The Whitehall Evening-Post
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 5766
No Pages: 4
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The Whitehall Evening-Post
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The Whitehall Evening-Post
Date of Article: 23/09/1784
Printer / Publisher: J. Lee
Address: No.4, Ludgate Hill
Volume Number: Issue Number: 5766
No Pages: 4
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POST PRICE THREE- PENCE. From TUESDAY, September 21, to THURSDAYj September 23, 1784. ( No, 5766. WEDNESDAY, Sept. 22. COUNTRY NEWS. Lewes, Sept. 20. AST Wednesday a black- smith was committed to Horsham gaol, for the murder of a labouring man, named Weston on the Sunday before, at Burwash. The prison- er and the deceased, who had been drinking toge- ther, went to the house of the latter, who soon after his arrival had words with his wife, and struck her upon which he receied so violent a blow on the back part of his head from the prisoner, that he instant- ly dropped down dead on the
spot. The Mur- derer absconded, but was taken on Tuesday at Tunbridge- Wells, while he was playing at skittles. Canterbury, Sept. 18. On Saturday night last a barn belonging to Romden Farm, in the parish of Smarden, was discovered to be on fire, which burnt with such rapidity that the corn with which it was filled was nearly all consumed before any assistanCe could be procured. No reason at present can be assigned for this accident, but by many it is conjectured that the air- bal- loons, at this time so frequent, m- ght have been the means of this melancholy affair. LONDON. It is reported, that the Emperor of Germany had
prohibited the importation of English stuffs into any part of his dominions, and that the rea- son assigned for this measure was, that our Acts lately passed to lower the duties on teas, and render smuggling less practicable, were likely to be of the utmost detriment to his subjects all along the coasts of Flanders. We hope this matter is merely matter of report, and not founded ; as, if true, it would prove of the most serious consequence to the English stuff manu- factories at Norwich and elsewhere. The symptoms of a rupture that prevailed of late between Sweden and Denmark, have caused some politicians to make an estimate of
their re- spective forces. They reckon in Sweden 33,478 infantry actually on foot, 10,159 cavalry, besides the artillery, engineers, and regiments in garri- son ; in Denmark^ 32,783 infantry ( of which 23,600 are national troops, and 9180 strangers) and of cavalry 6292 : there are besides, by this computation, in Norway, 27.660 infantry, and 4493 cavalry. The artillery and engineers are reckoned to amount to 3109 ; all which, with ten regiments in garrison, make the total of the Danish forces amount to 78,015 men. The States- General are likely to be embroiled with more powers than one. The Republic of Venice do not seem to
relish the demand made by them of 30,000 florins, which they say was lost by their merchants, whose representations have given rise to these disputes. A Council has been held on this subject at Venice, but the re- sult of their deliberations has not yet transpired. : The following is an account of the trade of the Hollanders to Japan :— Besides the sugars, spices, and manufactured goods, which are sent to Japan, they carry thither annually upwards of 200,000 deer skins, and more than 100,000 hides, the greatest part of which they get from Stam, where they pay for them in money. The merchandize they export from these
islands, both . for Bengal and Europe, consist in 9000 chests j of copper, each weighing 120 pounds, and from 23 to 30,000 weight or camphor. Their pro- fits on imports and exports are valued at 40 or > 4; per cent. To be LETT, tWO NEAT HOUSES, newly fitted up, with a good Garden to each, pleasantly situated in the King's Road, near Church- lane, Chelsea. Likewise, PART of a GENTEEL, LARGE, COM- MODIOUS HOUSE, with a pleasant Garden, command- ing a pleasant Prospect, and in an agreeable Situation. Enquire at Mr. Vertue's, the Rose and Crown, Church- lane, Chelsea; or at Mr. Mackine's, corner of
Orange- street, Leicester- fields. EAST- INDIA HOUSE, Sept. 21, 1784. THE Committee of Buying of the United Com- pany of Merchants of England trading to the East- Indies do hereby give Notice, that on Tuesday the $ t/ i irf October next, at 12 o'clock in the Fore- noon, the Committee will be ready to receive Pro- posals in writing, sealed up, for supplying the Com- ' pany with Pig Lead. Such Persons who chuse to ; deliver in Tenders are desired to express therein the lowest Prices, as they will not have an Opportunity. j of making any Abatement. For further Parti- culars apply to Mr. Burford, Clerk to the said ! Committee. \
DUTY on HORSES. j Stamp- Office, Sept. 23, 1784. ! HIS Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties do hereby give notice, That by an Act of the last Session of Parliament for grant- ing certain Duties on Horses, and on Licences to be taken out by Dealers therein, it is enacted, That all ; Persons residing within the Cities of London or Westminster, or within the weekly Bills of Morta- lity, or within the Borough of Southwark, who j , shall keep a Horse or Horses liable to the Duties j herein after mentioned, shall, within Twenty Days after the 29th of September instant, give notice in writing at the Stamp- Office in
London of the number of Horses kept and used by them, and of the parish or place where they reside, at the same time paying the respective Duties imposed by the said Act; and in case of taking out a Licence, a penalty of Five Pounds is forfeited by every person who shall neglect to affix in legible characters, the words, Licensed Dealer in Horses, on a part of the house, gateway, or stable, of the Partys so li- censed. It is also provided, that persons residing in other parts of the kingdom, and subject to the said Duties, shall give notice, and pay the same within Thirty Days after the 29th of September in- stant to the Head
Distributors of Stamps, or their respective Deputies, in the different Counties, ob- serving the above rule of affixing notice of their being licensed as aforesaid, under penalty of the said forfeiture. And whenever any persons, after the expiration of the said limited periods, shall be- gin to keep and use Horses subject to these Duties, Notice thereof must be given and payment of the Duty made within Ten Days after so beginning to keep and use Horses as aforesaid, the same not being in place and stead of others for which the Duty had been before paid. NAVY- OFFICE, Sept. 8, 1784. , THE principal Officers and Commissioners
of his Majesty's Navy do hereby give Notice, That on Tuesday the 5th of next month they will treat with such persons as may be willing to undertake the performance of the PAINTERS WORKS at His Majesty's Yard at Portsmouth, on a standing Con- tract, to commence in six months. Government will allow the Discount on Navy - Bills. HAT TAX. Stamp- Office, Sept. 17, 1784. HIS ' Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties do hereby give notice, That the NEW STAMP DUTieS UPON HATS commence on the 2d of October next, when the undermentioned rates are In be paid : For every Licence to sell Hats by
retail, within the Cities of London and Westminster, or within the distance of the Bills of Mortality, or within the Borough of Southwark, Forty Shillings. For the same in any other part of the kingdom, Five Shillings. For entry Hat not exceeding the value of Four Shillings, Three Pence. For ditto above Four Shillings, and not exceeding Seven, Sixpence. For ditto above Seven Shillings, and for exceeding Twelve, One Shilling. For ditto above Twelve Shil- lings, — Two Shillings. Persons selling Hats- by retail, without being duly licenced, forfeit for every offence a pe- nalty of - Fifty Pounds. Every licenced retailer, selling Hats without
having the words " DEALER IN HATS BY RE- " TAIL," painted or written over the door of his shop or warehouse, forfeits for each Hat so sold, Forty Shillings. A Stamp Ticket, denoting the par- ticular rate of duty to be paid on each Hat, is to be affixed to the lining in the inside of the crown thereof: And every per- son ( except licenced Retailers dealing with each other) who shall sell, buy, or exchange, any Hat, without having such stamped ticket affixed as afore- said, forfeits for every Hat so sold, bought, or exchanged, Ten Pounds, The Commissioners therefore, in pursuance of the above Act, do hereby give notice, That all
persons, residing within the Cities of London and Westmin- ster, or within the distance of the Bills of Mor- tality, or within the Borough of Southwark, who are required to take out the said Licences, and to CASUALTY. ' Yesterday as several wine porters were taking out of a cart some wine at the wine- vaults in Newgate- street, the foot of one of the men slip- ping he fell, and the pipe of wine rolling upon him he was killed. Mess. WENHAM and Co. beg Leave to in- form the Public, that they are now selling, in the grcatest Variety of Numbers, and loWest Prices, Tickets and Shares in the present State Lottery, at their Office, No.
