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The Glocester Journal


Printer / Publisher: R. Raikes 
Volume Number: LXI    Issue Number: 3161
No Pages: 4
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The Glocester Journal
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The Glocester Journal

Date of Article: 11/11/1782
Printer / Publisher: R. Raikes 
Address: Southgate-street, Gloucester
Volume Number: LXI    Issue Number: 3161
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be LE T, and entered upor. at Candlemas next, all that capital FARM, called HOWICK, situate about two Miles from the Town of Chepstow, with a House and Outhouse., incomplete Repair, now let at 118I. per Ann. Together with the above, and contiguous to it, will be let, a considerable Part of Itton Court Farm, which has been for vaiy Years occupied by the Propritor, containing about aoo Acres. Also to he let, another small FARM, in the Parish of Itton, called Languilan. For Particulars apply to Mr. Thomas Davis, Attorney, at Chepftow ; or. at Itton Court aforesaid. A Quantity of WALNUT TREES to be sold standing. MINCHINHAMPTON. Nov 2. TO be SOLD by Auction, at the Crown, in Minchinhampton, in the County of Glocester, on Tuesday the lath of November Inft. between the Hours of Two and Four in tbe Afternoon, ( unless disposed of in tne mean Time by private Contract, of which Notice will be given) .11 thofe three Freehold Cottages, Tenements, or Dwel- ling- Houses, and Gardens, fituate at the Box, in the faid Parish of Minchinhampton, in the several Occupations of Joseph Gillman, John Ockford, and Thomas Evans. — Apply to Mr. Lediard, Attorney at Law, Cirencester. N. B The above Premises were late the Property of ' he faid Joseph Gillman, and ( with the rest of his Estate and Effects) are conveyed to Trustees in order to discharge his Debts ; therefore his Creditors are requested in the mean Time to send an Account of their respective Demands to the said Mr. Lediard. ENGLISH _ STATE" LOTTERY] 17" h HORNSBY and Co, Stockbrokers, licensed to deal in Lottery Tickets, agreeable to Aft of Par- I iament, at No. 26, Cornhill, and No. n, York- Street, Co- I vent Garden, are now selling in the greatest Variety of Num- I beis, and on the very lowest Terms, TICKETS, and SHARES of TICKETS divided into I HALVES, QUARTERS, EIGHTHS, and SIXTEENTHS, I ftamped at his Majefty's Stamp- Office, where the original I Tickets are depofited. as ordered by Parliament, for the Se- I curity of th Purchafer. HORNSBY and Co. take the prefent Occafion of re- urn- I ing their fincere Thanks to their Friends and the Public, fot I the extraordinary Support their Endeavours, have been honor- I ed with in a Course of twelve Years Business, and now huffi- I bly folicit their future Favors, as they shall cotiti', ue to con- I dud it, in all its Branches, on the fame Principles of Honour I and Integrity which hath hitherto been fo kindly patronized. I Fhey aie alfo happy in having been fo fortunate a' to vend I the following capital Prises, with many others of lels Va- I lue. Capital Prizes REALLY SOLD at the abovementioned Of- I fices in deveral padt Lotteries, viz : I lo. oool. in Cox's Museum, I ao. oool. and 2000I. in the State- Lottery, 1774, 5,0001. i. oo. l. and i, oool. in 1776, 1 io, oool. in ' 777, ao, oool. and i, oool. in 1778, 5, oeol. 1,0001. and <, oool. in 1779, 20, oool. m 1780; befides feveral Prizes of 500I. and. tool. And in the laft Irifh State- Lottery, one of 2,000!. two of I l, oool. each, three of 500I. each, and three of lool. each. J The Lottery begi-. s drawing the 8th of N.- v- mber- Schemes may He had at either of the above Offices gratis. Country Correspondents or others, sending, their Orders 1 accompanied with good Bills at a short Date, may be sup- I plied on the fame Terms as if present. Correct Numerical- Books are kept at the above lifiices, where Numbers may be conftantly examined *. An. t Purchafera I of Shares at either of the above Offices may examine them I gratis. A careful REGISTER BOOK is alfo kept, and an I Account of the Succefs of Numbers fent, the Day they are J drawn, to any Part of England, at 6J. per Number. By Authority of his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. I C. SHARMAN and Co. RESPECTFULLY inform their numerous Friends and the Public, thar they have devieed a very I cheap and mnft eligible MODE of ADVENTURING n the I English State Lottery, 1782, which is stricty legal, and un- I der Sanction of a special Patent from the King, granted to | them solely and exclusively : Therefore there s no pther Op- I portunity for those who wish, at a small Expence, to partake I of the Favours of Fortune, which they have already distributed I to the very considerable Amount of upwards of 300,000!. They have, therefore, purfuant to his Majesty's Royal I Letters Patent, now on Sale at No. 48, Ludgate- Hill, Cor- I ner of the Fleet- Market. London, HAZARDS at ONE GUINEA, HALF A- GUINEA, SIX SHILLINGS, and HALF A CROWN each. I For ONE GUINEA the Purchaser will receive, during she whole time of Drawing, £ 6: 0 for a Prize of 20,000!. 800 for " lo, oool. 40 for —— 5,000!. 300 for 1 • 3,000). 150 for —• 2, oool. 80 for • I, oool, I 40 for hi 500I.' 15 for 1- lool. 6 for o 50I: I A Sixteenth Share at Twenty- four Shillings, will produce I but 1,2501. for a 2o, oool. and only 61. for lool. or 3I. for I 5 ® 1 I For HALF A OUINE A the Purchafer will receive £. 800 for a Prize of 20,000!. And Half the above Benefit* in all otherPrlzeij. . For SIX SHILLINGS the Purchafer will receive £. 400 for a Prize of 2o, oool. And more than Quarter the Benpfi's of the Guinea Plan, hit the other Prizes. For HALF A CROWN the Purchafer will receive £. 150 tor a Prize Of zo, oool. 80 for •! to, 000!. 40 for —— j, oool. 30 for - I 3,000!, 20 for - 2,000!. 12 for —- I. oool. 6 for —— 500I. 2 2 for —— xool. I 1 for — jot. All the firft drawn Tickets entitled to Benefits, and the IWt drawn are included in thefe Plans. This Lottery eonfifts of only 40,500 Tickets, and will begin Drawing the 18th of November. Letters, Poft- paid, addreffed to Sharman and Co. No. 4t , Ludgate- Hill, duly attended to } and good Bills at Sight, or fhort Date, taken in Payment* Anv Perfons having Demands upon the late Mr. J. Sharman, are defired to apply as above* The ahove are alfo fold on Commission for the Conveniens*, of the Public, XS- H At No. 30, Fleet- Street. L^/ Zwg, No. 111 St. James's- Street, Entrance of the ThfiVjaif" Houfe Tavern. ^.{ r^ -' No. 67, High- Holborn* ^ * S No. 6, Cockspur- ftreet, Charing- Cross, Corner of Suf- folk- Street. And ffggg!/ No. 5, Bridges' Street, opposite Drury- Lane Theatre • These Adventures being constructed upon Mode of Contract, authorised by the King's Patent are emfted from any Laws concerning Lotteries. STROUD, GLOCESTERSHIRE. I Tb be SOLD by Auction, on the Premises, I by SAMUEL DAVIS, on Friday the 15th Instant, I a MESSUAGE or TENEMENT fituate in Stroud, and now 1 occupied by John Dyer; consisting of a Kitchen, Parlour, I and Pantry, on the first Floor, with a good Cellar under; I three Rooms on the fecond Floor, and Ga rets over. A Messuage or Tenement occupied by Mrs. Pitt, consisting of a Kitchen, a Cellar, a Pantry, two Parlours, two Bed- chambers and Closets, with Garrets over; with a Brew House and a pleasant Garden adjoining. A Messuage or Tenement occupied by James Ellis, con- sisting of a Kitchen and Pantry, two Lodging Rooms and a ! Garret over. A Messuage or Tenement occupied by Matthew Williams, Consisting of one Room and Pantry on the first Floor, cne Lodging Room and Garret over. A Messuage or Tenement occupied by James White, con- sisting of two Rooms below, and one Room over, with an Out- House adjoining. The above Premises are Freehold, and all contiguous ; and will be put up in one Lot exactly at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon. May be viewed in the mean Time by applying to John Dyer, Shoemaker, in Stroud. Likewise to be sold the same Day, on the same Premises, a Quantity of Household Goods and Furniture ; consisting of Beds and Bedsteads, a Chest of Drawers, a Mahogany Table, and Tea- Boards, an Eight- Day Clock, and a Quantity of Kitchen Furniture, four Hogsheads, a Brewing Copper and other Brewing Utensils, & c. & e. The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock in the Morning. Three performers, just arrived, made their first appearance, Signora Gherardi, Signor Bartolini, and Signor Schinnotti. They occupy the second ranks in the drama ; to which on the whole they do great credit. But every thing is lost in the blaze and luxuriance of Allegranti's performance. She was re- ceived with the warmest applause ; and deserved all that could be given her. There were no new dancers; but the favourites of last year were cordially received. The house has undergone alterations, which render it one of the most elegant and magnificent theatres in Europe; and will transmit the name of Novosielski ( difficult as it is) to some future generations. Died.] Friday last, in Roslestone- Street, Salisbury, Dr. Alexander Ballantyne, many years physician in that city. WANTED ONE THOUSAND POUNDS, to be secured upon Messuages and Lands, situate within a Mile of Carmarthen, at 5I. per Cent. The I 1 Tenants will be attorned to pay the Interest regularly. For Particulars apply to Mr. Jones, Attorney, King- Street, I Carmarthen. * x - , ') 1 I NOTICE is hereby given, that all Persons, who I can make out any Claim or Demand on the Estate of I the late Rev. Mr. John Wilshire, late Vicar of Painswick, in I the County of Glocester, deceafed, are desired to send an Ac- I count of such their Demands, verified on Oath, to Mr. John I Colborne, Attorney at Law, in Stroud, Glocestershire, in I order that the same may be paid, so far as a Legacy given by I the Will of the late Mrs. Bliss, of Painswick aforesaid, for | that Purpose, will extend to pay. And all Persons indebted I to the Estate of the said Mrs. Bliss, are desired forthwith to | pay the same to the said Mr. J. Colborne, who is authorised I by the Executor to receive the same. Bowcott- Hill, Nubbis Ash, Billow Bridge, and Wisloe Gate I TURNPIKES. NOTICE is hereby given, That the next I General Meeting of the Trustees appointed for putting I in Execution an Act of Parliament passed in the 19th Year of I the Reign of his present Majesty King George the Third, en- 1 tituled, " An Act for amending the Road from the nine I Mile Stone on the Bristol Road, at or near a Place called the I Clay Pits, to or near the Chapel at Stone; and also the Roads I to and near Berkeley, Dursley, Wotton- Underedge, Stroud, I and Sodbury, and several other Roads in the Counties of Glo- | cester and Wilts;" and acting for that Division of Roads lead- I I ing from Stone to the Clay Pits, and to and near Berkeley and I Dursley, in the County of Glocester, will be heid at the I Dwelling Houfe of Samuel Tainton, Innholder, being the I Red Lion, at Newport, in the Parifh of Berkeley aforesaid, on I Monday the 25th of November Just. at Ten o'Clock in the I I Forenoon ; at which Time and Place the Tolls arising from the I Gate called Wisloe- Gate, within the said Division, will be let I I to the best Bidder or Bidders. By Order « f the Trustees, CONWAY WHITHORNE, Clerk, f Dursley, Nov. 2, 1782. f GLOCESTERSHIRE, TO be LET, and entered upon the 5th Day of J April next, the VICARIAL TYTHES of the Parish | I of Leigh, with the Vicarage House, Barn, Stable, Out- | houfes, and Glebe Land thereto belonging, consisting of 16 I Acres of Meadow or Pasture, and 10 Acres of Arable ( the I Arable to be entered upon immediately.) There is no Mo- I dus whatever, and more than 40 Cows milked in the Parish. I — Leigh is situated in the Midway, between Glocester and I Tewkesbury, and five Miles from Cheltenham. For fur- I ther Particulars apply to the Rev. William Chester, at Chel- I tenham N. B. Proper Security will be expefted for the Half- yearly I Payment of the Rent. GLOCESTERSHIRE TO be LET, and entered upon at Lady- Day next, a compact FARM, fituate at Launcaut, in the I | Parifh of Tidenham, consisting of a Farm- House, and neces- sary Out- houses, several Orchards planted with Stier Trees, and about 80 Acres of very good Arable, Meadow, and Pas- ture Land.— Tbe coming- on Tenant may fow his Corn im- mediately. Also to be let, a neat modern- built HOUSE, with 20 I Acres of Land ( if required) situate in the Parish of Tyden- ham aforesaid. I These Premises have every Conveniency for a genteel Fa- I mily, and are delightfully situated, commanding a most ex- tensive Prospect of the Bristol Channel, and Country adjacent. For further Particulars apply to Mr. T. Williams, Attorney I at Law, Chepstow. The Lottery begins drawing on Monday the 18th o November, 1782. MR. HODGES, at his Office in the Strand, London, has now on Sale a Variety of Tickets and I Numbers, stamped according to Act of Parliament. SCHEME I No. of Prizes. Value of each. Total Value. % of 20,000!, is 40,000). % • 10,000 • 2?, 000 » • • • 5l0OO — 10,000 4 — 2,000 —. 8,000 I S •' " I 1,000 g. noo * o —— 500 •' 10,000 JO — 100 —— 5,000 250 — JO —— 12,500 I > 4,000 —— 20 — * 8o, ooo I ' 4> 338 Pr* « >. 393,500 Firft- drawn Ticket, for the first 5 J Days, 50CI. each - . - J ^ S60 First- drawn Ticket, for the 10th and ) 15th Days, 1,0 ol. each - - $ a, e0° First- drawn on the 18th Day, - - - 2.000 First- drawn on the 21ft Day, - - - 3,000 The last- drawn Ticket - - - - 2,000 I 26,162 Blanks. i j 40,500 Tickets. 405, coo , I Not two Blanks to a Prize. . I The following car it A L PRIZES were fold and fhared in : I the laft Lottery, viz. : j 22,117 a Prize of 20,000 39,791 a Piize of £. 1,000 36,376 —- 10,000 11,485 500 9,- 89 5,000 9,507 500 42,863 . 5,000113,456 ———• 500 39,281 1,000 41 10S — 1 1 500 20,665 2,000 19,538 — 500 46 6S0 • 1,000 23,406 — m - 35,994 ,, 000 23* 848 500 21,044 1,000 i • —- 51,500 And capital Prizes sold in former Lotteries, for 7 . . for the last twelve Years, amount to J » I4> 500 Total 266,000 N. B., Such Ladies or Gentlemen as chufe to become Ad venturers, by leaving their Orders, and the Money for what they. intend to purchase, with Mr. HODGES'S Agents, may have the fame executed without any additional Expence. *,* Letters ( Post- paid) duly answered-. Englilh State Lottery, 1782 No. of Prizes, Value of each, 20,000f > 10,000 5,000 2,000 1,000 500 100 Total Value 40,000!. so, 000 I 10,000 8, oot' 8,000 10,000 5,000 12,500 280,000 » 5 » 14,000 First- drawn Ticket, for the firft five Days, 500I. each - First- drawn Ticket, for the lothand I - th Days, 1000!. each First- drawn on the 18th Day, - First- drawn on the 21ft Day, The last- drawn Ticket - - 2,000 2,000 3,000 2,000 26162 Blanks, 4Tickets. 