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The Whitehall Evening Post


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The Whitehall Evening Post
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The Whitehall Evening Post

Date of Article: 11/12/1783
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Address: No 4, Ludgate-Hill, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 5699
No Pages: 4
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The PRICE THREE- PENCE.] From TUESDAY, December 9> to THURSDAY, December n , 1782. 5 6 9 9 WEDNESDAY, Dec. 10. S H I P - N E W S. Deal, Dec. 9. gPC^ RR1VED and failed for the River the Britannia, Liefeman, from Oporto, and the Neptune and Scarborough transports, from Portfmouth. Came down and failed the Helen, Harding, for Waterford. Remain in the Downs the Nimble, Griffin, and Surprize cutters, and the Ann and Elizabeth t r a n f p o r t . Wind at N o r t h - E a f t. TeJtcrJay arrived the Mail fr" m Flanders. Vienna, Nov. 22. Some letters from Scmlin bring an account that the Spnhis encamped near | Belgrade have rifen againft the Pacha, and, ' having burnt their camp, arc returning by thoufands to their own country. Paris, Nov. 30. A cure for cancers has bien lately found out by chance; it is nothing more than pitch, which a fliepherd in one of our Provinces applied with great fuccefs, and it has been found to be a radical cure for that complaint. T h e Duke and Duchefs of Cumberland arrived at Paris on the 20th inft. and alighted at t h e Hotel called the Prince of Wales, in Colonibier- ftrcet. ^ L O N D O N. Yefterday his Majefty, attended by feveral of t h e Nobility, took the diverfion of ltag- hunting on Windfor Forell. His Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales is p e r f e f t l y recovered from his late indifpofition. D r . Jebb and Sir John Elliot prefcribed for him a bleeding on Friday, and a few hours a f t er t h e operation was performed, all the feverifli fymptoms difappeared. His High. iefs was on Sunday fo well as to be able to go out for an airing, and on Monday night was at the Houfe of Commnns. Yefterday fome letters were received from Bruffels, with a confirmed account of the Imperial army in Hungary being gone into winter q u a r t e r s , but cantoned in fuch a manner that they may be affembled at a fhort notice. Yefterday, purfuant t o their laft adjoin nment, a General Court of the Eafl- India Company was held at their houfe in Leadenhall- ftreet, when a petition from the Proprietors of Eaft- India flock, praying to be heard againft the bill now depending in Parliament was agreed to be prefented at the bar of the Houfe of Lords; a f t e r which the Court adjourned till Tuefday next. As many perfons in this kingdom ftill difcredit the' 1 relations conveyed in the French papers re- I'pefting t h e Air Balloons, we have authority to ufe Dr. Lettfom's name for the following genuine communication from his correfpondent at Paris, dated tbe 3d of this month : " On Monday an Air Balloon made of taffaty, covered with a l'olution of guru elaftic, was filled with inflammable air, under the direction of Meffrs. Charles and Roberts, and let off f r om - tha Thuilleries. It had fufpended to it a bafket, covered with bine filk and paper finely gilt, in t h e fhape of a triumphal car or flxort gondola, in which Mr. Charles and one of the Roberts' embarked and mounted up into tbe air, from amidft many thoufands of people of all ranks and conditions, perhaps three or four hundred thoufand. Belide the Duke de Chartres and a great part of the French Nobility, there were the Duke and Duchefs of Cumberland, the Duke and Duchefs of Manchefter, aud many other foreign Princes and Nobility. The triumphal cars of Venus, Medea, and various others, Itemed to be realized, with this difference, this was neither drawn by peacocks, cloves, nor dragons; neither was it mounted upon a cloud ; it was, however, a moft majeftic IpedLiclc. Thephilofophers had flags with them, of different colours, - with which they fainted the admiring world below as they mounted aloft. When they came to ihe height at which they meant to fail, they threw down a flag as agreed. They then glided along a fteady horizontal track, over the Rue and F a u x b o u r g St. Honore, falutmg the people as they went along, with their flags. Their height teemed to me about twice that of St. Paul's. " 1 walked with three Englifh gentlemen in ihe fame direction, about an hour, and we pnrfued them with our eyes till they were quite out of fight. They landed upwards of twenty miles off. T h e Duke de Chartres and feveral Englifh gentlemen were in alinoft at their lauding. Mr. Roberts having got out, Mr. Charles threw overboard lome fand ballaft which he had taken, with a view to lighten their cargo by fmall degrees if it ftiould be found ncceffary, and, with a view to Ihew the Duke de Chartres and the other gentlemen what he could do, attended with the balloon 1526 toil'es, or 3052 yards perpendicular in about ten minutes. His account, publillied in the Journal to- day, is that t h e barometer fell f r om 28° to 18, and the iherniomcter from 7 above freezing or z e i o to 5 bclotv it. That he felt 110 other difference but a dry co! duels. He defcended again about four or five miles off near the houfe of Mr. Farvar, an Engl, lh gentleman, where he ilept laft night, and Not Contents you may be fure was hofpitably received. A I RE nobleman brought him home in his carriage the j' H O U S E next day. Moft extraordinary honours have been paid to him by the people. Ill fliort, we are all r a p t u r e and admiration. Perhaps experimental philolophy was never in fo much eftimation; thefe experiments muft fet people on thinking ; and give b i r th to many great geniufes. The Balloon was compoiecl of red and liraw- coloured taffaty, which were pieced alternately, fo as to run like meridional lines upon a terreftrial globe ; theupperhemifphere was covered with a netting, furrounded at the bottom by a hoop, t o which tbe car was fufpended, fo that the eiaftic preff u r e o f the inflammable air was equally repreffed by all the niches of the net above. Mr. Montgolfier attended Mr. Charles before be alcended, fo that probably we may hear no more of party in this affair. You have every thing as well as my memory will enable roe, aad the fketch herewith will give a good idea of tliis new machine. It is confidently afferted that Mr. Charles means to take a trip with this air balloon to England, in lefs than a month, and that Capt. Bougainville and another officer have delired to make the firft voyage." Yefterday a Court of Aldermen was held at Guildhall, at which were prcfent the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, the Recorder, and two Sheriffs, when the Rev. Mr. Beloe and his wife were eleft~ d to educate and maintain the children in Emanuel Hofpital. An order was made j to continue the price of bread as before. Jofeph Gill, a poor boy of Weftminfter, and Mary Ann Cliatl^ s, Lucy Manga ret Horfeman, Mary Manger, and Elizabeth Tingcomb, four poor girls, were elefted into Emanuel Hofpital, t o be there maintained and educated. William Saxby, Efq. was fvvorn into the office of Water ISailift of this City. A dividend of two per cent, to the Orphans was ordered to begin payment on the 19th of January 1784. T h e Court voted two freedoms to Mr. Daniel Gunfton, a Clerk 111 t h e Juftice Room. Monday the General Seflio'ns of the Peace for this city was held at Guildhall, when, after the ulual ceremonies of charging the Grand Jury, l'wearing in the Petty Jury, reading the Riot A d , & c. the Court proceeded to bufinefs. Samuel Phillips was tried for a violent alfault on James Gabatis, a Wafcliman of Aldgate Ward, the Common- council of which carried on the profecution. It appeared that in the Mayoralty of Sir Watkin Lewes, the Watchman d e f f t e d the prifoner . attempting t o rob a ftagecoach, apprehended him, and he was lent td lea, from whence he returned, and threatened t o be revenged on the Watchman ; and accordingly he and his companions furrotinded Gabatis in Duke's Place; and the prifoner, as leader of the gang, ftruck a blow with all his force, aimed at the head of the Watchman, with a poker, which fortunately only grazed his cheek, and fell upon his flioulder. The pvifoner was convifted, and fentenced ro a yeai's impvifonment iu the Poultry Compter A boy was tried for mixing white lead with fome milk, with intent to poifon his matter. What could induce the youth to put the white lead in the milk- pot was myfterious, as there appeared no malice towards his matter. The Recorder faid, the fa ft itfelf was not fufheient without malice direft or implied. He was acquitted.— A Gentleman retired from bufinefs was indifte'd by his late partner for an affault. What the Recorder oblervcd in his charge was verified by the evidence, viz. that both parties were in the wrong. It feemed they parted not in the beft humour, and the accounts remained to be liquidated : the defendant called at the houfe, and infilled on having one of the books taken away for his leifurely infpeftion. The prof'ecutor denied him, and without further ceremony, the defendant marched off with the book ; 1. — the partner, in attempting to prevent this illegal detention, was ftruck a violent blow. 1 he defendant was fined 50I. which lie paid inftantly into Court The day for trying parifli appeals was appointed for T h u r f d a y fe'nnight. Saturday fe'nnight, at Edinburgh, Katherine Atkin, being fuddenly feized with a fit. of infanitv, as is fuppofed, cut the throat of a male infant with a cable- knife; file had only been delivered between three and four weeks; fhe afterwards made an attempt on her own life. She is. committed to prifon. On Friday morning a Gentleman was attacked by four footpads the bottom of Gray's Inn Lane, armed with piftols and cutlaffes, who fired at him and made feveral rtrokes with a cutlafs ; but he having two pair of piftols and a bhinderbufs fired, and is fuppofed to have wounded one or more of them, on which they made off without effefting any robbery. Wedtvefday morning a palfcngcr in a ft age coach was robbed of nine guineas and feveral fmall parcels by two footpads a little beyond O x f o r d . On Sunday night, or early the next morning, a houfe on the Bankfide, Southwark, was broke open, and robbed of plate, linen, wearing apparel, and foitie cafh, to the amount of 70I. . Yefteri'ay at Guildhall No. 23,696, 1024, were dr w. i prizes of iool. Prizes of col. No. 38,036, 7S49, 23,035, 10,799, 11.14°> 47,915, H, 476> 33.94- 36> 73° » 10,141,38,009, 40,141, 38,009, 40,039, 4904, 1674. L A N D . o f L O R D S . Monday, Dec. I. A MESSAGE from the. Commons by Mr. k Conolly, feveral Members defiling the concurrence of that Houfe in a revolution to addrefs his Majefty, and therein to affure hinn, that his faithful Commons of Ireland are perf e f t l y fatisficd with the bleffings they enjoy under his Majefty's aufpicious government, and affure his Majefty they are determined to fnpport inviolate nis Majefty and the prefent conltitution, with the r lives and fortunes. . A debate enfued oti the queftion to agree to this refolutioii, which lalted till about ten o'clock, when the previous queftion was moved by Lord Mountmorres, whether the lefolution be now put, which was carried in the affirmative without a diviSon. T h e main qtieftioa was then pur, - Contents —- 46 Proxies —- 6 S2 4 Majority 48 Teller for the Contents, Lord Mornington. Tellers for the Not Content?, Lord Mountmorres. T h e refolution was ordered to be carried to t h e Lieutenant by the Chancellor, attended by the Houfe to- morrow, at four o'clock. Every noble Lord who fpoke on either fide of t h e queftion, declared their r e f p e f t a n d regard t o the Volunteers. E A S T I N D I A " I I O U S E, December Qtb, 1783. K E Court of Dire& ors of tbe United Com- _ pany of Merchants o f England trading to the T'. aji Indies, do hereby give Notice, That a General Court of the faid Company -.