11, Poultry, Lon- don, and no where else on their Account ; where have been sold in former Lotteries, capital Prizes to the very considerable Amount of 250,0001. All Business relating to the Lottery transacted with the utmost Care and Fidelity. Bank, India, South Sea Stock, with their several Annuities India Bonds, Navy and Victualling Bills, and every Kind of Government and other Security, bought and sold by Commission. N. B. The Lottery begins Drawing on Mon- day, the 22nd of November. All Shares must be Stamped by Government, with whom the Original Ticket is deposited; and no Business allowed to be transacted
before Eight in the Morning, nor after Eight in the Evening, ex- cept on the Saturday preceding the Drawing. Those possessed of Receipts for Tickets and Shares, may now exchange them. s QUEEN ANNE's BOUNTY. To the CLERGY. NOTICE is hereby given that the Interest due at Michaelmas next, will be paid by William Stevens, Esq Treasurer, No. 68, Old Broad- street, every Day from Michaelmas to Christmas next, between the Hours of Ten and Two, Sundays and Holidays execept- ed. The Clergy are desired to observe that the Re- ceipts must be written on Stamps, and as the Governors allow the Duty, it may be
added to the Interest, and ex- pressed in the Receipt. It is likewise required that all persons who have divers places of residence, and keep Horses at each such place, do, within the space of One Month after payment of the Duties, if such payments shall have been made at the Stamp Office in London, deliver, or cause to be delivered to the Stamp- Officer in the Market- town nearest to his place of resi- dence, a Duplicate of every such Entry or register, expressing the date of its commencement and the Duty paid for the same, or upon neglect thereof to forfeit the sum of Two Pounds. The Commissioners therefore, in pursuance
of the above Act, do hereby give Notice, that all persons residing within the Cities of London and Westmin- ster, or within the distance of the Bills of Morta- lity, or within the Borough of Southwark, who are required to pay the said Duties, or to take out Licences, may apply at the Office appointed for that purpose, at No. 16, Boswell Court, Lincolns- Inn, on Monday next, the 2~ jth instant, and every sub- sequent day until the 19th day of October next in- clusive. And all other persons are to apply to the respective Distributers of Stamps in the different Counties, who are duly authorised by the Commissioners for the purposes
aforesaid. The RATES and DUTIES are as follow : For every Horse, Mare, or Gelding, kept and used for the purpose of riding, or drawing any Carriage for which a Duty oj Excise is paid or payable — — Ten Shillings, j For every Horse, Mare, or Gelding, entered to start or run for any Plate, Prize, Sum of Money, or other thing whatsoever, a further Sum of Two Pounds Two Shillings. the same to be paid previous to the entering of said Horse, & c, for any race, or on refusal or neglect thereof, the Owner to forfeit Twenty Pounds. For every Licence granted to any Person exercising the Trade and Business of an Horse- . Dealer,
within the Cities of London and West- minster, the Weekly Bills of Mortality, or Within the Borough of Southwark Ten Pounds. For every Licence granted to any Person exer- eising the sfaid Trade and Business of an Horse- Dealer in other parts of the kingdom Five Pounds. EXEMPTIONS. Horses belonging to Non- Commissioned Officers and Soldiers of the Cavalry— also Horses belonging to Licensed Dealers, kept for sale in their stables, and not for hire— And all Horses likewise let to hire by Post- Masters for travelling Post. By Order of the Commissioners, JOHN BRETTELL, Secretary. provide themselves with stamped
tickets for denoting the duties on the said Hats respectively, may apply for the same at the office, appointed for that purpose, at No. 16, Boswell- court, Lincoln s Inn, on the 23d instant, and every other day till the commence- ment of the said duties, in order to take out their Licences, and to receive the different sorts of stamped Labels necessary under the said act. And all dealers in Hats in other parts of the kingdom are to apply to the respective distributors of stamps in the different counties, who are duly autho- ' rized by the Commissioners for the like purposes. By Order of the Commissioners, John Brettell, Secretary. Stamp-
Office, September 11, 1784. ACT FOR GRANTING A DUTY ON CERTAIN VENDERS OF MEDICINES. HIS Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties do hereby give notice to ail persons residing in the cities of London and Westminster, or within the distance of the pen- ny- post, who are required, by an Act of the 23d of his present Majesty, to take out - Licences for selling Medicines, that daily Attendance is given at their office in Lincoln's Inn for granting the said Licences. And whereas the Commissioners have received information, that many venders of medicines, who are within the meaning of the said Act,
have not renewed their Licences, and continue to sell such medicines without using the proper stamps for the same, they think it necessary to give public notice, that every person who shall be found offending, in this respect, against the law, will be immediately prosecuted in his Ma- jesty's Court of Exchequer. By Order of the Commissioners, JOHN BRETTELL, Sec. N. B. Persons living in other parts of the Kingdom are to apply for their Licences to the Distributors of Stamps in the different Counties. This Day was published, Price Nine- Pence, PART THIRD ( to be compleated in Four Parts) Of tHE HARMONY of the FOUR
EVAN- GELISTS, in their scveral Relations of the Life and Doctrine of JESUS the CHRIST i translated from the original Text, with Notes Explanatory and Practical, and chiefly intended for the Use of the Unlearned and the Poor. By RICHARD BAKER,- M. A. Rector of Cawston, in Norfolk ; and lately Fellow of Pembroke Hall, in Cambridge. 11 Search the Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto Salvatiou through Faith, which is in Christ Jesus." Printed for B. White, Fleet- street; T. Evans, Paternos- ter- row ; and J. and C. Berry, Norwich. Where may be had, PARTS FIRST and SECOND of the above work, tiicc yd.
each. * ~ BETHLEM HOSPITAL. A Committee of the Governors will meet at the said Hospital in Moorfields on Saturday next the 25th Instant, at eleven o'Clock in the Fore- noon, to receive proposals from such Persons who are willing to serve the said Hospital with the best Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork, for the Half Year from Michaelmas to Lady- day next. For particulars applv at the Steward's Office. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By HENRY STYLES, On Monday, the 27th Inst. and the following Day, ALL the Neat and Genuine HOUSHOI. D GOODS, PLATE, LINEN, and CHINA, of a GENTLEMAN, leaving off Housekeeping, at
the White House, near the Wharf, at Walton, SURREY : Consisting of a variety of neat Bedsteads, with Corded and other Dimity Furniture ; fine Goose and other Feather Beds and Bedding; Patent Bath Stove and Serpentine Fender; Mahogany Wardrobes; Chests of Drawers ; Dining Tables and Chairs ; Pier and Dressing Glasses ; Parlour, Chamber, and other Carpets ; Kitchen Furniture; a Quantity of China, Linen, ar. d Plate; tbe whole being almost new. May be Viewed on Saturday the 25th, and the Morning of Sale, which will begin at Eleven o'clock, Catalogues to be had ot Mr. Goodrich, Broker, Hol- born, London; and of
Henry Styles, Staines and Chert- sey SuFfOLk. To be SOLD, MELFORD HALL and PARK, with the Estate thereto belonging of between 1700I. and 1800I. per Annum, part lett. upon Leases for 21 Years, which Will expire at Michaelmas 1785, the rest under old Rents to Tenants who have long resided upon the Estate, Also the Manor, which is very extensive, and abounds with Game. The Royalty in the River Stour, in which arc plenty of Fish. The Estate is well watered, in a fine Country, good Roads-, and within sixty Miles of London. - The deer, Brewing Utensils, and some useful Furniture, will be sold to the Purchaser at a fair
Appraisement. For Particulars enquire of John Campbell, Esq. Stone- Buildings, LinColn's- Inn ; Mr. Robinson, Warwick Court, Gray's- Inn, London; or Mr. Black, Epping Essex; who will give . Tickets for viewing, without which the estate will not be shewn. * To be PEREMPTORILY SOLD, Pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, be- fore EDWARD LEEDS, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court, st his Chambers, in Lincoln's- inn, Lon- don, on Wednesday the 17th of November next, be- tween the Hours of Five and Six o'Clock iu the After- noon, AValuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at ASCOT, in the County of
BERKS; late the Estate of ANDREW LINDEGREN, of Red Bull Wharf, London, Merchant, Deceased, Containing the Manor of ASCOT, within the Manor of WINCKFIELD, in the Parish of Winckfield, in the said County of Berks, with the Rights, Royalties, Members and Appurtenances thereto belonging, a capital new- built Mansion- house, Gardens, Coach- Houses, Stabling, and all other Conve- niencies in excellent Order, with Lands laid out in Park in front and rear of the House, and a Canal in front of the House. Together with a new- built Brick Farm- House, Farm- Yards, Granaries, and all other necessary Buildings, and
about 244 Acr- s ot Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land enclosed, and chiefly near the Mansion- Houfe, and about 33 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land in the Common and Townfields of Winck- field, sundry. small Cottages, and unlimited Right of Common on Ascot Heath. Particulars whereof may be had at the said Master's Chambers ; of Messrs. Weston, Attornies at Law,. Fen- church street; and of George North, at Ascot aforesaid, who will shew the Premises. ' OXFORDSHIRE. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, THAT capital and verv elegant MANSION- » HOUSE, called SARSDEN, with Stabling for Forty
Horfes, and other Offices, the Gardens, Lawns, and Pleafure Grounds, thereto belonging. And also the valuable and extensive MANORS of SARSDEN, CHURCHILL, and LYNEHAM, MERRISCOURT, and FYNES COURT, and the Farms, Lands, See. there- of, and certain Lands in the adjoining Parish of King- ham, the whole within the Compass of five Miles ( tiie House in about the Centre) and consists of nearly 6000 Acres of excellent and very immoveable Land,, of which about 240 are in Hand, 3400 let to Tenants only from Year to Year at very low Rents, upwards of 900 0n Leases for Lives ( most of them very old), and
the remainder Common and Waste Ground admitting of very great Improvement by Inclosure. Also the valuable RECTORY of SARSDEN, of which the present Rector is near 70 Years of Age. These Estates are situated in a fine Sporting Country, and Sarsden House is distant From Oxford nineteen, Bur- ford eight, and Chipping Norton three Miles, and is com- pletely and richly Furnished in the modern Taste, ( the Fixtures and Part of the Furniture will be sold) the Gardens are well Stocked and in good Condition, and the Land in hand in very high Order, and altogether fit for the immediate Reception of a Family of the first
