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The Whitehall Evening Post


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The Whitehall Evening Post
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The Whitehall Evening Post

Date of Article: 21/09/1784
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Address: Ludgate Hill
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 5765
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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The Whitehall PRICE THREE- PENCE.] From SATURDAY, September 18, to TUESDAY, September 21, 1784. [ No. 5765. MONDAY, Sept. 20. From the LONDON GAZETTE.' Whitehall, Sept. 18. — THE King has been pleas- ed to consitute and ap- Point Joseph Frederick Wallet Desbarres, Esq. to be Lieutenant- Gover- nor of the Island of Cape Breton, in America. The King has been pleased to grant to Alex- ander Cowley, other- wise Falkener or Falconer, late of Calcutta, in the East- Indies, Esq. ( son of James Cowley, of Montrose, in the county of Forfar, in North Britain) and his issue, his royal licence and au- thority to assume and take the surnamc of Fal- coner only ; and also to order that this his Ma- jesty's concession and declaration be registered in his College of Arms. BANKRUPTS. Thomas Boodger, late of Long- acre, linen- dra. per; to surrender Sept. 28, Oil. 2, and 30, at ten, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Lowten, Inner Tem- ple'. John Feltwell, of Thetford, Norfolk, grocer ; to surrender Oct. 18, at three, Oct. 19, at ten, and Oct. 30, at eleven, at the Bell in Thetford. Attorney, Mr. James Cole, at Thetford. William Hoogan Mills and John Adams, late of Gressenhall, Norfolk, millers; to surrender Sept. 21 Oct. 1, 30, at three, at the Angel Inn in the Mar- ket- place, Norwich. Attorney, Mr. Cooper, in Norwich. Bankruptcy adjourned. William Roe, of Fashion- street, Spitalfields, vic- tualler; to surrender Nov. 6, at ten, at Guildhall. Meetings for Proof of Debts. Sept. 18. John Henry Gentil, of Lawrence- Poutney- hill, merchant, at ten, at Guildhall. Oct. 19. ( By adjournment from Sept. 14.) George Wood, Gregory Grant, and Charlotte Wood, of Chandos- street, Covent- garden, silk- weavers, at ten, at Guildhall. Oct. 9. ( By adjournment from Sept. 11.) Isaac Fitch, of Great Totham, Essex, Woolstapler, at eleven, at Guildhall. Dividends to be made. Oct. 15. Richard Radenhurst, of Birmingham, Warwickshire, factor, at three, at the Swan Inn, in Bull- street, Birmingham. Final. Oct. 13. Thomas Morgan, late of Gosport, but now of Portsmouth, Hants, slopseller, at ten, at Guildhall. Oct. 23. Nathaniel Cotes and John Crompton, of Coventry- street, near the Haymarket, silk- mer- cers, at twelve, at Guildhall. Nov. 19. James Henckell, of Bush- lane, Cannon- street, merchant, at ten, at Guildhall. Certificates to be granted. Oct. 9. Robert Mitford, of Cornhill, woollen- draper- William Bristow, late of Ullenhall, Warwick- shire, cordwainer. FOREIGN NEWS. Utrecht, Sept. 13. The Duke of Brunswick has written a circular letter to the six Provinces' which have not yet pronounced on the subject of his dismission; It is further reported, that this Prince has obtained a commission to examine into the affair, which commission will begin its sit- tings on Wednesday next. Paris, Sept. 7. The young people of Troyes attack the whole corps of the body guards; more than thirty duels are reckoned up between them, and fifteen victims have been Sacrificed 011 both fides. The Prince de Poix is gone to his company, to put a stop to these disorders. NAVY- OFFICE, Sept. 8, 1784. THE principal Officers and Commissioners of his Majestys Navy do hereby give Notice, That on Tuesday the 5th of next month they will treat with such persons as may be willing to undertake the performance of the PAINTERS WORKS at His Majesty's Yard at Portsmouth, on a standing Con- tract, to commence in six months. Government will allow the Discount 0n Navy - Bills. _ . ' HAT T AX. ' Stamp- Office, Sept. 17,. 1784. HIS Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties do hereby give notice, That the NEW STAMP DUTIES UPON HATS commence on the 2d of October next, when the undermentioned rates are to be paid: For every Licence to sell Hats , by retail, within the Cities of London and Westminster, or within the distance of the Bills of Mortality, or within the Borough of Southwark, Forty Shillings. For the same in any other part of the kingdom, Five Shillings. For every Hat not exceeding the value of Four Shillings, Three Pence. For ditto above Four Shillings, and not exceeding Seven, Sixpence. . For ditto above Seven shillings, and not exceeding Twelve, One Shilling. For ditto above Twelve Shil- lings, — Two Shillings. Persons selling Hats by retail, without being duly licenced, forfeit for every offence a pe-. nalty of - Fifty Pounds. Every licenced retailer, selling Hats without having the words " " DEALER IN HATS BY RE- " TAIL," painted or written over the door of his shop or warehouse, forfeits for each Hat so sold, ' Forty Shillings, A Stamp Ticket, denoting the par- ticular rate of duty to be paid on each Hat, is to be affixed to the lining in the inside of the crown thereof And every per- son ( except licenced Retailers dealing With each other) who shall sell, buy, or exchange, any Hat, without having such stampcd ticket affixed as afore- said, forfeits for every Hat so , sold, bought, or exchanged, Ten Pounds. The Commissioners therefore, in pursuance of the above Act do hereby give notice, That all persons L O N D O N. On Saturday next his Majesty will take the diversion of hunting for the first time this sea- son, at Basingstoke. This day the King and Queen and the three elder Princesses are to return from Windsor to Kew, to be at Court on Wednesday, it being the anniversary of their Majestys coronation. On Saturday their Majesties honoured Lord and Lady Harcourt with a visit at their seat at Newenham, near Oxford, where they dined, and returned to Windsor about nine o'clock in the evening. The French in general are greatly dissatisfied with the commercial grants ceded to the Ameri- cans. All the trading companies are for carry ing 110 remonstrances to the throne. The first object of this grievance is, that the new eman- cipated republicans have obtained two free ports in the Antilles, viz. Mole St. Nicholas, and the harbour of St. Lucia. It is true, that in the other parts of those islands they can trade onlyj in rice, deals, and cattle, and export there- ' from no other goods than European commodi- j ties ; yet as they have liberty to take in three ' millions weight of sugar at Martinique, the French merchants are afraid, not without some foundation, that they may be tempted to smug- gle thirty- millions. On the other hand, as they are at liberty to export negroes, and bring their crd to market, it is apprehended this concession will by degrees prove destructive to the French fisheries, and the trade of that nation to Africa, They further urge, that by permitting the im- portation of rice by the Americans, the meal trade of the French in Europe will be sensibly affected. We hear that our trade with Russia for, the last 16 months has been far superior to the Dutch, though they have most indefatigably exerted a spirit of rivalship. Rhubarb, isinglass, linseed- oil, & c. have been principal exports from the Empress's dominions to England. The last letters from Virginia mention, that there had been a disturbance between the inha- bitants and several persons who had arrived there since the Peace, but that every thing at last was mutually settled between them. Extract of a Letter from Evesham Worcestershire, dated Monday last. :" We are picking our hops as fast as possible, fully ripe, strong scented, and good in every re- spect. We here think we have only a moderate return, when the produce of an acre sells for n0 more than 30I. It will fetch considerably more this season." Mess. WENHAM and Co. beg Leave to in- form the Public, that they are now selling, in the greatest Variety of Numbers, and lowest Prices, Tickets and Shares in the present State Lottery, at their Office, No. 11, Poultry, Lon- don, and no where else on their Account; where have been sold in former Lotteries, capital Prized to the very considerable Amount of 250,000l. All Business relating to the Lottery transacted with the utmost Care and Fidelity. Bank, India, j South Sea Stock, with their several Annuities ; India Bonds, Navy and Victualling Bills, and every Kind of Government and other Security, bought and sold by Commission. N. B. The Lottery begins Drawing on Mon- day, the 22nd of November. All Shares must be Stamped by Government, with whom the Original Ticket is deposited j and no Business allowed to be transacted before Eight in the Morning, nor after Eight in the Evening, ex- cept on the Saturday preceding the Drawing. Those possessed of Receipts for Tickets and Shares, may now exchange them. , To the Printer of the Whitehall Evening- Post. " Non fasces, itaque, non purpuram, non extruc- " tas in altum divitias, non ingenium, artibus " atque scienliis utcunque ornatum et imbutum ; " sed animum communi utilitati inservientem " dignitas sequitur." SIR, PERMIT me, through the channel of your Paper, to communicate fo the public a few select passages, which I have extracted from a judicious little tract lately published, entitled " Some new Hints relative to the Recovery of Per- sons drowned, & c." dedicated, to Sir William For- dyce and Dr. Hawes. These excellent remarks are thus modestly introduced to the reader by the Author.—'' The attempt to recover persons who are in danger of death from having been under water is a matter in which all men are so obviously in- terested, that it appears to me to be the duty of j every one who has chosen Physic or Surgery for his profession, to suggest any means that may occur to him, that, have not been tried, and that he thinks can contribute to so benevolent a a purpose." This impression of duty the Author pleads as an apology for his publica- tion. Our author advises practitioners in the reco- very of the drowned, to stimulate the system in general, and, 2dly,- to stimulate the intestines, sto- mach, heart, and brain directly; and to effect these desirable purposes, he recommends friction, electricity, the various methods adopted by the HUMANE SOCIeTy-, and some peculiar pro- cesses fully explained by Dr. HAWES in his Course of Lectures on Animation.