405,000 Not two Blank? to a Prize. Begin drawing November 18 — Ti e Prizes to be paid in full. | TICKETS are fold and divided into HALF, QUARTER, EIGHTH, and SIXTEENTH SHARES, By Messrs. RICHARDSON and GOODLUCK, Licensed by Authority of Parliament, ( R- markable for felling capital PRIZES) At their Office, No. 104, the Corner ot the Bank- Build ings, Cornhill, also at their Offices, opposite. the King's Mews, Charing- Cross; and at Messrs. White and Mitchell's facing the Tron Church, Edinburgh ; and no where elfe on their Account. The following capital Prizes have been fold and fliared in former Lotteries af the above Offices, viz. three Prizes of 20 » or) oL four ditto of io, ocol. ten of 5 eel. fixteen of 1000I. one of 1,0501. four of i, oiol. one of 1010I. twenty eight of I,# ool. and forty- one of 500I. Country Correspondents may have Tickets and Shares fent them, by remitting good Bills payable at Sight, or of a fhort Date. All Shares sold at the above Offices are stamped agreeable to Act of Parliament, also with the Crown, and round it,— " Richardson and Goodluck's Lottery- Offi e." Tickets registered at Six- pence each, and the earliest In- telligence sent of their Success. N. B. There will be no Chances, Policies, or Insurances, in this Lottery, they being contrary ta Act of Parliament. A Legal Share in the LOTTERY, 1782, Gratis, Approved by COUNCIL. This Day are published, two Editions of a most useful and en tertaining Work, entitled, ANEW CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE, Or CORRECT REGISTER of every remarkable and important Occurrence, from the earliest Period to the present Time. The Price of one Edition is HALF- A GUINEA, and of the other FOUR SHILLINGS. With the Half Guinea Edition is given Gratis, a SHARE of a STATE LOTTERY TICKET, worth the whole Price of the Work, which will produce during the whole Time of Drawing, Four Hundred Pounds for a Prize of Twenty Thousand, I. 1. I. I. I. I. t. t. too for 10000 1 60 for 3000 20 for 1000 I 2 for 100 100 for 5000 ' 40 for 2000 10 for 500 I I for 50 And Eight Shillings for a Prize of Twenty Pounds. With the Four Shilling Edition will be alfo given Gratis, a 8fe » « r of a State- Lottery Ticket for the whole'Time of Drawing, which will produce One Hundred Pounds for a Prize of Twenty Thoufand, I. /. /. /. /. » . /. » . I. 50 for 10000 | 15 for 3000 | 5 — for 1000 10 for too 25 for 5000 I 10 for 2000 I z 10 for 500 5 for 50 And Two Shillings for a Prize of Twenty Pounds. N. B. There are only about three Blanks to two Prizes in this Lottery, which begins Drawing the ,8th of November. TO tbe P U B L I , C. THE Proprietors of this^ Work have consulted, and obtained the Sanction of very learned and eminent Council, who deci- sively admit the Legality of their Plan. They beg to observe, that the Work alone is well worth the Money paid for it, altho' to extend its Sale they give Gratis a Share of a Ticket, for the whole Time of Drawing, which has an Intereft in every Prize whatever, so that by those of 20I. near the Price of the Book will be returned. When it is considered, that no Share can be purchased under Twenty- four Shillings, and" that those who cannot afford, or I will not risque so much, have only the pretent Opportunity to be in the Way of Fortune to acquire very capital Sums, the Proprietors trust, that their Gift, ( worth the whole Price of the Work) will be acceptable to their Patrons, who may be I assured, that their Promise will be fulfilled with Honour, I Punctuality, and Integrity. London, printed for G. Hicks and Co. and fold at the fol- I lowing Places, where Country Correspondents, & c. addressing I t) G. Hicks and Co. will be duly attended to, viz. No. 11, I St. James's- Street, Corner of the Thatched Houfe Tavern ; I N 1. 30, Fleet- Street; and No. 67, High Holborn ; No. 6, I Cockspur- Street, Charing- Cross, Corner of Suffolk- Street, I and No. 5, Bridges- Street, opposite Drury- Lane Theatre. I Sold also, by Evans and Hazell, Booksellers, Glocester. I N. B. The Responsibility and Fidelity of George Hicks 1 and Co. have been experienced in many State Lotteries On Monday evening a place of entertainment, called the Royal Circus, was opened in St. George's Fields, by that cele- brated horseman, Hughes, ( son of Mr. Barnard Hughes, of Glocester). The whole in an improvement on the'plan of Astley. The proprietor of this place has substituted children, tor Astley's puppets, and the spectators were filled with asto- nishment at the perfection which theft: little creatures displayed In their parts. The house was as full as it could hold. Saturday evening the Opera- housc was opened for the sea- son, wih a new comick 0pera, called Il Convito. THURSDAY's POST. I s This day arrived the Mails from France and Flanders. I 1 From the Camp at St. Roch, 0ct. 14. ^^ JOGO^/ OO^ H E ] 2th instant the impetuosity of I c O js g/ the winds and rain, was so violent that I ^ TSVTR (?) combined fleet, cruising at the en- | 0 ' p yfc trance of the Bay of Gibraltar; were I iQZ yg greatly damaged; the Triomphant, a Spa- | t nish ship of 74 guns, run a- ground, on I t Europa Point, and sunk. General El- t liot through his generous care saved the I crew and took out the provisions and am- I t munition. After which, by firing red- hot balls on the hull, I he sunk her to the bottom. The Majestueux, under the com- I mand of the Viscount de la Rochechouart narrowly escaped the 1 same fate, but lost her mainmast, and was towed by a frigate 1 into Algesiras. The fleet retired towards the entrance of the I road of that port, unable to resist the storm. On the thirteenth, I the fleet of Lord Howe, ( the sea being very rough and boiste- I 1 rous) appeared shattered and in bad condition, in order to en- I ter the port of Gibraltar, but was driven with his transports I * by the impetuosity of the winds into the Mediterranean. His I 1 ships appeared to be roughly treated. We counted 33 men of I war and a number of frigates, one of which, and four tran- I sports, entered the port of Gibraltar.— Madrid Gaxette. LONDON, Tuesday, Nov. 5. The men of war which sailed from Portfmouth on Friday I last, are supposed to be gone to the Western Islands, in order I to search for the Ville de Paris, as there is every reason to be- I lieve the French have dispatched some ships to sea for the pur- I pose of intercepting her, in consequence of the information I which they received from the Ariel frigate, that captured the I Hector, Cox, on the 26th of September, in lat. 44, 54, | long. 30, which was four days after the Hector parted from I her. Capt. Cox fell in with the Ville de Paris on the 19th of I N September, and kept company with her till the 26th, when at I ten o'clock that night, they lost sight of her. She was then I 150 leagues to the westward of Corvo; the preceding day fbe I " hoisted a signal of distress, but it being blowing weather, and I Ac Hector dismasted, she was not able to go near enough to I speak with her ; but they understood that it was Capt. Cur- I genven's intention to make the Azores if possible. It is me- I lancholy to observe, that neither the Centaur nor Glorieux I were in company with her, therefore most probably they are I both foundered. The Ville de Paris did not lose her mast I during the hurricane, but rolled them away two days after- I wards. This morning some dispatches were received from Lisbon, 1 which were brought over in the Sacramenta de Silva, arrived I at Dover, after a passage of 14 days; but they give no ac- I count of the Ville de Paris. Extract of a letter from Capt. Kempthorn, Commander of his Majesty's packet boat the Antelope, dated Port L'Orient, Oct. I 21. " We sailed from Lisbon the 29th of September, and on I the 16th instant, about eight o'clock in the morning, fell in I with an American privateer, called the Buccaneer, Capt. I Pearson, belonging to Salem. She gave chace and came up with us in the afternoon, and made us strike our Colours, the 1 mail and Government's dispatches having first been thrown I ' ..; the privateer mounted 18 nine- pounders, and is I the swiftest sailer I ever met with." Extract of a letter from Portsmouth, Nov. 4. " The following ships of war are under orders here for sail- 1 ing, in the course of a few days ; and the West- India fleet will I accompany them to a certain latitude, viz. Romney, of § 0 I guns, Commodore Elliot; Europe, 64, Duckworth; Rain- I bow, 44, Trotlope ; Mediator, 44, Luttrell; Resistance, 44, I King ; La Prudente, 38, Fitzgerald ; Alcmene, 32, Doug- I las ; and Eurydice, 24, Courtney." Yesterday the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty put his Majesty's ship Grafton in commission, and gave the com- mand of her to Capt. Stair Douglass, who came home some time ago from the Leeward- Islands Captain of the Triumph. The Lords of the Admiralty have put his Majesty's new ship Scipio, of 64 guns, now in the river, into commission, the command of which is given to Capt. Man, and she is fit- ting out for sea. Sunday afternoon, as his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales was returning in a post- coach and four from the Queen's palace to Windsor, turning into Piccadilly, one of the wheels caught the gate ; the violence of the jirk threw his Royal Highness against the front glass, and cut him very much ; the gentleman who was with him was also much hurt. His Royal Highness returned immediately to the palace, and we have the pleasure to inform the public he was so well recover- ed, as to go to Windsor yesterday afternoon. Last Saturday evening an elderly gentleman was going up Holborn, when a fellow suddenly threw himself across the way, and the gentleman fell over him. Two men genteelly dressed went to help him up, whilst he that threw him down ran off. When the gentleman had recovered himself, he ex- amined his pockets, and found his purse, with ten guineas and some silver, and his watch, were gone ; but the two that helped him up, were gone off likewise. On Friday as a gentleman was standing by the stairs Black- wall to see the convicts put on board, one of them picked his pockct of his watch, which the gentleman immediately missed, and offered half a guinea to have it restored, but they all de- nied it; on which the city serjeants who guarded them to Blackwall went on board the vessel, and at length found it upon a man, he having received it of the thief, and it was re- turned to the gentleman. On Wednesday night last the Bath and Bristol coaches were robbed between Maidenhead and Reading, by four highway- men, who took from the passengers all their money, except one poor man, who declared in a piteous tone of voice, that a single half guinea was his whole stock ; on which the robbers, moved at his distress, returned it him, and then rode off. Saturday afternoon, during the removal of the debtors from Clerkenwell- Brideweil to New- Prison, a fine, who had ingra- tiated himself into the favour of the jailors by his civil and quiet behaviour, was entrusted with the key of the inward gate, which he opened, and let all the felons into the court, where they instantly overpowered the keepers of the outward gate, cne of whom was stabbed and cut several times with a knife, so that it is thought his right- arm will be for ever use- less to him. After this they knocked down another keeper, and robbed him of his money. Letitia Holland, who was sentenccd to be executed for the riot at Lord Mansfield's, in July 1780, but pardoned on condition of imprisonment, hav- in ; given notice of the intended escape; in revenge for it the ruffians used her in a manner too barbarous and too indecent for description. Twcnty; five prisoners then got out, and went oft' in a body through Corporation- Row, into St. John's- Street, & c. Five of them were afterwards retaken, and are now double- ironed, and chained to the floor of the strong ward. MONDAY, November 11, 1782. Tc NOTICE is hereby given, that the next Meeting of the Trustees or Commissioners of the Cold- Harbour Turnpike Roads, held by Adjournment, will be at the Bear, at Cold- Harbour, on Monday the 18th of November Inst. By Order of the Commisioners. THOMAS ALEXANDER, Clerk. Nov. 6." THIS is to acquaint Seedsmen, Gardeners, & c. that there is now a large Quantity of the true and genuine early CHARLTON PEAS to be disposed of, at Bollitree, near Ross, in Herefordshire, the Property of T. H. Merrick, Esq. Alfo at the same Place there is a large Quan- tity of exceeding fine PERRY and CYDER for Sale, fit for - the Bottle and Draught; ^^^^ JOURNEYMAN TANNER. WANTED immediately, a sober JOUR- NEYMAN TANNER, capable of conducting the Business of the Tan- Yard, and working well on the Beam. Constant Employment and good Wages. Enquire, by Letter Post- paid, of EVANS and HAZELL, Booksellers, in the Westgate- Street, Glocester. GLOCESTER. * 0 be LET and entered upon immediately, a good and convenient MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, confining of a Hall, two Parlours, f; ur Chambers, and four Garrets, with other Appurtenances, and a Garden, thereto belonging, fituate in King- Street, in this City. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Weaver, in King- Street aforefaid. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be SOLD in Fee, two TENEMENTS or DWELLING- HOUSES, adjoining to each other, eituate at or near the upper End of Stroud, with their Appur- tenances, and now in the several Occupations of John Harmar and Samuel Poole. Application for further Particulars to be made to J. SCOTT, Attorney at Law, in Painswick. S0LD by Auction on Monday, Tues- day, and Wednesday, the 18th, 19th, and 20th Instant, all the STOCK in TRADE belonging to the QUEEN WARE POTTERY, situate in the Borough of Kidder- minster, in the County, of Worcestcr ; consisting of a large Assortment of the several Articles manufactured in the afore- said Pottery and elsewhere ; likewise all the Implements in Trade and all the Materials thereunto belonging.—- The Whole to be sold without Reserve. N. B. There is about 50 Tons of good Ball Clay, very suitable for a Potter. JOSEPH CARPENTER, Nursery and Seeds- man, in Cirencester, Glocesterlhire, thinks proper to in- form the Public, that he has a large Collection of ' English ELMS, Scotch and Spruce Firs, Silver Weymouth Pines, Balm of Gillead, Ash, Lime, plain Chesnuts, and all other Forest Trees, from five to fifteen Feet in Height, stocky in Proper, tion : Likewise Evergreens, and Flowering Shrubs j a large Collection of Standard Apple and Pear Trees for Orchards, and Dwarfs for Espaliers ; Standard and Dwarf Plumb and Cherry Trees; Apricots, Peaches, and Nectarines for Walls ; a Collection of Green- House Plants ; likewise a great Variety of Peas, Beans, and other Garden Seeds; Flower Seeds; and large Garden Mats. Gentlemen and others may be supplied with the above Par- ticulars on the lowest Terms. CIRENCESTER, Nov. 8. TO THE PUBLIC. ANURSERY. SAMUEL SMITH, late Servant to Earl Bathurst, having taken to and entered on all that capital Nursery and Gardens, late in the Occupa- tion of Thomas Carpenter of Cirencester, in the County of Glocester, which consist of the best Kinds and various Sorts of Firr, Elm, Ash, Beech, Forest Trees, and all other Nursery Plants, likewise a great Variety of bed Kinds of Fruit Trees, an! Shrubs. HE therefore takes this early Method of informing the Pub- lic in general, that he is now selling off, upon the lowest and best Terms, each of the above mentioned Articles.