The Whitehall Evening-Post
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 5777
No Pages: 4
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The Whitehall Evening-Post
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The Whitehall Evening-Post
Date of Article: 01/07/1784
Printer / Publisher: J. Lee
Address: No.4, Ludgate Hill
Volume Number: Issue Number: 5777
No Pages: 4
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PRICE THREE- PENCE.] From TUESDAY, June 29, to THURSDAY, July 1, 1784. [ No. 5777, Victualling- Office, June 30, 1784- WHEREAS a Balance Bill ( No. 1219, for * ' 642/. 14s. 7d. dated May 31. 1783), made out in. the Name of Mr. William Gambold, Pur- ser of his Majesty's Ship Superbe, has been obtained from this Office under colour cf Papers, one of which has the Name of R. Simonton thereto, and the same pretended to be the Hand Writing of Captain Robert Simonton, Commander of his Majesty's said Ship Superbe, which Signature the said Robert Si- monton has sworn not to be his Hand Writing ; this is
therefore to caution all Persons against pur- chasing the aforesaid Balance Bill, as it will be stopped where it comes to be assigned for Payment, This day was published, In Octavo, Price ts. 6d. THE REPORT from the SELECT COMMITTEE appointed to examine the REPORTS of the DI- RECTORS of the EAST INDIA COMPANY, ( June 22, 1784.) With the APPeNDIX, Containing all the Papers refered to in the Report. Printed for G. and T. Wilkie, St. Paul's Church- yard. ' + 4t The REPORT may be had separate, Price is. 6d. WEDNESDAY, June 30. From the LONDON GAZETTE. St. James's, June 29. ONE of the King's
mes- sengers arrived on Sun- day last with the rati- fication on the part of • the States- General of the United Provinces, of the Definitive Treaty of Peace, signed at Pa- ris on the 20th of May • last, which was ex- changed with Daniel Hales, Esq. his Majesty's ; Plenipotentiary, against his Majesty's ratification, j on the 19th instant, at Paris, by the Plenipo- tentiaries of their High Mightinesses. Whitehall, June 29. The King has been pleas- ed to grant to Thomas Isaac, of Serjeants- inn, Chancery- lane, London, attorney at law, and his issue, his royal licence and authority to as- sume and use the surname of Biggs, in addition ro his
own surname, in compliance with the de- sire of his uncle Anthony Biggs, of the parish of j St. Austle in the county of Cornwall, Gent, and 1 also to order that this his Majesty's concession ! and declaration be registered in his College of i Arms. Dividends to be made. July 21. Patricius Goodall, of Nottingham, ho- sier, at eleven, at the Flying horse in Nottingham. ( Final. , n . ! July 22. George Rice, late of Well, Lincolnshire, i maltster, at ten, at the George, in Alford, in the j said county. Final. Certificates to be granted. July 20. Thomas Martin, of Cornhill, watch- maker. . Samuel Osborne, late of Birmingham, Warwick- shire, factor.
. . William Bailey, of Birmingham, Warwickshire, bookseller. LONDON. Extract of a letter from Petersburgh, June 2. " Ten sail of the men of war which have win- tered at Revel are arrived at Cronstadt to be paid off: An order has been, however, given, that they should not be unrigged, nor their guns taken out, as has been usual on former occa- sions. The crew are to be reduced to one fourth of their full complement, who are to do duty on board them. Those who are discharged are to be entered on the registry of seamen here, and will be allowed 14 roubles annually by way of pension when they are not in actual service. This
step looks mysterious, especially as the peace with the Ottoman Porte has been ratified." Extract of a Letter from Madrid, June to. " A few days since a Frenchman went up a considerable diftance in an air balloon ; but his weight being insufficient to keep it in a perpen- dicular position, it turned topsy turvy, and the fire being misplaced, caught hold of a part of the machine, which immediately descended ; and when it came within seven or eight yards of the ground, the Frenchman was so frightened that he threw himself from the gallery, and by the fall broke his leg ; he was otherwise so much bruised that it is supposed he cannot
recover. In consequence of this accident the King has decla- red his intention to put an entire stop to these ex- periments in future." Extract of a Letter from Par's, dated June 24. Yesterday about three o'clock in the after- noon, an air balloon, 156 feet in circumference, was let off at Versailles for the entertainment of the King of Sweden. There was a large gallery fixed to it, in which were M. Charles, M. James, M. Montgolfier, and an officer of the army. It ascended very gradually till it was to- tally out of sight, and remained so for some time; it then became visible, and passed over the Thuilleries at Paris, the gentlemen waving
flags all the while they were 111 sight. About fivo o'clock the gentlemen were safely landed, after an aerial jaunt of more than 20 miles. A balloon was prepared, representing the castle of Stockholm, which was intended to have been il- luminated, and sent up at night; but the expe- riment was given up as too dangerous." Three frigates are also to sail from Dunkirk in the course of next month, in order to determine how far navigation is practicable towards the north pole. Extract of a Letter from Dublin, June 21, " Saturday se'nnight, about seven o'clock m the morning, a number of persons, to the amount of more than a hundred,
assembled in a riotous manner before the house of Mr. Alexan- der Clarke, of Chancery- lane, in this city, master taylor, and eight or nine of them having forci- bly entered his house, they laid hold of him, and dragged him almost naked through the streets to a place called the Tenter- ground, where, being assisted by a considerable number of persons who had joined them in their way thither, after mak- ing use of the most horrid menaces and impreca- tions, they stripped him quite naked, and with a brush besmeared him all over with tar, align- ing as their reason for so doing, that he was an importer of English cloth; that their
treatment of him then was only to be considered as a flight punishment for what was past, and that the next time they were determined to hang him. " The Lord Lieutenant and Council have this day issued a Proclamation, offering a reward of Five Hundred Pounds for apprehending the first of the offenders, and Two Hundred Pounds for each of the next five to be paid 0n conviction. " in addition to the above, the Corporation of Taylors have offered a reward of one hundred and ten pounds to the person or persons who shall prosecute to conviction the persons con- cerned in the above daring outrage, viz. fifty pounds for the first,
and twenty pounds for each of the three next persons convicted." Extact of a Letter from Dublin, June 24. " Affairs are now coming to a crisis in this kingdom. The resolutions entered into by the inhabitants of the Province of Ulster are totally inimical to England ; an universal delirium seems to have seized the people ; they are de- termined upon a non- importation of all English commodities." Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, June 28. " The apparatus for weighing up the Royal George will be compleated early in the next month, when the attempt for that purpose will be put in execution. Some Members of the Admiralty and
Navy Boards will then be here to see these new projects, of the success of which great hopes are entertained, " The docks here are now all full of the ships in ordinary, amounting to 87 men of war, which are 36 more than during the last peace." Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, June 2(). " Arrived the Thomas, Pinket, from Glas- gow, " Sailed the Barracouta and Speedwell cut- ters on a cruize. " The Rotterdam man of war for Chatham, and the Gibraltar man of war, Commodore Bickerton, for the westward, to be paid off. Wind West." Extract of a Letter from Deal, June 29. " Wind N E. Came down and sailed the Pegssus,
Kimin, for Oporto ; and Maria, In- gram, for Quebec. " Remain the Nimble and Jackall cutters, In- dia Pilot, and Hyder Ally, Choudvin, for Nantz." The Lady Agnetta, Capt. Goodwin, is ar- rived in the Downs from Barbadoes with new sugars, being the first ship from that island this season. She left several other vessels nearly la- den, which were to sail in a few days. The Endeavour, Coombs, from Southamp- ton to Gibraltar and Malaga, is totally lost on the coast of Portugal ; the Captain and people with difficulty saved. The Industrious Bee, Capt. Stanhope, from Glasgow to Londonderry, is lost just at the en- trance of the
Harbour for want of a Pilot; the crew were saved, and they are in hopes of saving part of the cargo. She had on board Mr. Frazer and his family, with their effects, going to settle there. The Iris, Cote, from Maryland, is arrived at Dover ; Integrity, Broderick, and Unanimity, Smith, from Memel, at Lancaster; Jupiter, Sloper, from Africa, at Bristol ; United States, Scott, from London, at Boston; Endeavour, Atkinson, from Amsterdam, and Nancy's In- crease, Arnot, from Enchuysen, at Scarbo- rough. India Stock opens July 8, pays dividend August 9. South Sea Stock opens July 30, pays dividend August 7. New South sea Annuity
opens July 29, pays dividend August 7. 3 per cent Consol. Ann. opens July 23. 3 per cent Ann. 1726, opens July 23. 3 percent Ann. 1751, opens July 13. Long Annuities opens July 24. Consol. Short Ann. opens July 23. Navy and victualling bills, dated in the months of April and May, 1781, are in course of pay- ment. Yesterday a Court of Aldermen was held at Guildhall, at which were present the Lord- Mayor and 14 Aldermen. Brook Watson, Esq. was sworn in Alderman of Cordwainers Ward, m the room of Sir Barnard Turner, deceased. The Rulers of the Company of Watermen and Lightermen were sworn in for the year
ensuing. Bread was ordered to be continued at the price is before. When the business was over, Alder- man Watson went in the State Coach with the Lord Mayor to the Mansion house, where he • v . s entertained by his Lordship with the rest of the Aldermen. ' Yesterday Alderman Hopkins and Alderman Bates, Sheriffs Elect, gave bond before the Court of Aldermen for serving the office. Mr. Crothers is appointed Under Sheriff to Mr. Alderman Hopinks. Yesterday in the Court of King's Bench se- veral gentlemen surrendered themselves at tHe bar, to receive judgment for being concerned in a riot in the prison of the King's
