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The Glocester Journal


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Volume Number: LXI    Issue Number: 3158
No Pages: 4
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The Glocester Journal
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The Glocester Journal

Date of Article: 21/10/1782
Printer / Publisher: R. Raikes 
Address: Southgate-street, Gloucester
Volume Number: LXI    Issue Number: 3158
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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MONDAY, October 21 which every spectator viewed with astonishment. Two i days after the hurricane, a merchantman made the I signal for distress. We spoke to her. She proved to I be the Ann, Capt. Sherren, who begged us to stay I by him till the morning, and take his people on | board, as he feared his ship would not live, having I received so much damage Captain Fowler, with I that humanity that distinguishes him, promised to stay I by them ; and next morning the Ann's crew, con- I sisting of 19, were received on board the Augustus I Caesar, with a pleasure equal to their own. In the af- I ternoon, we saw 10 sail of merchantmen led by the I Ramillies, who made the signal of distress; we were I informed the Admiral intended quitting her the next I morning, and desired every ship to stay by him. On J the Saturday morning, after the loss of all her yards I and masts, except her foremast and bowsprit, her til- I ler broke, rudder loose, orlop deck broken in j all 1 guns, powder, shot, anchors, and cables, thrown I overboard, and nine feet water in the hold, the Ad- I miral determined to quit her; and sending the men I on board the different ships, set fire to her in the af- | ternoon. The volcanoes of fire and smoke bursting I from the Ramillies— the number of boats eagerly em- I ployed in the safety of her men, and the importance I of her loss, formed an assemblage of ideas equally I grand and awful. Capt. Fowler received the Captain, I four officers, and 50 private men on board his ship, I in a manner which will ever reflect the highest credit on him ; we were all immediately put on a short al- I lowance of water, having only 6000 gallons, with 115 on board, at the distance of 1500 miles from Spithead, lessening every inconvenience with the re- flection of our immediate preservation, through the unlimited goodness of an all gracious Providence." Yesterday advice was received of the Arundel, Captain Mann, and the Brothers, Capt. Curling, from Jamaica to London; and the Hope, Capt. Sims, and Jamaica, Capt. Shute, from Jamaica to Bristol, having been captured by three American privateers on the 3d instant, 40 leagues to the West- ward of Scilly. They afterwards fell in with a Da- tish vessel, and put the Captains on board her, who landed them at Torbay. They sent the vessels for Port L'Orient. We are sorry to find a great many of their sailors immediately entered. On the 28th of September they parted with the Benson, Capt. Oates, for Liverpoole ; and on the 2d instant, the day pre ceding the capture, they parted company with the Dorothy, Capt. Delamore, and the Belle, Capt. Forster, for London. On board the latter was Admiral Greaves. It appears that these privateers were belong- ing to one person at Salem, and that their cruise was just expired when they fell in with these merchantmen, whose fate was certainly very hard in falling victims so near home, after having escaped, with great diffi- culty, the boisterous elements and tempestuous wea-. ther which they met with off Newfoundland. The force and names of the privateers were as under ; they were single deck ships, copper bottoms, and very good sailers, viz. Resolution, Capt. Webb of 20 nine- pounders, and 140 men.—- Buchaneer, of 20 nine- pounders, 140 men.-— Cicero, of 18 fix- pounders, 100 men. Advice was likewise yesterday received of the Ca- tharine, Capt. Steel, and the Gascoyne, Capt. Cham- bers, for London, being arrived at Scilly, and the Ellen, Borrowdale, belonging to the same fleet, being arrived at Liverpool. Not less than 150,0001. have already been lost by the Underwriters, in consequence of the late hurri- canes in the West Indies. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be SOLD by Auction, on Saturday the 26th of October Inst. at the Three Cranes, in Chep- stow, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, Two MESSUAGES or DWELLING HOUSES, and Gardens adjoining, situate in the Village of Caldicot, in the Occupations of Hannah Adames and Sarah Morris, at the yearly Rent of 7I. ics. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO be SOLD together, or seperate, several MESSUAGES, TENEMENTS, and LANDS, situ- ate in the Parish of Swansea, and now in the several Occupa- tions of Edward Morgan, John Lloyd, Mary Bowen, Rees Richard, Thomas Ruarth, of the neat yearly Rent of loci. 8°. Alfo two MESSUAGES or DWELLING- HOUSES," fi- u- ate in the Town of Swansea, called the Black Lion, and Port Cullis, now let at the yearly Rent of 40I. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Iltid Thomas, ATtorney, Swansea. , The Tenants will shew the Premises. TO be SOLD by Auction in the following Lots, at the Ram Inn in Glocester, on Wednesday the 23d of October Inst. between the Hours of Three and Six in the Afternoon, according to Conditions that ilia 11 be there produced, A FREEHOLD ESTATE, at Upton St. Leo- nard, in the County of Glocester: Lot 1, A Clofe of Pasture Ground, called Blackmore, with the Timber grow: ng thereon. Alfo a Clofe of Arable Land, called Admond's Hill. Lot 2. Three Acres of Arable Land, lying in a Field called Brimp's Field. Lot 3. Three Acres and a Half of Arable Land, lying in a Field called Bottom Field. Lot 4. Two Pieces of Pafture Ground, lying near Mr. Bevan's Mill. Lot 5. An Orchard of Pafture Ground, with a Barn, Sta- ble, and Carthoufe. A Clofe of Pafture Ground, called the Curtis. A Clofe of Arable Land, at the Bottom of Hawfield. Four Acres of Arable Land, lying in a Field called Haw- field. Apply to MR. PEMBER, Solicitor, at his Office in Glo- cester. GEORGE CONIBEERE, Auctioneerv. | STATE - LOTTERY, 1782: ' THE TICKETS are fold and divided intd SHARES, by Melfrs. NICHOLSON and Co. Stock- Brokers, at their State- Lottery Office, the King's- Arms, Bank- Buildings, Cornhill, London. ( And no where elfe oh their Account.) In the laft State Lottery thirteen of the capital Prizes I were fold and fhared at the above Office. The SHARES that are allowed to be fold, agreeable to I the prefent Adt of Parliament, are as under, all of which are I ftamped purfuant to the faid Aft, as alfo with the Clown, mi I round it " Nicbolfon and Co.' 1 Lottery- Office." A QUARTER SHARE, at 4I. 6s. will receive 5000I. if a Prize of 20,0001. » J00 10,000. " 50 5,000 75° 3.000 500 • • • 2,000 250 • - 1,000 125 500 25 100 MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be