— All Gentlemen's Favours will be esteemed, and their Orders punctually executed upon the shortest Notice. Thomas Carpenter, through this Channel, returns his best Thanks to Gentlemen for past Favours, and hopes that a Continuance of the same will be conferred on his Successor. T WHEREAS an Advertisement was inserted in this Paper some Time since, desiring all Persons who were indebted to the Rev. Mr. Philips, late Vicar of Bisley, in the County of Glocester, deceased, to pay the same 3l£ :\ Time and Place in the said Advertisement mentioned j and as many Persons who never paid any privy Tythes neglected to- attend and pay the same, — This is therefore to give Notice to all such Perfons, who are now in Arrears for Privy Tythes, to pay the same, either to. Mrs. Philips, Widow and Executrix of the said Mr. Philips, at Bisley aforesaid j or at the George Inn at Stroud, on Friday the 6th of December next, between the Hours of Ten and Two, where Attendance will be given to' receive the same : And all Persons who shall then neglect to pay the same, will be immediately proceeded against for the Re- covery thereof, without further Notice. BRISTOL, Nov. 9, 1782. IN a neat and convenient HOUSE in Milk- Street, lately ocupied by the Rev. Mr. ESTLIN, T. A D L A M Begs Leave to inform his Friends and the Public., that he has opened a SCHOOL, for boarding and educating YOUNG ANTED a Place as Lady's Maid in a genteel Family, for a young Peson, she is a good Hand at her Needle, and understands a little of Hair- Dressing and will be well recommended For further Particulars please to enquire of Evans and Hazell, Booksellers, Westgate- Street, Glocester. THE Land Owners, or Proprietors of Land, within thofe Parts of the Parishes of Slimbridge and Berkeley which are called The Upper of the Lower Levell, and who contributed to the Expence of erecting and setting up the New Drough and Stop Gate, near Slimbridge Warth, are de- sired to meet at Cambridge Inn, on Wednesday the 2cth of November Inst. at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, tu enter into an Agreement to compel the repairing the said Drough, agreeable to the Articles and Bond entered into &> r- that Purpose. WORKHOUSE at GLOCESTER. WANTED, a single Perfon above the Age of Thirty, to superintend the Poor in the said Work- . house, as Master, who will be required to give constant At- tendance, must know common Accompts, and if he has any Knowledge of the Poor's Laws, the better. He must bring a Character of his Sobriety and Honesty from the Minister and Churchwardens, or two other respectable Persons of his Parish. The Election will be on the 5th Day of December next; and all Candidates are required to attend the Thursday pre- ceding, to be examined as to their Qualification and Merits. Salary Twenty- four Pounds per Ann. STOLEN or Strayed, on the 29th of Odober last, from the Green Dragon, in the Town of Usk, Mon- mouthshire, a Dun MARE, rising seven Years old, about 15 Hands high, with a little White in the Forehead, and a black Strake along the Back Bone to her Tail, has a swish Tail, and is very likely to have the Poll- Evil. She had a Pad and Bri- dle on her when lost. Whoever will give Intelligence of the laid Mare, so that ftie may be had again, to RICHARD JAMES, at Undy, in the County aforesaid, shall receive Half a Guinea Reward. ELOPED on Tuesday the 29th of October last, from his Master's Service, without any Provoca- tion, JAMES COLDRICK, hired Servant to Thomas Har- ris, of the Parish of Harescombe, Glocestershire : This is to forewarn all Persons from employing or entertaining him} as they will be prosecuted with the utmost Rigour. GLOCESTERSHIRE. NOTICE to CREDITORS. THE Creditors of John Wamer, of Slim- bridge, Shopkeeper and Pigkiller, may at any Time after the 16th Instant, receive the Dividend arising from his Effects, on complying with the Terms in the Deed of Assign- ment, by applying to William Vizard, Attorney, in Dursley. GLOCESTERSHIRE. ~ < 0 be SOLD by Auction, on Wednesday the 10th of November Inst. at the House of ---~ Rowles, known by the Sign of the White Hart, in North Nibley, at . Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, according to such Conditions as shall be then produced, and together or in Lots, A LEASEHOLD MESSUAGE and two TENEMENTS, with the Gardens adjoining, one Orchard opposite to the faid Messuage., and a fmall Parcel of Beach Wood, the whole; in the Possession of Elizabeth Perrett, Widow, and held by Leases under the Earl of Berkeley, ( save as to the Wood) for Years, determinable on three Lives, and the said: Parcel of Wood is determinable on one Life, subject to a Quit Rent of Twelve Shillings a Year. Enquire further of William Vizard, Attorney, Dursley, TO be SOLD, in two Lots, by Auction ( in Fee) on Wednesday. the 18th of December, at the White Hart, in the Old Market, in the City of Bristol, be- tween the- Hours of Eleven and One, Lot 1. A MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, to- gether with a convenient Brewhouse, Cellar, and Outhouses thereto belonging,, situate on St. Philip's Plain, in the City of Briftol, nearly opposite to the Passage Leading from the Plain to St.' Philip's Church- Yard, and near adjoining the Spread Eagle Public Houze, and now and for many Years last past in the Occupation of Dr. Mitchell, as Tenant at Will, at the yearly Rent^ of 81. 8s. clear of all Taxes ( but the Lanjd Tax) subject to a Chief Rent of 27s. per Ann. The Purchaser of this Lot may, at a trifling Expence, very much advance the present low Rent, the Premises being roomy, and having Plenty of excellent Water. Lot 2. A MESSUAGE or DWELLING HOUSE," to- gether with a large. Workshop, Brewhouse, and convenient Cellar, and Outhoufes thereto belonging, situate in or near the Middle of Lamb- Street, in the Out Parish of St, Philip and Jacob, in the County of Glocester, late in the Occupation of — Gordon, Windsor Chair- Maker, but now of , as Tenant at Will, at the clear yearly Rent of. 9I. subject to a yearly Chief Rent of 13s. This Lot is well worth the At- tention of a Hatter, or of any other Person, whole Calling re- quires much Room and Plenty of Water, the Premifes abound- ing in both. Conditions of Sale will be produced at the Time and Place of Sale.— For a View of the Premifes apply to Mrs. Gauntlett, Upholsterer, Old Market, Bristol; and for Particulars ( or Sale by private Contract) to Mr. John Griffiths, Grocer, in Mon- mouth; or to Mr. Thomas Stokes, Attorney, Coleford, Glocestershire. To be LET, and entered upon immediately, at Longhope, in the County of Glocester, a compact little FARM, confifting of upwards of 40 Acres of Pasture and Arable Land, in the Occupation of Mr. Joseph Acton. The Lands are in good Condition, the Dwelling- House and Offices in good Repair, and the Farm well stocked with Fruit Trees of the best Sorts. * ^ For further Particulars enquire of the said Joseph Acton, who will fhew the Premises j or of Mr. Bayly, Attorney at Law, at Mitcheldean ; or Mr. James Pynock, of Tewkeibury. Longhope is two Miles from Mitcheldean, nine from Glo- cester, seven from Rofs, and six from Newent.— The Tenant has- an unlimited Right of Common in or upon Chess Grove Walmer, May- Hill, Huntley Hill, and the Forest of Dean. T T 1. 18 iS GENTLEMEN, on the following Terms: Board and Tuition in Reading, Writing, Arith-' metic, and Book- keeping, per Ann. . Entrance - - - - - 110 Day- Scholars, per Annum - - 440 Geography and the Use of the Globes - 220 Young Ladies taught Writing and Arithmetic,? 0 10 £ every Day from Twelve to One, at per Quarter 5 In this Undertaking he is determined to pay the ut- - * Attention to thole Pupils entruded to his Care, and ' - - be patronized by his Friends, whose Confidence and " * - Recommendations, he shall be always anxious to deserve. R' MONMOUTHSHIRE J ^ 0 be SOLD by Auction, on Thursday the ^ h Day of November instant, at the King's- Head in Newport, in the County ot Monmouth, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, by Order of the Assignees of Samuel Jeffer, a Bankrupt, one fifth undivided Part or Shire of that MANOR, or reputed MANOR of' NEW- PARK, otherwise Dowles Park: And of all thofe- four Messuages or Tenements, and several Closes, Pieces and Par eels of Arab! e Meadow, and Pasture Ground thereto belong- ing; containing in the whole, by Estimation, 350 Acres ( more or less) situate, lying and being within the leveral Pa rishes of Marshfield, Michaelstone Vedow and Baffaleg, in in the said County of Monmouth, and now in the Occupa- ti > n of Thomas Edwards. The above Estate lies within a Ring Fence, and adjoins the Turnpike- Road leading from Newport to Cardiff, didant about lix Miles from each of thofe Towns, is capable of great Improvement, and will admit of a considerable Advance, having been let at the same Rent for upwards of 50 Years. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Thomas Thomas, Attorney at Law, Cardiff; or to Edward Daniel, Attorney at. Law, Brstol STATE- LOTTERY, 1782. MESSRS. NICHOLSON and Co. respect- fully acquaint their Friends and the Public that the TICKETS are sold and registered, and divided into HALF, QUARTER, EIGHTH, and SIXTEENTH, Shares, at their State- Lottery Office, the King's- Arms, Bank- Buildings, Cornhill, London. ( And no where else on their Account.) At the above Office, in the laft and former Lotteries, up- ' wards of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS have been paid to fortunate Adventurers. The Prize, to be paid in Money, without Deduction. All SHARES, sold at the above Office, are stamped . agreeably to Act of Parliament, also with the- Crown, and round it " Nicholson and Co.' s Lottery- Office." Schemes Gratis. — . A. leis ( Post- paid) duly anfwered.—— Begins drawing on Monday, the iSth of this Month. N. B. N 1 Bills can be taken but what are payable at Sight, or ot a very short Date., Licenced by Authority of Parliament, J. R. S A WBROOK, Formerly Partner with, but now sole Succedor to, MARGRAY and POPE, Respectfully informs the Public, that he has Sale Tickets in great Variety, of Numbers; alio HALVES", FOURTHS, EIGHTHS, and SIXTEENTHS, duly damped, ( the original Tickets being deposited with the Re- ceiver- General of his Majefty's Stamp Duties, as the Aft diretts) ' At the old Offices, No. 139, FLEET- STREET, and No. 30, CORNHILL, London. Also LEGAL CHANCES, for the whole Time of the Drawing, damped in the Manner of Inland Bills, at ONE GUINEA and HALF A GUINEA, entitled to Prizes as folbw : Those at ONE GUINEA are entitled to i, 6ooI. if either of the Prizes'of 800I. if either of. the Prizes of 300I. if either of the Prizes of lod. if either of tlie Prizes of 50I. if. either of the Prizes of 30I. if either uf the Prizes of 14I. if either of the Prizes of 7I. if either of the Prizes of 30I. if ftrll- drawn on either of the firft five Days of drawing, entitled to 50I. if fird- drawn on the tenth or fifteenth 7 Days of drawing, entitled to - - j tool, if lird7drawn on the eighteenth Day, en- titled to - - - - 150I. if fird- drawn on the twenty- fird Day, entitled to 100I. if lad- drawn Number, entitled to The CHANCES at HALF- A- GUINEA are entitled to HALF of the above Advantages. Begins drawing on Monday the TSth of November. Tickets, Shares, and Ch. r. tces, regiftered at 6d. each, and particular Care will be taken to fend the earlicd Account of their Fate to any Part of'the Kingdom. Country Orders for Shares or Chances, encloling a Bill of a Ihort Date, per Poft, or fending Money in a Parcel per Stage, Coach, or Diligence, will he punctually executed. *** It is necessary to repeat, that . the above Offices are licenced, and the Chances stampt. The following Advertisemcnt of Messrs. MARGRAY and POPE, which appeared in the public Prints in nay Behalf, is humbly presumedto be a sufficient Recommen- dation with the Public : « Mr. SAWBROOK, - who was a Partner its'our House in " the Years 1779 and 1780, we can with Safety recom- " mend to our mod intimate Friends and old Customers as " a man of strict Honour and Integrity, not doubting but " he will give the same Satisfaction which we are conscious " to have given in the Course of twelve lotteries past. " We leave a Clerk with said Mr. Sawbrook, in Fleet- Street, " who will regularly pay the Prizes which the Chances we " have issued in the last Irish Lottery tray be entitled to " by the Drawing of the present Lottery, and who will alf i " discharge every Claim on our late Offices ( if any) from " former Lotteries. MARGRAY and POPE."' MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be peremptorily SOLD by Auction, on Saturday the 30th of November Inst. at the Beaufort- Aims, in the Town cf Chepstow, between the Hours of Three and Six in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then produced, All that Freehold Messuage or Dwelling- House, Malt- Houfe, Coach- House, Stable, Granary, and Garden walled in, situate in the Moors- Street, in the Town of Chepstow, late in the Occupation of Martha Loftus, Widow. Immediately after the Sale of the above Premises, will be sold, a Second- hand CHAISE, with Harness for four Horses. For a View of the Premises apply to Mr. John Buckle, or to Mr. James Davies, Attorney, at Chepstow. TURNPIKE TOLLS to be LET. NOTICE is hereby given, that a Meeting of the Trustees appointed by Virtue of an Act of Parlia- tr. ent, intitled, " An Act for repairing the Road from the Town of Cirencester to the Town of Stroud, and that Part of Rodborough Hill which leads to Dudbridge, and also the Road leading from Cirencester towards Bisley, so far as the Bottom of the Gulph Hill, all in the County of Glocester," will be held by Adjournment at the Crown Inn, in Minchin- hampton, in the said County, 011 Tuesday the 26th of No- vember next, at Eleven o'Clock in ths Forenoon ; when the Tolls arising at the Toll Gates upon the said Turnpike Road, at the Round Tower, and Park Corner, will be let by Auction to the best Bidder, between the Hours of Eleven and Two; which Tolls produced last Year the Sum of 164!. above the Expences of collecting them. Whoever happens to be the best Bidder, must at the fame Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the said Trustees, for Payment of the Rent agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct. PETER LEVERSAGE, Jun. 0! i. 16. Clerk to the said Trustees. JAMAICA RUM WAREHOUSE. TO the Nobility, Gentry, Dealers, Captains of Ships, and others, delicate in the Flavor of fine old JAMAICA RUM, & c. See. RICHARDSON and STEVENSON, City Repository, 173, Bishopsgate- Street, London, have on Sale a large Parcel of select, well chosen, fine Flavor, old Jamaica Rums, war- ranted neat as imported by the West- India Merchants, in which Oil will sink, of laft Year's Importation, at the lowest Key Prices, regulated by the Sale