Bench some time ago, whereof they were tried and conviCt- ed ; some affidavits were read in extenuation of their offence, and the Court were about to send them to the New Gaol in the Borough, but the Defendants begged hard to be committed to the former prison, which was granted, and they are to be confined one month in the strong room of the King's Bench. Yesterday evening as a loaded cart was passing along Cateaton- street, a young man, servant to a tradesman in that neighbourhood, fell from the copse of the carriage, and the wheel going over his body, he was killed on the spot. Monday night, about ten o'clock, as
Mr. Priestman, of Cold- Bath- square, was returning from Hoxton, he was attacked in the lane be- tween the end of Brick- lane and Goswell- street, by two fellows, who robbed him of about 15s. his hat and wig. The prisoners undersfentence of death in High goal, Exeter, are further respited till the 26th of July, and those in Southgate prison till the 19th of that month. The following intelligence is well- worthy tbe Public's notice. - Alderman Pugh, who was af- flicted with the Gout upwards of twenty years, and during his last fit, at the age of 67, Sep- tember 1783, kept his bed ten months, unable to stir hand or foot, is now perfectly
recovered, to the astonishment of his friends, and particularly of the Faculty, who had pronounced him incurable. Indeed, an instance of the like nature cannot be found in the annals of medicine;— regarded by- all who see him as risen from the dead. And for this surprising cure, scarcely to be credited by credulity itself, he is indebted to Mr. Buzaglo of the Strand, who, in twenty- eight days, at an hour a- day only, absolutely effected his cure, without medicine, so that the worthy Alderman is now able to walk the streets, and ride on horse- back as well as he did at the age of 35 ; and for that humanity and desire for the general
welfare of mankind, for which he is universally distinguish- ed, is willing and desirous to satisfy all enqui- ries concerning his own late desperate case ; and also of many surprising cures of others, to which he was witness this remarkable and incontrovertible instance of the infallibility of Mr. Buzaglo's method of curing the gout, is the strongest and most convincing confirmation of its effect, and must have its due weight on the minds of all those who have been taught to believe that pills, bathing, travelling, flannels, and patience can cure the gout. ESSEX HALLINGBURY- PLACE, the Seat of the late JACOB HOUBLON, Esq. a
Modern Built House, situate near the Newmarket Road, two Miles and an Half from Hockeril, and 3 » Miles from London. To be Lett Furnished, for any Term under 10 Years, on a reasonable Rent, with the different Manors, and an extensive command of Takely Forest, abounding with Game, Deer, & c. Kitchen and Pleasure Garden round the House in good Order. , , For Particulars apply to Mr. Van Heythuysen, Bedford- row, London, on the Premises. LEICESTERSHIRE; To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT. THE MANOR of OSBASTON, w th the Appurtenances, and a large, modern, well- built MANSION- HOUSE, in good
Repair, situate in the Park, with Gardens, Fish- Ponds, Plantations, and every other Accommodation fit for the Reception of a genteel Family ; aslo several eligible farms capable of great Improvement, with good Farm- Houses, and all necessary Conveniencies, the whole containing fi Acres. The above Estate is lett to Tenants at Will, and may be entered upon at Lady- Day next; and for further Parti- culars apply to Mr. Whitby, Attorney, in Derby ; or Mrs Rider, Attorney, No. 123, Fetter- lane, London; Mr. Hooke, at the Mansion House, will shew the Premises. N. B. Osbaston is situated iti a fine sporting Country, one Mile from
Market Bosworth. and ten from Leicester, and a good Turnpike- road adjoins the Park- Pales. This day was published, ( Dedicated to the Royal Academicians; and the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, & C.. J The SECOND EDITION, of A PROPOSITION for a NEW ORDER in ARCHITECTURE, with Rules for Drawing the several Parts. By HENRY EMLYN, of Windsor. In the Second Edition are Eleven additional PLATES, and the Explanation, compleating a NEW SYSTEM of ARCHITECTURE. N. B. Objections are answered, and it is shewn how this Composition is adapted to assemble with the Grecian and Roman
Orders. The Intercolumniations and Arcadcs of the Composition, and the Manner of placing it over the Doric, Ionic, Composite, and Corinthian Orders are ex- plained, with some concluding Remarks. The Author is happy to find that his Work has met with the Approba- tion of some the most distinguished Judges in the Pro- fession. ' This Work will be elegantly printed on Superfine Im- perial Paper. The Price to Subscriber- half- Bound) will he One Guinea, and an Half; Half a Guinea to be pa: d at the Time of Subfcribing, and the Remainder on the De- livery of the Work. Those Subscribers to the former Edition who ch0ose to
have the additional Part may have their Books completed, by sending them to the Author's, only paying the addi- tional Price above the former Subscription.- A Model of the Composition in Relievo may be seen at the Author's House. Subscriptions received by Mr. Dixwell. No. 14!?, St. Martin's- lane, Charing- cross; Mr. Dilly. in the Poultry ; Mr. Blakeney, Bookseller, Windsor ; and at thc Authors House, at Windsor. An Entire NEW WORK. This Day were published, Second Edition, with Additions, and embellished with a curious Frontispiece, Price iis. FOX's MARTYRS, or, A NEW BOOK of the Sufferings of the Faithful. Cruel his
eye. yet cast Signs of remorse and passion to behold The fellows of his crime, the followers rather; Millions of spirits for his fault amerc'd Of Heav'n, and from eternal splendors flung For his revolt; yet faithful how they stood Their glory wither'd MilTON, B. i. 6O4. Among which are the following : To the Worthy and Independent ELECTOSR of the Borough of IPSWICH. Gentlemen, THE noble and disinterested Support you have this Day most generously given to the Cause of Freedom, does yourselves the highest Honour. Permit me to express myself in the warmest Terms of Gratitude for those distinguished Marks of Confidence
which you have shewn by electing me one of your Repre- sentatives in Parliament. It is impossible that such uncommon Zeal for the Free- dom of Election and Attachment to our glorious Consti- tution can fail of placing you high in the estimation of the Independent Electors of Great Britain. Be assured, Gentlemen, that the great Majority io my Favour on the Poll, will ever be gratefully remembered, and on every pOssible Occasion will command the exer- tion of my utmost Abilities for the Preservation of your Liberties. I have the Honour to be, with the most profound Respect, Gentlemen, Your most faithful and obedient humble
Servant, C. ALEXANDER CRICKITT. Ipswich, June 25, 1784. SYDENHAM in KENT. To be LETT, Upon a repairing or building Lease, from Michaelmas next, by the Worshipful Company of Leathersellers, SEVEN BRICK HOUSES, upon Pig's Hill, on Sydenham Common, ( a most remarkable fine Si- tuation for a Gentleman's Villa) with about six Acres of Land adjoining, in the Occupation of Mr. Cooper, and other Tenants. Alfo to be Lett, upon Lease, for a Term not exceeding 21 Years, a MESSUAGE, with good Gardens, conveni- ent Out- Offices, and about six Acres of Land on the East Side of Perry- street, leading from
Sydenham to Lewisham, in the Occupation of Mr, Rogers, A FARM HOUSE, with Out- buildings, and about fif- teen Acres of Land, in and near Perry- sTreet, aforesaid, containing in the Whole about 50 Acres. Particulars whereof may be had by applying to the Clerk of the Company, at their Hall, in Little St. Helen's, London, where a Committee will set to receive Proposals and Lett the Premises, on Tuesday the 6th Day of July next, at One o'Clock precisely. A Ev— n And— f— n B Ant — y B— c— n W m B — k.— r Fr s B- fT- t R - ch — d B kf— d A w R- f— n B w— s W — If— n Br— d — 11 G ge B . ng Reg — d P— c C- r- w
Sir R 1 CI — t— n Th s W— m C— ke G 1 C y W m S- r'C — y Sir Gr— y Cooper J- s Cr f- d J- n Cr- f- d D G— ge D — b— y A- 1 D - iby S- t D- v- s J- n D- i- nd E Sir G- t El- t J- 11 Elw- s Th- s E- k- e Fr- s E- re F G- ge F- w- in M- u F'- nn- u G- ge F- r- il- r Sir Cli- s Fr- d- k G. G- ge Gr- h- m . R- b- t Gr-.- y Th— s G— nv— e B— th Gr- y j... ph G- lft.- n H Fr- s H— le Th— s H- lf- y W- m H- ng- r G- ge F- ch H- tr- tt Sir J- n H it- r Sir R- t H- rr- s Ph- p H- yw- d Sii R- d H- th- nj L L- d L- w- lh- m L- d L- c- n Th- s L- c- s St- n F— L- tig— n H- ry L- s L- tt— 11 | London: Printed for J. Whitakcr, Ave- Maria- lane; and sold by the
Booksellers in the Exchange, and Piccadilly. ' M I^ d'M- ld- n J- s M- nf- d Sir H- tio M- nr\ Sir J- s M- rr'- t D- d R- h- t M- ch- 11 H- ph- v M- ch- n O G- ge On- w P Sir R- lph P- ne H- gh P- g t R Sir J- n R- mfd- rt H- ry It- wl- r.[- 11 Sir Fr- k L- n R- g- rs G- l R- fs Th- s B- s R- ns W- in R- ch- d R- mb- 4 S G- l St. J- n J- 11 St. j- n G- ge R- d St. J- n L- d Sh- H- d J.- d Sii- ld- m ILph- y S- bth- pe II- ns Sl- ne G- l Smith |- n M- U Sm- th ' Il- y F- v St- h- pe l fi- s St- nt- 11 A— S — Ant- y St- r- r W- m Str- n H- ph- y St- rt T B- y Th- s- n W- m T- he Ch- s'T- nf- d J- n T - nf- d J- n Tr- v- n- n E- l V- rn- y R- t V- n- r W R- ch- d W- lp- le
Sir G- ge W- rr- n W- m W- dd- U J- c- b W- lk- n W- m W- ll- il- n p. rcy Cli- s VV'- ni- m Y J. n Y- rka
HOUSE OF LORDS. tuesday, June 29. THE Royal A Hint was given by Commis- sion to the East- India Dividend Bill ; the Commissioners were the Lords Chancellor, Syd- ney, and the Marquis of Caermarthen. Heard Counsel by way of reply in the cause of Duncan.-— Proceed on Monday. Adjourned to Thursday. HOUSE of COMMONS. Tuesday, June zq. IVELCHESTER PETITION. THE House met to ballot for a Committee to try the merits of the Ivelchester Election, and it was with difficulty a Committee could be formed, as many of the Members were disqua- lified, having sat on former Committees, be- longing to
