The Whitehall Evening Post
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The Whitehall Evening Post
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The Whitehall Evening Post
Date of Article: 12/02/1784
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Address: No 4, Ludgate-Hill, London
Volume Number: Issue Number: 5710
No Pages: 4
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The WMtehall PRICE THREE- FENCE.] WEDNESDAY, Feb. n. SHIP - N E W S. . DEAL, F, b. to. ^•^ y^ y^^ Ei^^ x 1ND at N. Weft. Sailed ^ TvT this morning the Earl- of Mansfield Eaft ln- di. aVniii, with the out- ward- bound as per la If, and the Bcalune, Ftir- longe, for Ireland ; tiie Union, Bennett", the: fWjjf^^ V* Dublin, Ryder, and Tom, Scott, for Liver- pool. Remain in the Dotvni! the reft of the fhips as per laft. From the LONDON GAZETTE. At the Court it St. Jaims's, the gtji of February, 17S4, Prelent the ICING's Molt Excellent Ma- jefty in Council. This day the Right Hon. George Lrnox, com- monly called Lord George Lenox,
was by his Ma- jefty's CommmH, l'worn of his Majefty's muft Honourable Pri » y- Council, and took his place at tbe Board accordingly. SHERIFFS appointed by. his Mijefty in Council for the year 17S4, viz. Berltlhire. Charles D. ilbiac, of Ilungerford- Park, Efq. Bedfordftiire. Poftponed. Bucks, Ricsnrd Serimplhire, of Arnerftiam, Efq. Cumberland. John Chriftiatiy of Utierig, Efq. Chelhiie. Thomas Willis, of Swettenha n, El'q. tamh' and Hunt'. Thomas Shepheard, of March,- Efq. Cornwall. Jofepb Beau.- liainp, of Pengreep, Efq. Devonfhire. Thomas Lane, of Co/ Beet, Eiq. Dorfetlhire. Ilitac S » ge, of Tt. ornhill, Est}. Derbyfliire. John
Radford, of Smalley, Efq. Elfcx. Robert Prefton, of Woodford, Ktq. Gloucelterlhire. Giles Greeiuway, of Harrington, Efq. Ilertlordlhire. John Thomas Ellis, of Widiall- Hall, Efq. Herefordlhire. James Walwyn, of Longworth, Efq. Kent. Charles Booth, of Steed- Hill, Efq. Leicefterfttire. Charles Grave Hudlbn, of Wan- lip, El'q. Lincolnlliire. George William Johnfon; of Witharn on the Hill, Efq. Monmouth ( hire. Chriftopher Chambre, of Llon- foift, Efq. Northumberland. Sir Francis Blake, of Fowbray, Bart. Horthamptonftiire. Richard Kirby, of Floore, Efq. Norfolk. Sir Thomas Durrant, of Scottow, Bart. Nottinghamlhire. Peudoek Neale, of
Tofterton, Efq. Oxfordfhire. Arthur Anneftey, of Blctchtngdon, Efq. R\ Mw » ati> t> c. Jala. Ifeut'kiss- s, cf BroM^, Efq. Shropfhire. William Child, of Kinlett, Somerfitlliire. Andrew Guy, of Enmore, Efq. ' StafTordfhire. John Edenfor Heathcote, of Lung- ton, Efq. Suffolk. John Wenyeve, of Brettenham, Efq. Southampton. Sir John Carter, of Portfmouth, Knight. Surrey. William AlJerfey, of Stoke, near Guild- ford, Efq. Suffex. Thomas Dennet. of Affituft, Efq. - Warwickfhire. Jql'eph Boultbee, of Baxterley, Efq. Worceiterfhire. Thomas Bund, of Wick, Efq. Wiltihire. William Chalk Grove, of Zeals, El'q. Yorkfliire. Wiilliam Danby, of Swinton,
Efq. Whitehall, Feb. to. The King has been ple. ifed to grant to the Earl of Effingham the Office of Mafter and Worker of his Mijelty's Mint. The King has been pleafed to appoint the Right Hon. George Henry Lenox, commonly called Lord George Henry Lenox, to be. Conftable , of the Tower of London, and alfo to be his M. ijefty's Lieutenant and Cuftos Rotulorum of the Tower Hamlets. Carlton- Houfe, Feb. 9. His Royal Higbnefs the Prince of Wales will have a levee on Saturday fe'nnight, the zt( V inftaut, and afterwards on the ( Vrft Saturday in every month, during the fitting of Parliament. Lord Chamberlain s- Ofice, Feb. 10,
1782. There will not be any drawing- room at St. jatnts'a on Sundays till Sunday the 29th inftant. B A N K K. U P T S. Jonathan S nith, of VYiltham- Abbey, Efex, li- nen- draper; to furrender Feb. 16, 18, aiid VI1 c 1 23, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Me. J i » m Jeflbp, Wiltham AI> b; y, or Nj. 13,' eidljrdVUn, London. Thomas Fletcher, of Liverpool, Lincafhire, ale- brewer; to furrender Much 8, 9, and M r; h2j, at- ten, at George's Coffee- houfe, in Liverpool. Attorues, Moll". Afpinwall., Rofcie, an 1 Lac-, in Liverpool. William Mills and Samuel Kinner, of Reading, Berks, copartners, dealers and chapmen ; to fur- render Feb. 14,'
si, and March 23, at ten, at the Upper Ship Inn in Reading. Attornies, Mr. An- drews, in Reading ; or Mr. Hitch, Gray Vmn, London. Thomas Monkhoufe and George Moakhoiife, bathofCarlifle, Cumberland, drapers; to lurreii. ler Feb. 26, 27, and March 23, at ten, at the Bulb, in Carlifle. Attqrney, Mr. Robert Mounfey, in Cac- lille. Thomas Chapman, of Croydon, Surry, miller; to furrender Feb. ifa, 23, and Much 23, at ten, at Guildhall, Attornies, Mr. Sanders, in Croydon ; or Mr. Senior, Chancery- lane, London. Thomas Carpentei, late of Popltr, but now of Mile- end Old Town, Muhllefex, brewer;. to fur- render Feb. at, at eleven, and
M^ rch 23, it ten, at Guildhall. Attornies, Mdf. A& Sij and Winter, in Swithin's- lane. Henry Norgr. ove, of LayJUlI- ftreet, HolbOrn, brewer; to furrender Feb. 13, at ten, Feb. 11, ' at eleven, March 23, at ten, at Guildhall. - jAttornies, Melf. 011 and Winter, Sivithiu'a- lanc. From TUESDAY, February 10, to THURSDAY, February 17^ 4. Richard Brett, late of St. John's . ftreet, taylOr and Button- feller; to fiirrend^ rTeb. » 4, = 4, wl March. 23, at ten, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Dawes, Grey. ille- ftreet, Hattdii- garden. Viyltli'fuls to be ifiade. March i. Johti Proudfoot, late of Midhurft, Suf- fex, lirieu.- drapVr, at ten, at the Royal- Oak Inn, in -
Reading, Berks. ' ; - ,-• , Certificates to be. granted. March 2. Samuel Gould, of ( Bid Bond- ftrect, COrdwainer. David Richardfon, lata of Mancljefter, Lgnc. t- ( h! re, calhro- pfiiltvi. George Carp liter, of Kidderminfter, Worcefter- ftiire, earpet- mann'I'aSuvtr. Henry Cook, of Somerfetlhire, meal- man. Tejferdcty arrived one Mail from Hollahd. Couflantinople, Dec. 15. It is confirmed, that in the lad Allembly of tiie Divan fome of the ! Members propofed to cede Crimea ro Rnffia 011 | certain conditions. This propofal was moft I violently oppolc- d by the Capitan Pacha and his | party, who in the greatell rage declared it would be better to
die with their arms in their hands than luster the Ottoman glory to be tarniilitd. In the above debate the Cap tan Pacha made life of fuch forcible expreffions that his oppo- nents dared not contradift him, and at the breaking- up of the Aflembly it was refolved to return a haughty anfwer to Mr. Bulgakuff, but • Che French Ambaffador perfuaded them with great difficulty to give a more moderate anfwer to the Ruffian Minifter; ' however, the whole Ottoman nation are enchanted wi. li the pamotii'm of the Captain Pacha, and look up to 1) m as tile tu- cUr genius of the empire, and from whom alone they cxpeiSt to bi defended from their
uiiemies. Vienna, Jan. 14. It is now moft probable that there will be a war between Ruifia and the Porte, as the aufvver of the Divan to the Me- morial prefenud by the Ruffian Ambaflador was by no means fitisfactory; and there is now fcarcely any doubt but tbe Ruffian . forces will enter the Ottoman dominions early in the fpring, and commence liollilities in good earneft. On the part of the Turks tlicy i'eein perfuaded that the fortune of war cannot oblige them to make more humiliating conceffion's tnan are now re- quired of them ; and could they but eftablilh dilcipline among their numerous armies, they might have fome hopes, of ftill
defending their polfeffions ; but the want of that, added to the very bad ftate of the finances of the Turkifti empire, puts them in rather a critical lityation. What part our Monarch means to take in the differences between the two empires, is at pre- fent a profound fecret. •.- Jlienna, Jan. the lad letters from Podolia we find theTtttfthn arc upoli the move, which feeins to indicate a rupture : theieinfoKte- ments for the eftates of Prince Heraclius are filing off in hafle towards his provinces. Naples, Dec. z 1 • We are allured, that in the month of March next a eoniidejable ftjttadron will fail from thefe ports to reinforce the apanifh fleer, anti
