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The Whitehall Evening-Post


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The Whitehall Evening-Post
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The Whitehall Evening-Post

Date of Article: 25/09/1784
Printer / Publisher: J. Lee 
Address: No.4, Ludgate Hill
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 5766
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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PRICE THREE- PENCE. From THURSDAY, September 23, to saTURDAY, September 25, 1784. ^ [ No. 5766. For the Whitehall Evening- Poft. THE CRITICK: • O R, A Catalogue and Review 5 o F NEW PUBLICATIONS. An Essay on the Usefulness of Chemistry, and its Appli- cation to the various Occasions of Life. THIS is a translation from the Swedish lan- guage of a very useful work, written by Sir Torbein Bergman, Professor of Chemistry at Upsal, whose character in his profession has been long established, and the translation is extremely well executed. Observations on the Structure and Functions of the Ner- vous System. This is a very nice, scientific, and interesting subject, as it relates to the anatomy of the brain and nerves, which are the instruments both of motion and sensation, and the medium also be- tween the mind and body, the latter receiving all its notices from the former. All our mo- tions and sensations are impressed on the body, by the agency of a certain rare and subtile fluid, proceeding from the brain), and diffused every where throughout our whole nervous system. It is by this fine and imperceptible medium that we see, feel, taste, smell, hear, or move. The author has distingnished himself, in his thorough investigation of this great object, both with labour and ingenuity. Conspectus Medicinae Theoretical ad Usum Academicum. A work of great thought, reading and labour, which will be extremely useful to all Students in Physic, and a considerable assistance even to the Practitioners of the Faculty. The Moallakat, or Seven Arabian Poems, which were suspended 011 the Temple at Mecca, with a Translation and Arguments. This work was performed by Sir William Jones, lately gone out a Judge to India, but more and better known by his grammatical and critical knowledge in the Persian, Arabic, and other Eastern languages. This publication is an addition to the store of polite literature, which will be increased in its merit, when the Translator has added the Preface and Notes which be is preparing for the press, and which, we doubt not, will be both learned and ingenious. Illustrations of Maxims and Principles of Education in the Second B00K of Rousseau's Emilius. This is rather an ingenious than a solid de- fence of Rousseau's strange system of education. The author does not justify the man, but only vindicate the writer, and that, upon the old adage of Fas est et ab hoste doceri. But as every thing that is good in Rousseau may be found in other and unexceptionable writers, why have recourse to his system, merely to shew that medi- cine may be extracted from a poison ? Reflections on Usury. This writer urges the necessity of a bill to re strain so ruinous a practice. But how expect that Administration will concur in so prudent a measure, when it has reduced itself to the ex- pediency. of dealing upon such terms itself? What are its lotteries, its premiums, its dou- ceurs, its scrip, but borrowing upon usury ? Poems, by Caesar Morgan, M. A. No Caesar, at all. Whoever reads these rhimes will need no other commentary to prove this. A Morgan, indeed, he may be, as there is such an expression as A scald Morgan. But this is no reflection, as the ancient bards were generally stiled Scalds. Ippopaidia. A Poem. Horses are the subject of this poem. The Pegasus seems to be nimble enough, but trips sometimes by being hurried on too fast. The author uses the spur, more than the bridle.— I'll rhime you so, eight years togther; din-_ ners and suppers, and sleeping hours except- ed. It is the right butter- woman's rate to market." An Epilogue to the late Peace. There is some spirit in these lines. The Epi- logue to the late Peace must be very bad indeed, if it was not better than the Prologue to it. The Bawd. A Poem. " We chuckle when such Bawds are carted." The General Exchanger. A most useful Vade- Mecum for all persons in trade, or who have any business to transact in the different branches of the Stocks. Free Examination of the Socinian Exposition of the Pre- fatory Verses of St. John's Gospel. This Piece is written against Socinus. It is better written than it needed to be, against so contemptible an adversary. The author might as well have drawn his pen against Martin Madan. Five Letters, addressed to Abraham Rees, D. D. Editor of the new Edition of Chambers's Cyclopaedia. These are written by the Rev. M. Madan, to justify himself against some censures thrown out against his Thelyphthora, in the Doctor's article of Polygamy. We have already given our opinion of Mr. Madan in the last article. Sacred History, selected from the Scriptures, with Anno- tations and Reflections, & c. This is the fourth volume of a moral and in- genious work, compiled by Mrs. Trimmer, of the merit of which we have already spoken de- servedly well, on the first publication of it. It is a work much wanted in schools and colleges. Remarks, in Vindication of Dr. Priestley, on that Article of the Monthly Review for June 1783, which relates to the first Part of Dr. Priestley's History of the Corrup- turns of Christianity. This anonymous writer is both officious and vain. He was not summoned to the task, and it was presumptuous in him to think himself ca- pable of vindicating the Doctor, where he was not able to defend himself. He has failed ac- cordingly. An Attempt to explain certain Passages of Scripture gene- rally misunderstood. This work has a considerable Share of merit ; not for advancing any thing new, upon the dif- ficult subjects here treated of, but for diffusing the substance of larger volumes more generally among Christians by this epitome. It is pious, rational, and expedient. STATE LOTTERY, 1748. The Tickets are sold and divided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, by HAZARD and Co. Stock- Brokers, at their State Lottery Of- fice, No- 93, under the Royal Exchange, London, and 110 where else on their account. Correft nu- merical and register Books are kept, and Tickets, and Shares registered at Sixpence - per Number. Note, In the last Lottery the following capital Prizes were sold and shared at this Office, viz. No. 30,503, a Prize of io, oool. in two Quarters, two Eighths, and four Sixteenths ; No. 12,151, a Prize of 20idOol.; No. 3,668, and 45,552, Prizes of lo. oool. in whole Tickets. Two Blanks to a Prize. All Shares sold at this Office will be stamped agree- able to Act of Parliament, and also with tbe Crown, and round it Hazard's Lottery Office. Money for the Prizes will be paid at this Office as soon as drawn. Letters ( Post paid) duly answered, and Schemes gratis. Begins drawing the 22d of No- vember. N- B. Agreeable to Act of Parliament, 110 Business in the Lottery transacted before Eight o'clock in the Morning, nor after Eight o'clock in the Evening. Bank, India, and South Sea Stocks, with the r several Annuities, India Bonds, Navy and Victualling Bills, and all kind of Government Se- curities bought and sold by Commission. Mess. WENHAM and Co. beg Leave to in- form the Public, that they are now- selling, in the greatest Variety of Numbers, and lowest Prices, Tickets and Shares in the present State Lottery, at their Office, No. 11, Poultry, Lon- don, and no where else on their Account ; where have been sold in former Lotteries, capital Prizes to the very considerable Amount of 250,000!. All Business relating to the Lottery transacted with the utmost Care and Fidelity. Bank, India, South Sea Stock, with their several Annuities, India Bond, Navy and Victualluig Bills, and every Kind of Government and other Security, bought and sold by Commission. N. B. The Lottery begins Drawing on Mon- day, the 22nd of November. All Shares must be Stamped by Government, with whom the Original Ticket is deposited ; and no Business allowed to be tranfacted before Eight in the Morning, nor after Eight in the Evening, ex- cept on the- Saturday preceding the Drawing. Those possessed of Receipts for Tickets and Shares, may now exchange them. EAST- INDIA HOUSE. Sept. 21, 1784. THE Committee of Buying of the United Com- pany of Merchants of England trading to the East- Indies do hereby give Notice, that on tuesday tie of October next, at 12 o'clock in the Fore- noon, the Committee will be ready to receive Pro- posals in writing, sealed up, for supplying the Com- pany with Pig- Lead. Such Persons who chuse to deliver in Tenders are desired to express therein the lowest Prices, as they will not have an Opportunity of making any Abatement. For further Parti- culars apply to Mr. Burford, Clerk to the said Committee. Stamp- Office, September 11, 1784. ACT FOR GRANTING A DUTY ON CERTAIN VENDERS OF MEDICINES, & c. HIS Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties do hereby give notice to all persons residing in the cities of London and Westminster, or within the distance of the pen- ny- poll, who are required, by an Act of the 23d of his present Majesty, to take out Licences for selling Medicines, that daily Attendance is given at their office in Lincoln's Inn for granting the said Licences. And whereas the Commissioners have received information, that many venders of medicines, who aie within the meaning of the said Act, have not renewed their Licences, and continue to sell such medicines without using the proper stamps for the same, they think it necessary to give public notice, that every person who shall be found offending, in this respect, against the law, will be immediately prosectuted in his Ma- jesty's Court of Exchequer. By Order of the Commissioners, JOHN BRETTELL, Sec. N. B. Persons living in other parts of the Kingdom are to apply for their