Distinc- tion.. . N. B. The Timber has been valued at near » 2, ooot. About half the Purchase Money may remain on the Se- curity of the Estate. 1 The Manor and House of Sarsden with about half the Lands of these Estates may be purchased separately. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Wade, of Crane- court, Fleet- street; Mr. Drewe, of New Inn, London'; or to Mr. Bulky, Attorney at Law, Chadlington, near Chipping Norton, Oxon; the latter of whom will shew the Estate. iF a regular Method of Treatment, confirm- ed by successful Practice, can insure Success to the afflicted of both Sexes, labouring under any venereal
Complaint, let their Case be ever so inveterate or compli- cated, they may confidently be assured of a certain, speedy, and effectual Cure, rest securely happy in Mind, and de- pend on being treated with the utmost Delicacy and pro- found Secrecy by applying to J. WHITE, Surgeon and Man- Midwife1, No. 2, near the Goose and Gridiron, St. Paul's Church- yard. As there are various Complaints peculiar to Women, which, through Delicacy, almost forbids those applying to the Faculty for Relief, Mrs. White may be consulted with in any Ailment or Disorder incident to her own Sex As above may be had Mr. White's Address to the
Com- munity on concealed Pregnancy; worthy the Perusal of Ladies whose Situation require a temporary Retirement. Price is. ' Letters, Post- paid, attended to. to prevent Enquiry, No. 2, is on each Side the Door,
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 22. LONDON. A private letter from Vienna says, that most of the Imperial regiments fit for actual Service have received orders to hold themselves in readi- ness to take the field at 24 hours notice. Some thousands of workmen are employed day and night in getting ready the camp equipage; contracts have been made for an immense train of bag- gage waggons, and horses for the artillery ; great stores of corn are laying up in every pro- vince on his Majesty's account but particularly in the fertile countries of Gallicia and Lubo- miria, which belonged lately to Poland Field Marshals Lacy and Loudon are every
day do fitted with the Emperor ; Prince Kaunitz is not consulted on thefe occasions, because the con- sultations with the two Marshals are about mi- litary plans and expeditions. When there is question of the general proposition, whether peace shall be maintained, or war declared, then the old Prince always fills his station at the Council- board, and no man's opinion has more weight With his Majesty. From the lengths that the Emperor has already gone with respect to the Dutch, it is presumed that Prince Kaunitz is for war. A letter from Paris mentions, that M. de Morigny, Commander of the Venus frigate, ar- rived at Rochfort
from the Coast of Guinea, where she had been beat off by the Portuguese, is going to Lisbon with a Memorial, and to lay all the circumstances of the conduct of the Go- vernor of Angola before the Court. It is currently reported that M— r G 1 C—— 1 is appointed C r in C——— f in India. We do not mean to detract from the merits of that officer; but it is an event of importance to the service, which appears to be essentially injured by the appointment, for it excludes all officers Superior in rank from ever serving in India. The army has been so exceedingly lowered and ill- treated within these few years by partial promotions, that if
the Superior officers do not stand forth, and mark their diSpleaSure at the many glaring inSults offered to the profession by transient ministers, there is an end of military virtue. Are Messrs. D s and A n, who now appear to govern the Empire from the Isle of Sky to the Ganges, to discriminate on military talents, and favour the youngest G— 1 O r,' by placing him in a command of such importance, honour, and emolument, to the prejudice of the serviee ? Is there no general officer to be found between O— th e and C 1, equal to the command ? Is L 1 G— 1 S r, an officer of known abilities, to be laid aside ? Is S— Jm B , who has
been injured by the paltry intrigues of a mercantile government, because he supported the honour of his station, to be devoted to the appointment of an inferior officer ? Are men, who have no other merit than babbling in Parliament, and who act in direct opposition to the opinion of the public, to capriciously degrade the military profession If we tamely submit to such abuses, we merit the indignity; but GoVernment ought to interfere, and save the veteran Services of the army from being thus disgraced. If it should not, all mi- litary emulation must cease ; and the Superior officers will have no other monument to their glory, than the
annual list of the army. A Correspondent, whose business calls him frequently to the India- house, says he was lately much surprized, during the Company's tea- sale, to see a number of people with Silk handker- chiefs round their necks, and weather- beaten countenances, anxiously attending the sale, as if they were materially concerned. On enquiring of a friend who they were, he was informed, with a smile, that they were Some of the prin- cipal buyers, through the medium of the bro- kers, and their countenances sufficiently shewed their occupations. Several paragraphs having appeared in the papers, charging the Minister
with entering into combination with the Directors of the East- India Company, and after having deceived the Public into a belief that teas would be so lower- ed in price, as to make amends for the additional window- tax, that they had, during the present sale at the India- House, been using every arti- fice together to raise the price of tea, for the be- nefit of the India Company ; on making parti- cular enquiry into the affair, we find the true state of the case to be thus: That the Smug- glers in England and on the Continent are a- larmed, and that the former must take some other means of procuring a livelihood ; and that many of the
latter will be inevitably ruined, from the large quantity of tea now at Ostend, Dunkirk, Holland, Denmark, and Sweden, which was brought from China for the particular pur- pose of Smuggling it into England, as theSe countries use but a trifling quantity in pro- portion to their., importation. The Smug- glers, therefore, have had a general meeting; and on informing the different houses abroad that it was possible to buy such quantities of tea at the English Company's sale as would keep the price up, so as to enable them to dispose of a considerable part of their own in the usual manner, by which means there would be a loss only of
the deposit, as the buyers wonld not be under a necessity of making the uSual clearances ; in ConSequence of this, a very considerable Sum was collected among the Smugglers for the above purpose, and they would have engrossed Such quantities for a feW months, that it the Direc- tors and the fair traders had not Seen through the plan, and used proper means to break the combination, it would completely have anSwered their purpose, and the public would not, for some time at least, have derived any advantage from the duty lowered on tea. The despair which has seized the Smugglers and their employers, is a
convincing proof that the most happy conSequences may be expected from the tea- bill; but, before these clandestine traders will quit their unlawful occupation, they have agreed to make one more vigorous effort, to give them an opportunity of disposing of seven or eight ship loads of tea arrived on the Continent from China; but as they have been blown in the beginning of their scheme, it is hoped they will be entirely frustrated in their intentions. Extract of a Letter from Lewes. " The resentment of the Smugglers round the coast, against Mr. Pitt, is inconceivable. The new Smuggling Bill is by them considered as the most
arbitrary, unjust, and oppressiVe act to their fraternity that ever passed into a law, calculated to ruin thousands of industrious men, who have no other means of existence than trading with- out troubling the Custom- house Officers with an examination of their cargoes." As a number of half guineas of base metal are now in circulation, a Correspondeut desires us to caution our Readers against receiving them ; and he hopes this will induce Shopkeep- ers and traders again to weigh their half- guineas, as their ceasing to generally to do so, is the rea- son that so many are counterfeited. A Court of Aldermen is Summoned to meet
at Guildhall on Tuesday next, in order to re- ceive the resignation of Aldermen Hart and Pugh's gowns, and to attend the Swearing in the two new Sheriffs Elect on the Hustings. So great has been the demand for cases through all the great cyder counties, that coopers have been Sent for from the metropolis and other re- mote parts of the kingdom ; the apple harvest having been plentiful in the west. Mr. Lacy, once a Manager of Drury- lane Theatre, is reported to have been engaged with- in these few days as a performer at the same house. The following extraordinary particulars relat- ing to Morgan, the murderer, execited on
Monday, may be depended on : He made a full confession of his guilt, immediately after his tri- al ; and, on Sunday, publicly declared he was the person who gave Mr. Linton the fatal wound, and even went afterwards with some of the mob to See the dead body. His behaviour at Chapel was attentive, and exceedingly penitent. Early on Monday morning ( for he had no sleep) he re- peated his contrition for the horrid fact to two prisoners in the cell with him. On going to Chapel, however, previous to his execution, to rcceive the Sacrament, he denied to Mr. Villetse any knowledge of the murder or robbery ; and weeping bitterly,
said, he had been prevailed upon to make the former confession. On his per- severing in this singular assertion, the Ordinary, with great propriety, refused to administer the Sacrament to him. He then ascended the Scaf- fold, and declared repeatedly his innocence to the Sheriffs, & c. On a gentleman asking him, What he thought would become of his immortal part, if he left the world with a lye in his mouth ? Morgan answered, " The hottest pit in Hell would be too good for such a wretch." He in his last moments continued to deny the fact, and read the Lamentation of a Sinner from the Liturgy the instant before he Suffered. On
Tuesday the following melancholy acci- dent happened at Shipley, in the county of Derby, viz. A man- servent to Mr. John Abbot, of that place, being employed upon a corn rick, he unfortunately fell from the same, fractured his scull, and was so much hurt thereby, that he died in a few hours. Yesterday thirty- nine prisoners were tried at the Old- Bailey, four of whom were capitally convicted, viz. Joseph Hulet, for stealing in the dwelling- houSe of Mr. Priestman, a pawnbroker in Princc's street, Leicester- fields, where he was apprentice, three gold watches, two metal watches, several diamond rings, gold rings, gold Seal, and
other articles, to the amount of near 400'. Lyran Ryan for taking a false oath, in order to obtain the probate of a will, purporting to be the last will of John Welch, a seaman, de- ceased, in order to defraud the lawful represen- tatives of the said John Welch. Samuel Thompson and George alias John Campbell, priSoners in Wood- street Compter for Africa, for felonioufly assaulting Mary Pic- kering in the said prison, and robbing her of three shillings. Thirty- one were convicted of felonies, and four acquitted. ROBBERIES AND COMMITMENTS. The son of an innkeeper in St. John's- street was a short time since committed to