attempt in concert a lecond attack on Algiers. Three- thoufand men are nb. v employ- ed in the dock- yards. Milan, Jan. 5. M. Yenet'tani, Canon and Profelfor of Phyftc, is now employed in, con- ftru& ing an aeroftatic globe, with the following properties : I. It will move with more or le. ls velocity. at the pleafure of the conduflor, who is to guide it to the utinoll poffible height, without employing fire therein. 2. It will defcend at, plcafut'e, fullain itfelf in the air, or remount without making any addition to the machine. Three perfons may travel with the machine two or three days, and even whole weeks, without having occaliora to defcend
for provifions. If this experiment lhould be accomplifhed, it muft be allowed that this difcovery is arrived to a great degree of perfeftion in a lliort time. Paris, Jan, 23. Orders are given for each regiment of dragoons to '. be augmented with too men and 1.00 horfes. The Doel, the Marze, . and the Rhine have 75,000 men 011 their borders, ready to encamp in lefs than a week. In Ipring a camp of 24. regiments ! of cavalry and dragoons will be formed at enormous cvpehins built there by way of H i! ( loon, atvj tuuned tSe Fljeffelles, iu hononrof the I Intendaiit of that Province, It role- in the fight of near 300,000 perfoos, who filled the
quays of the Rhone, & c. and were aftmniftiet! at fo majeftic an objctS,- to the height of 500 toifes. Tlie il. ip at firil direfted its courfe to the North, but'at the lall period of its elevation, meeting with a new current of air, retrograded to the South. The navigators at this height perceiving the machine became very warm, were afraid of its taking fire, and therefore defcended not far from the theatre where they had mounted. The noble and deliberate courage of M. Pilaflre- du- Roficr has acquired him the forname of Brave. I R ~ E "~ L~~ A~~ N D. Dublin, Feb. 2. The barbarous c. nftom which prevails on the lea coafls of thafe kingdoms,
of plundering the cargo of fliips driven afliore by lire Is of Weathcryis degrading to human nature. The fllipwreck which lately, happened at Bray is a recent proof of the existence of this horrid pra£ lice; the particulars whereof are known to almoft every Gentleman in that neighbourhood. O11 Chriftmas day lall, the 1liip Friendflnp, of Briftol, laft from Oporto, laden'with Port, oil, fruit, & ic. of the value of 4000I. and upwards, was driven afliore oppofite to Bray, and within half a mile of that town ; the Captain and crew were providentially fa'ved, having got out of the veffel before the night came on, but the fliip and cargo were entirely
carried away before fix o'clock the next morning ; the town and country people .' carried oft" not only the whole cargo, but every- plank,, yi the fhip. Bovj- flEeet, London, . Feb. 6 tb, if 84. FIFTY POUNDS REWARD. TI/ TIEREAS. RICHARD. gEAHAN, com- V'V n> anly caUe4 BEAN, Bi^ rn Upon the Eilate of LawrtSice Steel',- Efqi near the Curragh of Kildare, in Ire- land, aUhjHgfi He diloWfls his Country, abfcotftled the^' h of Jaft Month, taking with Mrti the following Bank Notes ; K 74 loth February, .1.783, — gol. H 19 Jth December, 183,. — 50I. And Calhto tile Amount of — 800I. Whoever apprehehds liifrr, and gives Notice, to
Sir Sainpfon Wright, in Bow- ltreet, or to INIr. Sir. ith',. No. 29, St. Swithin's- lane, London, lhall, 011 his Conimit- ment, receive FIFTY TG^ CX- DS Reward. The (' aid Richard Beahan is about five Feet Eye Ihcht; s high, rather lulty, and inclining fo a Belly, alaout 50 Years of Age, ( hu'fflesj and lirik. es his Knees againft* e, lcii other in walking, his Right Knee beirfg'bent inwariis, wears his own dark Hair, turning Grey, curled at tlie Sides, and tied behind in a Queue or Club, has a fottilh- lookmg and, b* l atcd Countenance, tho' not Red, and fpeaks French and Engliih thick, v.- ith a little of the Brogue ; is quarrellbnie when in I. iqu . r.
arid takes a great Quantity of SnufF; was id re ITc f 1 in Mourning, and had on an old dirty-. coloured Surtout Coat: It is fuppofed he, has taken his Wife with him, who is about Fifty Years old, rather Tall, very Thin, of a fair Complexion, has remarkably bad coloured, lo age and ( harp Fore Teeth, and the general Appearance of a Quaker in her Drefs: She is a Native of Ipfwich. It is fufpe& cd they have changed their 4) refs and Appearance. The faid Richard BcaHan formerly wrote his Name. Beaghan, and lived with William Steel, of Chelter, tiU 1755, when he went to St. Qnentin, in Frcnch Flanders, where he remained till, having
killed a Man, he fled ; in 1758 he was remarkably known in London by an unfor- tunate Law Suit with his faid Mafter ; in : 763 and feveral . Years afu- r he v/ as empfo'yed in this City by th^ late Mr. Andrew De Vifme, Hamburg Merchant, ' as his Clerk, and afterwards by Melfrs. Chriiiaii and Smith, Welt In- dia Merchants, till their deceafe ; he then commenced : Taylor and . Slop- Seller at Plaiflow, in F. ffex, but an Exe- cution coining into' his Houfe, he was reduced to great ' Ditlrefs. till relieved by the Gentlemen whom he has now defrauded. Thefe PartieiilaiHi: are rccited, a he muft . be known in fome of the above Capacities, to
many Perfons in this City and Neighbourhood. N. B. Payment of the Notes is ftfjpped at the Bank. It is earnelUy requeftcd of ail Perfon* having Lodgers in tlieir Houfes, to be particularly attentive to the Defer:] - tions of the above Parties. A CASE highly deferving the Attention ot PUBLIC. To Mr. ISAAC'SW/ idNSON, in Partnerfliip with Dr. MERCIER,- at No. 21, Fnth- ftreet, S0I10. KNOWING thehumane and excellent motives which induced you to purchafe a fhare of the Property of VELNOS'VEGETABI. ESYRL'P ;. knowing the zeal and generofity with which you would extend to others the relief and happinefs which it, afforded in
a Cafe of the moft diftrclliug and extraordinary nature in ! your own family : I am deiirous to follow your example in fome degree, by communicating the following Cafe : In January 1778, while at New York, I had a cold AT a numerous anej refpstftable Meeting of the ELECTORS of WESTMINSTER, aflembled at the Shakefpeare- Taveni, Covent- Gafden, on ' Thurfday February 5, 1784, THOMAS BYRON, Efq. in the Chair, The following Refolutions were propofed, and paded unanimoufly : Refolved, That it is the Opinio* of this Meeting, that any Adcirefs, alluming Signatures without the exprefscon- tent of the Parties, or obtained
by private folicitation with- out public Notice, is contrary to the ufual, open, and conditutional Mode of addrefling the Crown, and an Im- polition on the Country. Refolvcd, Thar it is the Opinion of this Meeting, that the Parliamentary Conduft of the Right Hon. CHARLES JAMES FOX has been confonant to the Praftice and Prin- ciples as. cltablithedat the glorious Revolution, and fuch as to entitle him to the continuance and perfefi Eftecm and Conhdencc of his Conftitueiirs. THOMAS BYRON, Chairman. GENERAT MEETING ( IFthe ELECTORS of WESTMINSTER. „ '' pHE Sittings of the Courts of Tuftioe having and fore throat for
tlifee weeks, and my left teftiole was t made it ncceffarv to polW the Meeting of the ! P'^ igioufly enlarged and foft. For what reafon I cannot F. LECTORSof WESTMINSTER, as originally propofed, S" e, 4> the d. forfer paffed. to the right; which continued ' for. Tuefdavthe 10th Jiffiant, Notice Uhcrebv- giv^ that I T ™ mo,] ths m, a by degrees grew ha/ d. the faid Mcerng will beheld on SATURDAY next, tlic 1 I turned to ingtand in May, but did not apply for 14th, at Tufleeo^ Cloek, being the firft'Day in which the i. ' l" Auguft; when a Surgeon at Kmgfton up. n Hall will be difengaged, when the Independent Eleftor. s . > Thames advifcd
the fufpenfionit m a trufs. I adopted are requellcd. So. attend,, in order to cohilder < 3f ah humble ' 1 l1114 metho< 1 , or a y « r an hall; bat it bee T aiv. 1 v. uticu « u. iBum, in oiuct tu Luiiuuet « ji aunuowuic » -• J- » , j , . , ,- , became fo paii.- Addrefc^ uiajelty, on the prefent critical Situation of ,"'' V* , was 4lteJded Wlthr [ uch ^ S. eneral lofc of health, - ••'• ' ' that I had recourtetoone of the muitcmiiient and humane Surgeons in London, who pronounced it a fchirrous Cafe, 1 and advifed- the e. xtr. aftion of it as the only means of reco- 1 vering my health; hinting it, as'his opinion, that it had 1 arifen from fqme unfortunate female