Licences to the Distributors of Stamps in the different Counties,. DUTy ON HORSES. Stamp- Office, Sept. 23, 1784; HIS Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties do hereby give notice, That by an Act of the last Session of Parliament for grant- ing certain Duties on Horses, and on Licences to be taken out by Dealers therein, it is enacted, That all Persons residing within the Cities of London or Westminster, or within the Weekly Bills of Morta- lity, or within the Borough of Southwark, who shall keep a Horse or Horses liable to the Duties herein after mentioned, shall, within Twenty Days after the 29th of September instant, give notice in writing at the Stamp- Office in London of the number of Horses kept and used by them, and of the parish or place where they reside, at the same time paying the respective Duties imposed by the said Act; and in case of taking out a Licence, a penalty of Five Pounds is forfeited by every person who shall neglect to affix in legible characters, the words, Licensed Dealer in Horses, on a part of the hoist, gateway, or stable, of the Party so li- censed. It is also provided, that persons residing in other parts of the kingdom, and subject to the said Duties, shall give notice, and pay the same within Thirty Days after- the 29th of September in- stant to the Head Distributors of Stamps, or their respective Deputies, in the different Counties, ob- serving the above rule of affixing notice of their being licensed as aforesaid, under penalty of the said forfeiture. And whenever any persons, after the expiration of the said limited periods, shall be- gin te keep and use Horses subject to these Duties, Notice thereof must be given, and payment of the Duty made within Ten Days after so beginning to keep use Horses as aforesaid, the same not being in place and stead of others for which the Duty had been before paid. It is likewise required that all persons who have divers places of residence, and keep Horses at each such place, do, within the space of Month after payment of the Duties, if such payments shall have been made at the Stamp - Office in London, deliver, or cause to be delivered to the Stamp- Officer in the Market- town nearest to his place of resi- dence, a Duplicate of every such Entry or Register, expressing the date of its commencement and the Duty paid for the same, or upon neglect thereof to forfeit the sum of Two Pounds, The Commissioners therefore, in pursuance of the above Act, do hereby give Notice, that all persons residing within the Cities of London and WEstmin- ster, or within the distance of the Bills of Morta- lity, or within the Borough of Southwark, who are required to pay the said Duties, or to take out Licences, may apply at the Office appointed for that purpose, at No. 16, Boswell Court, Lincoln s- Inn, on Monday next, the 27th instant, and every sub- sequent day until the 19th day of October next in- clusive. And all other persons are to apply to the respective Distributers of Stamps in the different Counties who are July authorised by the Commissioners for the purposes aforesaid. The RATES and DUTIES are as follow: For every Horse, Mare, or Gelding, kept and used for the purpose of riding, or drawing any Carriage for which a Duty of Excise is paid or payable — — Ten Shillings, For every Horse, Mare, or Gelding, entered to start or run for any Plate, Prize, Sum of Money, or other thing whatsoever, a further Sum of Two Pounds Two Shillings. the a same to be paid previous to the entering of said Horse, & c. for any race, or on refusal or neglect thereof, the Owner to forfeit Twenty Pounds. For every Licence granted to any Person exercising the Trade and Business of an Horse- Dealer, within the Cities of London and West- minster, the Weekly Bills of Mortality, or within the Borough of Southwark Ten Pounds. For every Licence granted to any Person exer- cising the said Trade and Business of an Horse- Dealer in other parts of the kingdom Five Pounds. EXEMPTIONS. Horses belonging to Non- Commissioned Officers and Soldiers of the Cavalry— also Horses belonging to Licensed Dealers, kept for sale in their stables, and not for hire— And all Horses likewise let to hire by Post- Masters for travelling Post. By Order of the Commissioners, JOHN BRETTELL, Secretary. t'jt NOW on SALE, At Mackenzie's Rhedarium, Park street, Gros- venor- square, UPWARDS of SIXTY CARRIAGES of different Sorts, amongst which is a modern Coach Perch Carriage, with plated Joints, some neat Chariots, several very good Crane- Neck'd and Perch Coaches, Post Chaises, Phaetons, two- wheel'd Chaises, and Whiskeys very cheap. A ' great number of boney Geldings and Mares fit for different Purposes, amongst which is a hand- some black Gelding, six Years Old, fifteen Hands High, Master of fourteen Stone, leaps well standing or flying, carried a Huntiman last Season; a cropp'd bay Gelding, six Years Old, fourteen hands three Inches High, Mailer of eighteen Stone, will trot fifteen Miles an Hour ; a black Gelding, six Years Old, fourteen Hands three Inches High, Master of twenty Stone, goes very steady in Har- ness; a well- bred brown Gelding, six Years Old, four- teen Hands three Inches High, Master ot eleven Stone, an excellent Hunter. Good Stabling, Coach- Houses, and neat Car- riages to let. HAT TAX. Stamp- Office, Sept. 17, 1784. His Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties do hereby give notice, That the NEW STAMP DUTIES UPON HATS commence on the 2d of October next when undermentioned rates are to be paid: For every Licence to sell Hats by retail, within the Cities of London and Westminster, or within the distance of the Bills of Mortality, or within the Borough of Southwark, Forty Shillings. For the same in any other part of the kingdom, For every Hat not exceeding the value of Four Shillings, For ditto above Four Shillings, and not exceeding Seven, For ditto above Seven Shillings, and not exceeding Twelve, For ditto above Twelve Shil- lings, ' — Perfons selling Hats by retail, without being duly licenced, forfeit for every offence a pe- nalty of Every licenced retailer, selling Hats without having the words " DEALER IN HATS BY RE- " TAIL," painted or written over the door of his shop or warehouse, forfeits for each Hat so sold, A Stamp Ticket, denoting the par- ticular rate of duty to be paid on each Hat, is to be affixed to the lining in the inside of the crown thereof: And every per- son ( except licenced Retailers dealing with each other) who shall sell, buy, or exchange, any Hat, without having such stamped ticket affixed as afore- said, forfeits for every Hat so sold, bought, or exchanged, Ten pounds* The Commissioners therefore, in pursuance of the above Act, do hereby give notice, That all persons, residing within the Cities of London and Westmin- ster, or within the distance of the Bills of Mor- tality, or within the Borough of Southwark, who are. required to take out the said Licences, and to provide themselves with stamped tickets for denoting the duties on the said Hats respectively, may apply for the same at the Office, appointed for that purpose, at no. 16, Boswell- court, Lincoln's Inn, on the 23 d instant, and every other day till the commence- ment of the said duties, in order to take out their Licences, and to receive The different sorts of stamped Labels necessary under the said act. And all dealers in Hats in other parts of the kingdom arc to apply to the respective distributors of stamps in the different counties, who are duly autho- rized by the Commissioners for the like purposes. By Order of the Commissioners, John Brettell, Secretary, OXFORDSHIRE. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, THAT capital and very elegant MANSION-. HOUSE, called SARSDEN, with Stabling for Forty Horses, and other Offices, the Gardens, Lawns, and Pleasure Grounds, thereto belonging. And alfo - the valuable and extensive MANORS of SARSDEN,- CHURCHILL, and LYNEHAM, MERRISCOURT, and FYNES COURT, and the Farms, Lands, & c. ihcre- ol, and certain Lands in the adjoining Parish of King- ham, the whole within the Compass of five Miles (: he House in about the Centre) and consists of nearly 600a Acres of excellent and very improvrable Land, of whish about 2 ). o are in- Hand, 3400 let to Tenants only from Year to Year at very low Rents, upwards of 9oo on Leases for Lives ( most of them very old), and the remainder Common and Waste Ground admitting of very great Improvement bv Inclosure. Also the valuable RECTORY of SARSDEN, of which the present Rector is near 70 Years of Age^ These Estates are situated in a fine Sporting Country, and Sarsden House is distant from Oxford nineteen, Bur- ford eight, and Chipping Norton three Miles, and is com- pletely and richly Furnished in the modern Taste, ( the Fixtures and Part of the Furniture will be sold) the Gardens are well Stocked and in good Condition, and the Land in Hand in very high Order, and altogether fit for the immediate Reception of a Family of the first Distinc- tion. N. B. The Timber has been valued at near i2, oool. About half the Purchase Money may remain on the Se- curity of the Estate. The Manor and House of Sarsden with about half the Lands of these Estates may be purchased separately. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Wade, of Crane- court, Fleet- street; Mr. Drewe, of New Inn, London: or to Mr. Bulley, Attorney at Law, Chadlington, near Chipping Norton, Oxon; the latter of whom will shew the Estate. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By HENRY STYLES, On Monday, the 27th Inst. and the following Day, ALL the Neat and Genuine HOUSHOLD GOODS, PLATE, LINEN, and CHINA, of a GENTLEMAN, leaving off Housekeeping, at the White House, near the Wharf, at Walton, Surrey : Consisting of a variety of neat ' Bedsteads, with Corded and other Dimity Furniture; fine Goose and other Feather Beds and Bedding ; Patent Bath Stove aud Serpentine Fender; Mahogany Wardrobes i Chests of Drawers ; Dining Tables and Chairs ; Pier and Dressing Glasses; Parlour, Chamber, and other Carpets; Kitchen Furniture; a Quantity of China, Linen, and Plate; the whole being almost new. May be Viewed on Saturday the 25th, and the Morning of Sale, which will begin at Eleven o'Clock. Catalogues to be had of Mr. Goodrich, Broker, Hoi- born, London; and of Henry . t, 5. » II; « and Chert- sey. H; \ FRIDA Y,. Sept. 24. Yesterday arrived the Mail from France. Copenhagen, Aug. 20. ON the 14th instant six small French vessels, laden with masts and ship timber, arrived here from the Baltic, and immediately passed on to the North Sea. The next day two Russian men of war and two frigates; from the North Sea, anchored in this Road, where, on the 17th, Vice- Admiral Tschitschaagof hoisted his ( the Admiral's) flag on board one of the Ruffian ships. A letter from Iceland, dated the 4th of June, adds to the account already given of the distress and misery of the inhabitants, that the moun- tains are still covered with snow, and that the ice in the plains was thawed only to the depth of 10 inches. Four actions of the Asiatick Company were sold lately on the Exchange for 883 to 900 six- dollars each. Vienna, Sept. x.'. The Artillery Companies are each augmented to 184 men; and to every regiment of infantry six field pieces of cannon and one mortar are given. The Dutch Ambassador hath delivered a note to the Venetian Ambassador relative to ihe affair of the Merchants Chomel and Jordan, which the Chevalier Foscarini immediately dispatched to the Senate by a courier. It is said to import, that if the Republic refuse satisfaction to the claims of those merchants, and to defray the expences of fitting out the squadron of Admiral Reynst, their High Mightinesses will be obliged to make reprisals. Ratisbon, Aug, 5. The Emperor's Ministers have communicated to the Ministers of the Dyet the amicable arrangement of the differences which had arisen between the Courts of Vienna and the Bishoprick of Passau. Naples, Aug. 24. Count Michael Pignatelli, late the King's Ambassador to the Court of France, having requested leave to retire on ac- count of his ill state of health, hath obtained it with a pension of 2000 ducats, and hath been decorated with the Ensigns of the Order of St. Janua tus. • The news from the adjacent countries, and especially from our Western and Southern Coasts, contains nothing but melancholy details of the effects of the storm on the night between the 9th and 10th of This month ; the hail was of a prodigious size, some pieces weighed 11 ounces; all the glass windows exposed to the West were broken, among which were 1500 in the Palace only ; T at part of the, damage is valued at jo, 000 ducats : The country has suffered much ; the vineyards and grapes have been destroyed as well as all the fruits : The injury done to the trees excessive. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, Sept. 20. The body of the un- fortunate young woman who fell a victim to the infidelity of a livery serVant, as mentioned in our last, has been opened, aud there did not appear to be any marks of her having taken poison. The medical Gentlemen have given it as their opinion, that her sudden death was oc- casioned by violent and distracting passions, which threw her into convulsion fits, one of which lasted no less than five hours. COUNTRYNEWs. York, Sept, 21. We learn from Carlisle, that the surgeons of that place have refused to pay the duty upon saddle- horses, alledging that their horses do not fall under the article of taxation, being horses of trade, IN the strictest sense of the word ; and have accordingly entered into an association to defend their cause. Newcastle, Sept. 18. Several persons having expressed their apprehensions of danger from a practice of some young men of this town setting up balloons with spirits of wine burning in them, lest they should fall among hay or other matter liable to catch fire, the Right Worshipful the Mayor yesterday, by the bellman, forbade that practice here. The cotton work at Backbarrow, Lancashire, is one of the most extensive in the kingdom : it carries 1500 spindles, and cost 15,000. A town is building for the accommodation of the people employed in it. Bury, Sept. 21. Last Friday evening an Air Balloon was launched off on Newmarket- heath by the gentlemen of Newmarket. The wind be- ing Southward, it ascended slowly for about 21 o yards to N. N. W from thence it immediately went with great velocity to the Northward, without a jockey. Last night were seized by the Excise officers, near Barking- church, six horses and three carts, loaded with 64 halves of gin and brandy, which were conveyed to the Excise- office in Needham- market the same night. LONDON; On Wednesday the Right Hon. William Pitt, and Lord Sydney, Secretary of State, gave each grand entertainments if the Nobility and foreign Ministers in honour of their Majesties Corona- tion. Yesterday the Right Hon. Earl Temple ar- rived at his house in Pall- Mall, quite recovered of his late dangerous Illness. The following is an authentic copy of a letter from the Right Hon. Wm. Pitt, to John Campbell White, Esq; Chairman of the- Belfast Meeting : Brighthelmstone, Sept. 6, 1784. " SIR, " I Received some time since a letter from you, as Chairman of a meeting of the Inhabitants of Belfast, accompanying a petition, which they were desirous that I should present to his Ma- jesty.. - " I am extremely sorry that the variety of business in which I was at that time engaged, has prevented my returning you a more imme- diate answer. As my presenting the petition might be supposed to imply that I approved of its contents, I am under the necessity of declin- ing it, and of explaining my reason for doing so. The prayer of the petition seems to me to pro- ceed upon the supposition of the present consti- tution being actually disolved, and calls upon the King to exercise a discretionary power of new modelling the frame of Parliament, which I think totally inconsistent with the security of public liberty. " I have undoubtedly been, and still continue a zealous friend to a Reform of Parliament ; but I must beg leave to say, that I have been so on grounds very different from those adopted in this petition. What is there proposed, I consider as tending to produce still greater evils, than any which the friends of Reform are desi- rous to remedy or prevent. I have great con- cern in differing so widely on this subject from a body of men who profess to be guided by mo- tives of loyalty, and of reverence of thc consti- tution. But guided by the same motives, and sincerely anxious for the prosperity and freedom of every part of the British empire, I have thought it my duty to state to you my senti- ments fairly and explicitly; and I must beg the favour of you, Sir, to communicate them to the gentlemen by whole desire you wrote. " I am, Sir, & C. " W. PIT T." We mention it, says a Correspondent, as a fact that not only shows the vast patronage of Mr. Dundas, in consequence of his official and oratorcal respectability, as Well as the channel through which that patronage is exerted, that Gen. Campbell, who owes his appointment to the Treasurer of the Navy, waited on Mr. At- kinson the moment he - arrived in town, and three hours after had a conference with his Majesty. This is a circnmstance which those who are can- didates for Asiatic promotion would do Well not to overlook. It is certain that he owed his ap- pointment in Jamaica to the same gentleman. A statement of the late tea business in the In- dia- House, more correct than any that has hi- therto appeared. • The first day of the tea sale Mr. Pitt, alarmed at the high price it was going off at, came him- self next day to the India- House, and being well informed that this unexpected event proceeded from people connected in the Contraband trade, and being supposed the principal holders of the immense quantities of tea now lying at Ostend, which they expected to introduce into this coun- try with considerable profit to tHemselves, while they kept up the priees of teas in this country to such an enormous height ; after consulting with the Directors, it was agreed by the Company and Treasury, that the trade would be allowed to return the teas they had bought that day at prime cost, which they gladiy accepted, upon an assurance from Mr. Pitt that early in November the Directors would make a declaration of all the teas it was possible for them to get ready, and bring them to market ; and if that had not the desired effect, he should apply to Parliament for leave to the East- India Company to import teas from any quarter ef the world they pleased, by which he hoped teas in this country Would . be sold as low as in any other place whatever; for in Holland singlo or common green tea sells from one shilling and eleven- pence to two and ten- pence ; whereas in England the prices at the last sale for that kind were from three and four- pence to six and eight- pence, exclusive of thc duty of twelve and a half per cent. So that the consumer will not, upon an average, save by the commutation- tax half a croWn or three shillings a pound. In consequence of the declaration by Mr. Pitt, the next day the teas fell about 15 per cent The people of England will be enabled to make a proper estimate of their obligations' to the East- India trade, from attending to the fol- lowing comparative statement of the prite of teas abroad and at home : Teas in Holland. Letters from Charles- Town, South- Carolina, dated the 16th of August, mention, that the crops i f rice this year would turn out much finer and more plentiful than they have done for these six years past, and that they would begin to load the ships with new rice the beginning of October. At the time of the siege of Gibraltar the ar- ticles brought by the vessels from Portugal sold as follows : Governor de Barres is making the necessary arrangements for his departure to Cape Breton. He will arrive with his suite at a most unfavour- able season of the year; they will be obliged to build their houses for the winter, there being few or none at present upon the island. It is en- pected that this establishment will be of infinite service to our fisheries in that quarter Louisbourg is to be rebuilt, and loyalists encouraged by grants of land, & c. to settle in the island.