{.' ill be held, by adjournment, at their Houfe in Leaden' bail- Jlreet, on TCJESDAT next, the ibth InJlant, at ET. Et-' EN o'Clock in tbe Forenoon, to confider of tbe Meafurcs necejfary to be taken refpeHing the hi Is now depending in Parliament deJlruUive of the Company's Rights. And on other Special affairs. " M A R I N E S O C I E T Y ' S O F F I C E, 26tb November, 1783. FOR Clothing and F i t t i n g out Diftreffed Boys as Servants to Officers 011 board the King's Ships, or as Apprentices in the Merchants Service. Poor Boys completely clothed, and conveyed to their refpeflave Ships, ai Servants to OHicers in the Navy, or appivhficed to Watermen's ISulinefs, fince the lalt Publication 39 Boys difchargcd from the King's Ships at the clofe of the War, Part of whom have been apprenticed to Trades ; and the Remainder placed out as Servants to fundry Houfekeepers; all completely clothed, lince the lalt Publication 29 bublcriptions received fincc Ia. lt Publication. Annual, marked a. a William Ewer, Efq. •.... a John Kinglton, Efq. a ffaac H a w k i n s Browne, Efq. f o r 2 Years a Dr. Cooke • —- a Mr. Bennett _ a Dr. Heberden . 1. 2 d. 4 4 a Henry Crockat, Efq. for 2 Years 440 a John Bovdell, Efq. 2 a o a Riihard Nea. e, Efq. 5 5 ° a Jofiah Dornford, Elq. • 2 20 a John Stephenfon, Efq. —• 2 20 a james M'Kenzie, Efq. • 220 a William Myddlctori, Efq. - 2 20 a ] ohn Julius Angeritein, - Efq. 220 Unknown by Mr. Dobley — 2 20 a Sir George Pocock, K. B. —— 5 5 0 a Thomas Bates Rous, Efq. —- 2 20 a O. A. Kempcnfelt, Efq. - 2 20 a Edward Ommaney, Efq. — 2 20 a J. P. ' l'owry, Efq. >• 220 a Fdward Hooper, Efq, —— 3 3 ° a John Dorrien, Efq. 5 5 ° Unknown, by Mr. Hanway, the Interelt thereof being for a fpeciflc Purpofe, in Behalf ot the Widows of Navy Captains, and the Widows of Navy Lieutenants on the Fenfion I. ill, who moft need Alfl'tance io, oool. Three prr Cents. N. B. The Conditions will be made known after Midfummer next. Subfcriptions are received at this Office, where Receipts - ire given, and the Donor lees his Name entered in the Suhlcription Book, and by the following Bankers ; Sir C. A1 gill and Co. ' j Mcffrs. Hankey, and Co. Prefcot, and Co. Crolts, and Co. Colling, and Co. Hoare, and Co. Child, and Co. Coutts, and Co. Drummond, and Co. Chambers, and Co. Dorrien, and Co. Sir T. Hailifax and Co. Hon. R. Waipole, and Co. Meffrs. Martin, Stone, and Co. Fuller, Son, and Co. Bland, Barnett, and Co. Boldcro, Barnfton, and Co. H I S T O R Y o f K E N I\ T H O S E Gentlemen who intend to fubferibe I tothc THIRD VOLUME of Mr. KASTED's HISTOR. Y of KENT, which concludes the Work, are requeued to pay their Subfcriptions for it to their rei'pective Bookfellers, during the eourfe of this Month, loon after which the Book will be put to the Prefs, and then no further Sulefcriptiops can be received. Canterbury, Dec. id. 1783. • Ibis Day were publijhed, fBy the Author of Peregrinations of the Mind.) In a nrat Pocket Volume, Price 3s. 6d. in Boards, r | ' HESES, GRyECvE E T LATINyE, SEJ- IECTJE . LONDINI LECT M. " Sparfa corgi." Ex officinS J. W. Galabin, et W. Bsk « r, in Ingram- Court, Frnehujth- ftieet, apud qnos veneunt ; ut et apud ft. Law, in Avc- Maria- lane; etapudT. Davics, in Rulfcll- ltreet. N. B. This Work contains a Variety of the fineft moral and fentitnental Reflexions of the Ancients, ( for Mottos and other Purpofes,) and is intended as a pkaling AfTiftant lor Improvement in the Greek and Latin Languages. B O O K S printed for J. M U 11R A V, No. 32, Fleet ftreet, London. For G E N T I. E M E N going to I N D I A, And recommended by the, Honourable the COURT of DIRECTORS to their Covtrnoi's, Councils, and otfcer Servants Abr< ad. This Day was publijhed, In Two large Volumes in Folio, price Ten Guineas Bound, \ D I C T I O N A R Y : Perfian, Arabic, and r \ . F. nglifli; and Englifh, Pcrfian, and Arabic. By JOHN RICHARDSON, Efq. F. S A. Of the Middle Tempi.-, and of Wadham College, Oxford. Where may be had, 1. A DISSERTATION on the languages, Literature, and Manners of Ealtern Nations ; ad Edition, 111 one large Volume 8vo, Price p . bound. By the fame. 2. A GRAMMAR of the Arabic Language, 410. Price 13s. Bound. By the fame. 3 A'GRAMMAR of the Perfian Language -, by Mr. Jones, 4I0. Price 13s. Bound. 4. POEMS 1 conlilling chief y of Tranflations from the Aliatic Languages. By the fame. 8vo. Cs. Bound. 5. A CODE of Gent.' o Laws; or Ordinations of the Pundits, from a Pcrtian Tranllauon ; made from the Original, written in the Shanfcrit Language, 8vo. 7s. 6d. Bound. 6. Dr. CLARKE's Obfervations on Difeafes which prevail in the Ealt Indies, pnbflVied by Order of the Court of Dircfiors, 8vo. 6s. Bound. 7. BONTirS" Account of the Difcafrs which prevail in the Eaft- Indies. fivo. 5s. Bound. 8. Dr. LIND's Effay on Difeafes incident to Europeans in Hot Climates ; with the Methoi of preventing thtir fatal ConfeqiK- nces, 8vo. 6s. Bound. g. CAM 1' BEl. L's Lives of the Britifh Admirals, with Maps and Cuts, brought down to 1779. Four Vols, large 8vo. Price 11.8s. Bound. 10. The ENGLISH REVIEW, for Nov. 1783, which contains not only a candid Account of every New Publication, but a State of National Affairs Monthly. At No. 32, Fleet- ftceet, Gentlemen going to India may be fupplied with a proper Aflbrtment of valuable Books and New Publications, adapted to the Country and the Voyage ; and a proper Allowance will he made to thofc Officers who carry out Books as pait of their Privilege. A few Parcels are now ready, and may bevicwid by Gentlemen, for their Approbation. On Saturday, the 20th Infant, wi 11 be pu'AiJhed, Haudfomely Printed on Writing Paper, In one Pocket Volume, fmall Oftavo, Price 2s. Gd. in Boards, or 3s. Bound, 1 7 S S A Y S ; on SHAKESPEARE' S DRAMAJ " ' TIC CHARACTERS of King Richatd the Third, King Lear, aud Timon of Athens. To which are added, An ESSAY on the FAULTS of SHAKESPEARE ; ar. d additional Obfervations on the Character of Hamiet. By ' Mr. R I C H A R D S O N , Profafforof Humanity in the Univerfity of Glafgow. London: Printed for J. MURRAY, No. 32, Fleetftreet. Where may be had, by the fame Author, A PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS of foine of Shakrfpeare's jemarka'nle Chaiafters, fmall 8vo. 3d Edition. N. B. This Volume contains Effavs 011 Macbeth, Hamlet, the melancholy Jacques and Imogen. The two Volumes are printed in an uniform Marine , and are fold either together or feparate. This Day co w publijhed, Price 2S. Bound, or One Guinea per Dozen, to thofc who buy the n to give away, A N-. w Edition, carefully correfted, Being the T W E N T I E T H, of A S H O R T and P L A I N I N S T R U C T I ON for the better Underftandm^ the I. ORD'sSUPPER ; w'th the necclfary Preparation required : For the Benefit of young Communicants, and of all fuch as have not well coniidercd this Holy Ordinance. To which is annexed. The Office of the Holy Communion, with proper He'ps at- d Direftions for joining iu every Part of it with Undcrflanding and Benefit. By the late Ri^ ht Reverend Father in God, THOMAS Lord Bilhop of SODOR and MAN. ( Printed for J. F. and C. Rivington, Bookleders to the J Society for Promoting Chriltian Knowledge, at the Bible I and Crown, No. 62, -. 11 St. Paul's Church- vard. Where may be had, written by his Lordlhip, The KNOWLEDGE and PRACTICE of' CHRISTIANITITY made eafy to the mcancfl Capacities; Or, An Effay towards an Inftruftion for the Indians; which wiillikewife be of Ufe to all fuch who are called Chriftians, but have not well confidercd the Meaning of the Religion they profefs; or who profefs to know God, but in Works do deny him. In Twenty Dial ; gues. To which is annexed, The true Method of Keeping the Lord's Day Holy, with Family and Private Devotions. The 13th Edition. Price 2s. 6d. Bound. *„* Tliefe Treatifes are in the Catalogue of fuch Books as are recommended by the Socicty for Promoting Chrif- I tian Knowledge. \ MUSICAL MAG.^ ZLNE, WEEKLY. * ' Entered at Stationers Hall, purfuant to Aftoi' Parliament. T o the L O V E R S of M U S I C. On Saturday, tbe 1 3 tb Infant, will be PubliJljed, Price only Is. 6( 1. [ Elegantly engraved on fine large Folio Piates, every N- unbrr contain ng as much Englifh and Foreign Mnfic is is ufualiy fold for Five Shillings, independent of a Sheet of Letter Ptefs, and the fuperior Elegance, Correftneft, and Uniformity of the Whole] NUM3ER I- ( To be continued WEEKLY, without a Poflibility of Interruption) of T H E N'" AV M U S I C A L M A G A Z I N E ; or *- Complete Library of Vocal and Inllrumental Mufic, intended to contain every Piece worth preferviiif, from the beft Englilh and Foreign Mailers. Comprehending the entire Works of Handel, Arne, and other celebrated modern Compofers ; with all the moft favourite Serious and Comic Operas, and other Dramatic Entertainments, Odes, Oratorios, & c. compleat. And copious and pleafing Selections of the bell Overtures, Concertos, Sonatas, Lclfons, Cantatas, Songs, Cjazonettes, Canons, Catches, and Glees. The Whqde accompanied with an Univerfal Diftionary of Mufic The Firlt Number of this valuable Work will contain, besides .1 Sheet of elegunt and interefting Letter Picfs, the MASQUE of COMt'S compleat; including all the Airs, Duets, See. originally compofed by Dr. Artie, fome of which ate omitted in other Editions of more than doubie the Price. (£$ T Though the entire Purchaf- I L n - y of this capital Work Weekly, will amount to little- more than Half the Subl'cription cxafted fot the Ufe only of Mufical BooV. s at fome Circulating Libraries, thofc who prefer taking ft in Monthly may continue to order, it in that Way, without the lmalleft Degree of Inconvenience. Printed for Harriion and Co. No. 18. Paternofter- row, and fold by all Bookfeliers, Stationers, and Newlcarricrs, in Town and Country. R Ml. H O U S E of L O R D S , Tuff Jay, December 9. EAD a fecond time, and committed the malt bill. Alfo T o u r n e y ' s naturalization The commiffioners of the public accounts prefentetl tlieir eleventh report. Mr. Morton, from the Eaft India Company, prcfentedfeveral papers. Ordered to lie Qii tiie table. T h e bill for better regulating tbe E'rtl India Company's affairs being read, his Grace of Portland moved that it be read a focotid time on Monday next. Lord Thitrlow was furprifedThe noble Duke did not proceed in the ordinary courie, wntch was firft t o move for its being printed, and then to appoint a day for its being re id a fecond time, efpeciaily as a bill of fuch importance ought to be minutely inveftigued,. and taken into the mod ferious coulideration by every noble Peer of that Houfe. Lord Carlfte defended the proceeding by q- ioting feveral precedents, but which by no means fatii Bed Lord Tlnirlowas to the out in queflion, when The Duke of Portland adored him, that he by no means intended to keep their Lordfhips in tgn- srance with rel'peCt to the contents of the hill, as he had defigned, as (" 00: 1 as toe day was fixed for the fecond reading, to - nove for its being printed, both which motions palled without any further altercation. Lo'd Temple got up, happy, he faid, to feize the firlt opportunity of enteringhis folenin proteft again It fo infamous a bill; he conceived himfelf perfectly parliamentary in giving it every epithet it merited, previous to its palling that Houfe ; it was a ftretch of- power that was truly alarming it went near to f t i z i upon the molt ineftimable part of our conftitution ; our