The Whitehall Evening Post
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The Whitehall Evening Post
Date of Article: 20/03/1784
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Address: No 4, Ludgate-Hill, London
Volume Number: Issue Number: 5832
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The Whitehall For the Whitehall Evening- Poit. L E T T E R III. mrtjci- vomy COUNTRYMEN, the P E O P LE of E N G L A N D. Remember, 0 my friends, the laws, th'e rights, The generous plan of power deliver'd down r > From age to age, by your renown'd fore fathers, So dearly bought, the price of fo much blood j *'' O, let it never periih in your hands, *••' Ii, it pioully tranfmit it to your children." C A T O . WHEN the Kingdifmifled the late Adinimftration, many fenlible men were of opinion that there was a capital error ill politics committed fit n o t difTohing the " Parliament. The eveut hath proved this idea to have been too
precipitately adopted. Had the Parliament hem diffolved, which at firft fight, it mult be confefled, feemcd to be the evident dictate of common fenfe i the fchemes and views of the two contending parties had not been fo explicitly explained, nor fo clearly elucidated, as they are at prcfcti'. InA. iitely for the advantage of Oid England, there hath been a gradu 1 fucceflrve developement of the principles and intentions of the great leaders in this arduous contention. It is evident now beyond a doubt, tlut one party meant, if not totally to annihilate, cer- I tainly to impede and manacle the legal Prerogative j of the Crown : and it is as clear,
that the ether party were molt ftrenuoufly refolved to miintain and fupport the K n g and Canftitution in all their • due an. l indifputable rights and privileges. My . Countrymen cannot helitate one moment in determining to which « f thefe parties an honeft Englilhman ought molt devoutly to adhere. On one fide you fee ranged in battle array, unbounded ambition, ail ungovernable r ipacioufn. Is, a leitlcls paffion for demolifhing Chaiters, a decided contempt for Mijelty, an inordinate luft of lucre, a reiblution never to queftion the mode provided the point in quelti. rti is gained, a turbulent rrtere- • ric'yous eloquence, a pertinacity
unexampled in accumul iting unconltitutional Refutation*, On thejptlier lide you have inflexible integrity, unimpeached character, manly perfevcranee, inviolable attachment to the true demonitrable intereft of the Country. On one fide you fee ruined G imblcrs, Splendid but abandoned Spendthrifts, difcaided Statefmen of the blacked and molt ignominious report, men ofdefperate fortunes, fomc abilities in- • deedbut no principle, an infitiable " appetite of in- • novation. On the other hand, you have a phalanx of " probity and honour that nothing can fliake, men from • principle attached to their Country, to their King fend Conftkation,
above the fordid inluence of venality, wfoo boldly ( land up in defence of tbe libertics of the fineft fyftem of Government this day yxifting in the world. However unfortunate the People of England are in other refpeiSs, they are yet " h ippy in the f - fer'-'- tion of their Conftitution, Whilft fcarre a veftige of Liberty remains in any part of Europe, though ones as free as this country, Freedom is yet the Charter of England: Perhaps no country upon earth was ever more harraffed and abided by the bad and flagitious conduft of her Direilors, than this during the long period of fourteen years laft paft. No country was ever more miferably
deluded, Or more univeifally exhaufttd, by State Impoftors and Political Jugglers. I t is now high time to awake. The prcftnt moment is important, it is big with tne fate of England. I f his Majefty perfeveres in the fame manly conduit he hath lo laudably hegnn, the intrigues of a defperate Paction will be infallibly crtifhed, the People will have their wifh, and an honelt A n will tie once more eftablifhed. wnicli polfibly may in t h e courfe of time recover the old fpirit and eon' Sequence of the nation. It hath been aflitrted by • fcnlible men, that in turbulent times like the prefent, when the tide of party runs high, no individual ought to ( land
neuter : if he dot. 3, he forfeits all protection from the Government he belongs , to. This ia the opinion of Solon, and the reafon, Jays Plutarch, is t h i s ; " Private men fhould not • fo regard their own affairs, and the fecurity of t h e i r own perfonp, fo as to abandon their paflion and concern for tlie public.'' No, they aught to declare for thole who they conceive have t h e j u f t - elt caufe to fupport ; to them they ought ( teadily to adhere, anil affilt them in the accomplillim t . . i of their honourable purpofes. The fpirit of this doftrine fetms to prevail univerfally amonglt tny Countrymen with n, oft commendable zeal. The People of England,
to their eternal glory, molt nonly take the part of their infnlted King, and honeftly contend for the liberty of the Cotiltitution. The prefent conduit of the H— of C ns is a p u t lo. iunon in polities which will attoriilh pofterity as much as the conduit of the P—— t at the latter end of the year forty- one aftonilhcs modern readers. Doth not tbe fame ulurping fpirit feem to predominate now as then ? l i not the rage for innovation as great now as then ? T o allow the King a power of nominating his Minifters, and tlie Houl'e of Commons a power of rejecting them, if not within the pale of their confidence, is a fpecies of collulion, which nothing but
the Jeftiitifm of modern Politics could ever have attempted to make true, constitutional doitrine. Is not this a conceffion, without a per million to put the conceffion in force? fomething like permitting a man to filh in your water, under a penal injunction if he fhould chance t o catch a filh i or to fport in your manor, under a penal injunction of killing no game. Infatuation of all kinds makes dreadful havock with the intellects of men ; but the infatuation of Patty is the greateft of all infatuations. Like Circe's wand, it converts men into brutes, and deprives tbetu of their underftandings; witnefs the conduit of the The Conftitution, in the ftriiteft
fenfe, is a bargain,, a conditional contrail between the King and the People, and between the representative aud the reprefented. The Conftitution of England fuppofes that kings may abufe their power, and the reprefentatives betray their trull, and provides a remedy in both cafes. In the firft, an appeal to Heaven and the juftice of the catife, as in the cafe » f James the Second. In ( be other, a difmiffion , Jf the delinquents t o their judges, to eleitgit., by i ^ f t v i u a w d dfJWuftOb. LtH me appeal, my Countrymen, to your feelings, to the honefty of your feiltiincuts, On thisimportant queftion: Which feems moft to have abultd the truft
committed to them by the Conftitution, the King ens the H— of C—? the King, for exerting his legal prerogative, in turnin,; out of office the two moft obnoxious men in the kingdom ; the two men, whom this age and future ag.- s will have more reafon to reprobate and execrate, than any two men mentioned in hiftory fitice the days of King A r t h u r . One of thefe hath already, by a fcries of infatuated conduct never exampled before, plunged the nation in debt inextricable, brought Etlgl'i id to the verge of deftruftion, and made her the joke and ridicule of the neighbouring nations. The other, by the moft diabolical meafure that ever
influenced the heart of man, aimed a death- blow at the vitals of the Conftitution, which, if it had taken place, would have infallibly crufhed her at once. The patronage of the Ealt would have been fuflicient to have bribed the whole Lcgiflature.— Then would have come to pafs the prophecy of M > nt< tquieu: " When the L- grflative fhall become ast corrupt as the Executive, England fhall fall. C'rthage fell, Rome fell, Britain fhall fall at laft." But to revert to the point. Inftead of thefe two men of exceedingly controverted and ambiguous characters— ambiguous even in the opinion of their warmeft partifans— the King hath fubftituted two
men of unblemilhed reputation, as yet unhackneyed in the ways of venality, of moft pro mi ling ' expeihncy. Which then, my friends, appears to you to be the culprit— the King, fordoing his duty as an honeft man ; or the II— of C , for not fnffcl ing him to do his duty at all, for impeding hie wifh to ferve his country, for endeavouring to plunder him of his oonfl tutional patrimony? But the punftilio of the HOUR: is h u r t : The punCtilio of the Houfe is a matter of ineffable magnitude, laith the fage Mr. P— s. Better the Conftitotion pe'rifh, tnan the fmalleft hair of the important head of punitiliu. be in tlie'. Isaft injured. Is the bauble of
etiquette to' be put in compofit'on with the welfare of England ? Will you weigh a painted feather againft: the fubitatitial weight of Magna Charta and the Bill of Rights ? The pun& llio of a woman, as we read of the lovely Helen, hath fet the world in flames before now. But Ihall the punCtilio of the H— of C ruin the Englifh Conflitution ? Forbid it, Heaven ! forb: d it, my countrymen I The Houle of Common's is amenable to the judgment of their Constituents, as well as the King to the fpirit of the Conftitution, when flagrantly trefpafiing on the mutual contrail exifting between all parties. It hath been obferved, and perhaps not injudicioufly,
that about fourl'core great families govern and direit the grand councils of this kingdom, according to their fupcrior influehce as to fortune and property. In the mean time the wretched people are hal- raffed with opprcflive taxes, and groan under an accumulation of national diffcrtfs, The representatives of the nation fhould be caution* how faj- they irritate ? n infn! tc<> peruke, lev t l ui fhould beg leave, in a fit of defpai'r, to refign their privileges into the hands of one Sovereign, fooner than be pinched and lacerated at the caprice and inlblence of numerous fovereigns ; left they Ihouid think it more commodious to live under the
dominion of one tyrant, than under the direition of ftvj hundred; a circuipftauce which hath happened before now in the neighbouring countries. If we turnover the page of Hiitory, from the Norman Conqueft to tiie Revolution, you will find one continued defign carried on againft liberty in every reign. In many the confefthath been great between irr tated and contending parties. St'll for the glory ofOid England, liberty tuth'trjiiniphrd ever corruption, over force, and over opprt flion itfelf. Our word K'ngs, and our word MmilU'rv could never extirpate and crulh the Conftitution ; but a factious, mercenary Parliament hath at once moft
completely ruintd it. Therefore, though it is confeffeil that the People of England fhotild be unremittingly watchful over the conduit of t h e King, and the exertion of the Pretogative ; yet they fhr. uld ereCt the eyes of Argus over the behav . nir and demeanor of their reprefentativ. s, left they fhould be lulled 1 alltfep by the golden opiates of Defpotil'm, and fo j be induced to favour tyrant Kings, t o tnflave the j people, orgrow mad, lis- nt the prefent moment, and become defpots thcmfclves. If liberty be the true fcaft of reafon, the belt banquet of ; i rational being, J the Britifh Conftitutionis the tree which bears this j delicious fruit. It is the
bufinefs of every honrft | Englilhman to prcf. rve this tree, well fenced and well gu rdfed ag. tinft the beafts of th'e field, and the infeit. i of the t a i t h . To ijpea I; without a metaphor i It is the bulinefs of every Engliflim. m to guard the Conftitution agauift the inl'ults and invations of a proud Democracy; agaitift the ufurpatipn of tyrant Kings ; and againlt tiie attempts of an affuming Ai iltor racy. There is one fupereminent advantage in this country i we cannot lofe our liberty without i wc lofe our Conftitiftlon. The " People muft be the j accomplices of their own ruin. They muft fign and j fcal their own death warrant. All parties muft I bow
ai'd humble to the divinity of the Conftitution j of, England.; but the Conilitulioti muft humble to j no p a r t y ; m^ ilt. neither ftoop to Pitt or. Fox j muft I not truckle even to the mandate of the King, j Some men are fond of mulie, fome of geography ; j fome are devoted to hiftory, others are abforbed in p o e t r y : But it is the bulinefs of every Englifhman to ftndy and to be fond of the Englifh Conftitution. A Hritifh Freeholder, in bis legiflative capacity, is of infinite more lonfequence . than a little Italian I'ritjee. A Britil. l^ Freeholder is a part. of that delegated whole that fuperinteiuds the great bufmtfs of the nation. He fpcaka his fentiments