— St. John's is at present in a state approaching much nearer to cultivation, but it will most probably be soon inferior to Cape Breton, as the latter possesses much greater natural advantages, par- ticularly in its coal- pits, which used to supply all the Northern colonies before the war, as well as our West- India islands. A letter from Portland says, that a French smuggling vessel from Cherburg, in attempting to get near the shore to land some goods, ran 011 a rock, the wind blowing hard, by which she received so much damage that she sunk in a - few hours ; by the assistance of some boats most of her cargo was got out; but the Revenue Officers having intelligence of it seized it, and had it landed, after paying the people in the boats for their trouble. The master of a merchantman who arrived at Portsmouth a few days ago from Havre- de- Grace advises, that the French are fitting- up with all possible expedition, two basons, one at Havre, and the other at Cherburgh, in the smallest of which 35 sail of the line may be com- modiously moored; and that between 3000 and 4000 hands are constantly employed on these works. Advice is received, that the ship Joseph, Capt. Madge, from Jamaica for Bristol, is lost off the Bahama Bank ; the crew were taken up, after being three days in the boat in great distress. Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, Sept. 20. " Arrived the Phoenix Revenue cutter, Lieut. Scott, from a cruize, and has brought in with her a smuggling cutter fully laden with silks, muslins, tea, brandy, Geneva, & c. The smug- glers mounts nine guns, all nine pounders, and eight swivels. Lieut. Scott fell in with her near Scilly, and fired several shot at her to br ng her to, which the cutter returned, and a smart en- gagement ensued, which lasted an hour. The cutter lost some men, and had four wounded, and her hull much damaged. Finding at Last that she could not get off, she struck. The Phoenix had some men killed and four wounded." The cruizers in the Channel have been un- commonly active for the last two months, and taken more smugglers than have been brought into port for a twelvemonth past. Yesterday the Sessions ended, at which 25 prisoners were capitally convicted, and received sentence of death ; 32 were sentenced to be transported; one branded in the hand; 33- to be kept to hard labour in the house of correc- tion, several of whom also to be whipped ; nine to be whipped and discharged ; eight imprisoned in Newgate; and 65 discharged by proclama- tion. The Session of the Peace is adjourned until Monday the iS; t, of October at Guildhall, and the Session of Gaol Delivery of Newgate until Wednesday the 20th of the same month at the Old Bailey. On Friday tbe 10th instant ( about three o'clock in the morning) thirteen of the criminals in the gaol at Dorchester very nearly escaped, as they had entirely sawed off their irons, and al- most made their way through the - wall of the prison ; but fortunately just before their escape was nearly effected, a noise was heard by the keeper and his assistants, who immediately got up, and at the hazard of their lives went amongst them, when after some resistance they were ail properly secured, and are now double ironed ; an extraordinary watch is also every night kept over them, which is quite necessary in thc ' pre- sent insecure ftate of the prison ( it being only a temporary erection whilst the county gaol is re- building). It appears that the irons were sawed off by means of a file which was conveyed to one of the prisoners iu a large cake of bread sent him by his friends. FOLEY GARDEN. A great many people of fashion were in the elegant little garden of Lord Foley yesterday, to witness the ascension of Mr. Sheldon's Mont- golfiere ;- but owing to the badness of the day the experiment was postponed to Monday. The machine was spread in the garden, and we had an opportunity of viewing the dimensions and apparatus. The machine is more than three times the size of that of Mr. Lunardi, which must be the case, as heated or rarified air is so much less powerful than inflammable air— It is 90 feet high, and 240 feet in circumference. It is a perfect cylinder. It is made of very powerful canvas, coated with a strong gum. The orifice by which it is to receive the gaz is twenty- one feet wide ; and here the furnace is suspended, which is contrived with extreme ingenuity, both for the purposes of a speedy and con- stant recruit of smoke to the machine, and safety to the travellers. The furnace is seven feet in diameter, which being one- third of the orifice, will keep the fire in all directions seven feet distant from the machine ; but, for greater security, thc lower part of the globe for a con- siderable way is rendered incombustible by vo- latile salt. The fuel which Mr. Sheldon takes up with him has also undergone a chemical I process, by which it will furnish a very pow- erful fmoke with a smothered flame. Every thing, as may be imagined, is contrived on the most accurate principles; and while they sup- port their fire, there is little danger of an acci- dent. The gallery is suspended by a strong netting, and will be so capacious as to enable the voyagers to walk about. Mr. Sheldon's com- panions are Major Gardiner and Mr. Blanchard. Their ballast will be composed of articles use- ful to them in their voyage— the fuel— instru- ments for experiments on the air— pigeons to carry messages, See. It is a doubt whether their compass will not be affected by the quantity of iron of which their furnace is composed, but every care w ill be taken to avoid that inconve- nience— perhaps the surest expedient will be to coat the box in which it is placed with pitch. The manner of filling the machine is ingenious. A platform is erected ten feet high, and of con- siderable breadth, in the centre of which is a large chimney— the fire is supplied from, be- neath, and the machine being drawn over the platform, receives all the impulse ot the smoke. One of the most curious experiments which Mr. Sheldon means to make ( and his voyage will in all likelihood be more profitable to sci- ence than any hitherto undertaken) wi11 be to try the effects of thc atmosphere upon sound— which he will do by the explosion of a gun at dif- ferent heights— and to try also its effects upon motion— for which purpose he takes up a number of birds, to observe their velocities. I i his first voyage, as we have said, he is, to be accompanied by Major Gardiner and Mr. Blanchard— and in his second, which will be soon after, the enterprising and ingenious Maria Cos- way takes a trip to the skies. Cynthia breaking from a cloud was one of her last studies ; and her pencil was even then dipt in the most luxuriant tints ; but what will not her sportive Muse bring forth when thus she will be able to draw from the skies, which she loves so well, their native azure, and from the very rainbow its numerous dyes PARISIAN INTELLIGENCE. \ AEROSTATION. THE Brothers, Robert, have procured leave to make their grand experiment in the Royal gar- dens of the Tuilleries. The price of their sub- scription is six livres for the admission of two per- sons. Mr. Blanchard has advertised in the Paris Journals his projected experiment in London ; and has informed the French nation, that in travelling the currents, if he can come into a wind from the North- East he will most certainly make a voyage across the Channel. A favoura- ble wind, he fays, is essential to a long voyage, for the fatigue of plying his machinery is too great to be continued for a length of time. He trusts, he says, that the vessels who may happen to see him. in his voyage, whether Ficnch or English, will give him timely assistancc in case he should come down ; and he is by no means ap prehensive of danger, even if by the change of thc wind he should be driven into the North Sea, , or into the main Ocean. he is to be accompanied, he says, in this ex- periment, by two celebrated English gentlemen in a Montgolfiere. If he should not be able to Cross the Channel, he will at least ascend as high as possible, and make physical experiments, of which he promi- ses to give an early account, without fear of the Criticism which he may incur, he cannot hope to give so flowing an account of' his voyage as others have done ; for writing is but new to him, and he will not enter into a competition with others on the beauty of stile. ROBBERIES AND COMMITMENTS. Yesterday morning early the kitchen of Mr. Goujon's house in Newgate- street was broke open by placing a lamp- lighter's ladder in Queen's Head Passage, and taking out a pane of glass, when they broke open a large trunk, and stole out several articles of value, with which they got off undiscovered. The trunk and the ladder were both left behind them in the passage. Yesterday evening John Stuart, a lodger at the Baptist's Head in St. John's- lane, Clerken- well, was called into a house in Woburn- court, near Plum- tree- street, Bloomsbury, under pre- tence that he was wanted to carry a load ; and while a woman was giving him directions what to do, a man came in and demanded what busi- ness he had with his wife ? at which instant two other fellows came in, crying, " Hustle him, hustle him," when they all seized hold of him, and endeavoured to throw him down ; but being a remarkably powerful man, he disengaged him- self, and knocked one of the villains down ; when the others produced each a pistol, with horrid oaths, declaring ihey would blow his brains out if he spoke or made the least further resistance. They then robbed him of three guineas and five shillings, and pushed him out of the house. To the PRiNTeR SIR, THE peculations, extortions, and rapacity of the servants of the East- India Company, while in Asia, having of late been a general topic of conversation, perhaps a word or two on their manner of living might not be