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The Whitehall Evening-Post


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The Whitehall Evening-Post

Date of Article: 18/09/1784
Printer / Publisher: J. Lee 
Address: No.4, Ludgate Hill
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 5764
No Pages: 4
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The Whitehall EVENING- POST PRICE THRBS- I - JCB. I From THURSDAY September t6, to SATURDAY, September 18, 1784. [ No. 5764. FRIDAY, Sept. 17. LONDON. ON Wednesday 1,500,0001. Exchequer bills, due last July, were paid off. Yesterday twenty- two prisoners were tried at the Old- Bailey, eight of whom were capitally convicted, viz. William Hogborn, for stealing a brown geld- ing, the property of James Carpenter; a bay gelding, the property of Alexander Milne ; and a cow, the property of Ishmael Theene, from off Putney Common, with which he was taken at Hackney. William Rellions and Robert Abell, for felo- niously assaulting William Rough in Stepney Fields, and robbing him of three shillings and one penny. William Collop, for feloniously assaulting James Ferguson on the highway, in the parish of St. Mary Stratford, Bow, and robbing him of a pair of studs and a pair of silver knee- buckles. James Forbetter for a burglary in the dwelling house of Daniel AndreW, in the parish of Christchurch, Middlesex, and stealing a ring, a blanket, See. the property of Richard Bailey. Geo. Drummond, for feloinously assaulting the Earl of Clermont on the highway, and rob- bing him of a gold watch, two seals, & c. Wm. Smith, for stealing a brown mare, the property of Wm. Taylor. William Brooks, for burglariously breaking open the dwelling- house Of Robt. Turnbull, and Stealing a gown, an apron, and two frocks. Five were convicted of felonies, one convicted of petit larceny, and eight were acquitted. His Majesty's pardon hath been granted to Nicholas English, convicted last Session of steal- i ig a silver watch, the property of Letitia Boro- man, at Hackney. His Majesty hath also been pleased to grant a pardon to John Smith, capitally convicted for robbing Mr. Franco on the highway, 0n condi- tion of leaving this kingdom in 20 days, and not returning for seven years. ADDENDA TO THE AIR BALLOON INTELLIGENCE. ( Continued from our last Paper. j Up in the firing of the first gun all was silent and anxious expectation ; but in a few minutes the impatience of the people threatened to over- leap tbe bounds of discretion. A rumour, fleet as the wind that was to be the medium of con- veyance to the adventurous Aerostatist, dispersed through the croud, that the Balloon had burst ; in every quarter murmurs increased to a height indicating a disposition to riot, when the report of the second gun appeased the rising tumult. Upon the appearance of Mr. Lunardi, the most profound silence prevailed among the company in the Artillery Ground, as well as those occu- pying placcs in the surrounding houses and innumerable temporary erections : but without the walls, there was a strange confusion of tongues; and it was singular to behold perhaps not less than an hundred and fifty thousand people shouldering each other and crouding for a view, each individual certainly having an exalted expectation, if not an elevated mind, striving to obtain an altitude above that of his neighbour. When the grand Machine appeared superbly floating in the newly subdued element, and the cradle containing the bold Aerial Navigator was seen depending from it, astonishment seized the multitude, and awful silence filled the air, which the next instant was m tremulation with the most impassioned bursts of applause, from the greatest assemblage of people that a public spectacle had ever occasioned in this country.— Without at- tempting to enquire, whether Aerostatic experi- ments have a further tendency than to amuse the mind and gratify curiosity, be it remarked, that the occurrence of Wednesday may probably have an effect highly salutary both with respect to religion and morality. It had an extraordinary influence upon the vulgar and uninformed, who had been almost unanimous in declaring the pro- ject impracticable. Demonstration having con- vinced them of their error, they will in future be ci etu' » not obstinately to persevere in opinions " ha" fitt- 35 considerately adopted. Having be- held the ingenuity of man accomplish an exploit that they had not conceived to be within the scope of possibility, by a natural transition, the firmament fretted with golden fires will become an object of their enquiry ; and as often as Mr. Lunardi's atchievement recurs to their recollec- tion, ideas connected with the Heavenly system will arise in their minds, and what was at first considered but as matter of curiosity, it may b; presumed will be a powerful means of leading the mind of man to contemplate the stupendous works of the creation, and consequently to re- vere and venerate the great and omnipotent Au- thor of our being. AERIAL EXCURSION. An express was received yesterday evening by the Prince Caramanico from that spirited adventurer Mons. Lunardi; it was dated at Ware, in Hert- fordshire, and contained advice of his having defcended a little past five o clock. on Wednesday evening, at a place called Collier's- end, about four miles from Ware. His excursion was of the du- ration of three hours an a quarter, being the period which he proposed continuing afloat, altho' he had gaz enough to have kept his balloon sus- pended for three days It is computed, that his course was at the rate of eight miles an hour, and that at times he was at an elevation of full three miles from the earth. — He took with him a qua- drant, thermometer, barometer, and an optical instrument, for the purpose of making obser- vations. During his progress he was contemplated by all descriptions of people, with an astonishment mixed with dread and admiration ! The sight was glorious,———. " As is a winged messenger from Heav'n, " Unto the white upturned, wond'ring eyes 11 Of mortals, that fall back to gaze upon him, " When he bestrides the lazy pacing clouds, " And sails upon the bosom of the air " He experienced, in the different regions of air through which be passed, a variety of climates ; sometimes the cold was so intense, as to freeze the water he took with him :— he did not feel any in- convenience from heat, after his first ascent, at which time he was very warm. He appeared much fatigued, but declared, that was more owing to his exertions in preparing his Machine before it went up, than to his exercise in regulating it after- wards. His course from the Artillery Ground was Westerly, till he came nearly over Bedford House after which, attending in a higher current of air, he steered due North.— Besides the chickens he took up with him, he was also provided with some ham, and three bottles of white wine ; but he did not take any refreshment, during his airy voyage, save a glass or two of wine. He had such entire power over his machine, as to be enabled to choose a favourable spot for his descent : it was a field, in which he observed a country girl, to whom he call ed for assistance, that the balloon might he pre- vented from dragging on the ground. A number of country people instantly hastened round him, together with many of the gentlemen of the coun- try, among whom was William Baker, Esq. late Member for Hertford, in whole company he pro- ceeded to Ware," where he dined ; after which he set off for that gentleman's seat near Hartingford- oury, where he passed the night. His Balloon was last night conveyed to town, in a caravan of Mr. Baker's, and deposited in the care of Dr. Fordyce, in Essex- street.— Two of Mr. Lunardi's intimate friends followed him from town in a post- chaise as far as Hodsdon, over which town he passed at about half An hour past three- Mr. Lunardi seemed quite benumbed with the cold he had suffered in the upper regions ; the thermometer, by his account, was six degrees be- low freezing point the cat anu the dog were much wet, and the gallery covered with a coat of ice. lt was Mr. Lunardi's first intention to have ex- tended his flight a few miles only from the metro- polis, and having ascended to a particular height, he proposed working his way back again to the _ Artillery ground by the assistence of his wings : this schcme, however, was frustrated by the loss of one wing; but from the evident power he preserved over the balloon under this disadvantage, he cer- tainly would have succeeded with both.. Mr. Biggin's disappointment was the most mor- tifying. It arose from the following circumstance : Dr. Fordyce, who attended the: filling of the bal- loon till n o'clock the night preceding the expe- riment, retired home for a few hours rest, after having given the workmen the most clear directions to pursue the same process till his return, which was about four o'clock, when, to his great surprise and distress, he found the men had got drunk, and so totally neglected their charge, that the whole had been at a stand still from the moment of his departure- To this neglect alone Was it owing, that Mr. Biggin could not ascend with signor Lunardi, the globe requiring full four hours more filling with inflammable air, to enable it to carry up the largest gallery with the two adventurers ! A gentleman, Whose veracity maybe depend- ed on, communicated the following intelligence respecting the Balloon : ' That after it ascended from the Artillery- Ground he mounted his horse, and rode across the country into Hertfordshire, always in sight of the Balloon, except for about ten or fifteen minutes, when his sight was in- tercepted by the hills. He informed the Gen- tleman, that Sig. Lunardi descended at a place called Standing- Green- End, distant about five miles from Ware, in Hertfordshire, about five o'clock, very much fatigued. — That there were six Gentlemen who were present at his landing, many having set out from London, ( among tile rest the Prince of Wales) but unsuccessful in the route. Lunardi communicated the follow- ing particulars: that after having been up about an hour and an half, tbe ther- mometer stood at 35 degrei- s, when the atmosphere was so cold that icicles were up- 0n his cloaths; and he was fearful his balloon would burst — that this time he drank half a dozen glasses of Myt;*. a.; his provisions were so intermixed with the sand at the bottom of the gallery, as to be of n0 service.