of the present Importation. . per Gallon. The finest over Proof old Jamaica Rum, in which Oil will sink, at Ditto in Casks of 10 Gallons to a Puncheon Ditto per Puncheon out of the Excise bonded Ware- houses - - - - The finest over- proof old Coniac Brandy, in which Oil will sink - - - Ditto in Casks of 10 Gallons to a Puncheon Ditto per Puncheon on the Custom house Key The finest over- proof Rotterdam Geneva, in which Oil will sink ... Very fine old Batavia Arrack Fine old proof Jamaica Rum, at tos. 6d. per Gallon, equal to what is sold at Good old Rum, at 9s. per Gall, equal to Very fine old proo! Coniac Brandy, at lis. 6d. per Gall, equal to what is sold at Good old Brandy, at los. rqual to what is sold at - Fined Orange Rum and Brandy Shrub, at 9s. 6d. equal to what is fold at - Good Orange Shrub, at 7s. equal to - Real Rotterdam Geneva, at 9s. equal to Hollands Geneva, in Calks of 5 Gallons each, at FOREIGN WINES. Red and White Port, Mountain, and Calcavella Lilbon Wines, of the mod approved Vintages, at 13;. per Doz. 13 Bottles. - Per Pipe, I'ort Wine 49/.; Calcavella Lilbon 47I.; old Mountain 47I. per Butt; very excellent Sherry Wine 30s. per Doz. per Butt 60I. ; as like- wife fome of the choiced old Madeira Wine in this Kingdom at 4 s. per Dozen. ENGLISH- MADE WINES, allowed by the best Judges to be superior to any. Rich and dry Malaga, Smyrna and Sun Wines, two Years old, at 3s. 3d. per Gallon; in Casks of 10 Gallons. to 30, at 3s. Half Hoglhead to a Pipe 2s. lod. Frcntiniac and Orange Wine 3s. gd. per Gallon, or 13s. per Dozen. N. B. The above Warehouse being first opened to supply the Public with Genuine Goods, 15 to 20 per Cent, lower than is in general charged, no Credit can be given. Good Bills inclosed with Orders, taken in Payment. Not lefs than two Gallons sent to any Inn, Wharf or Place in London, Carriage free. Ships of war, together witli a large supply of powder, being landed at the same time, and the wants of the garrison amply provided for in every respect, I proposed taking advantage im- mediately of the Easterly wind, which had prevailed the two or three preceding; days, to- f returning through the Straits to the Westward. " At break of day on the yoth, the combined force of the enemy was at a little distance to the N. E. The fleet being at that time so nearly between Europa and Ceuta Points, that there was not space to form in order of battle on either tack, I repaired the Straits, followed by the enemy. " The wind changing next morning ( the 2oth) to the Northward, the combined fleets, consisting of 45 or 46 ships of the line, still retained the advantage of the wind. " The Britsh fleet being formed to leeward to receive them they were left, uninterruptedly, to take the distance at which they should think git to engage. They began their cannonade- at sun set, on the van and rear, seeming to point their chief attention on the latter, and continued their fire along their whole line, at a considerable didance, and with little effect, until ten at night. It was returned occasionally from different ships of the fleet, its their nearer approach at times afforded a more favourable opportunity for making any impreisson upoa them. " The enemy hauling their wind, and the British fleet keeping on all night with the full sail directed before the com- mencement of their fire, the fleets are now much separated j but as 1 conceive the knowledge of the relief of Gibraltar may be of much consequence at this time, I take the opportunity^ while it is now almost calm, and the ships are refitting the da- mages they have sustained in their masts rigging by the enemy's fire; to forward this dispatch without further delay. " P. S. The Minerva naval transport with the baggage of the regiments embarked in the ships of war, separatcd from the fleet in the night of the 13th, and was, I hear, since taken by the enemy. 12s. 6d. lis. 2d. - us. 8d. 13s, 13s. 12s. lis, 14s. - 12S. I IS, 13s I2S 6d. 2d. 8d. 6d. od. od. od. od. . od. r2s. od. 9s. od. 1 is. od. 7s, od. SATURDAY'S POST. From the London Gazette Extraordinary. Admiralty- Office, November 7, 1782, £ ive ^ 2. o, oool. lo, oool. I 5, oool. 1 2, cool. i, oool. 500). 100I. 501. jaflfc 1,00$. 2, Cool. 3, oool. 2; 000l. CAPT. Henry Duncan, of his Ma- jesty's ship the Victory, arrived this § morning with dispatches from Lord Viscount Howe, and also with dif- patches from Capt. Curtis, of the Brilliant, who commanded the bri- gade of seamen at Gibraltar, of which the fol- lowing are extracts. Extract of a triplicate of a letter from Lord Viscount Howe to Mr. Stephens, dated on board the Victory, Oct. 21, 1782, . Cape Spartcl, E. N. E. 40 leagues. RESERVING the more particular account of my proceed- ings to be delivered on my return to England, I send the Peggy cutter now to acquaint you, for the information of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, that after much delay by contrary winds, and very unfavourable weather, the fleet arrived off Cape St. Vincent on the 9th instant. " According to the advices previously obtained, I had rea- son to expect to find the enemy Off Cape St. Mary's; but by authentic intelligence I had then an opportunity to procure, I learned that the combined fleets, consisting of 50 sail of three and two decked ships, had taken a station, some time before, in Gibraltar Bay. " On the morning of the 11th, the fleet entered the Straits, and the van arriving off Gibraltar Bay a short time af- ter the close of day; a very favourable opportunity offered for the store- ships to have reached their destined anchorage without molestation from the enemy ; but, for want of timely atten- tion to the circumstances of the navigation, pointed out in the instructions communicated by Capt. Curtis, only four of the 31, which had kept company with the fleet 011 the passage, ef- fected their purpose. " Very tempestuous weather in the night of the loth had put two of the enemies two- decked ships on shore, a third lost her fore- mast and bowsprit, and a fourth had been driven under the works of the garrison and captured : two more went out of the Bay to the Eastward. With the rest of their force they put to sea the evening of the 13th to interrupt the introduction of ,- the remaining store- ships ; and having the wind at W. N. W. they bore down upon the fleet, then off Fangerolle, in order of battle. . Upon sight of the fleet standing to the Southward) about nine that night, they appeared to haul to the wind on the larboard tack. In the morning of the 14th, the fleet being to the Southward uf the enemy six or seven leagues, and the wind changing foon after to the Eastward, the opportunity was taken to pass such of the store- ships as were then with the fleet into the Bay. " On the night of the t8^ the rest of the store- ships, which had been ordered to a special rendezvous with the Buffalo, 011 light of the enemy on the 13th ( the Thompson victualler, that had parted company in the mean time, excepted) were like- wise anchored is Rosia Bay. The troops embarked 141 the Extract of a letter from Lord Viscount Howe, to Mr. Stephens on board the Victory, 0ct. 24, 1782. SIR, DEEMlNG it essential to his Majesty's service, that the debarkation of ths. troops and stores at Gibraltar* should be communicated to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty as soon as possible, I sent the Peggy Cutter the 21ft instant, with a general report of my proceedings, in exe- cution of my orders to that period. A duplicate of that report went in the Buffalo, ordered for England the next day, on account of the state of her wounded masts; and I encloce a triplicate of the same by this convey- ance, to connect the relation of the different circumstances re- specting the employment of the fleet, which have since occur- red. Some of the ships having sustained more damage in their masts and yards by the fire of the enemy on the 20th, than was at first observed, the necessary repairs were not completed until the 22d. But as it was mostly calm, in the mean time no advantage could have been made of an opportunity to fol- low the enemy ( who, when last feen 011 the 21st, were standing off to the N. N. W. by the wind on the ( larboard tack) it the masts had been earlier secured. A list of the killed and wounded will likewise accompany this dispatch. I have only to express my regret, that the lit- tle confidence the enemy shewed in their superiority, by keep- ing always as near as they could haul to the wind, prevented the full effect of the animated exertions, which I am sure, would have been made by every officer and seaman in the fleet under my command, if they could have closed with their opponents: but as I judged such nearer approach could not then be seasonably attempted, I made no change in the dispo— sition of the ships, as formed at first to receive the enemy. " For similar reasons I do not dwell more particularly on the merits of the flag officers of the fleet on the same occasion, being certain they would disregard any commendations of their efforts against an enemy who declined giving them an oppor- tunity to discharge the duty of their stations, in repelling a more serious attack 1 but at the same time I am reminded of the advantages derived to his Majesty' service, from the ex-' tensive knowledge of the difficult navigation within the straits acquired by, and the unremitted assiduity of, my first Captain, Levison Gower. Having had but very little wind from the N. E. chiefly since the 21st, 1 cannot much longer, with prudence, ( under the reduced state of the water and stores in many of the ships) make the pursuit of the enemy's fleets, which, I fuppose, are on their return to Cadiz, the first object of my attention, Capt. Duncan, of the Victory, taking his passage in the Latona,' is charged with these dispatches; and as Capt. Curtis, who was sent off to me for the last time on the 19th, with Gen. Elliott's confidential sentiments, could not be put on shore again, in consequence of the return of the enemy from the Eastward that morning, I have appointed him to command the Victory for the time being, until their Lordships' pleasure is signified for his future conduct. Return of the killed and wounded, from the fire of the combined fleets, the 2oth of 0ctober, 1782. LINE or BATTLE. Van squadron, or of Commander in Second Post, First or starboard division. Goliah. 4 seamen or marines killed ; 1 Lieutenant, 1 master, 14 seamen or marines, wounded. Ganges. 6 seamen or marines killed ; 1 Captain, 22 seamen or marines, wounded. Royal William. 1 seamen or marines killed ; 2 Lieutenants, 11 seamen or marines, wounded. Britannia. ( V. A. BARRINGTON.) 8 seamen or marines killed; 1 boatswain, 12 seamen or marines, wounded. Atlas. 1 seamen or marines killed ; 3 ditto wounded. Ruby. 6 seamen or marines wounded. Second or larboard division. Panther. 1 midshipman, 2 seamen killed ; 11 seamen or ma- rines wounded. Foudroyant. 2 seamen, 2 marines killed ; 1 midshipman, 7 seamen or marines wounded. Edgar. ( Com. HOTHAM.) 6 seamen or marines wounded. Polyphemus. I master, I purser, 1 midshipman, 1 seaman wounded. Suffolk. None killed or wounded. Vigilant. 1 seaman or marine killed; 2 ditto wounded. Centre squadron, or of Commander in Chief, First or starboard division. Courageux. 1 midshipman killed; 4 seamen wounded. Crown. 1 seaman or marine wounded. Alexander. 2 marines killed; 4 seamen or marines wounded. Sampson. 1 marines killed. Princess Royal. 1 seaman or marine killed. Victory. ( COMMANDER in CHIEF.) None killed or wound- ed. Second or larboard division. Blenheim. 2 seamen or marines killed ; 3 ditto wounded. Asia. None killed or wounded. Egmont. 1 seaman or marine killed. Queen. ( R. A. HOOD.) I seaman or marine killed; 4 dit* to wounded. Bellona. None killed or wounded. Rear squadron, or of Commander in Third Post, Second or starboard division. Raisonable. 1 seaman or marine killed. Fortitude. 1 seaman, 1 private of the 2d regiment killed? 4 seamen, 5 privates of the regiment wounded. Princess Amelia. ( R. A. Sir R. HUGHES.) 4 seamen or marines killed ; 5 ditto wounded. Berwick, i Lieutenant killed ; 5 seamen wounded. Bienfaisant. 2 seamen or marines killed; 4 ditto woundei.- First or larboard division. Dublin. None killed or wounded. Cambridge. 1 midshipman, 3 seamen killed; 2 midshipmenr 4 seamen wounded. Ocean. ( V. A. MILBANK.) None killed or wounded. Union. 4 seamen 1 marine killed; 15 seamen or marines wounded. Buffalo. 3 seamen, 3 marines, killed; 1 boatswain, 1 mid- shipman, 13 seamen, 1 marine wounded. Vengeance. 3 seamen killed, 1 Lieutenant, 2 midshipmen, 11 seamen wounded. TOTAL. Killed 68. ' Wounded 208. Frigates, See. as before, except the Tisiphone, disarmed,- and laden with powder, left at Gibraltar the 19th instant. Names of Officers killed and wounded. Goliah. Mr. Wheatley, third lieutenant, and Mr. Wooden, master, ( lightly wounded. Ganges. Capt. Fielding wounded in the arm. Royal William, Mr. Willis, second lieutenant, lost his right thigh, the third lieutenant wounded in leg and arm. Britannia. Boatswain wounded, lost his leg. Panther. Mr. Robert Sturges, midshipman, killed. Courageux. Mr. Augustus Hervey, midshipman, killed. Berwick. Mr. John Lampen, fourth lieutenant, killed, Cambridge. Mr Baxter, midshipman, killed. DIVIDENDS. Nov. 29. George Nelson, of St. Swithen's- lane, London, merchant. 29. Richard Hill, late of Birmingham, War- wickshire, anvil- maker. Dec, 2. Maynard Torin, of Wal- worth, Surry, wine- merchant. James Adams, of Mincing- lane, London merchant. 12. James Perks, late of Bristol, merchant. No business done this day at the Stock Exchange. GLOCESTER, NOV. 11 The great length of the Gazette Extraordinary obliges us to postpone several Advertisements ' till our next. . ** The Sale of the Freehold Tenements at Minchinhamp- ton, advertised in the last Column of the first Page of this Paper, to be held at the Crown in Minchinhampton, on Tuesday the 12th Instant, is postponed till Tuesday the 19th Inst. Extract of a letter from a gentleman just returned from France, Nov. 6. " I returned to England last week; and you may be assured I should not so long have been silent, if I could have furnished you with any valuable intelli- gence from the places I have visited- " I was much surprized at the political turn given to the general conversation in Paris ; but prejudices of this sort are nearly over ; and a Frenchman in the present reign may say, what a subject of Lewis XV. dared hardly think. In general however, we heard nothing severe against the French Court ; little else indeed but effusions. of that constant and uniform hatred, which subsists between themselves and the Spaniards, notwithstanding their forced and unnatu- ral alliance. The King of Spain, they told us, was weak and obstinate ; under the direction of his con- fessor, a monk in English pay, who disposed every thing for the advantage of that nation. The Prince of Asturias, they declared, was a partizan of Eng- land. The officers and soldiers before Gibraltar, were; till the French did them the honour to join their arms, an assembly of the veriest cowards in nature, and who had so little hopes of seeing an end to their undertaking, that they had built a little city at St. * Roch ; and had even planted asparagus, which could yield them no produce ' till the third year. ' O si ' le Roi les auroit defendu de se faire la barbe avant ' que de prendre Gibraltar, ils auroient paru a cette heure - comme des Cordeliers.'