priSon for stealing a bale of Silk from a waggon which put up at his father's inn, and to which he had been book keeper. The fact was committed on the road into Bedfordshire. Yesterday afternoon a young man, in a new suit of mourning, cut a portmanteau from be- hind a post- chaise in the lane leading from Ed- monton towards Enfield Wash, which being observed through the hedge by a gentlewoman who was walking npon the Hide, she gave in- formation to the driver, and the property was recovered, but the villain escaped. A light cart had followed the chaise fome miles, in which it is supposed the portmanteau was
intended to be carried off. Between seven and eight o'clock yesterday evening, as Mr. Richie of Long- lane, West- Smithfield, was crossing the field between the Rosemary- Branch and the road from Islington to Ball's Pond, he was attacked by a fellow who demanded his money, upon which he seized the villain by the collar ; but both falling, they struggled, when the villain by a Sudden effort of strength disengaged himself, and made off. Late on Saturday night a returned post- chaise, in which were two post- chaise drivers, was stopped upon Blackheath by two highway- men, who robbed the lads of near twenty shil- lings and
two watches. INTELLIGENCE. respondent in Paris of the result, since our last letters are dated the 17th. But he says the utmost expectations are formed by the literati of this ex- periment. The Roberts are Scientific men, and upon this occasion they have more useful objects in view than merely to astonish and please the mul- titude with the spectacle. Their machine, like that which they elevated from St. Cloud, is of a cylindrical form, and terminates in two hemispheres of feet in diameter. This they pronounce from their experience to be unquestionably the best form. They do not think proper previously to expose the new
principles which they mean to apply to the government of the machine in the air ; being sen- lible that the people of Paris would no longer countenance an aerial experiment which promised nothing more than a spectacle it is their ambition in this instance to afford to Science new discoveries. They mean to attempt the utmost possible eleva- tion— they will venture, if practicable, to the 90th degree-. The velocity of the wind being deter- mined by the space through which they run— the resistance of the air by the surface of the Aerostat, and the powers of their machinery ; they mean to describe the most accurate angles, that they
may establish a certain theory for the navigation of the air.. They intend to put their machine in equili- brium at the height of a hundred toises, and at this height they will give an observer A Signal, that he may notice the terms of their elevation. This experiment, in short, is contrived with great skill, and, should it prosper, we are likely to gain lights from it beyond any thing which we have as yet obtained from this discovery. Our readers may depend on our giving the first account of the experiment. UTILITY of " the Air BALLOON'S. ThE state of the atmosphere has been hither- to very imperfectly understood ; and the trivial
discoveries made in it already Sufficiently compensate all the industry and expence attend- ing the air balloon'. The different direction of the air, in propor- tion to its altitude, is an object which cannot but interest the attention of the curious and Scientific. The degrees of heat and cold which it passes as it approximates or recedes from the earth, with a great variety of other quali- ties which belong to that subtile fluid, may also be ascertained with precision by an inde- fatigable prosecution of these aerostatic re- Searches. It has long been an established idea, at least among the vulgar, that so strongly did the air act on the human
frame, when raised to any considerable height, that the blood vessels were unable to resist the impulse, and consequently burst by the violence, philosophers, affected by this apprehension, have refused to ascend moun- tains of any extraordinary altitude, as deem- ing it madness to attempt an experiment which they believed themselves certain of not survi- ving. Our aerostatic expeditions, which have yet been followed with no great or insurmountable inconvenience arising from a difference or ex- tremity of temperature, express Sufficiently the absurdity of this prepossession. For except the chillness perceived by the Roberts,
and an ac- cidental whirlwind in the course of a subsequent voyage, it does not appear that the lungs or circulation of the human blood are at all im- peded or affected by any height to which adven- turers have hitherto been able to ascend. Over and above all these, who knows what advantages may be derived from air balloons by armies or fleets in the operations of war, in be- sieging towns, reconnoitring localities, detect- ing ambushes, taking distances, marking charts, discovering water, provender, and forage, for camps in an unknown country, not to mention the utilities it may afford to physic, navigation, and astronomy.
Though no one advantage were to be the con- sequence- of this discovery, which could entitle it to a place among the necessary, it would still have a claim to be classed among the elegant arts of life. For Surely it unites the beautiful and grand in an uncommon degree. What more pleasing than to see the machine aScending and descending with a motion So easy, graceful, and charming. It brings to our ideas the re- membrance of ancient times, when the inha- bitants of the upper world visited and revisited ours. But the sublimity of the spectacle is altoge- ther unparalleled— An object thus spacious, pon- derous, and
magnificent, rising or Springing perpendicularly upwards, as if to rival the eagle in her flight, must be viewed with SenSations peculiarly awful and affecting. It is not only a new sight, but a sight the most Surprising and extraordinary that ever the eye beheld. O Art, how wide and extensive is thy domi- nion ! how potent and univerSal thy energies 1 how numerous, how necessary, how interesting thy utilities! No element is either So violent or fo Subtile, So yielding or So sluggish, as to prove Superior to thy direction. Thou dreadedst not the fierce impetuosity of fire, but hast rendered its qualities both obedi- ent and useful. Thou
hast softened the stubborn tribe of minerals, so as to anSwer many valuable ends, by assuming innumerable shapes : hence weapons, armour, coin, and, previous to theSe, all those tools and instruments which empower thee to proceed to further ends more excellent. To thee we owe whatever we derive from all the improvements of navigation. The seas and waves are thus made SubServient to man, by thy assistance. The yielding element of water thou hast taught to bear us; and the rolling ocean henceforth promotes that intercourse of nations which ignorance would imagine it was destined to intercept. Nor is the Subtile air
less obedient to thy power, whether thou willest it to be a minister to our pleasure, or a hand- maid to our necessity. At thy command it giveth birth to sounds which charm the soul with all the powers of harmony. It exports our Superfluities to Supply the wants of others; and it brings to our doors the riches, the dainties, and luxuries of afar. And when- the great modern scheme of aerostatic sailing is perfected, who can tell what innumerable bene- fits may still result from thy unwearied endea- vours to direct, improve, and accommodate hu- man life ? PARISIAN AEROSTATION. THE brothers Robert fixed their grand expe- riment
for the 19th instant, which was on Sunday last. We have not received notice from our cor- To the MEMORY of Miss MARIA LINLEY By Captain THOMPSON. Lesbi puella, vale ! , Cara Maria, vale ! IF Truth, if Virtue, Innocence, and Grace, May in celestial records claim a place, Linley, thy name is with an Angel's pen Written 0n golden leaves by fainted men! If Wit, if Beauty, Modesty, and Sense, - Met Earth's applauSe, or Heav'n's high recom- pense : If e'er an Angel left the solar Sphere, To fix in wonder every eye and ear, ' Twas thee, Maria — whose Superior grace Prov'd thee deScended of celestial race ; Prov'd thee
design'd to mitigate our care, And raise our minds to know what Angels are. Maria, dear, adieu ! and from th' abode Of Saints, bestow thy light to point the road ; That by thy radiance we may gain the sky, Aud pass with thee a bless'd Eternity. ADVICE to the FAIR - SEX. By Dr. SAMUEL JOHNSON. THE teeming mother, anxious for her race, Begs for each birth the fortune of a face : Yet Vane could tell what ills from beauty spring, And Sedley curs'd the form that pleas'd a King, Ye nymphs of rosy lips, and radiant eyes, Whom pleasure keeps too busy to be wise; Whom joys with soft varieties invite, By day the frolick, and the
dance by night ; Who frown with vanity, who smile with art, And ask the latest fashion of the heart ; What care, what rules, your heedless charms shall save, Each nymph your rival, and each youth your slave? Against your fame with fondness hate combines, The rival batters, and the lover mines. With distant voice neglected virtue calls, Less heard and less, the faint remonstrance falls} Tired with contempt, she quits the slipp'ry rein And pride and prudence take her seat in vain, In crowd at once, where none the pass desend, The harmless freedom, and the private friend. The guardians yield, by force Superior ply'd By interest,
prudence; and by flattery, pride. Then beauty falls betray'd, despis'd, distress'd, And hissing infamy proclaims the rest. HARVEST HOME; Or, a CALL to the FARMER'S JUBILEE, A SONG. Tune, Over the Hills and far away. COME, ye rural rustic throng, Join the dance, and join the song, Smiling plenty, care to drown, Shall with joy the evening crown. CHORUS. A This is Nature's holiday : Provd the summons to obey, Lads and lasses, hither come, And join in singing Harvest Home. O'er OUr hearty harvest cheer Ne'er is seen the brow austere ; When in song each drives to please, Then it is the heart's at ease. Chorus.— This
is, & c- Mark of grain the copious lot, Kind in growth and kindly got; In the land let murmuring cease, Britons may have happy days. Chorus.— This is, & c. Scenes delightful to the eye, Yon large tow'ring corn- ricks spy Astley by his art, nor Hughes, E'er display'd more pleasing views. Chorus.— This is, & c. Ceres spreads her golden stores ; And, in sweet Pomona's bowers, Nonpareils and Pippins found Bear the branches to the ground. Chorus.— This is, fcc. For what's past amends to make, Justice does this language speak : " Deal out cheaply life's main props, Handsome loaves, and portly cups." Chorus.— This is & c. At
our Banquet State affairs Ne'er are known to din our ears News to us the best of all, Is to hear the markets fall. Chorus.— This is, Jcc. Hopes to cheer and cares beguile, Plenty crowns the Peasant's toil; And more blith are none than we At our Annual Jubilee. CHORUS. This is Nature's holiday; Proud the summons to obey, Lads and lasses, hither come, And join in singing Harvest Home Banks of the Severn, Sept. 14.