there, in the grand Smilirdrim of the nation, through the mouth of his Deputy Steward; or more properly, as Sir KiChard Steele ftyles him, his ailing Attorney. Being of this lingular importance in the fcale of Government, he fliould hold the creed of his libe'rty as laci e d a s thecxeed of hia religion. Religion hath had her boafted martyrs. The Coiiftitution. oP England boafts ot' her martyrs ty> o. Shall this nOr ble fabric, the envy and ai| iBiration of the world, now be 1' aCi iljeed to puniiilia? Shall the enthiuiaftic folly of a few Parlianiciitary Quixotps. erafe. ana annihilate this venerable ^ o j h i c ftru< ture » fhat hath, fo long ftood the
pelting and itorms of various ages I Shall the elab'U'. ite, tbough threadbare worn- • oai Harangues ot a contuifious-! o r the jaiix briliant of a P of volatile tergtverfating memo- i ry, o r t h e g i o f s bourgeois wit of an over facetious j N , calculati d only for the meridian of a tap- < houfe, ( hall thefe do what the haughty Roman, in j his moft fplendid days, could never completely effeiluate? Shall thefe do what the hungry Piit often attempted in vain;' w hat the plundering Dane, what the infidious Saxon, what the conquering . Norman could never bring to pafs ? Shall f'ueh a chain of beinss as thefe now quench and extinguifli the pure
veftal flame of liberty, fo longdupt up . in this ifland by its zealous votaries, though extinguiflied in every other part of Europe ? For fhame, my cotintrynHii 1 refume your old manhood, your old honelt v, ( ind your old fpirited mode of proceeding, and r. o longer be tbe dupes of fplendid hypocrify, and no longer led about by the Ibining but falfe meteors of oftentatiotu but unfubftantial merit. Dare to emancipate your King and Couotry from the fanatxifm of Fadtion, and the dreadful difpofitin ofthe times. _ Cjrencefter. CAUSIDICUS.__ A D M I R A L T Y O F F I C E , March 8, 1784. J\ tOTlCE is hereby given, That a- SeJJion of Oyer
and Terminer and Gaol Delivery for the Trial of Offences committed on the High Seas, ivithin the JurifdiSion of the Admiralty of England, • will be held on Friday, the 30th of April next, at Juflke Hall ill the Old Bailey, London, at Eight o'Cloci in the Morning. P. S T E P H E N S. S ~ T ~ M P - O F F I C E, ~ March 17, 1784. A C T to explain and amend the T A X on BILLS of E X C H A N G E and R E C E I P T S. JT h S Majefly s Commijjioners for managing the Stamp Duties do hereby give Notice, that, by the above AH. It is enabled, That, from and after the 15 th Infant, al: Perfons, who jhall write or Jign, or caufe to be - written or
flgned, any Bill of Exchange, ProrhiJJory or other Note, or any Receipt or other Difchctrge given for the Payment of Money, upon Fellum, Parchment, or Paper, not d u l y ftamped, Jhall forfeit the Sum of FIVE POUNDS, to be recovered before any neighbouring Juflice. All Drafts or Orders on Jj ankers, or Pcrfons atting as Bankers, for Payment of Money on De- MAND, which are not drawn payable to the Bearer, are charged with the Stamp Duties impofed, by the AHofthelaflScjJion, on Bills of Exchange, Promifl'ory Notes, £ sV. except fuch as may be legally given for any Sum not amounting to Forty Shillings. All Perfons
required to give Receipts, are empowered to charge the Falue of the Stamp to the Perfon requiring the Receipt. The following Receipts are exempted from this F'ury, viz. " Rtie'ptsfor the Purchase of Shares " in the Public Funds, Bank Stock, Stocks of the " Eaft India Company, or South Sea Company, " or for the D I v ID E N D S pal d or payable on. Shares " of the faid Stocks."— Alfo " Receipts/ or Draw- " backs or Bounties, Certificates of Over- Entry, " or Portage Bills at the Cuflom houfe." No Bill of Exchange, Prom'ffory or other Note, Receipt or other Difcharge, givenJ'or the Payment o f Money, ( required by Law to be
flumped) Jh. ilI be permitted to be Jlamped after the J'ameJhall have been written or, flgned, unlefs upon the Payment of the Duty and Ten Pounds. By Order of the Commijjioners, J O H N B R E T T E L L , Secretary. St. James's, March 6, 17S4. WHEREAS on Monday the gth of laft Month, bet- vjeen the Hours of Ten and Eleven o'Clock at Night, as John Harrifm, Head Supervifor of the Riding Ojficca in the Service of the Cujlomsat Scarborough, was in tlx execution of his. Duty attending upon the Sands within the Harbour, in company with other Officers of the Cuftoms and Excife, to look after any Perfon or Perfons who might
be concerned in the landing or carrying away any fort of prohibited or mcufltmed Goods, he received a Ball difcharged from a Gun or Piftol, which went through his Great Coat, and through t/ Mt part of his under Coat where his Pocket was, and hitting on the ri^ ht hand fide againft his Powder Flajh ( in. Iris Coat Pocket) which is BraJ's covered With Leather, though it dented the Flafk, was thereby repelled, but gave a great Shock to the faidHarrifon, who then htard the Report of a Gun or PiJlol: His Ma/ efty for the better difcOvering and bringing to Juftice the Perfon or Perfons concerned in this atrocious Offence, is txreby pleajed
to promife his moft gracious Pardon to any one or more of the Offenders ( except the Perfon who aBually fired) who Jhall difcover hist or their Accomplice or Accomplices, fo that he or they may be apprehended, ( ind convicled thereof. SYDNEY. And as a further F- ncouragement, the Commiffioners of his Majefiy's Cuftoms do hereby promife a Reward of FIFTY POUNDS to the Perfon or Pcrfons who jhall difcover and apprehendf or caufe to be - ifcovered and appreheniied, the Perfin who atfually fired on the Officer as aforefaid," to be paid by the Receiver- General of his Majefty's Cttftoms upon ConviBian. WM. STILES,
Secretary. This Day was publijhtd, Price is. 6d. T H E S C H O O L for S C A N D A L ; a Comedy, in Five A'fls. As it is Performed by his Majefty's Servant, at both Houfes, never before Printed. ^ L p n d ^ : Printed for G. Lifter, No. 46, Old Bailey; and fplilby another JJookfeJlcrs, iti. in Town and Coun- Sy. 8* 5*' •' Vr- ' - • ' -' ' - N. 3. Thil Comedy is Entered in tfia Hall- Bj Company of Stationers, and whoewr . prcO it will be Piufecuted. Nongoffhe. " !. " but what are'figncd by the Publifkr- C H E S T at C H A T H A M . 10th March, 1784. WH E R E A S many aud frequent Attempt*. have been made to deceive and impofe on the
Governors of the CHEST of CHATHAM, by Perfons producing Proofs of Life not properly authenticated, in @ r- . der to obtain Payment of the Penfioti and Arrears of Penfion due to the Pc* ifioners of the faid Charity : the fdid Governors do hereby give notice, that in future no Pcnfion or Arrears of Penfion will be paid to the Attorneys of Pcnfioncrs, or to any Order for receiving the fame, unlets they firft produce a Certificate of Life in the ufual Form, well attefted by one of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace for the County or City, as well as by the Minifter and Church- Wardens of the Parifh wherein the faid Penfioner refides. S W I S
S L I N E N S and A R Q U E B U S A DE W A T E R CO N T I N U E t o b e S o l d by J O H N C E N T - LIVRES, No. 6, Founders- iourt, Lothbury, behind the Royal Exchange, London, who has juft Imported a large AfTortment of Swifs Linens, particularly Sheeting, viz. 11 Yard, a Yard, Yard, 3 Yard, and 3! yard Wide. Alfo Shirting and Tabling, fundry Soits. Alfo Levade's genuine Artjucbufade Water, being the fafc Importer thereof. What has not my Name wrote by me gn the Labels is Counterfeited; and fuch is ibid m many Piaccs. J O H N C E N T L I V R E S. To MANUFACTURERS in GENERAL, ' Y y H O would wifh to hai'f
an Agent in London, for the purpofe only of calling upon their customers regularly and frequently, to procure orders, to liquidate and fettle accounts for them, and in fhort to watch over their interefts, and to give them ftich informations, frpm time to time, a s may be the means of laving them from many bad debts. A penbn who has lived upwards of twenty years in London, is perfeilly acquainted'with the mercantile and trading line in this oity ; alfo with the fhipping btlfinefs ; has correfpondents and connections all through France Flanders and Holland ; oilers his fervice in the above line to any manufacturer, or houfe of credit and
reputation, to' tranf'ail their bufinefs, by famples or patterns only, where patterns are reqrfifite, ashewill not have any thing to do with keeping any warthotife or flock ot goods. Any perfon wifhing to embrace fuch an opportunity, may be ftirtl-. tr informed and receive every latisfaClion, by'addreffing a line to'John Cooper, at No. 60, Threadneedle- flreet, London, will he anfwered immediately.— N. B. Security can be given for any concerns committed to him. D I S S O L U T I O N of P A R L I A M E N T T " * In afewDayswillbepulliJhed, in One Volume 8vo. [ Containing more ufeful Matter than ever was comprized in any one Book of
the fame Size"! TH E P A R L I A M E N T A R Y G U I D E : or MEMBERS and ELECTORS COMPLETE COMPANION •. being an hiftorical Account of the feveial Counties, Cities, and Boroughs, of Great Bi itain; their Rights ot EleCtion ; the Time they firft: reprefented ; and the Number of Voters at each Place : With References to the Journals of the laoufe of Commons, for every Proceeding to be found in them, relating to Matters of EleCtion, from the Firft of Edward the Sixth, to the Diffolutien of Parliament in the Year 1780: And alfo, the Subftance of the Cafes decided under Mr. Grenville's Bill : Together with the
Laws'concerning the Choice of the Reprefentatives ot the People, and all their Incidents - particularly the iffuing the Wr t ; the taking of i„ e Poll; the Scrutiny of Return ; the Qualifications of the Electors and theEleCled ; the Oaths to be taken ; Difquaiifications by Offices ; Bribery and T r e a t i n g ; digefted under proper Heads : Alio all the Various Orders that have been made by the Houle 0f Commons, lelative to their Forms of Proceeding; the Succefiion of Parliaments from the Refforation down to the prefent T i m e ; the JurifdiClion of the Houfe ill the Trial of controverted Elections,' and the Mode ef Petitioning thereon ; with
the Regulations that have been made refpeiting the fame. To which is prefixed, An Enquiry into the Origin of EleClion to Parliament, and the Right of the Commons to a Share in^ tlie Legiflature. And alfo, The Number of Members returned in the Reign of Edward the Firft, Henry the Sixth, Henry tilt Eighth, See. and the Names of the Places that have long difcontinued to fend Reprefentatives, and have not had that Privilege reftored. With a Copious Index to the whole. Printed for J . Stockdale, oppofite Burfington- houfe, Piccadilly, N. B. As Parliament w. ll be diffotved on Wedjiefday, the ahove Book, if poffible, Hull' be ready by
that' Day. . Monday Morning at Nine will be publijhed, j Coinprifing Six Sheets of Letter- Prefs, Price as. 6' d. [ Eftibellifhed with a moft humourous, fatirical Froatifpiece, reprefenting the Witeii oi'Endor and her Sifters intheir Incantation, in the Manner of the Witchej in Macbeth] TH E B O O K of t h e W A R S of W E S T - MINSTER: From the Fall of FOX to the Third Grand Lent Feftival of PITT: An Oriental Proph- ey, in the Manner of the Hebrew Records ; with Notes Critical, Hiflorieal, and Poetical: Tranflated from the yF. thjopic MS. of NSRCALSHAREZIRNSBOKABMAI;- SHA M G A R , By ARCHY MACSARCOMICA, F. R. S, "
I fpSak of the Things which I have made touching the KING." PSALM x l v . IV Short Sketch of fome of the SubieCls. Vifion of the Witch of. Endor— Tlic frotefcfar— His Roll rejected— The Widow Belphcgor— The Caledonian Hags — The Euphorbium— The Incantation— Tho Witoues drawing Valentines— Charles I y . . - S i r Sam. Houfe— their grand Orations— The Sternutation— Fox's Sermon— « . — His Lamentation— The City Lent Feftivals— The Riou — Dives— The Hand- writing, on the Wall The Mifer Kicked down the Hack Stairs—- The City Secondary— The Ponclufionof the Hurley- hurley, & c. & c. See. London:
Printed, fqr B. . Corn well, Naa. 198, Fl « c;-' ftrcet, near Temple- bar; ar- d fold by Vfr'tlic Bookfellers in Town and Country.. , ' Alfb. * TJ An Accurate Defcr. iption- of Gibraltar, with an Imperial Man of .- he Ror^.. & t . .' rice 2$. Elizabeth Hankey, for HVh'JOWe. Price is. ^ tpsket Bill Books, for Ujge, and Pr ® : ni( Tory PRICE THREE- PENCE.! From THURSDAY, March 18, to SATURDAY, March 20, 1784. [ N o . 5 7 3 2.