— He then con- cludes the whole as follows:—" I shall here^ after enter more at large on the subject, and any observations therefore which may tend to illustrate or advance the important inquiry of suspended animation, will be m0st gratefully re- ceived and acknowledged." CANDIDUS. NEW- YORK COFFEE HOUSE; September 20f 1784; THE DEALERS in TEA think it is their Duty to inform the Public, that as the Second Part of the present Tea Sale is to succeed, immediately, 10 the first, and as the Directors of the East India Company have, in Compliance with the unanimous Request at the said Dealers, engaged to bring forward their second Sale as early as possible in November, and also to do every thing in their Power to render effectual the Act which has lately passed for the Prevention of Smuggling, there is the utmost Reason to suppote that the high Prices which are, most unexpectedly, given for Teas at the present Sale cannot be of long Continuance. The Tea Dealers are therefore of Opinion that it will not be prudent for pri- vate Families, or Country Dealers, to purchase more Tea at present than may be necessary for their immediate Con- sumption. RICHARD TWINING, Chairman. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By HENRY STYLES, On Monday, the 27th Inst. and the following Day, ALL the Neat and Genuine HOUSHOLD GOODS, PLATE, LINEN, and CHINA, of a G E N T L E M A N, leaving off Housekceping, at the White House, near the Wharf, at Walton, Surrey ; Consisting of a variety of neat Bedsteads, with Corded and other Dimity Furniture f fine Goose and other Feather Beds ntid Bedding ; Patent Bath Stove and Serpentine Fender; Mahogany Wardrobes; Chests of Drawers; Dining Tables and Chairs ; Pier and Dressing Glasses; Parlour, Chamber, and other Carpets; Kitchen Furniture; a Quantity of China, Linen, and Plate; the whole being'almost new. May be viewed 0n Saturday the 25th, and the Morning of Sale, which will begin at Eleven o'clock: Catalogues to be had of Mr. Goodrich, Broker, Hol- born, London; and of Henry Styles, Staines and Chert- sey sUFFOLK. To be SOLD, MELFORD HALL and PARK, with the Estate thereto belonging of between 1700l. and 1800I. per Annum, part lett upon I. eases for 21 Years, which will expire at Michaelmas 1785, the rest under old Rents to Tenants who have long resided upon the Estate. Also the Manor, which is very extensive, and abounds with Game. The Royalty in the River Stour, in which are plenty of Fish. The Estate is well watered, in a fine Country, good Roads, and within sixty Miles of London. The Deer, Brewing Utensils, and somie useful Furniture, will be sold to the Purchaser at a fair Appraisement. for Particulars enquire of John Campbell, Esq. Stone- Buildings, Lincoln's- Inn; Mr. Robinson, Warwick Court, Gray's- Inn, London ; or Mr. Black, Epping, Essex ; who will give Tickcts for viewing, without Which the Estate will not be shewn. To be PEREMPTORILY SOLD, Pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, be- fore EDWARD LEEDS, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers in Lincoln's- inn, Lon- don, on Wcdnesday the 17th of November next, be- tween the Hours of Five and Six o'Clock in the After- noon, AValuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate- at ASCOT, in the County of BERKS, late the Estate of ANDREW LINDEGREN, of Red Bull Wharf, London, Merchant, Deceased, containing the Manor of residing within the Cities. of London, and Westmin- ster, or within the distance of the Bills 0f Mor- tality, or within the Borough of Southwark, who are required to take out. the said Licences, and to provide themselves With stamped tickets for denoting the duties 0n the said Hats respectivcly, may apply for the same at the Office, appointed for that purpose, i at'No. 16, Boswell- court, Lincoln's Inn, on the 23d instant, and every ether day till the commence- ment of the said duties, in order to take out their Licences, and to receive the different sorts of stamped Labels necessary under the said Act. And all dealers in Hats in other parts of the kingdom ars to apply to the respective disributors of stamps in the different counties, who are duly autho- ized by the Commissioners for the like purposes. By Order of the Commissioners, John Brettell, Secretary. Stamp- Office, September 11, 1784. ACT FOR GRANTING A DUTY ON CERTAIN VENDERS OF MEDIClNES. H By On Tuesday the To be SOLD by AUCTION, Mr. GODFREE, j 21st Instant, at Five o'Clock pre- cisely, 1 Upon the Premises, No. 46, the most agreeable j Part of Brompton- Row, near the Chapel, THE LEASE of that compact, genteel BRICK DWELLING- HOUSE: Consisting of kitchen, and four clear stories, 0n which are five good bed- chambers, drawing room, two parlours and tea- room, various ufeful clofets and domestic offices, enclosed garden, detached coach- house, stable for three horses, two bed- rooms, and lofts. To be held for the unexpired term of seventy- nine years and a quarter from Michaelmas 1784, annual ground rent 7I. Is now let on lease, whereof one year and a half will be unexpired Michaclmas 1784, at 52l 10s. per annum. To be viewed until the time of sale,]: Printed particulars maybe had upon the premises, and of Mr. Godfree in New Palace- yard, Westminster. This Day was published, Price Nine Pencc, PART THIRD ( to be compleated in Four Parts) Of THE HARMONY of the FOUR EVAN- GELISTS, in their several Relations of the Life and Doctrine of JESUS the CHRIST; translated from the original Text, with Notes Explanatory and Practical, and cheifly intended for the Use of the Unlearned and the, - Poor. By RICHARD BAKER, A. Rcctor of Cawston, in Norfolk'; and lately fellow of Pembroke Hall, in Cambridge. ' " Search the Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto - Salvation through Faith, which- ij iti Christ Jesus.; Printed, for B. White, , Fleet- street, T. Evans, Paternos- ter- row and J. and C. Berry, Norwich. Where may be had, PARTS FIRST . and SECOND, of the above Work, Price 9d. each. IS Majesty's Commissioners for managing, the Stamp Duties do hereby give notice to all perfons residing in the cities of London and: Westminster, or within the distance of the pen- ny- post, who are required, by an Act of the 23d of his present Majesty to take out Licences for selling Medicines, that daily Attendance is given at their office in Lincoln's Inn for granting the said Licences. And whereas the Commissioners have received information, that many venders of medicines, who are within the meaning of the said Act, have not renewed their Licences, and continue to sell such medicines without using the proper stamps for the same, they think it necessary to give public notice, that every person who shall be found offending, in this respect, against the law, will be immediately prosecuted in his jesty's Court of Exchequer. By Order of the Commissioners, JOHN BRETTELL, Sec. N. B. Persons. living in Other parts of the; Kingdom are to Apply for their Licences to the respective Distributor's of Stamps in the different Counties. ASCOT, within the Manor of WINCKFIELD, in the Parish of Winckfield, in the said County of Berks, with the Rights, Royalties, Members and Appurtenances thereto belonging, a capital new- built Mansion- house, Gardens, Coach- Houses, Stabling,, and all other Conve- niencies in cxcellcnt Order, with Lands laid out in Park in front and rear of the Housc, and a Canal in front of the Houfe. Together with a new- built Brick Farm- House, Farm- Yards, Granaries, and all other necessary Buildings, and about 244 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land encloscd,. and chiefly near the Mansion- House, and about 33 Acrcs of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land in the Common and Townfields of Winck- field, sundry small Cottages, and unlimited Right of Common on Ascot Heath. Particulars whereof may be had at the said Master's Chambers ; of Messrs. Weston, Attornies at Law, Fen- church- street; and of George North, at Ascot aforesaid, who will shew the Premises., OXFORDSHIRE. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, THAT capital and very elegant MANSION- HOUSE, called SARSDEN, with Stabling for Forty Horses, and other Offices, the Gardens, Lawns, and Pleasure Grounds, thereto belonging. And also the valuable and extensive- MANORs of SARS DEN, CHURCHILL, and LYNEHAM, MERRISCOURT, and FYNES COURT, and the Farms, Lands, & c. there- of, and certain Lands in the adjoining Parish of King- ham, the whole within the Compass of five Miles [ the House in about the Centre) and consists of nearly 6000 Ac res of cxcellcnt and very improveable Land, of which about 240 are in Hand, 3400 let to Tenants only from Year to Year at very low Rents, upwards of 900 0n Leases for Lives ( most of them very old), and the remainder Common and Waste Ground admitting of very great Improvement by Inclosurc. Also the valuable RECTORY' of SARSDEN, of which the present Rector is near 70 Years of Age. These Estates are situatcd in a fine Sporting Country and Sarsden H0use is distant from Oxford nineteen, Bur- COUNTRY HOUSE. SURREY. To be L E T T, ' Furnished or Unfurnished, for a Term of Years, from Michaelmas Day next, as shall be agreed on, A Most beautiful VILLA, in a very agreeable Part of Surrey, about 10 Miles from London, be- tween two Roads, consisting of a good HOUSE with con- venient Offices, extensive Gardens, Orchards, Pleasure Grounds, a capital Piece of Water well stored with Fish; rift. together with about 70 Acres of | Land, Tythe free. , The whole most delightfully situated on an Eminence commanding a most pleasing and exten- sive prospect over all the adjacent Country. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Faulkner, Ship- yard, Temple- bar, London Fixtures and Part of the Furniture will be jbU^' ihe Gardens are well Stocked and in good Condrtion, and " the Land in Hond in very high Order, and altogether fit for the immediate Reception of a Family of the firll Diftinc- tion. N. B. The Timber has been valued at near 12,000!. About half the Purchase. Money may remain on the Se- curity of the Estate. The Manor and House of Sarsden with about half the Lands of these Estates may be purchased separately. For furthcr Particulars- apply to Mr. Wade, of Crane- court, Fleet- street; Mr. Drewe, of New inn, London; or to Mr. Bulley, Attorney at Law, Chadlington, near Chipping Norton, Oxon; the latter of whom will shew the Estate. This Day was published, jPrice 3s. sewed, OJ 3s. 6d » bound, in a neat Pocket Volume, dedicated by Permission to the QUEEN, A TREATISE on the several DISEASES of INFANTS and YOUNG CHILDREN. To which are added, DIRECTIONS tor the proper Management of Infants from the Birth, with a particular View to such as are brought up by Hand. The whole adapted to the Use of private Families as well as Medical People. By MICHAEL UNDERWOOD, M. B. Licentiate in Midwifery of the Royal College of Physic cians in London,, And Practitioner at the British Lying- in Hospital. Printed for J. Mathews, No- 18, Strand. 