connection. This, I | knew, could not be the cafr. I determined not to fu'b- I mit to the dangerous operation he propofed ; and he of- j dcred me gentle yhylic, and camphorated fpirits, as an j embrocation. After ufmg the latter two Months without / thy ELECTORS of the CITY of ^ - J?- WKS^ IINSTER. J\) S i,!. l! ti^ j> eafs todbe the Determination of the - V*- Fr..'• ids" o'fthe General Meeting of the . ElcSo.- s of wMhifift)^, to be h'elafairty and openly in Weftminfter Hall, fon Sat'ii. oay » WM| f. at. Twelve o'clock, to take no NoticedlHhe'titlirrilous and ir. flaminatory Hand Bills cir- culated by the Supporters of the late Addrefs from the
High Steward and Court of Burgeffes, an Impartial Elco i cure, I began to fink under the moft melinclioly defpai". tor defires only to draw the Attention of the " candid and On appfying a poultice of bread and milkforfome months, independent Inhabitants of this City to the different con- I — 1 -' "" " r relief, I ufed, by his advice, a poultice of linfeed meal, J & c. for three months more; but having'no , profpe6t of » Thionvill Paris, Jan. 26. Though we know not yet What may be the arrangements with Tippo Saib, th. j fon andfucctifor or Heitler Ali, yet we can allure the l'ublicKthat from henceforward an Im- moveable corps of 2400 French
are to be kept about that. Prince, and that" pafcrns will be erected in the town, of Pondicherry, which will be made a place of arms, wherein French officers will teach the Sepoy, regiments, fiibj'edts of the Nabob,- military evolutions, and the taffies of Europe.. After ti> motjths inltruction thefe re- giments wi.( l letHrn to the territories of Tippo Saib, and be replaced by others. The houfe of a company, which carried on a very cauijdersble trade to the Weft Incha Iflands, has failed, for 1,300,000 livres. It is rcniarkabk, that while at Paris, in Flan- ders, ami in all the North of Europe, they feel the moft vigorous cold ; at Geneva, Lyons,
and evidry where 011 this fide, aud, beyond the Alps, along the Po and the Rhone, thsy have not felt the. leaft , cold, but the temperature of the air there has been extremely mild during tlie whole of the rtionth of December, and the beginning. of February. Lyons, Jan. 9. This morning the aerial voyageis embarked on board the flclltlles, the dutt of the two Parties. By one' fide, a General arid Pub- lic Meeting, agreeable to the ufage and practice in this City, is appealed to, and the firft Day on which Weftmin- fter Hall can be had. fthe only proper place for fuch a Meet- ing) is lived on, By the other lide, a new and extraordi- nary
dcvice ispraftifed, of privately voting an Addrefs from tiieHigh Steward of Weftminfter, th'e Dean, and a certain Court of Bprgelfes, who or what thevare no man knows! O11 one fide agaip'wehear of iio Violenfce in the Proceeding, but, on the contrary, a decent and refpeii- j determination in confequence of it to purchafe a Ihare in fill Advertilcment, calling impartially on ALL the Klec- tlie property, of it.; and to add the fanftion of your cha- tors, is put forth, and every thing is done, at the Meeting j rafter for judgment and unblernillied integrity to its other where It originates, to difcourage tumult, and to prottft t recommendations to the
notice and relief of your fellow from intuit thofe wjw differ in Opinion from that Meet- ! creatures." ing. Oil the other fide, a partial and anonymous Meeting j Tlie date of the fctotum, and is attempted to be obtained by a trick'in the Court of Re- quefts; the moftabulive and inflammatory Hand Bills are lent about, and the declared Ob jeft is; that a . fmuggled Addiefs, obtained by. private Management, fhall be fup- ported. by direft and open Tumult. ' It would be au Af- front to the good Senfe of the Eleftors of Weftminfter to afk which party proceeds in the faireft. Manne;, or on which fide there feems a Confcioufnel'sof a rotten Caufc ?
An IMPARTIAL ELECTOR. February nth, > 784. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By HENRY STYLES, On Monday, the 16th Inftant, and the following Dav, ( By Order of the EXEC V TOR Sj ' A LL the HOUSHOLD GOODS, valuable L Pifturcs and Prints, Plate, Diamond Rings, fine Linen and Cbina, of THO M ASH U D S O N, Eiq. Deceafed, At his late Dwelling Hou£ e, at Lower Halbford, in the Parilh of Shepperton, 111 the County of Middlefex : Coufilling of Mahogany Four P. » lt Bedlle'ads, with rich Damalk and other Furniture; good GoAfe and Other Fea- tHcr Beds; good Bedding; Mahogany \ M » rdrobe ; Cheft upon Cheft of
Drawers; Drcffing, . Commode, and Writ- ing Tables; Mahogany Dining and other Tables and Chairs; Bath and other'Steel Sfove; s; Pier and other Drefling Glafies; Turkey- and other Carpet* ; valuable Pictures and Prints; upwards of 3ooj ® ani « of Plate of the belt Falhiofi; a Quantity of line Sheetjifg, and fine Dainalk TabIeI. ui. cn; a Quantity of the belt' fine old CbinS; an exceeding fine Clock; Kitchen Furnituri!. & C..& C. VTl1yi'' llo! f'tobc Viewed on Fridayand Saturday before the Sale, ahd the Morning of Sale, which will beEm at Eleven o'Clock. b . Catalogues to be had of Mr. Athaw,; Attorney at Law, Cordwainer's- Hall,
Diflaff- Lane, London; the Plate of Sale -,. and of Henry Styles, at Staines and it broke.,, and there iffued' a thin, watery matter, of a d 11( ky colour, which every day grew thicker and more ottenfive, I was then perfuaded to apply to a PhyfiJian, who is now' abrciad. He ordered extraft of hemlock in- ternally and a fomentation of hemlock and camomile. Thele dreadful medicines, after long trial, affording me no relief, tended only to confmn the riefpair, under which I mult have funk if I ' had not heard of tlie. aftonifhing effeft of Vclpo's Vegetable Syrup, in recovering Mrs. Swainfi n of a pally, oCcafioned by a. fcorbutic habit; and your .
the enormous fize and condition of the right teftide, you might better defcribe than I can. Tile inflammation, which had reached the abdomen, was very alarming, and threatened a mortifica- tion. I eyas bled, and took two dofes of phyfic by vour direftion. I then took the Syrup; which, 111 a few days totally femoved the inflammation. The fecond bottle pro- duced a copious'tlifcharge of matter ; the fwelling decreaf- ed ; and it is inrpoffible to exprefs what I felt at the prof- pea which I had I dt- for five years, that my health and fpints would return. Before I had taken the fifth bottle, my. wo- ands were healed, and the difeal'ed part
reftored to a ftate of perfect foundrtefs and heeUli. I took two bot- tles more by way of fecurity : and having been recovered trom a ftate of mefery, wretchcdnefs, and dclpair by means < it your Syrup, I think it my duty to thank you for the attention ynti paid me; and to entreat you will com- municate my cafe to the world, that others in fimilar cir- ciimftanccs may experience the furprizipg virtues of your Syrup and enjoy the relief and happinefs which it has brought to me. I lhall take the greateft plcafurc in anfwering tbe enqui- ries of any perfons you may refi r to me. ) am, Sir, with gratitude and refpeft, your much obliged, And nio- ft
obedient, Humble Servant, ELLIS PRICE, No. 48, Maiden- lane, Covent- Garden. February j, 1784. n' Attcfled by Thomas Mainwaring, Apothecary, Strand ; and William Naylor, Apothecary, Bcdford- ftrcet, Covent- Qartlen. i . The genuine Vegetable Syrup of Mr. de Velnos is to be fold only at Dr. MERC I Eli's and Co. fole ProorietorT Nf\^' MthfmtlSoho' at los' 6d- per quart botde; ' IFM^ R' ° P"' Crhym, ftl NO' ' 95> Btlhopfgate- ftrcet; ofMeifrs Pearfon and Rollafon, Birmfogham. thcit Agents. The Syrup will be lent to any part j) roper Direftions, o.)([, aying t'oi the T I • ffcjA - // HiVt- -/
) xford. • 71 ynner. Mon. Mar. i Tuefday WedneC Thurfday Friday Saturd ay Moncay Tuefday Wednef. Thurfday i Friday a Saturday 13 Mond- ay/, 1 5 Tuefday 16 Wed n el'. 1 Thurfday 18 Friday Saturday Monday Tuefday Wednef. Thurfday 25 Friday 26 Oaf. of Win.' New Sarum. Dorcheller. Aylefb- iry.. Bedford. York & City. J- lyre. I | J. North amp. Oakham. Lincoln & C. Heath. Buller. J. Gould. Afhh rft. Reading. Oxford. Worceft& C. Stafford i'. xeter& Clt. Launcefton. Huntingdon Cambridge i'hetford. Bury St. Ed' Not. & T. Derby. Shrewfbury. - Leiceft.& Bo. Coventry. - Warwick Lancafter. Home; Hertford. Chelmsford. Maidflone.