THURSDA ier ' From the LONDON GAZETTE. BANKRUPTS. Edward Hardisty, ot Leeds, Yorkshire, and George Hardisty, of Basinghall street, London, dealers; to surrender Oct. 20, 21, Ami Nov. 1, at ten, at the Old King's Arms in Leeds. Attornies, Mr. James Newport, of Leeds; or Mr. Price, of Cursitor- street, London. Richard Thorn, late of the Poultry, but now of Hackney, haberdasher; to surrender Sept. and Oct 2. at ten, and Nov. 2, at five, at Guildhall. Attornies, Mess. King and lmpey, Cutlers- hall. Dividends to be made. Oct. 13. Benjamin Merriman, Nathaniel Merri- man, and Nathaniel Merriman the younger, late of
Marlborough, Wilts, cheese- factors, at ten, at the Three- Tuns Inn in Marlborough. Oct. 16. Jo Millett, now or late of Chievely, Berks, meal- man, at eleven, at the Globe Inn in Newbury. Final. Oct. 28. John Williams, of Bristol, butter- mer- chant, at four, at the Bush Tavern, in Corn- street, Bristol. Final. Certificates to be granted. Oct. 12 John Ashby, of Bungay, Suffolk, shop- keeper. William Glover, late of Worcester, clock and watch maker. James Bult, ( partner with James Sutton) of Cheapside, London, goldsmith. William Anderson, of Three- Cranes, Queen- street, London. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, Sept. 18. On Thursday
morn- ing a large quantity of counterfeit halfpence ( amounting it is said to above 100I.) was seized from the Newcastle waggon, by order of the Magistrates, and lodged 1 the Council Cham- ber. They consist of a great number of parcels, neatly wrapped up in hair- cloth, several of which were directed to shopkeepers in this city. Some speedy and effectual method should be adopted to stop this iniquitous practice. On thursday a proclamation by the magi- strates of this city was read at the Cross, and other public places, prohibiting and dis- charging the inhabitants from receiving any of the counterfeit halfpence now in
circulation. On Wednesday last about thirty pounds worth of counterfeit halfpence were seized at Keslo. Large quantities of worsted and cotton cloths, linens, & c. have, for this some time past, been bought up in different places in the North Country, and the payments made, we hear, with counterfeit halfpence. A few days ago a livery servant and a servant girl about 19 years of age, agreed to be married, and accordingly went to one of the Ministers of this city to have the ceremony performed ; but not having the necessary authorities from the Session Clerk, it was refused them.— So situ- ated, they agreed to sleep together that
night, and to have every thing in readiness for marriage next day. But by that time the bridegroom had changed his mind, and absolutely refused to ful- fil the agreement. The young woman was so much affected by this that she took poison, and died yesterday morning. LONDON, Yesterday being the Anniversary of their Ma- jesties Coronation, there was a very numerous Court at St. James's to pay their compliments to their Majesties on the occasion; his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, the Princess Royal, several of the young Princes, a great number of Nobility, and most of the foreign Ministers, were present. The Court
did not break up till half an hour past five o'clock, when their Majesties returned to the Queen's Palace to din- ner. Yesterday Gen. Paoli was at Court at St. James's, and presented his nephew Captain Leonetti to their Majesties. The same day Mr. Lunardi was at Court, and presented to their Majesties. Chevalier de Pollon, the new Portuguese Am- bassador, arrived on Monday night from Lisbon, but was not at Court yesterday. Extract of a Letter from Elsineur, Sept. 4. " The Dutch Consul at this place has re- ceived instruCtions from Amsterdam to stop all Dutch vessels bound from the Baltick to Holland « ill further orders,
owing to a report of a number of Ostend privateers being fitted out to intercept them." A letter from Lisbon brings advice, that their trade to America daily increases, and that the Americans seem fond of dealing with them for the productions of Portugal, for which they bring wheat and flour ; and if they do not take their full cargoes in such goods as are the pro- duce of Portugal, they are paid the rest in dol- lars, which is what induces the Americans to be so willing to deal with them. A letter from Gibraltar, by a ship arrived at Portsmouth, says, that the Barbary Corsairs still continue very numerous in the Mediterranean, and that the
Spanish merchant ships are now afraid to put to sea without some men of war to proteCt them ; that the communication between Barbary and that Fort is without interruption, so that the garrison is plentifully Supplied with every necessary of life. By Extracts from the Journals of Congress, dated in May last, it appears that the Court of Versailles has been very liberal and indulgent in their commercial advantages held out to the American States, and most particularly so in granting them free ports. It is stated in those Journals, that the King of France has granted to the Americans the Ports L'Orient and Bayonne as free Ports, and
besides these, those of Dun- kirk and Marseilles ; the first of which enjoys absolute freedom, and the other is restrained in the exercise of that freedom only with regard to tobacco, which is there Subjected to a duty. The Americans may now send their vessels to these four ports without difficulty or molesta- tion. At Dunkirk they will particularly find all the facilities they can desire for the sale of their leaf tobacco, their rice, timber, and other mer- chandize, as well as for the purchase of what they want, such as linens, woollens, brandy, & c. It is also proposed to establish will furnish- ed magazines on terms very advantageous to
their commerce ; and the Farmers General have orders to treat in preference and at a reasonable price, for the purchase of the tobaccos of North America, and to shew them every indulgence in point of trade as any other nation. Extract of a Letter from Ostend, Sept. 14. " The Dutch have moored four men of war at the mouth of the West Scheld ; and the East branch of that River is also prepared in a simi- lar manner to oppose the entrance of any vessel that may attempt a passage without leave of the States of Zealand, who are the natural guar- dians thereof." Extract of a Letter from Trieste, July 30. lt An Imperial Ordinance
is lately arrived here, which forbids, from the 1st of November next, the importation of all silks and woollens of foreign manufacture; as also that of oil, fish either fresh, salted, or dried, and dried fruits. The Merchants are ordered to remove these fo- reign goods and products to publick warehouses, where they are registered and sold, until the term above fixed. Those that may yet remain at that aera are to be sent out of the Austrian dominions. This Ordinance has occasioned a great alarm here, and the City immediately sent off deputies to Vienna to represent to the Empe- ror, that it cannot be put in execution without striking a
fatal blow to their trade." Extract of a Letter from Warsaw, Aug. 28. " The day before yesterday in the morning the King set out for Lithuania, after having ta- ken leave of the nobility of both sexes, who had assembled for that purpose at the castle. Gene- ral Byszewki will have the command of the troops at Grodno ; and the Comte Kicki, Grand Equerry of the Crown, is to have the direction of the affairs of his Majesty's Houshold. Party matters have occasioned some disturbance at a Dyetine in Podolia, where the adherents of the Grand General had brought some people who had no right to be present. From words they
proceeded to acts of violence, so that the assem- bly was bloody as well as tumultuous, a number of persons having been wounded." According to letters from Ostend, two vessels were just ready to sail from that port for Ant- werp, laden with goods; they are to enter the Scheldt at the West mouth of that river, be- tween the island of Zealand and the main, bearing the Imperial flag ; they are direCted neither to salute, lower the flag, nor pay any devoirs while they pass the Dutch settlements, but to pursue their way, unless obstruCted by a superior force, it having been given in instruc- tion to the masters of both vessels, that the
Emperor reserves to himself the sole power of resenting any insults to his flag. By this means the question of the Dutch sovereignty over the passage of the Scheldt will be determined. If they make no opposition the point is necessa- rily given up; if, on the contrary, the vessels bearing the Austrian flag are obstruCted, war ommences immediately. A difficulty has taken place concerning the evacuation of some posts on the River of Sene- gambia. The French during the last Admini- stration delayed it under some pretences ; and the delay wHich they then put in practice has encou- raged them to further procrastination. they write
from Jamaica, that two Spanish sloops were lately taken near Kingston, for car- rying on an illicit trade by means of false entries. A letter from St. Edmund's Bury say, that they have had as fine a harvest as ever was known, and a great deal of new wheat has been brought to that market, which has lowered the price. Extrac of a Letter from Shellinge, Sept. 4. " Last night a Smuggling cutter of 18 guns, which had been chased several hours by an En- glish frigate, came into the road and claimed pro- teCtion ; the English Captain, however, follow- ed her and carried her off." Extract of a Letter from Greenock, Sept. 17. " His
Majesty's frigate Venus is arrived from a cruize, and has brought into Clyde a large Smuggling cutter belonging to Deal, taken off Ilsay, laden with tea, silk, tobacco, and brandy. " The Almy, of Greenock, Hastie, master, for New Yoik, ' s put back. After beating about for three weeks to the Westward, she was driven by contrary winds far to the North, where meet- ing with a heavy gale of wind, her mainmast was obliged to be cut away. After coming into the Channel, she was drove upon Rathlin Island, where she lost her anchor, cable, and rudder. She had 300 passengers on board." Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Sept. 21.