— That on throwing out some air, the thermometer rose to 5", when the atmosphere was delightful; and in this situation he floated for an hour. In pas- sing over some villages, he called with his speak- in;- trumpet to the people, who heard him and answered. At Northaw he descended so low as to converse with a villager, a servant of Mr. Strong's, who was digging gravel. He there threw out his cat, which had accompanied him, and was taken up alive by an inhabitant. He took 110 other refreshment during his jaunt than twelve glasses of wine. Mr. Lunardi descended from his aerial expe- dition over a field where a woman was gleaning wheat and upon feeling the shock occasioned • liv.' grappling iron catching hold, of the brar. she was extremely grateful. The variations of climate occasioning the cat to be sick, was the reason of her being thrown out of the cradle. Mr. L.' s other fellow traveller, the dog, per- formed the journey with the greatest calmness and resolution, but his excessive transports. when he regained terra firma proved him more of a philosopher in practice than in theory. rec, he luir icily drew his luni.' o>' of his breeches pocket, and with it four or five guineas.. which found the center of attraction some minutes before their master. The money Was recovered. He made the female gleaner, who assisted him in disengaging the balloon from the tree, a present of half a guinea, for which NAVY- OFFICE, Sept. 8, 1784. tHE principal Officers and Commiffioners of his Majesty's Navy do hereby give Notice, That on Tuesday the 5th of next month they will treat with such persons as may he willing to undertake the performance of the PAINTERS WORKS at His Majesty's Yard at Portsmouth, on a standing Con- tract, to commence in six months. ' Government will allow the Discount on Navy Bills HAT TAX. Stamp- Office, Sept. 17, 1784. HIS Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties do hereby give notice, That the NEW STAMP DUTIEs UPON HATS commence on the id of October next, when the undermentioned rates are to be paid: For every Licence to sell Hats by retail, within the Cities of London and Westminster, or Within the distance of the Bills of Mortality, or within the Borough of Southwark, Forty Shillings. For the same in any other part of the kingdom, Five Shillings* For every Hat not exceeding the value of Four Shillings Three Pencc. For ditto above Four Shillings, and not exceeding Seven, Sixpence. For ditto above Seven Shillings, and n. it exceeding Twelve, One Shilling. For ditto above Twelve Shil- lings, — Two Shillings. Persons selling Hats by retail, without being duly licenced, forfeit for every offence a pe- nalty of - Fifty Pounds. Every licenced retailer, selling Hats without having the words " DEALER IN HATS BY RE- i " TAIL," pasted or written over the door of his shop or warehouse, forfeits for each \ Hat sold. Forty Shillings. A stamp ticket. denoting the par- ticular rate of duty to be paid on each Hat, is to be affixed to the lining in the inside of the crown thereof: And every per- son ( except licenced Retailers dealing with each other) who shall sell, buy, or exchange, any Hat, without having such stamped ticket affixed as afore- said, forfeits for every Hat so sold, bought, or exchanged, Ten Pounds. the Commissioners therefore, in pursuance of the above Act. do hereby give notice, That all persons, residing within the Cities of London and Westmin- ster, or within the distance of the. Bills of Mor- tality, or within the Borough of Southwark, who are required to take out the said Licences, end to provide themselves with stamped tickets for denoting the duties on the said Hats respectively, may apply for the same at the Office, appointed for that purpose, at No. 16, Boswell- court, Lincoln s Inn, on the 2 infiant, and every other day till the commence- ment of the said duties, in order tn take out their Licenccs, and to receive the different sorts of stamped Labels necessary under the said And all dealers in Hats in other parts of the kingdom are to apply to the respective distributors of stamps in the different counties, who are duly autho- rized by the Commissioners for the like purposes. By Order of the Commissioners, John Brettell, Secretary. Stamp- Office, September ii, 1784. ACT FOR GRANTING A DUTY ON CERTAIN VENDERS OF MEDICINES. HIS Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties do hereby give notice to all persons residing in the cities of London and Westminster, or within the distance of the pen- ny- post, who are required, by an Act of the t J'. l of his present Majesty, to take out Licences for selling Medicines, that daily Attendance is given at their office in Lincoln's Inn for granting the said Licences. And whereas the Commissioners have received information, that many venders of medicines, who are within the meaning of the said Act, have not renewed their Licences, and continue t0 sell such medicines without using the proper stamps for the same, they think it necessary to give public notice, that every person who shall be found offending, in this respect, against the law, will be immediately prosecuted in his Ma- jesty's Court of Exchequer. < By Order of the Commissioners, JOHN BRETTELL, Sec. N. B. Persons living in other parts of the Kingdom are to apply for their Licences to the respective Distributors of Stamps in the different Counties. To be PEREMPTORILY SOLD, pursuant 10 a Decree of the High Court of Chanccry, be- fore EDWARD LEEDS, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers in Lincoln's- inn, Lon- don, on Wednesday the 17th of November next, be- tween the Hours of Five and Six o'Clock in the After- noon, AValuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at ASCOT, in the County of BerkS, late the Estate of ANDREW LINDEGREN, of Red Bull Wharf, london, Merchant, Deceased, containing the Manor of ASCOT, within the Manor of WINCKFIELD, in the Parish of Winckfield, in the said County of Berks, with the Rights, Royalties, Members ahd Appurtenances thereto belonging, a capital new- built Mansion- house, Gardens, Coach- Houses, Stabling, and all other Conve- niences in excellent Order, . with Lands laid out in Park in front and rear of the House, and a Canal in front of the House. Together with a new- built. Brick Farm- House, Farm- Yards. Granaries, and all other necessary Buildings, and about 844 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture. Land enclosed, and chiefly near the Mansion- House, and about 33 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture land in the Common and Townfields of Winck- field, sundry small Cottages, and unlimited Right of Common 0n Ascot Heath. Particulars whereof may be had at the said Master's Chambers ; of Messrs. Weston, Attornies at Law, Fen- church- street; and of George North, at Ascot aforesaid, who will shew the premises. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. BOULTON, On Thursday the 83d of September, 1784, and two fol- lowing Days, on the Premises, at Eleven o'Clock, by Order of the Assignees, THE HOUSHOLD EFFECTS, FIX- TURES, and STOCK or Mr. ADAM HAMILTON, at the Rose and Crown, Enfield Highway, in the County of Middlesex ; consisting of Bedsteads with Variety of Furniture, good Beds and bedding, Window Curtains, » Wardrobe, Chests of Drawers, Tables, Chairs, a Clock, Plate, China, Linen, & c. two wind- up Ranges, a Cop- per, and numerous Kitchen Articles, two Coaches, two Post Chaises, and other Carriages, four Carts, twenty Hackney and Cart Horses, six Cows, a good Crop of Turnips, and other EfFects. May be viewed the 22d, and Catalogues had at the Bell, Edmonton; Mitre, Barnet; Bells, Brocksbourn, four Swans, Waltham Cross; Bull, at Ware; Plate of Sale and of Mr. Boulton, Threadneedle- street, London. The Horses, Cows, and Carriage* will be sold the FirstDay. OXFORDSHIRE. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, THAT capital and very elegant MANSION- HOUSE, called SARSDEN, with Stabling, for Forty Horses, and other Offices, the Gardens, Lawns, and Pleasure Grounds, thereto belonging. And also the valuable And extensive MANORS ot SARSDEN, CHURCHILL,, and LYNEHAM, MERRISCOURT, and FYNES COURT, and the Farms, Lands, & c. there- of, and certain lands in the adjoining Parish of King- ham, the whole withm the Compass of five Miles the House in about the Centre and consists of ...:<, C. o. j Acres of excellent and very improveable Land, of which about 240 are in Hand, 3400 let to Tenants only from Year to Year at very low Rents, upwards of 900 on leases for Lives ( most of them very old), and the remainder Common and Waste Ground admitting of very great Improvement by Inclosure. Also the valuable RECTORY of SARSDEN, of which the present Rector is near 70 Years of Age. These Estates are situated in a fine Sporting Country, and Sarsden House is distant from Oxford nineteen, Bur- ford eight, and Chipping Norton three Miles, ar. d is com- pletely and richly furnished in the modern Taste, ( ihe Fixtures and Part of the Furniture will be sold) the Gardens arc well Stocked and in good Condition, and the Land in Hand in very high Order, and altogether fit for the immediate Reception of a Fain; ly of the first Distinc- tion. N. B. The Timber has been valued at near I2, oool. About half the Purchase Money may remain on tlic Se- curity of the Estate. The Manor and House of Sarsden with about half the Lands of these estate's may be purchased separately. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Wade, of Crane- court, Fleet- street; Mr. Drewe, of New- Inn, London; or to Mr. Bulley, Attorney at Law, Chadlington. near Chipping Norton, Oxon; the latter of whom will shew | the Estate. To be SOLD by AUCTION By Mr. GODFREE, On Tuesday the 21st Instant, at Five o'Clock pre- cisely, Upon the Premises, No. 46, the most agreeable Part of Brompton- Row, near the Chapel, THE LEAsE of that compact, genteel BRICK DWELLING- HOUSE: Consisting of kitchen, and four clear stories, on which are five good bed- chambers, drawing- room, two parlours and tea- room, various useful closets and domestic offices, enclosed garden, detached coach- house, stable for three horses, two bed- rooms, and lofts. To be held for the unexpired term of seventy- nine years and a quarter from Michaelmas 1784, annual ground rent 7I. Is now let on lease, whereof one year and a half will be unexpired Michaelmas 1784, at 52I. 10s. per annum. To be viewed until the time of sale. Printed particulars may be had upon the premises, and of Mr. Godfree in New Palace- yard, Westminster. HOUSE, & c. To be lett, the large Mansion- t House at Southwarnborough, in Hampshire ; the House stands in a paled Park, in a Ring Fence, with the extensive Manor of Southwarnborough and Crondall, in which are Plenty of all Sorts of Game; the above Premises were for many Years occupied by the late Right H0n. Viscountess Folk- stone, now in the Occupation of her Son, the Hon. PhiliP Pusey, Esq the coming- in Tenant will have the Liberty of buying all Mr. Pusey's Furniture, & c. at a fair Appraisement. Southwarnborough is most delightfully situated in a dry, healthy Spot in a fertile Country, with every Convenience to commodate a Nobleman's or Gentleman's Family. Southwarnborough is two Miles from Odiham, tive Miles from Basingstoke, and three Miles out of the Turnpike- Road leading from Farnham to Alton, and is about forty- five Miles from London. Mr. Wise, at the House, will shew the Premises, and for Particulars enquire of Mr. Nicholles, at the Bush Inn in Farnham, Surry. THOUGHTS ON THE EAST INDIA BILL- BY ONE OF THE PEOPLE. ( Concluded from our lasti Paper.) lET us now examine what are the regulations provided by this bill, in the establishment of . a new tribunal, with a view to consider how far they are consonant to the principles here laid down. And to begin with the means by which a person may be brought to trial : Informations might, before this Act, . have been filed for the crimes to whiCh they relate, either by the King's Attorney General, in virtue of his office, or by any other person, with permission from the Court of King's BENCH. This right remains precisely the same, with this addition only, that the Attorney of the Company ( who stand, with respect to offences committed in India,, in the situation of the Government) has also the same official power, which is given in other cases only to the Attorney General of the Crown. The pannel or body from whom the Court is to be selected, consists of a certain number of the Members of both Houses of Parliament, not chosen indiscriminately, nor yet by the nomina- tion of the Majority of either House, who might be supposed to be attached to the Minister of the day; but by a mode by which due weight is given to all parties and descriptions of men. Every Member is to deliver in a list of forty persons, whom he most approves; and those whose names appear on twenty lists, provided they hold no place under Government, and are not particularly connected with the Company, are to