1 t: / V • f • - 9 Evening- Post MONDAY, Sept. 20. LONDON. Dismantling the frontier towns to the Austrian Netherlands by the Emperor, having been the subject of much conversation all over Europe, and a variety of reasons assigned for a conduct in appearance so extraordinary, we have endea- voured to gain some knowledge upon the subject from an officer of rank in the imperial service now in London. He says that upon a survey made of the works on the frontiers by the ablest engineers upon the continent, they were all found in so ruinous a state, that to render them of any service they must undergo an immediate repair. An estimate of the expence was made out, and laid before the Emperor. The sum necessary to put the garrisons in a state of defence was so considerable, that all thoughts of repair were laid aside, for the late Empress left her son an empty treasury, having lavished away the re- venues by donations to ecclesiastical establish- ments. As the works could not be rendered serviceable, the Emperor wisely determined to lay them in ruins, and dispose of the soil, which he has done at a Very great price, particularly the ground about Namur.. By the sale of these , grounds he has filled his treasury with a consi- derable sum, which he has increased by laying hold of the possessions of the opulent monaste- ries— a conduct centered, says our informant, by the most prudent in the Emperor's service;. for the country receives no one advantage from the demolition of the rich monasteries, while . every village in the empire swarms with mendi- cant priests, who are, he says, a real grievance, and what should have engaged the Emperor's attention. On the very day of the reception of the Em- peror's Memorial, communicated by the Count de Belgiojoso, the Dutch Commissioners answered it provisionally by a very short pro memoria, wherein they declared, in the name of the Re- public, that they considercd the Treaty of Munster of 1648, as the basis of her indepen- dence and security, and also of her rights to the Scheld : They moreover demanded the time necessary, according to the constitution of the Republic, to deliberate on the said Memorial The Emperor's Minister promised to pay some regard for a while to the reasons contained in the pro memorias, relative to the constitution of the Republic; but at the fame time he did not conceal, that his instructions were to act without delay, conformably to the intentions of the Emperor his master. Friday some letters were received from Nova- Scotia, brought by the ship Nancy, Capt. Hammond, ' arrived off Dover, which mention that trade is in a flourishing condition in that Province. A letter from Flushing says, that the States of Zealand have sent to Genoa two agents to hire some ship carpenters, that the work in the dock yards may be carried on in a more expedi- tious manner, as those they had from France are ordered home, many hands being wanted at Brest and Toulon. M. Blanchard, who is now in London, and of whole aerostatick experiments we have repeat- edly given accounts, on his last aerial voyage from Rouen was entertained at the house of M. and Madame Dudonet, to which all the neigh- bouring Nobility assembled. In the morning the Ladies were desirous of ascending in his Bal- loon, and the Marchioness de Brossand went Up with him into the atmosphere, to the height of 80 feet, When they desended, - M Blanchard gaVe up his seat to Madame de Jean, and the two Ladies ascended together. The Countess de Boubers, the Countess de Roquigny, Madame Dudonet, Madame de Vallourn, Mademoiselle de Lignemorre, Mademoiselle de Croutville, Mademoiselle Girard Julie de Monsinier, Made- moiselle Duquesnoy, and Madame de Milleville, all went up in succession ; . and M. Blanchard says, they behaved with so much spirit, that they would have been excellent companions in a difficult voyage; The grand balloon formed under the direction of Mr. Sheldon, the Anatomical, Lecturer, we hear will be ready for ascention in a few days. This machine is 120 feet diameter; and it is said the gallery is capacious enough to take up 20 men, with the usual apparatus, besides Wine, provisions, & c. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Sept. 16. " This day, at a little past three, Admiral Lord Howe, attended by ihe Hon. Capt. Leve- son Gower, Charles Brett, Esq. and John Ib- betson, Esq. arrived at this place to inspect the dock and works of the yards." The. augmentation to the Duke of Bedford's immense fortune from the new building about Bedford- square, is more than 4000l. a year at present ; the further augmentation in reversion, at the conclusion of the building leases, about 60 years hence, will exceed 30,0001. a year. Lord Grosvenor alone excepted, if with any exceptions-, the Duke of Bedford has the largest property of this kind of any man in Europe— . And he has this advantage besides, that the ad- joining fields being his, he has it in his power to stretch the town much, beyond its present limits, in resources, therefore, the Duke's estate much exceeds Lord Grosvenor's, . His Lordship, how- ever,- from the approaching expiration- or all the original leases,- will soon have a larger rental than any man in England. The celebrated Mad. Dute, as we are assured by letters from Paris, a few nights since, won ' upwards, of five thousand pounds, at pharaoh, of an English gentleman of distinction: The following , is a just and accurate statement oF the sale, which took place at the India House last Thursday Very ordinary green teas sold at : rs; The Act lately passed for the further preven- tion of smuggling will, in a great measure, prove nugatory, from a series of blunders which may- be traced almost through every session. When the Smuggling Bill was carried into the House of Commons, it was considered by the most competent judges, one of the completest Acts that ever was framed for the purpose; but, un- fortunately, since it is gone through and amend- ed by the Committee, it is altogether as ridicu- lous and absurd. The clause also which directs all foreign spirits to be destroyed after condemnation will operate exceedingly in favour of smuggling, by making a much greater consumption, and con- sequently a greater demand for the goods. Be- sides, the reward now given to the seizing officer is so inadequate and uncertain, that officers will be very regardless whether they seize or not. The clause in the Distillery Act which directs all foreign spirits to be started after condemna- tion, was smuggled into the bill by the brandy dealers without the knowledge of the Boards of C s or E e, and was recommended more with an intention of a monopoly of the trade, than as a means of a prevention of smuggling; for, to people who are real judges of the matter, it will prove to have an opposite tendency,. Several of the officers of the out- pOrts have already thrown up their commissions since they have come to a knowledge of this new Act for destroying of seized spirits. Extract of a Letter from Cowes, Sept. 15. '' This afternoon arrived his Majesty's sloop the Orestes, Capt. Ellis, from a cruise, and has brought in with her a large smuggling cut- ter mounting twenty- four six and nine pound- ers, laden with six thousand casks of spirits and near 13 tons of tea, which he took early this morning off Christchurch Head, after an action of forty minutes, wherein the Orestes had two men killed and nine wounded. The smuggling cutter is supposed to be the British- Lyon, and had all. her crew killed except 13 men, whom Capt. Ellis has confined in irons, and means to try for piracy. " This is the fifth large smuggling vessel which has been captured by the Orestes. Capt. Ellis received a slight wound in his arm in the action." On Tuesday last the remains of Gen. Sir Eyre Coote were brought, in great funeral pomp, from Plymouth, to be interred at Rock- burne in Hants. Gen. Boyd, the Hon. Gen. Bathurst, the Hon. Mr. Bulkeley, Sir Ed. Hulse, Bt. Col. Owen, Col. Hulse, Major Coote, Major Bromley, Capt. Hutchinson, with the principal gentlemen and clergy of the neighbourhood and the tenants of the late Sir Eyre Coote at- tended, to pay their last tribute of respect. Saturday morning advice was received at the East- India House, that the Lord Macartney homeward bound East- Indiaman, from Coast and Bay, was safe at anchor on Friday afternoon in Margate Roads. For obvious reasons, it were to be wished that the oath accompanying a register of pro- perty henceforward to be adopted, on returning Nabobs, should be administered to every indi- vidual retiring loaded with the pelf of office. On Monday last a poney ( 11 hands one inch high, carrying 5st.) matched for 100 guineas to run from Norwich to Yarmouth and back again in four hours, which is 44 miles, performed A with considerable ease in three hours and 45 minutes, which was thought to be the greatest thing ever done by any horse of its height. Among other instances of the beneficial effects of carrots in the feeding of horses, may be ad- duced that of Mr. Turner, a gentleman at Ips- wich, who- fed his farm horses all last winter upon that valuable root, giving them no corn whatever, and they continued in as good health, and did their work as well, as when supported on corn alone. Mr. Turner has a crop this summer for the same use, and tried an experi- ment in agriculture, which answered much bet ter than was expected, viz. that of sowing car- rots among drilled beans ; and both crops have turned out exceedingly good. On Wednesday evening, the 8th current, a very melancholy accident happened, which ought to be a warning to all drivers. Mr. Wauchope of Edmonstone's, gardener, a respectable old man, was run down on the Dalkeith road by the Newcastle Fly, which went over his body, and crushed him in so miserable a manner, that he died in great agony in a few days. Within these ten days past the officers of ex- cise have seized above 2000 pounds weight of leaf tobacco, in and near Glasgow. At Wilton fair, on Monday last, the shew of sheep was remarkably great, and the sale rapid and high. The principal purchasers were from the North and East, where there is a great scar- city of sheep, owing, as it is generally under- stood, to the great number which has lately been smuggled to a neighbouring kingdom. At Sr. Giles's Hill fair, last Monday, there was a great quantity of cheese, the sale of which was very heavy, and much was sold by candle light, at reduced prices. Last week George Fifield, of Romsey, was tried at Botley, by the Botley law, for swind- ling, and found guilty his sentence was, to be whipt out of town with a post- chaise boy's whip, and a halter round his neck ; which was put in execution, to the great joy of the spectators. At Yarmouth sessions held last week, Thomas Faltrick and James Chambers were convicted on several indictments for grand larceny, and or- dered' to be transported for seven years." On Wednesday night or, on Thursday morning last they broke out of prison, ., Chambers made his escape, but Faltrick in getting over a wall, fell down and broke his leg, by which means he was retaken. Monday last, at a meeting of the subscribers to the Assemblies in Bristol, Mr. Russel was elected Master of the Ceremonies, in the room of Mr. Hunt, lately deceased, ' . Wednesday, at a Court of Common- Council in Bristol, John Farr, Esq. was elected Mayor; and John Fisher Weare, and James Harvey, Esqrs. were elected