LET, and entered upon at Candlemas next, all that capital FARM, called HOWICK, situate about two Miles from the Town of Chepftow, with a House and Outhouses in complete Repair, now let at 1181. per Ann. Together with the above, and contiguous to it, will be let, a considerable Part of Itton Court Farm, which has been for many Years occupied by the Proprietor, containing about 100 Acres. Also to be let, another small FARM, in the Parilh of Itton, called Languilan. For Particulars apply to Mr. Thomas Davis, Attorney, at Chepstow ; or at Itton Court aforesaid. A Quantity of WALNUT TREES to be sold standing. NORTH WILTSHIRE FARMS TO LET. TO be LET and entered upon at Lady- Day next, two good FARMS at Little Blunsdon, one con- taining 125 Acres of Meadow and Pasture, and 96 Acres of Arable Land, and the other containing 197 Acres of Meadow and Pafture, and 38 Acres of Arable Land ; all old Inclofure well fenced with old Quickfet Fences; the Lands lie well to- gether, with convenient Farm Houses, Cheese Lofts, Barns, Stables, Cow- Houses, Out- Houses, Sec. If convenient to a Tenant the Farms may be laid together, being all within a Ring- Fence, and the whole of the Arable Land may be entered upon immediately, as likewife to carry out the Dung and Soil from the Yards. The Premises are within four Miles of Swindon, four of Highworth, four of Cricklade, four of Wotton Bassett, and 11 of Cirencester, all good Market Towns. For Particulars apply to Mr. Hawkins, at Down Ampney House, near Cricklade, Wilts; or to R. Pember, Solicitor, at his Office in Glocester; and for a View of the Premifes ta Robert Dufter, at Tadpole, near Little Blunsdon. Yesterday arrived the mails from France, and 1 Flanders. Paris, Oct. 7. Count de Vergennes has pre- vailed on the King to recal the Count d'Artois, and dispatches are " p sent to hasten his return home. « The siege of Gibraltar has been an unfortunate affair to us, as we have WWVw^^ lost several brave officers, and fome JK^ TKT^ TK/ K of the best troops we had< Our engineers write word, that the fire of the English, when they first opened their lowest batteries upon the floating batteries of the Spaniards, was more terrible than can be conceived. The guns of these batteries are nearly level with the surface of the sea, and there- fore every ball took place. From these they threw such a pelting shower of red hot two- and- forty pound shot, as would have set a world in flames. The lofs which the Spaniards sustained in cannon, in their floating batteries, was 328. We daily expect to hear that the siege is raised. LONDON, Tuesday, 0ct. 15. The last mail brings the Madrid Gazette, in which the Spanish account of their famous attack on Gibral- tar is displayed in the most favourable light. The circumstances in general correspond with the recital in our former paper.; The following are the only in- teresting parts that vary from what has been already given: " IT was intended that several divisions of gun and mortar boats should proceed, so as to flank the garrison along the front, and to direct their fire to such particular spots as might seem proper ; but this measure, so necessary on the occasion, could not pos- bly be carried into execution on account of the wind and current. Other material obstacles also occurred to prevent the sending of ships, as had been formerly done, to make a diversion towards Europa- Point. Hence all the enemy's batteries that were not exposed to our fire from the land, were employed uninter- ruptedly against the floating batteries, into which shells and round and grape shot were fired without number, besides red- hot balls, 42 pounders. " Though the fire was returned on our part with- out intermission, yet the continual discharge of red- hot balls kept up by the enemy, was such as rendered all the precautions taken in the construction of the floating batteries of no effect, for the balls,, by lodg- ing in their sides, necessarily spread the fire through- out. " In this perilous situation, and the impossibility there was of using either sails or oars, it was judged adviseable to withdraw the people, especially as the enemysa fire, now without opposition, was directed to point blank objects. As soon as the enemy found the fire from the floating batteries was totally silenced, they fent off several of their gun and other armed boats, with which they took some of our's going and coming, making prisoners of all the troops that remained in the floating batteries to be relieved ; so that by day- break next morning they had 355 of our people in their possession, including many wounded, who, we are informed, are treated with the greatest tenderness and humanity by General Elliott. Our loss a- mounted to 86 killed, 138 dangerously wounded, 111 slightly wounded, 291 prisoners, and 105 missing." Extract of a letter from a gentleman who arrived from " Jamaica " I am at laft happily arrived in England, from the West- Indies, after being a witness to scenes of distress, the recital of which will impress every feeling mind with the moft painful sensations. The Augustus Cae- sar, Capt. Fowler, the ship in which I was passenger, did not join the fleet ' till the 22d of August. It then consisted of near 100 merchantmen, one armed ( hip, one store- ship, and one hospital ship, under convoy of seven sail of the line and one frigate. Nothing mate- rial happened to us until the 3d of September, when the Hector parted company. On the 8th it blew a hard gale, and on the 9th the Cato made the signal of distress. She was so leaky as to be obliged to leave us; and Admiral Greaves, whose attention to the whole of the fleet can never be sufficiently admired, thought proper for the Pallas frigate to attend her to Halifax. On the 16th, our fleet being off the Banks of New- foundland, in lat. 42. 15. long. 48. 55. and consist- ing of about Jo sail, exclusive of the convoy, was at- tacked with a hard gale of wind, which began about eight in the evening, and continued ' till about three the next morning, when it ceased. It ceased to re- turn with redoubled violence, as it was succeeded by a hurricane, which the oldest seaman hardly remem- bers equalled. Our fore- sail and mizen stay- sail were blown into ten thousand pieces; our cabbin windows stove in, several heavy seas shipped in the cabbin, and every thing afloat ' 1 it, whilst the ship laid down with her upper dead eyes under water so long, that had she not been one of the best sea boats in the world, fhe could not have survived. It is out of my power to convey to you any idea of the manner in which the wind blew ; fo very unlike any thing I ever heard, I cannot attempt the description. Our poor fellows were incessantly labouring at the pumps, fatigued, and almost exhausted ; and to encrease our distress, one of the guns broke loose in the galley. Between five and six it began to abate, and the objects which presented