compose a List, to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown, as proper persons to serve on this Tribunal. Here then we have in effect a pannel of jury- men, answering to the character of Jurymen in every essential particular; first, as being distinct from the magistracy ; next, as being a fluc- tuating body ; and lastly, chosen in such a manner as to obviate all partiality. The simi- larity continues in the remaining part of the process. The person accused has the same power as in our criminal law, of making pe- remptory challenges, and that to the number of thirteen of the Peers, and twenty of the. Commons ; while the prosecutor may make challenges upon special cause shewn to the Court. From the number then remaining, four Peers and six Commoners arc drawn by lot : " To these are joined three of the twelve Judges, to be named by their colleagues, one from each of the Courts. And of these thirteen thus se- lected, consists the Tribunal, competent to take cngnizance of offences committed in India. Thus it is, that in the constitution of this Court we trace every principle which has been judged essentially characteristic of a jury. If the minute forms have not been equally pre- served, it is because they have been found, nei- ther applicable to the subect, nor compatible with the natute of the causes in question; and would, if adopted here, fail of all the advan- tages to which they were directed in the origi- nal institution. It is true that the Jurors here are chosen from a very different class of men. Yet when we consider what are the objects pointed at in the choice of juries, namely, that they shall be men of sufficient substance to secure responsibility, and enabled by their local knowledge, and ha- bits of life, to judge of the fact, we shall per- ceive that the objects aimed at would be entirely lost, by submitting the decision upon East In- an offences to those men of whom Juries or dinarily consist. Even in the common practice of the British Courts, we see that cases arise of too delicate or complicated a nature to be trust- ed to a common Jury ; on which occasions it is usual for a special Jury to be summoned. The instances of Indian Trials may well he thought to require something still more special, something composed of persons of a more enlarged sphere of life, and accustomed to turn their thoughts to points of national concern. In the room therefore of the common, or special Jurymen, are substituted persons of minds enlarged by education, improved by habit, and versed in the detail of political concerns: Selected by tbe choice of all parties in Parliament from that body, to whom the legislation of the Empire at large has been committed by their fellow- citi- zens. When we add to the impartiality with which this Pannel is selected, the similarity that takes place in the mode of striking them off, we shall see tbe advantages of our favourite mode of Trial preserved so minutely in the constitution of this Tribunal, that we shall have every rea- son to confide in the justice of its proceedings. Before such a Tribunal as this, the guilty may indeed tremble, but the innocent may approach without fear or apprehension. In the manner of their proceeding, greater alterations have been adopted. For neither is this Tribunal denied thc power of adjourning, nor is it restricted to unanimity in its verdict; it uni e's also the double capacity of Judge and Jury, by deciding not only upon the Fact, but the Law, and proceeding even to the last parti- cular of pronouncing sentence. As to the power of adjournment, it is easy to comprehend why it could not be allowed in the constitution of a common Jury, since it would expose them in the interval to all the arts of seduction which might lie in wait for them abroad, and which persons of the ordinary rank might not always be able to resist. These can- not' be supposed to operate upon the persons selected for this Tribunal, guarded as they are against all means of corruption or influence, by their rank, their station in life, and above all, by that dignity and responsibility of character which ; s annexed to the situation of public men. When we add to this, the absolute impossibility of carrying through in one day tbe detail of trials which do not turn, like common cases, upon the ascertainment of a simple fact, but comprize various and complicated discussions, involving in them the choice of evils, and points of state necessity, we must confess, that a power of adjournment is necessary for the first purposes of justice ; the hearing attentively, and at till length, the several allegations of the contending parties. We are next to consider, how far it was ex- pedient to dispense with the unanimity of their verdict. This feature is a striking peculiarity in the present constitution of the English Courts of Justice : Whether it existed in their original for- mation is uncertain i Indeed there is great reason to think that it has crept in at a SubSequent pe- riod. It obtains in no other country, not even in Scotland, where Juries are coeval with their Government. In our highest Court of Justice, that of the Peers, it never has existed ; nor has it been adopted in any tribunal which the wis- dom of the Legislature has found occasion to establish ; not even in that most nearly interest- ing to thc Legislature, which decides upon the legality of elections to a seat in Parliament. The objections to it are so forcible and so obvious, from the possibility, and indeed frequency, of those differences of opinion between honest men, which seldom yield to mutual argument, that the most celebrated writers on this subject have questioned its policy. Yet how infinitely are these objections increased by the nature of the Causes to be heard before this Court. Perhaps in the ordinary course of civil causes, where the fact is simple, and open to the comprehen- sion of every plain understanding there may be little reason for apprehending such diffe- rence of opinion. But in causes relative to In- dia, at once o implicated in their nature, and in- cluding in them considerations of political and commercial interest; such differences of opinion mud not only often happen, but may originate on both sides, in principles of strict duty, and in the dictates of a scrupulous conscience. The last deviation from the forms of a Jury, is that which constitutes them Judges of the Law, as well as the Fact: And against this, particular clamour seems to have been raised, though perhaps with far the least shew of reason. For, on tbe one hand, it is a power which our Constitution allows and recognizes in innumerable instances, not only in Courts Martial, but in all proceedings before Justices of the Peace; before Courts of Quarter Sessions in our Courts of Law, upon attach- ments ; and lastly, in the proceedings ot Parlia- ment, es well in cases of impeachment, as in that established mode of trial, which every Peer claims as his dearest birth- right the pri- vilege of being tried, in cases affecting his life or his honour, by the whole body of the Peerage sitting in judgement upon him, and de- ciding, as in the instance of this Tribunal, both the Fact and the Law, as well as pronouncing sentence. And, on tbe other hand, it may be questioned, whether it is really any deviation ; and whether Juries are not competent to judge of the Law aa well as the Fact. For certainly, whenever Juries take upon themselves, as in the case of Almon, and more recently in that of Dean Shipley, to pronounce the fact tine, but the intention not illegal, they do in reality exercise that very power which is now to be vested in this Tribunal. But supposing it to be that innovation which it has been vainly contended to be, still in the present instance it would be unavoidable. For, since in all cases before this Court, the quantum of punishment must depend upon the cir- cumstances which induce them to find the de- linquent guilty, there would be a manifest de- fect, if those who had considered the one were not also to determine the other. And sup- posing this power to be left to the three Judges, it might then happen that a sentence might be passed, measured only by their separate opinion, and very disproportionate to the sense which the rest of the Court might have of his guilt: And it would be in vain for the majority to con- demn, if three of the number could destroy the effect of their verdict, by their lenity in mea- suring the punishment. In Surveying this Tribunal, we have found it assimilated in every essential circumstance, to the spirit and practice of the English Law, and carrying with it every benefit which re- sults from that peculiar mode of trial, which Englishmen so justly regard with pride, and watch with jealousy ; differing from it in those minute forms alone, which have little weight or significance, beyond what custom and an- tiquity have given them. And thus is a measure which afforded the fairest plea to the Minister, of widening the basis of his power, completed in a manner which entirely excludes the interfe- rence of the Crown, and closes up all thc ave- nues of Ministerial Influence. Much has been said upon the subject of the evidence which is to be received before this Court; as if this part of the Bill was not only an infringement of the practice of the Erg- lish Law, but a direct violation of the eternal principles of Justice itself. But these objec- tions, like the others which have been raised against this Bill, are conceivcd in ignorance, or suggested in malicc. It is said, that by the provisions for transmitting to the Court of King's Bench examinations taken in India, be- fore English Judges, under all the forms and regulations of English Law, and for permitting the authentic records of the Company to be produced before the new Tribunal, an unknown species of evidence is to be introduced into this country, if this were in truth an innovation, it would be easy to prove that it is of indis- pensable necessity to every idea of a trial of Indian Delinquencies, And here too we might plead the confession of Mr. Fox, who in the de- bate on this very Bill, assented to these clauses even before they were modified to that state in which we now see them. But our argument Will rest on more solid grounds than any dier- tian of that gentleman, or than any reasoning of mere neceessity. Whoever will have recourse to our Statute Books in one instance, and to the Reports of the Court of King's Bench in the other, will find that a Law was already in exist- ence for taking depositions in India, under a Commission from the King's Bench ; and that the Records of the Company were actually read in evidence, under the authority of Lord Mans- field, in the Trial of Mr. Stratton. What then shall we say of those Legislators, Members also of the highest Court of Justice in this kingdom, who, in their zeal against the passing of this Act, have reprobated as innovations *, things established by law, and sanctioned by practice ; and have recorded to posterity, their total ignorance of the laws under which they arc themselves pro- tected, and by which they are to judge of the proper- ties and lives of others. But to some of them, protests on this subject are ominous. A few- incoherent words, half- uttered in broken sen- tences, may be tortured into meaning, and misrepresentcd into sense. But these written opinions remain, and rise in judgment against them, to prove, that while they affect to mo- nopolize the abilities and virtue of this country, they possess neither the knowledge to judge with wisdom, nor tbe integrity to act with consistency. Connected with the subject of Evidence, is thc regulation which compels all servants of the Company, within two