chartered rights; but notwithftanding it h. idbeen c t r r i td w'tha ln,: h hand in another place, he trilfled their Eordlhips would never give it their fanClion, without being thoroughly convinced that tbe plea which had been ufed, and which indeed was the only plea that could poflibly julbfy fuch a meafure, aCtu d neceflity, was a juft one ; and that they might be convinced it was not fallacious, they ought to be put in poffeffion of, and examine with attention, every bind of evidence that was to be procured, and not be fatisfied With that partial feleCtion of papers which were upon their table. He wifhed t o know, whether Minifters, fliould a motion be made for other papers, would object, and take the fetile of the Honfe upon it. He was perfectly aware this was not critically in order ; yet as the noble Duke had lohg been extolled for candour in his proceedings, and as he wifhed the whole inveltigation of the hill might be entered upon as candidly as poffible, he hoped he would give him a reply to his queftion. The Duke of Portland informed their Lordfhips, that he thought the papers then upon their table were fufficient for them to determine on the bill; but lliould any others occur to him as neceffary, he would certainly introduce them for their infpeCtion. L'. nd Thurlo- jj agreed with Lord Temple, that every preCiution ought to be taken, and every ciieumltan e carefully examined into, before a bill of Inch an alarming nature met with the fmCtion of that H<- u* e. They ought to have the moft authentic grotm Is of the neceflity to proceed upon, ami the moft itiioborn facts to juftify them for fuch a violation of the rights of Englilhmen; that they might hereafter, as men of honour, as men of jtiftice, if called upon to account for their difpofTcding a commercial Company of their charter, ant! invading their property, point to the records, and fay, There is the evidence, there is the reafon for our taking fo dangerous a meafure. Many of their Lor. diliips did not perhaps fee the alarming tendency to- which the principles of this bill went; lie would therefore ( late to them fome few of the evils, without giving any opinion at prefent upon them ; and he was happy the queftion, put by the noble Earl gave him an opportunity fo to do. In the firft place, it was. to deprive a body of men of their chartered rights, for which they had p > id amazing l'ums, and to feiV. e their property, and for what?— Why, it was faid, becaule they were unable to keep their fervants in fubord. ination ; had nearly ruined themfelvcs by their condu& j and therefore it was highly neceflary that their affairs Ihould be velted in the hands of private individuals ; not in men who were i ift ere ( ted • n the welfare of their property, or into wliofe guidance theym'ght choole to give the direction of their affairs, hat in a Board of Commiffioners named and chofen by the Minifter; and he could not but remark how very judicious the Minifter had been in his choice, when the bill actually contained the names of nine of thofe very men whofemifcon duCt and incapactv, if all'ertions were believed, made this bill neccllary. Much had been faid on a former occafion of the influence of the Crown ; the Board of Trade ha 1 be; n aboliihed, Contractors with Government had been declared unworthy of a teat in Parliament; what then ought now to be urged againft this alarming influence of the Mitiitters, who Oy this meafure become poffeffors of the whole patronage of India, equal if not fnperior to every gift vetted in the power of . the Crown? He faw no neceflity for it : if he had, no man would have been more ready to have lefleued it— he hoped never to fee it in the power of the Crown to lie guilty of aCts of tyranny; much more regret, howevei flionld he feci to l'.- e that power iu the hands of Parli ament or the Minifter.— But the King's Board of Trade was very alarming to part of the prefen Admir. iltr. uion, as capable of undue influence, ant yet the man WHO had been lb alarmed had 110 ob jeCtion to grafp that influence as a Minifter; hi Board of Trade was a very harmlefs meai'tirt ! was befidts a very great fin to contract with Government, and for which fin, any one who dared be f o hardy, was punifhed with an cxpullion from his teat in Parliament; but no l'uch punilliment was to be inflicted on the Minifter's contractor, that is, on the contractors for the fervice of the India, Compan y ; he looked 011 it they would be fynonimous terms if this bill palled, and they were nearly double he believed to the others. The names of the firft Board had been held out as an inducement, from the relpeCtability of their characters, for parliamentary fupport to this bill; but that would aft but very little with him, as five out of the leveil be underftood were totally unacquainted with the bufinefs, and therefore, according to his idea, not very well qualified for the office. He - had a high refpeft for the independent character of the noble Earl at the head of them ; but as independent a character, and as much revered, the late M. tiquis of Rockingham, had often admitted that every man was glad to ftrengthtn his party ; and if patronage would dy it, the noble Karl, or Mr. Fox, the patron of the bill, and of courfe the patron of Indian appointments, might ttieiigthen his in a great degree ; therefore the names of the men could not tiiduce hirs fo confent t o lo flagrant a violation of juftice. Indeed, there . were l'ome worthy characters among thole named in the bill, whofe hiitory he fliould like to bear explained, particularly the hiftbrV of their voyages; and " fittce they were held up as public character*, he thought them' open to public itiveftigation, and fhoald give l'ome particulars of them on a future day. If, however, this body of men are to be deprived of their rights, rights which every Englifbman will leel himfelf concerned in, and for the fupport of which much Englifh blood'has been fpilt, their chartered rights; in God's name, let us have fuifi- Cient reafon why they are undeferving a continuance of thofe rights, if not in refpeCt to them, in refpect to ourfelves ; and by admitting evidence, let ourrecoids be a juftification of our proceedings to futurity. He by no means charged the noble Duke with having purpolely fnpprefied any papers; yet he looked on it as aim oft impoflible for any man not to m ike a partial feleCtion of papers in fupport of a meafure he wilhed to accomplifh ; therefore he did not confider thofe papers then on their Lordfhips table, as fufficient for them to decide on the bill.' Lord Townfhend thought the noble Duke had given f'ufficient anfwer to the queftion of Lord Temple, when he dated that the papers then on their table wtre fully adequate for tliem to determine oil the neceffity and merits of the bill, and that he had no objection to others being produced. He was convinced that parliamentary interference was highly neceflary to rel'cue the Eaft- Inuia Company flom impending ruin— it required a bold and rapid meafure :— fuch had been adopted— he liked a bold aCtive Minifter— and wifhed we had been in pofTeffion of one during the late war ; things might then have terminated more to our advantage. With refpeCt to the violation of the charter of this Company, that charter was to allow them a monopoly of the trade, which was not to be taken from them, no; any other part of their charter, further than to prevent them in future from committing fuch horrid ravages and niaff . - res. If he thought this bill had he. ir produced more for the advantage of AdmWiiftration, than benefit of the Company, be would oppofe : t to the utmoft ; butas be was convinced of the contrary, it Ihould certainly meet with his fupport. Lord Temple found it neceffarv again to trouble the Houfe, becaufe either lie or the noble Vilcount had totally miltaken the noble Duke ; he would It ather l'uppofe he had been guilty of the miftake, it was more natural to conclude, his Grace would readily give eveiy information, than wiih to withhold the moft trivial. He perfectly agreed with the noble Lord, that the prefent was a bold and apid meafure; and upon being convincedtliy it was, he had been induced to m?. ke his requifition to the noble Duke, that, if it was the intention of the fupporters of this bill to carry it through with violence, he might be prepared to meet it on tli3t ound ; of, if it was to be done rapidly, he might not in that cafe be unprepared to meet it. Should his Grace refufe to give him that information he required, he muft content himfelf with deferring to a future day, as he was not now acquainted with the t i t k s of thole papers it would be neceflary to move for ; but he would neverthelefs, by way of being latisfied whether he or the noble Yifcount had fallen into the miftake, again iepeat hisqueltion to the noble Duke, and entreat an anfwer, whether Admihillration would oppofe a motion for all. the evidence to be laid before this Houfe, on which the Houle of Commons had thought fufficient to pafs the bill then before them. L > rd Loughborough thought the putting this queftion very improper, as it: would be itlipoflible for any individual Member, or tven for the Houfe tfelf, to give a politiveanfwer, unlets thofe papers or evidence were pointed out which it was the intention of the noble I. ord to move for ; it appeared indeed to him, that the moving for ill the evidence that had been before the Houfe of Commons, could only be done with a view to protraCt the paffing of ti. is bill; it had taken that Houfe three years to enter into thorough inveftigaiion ; did any noble Lord defire to prolong an interference of Parliament for three years longer? He Wilhed them only to convey their thoughts to India, where- war and rapine were laying defolate alm- olt the whole country; where could he at this moment fr/- we were at peace? where the Company's 1' crvants had leized on a Prince, bec. iul'e he had treafure; this Prince, as vvas natural, it' poffible, had effedted his efeape, and ftimulated other Princes to take his part, and enter into a war again It our l'ettlements. A treaty indeed had been concluded, but 011 what conditions ? Not to reftore peace, which was fo much fighed after, but to join, and endeavour to extirpate another powerful Prince, and to fliare his country between them. This was a fpeeies of cruelty and barbarity, which fu>' ely ho man could hefitate to condemn; and yet he muft charge that perl'on as the author of all the barbarities and enormities that would enfue from protracting this bill by needlefs enquiries, until the feafon would render it impoffible to reach India for another year. OojeCtions were held out againft this bill, for daring to infringe on chartered rights ; and yet this was not without precedent, even with the India Company. In the year 1773,311 alteration was made in their charter ; proprietors of 500I. flock, previous to that period, were entitled to a vote ; but it was found neceffary to alter it to thole pofi'eficd of ioool. only, and allowing a double vote, where a much larger property was vetted:— an alteration was likewife made at that t me refpeCling their appointment abroad, and yet no terrible conlequence was then apprehended by chartered bodies. He indeed bad ftated objections, not for making thofe infringements as they were termed, but becaufe it did not go farther, and regulate tbe Company at home as well as abroad. Their fituation now made it highly tiecellary f o r fOmething to be done ; their debt was enormous, and they had no way to retrieve themfelves: the interference ot Government was the only hope there could poflibly be for favi. ng t h em from deftruCtion.