British spirits, sugar and other grocery, jalap, aloes, walnuts, turpentine, cinnamon, cotton, wool, a yawl and materials, boats, deals, purple and King's wood, glass, rough chrystal, ginseng, chalk, flower roots, cobalt, and tobacco ashes, and sundry other sorts of goods, as mentioned in the Cata- logues. CLEAR OF ALL DUTIES. East- India prohibited goods and cambricks excepted. The yawl, boats, deals, purple and King's wood, and tobacco ashes, to be viewed at the Tobacco Grounds, near the Wet Dock, Ro- therhithe ; and all the other goods at the King's Warehouse, Custom- House, London, on Mon- day the 4th, and Tuesday the 5th of Odober, 1784, from nine to one in the forenoons, and in the mornings before the sale, Where Catalogues will be delivered. bond
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