Y. ft due ATm. Stevens, every Pay, from I\ QUEE& ANN T o the / " " C NOTICE I* HEREJ at Lady b Efq. Ti- eafur Lady- Day nf^^^^ BBBRTTner, between the Hours of Ten and. J ^ ^ W K a a y s and Holidays excepted. j - r. J& fv- The Clergy are defired to obferve, that the Re- '- S?' 1'??" 1"''/' ' tfcipts mud be written on Stamps and as the Governors allow the Duty, it muft be added to the Intereftj and exprefltd in the Receipt. _ _ _ V- L- - — — Q U I N T U P L E A L L I A N C E , LONDON. Paul's Head Tavern, Cateaton- ftreet> March r6th, 1784. SIR W A T K I N LEWES in the Chair. " V Refolved unanimoufly, 1. ' J HAT the
repeated rejection of tbe equita I ble proportion, fAr the appointment of a Select Committee of the Houfe of Commons, to enquire into the ftate of Parliamentary Reprefen tation, and to report that to the Houfe, evinces more forcibly than the ftrongeft language, the necefiity of a reform in the Reprefentation of the People. 2. Refolved unanimoufly, That tbe form of Afibciation, which was produced at the laft melting, And then received the fignatures of many refpeCtable individuals, be recommended by this Alliance to the Inhabitants of Great Britain, as a proper form of a general affocialfon for rtftor- ing the Conftittition. 3. Refolved
unanimoufly, That the ( Secretary be defired to fend copies of the form of Affix iation t o the different Committees, and other public bodies appointed for fhe purpofe of promoting a Parliamentary Reform. 4. Refolved unanimoufly, T h a t this Alliance behold witlrlic irttelt fatisfaCtion the exertions of the W lends of Liberty in Ireland and Scotland, in favour of a Parliamentary Reform. That We Conjure tl'em to prel'evere with unabated Ipirit and united er.-. rgy in the Common taufe of freedom, actuated by the animating perfuafion of the juftice of the catife, and under a full conviCtion, that in t h e collective body of the people is veiled
both the authority and the power to cffeCt compleat redrefs, and that by their exertions only it can be obtained. Refolved luianimoufly, That it be recommended to the EleClors of tbe Counties arid Cities compqfing this Alliance, not t o give their full rapes and fupport to any Candidate who fhall not, in the ' moft ( mequivoeal terms, pledge himfelf to ufe his utinoft endeavours to reftore Parliaments to fneir ancient and primitive Conftitution, the practice of . frequent and nt'w Parliaments, and to promote a more equal Re'prefentation of the People iu the Commons Houfe of Parliament. 6. Rsfolved unanimoufly, That that the thanks of
this meeting be given to the Member* of the Houfe of Commons VH10 fupported the laft motion, for a Committee to enquire into the ftate of the RepreTentation of the People. . 7. R « folved unanimoufly. That the form of Af focistion approved by this met ting, lic'at the Paul's Head Tavern, CateatOn- ftreet, for lignhture. 8. Refolvtd unanimoufly, That the thanks of this meeting be given to Sir Watkin Lewts, for his polite and candid conduCt in the Chair. 9. Refolved unanimoofly, That the preceding rrfolutions be printed in the public papers. 10. Refolved unanimoufly, That this Alliance adjourn to this day four weeks. J. H. BURLEY
OI. DFIELD, Secretary. T o the L O V E R S of M U S I C . This Day was puilijlnd, Price is, 6d. A new Edition of NUMBER I. ( To be continued regularly every Week, without a Poffibility of Interruption) of THE NEW MUSICAL MAGAZINE. Intended to Contain she W H O L E W O R K S COMPLEATA, rnoef , Fcpufch, Pergoleli, Purcel, Scarlatti, Schobcrt, Stanley, Worgan, Bach, Boyce, Corelli, Giordani; Green, Handel, Haydn, tind other celebrated Britilh, Italian, German, and French Compofers. Accompanied with a Compleat Dictionary of M U S I C , Comprehending not only a familiar Explanation of all tbe Terms of Art, ancient
and modern; but Hiftory, Biography, Inftruttions for Compolition and Pradfice, and every thing that relates lo the Science. The barc- faced and impudent Insinuations of certain Monopolizing Mufic- Sellcrs will be ealily accounted for. by the intelligent Public, 011 examining the following comparative Eftimate of the Prices of the Articles already publifhed iu th MUSICAL MAGAZINE, with thofe fold by tliemfclves : to fay nothing of the valuable Letter- Profs given in each Number, and the fuperior Accuracy and Uniformity of the whole. Contents of the Sixteen lirft Numbers of the NEW MUSICAL MAGAZINE already publifhed, Price
only 24s. all together. Prioes of Me firs. Harrifon and Eo.' s neat and uniform Edition. 1- < Comus ( No. I.) - - « Meffiah, with the CVo- Tufes in Score, ( No. 3, 4> 5- 6 0 * 0 ChapleV ( No. 7.) - o J^ f it upd Galatea, " With Dryden's Ode on St. Cecilia's Day, thrChorufes in Score, ( N0.8, 9, 10, 11.} - 7 '* jjudas Maccabeus with the Cborufes in-' Score, No. » E, fi, " 4 i J5 » VS.) - - - O d. Mufic- Sellers Prices. I. s. d. 0 3 6 The above needs- no Comment— aud the Encomiums, 31 well as i. n « Kjragement, the Publifhers have receivod from many of the Nobility and Gfntry, . and from filch iProfcffois d the Science as are uniuflncnced by
Monopolizing' Mufie- fdlei*,' f< » ' he Spirit aud Propriety with ybicb tbey have continued to carty on this liberalUndertoking, at once claim their warmeft Gratitude, and Hi— oiulnte them to-- exert cvery- endcavOur in the future f o n - , 4. u& of fo important and extcnfive a Defjnn. f i t It meyfe- cm unWcclfafy to: hi » i, to Perfons of * oo « l Se » fc and Difcc/ wnent, that'ftife' wft6 purebafe the { ENTIRE WORKS of all. the celebrated Mailers, can - kave litUe- Occafion for the partial,• unfignificaat, and in- COmpleat Selections of !< mnr; mrr " r « Vi" il' » ¥ » '"' d.* Priccs • onfiderably dearer- tliau th London : Printed fuj '"" ao& er- low ;
and folj F R I D A Y , MARCH FR C O U N T R Y N R W S. Leeds, March 16; N Saturday laft one Leon a r d was fried at York, and found guilty of obt a i n i n g models & plans of machines atid utenfils ufed in the woollen manufactory, with intent to export the fame t o America, and fentenced to fuffer twelve months impiifoflment, to pay a fine of 200I. and to be imprifoncd till the fine be paid. Fmvcy, March 19. Laft week an accident happe ned nere : One John Congdon, a mafon, had been ai work on a garden wall belonging to John Coryton, Efq. After he left work he went to gather fome wood which grew in the cli. lt near the Laid
garden ; it is thought he went t » o far out, and tbe ground giving way, he feil a conliderable height upon the rocks, which fraCtured his fcull, and afterwards he fell into the fen. Cambridge, March 17. Yefterday the two gold medals, of 15 guineas each, given annually by his Grace the Duke of Grafton, Chancellor of this Univerlity, for the encouragement of clalTical learning, were adjudged to D i . Tutiftall, of C brill college-; and Dr. Gordon, of St. John's college. T h i s day the Rev. George Haggitt, A. M. Junior Fellow of Clare- hall, was « ! eCted into a Senior Fellotvfhip of that Society. L O N D O N . Yefterday there was a
numerous Drawingl l o om at St. James's, at which their Majefties, many of the Nobility, and foreign Minifters were prefent, which broke up at four o'clock. Yefterday being the day for the C o u r t to go into mourning fo'r her late Royal Highnefs the Margravine Dowager of Anfpach, the fame was obfetved at Cour accordingly; the ladies in general « ore black ftlks; their heads were adorned with white feathers, black fattin ribbons ornamented with chain worked ribbons with black velvet fpots, and feveral had a variety of jewels; Very few in white fhoes, but rnoftiy in black fattih fl'iocs and black btlckles. His Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales vvas yefterday indifpofed with a violent cold, by way of precaution was bled, which prevented his- coming to Court. Yefterday Lord Shelburne was at Court for t h e firft time fince the refignation of his office. An Ambaflador from the Emperor of Morocco is coming over t o this kingdom on a particular errand : His arrival is expcCted in May, one of the King's frigates at Gibraltar having been ordered to Mogadore, where he is t o emb a r k . According to recent letters f r om Bengal, the Great Mogul has lately oeftowed fome extraordinary favours and honours on a fervant of the India Company, from which the reports relative
to t h e Governor General and the Subahlhip are fuppofed t o have arifen. While the Americans complain of our not allowing t h em a free trade to the Britifh Weft India Iflands, they have laid duties on the produce of thofe Iflands, which amount to a prohibition of alrnoft : he whole export trade from the Britifli Plantations to the American Continent. They pjohibit us from the fale of our produce, the only benefit fo be cxpcCted from iheir intercotirfe with the Bnufh Weft Indies. T h i s lucrative part of the trade they partially confine to the French; and yet talk of being injured when we preclude them from vending their native commodities
in the Britifh Iflands. Letters from Dublin mention, that at a meeting of the Volunteer Delegates of the Province ot C o n n a u g h t , the Earl of Clanrickard was appointed Genen. liflimo of the Province, and that Brigadier Generals were appointed to every county, and Jhe feveral counties of the cities. At the fame matting it was abfolutely refolved, that tho Reform o f T a r l i a m e n t , being effentir. l, muft be obtained, and every means ufed for that purpofe. At the aflizes for Hampfhire a Mr. Amyatt propofed an Addrcfs to the King, thanking him for the difmitfion of his late Miniftjers, and the motion vvas feconded by Mr. Maidman ;
but every other Member of t h e G r a n d J u r y oppofed the motion, and on a divifion i t ' w a * rejected, 1.7 againft 2. F. xt+ iH of a Letter from Lijbon, March 3. ' T h e Sophia frigate, which put in here in diftrels, is repaired, and will be ready t o fail in a day or t w o ; ( b that fhe may be expe<$ ed to t e r u h Eh'glartd by t h e conclafioo of t h e month." F. xtraTl of a Letter from Paris, March J, < l Letters received here from Rijcitfort and Rochetle are filled with very B l a d i n g accounts of the misfortunes occafioped by the ftoruj of t h e 17th to the 18th of February. The fallowing a t e fome of the p a r t i c u l a r s: " Since the 25th of
February upwards of 40 dead bodies have been interred at Roclielle, which" had' been thrown on fliore with fome pieees of wrecks. The fcip ftationed to keep up the communication between Rochelle and the l l l e p f Rhe funk 011 her paffage with 54 paf- . fcugers, except an old nsau, who, having caught htjld of a plank, at length got upon the foot of a J; Ock, In the lame veffel was a m a u with lus daughter, about eight years old. At the moment the fliip f u a k , this u n f o r t u n a t e father took t h e child between his arms, aud was found two days after on the bank in the fame attitude, with the child fo d o f e l y prelt'ed to his
breaft that tbey with great difficulty could be fepa » rated. « T h e advices f r om Blaye fay, that during the fame horrible ftorm fo great a udmbe'r; of lerforvs peiifhed on the Garonne, that upwards if thenb have beeu taken out * f t h e water T h o ordnance vefiel of the fame [ wallowed u p in tha waves* with 45 paftengers; atttonawtiora were a Knight oF St. Louis, a Courrieuor.. T) f the Parliament of Bourdeaux, & c." T h e laft letters From Lifbon concur in declaring, that during the latter ead of January, and the whole of laft rtionth, the weather had been more tempeftuous than had ever been known at that feafon. A great number of
( hips have been lately loft, and a much greater damaged. On the 28th ult. it was computed that in the courfe of three weeks' 164 dead bodies had been taken up in different parts of the T a g u s . T h e African corps marched f r om Portfmouth a few days fince to Chichefter, where they are t o be immediately difbanded. T h e affizes for the county of York were, held before the Hon. Edward Willes, offe of the Juftices of the Court of King's Bench, before whom the following ptifoners have been tried and found guilty : viz. Benjamin Wood, of highway robbery and horfe- ftealing; William Cocke'il, and James Dovea, alias Dovvey, of