— It was notorious that every body admitted fomething- ought to be done— this fomething was now propofed, aad he thought, very ably. The Mini tier had itfcpped forward, aud, by appointing a refponiibihty, had taken the moll effectual method of redreffing thole grievances which had been fo loudly complained of. He might, indeed, have . found out a method to have made friends with the India Company, held them between him and the Public, and been toafted for his cotidefcenlion, and applauded into popularity in every part of the town ; but be rather chafe by a ' b o l d procedure to take the whole upon himfelf, than by an underhand means have bad the Board of Directors at his will. He was convinced the meafure vvas approved of by the generality of people, elpecially fince the names of the Commiifioners'weFe known. Of this he wais convinced, one proof of which cam-.- within his own knowledge : He happened to be at Guildhall the morning after the bill came out of the Committee of the Hoiii'e of Commons, and as foon as the names were made public, India flock rofe upwards of three per cent. He was l'urprifed any noble Lord in that Houfe fliould plead want of informatioa on the fubjeCt, fince he believed no one circumftance had ever been fo much the common topic as the affairs of the Eaft- India Company for thefe ten years pail: pamphlets had been publiflied containing every particular; and he did not believe, that were their Lordfhips table piled with papers up to the very cieling, a tingle c. ne would be read by any noble Lord, fince he could fo much more to his eafe read the whole in his own dwelling. T h e oppo'fers of this bill bad not contented themfelves with condemning it for infringing 011 the chartered rights, but had likewife charged it with invading private property, a charge t h at was not by any means applicable to i t : it was merely taking the direction out of the hands of 24 members in Leadenhall- ftreet, who had been found incapable of conducting it with advantage, and placing it in the hands of lixteen Gentlemen, whole character and independence gave every reafon to hope it would be productive of benefit to the Proprietors : nav more, it was merely a creditor, who faw the proceedings of his debtor were likely to involve t h em both iu ruin, and bad taken the management of his property with a view of retrieving both their circumftauces. No one would fay a creditor had not a right to feize, and that it would not be falie lenity to futter a debtor to go headlong to ruin himfelf, and involve his friends when it was in his power to prevent it. His Lordfllip apologized to the Houfe, for having taken up fo much of their time without there being any queftion before them, declaring he knew of no other way of concluding, than by expreliing his acknowledgements for t h e indulgence they had { hewn him. Lord T/.' urlow. was aftonifhed to hear the learned Lord, of whofe abilities no man had a greater opinion, affert that the feizure of books, houfes, goods, merchandize, fhipping, warehoufes, & c. at home, and territory and revenues abroad, was not an iuvalion of private property* Sir Robert Sawyer, when Attorney- General, had made fame fuch pofition ; but he little expected it could pofiibly have been a flirted by any Chief Juitice of l is Majefty's Courts. In excufe, however, it was faid, that the India Company was involved in d i b " ; but no one had told us how that debt was incurred ; we were left to underftand it had been by t h ; itiifmanagement of the Company's Directors and their fervants ; not a word was faid of the enormous expences that the public had brought upon them by the late w a r ; the fums that were expended in defending themfelves againft the French ; the delay in the r e t u r n of their fliips ; the hazard they ran when they did return, which, from the number of our enemies, was fo great, their fafe arrival was, next to a miracle; that their freightage, and a variety of other circumltances, made it moft illiberal to draw a conclufion on their finances at this time, as by the ret u rn of peace it was not in t h e teall to be doubted but they would very foon be enabled to retrieve themfelves. Could there be a greater proof of this, than the readinefs of every bill- holder to give them whatever time they thought neceffary f o r the payment of thofe bills ? In the late war we had been lofers in every part of the globe but here, where we now moft complained of— here we had fupported our honour. By the fpirited arrangement and amazing talents of the Governor General, Mr. Haftings, we had not. only aCted on the defenlive, but been able to make a'cquifitions that would repay the expences of the war in that part of the globe. His Lordfllip obferved, that it had been hinted, this bill by no means interfered with the conduct of the Governor General ; but he could not, at that inftant, withhold the tribute which he thought he fo highly merited. That man mtift, indeed, deferve much who could aCt fo uprightly, and with fuch integrity, in defiance to faCtion, to every impediment and inconvenience that could poffibly be thrown in his way ; but he had fo arranged and eltablifhed tbe government of that country, that it would be impoflible for any appointment, that even the prefent minifter could make, to derange them during the time his bill was to laft, were he to feleCt Folly and Ignorance among his favourite clerks for that purpofe. Were it only confidered at what an unhappy period Mr. Haftings has had the management of the Company's affairs, it muft be allowed few men poflelfed talents equal to t h e talk he had accomplifhed, independent of the many impediments that have been thrown in his way by Government; witnefs the Commiffion that vvas fent out, all of whom he fin cerely wifhed had died before they had fet foot in India, as much mifchief had enfued in confequence of their arrival.—- The learned Lord had given great credit to the Minifter, for having in this bill fixed upon a kind of refponfibility ; now he appealed to the noble Earl who vvas to be at the head of this Commiflion, whether he in his heart conceived he vvas fo likely to be called on for mifmanagement, as any one of the prefent Directors? Certainly not ; it vvas the Board of the Minifter, and he would of courfe pafs over their errors fooner than point out the mifconduft of thofe he had appointed. His Lordfhip again alluded to the neceflity of inveftigating all the evidence that could poffibly be procured, and called upon Miniftry t o fatisfy the noble Earl with refpeCt to his queftion. Lord Loughborough rofe to explain fome things which had been millaken by Lord Thurlovv, who likewife rofe in reply. Lord Carlifle, in defence of the bill, faid, that the Company's debt was fo large that it required the moft fpeedy interference > it was to fuch an amount that he was alarmed to mention the f um ; thefitua^ ion of the T r e a f u r y was likewife well known ; there were bills of the India. Company coming d u e , to the amount of 900.000I. would their Lordfhips fay, . the T r e a l ' u r y muft pay thefe bills ? But independent o f t h e b a n k r u pt ftate of the Company, the cruelties that had been praCtifed were fufficient, in his idea, to induce their Lordfhips to pafs the bill in queftion: they were a difgrace to the name of Briton— they were a fliock to humanity. He conceived the noble Duke had given as full an anfwer to the queftion as could be required ; he had illformed the Houfe the papers, in his mind, were enough for them to determine on ; and as t h e re vvas no queftion before their Lordfhips, he f l i o u ld move to adjourn. Lord Temple begged the noble Lord, ns no queftion could be put a f t e r that of a d j o u r n m e n t, would postpone it for a few moments, as h e had a paper in bis hanj. 1 which he meant to prefent to the Houfe ; it was a petition from a Committee of the Eaft India Company to be beard by couni'el againft the b i l l : at the fame time, not having been able to get an anfwer to his queftion, he again dated it, as perhaps it might not have been rightly underftood ; he then moved that t h e petition be read, and complied with. Duke of Portland rofe, not to oppofe the petition, but to explain why he thought there could not be any neceffity for any more papers to be laid before that Houfe. A great deal of time had been taken up by the Committees of the other Hotife in examining all papers that related to the Company ; - af courfe they had t o perufe many, which were no ways pertinent to the point in view ; they had feleCted what were moft material, and fuch were thofe now before their Lordfhips, which, in his opinion, were more to the purpofe, than if he had prefented them with the voluminous bulk that was before the other Houfe. T h e Duke of Richmond reprobated the bill, and wondered how the noble Duke could with any degree of propriety fupport i t ; and more fo, that he could refufe the papers after the proteft they had both figned in 1773, upon the very fame fubjeCt. His Grace oblerved, that in his opinion it vvas entirely owing to the interference of Government, that the Eaft India Company had been ruined ; they had f u p p o r t ed themfelves with c r e d i t ; had enlarged their fet-- d e m e n t s ; grew rich ; had railed their dock to 300 per cent. At this period Government interfered, and had continued to interfere, until they had brought them to the brink of r u i n. And he would fay by the India Company, as he had often laid with refpeCt to the Americans, that if Minifters meant to do any thing, thev muft begin by undoing. Leave them to themfelves, in the ftate they had found them, and there was little doubt but they would foon recover to that ftate of credit and refpeCtability they were arrived at before. T h e Duke of Portland denied having changed his fentiments; they were the fame now as when he had figned the proteft— tircumllancei were materially different. T h e Dake of Richmond read the motion for which the proteft had been entered mto, which was for the production of papers then before t he Houfe of Commons: he could not affert t h e n o b le Duke was changed, but it would be neceflary for him to prove, as well as fay, he vvas not : re reprobated the Coalition, and faid, one of three things muft be true ; either Lord N o r th had given up his principles to the Duke of Portland, the Duke of Portland to Lord N o r t h, or that tbe Cabinet vvas divided on every principle, and therefore 110 good could poffibly bs expeCted f r « m either. The Duke of Portland rofe in reply, and faid, that he thought the coalition a meafure neceffary to the falvation of this country, and that the ipfe dixit of an individual could have no weight againlt a contrary conviction. That no ftibftantial objection had been urged - igainft the principle of the bill, which he acknowledged lo be a bold meafure, but that its boldnefa wasjuftified by its neceffity; and that if the bill had been carried through the other Houle with unufiial precipitation, the urgency of the bufinefs would point out the reafon to every candid and impartial perfon, and that it had palled in a no lefs conliderate than hafty manner. The Duke of Coandos followed his Grace of Portland in order of fpeaking, and the Duke of Richmond in argument, relative to the evil tendency of the bill. He fpoke fo low, that little of his fpeech, which of itfe'if vvas fliort, could be diftinCtly heard. Lord Sydney obferved, that he confidered the bill in queftion as a min'Jicrial bill, and as tending more to increafe the influence of Minifters independently of the Crown, than that of ths Crown independently of Parliament. That during the leveu years oppofition he had maintained againft corrupt influence, in conjunction with the promoters of this bill, he had confidered tbe influence of t h e Minifter