* Such is the ge- neral tenor of conversation in the first circles in Paris. " With the assistance of the French, indeed, they entertained the warmest hope that the fortress must yield. — Hope did I say '— They were morally certain of it. Two days before the fatal express arrived with the news of the destruction of the floating batteries, they were boasting to us, that they were neither inflammable nor immersible The managers of one of the public places had prepared scenes, at a great ex- pence, to exhibit the storming and capture of Gibrat- tar. The ballad writers too had been indefatigable ; and all was ready at two hours warning. The news therefore of the destruction of these famous batteries was like a thunderclap ! " At first the Gazette printer had orders to pub- lish a list of 1 500 killed and wounded on that memo- rable day ; these were afterwards reduced to scarce a fifth ; but it is supposed the first number is far short of the truth ; yet I believe the populace of France would think this not a dear price for a cessation of the war. Their oppressions are greater than can be ima- gined. A little innkeeper in Burgundy assured me that he paid fifteen louis d'ores ( guineas) for the tax on his house, independent of the rent to the landlord. A peace with England is the wish of all, except a few individuals, who flourifh at their country's expence. " You may depend upon it, that their marine is in a deplorable state with respect to men and officers. They have no opinion of any of their admirals but d'Eltaing ; while Howe, Hood, and Barrington, have their warmest applause ; and I must do them the justice to add, that they behaved charmingly in their commiserations about the Royal George and Kem- penfelt. They have such an opinion of our navy officers, that a friend of mine was actually promised by a person in power, that if he could persuade any English first lieutenants to enter into the French ser- vice, they should immediately have the command of third rate ships of the line ; in short they seem to think that integrity and ability dwell in England alone, ignorance and venality in France " The real motive for the Count d'Artois' expe- dition to Gibraltar, was certainly to obtain for him the rank of Marechal of France, which cannot be given to those who have not seen actual service. His expences have been enormous ; and did they not most cordially love him for his many amiable qualities, they would lament the day that he set out.'.' * If the King had forbid their having their beards till they had taken Gibraltar, they would by this time have had the ap- pearance of so many Cordeliers [ an order of Monks who wear long beards]. - f Neither to be burnt nor funk. Extract of a letter from Cardigan, Nov. 7. " On Monday the 18th ult. a violent Storm from the ; I N. W. began to rage on this coast, and continued till the 5th inlt, threatening destruction to all the vessels in the Bay. On the 29th the Molly sloop, bound from hence to London with tin- plates was stranded in the bay, but by the activity of the people the cargo : will be saved. The same morning the Charlotte, . Nicholas, laden with coals, was lost near Fishgard, , and had it not been for the noble exertions of some . I brave fellows from Goodwick, who at the risk of their . 1 own lives went out to their assistance, the crew must ; I inevitably have perished ; the Ann, Watkins, from I Dublin to Bristol, with beans, was the same day c I forced ashore near New Quay, the cargo is saved, but t I much damaged, and it is thought the vessel will be , j got off: every day since we have an account of vessels - I passing this Bay in great distress. On the 3d instant, i I came down on this bar, the brig Ben, Steel, of about. i I 200 tons, from Whitehaven to Dublin, with coal^ - 1 and bale goods; they were obliged to throw over - board several tons of the coals, in order to lighten her" - I Sheis come safe into the river, but greatly damaged." I On Thursday last died, at Leominster, in Hereford- shire, Mr. Richard Seward. e Sunday se'nnight died, in the 71st year of his age, at his feat at Penkerrig, in the county of Radnor, Thomas Jones, Esq; upwards of 40 years in the com- mission of the peace for that county. A gentleman who discharged in the most exemplary manner, the various duties of the magistrate and of the man. On Friday the first instant, between six and seven o'clock in the evening, Mr. Edmund Stock, of this I city, was stopped in Buckland Field, near Farringdon, Berks, by a single highwayman who demanded his money, which being refufed, the highwayman snappei a pistol at him which missed fire, after which Mr, Stock drew a pistol and fired at the fellow at the dis- tance ot about three yards, and is supposed to have of I wounded either the man or his horse. The highway- man immediately made off, and Mr. Stock's servant, who was armed as well as his master, would have pursued, but was not suffered, as Mr. Stock appre- hended there might be accomplices at hand. Last week five persons were committed to the castle, x, I viz. Wm. Peare, for poaching; Wm. Cox, for leav- ing his family chargeable to1 the parish of Cirencester; Eliz. Lock, for breaking open the house of Mr. Hil- lier, of Woodchester; Thomas Thorn, and Wm. Butt, for thieving in and near Cirencester. Price of Corn the same as last Week. ship, and was commanded by Don Juan Moreno, a Chief D'Escadre, and had on board about 650 men. At three in the afternoon of the 11th, the signals made by the enemy indicated the approach of the British fleet. The Latona anchored in the Bay soon after sun- set. Only four of the convoy fetched into anchorage, the remainder were driven to the back of the rock, to which place the fleet also repaired. Extract of a letter from Capt. Curtis, to Mr. Stephens, Secre- tary of the Admiralty, dated on board the Victory, at sea, Oct. 22, 1782. THE Admiral Lord Howe having conducted the remaining' ships of his convoy into the Bay of Gibraltar on the even- ing of the 18th, and landed the troops at the same time, Gen, Elliot charged me with the final communications his Excellency had to make to his Lordship, and I embarked on board the Latona frigate, for the purpose of repairing to the Victory, and left the Bay about midnight. The situation of the enemy's fleet the next morning, cut off my return to Gibraltar, and I was put on board this ship in the evening, when the fleet brought to, after it had gained the Atlantic. I have great pleasure in acquainting my Lords, that the Saint Michael, a Spanish man of war, of 72 guns, which being driven from her anchors in a gale of wind very early on the morning of the 11th, and captured under the walls of Gibraltar, as mentioned in my letter of the 16th, was got off on the 17th, and has not received the least damage. She is a very fine ship, of large dimensions ; and I am sorry that having lost her mizen- mast, and the most of her stores being 3 taken out to lighten her, it was impossible to send her home > with the fleet. The enemy threw a prodigious number of shells at the Saint Michael, while she was on shore, with the intent to destroy her; and they annoyed us excessively in the getting her off, but without any obstruction to our work, or doing us any material damage. [ Thus far London Gazette Extraordinary buffalo. Boatswain and master's mate, wounded. Vengeance. Second lieutenant, Eastly, wounded. £ HOWE. READY to be advanced, three several SUMS of tool. — icol.— and 40I. on three several real Secu ririties in the' Neighbourhood of Glocester, by. THOMAS RUDGE, Attorney at Law, Glocester. ELOPED from the Service of John Wintle; of Rodley, in the Parish of Weftbury, Glocestershire, JOHN MASON, hired Servant.— Whoever shall employ or entertain him after the Publication hereof, shall be prosecuted with the utmost Rigour of the Law. LETCHLADE, GLOCESTERSHIRE TO be LET or SOLD, and entered upon immediately, all that antient and well- accustomed INN, called . the Crown, situated and being in Leachlade aforesaid The Stables and Out- buildings are in good Repair. Apply to Mr. Ready, the Proprietor ; or to Mr. Lediard, Attorney at Law, Cirencester. LONDON, Friday, November 8. Yesterday Capt. John Clements presented to the Court of Directors of the Ealt- India Company, the colours taken by the fleet under his command, at the Dutch settlements on the Weft coast of Sumatra ; he was accompanied by the Captains Williams, Morgan, and Fraser, who were upon the expedition with him: the Chairman, on receiving the colours, thanked him and them for their good and disinterested conduct, and for the service they had rendered the Company by destroying all the Dutch settlements on that coast. He added, that as a mark of the Court's approbation, they would order 5000I. to be paid to the fleet, to be divided in the same manner their prize money was. The Captains then retired, and afterwards dined with the Court of Directors at the London Tavern. COUNTRY NEWS' Oxford, Nov. 2. On Monday last Mr. Curtis of Oriel, Mr. Frankland of Christ Church, and Mr. Bearcroft of University College, were elected Fellows of All Souls.--- There were no less than seventeen candidates On Wednesday last was instituted, by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, the Rev. John Parkinson, B. A. of Baliol College, to the living of Immingham, in the county of Lincoln. TO be SOLD a large Quantity of good HOPS, enquire of Thomas Hill, at St. Mellons, near Newport, Monmouthshire. , ( Spanish ihips from JO to 60 guns . 3 Battering fhips - - 10 "• f* Floating battery - - it Bomb ketches - - 5 Besides frigates, xebecks, many fmaller cruizers, a great number of gun and mortar- boats, and a multitude of other | boats. A list of the Spanish battering ships burnt before Gibraltar, on the 14th of September, 1782. Guns in use. Guns in reserve. Pastora, the Admiral - 21 - 10 Paula, prima - - 21 10 Talla Piedra - - 21 10 El Rosario 19 10 St. Christoval . - 18 - 10 Principe Carlos -' - 11 - 4 * Paula, secunda - - 9- 4 Saint Juan - - 9 - 4 Santa Anna - - 7 - 4 Los Dolores - - 6 - 4 142 70 ^ IV* 70 ' Total of guns - 212 The proportion of men on board them was 36 for each of the guns in use, which amounted to 5112 men, exclusive of officers and mariners for working the ships. ROGER CURTIS. Extract of a letter from Capt. Curtis, of his Majesty's ship Brilliant, to Mr. Stephens, Secretary of the Admiralty, dated Camp at Europa, October 16. - QU the evening of the 8th inst. it being deemed proper to use all means to send home an account of the late events at this plaee, the Governor purchased a small vessel, and she was sent off for Leghorn, or any other port in Italy, With our dispatches. On the afternoon of the 10th it blew very fresh from the South West. The enemy made many signals along shore, and two frigates and a cutter arrived from the Westward. Towards the following morning the gale encreased, and guns of distress were heard from the combined fleet in the Bay. Just at the - break of day, the St. Michael, a Spanish ship mounting 72 guns, was discovered very near the garrison in a crippled statc, • ad after having two men killed, and two wounded, from the five of our batteries, she fell on shore near to the South bastion. As the day advanced, the fleet of the enemy appeared to have suffered confiderably by the gale. A ship of the line and a fri- gate were on shore near the Orange Grove ; a French ship of the line had lost her fore- mast and bowsprit. A ship of three decks and another of the line weec forced from their anchor: , and ran to the Eastward ; several others were driven far over towards the garrison, but withal to the Northward. I took possession of the St. Michael as soon as possible, landed the prisoners, an 1 carried out anchors to prevent her going further • ashore. I have no doubt of saving her : she is a very fine Extract of a letter from Captain Curtis, of his Majesty's ship Brilliant, to Mr. Stephens, Secretary of the Admiralty, dated Camp at Europa, Gibraltar, Sept. 15, 1782. BE pleased to acquaint my Lords Commissioners, that the combined fleet of France and Spain, consisting of 38 sail ^ of the line, arrived in this Bay on the 12th instant; six sail of the line were here before. At eight o'clock in the morning of the 13th, the ten bat- tering ships of the enemy lying at the head of the Bay, under the command of Admiral Moreno, began to get under sail in order to come against the garrison ; every thing was in readiness ' for their reception. At ten the admiral's ship was placed about 1000 yards from the King's bastion, and commenced • his fire. The others were very shortly after posted to the North and South of him, at small distances asunder, and be- gan their canonnade. They were all fixed to the stations allotted them in a masterly manner. Our batteries opened as the enemy came before them : the fire was: very heavy on both sides: the red- hot shot were sent with such precision from the garrison, that in the afternoon the smoke was seen to issue from the upper part of the Admiral, and one other, and men were perceived to be using fire engines and pouring water into the holes, endeavouring to extinguish the fire. Their efforts proved ineffectual, by one o'clock in the morning the two be- fore mentioned were in flames, and several others actually on fire, tho' as yet not in so great a degree. Confusion was now plainly observed among them, and the numerous rockets thrown up from each of the ships, was a clear demonstration of • their great distress : their signals were answered from the ene- roy's fleet, and they immediately began to take away the men, it being impossible to remove the ships. I thought this a fit opportunity to employ my gun- boats, and I advanced with the " whole ( twelve in number, each carrying a twenty- four or eiehteen- pounder) and drew them up so as to flank the line of the enemy's battering ships, while they were annoyed extremely by an excesive heavy and well directed fire from the garrison. - The fire from the gun- boats was kept up with great vigour and effect. The boats of the enemy durst not approach; they abandoned their ships, and the men left in them to our mercy, or to the flames. The day- light now appeared, and two fallucas, which had not yet escaped, endeavoured to get away ; but a shot from a * gun- boat, killing five men in one of them, they submitted. The scene- at this time before me was dreadful to a high de- gree, numbers of men crying from amidst the flames,^ some upon pieces of wood in the water, others appearing in the " ships where the fire had as