highw ay robbery ; ' I h o r r a s Harwood, and John Wilfon, of horfe- ftealing ; Edward Thompfon, and Catherine Beckwick, of flieep- fteahng; David Thompfon, John Stewart, John Kendall and George Rymer, of houfe- breaking; and Geo. Angus, of ftealing Scotch cattle ; S. Wood, Wm. Moore, Michael Mabfon, George Smithfon, Tobias Taylor, Roger Walker, Thomas Barackjugh, and Abby Lindley, Rich. Thompfon, John Whalley, Geo. Rob Ion, John Shaw, Robert Hall, Tempeft Lee, and William Jackfon, were ail acquitted ; Marmaduke Flower was difebarged by proclamation. Ou Wednesday the following affair was discovered
in a Court by the fide of the Fleet- Market : SoBie of the lodgers fmelt fomething offenfive u p two pair of flairs, where a man and his familylodged, and calling to the children to open the door, thev replied they could n o t; 011 which the people bin ft it open, when they found the poor woman dead upon the bed, and four children, two b o y t and two girls, naked, and almoft ilarved to death, three of them to weak for want of food, that they could not lland. T h e eldeft boy, who couhl j u f t fpeak t o be underllood, laid, that his mother died the 13th of February, and that their father left them foon after. The parifli oflicers were fent for,
who ordered them to be carried in chairs to the workhonfe, and great care to be taken of them. T h e deceafed was with difficulty, being in a ftate of putrefaClion, put into a coffin, to be carried to the workhoufe for interment. . P A R I S I A N I N T E L L I G E N C E . A E R O S T A T I C G L O B E, T H E fecond of March, being the flay appointed for the experiment Of M. Blanchard, every thing was prepared for it in the middle ot the Champ de Mars, He had iffued an immenfe number of tickets, and the place was crowded with all ranks of people. His machine was ingenioufiy contrived. The balloon was conllruCted on the principle
of Meflis. Charles and R o b e r t s ; and had wings and a helm, the mechanifm of which was curious and philofophic. By applying the principles of mechanics to the difcovery of the air balloon, it vvas his projeCt to Stew that it vvas practicable for man to navigate the upper regions of the air. The adventurer had prevailed on a young phyfician, Dour Pech, a BcnediCtine of St. Martin des Champs, to go with him as his compagnon de voyage, for the purpofe of making experiments on the atmoi'phere. When every thing vvas ready for their attempt, about a quarter after eleven o'clock, flie young gentleman feated himfelf iu the car,
with a drawn fword in his hand ; his e n t h u f i a fm flruck the fpeCtators with terror, and they endeavoured by every means, but in vain, to prevent his going up. The tumult was exceflivc and outrageous; and in prelling on the machine the wings were broken, and the globe itfelf very much injured. But all fhele obftacles could not deter them f r om their flight— They cut the ropes, and the machine mounted into t h e a i r ; but a deal of t h e ^ g a z in the tdobe being d'. ffipated by the damages it had received from the mob, they came down, and Dottr Pech very unwillingly refigned his fear. Blanchard thus loft to bimfelf, and ftript of all the means of directing the machine, would have poftponed his experiment; but, in his account, h? fays, in t h e t r u e ipirit of a Frenchman, " I was tmcler the eyes of the public, and my honour vvas pledged."— Liis helm was ftiH perfeCt. He mounted with great rapidity, and role to an aftonifhing height.— The wind was high, and he was carried over 1' aKy— There cam ® , he fays, a hidden calm, and he remained ftationary for fourteen minutes— He then rep. if& d t h e river, during all which time t h e clouds were under him, and he experienced another calm which lafted about fifteen minutes, and during which the fun vvai
very warm. A cont r a r y gale then fprang up, and he was carried witk extreme velocity towards Montrouge; in this direction he tacked four times by means of bis helm. Perceiving that his globe tvas diminifliing by the lofs of air which it bad fuftained, and that he vvas defcending, he threw out four pound weight of his ballaft,— and heJreinounted. — To prevent his ceming down in the l i v e r , he threw out the reft of his ballaft, and at lengtl defcended in the plain of Biljanc « urt, after having been in tbe air an hour and a q u a r t e r . In the courfe of his fliot t excurfiou h e experienced, he fays, extreme heat, and afterwards extreme
cold, a very flvarp appetite, and a tlroug difpefition to fleep. His arrival vvas witntffea by a croud of fpeCtarors, and he drew u p the account of his journey in the prefence of the Due de Fronfac, and the Marquis de Laigle, de Mont^ igoac, , de Montefquieu, and de Reaulx. In regard to the queftion, whether it is potfible to direct the aeroftatic machines in the air, M. Blanchard fays, that though deprived of the principal part of his machinery, his ^ wings, yet by means of his helm, and tail, he was able not only to withftand the rapidity of the gale, but alfo to a c c o m p l i f h ' w h a t none of his predeceffors have effected, the failing, in
reality, againft U n w i n d . R O B B E R I E S . A few n i g h t s fince, while the family were at - t h e i r houfe at Ifl'mgton, the houfe of Mr. Pullen, near D i c k e n l i n ' s Brewhoufe in Sr. John'sftreet, was broke open and robbed of pf< te, linen, china, and other efftCts, to a confiderable amount, v On Friday rrfght the houfe of Mr. Huxter, of York- trfiildings, was broke open and robbed of plate and a variety of articles to a confiderablc value. Laft Saturday night two Ladies were robbed by a fingle highwayman near the fixteen mile* flone on the Hatfield Road, of 26 guineas. Sunday evening, between the hours of fever* and ten, the
houfe of Mr. Muggcridge, flioimaker, in Fleet- ftreet, was entered by means of falfe keys ( the family l » ei- ng out) and robbed of plate t o the value of 10I. Tiie villains opened no lefs than feven. locks ; and it is remarkable, that though boots, fhoes, linen, See. lay ail a: their mercy, tbey took nothing but the piale; Some money, which is fuppofed to have been t h e objeCt of their p n r f u i t , was happily removed; Lall Monday fome fellows went to a pttblichoufe at N rwood, and finding n o company but the family, they robbed the mafter of the houfe of his watch and money, clothes, linen, a large flitch of bacon, and every thing they
could conveniently carry away with them. On Monday night the houfe of Mr. Meyrick, of Wimpole- ftreer, Cavetulifh- fquare, was broke open and robbed of a great variety of plate, to a very confideiable amount. F 1 R K S. Yefterday morning early a fire broke out at a public- houie at New- Crane, facing Gravel- lane, Wapping, which confumed the faid houfe, fur « niture, and ftock in t r a d e ; alfo four other houfes, and greatly damaged two more. A poor foldier, who lodged at the public- houfe, periflied in the flames. P R F F E R R R T>. T h e Rev. Claudius Criynan, of Live pool, to b e B i f h o p o f Sodor and Man. The R. ev.
Philip Toofey, Cleik, Minifter of the Province of Quebec, in Canada. B I R T H S . • Wednefday, the Lady of the Right. Hon. Lord Audley, of a f i n , at his Lordfhip's houfe, in Cavendifh-' quare. Same day, the Lady of Sir Samuel Hanuav, Bart, of a fon, at his houle in Bed f o r d - l q u a i e. M A R R I E D . Yefterday, at St. James's Church, Thomas Halfey, Efq, of Great Gaddefden, Member of Parliament far the county of Hertford, to Mifs Sarah Crawley, youngeft daughter of the late John Crawley, Efq. of S'tockvvood, Bedfordf h i r e , Wednefday, a t L y m p f t o n e , in Devonfliire, Auguftus Dumarefq, Efq. to Mifs Bentley, of that
place, daughter of the late Richard Bentley, Elq. ot Abmgdon- ilreet, Weftminfter. T ut ( day, at Blechindou, Charles Ward, Efq. of Wefterham, in Kent, to Mils Annefley, lifter of Arthur Aonefley, Efq. of Blechindon, iu the county o f O x f o r d . — Thurfd iy, Richard Mafters, Eiq. Major of the 24th regiment of foot, to Mifs Ifabella Frances Egerton, youngeft daughter of t h e late Colonei Egerton, of Grofvenor- llreet. D I E D. Lately, at his feat at Garfwood, Lancashire, Sir Robert Gerard, Bart Tuefday, at Hillfide, James Seton, Efq. banker, in E d i n b u r g h. Yefterday, the Rev. Thomas Maxtield, of Princes- ftreet, M o o r f i e l d s , — S
a m e day, at his houfe in Well- ftreet, Cripplegate, Mr. Francis Strong, in the 8 0 t h year of his age Saturday, fuddenly, M r . - H o o k s , fancy- trimmer, at the Sun, Upper Moornelds, Lately, in th? p. irifh of Altnondbury, Yorkfhire, Mrs. Mary F i r t h , aged 111 y e a r s — W e d n e f d a y , at Clanham, Mrs. ILcks, relict of T h o m p on Hicks, Eiq.— Laft week, at Darlington, in the county of Durham, Juhn NichoHs, aged 107 years. A M E D I C A L DIaCOVERY~~ i7f the utmolt Importance to Mankind. TH O U G H the tffefts of the Scurvy 011 th « human conftitution arc known to be various ajiii deplorable, yet the utmoll malignity
of this evil is far from being alcertatued. The late frequency of apoplexies and paralytic itrokes, has drawn the attention of ingenious memo tbole lubjc- as who have been moft liable to them • aud they have been generally found tobeperfoas of lcorbutic habits, ot fuch as have hai venereal or fcorbutis complains removed by mercurial or antimouial preparations. r " The uiumpeached and eitablilhed reputation which that benign » nd cft'eaual remedy, VELNOS' VEGETABLE SYRUP, has long enjoyed, induced the friends of fevcral of thele Patients to try itseffefts in paralytic cafes; ai> c{ ihta pisj pwy iatnhd t haelt ouutmilhoifnt gp
lfeuacfcuerfes . t he public is infurmed of its perfons referred to, on an application at Dr. Mercier's and Cafes will be fbtcd, and Company; wherealoue thegenuine Medicir. eia p e. jar d^ All preparations fold under limilar appellations, and pretended to be imitations or improvements of Veloos' Vegetable- Syrup, are the impoiiures of difcarded fervant, totally unaequamted with the ingredients of the medici » e Dr. Mercier and Co. think it necetfary t ® give the public thu information; bccaufe Cafes oontinually occur at their houlc, where they may be feen, properly ftated and attettcd, of perfons materially and deplorably injured bv thefc
Ip. tnoiis remedies, which have all the pernicious ef. tecfa of Inbhmated mercury. A. Dr. Burrows bas advertifed for a few weeks a tomanturn called Kurcows's Vegetable Syrup; and fceinc the vauaou ot Dr. Mercier and Co. agamft h„ p0 f t u r e 5 , h a s Cohintanlyobtruded bis S) rup among them; hoping, may be luppoled, that it may be miftdken, as having lomethiiig m common with that of Mr. de Veinos Dr Mercier and Co. decide they know neither good iwcevil of Dr. Burrows's Vegetable Syrup, and would not ., d- J. udgie or injure what they are Ignorant of. They onl « aver that no man , n England, out of the partnerIhip Irith ftreet, has the lligi. teft knowledge of the ingredients in Velnos'Vegetable Syrup ( as they will prove t « any perfo. i, from deeds and alfidaviu authenticaed by Mr-, de Veinos) i had that all pretences of a contrary nature are dangerous, attempts on public credulity. The virtues of the genui « e Vegetable Svrup of Mr. de Veinos, in the fcurvy aud venereal difeafe, ferophula, Isorbutic or venereal confumption, rheumatic gout, aud , all diforders arifing from impure blood," difealed ! ki » and gland?, & c. are too" well known to need enumeration. The genuine Vegetable Syrup of Mr. de Veluos is t » be fold only at Dr. Mercier's and Co.
fole Proprietors S°' S" h o ; hy M r " Atkinfon, chymifV No, 596," Biliiopfgate- ftreet, at KM. 6d. per quart botilej and by M e i k Pcarfoo and itolUfon, BitBiinAam, tbfit ole s ® untry agents.