t o be intimately connected with that of the Crown ; but that he was now lefs concerned than alarmed, to find t h em diftinCt and totally d i f f e r e n t ; that the plan he had . fupported, while in office, for the re- elfablifliment of our affairs in India vvas the appointment of a ftrong government there, and not the invefting it in a commiliion chofen among t h e creatures of the Minifter. It vvas urged, the prefent bill vvas merely temporary, and vvas to laft only for four y e a r s ; yet who can fay, that the fame'influence which may now eftablifli the bill for four years, cannot afterwards renew it, and reeftablifli it for ever ? T h a t the great m a j o r i t y with which it had been carried through the other Houfe, ought to have no weight with their Lordfhips. He had paffed the greateft: part of his parliamentary life in the Houfe of Commons, and no Noble Lord prefent had a greater reverence than he had for the p r o c e e d i n g s of that Honourable Houfe ; yet he could not help infilling, that the proceedings of their Lordfliips o u g ht not to be influenced by thofe of the Commons; and that a total independence of opinion, as well as o f right and authority, ought to fubfift between the two Houfes of Parliament. His- Lordfllip concluded with apologizing for the l e n g th o f t i m e h e h a d obtruded himfelf upon the patience of the Houfe, and with recommending a molt minute attention to a bill fo pregnant with miichief to the conftitution, Lord Abing& ti reprehended the Coalition in a mott fevere, anil at the lame time in a diverting manner. He faid that the meafures of the prefent Mitiiftry were calculated to impofe on the minds of the public : SedJipopulus vult decipi, dec'rpiatur. He became fo fevere in his exprellions, that he was called to order by Lord Townlliend, who ar relied the attention of the Speaker for a few minutes. After which Lord Abingdon fpoke a few words ; when the queftion being put for the reading of the petition, it was read without a divilion. Adjourned. T H U R S D A Y , Dec. 1 1 . Teflerday arrived tlx Mail from Holland Vienna, Nov. I 5. TH E new regulation of the Emperor fixes the revenue of a Bifhop at 12,000 florins, • and that of an Archbifhop 20,000. Dantzick, Nov. 14. Our city ftill continues \ o be blocked up, but the Pruflians have permitted a large quantity of corn, & c. to come in to us. Although we do not flatter ourfelves with any fuccour from foreign parts yet we have hopes that an end will be foon put t o t h e blockade, as the Refident of the Court of France has given notice to our prefiding Burgomafter, that the King his mafter interefted himfelf very much in our favour, having given orders to his Ambaffador at Berlin to make the ftrongeft reprefentations in our behalf to the King of Pruffia. T h e Pruffian cities as far as T h o r n will be the firft fufferers by our blockade, as we took all t h e corn they brought us, and paid t h em money in advance upon i t ; and as the inhabitants of thofe places have no other means of fubfiftence, if our city continues blocked up till winter, t h e i r lot will be very deplorable. Verfailles, Nov. 26. The day before yefterday the Ruffian Minifters prefented to our Court a notification in t h e name of her Imperial Maj e f t y , of which the following is the l'ubftance, viz. " That her Imperial Majefty their Sovereign had fent orders to her Ambaffador at Conftantinople, to requeft of the Divan firft a fair and open communication of their opinion relative to t h e taking poffeffion of Crimea, that the Em prefs may judge for certain whether'they are pleafed or difpleafed on that head ; and fecond- ] y, whether the Divan are inclined to conform t o the laft: treaty of peace, by not ( topping her fubjedts f r om the free navigation of the Black Sea, & c. And that the Emprefs may Know the determination of the Divan as foon as p. rffible, her Majefty gives them 60 days to deliberate u p o n an a n f w e r ; but at the expiration of that time if the Divan fliould not t h i n k fit to return any anfwer, or that they fliould ufe the leaft equivocation in their reply, her Imperial Ma j e f t y wouki be obliged to ufe all the means ( lie poffeffes to oblige the Porte to comply, being determined that her numerous forces fhould - not be tame fpedtators of the w a v e r h g proceedings of a power who might when once her forces were divided attack them," T h e fame notice was to be given to the Court of London. T h e Englifli Ambaflador about a week ago reprefented to our Court, " that the form of government in the United Provinces had already brought on fuch deiay as muft retard the figning the treaty of peace, and therefore the King his matter was of opinion that the conferences for the concluding of the fame flmuld from this time be held either at London or the H a g u e ." What anfwer o u r Miniftry returned to both thefe declarations is not known ; as to that from Ruffia, a Courier has been fent to Conftantinople, with difpatches of the moft important n a t u r e ; and as to the prqpofal of the Britifh Court, it is not likely that either France or Holland will agree to it Paris, Nov. 27. The Council of War affembled at Port L'Orient to determine the affair o f M . d e G r a f f e , continues its proceedings with t h e greateft vigour ; upwards of 70 officers of foot have been examined, who were fpedtators o f t h e combat of the 12th of April, 1782. T h e ordonnance for publication of the peace was read, publifhed. and fixed up in the uflial places the 20th inlt. and the day before yelter day peace was proclaimed with the accuftomed " formalities. Te Deum and the rejoicings are put off till the 7th of next month. F r om the L O N D O N G A Z E T TE Carlton Houfe, Dcc. 6. His Royal Highnefs t h e Prince of Wales has been pleafed to appoint the Hon. Captain George Fitz- Roy, of the 14th regiment of foot, to be one of the Grooms" of his Royal Highnefs's bed- chamb e r . War Office, December 9. Royal reg. horfe guards. James Campbell Purvis, Quarter- Matter. 6 t h reg. foot. James Flay, Lieutenant. 46th reg. foot. James Phillips Lloyd, Lieut e n a n t . 99th reg. foot. Trevor Hull, Captain of a company. Major John Elford to be Lieutenant Governor of St. J o h n ' s , Newfoundland. B A N K R U P ~ F S . I f a a c Ayton, of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, baker ; to furrender Jan. 6, 7, and 20, at Waller's Tavern, in Great Yarmouth. Attorney, Mr. John Watfon, Yarmouth. John Dove, of Queen's Camell, Somerfetfliire, draper; to furrender Dec. 23, 24, and Jan. 20, at the Rummer Tavern, in AU- faint'sane, Briftol. Attorney, Mr. Bengough, Briftol John F othead, of James- ftreet, Coventgarden, Middlefcx, brick- maker ; to furrender D e c . i 6 , 19, and Jan. 20, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Buckle, in Cattle- yard, Holborn. John Orton, of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, i n n h o l d e r ; to furrender Dec. 22, 23, and Jan, ao, at Vincent's Tavern, in Great Yarmouth Attorney, Mr. Jacob Prcfton, Yarmouth, Dividers to be Made. Jan. 13. John Wittich, of Harvey- buildings, Strand, Middlefex, taylor, at Guildhall, London. Jan. 3r. John Booth, of Manchefter, Lancafhire, merchant, at the Bull's- head Inn, in Manchefter. Jan. 14. John Green, ofBriftol, fnuff- maker, at the Pope's- head and Pelican, in St. Thomasftreet, Briftol. J « in. 2. William WettOn, of Bromley, Staffordfhire, mercer, a t the N ew Star Inn, in Ut toxeter. Dec. 30. William Greenhill, of King- ftreet, Snow- hill, London, hatter, at Guildhall. Jan. 28. Margaret Seen, late of Clevelandrow, Weftminfter, Middlefex, dealer, at Guildhall, London. Jan. 7. Thomas Bennett, of Great Boughton, Chefhire, ironmonger, at the Golden Talbot, in Chefter. Jan. 30. John Smith Caddey and Thomas Brown, of Kingfton upon Hull, grocers, at Guildhall, London. Jan. 30. Richard Snagg, of Fleet- ftreet, London, bookfeller, at Guildhall. Jan. 6. William Lane, of Oxendon- ftreet, Middlefex, taylor, at Guildhall. Certificates to be granted. Dec. 30. Robert Dickfon, late of Great St. Thomas Apoftles, London, wine- merchant. William Gooch, of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, beer- brewer. Cudbert Kitchen, formerly of Ham- yard, St. James's Weftminfter, but late of Cecil- court, St. Martin's in the Fields, horfe- dealer. L O N D O N. Yefterday at noon their Majefties and the Princefs Royal came to the Queen's Palace from Windfor ; his Majefty afterwards went to St. J a m e s ' s ; the levee broke up at three o'clock ; a Privy Council was then held, when fome difpatches received from the Hague were laid before the Board. ^ YYefterday Mr. Flood was at the levee at St. James's^ for the firft time fince his arrival from J r e l a n d . Laft night their Majefties, the Prince of Wales, Princefs Royal, Princefs Elizabeth, and Princefs Sophia, went to Drury- Lane Theatre, to fee the tragedy of King John, and T h e Deaf Lover. Yefterday a new writ for Yorkihire was moved for in the Houfe of Commons, in the room of Sir G. Saville, who has accepted the Chiltern Hundreds. T h e laft letters f r om Paris mention, that his Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cumberland anil his Duchefs were fet out from thence for Strafbourgh. Extraflofa Letter from Dublin, Dcc. 2. • I n confequence of the rejection of Mr Flood's motion, for a Parliamentary r e f o rm upon the plan refolved by the national delegates, that body has adjourned, and the feveral members have retired to receive frefli inftrudtions froni their conftituents. T h e feveral members of Parliament who fat in t h e convention feceded f r om the Houfe of Commons previous to the queftion being put on the refolution upon the danger of their privil e g e s ." Extract of a Letter from Dublin, Dec. 5. 1 T h e following is a correct copy of the Lords Proteft againft the joint Addrefs upon Mr. Flood's and Mr. Brownlow's making a pro pofition for a Parliamentary Reform in the Houfe of Commons. " Diffentient, " Becaufe we conceive that, excepting in thofe Cafes where conftant ufage has rendered addreffes neceffary, his Majefty ought never to be ad dreffed but upon great and important occafiotis " Becaufe we do not know nor believe that any caufe now exifts to require or demand the Addref's which a majority of this Houfe has thought fit to fend up to the Throne. C H A R L E M O N T , ALDBOROUGH, P O W E R S C O U R T , M O U N T M O R R E S . " Tuefday evening came on the eledtion of a Colonel for the Independent Dublin Volunteers. The Candidates were Colonel G- rattan ( f r om the firft inftitution Commander of that refpedtable Corps) and Lieutenant Colonel Smith, when Mr. Smith was elected by a confiderable majority. It is faid Mr. G r a t t a n ' s political condudt was the caufe of removing him from the command. " Flis Majefty's letters are come over appointing the Rev. Wm. Dickfon, Clerk, M. A. Bi- ( hop of the United Bifhopricks of Down and Connor, void by the death of the late Right Rev Father in God Dodtor James Trail, late Bifhop thereof; and Letters Patent are preparing to be palled under the Great Seal of Ireland for that purpofe." By letters f r om France we learn, that fome adventurers had made an Air Balloon of an immenfe fize, and they advertifed th.