unaccept- able to your readers.; and therefore, that they may have some idea of Eastern pomp, I have sent you an authentic list of a subaltern's ser- vants in Bengal. Indian Names. English Names. Monthly Pay. S cca Rupees. i Kurraunnic Native English Writer 2cr 1 Munshic A Persian Clerk 30 1 Consunmer A Steward 12' 2 Kismulgaurs Attendants at table at 6 11 1 Baberchie Cook 10 1 Baberchie- ka- met Scullion 5 1 Hookaburdaui Pipe Dresser tf 1 Durzie Taylor 1 Chourioburdaur Man to fan Gentlemen i; 2 Mussailgies Link Boys at 4 rs. each 8 2 Harcarahs Mclfengers or Guides 10 1 Clashies Tent pitchers 6 12 1 Maiter Sweeper ( Scavenger) 5 1 Mazam Hair Dresser 6 1 Dobie Washerman 6 1 Surdaur Cahar Chief Pallankeen Bearer 5 10 Cahaurs Pallankeen Bearers 4 40 1 Chalurburdaur Umbrella bearer 5 3 Syces Horse Grooms 5 each 15 3 Gaussiaurs Grass Cutters 4 i? 2 Sooleewauns Camel Drivers at 6 12 2 Belewauns - Bullock Drivers at 5 10 t Surdaur Coolii Head Porter 5 12 Coolies Porters at 1 12 54 Servants at the monthly wages of S. R. 272 is annually 3264 rupees; which at 8 rupees per pound sterling, is 408 pounds sterling for servant wages alone; from whence you may, in some measure, judge of their mode of life and ex- pences, and the great cavalcade that follows an Indian army, which has an effect to delay their military operations; but such is the force of custom, that it would be thought mean to be without any of these attendants ; nay, some have many more, ASIATICUS,- TIMES appointed for the following SHIPS taken up for the SEASON 1784, together with their DESTINATIONS AS SETTLED YESTERDAY BY THE HONOURABLE the COURT of DIRECTORS of the EAST- INDIA COMPANY. Houghton Osterley Raymond — Britannia Essex Winterton General Coote Montagu — Francis Locko —— Asia Rodney — Deptford — Dutton Northumberland Char- tered Ton- nage. Tons. 755 758 755 770 758 755 755 755 755 755 758 758 755 755 755 755 755 755 Husbands. Commanders. Culling Smith, Esq. William Dent, Esq. Henry Boulton, Esq. Company's ship Henry boulton, Esq. Thomas Newte, Esq , Robert Williams, Esq. Barrington Buggin, Esq. John Clements, Esq. William Moffat, Esq. Robert Williams, Esq. Thomas Newte, Esq. Hen. Hinde Pelly, Esq. Donald Cameron, Esq. Harrington Buggin, Esq. Henry Rice, Esq. Ja. Farquharson, Esq. John Mitford, Efq. James Munro Samuel Rogers John Cotton — Edward Cumming John Strover Raymond Snow Thomas Conipton Thomas Brettell William Smith Henry Grueber John Baird — Robert Maw — Jonathan Court Henry Wakeman James Elkington James West William Elphinstone James Rees Consignments. Madeira, Coast and China St. Helena and Bencoolen Coast; and China St. Helena and China Madeira, Coast and Bay / Coast and Bay ' 3 China - Bencoolen and China [- Bombay and Bengal J Coast and Bay —— Madeira and Bombay } Bombay —— ji SATURDAY, Sept. SHIP- NEWS. 25. Deal, Sept. 23. WIND W. S. W. Sailed for the River the Warren Hastings and Walpole East- India- men ; Simon Taylor, Baker, and Beckford, Ay- ton, from Jamaica ; Cadiz packet, Salkeld, from Lisbon ; Alfred, Mann, from Granada ; Ranger M'Rown, from America; and Thetis, Viner, from Chester. Sailed the transports for Bre- merlee. Remain the Wasp sloop; Kent, Her- cules, and Torbay, old men of war ; Betsey, Firth, and Endeavour, Duncan, for Lisbon ; Balgra, West, for Carolina; Earl of Arrol, Durand, for Corunna ; William's Adventure, Lines, for Gibraltar; Cronstadt, Smith, for Cronstadt ; and Mervin, Powell, for Bristol." LONDON. Yesterday his Majesty came from Kew to St. James's; the Levee broke up at three o'clock ; the Marquis of Carmarthen and Lord Sydney had conferences with his Majesty till near four, when he went to Kew to dine with her Majesty, and then set out for Windsor. Same day the Lord in Waiting gave notice, that there will be no Drawing- Room at St. James's before Thursday the 7th of October. The following are the articles in the Treaty of Minister which the Dutch insist on as being unequivocally binding on ihe Emperor, as suc- cessor of Philip Count of Burgundy, and Duke of Austria. Article 6. The subjects of the King shall continue the navigation to the East Indies in the manner they have hitherto exercised it, but shall on no account whatever be permitted to extend it beyond these limits. Article 10. The King confirms for ever in behalf of himself, his heirs, successors, & c. the charters of the Dutch East and West- India Com- panies, which shall in no accOunt be infringed upon ; and his Majesty undertakes also for him- self, his heirs, and successors, to be perpetual guarantees for the protection of the commerce of the two countries. Article 36 and last. The said King Philip IV. declares solemnly that he approves and ratifies every article of the Treaty for himself, his heirs, aud successors, as King of Spain, Duke of Bur- gundy and Brabant, Count of Flanders, Sec. ( here all his titles are inserted) ; as also for his Vassals, subjects, and inhabitants of his king- doms, estates, lordships, as well, in as out of Europe, without any exception, in all its parts and contents. The Emperor's answer is briefly, that he does not consider himself bound, either in law or equity, by any such provision. If a war breaks out between the Dutch and the Emperor, the Hollanders will lose, at least for a time, that very valuable branch of traffic to Germany, which is at all times so much in their favour. The Dutch vessels carry every year into the Elbe herrings, drugs, spices, wOol- len and silk manufactures, and small wares. By the Weser they carry on the trade to the fertile provinces of Lower Germany, from whence they bring back the finest timber of the North. Their trade to Liege and Aix la Chapelle would be immediately knocked up, in which near two hundred vessels are employed annually up the Maese. All these things considered will make the Dutch avoid a rupture, if they can possibly avoid it ; the consequences of which would be every way so ruinous to them The Dutch navy has lately had an increase, rapid almost beyond conception. In the engage- ment off the Dogger Bank in the month of Au- gust 1780, they could only muster eight ships of the line, as the squadron for their home defence ever, in that very great emergency. In the suc- ceeding year they added 14 ships of. the line to their fleet; and before the peace was concluded they had strengthened their naval force with ten more two- deckers, making in the whole 24 ad- ditional ships of the line. The navy of Holland now consists of two ships of 76 guns, five of 74, four of 68, ten of 64, lour of 60, and fourteen from 50 to 56 guns, which last are in the Dutch service always included under the head of ves- sels of the line: if to these we add four ships of 74 guns, tlnee of 68, two of 64, three of 6b, and four of 66 guns, now q\ the stocks build- ing, the Dutch naval force at this time consists in the following manner :— Two of 76 guns, nine of 74, seven of 68, twelve of 64, seven of 60, and eighteen from 50 to 56 guns in all fifty- five ships ot the line. The number of frigates is not so easily determined, though, it is known they have upwards of thirty of various rates, from : 4 to 40 guns, and they are now building fome others. The Admiralty of Amsterdam is con- tributing largely to the advancement of the na- val force of the confederate provinces. The Dutch have so overstocked the Ameri- can markets with linen's, cambrics, long- lawns, muslins, gauzes, dimities, nankeens, buckrams quiltings, and even medicines, that the English cannot got off their goods, unless there be an evident superiority of quality in them ; and we are not otherwise than happy to be informed that some of our exported articles have had, in a respectable degree, that Superiority,. ' The Dutch have just concluded a Treaty of perpetual Amity with the Court of Lisbon, by means of which they have guarantied for ever their possessions in the East- lndies. Extract of a Letter from Ostend, Sept, rg. " The Prince Kaunitz East- india ship, having unloaded a great part of her car go here, is sailed for . the Port of Antwerp to deliver the rest ; as she must sail up the Schelde, this will necessarily bring on the question of opening the free navi- gation of that River; so that the state of affairs, which have long hung in suspense, must soon be decided. " The Dunkirkers at the last Flemish sale bought upwards of 220 tons of low- priced teas, which they are now loading on board cutters in this harbour, who will have out- clearances for some of the Northern ports ; though there is not a doubt of the true intent Of their destina- tion being for England or Scotland." A Gentleman who came to town yesterday from Ostend says, that just before he sailed a report prevailed that two vessels, which were sent up the Scheld wi h goods for Antwerp, in passing the Dutch settlements were both stopt '; that the captains and crew were taken into cus- tody; notice of which is sent by express to Vienna. Extract of a letter from Elbing, Sept. 4. " The Arent del Pausse, a Greenland ship, is arrived here, after being blocked up in the ice 22 days: Besides three whales, she has brought home the blubber of 130 sea Cows, which are said to produce more oil than that of the whales themselves. One of the Hamburghers has brought the produce of 90 of the same animals, by way of experiment." Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Sept. 23. " Arrived the Oliver, Williams, from Mil- ford ; princess Augusta, Naine, from Plymouth, and Nancy, , a transport for St. Augus- tine. " Sailed the Unity's Increase, Simey, for Sun- derland ; and Nancy, . for London. " Arrived at Motherbank the Anna Pieter, Klien, from Trieste, for Amsterdam. Wind West." Extract of a Letter from Yarmouth, Sept. 20. " A prodigious number of busses are pre paring all along the coast to prosecute the her- ring fishery next season ; and measures are tak- ing, under patronage of Government, wholly to exclude the Dutch from partaking thereof; some of these vessels are 40 tons burthen." The Consumers of Tea are desired to make use of their senses, and be not imposed on by the India Company, Tea Dealers, or Smugglers, : but apply the English herbs fresh from the gardens, which they will find more beneficial, and much cheaper than an exotic which, if it ever had any good qualities, are defrayed by being dried. Extract of a Letter from Newcastle, Sept. 18. 