Sheriffs of that city for the ensuing year. In compliance with the solicitation of a priv soner in the Fleet, confined for a very large debt, he was on Saturday permitted to go into the Rules, attended by a proper officer, whose vigilance he contrived to elude, and having a chaise and four in waiting, took the road for Dover, intending to embark for France ; but being pursued, he was overtaken at an inn at Dartford, while changing horses, by Messrs. Dyer and Hall, and brought back to the Fleet about two o'clock yesterday morning. degree Of cold than being induced barely to button his coat. While he was proceeding on his way, he felt himself dry, and prepared to drink to the health of their Majesties, the King of Naples, the Prince of Wales, the Prince of Caramanico, the People of England, and some particular friends, but found himself without a. cork screw, in this predicament he determined on breaking off the neck of his bottle, which he effected with the utmost ease, and applied the neck to the following experiment:— He estimated by his barometer, that he was full four miles in height, and throwing the neck to- wards the earth, found by means of his stop On Saturday Mr. Joseph Gates, one of the_ Lord Mayor's Marshalmen, took a young man out of Duke's Place, charged with committing several forgeries in order to obtain seamen's wages and prize money, and had received up- wards of 48I. He was carried before the Lord Mayor and passed under a long examination, and in his defence said that he acted by virtue of several Powers of Attorney given him, which was denied by the sailors; he was sent to the Poultry Compter for further examination. He wanted to give bail for his appearance ; but his Lordship told him his case was of such a nature that he could not be admitted to bail. On Friday a person of reputation was brought before Mr. Alderman Hart, at Guildhall, charged with robbing a sailor of three guineas and a half in March last, in Broad- street. Up- on a full investigation, the whole appeared a foul contrivance, without the least colour of truth. The fellow first had the hardiness to make the charge most positively, but afterwards he recanted, when he found his villainy detected. The person was honourably discharged. On Saturday twenty- one prisoners were tried at the Old Bailey, two of whom were capitally convicted, viz. Edward Robinson, for stealing privately from the person of William Lawrence, three guineas and a half and eight shillings. Thomas Whatton, for feloniously taking and riding away a gelding of the price of 5l. the properly of John Tarlin. Thirteen were convicted of felonies, and six were acquitted, ROBBERIES AND COMMITMENTS. Friday night, after twelve o'clock, Mr. Tur- pin, motto- ring engraver in Red- Lion street, Holborn, was stopped in Lincoln's- Inn- Fields, under the garden- Wall, and robbed of between twenty and thirty shillings, by a remarkably stout fellow in a light- coloured jacket. Saturday night some villains broke into the house of Mr. Wells, in Portpool- lane, near Gray's- Inn- lane, and carried off property to the amount of between twenty and thirty pounds. On Saturday a carman was carried before the Lord Mayor charged with grossly insulting the street- keeper belongng to Leadenhall- street, and was fined 20s. which he refused to pay, and therefore his Lordship committed him to the Poultry Compter till he pays the fine. Saturday evening a young man who was taking a large bundle of linen from his master's laundress, put it upon a post at the end of Union- court, Holborn, while he rested, when a man tapped him on the shoulder, and while his head was turned for a moment, another fellow ran off with the bundle. Though the above fact was committed in the sight of several people, both the villains escaped. AERIAL EXCURSION Mr. L U N A R D I. WHEN the Balloon first ascended, he was enabled by the gradual progress it made, to take a distinct survey of the vast multitudes who were contemplating his flight; particularly the croud in M00rfields their faces, which were directed towards him, presenting the most uncommon appearance. At this moment it struck him that if he threw his flag amongst them, it would oc- casion some diversion ; — he therefore waved it, as a farewell salute, and dropped it from his hand. His oar fell presently after ; which acci- dent for a time embarrassed him, but still the Balloon held on its course with a steady motion. While he remained over the City, the acclama- tions of the populace came to his ear, softened by the distance into a most pleasing murmur. He was enabled by one effort of the fight, to be- hold each extremity of London ; it was literally a bird's eye view of this vast metropolis. Its superb edifices, squares, the Thames, and the shipping on it, were objects that enriched the scene. As this magnificent spectacle diminished, he cast his eye towards his compass, and was sur prized to find his course altered from a western to due north ; however, he did not think it ne- cessary to change the direction, not having fixed upon any particular spot of destination. He now looked at his barometer, and found he was at a considerable height, and that the Balloon went with great celerity, the scene below con- tinually varying, some objects withdrawing, and others presenting themselves. He was enabled, when at an altitude of full four miles, to distinguish corn fields from pasture lands, so clear was the vision. The Balloon descended so low near Barnet, that he spoke with some persons; as it rOse again, he extended his fight to the horizon- round, and beheld the earth, a suspend- ed globe in immensity of space. Recovering from the reverie this magnificent object occa- sioned, he thought of his terrestrial friends, and being in a state of the utmost composure, wrote six letters to his associates on earth, some of which he committed to the winds; and such was their fate, that they have all, save one, been since heard of. Those that he retained, were delivered to some of the guests of the hospitable Mr. Baker. Many of the accounts in other prints have been very erroneous in stating that his cloaths were covered with ice when he came down, and that his wine was twice frozen.— The mer- cury did not at any one time approach the freezing point; nor did ht experience any great- watch, it was four minutes and a Half in falling ; — he was enabled, by reason of its glittering in the sun, to see it distinctly till it struck the ground. The appearance which the machine had, to many spectators, of its being violently agitated, must have been occasioned by the intervening medium, as Mr. Lunardi did not feel the least unpleasing motion during his voyage.— His course varied at times t0 the Eastward and West- ward of the North, but never more than one point. The azure canopy over him appeared serene, and beautiful; and the beams of the sun, playing upon clouds that every instant varied their form and colour, produced the most sub- lime sensations. He was proceeding on his wav, when he was suddenly surprized at an appear- ance which, for a time, he imagined was the sea; but recollecting the course he had taken, he discovered they were clouds— agitated and roll- ing over one another, like the waves of the ocean.-— He made a descent towards there, and as they broke beneath him, the earth again ex- hibited towns, villas, rivers and fields in the most pleasing diversity. The relation of his leaving his little cat in charge of a woman is true and that on his final descent he was assisted by a girl, to whom he gave half- a- guinea. Mr. Lunardi declared that he felt no anxiety during his flight, and that the only ground for apprehension would have been a thunder cloud. He further observed, that he felt not the least fatigue, more than what was occasioned by the labour he had undergone in preparing the bal- loon for several days before the morning of his embarkation. Chemical Process of filling ihe Aerostatic Ma- chine. In two large casks on the ground, the zink, a semi- metal, was deposited, and, we are inform- ed, some steel filings. In two backs or cisterns, erected high, the vitriolic acid and water were mixed, the water being conveyed into them by an engine ; from these backs the mixture of acid and water was conveyed by tubes into the large casks ; in these, on the application of the acid to the zink, an effervescence took place, and the inflammable air, the object of the process, was extricated from the zink. From each case a tube proceeded, which conveyed the air to a tub ele- vated between the backs ; at the bottom of this tub, immediately above the parts where the tubes entered, a valve was placed, which opened upwards by the impulse of the inflammable air ; this valve was kept down by the weight of the fluid in the tub ; this fluid was water impreg- nated with an alkali. The inflammable air trans- mitted through this alkaline fluid was correct- ed of any acid, and volatilized and elevated in the process ; it was then conveyed into the bal- loon by a tube proceeding from the upper extre- mity of the case. When an addition of the mix- ture of acid and water was made to the zink in the large cases, it was necessary to discharge the fluid already in them; this was carefully pre-- served by the assistance of troughs lined with lead ; for it is necessary to remark, that the combina- tion of vitriolic acid and zink, when crystallized, constitutes a valuable drug called white vitriol RETURNS of CORN and GRAIN, From August 30, to Sept. 4, 1784. Cochineal, 12s 6d to 15s 0d per 1b. FAHRENHEIT'S THERMOME TER, In the open air, in the shade fronting the North, at Highgate, Friday, Sept. 17, at noon 53. Saturday, 18, 70. Sunday, 19, LONDON TUESDAY, Sept. 21. Yesterday arrived the Mails from France, Hol- land and Flanders. Constantinople, Aug. IO. THE fire which lately happened in this City, in the quarter inhabited by the Jews, con sumed no less than twelve thousand habita- sions. The Janissairies were tardy and inactive during this dreadful conflagration, and but for the vigorous assistance afforded by the Greeks, it is probable the whole city would have been destroyed. Egypt is restored to a state of perfect tranquil- lity ; but Georgia continues to be agitated by violent popular commotions, for the suppression of which the Ottoman Ministry dispatched a formidable army. Letters from Alexandria of the 16th of June inform us, that Murad Bey is returned to Cairo, on good terms With Ibrahim Bey. Five other revolting Beys having been obliged to quit that city were pursued, defeated and taken, which event promises tranquility, at least for some time, in Egypt. , Petersbourg, July 24. The answer of the Court of Berlin relative to, the affair of Dant- zick contains a counter- plan, the ratification of which having been delayed by the indisposition of the Empress, who is at present perfectly re- covered, to0k place a few days ago; the order tf conforming thereto has been in consequence dispatched