months after their return from India, to deliver into the Court of Ex- chequer inventories of their property of every kind, which they may then be possessed of. The severity of this is objected to ; and yet it would be difficult to find any other test of the conduct of their several officers, or any other chcck to the force of those temptations, from which so much evil has already proceeded, and so much more is still to be apprehended. What motives can we suppose so strong, as the shame of returning after a short absence with a large property, or the pride of bringing home a very moderate fortune after a long residence in that Country, to stifle that spirit of avarice and ra- pacity, which has so long prevailed; and to se- cure the natives from that rapine and oppression, under which they have so long unfortunately laboured ? For a series of years, we have been accustom- ed to see every public measure, as it passed, con- verted to the purposes of Ministerial Influence. Not a tax was levied, but it was employed by tne unprincipled Minister of the day, as a means of strengthening his power: And perhaps he was less Scrupulous what new burthens he laid upon the people, when he found it the most successful method of invading their liberties. And within this last year, we have been wit- nesses to tbe eagerness with which another Ministerial Leader seized this very measure, relative to the regulation of the East Indies, as an instrument for giving a death- blow to the Constitution ; treating the supposition of effect- ing any reform otherwise, us absurd and im- practicable. What there must be our feelings of surprize and admiration, when we find in the present Bill, this great work effected, without the minuted accession of Patronage to Govern- ment : When we see a Court of Judicature erected, inaccessible to influence either from the Crown or tbe Company; and behold a vast Continent subjected to the controul of this kingdom, without producing the smallest ill effect upon the British Constitution ? When we contemplate such a Bill, may we not justly consider it as an emblem of the PURITY and INTEGRITY of the mind from Whence it has proceeded ; and may we not draw conclusions highly favourable to the intentions, and calcu- lated to inspire confidence in the conduct of the present MINISTER of this Country ? * Vide Lords Protest, Aug. 9, 1784. An exact Narrative of M. BLANCHARD'S Ob- servations during his third Aerial Voyage, on the 18th of July, 1 784. I TOOK my departure, from the old barracks of Rouen, with M. Boby, at a quarter past five in the evening, having, besides our own weight, about two hundred and ten pounds of ballast.— While we were ascending vertically in a majestic manner, we continually saluted the spectators with our flags. The barometer fell four inches and six lines in seven minutes, the thermometer 18 degrees, in the same space of time. The compass convinced us that we were in the N. E. quarter. We felt at this time a little fresh breeze, which would have carried us for- ward, without affecting our intention of making some evolutions over the city, and of rising and descending at pleasure, as 1 had engaged to do ; - and which would, in fine, have prevented me from gratifying my native province, over which I was then hovering, and which was attentively examining my manoeuvres. I therefore strug- gled against the wind, in presenting to it the convexity of my wings, which I agitated with great force. This enabled me to turn to the West, after which I shifted my wings inversely, and found with pleasure that we had escaped this current, which would soon have driven us from the sight of our spectators, whose plau- dits and ejaculations we could still hear very distinctly. The force of ascension was constant- ly taking place ; but on striking the air to resist that power, we became for an instant, stationary. During this period, I enquired of M. Boby, who was contemplating the earth with admira- tion, whether he could distinguish the mountain of St. Catharine ? He looked for it without ef- fect, and he confessed ingenuously that he was out of his latitude, the surface of the earth ha- ving 110 other appearance to him than a superb plain. Having conversed together, for a short time, on the grandeur of the scene, I endea- voured to descend, and succeeded so well, that the people imagined we were falling. The ba- rometer rose considerably. As we fancied we heard exclamations of terror, we determined not to suffer the spectators to be under any fur- ther apprehenfion for our fate ; we re- ascended very quickly, by throwing out some ballast, and working with the wings. If it had not been my intention to mount very high, we could have re- ascended without either of those expedients, since we had effected our descent by the aid of our wings alone. We ascended very consider- ably, for the barometer, at 32 minutes past five, had fallen to it inches. We now found our- selves becalmed, and for four . minutes used no means of extrication. Having attentively sur- veyed the vast expanse, and contemplated the beauty of The clouds, which rolled over each other like a tempestuous sea, we congratulated ourselves on the occasion, and expressed an ar- dent desire to traverse their extent, which we could only effect by agitating our wings, it being prudent to reserve our ballast till we had got out of this calm, where we experienced sensa- tions delightful beyond description. I drew a paper from my pocket which had been thrown into my vessel at our departure^ We thought it was a song, and endeavoured by turns to find a tune for it, but we soon discovered it to be some excellent verses. Having read them over, we conceived it was time to determine our course. I asked M- Boby to which quarter he wished to turn ? he replied, To the North. I immediately Agitated one wing only, by veering it round pretty nearly to the forty- fifth degree, and we turned northward. My companion expressing a desire to be transported to the clouds, I acted forcibly with my four wings, and we ascended. The barometer fell ' o twenty inches, and the ther- mometer to nine degrees; it was now fifty- six minutes past five. Just at this time a contrary breeze sprang up, and I was obliged to aban- don my. northern course ; according to the compass, we took a North- east track, and this part of our voyage we ran through with great velocity. M. Boby imagined we were stationary all this time, and, conceiving that his strength would expedite our progress, he offer- ed to quit his barometer and assist me in rowing,. I desired him, however, to take care of his in- struments, and to assure himself that we were going at a great rate; as there was no fixed point in the immense void in which we then were, it was not possible to convince him of the celerity of our course, but that he should pre- sently be sensible of it. ; then turned back my wings, and struck the air in a contrary direc- tion ; the power of ascension yielded to this ef- fort, and we descended considerably. It was now six minutes after six ; — the barometer rose to twenty- five inches and two lines. At this height we could easily distinguish the country. My companion, who had till then been doubt- ful of our progress, was delighted to see the earth fly, as it were, from under our feet. We were then near the town of Saint Saez, and although this was not exactly our route, we agreed to hover over it, as we heard the in- habitants calling us towards them. We were in one minute near enough to see the houses very plainly, but not to distinguish the people. We saluted them with our fLags, and throwing out a portion of ballast, ascended considerably, and pursued our route north- eastward. In re- ascending, we thought we discerned a town at a distance, and indeed we Were not mis- taken. M. boby was better acquainted with this part of the country, and from the state of the compass, which 1 desired him to observe, he supposed it to be Neuschatel. " I have, said he, some friends in that town, and should be very happy to pay my compliments to them en passant, if it is agreeable to you." I told him it was quite as practicable as what we had just been doing, and would not interrupt our course, aa we must have passed over it, but that we would at present ascend as high as we were able. I had a particular reason for this, which 1 was desirous for a moment to conceal from my companion. It was my wish indeed, to endeavour to get a sight of the sea. When we had attained a height in which the Barometer marked twenty inches and six lines, we felt a supportable de- gree of cold. As condensation . was now tak- ing place, the balloon collapsed a little, and in - proportion as the barometer rose again, we threw out a proportional quantity of ballast. We passed on at nearly the same height about six minutes. The rarified air give M. Boby an appetite. He ate, and I followed his example. He asked for something to drink, but he did not relish the first bottle I gave him. He chsoe another, and we drank to the health of the city of Rouen, the earth in general, and his friends at Neus- chatel in particular, among whom we were about to descend. It was now twelve minutes past six; the ba- rometer had risen to twenty- two inches and four lines; the thermometer to twelve degrees^ I took the rejected bottle, and threw it away uncorked: We followed it with our eyes as far as we were able ; and observed it falling with such violence that the liquor escaped like a copious smoke from the funnel of a chimney. The wine appeared in ebullition, and exhaling in the form of vapour; at length it disap- peared. We continued to mount, and the barometer fell to twenty- one inches and six lines. We were still going North- Eastward, when I imagined we were approaching the t town. I employed myself in our intended de- scent, and solieited my adventurous companion to lay aside his instruments, that he might assist me to descend by means of our wings. He took his Station on the left side, and we both rowed forcibly for three minutes. We descended with facility near the town of Neuschatel, and by a quick and successive motion of the wings we attained a power of hovering over it. We sa- luted the inhabitants, who made the air resound with my name. It was now fifteen minutes past six. Having paid this visit, we again raised ourselves by means of the wings ; our departure seemed to throw the spectators into an alarm, and we could distinctly hear their voices, which seemed to recal us. We then ascended to a great height ; the barometer fell to twenty inches, and the thermometer to nine degrees: it Was now twenty minutes past six. We travelled at this height for six minutes, and in this last elevation we turned to the North North West, After passing through very light cloud, I perceived the sea before me at a distance ; the rays of the sun rendeied it as b; i|. bant as glass, I could discern a little black point upon it ; but took no notice to my fellow- travel- ler, and rowed powerfully to accelerate our course. The little point increased to my sight, and I was satiSfied it was a vessel. My companion, who was engaged in examinng the beauty of thr clouds, told me he heard the murmuring of a tempest. " Can it," said he, " be a contest between the clouds, or some effeCt within the globe?" " It is nothinig,"' sad I. A moment after, as I proceeded to lower the machine, he observed. that the noise increased, and resembled the waves of the sea. " You are not mistaken," re- plied I, " look back, and you will see the finest prospeCt imaginable." He was enchanted at the sight, and could plainly distinguish the ves- sel. I observed to him that it was now time to consider, whether we should undertake the passage ? " I am perfectly agreeable," answered he with the greatest firmness. " I am at your " command : you have seen throughout « ' the voyage, how much confidence I " have placed in your manoeuvres. I resign " myself entirely t0 your will ; your decision shall be mine." His fortitude greatly strength- ened my resolution. We were but two leagues distance from the sea, yet before I would deter- mine whether we should pass it, I made those observations which prudence suggested to me. The barometer convinced me of our consider- able elevation, the compass promised a happy passage, but the time of the day made me fear- ful that it would be a rash undertaking. I weighed everv circumstance, and considering the matter thoroughly, thought it would be best to descend. M. Boby expressed himself entirely conformable to my will. It was now, for the first time, that I open- ed the valve, in order to descend ; it produced all the expected effeCt. M. Boby, who was examining the barometer, obfej- ved to me, that we were descending rapidly. I told him, it was necessary that we should, as we were too near the sea to hazard a descent in an oblique line, which might perhaps bring us upon it. I re- quested him to be very attentive to the barometer, and to inform me when it stood at 26 inches. He gave me notice of it, and I threw out as much ballast as I thought necessary to bring 11s in equi- libria. This succeeded so well, that for two mi- nutes we ran over the plains at the same height. We could hear voices from all parts, and per- ceive a number of the country people running from different quarters. I immediately point- ed out to my fellow traveller the plain on which I should chuse to descend,. and in effect I row- ed with such success as to alight upon it. I cautioned M. Boby to be careful of his barometer, snd to hold it in equipoise, lest it should break. The machine settled gently on a piece of trefoil, and what was the astonishment of my compa- nion, when he perceived himself resting lightly on the tops of the leaves! his barometer had nearly fallen from his hands, and looking at me, he exclaimed with rapture, Ah! what a majestic descent! — Observing a great number of peasants running towards 11s, he expressed a desire to re- ascend, as it was impossible to know their in- tention. We again took our flight and ascend- ed to rear twelve hundred feet. My wings alone produced this effeCt, and with great ease, since we were in an equilibrium with' the atmos- phere. The weather was tolerably calm, and a very slight motion enabled us to ascend or de- scend at pleasure. The outcries of the peasants invited our return ; I manoeuvred in consequence, and we accosted them at about the height of one hundred feet. Some were clasping their hands together, others kneeling, and the greater part of them running awry terrified. The most courageous contemplated us, and ex- claimed, Are you men, or gods? What are you Make yourselves known." — We replied, We are men like you, and here is a proof of it. We took off our coats, and threw them down ; they seized on them eagerly, and began to divide them in pieces. This fcene afforded us infinite amusement. We then re- ascended. At length, when we sup- posed they were convinced that we were fel- low- creatures ( by their acclamations, and the offers of service which they tendered us) we resolved to descend. They stretched out their arms towards us, joy was depicted in the coun- tenance of some, while others shed tears of rapture. We came lightly down on a piece of corn, the ears of which supported us: we ' floated for some time in that situation, and no- thing, surely, could be more majestic than to see us glide along the surface of it. At last, we rested upon the earth, having 110 pounds weight of ballast left in our vessel, and were instantly surrounded by a great number of people, whole astonishment was so great as to deprive them of utterance. Note. " The plain of Puissanval, where we descended, at thirty minutes past seven, is fifteen leagues from the place of our departure." I observed that in the greatest rapidity of our courses a lamp would not have been extinguish- ed, and thence I conclude, that sails adapted to an aerostatic machine would never swell. ( Signed) BLANCHARD. BOBY. SATURDAY, Sept. 18. Yesterday arrived the Mail from France. Copenhagen, Aug. 1 j. THE East- India Company have received in- telligence of the safe arrival of their ship the Chateau- de- Dansbrog at Tranquebar. Irun, July 29. The 18th instant, at five o'clock in the afternoon, a dreadful hurricane came from the North- West, attended with fre- quent bursts of thunder and flashes of lightning, accompanied with a shower of hailstones of prodigious magnitude, some of them Weighing eighteen ounces ; and as those which were weighed broke in the fall, it is conjectured thai before reaching the earth they could not weigh less than twenty- three or 44 ounces each j the smallest that fell were equal in size to a common hen's egg. The damage occasioned by this hail storm is. beyond delcription ; the roofs of all the houses are greatly injured, the trees are stripped of their fruit and foliage, and our harvest is entirely ruined. Paris, Sept. to, Francis- Charles Comte de Rochechouart, Lieutenant- General and Gover- nor- General of Orleans, died at his castle of Courteilles, aged eighty- one years within a few days. Dresden, Aug' 12. The EleCtor has presented ' the University of Leipsic with 6000 florins, for the purpose of erecting an Observatory. Baron Adolphe de Bennigsen, Lieut. General of the Electoral troops, and InspeCtor General of the Infantry, died here the third instant, of the dropsy in his breast, aged 63. AMERICA From the PHILADELPHIA JOURNAL. Charles- Town, South- Carolina, June 10. Capt. Allen, of the Peace and Plenty, arrived this day from St. Augustine, confirms the account of Cru- den being determined to oppose the landing of rhe Spaniards on their arrival to take possession of the above place ; and for this purpose every preparation has been made. Philadelphia, July 20. His Most Christan Ma- jesty, informed that the United States were not possessed of any harbour in the East Indies where their vessels trading to China might refit, or where they might find fresh provisions, has ordered that the harbours in the islands of France and Bourbon ( also called Mauritius) should be opened to them, and that they should enjoy there all protection and liberty in going to and coming from China. New London, July, 9. We have accounts from St. Vincent's, that the Caribbs have again taken up arms against the Britiih inhabitants of that island, owing to encroachments made by the latter on the lands which were ceded to the Caribbs at their treaty of peace with the British Government some years ago. Hartford, July 23. There has lately been in- vented and made upon an entirely new construc- tion, by a gentleman in this State, a float, a water- craft, rowed by two horses. It arrived last Friday at the landing in this city. In the construCtion of this new and curious machine two scows are lashed together with a platform on the top of them ; 011 this platform is ereCted the machinery, consisting of an horizontal cog- wheel and trundle- wheel, which being moved by two horses slowly walking circularly on the platform, give motion to one wa- ter- wheel on each side of the float. The water wheel-, perform the service of the Oars, and carry the craft three miles an hour. The machinery is simple, not expensive, and the whole easily man- aged. It has attracted the attention of the ingeni- ous in mechanicks, and is deemed an invention, which, if duly patronised and perfected, will be highly useful to inland navigation. The movement of this machine will be always certain, as it goes against wind and tide ; it is expeditious, there be- ing no loss of time in the motion, as in the inter- rupted impetus of oars ; it is cheap, as one horse will perform the service of six or eight men. The General Court of the State of Massachusets have passed an ACt, laying a duty of fourpence law- ful money per ton upon every foreign vessel, to be paid into the hands of the naval officer where they shall clear out. New York, July 14- By a gentleman who has lately left the State of Vermont, and whose veracity is undoubted, we are informed that the passions of the leading Vermonteers again appear to be as tur- bulent as ever ; their intemperate folly having ani- mated them to take up arms against the inhabitants of this State, and shew their hostility to others, in order, as is pretended, to adjust and settle the boundaries of the self- created State of Vermont. Several people have been killed, and yet the Con- gress seem tacitly to permit a petty State to triumph over, and insult two powerful States, either of which could crush to atoms those arrogant men, whose only security hitherto has been the peaceable dispo- sition of the people whom they have injured. Cer- tainly a civil war ought at all times to be carefully guarded against, but yet, if it is absolutely neces- sary, the sooner it is undertaken the better. A very small force would soon reduce the Vermonteers to reason, and compel them to submit their claims to the Congress, in whom alone is vested the power of adjusting such differences as the arm of the Civil Power may not be long enough to reach. Indeed we are authorized to assert, that great numbers of the inhabitants of Vermont are extremely disgusted with their distraCted Government, and would be' very glad to be united to the State of New York. LONDON. Yesterday at noon his Majesty came to St. James's from Windsor; the levee was but thin of Nobility, except the Great Officers of Stare, which broke up early: The Secretaries of State had conferences with his Majesty till near three, when he returned to Windsor. Yesterday the Subscribers to the six millions to be raised for the service of the present year made good their third payment of fifteen per cent, of the said capital at the Bank. Extract of a Letter from Bruges, Sept. 5. " The Prince of Liege, who has been here for some days reviewing the troops, set off this day for Sluys on the same business; every thing bears the appearance of war in Flanders, and in all human probability it may not be long before hostilities commence." Extract of a Letter from Dublin, Sept. 11. " the American pacquets, lately arrived, at the same time that they announce the happy tidings of the manufactures of this kingdom be- ing universally imported and sold through the American Colonies, convey to us the melan- choly and humiliating intelligence, that Irish men and Irish women, emigrants from this country, are exposed to sale like the brute crea- tion in the American markets. " Notwithstanding the assiduous and virulent abuse heaped upon the present Administration of this country, its greatest enemies and calumnia- tors cannot but allow the virtues of mercy and forbearance. Though long irritated to thunder down vengeance on the head of faCtion, the arm of power and of punishment was graciously suspended. Sedition, however, at length soli- cited and compelled notice, rousing Administra- tion, to vindicate her abused dignity, and to bring, it is to be hoped, many an incendiary and many a disturbcr of the nation's peace to exemplary punishment. " We have just reason to expeCt that in the space of a very few months the deluded multi- tude will perceive their error, and in despite of the reiterated attempts nf those pestiferous de- magogues, who endeavour by every means that treason - can devise to warp the minds of the people from their duty and allegiance, as well as from their industry, that they will most hearti- ly execrate those dark plots that ere every