11 Monday last a meeting was held at the Town- hall, to consider of the kind of halfpence which should in future be taken in change ; when it was determined by the tradesmen pre- sent, that the halfpence coined in the reign of George II. and the real mint halfpence of his present Majesty, should only hereafter be taken, without regarding the weight of those apparent- ly counterfeit. " This week a quantity of counterfeit half- pence was seized in this town, by one of the of- ficers of the customs, which on examination ap- pear to be of worse quality than the greatest trash ever yet imposed upon the public. The box containing them is directed to Mr. Isaac Wilkinson, Newbiggin, to be left at the Griffin, Penrith, Cumberland." Among the papers of the late Mr. Brogden, of Abbot's Bromley, in Staffordshire, was found the following Narrative :— Last Spring was twelvemonth I put a grain of barley in the earth, in a garden well dunged, which shot forth a tuft of several stalks, which I separated and trans- planted singly, and they producing new shoots, I multiplied them as before, and in little more than 18 months, the produce of a single grain was above 18,000 ears. We give the following Prescription for the STONE and GRAVEL, as this is the sea- son to gather the principal ingredient. Take a sufficient quantity of blackberries, in their unripe state, while they are red ; put these into a jar well covered, and set in a kettle of wa- ter over the fire; let it continue five or six hours; then pass the pulp or juice throngh a sieve, and to every pint of it add two pounds of white lump sugar powdered ; then boil and scum it as you do other jams or jellies. Take a tea- spoonful of this every night going to bed, when in pain; repeat it in the morning if ne- cessary. Several of the principal dealers in Whiteha- ven, & c. have come to a resolution not to take more halfpence at any one payment than is necessary to make the proper change. When the Sessions ended at the Old- Bailey on Thursday, the Session of the Peace for the city was adjourned until Monday the 18th of Oct ber at Guildhall, and the Session of Gaol Deli- very of Newgate until the 20th of the same month at the Old- Bailey. The fugitive from the Fleet Prison, who was retaken on Saturday night at Dartford, as men- tioned in this paper of Monday, lived with great splendor in his confinement, being attended by two women servants, a black and another foot- man ; and had not the black servant been acci- dentally seen to cross the inn yard, it is probable he might have eluded the search of his pursu- ers. He was accompanied in his flight by a lady from France, celebrated both in England and her native country for her dexterity in Equestrian exhibitions. This lady was so ex- ceedingly urgent with Mess. Dyer and Hall to wait till the carriage with the servants should come up, that they suspected a rescue might be. attempted ; and therefore deemed it proper for once to sacrifice politeness to prudence; and com- pelling the disconsolate fair- one, to alight, they left her about one o'clock 0n Sunday morning about the middle of Blackheath, to utter her complaints to the pitiless winds. Yesterday as Mr. Jeffs, butcher, in James Street, RatclifF- cross, was examining an ox in Smithfield market; the creature kicked him so violently in the groin, that he was taken home with little hopes of recovery. Yesterday at St. Margaret's Hill, the prices of hops were,- Pockets from 4I. 16s. to 5I. 14s. and Bags from 3I. 3s. to 4I. 15s. p. ercwt. Same day in Smithfield, the average prices were, Beef 3' id ; mutton 4d. veal 33cl; lamb 4^ d ; and pork 4' d. per lb. House lambs sold from 16s. to 32s. each, Same day in Leadenhall Market, raw hides sold at the following prices; Ox from 15s. to 25s. Cow and Heffer from 9s. to 15s. each. AEROSTATIC INTELLIGENCE. M. Blanchard's Balloon was filled at Rouen, July 18, in one hour and a half; Mr. Lunardi's Balloon, assisted by Dr. Fordyce, was 24 hours in filling ; and because some of the men were idle two or three hours of the time, only one person could ascend in it, although two ascend- ed in M. Blanchard's, which was filled in a six- teenth part of the time. M. Blanchard and his companion sailed rj leagues, or 45 miles, in two hours and a quarter; Mr. Lunardi 24 miles in three hours and a quarter. Mr. Lunardi's Balloon going in a contrary direction to the vanes on the steeples, accounts for the clouds flying often in a different direc- tion from the vanes, and especially thunder storms, which generally come contrary to the vanes, ROBBERIES. On Thursday night the house of Dr. Saun- ders, in Spring- Gardens, was broke open, and the lower part was stripped of several valuable articles. Last Sunday night a variety of plate, and other articles, were stolen out of the house of Mrs Cartwright, Covent- garden. FIRE. Last Monday evening a fire broke out the at farm- house of Mr. Webb, of Great Wilbraham, in Cambridgeshire, which in a short time con- sumed the same, together with a barn filled with corn, the whole of which was consumed to ashes. The above is supposed to have been set on fire by some malicious persons. MARRIED. On Thursday, by a special licence, Daniel Byam Mathew; Esq. of the parish of St. Mary- le- bone, n the county of Middlesex, to Eliza- beth Dering, of Bluckley, in the county of Kent, daughter of Sir Edward Dering, Bart; DIED. Yesterday morning, at his houfe in Bishops- gate- street Without, Mr. Deputy Judd, and one of the common Councilmen cf Bishopsgate Ward . On the 18th of February, at Buxan, in the East- Indies, Lieutenant Verney Jackson, youngest son of John Jackson, Esq. of Red- Lion- Square. FAHRENHEIT'S THERMOMETER, [ 11 the open air, in the shade fronting the North, at Highgnte, Wedneday, Sept. 22, at noon 62. Thursday, 23, 55. High Water at London- Bridge the ensuing Week. COVENT- GARdEN. Last Night, The Bel- les Stratagem ; with The Musical Lady. DRURY- LANE. This Evening, The Beggar'S Opera ; with Harlequin junior; or; The Ma- gic Cestus. SONG. The TRIMMER. All the World's a Stage. . . SHAKSPEARE. FEAR- SHAKEN fools, by conscience aw'd, My plan of action may deride ; But I have ever found it best, T' associate with the strongest side. I care not who is in or out, Who reigns, who keeps the Treasury's keys By trimming with the times, I live With plenty crown'd, and blest with ease. Obedient to the ruling pow'rs, Whoe'er they be, submiss, I bend, And ne'er to censure what they do, With monitory tones pretend. Those who, with narrowness of mind, By principle through life are rul'd, Are often doom'd their lot to mourn Through life, by false opinions fool'd 1 By false opinions sway'd, they act A rigid Roman's steady part, And miss the road which leads to wealth,' For want of temporising art. I in a different mould am cast, Am made of more compliant clay; Like good Lord WINCHESTER. * I rise,' And firmly stand by giving Way. * The Marquis of Winchester, Queen Elizabeth's Lord Treasurer, having served four Princes in va- rious and changeable times, and being grown into high favour with the last, was questioned by an in- timate friend of his, how he had stood up for thirty years together, amidst the' change and ruins of so many Chancellors and great Personages ? His re- ply was brief and oracular : " Ortus sum e satice, non e quercU."— I sprung from the willow; not the oak. VERSES TO BE FIX'D ON THE HOUSE of COMMONS. GOLD rules within, and reigns Without the doors, Makes men take places, and poor maids turn w— s HER blooming virtues sold, it is trust betray'd, DebaUch'd, the member falls, so does the maid j Each pleads excuse, the profit each does move; His is the Monarch's service, HER'S is Love. » the World sees through the sham in which both join, He votes for interest, and SHe w— S for coin. HELICON BAG, SONNETS TO EMINENT MEN, BY Dr. J. w. [ From the European Magazine.] TO THE DUKE OF RICHMOND, On his Motion for Annual Parliaments, and equal Representation, 1780 THE stream, that wandering from its parent Source Brightens the bloom of many a fragrant flower, Shall oft, as chance directs its careless course, Swell into life the plant of poisonous power. Thus flows from honour's fount the flattering tide : It marks alike the virtuous' and the vile ! Ah think not, RICHMOND, though it pamper pride, Such vain distinction wins the muse's smile Let boastful heralds pompously proclaim Whence flows thy blood, thy honours whence descend, And draw from ducal rank an empty fame! A loftier title shall thy country lend, And fondly hail Thee by a nobler name— Her freedom's Champion, and THE PEOPLE'S frIEND. TO WILLIAM HAYLEY, Esq Written on a Blank Leaf of his Essay on History, 1780. WHETHER thy muse instruCt us to discern The laws that guide to same the historic train; Or paint, with rival power, a sister's reign ; Of, fondly sharing in thy soft concern, Pour o'er departed friendship's silent urn The soothing sorrows of her pensive strain— Alike she pleases. With repeated gain, HAYLEY, thy captivating page I turn 1 No' that the lustre of thy letter'd fame Alone compels a stranger's just applause: A heart, that glows with freedom's holy flame, That pants in virtue's, truth's, and nature's cause, Is thine— or never may we hope to find Ingenuous verse the mirror of the mind. For the Whitehall Evening- Post. BUTLER'S NEW MONUMENT. MONUMENTS to the memory of departed genius may, in general, be considered as monuments of human vanity and folly ; and it not unoften happens, that the very men who would not have advanced a shilling each to res- cue the first poet of the age from aCtual starva- tion — to borrow the memorable expression of a learned Commoner— are among the first to Sub- scribe . their guineas towards the election of a pompous stone, with an inscription upon it ex- presSive of those transcendent talents which they had themselves suffered to languish in obscurity and indigence, and of which the very come- moration is a pointed satire upon themselves. In the above striCture let us not be supposed to include the disinterested few, who, born at a subsequent period, are nobly solicitous to perpe- tuate the same of illustrious characters, even in this way ; and the measure now in agitation of raising a Monument to the Author of Hudibras, in the Church of St. Paul Covent- garden, where his ashes remain ( in addition to the one already in the Abbey of Westminster) reflects no small honour on the liberality and public spirit of the gentlemen by whom it is said to be carrying into execution. After all, however, who that knows the con- dition in which poor Butler lived, will envy him the honours which have been conferred upon him sinCe he died?