to Comte de Stackelberg, Ambassador of her Imperial Majesty at Warsaw. Vienna, Sept, 4. According to advices from B inn, of the 2d inftant, the Emperor arrived the 26th ult. at the Camp at Tunis, where soon after came the Comte de Hoyn ( the Bishop of Osnabrug). The next day a general review took place in the presence of his Majesty, the Comte, and a great number of spectators. On the 28th of the same month the fine regiment of Esterhazi Hussars were separately reviewed by his Majesty; they performed the different manoeuvres with such address and precision that his Majesty expressed his satisfaction to the Colonel, with orders to impart it to the whole corps of officers. Paris, Sept. 9. Couriers are daily arriving and departing from Vienna to Paris, and from Paris to Vienna ; there is no doubt but the dis- patches relate to the affairs between the Em- peror and Holland, on the subject of Which his Majesty continues all the good offices in his power. Prince Henry of Prussia is absent from hence from time to time, being employed, it is said, at Versailles in conference with the Ministers : We are strongly persuaded that political motives are in great part the occasion of the journey of that Prince, who enjoys here all the esteem due to his rank and eminent personal qualities. Petersburg, Aug. 20. Her Imperial Majesty s perfectly recovered from her late dangerous indisposition, and is at Czarskozelo, with the young Grand Dukes Alexandre and Constantin, where the Grand Duke and his Duchess are ex. pected next Wednesday. The discontents among the peasants of Livonia are entirely appealed. It is now asserted with more confidence than ever, that the Empress will visit Cherson next- year. Hague, Sept. 15. The States of Holland have granted the East- India Company a million of florins, to enable them to send to Batavia the four ships lying in the Texel. It is beyond a doubt that the Company's af- fairs are in a deplorable state ; but whether . its annihilation would operate to the disadvantage of the public, seems to be exceedingly proble- matical, There are many of opinion, that if the trade to the East was to be made general, and carried on under the immediate inspection of Government, under proper restrictions and regulations, greater advantages would arise to the Republic, than are to be expected under the present system. Constantinople, Aug. 12. Advices from Er- zerum bring the afflicting intelligence of a dread- ful earthquake having ravaged the circumjacent country, mentioning that the calamity has been most severely felt in the city of Arzingan, where an immense number of the inhabitants have been buried in the ruins of the greatest part of the public and other buildings. Five thousand of the inhabitants of Arzingan are said to have fallen victims to this terrible disaster. Hague, Sept. 17. The matter in contest be- ween this Republic and the Emperor every day assumes a more formidable appearance. Amsterdam, Sept. 13. An authentic list has lately appeared of the maritime force of the United Provinces. We have at sea l'Epervier of 26 guns ; at Curacca, the Nassau ; on the Coast of Guinea, the Syren of 16 guns ; at the Cape of Good Hope, the Monnikendam of 44, the Jafon of 30, the Waakzaamheid and Alarm, each of 24 ; the Goes and ihe Princesse- Louise, both of 54; in the Mediterranean, the Jupiter of 70; the Admiral Ruyter, the Prince Wil- liam, the' Hercules, the North Holland, and the Admiral de Vries, each of 64 ; the Admiral Piet Heyn of 54, the Tyger and Pallas of 64, the Medenblick of 36, the Venus of 24, the Mercury of 20, the Brak cutter of 18, the Cen- taur of 44, and the Argo of 40; and as guard. ships in the Ports of Zealand the Liberty of 70, the Guelde of 64, the Admiral Trompe and Alkmaar of 54 each, the Harlingue of 44, and the Brille of 36 guns. The Admiralty of Zealand have put into commission the Dauphin schooner and the Swal- low cutter. - Tripoli, July 27. A scarcity of provisions, which of late years has been so frequent, at present prevails in this city- and its environs The harvest has entirely failed, and all the ne- cessaries of life are dear beyond all example. This calamity has occasioned the Pacha to post- pone the march of his army, lest his troops should perish by famine,. Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, Sept. 17. " Arrived his Majesty's ships Camilla, from Portsmouth; Druid, Mutine, and Barracouta, from a cruize. Also arrived the Cronstad:, Smith, from Nantz ; Tobin, Cross, from Nevis; Ma- ry, Cary, from Koningsburg; and Trio, Brown, from Lisbon." Extract of a Lettcr from Dealr. Sept. 19. " Wind E. S, E. Came down and sailed the Friendship, Gerthorp, for Seville; and Union, Bennet, for Liverpool. Arrived and sailed for the River the Hubert, Steane, from Antigua. Remain the Wasp sloop, and Swift pilot." Extract of a Letter from Gravesend, Sept. 10. " Past by the Union, Spence, from Cork ; Endeavour, Wharam, from Dunkirk; Char- lotte, Beble, from Lisbon; Polly, Linthorn, from Jamaica; Rebecca, Stringerwick, from Barcelona; London, Beale; and Friendship, Kiney, from Ostend; Countenance, Hanbury, from Finland ; Thomas, M'Namara, from St. Kitt's; and New Content, Peterson, from Am- sterdam. The Briton, Urquhart, from Antigua, is arrived at Dover; Martha, Chapman, from Petersburgh, at Hull; Flora, Aiken ; Jenny, Emmerson; and Virginia, Alcock, from Lon- don, at Lisbon ; Charming Sally, Scott, from Antigua, at Cork; Two Brothers, Nelson, from Gottenburg; and Ann and Mary, Payne, from London, at Waterford. The Kent, Fairclough, of Liverpool, is lost at Memel. The Lord M'Cartney, Hall, from Bengal; and the Champion man of war, from the West Indies, are arrived in the River Last week arrived at Whitby the Content, Capt. Harrison Chilton, of that place, from the East Indies. She is the firft East Indiaman that ever entered that port, from which she has been absent three years and six months. The Musical Society, at a general meeting, has given an instance of liberal generosity that resounds much to their honour. Many of the subscribers to the fund had, some through ina- bility, and others from inattention, neglected to pay in their annual subscriptions, which, by the laws of the Society, excluded them and their fa- milies from the benefit of the fund in case their situation should require assistance. This was taken into consideratton, and as the charity has lately had a great encrease of property, the de- faulters were all restored, and their arrears re- mitted. Faith compared to an Air Balloon at a rotun- da not a hundred miles from the Spa- Fields, Sunday morning last, by the Rev. Mr. W. " Faith enlarges the faculties of the soul, and " leaves all worldly possessions and enjoyments " at an awful distance. Faith soars from earth " to heaven, ' tis no Air Balloon, but is conti- " nually asending until it reach the eternal " Throne of Grace !" On Thursday last, in the sixty- seventh year of his age, died at Penn, in Buckinghamshire, General William Haviland, Colonel of the 45th regiment. He wa; an officer distinguished for his very long and able services, having spent his whole life in the army ; for his father being an officer, he was born while the regiment was on duty in Ireland. He himself acted as Lieutenant under Lord Cathcart, at the memorable siege of Carthagena ; and afterwards with Vernon at the conquest of Porto Bello. He then served as Aid de Camp under General Blakeney, during the rebellion in Scotland In the subsequent war, from the first beginning of hostilities, he served in America, where he had a separate command, and by his exertions and success received the particu- lar acknowledgments of Lord Amherst, who has ever since honoured him with his friendship. A singular genius for mechanics enabled him to concert measures for passing the Rapides, and the fertility of his resources in other unusual circum- stances made him very efficient ( under his distin- guished Commander) in contributing to the suc- cess of the English arms in America. In the same war he acted as second in command at the conquest of Martinico, and in a very high one at the Havannah ; so that having had the good for- tune through life to be placed in the most conspi- cuous scenes of action, on chosen services, and with the most eminent men, he acted in such a manner as even among them to attain a high re- putation for courage and ability. When the last war broke out he was put on the staff, and after being a very short time at Whitehaven, he was entrusted with the command of the Western Di- vision of the Island during the whole time the French invasion was expected, and there continued till the end of the war. The station was impor- tant, and the service delicate ; there he had the happiness to preserve perfect harmony between the regular forces and militia, while by the pru- dent dispositocn of his troops, and an exact disci- pline, he performed the more substantial func- tions. He maintained the dignity of his situation by a stile of life which became the service of his Sovereign. His house was open to the Navy as well as the Army; and by the extent of his hospitality and the force of personal character, which was cordial, plain, informed, and unaffected, he did much to facilitate the national service in a country little inured to the burthen of arms, and when so many principal gentlemen were drawn away from their occupa- tions and amusements. The same disposition followed him through life. To his own regi ment he was a kind father, and to the younger officers of it his house was literally a home. The consequence however is, that in a long course of serviccs, overlooking mani opportuni- ties of emolument, but none of benevolence, though he always maintained a just oeconomy, he has left his family in very narrow circum- stances; for the sole reward of all his services was a marching regiment on the Irish establish- ment, which' was bestowed on him very late in life, and with a Constitution harrassed and bro ken, no less from the variety than from the length of his services. , Yesterday Henry Morgan, convicted last Friday tor the wilful murder of Mr. Linton on the 7th of July near St. Martin's- lane, by stabbing him in. the belly with a large case knife, was executed on a scaffold erected before New- gate. At half past six the convict came upon the scaffold with a book in his hand, and prayed in an audible voice, and with every appearance of servent devotion. In about a quarter of an hour the Ordinary quitted the scaffold, when the malefactor, after singing the whole of the Psalm called the Sinner's Lamentation, in an impassioned tone of voice continued to repeat — *' Oh, my God, forgive all my sins; Lord, have mercy upon me ; Christ Jesus, receive my soul;" and while uttering these ejaculations', the plat- form dropped, and after a few Convulsive strug- gles he became motioness, A woman and a child now came upon the scaffold and had the hand of the malefactor stroked feveral times upon their necks, under anotion of its removing wens. After hanging the usual time, the body was put into a shell and carried to Surgeons- Hall, in order for dissection. Yesterday twelve prisoners were tried at the Old- Bailey, two of whom were convicted of unlawfully selling and putting off false and counterfeit milled money at a far lower rate and value than the same by their denomination did import, and were coined for, viz. 25 false and counterfeit shillings, and 12 counterfeit- six- pences, for one guinea: Ten wer. e acquited. There are still upwards of 70 indictments for trial Yesterday evening a single horse chaise and a light cart both going at a brisk rate, met on the Stratford road,- near Bencroft's Alms Houses, and running foul of each other, the former was overturned, in consequence of which Mrs. Fal- coner, a publican in Brick- lane, Spitalfields, had her arm broke in two places, and Was otherwise dangerously hurt. Hops sold yesterday in the Borough as fol- lows : Bags from 4I. 104!. 