Committees at present sitting, or be- ing Petitioners, or persons petitioned against; after upwards of an hour's time spent in ar- ranging matters, the following Gentlemen were chosen ; Hon. R. Howard H. J. Pye, Esq. B. Baine, Esq. A. Hood, Esq. Sir C. Kent T. B. Parkins, Esq. Sir W. Mansell J. Langston, Esq. J. Baring, Esq. P. Medcalfe, Esq. G. Osbaldeston, Esq. C. Lefevre, esq. J. Moore, Esq. The Speaker acquainted the Committee, that in all cases where there were but two parties, each chose a nominee; but in the present, there be- ing three parties, and but two nominees allow- ed, the Committee must retire and chuse
out ot the remaining names that had not been drawn amongst the first fifty, two persons to aCt as no- minees; accordingly, the Committee withdrew, and soon returned, having chosen for NOMINEES, T. Powys, Esq. Earl of Mornington. SOUTHWarK PETITION. the Earl of Surrey presented a petition of Sir Richard Hotham, complaining of bribery and corrupt practices in Mr. Le Mesurier and his agents, at the late election, and wishing to have a speedy hearing. the Speaker acquainted his Lordship, that the House having agreed to hear no petitions this session after that against Hereford, the present could not re heard until
Tuesday the joth of November, which day was accordingly ap- pointed. Mr. Thornton presented a petition from the Electors to the same purport, which was refer- red to the Committee appointed to hear the other. SUPPLY. The Chairman reported several resolutions which the Committee came to 0n Monday last. Agreed to the report of the amendments made to the Scotch corn bill— Ordered to be en- grossed. Read a second time, and committed for Thurs- day, the aliens duty bill. Read a first time the Irish postage bill. Charles Alexander Crickitt, esq; took his seat as Member for Ipswich. As did Paul Le Mesurier, Esq. for
Southwark. Ordered, That the papers presented by Mr. Morton from the East- India Company 0n the 25th inst. be taken into consideration on Friday next, as also the petition presented from the East- India Company on the 26th of May. Ordered, That there be laid before this House a copy of the minutes of the Governor- General and Council of Bengal of the 20th of Decem- ber, 1782. Also a copy of the Minutes of Consultation for reducing the army on the 29th of July, 1783. ROYAL COMMISSION. The Speaker, attended by several Members, went to the House of Lords, and was present at the Royal Assent being given to the
East- India dividend bill, and several 0; 1 rs. Adjourned. T H U R S D A Y, July i. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, June 26. One of the principal ringleaders of the mobs at Cannon- mills, who had run off, and for whom a premium bad been offered, was brought from Peebles on Thursday last by virtue of the Sheriff's warrant, and com- mitted to prison here to stand trial. A gentle- man's servant was likewise apprehended and im- prisoned, to stand trial for being concerned in the said mobs, as was a sailor residing in Ports- burgh. LONDON. Yesterday there was a levee at St. James's, which broke up at four o'clock ; the Secretaries of
State, the Lord Chancellor, Lord Howe, and others of the Ministry, had conferences with his Majesty till near six o'clock, when he returned to kew. Yesterday, and not before, Sir James Harris kissed the King's hand 0n being appointed En- voy to the Republic of Holland. Sir James Harris sets off for the Hague in quality of Ambassador from Great- Britain to the Republic of Holland immediately ; and the Ba- ron- de Lynden, a Dutch nobleman, is coming over to reside in London in the same capacity; the definitive treaties between Britain and Hol- land having at last been formally exchanged. The Prussian Envoy has written
another angry letter to the Regency of Utrecht, concerning the unwarrantable liberties taken in a public news- paper ; but their answer amounted to this, that the Regency saw no ground of complaint; and that the writer of the articles complained of only exercised his judgment upon public affairs, and which was perfectly consistent with the freedom of the Republic. Extract of a Letter from Warsaw, May 31. " The Count de Stackelberg, Ambassador from Russia, has received from his Royal Mis- tress the plan of a conciliatory treaty between the court ot Berlin and the City of Dantzick. This he is to communicate forthwith to M. de
Buckholtz, Resident of his Majesty the King of Prussia, and to Mess. Wickham and Gralath, Deputies from Dantzick. According to this plan, the Court of Berlin gives up, in favour of the city of Dantzick, all share of the exporta- tion trade of Poland; and that that trade may not interfere with the exportation of the pro- duce of West Prussia, in their passage by Dant- zick, the Magistrate shall give a list of the most important articles for his trade, and which it Is his interest not to be exported from his port by the Prussian subjects. These articles shall be specified in the Convention which is to be con- cluded. The other produce of
Prussia, that of the manufactures established, and other com- modities not expressly excepted by the Conven- tion, shall pay 0n their passage by Dantzick the same custom- rates as the inhabitants of that city are liable to for the transportation of them. As to the importation by sea, the Prussian subjects shall pay to the city for all produce in general, without distinction, the same duties that those goods from Dantzick pay to the customs of the King of Prussia when they pass by the Prussian territories. The merchandize ou account of the King of Prussia, and of persons belonging to' his Court, are to pay the duties in Dantzick, and
are to pass free on the same footing with the goods upon account of the King of Poland. Mean time the Magistrates of Dantzick, in or- der to defray the expences of the present situa- tion of that city, have laid upon the inhabitants a new tax of 25 per cent, upon their goods of every sort. The tax is the easier as trade is so brisk, particularly the grain has been imported in prodigious quantities from Poland. The ex- ports are as considerable, particularly to Elbing, where there are now at anchor more than 70 vessels, Dutch, English, Danish, Swedish, & c." Extract of a Letter from Dover, June 28. " Passed by in her way to the Downs
the Houghton East Indiaman, Capt. Monro, from China. This ship sailed from Portsmouth the 11 th of March, 1783, and has made a remark- ably short voyage. " Just arrived the Charlotte revenue cutter from a cruize, and has brought in with her a small smuggling cutter with 320 bags of tea, 230 casks of brandy, and 60 casks of Holland's geneva. Early on Thursday morning last a very sharp engagement happened off Seaford, between the Flirt sloop of war and the British Lion, a smug- gling cutter, mounting twenty- two nine- pound- ers. The engagement lasted upwards of three hours, in which the Flirt discharged four hun dred shot, and it is thought did some execution among the crew of the cutter, their cries being heard distinctly by the people of the sloop, which however did not prevent their getting clear off with their cargo, having first cut the sails and rigging of the Flirt to pieces, which they did the more effectually by firing old bolts, horseshoe nails, & c. The Flirt had also two 0f her men wounded, and one of them so dangerously, that it was thought he could not recover. The Prince de Robecq, , from Port- au- Prince to Dunkirk, is lost in the harbour of Dunkirk. The Lady Clausen, Telford, from St. Tho- mas to the Havannah, said to be arrived,
was lost 011 the East end of Cuba, and went to pieces ; the slaves were saved. Mrs. Keppel's being so soon reconciled to the marriage of her second daughter Miss Laura Keppel to Capt. Fitzroy, is entirely owing to the sensible and friendly part taken by his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. When it was made known to Mrs. Keppel that her daughter had eloped, after the first effort of her concern had subsided, she fat down and wrote a very ef- fecting letter to his Royal Highness, complain- ing of the loss of her Laura, and requesting his assistance to recover her. The Prince, who, though a stranger to the elopement, was
ac- quainted with the attachment that subsisted be- tween the parties, immediately waited, upon Mrs. Keppel, and in about half an hour's conver- sation prevailed with her to be reconciled to the young couple. His Royal Highness 0n his re- turn to Carleton Houle dispatched an express after the fugitives, and on their arrival in town accompanied them to Mrs. Keppel's, where they were married. This couduCt of his Royal High- ness cannot fail of meeting the approbation of the public, and does him infinite honour. There is something aspiring in the females of the family to which the young Runaway is al- lied :— they are all for
kingly blood, and there- fore it is not to be wondered at that preference was given to a Fitzroy ! An account of the mar- riage ceremony being celebrated, was received soon after the parties were missed. The new Mrs. Fitzroy, 0n being told she was missed soon after her departure, replied with an air of composure, " that she thanked Heaven it was the last time she should be Missed !" ' Monday morning a tradefman near ACton was inveigled into a public house, near Swallow - street, by two ring- droppers, where they soon defrauded him of his watch and money, Monday night a gentleman in Hart- street, Bloomsbury, was
attacked by two footpads, armed with pistols and cutlasses, near the Duke of Bedford's road, who robbed him of his watch, money, & c. On Monday night, or early on Tuesday morn- ing, a gentleman's house at Mile- end was broke open, aud robbed of plate, linen, wearing- ap- parel, & c. to the amount ot 70I. and upwards. PREFERRED. Mr. Barton, son of the late Dean of Bristol, to be one of the riding purveyors to his Ma- jesty, in the room of the late Capt. George Swiney. MARRIED. On the 14th inst. at Ostend, the Rev. Mr. Lambert, to Miss Bowles of Shaftesbury, Dor- setshire.— Saturday, Lieutenant- Colonel Iron- side, of
the East- India service, to Miss Neil, of Charlotte- street, Rathbone- place. Monday, the Hon. and Rev. Mr. Marsham, second son of Lord Romney, to Miss Bullock, of CaverSfield, Bucks. . Tuesday, Lord Falmouth, to Miss Crew, of Burlington- street DIED. Saturday, at Brompton, the Rev. Mr. Atkin- son, Prebend of Chichester, and ReCtor of Besi- ton, in Sussex. Tuesday, Mr. Wiggins, tallow- chandler, in Leathei- lane. ' Same day, at a very advanced age, Mr. Crane, one of the senior surgeons of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. HOUSE of COMMONS. Wednesday, June 30. READ a second time the bill to prevent smug- gling.