yet made but little progress, all ex- pressing by speech and gesture the deepest distress, and all im- ploring assistance, formed a spectacle of horror not easily to be described. Every exertion was made to relieve them ; and I have inexpressible happiness in informing my Lords, that the number saved amounts to 13 officers and 344 men. One of- - ficer and 29 wounded, ( some of them dreadfully) taken from among the slain in the holds, are in our hospital, and many of them in a fair way. The blowing up of the ships around us, as the fire got to the magazines, and the firing of the cannon of others, as the metal became heated by the flames, ren- dered this a very perilous employment; but we felt it as much a duty to make every effort to relieve our enemies fromsfo shocking a fituation, as an hour before we did to assist in con- quering them. The loss of the enemy must have been very considerable. Great numbers were killed on board, and in. - boats. Several launches were sunk. In one of them were fourscore men, who were all drowned, except an officer and . twelve of them, who were floated under our wall upon the wreck. It was impossible that greater exertions could have been made to prevent it, but there is every reason to believe that a great many wounded perished in the flames. All the battering fhips were set on fire by our hot shot, except one, which we afterwards burnt. The admiral left his flag flying, and it was confumed with the ship. A large hole was beat in the bottom of my boat, my coxswain was killed, and two of the crew were wounded by pieces of timber falling on her when one of the battering ships blew up. The same cause sunk one of my gun- boats, and damaged another Two of the enemy's bomb- ketches were brought forward, and continued to throw shells into the gar- ison during the attack of the battering ships. A considerable detachment of seamen did duty as artillerists upon the batteries, and gave great satisfaction. The officers and men of the brigade of seamen under my ^ command, in whatever situation they were placed, behaved in ^ a manner highly becoming them. - I have the honour herewith to enclose a list of the battering ships. They were of different sizes, from 1400 to 600 tons burthen. Their guns, in all 212, were brass 26- pounders, and entirely new. The enemy had collected, from different ports, between two and three hundred large boats, besides a vast number belong- ing to this vicinity, to be employed in carrying troops, or any * other services connected with their operations against: this for- tress.. The loss in the brigade of seamen on the. 13th and 14th, considering the nature of the attack, has been very trifling, having only one killed, and five wounded. State of the combined force of the enemy in the Bay of Gibraltar at the time of the attack of the ten battering ships, on the 13th cf September, 1782. Spanish ships of three- decks - 2 Of the line - - - 28 French ships of three- decks - 5 Of the line - - - 9 BRISTOL. p ABALL, on Thursday the 21st of November Inst. at the Assembly- Room, in Prince's- Street, for c the MASTER of the CEREMONIES. *** TICKETS to be had at the Assembly and American Coffee- Houfes; and of Mr. PLOMER, as usual. _ TO be LET, at Pagan- Hill, in the Parish of Stroud, in the County of Glocester, a very good condi- ; ioned and complete FARM, consisting of 68 Acres of Arable, 1 nd 68 Acres of exceeding rich Pasture Ground, being all losed with Quick, Mounds, and Walls, and well watered. The Arable Land to, be entered upon immediately, and the Pasture Land at old Lady- Day. ' ( For Particulars, and a View of the Premises, enquire of Henry Wyatt, Esq; at Pagan- Hill aforefaid. | 1 BROOKTHRUP TYTHES. j TO be SOLD by Auction, on Saturday the 23d of November Inst at the George Coffee- House, ( r. Glocester, between the Hours of Three and Four in the ] Afternoon, according to such Conditions as shall be then pro- ceed,— the GREAT TYTHES of the Parish of Brook- thrup, about five Miles from Glocester, holden under the Dean and Chapter of Glocester for 21 Years. For Particulars apply to Mr. Stock, Attorney at Law, in i ' Glocester. ' 1 GEORGE CONIBEERE, Auctioneer, TIMBER STOL EN ! ' WHEREAS several Quantities of TIMBER ! the private Property of Henry Mills, Esq and Son, j have lately been ftolen out of his Majesty's Forest of Dean; : , and in particular in the Night of the 23d or 24th of Septem- ber last, two large Knee Pieces were feloniously taken away from a Place very near the Nag's Head in the same Forest: A Reward of TWENTY GUINEAS is offered to any Person, who will give Information of such Offender or Offenders, so that he or they may be convicted thereof, to be paid immedi- ately by John Matthews, Sollicitor to the Prosecution. Newnham Nov. 9. A11 Accomplice making a Discovery will be entitled to the fame Reward, and fhall be pardoned ; and the like Reward will be given in Future. BRECONSHIRE. TO be SOLD by Auction, to the best Bidder, at the White Swan, in the Town of Hay, on Thurs- day the 21st of November Inst. between the Hours of Five and Six in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then produced, Three HOUSES, with their Appurtenances, lying near the Market House in the Town of Hay, in the Possession of Stephen Haywood, and others, let together at about 20I. per Ann. subject to a Lease of the said Premises, granted to John Parry, dated the 25th of August, 1755, for the Lives of Wil- liam Watkeys, Son of John Watkeys, then aged 15 Years, j and John Parry, aged 10 Years, and Mary Parry, aged five S Years, Son and Daughter of tire faid John Parry, at the yearly Rent of 3l. is. 6d. Also a HOUSE and GARDEN, lying in East- Street, in the Town of Hay aforesaid, in the Possession of the Under- tenants of Mr. John Vale, subject to a Lease, dated the 2d of September, 1723, for three Lives, whereof Thomas Williams, aged about 70 Years, is now only living, at the Rent of 20s. Also SIX SHILLINGS and FOUR PENCE per Annum, Chief or Quit Rents, issuing out of several Houses lying in the Town of Hay aforesaid. Enquire of Mr. Bold, Brecon. LOST, on Saturday the third, or Monday the 5th of August last, from the Coach that sets out from the Unicorn, in Worcester, directed To Mr. Bowdler, at Tetbury, to be left at the Bell, Glocester, A LEATHER PORTMANTEAU, containing the following Articles: 1 black Coat, lined with Silk; 1 black Sattin Waistcoat; 2 Pair of black Sattin Breeches; 2 white Waistcoats ; 2 co- loured striped Linen Waistcoats; 1 Pair of Doe Skin Breeches; 1 Tye Wig and Box ; 1 Black Officer's Gown ; 4 Shirts ; 4 Stocks; 5 Handkerchiefs; 4 Bands; 1 Pair of Silver Knee Buckles, set with Stones; 3 Pair of black Silk stockings; 1 Pair of white Silk Stockings; 2 Pair of coloured Silk Stock- ings ; 1 Pair of white ribbed Thread Stockings; 1 Pair of brown Thread Stockings ; 2 Pair of white Thread under Stockings; 3 Pair of Shoes; 2 Parchment Writings, pur- porting to be a Lease and Release from Mrs. Skinn to Wm. Skinn, Esq; 1 Book, entitled, The Practice of the Court of King's Bench Epitomiz.' d, interleaved with Notes; I other Book.— Whoever will give Information of the above Port- manteau and its Contents, so that it may be recovered, shall be handsomely rewarded, by applying. to Mr. Jones, at the SWAN, in Glocester, MONDAY'S POST. ! LONDON, Saturday, Nov. 9. £ Extract 0f a letter from Plymouth, Nov. 6. wind has blown a storm for several JWJ ' S days past. Last night it increased with ftf' redoubled fury. The ships in the ft Sound rode it out well. Many tents ^ < at the different encampments were torn to pieces. Three centinels, who were posted upon the ramparts of the garrison, were blown off the wall, one of whom was unfortunately killed upon the spot ; the other two were much bruised." j The reports which have been so confidently circu- 1 lated of a change in Administration are as yet prema- < ture. Mr. Jenkinson was certainly at Court yester- 1 day, but he neither had a private audience with the ' King, which is the invariable custom on receiving the ; seals of so high an employment as Secretary of State, I ; nor did he kiss hands at all. His attendance was a j mere visit of ceremony. It is not true neither, that Mr. Townshend and Colonel Barre have been re- moved from their respective offices ; but though these events have not yet taken place, it is equally certain that some important revolution is at present in agita- tion. English Chron. A few days ago Lord Shelburne, in order to make way for one of his creatures, expressed his wishes, in I pretty broad terms, that the Right Hon. Mr. Towns- end would favour him with a resignation of the office I of one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, I and accept of another situation ; but Mr. Townsend, I it seems, had too much spirit to be kicked down flairs, I ; as it is called in the language of Statesmn, and posi- I ] tively refused to yield up his office to the convenience I of the Minister. English Chron. Upon the discovery of Lord Shelburne's intention I to remove Mr. Townsend, Mr. Pitt took fire, at- I ; tached to his interest by the intended union between I his brother Lord Chatham, and the daughter of Mr. I Townsend, and informed the Minister of his resolu- I tion to resign with Mr. Townsend. In consequence I of this, the Minister desisted from attempting to re- I move him from office. — Ibid. | It is the report of the day that Lord North and Mr I Jenkinson are again coming into Administration ; and it was confidently asserted yesterday, that the Duke of I Richmond had resigned. The newswriters say, that the Minister places great I confidence in the support he expects to receive from I Lord North. It is impossible at this time to form any idea of the I new arrangement about to take place in Administra- I tion. It is only conjectured that the Minister is call- I ing to his aid the most powerful, to enable him to I repel the attack he expects from Mr. Fox, and his Yesterday the Hon. William Pitt, Esq; was sworn in Chancellor of the Exchequer, before the Lord Chancellor, in the Court of Chancery. Yesterday the Earl of Surrey kissed his Majesty's hand, on being appointed Lord Lieutenant of the county of York, in the room of the late Marquis of Rockingham. Lieutenant General Earl Cornwallis is going out I Commander in Chief of the British forces in the East- I Indies, in the room of Sir Eyre Coote, K. B. who I retires on account of the ill state of his health. An express was received yesterday at noon, by a I \ vessel arrived at Portsmouth from Lisbon. She sailed I j from the Tagus the 24th ult. at which time they had I intelligence that several men of war had arrived at I j, Cadiz the 18th, among which were two three- deckers, I | which had been totally dismasted in the storm at Gib- I j raltar, and came in under jury masts, but whether 1 j French or Spaniards was not mentioned. I Mons. . in a three- deckcr, commanded the I van of the combined fleet. The first shot he fired I went thro' the fore- top- sail of the Goliah ; he then I made a signal that his guns reached our ships, and in- stantly the whole line hauled their wind. When the enemy bore down to engage, they seemed confident | that our fleet would endeavour to wave an action, but I they were soon convinced to the contrary, by Lord Howe forming the line to receive him. Last night their Majesties, attended by the Prince I and Princess of Mecklenburgh, were at Covent- Gar- den, to see the Castle of Andalusia, and Retaliation. The King wore a blue suit, embroidered with gold. The Queen's dress was sky blue, her cap and stoma- ger covered with a profussion of diamonds. The Prince and Princess were both in black. The entertainments given at Mistley- Hall last week ; were uncommonly splendid. The Prince of Wales set off from town at five o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, and got to Mr Rigby's by three o'clock next morn- ing. The « fiy then sat down to supper, and did | not break up till six. The next day the Prince, and most of the gentlemen employed themfelves in shoot- ; ing in the village of Thorn, where they found an un- common quantity of game. His Royal Highness con- tinued at Mistley till one o'clock on Saturday morn- ing, when he set off for London. On Thursday last Mr. Campbell, contractor for the > convicts at the hulks, delivered to the Judges of the Court of King's- Bench, in open court, an account of prisoners in his charge, when it appeared that 579 had been discharged out of custody, and that from en- quiry it could not be found above 39 of them re- ' turned to their evil courses. Lord Mansfield called the attention of the bar particularly to this circum- stance, which, he said, contradicted the general be- it lief of the public. Thursday afternoon, as the chariot of Thomas Fal- coner, Esq; of North End, was passing over Hamp- stead Heath, the driver perceived some defect in the harness and getting down to rectify it, the horses took fright, and gallopped about a quarter of a mile beyond Lord Mansfield's, when, by leaping out of the carriage, Mr. Falconer's niece had the misfor- c_ tune to break her leg, and dislocate her collar. The of chariot was broke to pieces, and one of the horses er rendered useless. - BANKRUPTS. Samuel Newton Riviere, of New Bond- Street, Middlesex, of goldfmith. William Gascoign, of Rugby, Warwickshire, ironmonger. Samuel Pattisson, of Birmingham, Warwick- shire, linen- draper. John Evans, of Llanelly, Carmarthen- shire, ironmonger. John Kennet, of New Bond- street, Mid- dlesex, coachmaker. John Walker, of Pater- noster- Row, London, bookfeller. The following Person being a Prisoner for Debt in respective Gaol or Prison hereafter mentioned, on or before the Tft Day of January 1781, and being not indebted in the whole to \ a greater Amount than to the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds, doth hereby give this public. Notice, that be does intend to take the Benefit of an Atl passed in. the 21st Year of his present Majesty's Reign, intituled\ " An Ad for the D1 ( charge of certain Insolvent Debtors," at the itext General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held in and for the County of Glo- cester or any Adjournment thereof which shall happen next after 21 Days from the Publication of this Notice ; and doth hereby give Notice, that a true and perfeB Schedule, containing a DiJ'covery of all his teal and personal Estate hereafter to be sworn to by him, is now ready to be delivered to hn Creditors applying for the same, in such Manner as by tbe said Act is directed, to tbe Gaoler or Keeper, or his Deputy, of the faid Gaol or Pri- son, ' Prisoner in the Castle or Gaol for the County 0f Glocester, THIRD NOTICE. Miles Pearce, late of Slim- bridge, ia the County of Glo- cester, Nailer. This Day are published, in% vo. Price 45 bounds FIFTY- SIX FORMS of MORNING and EVENING PRAYERS, for the Use of Families; consisting principally of original Compositions, communicated to the Editor by different Clergymen. London, printed for J. Johnson, N.