5s. per cwt. Pockets from 4I. 103. to 5I. Yesterday at St. Margaret's Hill, the prices of hops were, Pockets from 4I. 10s. to Jl. 12s. and Bags from 3I. to 4I. 12s-. per cwt. Same day in Smithfield, the average prices were, Beef. Mutton 4- Jd. Veal ^ d. Pork 4i't. and Lamb 4d. the pound, House Lambs sold from 18s. to 34s. each. MARRIED. Friday, John Pollock, Esq. of Dublin, to Miss Clark, daughter of George Clark, Esq. banker, in Lombard- street.— Saturday, Mr. Des Cotes, of Great Winchester- street, to Miss Diemel, daughter of the late Rev. Mr. Diemel, of his Majesty's Dutch Chapel, Sr. James's.— Sunday, Mr. Heaviside, jun. of Bishopsgate- street, to Miss Elizabeth Varcher, of Pancras. — Lately, Lieut James Corneck, to Mrs. Bryan, widow of the late Guy Bryan, Esq. A few days ago, Mr, Nathaniel Binns, bookseller at Preston, to Miss Margaret Carter, of Poulton, in Lancashire. DIED. Saturday, in Princes- street, Mrs. Christian Baker, relict of the late John Baker, Esq. ] Tuesday se'nnight, at his house opposite Cathe- 1 rine Hall, Cambridge, Mr. James Essex, Fel- low of the Society of Antiquaries. SALES by AUCTlON of MERCHANDIZE. LONDON, Sept. 8, Entire Cargo of the Nieuwe Vriendschap, Barnardus Knuttle, late Master, a Dutch Prize from Curacoa, taken by the Vigilant private Ship of War, Capt. Barnevell, 2011 Bags and 14 Bar- rels Coffee, from 60s to 67s per cwt.— 376 Bags and 1 Seron Cocoa Nuts, from 4I to 5I 10s per cwt.-—- 147 Hhds. Sugar, from 15s jd to 4C5 6< 1 per cwt.— 53 Casks Indigo, from 61 41I to 9s 4d per lb.— 4 Casks ditto Dust, from ^ s iii to 53 id per lb.— 9 Serons Spanish Indigo, from 7s 4d to as 3 I per lb.— 15 Tons Nicoragoa Wood, from 45I to 46115s per Ton.—- 14 cwt. Lignum Vitae, at 53s per Ton.— 63 Boards Cedar, at Sd per Foot.— 6 Serons Cotton Wool, from to halfpenny per lb.— 9 Bales Tobacco, at 4d half- penny per lb.— 2425 Hides, from id three- far- things to 4d per lb.— 1012 Pieces of Hides, from 2d five- eighths to ad three- farthings per lb. 9, 25 Hhds Coffee, from 64s to 66". 6d per cwt.— 53 Barrels Ditto, from 70s to 71s per cwt.— 65 Bags Cocoa, from 86s to 90s per. cwt.— 20 Bar- rels Carolina Rice, from i; s 91! to 26s 3d per cwt.— 4 Boxes Jamaica Indigo, from 3s 8d to 73 per lb.— 23 Tons Lignum Vitae, from 203 to 89s per Ton. 282 Barrels and 28 Half Barrels Carolina Rice, from, 25s 9d to 27s 9d per cwt.— 17 Bags Bir- badoes White Ginger, at 43s per cwt.— 75 Bags Jamaica White Ditto, from 20s to 39s per cwt.-— 218 Bags Black, Ditto, from 20s 6.1 to 28s 9d per cwt.— 3 1- half tons Elephant's Teeth, from 81 to 17! IO-; per cwt.— 1 Cask Tortoiseshell, at 10s 6d per lb. , 27 Casks and 3 Bags Carolina Indigo, from 1s 6d, to 5s 7el per lb.— For Account of the Under- writers, 43 Casks Carolina Indigo, from 1$ id t0 4s 2d per lb.— 379 Barrels Tar, from 10s 6d to us 3d per Barrel— 304 Barrels Pitch, from 5s 3d to 5s 6d per cwt'.— 55 Barrels Turpentine from 9s 3d to 9s 6d per cwt.— 3490 Staves and Heading, at 61 5s per 1000. 208 Hhds Virginia Tobacco, from 20d to 21d far- thing per lb. 61 Hhds Virginia Tobacco, from 19d 3- farthings to 2ld halfpenny per lb.— 2 Hhds Stripped, at 22d 3 farthings per lb. 59 Hhds Carolina Tobacco, at the short Price, from 3d 1- eighth t0 4dper lb. 201 Hhds Tobacco, from 20d farthing to 2td 3- farthings per lu.— 1 Hhd Stripped, at i2d 3- far- things per lb. 115 Hhds Virginia Tobacco, from 2 « d firthing to tid 3- f- irtlnngs per lb.— 1 Hhd Stripped, at 13d per lb. N. E. of Annamocka, and. Were called the Hap- paee Isles ; and to add weight TO his. arguments, he undertook to go with them himself, and en- gage for their being very plentifully supplied with every kind of refreshment;. The Captain took his advice., and had no cause to repent of it, as will appear in the sequel. After a disagreeable navigation of three days amongst low islands, rocks and shoals, they an- chored on the edge of a shoal which joins the islands called Happaee, and which consist, principally, of four, much about the size of Annamocka, or perhaps not quite so large, called Haanne, Foa, Les ga, and Hoolaiva, It was in the morning when they anchored; and they had scarcely done so before both ships were filled with natives,' and surrounded with canoes full of people, who brought hogs, fowls, fruit, and roots in predigious plenty these were purchased for hatchets, knives, nails,' beads, and cloth. Feenou, who had landed the night before, taking Omai with him, also came off for Captain Cook, order to introduce him to the natives of the island. They landed on the Northern part of the island of Lesoga, and Feenou conducted him to a- house situated close to the beach, and which had been brought, but a few minutes before, to that place for their reception. In this house Feenou, Capt. Cook, and Omai seated them- selves, while the Chiefs of the island and people formed a circle on the outside, facing them, Capt. Cook was then asked how long he in- tended to stay'd and, on answering five days, Taipa, who had also accompanied them, was ordered to go and sit beside him, and proclaim this to the people; which he did in a set speech dictated chiefly by Feenou. The purport of it was, to tell them, that they were to look on Capt. Cook as a friend, who intended to re- main with them a few days: that during his stay they were not to steal any thing from him, nor molest him in any respect ; and that it was expected they would bring hogs, fowls, fruit, & c. to the ship, where they would receive, in exchange, such and such things, which he, enu- merated. Feenou then left them, and Taipa told Capt. Cook that it would be necessary to give presents to the Chiefs of the island : and the presents which he made them on this occa- sion were such, that when Feenou returned he was, or pretended to be, exceedingly angry with Taipa for suffering him to give so much. He then sat down again ; and directed one of these Chiefs to harangue the people, as Taipa had done before, in a speech dictated chiefly by himself, and to the same effect. Capt. Cook then enquired for fresh water, and they went and shewed him some pools, which they called - fresh; but which proved very indifferent. When they returned, they, found a baked hog and some yams, smoking hot, and ready to be car- ried on board the ship for the Captain's dinner. He invited Feenou and his friends to partake of it, and they all went on board ; but none sat down at the table except Feenou. After din- ner he conducted them on shore, and when he returned, a fine turtle, and many yams, were put into the boat by Feenou's order. Next morning the Chief went early on board for the Captain, and when he landed he was conducted to the same place where he was seated the day before, and where a prodigious number of people were assembled. He had not been long seated, before near two hundred of the natives appeared in sight, loaded with yams, bread- fruit, plantains, cocoa- nuts, and sugar- canes, which they piled in two heaps on either hand of him. To those on the left were tied, soon after, six pigs and two turtles; and, to those on right, two pigs and six fowl . As soon as this munficent Collection of provisions was disposed to the best advantage, the bearers joined the multitude, who formed a large circle round these two piles of provisions, the Captain, ABSTRACT of the most CURIOUS and INTERESTING PARTICULARS of CAPTAIN COOK's LAST VOYAGE to the PACIFIC OCEAN. ( Continued from our Paper of Thursday last.) CAPTAIN Cook finding that he had ex- hausted the island, got every thing on board, and sailed from Annamocka on the 14th ; and Feenou, finding he intended to go directy to Tongataboo, took great pains to dissuade him from it, and to prevail on him to go to some islands, which he said lay to the Omai, Feenou, and the several Chiefs which were with thern ; and soon after a number of men entered this circle, aimed with clubs, made of the green branches of the cocos- nut tree. These, after parading round the circle, retired, half to one side, and half to the other, seating themselves before the spectators. One of these men rising up, from one side, advanced into the area ; and, by very expressive gestures, challenged those of the other party : the chal- lenge being accepted by some one of them, the two combatants put themselves in proper atti- tudes, and then began the engagement, - who lasted until one of them owned himself con- quered, or till their weapons were broken Ano- ther challenge was then given and accepted, and the combat terminated in the same manner. As soon as each combat was over, the victor squatted himself down facing the Chief ; then rose up, and retired. At the same time some old men, who seemed to sit as judges, gave their plaudit in a few words; and the multi- tude, especially those on the side to which the victor belonged, gave theirs by two or three huzzas. Between the combats of this kind there were both boxing and wrestling : the first was performed in the same manner as ir. En- gland, and the latter as it is done in Otaheite : but what struck our voyagers with most sur- prize was, to see a couple of lusty wenches step forth, and begin boxing without the least cere- mony, and with as much art as the men. This contest, however, did not last more than half a minute before one of them gave out; and the conqueror received the same applauses from the spectators which were given to the male victors. And though the guests expressed some dissatisfaction at this part of the enter; tainment, it did not prevent two other females from entering the lists These appeared to be girls of spirit, and would certainly have given each other a hearty drubbing; if two old wo- men had not interposed, and parted them.. These combats were all conducted with the ut- most good humour on all sides, though some of the combatants, women as well as men, re- ceived blows that they would feel for some time after, ( To be continued. ) HELICON BAG For the Whitehall Evening- Post. On