day forming to their disquietude and destruction." We recommend the following notice to the attention of the public; and we trust that the evening and country prints will circulate it through every corner of the three kingdoms. In the Pennsylvania Journal of the 28th of July, and in several of the Philadelphia papers pre-, ceding that date, there is the following advert- tisement: ' " Just Arrived . From Londonderry, in the brig Peggy, Captain Stewart, A NUMBER OF FINE, HEALTHY MEN AND WOMEN SERVANTS, AND SOME SMART BOYS, whose times are to be disposed of to the best bid- ders by the Captain on board, or by Campbell and Kingston on the Wharf." Such is the fate of the miserable emigrants from Ireland— and such is the new land of liberty. Did the Penn- sylvania Quakers resolve to abandon the Negro in order to enter into the Irish slave trade Extract of a Letter from Deal, Sept. 16. " Wind E. N. E. Sailed for the River the Lord M'Cartney East- Indiaman with the Dili- gence pilot, and Thomas, Macnamara, from St. Kitt's. " Remains the Swift pilot." Extraxt of a Letter from Gravesend, Sept. 16. " Past by the Magdalene, Vincent, from An- tigua, and Propatria, Shafberg, from Stock- holm." Capt. Miller, of the Caesar, arrived at Ports- mouth, from Quebec, about the 18th ult. spoke the Union, Jones, from Cadiz for Newfound- land, on the Banks, out nine weeks, all well. A large ship with boards from Norway is on the Goodwin Sands, and it is feared will be lost. The crew are at Ramsgate. Extract of a Letter from Bath, Sept. 15. " Yesterday the coach. nan and guard of out- Mail Diligence made their Full appearance in the royal liveries, and cut a most respectable figure. It is certainly very proper that the government carriage should be thus distinguished ; such a mark of his Majesty's approbation does the con- tractors great honour, and it is with much plea- sure we see so great a change in the conveyance of our mail, not only in its speed and safety, but iu its present very respeCtable appearance, from an old cart and a ragged post- boy. " On the nth of this month died, in Gay- street, in this city, in her 92d year, Mrs. Pock- lington, reliCt of the late Admiral Pocklington, and mother to Mrs. Domville, of Gay- street." Though Mr. Lunardi himself escaped, his journey has proved fatal in one instance, and has thinned human society of a member. Mrs. Saunders, widow to an upholsterer of that name, who formerly lived in Goodge- street, was so ter- rified at the downfall of his oar, which she took for a human body, that she was suddenly taken ill, and in spite of all medical assistancc expired early on Thursday morning. She first fell into a kind of fit, but afterwards recovered her senses, and declared that she could not survive the shock. She died, where she happened then to be at Islington. Yesterday the Court of Scrutiny adjourned until Monday morning, the Vestry- Room being occupied to- day by tbe parish- officers. Thirty- five bad, six good, three reserved. Yesterday 22 prisoners were tried at the Old- Bailey, two of whom were capitally conviCted, viz. Henry Morgan, for felonionsly assaulting Charles Linton in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields, and stabbing him in the right side with a pocket- knife, which penetrated his liver, of which he died in about an hour. he received sentence to be executed on Monday. Richard Court, for stealing 55 yards of black sattin, value 20I. the property of Edw. Berry, in the dwelling- house of Charles Stillwell. Eight were convicted of felonies, one of petit larceny, and eleven were acquitted. Yesterday came on at the Old Bailey the trial of Colonel Gordon, who surrendered before Mr. Baron Eyre to answer to the charge of mur- der, by killing Col. Thomas in a duel on the morning of the 4th of September, 1783, in Hyde- park. The Counsel for the Crown were, Mr. Graham and Mr. Reeve for Colonel Gor- don, Mr. Mansfield, Mr. Silvester, Mr. Field- ing, and Mr. Garrow. The evidence, although very short ( consisting of the servant of Colonel Thomas, Capt. Hill, his second, Mr. Grant, Mr. Hunter, surgeons, and some formal proofs of correspondence on the unhappy affair) was protraCted to a length by cross examinations. The misfortune appeared to take root from a misunderstanding four years ago in America, where Colonel Thomas charged Colonel Gor- don with misconduct— they were then officers under the same command. Colonel Gordon was honourably acquitted, and in England sought reparation according to the laws of ho- nour. Col. Thomas was mortally wounded, and died the next morning. This was the whole substance of the trial. Capt. Hill, the second, was prevented, by the discretion of the Counsel, from going into the particulars of the duel, as the Court observed he was not liable to answer questions to crimi- nate himself. Colonel Gordon produced a train of noble witnesses to his character. Sir Guy Carleton, Colonel Fox, Colonel Arbuthnot, Colonel Watson, Colonel Dundas, and many others, described him in the most favourable manner as a gcntleman and soldier. Mr. Baron Eyre, in his charge to rhe Jury, made many sound and interesting legal defini- tions ; they were such as great honour to his head and heart. He lamented the prevalency of duelling, and said it had long been, as he fear- ed would remain, the fashion OF the present times, unless those authorised to direCt the man- ners of the' people would appoint some other mode than the sword to decide the differences of military men. He was bound by his oath to declare how the law stood upon the faCts, and the Jury together with him, whatever the even, of the trial might; be, had this consolation leftt that they had conscientiouSly discharged their respeCtive duties. The first point the Jury had to settle was, that Col. Thomas fell by Col. Gordon. The pri- soner seemed to meet the fact, and indeed the eVidence did not clearly prove it, therefore there question that the deceased was, not killed prisoner, no direCt testimony being brought to set that matter indisputable. The ' gentleman at the bar, however, if the Jury were satisfied Col. Thomas waS killed by Col. Gor- don, was under the necessity either wholly to justify the aCt, or to extenuate the commission of it.. The law in both these cases was settled and laid. down. For his own part, he knew of no justification to put an end to existence, but an attack made upon the person of another, and he compelled to resort to desperation in defence, such as a sudden stab first given, and a return made without time for the passions to cool, which might terminate in the death of the ag- gressor— That indeed was a good justificatiOn. The extenuation was in homicide, under cir- cumstances of heat and violence of the faculties; where cool resentment and determined revenge had no share. There the humanity of the Eng- lish law was conspicuous. The fact, altho' the same, was lnterpreted into a softer crime than murder, namely, manslaughter ; for such was the indulgence shewn upon Occasions of sudden pro- vocation, that a latitude was given to the weak- ness of human nature ; and, instead of punish- ing the unbridled rage of an unfortunate indivi- dual with death, the law had prescribed only imprisonment, by bestowing the benefit of Cler- gy on the offender. The character of Col. Gordon had been shewn in the most amiable light, by the testimony of a great number of respeCtable gentlemen, many of them high and distinguished ; but the jury were to turn their thoughts entirely to the sub- ject before them, and nor to suffer general repu- tation to weigh further than it was striCtly appli- cable. Certainly a better character never was . established in that Court, nor more suited to re- pel the charge against the prisoner, as it served to establish his humanity, aud to prove his for- bearing and patient disposition. He was sorry to be bound to observe, that the extenuation of the charge was no ways applicable, to the prisoner's case, under the gust of passion, and a justification was not to be pleaded. the Jury had heard the evidence, and were the only proper judges whether to acquit or condemn He had eased his conscience by delivering the law. He felt for the situation of the Unfortu- nate gentleman at the bar, who stood so emi- nent in the estimation of his numerous friends. No doubt every person present beheld him with a pitiful regard, but he was happy to have acted with justice and impartiality. The Jury, after ten minutes deliberation found Colonel Gordon Not Guilty. rObberiE S. On Wednesday night, or early on Thursday morning, a house in Charles- street was broke open, and robbed of linnen and wearing apparel, which were left in the kitchen; also of a set of china and some kitchen furniture. The thieves got in down the area, and had endeavoured to get to the upper part of the house, but the doors were so well secured that they got no further than the kitchen. On Wednesday last, about one'o'clock, a gen- tleman had his pocket picked in Chiswell- street of a gold watch, and a purse containing ten guineas. PROMoTED. Philip Box, Esq. to be Receiver General of ihe land- tax for the lower division of the county of Bucks. MARRIED. Thursday, John Forster, Esq. of Lincoln's- inn- fields, Secretary to the Commissioners of American claims, to Miss Elizabeth Brockman, second daughter of the Rev. Ralph Drake Brock- man, late of Beachborough in Kent, deceased. Same day, Mr. Smith, attorney- at- law, of Redlion- street, Clerkenwell, to Miss Sarah Sel- lon, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Sellon; Minister of St. James, Clerkenwell. Same day, at Layton church Archibald Paxton, Esq. of Buckingham- street, in the Strand, to Miss Harriett Gill, daughter of William Gill, Esq. one of the Aldermen of the City of London, DIED. Tuesday se'nnight, at Clapham, Mr. John Dray,- surgeon, ot Dover. Tuesday, Mrs. Bellas, reliCt of . George Bellas, Esq, whom she survived only two months— Thursday, Mrs. Black, wife of Mr. George Black, hot- presser, of Moorfields. COVENT- GARDEN. Last Night, As You Like it ; with Cross Purposes. DRURY LANE. This Evening, The Pro- vok'd husband ; with All The World's A Stage To the FAIR SEX. IF a regular Method of treating the various DissorderS peculiar to Women, added to a long and extensive Practice, can insure Success, none need to De- spair of Relief, rest securely happy in Mind, and depend On being treated with tbe utmost Delicacy and profound Secrecy by applying to Mr. WHITE, Surgeon and Man- Midwife, or Mrs. White, Midwife, No. 2, near the Goose and Gridiron, St. Paul's Curch- yard. As above may be had Mr. White's Address to the Com- munity on concealed Pregnancy, worthy the Perusal of Ladies whose Situation require a temporary Retirement. Price is. Also my Restorative Salo Pills, at il, is. per Box, which is an effectual Remedy to remove all Obstruction or irre- gularities, & c. letters, Post- paid, attended to.