" Yesterday sailed the Warren Hastings and Walpole East Indiamen for the River. " This day arrived the Britannia transport from Halifax ; Ant, Gray, from Havre de- Grace ; and Elizabeth, Gibbs, from Dover. *' Sailed the Neutrality, Niccol, for London ; and John, Lemet, for Dunkirk. " Also sailed the Hercules, Kent; and Tor- bay ( old man of war), for the River. Wind W." Extract of a Letter from Deal, Sept. 11. " Wind S. W. Arrived, and sailed for the River, the Duke of Chandos, Miller, from Jamaica; Lady Jane, West, from St. Kitts. " Remain the ships as before, and Belgra, West, for Carolina ; Earl of Errol, Durno, for Corunna ; and
William's Adventure, Lines, for Gibraltar." A Letter from Rye, in Sussex, says, that the Lizard cutter had taken a French smuggling vessel, of about too tons, laden with brandy, & c. from Nantz, which they brought in there. They had only a few small arms on board, and made no resistance. Her crew consisted chiefly of Scotch and Irish, and two Americans, th « . Captain and Mate French. The vessel is Ame- rican built- Madame Mara is engaged at the Pantheon. Her terms are 1000 guineas for thirteen nights; and a fourteenth for herself. She is also to be tied up from most other engagements ; from every other public place but
the Antient Music, and from every private concert except two. her terms with the Ancient Music are 400 gui- neas. - The two private houses in which Mara's ar- ticle allows her to sing, are Lord Exeters and Sir Watkin William Wynne's. Great efforts were made to extend this allowance to Lord Sandwich, Lord Paget, Sir R. Jebb, and an- other or two ; but they were made in vain. Mrs. Wallingham also Struggled hard for the same point. , In conSequence of Mara's engagement at the Ancient Music, the plan has from necessity been utered much. The room is enlarging, to admit in added number of subscribers. ' The number used to
be 270; it will now be 300. The Sub- scription is also raised from five guineas to Seven ; and thus the 400 guineas to Mara will be pro- vided for. The Queen's Concerts of course Mara is not restrained from singing at. Yesterday a wardmote was held at Christ's Hospital, for the election of a Common- Council- Man for the Ward of Farringdon Within, in the room of Mr. Robert Philips, deceased. The Candidates were Mr. Pope, haberdasher, of Ludgate street, and Mr, Slann, pastrycook, in Cheapside. Upon the shew of hands there ap- peared for Mr. Pope 24, Mr. Slann 7, where- upon Mr. Pope was declared duly elected for the
remainder oe this year. Yesterday the man who was taken up a few days ago by Mr. Gates, one of the Lord Mayor's Marshalmen, charged with Several forgeries,. in order to receive some Seamen's wages, passed under an examination for four hours before the Lord Mayor, and was sent back to the Poultry Compter for further examination. Yesterday one prisoner was capitally conviCted at the Old- Bailey, viz. Francis Doyle, for as- saulting Judith Donavan in a certain dwelling- house, putting her in fear, and taking from her person three guineas. Fifteen were conviCted of felonies, two conviCted of misdemeanors, and 18 were
acquitted. Sentence of death was passed on 24 convicts. The Sessions will end this day, when the re- mainder of the sentences will be passed. MARRIED. Yesterday, Mr. Henry Lappan of St. James's Street, to Miss Walk nton, of Barnet. DIED. Sunday, Mrs. Kent the wife of Arthur Kent, Esq. of Townsend- house, near Watford. As the alteration is to take place 011 the First of October in the Corps of Engineers, we have obtained an exaCt Copy of the original War- rant. GEORGE R. WHEREAS you have represented to us that the works to be carried on in various parts of our dominions will make it necessary to em- ploy a great
number of engineers ; and the extra pay which was given them when employed du- ring the last war being greater than we judged reasonable to allow in times of peace, we have thought proper to order, and do hereby direCt, that all former allowances of extra pay to Offi- cers of our Corps of Engineers shall cease from the 30th day of September next; and that in lieu . hereof the following allowances of extra pay shall commence on the ift of October next, viz. To each of our Engineers who shall be em- ployed in Africa, of whatever rank he may be, an allowance of 20s. per day. To each of our Engineers who shall be em- ployed
in our Island of Jamaica, or any of our Islands in the West- Indies, or in any of our Provinces of Quebec, Island of St. John, Nova- Scotia, or Newfoundland, an allowance equal to the ordinary pay, which, according to h. s rank in our Corps of Engineers, he will be entitled to receive on the establisment herein after directed to take place. To each of our Engineers who shall be em- ployed at Gibraltar, or in Great- Britain, Jersey, n; Guernsey, or the Isle of Man, an allowance equal to one half of the ordinary pay, which, according to his rank in our Corps of Engineers, he will be entitled to receive on the establish- ment herein after
directed to take place; but Such allowance is not to extend to the Engineer in Chief in Great- Britain, or at Gibraltar. All which allowances are to commence in respeCt to each Officer on the day he Sets out from the place where he was before resident, for the place to which he is ordered, and are to cease from the day he quits his Station ; and these allow- ances of extra pay to Engineers are to be in lieu of all other allowances for lodging, fire, and candle, and for travelling within five miles of the place where they are stationed. We have moreover thought proper to order, and do hereby direCt, that an allowance equal to the
ordinary pay, which, according to his rank in our Corps of Engineers, he will be entitled to receive 011 the establishment herein after direCted to take place, shall be made to each of our Engi- neers who shall be employed in making surveys; such allowance to be independent of the above- mentioned allowances of extra pay, or of allow- ance' for travelling to and from the place where he may be employed, but is to be in lieu of all bills for horse hire, boat- hire, extraordinary ex- pences, contingencies, or travelling, whilst em- ployed in carrying on Surveys, and is to be made only during Such time as he shall be actually in the field,
or moving from place to place for such purpose. But it is not our intention that this re- gulation shall affeCt the allowance of 20s. per day, which by our warrant of 31st July, 1765, we have made to our trusty and well beloved Lieu- tenant- Colonel William Roy, one of our En- gineers for inspeCting, surveying, and making reports from time to time of the state of the coasts and distriCts of the country adjacent to the coasts of this kingdom, and the islands thereunto' belonging. And whereas you haVe represented to us, that it may happen that some Officer's of our Corps of Engineers may not be able from age or in- firmities to
perform such duties as our service re- quires, and that there is no proVision of a Corps of Invalids for Engineers to retire to, as there is 7 Officers And whereas you have represented to us that the great number of Subaltern Officers in the pre- sent establishment of our Corps of Engineers in proportion to the number of Captains, is larger than in our Royal Regiment of Artillery, Whereby their advancement in respect to rank is greatly retarded, we have thought proper to direct, that the present establishment of our Corps of Engi- neers, as ordered by our warrant of the i8th of November, 1782, consisting of £• 10,414 1? 4 shall
cease on the 30th September next, and that in lieu thereof the following new establishment shall take place on the ift of October next 1 , Total £. 10,402 to o And we do direCt, that whenever any Engi- neer is unable to attend such duty as he may be ordered upon, and you shall judge that he is en- titled from his services to retire, you do place him in the Corps of invalids, in the same rank he held in the Corps in case there shall be a va- cancy. and 111 case there should not then be a vacancy of such rank that shall happen in the said Corps of Invalids, and no Officer who shall be appointed to the Invalids, or shall be entered in
the Office of the Clerk of our Ordnance to succeed to a Vacancy in that Corps, shall at any time after rise to any higher rank ; and no In- valid Officer shall be liable to be called upon to serve again, except in cases of great emergency, and then only in Great- Britain. And we do further direCt, that when there shall be any vacancies in the Corps of Invalid Engineers, and there shall not happen to be any of the aCting Engineers proper to fill them up, you do recommend to us additional Officers to be appointed to the aCting Corps of Engineers, who are to be entitled to promotion, are to be employed where wanted, and are in all
respeCts to be considered as forming part of the Corps of ACting Engineers, provided that on the whole no greater number of Officers of each rank be kept or paid, than shall be borne 0n the two es- tablishments of the ACting and Invalid Engineers, and no greater expence for established pay in- curred than the sum of 10,4021. 10s. And whereas by this alteration of our esta- blishment of the Corps of Engineers, the pre- sent six junior Second Lieutenants will become Supernumerary, we do direCt, that no vacancies shall be filled up till the number of Second Lieutenants be reduced to ten, agreeable to this new establishment j
but that till such reduction shall be completed, the number of Second Lieutenants over and above those fixed by the new establishment, shall continue and serve as supernumerary Second Lieutenants in our said Corps of Engineers, and shall receive pay ac cordingly. And whereas you have represented to us, that it would be for the benefit of our service, if a Committee of Engineers were established, to which all plans and estimates for the construCtion of new works or buildings, or for the repairs or alterations of old ones, were referred, and on which the said. Committee should report to the Master- General of our Ordnance,
previous to their being carried into execution : We do hereby direCt you to appoint a Committee of five Engineers for the purpose; of which the Chief Engineer shall be President, and two at least of the other four shall be Field Officers And we do hereby direCt, that the Said Com* mittee shall meet at the Ordnance Office in the Tower, two days in every week, or as often as the Master General may think necessary, to re- ceive, examine, and report upon the several plans and estimates that shall be referred to them ; and that the ClerK to the Chief Engineer and the Draftsman appointed to attend him, shall aCt as Clerks to the
said Committee-, and shall keep copies of all plans and estimates refer- red to the said Committee, and of their pro- ceedings thereupon. And we direCt that the four Engineers who shall be appointed to this Committee, to assist the Engineer in Chief, shall be considered as employed, and shall receive an allowance of extra pay, like other Engineers employed in Great Britain, that is to say, equal to one half of their ordinary pay, which accord- ing to their rank in the corps they will by this establishment be intitled to receive ; and for so doing this is a sufficient warrant Given at our Court at St. James's, this 21st day of July, 1784, in
the 24th year . of our reign. By his Majesty's Command, ( Signed) SIDNEY. To our Right. trusty, and Right entirely be- loved Cousin and Counsellor, Charles Duke of Richmond, Lenox, and Aubigny, Master General of our Ordnance.