Hereford. Monmouth. -, Glou.& Citv E Gri'nllead K11 giion. HOUSE of LORDS. Tuefday, Feb. 10. " i" HE Bill for repairing Noltingham Roads ' was read a fecond time, and committed for tills day. A Scorch Appeal, which had been fet down for hearing in the Houfe of Peers, was upon Petition withdrawn, upon payment of forty pounds cofts. Th;: Houfe broke up about four o'clock, and adjourned till this day. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Tuefday, Feb. 10. RECEIPT TAX. 11 * R. Eden rofe the inftant the Chancellor of lYl the Exchequer cams into the Houfe, and fait1, as Chairman of the Committee appointed to en- quire into the extent of
the illicit practices car. ried on to the detriment of the revenue, he btggtd to call the attention of the Houfe to a natter of fome moment. I11 forming the report that h. id been lately prefented from that Cpmniittee, they had omitted one pat titular but by no means unimportant - circumftance, out of deference to that Houfe. What he alluded to was the lofs the revenue fuftairied by reafon of the Act for the receipt tax having been evaded and continuing to be evaded ; a lofs amounting to rio lefs a fum than five thoufand pounds a week 1 A b. il!, Mr. Eden obferved, had been brought in to explain and amend the Aa, with a view to rend- r
the tax more efficient and produflive-; it was from the corifid.- r, a- on of that hill's being then before the Houfe, that t ie Committee had thought it became them to take no notice of the matter in their report ; but the in- terruption of all public bufinefc that had been oc^ alioned by the prefent nominal Munfters having d ftiubed the Government, had prevented the bill f. om going on. Bethought it his duty therefore, to Itate the cafe to the Houfe, in order that they might either proceed with the bill or not, as they thought proper ; but in doing fo, he begged not to be underllood as implying any opinion, that the prefent Minifters either could
or oupht to remain in office contrary to the fenfe of that Houfe. Lord John Cavcndijh faid, the bill for amend- ing and'explaining the A£ t of the laft feffionr, for impofmg a tax on receipts, had be.- 11 re nt a firft and fecond time. That after lie was out of ' office, he had ftood up ill his place, and moved, that it be committed for a particular day, declar- ing, at the fame time, that he was convinced the tax, when rendered efficient ( fthich he conceived it might e. tfily be,) would prove a molt Beneficial tax for the public, and that he had no with whatever to ( brink from the odium and unpopu- lari'y that had followed the men lure. A day had
been accordingly appointed for the commitment,, of the bill, but that day, through mere overfight and accident, had been adjourned over, and being no longer In office, he had imagined the prefent Adminiftratfon, if they adopted the tax, would relume the fubjeft ; or if they meant to fubftittite fome other tax, would do fo. Hi; X. drdlhip ( aid further, that when the fubj. edl was laft in agita- tion, there had been difference of opinion abou the wording of particular clatif? s; Which d: fi'er- ence the gentlemen of the long rohc Were better able to decide upon, than ordinary men like him- felf. Thofe cl. iufcs might be adjufl. ed in the Com mittee if the prefeiit Government were, <* f opinion that the bill ought to go on, and therefore he fhontd move that the bill be committted for Thurf- 1 day next. . The Chancellor the Exchequer Cud, it the j prefent Adiniuiftration had been merely a nominal j one, as the honourable Gentleman had chofen to i ciil them, he, fliould not have rjferi to h. tve taken t up a moment of the'time of the Houfe ; but conli- J tiering himfelf as one of the Admiifillration, ami as foihething more than a . nominal Minifte. r, he thought it neceffary to fay a few words. T » e bill having been brought in by the noble Lord who fpoke laft, who had originally
propofed the tax, the pro- duce of which the bill in que ft ion profefTed to amend, he had thought it more prudent to wait till the noble Lord chofe to bring the matter forward, than to interfere o, fficioufly. it• . appeared, Irom what the noble Lord had laid, that the commit- ment'of the bill ftood for a particular day, and that the day for which it fo ftood committed was ac- cidentally adjourned over. The, noble Lord, he doubted not, would do him the jultice to acknow- ledge, that 110 part had been taken by that lide of the Houfe to prevent the farther conlideration of the bill being revived. Me prefiimed, the Gentle- men of the Long Robe
had not been ripe to go into j ;' f ^ Ex? hcqb the Committee upon the bill, and that it had for j * J - f , ; 1 • that reafon been hitherto poftponed. Be this as it might, he had no objeft'ron to the difcuffion ol the bill, and, every circumftance confide red, he thought the fooner that difcuffion was brought on, ttie b Col Onflow thought the right honourable Gen- tleman did not ufe that tide of the Houle fairly, lis; reminded the Houfe, that a great deal ! of odium had been thrown 011 the noble Lord, late at'the head of his Majefty's Exchequer, on ac- ciiutit of the Receipt Tax. and niapj^ fl^ bcLi tovy ® . han'd- bills were vhich that tax was, liuft the
nobler know. whether the right honourable Gentleman i approved, of the Tax or not, and jf hedid, whe- 1 tlier be was ready to avow he adopted it with '; his whole heart. Under the particular circum- i ftatices of the country, the receipt- tax was a Sub- 1 jeft upon which the prefent Adminiftration 1 ought to fpeak out plain'y and intelligibly." i Lord. A'ugent faid, he thought it did the no- ! ble Lord oppofite to him a great deal of honour ; tu declare, that notwithftanding the unpopularity ; of the tax on receipts, he was ready to take up the bill for amending it, although he was out of office, and endeavour to conduit it through that Houfe. His
Lordfhip faid, the tax was an ex- cellent tax, and when it was aided and llrength- ened by the necefl'ary regulations, the bill for that tax would become the moll popular bill that Houfe had ever puffed. He vvas c nfident of this, and he was therefore glad to find the Subjeit relumed. Mr. Huffey faid, he had already given his opi- nion upon the tax, and declared, that if render- ed produftive and efficient, it would prove bene- ficial to the country. In order to effeft this, it had been his opinion, that the noble Lord ( late at the head of the Exchequer) afted wifely in bringing in the prefent bill. That bill he had thought neceffary, anil that without
it, the t^ x had better be repealed. Mr. Huffey faid far- theri that it was exceedingly material to know, what the prefent Adminiftration meant to do refpefting it. Would the. right . honourable Gen* tleman flip port the bill when commit ed, or would he not ? He vviflied to have that queftion anfwered. The Chancellor of the Exchequer rofe again, and faid, the queftion then before the Houfe was not what he thought, or any other Member ol Ad- miniftration thought, of the principle ftfrfre re- ceipt tax, or of the bill in queftion; it was merely for the commitment of the bill for Thuriday, to which he had not the fmalleft ob- jection. When the bill
was in the Committee, | he fliould give his opinion fairly upon the fub- | ject, and ttiat lie took to be a more proper and • parliamentary wav of declaring hijjentirnents ; upon it, than by fuddenly giving an^ anf- ver to | any queftion which an individual Member of j that Houl'e might chule to put to him. -. He j complained of the praftice of fo queftionjng i him, and thought it would conduce more' to regula'ity and to the order of their proceed- ings, if fuch a praftictvnvere forborne;*, aod the gentlemen oppofite tiWh+ m- . waited tpll the Subject came before the Houfe ihitsMut couil'e of proceeding. Lard John Cavcndijh again juftified the tax;
he faid, a cry had gone forth againft it, and great induftry had been exerciSed, to Swell that cry to as loud a tone as poflible. That, how- ever, did not at all alter his opinicp of the tax, which, when rendered efficient, would, he was perfuaded, be found extremely light by the pub- lic in general, and at the fame time extremely advantageous to the revenue. That it might prefs upon fame individuals a little more than it did upon others, was very pplfibly the cafe ; but what tax could be propofed that would not have this'' effeft"? Every tax muft prel's fome- where. Coiiildering the prefent ftate of tbe revetme, and the unfunded debt, large
and ef- ficient taxes muft be propofed, however difagree- able to that Houfe, and to no one Member of it could it be more difagreeable than to himfelf. All heavy taxes would unavoidably be unpopu- lar. If was infeparable from their nature. Therefore, the only option a Minifter had in choice of evils was to ch life the lighteft. The receipt- tax he conlidered as one of the lighteft that could he chofen ; but unlefs the. government of the country went with it, it would be idle to attempt to render it mora efficient. . Sir Harry tiaugjftpn made a . fhort fpeech ; we b « liev. e: in favour of the tax, but we did not diftinfitly hear him. \ h- yFox tlefired to
mark to the Houfe, what it was that the right honourable Gentleman re- fund to anfwer to, and of what he had com plained. , An lion. Gentleman had put a queftion {* to a' Mimifter, and that Mitiiiler the Chancellsr er, about a tax. Of this the Mini- fter complains, and to the, queftion reftifes to giye g ® . anfwer. This, Mr. Fox, laid, ivas the op polite « |£< iiwvery thing that lie had ever feen or heapd'of in a Minifter, fince the Revolution the right lion. Gentleman chofe to be a Minifter he muft fuhmit to tliofe things to which every Minifter before him had fubmitted. It was the in- dilputable right of that Houfe, and ot every one of its Members,
to pilt what queftions they pleafed to Minifters, and it relied with their JUnd difcretion to determine what anlvvers they ive. He, though not iii office, and no fufhciently queftioned every walls. How mue tfiore then ought it ttybe expeiffed, that queftions would be put to the right hoh. Gentleman, who totd the Houfe that he was a Minifter, and had determined to- remain & Miniftef,' whether they would or not. A que ftioh about a tax was, he obferved, fairly put to the right hbff. Gentleman, and hfe had faid, he would . give his Opinion upon the bill in the C6mmittee. Was that fit conduct for a Minifter to hold ? Was it decent ? Was it even
fair? ( Mr. Dundas faid acrofs the Hotife, Perfectly fair). Mr. Fox remarked, that the hon. Gentleman faid, it was perfectly fair. He muft, however, give him leave to be of a different opinion, and he was perl'naded the Houfe would beofa different opinion Let Gentlemen refleft a moment on the conduct of the right hon. Gen- tleman. He lets the late Adminillration come into office and propofe unpopular taxes. They catry them through, they have the courage to ftand the odium, and when the tax is i in pofed, the right hon. Gentleman turns them out of office, and comes in himfelf. He then takes advantage of their tax, cafts the odium
and the unpopularity of ' it upon their fliouklers, and artfully conceals his own opinion to avoid in- curring any fhare of that odium and that un- popularity. That the receipt tax was unpopu- lar was undoubtedly true. There was no fuch thing as concealing it from themfelvcs; the fa5t was fo, and he verily and in his conscience be- lieved, the chief part of the unpopularity of the late Adminiftration was owing to that tax, nnd to nothing elfe. The arts that had been tiled to en- creafe that unpopularity, and to encourage the clamour againft the tax, were well known ; it was alfo known who it was that had employed themfelves in that minner.