— To prevent Enquiry, No. 2, is 0n each Side the door. 1 Postscript. Saturday Afternoon, Sept. i3. For the Whitehall Evening- Post; ABRIDGEMENT of the STATE OF POLITICS THIS WEEK. BRITAIN'S affairs suffer very little variation at present, standing alone as she does., unconnected with any of the Continental Powers, Uninterested in their schemes, and unsolicitous about the events of the same. The principal object of the public attention are now our internal affairs the taxes, the laws concerning them and how they are to be borne and how evaded. and first, the eyes of all men are upon the East- India Company, to see what steps they will take tO reduce the prices of their teas, in order to make the public a fair compensation for the heavy tax that is laid upon their eye- sight; and also to see what methods will be used by the dealers in that commodity, Wholesale as well AS retail, to keep up the price and fill their own pockets, regardless of the window- tax, or the suppression of smug- gling. If there does not appear much candour and fair- dealing in both - these parties, the people will feel themselves very much injured and maltreated by the commutation scheme, and resent it accord, ingly. The new superintending Commissioners ought to look well into it, and see that the inten- tion of the Legislature is not baffled and defeated by the avarice and artifice of the ONE or the ochet, tii' 1 oth. Upon the turn this bufiuefs takes will iriu h depend tbe good temper of the pevple ano the I r . nquillity of the nation. We are much afraid that feveral of tbe other taxes will be grievous in the- le vying, and . operate ro the disadvantage of the Mif. idry in the minds « . f many indudrious traJefmen and manufacturers : Great care and tendernel's ought therefor? to be exercifed in the manner of enforcing them. The true ftate of Irtland feems to be carefully concealed from the people of this ifland ; and in- deed the people here FEEM to cave as little about They confider that ill mil as already difievered f om this, and acquief.- e in it, under a habit of luti^ mig lofs, difgr. ce and difipp lintmtnt Infenli- blyand unfeelingly. *.* ut tl. cy ( i. ouid confider, that two ii gdotns v. hleh hjivf f r agei and cen- times beer, entwift ng ? tn1 entwining all t.; tir na- tural, ' political aild commercial concerns togetluii, einnot tefo eafify toni iiundtr and IVparated, at fiirtve bf our weak, * puny, puiilla.-' u-' rws ' a* e* Mi- nifters irtt g tel. oca' » i:-. y '<;• 1 ... . J.-. y hart effected bv drawing Parliament in to make ralh, halty re'olutions, without frurfeeing the con- tinences. The Irifh people, fo far from being hap- py in the conceflions already made them, are now more diffttUficd than ever; and will be more and more, until a better plan is adopted than'thatof our Co. i'ition- Sutefrnr n either in their adverfe or Conjunct ftate. Upon the whole, we fear Minifters wili delay a remedy of Irifh aft'airc until they aie paft all remedy. France has done finely for Holland ; feduced her from her only firm, faithful and efficient ally, and inveigled her rulers to throw their country entirely into her own arms, to trull to her help, fnpport and protection in all cafes whatfoever! And tbe Wry fi: ft rale tint occurs is demurred againft by this grtat and gooel nt W ally of the Uniltd Slates Of Europe and of America. " You ihould have " quarrelled ( fays the Grand Monarch) with your ** own friends, with neutrals, with ftrangers, or " any body far or nfar; but you ought not to " have qnan- t'lled with me or my friends, rffe- " cialiy'my high Ally, rtiy Kinfman, the brother of my dear beloved Queen, tbe darling of my '* Ilea it, tbe idol of my eye, and fonrce of all mv " earthly joy ! I never meant to join you agaititt " him. I will indeed intercede with him for ycu " to make you tafy te'rms, I. u1 whatever he pre- " fi ribes ; ou rruft comply with. 1 was only to " guaranty you againft your eld friends whom " you had offended bj joining me. Againlt them " you will always find n e ready and willing to " jo'n yon " totis viribus." The left cf the Continent of Europe feems at prefent to depend for its conduct, on the turn things v\ i11 take between the Emperor and the( Dutch. If they Ihould go tefolutely into a ( late of war, it will give life lo a new f) Item of policy am org the European powns, if it docs not ulti- mately leiniin ite in a partition treaty. When I1r. Lunaidi putil ( lies an authentic ac- count, under his own baud, of bis aeriil voyage, of what he law, what he felt, ajid what he thought ill She different ft.: ges of his afcer. ding to and defcend- ing from tut clouds, the oblcrtalions he m, ide < jn h's fellow- travellers the dog and the cat, tbe va- rious l'ymptoins vilible on them, and accounts for poor puis being tendered inanimate, or nearly fo, r^ olvv'thllanding the old adage of her having nine lives, while honed Tray endured the fatigue and Graved the danger with a philofophical fortitude and feren ty, we will give our reafons why we treated his adventure with invincible incredulity, arid even now coolider every future attempt of the kind as an effoit offunzy, that muft end fatally with fome before it is laid afide. Ihis Day arrived a Mail from Holland. Hague, Sept. 15. The Government General of the AND nan Netherlands ( uotwithftnnding the 1 tfolution of the States General of Angutt 30, has BEEN communicatcd to them) not only perlifts in demanding compliance with every ar- ticle in tbe Emperor's declaration touching the • op ning of tbe Schelde and the free navigation . to the EAFT and Weft- Indies, but we learn that Count Belgiojofo, the Prime Minifler, has, in a CONFERENCE on the' fubjeiffl: of the duties accuf- ' torn IL to'be paid by the Auftrian vcffcls palling the FI- IT of LILLO, folemnly declared, that the firft ftiot which ftiall be tired by the Comman- dant of the fa d Fort will be looked npos by his Imper. al Majifty as a declaration of war. Paris, Sept. 5. By the new military Ordi- nance, the King's honlliold troops are again ai g lit nred to 000 men. 1 he Gens d'Armes alio Mofqueta'trea are united into one corps under tiie niinf of Dragoons of the Crown. Six new regime nts of light horfe are cftablifhed, and we are affured that acorps of 12,000 young Noll men ai d Gentlemen will be formed, to be called the French phalanx. This corps is 10 do regimental duty, and will be lodged in bat- racks ; from it the Lientenints both of infantry and cavalry will be henceforth selected. The French Government has ordered 3 pay- ment of all the arrears of the annuities, perpe- tual or for life, and authorises the Farmers Ge- neral to issue for that purpose the firsts of one million of livres monthly, from the first of Octo- ber inst. to the first of June 1786, This, say the French speculatists, seems to be a prelude to a new loan, which they expect with such eager- ness, that they have already provided more money than will be sufficient to supply the exi- gencies of the state. Madrid, Aug. 2. The King has granted to the new East- India Company a million of pias- ters; with this gift of the Crown, its own stock, and the sums lent by opulent individuals, that Company has a capital of more than mil lions of reals Vellon. Naples, Aug. 24. Mount Vesuvius begins tc give signs of a new eruption by a hollow roaring in its caverns, which greatly alarms the inhabi- tants in that neighbourhood. A dreadful conflagration has been occasioned by the customary burning of the stubble in Campania. Six vineyards in the territory of Colonna, and a great number of olive planta- tions have been reduced to ashes. Constantinople, Aug. 6. In consequence of a plan proposed by Comte Vladogna, a native of Italy, lately appointed Consul for the Spanish nation at Scutari, a regular post is established betwecn this city and Spain ; it is to pass by way of Scutari and the Adriatic, where four pacquets are to be kept up, which will sail each twice a month. The Prince of Nassau has formed a scheme for opening a trade between Poland and France, by. means of small vessels, to transport the Po- lish commodities down the Neister to Akerman tin the Black Sea. In consequence of this, the French Minister has claimed for the subjeCts of his master the free navigation of that sea, in the same manner as it has been granted to the Rus- sians and Austrians. LONDON. As the interruption which has taken place in the Tea Sale, leads to very important considerations for the Public, We have been at pains to procure a true account of that matter, wh'lt1 we lay before our Readers as follows : The usual legal consumption of * Sv' the late alteration, was somewhat under six millions of pounds weight per annum ; consequently the quarterly Tea Sale, if no increase of legal con- sumption had been expeCted, would have consisted of about one million and a half of pounds weight: but in consideration of the expessed increase, and also because all the considerable stock usually In the hands of the dealers, was exhausted when the new regulations took place, the East- India Company put up at their present sale 110 less than six millions two hundred thousand pounds weight of Tea, and at greatly reduced prices, standing bound by ACt of Parliament to put up not less than two millions and a half pounds weight more at another Sale, to be made before the 31st day of December next. Notwithstanding this immense supply, the prices during a few hours sale the first day, and about an an hour in the morning of the second, were so pushed up as strongly to indicate a combination to keep up the prices above their natural level, which would have operated in the same manner as high duties for the protection of smuggling. Under these circumstances the sale was adjourned till one o'clock. It had been declared to the buyers that, for general convenience, this first sale should, con- trary to the original intention, be divided into two parts, the first of which was expected to be got through by the 5th day of October, selling five days in every week, and six hours each day, and the second part was to commence on the 25th of October. A Court of Directors was held during the ad- journment of the Sale, where the following Reso- lutions were come to, v z. " That this Court will as early in the month of November as shall he consistent with viewing the Teas, begin the next sale, and will at such sale, put up such quantities of tea, and at such prices, as shall appear most effectual for accomplishing the salutary purposes of the late ACt of, Parliament in the suppression of Smuggling. " That it is the opinion of this Court, that if a great and decided majority of the buyers now as- sembled, do concur with the request of the Com- mittee of Tea Dealers, signified by their Chairman, that the Second Part of the present Tea Sale do im- mediately follow the First, this Court will comply therewith, and accordingly restore the declaration to its original state. That it is the opinion of this Court, that if the declaration of the Tea Sale is altered, it ought to be left to the option of the buyers of lots already sold, to make the deposit thereon or not as they shall think fit." These Refolutions being read by the Chairman of the Company to the buyers assembled, computed to be near five hundred in number, Mr. Twining, as Chairman of the Committee of Tea Dealers, moved the question, That the buyers do concur in the request of the Committee of Tea Dealers, which was carried unanimously in the affirmative, and thereupon the sale went on, it being declared that such lots as the deposits should not be paid upon, and which should thereby be relinquished, would be sold over again at the end of the sale. Thus the Public will be secured in the just enjoy- ment of those advantages for which they are sub- jeCted to the new duty 011 windows, as far as can any way depend upon the East- India Company The correspondent who informed us of the above tranfaCtions at the Tea Sale at the India House 0n Thursday, requests that the publick would not form their judgment from the prices given at the commencement of the sale, which were evidently the artifices of men inimical to the reduCtion pro- posed by tbe Minister, Company, and Trade. The Trade assembled again yesterday, and the same efforts being praCtised to prevent the fall of price, Mr. Twining, Chairman of the Committee appointed by the Trade, rose and addressed himself nearly as follows ; Mr. Chairman, I believe it is unnecessary for me to Inform the gentlemen present, that the cause of our deliberations held this morning, has been in consequence of the very high prices given for Teas at this sale. The plan proposed for the reduction of Tea, was to bring it to such a level, as Would make it not worth the interest of any one man to buy Tea, but what was fairly bought at the East- India Company's Sale. It is apparent such prices are not in consequence of the purchases of the fair part of the trade ; but of the artifices of a set of men, whose interest it is to keep up the price of Tea. Unless some method is adopted to prevent prices continuing, there will be as great an advan- tage attending smuggling as at any one time. To prove this, he would read to the trade at large the prices at which Teas sold lately in Holland. Singlo is. 6d. Bloom 2s. 3d. to 2s. lod. and Hyson at 3s. js, Id. to 35. 