HELICON BAG, For the Whitehall Evening- Post. SONNET. To Dr. W A T S O N. Written on a blank Leaf of his FAst SERMON, 1780. THERE are who, plac'd on life's important stage, Waste in Scholastic war their idle Strength, Or dream dull days away of tedious length, In learned trifling most profoundly sage ! Accomplish'd WATSON, wider views engage Thy active thought, thy comprehensive mind ! Truth, liberty, and love of human kind, And mild religion animate thy page. Philanthropy, that knows no selfish part, And more than patriot passion warms thy heart. Of mean and servile soul, Detraction raves, Nor brooks the
favourite of the good and wise But, these applauding, well may'st thou despiSe The reptile race of prostituted Slaves. Postscript. Thursday Afternoon, Sept. 23. THE AIR BALLOON, aScended from the Artillery- Ground on Wednesday last, the 15th instant. The top part is the BALLOON. Under that are three the Oars ; and the fourth is repre- sented as falling. And under that is the Flag which was thrown out. The Gallery is under the Oars ; and at the bot- tom are the Anchors or Grappling Irons. Mr. Sheldon's Balloon was intended to be sent up today, but the design has been put off on account ot the bad weather. In
consequence of which, the following Notice was stuck up at Lord Foley's garden gate : To the PUBLIC. This is to give notice. That no Balloon will this day be launched from these gardens ; the nearest period being Monday at noon. If a farthing is wanted for the public service, we hear of nothing but complaints the wretched poverty to which we are reduced ; yet we can throw away thousands on air balloons, opera singers, and dancers. Madame Mara gets, 1000l. and a benefit, for thirteen nights performance; M. BLachard generously tells the public, that at a guinea, or even half a gui- nea per head, they may have the pleasure
of seeing him fly in the air. Vestris made a for- tune by a few capers. Every Charlatan is sure to fill his pockets ; but what is to become of the Public nobody knows, nobody cares 1 The Air- Balloon, says a corrcipondent, is not a modern invention. The first who ventured to ride the air, according to Milton, was the Devil. And the attempt and success are thus defcribed : — His sail- broad vans He spread for flight, and in the surging smoke " Uplifted spurn'd the ground thence many a league, As in a cloudy chair, ascending rode Audacious ; but that seat soon failing, met A vast vacuity : All unawares Fluttering his pennons vain,
plumb down he dropt. St. Paul's Cathedral took the advantage of Mr. Lunardi's Balloon excursion by raising the price, which used to be only twopence for go- ing to the top, to two shillings, and both the galleries had a great number of spectators, many of whom in the stone gallery fell down the re- cesses and broke their shins, as they were walk- ing round and gazing at the Balloon. The Westminster Scrutiny yesterday stood— Thirty- eight had— good— Five reserved. It is curious enough to hear the favourers of Opposition complain of the slights put upon the dignity of the British Crown in foreign countries, and charge them to
the account of the pusilla- nimity of our Ministers, when the pusillanimity of Ld. North first brought the nation into contempt, and the ill- judged picture of its ruined state drawn by Mr. Fox, in his letters to the Powers with whom we were at war, filled up the measure of our disgrace. It is to be wished, that some effectual means may be hit upon by the East- India Company and the fair dealers to break the present daring and open combination in favour of Smuggling. Per- haps enabling the Company to dispoSe of their teas by private contract would be attended with good consequences, as it would not then be in the power of
smugglers, or their abettors, to run up the price to such a height as to enable the contraband dealer to undersell the fair trader. ' A number of counterfeit dollars having been issued in the Province of Zealand, the States General have published a proclamation against them. They are of the dates 1737, 1762, and 1764, and have been all cast. The characters are larger than those of the genuine pieces; they are moreover distinguishable by the rough- ness of the Surface, their leaden or copper co- lour, and their not being milled. Extract of a Letter from Leghorn, Aug. 23. " A Dutch Squadron arrived in this port yeS- terday, under
command of a Rear Admiral; it consists ot two ships of 56 guns, one of 40, two frigates, and a cutter. Tbe Dutch Admiral saluted the English fleet now in the Mole with eight guns, and had it returned with six from the Commanding Officer's Ship." A letter from Aticant says, that three Ame- rican vessels are arrived there loaded with fish from Newfoundland, the finest and best cured of any they ever saw ; that they Sell them much cheaper than they could buy either of the English or French ; they took no goods in return, and were all paid in cash, which induced the Ame- ricans to assure them, they should visit them every season,
and at other times of the year, with the produce of their country, which they often stand in need of, such as wheat, flour, & c. A letter from Charles town. South- Carolina, dated June 12, says, " Our City for this week past has been in dreadful confusion and riot, owing to our Legislature at their last sitting per- mitting a number of those wretches ( who whilst with the British in our City were our most cruel enemies and greatest tyrants) to return men • who were the principal means of the banishment of the Whigs, who thereby lost not only their fortunes, but what was dearer to them, their nearest friends and relations. To relate to you
a particular account of this riot, I fear I shall not he able; but on Thursday night last about eleven o'clock one Jonah Collins, together w; th a number of others who had suffered by those, people, went to the house of one John Wagner, an enemy to our country, and, not being able to find him, they acted rather imprudently ; up- on this the Intendant obliged Collins to give bail for a considerable amount for his appear- ance before the City Council the next day. Ac- cordingly the day following he made his appear- ance, and was ordered to find bail for a consi- berable amount, or go to gaol, the latter of which he rather accepted, and
went to gaol; but unluckily the same evening a large party as- sembled at Thompson's Tavern, and paraded through the streets with a flag displayed, until they came between the Market and the Sta « e- House, where they were attacked by an armed party, on which they were obliged to retire, one or two being wounded. The Militia of the City was paraded, and every step taken to pre- vent any further riot." The qualities of the manufactures exported from France to America, and which have been mentioned long since in tho public prints, were so very bad that the Congress have preferred a formal complaint to the French
Chamber' of Commerce on ihe occasion, in consequence of which strict orders have been issued that no such impositions be attempted against their good Ally in future. Yesterday at noon, pursuant to advertisment, and according to the terms of the Company's Charter for holding four Courts' annually, a Quarterly General Court was held at the East- India Houfe in Leadenhall- street. The Chair being taken about twelve o'clock, the Clerk read at the table the minutes of the last General Court, and then the account ( con- taining a brief statement of the Company's affairs) from Midsummer- Day last which being finished, the
Chairman got up and declared the present to be a Quarterly General Court. There were six Directors present, and a few Proprietors only; and as there was no other business before the Court, they adjourned fine die, after sitting only an hour, for the purpose of reading over the accounts, fee. according to law. On account of the Quarterly General Court being held, the sale was postponed. The encreased price of soap within these few days is an evil severely felt by the poor. This article has risen from six- pence halfpenny to eight- pence a pound, an addition that bears very hard upon the public. The license obliged to be taken
out by the manufacturer is made a pretext ( as well as a pretended scarcity of ba- rilla) for encreasing the price: this is a vegetable ash that comes from Spain and Italy, and every now and then it is said to be so scarCe, that soap is raised seven or eight shillings in the hundred, for they say foap cannot be made without the assistance of this exotic ash. The fact is not so, as can be proved by the conduct of the Irish, who have substituted an ash from vegetables of the growth of their own country, which has answered every purpose of the ash imported from Spain. Extract of a Letter from Plymouth Sept. iB. " On Thursday night
last there was a great riot at Mutton Cove, between some Smugglers that were just landing with bladders of Spirits from Cawsand, and some new officers made into a boat, commanded by Mr. Freeborn. The mob stoned off the Officers, and the Officers in re- turn fired on the mob, and unfortunately shot a boy of about 12 years of age, and it is feared tbe wound will prove mortal. " The 17th instant, being Lambert Day, John Nicolls, Esq. was chosen Mayor of this ancient Corporation for the year ensuing. " The 19th, as Mrs. Archer and a Captain's Lady were taking an airing in their carriage, they were met about six o'clock in the
evening by two men dressed in sailors habits, who stopped the carriage, and, demanded the ladies money, which they gave them, said to be seven guineas. The ladies were so frighted, that they offered them their watches, which they refused, saying they could tell what o'clock it was without watch. " Capt. Byron, of the Druid man of war, has taken and brought into this Port this morning the Happy Return smuggling vessel, belonging to Cawsand, said to have on board 8oo ankers of spirits, besides other goods. The Druid's boat took her : they had a smart skirmish with the smugglers, and several of the Druid's men are