The correspondence of the various Committees they had all feen. The late Miniftry had neverthelefs the courage to bear it. They would have been unwoithy of their fi- tuation, had they been influenced by the dread of unpopularity fo much as to have hefitated to propofe what they knew the fituation of the country called for. They felt that fituation, and they had the firmnefs to meet it; and he would venture to fay, no Adminiftration could do any j fervice to the country, under its prefent circutn- flatu'e'S- that aftevl wit- b tir fiances, afted with timidity, or that vyer afraid of d'ing what was right, merely becaufe they forefaw it would for a
time be unpopular. If there was anyone point in which tfut Houle I iught to be unanimous, it was, Mr. Fox laid, in carrying through a bill to amend a tax declared on all hands to be neceffary to be. made efficient and productive.' What then could promote that defirable unanimity within doors fo much, and give the tax a due effect without doors, as the right hon. Gentleman declaring he approved of the bill, if he did approve of it? To be unani- mous upon l'uch a queftion was a point of import- ance to the country in general, and of particular importance to the Adminiftration of the country Mr. Fox added many other observations, and
ftrongly urged Mr. Pitt to declare his opinion one way or the other, contending, that it was neceflary his opinion fhould be known before the bill was proceeded with any farther. The Chancellor of the F. xclxquer faid, however he might 011 any future occalion be inclined to follow the advice the right lion. Gentleman had given him in what he had juft f'aid, he would not on the prefent fo far follow his example as to make a long fpeech. He had already declared that his wifli was for the bill to go to a Commit- tee, in order to receive every regulation' that the Committee might think likely to enforce the tax, and render it efficient and
productive. When the bill was in a Committee, he Would then de- clare his opinion upon tf. e principle and the clau- fes, but before it was in the Committee, he raw 110 reafon whatever to fay more. Mr. James Luttrell declaied, he thought the right hon. Gentleman had met the queftion that had been put to him fairly. Mr. Luttrell fp ike of the fituation of Minifters, and of the neeelfity that juftified their not anfwering every queftion ihat was, put to them. He alfo difcutfed the fub- js& of the tax, and agreed upon the propriety of the right hon. Gentleman's leaving it in the han'ds of thofe who propofed it originally, to amend, afking, if it had
bee'n as popular as it was. unpopular, whether ic would not then have been thought extremely unhandfome in the right hon. Gentleman, had he taken the improvement of it into his own hands. Mr. Burke laid, if the right hon. Gentleman had made as long a fpeech as was in the power of words to form, he could not have anfwered his end of being more completely obicure and unin- telligible. Mr. Burke faid, it was well worth the Serious no: ice of that Houfe, that the right honourable Gentleman had Said to them,- " You take the body, I the foul, which has the better bargain ?" thus giving them the odium of hav- ing impofed an
unpopular tax, and taking to him- felf all the advantage accruing from it. Mr. Burke enlarged upon this idea very eonfulerably, aiid alfo charged the Chancellor of the Exche- quer with having treated a moft relpeftable Country Gentleman rudely and unwarrantably, by refilling to anSwer his queftion. Sir IVatkin Lewes Said, he could not reSrain from Speaking a Sew vvo: ds upon the Subjeft, and was Sorry to find a determination in thole who brought in the tax, to perfevere iu inforcing it, though acknowledged by moft to be obnoxious and unpopular. He was in hopes a fubftitute would have been found, mrtre agreeable to thofe who
were to bear the burthen ot' that tax, and faid, that refpeft was due- to the perfons thev represented. He lived in habits of. friendship, with the firft commercial people, and from his daily jntercourfe with them could Say, that it was not only unpopular and grievou- y but that it never could be made " efficient or productive ; and that they would gladly contribute to pay double that fum, where it did not interfere with butineSs. Lord North faid, the right hon. Gentleman over the way had endeavoured to conceal what it was impoffible for him to hide, viz. his ad- milfioiv of the principle of the bill. His LorcT- fliip contended, that by fuffering the
bill to go to a Committee, the right hpn. Gentleman clearly adopted the principle. His Lort'fliip alfo re- marked, " that the fenfe of the Houfe had already been taken npon the pr'rtfciple, and that a great majority had decided that it was a right principle, and thai li'ic M! ott^ hno proceed. The Attorney Central ( Mr. Kenyon) obferved to Lord North, that he had not been in a condi- tion to hear much of the arguments that had been urged. Bonds dormitat Homer us had that day, he faid, been applicable to the noble Lord, whole Slumbers the conversation that had palled did not appear much to have difhirbed ; he did not won- der, .
therefore, at the noble Lord's hating held the language which the Ho'. ife had ju'ff heard; Mr. Roll? rofe to obferVe 011 Mr. Burke's at- tack upon the Chancellor of the Exchequer, for his having refufed to anfwet a qucftion put to him by a country gentleman. Mr. Rolle remind- ed Mr. Burke, that he had himfelf, when in ol- fice, been guilty of the Same offence, if any of-" fence it were. Mr. Rolle- after this declared his approbation of the tax, and faid, if the Chnr- cellor of the Exchequer fhould propoSe the re- peal of the tax, he would oppol'e any fuch pro- pci. fi tion. The bill was committed for [ to- morrow" Thurfday. ORDNANCE
ESTIMATES. The Speaker next put the queftvm, tint the Report of th- Commi'tee of Supply on tiu Ordnance Eftimate, which Mr. Orel, as Chair- man of that . Committee, prefented at the bir; fhould be brought up. Mr. Fox role and defired to fay a few words before that queftion was decided. He laid, if the motion for bringing up the Report, of the Ordnance Eftimate was meant to be followed by a motion for recommitting the Report, to that he fliould have no objection, neither fliould he have any wbjeftion to the bringing up of the Report after the Eftimate came out of the Com- mittee ; but if after the Report had been read a firft and
Second, time, a. rnotion were made for the Houfe to agree to it, to that he fhould ob- jett, becaufe, before that Houfe. received fome anfwer from his Majefty on tjiefubjeftof the two resolutions lately carried up to the Throne, he, for one, fliould object to any Supply being granted. Mr. Fox pointed out the grand cou- ftit unon. il diftin& ion between the independent and peculiar power of that Houfe refpefting grants of the public money, audits mere legif- lative functions, which it enjoyed in the Same manner as the other branches of the Legilla- ture enjoyed theui. Thus he ftated, that to vote money in the Committee of Supply, and for
that Houfe to agree to that vote, was the aftual grant of it, in eXcrcife of the peculiar power and privilege of that Houfe alon.-;. whereas, to pals any ftage of the bill, of which filch grant was the l'ubjeft, was merely to aft legiflatively. The point, therefore, for that Houfe to ftand up. in m any conftitutional conttft with the Crown was the fulpending their agreement to any vote of Supply, when fuch vote was reported from the Committee of Supply. Having very clearly ex- plained this, Mr. Fox Said, he had no objeftion to the furthering any vote of fupply, and tocarry it to th? laft minute, fo as the HouSe with- held their agreement rill the
Crown had Sent fome anfwer to their resolutions > and therefore he fliould not oppof'e the bringing up the report. The Chancellor of the Exchequer Said, fince he underftood that the right honourable Gentleman meant to bring forward, not the confideration of the Ordnance EtV. imtes, but the much more im- portant queftion of flopping the Supply, he had no objeftion to rec mimitting the Ordnance Efti- mates for the preSent, in order ihat a queftion of fo intich importance might be diScuff d in a full Houle. The attendance at that moment he declared 11 > t too thin, in his opinion, for the confideration of the Ordnance Eftimate, but by
no means large enough for the difcuffion of fo very important a queltion, as whether the- Sup- plies fliould be flopped or not. He would there- fore content to have that queftion brought for- ward ihe next day. Mr. Fox faid, he could not agree to the con- ftruftion put upon the matter by the right ho- nourable Gen.' leman. In the firft place, he did not delire to refufe the Supplies, or to flop them in that Seni'e of the word flop ; but merely to SuSpend the grant of them till his Majefty's plea- Sure was known upon the rcfolutions, which he had been graciouflv pleafed to Say he would take into his royal consideration. That Sufpen- fion, he
hoped, would be extremely fliort, for a few days only, or rather for nodays at all, juft as his Majelty fliould think proper. In the next place, he could not agree to diSculs that queftion the next day. It would be indecent to hurry it forward, and hefides, his no'ile friend behind him was in pofieffion of the Houfe the next day, when he was expefted to bring up the report of the Committee appointed to learch their Jour- nals for precedents of refoltiiions, Similar to that of the 24th of December, cenfured lately by the . Houfe , of Lords, Mr. Fox propofed Friday, as the day for bringing up the report of the Ord- nance eftimates, after it fliould
have been recom- mitted. The Chancellor- of the Exchequer rofe again, and^ urged the neceffity of lofing as little time as poffihle. He acknowledged that the Houfe mult be given clearly to underftand what his Majefty's pleaSure was refpeftirig the resolutions that had been carried to the Throne in the laft week ; but he obServed, that the difference between Sending up refolutions, and going up with an AddreSs, confifted chiefly in this: To an Addrel's it was uStial for his M. ijefty to fend a precife and for- mal anfwer, whereas his pleaSure might be other- wile Signified to the Houfe upon their refolu- ticnis. Mr. F x coincided with this
explanation ; and a long conversation enSued upon " the beft mode of arrangement of the bufinefs that ftood in that HouSe for the next three days ; in which Mr. k'ox, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Bsauchamp, Mr. Baker, the Solicitor, General,. Mr. Dorppfter, Mr. Huffey, and Lord Surrey took part.