Wednesday morning last, Robert Kingscote, Esq; of Kingscote, MI Gloucestershire, gave an elegant dejeune to the ladies and gentlemen of the neighbourhood; during which, a large balloon was launched, which gave occasion to the following lines: STRANGER, whoe'er thou art, whose gazing eye is fixed with wonder on this novel scene, Ignoble on the ground behold' me lie, ; And kiss ( indignant kiss) the level green From CLOE's land, launch'd forth in fields of air, Swift as the bolt of Heaven I took my flight; Child of the wind, I flutter'd here and there, Till clouds obscur'd me from the gazer's sight. Long while held on my daring rapid course, Traversed worlds where eagles never flew, With strengthen'd wing, and undiminish'd force, Far from the keenest ken of mortal view, But fate, alas! to check my tow'ring pride, At length has laid me at thy feet thus low ; Let not thy pity be to me deny'd, But on my fate one tender sigh bestow. Art thou to mad ambition now a slave ; Or dost thou hope in higher walks to shine ; Tutor'd by me, thy dear contentment save, Or prophesy thy future fate by mine. If yet a youth, the moral lesson hear ; For, oh ! believe thou canst not know too soon A truth ( which added years will make more clear) " That vain ambition is— an AIR BALLOON." Hurt not my form ; ' twere sacrilege to wound That form by CLoe's hand so sacred made ; Let not that cruel wretch on, earth be found, That dares, that impious dares, my sides invade. My flight I took from Kingscote's happy plain; A daring wand'rer thro' th' ethereal sky Then, gentle friend, pray take me back again, Perhaps, once more, another course to try. For the Whitehall Evening- Post. To VERAX. LETT E R III, SIR, MEN of acuteness and sensibility have com- monly strong passions, and often glaring foibles; but the cold, rigid temper, and the craffid caput, from the incapability of exciting envy, may escape centure, nay, sometimes meet with a kind of applause and as there must be mediums between all extremes, I look upon your hero to rank in one of these. If this be not saying so much for him as you have done, on that very account, perhaps, it is nearer the truth. In my last I observed, that there were a few things Writing notice, in your epistle, unan- swred: to discharge that debt is now my in- tention, and then, unless you give me farther occasion, finally close with you. What you lay about the Sumen is unworthy of the least attention, seeing it only provokes indelicate ideas; and whoever, either by words or deeds causes one of these to cross the mind, offends, in my opinion, against the laws of de- corum and good breeding, but your inference I must beg leave to controvert. It runs thus : " Destitute of facts to substantiate against him, they fly to suppositions and slander." I am not so surprized at the falleness of this charge,- as at the hardiness of the person who could bring it; and, if he knows any thing at all of the debates, must have been conscious it was not true. Once more let me advise my opponent to look at the history of the late exclusions, setting. the treat- ment of Dr. Hutton aside, and then coolly and honestly say, whether it be facts or suppositions the Minority proceed upon. You, Sir, grant there are men of merit among them; nor can you deny those excluded to come under the same description. Then I ask, What right had the President to use them ill ? Was not he placed in that chair to support, to point out, and reward, merit ? Instead of this, Does he not brow- beat by pitiful, sinister practices the polished mind and soaring genius ? Can he be convicted of this ? Yes. Then, were there no other reason, which, after all, is not the case, it. ought to be viewed as a sufficient disqualifica- tion for the office he holds. You urge, " The decided majority at tbe late election in favour of Dr. Blagden is a clear proof, that the sense of the Society coincides with the President, and a kind of pledge for his own superiorty next Sr. Andrew's day." In the first place, give me leave to remark, that majori- ties are not always right, no more than minori- ties always in the wrong- How was that majo- rity got ? Ask the President, for it was all his doing; witness the card he sent round to the Members of fhe Society. As many may not have seen it, and seeing it lies before me, I shall insert it. " In consequence of Mr. Masy's re- signation of the Secretaryship at the last meeting of the Royal Society, the President takes this method of acquainting you, that, at his desire, Dr. Blagden has declared himself candidate for that office. From Dr. Blagden's known abilities and habits of diligence, the President does not . doubt but he will, if elected, fulfil the duties of the station with advantage to the Society". What was this but a conge d'elire ? Was not this- a stretch of arbitrary power ? Was not this an insult to the Society at large i Nevertheless I own they deserved it, because they tamely suf- fered it. The privileges for which a man would not rouze himself are not worth the having, and the open affronts which we do not relent, we cannot be thought much to feel. Suppose Dr. Blagden the first genius of the age, yet this very- mode of forcing him upon the Society should have been the reason why he ought not to have been elected. Had he been my brother, I would have opposed him ; or if his rival had been ever so inferior, I would, have voted for him, rather than passively beheld insfluence exerted, to vio- late the freedom of election I grant you, if they agree not among them- selves, they cannot stand long. You, Sir} are perhaps better informed on this subject than I am : for my part, I have not heard of any divi- sions among them, unless the seoession of Mr. P e be what you allude to; and this we shall now clear up. Your words are, " Need we be surprized that a gentleman of Mr. P——' s re- spectability publicly disowns his connexion with them, especially after he had been unhandsomely treated in the Anecdotes of the Speakers given in the European Magazine for April last; and when at that time he was not the only person who supposed one of themselves had done it ?" I frankly confess there was too much asperity in them. No wonder he was offended, It struck several, that the whole was done for the purpose of lashing him. Many of his friends were vexed at the circumstance; especially when it was add- ed, that he suspected a Reverend Doctor, one of the party, for the author. In these anecdotes the following struck eveiy reader, and must have been deeplv galling to Mr. P e. " To abuse religion, especially in the presence of a Clergyman, he fancies to be characteristic of a bel esprit; but being constitutionally prone to fear, the parent of superstition, he has been ob- served to turn pale at the wild effusions of his own infidelity.". Whatever line of conduct he might lay down respecting the Minority in consequence of the above, it is evident that he must have furnished the materials of his own speech, as printed in the authentic narrative, therefore cannot possibly clear himself of having been a party concerned. The Reverend Doctor is also cleared, because a Mr. T— owns he wrote the anecdotes. Mr. P— e knows very well where to find Mr. J— ; nor can doubt, from particulars well known to himself, that he hath spirit to defend what he either says or writes. Mr. J. was bred at the University of Glasgow, where he supported an excellent character, and was justly esteemeed by both professors and students. He attended a young Scotch gentleman of rank and fortune to Oxford, where a quarrel took place between Mr. P and him; and Mr, P— can give the best reason why it was not brought to a speedy conclusion. Hinc illoe lachrymae. We come now to the last paragraph of your epistle, which runs thus: In a word, we hope the Opposition, ashamed of their late behaviour, will return to a sense of propriety, and join in deserved acclamations of praise to the worthy President, who, whenever he perceives symptoms of this, will, with his usual softness and benig- nity, bury all that is past in forgetfulness, and deign to replace them in his esteem." To be derided by our enemies is common; but what must that man's situation be, who is laughed at even by his friend- ? — And I appeal to every one acquainted with the President of the Royal Society, whether the above seems not more lo be a sneer at him, than a panegyric: seeing it compliments him for qualities whereof there is not a spark in his constitution. What should I think of a man, who insisted on my amazing skill in the beauties of the Arabic, after my repeated declarations that I did not understand a single character of the language? Something similar is it to ascribe softness and benignity to an utter stranger to the milk of human kindness. It is possible to have abilities rather conspicuous, and yet absolutely want each amiable grace. Did ever the Presi- dent stidy the graces?- If he did, we are in- clined, from all we could ever see or learn, to imagine, it must have been under the direction of Oberea. Did he not upbraid you for mock- ing him ? What should the Opposition be ashamed of? — I know but one thing, already mentioned, viz. their ever having given him a vote for the chair he holds. In a word, Sir, their abilities and character place them above his censure, and I trust they will never so far de- mean themselves as to stoop to obtain his praise. Having closely followed you through every put of your epistle, I, unless I hear from you again, respectfully take my leave, and am, Sir, Your's, & c. CLITANDER. Postscript. Tuesday Afternoon, Sept. 21. LONDON. Though Mr. Fox agreed with Mr. Pitt, that n thing could possibly lave this nation but the most vigorous exertions, and such a degree of public spirit as might induce individuals to con- tribute chearfully their aid to the supply of the national exigencies, that gentleman and his auxi- liaries have never ceased clamouring against every new impost, without suggesting any plan more eligible. That indeed we may fairly conclude was not in their power, or they would have done it ; for n thing could have tended more effectually to remove the present Ministry than such a striking proof of their incapacity, and the superior talents of their predeccessors. But it is only by raising and exciting popular tumults the Coalition can hope to. succeed- Finding their efforts fruitless in England, they have recourse to Scotland, and hope they shall succeed there as well as they have done in Ireland, whose un- provoked animosities they have, by the most in- fidious art;, inflamed almost to acts of open hostility. But let the Scots consider, that as they must at all events stand or fall with Eng- land, they must bear their proportion of the public burthens. Nothing can in itself be more unjust than to desire the English manufacturers to be taxed for the common defence, while they enjoy the public protection without contributing heir share. The resources of England are ex. hausted ; Scotland haS yet a mine of wealth unexplored. Her fisheries, when put on a proper footing ( and this the present Ministry seem bent upon doing), will be of more real utility, and bring in more wealth to the country in seven years, than all their gauzes, long lawns, and bastard cambricks would in half a century. But the impost laid on the Scotch manufactures is in it- self so trifling, that, far from tending to ruin them, it will even be scarcely felt. There is not perhaps a country in Europe where taxes, taking them all in all, are so low as in Scotland, and it is remarkable that the balance of her trade With every nation is in her favour.' Of this her rapid increase of wealth within these few years is a demonstration. The indulgence she has met with has been loudly murmured against by many of her neighbours in South Britain, and it has been one of the principal complaints of the Irishi. She has professed the most unbounded 1oyalty and the warmest at- tachment to the public interest. Are we to con- clude that all is false and hollow, and that, though so heavy burdens be laid on her sifter's shoulders, she will not move them with out of her fingers ? The fate of the Dutch East India Company seems now to be decided. They have repeatedly declared to the States General, that they must be reduced to a state of bankruptcy if they were not immediately assisted with fourteen millions of florins, and they generously supply them with one. France will now have an excellent oppor- tunity of coming in for a share of their East In- dia possessions, which will be so delicious a mor- sel, that the most Christian King cannot in confid- ence abstain from swallowing it for the good of « his own country. Extract of a Letter from Paris, Sept. g. " According to the new military regulation, the companies of Infantry are to be augmented to 128 men each. The officers will from hence- forth be stiled Officiers de remplacement ( Officers of replacement). There will be a company of Cadets in each corps of Infantry and Cavalry. Every regiment of the light troops will be com- posed of four squadrons of horse and a battalion of foot." There are several causes of the frequent fires at Constantinople. Very few indeed happen by accident, notwithstanding the houses are of wood; but it is this circumstance which is the great temptation to setting them on fire design- edly. The principal incendiaries at Constantinople are the Janissaries. Whenever they are discon- tented with the administration, but more parti- cularly when they dislike the Grand Vizier, they set fire to the city, and repeat' this villany till they oblige the Grand Signor to remove tbe Prime Minister. Fires from this cause have even been the signal for deposing the Sultans if their wishes were not gratified. So scarce are empty bottles in Bengal, that the wine- merchants advertise to give a dozen of Ma- deira or french claret for an hundred empty bottles. The greatest luxury in the East Indies and the most expensive is ice. When the Nabobs of India desire to gratify their guests with ice- creams, they employ several hundred people to go with earthen or marble jars of a particular sort into the mountainous parts of the country, or into tbe marshes, and there by excessive toil, and a chemical process, they are able each to procure a thin sheet of congelation. We see the house of Sir James Esdaile and Co. are advertising in the India Gazette to act for the Nabobs without commission. A pretty notion in Mr. Hamet ! We give this hint for the use of Lombard- street. The Emperor has suppressed sixty- four Con vents in the Austrian Flanders, and be is mak- ing such other regulations as will soon suppress all the Monasteries in that part of his dominions. An additional Secretary has been appointed by the Minister in the department filled by Lord Sydney, who is to have the entire dredtion of the Plantation business, in the office established for that purpose by Lord North a few weeks before he went out of office. This new Secre- taryship is given to Mr. Elliot, who had been some years in the Board of Trade Office, and is acknowledged to understand the business of the Plantations better than any person who had been in that department since the death of Mr. Brad- bury. Charles Bannister, whose fears always get tbe better of his memory on the first and second nights of every new musical performance, is now perfectly correct, and at home, in his capi- tal song, in the second act of Peeping Tom ; which seems as much suited to his powers, as his favourite song in Gretna Green. The in- troduction of the performers on the stage, last night, who play the bells in the favourite trio in Peeping Tom, was greatly relished by tbe audience. Extract of a Letter from Deal, Sept. 20. " Wind S. W. Arrived and sailed for the River, the Speedwell, , from Ame- rica, and Draper, Randall, from Dublin. The Westminster Scrutiny yesterday stood— Thirty- six bad— Six good~ Four reserved. On Thursday last a dispute happening between two men at Lichfield races; one of them chal- lenged the other to fight him ; but be declining to do so, the challenger knocked him down, and jumping upon his breast, killed him on the spot, The jury sat nine hours on the body of the deceased, whose name is Ludlow, end brought in a verdict of wilful murder. Yesterday no less than an hundred and thirty- two prisoners from Clerkenwell Bridewell, and forty- four from New Prison, male and female, were discharged at the New Sessions House upon Clerkenwell- Green, by proclamation, no bills having been found against them. It said that so great a number of prisoners were never before discharged from the above gaols in one session. Yesterday eight prisoners being put to the bar of the Sessions House upon Clerkenwell- Green^ to be arraigned, one of them, a man who had been indicted for an assault, slipped under the rail, and passing unperceived through the crowd in the Court, got clear off. On Saturday died, at his house in Artillery- street, Spital- fields, Mr. Joseph Lum, late watch- maker in White- Chapel, one of the peo- ple called Quakers. Ipswich, Sept. 18. Tuesday night last the son of Mrs. Roberts ( who lodges at Mrs. Brook's, in St. Matthew's, in this town), a child between five and six years of age, fell out of a window, twelve feet high, in his sleep. It seems he dreamt be wanted to go down stairs, and accordingly got upon a chair, opened the window, and fell into the street. Mrs. Roberts being in London, the child slept with Mrs. Brook, who being awoke by the opening of the window, ( which is a sliding sash) got up and looked into the street, where she saw something upon the stones; she then returned to search the bed, and not finding him there, she again went to the Window, when she heard the child cry, and by the time Mrs. Brook got down stairs he was by the door, calling to her to be let in. Fortunately he received no other hurt than two light contusions upon his forehead and chin, and the loss of two of his teeth, COVENT- GARDEN. Last Night, Hamlet; with Harlequin Rambler; or, The Convent 111 an Uproar. This Evening, The Chances; with The Poor Soldier. DRURY- LANE. Ths3 Evening, Hamlet j with The Irish Widow. " Remain the Wasp sloop, Diligence, Piper; Swift, Boys, with the Betsey, Firth, for Lisbon; Endeavour, Duncan, for , and Hartford, Folger, from Virginia." Extract of a Letter from P ortsmouth, Sept. 20. " Arrived the Happy Return, Best, from London; Unity, Aughton, and Good Intent, Harrison, from Sunderland 5 Piter and Ann, Lawson, from Norway. " Arrived at the Motherbank the Spanish Fisher, De Witt, from Smyrna ; D'Vrow Nu- letta, Visser, from Carthagena, " Sailed the Dispatch, Wood, for Plymouth ; and the Mary and Jane, Harrison, for New- castle. " The Warpole and the Warren Hastings are expected to sail this afternoon." STATE LOTTERY, 1748, The Tickets are fold and divided into Halves, Quarter.-, Eighths, and Sixteenths, by HAZARD and Co. Stock- Brokers, at their State Lottery Of- fice, No. 93, under the Royal Exchange, London, and no where else on their account. Correct nu- merical and register Books are kept, and Tickets and . Shares registered at Sixpence per Number. Note, In the last Lottery the following capittl Prizes were sold and shared at this Office, viz. No. 30,503, a Prize of io. oool. in two Quarters, two Eighths, and four Sixteenths ; No. 21,151, a Prize of 20,0001.; No. 3,668, and 45.552, Prizes of 10,300!. in whole Tickets. Two Blanks to a Prize- All Shares sold at this Office will be stamped agree- able to Act of Parliament, and also with the Crown, and round it Hazard's Lottery Office. Money for the Prizes will be paid at this Office as foo'n aj drawn. Letter:', ( Post paid) duly answered, and Schemes gratis. Begins drawing the 22d of No- vemher. N- B. Agreeable to Act of Parliament, no Business in the Lottery transacted before Eight o'clock in the Morning, nor after Eight o'clock in the Evening. Bank, India, and South Sea Stocks, with their several Annuities, India Bonds, Navy anil Victualling Bills, and all kind of Government Se- curities bought and sold hy Commission. HOUSE, & C. To be lett, the large Mansion- House at Southwarnborough, in Hampshire ; the House stands in a paled Park, in a Ring Fence, with the extensive Manor of Southwarnborough and Crondall, in which are Plenty of all Sorts of Game; the above Premises were for many Years occupied by the late Right Hon. Viscountess Folk- stone, now in the Occupation of her Son, the Hon. Philip Pusey, Esq. the coming- in Tenant will have the Liberty of buying all Mr. Pusey's Furniture, & e. at a fair Appraisement. Southwarnborough is most delightfully situated in a dry, healthy Spot in a fertile Country, with every Convenience to ac- commodate a Nobleman's or Gentleman's Family. Southwarnborough is two Miles from Odiham, five Miles from Bassingstoke, and three Miles out of the Turnpike- Road leading from Farnham to Alton, and is about forty- five Miles from London. Mr- Wise, at the House, will shew the Premises, and for Particulars enquire of Mr. Nicholles, at the Bush Inn in Farnham, Surry. BETHLEM HOSPITAL. A Committee of the Governors will meet at the said Hospital on Moorfields on Saturday next the 25th Instant, at eleven o'Clock in the Fore- noon, to receive Proposals from such Persons who are willing to serve the said Hospital with the best Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork, for the half Year, from Michaelmas to Lady- day next. For particulars apply at the Steward's Office. Sold by J. LEE, No. 4, 1 itdgate- Hill; where ADVERTISEMENTS, LETTERS, & c. £ / T. WHIELDON, No. 43, facing Fetter- Lane, FioM- Street LETTERS and ADVERTISEMENTS are received.- are also taken is at the Printing- Office, No. 4, Peterborough- Court, near Shoe- Lane,: 1 treet Mess. BYFIELD and Co. Charing- Cross; the STOCK- EXCHANGE COFFEE- A Letter- Box at tbe out Fleet- Street. HOUSE. Cornhill
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