6d. per lb. Gentlemen would observe it is a faCt, common Singlo Teas have sold this sale at 3s. 7d. whereas Hyson Teas in Holland have sold at 3s. 6d. per lb and he could inform the Trade there would soon be a sale at Ostend of a considerable quantity. He did not mean to throw the smallest refleCtion upon every purchaser at yes- terday's sale, on the contrary there were many fair purchasers, Who reluctantly brought their Teas, and were compelled to give the prices which were artificially commenced. He informed the Trade be had seen the Minister since yesterday's sale, and communicated to him the prices for which teas had sold; at which the Minister was astonished, and much disappointed. Mr. Twining Was happy to say, the Gentlemen in the Court of Direction were earnestly solicitous to keep down the prices of tea, as much as the trade; and he did not doubt, it the Minister, Company, and fair part of the Trade concurred, but such measures might be adopted as would produce such effeCt. To this end he begged leave to propose to the Gentlemen in the Direction, as he believed it to be the wish of the Trade, to sell the teas intend- ed to he sold the 25th October, immediately after the teas now on sale. If it was practicable, he for one was ready to purchase them on the cursory view he had only at present made of them, rather than wait the delay of obtaining a more accurate account of them. This, he could answer, was the sense of the Committee ; and he did not doubt but it would be the sense of the Trade at large. If the measure did not succeed, the Company had it still in their power to give any additional quantity that may be thought requisite: the quantity menti- oned in the act of Parliament they are bound to sell, but there are no restriCtions on the powers of the Company selling more. He was extremely sorry on one account, namely, the' disappointment which must be experienced by the publick at large. If some means were not taken to answer their ex- pectation, Gentlemen would reColleCt that a very burthensome tax of window lights Was levied on the publick, as a commutation for the duties on teas. He therefore hoped that the sale might be adjourned, till an answer was obtained from the Court of Directors, whether the wish he expressed for the second part of the tea sale being sold imme- diately after the first, could be complied with. If all these circumstanccs were ineffectual, he could assure the buyers, the Committee had one other resource, which they were of opinion could not possibly fail. But such was the nature of it, he could not with propriety divulge it, without mani- fest injury to the trade, and to the gentlemen in the Direction He sincerely hoped, that the trade would place that confidence in their Committee, as to be- lieve, that they have no other view in concealing this matter from their knowledge, than convic- tion, that revealing it would be attended with cer- tain injury to the fair part of the trade and the East- India Company. According to the usual course of business at the India- House, there would be no Court of Directors held till Tuesday But Mr. Twining hoped the national importance of the present business would urge the gentlemen behind the Bar to call a Court immediately, for the express purpose of determining on the question of bringing forward the second part of the sale immediately after the first, to prevent the general dissatisfaCtion which would otherwise ensue. The sale was accordingly adjourned for about two hours, in which time the Committee held a conference with the Directors, and at two o'clock the Chairman of the Company, with a great num- ber of the Directors, returned to the sale- room, when the Chairman informed the trade, that the Court of Directors had taken into consideration the speculative prices that had been given for teas; that they had taken into consideration the request made to them by the Committee of the Trade, and in order to remove the general alarm, which must arise from the prices given, they had come to the following resolutions, the Resolutions in the preceding column.] throwing aside the circum- stances that might naturally be supposed to in- fluence them, from the profit arising from the high prices given to the Company, and principally con- rtning their views to the benefit of the nation at large. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Sept. 17. " Arrived the Calcutta, Clark, from Pen- zance ; Newlands, Ridley, from Sunderland ; Temple, Taylor, from Newcastle ; Chichester, Miller, from Chetler; Draper, Randall, from Dublin. " Sailed the Catharine, Corbett, for Fal- mouth; Freedom, Hammond, for Waterford ; Favourite, Williams, for Barcelona ; Sampson, Randulf,' for Amsterdam." Extract of a Letter from Deal, Sept. 17. " Came down and sailed the Friends Good- will, Conolly, for Cork; Caesar, Brown, for Londonderry; New Draper, Hughes, for Dub- lin ; Robin Hood, Bishop, for Boston, and Bar- bara, Tracey, for Malaga. " Arrived and sailed for the River, Polly, Lin- thorne, from Jamaica, and Princess Royal, Gard- ner, from Brazils. 11 The large ship which was on shore yester- day on the Goodwin Sands, is got off and carried into Ramsgate Pier. " Remains the Swift, Boys." On Tuesday next, being St. Matthew's day, according to annual custom, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs, and Governors of the fe- veral City Hospitals, will attend Divine Service at Christ- Church. After a Sermon preached by the Rev. Mr. Penn, they will proceed to the Great Hall in Christ's Hospital, where two Orations will be delivered ; in Latin by William Wales, and in English by George Richards, two of the Senior Scholars of the Grammar School. Tuesday last, in the dusk of the evening, Mr. Abicham, farmer at Bromley, and Mr. Fowles, butcher at Beckenham, in Kent, ' were accosted in the road leading from the farther pnrt of Blackheath to Woolwich, by two highwaymen who told them to stop ; but upon their not in- stantly complying, one of the villains discharged a pistol, the ball from which passed through the corner of Mr. Abicham's hat, and lodged in the head of the chaise. The robbers, one of whom was mounted on a remarkably spirited horse, took from them upwards of four pounds, and rode towards the heath. Yesterday morning the apprentice of Mr. Arrowsmith, bricklayer, in Swan and Hoop- yard, Tooley- street, fell between the rafters of the roof of a new building at South Lambeth to the first floor, by which accident his skull was fractured in so terrible a manner, that he ex- pired in a few hours. On Friday a master bricklayer, with only one leg, undertook to walk ten miles on the Rum- ford road for ten guineas, in two hours, which he performed in one hour and fifty- five mi- nutes. Died, on Wednesday night, at Walthamstow Daniel Appleton, Esq. cornfactor. Cambridge, Sept. i J. On Saturday last was married, by special licence, at Wisbech, Mr. O'Burne, the most astonishing Irish giant, to the amiable Mary Ann Colston, of Morton Sea- End, near Spalding. There never was a mar- riage known in Wisbech attended with such a concourse of people, there being upwards of 1500 persons to celebrate the nuptials. STATE LOTTERY, 1748. The Tickets are sold and divided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, by HAZARD and Co. Stock- Brokers, at their State Lottery Of- fice, No. 93, under the Royal Exchange, London, and no where else 0n their account. Correct nu- merical and register Books are kept, and Tickets and Shares registered at Sixpence per Number. Note, In the last Lottery the following capital Prizes were sold and shared at this Office, viz. No. 30,503, a Prize of io, oool. in two Quarters, two Eighths, and four Sixteenths ; No. 21,151, a Prize of 20,0001.; No. 3,668, aftd 45,552, Prizes of io, ooo[. in whole Tickets. Two Blanks to a Prize All Shares sold at this Office will be stamped agree- able to Act of Parliament, and also with the Crown, and round it Hazard's Lottery Office. Money for the Prizes will be paid at this Office as soon as drawn. Letters ( Port paid) duly answered, and Schemes gratis. Begins drawing the 22d of No- vember. N. B. Agreeable to Act of Parliament, no business m the Lottery transacted before Eight o'clock in the Morning, .1 or after Eight o'clock in the Evening. Bank, India, and South Sea Stocks, with their several Annuities, India Bonds, Navy and Victualling Bills, and all kind of Government Se- curities bought and sold by Commission. AERIAL VOYAGE. This Day was published, price is. 6d. ( With an Introductory Preface, and an explanatory Copper- plate,) AN exact and authentic NARRATIVE of M. BLAN- CHARD'S Third Aerial Voyage, from Rouen, in Normandy, on the 18th of July, 1784, accompanied by M. BOBY, in which they traversed a Space of 45 Miles in Two Hours and a Quarter, inclusive of the Time spent in raising and depressing the Machine in the Air, and in hovering over the Cities ot ROUEN and NEUFCHATEL, All which was effected without much Waste of Gas, or Ballast, but chiefly by the Assistance of Wings adapted to the Car. To which are added Four Certificates, tes- tifying the Truth of the Relation, and signed by several respectable Characters. Translated from the French of M. BLANCHARD. Aereos audet tentare volatus.— Printed for C. Heydinger, in Queen's Court, Great Queen- Street, Lincoln's- Inn- Fields; and sold by R. Bald- win, No. 47, Paternoster- row -, J. Debrett, in Piccadilly; R. Faulder, New Bond- street; and W. Babbs, Oxford- street. N. B. Entered at Stationers- Hall. This Day was published, Price 3s. sewed, or 33. 6d. bound, 1/ 1 a neat Pocket Volume, dedicated by Permission to the QUEEN, A TREATISE on the several DISEASES of INFANTS and YOUNG CHILDREN. To which are added, DIRECTIONS for the proper Management of Infants from the Birth, with a particular View to such as are brought up by Hand. The whole adapted to the Use of private Families as well as Medical People. By MICHAEL UNDERWOOD, M. D. Licentiate in Midwifery of the Royal College ot Physi- cians in London, And Practitioner at the British Lying- in Hospital Printed for j. Mathews, No' 18, Strand. This Day Was published. Price is. tid. A Concise ABSTRACT of the following interest- ing ACTS of PARLIAMENT, passed in tbo Session of 1784; by which the Public in general are more immediately affeCted than by any passed in any former Session, viz. t. Tea and Window ACt 2. The Game ACt 3. The Horse Act 4. The Postage Act 5. The Pawnbroker's Act 6. The Soap and Starch Act 7. The Cotton and Linen Act R. The Hatter's Act 9. The Excise Goods Act 10. The Candle Act 11. The Distillery Act 12- The Hackney Coach Act 13. The Smuggling Act Brick and Tile Act By a Gentleman of the Inner- Temple. London : Printed for J. Walker, Paternoster- row. In a few Days will be published, price is. All the remainder of the ACTS of PARLIAMENT that passed last Sessions.
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