The points to be fettled, ae to the order in which they we're to come on, were the re- com- mitment of the'Ordnance eftimate, the Commit- tee on the receipt tax, the refohltions to be leges ol the Houfe, apdthe reccipt of the report ' ot' the Committee of Supply to whom the Ord- nance eftimate was to be referred. The Chancellor of the Exchequer urged the ' ordnance eftimate as afubjeCt the conhderuio'i of which required difpatch. Lord Reauchamp on the other hand infilled on liis being in pofleflionof the Houfe as this day, and be reminded the Houfe, that the refolutions he meant to offer, referred to a cafe of privilrge, ancl that by
no means of a light or trivial nature. His Lordfliip alfo remarked, that the Ordnance Efli- mates could not be in fuch a hurry, as to fuffer hy their confideration bring deliyed for a few days. He pointed out a part of the Ellimate, viz. that re- 1 itive to a fvltein of fortifications, as highly objec- tionable. Such a mode of defence he cor^ fidered as inapplicable to this kingdom, and highly impo- litic for Englishmen to adopt ; from the moment Sue did adopt that fyftem of defence, he faid, he • Should expeCt to fee our marine, the natural bul- wark of Britain, on the decline. Mr. Fox fupported Lord Beauchamp in h's de- feription of the
importance of the queftion he had to bring forward, declaring, that it concerned the vital privileges of that Houfe, and that the week ought not to pafs over without its being difcuffed. Mr. HuJJey faid, he had objections to fome of the particulars in the Ordnance Eflimatcs, which he - had urged in the Committee before the. recefs. His abjections were not yc- t entirely removed. Mr. Huffey recurred to his former argument, relative to the receipt tax, and declared, he wiflied to have known, whether the rigltf honourable Gentleman meant to fupport the bill or not. It was well inown, Mr. Huffey faid, that he had approved of the tax, but a
great number of his conftituents were of a different opinion. He declared, he wifhed always to oblige his conftituents, , and, therefere, if the tax was not to he rendered effi- cient, and by that means made efTentially fervice- able to the revenue, he fhould think it much wifer to abandon it altogether^ and choofe fome other, more generally acceptable, in its ftead. The Chancellor of the Exchequer rofe once more, and faid, he had been fingularly unfortunate in having been fo ill ' underllood that day. He had again and again declared, that he fully concurred in the idea, that the bill ought to go to a Comgsittee, in order that the collection
and impofitioiv of the tax, might receive every pqfiible degree" of regula- tion and enforcement. This great point being at length adjufted. the con- vention turned entirely upon the mode of arrang- ing the bufinefs of this day, ta- morrow, and Friday. Mr. Fox and Mr. Pitt were up feveral times each. At length however the bufinefs was by mutual agreement fettied thus: TheOrdnanceEllimate was to be confidered in tho Committee of Supply on Wednefday. The bill to explain and am- end the Receipt Tax aft was to j> e committed on Thurfday ; and if the Committee fliall have gone through the bill in tolerable time, Lord Beauchamp is
to bring up his Report, and move his • Refolutions relative to the Refolvttion of the Houfe of Lords of Wednefday laft, and in that cafe the report ofthe Committee of Supply in the Ordnance Ellimates is to be received on Friday ; and if his Majefty fliall not by that time have fignified his pleafure to the Houfe refpecting their refolutions relative to the removal of Minifters, a qucltion is to he taken for fufpending their agreeing to tbe report; but, in cafe the debate on the receipt tax bill continues for" any length of time to- morrow, Lord Beauchamp's report and refolutions are to be brought in on Friday, and the report of the Com- mittee on
the Ordnance Eftimate to go over to Monday. T H U R SDA Y, Feb. 12. LONDON. TUESday's Gazette contains Addreffes to his Majefty from thecities of Exeterand New Sa- rum; from the towns of Berwick upon Tweed, Prefton, Chepping Wycombe, and Chippenham, expreffitig their thanks to his Majefty for the re- moval of the late Minifters. Ou Monday, at twelve o'clock, there was another Meeting of the Independent Members of the Houfe ot Commons at the St. Alban's Tavern, Mr. Grofvenor, Member for the City of Chefter, in the Chair. The Gentlemen of the Committee, after the minutes of the feveral former Meetings were
read, made report of an- other conference held with Mr. Pitt on the fubjeCtof the union of parties; but as the Duke of Portland refutes to treat while Mf. Pitt con- tinues in office, the negotiation is fufpeiided. The prelent ftate of parties in the nation was then very generally canvaffed, and it was re- lolved that the prefent Meeting fliould continue to be held once a week, atleaft, during the fitting of Parliament, in order to watch any period that may prefent of forwarding fuch an union as feems to be abfolutely neceflary at this particular juncture, and to recommend it in their places in Parliament. Tuefday, previous to holding the Court of
Common Council, a Court of Aldermen was. held at Guildhall, at which were prefent the Lord Mayor and 21 Aldermen j an order was made to raife the price of bread half an affize, or a penny in a peck loaf. Several vacancies of the Governors of the Royal Hofpitals were filled up; Mr. Deputy Bullcock was chofen to Clirift's, in the room of Mr. Falkner; Mr. John Ward, Mr. John Banner, and Mr. Jofeph Alder, to St. Bartho- lomew's, in the room of Mr. Blackall, Mr. H. Banner, and Mr. John Rowlatt. On Sunday night, or early on Monday morn- ing, fome thieves broke into the houfe of Mr. Fergufon, inRed Lion- ftreet, Clerkenwell green, and ftule out plate, cafli, wearing apparel, and linnen, to the amount of 70I. and got off undif- covered. They left behind them a Irinall iron crow. M A R R I E D. Lately, at Chefliunt, in Hertfordfliire, Mr. William Merchant, furgeon, of Waltham Crofs, to Mils Eliza Graham, of Botolph- lane, Lon- don. Tuefday, at Chefter, Ofwalcl Mofely, Efq. eldeft fon of Sir James Mofely, Bart, of Ancoals, Lancafhire, to Mifs Tonman, daugh- ter of the late Rev. Mr. Tonman, of Manchefter. DIED. Monday, at his houfe at Bromley, in Kent, Francis Wiggington, Efq.——' Tuefday, at Clapton, Hackn'e'y, in the 29th year of his age, Mr. David Powell.