— Born at a period when England was, from one extremity to the Other, convulsed with civil warfare, and when, under the pretext of liberty, he beheld the constitution of his country bleed at every pore, in the per- son of a murdered Sovereign with a poem, unique in its kind, because never yet imitated with success, he so effectually exposed t0 ridicule the characters and principles of the wretched fanatics who had been the chief authors of such complicated mischief, as to plunge them into their state of original in Significance and con- tempt. In fine, the doggrel muse of Butler was allowed to have been one of the chief instruments by which the exiled Charles was enabled to mount the throne of his fathers.— This grand event being accomplished, therefore, it might have been supposed, that his royal master would have bestowed upon him some substantial mark of favour, and raised him at least above want. But they who reckon upon the gene- rosity of Princes and Courtiers, after they have gained their own ends, generally reckon with- out their host;" and all the benefit which But- ler ever experienced from the munificence of his Sovereign, was at one period, when, pinched with hunger, he actually obtained from him the enOrmous sum of TEN pounds. After the grave had kindly opened an asylum for him, it was thought necessary for the national honour, that he should have a MONUMENT IN WESTMINSTER- ABBEY ; and the erection of this despicable bauble gave birth to an admira- ble Epigram, which, while it deserves to be re- corded in letters of gold, will have the effect, it is to be hoped, of Stimulating future great men to pay more attention to living genius, even though they should totally neglect 11s surviving fame. The Epigram alluded to is as follows : " When Butler, needy wretch ! was yet alive, " No gen'rous Patron would a dinner give " See him, when starv'd to death, and turn'd to " dust, " Presented with a MONuMenTAL BuST " The Poet's fate is here in emblem thown. He ask'd for BREAD, and he receiv'd a STONE. Postscript. , For the Whitehall Evening- Post Saturday Afternoon, Sept. 25. ABRIDGEMENT OF THE STATE OF POLITICS THIS WEEK. WHEN we penned that part of our last Abridge- ment which related to the Commutation Act we were unacquainted with what was passing at the East- India House in regard to the sale of teas; and judged merely from appearances of what might be or probably must happen. We were not. a little surprised afterwards to find our surmises of that day, and our apprehensiOns thrown out while Par- liament was sitting, literally, substantially, and striCtly verified in the several accounts given of the proceedings at the sale. Indeed we thought the Act or the object of it was wrong named a commu- tation. A commutation implies that the respeCtive par- ties thereto should be identically the same on both sides, forming the compact of commutation; and also that both parts of the compaCt should be equally compleat, firm and secure to both the com- muting parties, as well as exhibit a fair equivalent or equal value, at least considered as such by both parties. Now, in not one of these particulars does the similitude hold good. The whole body of tea- drinkers are not the same identical body with the people who inhabit houses with windows, or aper- tures for the day- light to irradiate them : And of those who are identified, the proportion is very unequal. Again, the burden is laid on hard and fast by the strong hand of Parliament, which never fails in that sort of business ; but the benefit is left to the operation of people who have an interest in defeating the very end of the commutation scheme, viz. the suppression of smuggling, in conjunction With others who all have an interest separate and distinCt from, if not hostile to the good of the whole community. Let this be a warning to the Minister to take care of whom he takes advice for the time to come ; for he has addicted himself too much to certain per sons who never were in the true interest of their country, and by their means he has been several times in danger of making shipwreck of his fair political fame. Few men, if any, even of his ene- mies, are hardy enough to question his integrity and pure intentions, but many doubt his mature judgement and sound policy for want of expe- rience; and this Commutation- ACt has furnished them with no small fund of declamation, and in- deed some strong arguments in support of their scepticism regarding his abilities. We have read some strictures of an able writer in the Public Ad- vertiser, who seems to have a very fast hold of him on this subjeCt: It is to be hoped he will find ways and means to set all this business right with honour to himself and satisfaction to the community. To prevent however the contagion of discontent from raging too far beyond the due bounds of rea- _ ftSi!, we beg leave to remind our countrymen that the evil is far from being irremediable. The new window- tax in lieu of the tea- duty cannot operate till Lady- day so as to reach their pockets; in the mean time the price of the tea will find its level among the dealers of all sorts, fair dealers as well as smugglers ; and if an adequate compensation to the public does not take place for the burden im- posed, Parliament will in course have time and opportunity, and we hope a hearty good will, to apply a remedy every way adequate to the evil, by laying the burden upon the right shoulders. It is well those speculating, scheming gentry the pre- tended dealers in tea, alias Ostend smugglers and their coadjutors, have developed their design thus early in the business. Therefore we may wait with patience the event, and trust our Minister for his utmost exertions in proper time. Some other taxes are just upon the point of operating 0n various branches of trade and manu- facture, which will, in some measure, try the tem pers and dispositions both of dealers and con- sumers. Little transpires from Ireland, but the expeCted re migration of our Dramatic Kings, Queens, Princes, Statesmen, and Nobles from that island to this. Probably they can, if they Will, better tell the disposition, temper, and affeCtion of the Irishmen towards England, than either we Or our Superiors on the political stage. Holland is at present the grand focus of politics in Europe, towards which all the eyes of surround- ing nations are turned, and firmly fixed in steady observation of the upshot of the contest subsisting between the Emperor and that Republic. We really think that it is drawing very near to an aw- ful crisis, which must soon terminate in aCtual war, or overtures of accommodation from one tide or the other. One of them must lower their tone, or words will end in blows. The same United States of Holland seem to copy after the late example set them by the English Mi- nister !— While overpowered by a superior force already near at hand, they seek an additional enemy at a distance in the Republic of Venice.— Dutch wisdom keeps pace with Dutch public - spirit !" LONDON. According to letters received yesterday from Brussels, they were hourly in expectation of see- ing matters netween Austria and the States- Ge- neral of the United Provinces brought to a crisis. Two imperial ships from Ostend were daily ex- peCted to enter the Schelde on their way to Ant- werp. The Emperor has upwards of thirty- five thousand troops in Flanders, who, upon news of an obstruCtion or insult being given to the Im- perial flag, are to march into the Dutch territo- ries and take possession of such places as are not in a condition to oppose them. The Prince of Liege, who is a Colonel in the Emperor's Ser- vice remains at Bruges, where he has been to review the ten regiments ( two of which are hus- Sars) lying there, ready to give Such orders for the marching of the forces as may be necessary. At Sluyce, which is the sea- port of Bruges, there are 4000 soldiers, who are employed in levelling the fortifications, but they are daily exercised and accoutred in such a manner as evinces that they expeCt soon to be called into another kind of business. From these prepara- tions it is no difficult matter to perceive, that the Dutch dominions may be over- run by the Im- perial forces, before any power with whom they are in alliance, can have determined to come to their assistance. Nothing can be more flattering to the Bishop Of Osnaburg) than his reception at the Imperial Court. To be treated with distinguished respeCt by the first Prince in Europe, not only in dig- nity but inabilities, and at so early an age, is a mark of uncommon merit, and it must not only give his parents the utmost Satisfaction, but fill the nation with the most pleasing hopes that So bright a dawn will be followed by a blaze of glory, which will be equally an ornament to himself and an emolument to his country. To him we may apply the celebrated compliment of Virgil to the son of Pollio, -—— Magnae spes altera Romae. The Coalition treats the vessel of the state exaCtly in the stile of their friends the Deal and Cornish smugglers, — B— s and his gang, by holding out false lights, first inveigled her among rocks and qiicksands ; Karlo the