>. 72, St. Paul's Church- Yard. And sold by Evans and Hazell, T. Duan, S. Harward, J. Hough, and j. Washbourn, Glocester; T. Stevens, Ci- rencester; j. Eence, and R. Dyde, Wotton- Underedge ; C, Badham, and J. Allen, Hereford ; W. North, Brecon ; Mrs. Price, Hay; P. Davis, Leominster; O. Tuder, Monmouth. " It may, no Doubt, prove a Recommendation to many Perfons, that the Compofitions in this Volume are more nu- merous than thofe which are given in Publications of this Na- ture ; befides which, we think them in general plain, rational, and fcriptural, reveient, and pious, well fitted to awaken Sen- timents of Devotion, arid properly adapted to the immediate Purpofe in view." Monthly Review, July. This Day is published, In two Volumes, 8vo. Ptice 14&. bound, or 12s. in Boards, AN INTRODUCTION to NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. By WILLIAM NICHOLSON. Illuftrated with Twenty- five Copper- Plates, neatly engraved from original Drawings. This Work contains a clear Account of the present State of Natural Philosophy, rendered perfectly intelligible to those who possess very little Mathematical Knowledge, at the same Time that it is calculated to serve as an useful Manual to fuch as are already advanced in this Study. N' t only the general Principles of Mechanics, Astronomy, Optics, and Hydrosta- ticks, but likewise of Chemistry, Electricity, and the Pro- perties of the various Kinds of faflitiousAir ( Subjects which have been scarcely hinted at in any general Treatise hitherto published) are explained and rendered familiar in the prefent Work. Printed for J. Johnfon, No. 72, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London. And fold by Evans and Hazell, T Dunn, J. Hough, S. Harward, and J. Washbourne, in Glocefter; T. Stevens, Cirencester; J. Bence and R. Dvde, Wotton- Undered^ e ; C. Badham and J. Allen, Hereford; J. Carelefs, Newent; P. Davies, Leomintler ; W. North, Brecon ; Mrs. Price, of the Hay ; O. Tuder, Monmouth. A MOST EXTRAORDINARY TRIAL I This Day is published, Price 21. 6d elegantly printed an a fine THE TRIAL of ANN Countess of Cork and Orrery, at the Consistory Court of Doctors Commons', ' upon a Libel charging her with committing the Crime of A- dultery, and violating the Marriage Vow. A Trial of a most extraordinary Nature, tbe principal Witnesses, See. being John Charles Newbv, of the Hay- market Theatre, Musician; Elizabeth Cross, House- keeper to Lady Cork; Ann Newman, Lady's Woman to Lady Cork; Alexander Rice, Box- keeper to the Hay- market Theatre ; Nathaniel Vick, Footman t^ i Lady Cork; the Rev. Dr. Eyre; Mary Moller; John Col- ledge, Lord Cork's Gentleman ; Susannah Jones; Thomas Sutliff; James Durham ; Sophia Van Ryne, Spinster ; Ro- bert Brown; Martha Brown ; George Bulkley, Musician at the Hay- market Theatre; William Jones; Thomas Gray ; Elizabeth Brown ; Ann Lambert, Servant to Lady Cork; tec London* printed for the Proprietor and fold by S. - Blazon, Pater noster- Row ; and G. Lister, No 46, Old R iVy. Sold alfo by Evans and Hazell, T. Dunn, J. Hougli^- S. Harward, and J. Wafeboutn, Oloc'fttr; T. Stevens, Ci- rencefter; J. Bence, and R. Dyde, Wotton- Underedge ; C. Badham, and J. Allen, Hereford; L. Barnikel, Carmar- then ; P. Davis, Leominifter ; J. Chew, Friftol; W. North, Brecon ; arfd Mrs. Price, of the Hav. N. B. This Trial is not divided into two Parts, but the whole is comprized in this one Volume, Price Two Shillings and Six- pence. EARL OF CHATHAM'S MONUMENT. With a Sketch of the Life of that great Statesman, arid authentic Anecdotes of J. BACON, Esq; the celebrated Sculptor. 7bit Day is. publijhtd, Price is. [ Enriched with a moft delightful and accurate View of AMESBURY, in Wilts, the Seat of the Duke ofQueenf- bury, drawn on the- Spot by METZ, and engraved by WALKER ; and a beautiful and exaCl Representation of the MONUMENT <> f the EARL of CHATHAM, diawn by Mtrz, and engraved by HEATH] NUMBER IV. ( to be continued monthly) Of THEBritilh MAGAZINE, and REVIEW; or, UNIVERSAL MISCELLANY For OCTOBER, 1782. CONTAINING, I. MODERN BIOGRAPHY— under which Head are in- cluded authentic Memoirs of Lord Rodney, Sir Joseph Banks, and Miss Dalrymple. II. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS— Description of the Earl of Chatham's Monument, with a Sketch of hia Life, and Anecdotes of Mr. Bacon III. Description and View of AMESBURY. IV. MISCELLANY— Original Letters from Mr. Thom- son, Author of the Seasons Philosophical Transactions —. The Haunted House, a true Story— Letter from Paris— Ac- count of the Adjudication of Dr. Hawes's Prize Medals.— The Jerlous Husband, amoral Tale— Continuation of Ny'ram, Prince of Paramania, an oriental Tale— The Busy Body, No. IV.— and the Oxonian's Sentimental Trip to London, continued. V. REVIEW and GUARDIAN" of LITERATURE— Dr. Warton's Enquiry into the Authenticity of the Poems at- tributed to Rowley— Account of Dr. Price's Experiments on Mercury, Silver, and Gold The Phllosophical Quixote— Translated Specimens of Welch Poetry— The Sun and the Tomb, from the French of the Abbe De Revrac Thoughts on the probable Consequences of an Invasion — Letter to the Earl of Shelburne, he. VI. The THEATRE— with an Account of the Wishes, a new Dramatic Piece ; and Observations on the celebrated Mrs. SIDDONS, and other new Performers. VII. PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY. VIII. Six Pages of original POETRY— containing Ga- briella De Vergy, an historical Ballad, by Mrs. HAMPDEN PYE— Verses by Mr. THOMSON, Author of the Seafons, never before published— The Prologue to the Wishes - Ode in a Thunder Storm— The Fate of Sorma, from the Erse- Verses by Capt. THOMSON — Extempore, on seeing Mrs- ' Siddons. IX. POLITICAL RETROSPSCT for the Month, X. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE- Gazette Intelligence for October — Monthly Chronicleof Domestic Events— Births; Marriages; Deaths; Civil, Military, and Eccleliastical Pre- ' ferments; Bankrupts, & c. London, printed for Harrison and Co. No. 18, Pater- noster- Row, by whom Letters to the Editors are received. And fold by Evans and Hazell, T. Dunn, J. Hough, S. Harward, and J. Washbourn, in Glocester; T. Stevens, Ciren- eeiter; J. Bence,,,' Wotton- Underedge- j C. Badham and J. Allen, Hereford ; P. Davis, Leominster; Mrs. Price, Hay ; O. Tuder, Monmouth; and L. Bamikel, Carmarthen. LORD HOWE, and KINGSTON, JAMAICA. This Day was published, Price 11. Embellished with, 1. An elegant Portrait of the Right Hon. Richard, Lord Viscount Howe. 2. A Quarto View of the Town of Kingston, and Harbour of Port- Royal, in Ja- maica. And, 3. Four Pages of Music, THE EUROPEAN MAGAZINE, and LON- DON REVIEW, for OClober, 1781. By the PHILOLOGICAL- SOCIETY. Containing Memoiis of the Life and Military Services of Admiral Lord Howe. SCHOOLS of the Arts and Sciences, No. 2, containing a - Syllabus of the Course of Lectures on the Principles of Surgery, delivered by JOHN HUNTER, F. R. S. Surgeon- Extraordinary to the King, with Anecdotes of Mr. Hunter. Anecdotes of the Arts and Artists of Great- Bri- tain, No. II. The Man- Milliner from Paris. History of the Disorders in Geneva. Description of Port- Royal. The Country Curate, No. II. Ocellus on the Universe. The Lost Daughter Recovered. Misfortunes of the Seabright Family. Character of the Earl of Chatham, & c.— The London Review contains the Bishop of Llandaff's Chemical Essays Mr. Nicholson's Natural' Philosophv ; De Lolme's Constitution of England, new Edition ; History of modern Europe; Hymn to the Sun ; Memoirs of Major R. Gardiner; Dr Jebb's select Cases ; Beauties of Administration, & c. Sec.; with Anecdotes of Authors; Parliamentary History; Thea- trical Journal; Poetry; Chronicle ; Bankrupts, Stocks, See. London, printed for John Fielding, No. ai, Pater- noster- Row; J. Sewell, Cornhill; and. J. Debrett, Piccadilly. And sold by Evans and Hazell, T. Dunn, J. Hough, S. Harward, and J. Washbourn, Glocester; T. Stevens, Ciren- cester; J. Bence and R. Dyde, Wotton- Underedge; W. North, Brecon; P. Davis, Leominster; Mrs. Price, of the Hay; and H. Brown, Christmas- Street, Bristol. Of whom may be had, the nine former Numbers, Price Is. each. The Christian's Magazine ; AN ENTIRE NEW WORK, Absolutely necessary for every Christian Family in the King- dom, and calculated, on an elegant,, cheap, and extensive Plan, to merit universal Approbation, the elegant Copper- Plates of which alone are worth'three Times the Price of the whole Magazine. On Friday the First of November 1782, will be published, ( Price only SIX- PENCE.) [ Embellished with the following truly beautiful and elegant Copper- Plates : viz. I. An emblematical Frontifpiece, representing Christianity dispelling the Clouds of Ignorance, Superstition, and Infidelity, 2. A beautiful engraved Ge- neral Title- Page, with a Capital Vignette, representing Faith, Hope, and Charity. - 5. An excellent Portrait and striking Likeness of the Right Rev. Dr. Robert Lowth, the prefent Lord Bishop of London, taken, by Permission, from the original Painting in his Lordship's Possession, executed by Mr. Pine; illustrating the Memoirs of his Lordfhip's Life and Charafter, which will be given in this Nu nber. All thefe elegant Embellilhments are drawn, defigned, and engraved, with a fuperior Degree of Excel- lence, by MeflVs. Hamilton, Pollard, and Thornton. The whole forming a valuable Family Companion, confiding of the moft important and intererting Subjefts, conveyed in a delightful Manner, and being very near the fame Quantity ufually given in other Magazines fold at double the Pric-.] NUMBER I. ( For OCTOBER 1782, to be continued Monthly) of THE NEW CHRISTIAN'S MAGAZINE : Being an UNIVERSAL REPOSITORY of DIVINE KNOWLEDGE. 1 Calculated to furnifli the Reader with a complete Chriftian Library of Divinity and Morality, and containing a greater Variety of curious original Eflays and valuable Produ£ lioni, fuitable to the Work, than was ever given in any fimilar Publication whatever. The whole Intended to promote the Caufe of Piety and Virtue, and undertaken By 1 Society of Clergymen, of the DioCefe of London, Who are honoured with Communications for the proper Ac- complifhment of their Defipn from the Clergy and others in different Parts of the Kingdom. London { Printed for the Editors ; and put) li( lied by Alex- ander Hgg, No. 16, Pater- nofter- Row, ( by whom Letters, Poft- paid, for THE NEW CHRISTIAN'S MAGA- ZINE, from learned, ingenious, and pious Correfpondents, are received) Sold alfo by Evans and Hazel!, T. Dunn, J. Hough, S. Har- vard, and J. Waftibourn, in Glocefter; T. Stevens, Ciien- cefter ; J. Bence and R. D) de, Watton ; C. Badham, and J. Allen, Hereford; W. North, Brecon; Mrs. Price, of the HJV ; L. Barr. ikel, Carmarthen ; P. Davis, Ltominfter; and H. Brown, Chriftmas- Street, Briftol. The EDITORS of the NEW CHRISTIAN'S MAGAZINE To the P U B L I C at Large. \ ITARMED with a benevolent Willi to profit and pleafe our fellow Chri^ ians. we have refolved tofurnifh tbemwith a Repofrory of Divine Knowledge, fo happily calculated on the general Principles of Chriftianity, as to he highly accept- able to all Ranks f People who profefj the Chriftian Name, and which will conduce no left to the Benefit of Society than of Individuals. In the firft and fecond Divifions of « ur Work, namely, Modern an1 Antient C'. riftian Biography, will be prefented the Lives and CharaOers of fuch of our prefent Birtiops as have been confpicuous in defending the Doflrines of Chrif- tianitv, and orher celebrated Divines and Charafteri of former and later Ages, Fathers, primitive Chriftians, Martyrs, tcc. eminent for their Learning or Piety, fuch at Dr. Porteus, Bifhnp of Chefter, Dr. Hurd, Bifliop of Worcefter, tht late Dr. Newton, Bilhop of Brrftol, Seeker, Latimer, Burnet, Beveridge, Hoidley, Pearce, Wilkins, Wilfon, Dr. Watts, Dr. Young, Ulher, Stillingfleet, Tillotfon, Addifon, Sher- lock, Hal, Gardener, Doddridge, Hervey, & c. In two other Heads, which we have allotted for Aftro- Theology and Phyfico- Theology, we ( hall exhibit the Wifdom and Wonders of Divine Providence in the Works of Cita- tion, Sec. Cur next Department will include Divinity, fyftematieal, hiftorical, and pra& ical, and will eomprize all tfcofe impor- tant Matters which relate to the Faith and Prlftice of every Chriftian. The feventh, eighth, and ninth Parts are allotted for Chriftian, Jewifti, and Roman Antiquities; Hiftory of Monu- ments and Tombs in Weftminfter Abbey, and of St. Paul's Cathedral,' London ; but it is neceffaary to obferve, that a V. iriety of other inftruQive and highly pleafing Articles will be introduced, - Scripture Chronology and Geography— the Rife, Progrefs and Evidences of Chriftianity— The Chriftian Monitor, and Fim; ly Inftruflor— A Summary of Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; and many other Particulars. The tenth Division will contain every Thing striking and entertaining, ferious and profitable; Diflertations, Letters, Essays, Remarks, Thoughts, Anecdotes, critical and prac- tical Pieces, Solutions of doctrinal and scriptural Difficulties, & c. The eleventh Space is allotted for Poetical Divinity, and Pieces of a Moral Nature; and the twelfth will contain, for the Ufe of the Clergy, a Lift of Church Livings in the Gift of the King. Another Part will Include an Account of Books on Divi- * nit-. To close this comprehensive Undertaking, a brief Diary will be annexed monthly of the most material Occurrences, foreign and domeftic, with a List of Deaths, Births, Marriages, Pre- serments. Bankrupts, Bill of Mortality, & c. which will be suffcient to furnish Families and Individuals with an Idea of the Times. Such is the Plan we offer to the Public, and do not doubt that a Design so exceedingly useful will be very favourably re- ceived ; by which Means every Family, and the rising Gene- ration especially, will have an Opportunity of possessing ( at a very easy Rate.) a rational serious Performance, inculcating the most solemn Truths in the most engaging Manner, where- in nothing of Indecency or Impropriety shall ever be admitted. Truth shall guard our Entrance, Virtue conduct our Pens, P'ety dire& our Steps, and the prefent and future Felicity of our Readers be our invariable Aim. *„* Refpefiing the internal Execution of The Nsw CHRISTIAN'S MAGAZINE, we have said sufficient; but dif- daining to derive Credit from mere empty Promifes, which are in the Power of the meanest Adventurer, we ( hall only sake a Pride in that Applause which flows from the Perfor- mance of our Engagements. With respect to its external Execution, it will surpass every Work of the Kind hitherto published. The Paper and Print will be greatly superior— the Types better, being entirely new, and cast on purpose by Caslon— and the Portraits really genu- ine, and other elegant Embefiifliments, will be finely executed by the most celebrated Artists who hare exerted their Skill and Abilities in raising the Reputation of the Publisher's other elegant and much admired new Publications, ( which are readily allowed to be preferable to any other Works of the Kind? viz. The Rev. Dr. Wright's Complete British Family Bible, being a real new Exposition and Commentary on the Holy Scrip- tures. The Rev. Dr. Wrights New and Complete Life of Christ- and his Apostles, tcc. elegantly printed in Folio. Mr. Millar's New and Universal System of Geography, with all the new Discoveries, & c. Mr. Barnard s New and Complete History of England, from the earliest Accounts, - to the present Time. fif Thefe'Works, embellifiied with elegant Copper- ! Plates, engraved by Po'brd, Thornton, Grignion, Heath, Bartolozzi, Collyer, Walker. Hall, and others, from Defigns made by Hamilton, Wale, Dodd, Cipriani-, Angelica Kauff- mari, Edwards, & c. ( which are now publishing in Weekly Numbers, with unprecedented Success) being universally ap- proved of and known throughout these Kingdoms, may ferve to convince every Person of the Truth of our Assertions re- specting the Execution of the New Christian's Magazine, now offered to the Public For further Particulars we beg Leave to refer the Public to the first Number, which is offered as a Sp?. men, and may be read gratis, as the Money will be re- turned tf not approved. This Day is published, Price 11. bound in Red Leather, with Pockets for Letters, & c. JOHNSON's LADY's NEW AND POLITE POCKET MEMORANDUM BOOK, for 1783, em- bellished with a beautiful Copper- Plate, representing the most fashionable full Dress and Undresses of the present Time ; also a Reprefentation of the Morning Amusements of her Royal Highness the Princess Royal of England and her four Sifters, most elegantly designed and engraved. Containing a plain and concise Method of keeping Account of all Monies received, paid, lent, or expended, Memorandums. Appointments, See. Also, t. Marketing Tables, 2. A Table of Day and Night. 