Same day; at his houfe at Mile- End, William Clay, Efq. aged 7 5 years Thurfday, John G « mm, Efq. of Miles s Court, Bath.— Same day, at Bath, in the 101ft year of his age, Mr. Peck, mufician. —• Thurfday, in the looth year of his age, the Rev. Mr. William Stackwood, reCtor of Henley, Oxon. Yefterday, Mr. Fountain, of Gray's Inn Lane.— Monday, - in Edward- ftreet, Port- man- fquare, Mifs Baker, eldeft daughter of the late Richard Baker, Efq. of Orfett, in Effex. H ~~~~ D S, OUSE of LOR WEDNESDAY, Feb. 11. Reported the Nottingham Road Bill. Received and read a Petition for bringing in a private Bill. Read a fir 11 Time a
Road Bill. Adjourned till Friday. HOUSE of C O M M O N S. WEDNESDAY, Feb. n. Deferred the Committees on Ways and Means and the Supply to Friday. The Order of the Day being then read, for confidering the Report oi the Smuggling Com- mittee, Mr. Eden rofe to inform the Houfe, that notwiihltanding the prefent Situation of Pub- lic Affairs, and that tlie nominal Adminiffra- tion ( lill exilled, a D- fcription which he had teen much cenfured on a former Day for be- llowing on the prefent Miniflers, but which he was well wairanted in giving them, he fhould wifh, however, that fomtthing fhould be done on the Bufinefs then before
the Houfe, and which the Committee, to which it had been enirufted, had with much Care, Labour, and Induflry, digefled for Confideration. He sonfeffed on the Day on which he moved for the Report's being taken into Confideration on this Day, he had fomehow or other under- Uood from the Language of the Right Hon. Gentleman in his Eye, { Mr. Pitt,) that an Adminillration poff ffing the Confidence of that Houfe and ihe People, and f rmed on thofe Principles fo very defirable in the pre- fent Circumflances of public Affairs, would have Exillence at the prefent Moment. It was on that Principle he fairly acknowledged he had moved
for the Confideration of that Re- port on the prefent Day, and he as fairly acknowledged " that the Right flon. Gentle- man had taktn him in. No public Bt. fi iefs, he was firm, c. iuld or ought to be done, under a Government like the prefent;— he fhoud, however, wifh to adopt the Dif- pofitions of his Right Honou. able Friend, ( Mr. Fox) that it was proper to go forward with Bufinefs, fo far, that when an Admini- flration of Efficiency fhould take Place, it w. mld be in luch a State of Forwardt els as Times like the prefent could poffibly admit, and in the lalt Stage ready for Completion. If the Houfe fhould adopt the Report of the Committee,
fubfequent Meafures might be founded on it, productive of Benefits the moft important to the public Interefts of his Coun- try. By Communication from the Boards of Revenue in both Kingdoms, it had been clesrly evinced to the Coramit: e£, that with- out the ftrong Hand of an efficient Govern- ment, it were impoffible to deprefs that Spirit with which Smuggling was fupported, and thereby put an End to the moll daring Inva- fion on the Laws of this Country, and big with Danger and Diminution to its Revenue. Mr. Eden faid, it was impoffible for Minifters f to do any Bufinefs if they did not mean to flur j over the Seffion, and moved the
Report of the Committee to be read. ' Mr. Pitt did not rife for the Purpofe of making any Degree of Objection whatfoever to any Thing that had been faid by the Right " Hon. Gentleman who fpoke lalt, with regard * to the SubjeCt then before the Houfe. He only begged Leave to afl'ure the Right Hon. Gentleman he did not mean to take him in, and if he had- attached another Meaning to his Words than they evidently and plainly conveyed, the Right Hon. Gentleman had taken himfelf in. With regard, however, to that Expreffion, and that one of nominal Ad- minillration which the Right Hon. Gentle- man was fo fond of bellowing, he
was alinoft led to imagine that the Honourable Gentl man had it in Contemplation to pio- duce anew Political Dictionary to the World. He would in that Cafe wifh the Right Hon. Gentleman to be a little more accurate in his Definitions. As to the Exiftence of the pre- fent Adminiftration, it was not merely a no- minal Adminiflration, nor was it the View of thofe who co. npofed it to flur over the Public Bufinefs in that Manner in which the Right Honourable Gentleman had infinuated. Mr. Pitt made fome further Obferva ions, alluded to the Supplies, and made no Doubt but the Labours of the Committee would be pro- ductive of much
public Advantage. Mr. Huffey fai^ he was a Member of that Committee; and from the Materials and Do- cuments with which it had been furnifhed, he was well convinced that no lefs a Sum than Two Millions per Annum would be faved to the Public by the Suppreffion of Smuggling ; but that happy Event never could take place without the Affiftance of an effi- cient, ftrong Adminiftration, which every Man of common Senfe at the prefent Day muft admit that this Country poffeffed not. Mr. Hufl'ey, in the warmelt Language, wilhed that fuch an Adminiflration fhould take place, and that the Government of this Country fhould be placed in
the united Hands of the great Abilities in the Nation. Union alone could fave the State. All Ranks and Defcriptions of Men befought it; and he wifhed an Honourable Gentleman ( Mr. Mar- fham) to read a Refolution entered into by a Set of independent Men in another Place ( the St. Albans) as a Tell how much and how ar- dently Union was defired. For his own Part he did not hefiutc to decide that the Country « as ruined without it. any thing to lofe, or a Stak' muftfeel its prefent Situation^ Duty incumbent on thofe who prev Public B'tifinefs from going on in its Courfe, to refleCt tliat they were the Cdufe of the Extremity of Diftrefs and
DiltraClion the prefent Moment beheld this Country in. Mr. Marfham found it rather difagreeable to be called upon with rggard to what paffed in another Place, where he had been Chair- man. He could not however refute to indulge the refpeCtable Quarter Irotn whence that Requeft had been nude ; and he woull ftate to the Hoafe as well bis own Ideas on the SobjeCt, as that Refdution which he had been requefled to lay before them. Union,. he faid, mult be the c rdial Wifh of eveiy Man who loved his . Country, becaufe it was found t > be but too true that the Country could not exilt without it. Every Hour's Experience the more
confirmed the Neceffity; and it was his ear- nell Wiffi and Requeit to the two Right Honourable Gentlemen in his Eye, to make thofe mutual Advances ai d Conceffions that Honour and Principle co^ ld warrant, and to exert their united Abilities to put an End to the Public DiflraCiions which fhook our de- voted Ifle, and to lay the Foundation for thofe Returns of political Confequence and Impor- tance, which, in the Nature of Things, fuch Endeavours would inevitably eftablifh. An Admiiiilfration without the Strength and Vigour of the Houfe of Commons at iis Back, it was unneceffary for him to fay_ was an Adminiftration of Inefficiency
and VVeak- nefs ; without fuch a Support it could in no Degree be called an Adminiftration, and its " mbecility would be Ruin to the Country— that was an Opinion he was not alone in, and that Resolution which he was called upon to fay before the Houfe,' was founded upon the fame Principle. The Refolution was to the following Effed : • Refolved, That it is inevitably neceffaiy • for an Adminiftration to poffefs the Con ' fidence of the Houfe of Commons, and that ' the prefent Crifis of public Affairs requires < fuch an Adminillration ; and that this ' Meeting will fupport an Adminiftration ' formed on fuch Principles, which can be • alone
effected by an Union of Parties.' Mr Marfham faid no Exclufien was meant, and he hoped the two Right Hon. Gentlemen would fhew their good Intentions towards their Country, and he trulled and relied every Day's Experience haltened the defirable Objeit of the Public Wiffies. Mr. Fox feeling himfelf in fome Degree called upon by what had fallen from the Hon. Gentleman wjio fat near him, Mr. Huffey, and the Hon. Gentleman, Mr. Marfham, who fat oppofite him, could not avoid rifing to fay a few Words— And " firft he could not avoid remarking the very great Degree of De- ference and RefpeCl that wasjuftly and deferv- edly due
to the anxious Wiffies and Endeavours of fo refpeCtable a SetofMen as thofewho had interelled themfelves with fo much Induflry and Zeal to produce fuch an Adminillration as the Circumflances of public Affairs moft iadi/ puteWy demanded. For his own Part, there was no Man more'anxious, or more un- eafy than himfelf, for the Accomplifhment of f> very, defirable an Event; be wifhed it from the Bottom of his Soul, becaufe every Mo- ment, asril^ fluw, proiuced a new Incitement to defire it; and, in his Mind, no very incon fiderable ObjeCt had that very Day been an- nounced, to increafe the Neceffity of an effici- ent ftrong
Adminiilration eminently pofTef- fing the Confidence and Reliance of that Houfe, and that was the Adjullment ofDiffcr: enters Between Ruffia and the Porte : Therefore to confider merely theCircumffancesof the Eaft, our Public Credit, the State of Revenue, the un- fettleji State of foreign Politics with regard to certain - nfettled Matters of Importance, and the Situation of fome of our Dependencies, it was enough to Simulate Men to defire Union and a vigorous Adminiflration ; and, in his Mind, the Ci'cutrtftance he had mentioned with regard to Ruffia, was not of inferior Im- portance ; fo much otherwife, that he confi- dered our