Agreed to the report of the amendments made to the soldiers trades bill. Ordered to be engrossed. Read a second time the Irish postage bill. Passed the Scotch corn bill. Read a second time the bill to enable Justices of the Peace to repair their county gaols. While the House were waiting for the arrival of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Martin took occasion to remark, that a great number of Peers were in the House, though there was scarce room to Contain the members already come down. He had deferred, he said, going to the House of Lords as yet, according to the notice he formerly gave to that effect, as there was
no material business trans- acted there this session, but would take the first opportunity of offering himself for admission behind the throne, which if not complied with, he would be sure to enforce the orders of this House respeCt- ing strangers, though at present he would forbear. Mr. Dempster informed the House, that having occasion lately to speak to a nobleman of the other House, he applied to the door- keeper for admission, who told him he was ordered not to admit any members of the House of Commons. Mr. Hammett spoke in support of the dignity of the Peers of the House of Commons, which caused a hearty laugh.
Many members calling out Move ! move! Mr. Martin said, he was informed a nobleman of the other House intended to move for a place of accom- modation for the members of the House of Com- mons, and for the present he would not make any disagreeable motion. BUDGET. It was within a few minutes of five o'clock be- fore Mr. Chancellor Pitt took his seat in the House; he apologized to the House for making them wait so long, which he said was occasioned by unavoid- able business. The order of the day was then read ; the House went into a Committee of Ways and Means; and various documents were referred to them.
Mr. Chancellor Pitt then rose to open the Budget of the year. It was a task he said which no man would covet, and which every man would believe was a task of necessity, and not of choice.— The necessity of the country rendered the business of this day more heavy, and consequently more irk- some than it ever was on any preceding occasion, to any Minister, and he undertook it with a perfect sense how unequal he was to the task, and how much he stood in need of the indulgence of the House. He had one comfort however, which was, that he found this necessity in the office which he filled— he did not create it. It was
entailed upon the office by those who were his predecessors ; and it became his duty to enter on a most important weight of financc and taxation, as he must not suf- fer considerations of personal pleasure to interfere with the exigencies of his office. He had confidence in the good sense and patri- otism of the people of England, that they would provide for the necessary service's of the year, as well as for the remainder of that heavy load of debt which we had so unfortunately incurred in the course of the Last most expensive war. We must meet our situation fairly ; we must look it in the face ; and he should consider himself as
want- ing in feeling, duty, and gratitude, if he should decline, from motives of personal security, the irksome office of winding up the accounts of the war, and closing them by the provision of taxes that would answer the whole of what we owed, it was certainly a moft unpleasant thing to propose a loan in a year of peace; but gentlemen would remember, that it was yet but the second year of peace, and that yet we had not been able so to re- gulate our establishments as to know precisely what would be the amount of our civil expence. He could assure the House, that his Majesty's present Ministers had attended with the utmost
assiduity to the reduction of every branch of the expence of Government, and he trusted the benefits of those reductions would be felt. In the mean time he threw himself on the gene- rality and candour of tbe House while he proceeded to state the business of the day. It was first his duty to state the amount of the services of the current year; shewing what were already provided for— what were already voted— and what yet remained both of Supply and Ways and Means to be brought forward. It was secondly his duty to state the amount of the unfunded debt, and the mode which he proposed to settle that most important
account. And thirdly, he would state to the Committee the taxes which he purposed to move for as likely to produce the necessary annuities for the Loan, as well as for the unfunded debts. And first, he should state the amount of the cur- rent services of the year- The navy amounted to 3,159,690 odd pounds ; the ordnance to 610,145!. and the army to the sum of 4,064,594!. from which, however, there was to deduct a sum of savings, amounting to 4- 23,000]. and odd, which had been voted in a former year, but which were saved. The actual sum of the army therefore was 3,640,814!. for the service of the current year. The
deficiencies amounted to 167,670 odd pounds. The sum of Exchequer bills in circulation, was 1,500,0001. and which in stating the current service must be provided for, though it was his idea that for the present session they might be provided for by issuing an equal num- ber. Besides, there were already voted for the Levant Company 11,8301. and two other small sums, which made the whole of the services for the year already voted amount to 8,843,310!. and for which the House had only provided 2,750,000!. by the land and malt tax bills. besides this sum there were yet various things to be taken into the notice of the House,
.. as . yet to be voted for the service of the year.. There were s, ooo( oool. due to the Bank of England, which they had lent to the public, as a douceur for the renewal of their Charter ; but he had such confidence in the patriotism and public spirit of that Company, and in their desire, of assisting the nation ever they could do it without in- jury to their own interest, that he believed means might be found to satisfy the bank without re- payment of the sum this year, but it was to be considered in the amount of the service . There was a sum of 1* 0,000!. wanted to replace sums voted out of the Civil List by addresses of the ; House. In
speakiug of the. Civil List he must also inform the house, that notwithstanding all the care which had been taken to make it equal to the expence, there was yet an accumu- lating arrear which would oblige Ministers to come to the House, and which would in future be stated to them at large. The next service to be voted, was 25,000 for Somerset- house ; and there were several other ser- vices, such as the Government of Nova Scotia, and the African Company ; and all together the amount of the current services would be no less than 14,181,2401.— Towards this sum the House had already granted the land and malt. The two
mil- lions due to the Bank would be postponed. The sum of the Exchequer bills would be provided for by the issuing of the same quantity. He would take the Sinking Fund up to the 5th of April, 1785, for no more than i, ooo, oool. and he was well war- ranted in saying that for so much it would be cer- tainly productive.— He was also to state, that there were in the Exchequer the fum of ioo, oool. of surplusses, which would go towaids the services of the year. These therefore, making all together upwards of eight millions, there would remain six millions still to be provided for. LOAN. It was undoubtedly, he said, an ungracious thing
to be under the necessity of borrowing money in peace ; but as he had already stated, we were so lately relieved from a burthensome war, that we were not yet able to level our esta- blishments. In settling a loan for this sum of six millions he had carried into execution what he had suggested on a former occasion, a fair and substantial competition between two sets of mo- ney- lenders. It was settled that the lenders should receive 100l. of 3 per cents. 50l. of 4 per cents. 5s. 6d. of long annuities and 3-; tUs of a lottery ticket in a lottery of 36,000 tickets for every 100I. which they ad- vanced. ' He trusted that the House would con sider these terms as beneficial. By the latest ac- counts from the Stock- Exchange the day before, the 3 per cents. were at 59 i- half, from which, 111 settling the terms, 1 i- half was, to be taken a., the half- year's interest then due, and therefore, allowing in both the funds for this interest, the terms which, were settled were as follow : tool, of ; per cents taken at 50I. of 4 per cents 5s. and 6d. 0f a long annuity, va- lued at These together amounted to 99 19 And this in fact was all that the public had to pay ; but it was not all that the money lenders were to re- ceive. The lottery ticket was not out of the public pocket, but it was a
valuable douceur. The 3- 51113 of a lottery ticket was valued at —— 8 £• 101 1,1 calculating this matter, a might perhaps also be taken into the view of the House, the benefit which the money- lenders might gain by the discount. This was only a proba- ble gain, since it depended on their prompt payment. He would, how- ever, state what that discount was, that the House might be in posses- sion of the whole of the douceur. According to the terms repayment - in his motion, the discount would amount to . 1 2 And therefore the whole sum thus' stated would be for 103 14 These, he said, were in his mind terms ample and
sufficient for the money lender, and beneficial to the public. He thought that the competition had been productive of much good. He assured the House, upon his honour, that not one shil- ling of the loan was reserved by him. One con- dition of the bargain, before it was struck, was, that the holders of the loan should have the ex clusive distribution of and that the only re- serve should be the usual sum for the public com- panies. These terms being previously settled, and also that the lowest bidder should, ia the fair and real competition, be preferred ; if was agreed by both that there should be iool. of 3 per cents, at 57, and 50I.