11 l » W » WIM IMIW S A T U R D A Y , March 20; S H I P - N E W S. Deal, March tS; R E M A I N in the Downs the WaJp?*;! Scout Hoops of war, and Surprize c u t t e r . Wind at E. N. E. blows hard. ' Tefierday arrived the Mails from France, and Holland. ' Prejburgb, Feb. 4, The Emperor, after havi n g made the wife 11 regulations for employing all the poor who are able to work, and providing afylums for the old and infirm, has iffued out fome very fevere ordinances againft common begging : All beggars are to be taken up, the invalids w ill be provided for, the healthy and robuft will be fet t o work, and the children of the poor,
if their parents cannot educate them, will be inftrufted at the publick expence. Paris, March t. The fum8 of money given for the relief of the poor during the late fevere weather is incredible : People of all claffes feemed t o endeavour to exceed each other in a f t s of beneficence : T h e worthy Archbilhop of Paris was remarkably liberal : the poor aflembled daily about his palace, fometimes 3000 at a time, and he never let them go away unrelieved : This virtuous prelate not only gave away all the cafli he had by him, but made large loans for the relief of his fellow- creatures. C O U NT T 11 Y - N E W S . Briftol, March 17. On
Wednefday lad was i n t e r r e d in the Cbuich- yard of the parifh of Wilton, in Somerfetftiire, Elizabeth Broadmead, of that place, whofe life had been prolonged to the extraordinary age of 117. Laft week as one Williams, of Monmouthf h i r e , was drinking in a honfe of ill fame in T u c k e r - f t r e e t , fome words arofe between him end one of the proftitntes, who immediately took the poker from the fire, and ftruck him fuch a blow in the eye as deprived him of his fight, and drove it lo far into his Ikull as to occafion his death in a few days. The Coroner's Inqueft brought in their verdift Wilful Murder, » nd file is accordingly
committed to gaol. L O N D O N. Yefterday there Was a levee at St. J a m e s ' s which broke u p at t h r e e o'clock, after which the great Officers of State had conferences with his Majefty till paft four. T h e fame day feveral more addreffes were prefented to tiie King on the late change of the Miniftry, & c. Laft night their Majefties, the Princefs Royal, Prince Edward, arid the Princelfes Augufta and Sophia, went to the Oratorio at Drury- lane T h e a t r e . Mr. Kenyon is appointed Mafterof the Rolls. Mr. Pepper Arden fucceeds him at Attorney- Gensral and Chief Juftice of Chetter, and Mr. Macdonald fueceeds Mr. Arden as
Solicitoi- Gener. 1l.— Gazetteer* Thurfday Mr. Fox dined at Willis's, in Kingftreet, St. Jamcs's- fquare, with about 500 gentemen, who call themlcives his Friends, and Electors of Weftminfter. There was plenty of good eating. and drinking, much thanks — many toafts-— and great conviviality. Yefterday fome letters were received from Gen. H d d i m a n d , Governor of Quebec, brought by the Martin floop of war, which mention the Governor and garrifon being in good health, and t r a d e throughout the province 111 a floUnfliing condition.. Extract of a Letter from Philadelphia, Jan. 25 Very great revolutions have taken place in •
this city in the conrfe < vf 12 m o n t h s ; initead of r n i r r y and buttle all has fubfided into a dull « a l m , t h e m o r e difagreeablc as it arifes from'want of t r a d e ; there being biu little traffic here at prefent, except provifiont to the Spanifh, French, and Dutch iflands, though the removal of Congrefs has by Oomeans been of detriment to trade, " Gen. Wafhington paft through this city the 6 t h inft, in his way to Virginia; he fluid two days, during which time he refided at the houfe of . . Peyton, Efcj. He was efcorted our of town by a cavalcade of near 500'' perfons." Sir John Collins is appointed by the Lords Of the Admiralty fo
command the Heftor, of 74 guns, a guard fliip *> t Portfrr. onth, in the r o om of Sir John Hamilton, Bart, deceafed. On T h i i r f d a y night fome of the men belongi n g t o Litchfield- ftreet Office took four more of t h e gang who rvent to M r . Thompfon's houfe at Iflington, with a pretence to deliver a letter, and robbed the houfe of a q m n t i t y of plate*, See. They were taken in Field- lane, and were txam'med yefterday at the above Office, and Committed to TothiM- Fields Biidewell for further examination. On TneWay in the afternoon at Mr. James Anderfon was coming to Town f r om Thetford, he was flopped on Epping Fore ft by
two high- Vaymen with crapes over t h e i r faces and wagg o n e r s frocks on, who robbed h im of fix guineas, iomc filver, and his pocket- book containing two , « oI. Bank- notes, and then obliged him to ride I t i c k till they were out of fight. D J E D. F r i d a y fe'nnight, at Eaft Bergholt, in Suffolk, ; aigcd 62, the Rev. Thomas Money, r e f t o r of S t r a t f o r d St. Mary, in the fame county, and of JJeacon- Afh, in the county of N o r f o l k — T u e f - 4 a y , Mr. Barrett, of Yarmouth, injthe 100th year of his age.— Lately, at Beamifter, Mr. George JSveleigh, and two days a f t e r Mrs. Eveleigh, his wife ; Doth of them were buried in
one grave. — Yefterday, Mr. Gripton, of the South Sea Houfe.— Wednefday, Mr. Leach, partner with Mr. Smith, flioe- maker, in Cornhill. — Yefterday, Mr, Thoma9 Williams, of Ludgate- ftreet. —- At Slefwich, in Germany, the Comte d* St. G e r m a i n ; this celebrated Ex- Minifter had beeir for four years at the C o w t of the Prince of Weflti C. iflW> M O U S E CIF L O II ID & Friday, March 19. RE C E I V E D and read a firft time the convifts bill. Ordered it t o be printed; Read a fecond time the Scotch Protectants bill. Alfo the Bradford poor and the Newhavgn bridge bills. Adjourned t o Wednefday. H O It) SE OF COMMLFN S.
Thurfday, March 18. A GREED to the " report of the refolution of T \ yefterday on the Supp'y, Mr. Montagu, fri in the Chamberlain of London, prcfented accounts of the orphans fund, and of Blackfi iars- bridge,& c.— Ordered to lie on the| table- Pafled the couvifts bill. Deferred tbe report of the county gaols bill to this day fe'nnight. A. motion being made that the Houfe refolve itfelf into a Committee on the bill relpefting the exportation of linens, it was obftrvtd, that as matters ftood atprefeut, there was a rivalfliip in point 6f bounties between the two kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland. This was a circumftance which furely ought to
be'put a ftop to as unfriendly to both parties. It was therefore proper that a claufe fhould he inferted for rectifying this evil. Mr. Eden gavc his opinion On the fubjeft, and The Chancellor of the Exchequer declared, that it was high time that the preftnt war of bounties ( hould ceafe. Mr. Demp/ ler was of the fame fentiment, and Mr. Jackfoti declared, that lie had examined both the I ilh and German linens, and had found the former much fuperior t a t h e latter. The Houfe then refolved itfelf into a Committee 011 the above bill, when a claufe was inferred in it, limiting its duration t o that of the prefent Irith a f t rel'pefting tbe bounties on
exportation of linens ; an amendment which was, judged neceffary in confequence of the previous animadvrrlion thrown out on the fubjeft. The bill was then reported agreeable t o uftul form. COMMERCE WITH AMERICA. T h e order of the day being called, 011 t h e bill for granting certain limited powers to his Majefty, for carrying on our trade with America, Mr. Chancellor Pitt ftated, that he fliould be glad the limitation of the powers fignified in the bill to his Majefty were extended to the 20th of June iurtead of the 20th of May, He would not at prefent mention any other reafon for his widling fuch an alteration ; that might appear
from the face of the btifinefs. He doubted not but the H'ttife would fee the neceflity of extending the date, from the multiplicity of matters which muft occupy their attention. He fliould therefore hope for their concurrence with what he propofed. Mr. Eden faid, it was f i r f r om his intention to i n t e r r u p t the bufinefs by any queftion; but he could not help rifing to remark, how very extraordinary the alteration now propoled by the Right Hon. Gentleman appeared to him. The powers inverted in the Crown by the bill which had been read to the Howie for the firft time, were very g r e a t ; and there were cafes or exigencies of ftate in
which fuch a meafure might be laudable: it was, however, one of thofe meafures, of which it became the Houfe of Commons to be at all times jealous. In the prefent j u n f t t i r e he did think the matter not a little f i f p i c i o u s . Gentlemen were aware of the very perplexed and embroiled ftate of public bunnefs. Unlefs then fome deeent and conclufive reafon was affigned for changing the date of the limitation, it would[ appear, in his apprehenfion, extremely objeftionable. That it was meant to make way for a diffolution of Parliament, was an idea in which he fhould no doubt be anticipated by t h e whole Houfe. He was not
however much inclined to think Minifters could be fo much wanting to their" duty. When that event fhoukl take place, it would not be difficult to give an opinion about it. At prefetit the minds of t h e public were anxioufly attentive to, how matters were ripe for fuch a meafure. F o r - h i s owh part, when he conlidered the infinite variety of things which required an im mediate and full difcuffion, he did prefnme to hope his Majefty's fervants would not h a z a r d a meafure winch could not take place without hazarding a great deal. It was now the middle af the Scllion, and what bufinefs had yet been done ? He inftanceil, in every
department of ftate, tie moft material delays, and delays which muft be followed with the moft ferious confeqtiences. Taking fuch a variety of things into contideration, he hoped Minifters would at lea ft t h i uk coolly and difpaffionately on the ftate of the country, and adopt 110 fyftem which could, inftead of alleviating, augment our prefent perplexing circuroftances, Mr. Herbert expreffed much anxiety about the Navigation Aft, and trufted t h t bill in queftioh would not by any means affeft it, or have any tendency whatever to change our prefent trading fyftem. This had contributed much to all thole fuperior and excltifive privileges,
which, as a trading nation, w e derived from this great and advantageous regulation. Many things concerning o u r American trade were new, and required to be adjtifted by men of the moft comprehenfive minds, and of whofe ditcernment rheie could be no doubt. He was happy that a Committee were now f i t t i ng on t h e f u b j e f t very competent t o do it t h e greateft juftice. In them he had the higheft confidence : but he begged the utmoft attention might be paid t o the interefts of Ireland, as well as of the Weft India Iflands, and every other part of the empire. He had moft p e r f e f t confidence in the Right Hon, Gentleman at
the head of t h e T r e a f u r y : He was fure he had abilities fufScient to fee any e r r o r s which might be in t h e bill, and integrity enough to c o r r e f t them. I t was in this faith t h a t he had always voted with M i n i f t e r s ; but he. did not mean by that to preoluda his offering his opinion, fuch as it was, on whatever he thought it became him to give one. T h e queftion was then put for altering the date f r om the twentieth of May to the twentieth of J u n e , and paffed unanirnoutly. Adjourned. Friday, Mhrch 19. Patted the militia bill. Read a fecond time and committed the bill for tke fal « of Sir A f t u o i j Lever's Mutenm. I . v. ; . i
n a Comffiittee went Aroiigfe the CheHea Hofpital poundage bill with amendments; Te be reported on M o n d a y .' Agreed. to the amendments made to the linen bounty bill; Ordered Dover inclofure bill to be cngroffed. Read a fecond time Taviftock road 1 ili. Deferred Ways and Means and the Supply to Monthly. The report of the American T r a d e bill being brought up, L ' td Sheffield Ipoke againft it for half an hour. We regret that it was not in our power t o gather the contents of his fpeech f r om the tumult of the Houfe, who were much too noily for any thing being heard diftinftly in the gallery. Sir P. J . Clerke rofe and afked the