-. t they would make a voyage in the Balloon, without its being confined, as in all former experiments it had been, by ropes. It was to be raifed from the Thuilleries ; and they received fublcriptions at three livres each perfon, to the amount of 1500I. But on the day when the experiment was to be made, an order came dawn from the Council to prevent the dangerous experiment f r om being carried into execution. A letter f r om Limerick fays, that the James, Capt. F r a z e r , is arrived there f r om America ; the Captain fays, t h a t when he arrived at Bofton he found no fale for the cargo, and therefore failed for Portfmouth in New- Hamplhire, where he lodged it in a warehoufe till next fpring, when it is thought there will be a great demand for various forts of goods. Yefterday a Court of Common- Council was held at Guildhall, prefent the Lord- Mayor, the Aldermen Wilkes, Townfend, Halifax, Sawbridge, Pickett, Kitchen, Flart, and Mr. Sheriff T u r n e r . After the proceedings of the lalt Court were read arid confirmed, and the City Seal ordered t o be affixed t o feveral leafes, Mr. T u r - ner rofe, and made feveral obfervatkms on the India Bill, and moved a petition to the Houfe of Lords; he was Jfeconded by Mr. D o m f o r d. Mr. Wilkes, Mr. Pickett, and Mr. AldertUan Townfend, fpoke in favour of the petition. Mr. Turner faid, the bill wai a daring attack u p on the Charter- rights of the people of England! he faid, he hoped that Court would be unanimous in the vote for a petition ; and alio, if they did not fucceed there, that they would go to the Throne, as he confidered the King as the guardian of the rights of his people, and made no doubt but he would do them juftice in the prefent bufinefs. Mr. Sawbridge and four Commoners held up their hands againft the motion. A Committee of fix Aldermen and twelve Commoners were immediately choien, who withdrew and prepared a petition, which was agreed to, and ordered to be prefented by the Sheriffs. The following is an exadt defcription of a fcaffold eredted before the Weft front of the gaol of Newgate, extending weftward from the faid gaol 30 feet, and 16 feet wide from N o r t h to South. This fcaffold is 60 feet northward from the door of the debtors lodge, from whence a paffage was enclofed 8 feet high, along t h e footpath leading to t h e fcaffold, on which they afcended by ( lairs, by which means the criminals are notexpofed to view till they mount the fatal ftage. The eaft part of the ftage, or that next the gaol, is enclofed by a temporary roof, undrr which are placed two feats for t h e reception of the Sheriffs, one on each fide of the ftairs leading to the fcaffold. Round the North, Weft, and South fides are eredted galleries for the reception of Officers, Attendants, icc. and at the diftance of 5 feet f r om t h e fame are fixed ltrong railings all round the fcaffold, to enclol'e a place for the Conftables. In the middle of this machinery is placed a moveable platform in form of a t r ap door, 10 feet long by 8 feet wide, over the middle of which is placed the gibbet, extending from the gaol acrofs the Old Bailey. This moveable platform is raifed fix inches higher than the reft of the fcaffold, and on this the convidts ftand. It is fupported by two iron bars fix feet long, fecured 011 the under fide of the two rollers, to run upon a ( liding- bar ; thisfliding- bar runs alfo upon two rollers fixed in a groove made in a ftrong parallel beam and Aider, are made two holes for the two irons which fupport the platform to drop through. Being thus conftrudted, the'platform is railed to its proper height, ancl the Aider drawn out a little is firmly f'upported thereby ; at the head of the flider is fixed a lever, whofe handle comes above the fcaffold, and the convidts ftanding on the platform, being tied t o the gibbet, vvheu the fignal is given, the executioner, by a very ftnall force applied to the handle of the lever, flides the bar into its place, and the p l a t f o rm falls f r om under them. Standing orders and regulations to be obferved at the execution of the criminals, upon the new fcaffold eiedted before the gaol of Newgate, as ordered by the Sheriffs: T h a t 120 Conftables be fummoned to attend. T h a t proper pofts and rails be fixed to prevent any carriages coming up or down the Old- Bailey. Each prifoner to give notice in. writing to the Sheriff, prior to the day of execution, of the name of one friend to be admitted t > him. T h e tims of execution to be precifely at nine o'clock. T h e Sheriffs officers to be fnmmoncd to attend in their gowns, and with javelins. T h e execution to take place as foon after the prifoners come upon the foaffold, as the nature and decorum of the awful fcene will admit. That the fcaflold and paffage be completely fixed by eight o'clock, and no later. T h a t the friends of each culprit do fend a fhcll to Newgate at feven o'clock in the evening of the day preceding the execution, from Michaelmas to Lady day, and at half palt nine o'clock f r om Lady- day t o Michaelmas. The following regulations were alfo iffued to be obferved on the days of execution : Conftables to attend the firft removal of the fcaffold. The Sheriffs Officers, 20 in number, to be with javelins within the firft railing o f t h e fcaffold; four witheut javelins, as ulual, to halter and bring out the criminals. T h e Conftables, under the diredtions of the City Marflials, are to be placed in clofe order round the outer rail, with ltridt orders to prelerve the peace, and permit no perfon within them. The City Marfhals will, by this arrangement, have the void within the outer rail to themfelves. The unhappy objedts to be brought out of Newgate, as ufual, at nine o'clock. T h e proceffion f r om the prefs- yard to be in the following manner, viz. T h e Ordinary. T h e Sheriffs and Under Sheriffs. T h e criminals, two and two. One half of the Sheriff's Officers, two and ; two. Two Marflials men. 5? T h e junior Marflial, Clofed by two Sheriffs Officers, and two Conftables. The criminals were brought from the prefsyard through all the other wards of the prifon, that fome impreffion might be made upon the prifoners, by feeing their fellow- creatures and late companions in f u c h a c t u a t i o n. No perfon t o be admitted on the fcaffold, except the clergyman, the executioner, his fervant, and the criminals. Yefterday the feffions began at the Old Bailey, when two prifoners were captially convidted, viz. Benjamin Roberts, for ftealing two geldings the property of Henry Wilmot, with whioh he was proceeding to a b l i l e r ' s for dogs meat; James Roberts, alias York-, for robbing . Mrs. Sufannah Bond, on the highway, at Hendon, of a purfe containing onedollar, four q u a r t e r dollars, l'everal pieces of fiiver called bits, and other ( nonejri fix were cbnvidted of felonies, and one of petit larceny. On Monday night late two of the patrol © were ftopt iri Roehampton lane, nearWimbleton, by two footpads, who demarided their mopey; the patrole immediately fired, arid wounded one of them, the other made off; but the wounded man returned and ftabbedone o f t h e patrole w i th a hanger in the breaft, of which his recovery 19 d d p a i r e d o f ; both the villains made off. Yefterday morning early a fire broke o u t at a houfe in Panton- itreet, Leiceftcr- fields, which confirmed thar, and greatly damaged the twd adjouiing houfes. Yelterday at Guildhall No. 26,451 was drawn a prize of 2000I. No. 34,030, 500I. No. 6449, ,36,301, 42,876, 20,569, 44,152, 43,034, iooi. each. Prizes of 50I. each : 23,762, 31,248, 1232, 18,774, 13,581, 47,971, 5767, 36,922, 47,393, 32,993. M A R R I E D . Yefterday, William Strode, Efq. of Upper Brook- ftreet, to Mrs. Leman, , ot Bruton- ftreet, Berkley- fquare— Same day, Mr. James Pinch, of Sible Hedingham, to Mifs Fenn, of Sudbury; — Yefterday, Charles Coles, Efq. o f D i t c h a m - Grove, Hants, to Mifs Barwell, ot'Uertfordftreet, filter to Richard Barwell, Efq. of Stan- ( ted, Suffex. D I E D . Monday, at his houfe near Mile End, Jofeph Dawkingron, Efq. formerly a filk mercer in the Strand, but had retired. ~ Sunday, aged 22, at his father's houfe, in Manchefter, M r . Thomas Becket, eldeft foil of Oliver Becket, Efq. of t h e fame place.— Monday, at Windfor, Mr; Weaver, Page of the back ftairs to the Queen. — Sunday, at - Hampftead, Mrs. M'Dermot, wife of Thomas M'Dermot, Efq. of Cattie Main, in the county of Rofconimon, in the kingdom of Ireland.— Friday, William Gregory,' Efq. Deputy Mafter of his Majefty's Mint. Tuefday, at Richmond, in Surry, Mrs^ Elizc- i' beth Wood, widow, aged 80 years. DRUR Y- LAN^^ NR. AFT- N i g h t ~ K i n g J o h n ; with The Deaf Lover. This Evening, T1 e Welt Indian ; with T h e Camp. COVENT- GARDEN. Laft Night, More Ways T h a n One; with T h e Poor Soldier. This Evening, Venice P r e f e r v ' d ; with T o m T h u m bi T ! H O U S E of L O R D S . Wednefday, December 10. H E Shillingford Road bill was prefented, __ and read a firft time. T h e L o r d Chamberlain acquainted the Houfe, t h a t his Majefty had been waited upon with the Addrefs of that Houfe of Tuefday laft, and had been gracioufly pleafed to fay, he would give diredtions accordingly. T h e proper Officer f r om the T r e a f n r y pre< fented papers moved for in that Houfe by the Duke of Portland on Tuefday laft. The titles were read, and the papers ordered to lie on the table. T h e Houfe broke up at half paft four, and adjourned. H O U S E of C O M M O N S. Yefterday Mr. Eden moved for an Account of the Produce of the Duty, commonly called the - Old Subfidy, retained on the exp. irt of European' manufactures, to N o r t h America and the Weft Indies. The Account was required for a certain number of years, and Mr. Eden apprized the Houfe of his intention, immediately after the recefs, to bring in a Bill, allowing the fame drawbacks upon the exportation of goods to N o r th America and the Weft Indies, as is allowed upon the like exportation to different p i r r s of Europe; In doing this, he was confident that he fhould have the general concurrence of the Houfe, as it was obvious that the old fyftem, which prevailed whillt we poffefled the exclufive trade of N o r th America, muff, under the altered circumftances of this country, operate fo ? s to give advantages againft us in the carrying trade, and to throw it to the other nations of Europe. Mr. Secretary Fox next rofe, and moved for leave to bring in a Bill to continue an adt, entitled,' " A11 Adt of the laft feffion of Parliament, " relative to the American Trade, & c." for a flnrt time longer. Sir George Tonge faid, he did not mean to oppofe the motion, but he thought the Houfe ought to have fome information laid before t h em as t o r i . e ftate in which the T r e a t y of Commerce Itood, ancl whether there was a probability of any fuch T r e a t y beingfpeedilyconcluded. Mr. Secretary Fox rofc again, and f u d , whether it was neceffary or not to go into the matter alluded t o b y the H in. Baronet at all, it could n t be neceffary at that time. The point aliud d to was a matter of infinite nicety and of eonfiderble_ difficulty. He knew perfedtly well there were various opinions entertained upon it by different gentlemen ; fome thought it beft to have a treaty, and that the name of a Treaty of Commerce founded we'!, and others again, that all the convenience and all the advantages of commerce and trade might bs obtained, without having a. iy traaty. He would not then go into the fubjetft farther, bis motion merely was with a view to bring in a Bill to continue an adt that wo- ild expire in about twenty days, and he meant, wlun. the Bill fnoukl have arrived at the proper ftage for it, to move to give it operation for a fliort aTd limited time, three n\ onths, or thereabouts, f o t h at it fliould be neceffary to c j m e again to Parliament for another Bill before the end of the feffion. T h e motion was agreed to. A R M Y E S T I M A T E S . As foon as the Order of the Day was read, for the Hcuilc to refolve itfelf into a Committee of Supply, for the purpofe of taking tnto Confideration the Army Eftimates, T h e Secretary at War rofe, and moved, " That " the Speaker leave the chair.