themselves at day keenly added to our feel- ings. Signals of distress surrounded us 5 the Glo- rieux having every thing gone but her main and mizen- mast; the Ramillies with her main and mizen- mast gone; and the Centaur entirely dismasted. On one side you might see wrecks floating by, with poor wretches lashed to them, making every effort to at- tract attention j on the other, still more unfortunate objects buffeting the waves, and calling out for af- sistance by every appellation which could excite our companion ; whilst we, unable to afford them any, could only pay the melancholy tribute of a pitying tear; surrounding sharks were watching every wave to seize their prey. As the wind decreased, between eight and nine, we formed great hopes the gale was entirely over; we were mistaken ; it blew with continual violence ' till the Friday morning, creating an agitation in the sea, A Legal Share in the LOTTERY, 1782, Gratis, Approved by COUNCIL. This Day an published, tluo Editions of a most useful and en- tertaining Work, entitled, ANEW CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE, 0< CORRECT REGISTER of every remarkable and important Occurrence, from the eartieft Period to the prefent Time. The Price of one Edition is HALF- A- GUINEA, and of the other FOUR SHILLINGS. With the Half Guinea Edition is given Gratis, a SHARE of a STATE LOTTERY TICKET, worth the whole Price of the Work, which will produce during the whole Time of Drawing, Four Hundred Pounds for a Prize of Twenty Thousand, /. /. 1. I. I. I. I. 1. 100 for 10000 1 60 for 3000 1 20 for 1000 I a for 100 100 for 5000 I 40 for 2000 ' 10 for 500 J I for 50 And Eight Shillings for a Prize of Twenty Pounds. With the Four Shilling Edition will be alfo given Gratis, a Share of a State- Lottery Ticket for the whole Time of Drying, which will produce C- ' Hundred Pounds for a Prize of Twenty Thoufand, I. 1 v I. 1. I. I. j. I. 1. /. f » iseoo T IJ fee 3000 I 5 — for K » O | I « for 100 2j fo' ; aoo I 10 for 2000 | 2 10 for 500 ! 5 for jo Ai 4 Two Shillings for a Prize of Twenty Pounds. N. There are only about three Blanks to two Prize* in this Lottery, which begins Drawing the 18th of November. To tbe PUBLIC. THE Proprietors of this Work have confultei, and obtained the Sanftionof very learned and eminent Council, who deci- fively admit the Legality of their Plan. They beg to obferve, that the Work alone is well worth the Money paid for it, lltho' to extend its Sale they give Gratis a Share of a Ticket, for the whole Time of Drawing, which hai an lntereft in every Prize whatever, fo that by thofe of aol. near the Piice of the Book will be returned. When it is confidered, that no Share can be purchafed under Twenty. four Shillings, and that thofe who cannot afford, or will not rifque fo much, have only the prefent Opportunity to be in the Way of Fortune to acquire very capital Sums, the Proprietors truft, that their Gift, ( worth the whole Price of the Work) will be acceptable to their Patrons, who may be affured, that their Promife will be fulfilled with Hunour, Punctuality, and Integrity. London, printed for G. Hicks and Co. and fold at the fol- lowing Places, where Country Correfpondents, & c. addreffmg to G. Hicks and Co. will be duly attended to, viz. No. 11, St. Jamcs's- Street, Corner of the Thatched House Tavern ; No. 30, Fleet- Street; and No. 67, High Holborn ; No. 6, Cockspur- Street, Charing- Cross, Corner of Suffolk- Street, I and No. 5, Bridges- Street, oppofite Drury Lane Theatre. Sold also by Evans and Hazell, Bookfellers, Glocester. N. B. The Responsibility and Fidelity of George Hicks and Co. have been experienced in many State Lotteries. All the firft and laft- drav/ n Tickets are included, as well as every other Prize in the Lottery. Not two Blank* to a Prize. The Prizes to be paid without Dedu& ion. HALF A TICKET, at 81. 12s. will receive double the above Sums. An EIGHTH SHARE, at 2I. 3s. will receive Half the above Benefits. And a SIXTEENTH, at il. is. will receive one Quarter of the above Sums. As this Lottery contains only 40,500 Tickets, with nearly as many capital Prizes as usual, the Price of Tickets mud therefore of Course be very high. Country Correspondents may have Tickets and Shares sent them, on the fame Terms as if personally present, by re- mitting Bills at Sight or of very short Date. -/ Alfs Commissions for buying or selling all Kinds of Go- vernment Securities executed with fidelity and Dispatch.—- Letters ( Post- Paid) punctually attended to', and Schemes Gratia. The Lottery begin drawing the 18th of November. Duly Licensed, agreeable to Act 0f Parliament. STATE LOTTJERY, 1782. THE TICKETS and SHARES of TICKETS are sold and divided Into Halves, Quart* 1, Eighths, and Sixteenths, at the lowest Prices, by BYFIELD AND HAWKESWORTH, At their Original State- Lottery- Office, the Corner of Craig's- Court, Charing- Cross, London; where the Lottery Bufinefs has been carried on with Caie and Fidelity, and where many capital Prizes have been fold and Ihared in the Lotteriei foi Twenty- nine Years pa'ft. TICKETS and SHARES regiftefed at Six- pence per Number, and the earlieft Account fent to any Part of Great- Britain or Ireland. SCHEME. No. of Prizes. Value of each. Total Value, X of 20,000l. is 40,0001. s •• 1 • 10,000 1 20,000 % — 5,000 — 10,000 4 —— 2,000 • 8,000 8 • 1,000 — 8, oco 20 —— 5C0 — 10,000 50 — — JOO ' •" 5,000 250 —— jo — 12,500 14,000 — 20 —• a 280,000 14,338 Prizes. 393> 5° ® Firft- drav » n Ticket, for the firft five 7 Dajs, 500I. each - - J 4 » S0° Firft- drawn Ticket for the 10th and / 1 Jth Days, i. oool. each - - J 2,000 I Firft- drawn on the 18th Day, - a, 006 | Firft- drawn on the 21ft Day, - - 3,000 The last drawn Ticket - 2,00a 1 26,162 Blank*. I 40,500 Tickets; , 405,000 Not two Blanks to a Prize. I In this Lottery the' full Money will be paid for the Prizes j I and vtill begin Drawing on. Monday the iSth of November. I All S'hares fold at this Office are ftamped under DijeS- I tion of his Majefty'l Comtrtrffioncrs for managing the Statnj I Duties; where the original Tickets' are depjilted purfuani 1 to Aft of Parliament; | Schemes gratis; and Letters ( Post- paid) duly answered. I Thd prefent. Price of SHARES: £•'• >. Half, - 8 11 I Eighth, - ^ a 4 o | Quarter, - 4 7 I Sixteenth, - Jp\ I %* Country Correspondents, by remitting good BUls'ai I Sight, or of a fliort Date, may have Tickets and Shari; « '' o< I the fame Terms as if perfonaHv prefent, His Majesty's frigate Boreas, of 28 guns, having undergone a thorough repair at Woolwich, is put into commission, and the command given to Capt. Montgomery. Extract of a letter from Winchester, Oct. 12. " On Wednesday last an experiment of an inte- refting nature was made at St. John's house, in this city, by Mr. Walker, Lecturer of Philosophy, be- fore the Speaker of the House of Commons, and moft of the clergy and gentry in the town and neighbour- hood : it was to shew in what manner it is supposed the French have so long threatened to set our fleets on fire in the time of action. He filled a glass grenade with a certain liquor, and then threw it against a wall, on the bursting of the grenade, the wall and pavement were instantly in flames, continued so some time, and were with difficulty extinguished." This morning the 10 following convictts were ex- ecuted at Tyburn, pursuant to their sentence, viz. Henry Barthaud, for forgery; William Jones, for burglary ; Peter Verrier, for burglary; William O- dom, for a highway robbery; John Graham, for for- gery; John Edmonds and Charlotte Goodhall, for stealing in her mistress's houfe at Tottenham a quan- tity of plate, linen, & c.; Thomas Claddenboul, for a highway robbery ; John Weatherby and John La- fee, for coining. They were attended by the two sheriffs, the under sheriffs, and the two city marshals. Weatherby and Lafee were drawn to Tyburn on a sledge. They all behaved very penitent. Married. On Thursday the 8th of August, in the chapel of the Swedish Ambassador at Paris, Mon- sieur de Herman, fon of the Procureur General of Alsace, to Miss Catharine Elisabeth Campbell, daugh- ter and sole heiress of John Neil Campbell, Esq; of Milton Ernys, in the county of Bedford. Laft week, Robert Stanton, Esq; to Miss Isabella Abot, of Abots- berry- Hall, in Essex. Monday morning, by special licence, at Totteridge Church, the Rev. Dr. Beauvoir, to Miss Sharpe, of South- Bailey- Lodge, Enfield Chase. Died. Saturday, suddenly, at his apartments in Goodman's- Fields, Mr. Devereux, a diamond mer- chant, who lately arrived from Poland with a young lady, heiress to an immense fortune. The Lottery begins drawing on Monday the 18th of November, 1782. MR. HODGES, at his Office in the Strand, London, has now on Sale a Variety of Tickets and Numbers, ftamped according to Aft of Parliament. SCHEME No. of Prizes. Value of each. Total Value. 1 of 20,0001. is 40,0001. 2 I1 1 so, 000 • — 20, coo 2 •• 5,000 • 10,000 4 2,000 — 8, coo 8 > 1,000 I !• 8,000 20 " 500 • 20,000 50 — 100 . •• 5,000 iw — 50 — 12,5110 I4, oio — 10 — 280,000 14,338 Prizes. Firft- drawn Ticket, for the firft 5 Days, 500I. each - Firft- drawn Ticket, for the loth and 15th Days, i, ocol. each - - Firft- drawn on the 18th Day, - - Firft- drawn on the 2ift Day, - - The laft- drawn Ticket - - - 26,162 Blanks. 40,500 Tickets. 405,000 Not two Blanks to a Prze. The following CAPITAL PRIZES were fold and ihared in the laft Lottery, viz. 22,117 a Prize of £. 20,000139,791 a Piize of £. 1,000 36,376 — 10,000111,485 — 9,289 5,000 I 9,507 — 42,863 - 5,000 I > 3,456 — 35,181 - .. » , ooo ' 42,108 — 20,665 - -• • • » , ooo 1 19,538 — 46,68J •• 1,000 23,406 — 35,994 - 1,000 I 23,848 — 21,044, * " '' ,> 000 I And capital Prices fold in former Lotteries, for for the laft twelve Years, amount to 393,500 2,500 NOTICE is hereby given, that a Meeting of the Trustees of Cheltenham Turnpike Roads will be held at the Lamb Inn, in Cheltenham, on Friday the 1st of November next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon; when the said Trustees Intend to borrow on the Credit of the Tolls of the said Turnpikes, the Sum of 1oool. to pay off the like Sum, now due on Mortgage of the same Tolls. E. M. WELLES, Clerk. September 27, 51,500 214,500 Total 266,000 N. B. Such Ladies or Gentlemen as chuse to become Ad- venturers, by leaving their Orders, and the Money for what they intend to purchase, with Mr. Hodges's Agents, may have the same executed without any additional Expence, Letters ( Post paid) duly answered. GLOCESTER. TO be LET and entered upon immediately, a good and convenient MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, confining of a Hall, two Parlours, four Chambers, and four Garrets with other Appurtenances, and a Garden, thereto belonging, situate in King- Street, in this City. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Weaver, in King- Street aforesaid. BRECON. JONESES, ( Successors to the Miss Griffiths) J make and sell all Sorts of MILLINERY and HABER- DASHERY GOODS, in the newest- and most fashionable Taste: Likewise sell Perfumery and Teas of the best Sort and Quality. They hope, by their Attention and mo derate Charges, to merit the Favors of all who are pleafed to employ them'. CRICKLEY HILL TURNPIKE. NOTICE is hereby given, that a Meeting of the Trustees of the Glocestershire district of the Turn- pike Road leading from the Top of Crickley Hill, in the County of Glocester, to Campsfield, in the County of Ox- ford, will be held ( by Adjournment) on Monday the 28th Day of this Instant October, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, at the House of John Miles, called the King's Head, in North- leach, in the said County of Glocester. WILLIAM STEPHENS, Clerk. October 8. BRISTOL, October 16. NOTICE is hereby given, to all Persons hav- ing an. y Demands on the Eftate and Effects of Mr. Charles Palmer, late of Steple Hill, in the Parish of Man- gotifield, in the County of Glocester, Engineer, deceased, to bring in their respective Accounts immediately to Mr. Ro- bert Adams, in Nicholas- Street, Distiller, Executor of the said Charles Palmer; or T. Fifher, Attorney, in Small- Street, Bristol -. And all those who are any Ways indebted to the said Estate, are desired to apply as above, to discharge the same. LAND SECURITY. WANTED on the Security of a Freehold Eftate, consisting of a Farm of upwards of 200 Acres of LAND, in a most eligible Situation in a neighbouring County, the Sum of 2500!.—- 7- Interest for which, at 5 per Cent, will be paid in Bristol punctually every Six Months. The Estate is of the annual Value of iScl. clear of all De- ductions, and will be let at that Sum, or upwards, at Lady Day next, when an old Lease thereof will expire. Enquire of Mr. Ward, Attorney, Exchange, Bristol. oct. 3, 1782. GLOCESTERSHIRE. WANTED immediately, a Person properly qualified to undertake the Management of the Free Grammar School at Chipping- Sodbury; the present Incum bent having engaged to resign, on account of his Age and ill Health. N B. The Emolument is 20I. per Ann. and a Dwelling House. Sodbury is an exceeding healthy Town, 14 Miles fron. Bath, and 11 from Briftol, and from its Situation, well cal- culated for a good Classical School. For further Particulars apply to the Bailiff of Sodbury aforefaid. DESERTED from Glocester, from a Party be- longing to the 31st Regiment of Foot, now recruiting at Wolverhampton, JOHN WILSON, by Trade a Wool- comber, about 26 Years of Age, five Feet seven Inches high, rather brown Complexion, and black Hair, tied behind : Had on, when he deserted,* a Drab- colour Coat, and cocked Hat: Has lately been in the Worcestershire Militia, and is a Native of Glocestershire. Also GEORGE SIMS, about five Feet nine Inches high, by Trade a Woolcomber, with a dark Complexion, black short Hair, very remarkable for chewing