Political Situation mult in one way or another be affeCted by it in a very great Dcgiee indeed. He therefore looked uj on it as an Event prefiing the Neceffity of Union, and an efficient Adminiftraticn, very flrongly, in Addition to thofe Reafons which he had already mentioned. But when Union was talked of in a Moment like the prefent, every Consideration fhould be Sacrificed to compleat it; that is, upon Terms of Principle and Honour; fo that every Poffibility could be excluded of uniting on Principles that car- ried in them the Seeds of Difunion, and which would poffibly be productive of more real Danger and'DillraCtion than they ,
were intended to prevent. Two Things he would lay down as Prin- ciples, with Regard to Union :-^ T, he firft, that the Dignity and Rcfolutions of the Houfe of Commons fhould be fatisfied, and that Principle, as it was anderftoo'd, when applied as a Fundamental for Union, ffioujd inevitably be its Bafts. He defined what he meant by Principle. It was impofiible for a Body, or a confiderable Number of Men he faid to have perhaps the fame identical Opinions upon one given SubjeCl; that could riot be expeCled ; if fuch an Union was to be expeCled, the Nature of Things had pronounced it impoffible — but what he meant was that there
fh'ould be a Cordiality, a Candour, and Fairnefs, among thofe who fhould unite ; no little bale Endea- vour to circumvent, but a Generofity to defpife it. That was the Union he was the Friend to ; that was the Union that mult be effectual. Hp could not objeCt to uniting with whom he differed in this ^ r Me'afure ; many he diffeted on 1 and yet Cot' was in his Opu^ miBRptrciT^ d trifling ; and with regard to the Circumftances in which Political Difcuffions had placed himfelf and the Right Hon. Gentleman, Mr. Pitt; for own Part perfonal Animofity was unmixed and unconnected with Views of Oppofition. — The Right Honourable
Gentleman; he trufted, confidered him not an Enemy to his Perfort for differing with him in political Opinions; among Men of Honour, therefore, whtv. were determined to unite for the Public Good, Recollection of paft Oppofition never could have an Influence with regard to per- fonal Animofity ; and perfonal Situation, he trufted, would enjoy as little of their Con- templation. The World knew his Cha- rafter with regard to pecuniary Attachments. A Situation of Emolument was not the Ob- jeCt of his Ambition. To ferve his Country by the Exercife of thofe Talents which the Houfe were fo often pleafed to give him Credit for, was the
chief ObjeCt of his Glorv, and that a late ConduCt of th-; Clerkfhip of the Pells had evinced to be equally the ObjeCl of the Right Hon. Gentleman. His only Conteft with him he fh^ uld wiih to be who deferved beft to promote the Glory of his Country. This was alfo the Cafe of his Friends ; Situ- ations were not the ObjeCt— But the firft Preli'- minary was inevitable; the Dignity of the Houfe mult be fatisfied ; yet f'atitfied in fuch a Manner as to ftiew the Houfe the Principles upon which he and thofe with whom be aCted wifhed to treat the Right Hon. Gentleman— It was merely afked that it fhould be underltood that there was an End of
the Right Hon; Gentleman's Adminilhation, which in the Nature of Things now could not ftand, but that the Public Bufineis fhould be carried on by them until the ObjeCls of Union fhould be finally agreed to— He trulled the Right Hon. Gentleman would not ftill adhere to funCtilio . of his own, and put it in Oppdfuion to that of the Houfe of Commons. As to the India Bill, Mr. Fox would never give up the Principles on which he had intro- duced it, that is, he would ever hold the fame Language wi; h Regard to their Propriety, at the fame Time that he would meliorate it in fuch a Manner, as, if poffible, to meet general Approbation. If,
therefore, any future Difa- greement ffiould arife between him and that Right Hon. Gentleman, even , in a Situation of Union, the Houfe of commons would be to decide between them ; and this being that Kind of fpecific Difference which he before mentioned, it were Jiffpoffible to fuppofe, that uniting on Principles of Honour, it could be a Caufe of Difunion. Mr. Fox took a very large Range, and gav « the fame Definition he did on a former Day, of the Confidence of the Crown. He again deprecated Union, but never would recede from the Refignation of the prefent Minifters. Lord North, he faid, muft be comprehended in every
Negaciationhis Power and Weight, from his Abilities and his Connections, were of a Defcription that mull make an Union with him equally defirable ; and, for his own Part, he was indiffolubly united with him. Mr. Pitt could not avoid obferving, though the Matter then more peculiarly in Debate was not the ObjeCt before the Hcufe, that what had fallen from the Right Honoura- ble Gentleman who fpoke laft, demanded much Notice from him, and Attention.— Every Idea with regard to Union Mr. Pitt adopted but that of Resignation. He never would refign to negociate. His Views, far re- maining in Power he had before fignified— the
Danger he felt the Conftitution to be in from the India Bili, which he fpoke of with much Acrimony He however gave Mr. Fox Credit for his Wifh to meliorate; and when he faw what Length that Scheme would go, it certainly would have an Influence on his Opinion. He llrongly expreffsd his Loyalty to the King, and enlarged much oa his conllitutional Prerogatives. Mr. Fox and Mr. Pitt feverally explained. Lord North conceiving fomething that had fallen from Mr. Pitt to have be^ n aimed at him, as excluding him from an Union, declared that though he would not facrifice his Claim to Power or Situation to the Prejudices or Paffions of
any Man; yet if his Country re- quired that Sacrifice from him, he would give up his Pretenfions with as much Pleafure then, as in any Part of his Life he was happy in having them gratified. Mr. Marffiam, after what had fallen from the Noble Lord and the two Right Honour- able Gentlemen, decidedly declared, that in his Opinion Mr. Pitt was bound to refign. He greatly complimented Lord North for his Generofity and Spirit, and rejoiced at the near ProfpeCt of Union. Mr. Powis had the lame Ideas: He thanked Lord North ; and much as it pained him, hife was obliged to fay, that while Mr. Pitt re- mained in Power he fhould oppofe him
from Principle clafhing with Predilection. Lord Mahon made a long Speech, defend- ing Mr. Pitt's flaying in Power, which he faid was to fave the Cohflitution. General Conway replied, and was very fe- vere againft Mr. Pitt, who he upbraided with having abufed Lord North for not having taken a Hint to go out ; and yet- he him. felf. defpifed the Vote of the Houfe of Commons.. He defired him to fpeak out whtther he would flay in, or refign. Mr. Powis wiftied Mr. Pitt time to confider; he was fure they fhould have before Friday an " ' from his Majefty, complying wiih ipfter, Commodore Mr. Dundas fove- as then a2teed to.
For tbe Whitehall Even'mg- PoiT. ABRAHAM to SARA IL By a Profejjor of the Inward Light. Who can behold fuch beauty and be filent ? Oki'ay's Orphan. OHOULD a proportion more divine Than fkilful painters can defign, To love, delight, and rapture born, Still harbour cruelty and fcorn? And is that forehead iv'ry fair Beneath that Ihade of d irlt- brewn hair. And are thofe brows of arch complete, For ftern difdain a proper feat ? Were not thofe eyes fo meaning— meant To fpeak compliance, look conlent ? For eyes like thine can utter more Than e'er did vocal b eath before. Or were thofe lips that breathe a ga!, e More flagrant than
Arabia's vale, Thro' whofe fweet openings nought . fliould rife But happy murmurs, melting fighs, Whofe whole employment I'd confine To take my foul and give me thine; Could they to blall me be deiign'd, With No! out- freeziog the north- wind ? Was thy delicious lovely neck, That heaves and falls each fwelling breaft, As ebbing tideiby bretzes fann'd Seek and forfake by turns the laud, Not made to catch a mutual fire From mine continuing with defire ? Thole arms too form'd to clafpfo well, Have they no power but to repel? And all thofe charms— your cliffs conceals, But guefs by fymmetry reveals ; Do you believe their virtue lies
In giving power to tyrannize ? No, Sarah, no : when beauty gave The vaft pt'i factions that voij have, She meant companion of the whole Should be the Sifting povv'f and foul;" Should teach your charms what charms flioirld know, And bid them pay the joys they owe Should make that beauieous bofom join To . my fond love a. love like mine. PRICE of STOCKS, Thurfday, Feb. 12, at One o'Clock. Bank Stock, 115 India Stock, 123 New 4 per Cejit. 1777, 3 per Cent. Ind. Ann. 74 I a 75 tad- Bonds, 27s. dif. 3 per Ct. reduced 57Jf 10 Years Short Ann. 3 per Cent. Conf. 5 5 1777, t i 30 Years Ann. 1778, 3 per Cent. 1726,— 12 ,' s ±
yrs. pur. 3 per Cent. 1751, 55J 3per Cent. Scrip — South Sea Stock, — Omnium, — Old, S. S. Ann. — Exchequer Bills, 4s. dif. New S. S. Ann. 57 \ Lottery Tickets — New Navy and Vnft. 4 per Cent Scrip — Bills, — t Itight Long Ann. — Long Ann. 17 ,' 6 f [ Prizes —* > E T XERS and ADVERTISEMENTS are rectived. A Letter- Bon at the Window • fcJAotaken in at the Printing- Office, No. 4, Peterborough- Court, r. ear Shoe. Lane.-, Fleet- Street. • yjYFIKLD aud Co. Charing- Crofs; at the S TOCK- EXCHANGE COFFEE- HOUSE, Cornhill. Sola by J. L ADVicj liy . WHit/ jJ