*' General Raj's • t h e n got up, and made a long fpeech on the lubjedt of the Army in g e n e r a l ; the Commons Debates of Tejlerday, continued. I w General flitted a great variety of particulars, which, in his mind, either called for regulation, or ought to have been CsmduCted in a n n n n e r different frpm that in which they had been c o n d u c - ed. As he was f> . cxtreiiiely hoarfe, that we could not hear him utter any two fentences dtitinCtly, it was not in our power to colleCt enough of the train of his reafoning, to be able to follow him with any degree of connection or diftinCtnefs. As loon as the GeneVal. lat down, the Speaker put the queftioti ; and Mr. Ord having taken his le^ t at the table, The Secretary at I far rofe, and opened the EftinKites of the Army for the feivice of the entiling year. Colonel Fitzpatrick ftated, that the grots number of men prop ped to be voted was 17483, including 2230 invalids. He explained their diftribution, and the corps of which they Con lifted ; k mentioned that there was an excels in the number and expeuce, compared with the elliraatc of the laft year, though it was but a fmall one, and that, for reafons t at he alligned, unavoidable. Among other pans of the detail, he fliil, two battalions of HaiiwCrians ftill remained in the country, that Government had net yet been able t ' fpare them, but that as ( on 11 as it could be done * vith convenieticy, they fliuukl lie fent home. He doubted not it wotdd give the Committee concern to hear, what it gave him pain to fay, v z. that with all poflible attention to ccconumy in the management of the army, which it was fomuch the duty of his Majefty's Minifters to attend to in the management of every department of Government, it would not be in their power to effect the entire r e d u d i o n of the Army intended, fo foon as they had reafon to have expected. This, he faid, was owing to a variety of caufes, but to none more than to that expedient unfortunately adopted in t h e courfeof the laft war, in the hour of great difficulty to recruit the regiments on the eltablifliment at that time, he meant the expedient of taking men on condition of ( erviog for three years only. This matter had given rife to a ( pedes ot connection, or agency, between the lower order of the practitioners of the law, and the common foldiers, that proved a fource of daily drain to all the regiments recruited after that expedient was tvibried to. T h e Secretary at War took notice of the three regiments that it was ne'eeflary to fend to Ireland immediately, in ci der to complete the eftablifliment there, and after fpcakiug to all the divifions and fub- divifiotis of the Eltimate, he concluded with rtttsving, " That 17,483 men, including 1030 invalids, " be voted for the feivice of the year 1784." Sir Jofeph Mav-'& iy snacle rather a long fpeech flpon what had fallen from the Secretary at War, complaining greatly that fo large a number as 17 483 men fhould be thought neceflary for the lefvtee in a time of profound peace. Sir Jofeph took particular notice of the two battalions of Hanoverians, declaring his extreme lurprize that they fhould yet remain here, and adviling Minifters to fend them home without delay. He ftated, that in the war before t h e laft, from a fcarcity of Biitifh troops in Great Britain, fome regiments of Hcffiatis had been fent for from Germany ; but fuch had b^ eu the proper jealoufy of the whole kingdom, and their avetfu n to foreign mercenaries', IHH! fiich the univerfal clamour, that Government found itfelfobliged to lend them home again. Having ftated this, he faid, he was no .. lefs tiirprized that fo large a number as 17,483 men fhould be asked ; it was as large a force as was ever thought neceflaiy for the fafety • of the kingdom in time of war. lie declared his e x p e d i t i o n s had been that a number far lefs would have been the number propofed. We had now no k m g i r thirteen Provinces to take care of, acrofs the Ai Untie ; and as the noble Lord in the blue ribband had been at the head of Government, when thole provinces were loft to this country, through the felly and weaknels of Aclminittration, he fliould have thought the noble Lord would have feized upon fo fair an occafnm for making fome recompence for the dear price the natior. had paid for his meafures, and would have ltood forward, and faid, " I was lo unfortunate as to lofe America to Great Britain ; I vvifli to make every poflible atonement to my country ; 1 have done it here with fucceft, and therefore you are only called upon to vote ten tboufand men for t h e a r m y . " After pwfhingthis argument as far as he could, Sir Jofeph took notice of the ganifon of Gtbraltai : he faid, he had h c p ; d Gibraltar' would have been difpofed of, and not kept as a lource of endlefs expenc;, without any adequate advantage. He fupp. ifed Government might get two millions of mo- iey for it. But what was infinitely of more value, they might purchaie the Iriendfliip of Spain by it. ' i'be Spaniards, he faid, were the natural allies of this country, and to get t h em back to t h e habitsof amity and alliance with us, was a circumftance worthy of any price. He expatiated on the envy, thejealouly, and the holtile fenfations that mull be perpetually provoked, by our holding a garrifon in a corner of the kingdom of another European State. He appealed t o the Hotlfe, if the Spaniards or the French held D o v e r , ' w h a t their feelings would be. He declared, for his part, tbat he would give his coat f r om off his back, iw# ner than { offer inch a difgrace. The gent rous Spaniards, therefore, muft be allowed to feel in the fame, manner, and therefore, in his opinion, the general intereftof The kingdom would be more effectually ferved and fecured, by delivering Gibraltar over to Spain 011 proper terms, than by keeping it. bir Jo'fepfc added fome other arguments, before he fat down. T h e Commander in Chief faid, nptm fuch a day as that, he fhoiihl naturally be expeCted- to fay a few words, he would therefore trouble thi; Committee for a fliort time. He then declared that it had been the aim of his Majefty's Minifters to reduce the ar. ny as low as they poffib'y could, confiftentwith t h e aCttlal and indifpenfible demands of the fervice. He declared, that one great reafon fof defiling fo many men was the low ftate of the effectives in the feveral regiments, and the great difficulty of getting them filled. He itated, that there were in England at prefent not more than 2300 effectives, and about 600 effectives in Scotland. This was a reafon why Government could not yet Ipare the two battalions of Hauoverians. Another reafon was a matter el fome difficulty, and indeed of fome delicacy, but he would not go much into it, there was 110 occafion. It was, that t h e prefent fituation of Ireland, and the advice of peribns beft acquainted with it, and moftcapable of advifing his Majefty on that fu'oje. Ct, made it neceflary to fend thefe regiments over there. Indeed the Irifh Parliament having voted 22 battalions, they naturally would expeCt that as they had provided the pay, the men { hould be lent there to do duty for it. This, however, would take away 500 men from thofe now in England, and reduce tlie number to t. 8oo'; now it gen den. en coniidered, that our Dock Yards o! Portfmouth and Plymouth, ought even in times of the mutt profound peace, to be taken, particular care of, and if they recolleCted, ilvat the troops wanted for other ftalKuis, would reduce the number to 800 or gco, furely the;, would ftot thi » k them toomany for eventual fervices. There were at that time, the General faid, enormities prevailing, not onl/ i in defiance of particular law;, but indeed in, defiance of all law and all government, that made a larger number of troops neccff. uy, than ever had been neceflary before. Smuggling had RefolutlonS, fof the Pay, See. of 17483 troops above- mentioned. In tile courfe of moving them, Mr. Brett rofe and obfefved, that the provifions of the troops on foreign fervice were not included in the Eltimate. This, he faid, ought to have been done, On the firlt day of the Seffion they had been told, that they fliould look their fitiiation in the face, and know the lVhole extent of their cxpenc- es. T h i s was not aCting in conformiry to fuch doctrine. T h e Secretary at War faid, the provifions did not come under his department ; but if any pel - tons could furnifli fuch an eftimate, it could on - ly be the Lords of the Treafury, who made all the contracts for fuch provifions. Lord John Cavendifb faid, it was impoffible to make out- fuch an eltimate as the Hon. Gentleman wifhed for, but that he bel.^ ed there wou d be little expenee for the enfuing year under the article of provilions for troops on foreign fervice, as he underftood there were large excell'es in the feveral ftores and magazines in America and elfewhere, that would be brought home. At length al! the Ref ihitions. pafled, and Mr. Ord was ordered to report theni. Tliey are to be reported this day. got to fuch a height, that it was impomble to cheek it, without an armed force ; it was therefore better oe- onomy to pay a few thoufands more, to have a fuffic. ent number of troops to prevent fmuggling, than to lofe thoufands, he might almoft fay, Hundreds of thoufands, in the defalcation of the revenue, oecafioned by the enormous extent ot fiieh illicit practices. He declared, he had great hopes, the Committee of that Houfe, who daily fat above flairs, would propofe fome plans, likely to put a Hop to the preva ence of thofe practices, or theie would be no end to the K- fles ihe revenue muft iiiffer. T h e hoiiourableBaronetover the way, heobferved, had fait-!, that a fm. aller numberof troops' had been tljfiught ftifficieut for the protection of the kingdom even m time of war. It was very t r u e , but the Hon. Baronet would be pleafed to remember, that we had then an embodied aud welldifciplined Militia, amounting to 30,000 men. With fuch a force in the field, even lefs than 10,000 regulars would have been iurlicicnt. Having taken notice- of - the principal parts of Sir fofe, ti Mawbey's fpeech, the. Commander in Chief adverted to what had fallen from General Rofs. He paid great compliments to the Manchefter regiment, of which the General had been Colonel, and faid the regiment and its officers had behaved fo well, that they were entitled to every poffible mark of civility and attention- With regard to - that regiment's having been broke, he faid, all the regiments down to a, certain number were broke excepting only two, which happened at the time to be 011 a f t t i a l fervice, and by that means were kept on the eftabliflimenr. He alio mentioned what regiments were yet to come home, from Gibraltar, from the Weft- Indies, and from New- York, and pointed out the probable number of effectives in each, End which of thofe regiments were to be broke when tln- y arrived. He declared, that the utmolt fairnefs had been ob- ' ferved, and faid, no man could vvifh the army better than he did. Sir J t f e f h ' Mawlry rofe again, and faid it was t r u e fmuggling did prevail to a great d-.