Tobacco, and Native of Oxfordshire : Had on when he deserted, a Flannel Jacket; and dirty regimental Breeches. Whoever will secure the above Deserters, and lodge them in any of his Majesty's Gaols, shall receive a Reward of Twenty Shillings, over and above what is allowed by ACT of Parliament, by applying to Captain Wood, commanding the said Party, at Wolverhampton aforesaid. CRlCKLADE, WILTS, OCT. 15. WHEREAS about One o'clock on Sunday Morning last, two Persons, drcssed in Smock Frocks. and one of them armed with a Pistol and Cutlass, entered the Window of the Bed Chamber in the Dwelling House of Mrs. EDITH HALL, of Cricklade aforesaid, and one of whom demanded her Keys, and drove her and her Maid Servant naked into a Closet ( where they were confined seve- ral Hours) and threatened, that if they offered to stir or make any Noise, he would blow their Brains out, while the other who is now in Custody, and who, there is great . iion to Hope, will impeach his Accomplice or Accom- plices the House, and stole thereout Cash, Bank Notes, Plate, and other Things, to a considerable Amount: , rn< . e are the following Articles, a Silver Cup . ontaining three Pints, with a heavy Cover, a Wheat Sheaf engraved on the Fore Part, and J. H on the Handle; a new Silver Pint Cup with the Letters E H engraved in a Cypher on the Fore Part; a large Silver Sugar Castor, with a COAT of Arms engraved thereon ; a Silver Cream Cup with the Letters E. H engraved at the Bottom; five Silver Tali.- Spoons engraved with the Letters W. H — M J— E. H— M." and T. H ; a Mourning Ring with a Death's Head and B: H engraved thereon. Whoever will give Information of ti Person or Persons not taken, who committed the above Robbery, or if either of the Persons who committed the same will impeach his, her, or their Accomplice or Accom- plices, except the Person now in Custody for the said Rob bery, so that he, she, or they, shall be apprehended a convicted, shall receive a Reward of Fifty Pounds, by ap plying to me EDITH HALL, of Cricklade aforesaid. ENGLISH STATE LOTTERY, 1782 HORNSBY and Co. Stockbrokers, licence to deal in Lottery Tickets, agreeable to Act of Pai lianient, at No. 26, C>> rnhill, and No. 11, York- Street, Co vent- Garden, are now felling in the greateft Variety of Nusi bers, and on the vtrv loweft Terms, TICKETS, and' SHARES of TICKETS divided int HALVES, QUARTERS, EIGHTHS, and SIXTEENTHS STamped at his Majesty's Stamp Office, where the origir. a Tickets are depofited, as ordered by Parliament, for the Se curiry ot the Purchaser. HORNSBY and Co. take the prefent Occafion of return ihg their fificeie Thanks to their Friends and the Public, f, the extraordinary Support their Endeavours have been honor e.( with in a Courfe of twelve Years Bufinefs, and now hum bly folicit the; r futuie Favors, as they ( hall continue to con duct it, in > 11 its Blanches, on the fame Principles of Honou and Integrity which hath hitherto been fo kindly patronized They are alfo hap; y in having been fo fortunate as to vrn. the following capital Priies, with many others of lefs Va Lie- Capita1 Prizes REALLY sold at the abovementioned Of Sees in several past Lotteries , VIE. ; lo, oool. in Cox's Museum, « o, oool. and zoool. in the State- Lottery, 1774, 5,000!. 2,000!• and i, oool. in 1776, | o, nool. in 1777, * o, ouol. and 2,000). in 1778, 5,000!. 2,000!. and r, oool. in 1779, » o, ooul. in 1780; besides several Prizes of 500I. and 100! And in the last Irish State- Lottery, one of 2, oool. two o j, oool. each, three of 500I. each, and three cflool. each. The Lottery begins drawing the 18th of November. Schemes may be had at either of the above Offices gratis Country Correfpondents or others, sending their Order accompanied with good Bills at a fhort Date, may be fup plied on the fame Terms as if prefent. Correct Numerical- Books are kept at the above Offices, where Numbers may be constantly examined : And Purchafer pf Shares at either of the above Offices may examine then. gratis.- A careful REGISTER BOOK is alfo kept, and a Account of the Success of Numbers sent, the Day they aic drawn, to any Part of England, at 6d. per Number. TO be LET, a compact FARM, situate in the Parish of Iron- Acton, in Glocestershire, consisting of from no, to 250 Acres. For Particulars enquire of Mr. King, at the Lodge. TO be LET, and entered upon at Candlemas; next, a large FARM, consisting of Arable, Meadow, and Pafture Land, fituate in the Parish of Shirenewton, in the County of Monmouth, called the Grondery Farm. For further Particulars enquire of Thomas Davis, Attorney, Chepstow. BRECONSHIRE. TO be SOLD by Auction, fome Time in No- vember next, or in the mean Time by private Con- tract either together or in Parcels, Several MESSUAGES, LANDS, and TENEMENTS, in the County of Brecon, of the yearly Value of 500l. and upwards. Enquire of Mr. Hugh Bold, Brecon. To be SOLD by Auction, at the Angel Inn, JL in Haverfordwest, on Saturday the 2d of November next, between the Hours of One and Four in the Afternoon, subject to the Conditions of Sale then to be produced ( or in the mean Time by private Contract, of which Notice will be given in this Paper) ail that FARM and LANDS called Gailspring, situate in the Parish of Marloes, in the County of Pembroke, consisting of 77 Acres of good Meadow ar. d Pasture Land The above is a most compact Estate, the Land lying all contiguous to each other; and at a fmall Ex- pence the whole may be made excellent Meadow Ground. This Farm adjoins a Creek of the Harbour of Milford, which is navigable within too Yards of it. Application to be made to Mr. Paynter, Attorney, Pem- broke. NEW HOUSE of INDUSTRY. BATH, Oct. 5, 1782. ANY Person or Persons who is or are inclined to undertake the Maintenance, Cloathing, and Em- ployment of the Poor belonging to the Parishes of St. Peter and Paul, and St. James, are desired to send their Proposals in Writing ( sealed up) to the Churchwardens and Overseers of either of the Parishes, on or before Friday the 25th Instant. The present Number of Paupers in the House amount to a- mount to about 70; but as it is proposed that none shall re- ceive Pay out of the Houfe but those who are old and infirm, or whose Situations shall be such as the Guardians to be ap- pointed by Vestry shall think merit such Pay, the Number of Poor to be employed, cloathed, and maintained, will, it is believed, exceed 100. THE following remarkable CURES of CANCERS without Incision, by Miss PLUNKETT, may be depended upon, as the Cancers are preserved in Spirits.. Mrs. RAXWORTHY, of Heytesbury, near Warminster, Wilts, cured of a dangerous Cancer in her right Breast. Mr. MASTERS, of Sutton, Wilts, cured of a dangerous Cancer in his under Lip, with which he had been affiicted 15 Years. Mrs. BAILY, of Beckington, Somerset, cured of a dan- gerous Cancer in her left Breast, which she had been afficted with seven Years. Mrs. COOPER, of Brickstone- Deverel, Wilts, cured of a dangerous Cancer in her upper Lip. Mr. LANE, of Westbury, near Wells, Somerset, cured of a dangerous Cancer in his under Lip. Mr. HENRY POPLE, of Buckland Newton, Dorset, cured of a dangerous Cancer in his under Lip. Mr. MORTIMORE, of Brandish, near Exeter, cured of a dangerous Cancer in his under Lip, which he had been afflicted with near five Years. With many others, some of whom are unwilling to have their Names inserted, tho' they will satisfy any private En- quirer as to the Authenticity of them } all of whom have en- joyed very good Health since their Cures were performed. %* Miss PLUNKETT lives opposite Cornwell- buildings, near Walcot- Church, Bath. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be LET, and entered upon immediately,, An improvable DAIRY FARM, situate in the Parish of Minchinhampon, and the adjoining Parish of- Avening, in tthe County 0fGlocester, c0mprising a Farm House, with con- venient Offices, and about 30 Acres - of Meadow and Pasture Land, late in the Occupation of William Pendley. For a View apply to Mr. Thomas Playne, at Longford's Mill. and for Particulars to Mess. Bowdler and Hoskins, At- tornies, in Tetbury. J| ii a GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be LET, and entered upon the 5th Day of April next, the VICARIAL TYTHES of the Parish of Leigh, with rhe Vicarage House, Barn, Stable, Out- houses, and Glebe Land thereto belonging, consisting of 16 Acres of Meadow or Pasture, and 10 Acres, of Arable ( the Arable to be entered upon immediately.) There is r. o Mo- dus Whatever, and more than 140" Cows milked in the Parish. — Ieigh is situated in the Midway, between Glocester and Tewkesbury, and five Miles from. Cheltenham.—— For fur- ther Particulars apply to the Rev. William Chester, at Chel- tenham. N. B. Proper Security will be expected for the Half- yearly Payment of the Rent. To all his MAJESTY'S TENANTS in SOUTH WALES. My Lords , Ladies and Gentlemen, HIS MAJESTY'S Audit will be held at Car- marthen the azd and 23d, and at Brecon the 25h and 2.6th of October next 5 it is therefore my Duty to request you will be pleased to pay your several Rents and Arrears then due| o his Majesty, to me, on fuch of thofe Days as may best suit your Convenience. As the many public and private Notices I have given to fome Gentlemen to pay their Arrears, have hitherto been disregarded, it is now become necessry to levy them by Distress. But that no Gentleman may have Reafon to complain of so disagreeable a Measure, I beg they will take Notice, that, after the Audit is finished, I will continue at Brecon rhe 17th of October, and on the 29th and 3^ th will be at the. Ivy Bush 31 Carmarthen, to give Gentlemen an Opportunity of discharging their Arrears before I proceed to Compulsion. After having given this Opportunity," I must, though much; against my Inclination, proceed into different Parts of the Principality to execute the disagreeable Part of my Office ; but as it is in your Power, permit me most earnestly to de-. sire you will prevent yourselves the Expence and Trouble at « ending Distresses for Rents due to the Crown, by paying hem at the ensuing Audit, or those Days mentioned after it,'; to, . , My Lords, Ladies snd Gentlemen, r t Your most respectful, ever obliged, And most obedient humble servant, EDWARD MOORE.' Somerset House, London, Sept. 29, 1782. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be SOLD by Auction, on Saturday the ad of November next, at the Beaufort's- Arms, Monmouth, between the Hours of Three and Six in the Af- ternoon, according to Conditions to be then produced ( or in the mean Time by private Contract) thesfeveral FREEHOLD and COPYHOLD ESTATES, in Lots, viz. Lot 1. The FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, FARM, and LANDS, called Cumbuchan Farm, with the Coppice V/ oods belonging thereto, situate in the Parish of Cumcarvan, in th aid County of Monmouth, lying at the convenient Distance if about four Miles from the Town of Monmouth, and near the Turnpike Road.— The whole lies compact, and consists of 95 Acres ( more or less) of which 65 are Coppice, One- third whereof is now standing, and is upwards ot nine Years Growth. ~ The Remainder was cut in the last Season. This Lot is subject to the Payment of a yearly Chief Rent of Five Shillings to the Lord of the Manor of Trellech, forever. Lot 2. The Customary TENEMENT and LANDS, called The Lower house, or John Rossers Farm, situate in the faid Parish of Cumcarvan, in the said County of Monmouth,, lying about the fame Distance as Lot 1. from the Town of Mon- mouth, and also near the great Turnpike Road, and consists • f 56 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land.— T he Premises adjoin to Mitchel Troy Common j and on the Lands there is a Lime Kiln, with a valuable Quarry of Stone. These Lots are in the Occupation of John Gynn, Yeo- man. ' Lot 3. The Customary TENEMENT and LANDS; called " The Hill Farm, situate near the Gocket, in the several Parishes of Mitchell Troy and Penalt, in the said County of Mon- mouth, containing by Estimation 15 Acres of Arable and Pasture Land ( more or less.) These Lands adjoin to Mitchcll Troy and Penalt Com- mons} and are now on Lease to William Morgan, at the yearly Rent of 10l. Lot 4. A Picce of ARABLE LAND, called Cae Noon, with a valuable Mill- Stone Quarry adjoining the same,, situate also in the Parish of Penalt aforesaid, and now in the Possession of Joseph Davies, as Tenant. The Customary Lands are Part and Parcel of the Manor of Trelleck, in the said Connty of Monmouth. For a View of the Premises apply to the respective Tenants or to Mr. John Aram, Land- Surveyor, at St, Arvans, neli Chepstow,! or to Mr. Patridge, at Monmouth Forge^, both | n the said County of Monmouth ; and for further Particulars 0f the Sale, either by public Auction, or private Contract, to the said Mr. Patridge 5 or to Mr. Hughes, Attorney at Law in Bristol. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be LET, and entered upon at Lady Day next, a compact FARM, situate at Launcaut, in the- Parish of Ti< • nham, consisting of a Farm- House, and neces- sary Out- houses, several Orchards planted with Stier Trees, and abotit 80 Acres of very good Arable, Meadow, and Pas- ture Land. —— The coming on Tenant may fow his Corn im- mediately. Alfo to be let, a neat modern- built. HOUSE, with 20 Acres of Land ( if required) situate in the Parish of Tyden- ham aforesaid. These Premises have every Conveniency for a genteel Fa- mily, and are delightfully situated, commanding a most ex- tensive Prospect of the Bristol Channel, and Country adjacent. For further Particulars apply to Mr. T. Williams, Attorney at Law, Chepstow. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be LET, and entered upon immediately, or at Christmas next, the capital MESSUAGE or MANSION- HOUSE of Goytrey, situate in the Parish ot Goytrey, about five Miles from the Town of Abergavenny, and adjoining the Turnpike Road from thence to Pontypool, together with convenient Out buildings, a Cyder- Mill, good Orchard, and 126 Statute Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pafture Land, lying compact, and having a valuable Common Right, with Liberty of getting Lime- Stone and Coals, and burning Lime on very extensive Wastes or Commons near thereto. - Also a FARM called Pentwyn, situate in the Parish of Lanvair, about a Mile from the former, consisting of a con- venient Dwelling- House and Out- buildings, all in good Re- pair, with 120 Statute Acres of Arable, Meadow,: and Pas- ture Land, lying compact, and haying the same Common Right, and other Privileges above- mentioned. Also a MESSUAGE, with all convenient Buildings, and upwards of 75 Statute Acres of Meadow, Arable, and Pasture. Land, including two Covers of Orcharding, planted with good Fruit Trees, now in their Prime, situate in the Parish of, and adjoining to, the Town of Ragland, and within six Miles of Usk, seven of Monmouth, and nine of Abergavenny, all good Market Towns. s N. B. The Dwelling- House on the last Farm is a very eli- gible Situation for a Publick, having great Conveniences for taking in Pigs and Cattle on their Road from- Wales to Bristol Also a BARN, with about 28 Statute Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, very good in their Kind, situate in the said Parish of Ragland, at a short Distance from the last Farm, and may be occupied therewith. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Powell,; Attorney at Law, in Abergavenny. N. B. Good Tenants will have Encouragement. 1 f, GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO be SOLD by Auction, to the best Bidder, on Thursday the 31st of October last between the Hours of Twelve and Three in the Afternoon, at the Dwell- ing -. House of William John David, by Ystradyvoduck Church, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and • there produced, in two Lots ( unless disposed, of in the mean Time by private Contract, of which Notice will be given in this Paper) . ' Lot 1. All that Messuage and Tenement of Lands, with the Appurtenances, caljed Cwm Saybren, in the Parish of Ystra- dyvoduck, in the' County of Glamorgan^ consisting of 79 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, 228 Acres of rough Grounds, enclosed, together with an extensive. Sheep Walk for 400 Sheep. Also a good Water Corn- Grist Mill on the Premises, j Lot 2. All those three Closes of Arable and Meadow Land, ( formerly Part of Cwm Saybren Farm), containing 26 Acres, situate on the Eaft Side of the River Rhoudda-, in the Parish of Ystradyvoduck, called by the Names ' of Cae Pwlly brwyn, - Gwain Pwllybrwyn, and Cae hach.' The Reversion only, of the Mill and about ten Acres: of Land adjoining, expectation of the Death of the present Owner, and of his Wife, will be disposed. of » N. . B. There are Mines of Coal and Iron Ore, of excellent, Quality, and very extensive Coppices, on the Premises. For Particulars enquire at Cwm Saybren or of Mr. Llew- ellin, Attorney at Law, Margam. Turnpike Road from Cirencester to Lansdown. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of- the Trustees, or Commissioners, appointed by Virtue of an Act of Parliament, in titled," An Act for repairing the- Road from the Town of Cirencester in the County; of Glo- cester, to the Tenth Mile Stone from Cirencester, at or near the East End of the Town of Tetbury; and from the Weft End of the Church Yard, in the said Town of Tetbury, to a Gate in the said County, near the Monument upon Lansdown, for putting the said Act in Execution, will be held at the Dwelling House of John Ledgingham, being the Sign of the White Hart, in the said Town of Tetbury* on Tuesday the cth Day of November next, at Ten in the Forenoon; when the Commissioners are requested to be early in their Attendance, as it is particularly wished that the Business of the Day may be finished before Dinner. JAMES LUDLOW, Clerk. Sodbury 0ct. 17, 1782. SATURDAY's POST. I R E L A N D. Dublin, Oct 8. Friday se'nnight the Privy- Coun- V cil sat at the- Cattle, on the subject of encouraging and providing a suitable Asylum for the Genevese, who may pre- COUNTRY NEWS. Bath, Oct. 16. Saturday the 5th inst. died, at his seat at Milton, near Marlborough, Michael Ewen, Esq; a Clark of the Peace for this county, and also for Wiltshire. Wednesday died, in this city, Richard Welch, Esq late of Last week two men were apprehended at Exford, in this county, and committed to Taunton gaol, for robbing Mr. Warren of his watch and about two guineas; Samuel Joice, of a watch ; Mr. Sydenham, of Barnstaple, of his watch and some money ; and a poor man of Dunster, of who was robbed be- tween Minehead and Porlock. The two men lived in Bristol some years. - Monday se'nmght in the evening, a footpad, stopped a one- horse chaise, in which was a man and two wo- men, near the Blue Lodge, in the upper Bristol road, and presented a large horse pistol to the breast of one of the women, and demanded their money but the man resolutely refused to give it, and a post- chaise approaching, the fellow immediately made off. The next morning a large pistol, wrapped up in a piece of blue cloth, supposed to belong to the above fellow, was found in a hedge in Weston- lane, loaded with seven pieces of a pewter spoon. Sunday evening Mr. Gale, nephew to Mr. Bow- den, in Wade's Passage, returning home from Lans- down in company with a young lady, was stop- ped within a few yards of the first gate entering on the down, by two footpads, armed with a pistol and a bill- hook, who robbed the lady of her shoe- buckles and a few halfpence, and Mr. Gale of one. guinea and is. his handkerchief, and metal watch ( maker's name Curtis, London, No. 2670) with a steel chain, and gold and steel keys. The men were about five feet ten inches high, about 3o years of age, and were dressed in drab- coloured cloaths, and slapt hats. Norwich, Oct. 12.. Tuesday last the Rev. William Butts, B. A. was instituted to the Rectory of Cley- don, with Akenham annexed, in Suffolk. Thursday the Master and Fellows of Caius college, Cambridge, presented the Rev. Mr. Edwards, Pre- sident of the same society, to the Rectory of Hetherset, near Norwich, void by death. Liverpool, Oct. 10. Tuesday was launched here, a fine new ship'of 5o guns, called the Grampus; the command of which is given to Lord Cranston. On the same day was launched, the Echo sloop of war, of 20 guns, the command of which is Colquitt, Esq; son of the late Scrope Colquitt, Esq; of this town. Newcastle, Oct. 12. Wednesday a new frigate, called tlte Madona, was launched at Howdon Dock, which, if necessary, is capable of mounting above 30 guns'. She is a remarkable well- built ship. Oxford, Oct. 19. About one o'clock on Sunday morning last, the houfe of Mrs. Edith Hall, an aged gentlewoman, of