black and his desperate satellites, now strive to cut her cables, that it may be impossible ever to get her off, and that when totally abandoned they may plunder and break her up with impunity. It is to be hoped, however, that the Captain, Officers, and crew, aided by their honest country friends, will be able to drive off these miscreants, and yet steer the ship safe into a harbour where she may be hove down, have her leaks stopped, her teams new payed, and be enabled again to put to Sea in Spite of the efforts of her enemies, and the insidious arts of her treacherous friends. The exultation of the Opposition on the temporary success of the present infamous com- bination for keeping up the price of teas, and thereby encouraging the pernicious praCtice of Smuggling is so great, that it is more than pro- bable they are at the bottom of it. Consider- ing their ingenuity in contriving, and their ac tivity in executing plans of mischief, it can scarcely be conceived that any evil can threaten the State, of which they are not the authors or accomplices. Their triumph in this however cannot be lasting; and a little resolution and perseverance will as fully convince the honest part of the nation of the futility of the attempt, as they are already convinced of its villany. When the present stock of Dutch teas is sold off, their imports will, they must, be very inconsiderable ; they have by their own account been already obliged to warehouse their coffee in the East- Indies; their teas must soon follow ; and the imports to Gottenburg can be but trifling. A little time therefore will appease this storm. In faCt, the whole may be considered as the last efforts of the foreign traders in tea to get off their stock in hand, assisted by a desperate ban- ditti of different ranks and denominations at home, who, for their private emolument, make no Scruple of betraying and ruining their coun- try, and who seem seriously disposed to follow the ironical advice of the Satirist, Aude aliquid brevibus Gyaris aut carere dignum, Si vis esse aliquis. The foes of Mr. Pitt can never cease objecting to his youth. To permit the guidance of public affairs to be in the hands of a young man, ac- cording to them argues the height of folly. The next moment they tell us with their usual consistency that Mr. Pitt is a mere cypher.; the C r and J n do all. - If it be So, what does it Signify whether Mr. Pitt be old or young ? If it be not so, if he actually holds the reins, why represent him as a puppet ? However, they may Save themselves the needleSs trouble, as the Duke of Sully said, when Some old women like mother B— ke, and goody C sh, were railing against his master and him : " You may save your Selves the trouble, for he will neither be scolded nor Scratched out of his kingdom, nor I out of my place." Extract of a Letter from Elsinore, Sept. 4. " The Dutch ConSul at this place has re- ceived instruCtiOns from Amsterdam to stop all Dutch vessels bound from the Baltic to Holland till further orders, owing to a report of a num- ber of Ostend privateers being fitted out to in- tercept them." It is reported, that some more of the guard- ships are to be laid up. It is to be hoped, how- ever, that this report is premature, as the con- sequence of discharging a number of men 03 the approach of winter, when it will be impossible for them to get employment, can only be letting loose a numerous band of freebooters to join the already formidable plunderers who infest all parts of England, particularly the maritime counties ; that this will be the case is manifest, for the men will not Starve ; and if they were ever so well inclined - to wait for employment, it will be out of their power, as the Sailors belong- ing to guardships receive no money. The present mode of collecting several of the late taxes, particularly that upon game, is very extraordinary. A man qualified, is to travel 40 or 50 miles, as in some counties it will fre- quently happen, for instance, in Essex, to pay his money to tlie Clerk of the Peace; his ex- pences in travelling are probably equal to the tax ; much more I am certain would it produce, had deputies been appointed in market towns. The exigencies of the state seem to require all impediments in regard to payments of taxes to be removed ; and Surely the convenience of such as are willing to pay their money, ought in some degree to have been consulted. Superior merit in every profession will always' be the butt of envy. To this base motive, and this only, can be attributed the various illiberal and ill- founded attacks which have for some days past appeared in the papers, on Melpomene's darling daughter. She has been accused of being callous to every finer feeling, and of having aCted in the most ungenerous manner to two of her brethren during her late lucrative residence at Dublin ; how justly, the following faCt, which may be relied 0n, will shew. Mrs S-— s was applied to by several persons of distinction to play for Mr. Digges's benefit after his misfortune: this she verygenerously and freely promised to do without fee or reward. In the interim however Mr. S —— s called on Mr. Digges to console with him and inform him of his wife's benevolent intentions. " You must pay her fifty pounds though, but let that be a secret between us two." She play'd and received the money-. Can malevolence itself misrepresent this, or accuse her of being mercena- ry for only performing the part of an obedient wife in fulfilling her husband's will at the expence of her own character ? Charity is said to cover a multitude of sins, and Chastity, though it be only a second rate virtue, too often more indebted to constitution than conscience for its existence, yet is deserved- ly prized ; but no man will venture to assert that that alone can compensate for the absence Of every Other good quality. Mrs. S may discover this to her cost. A new method of Swindling has lately been invented in the petty Style- A man brings a letter to a tradeSman, made up in a Small par- cel, and demands Sixpence or a Shilling for the carriage of it; it contains a request that the; tradesman would call at some public- house in one of the villages adjacent to London at a fixed time, when he shall receive orders for goods to be paid 0n delivery. No fewer than fifty trades- men were, upon this pretence, decoyed to one house in Knightsbridge in the course of the last week. Extract of a Letter from Deal, Sept. 24. " Wind S. E. Sailed f Y the River the Kent, Hercules, and Torbay, old men of war; and Yorick, Lock, from Bristol. " Came down last night, and sailed with the outward- bound as before, the Generous Friend, Livermore, for St. Kitt's ; Kent, Liege, for Bar- badoes ; and Mary and Margaret, Scott, for Gibraltar. " Remain the WaSp sloop." A few days Since Some Officers of Excise, at- tended by a party of constables, went to Wal- thamstow, in consequence of information of n private distillery being carried 0n there ; but upon their arrival they found the premises had been cleared the night before. From the va- cancies left where the utenstils had stood, it ap- peared that there had been conveniences for carrying 011 exceeding extensive works ; and if report may be credited, the proprietor thereof had amassed an immense Sum by frauds upon the Revenue before his illicit practices were disco- vered. Las night as Mr. Burland, watch- caSe maker, in Bridgewater- gardens, was crossing Upper Moorfields, he was attacked by two fellows, one of WhOm with his left hand held him by the collar, and with his right kept a knife pointed to his breast, while the other villain rifled his pockets of between two and three pounds. Between five and six o'clock this morning, a young woman very genteelly dressed threw her- self into the New River near Newington; but for- tunately being obServed by two milk- carriers, they went to her assistance in time to Save her life. In a few minutes after being taken out of the water she recovered, and expressed great compunction for her rash attempt, which she acknowledged was occasioned by a family disa- greement. Yesterday afternoon, during the absence of the family, the house of Mrs. Pepworth at Ho- merton was entered by means of a picklock, and robbed of Several articles of houshold linen, arid all the copper, braSs, and pewter kitchen uten- sils. Thursday, in the dusk of the evening, a child about five years old, daughter of Mr. Pearson, of Bowling- green- lane, at the bottom of Rosa- mond's- street, Clerkenwell, was Seduced as far as the Whiteconduit- House by a man ; when being met by a perSon who knew the child, the fellow made off. It is supposed he meant to strip her, as he asked her Several questions concerning the cost of different articles of her apparel. Yesterday two men named Cupalo and Ro- maine were committed to prison from the Public Office at Shadwell, by Peter Green, ESq. charged with stopping Mr. Walker a few evenings since in Stepney fields, putting him in fear, and rob- bing him of 29 guineas and some silver. About one o'clock this morning a dreadful fire broke out at Mr. Wood's, cheesemonger, in Fetter- lane, which entirely consumed the Same, and damaged some of the adjoining buildngs. Luckily no lives were lost. NAVY- OFfICE, Sept. 8, 1784. tHe principal Officers and Commissioners of his Majestys Navy do hereby give Notice, that on Tuesday the 5th of next month they will treat with such persons as may be willing to undertake the performance of the PAINTERS WORKS at His Majesty's Yard at Portsmouth, on a standing Con- tract, to commcnce in six months. Government will allow the Discount on Navy Bill's. sold by j. LEE, No. 4, Ludgate- Hill where LETTERS and ADVERTISEMENTS are received. A Letter- Box at the Window. ADVERTISEMENTS, LETTERS, are alio taken in at the Printing- Office, No. 4, Peterborough- Court, near Shoe- Lane-, Fleet- Street. by T. WHIELdoN, No. 4^, facing Fetter- Lane, Fleet- Street Mess. BYFIELD and Co. Charing- Cross at the STOCK- EXCHANGE COFFEE HOUSE. Cornhill.
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