3. The moveable Feasts. 4. Repartees, Pieces of Humour, and occasional Anecdotes. 5. The Chronologist for 1782; enumerating every remarkable and interesting Occurrence. 6. A Table to call up Wages. 7. Select Pieces of Poetry, by the most admired Wits. 8. The most esteemed new Songs sung at Vauxhall, Ranelagh, the Theatres, & c. 9. New Country- Dances for 1783. 10. A Bill of Fare throughout the Year. 11. Holidays, Birth- Days, & c. Printed for J. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul's Church- yard. And sold by Evans and Hazell, T. Dunn, J. Hough, S. Harward, and J. Washbourn, in Glocester; T. Stevens, Ci- rencester ; J. Bence, Wotton- Underedge ; C. Badham, and J. Allen, Hereford; P. Davis, Leominster; W. North, Brecon; Mrs. Price, Hay; O. Tuder, Monmouth; and H. . Brown, Christmas- Street, Bristol. Alfo, JOHNSONS's COMPLETE POCKET BOOK; Or, Gentleman's and Tradesman's Daily Journal, for 1783; Price ts. bound in Red Leather, with Pockets for Letters, & c. printed on fine Post Paper, and in a larger and much more useful Size thin any other annual Pocket- Book: con- taining a plain and concise Method for keeping Account of all Monies received, paid, lent, or expended every Day in the Year, Appointments, Memorandums, See. Also, 1. A List of the Bankers in London. *. A Table of Day and Night, ( hewing the Increase and Decrease thereof throughout the Year. 3. Laws enacted during the last- Session of Parliament. 4. Remarkable and interesting Events in the Year 1782. 5. Curious Lists of Marriages, Births, and Deaths. Ho- liday! and Birth- Days in 1783. 7. Public- Offices where kept. 8. Derivaiion of the Game of Quadrille, and the Names given to the principal Cards. 9, Method of destroying Ants. 10. Circuits of the Judges. 11. An Account of the Number of Houses within each County in England and Wales. ! 2. Tables of Interest, & c. _ " •• 1 This Day is published, Addressed to the LADIES, Price only 11. each, neatly bound in Red, with Pockets for Letters, Memorandums, Being the most elegant and useful ever offered the Public, THE following LADIES POCKET BOOKS, Containing a pleasing Variety of Amusement, Instruc- tion and Entertainment, for Ornament and Improvement of the Fair Sex. LANE's LADIES MUSEUM; Or, COMPLETE POCKET MEMORANDUM BOOK, For the YEAR 1783. Ornamented with an historical and picturesque Representa- tion of Roman Chastity, or the Death of Lucretia, designed and executed in a superior and elegant Degree of Taste; and the most fashionable Head Dresses for the Year.— Containing, I. An Address to the Ladies. 2. Holidays for the Year. 3. An exact Account of the Times for buying and selling Stocks. 4. Roman Chastity ; or, the History of Lucretia. 5. The Soliloquy, a Moral Tale. 6. Conjugal Fidelity, an Historical Tale. 7. One Hundred and Eight Pages ruled for a Memorandum Book, on an improved Plan. 8. Twenty- four of the newest and moft approved Country Dances, with Directions for dancing in Tune. 9. The favorite New Songs sung at Vauxhail, & c. 10. Select Pieces of Poetry. 11. The Gipsey, a Moral Tale. 12. Rates of Hackney Coach- men, Chairmen, Watermen. Sec. 13. Tables of Expences, necessary Rules for Marketing, See. See. The LADIES MISCELLANY; Or, New, Useful, and Entertaining COMPANION, For the YEAR 1783. ( Dedicated to the Ladies) Ornamented with an elegant Engraving of Lady Stormont, Lady Powys, Lady Salisbury, Lady Jersey, and Lady Archer, airing in Hyde- Park, and the most fashionable Head Dresses for the Year. Containing, I. An Address to the Ladies. 2. Holidays for the Year. 3. Days for negociating the Stocks. 4. Account of the Roads in England, & c. 5. Directions for Female Horsemanship. 6. Colin arid Colinette, a Pastoral Tale. 7. Pages ruled for a Memorandum Book. 8. Select Country Dances for the Year. 9. New Songs sung at Vauxhall, fa. 10. Select Poetry. 11. Dictionary for the Ladies. « Markerting Tables, Table of Expences, & c. 13. Rates of Hackney Coachmen, Chairmen, & c. Sec. The LADIES MIRROR; Or, MENTAL COMPANION, for the Year 1783. Ornamented with a superb Engraving of the fashionable Head Dresses, executed after the Taste of the most celebrated Hair- Dressers to the Ladies at Court; and an elegant Vig- nette drawn in a pleasing Stile, shewing the full and undress of the Year. Containing a Variety of useful Subjects, com- piled for the Use of the Ladies. - The LADIES new and elegant POCKET BOOK, For the YEAR 1783. Ornamented with a superb Engraving of the Grand Assem- bly Room at Margate, done from a Drawing taken on the Spot, and enriched with an elegant Assembles of genteel Company, dressed in the modern Taste j and an exact Repre- sentation of Mitchener's New Hotel, with a View of the Sea, Bathing Machines, Vesels, & c— Containing an Address to the Ladies. Account and Description of the Amusements, Expences, Sec. of Margate. General High Roads in Eng- land, Sec. Account of Public Holidays. Necessary Tables for Markerting, Expences, & c.' The Advertures of Mar- gate, or the Unexpected Meeting, a Tale. Rule;. and Max- ims for matrimonial Happiness. New Rules and Directions for Whist. Select Poetry. Choice and admired New Songs, sung at Vauxhall, See. Modern and approved Country Dances, & c. & c. London, sold Wholesale by W. Lane, Leadenhal! Street; and by Evans and Hazell, Glocester j and all other Booksel- lers in Town and Country, GLOC ESTER, Printed by R. R A I K E S B R E C O N S H I R E. TO be SOLD by Auction, some Time in No- vember Inst. or in the mean Time bv private » n- tiv. ft either together or in Parcels, Several MESSUAGES LANDS, and TENEMENTS, in the County of Brecon," of the yearly Value of 500l, and upwards Enquire of Mr. Hugh Bold, Brecon. The curious SMELLING B O T TLE Called LE SEL POIGNANT D'ANGLETERRe HELD in the higheli Lflceiri by all the C^ ual tv and Gentry throughout Europe, who confrantly cir'ry It in their Pocket; and is- infinitely fuperior to every other Kind of Salts hitherto invented, and far mote fragr nf re- frefhing thane;' her Lavendei, Hungary, or any kin 1 of Efl fence, or odoriferous Water. ItsUfes By fms| ling. to ir, it gives inft}-, taneous Re- lief in all Sorts of Head- Achs, SickaeSs, Faintirgs SWOOH- ings, Tremblings, Sudden Frights, Hyfteric and Hypochon- driacal Disorders, Oppreffion and Palpitation of the fleirt Melancholy, Lownefs of Spirits, Anxiety, Inquietudes, and all the whole Trainof neivous Diforders. Itgive- the greateft Relief in convulfive and epileptic Fits, Apoplexies, (' allies Vertigoes, Heartburns, Yawnings, croaking and tingling 0f the Ears; add to. thefe moft excellent Qualtfes, onlv by open- ing the Stopper now and then, it gives a moft pleifing and a-' greeable Flavor to a Room, or any public Place; by its penetrating and difcutieut Effluvia, a certain I ivm* tfetre from the Small- Pox, Meafies, and every Kind of inf. Ctious Diforder; in fhort, cmifnlering the many fudden Dilordera we are liable to, no one is really fafe without it. This celebrated Spelling pottle is prepared only. by Dahna^ hey, Chymiftto her Majefty, on l- udgare'- HHI, London; nt? fold, by Appointmenj, only at . tyr. CM A R L E S Cox's, Per- fumer, Glocefter, at 2s. 6d. is. and 1 . s. 6d. each. In order to prefervethe Reputation of thefe moft. excellent Smelling Bottles, the Public aie requefted to obServe, that the Name Dalmahoy is engraved un e* li Bottle, andl that" none elSe aie genuine. Alfo, DALMAHOY'S incomparable PLATE POWDERS, fo famous for cleaning and preserving ' Silver Plate of 4' Sorts, which gives it a moll fuperb and elegant Lisflre, far Superior to new; also for giving a most high Po'lifii and Lufire to all Sorts of Steel and other Mt- tals, totally preventing them from Rust or Canker, at is. the Packet. N. B. A great Variety of Foreign and English Essences, Waters^ Sec. See. Pomades, hard and Soft, with every other Article in the Perfumery. Likewife the chokeft long Hai? , fr Braids, with all Kind of artificial Hair made in the moft . natural Foim. Light. S immer Cuftioi. s on a new Con- ftruQion, by CHARLES Cox. This Day is published, Price 31. bound, AN INTRODUCTION to ALGEBRA; with Nctes and Observations; designed for the Ufe of Schools, and Places of pub ic Education. By JOHN BONNY CASTLE. ***_ The great Masters in this Science are Newton, Maclarin, Saunderson, Simpson, and Emerson, and it is upon the Model of these Writers that the Author of this Treatise has formed the Plan of his Publication. It is designed principally as an useful. and necessary Introduction to them, and is particularly adapted to the purpose of teaching, and general Information. Almost every Subject in pur" Al- gebra is, concisely and distinctly treated of, and no Pains have been spared to make the whole as easy and intellible as possible. Printed for J. Johnson, No. 72, ia St. Paul's Church- Yard, London. ' . , And sold by Evans and Hazell, T. Dunn, J. Hough, S. Harward, and J. Washbourn, Glocester; T. Stevens, Ci- rencester; C. Badham and J. Allen, Hereford; J. Bence and R. Dyde, Wot. ton ; W. North,, Brecon ; Mrs. Price, Hay. Where may he had, by the same Author, 1. An Intro- duction . to Mensuration and practical Geometry, Price.. 3s. 2. The Scholar's Guide to Arithmetic, for the Use of Schools, , Pric; 2s. Third . Edition, much improved- . . . ... DR. WATT'S POETICAL WORKS are . now. completed, and sold' for the first Time uniformly - and elegantly printed, in seven neat Small Pocket Volumes ; each Volume . is enriched with a beautiful Vignette Print, suitable the Subject of the Contents, besides a Portrait of the Author, executed in a superior Stile, from an original Painting furnished for the Occasion by the late Mrs. Abney, of Newington, Guinea, unbound ; and it fhould be obferved, by the Admi- rers pf. Dr.. WATTS WORKS, that there . is no other com- .. plete and uniform Edition of his Poems except the Quarto Edition, which now sells for Five Guineas. . . N. B. As thefe Volumes make a Part of BELL'S EDITION of the POETS, the Publishier proposes to sell any Volume fe- - P. aNtt. fe> fuch as may desire it, for the usual Price of is. 6d. each, at the British Library in the Strand. A List of. Authors . already published, which . may- now be had complete, in various Accommodations for Travelling, or Cabinet Libraries, at the British Library, Strand : Milton's Poetical Works complete, 4 vela, neatly 1. s. i. fewed in Marble Paper Price 060 Pope's Poetical Works, 4 vols. 060 Dryden's Poetical Works, 3 vols. 046 Butler's Poetkal Works, 3 vols. 046 Prior's Poetical Works, 3 vols. 046 Thomson's Poetical Works, 2 vols'. 030 Gay's Poetical Works, 3 vols. 046 Young's Poetical Works, 4 vols. 060 Waller's Poetical Works, 2 vols. 030 Cowley's Poetical Works, 4 vols.- .060 Spencer's Poetical W - rks, 8 vols. o 12 o Parnell's Poetical Works, 2 vols. 030 Congreve's Poetical Works, 1 vol. 016 Swift's Poetical Works, 4 vols. 060 Addison's Poetical- Works, 1 vol. 016 Shenstone's Poetical Wurks, 2 vols. 030 Churchill's Poetical Woiks, 3 vols. 046 Pomfret's Poetical Works, 1 vol. o 1 & Donne's Poetical Works, 3 vols. 046 Hughes's Poetical Works, 2 vols. 030 Garth's Poetical Works, 1 vol. o 1 S Dyer's Poetical Works, 1 vol. 016 Denham's Poetical Works, 1 vol. o 1 6> s Fenton's Poetical Works, 1 vol. 016 Landsdown's Poetical Works, 1. vol. o J 6 Buckingham's Poetical Works, 1 vol. O I S Roscommon's Poetical Works, 1 vol, © 16 Somervill's Poetical Works, 1 vols. o 3 o Savage's Poetical Works, 2 vols. o 3 0 Mallet's Poetical Works, 1 vol. 016 Hammond and Collins's Poetical Work?, i vol. o I 6 Cunningham's Poetical Works, i vol. o 1' 6, Broome's Poetical Works, i vol. o 1 0'' Dr. King's Poetical Works, 2 vols. o 3 „ Tickell's Poetical Works, 1 vol. 0 1 « / Akenside's Poetical Wrrks, 2 vols. - 03 oft Rowe's Poetical Works, 1 vol. o X 6r Lord Lyttelton's Poetical Works, 1 vol. o 1 ~ Ambrose Phillips's Poetical Works, i Vol. o I West's Poetical Works, 1 vol. o 1 flr John Phillips's Poetical Works, 1 vol. o t b Armstrong's Poetical Works, I vol. o - 1 6• Moore's Fables for the Female Sex, 1 vol. 016 Watt's Poetical Works, 7 vols. o 10 6 Pitt's Poetical Works, 1 vol. 01 6 Gray's Poetical Works complete, to which are added those also of his Cotemporary Richard ^ JS West, 1 vol. 016 The Conclusion of this most valuable Collection of Eng- LISH PocTS is now in the Press, and will be published re- gularly, being CHAUCER'S POETICAL WORKS complete, In fourteen Volumes, and intended to be the most excellent Edition which has hitherto appeared of that great Author^ The Embellishments are fingularly characteristic, and will be admirably engraved, preserving both the Fancy of the Poet, and the Spirit of the Painter: The Painter hopes to do Jus- tice to the Author, and by this Effort of his Genius to raise himself a Monument of Fame. t Orders for first Impressions will be properly ' attended ' t'je- 1 if sent immediately. Sold by Evans and Hazell, T. Dunn, J, Hough, S. Ha - ward, and J. Washburn, in Glocester; T. Stevens, Cirer.- cester;. J. Bence, Wotton Underedge ; J. Allen, Hereford ; W. North, Brecon ; P, Davis, Leominster ; Mrs. Price, Hay - and H. Brown, Christmas- Street, Bristol.
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