Speaker what the queftion was ? and being informed, he faid n few words, which were chiefly directed againft ihe alteration which had taken place with r e f p e f t to the date of thofe powers which it entrufts with the Crown. Mr. Chancellor Pitt then rofe, an 1 in a very few words flared the urgency of the meafure, which feemed to fatisfy the Houfe. The report was therefore committed. B U M RY IN E L E C T I O N S. T h e former bufinels being dilcuff. d, Lord Mabon rofe and m. ived for the order of the day, which was, that the report of the Committee on the bill to prevent bribery and corruption be now committed. Capr. Minchin
then rofe and remarked, that no man in the Houfe had been more forward and decided in favour of chartered rights than the noble Lord who was t h e author of the prefent bill. He was aftonifhed, that he who had fo ftrenuoufly infilled on the one doftrine, fhould ever have adopted the o t h e r ; for in his opinion the prefent bill went the complete length to deprive poor eleftors f r j m the exercile of that which was their conftitutioaal r i g h t : it feeme I as i f p o v e r t y in an e l c f t o r was therefore, according to the noble L o r d ' s reafoning, an unpardonable crime. He thought for his own part very differently, and was one of thofe
who faw 110 reafon in the world why eleftors in fuch circumftances as had been clefcribed, fhould be put to any improper expence in the exercife . of what was their undoubted privilege. He mentioned a variety of cafes in which the bill would certainly operate as a h a r d f h i p on feyeral claffes of individuals: and viewing the queftion in this light, he begged leave to move that the word now in the motion be left o u t , and the phral'e four months be inferted in its room. Lord John Cavendifb agreed with the Hon. Gentleman, and added a great variety of very flirewd remarks, tending t o expofe the abfurdity and impropriety of
adopting the bill into a law. It would in his opinion be an embargo on the freedom of eleftions, and render the exercife of this valuable franchife imprafticable to thofe whofe circumftances in life would not permit t h em to be at the expence ; and he fhould be forry to fee any fyftem e n a f t e d vvhieh fhould l e f f tn the power ot the people, as tRis, by abridging it, undoubtedly would in the Icale of the conftitution. Lord Mabon endeavoured to exculpate his bill ! t om ail thofe various charges. He challenged the oppofers of it to fubftantiate their feveral allegations by a f a t i s f a f t o ry ftatement of f a f t s . He attributed the exceptions
mads by t h e noble Lord who had fp > ken laft t o his ignorance of the o b j e f t which his bill went to fecure, and alfo of the law as it now flood concerning bribery and corruption, Many of his friends were of opinion, that expences fhould n o t ' a t all be allowed thofe who voted in elefti > ns, Whatever his ideas on that point were, and h e had thought on it fo much, that he was determined, fome time or other, to take the fenle of the Houfe on it, the aim of the prefent bill was very different. He did not wifh to profcribe defraying necetfary and unavoidable expences, but that no money lhould be given under that p r e t e x t ; and he
hoped the bill framed for that purpofe was fufficiently expreffive. Mi". Bowes faid, that he felt himfelf not a little embarraffed in troubling the H o n f e with his fentiments, as he had been hitherto unaccuftomed to deliver tliem in fo public a manner, and efpecially upon a f u b j e f t for which he was totally unprepared, not knowing, till that inftant, the noble Lord's intention o f b r i n g i n g forward, on this day, his bill for preventing what is termed bribery at election?. He could nor, however, avoid expi effing his opinion on the prefent occafion ; and as he fhould convey it in very few words, he hoped for the indulgence of the Honfe. He
had long thought that the laws againft bribery at eleftions were already too fevere and that at leaft fome of them ought to be repealed. They were repugnant to the general tenor of tb_- conftitution, and in p a ticular, to t h e inte'refts of the lower clafs of cdnftitu'ents. He wiflied to be informed, whether it was the noble Lord's intention that money fhould not be given to t h e voters to defray the unavoidable expences of their journey to the place of election, and the various inconveniencies their families muft experience during their abfence. Fer example ; How Avas he t o convey 200 or 300 burgeffes near 300 miles f r om London to
Newcaftle ? a tranfaftion which he exp e f t s d a very few days would render neceffary. Was he, according to the noble L o r d ' s bill, to fend them like prifoners of ftate, under the guard of a fervant or agent attending on each coach, to watch that not one unneceffaiy farthing was expended ? Did the honeft mechanic deferve Inch treatment from thofe who were at that very time pledging themfelves in the moft foleinn manner to fupport, inftead of trample on their intereft ; from the very men whom they were neglefting their own affai. rs to ferve ? He revered the laws of his count ry as much as any man ; but he never could be
periuaded that they required him to harden his heart againft the prefling of a wife, and perhaps a ' large familyj had refigned, for a time, their fubhftence, that an independent d'l the wl labour ' own t o alk a vote U7 father of a family wl T h e Attorney General replied, . , LL t h e law undoubtedly was in the pai'ticula" r'" cafe.; referred to by the preceding Speaker. T h e converfation then was taken u p by Mr; Eden, Lord N o r t h , and Mr. P i t t . The queftion being put whether the word now fiiOuld llarld part of the report, the Houfe divided^ and the numbers were Ayes 70 Noes — : — 49 • T h e converfation then turned on the
general prineipla of t h e bill, againft which Mr. Dempfter exclaimed in a very ferious manner. Sir William Dolben was for adopting five fliillirig tickets, to be received f r om the hands of the ret u r n i n g officer alone, as being tbe m o t likely way to fecure t h e expences of thofe who could not well a fiord them, as well as to prevent their Receiving any material advantage from this inftance of their duty. He was oppofed in this idea by M r . Foljambe, who ftated, that in t h e county of York, for iuflance, fome of thefe poor e l e f t o r s had to come above feventy miles. In t k a t cafe, it could not be e x p e f t e d thefe poor people could
be in a condition to d e f t a y the expence of fuch a journey. Several other Members having fpoke, the report was committed, and the H o u f e a d j o u r n e d. S U R R E Y A S S I Z E S. NO T I C E is hereby given that the Judge on the Crown Side intends to Swear the Grand Jut+ in tbe Morning of the Commiflion Day, being Wednefday, the 24th InUant, aud to pruceed to Bufinefs immediately afterwards, of which all Profecutors and their Witnefles, and others concerned, are defired to take No- Lice, and attend accordingly. ' P H E G O U T , RHEUMATISM, PALSY,. J and NERVOUS DISORDERS, radically curcd, and . weak,
waited, and contratlcd Limbs, reliored to their former fi/ e and ftrength, WITHOUT MEDIClME by Mr. BUZAGLO, oppolitc Somerfet- Houfe, in th> Strand. The certainty of fuccefs is fupported by a lilto5 cures, which is ( delivered gratis) of 146 extra ardinaryf cures, in limilar cafes, performed on mai) v of the moil dillinguilhcd perfonages, whofe tcllimony will confirm that their cures were etfeSed by Mufcular Exercife only, after all phytic had failed, and pronounced incurable by the moll eminent of tho Faculty. N. Bj No patient is admitted at Mr. Buzaglo's, whofe cure is not warranted to furpafs his expeftation and bcliefc Advice gratis,
daily, from i t to ta, Saturdays and Suudavs excepted. Y O R K S H I R E . T o be P E R E M P T O R I L Y SOLD, Porfuant to a Dccree of the High Court of Chancery with the Approbation^ JOHN WILMOT, Efq. one of tho Mailers of the Caid Court, on Wednefday tha 14th o£ April next, at Three of the Clock iu the Forenoon, at the New Inn, Leeds, in the County of York, in Ten diltiuft Lots, T H I S feveral F R E E H O L D E S T A T E S la^ e lb of BENJAMIN FEARNLEY, late of Birftall, in the faid County of York, Gentleman, dcceafed, ( fubjeft to fuch Mortgages as are upon the Eftate refpeftivily) confiftingof Two undivided Third
Parts of the Manor oX Oakwcll, Gomerfail, and Heckmondwicke ; and alfo conliflingof the capiul Maufion Houfe called Oakwell Hall, and likewife of feveral MalTuages, Tenements, Farms, Lands, Wood Lands, and Grounds, fituatc at and near Birltall, Gomci fall, and^ Manningham, iu the Well Rid-, ing of the faid County of York, containing about 260 Acres, of the yearly Va'ue of 390I. or thereabouts. Particulars to be bad at the faid iMaller's Chambers, where a Plan of the Eftntcs may be feen; and Mr. William Battve, of Birltall, or the Tenants of the refpeftive Filiates, will Ihew the Premifes. N O R F O L K E S T A T E . T o be S O
L D, By Public Auftisn, at Garraway's Coffee- houfc, on Monday the 5th Day of April next, if not fooner difpofed of by private Contract, AVery defirable and valuable E S T A T E, comprehending live extenfive Manors, lying in the contiguous Parilhcs of Ingoldfthorpc and Darfinghain, in the County of Norfolk, with the . ManGon Hofll'e, Offices, Gardens, Plantations, Fifh Ponds, and other extenfivc Waters for Filhing, Quit Rents, Royalties, arid Privilege* thereto belonging, with feveral Farms adjoining; together with the perpetual Advowfon of the Vicarage of Darlingham, worth Communibus Annis from 1201. to 130I. The Yearly Value
of the Eltate, exchjfive of the Liviug and Manors, is 11.00I. and upwards. The Manors and Premifes abound with Game of all forts, efpecially Pheafants ; and the Manfion Houfe and Offices are calculated for a large Family, and are all in perfeft Repair. There are only two Tarm Houfes on the Premifes, and the wliole is remarkably low laid to the Land- Tax. For further Particulars enquire of Meffrs. Sleigh and Gwilt, Pump- court, Temple, London; or Mr. Fofter, Attorney, in Norwich. Mr. Richard Smec, at Ingoldfthorpc, will thew tbe Premifes.. Ingoldlthorpe is about 18 Miles from Swalfham; Five from Hmiflanton; and Eleven from
Lynn, S U% R R E Y. T o be S O L D by A U C T I O N , By E D W A R D W A S T E L L , of Guildford, On Thurfday the 25th Day of March, 1784, at th » Buth, at Farnham, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, late the Eltate of Mr. Daniel Ewer, Deceafcd, L O T I. A F R E E H O L D E S T A T E , confiding of an exceeding we 11 built Brick Houfe, Safhcd Front, with two Cellars, two Parlours, a Kiteh'Cn, two handfomc Bcd- c'nambers with Clol'cts, and two Garrets, a very good Brick Walh- houfe detached, with Brick Court adjoining the fcloufe, and a Brick Wood- houfe, and* Turf ditto, which may be very cafily converted into a Stable;
the whole has been built about Twenty Yetirs, with hall aoi Acre of Garden- ground ( more or lefs) well planted with Fruit Trees, fu very fine Condition. L « T II. Confifts of a Freehold Eftate, of nine Acres op Upland, and eleven Acics of excellent Meadow, ( contiguous to each other) more or lefs, ia high Cultivation, with Barn and Yard, lying clofe to the Houfe and Garden, now let at the yearly Rent of 35I. to a Tenant at Will. The above Premifes are delightfully fituated, lying near Berne Mill, one Mile from Farnham, nine Miles from Guildford, adjoining the Turnpike, and 38 Miles from London; a beautiful Prefpcft of Moor Park, the
Meadows aud hanging Woods around it, and a Rivet oi » ' one ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i_ the Purchafer it Sold by Auc- 1 " : the Sal-, Garden