wounded. The Smugglers are all Se- cured on board the Druid." Extract of a Letter from Deal, Sept. 2 2. ". Wind W. S, W. Arrived, and sailed for the River, the Scipio, Kirkman, from Te- neriffe-; Levera Packet. Phillips, from Grenada; Pigon, Sutton, from Philadelphia ; Ceres, Bar- clay, from Oporto; Astrea, Pinkham, from Virginia. 0 Arrived, and remain with the Ships as be- fore, the Warren Hastings and Walpole East- Indiamen, the Kent, Torbay, and Hercules ( old men of war) from Portsmouth ; Paliser, Smith, and Neptune, Simonds, from Gibraltar ; with several other transports with German troops; Cronstadt, Smith, from
Nantes; and Mervin, Powell, for Bristol." We hear that Mr. Baldwyn's delightful Place at Aqualate in Staffordshire, where Nature has done so much, and where he has sunk such large sums in improvements, will be sold in a Short time, with the beautiful Meer or Lake, Manors, & c. and the surrounding compact EState of be- tween two and three thousand pounds a- year. On Sunday evening some Sacrilegious villains broke into the parish church of Doncaster, and stole thereout a surplice, and upwards of 20I. in money, collected at the sacrament for the benefit of the poor:— They made several at- tempts to force open an iron
chest, where the plate was deposited, but happily every effort proved fruitless. • Last night some villains broke into the house of Mr. Fairbank, currier in the Grange Walk, Southwark, and packed up a large quantity of linen, wearing apparel, and other effects, in se- veral bundles ; but the family being alarmed by the barking of a small dog, the robbers made off without their expected booty. Tuesday as a servant to Mr. Chrystal, maltster at Gillingham, near Chatham, in Kent, was driving a loaded waggon into his master's yard, a young horse in the team took fright, and in endeavouring to stop thc animal, he fell, aiid while rising he
was crushed between the wheel and the gate- post in so terrible a manner, that he expired in a few hours. On Wednesday se'nnight a stable belonging to Mrs. Parker, of the Swan Inn at Wetherby, was set on fire by the dangerous practice of fix- ing a naked candle against the wall, which con- sumed a large quantity of hay, and suffocated a poor man that was asleep in the hay chamber. Last week a horse and cart fell from the edge of Cowgromoss, in LamplugH, a descent of 60 yards ; the horse was not in thc least injured. ThurSday evening an air balloon, twenty feet high, and ten feet in diameter, was let off at Falmouth. It
mounted to the height of about half a mile, nearly perpendicular, when it took fire and burnt. Yesterday at St. Margaret's Hill, the prices of hops were, Pockets from 4I. 4s. to 5I. 12$. and Bags from 3I. to 4I. 10s. per cwt. Same day in Newgate and Leadenhall mar- kets, country- killed provisions sold at the fol- lowing prices: Beef 2s. 6d. to 3s.; mutton 2s. 10d. to 3s. 4d. ; veal 2s. 6d. to 3s. 2d. ; and pork 2S. rod. to' 3s. 6d. per stone. Eggs sold from 5s. 6d. to 6s. 6d. the hundred. Tuesday, in Smithfield, new hay sold from 2I. to 2I. js. ; old ditto from 2I. 10s. to 3I. 3s.; and straw from il. 2s. to tl. 6s. per loid. Dublin, Sept. 16. Several
persons lately re- turned to this city from America, where they had gone with a view of settling, mention, that such a savageness of manners at present reigns among the Colonies, as renders them a most disagreeable people to live with; that their country, in point of commerce, is yet in a very distressful state, and that they cannot find sale for a fifth part of the goods which are crowding in upon them. The consequences, it is feared, will speedily be extensively felt. THEATRICAL INTELLIGENCE. The comic opera of Love in a Village was yesterday evening performed at Covent- Garden theatre, for the purpose of introducing
MiSs Wheeler to a London audience in the character of Rosetta. This young lady possesses as much marketable stuff as any female finger we have lately seen brought forward ; but she wants po- lish and forming: We understand she has been musically bred, and perhaps that is the reason why she rather appears to more disadvantage on the stage, than she would do at a concert. Her figure is genteel, her face and features interest- ing and agreeable, and her voice musical and harmOnious, but it Wants power and compass; She Spoke the dialogue of the character with a sort of careless ease, that proved her to under- stand
what she said, although she did not choose to give herself the trouble of marking it ivith sufficient force to keep up the interest of her se- veral situations. It was rather like a person, confident of her musical skill, saying the words of Rosetta, in order to introduce the songs, than an actress desirous of impressing the audi- ence with a feeling for Rosetta's fortunes. In singing the airs she' displayed a considerable share of science and taste. In some of them, particu- arly that beginning with the words, " In love should we meet a fond pair" and the song to Sir William Meadows and Hawthorne, in the open- ing of the 3d Act, she proved
herself a mistress of vocal execution, though rather too fond of introducing Italian graces. In others, she oc- casionally betrayed a want of ear, and, what was not a little extraordinary, she did so most in those airs which are the least difficult to sing correctly. We scruple not thus early to state whatever appeared objectionable to us in the performance of Miss Wheeler, because, al- though she possesses talents that may be ex- erted on the stage greatly to her own credit and the publick advantage, she appears to us to have been misled by the applause of ill- judging audiences. Hay- Market Theatre. Prospero Colmans magic
wand being broke by the Charm of the Royal Licence ceasing on the 15th of September, the power of the Lord Chamberlain has since raised in the Same circle a greater Conjuror, in the person of Signor pInETTI, who last night played several curious tricks 0n his spectators. The Wonders! Won- ders ! Wonders! of Mons. Katterfelto are no longer wonderful ; nor did any manager or playwright, or actor, ever display So many, and • So Surprising, jeux de theatre ! Breslaw, Jonas, or Comus, are nothing to him ; no more to be • mentioned in the Same moment than Moret and Lunardi ! The Fantoccini are indeed puppets compared
with the giant- juggler, Signor Pi- netti. Powell's puppet- shew, in the days of the Spectator, which delighted our great grand- mothers, never had half the influence over the Belles of Queen Anne, as that likely to be exer- Cised over the beauties of the present day by Signor Pinetti ! To speak in plain terms of all the jugglers we ever Saw, from Bartholomew Fair to Cockspur- street, we never beheld such a wonderful master of the art of deception as Signor Pinetti, who displayed his skill on the stage of this theatre yesterday evening. To clear himself of all sus- picion of confederacy, he rendered some of the first persons of fashion,
in the boxes, partners in his devices, of which the sagacious head, and the enchanted box, and harmless pistol, were the most miraculous. Ths company, for want of proper notice by bills and advertisements, was not very numerous; but we think it a spectacle likely to be much followed, if the undertaker has authority to continue it. In that case, we would advise him to provide a more able inter- preter than that of last night to translate for the country and city gentlemen ; though in the mean time it must be allowed, that the Signior's own French and Italian is very diverting. We are told, his performances give much Satisfac- tion at
Windsor, and he was yesterday evening univerSally acknowledged for a conjuror, but not a bottle conjuror, at thc Theatie in the Haymar- ket. STATE LOTTERY, 1748. The Tickets are Sold and divided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths and Sixteenths, by HAZARD and Co. Stock- Brokers, at their State lottery Of- fice, No. 93, under the Royal Exchange, London, and no where elSe on their account. Correct nu- merical and register Books are kept, and Ticket? and Shares registered at Sixpence per Number. Note, In the laft Lottery the following capital Prizes were fold and fli- ired at tkis Office, vii » . No. 30,503, a Prize of 26,000!'. in
two Quarter,-, two Eighths, and four Sixteenths ; No. 22,151, a Prize of 20, oool.; No. 3,66S, and 45,5 52, Pri/, « of 10, oool. in whole Tickets. Two Blanks to a Prize. All Shares sold at this Office will be stamped agree- able to Act of Parliament, and alfo with the Crown, and round it Hazard's Lottery Office. Money lor the Prizes will be paid at this Office as foon as drawn. Letters ( Post paid) duly answered, and Schemes gratis. Begins drawing the 22c! nf No- vember. N. B. Agreeable to Act of Parliament, ntj BusineSs in the Lottery tranSated before Eight o'clock in the Morning, nor after Eight o'clock in the Evening. Bank, India,
and South Sea Stocks, with their Several Annuities, India Bonds, Navy and Victualling Bills, and all k'nd of Government Se- curities bought and Sold by Commission, COVENT- GARden, Last Night, Love in a Village • with The Positive Man. DRUry- LANE. This Evening, The Strata- gem ; with Harlequin Junior; or, The Magic Cestus. sold by J. LEE, No. 4, Ludgate- Hill; where LETTERS and ADVERTISEMENTS are received. A Letter- Box at the ' ADVERTISEMENTS, LETTERS, tic. are also taken in at the Printing- Office, No. 4, Peterborough- Court, near Shoe- Lane, Fleet- Street. By T. WHIELDON, No. ^ facing Fetter- Lane
Fleet- Street Mess. BYFIEld and Co. Charing- Cross; at the STOCK EXCHANGE COFFEE- HOUSE. Cornhill. out - » ; » • •'."—'••' r 1.