of 4 per cents, at 37I. 8s. gd. as he had stated, together with the lottery ticket; and the article upon which they were severally to make the ofFer, was the Long Annuity. Both setts made an offer ; and there was the difference of a sixpence between them; and he accordingly closed the bargain, as he had stated, at 5s. 61!. This then bargain, and he trusted it would be considercd as fair to both parties. It was not for the interest of the public that the money- lenders should suffer; and again, it would be unpardonable in him if he had concluded a bargain,, in a time of peace, on unreasonable terms. Unfunded DEBT. The next object to
which he desired to draw the attention of' the House was the Unfunded Debt. It was his most anxious wish to have brought forward and provided a fund for the whole of this debt ; the amount of the Unfunded Navy was 1 ., 000,000 "• —— Ordnance i, aoo, poo £. 14,000,000 He wished, he said, to have funded the whole of this sum, that we might have wound up the account of the war, and by that means be able to see the whole of our situation, and have the comfortable reflection that we had reached the end of one exi- gencies, and had compessed the obligation's we were under. This was his anxious desire for the purpose 0f
establishing our credit, and of shewing the world that we were equal to the engagements
into which we had entered. The money- lenders however, and other gentlemen conversant with the Stock Exchange, with whom he had treated on the subject, assured him that such a quantity of floating stock coming into the market, must materially affect the price of the Stocks, and that in particular they could not furnish the loan at terms so good. After an arduous effort for the whole, he was obliged to compound the business, and therefore he proposed to fund 6,600 000l. of the unfunded 14,000,000!, At the same time, however, as the unfunded debt bore an interest of 4 per cent, it was his in- tention to propose taxes which
should produce the sum of 4 per cent, for the remainder of the outstandmg debt which was not now to be fund- ed ; so that in a future session, when a fund was to be provided for his remaining sum, nothing further would be wanted than the difference be- tween 4 per cent, and the terms which it might be judged necessary to give to the subscribers of such fund, on such operation; and this he said would not be a difficult talk. The weight of the business would now be got over, and the world would perceive an evident and serious dis- position in Government to support the credit of the country, and the faith of the nation. Taking
therefore all these things together, the annuity on the sum to be borrowed, and the interest of 4 per cent, on the remainder of the unfunded debt, he had to provide by the taxes I which he should propose about 900,0001. a- year. Of this sum The annuity on the loan would be 7 315,000 Interest of the debt to be funded, would be somewhat more than — ' 315,000 And the interest of a, per cent.. on the remainder of the unfunded debt, if it should amount to 7,000,0001. would be in all £. 380,000 £. 910,000 It was always his idea, he said, that a fund at a high rate of interest was better to the country than those at low rates; that a 4
per cent was preferable to a 3 per cent, and a 5 per cent bet- ter than a 4. The reason was, that in all ope- rations of finance we should have in our view a plan of redemption. Gradually to redeem and to extinguish our debt, ought ever to be the wise pursuit of Government, and every scheme and operation of finance should be directed to that end, and managed with that view. With those sentiments he certainly should have preferred to have settled the loan in a 5 per cent fund ; but the money- lenders informed him, that it was too much to bring into the market in any one fund, taking it together with the unfunded debt, and
therefore he had only leave to make his option between the loan and subscription, which cf the two he would chuse to prefer for the 5 per cent fund ; and he made his election of the latter. His reasons were, for chusing the subscription in preference to the loan for the new fund of 5 per cent, first, that undoubtedly the new fund was an experiment; and that if even the experi- ment should fail, the mischief would see less ma- terial in the subscription than in the loan. We might adventure 0: 1 this new ground with more confidence in the one case than the other. The holders of Navy bills and Ordnance debentures were already
committed; they had already trusted the public; whereas if this new fund had been offered to the other, we should have had to com- bat with all the caprices of the money- lenders, and with all the indisposition which he confessed there was in the market to a high rate of interest. This indispotition of the public to a five per cent, fund was given, when he threw out this idea before, as the principal argument against the adventure. It was true, that it was not so well relished ; but the idea of redemption was ever present to his mind. The public ought never to look on redemption as a chimerical idea; for independent of every other
advantage, the im- pression which it gave to the world, the prospect which it held out, and the disposition in our- selves which it manifested, was favourable to our credit. But it was said that the public would object to a five per cent, fund, because it might be at any time redeemed without suffering, and the money lender had no certainty in such a fund. Might not this however be got over by rendering the proposed fund irredeemable for a stated time ? A five per cent, fund, estimating it at the present rate of the several funds, might with confidence be supposed to bear the price of and that was the price which It ought to At
whatever less we took it, so much re were obliged to pay upon account of this fund, than what we might transaCt the bu- siness for in the other funds. But he thought we might permit the fund to be takcn 2 per cent, lower, and still make an advantageous bargain for the public. To estimate that fund at 93, and to make it irredeemable for 30 years,, the loss would be 23. but even with this present loss per we should he considerably advantaged by the redemption at the end of 30 years. There was another plan in his eye which per- haps he should prefer, and that was, to make it irredeemable, until a certain proportion shall be
redeemed of the present existing funds. This, in our present circumstanees, he did not consider as an improper idea, for the other funds would now be the most advantageous for such an op.- - ration of finance ; and certainly of all other - funds the four per cents would be the most eli- gible. It was his idea that this fund might be made irredeemhble until millions of the pre- sent existing funds should be redeemed. Having presented this, he said it was his in- tention to propose to the Committee to create a new 5 per cent, stock, irredeemable either for a time, or until 25 millions of the old funds should be extinguished, and to
estimate this stock at 93. He had lately given his opinion on the sacredness of public faith, and on the striCt regard which was to be paid to every engage- ment into which we entered. In the settlement of this new fund, regard however should be paid to the titles of the several holder's of the unfunded debt. Their pretentions were by no i bear, more means equal, and in order to do fair justice both to the public and the holders, it was his idea to divide them into classes. The sum which he proposed to fund would bring down the navy bills to the end of June 1782. By dividing them into classes of three months each, the principle of
fairness might be pursued. The first class would take in the holders of bills in June, July, and August, 1781 ; and as they had held them so long in their hands, it was his idea that they should be taken at par, by which they would have a profit ample and Abundant, for it would amount to 8 per cent. To reduce them to a standard of equality, in proportion to the time which they had severally held them, wis the object which he had in view ; and perhaps to take them at the discount in the market would be a fair way. By the equalizing rule therefore, the next class con- taining the next three months of September, October, and
November, 1781, should be taken at a discount of 4 per cent. The next three months at a difcount of il. more; and the next and last class containing 4 months, to bring it down to the period at a still further discount of il. By this means it was that the interest on this 5 per cent, stock would amount to somewhat more than 315,0001. a year. He trusted that the House would agree with him in his ideas on this proposition, and he would now proceed to state the taxes which he thought would be pro- per for the production of this immense sum. TAXES. In order to pay the interest of the Loan, and the interest of the remaining unfunded
debt, an annual sum amounting to something more than 900,000l would be to be raised; he therefore was come at the most painful part of the talk he had to go through that day, viz. the proposing Taxes to be laid on the public to produce so large a sum. He lamented exceedingly that it should be necessary to impose so heavy a burthen on those, who were so deeply loaden already, but the necessity was too obvious, and could not be avoided. In seleCting such taxes as would pro- duce the enormous sum of 960,000!. the talk was extremely difficult, and extremely disagreea- ble. The first object that his duty led him to look to, in
the choice of additional taxes, was to hit upon, such as should be most likely to be pro- ductive; and it was, as the Committee must be convinced, impossible to find taxes extremely productive that were not at the same time ex- tremely burthensome. In executing this very dis- agreeablc duty, he had acted to the best of his judg- ment, and chosen such out of the many that had suggested themselves io his mind, and been suggested to him by others, as appeared to be the most likely to be productive, and at the same time were the most equitable. In hazarding new taxes a great deal must unavoidably be trusted to experiment ; U
was impossible therefore for any person in the situation that he stood in, to answer for the exaCt sums they were to produce ; all that he or any Chancellor of the Exchequer could do, was to reduce their calculations upon the pro- duce of new taxes as near to a certainty as pos- sible; and after all, a great deal must depend up- on trial, Whence alone their defects could be dis- covered, and new regulations applied to assist their collection and encrease their produce. There had been deficiencies in all the new taxes, which deficiencies had been in a great degree cured by the subsequent regulations that Parlia- ment had from time
to time made with respect to those taxes; in like manner must the House proceed with the taxes he was about to propose. That they should prove unexceptionable to that House and to the public, was, he was aware, a great deal more than he had any right to expect; he hoped, however, they would be found so far unexceptionable, that there could not be stated any fundamental and capital objections against them. HATS. Having thus prefaced the mention of them, Mr. Pitt said, the article he meant to propose, as the first of the long catalogue of Taxation he had to state to the Committee, was an article of such general
consumption, that it was almost in universal use; he meant a tax upon hats. The object of this tax, he observed, was of so many different descriptions, that it was impos- sible for him to follow them, or to apportion his tax according to the various qualities and prices of the Hats that were worn by the various orders of persons in this kingdom; he was obliged, therefore, to divide them into two ge- neral classes, Hats made solely of felt, and Hats in the manufacture of which there were other materials mixed. Upon the latter, he meant to lay a tax of two shillings each Hat, and a tax of six- pence a Hat 011 thole made of felt. Accord ing to the most accurate account of the quantity of hats manufactured in this kingdom that had been handed to him, it appeared that four millions were manufactured every year, of which 750,000 hats were exported. Say therefore that three millions were used in the kingdom, and one third of that number was of felt, and the re- maining two thirds mixed, the produce of the tax would be one hundred and fifty thousand pounds, at which sum he took it. This tax, he said; would fall chiefly upon the opulent, because they undoubtedly used the greatest number of hats in the year ; on the lower class of people, the tax would fall very