- gree, but the honourable Commander in C h i e f ' s own re giment, and the regiments of dragoons were not fit for that fervice, and therefore there was no pretence for keeping them upon the eftablifhment. Light horfe were the proper fort of troops, as he had always undeiftood, to watch and purfue fmuggiers. With regard to Ireland, if it was neceflary to fen I more regiments over there, on count of the Volunteers, or any alarm they might have occafioi- ied, it fliould be done openly, and avowedly. As to the militia being embodied during the war, and at the time when be had faid an infinitely lefs number of men than 1 7483 were the eftablifliment for home fervice, he knew that, as well as thehonbu rable Commander in C h i e f ; but could not the Militia be called out immediately, and be, within a fortnight, under arms, if there was any necellity for i t ; there was no pret nee, therefore, for voting fo large a number. Sir Jofeph complimented General Rofs on his known bravery, but dec'atvd he mnft differ f r om him with refpeCt to the leventy- fecond regiment having been ' sroke. He tkoaght many moreoognt to have been broketharvbad been broke. The war had colt the nation an enormous expence, and that was the time t o put oeconomy in full force, that wo might recover our ftrength. T h e Comm.- mder in Chief ro^ a again, to declare th-. t the Hon. Baronet had totally in ( taken him. He had not faid a word about the Volunteers ot 1 reland. He had. a very great refpeft for the Volunteers, he thought both kingdoms much indebted to them, for their ttanding forth lo nobly a? they had done !! 1 tire day of danger and difficulty.' He had faid, th. it the Parliament of Ireland having v tetl t'. venty- cwj battalions, tli'u country was bound to - complete their eftab'. iflirnent. General Conway laid farther, that it had always been the opini m of the Parliament of Ireland,' that the kingdom was not in a ftate offafety with lefs than 12000 troops in it, and it was under that, idea that t h e three regiments be bad alluded t-> w ere to go over. At length the motion was put and agreed to. T h e Secretary at ir'ar then moved the other Poilfcript. Thurfday Afternoan, Dec. 11. F O R E I G N A F F A I R S. Paris, Dec. 2. On the 26th of November, about nine in the evening,, Monf. MtchaiU, Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, clifcovered a. newcomer, in the, conftellation of A r i e s ; its right afceulion was 34 dt- g. 47 min. I t s decl. 12 deg. 2 min. north, at 10 h . 19 min. t r u e time. In the twenty- four hours following its right afc nfior. { dimijaifhed 48 min. and its declination increafed 72 min. This comet is not yet vHible to the naked eye. Waafeiw, Nov. 1;. The Commiffion of the T r e a f u r y will fpeedily publifli an Univerfal fixing the real value of the foreign fpecie circulating in the kingdom. T h e Ruffian troops diftributed into five bodies in the U k r a i i u , Crimea, ai) d on the frontiers, amount to 200,000 fighting men. But it does not appear that they have h i t h e r to thought of proceeding to hostilities. L O N D O N . T h e friends of Miniftry expect to carry the India Bill in the Houfe of Peers by the majority of eighteen. Should the India Bill be carried, M r . Potter propofes to renew his motion at a General Court for an immediate furrender of the Company's Charter into t h e hands of the Crown. I t now abfolutely becomes an affair of honour in the Sovereign, to refufe his affent to the India Bill, fhouid it unfortunately pafs the Lords. By the Charter, granted to the Company, the royal faith was pledged to guarantee the property, rights, and privileges. The Minilter has brought in a bill by which the royal faith will be violated ; and when a fervant pays fo little regard to the facrednefs of his. Mailer's word, the i n f u l t offered to Majefly is of the molt daring kind. Should the Eaft- India Bill pafs, every Afiatic meafure will in future become a meafure of. the nation. A war in Hindoftan will be carried on by the T r e a f u r y of England ; and befides the expences in which fuch wars may involve the people of this country, the difficulties in directing the operations of an army at fuch an immenfe diftance, have been recently exemplified; for if the war in America failed owing principally to the diltance, how can a war in India be expeCted to be fuccefsful, when the inftruCtions for a f t i o n will be at leaft fix months in the conveyance ? T h e Eaft- India Bill carrying on by M r . Fox and his tribe of expectants, fhould fpread univcrfal alarm through every corporation in the kingdom. The meafure is of fo daring and flagitious a nature, that it { hakes al! public faith, and overturns every fpecies of national fecurity. Charters folemnly granted and ratified by repeated ACts o f ' Parliament, are no longer fac r e d ; and foreigners will now perceive, that the boaft of Englifhmen of being gcverned by fixed laws, and having their property fecured beyond the reach of a defpotic EdiCt, are fallacious ideas. In France a Monarch, in England a Minilter, may at one Angle ftroke deprive thoufands of the right of managing their o> vn affairs: and whether an EdiCt controuls the Bank of Paris, or a bill overturns the Englifh Eaft- India Company, the means are thofe of def p o t i fm exercifed by the o„ e or th? many. T h e eftablifhment of an ariHocracy, which fhould overawe the Crownj has long been a favourite meafure with the Pfeudo- Whigs of the prcfent age. If the Ealt- India Bill be carried,, as there is every reafon to fuppofe it will, the few will govern the many, the equipoize will be dellroyed, and the Sovereign, however eftimable for his virtues, will become as infignificant with refpeit to power as the Poltfti Monarch. T h e outrageous patriotifnv and the unbounded profefficais of Mr. Fox, obtained him a title for his political fame. He was called, in compliment to his fuppofed i n t e g r i t y , T h e Man of the People ; but we have now the greateit reafou to fay, " T h e Lord deliver the people f r om fuch a man i" A letter f r om Nevny,- dated Nov. 19th, fays, " On Saturday laft arrived in o t f Bay, from Philadelphia, the brig Congrefs, which left this port in the beginning of May laft, moftly laden with pafl'engers and their adventures. Several who went out in her, aud in other vetfels, about the lame time, are come over in her, and bring little particulars. Some of their {' peculations, but chiefly hardware, brought a pleating p r o f i t; hardware, it is faid, brought 116 per cent, linen cloth was not fo good an article; fome of IE - fold at firft colt, and at beft produced but a moderate profit. The whole States are in the utmolt confufion— 110 fettled or regular mode of Government, but every thing done at the will of the mob. Congrefs are detpifed, at lealt little attended t o ." A letter received yefterday from Jamaics, dated Oaober n , 1783, by* a gentleman in Leeds, concludes t h u s : " I fliould have beea ready to fail for Philadelphia in a few days, having got feveral articles ready on board a veft'el for that purpofe, but an order was iffued this evening by the Governor for ail American veffels to leave this place in 48 h o u r s ; therefore my intended voyage was of courfe poftponed. ExH- aH of a Letter from D. . il, Dec. 10. " Wind N . E. Remain tlie Nimble, Griffin, and Surprize c u t t e r s ; and Ann and Elizab e t h t r a n f p o r t ." I n the Liverpool prints of Ftiday laft, there are no lefs than eleven Chips laid on for di. feie. i: parts of America. On Fridu, lalt Sir Harry Featherftone's chef, geld. Squirrel, beat the Duke of Bedford's chef, geld. Pagan, the lall half mile of the Nottingham courfe, for two hundred guineas. Laft T h u r f d a y Dr. J o h n Marfliall was eleCted a Fellow of the Royal College of Phyficians of Edinburgh. T h e Rev. Robert Hood, B. A. of Chrift College, Cambridge, is appointed to fucceed the late Rev. Richard Giblon in the mafterfliip of t h e Free grammar- fchool at Holbeach, Lincolnfliire. T t i e ticket No. 22,151, drawn this day a prize of twenty thoufand pounds, was fold aud regiftered at Meff. H a z a r d , Burne, and Co.' s office, Royal Exchange, and is the property of Mr. Gsorge Ward, of Warwick- Court, Warwick- Lane, lately returned f r om Gibraltar. T h e firil drawn ticket this day No. 46,94s, a prize of two thoufand pounds, was lold in fliares by Richardfon and Goodluck, of the Bank Buildings, Cornhill, facing the King's Mews, C h a r i n g Crofs. No. 29,102, drawn the 20th day, five hundred pounds. No. 47,980, the 14th d ^ ' , five hundred pounds. No. 33,273, the 10th day, five hundred pounds. No. the 7th day, two thoufand pounds. No. 43,700, the 5th day, five thoufand pounds, were likevviie fold and regiftered at the above offices. The updrawn tickets and { hares are felling every morning and evening during the drawing. Yelterday were committed to t h e New Gaol, Southwark, by W . W i n t e r , Efq. Mary Baflet aud her daughter, Maria Mathews, Sophia Bond, a nd Mary Taylor, for decoying a h o p planter, about fix weeks fince, into a houfe of ill fame, and robbing him of 350I. in Bank n o t e s ; they were all found upon one of them fewed up in her quilted petticoat. T h i s day John Young, alias John Bowman, alias Patrick Bowman, was capitally convicted at the Old Bailey, for felonioufly aflaulting J o hn Spicer, in a field near Bethnal- green, and robbing him of goods value al. 2s. j d . James Roberts alias York, for robbing Sufannah and Mary Bond of their purfes, money, & c. asd Robert Crofs, for robbing Sir William Jarvis Twiflfenden, Bart, of a gold watch, three gold feals, fix guineas and an half, and a purfe. T h e above Young was concerned with one J o hn A u f t i n , who was fome time fince executed for robbing Mr. Spicer, and on account of the cruelty which attended the faid robbery, he is to be executed on Monday next. On the 19th of November, 1783, died at Prince Efterhafy's, in Hungary, the Lady of General Jerningham, eldetl daughter of Edward Dicconlbn, of W r i g b t i n g t o n , Efq. Dame de la Croix Etoille, after a fliort illnefs of fix days. T u e f d a y night two houfes, the u p p e r end of Market- lane, at the back part of the Opera Houfe, f u d d e n l y fell down, but providentially none of the inhabitants received the leaft: injuiy'. P R I C E of Thurfday, Dec. 1 Bank Stock, 114 | a 11 3 J a 114 New 4 per Cent. 1777, 74 ' S T O C K S , , at one o'clock, t o Years Short Ann. ' 7 7 7 ' 30 Years Ann. 1778, { hut. 3per C e n t . Scrip 59 S9 4 per Cent. Scrip. 7 of- Omnium, — Exchequer Bills, 83.9?. dif. Light Long Ann. 18 a ' 17 U yrs. pur. . L o t t e r y Tickets ?. b\ 2s. a tos. morn. 19!. t o s . a 2< B!. at two o'clock. Prizes 2 | i p e r Ct. dif. Long Ann. ( but 3 per Cc- reduced 57 £ J 3 per Cent. Con!, ( tuft 53 ^ a 58 for open. 3 per Cent. 1726, — 3 per Cent. 1751, — South . Sea Stock, — O l d S . - S . A n n . — New S. S. Ann. 57 £ New Navy and ViCt. Bills, 16 a 15 - J per Ct. dif. India Stock, — 3 per Cent. Ind. Ann. tr. d. Bonds, 52s. dif. JOHN CAltVICK, Stock- Broker, at his State Lottery Oifice, the King's Arms in Bank- Urcct, oppohte the Bank of England Gate, where Tickets and Shared / of Tickets, in Halves, Quarters, Eighths, ' and Sixteenths, arc felling ir; Variety of Numbers every Morning and Evening, - warranted undrawn. ~ In the laft and Eighteen preceding Lotteries have been fold and fhared at his Ofiice « ne 20, oool. — four ot io, ooal. - ei^ ht of 5000I.— three of , 3000I. — thirteen of 2000I. — twenty- two of 1000!.— fortyfive of 500I. Tickets and Shares carefully- re^ iftcred at Sixpence per Number, arid tin: earlielt Account of their Succefs — N. B. Agreeable to A6f of Pailiamt nt, no- Bufinefs t anfaftcd af; er Eight o'Clock. iu tlie hvenin Solo by J. L E E, No. 4 , Ludgau- Uiil; where L E T 1 ' E R S and A D V E R T I S E M E N T S are receivedd-. A Letter- Box at the Win iota. ADVERTISEMENTS, LETTERS, & c. are alfo taken in at the Printing- Office, No. 4, Peterborougb- Courty near ^ o-,- Lane- y bLet- Street. By T VVHIELDON, No. 43, facipg Fetter- Lane. Fleet- Street i Meff. BYFIELD and Co. Charin j- Crofs •. at the STOCK EXCHANGE COFFEE- HOUSE. Corah And by J. S T O C K D A L H , Bookfeller, oppofiteBurlington- HoUfe, Piccadilly,
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