par la jnflice, Hoiii. iiL'TTiioneur, il necraint pas le fupplice; lljs'endort tranqriillement— un fonge le reveille, 41 fort par la fenetre— car fes gardes fommeillent. For the Whitehall Evening- Port. * To C Y N T H I A, on her indulging Melancholy, GENTLE Cynthia, ceafe complaining, Nor lptnd yoor time in idle fears ; No more lament the frowns of Fortune, } iut l'mile at Grief and all her cares. Let 110 perplexing thoughts intrude, T o 10b the pleafures of each day ; Howc'ir fevere out; f vte we find, The Will of Heaveii we mult olxy. May tranquil hours again return, j To clear that gloomy face, Where fenfe rtfin'd and judgement clear Once (
hone with plcafmg grace. ' If. J. '' or the Whitehall Evenuig- PolT. T o the Right Hon. W I L L I A M P I T T. S I R , ' ~ T " > HE prefent moments ar e of iulinire con- X fequcnce to t h e CoHftitution. In a ftrtiggle fo critical, in my opinion, t h o u g h 011 the- ttretch, you have not unconftitutionally ovor- exercifed any of the funftions of the governing powers you fill. Your rt- fignation would have lett your Sovereign a flave ; and, in my opinion, have put an end to the Oonftitution of your Country. T h e King, if lie may be allowed any of the feelings of other men, had better abdicated, and retired to thofe enjoyments other men go to, when
they quit p iblic life. You may do infinite fervice to the Conrtitution of this Country. - A confidents in your great abilities, in your difinterxftednefs, produced t o your Country at fo early a time of life, and coming, as yours does, from a favoured ftock, from the allies of a great Statefinan, who fo lately expired in an a d of public fcrvice, are eiicumftances of confequence, if wifely improved ; and I do hope virtue will prompt you more than ambi: ion, to ufe them for the welf a r e of the State. With the alliftance of t h e virtuous citizens yet remaining in your Country, with the bletling of Iieaven, you have lengrh of days enough before you to
be the Reftoror of your Country, to rc- eftabbfli her credit, her honour, and her virtue. If men can be brought to a f t from fuch motives, you will j i nd little difficulty in your office. I think you do a f t from principles fuch as 1 exprefs ; and until I have a contrary opinion, 1 can fupport your government, in language that will come f r om the heart. You have united thofe who were f a i l e d the friends of the Crown with the friends « f the People. T h o f e of us who have been the advocates of the People's Rights, have now ah o p p o r t u n i t y of fhewing ouifelves friends of the legal Prerogatives <*' the C r o w n ; and this Union feeins to
me likely to bring over to the Parliamentary R e f o rm tlv. fe favourers of higher p r e r o g a t i t t than I would chute to fnbi'cribe to, t o j- in with us, at leaft not oppofe us, in bringing about a Parliamentary Reform, by taking from the Boroughs One Hundred t. o add to the Countit- 4 and Metropolis. I learn from the C'luntv of York, that this difpofiti > 11 i- increali r . g ; and 1 may a d d , that we look up to yon as oyr ablell rtdvo'fate, to fliew that the Houle of Commons, in its prelent form, has not a comitioii intereft with the people. Lord Rockingham Slwavw allowed, that fuch a ret Vm mull be granted, when it was the explefTed vvilh of
the people. I hope that will fotin be the cafe, and 1 reft aflured that you will again move for fuch a Parliamentary Reform whenever you fee a favourable opportunity, * nd that you will fupport it with all your abilities arid perfonal influence. There are various refources by which the public credit may be reftored ; but all jf, lannf rations on the principles^ vice and corruption will do the eouiitry ' j o good ; for thofe will not have- public virtues fcntl the good of their 00. n t r y i n v i e w . Coalition, Union, broad, extended MufUijhations, &£ c. are words. 1 am fitereforW permaded,., that the beft Government for the King aurt People, is an
Adminiftration fuch as your own at pi'efent, r e f t i n g on its virtue, and the public good. It can be no great; r compliment to you, Sir, than to myfelf, to fay I am yours, and that you have my fupport on thofe terms ; and I think you will have ttie affillance of tens of thoufands and more, exa f t l y on like motives. Such are the fentiments and wiflies of him who has the honour to lutyfcribe himfelf Yours, tec. A Yorltjbire Freeholder P o i t l c r i p t Saturday Afternoon, March ao For the Whitehall Evening- Poll. A B R I D G E M E N T OF THE S T A T E OF P O L I T I C S THIS WEEK. AFTF. R < 5 ftorm cometh a calm. Tne parliament a r
y ftorm, which raged for fome months, has been fjcceeded by a dead calm ! The laft Anfwer of his Majefty to the fecond Addrefs of h* s faithful Commons has had a wonderful effeit, having anfwered every good purpofe it was intended for. National affairs go 011 now quietly and regularly, and there k more real bufintfs done in a day now, than in a month before. This fhews of what utility longwinded fpeeches are, of two or three hours duration ! The fcheme of parliamentary reform had like to have interrupted this tranquil Iceiie, had not the. prudence of our young Minifter got the better of the temerity and imprudence of his
adverfaries.— No motion ever was made more premature, illumed, and injudicious, than that was, if really intai'. ded to ferve the public. If it was meant otherfe, nothing could be However it has operated in a direWon contrary to all finifler purpofes! It hashrought to light two important propofitions : ift, That our flaming reformationmongers are fecretly averfe to their own pretended favourite fchemes. id, That Mr. Fox's friends and Mr. Pitt's friends, and all the neutrals, and all the converts they can bring over to their fchemes, taken together, make only a contemp'ible minority, agamft Lord North's formidable, firm and permanent
phalanx of a majority,- all to a man determined againft every fpecies of reformation whatfoever! another linking feature of the Coalition of men united in honour upon principle, with tbe fairefi an! S purefl motives for the public good! From which we draw this inference, that if Lord North was to withdraw himfelf and his connexions ( as Mr. Fox calls them) Charles himfeif would be a vox et prceterea nihil!— Ergo, ml lefs a diflolution takes place, Lord North will ft. 11 be all in all. w tb or without him. Even if Pitt and Fox were to unite, ( which they vehemently cry out for) they would both be weak as water! They might damn one another's
charafter, but both together could not I'efve the nation, if they were willing, during the lilting of this P . r l i i m e n t. Ii follows from the above, that if Pitt and Fox were to join and leave out North, it muft only be a temporary expedient for the moment ; he mult come in again ; for without him they could do nothing. All this evinces tiie neceffity of a fpeedy diflblution, in order to let the nation once more ( peak for itfclf, before it is finally configncd to the uncontrolled power of ihe Coalition, or any of its members. We willi to cau'ion our fellow- fiibjedb, not to be ( anguine and expeftant of more reformation than can be atchieved, or even
fafely attempted, all at once, in cafe of a diflolution. We may, by I lying too In avy a duty upon the fhouldere of outyoung and virtuous Minifter, di fable him from doing what he is otherwil'e able and willing to do for us. If too many ftumbling bloeks are laid in the way of the Minifter and his friends -. t the expedted general elefiion, they may be the menus of driving him quite from the fervice of the public, and de- pr ving tne nation of his Cervices. Some are calling out tin divers modes of reformation ; and others arc letting their faces as zealoufly ag'. inft every fpei ie, s of reformation, which they are pleafed to nick- nam » , " Innovation
upon our Conftittition ! " Let us, who are 110 party- men, but conftant, unlhaken friends of our Country, and admirers of our excellent Conftitution in its purity, ftecr tbe m. ddle ct urfc between Scylla and Charybdis, and avo d the danger 011 either lide. Let us join the enemies of our Conftitution for once, and take them in their own way! Let us call out in- v ceffantly with them— No innovation ! No innovation ! Let the cry run from one end of the land to the other, and round every corner,- from the ecu-, tar to the extremities'. The S t , '. . . . M IL ACT is an innovation with a vengeance, an invalion upon, and a mortal flab to, our
excellent Conftitution ! Witnefs the late ftruggle of a party in the Houfe of Commons, in direCl oppolition to the King, the Lords, and almofl all the People ! Could this have happened in an annual, or even in a triennial Parliament?— Away then with this innovation at once, and then all other neceffary regulations will follow of cotiife, which fliall be expedient and neceff. iry. Let the only teft put upon candidates be, " Upon their honour to promote a repeal of the Septennial A f t , with all their might and all their utmoft unremitting efforts.'' Thofe who will not chearfully and voluntarily enter into this engagement, ought to be rejected by
evety independent, dilit. terefled t l e S o r . This great point once gained, viz. the reitoration of our Confutation, by the removal of this dangerous innovation ; every other fpecies of ufefui, neceffary reform vrill follow fpontaneoufly, without violence or any Staie- canvulfions. Whether the Itruggle fliould terminate in a triennial oraiinu. il Parliament, is a point about which many excellent perfons and found politicians are very much divided; and < vnich we lh ,11 not take upon 11s 10 dif ufs at prefent. Would to Heaven we could live to fee the queltion agitated between thefe two only 1 we would then with plealure .111- veftlgate the
ftibjeft'very minutely and critically. As to the repeal of tbe Septennial A f t , we venture to fay, there are not two opinions about i t ; but, among the corrupt and uncorrupt members of fociety, the latter are all to a man for the repeal. With this we fhall gam every thing proper and neceflary : without it, all other a f t s of reformation will only be fti engthening of our chains, and completing the d e f i n i t i o n of our Coiiftitution. America dill continues to be a thorn in the fides of our governors. Independent as they are, they want lomething more than independency 1 This ( hews the fljallownefs of thole politicians, falfely called Patriors, who
called out rnceffantly for that mealure. They could not forefee, or would not fee, that the rafli granting the Americans independency would bring up a thoufand other queries and mifunderftandings between them and us. No regular line hiving been drawn between Americans and Britons at parting, all is conftifion and diffraction throughout the whole of tiie commercial and other connexions betwten Britilh fuhjeils and the citizens of America, as they call themfelves. And no man among us l'etms to know how to let on foot any bctiv- hcial intercourfe to the mutual fat'Sfaitmn of both countries! The truth is, when they were- fubj'ecls, we
did not know how to treat them as fubirCts 1 and now we have i'ecJaj « d tbem independent, we lcem to know as little how to treat them as fuch. We are not in a much better fituation with Ireland 1 Our Miivilters have given away Ireland, without knowing how or for what, or on what ierms the two kingdoms are to be for the future. The Volunteers, who frightened our Minillers into a cornpiauce with all their demands, are now holding the fame peremptory diftatorial language to their ayvii internal governors, to new- model tiieir government in their own w'ay. How thefe things will terminate, no mortal man can tell i but where they
originated, we can well explain, viz. in the weak, puny, timid, and unguarded Admini ftration of the noble Lord in the blue ribband, the author of confulion and complicated milchicf to this nation, and all its connections and dependenland asLieutensnt- Colont-"*, and G r e y Hefilrige, Efq. as Major of the faid Militia. Nothing ever gave more general f a t i s f a f t i on than the late piece of Dean T u c k e r on the queltion, Whether an Adminiftration ought t o ftand, having a majority in Parliament againft t h em ? Sir Richard Hill, in his fpeech on Monday the 8th inft. faid, that he was glad to find, that a much better political Optician than