light, because he conceiv- ed the poor who wore felt hats, had not a new one, each individual, above once in two years. RIBBANDS and GAUZES. The next article he should propose was also an article of wearing apparel ; it might there- fore be conjectured that he was about to pro- ceed regularly from the crown of the head to the sole of the foot, and lay a tax upon . very part of the human clothing, but that was not his intention. As the lax he had mentioned, was upon an article continued solely and exclusively by men, so the tax he was about to mention would affect articles worn as exclusively, except- ing only on occasions
like the occasion just over, viz. at a General EleCtion, by the other sex ; it was a tax upon ribbands-, to which he should add a tax upon another commodity wore solely by women, a tax upon gauzes. Both these ar- ticles were clearly luxuries, as they were not necessary to the clothing of any part of tie human body, but were considered even by the wearers themSelves, AS mere ornaments of their persons. In order to come at the quantity of ribbands made in the kingdom, he had procured an exact account of the number of looms em- ployed in weaving that manufacture, and he found the amount to be more than twenty- five
thousand, and that each loom made so many thousand yards per week; that the whole pro- duced 7,113,600' yards a- year: allowing therefore for the number of looms occasionally idle and unemployed, and taking them at nineteen thou- sand, the produce would be one hundred and twen- ty thousand pounds, laying the tax proportionally to the width and substance of the ribbands from a penny upon a dozen yards, up to a penny per yard. COALS. . The third article he would mention was un- doubtedly a neCessary of life, viz. coals, but as the duties on coals stood at present, they were exceedingly unequally laid; the aim,
therefore, of this tax was rather to. oblige those who did not pay the Same duties as were paid by all, who lived in London, and who were Supplied wi h coals out of the port of London, to pay the same tax as was payable in the port of London, than to lay an additional tax on those who paid the high duties upon that article. The last duty impoSed upon all coals imported into the port of London was a duty of 3s. per chaldron. This had originally been a local duty, it having been imposed to raise a fund for the building of churches in the city. In the original imposition of it, therefore, it certainly was perfectly just to make the city of
London, which was benefited by having the churches m question built, bear the expence exclusively, but as soon as the pur- pose was compleated, it was considered as a public duty, and So it had continued ever since ; what he meant, therefore, was to lay the same duty upon coals used in inland consumption and for exportation, which he conceived was nothing more than was perfectly just and equitable, since no duty was. paid but the 5s. port duty at any other port than that of London, while the port of London paid 8s. and nothing was paid on the consumption of coals inland, or exported into Ireland. He said, he was aware
that it might be objected, that this tax would materially af- fect our manufacturing towns; in order to ob- viate any objection, of that kind, and to pre- vent the intended tax on coals from operating to the disadvantage of our manufacturers in fo- reign markets, he intended to allow a drawback upon the exportation of any of those manufac- tures, in the making of which much coal was conSumed. This tax he estimated the produce of, at one hundred and fifty thousand pounds. HORSES, f The fourth subject of his proposed taxes was a tax upon an animal that certainly might be deemed a luxury, though extremely useful, and of which
there were a vast number m the king- dom, he meant a tax upon horses. He said, he meant not to comprehend every description within the view of this tax, but 10 exempt all horses used for the purposes of trade and agri- culture, and to confine it to horses kept for the Saddle, or to be put in carriages uSed Solely for pleasure-, and which might be fairly termed horses kept for the purpose of luxury. He estimated the number of horses kept for car- riages in proportion to the number of horses kept for the Saddle, as one to three, or as fifty to one hundred and fifty. The amount of the tax he should propose to be ten shillings a year
for each horSe ; and when it was considered, that almost every farmer in the kingdom kept at least one horse for the saddle, it was not too high a calculation to rate the number at four- teen in every parish ; he estimated the produce, therefore, of this tax at an hundred thousand pounds-, and he flattered himself, he put it con- siderably under what its true amount was likely to be. He stated, that in order to prevent eva- sion, it was meant that a stamp, or peculiar mark was to be put, not upon any part of the body of the animal, but to be affixed to Some part of the furniture and accoutrements of each horse, by way of proving that
the tax had been paid, and that the owner of Such as did not Wear this stamp were to be liable to a penalty. PRINTED LINENS. The next Tax he propofed was an additional Excise duty on printed and stained Linens and Cal- licoes. TheSe articles, he Said, were more than 20 per cent, cheaper now than they had been during the war, and cotton was also much chea- per. As the last duties had not at all checked the consumption of theSe manufactures, but as on the contrary their consumption and use were considerably increasing, it appeared to him to be- an article, that without any detriment would bear an additional duty .; he
meant therefore to propose to the Committee an additional Excise duty of about 1o per cent, or from a penny to three- pence per yard, according to ths quality. This new duty there would be no expence 111 collecting, and the produce of it he estimated at one hundred and twenty thOusand pounds. CANDLES. The Sixth article of his intended taxes was a necessary of life, and a necessary as indiSpensible with the poorest as with ihe richest family in the kingdom ; but although the former would be affeCted by it, still what he meant to propose would affect the poor in So very trilling a de- gree, that he flattered himself there would
be no objection to it. What he meant was an additional duty on candles, of so small an amount as one- half- penny in the pound. He Said, he was aware that candles had been uni- formly exempted from all the late taxes, from a consideration of its being so immediately a neces- sary of life, but when the operation of the trifling tax i. e proposed to lay upon candles, was exa- mined, the Commitee would see it would not bear hard upon the poorest ; if he had been rightly informed, about ten pound of candles was the amount of the consumption of the lowest i order of house keepers ; the family of our poor- est cottagers therefore
would only pay five pence. a year to this tax. He estimated the pro- duce, at one hundred thousand pounds. EXCISE LAWS. The next tax he should propose, was a duty to be paid on Licenses, to be granted to. traders dealing in exciseable commodities. This, he said, was a plan that had been recommended by the Commissioners of the Board of Excise, and even desired by many very respectable and capital dea- lers in the sort of goods, the venders of which were to be the subject of it. The produce of it he estimated at eighty thousand pounds. Being called to by Mr. Fox, who desired to know at what rate these licences were
to be charged ; Mr. Pitt said, if the House thought proper, he would go through the detail, upon which Mr. Fox desired only to know the highest and lowest charges. Mr. Pitt then stated, that the highest was fifty pounds, which the distillers were to pay, and which, when the great returns of that trade were considered, would, he hoped, not be thought too much; Other traders were to pay in proportion, from one pound for a licence, up to six, eight, and ten. A brewer was to pay ten, and the whole produce, he repeated it, he took eighty thousand pounds. BRICKS' AND TILES. The Eighth Tax he should propose was a Tax on Bricks
and Tiles. There were, he said, ac- cording to the most accurate accounts that could be obtained, one hundred and five millions of bricks made and used in and near London ; near Manchester, near Birmingham, and in the neigh- bourhood of the other great manufacturing towns, the same quantity ; and the same quantity again throughout the rest of the kingdom. He meant therefore to lay a tax of two shillings and sixpence a thousand upon bricks, and estimating the annual consumption at three millions, the produce he should take at fifty thousand pounds. GAME QUALIFICATIONS, The next tax he had to propose was a tax
upon qualifications for shooting, and upon de- putations taken out. from Lords of manors to kill game He said, it had not been in his power to ascertain the number of manors in this king- dom ; but calculating that there were three people in every parish, who qualified themselves to kill game, and he should scarcely suppose there were so few ; charging them with a guinea eaeh, upon registering their qualification with the clerk of the peaee, he should suppose it would at least produce thirty thousand pounds. PAPER. His next tax was an additional tax upon Paper The quantity of this article continued yearly had not in the least
decreased by the late duties hav- ing been imposed, and from its bulk and weight it could not easily be smuggled. He should propose therefore an addition of one third of the present duty ; and the Committee would see that the collection would be no additional expence. He estimated the produce of this tax at eighteen thousand pounds. HACKNEY COACHES. The tenth and last tax he had to submit to their- consideration, was a tax peculiar to the Metropo- lis, a tax upon Hackney Coaches. He meant that the keeper of each figure should pay five shillings weekly for a licence ; and when the great profits of the profession were
confidered, and the avidity with which figures were daily applied for, he flattered himself, this tax would not be thought oppressive. He estimated its produce at twelve thousand pounds. Having thus gone through his catalogue of tax- ation, he recapitulated them as follows ; Produce of the intended Taxes : On HATS — — — ON RIBBANDS and GAUZE — — On COALS — — — On HORSES — — — On PRINTED and STAINED LINNENS and CALLICOES, See. — — On CANDLES — — 1 On LICENCES taken out by Dealers in Exciseable Commodities On BRICKS — — — — — On QUALIFICATIONS and DEPUTA- TIONS
to KILL GAME On PAPER _ On HACKNEY COACHES — — £. 930,000 Mr. Pitt apologized for having so long fatigued the Committee, but said, he trusted they would see it had been unavoidable ; in order not to add to that fatigue, he declared he had purposely avoid- ed going into a full detail of the regulations meant to make part of the several bills that would be necessary to he brought in upon the subject of the taxes he had proposed. Subsequent opportuni- ties of discussion of those topicks would present themselves. He only hoped, he had been abl- to convey the respective taxes and the doctrines of finance, that he had
taken the liberty to dwell upon, clearly and intelligibly to the understand- ings of the Committee ; if doubts remained with any Gentleman upon any one of the great variety of articles he had been at the necessity of troubling them upon, he would rise again, and be happy to give every Satisfaction in his power upon such, ar- ticles. In the discussion of the subject he hoped the Committee would see that he had done that which his duty direCted, without regard to his own inclination or his ease ; he was not conscious of hav- ing lest any matter untouched, that it was impor- tant for that House or for the Public to he ap- prized of ; on
the contrary, he had studiously en- deavoured to do what he held to he the indispen- sible duty of every person honoured with the high office he held, viz. to disguise nothing from the Public that affected their real interest, but. to bring every particular of that nature forward ; and how- ever great the personal risque and inconvenience, however great the danger of incurring popular odium, by proposing heavy burthens oh the people might be, not to shrink from that painful aCt of duty, if such burthens were by the exigency of affairs re- quired to be imposed [ It would be unjust not to declare, that Mr. Pitt's whole Speech Was an
asto- nishing display of ability, manly spirit, and that degree of ministerial boldness which the unfortunate situation of country call for. We never heard an harangue that involved such an infinite va- riety of important, but dry, complicated, and diffi- cult topics to detail with perpicuity, that had more merit, or was more easy to be comprehend- ed and understood. Mr. Pitt concluded with moving a resolution, stating that the Committee
Commons'Debate of Yesterday continuedi were of opinion a loan for six millions ought to be made on the terms he had stated. Mr. Fox rose, not he said to attempt to follow the Right Hon. Gentleman through the vast field of finance that he had gone over, but to make a few remarks on some parts of his speech. Many of the subjects that he had stated would come un- der discussion hereafter, and there would be fitter opportunities for debating them than the present All he wished to say generally upon the propor- tions of the day was, that the Right Honour- able Gentleman had infinite merit in having brought forward so much of
the unfunded debt in the course of the present session, as he had done ; too much praise could not be given him on this head, and he for one was very ready immediately to declare that he was decidedly of this opinion. What he rose more particularly to say was, that he was happy to find the Right Hon. Gentleman had made his Loan this year exactly on the principle upon which the Loan of the last year had been made, and he hoped that hence- forward that House would hear no more of the non- sensical clamour that had been raised under the fal- lacious notion, that twenty- one millions of debt had been incurred, in order to
raise twelve millions of money. In settling his loan the right hon. gen tleman had acted wisely in making his bargain as he had done namely, in getting the money for the public upon the best terms he could, without going into the consideration whether this or that particular fund was the most capable of redemption; and when, he said this, Mr. Fox desired he might not be so grossly misunderstood as to have it sup- posed that he was an enemy to redemption, or that he was adverse to the paying off the national debt. He spoke direCtly with opposite feelings, and it was with a view to paying, or rather to diminishing our national
debt, that he always argued as he had done, that loans ought to be made as well as they Could, and that the public ought not, from any preju- dice of preference of one fund over another, to be burthened with a larger annuity than was necessary. With regard to the Ideas suggested by the Right Hon. Gentleman, in favour of a five per cent, fund, his opinion upon that subjeCt was well known, and he begged to have it understood, that his opinion was not in the least shaken by any thing that had been said that day. As to what the Right Hon. Gentleman had said of making a five per cent. fund irredeemable for a number of year-, it
was un- doubtedly the only way to make it fetch its price in the market, but he could not but think the Right Hon. Gentleman had taken it too high. The price of stocks always depended, in his mind, not upon what price they ought in reason and by fair calculation to bear, but by what they did ac- tually bear, viz. what those who dealt in them, what the money lenders were ready to take them at. Thus for instance the Right Hon. Gentleman valued his 5 per cents with which he meant to pay off a part of the navy debt, at 9; and 93. He could not but think he rated them too high, and that the navy bill holder, although he might possibly
con- tent to take them, would estimate them in his own opinion at 90, or perhaps 91. With regard to the Right Honourable Gentleman's argument, upon the difference between a 3 per cent. and. a 5 per cent, if the latter was made irredeemable for thirty years, undoubtedly the publick paid an annuity of t• » • for that time, for the right to redeem them at the expiration of that period ; but the case the Right Hon. Gentleman had put, did not depend upon calculation, it was an hypothesis and nothing else. If the funds could be bought up lower at the and of twenty or thirty years, the public did pay an annuity of is. for the right to buy
them up un- der that advantage ; but if they could not at the end of twenty or thirty years be so redeemed at a low rate, the public would have paid the annuity for nothing, The difference between a 3 per cent, and a 5 per cent, loan, Mr. Fox said, was a differ- ence in the one case in favour of the lender; in the other, in favour of the money borrower; the former would certainly prefer that fund the least likely to be redeemed, the latter that most likely and most capable of redemption. With regard to the taxes, indisputably. the money must be raised ; and so fully convinced was he of this fact, that without meaning to bind any other
gentleman to the same line of conduct, he pledged himself to give the Right Ilo- mrable Gentleman his support ; by which he did not mean to sup- port him in the taxes at all hazards, but as far as, upon the discussion of the subjeCt in future, the taxes proposed that day should appear to be the best that could be suggested. Indeed so sensible was he of the necessity of raising taxes, that there were hardly any taxes tbe honourable Gentleman could have proposed, that he should have thought himself, from the situation he had held, entitled to oppose. When the taxes the Committee had heard that day came under consideration,
he should discuss them more minutely than it was possible for him to do then. There was one tax, however, that he could not but say he thought a strange one' and that was the tax on ribbinds. If he took the calculation rightly, to make out the produce of that tax, every individual female, from the in- fant just born, to the adult of any age, must be supposed to consume, or use, at least twenty ribbons a year. [ Mr. Pitt nodded assent.] Mr. Fox said, this appeared to him to be scarcely credible. He farther observed, that most of the taxes were upon the direct necessaries of life, which he hoped would convince Gentlemen, that the
situation of the country was such as required bold and effec- tual measures to be taken to retrieve it, and that they would join in supporting the Minister in car- rying those taxes into effect, which were so ob- viously called for by the exigency of affairs. Mr. Fox thought Mr. Pitt had on a late occasion un- der- rated the present growing produce of the Re- ceipt- Tax, and explained his meaning, by stating that a great number of Receipt Stamps had been taken out previous to its being generally under- stood, as it had been last year, that the Receipt Tax need not to be paid. At that time those stamps were laid aside but when the late
bill for regulating the collection of the tax came in force on the 25th o, f March last, those stamps so laid aside came in use ; but being on hand, they •• • • nted so great an issue of new stamps as there o - is, wise would have been ; consequently the amount of what the tax was now likely to produce could not yet be known, and therefore he conceived Mr. Pitt to have considerably under- rated its produce, when he stated it lately to the House, as amounting at present to 1oo, oool. a year only. Mr. Fox asked Mr. Pitt what security the Navy holder is the first class, who did not chuse to subscribe to the 5 per cents, was to have for
the payment of his Bill, and whether in that case a bill- holder of the second class was to stand in the shoes of the first class bill- holder fo refusing to become a subscriber The Chancellor of the Exchequer said, he Would very readily give every satisfaction in his power to the committee, or to the right honourable gentle- man who bad opened the business in a manner so perfectly liberal and candid. The navy bill- holders who did not choose to become subscribers, would have the same security for the payment of their bills that they had now, and had hitherto had.— The public faith was pledged to them for payment of the debt,
but the public was not compellable to make such payment, but at its own convenience. With regard to his loan being exactly upon the same principle as the loan of last year, he could not admit that assertion, because the terms of his loan were two- fold ; those of one part upon the old funds ; those of the other, upon a new five per cent, fund. With regard to the Receipt Tax, Mr. Pitt said, he had not meant on a late occasion, what that tax under its present regulation could produce, but what it actually had produced as yet. Mr. Pitt replied to the argument used by Mr. Fox against a five per cent. fund, and defended himself from the
objections that gentleman had stated. Mr. Fox rose again, and said, when he had talked of the right hon. gentleman having borrowed his money upon the same terms as the loan of the last year, he meant to allude to that part of the bar- gain, which was properly speaking the loan, and not the subscription to pay off the navy and ord- nance debt. Mr. Fox did not seem satisfied with Mr. Pitt's answer on the subjeCt of the navy bill- holder's security, in case he did not choose to be- come a subscriber to the new funds. He thought it tended to a compulsory obligation upon the bill- holder to subscribe. Lord Surrey briefly went through
the taxes, most of which he thought unobjectionable ; but he seriously advised Mr. pitt to reconsider the in- tended tax upon Coals. His Lordship stated a variety of objections to it, and said, if the Right Honourable Gentleman persisted in it, it Would be warmly remonstrated against from various parts of the kingdom. Sir John Wrottesly professed himself a friend to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, but most earnestly exhorted him to abandon the intended tax on coals, and to substitute some other. Sir John declared, if that tax were to be imposed, it would go near to ruin 50,000 manufacturers in the county of Stafford. He also
asserted. that 3s. a chaldron was more than, in many parts of that country, people paid for a chaldron of coals at the pit. Sir James Johnstone highly approved the intended tax on qualifications to shoot and deputations to kill game. Our game laws, as they stood, he said, he had ever considered as a disgrace to the country. They tended to enslave the people by wresting arms out of their hands ; but the intended tax would operate as it ought to do, and fall upon the proper objeCts. He only wished the tax to be double 0n those who registered their qualifications to shoot ; for surely if a game- keeper was to pay a guinea for a