himfelf, had lately prefented the Public with a new rectifying glafs. One of thefe glafles he had then in his pocket, which he had lately reeeived f r om Gloucefter, with the ingenious artill's name upon it, Jofiah Tucker ; and he fliould be happy to lend itjto any of the Gentlemen 011 t h e other fide of the Houle ; particularly to an honourable member who he was f u r e always meant to a f t u p r i g h t ly ( viz. Mr. Powys) ; and if he would pleafe to hold it u p before his eyes, he would not perhaps think the Funeral of the Houfe of Commons fo very near as he apprehended ; but if he remained of the fame opinion, the leaft t h e Houfe
could do, would be to vote him to hold the office of Undertaker upon the occafion, which, tho' it was certainly not a MILITARY office, was Inch an one as would not vacate the gentleman's feat. At the aflizts for the county of Kent, on Wednefday laft, a motion was made by Mr. Cator, and feconded by Mr. Stoker, for an Addrefs to bis Majefty to thank him for having removed bis late Minifters.— On a divifion, the motion was rejefteel by the G r a n d J u r y. When Critic! f/ n originates from candour and impartiality, it jtlftly receives the countenance and fanction of the judicious part of the Public. Quite the leverfe h the cal'e, when it
ocularly and palpably appears partial, in either extolling unexifting abilities in the objeft of it, or in utidefervedly playing fevere cenfure and fatire upon him.— We allude t o certain Critiques on the recent Opera of Signior Rauzzini, and on himfelf, as a finger. The general favourable reception which his excellent compofition and he met with laft; T h u r f d a y , is an adequate proof to warrant us right in our obfervation. If is not certainly very difficult to diflinguilli what is the l i t e r a ry product of either malice, envy, or fedl- intcreft Irom that which is quite of an oppofite n a t u r e ! — T h e diJlinBion, however, made between thefe two
kinds of Critiques is, that the former is confidered as being only the exaSlcd individual, aud the latter the voluntary public praife upon the perfon or perfons to whom they are d i r e f t e d ! !! F. xtraEl of a Letter from Plymouth, March 16. " Since our laft arrived the Lady, Taylor, and Hope, Newman, from Loudon ; the Stag, Wood, from Halftone. " For thefe three days paft the* weather h< ts been very ftormy, the wind chiefly at E. with vio- COMMEMORATION of HANDEL. Such Perfons as are inclined to encourage thi ® Celebrity, are deiired to take Notice, that they who do not fend for Tickets on or before the laft D ay of this
Month, will not be deemed Subfcribers, and confequently not entitled to Preference in Point of Places in Weltminfter- Abbey. March 4th, 1784. The D t ^ ' C T O R S of the C O N C E R T of A S X I E N T M U S I C have opened Books, to receive the Names of fuch Perfor. s as> are defirous of encouraging this Undertaking, and1 will deliver out the Tickets for the feveral Perform mances, at One Guinea each Performance. Bookgwill likewife be opened, and Tickets delivered, at Mr. Lee's, No. 44, Wigmore ftreet; Birchell's Mulic- fhop, No. 129, New Bond- ftreet; Long-* man and Broderip's, in the Haymai ket and Cheapfide i
Bremnt- r's, near the New Church in tiie Strand ; Wright's and Co. Catherine- ftrtet, Stiand { and at Napier's Mulic- fliop, in the Strand. Ni* Perfon will be admitted without a T i t k e t ; and ir is hoped, that thofe who mean to Subferibc, wilt do it as Early as they conveniently can, that proper Seats may be provided for them. The Lift of the BAND, who have already offered their Afliftance at the COMMEMORATION" of HANDEL. INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS. Violins Tenors Violoncellos Double Balles Oboes 96 30 30 to 3° VOCAL PERFORMERS Balloons Trumpets — French Horns Trombones Kettle Drums Total 28 « 4 1 z 3 5
168 12J 49 i P R I C E of S T O C K S, Saturday, March 20, at one o'clock. Bank Stock, fliut New 4 per Cent. 1777, fliut 3 per C t . r e d u c e d fliut 3 per C e n t . Conf. 58 a 57 I 3 per Cent. 1726,— 3 per Cent. 1751, — South Sea - Stock, — Old S. S. Ann. Unit 0 8 New S. S. Ann. 57 £ | New Navy and Vift. Bills, 18 4 J dif. Long Ann. 1 7 i yrs. pur. India Stock, fliut 3 per Cent- Ind. A m , flint Inch Bonds, 17s. dif. 10 Years Short Ann. ' 7 7 7 30 Years Ann. 1778, 12 I r s yrs. p u r. 3 per Cent. Scrip — Omnium, — Exchequer B i l l s ,— ' Lottery Tickets —_ 4 per Cent Scrip — Light Long Ann. —,. Prizes — cies l Friendlhips we need
not mention, for he left L O N D O N. T h e Right Hon. the Earl of Suflex hath refigned the command of tbe Northamptonfhire regiment of Mifitia ; and we hear that the Right Hon. Charles Lord Compton is to fucceed as Colonel, the Right H o n . the Earl of Weftmorclent gales, and a little fcpw yefterday afternoon. It blew fo h a r d rhat t h e ^ t a n d a r d 64, guard fhip, at this place, broke from her moorings in Hamoaze and. went afhore near T a r Point ; it is feared file will receive fome damage. *' Atrived fince laft night a Dutch man of war, two brigs, a { loop of war, a King's cntt e r , and feveral other veffels, but there is fuch a gale
of wind boats cannot go off to learn their names. " T b e 46th regiment of foot is embarked and failed for Ireland, and yefterday the glorious 39th regiment of foot, which had a confiderable flia re in the gallant defence of Gibraltar, marched into barracks in the room of the 46th. " The Culloden of 74 guns, is ordered round f r om the river to this place, to lie as a guardfliip. Wind E." Ex trail of a Lett y from Deal, March 19, " Came down yefterday and failed the Hannab, Smith, Brothers, Caltlclugh, Vigilant, Barnwell, and Triumph, Street. Remain the Wafp and Scout floops, and Nimble cutter,*' Early this morning fome houfebreakers
attempted to break into the Office of Mr. W. Woodfall, Printer, in Dorfet- ftreet, Salilburyfquare, but before they could effect their p u r - pofe, they were difturbed by t h e arrival of one of Mr. Woodfall's men, who came to pnblUli his Paper. They had cut away part-- of a fniall door, and juft forced down a llrong iron bar, before t h e y were i n t e r r u p t e d . It appears from a companion of the impreffion made upon the wood, and the impreffion made on the office door of Mr. Shaw, in T u d o r - f t r e e t , ( which was attempted to be forced nearly about the fame time) that tbe fame inftruraetit was ufed at both places. At Cambridge
aflizes, which ended Thurfday, M. Jaggard and John Brown, for dealing a lilvei- watch out of the lliop of M r . Wi| fon, in the P.= tty- Cury, cn Saturday lafti were capitally convicted ; William Barker was ordered to be tranfported to America for feven years ; William Maltby and William Mullen were ordered to be publicly whippet} and imprifom- d lix months; Abraham Carrie'; and Thomas Caifborn were fined 6d- each ; and Thomas Gilby was acquitted. No bill was found a gain It Jonathan Turtle. At Huntingdon, John Hanies, Jeremiah Smith and William Smith, for ( beep- Healing, were capitally convicted, but reprieved ; John Coblty,
Thorn, 13 Smith and William Wade, for robbing a coaU gang, were ordered to b? fent on board the ballaftlighters ; John Seaton at) d James Robtrrfon, for robberies, to be publicly whipped and rmprifoneet lix months ; and one for bigamy, to be imprifuned for two years. T h i s morning was married at Sr. Mi- bad's,, Queenhithe, Mr. D- Goflet, of Cannon- ftreet, to Mifs Newberv, of York- row, Kennington. DHURY- LANE. This Evening, Love- for Love; with T h e Double Difgolfe. COVEMT- GARDEN. This Evening, Ifabella; or, T h e Fatal Marriage; with The Poor Soldier. High Water at London- Bridge the enlumg Week. Sun. Morn.
4 i After, ag 2 M A R I N E S O C I E T Y ' S O F F I C E. iN^ ARCH i n • T H E Anniverfary FEAST of the Marine Society x will be held at the London Tavern, on TRiirlday next, the a j t h infta ® . Dinner to be on table at Four o'clock precilely. S T E W A R D S . Rt. Hon. Lord Godolphin Rr. Hon. Lord Brownlow BrookWation, Efq. M. P. Job Matthew, Efq. Thomas Allen, Efq. George Drake, Efq. John Bland, Efq. Benjamin Kidney, Efq. No lervants admitted, except thole whom the Pre. fident, Vice- Prefident, Treafurer, and Stewards, may think proper to bring with them. N. B. The Governors alfemble at the Marine Society's Office at
half pall three o'clock precifely, in order to proceed from thence to the London Tavern. To the Right Hon. and Hon. the Prefident and Vice- Prefidents, the Treafurer, and reft of the Governors and Governeffes of the Surry Difv penfary. My Lords, Ladiej, and Gentlemen, COLICI i ED and encouraged by many refpefhbte Governors to offer myfelf a Candidate for the va~ cant office of Secretary to your excellent Inftitutiork permit me, on this occafion, ta entreat the favour of your votes and intereft. Should I be fo happy as t ® become tbe o b j e a of your choice, I ( hall endeavour to prove myfelf worthy of it, by a faithful di( charge of
the bufinefs, and conftant attention to thewelfaie of the Charity. I am, with due refpeft, My Lords, Ladies, and Gentlemen, Your moll obedient and very humble Servant, Blackman- ftreet, ? March ao, x j s l { C A R L E S CARPENTEPS Mo. 46 2' 1 10 3 T 25 3 39 3 We. | Thu. 5" 3 | 29 4 7 4 1 49 4 Fri 9 5 3° 5 Sat. 58 5 26 6 W E S T M I N S T E R C O M M I T T E E of ASSOC I A T I O N . A T a Meeting of this Committee, held at rhe King's armi Tavern, Palace- yard, on Friday the 19th Day of March, 1784, The Right Honourable RICHARD FiTZPATRICK, is the Chair, Rc- folved, with only two diffeuting Voices, That it is the
Opinion o( this Commutccj that the continuance of the prefent Mmifterj in their offices after tha Houfe of Commons has declared by repeated Resolutions, that they do not pofTefs the Confidence of that Houfe, and has addrefled his Majefty for their Removal, is coutrarv to the rfi'ential Principles of the Conltitution, iuiiuious to the mi. lt valuable Interells of the Nation, and has a m< m.- lelt Tendency to prolong the unhappy Dillmt'tioiis and Iiivilio s which prevail in this Country, RetfolVcd, with only one JHfsnting Voice, Thit the Thanks of this Committee be given to the Majority of the Houfe of ComnuiK fur th- ir independent. Caiiduft"
iu the pre- fetit political Struggle. Refolved, with only two didenting Voices, That t : e Thanks o this Committee he given to J aha iiawbridge, Fd'q. for having moved in the Houfe of Commons 011 Friday lalt, for a Se- lett Committee to be appointed to inquire into the prefent ftate of the Repiefentation of the People in Parliament.' Rcfolved. with only one diffenting Voice, That in cafe of a Diffolution of Parliament, thii Committee do recommend to, the E. lc£ tori of the City of Waltminitery to funport the Ekt'tiou of the Right Honourable CHARI. ES JAMES FOX, their prefent worthy Keprefentative, whofe Parliamentary- Conduft has been fuch a j to entitle him to the Confidence of his Condiments. Rcfolved unanimoufiy-,- That the above Refclutions. figned by the Chairman, be infert- d in the public N'eve( papers. RICHARD FIT/ PATRICK, Chairman for the Bav. This Day is Publ'fhed, Price Three- pence, L E T T E R VI. of 7 ' H E SOURCE of the E V I L ; or, rhe SYSTEM 1 DISPLAYED. Addiell'cd to ihe Gentry, Yeomanry, Freeholders, and Electors of England. London : Printed by J. Jarvis, No. 173, Drurylane, and fold by all the lfookl'eller . Where may be had L E T T E R S 1. I I . and I I I. iiit; where L E T T E R S and A D V E R V I S ' ii M E N T S are
received. A Letter- Box at the Window ^ RS, ( stc. are alfo taken in at the Printing- 0( fke> No. 4, Peterborough- Court, near Shoe- Lane-, Fleet- Street. Fk « t- Str « etj M c f t ; S R F L ' K ^ P w i Co. Charing- Cfofi"} at the S T O C K - K X C H A N G I I G P F F E E - H O U S E . Cornhill,