deputation, a gentleman might well afford to pay two guineas for the register of his qualification to shoot game. Sir Matthew White Ridley argued strenuously against the intended Coal Duty. Sir Matthew pointed out the manifest inconvenience it would load many of his constituents with, aud in par- ticular bv drawing so much ready money from them. He asked how was it to be collected ? Was an exciseman to be stationed at the mouth of every pit He also asketd, whether the tax was meant to be extended to the Collieries ot Scotland ? Si Wm. Molesworth deprecated the Coal Tax. Sir William declared that the mines in the coun ty he represented could not be worked, if any additional expence was thrown upon them, and asserted it to be a fact which many who heard him could bear testimony. Mr. Ord cautioned Mr. Pitt ahout the man- ner of his having the Coal Bill drawn. If not very cautiously worded, it would be impractica- ble. A chaldron of coals, London measure, was, he sAid, applicable to no other known mea- sure in use throughout the kingdom. Mr. Dempster assigned his reafons for not wish- ing to go into a discussion of the intended taxes that evening, but desired to put in his claim to be heard upon them 0n a future day, when ihe Bills were
before the House. As the good or bad of many of the taxes depended entirely on the manner in which they were laid, he said 110 found argument could be used, till gentlemen were apprized of the full extent of the several tax- bills. Mr. Dempster said, the tax upon printed and stained linens appeared to him to be highly objectionable. It seemed as if the Minister, with the same breath that had served him to declare the annihilation of the duties on tea, by that means removing one great subject of smuggling, imposed a duty on another arti- cle, and thereby provided smugglers with new incitements to exercise their illicit practices,
and suggested new commodities for them to run into the kingdom, and those, commodities which, if smuggled, would materially injure, if n t totally ruin, one of our best, and, nationally considered, our most valuable manufactures. Mr. Dempster thought the reason that had been assigned by Mr. Pitt, for laying the additional duty on printed and stained linens, a bad one, and shewed that it was from the prevalence of such notions of increasing duties, that smug- gling had grown to its present enormity. Sir Matthew White Ridley called again upon Mr. Pitt for an answer to his question, whether the intended tax on coals was meant to
extend to the Scotch collieries. The Chancellor of the Exchequer assured the ho- nourable Baronet and the Committee, that the only reason of his not having risen sooner was, in order to collect all the obJections of different gen tlemen, and endeavour to save the time of the Committee by giving them all an answer in the same speech. The tax on coals wns undoubtedly meant to be extended to the collieries of Scot- land ; he wished, however that the honourable Baronet, as well as the honourable Gentlema opposite to him [ Mr. Ord] had reserved their objections till they saw the bill; a great many of the taxes he had that day
proposed, depended on the regulations under which they were to be laid; regulations meeting many of the objestions that had been stated, Were actually already settled, and would be found in the bill; and he really should be happy to receive such information from Gentlemen conversant with the subject, as might serve to point out the propriety of still farther regulations. There were undoubtedly many particulars to which special exemptions from the tax must be extended. Fire- engines, for in- stance, was, he fairly thought, one of those par- ticulars, and that, he conceiVed would totally obviate an objection made by an
honourable friend of his who represented the county of Cornwall. With regard to what had been said upon the subject of the effect this tax would have upon our manufactures, surely gentlemen had forgot, that in his opening he had expressly stated, that a drawback was intended to be al- lowed upon the exportation of such articles as Confumed a considerable quantity of coals in their manufacture. He declared he should be ex- tremely sorry if, by laying a trifling addition of duty on printed linens and cottons, he had been encouraging smugglers, and holding out fresh incitements to the prosecution of their daring enormities; but
when the Bill was before the House, he trusted no mischievous consequences would appear likely to follow upon the imposi- tion of the tax in question. Mr. Walter Stanhope rose next to combat the duty on coals, and several other gentlemen fol- lowed. At length the several Resolutions were agreed to. Postscript. Thursday Afternoon, July i. LONDON. At a Court of Common Council this morn- ing at Guildhall, before the Lord Mayor, the Aldermen Wilkes, Lewes, Plomer, Newnham, Clark, Hart, Samsbury, Kitchen, Sanderson, Picket, and Mr. Sheriff Skinner, and a very re- spectable attendance of Commoners, The Court
appointed a Committee to enquire into the assertions lately circulated respecting the affairs of the Corporation, and to report their opinion thereon ; together with their opinion, whether any and what regulations may be pro- per or necessary, for the better management ol the estates and revenues of he City and Bridge- house, or for keeping the accounts thereof. A Committee was accordingly appointed, consisting of the Lord Mayor, and all the Ai- dermen, together with the following Gentle- men, Mr. Tho. Isherwood, Mr. Cha. Aldridge, of Aldersgate Ward ; Mr. Cha. Lincoln, of Aldgate ; Mr. Solomon Wadd, of Bassishaw ; Mr.
Tho. Edgley, of Billingsgate ; Mr. John Merry, Mr. Dep. Bullcock, of Bishopsgate ; Mr. Cha Hamerton, of Bread- street; Mr. Dep. Corderoy, of Bridge; Mr. Henry Wichells, of Broad- street; Mr. Dep. Watson, of Candlewick ; Mr. Wm. Sharp, of Castle Baynard ; Mr. John Cowley, of Cheap; Mr. John Jacob, of Cole- man- street; Mr, James Trimbey, of Cord- wainer; Mr. Sam. Birch, of Cornhill ; Mr. Edw. Dowling, Mr. Wm. Staines, of Cripple- gate ; Mr. Deputy Hilton, of Dowgate; Mr. Wm. Powell, of Farringdon Within ; Mr. Dep. Atkinson, Mr. Richard Brewer, ot Farringdon Without ; Mr. Dep. Witherby, of Langbourn ; Mr. Dep. Brown, of
Lime- street ; Mr. Deputy Harding, of Portsoken ; Mr. Dep. Humphreys, of Queenhithe ; Mr. Sam. Townley, of Tower ; Mr. Dep. Wilson, of Vintry; and Mr. Samuel Toulmin, of Walbrook Ward. Aud the Court empowered the Committee t > confer with the Auditors of the City and Bridge- house Accounts, and with any other person or persons they shall think proper, for the better conducting the said enquiry and report. At the close of the poll this day for Bridge- master, the numbers were, For Mr. Burbank — 1482 Mr. Taylor — 736 Mr. Maynard — 163 Mr. Fewkes — 72 Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, June 30. " Arrived and
sailed for Dublin the Reco- very, Witherhead, and Draper, Randall. " Sailed the Surry, Discoe, for Porto. Wind S. W." Extract of a Letter from Deal, June 30. " Wind E. N. E. Came down and sailed the Daniel, Priest, for Bristol. Remain the Nimble and Jackall cutters, and Hyder Ally, Chouderin, for Bristol." The negociation for the loan was not con- cluded till twelve o'clock on Tuesday night. The Minister appointed a competition, and we hear conducted it with great manliness and in- tegrity. The one set of money- lenders consisted of Mr. Harley, Mr. Drummond, Mr. Aikin- son, and that particular corps who are in habits of intimacy
with Mr. Pitt, and who were therefore looked to by the City as almost to a cer- tainty the fortunate set. The other party Con- sisted of twenty bankers. It was settled that the particular article on which the offers should be made and the bargain be struck, was the long an- nuities. The money lenders desired to know, as a preliminary, whether the Minister would close with the offer which should he lowest ? To this the Minister replied, that he should most un- questionably make his bargain with the set which should give him the best offer— but at the same time he must reserve to himself a negative ; for if he was to stipulate as a
preliminary, that he should close with the lowest whatever it might be, an understanding between the two sets might render the competition useless; and therefore, though, he had the highest confidence in the ho- nour of the parties, he must reserve to himself the negative, with this honest declaration at the same time, that the lowest bona fide offers should be proposed. This being settled, the offer of Messrs. Harley and Co. was to take the annuity at six shillings, and that of Messrs. Boldero and Co. to take it at five shillings and six- pence. The Minister closed with this proposal. Another correspondent says, that the success- ful
set of bankers are only six in number : Mr. Coutts Mr. Ed. Payne Mr. Dent Mr. Hankey, and Mr. Thornton Mr. Thelusson. But we believe he is mistaken. EAST- INDIA HOUSE INTELLIGENCE. Yesterday a General Court of Proprietors of East- India stock was held at the East- India House in Leadenhall- street, for the purpose of declaring a dividend from Christmas to Mid- summer- Day last. The chair was taken soon after twelve o'clock, when the Clerk having read over the minutes of the last General Court, the Chairman rose, and informed the Proprietors, that in consequence of a late Act of Parliament, the affairs of the
Company were in that particular situation, by which they would have been restricted from making any dividend this half year, but that, having a month since made application to the First Lord of the Treasury, with whom he had two or three conferences lately respecting the affairs of the Company, a short bill of accom- modation had, by consent of the Minister, been brought into the House of Commons, and hav- ing passed there, and gone through the Lords, it on Tuesday received the royal assent by com- mission, and the Company were now in a situa- tion to make a dividend, which otherwise they would not have been able to
have done without having incurred penalties. A motion was there- fore made, that a dividend of 81. per cent, on the whole Company's stock be made for the half year, from Christmas 1783, to Midsummer- Day last; which passed unanimously. The Chairman then declared that the Court had been made special at the request of nine Pro- prietors, whose requisition of the Chairman was read. After which a conversation commenced rela- tive to Mr. Baldwin, who resided in India tor the purpose of transmitting dispatchcs over land through Persia during the war, and for whom a gratuity had been recommended. The Court of
Proprietors and the Directors did not however seem to agree on the quantum or mode of satis- faction for that gentleman's services, and the Court therefore broke up without coming to any determination thereon. The tea business was not taken up, as the principals in that trade are to have an interview with the Directors this day, for which purpose a Court is summoncd to sit at eleven o'clock, when the whole business will be investigated, and the ultimatum reported to the Minister by the Chairman of the Company, who are to have another interview to- morrow in Downing- street. The following is a state of the dividends made by
the East- India Company, from 1708 to 1756, the year before they got possession of their terri- tories. By this the public will be enabled to judge how far the Proprietors have have really benefited by these so much boasted acquisitions, and whether their being deprived of them would, not rather be an advantage than a loss to them — From Ladyday to Michaelmas 1709, 8 per cent.; from that to ditto 1710, 9 per cent.; to Midsummer 1721, 10 per cent. ; to ditto 1732, 8 per cent. ; to ditto 1743, 7 per cent. ; to Christmas 1755, 8 per cent.; to Midsummer 1756, 6 per cent. . Seals, causes, rehearings, appeals, pleas, demur- rers,
exceptions, and petitions, appointed by the Lord Chancellor after Trinity Term, 1784, to be heard at Lincoln's Inn Hall : First Seal - - July Cause days ... Second Seal - Cause days - Third Seal - Cause days ... Cause Days, Rehearings, and Appeals, ... Pleas, Demurrers, and Ex- On Friday last Dr. William Rowley, of Har- ley- street, Cavendish- square, Member of the University of Oxford, and Author of several Medical Treatises, was admitted a Member of the Royal College of PhySicians in London. Dr. Rowley, it is said, has been printing for a con- siderable time two very important works; one in Greek and Latin, comprehending
all the Branches of Medicine; the other, the Ancient and Modern History of the Art, under the pa- tronage of his Majesty : Both are illustrated by a great number of copper- plates. P R I C ~ E of S T O C iv ^