Cricklade, Wilts, was entered a the window of her bed- chamber, by a couple of ruffi- ans with dark lanthorns, and disguised in smock frocks, one of whom was armed with a pistol and 1 cutlass, who having forced Mrs. Hall and her maid into a closet naked, kept them confined in that con. dition for several hours, threatening instant death F . they cried out, or attempted to alarm the neigh- bourhood; and having lighted up several candles, rifled the house of bank- notes, cash, plate, and other valuables, to a very considerable amount; remaining in the house till near day- light. — One of the above villains is apprehended, who proves to be an inha- bitant of the place, and a reward of fifty pounds is offered for apprehending his accomplice or accom- plices. _ Thursday, evening, between eight and nine o'clock, three robberies' were committed between Burford and Witney, in this county, by two footpads, one of whom had a pistol and the other a hanger or cutlass. From a butcher, of Clanville, they took four- guineas from Mr Holland, of Burford, who was returning from Whitney market; fifty shillings'; and from Ri- chard Bishop, of this place, a guinea and half, seven shillings and sixpence, and a plain silver watch, maker's name John Tringham, London^ No. 22,928, They were middle sizcd youngish men, and were not disguised, except by being pretty much muffled about their necks . with handkerchiefs. At the fair at Shipston- upon- Stower, On Tuesday last, there were a numerous gang of thieves, pick- pockets, sharpers, & c. who, amongst other depreda- tions, committed the following ' robbery :--- four of them came to Mr. Rogers's, at the White Bear Inn, and getting in a room up stairs, shnt themselves in, and with the help of a picklock and a strong pen- knife, ( which they left behind) broke open a bureau, out of which they stole bank bills to the amount of 55!. and about 2ol. in cash, together with several promissory notes for money due to Mr. Rogers, with which they got clear off.--- One of the suspected villains was a thickset man, marked with the small- pox, and ap- peared like a grazier ; another had much the ap- pearance and dress of a livery- servant The day after the fair, one of the above description was de- tected in picking pockets, who was so compleat an adept- that in about half an hour he had picked the pockets of near twenty of the spectators at a bull- bait- ing He was carried before the Rev. Mr. Selwyn, and is committed to take his trial at the next assizes at Worcester. " LON DON, Friday, Octoher 18. Some letters were received yesterday from Mr. Fitz- herbert, his Majesty's Resident at the Court of Brus- sels, with an account that the negociations for a peace at Paris, between the belligerent powers, are at a stand at present, on accouat of the exorbitant de- mands made by the French and Dutch. We are assured by the accounts which arrived last night, that Don Louis Cordova, has only forty- two ships under his command, though the news- papers for some time have uniformly assured us they are not fewer than fifty: ships of the line. m . fer living under our free government, to the mutilated constitution of their Republick, when it was unanimously determined to recommend the matter in the strongest manner to his Majesty's consideration, and in consequence dispatches to that purpose were sent off the next day; since which, we hear with pleasure', that his Majesty has declared he would exert the Royal bounty in their favour, by fi grant of 25,000l. to defray the expenses of the emi- grants from their own country to Ireland, and a like sum in aid, of their establishment when arrived. Be- sides the offer made the Genevese by the Earl of Ely of a settlement In the county of Wexford j the Duke of Leinster has made not only a similar offer in the county of Kildare, but added thereto such encourage- ments as it is thought will determine the emigrants immediately to begin their journey. A Genevese gentleman was lately in thjs city on the business of the emigration, who is a person of great character and considerable property. He has re- ceived the greatest encouragement and marks of fa- vour from the ministers in Great Britain and Ireland, and is now on his return to his native country, in or- der to prepare all matters respecting this great busi- ness. J Last night an exprefs arrived in town from Ply- mouth, with intelligence of the Achilles, Capt. Dun- - can, being arrived at that place from St. Lucia. She sailed from thence the 5th of September, and brings advice of the July packet being arrived out, and that the fleet which sailed from Corke the 27th of June, was arrived at Barbadoes. By this vessel we : likewise learn, that- on the 15th of August a terrible fire happened at Basseterre in Guadaloupe, which consumed a great many houses, and did Other consi- derable damage.: Yesterday an express arrived at the Admiralty from Ireland, with advice of the arrival of Admiral ' Greaves in the Belle, Capt. Forster, at Waterford. We do not' learn that she brings any particulars rela- tive to the both missing ships. 1 This day advice was received from Ireland of the safe arrival; at the Cove of Corke, of the Old Har- bour,- Capt. Powers and the Pallas two of the missing Jamaica fleet. A Dutch ship, prize to the Pegase man of war, of . 74 guns, is safe arrived at Falmouth : she was laden with stores and bound for Brest. Advice is recived from Newfoundland, that five sail of American privateers, three belonging to Boston, ' and the other two to Salem, are all taken on the Banks since the late hurricane, by his Majesty's cruisers, and carried into St. John's, - * 1 • F Extract of a letter from Chatham, Oct. 24. " The Triumph, of 74 guns, is put into com- mission, and Capt. Affleck appointed to the com- mand." Extract of a letter from Portsmouth, Oct. 14. " Yesterday a man went down in the old machine to the Royal George, in order to get the guns up, when he slung one brass gun, twelve- pounder, which was hoisted on board the Cabot brig. There are great hopes of his getting up several more." The following stroke of royal pleasantry occasioned no small entertainment at one of the royal hunts last week : Soon after his Majesty had joined the com- pany assembled on the occasion, and the ceremony of turning out the stag had taken place, the King ex- claimed, " And now turn out the young sportsman 1" when immediately the door of one of the royal coaches was opened, from which descended the Prince Octavius, his Majesty's youngest son, not yet four years old, dressed in a black cap, boots, coat, waist- coat, & c. in every respect like those of the King— The surprise and laughter occasioned by this was equally novel and pleasing. His Majesty has presented Dr. Heberden with a very handsome gold snuff- box, the inside lid of which ' ' is also ornamented with a beautiful miniature of the King, as a mark of his approbation of the great care and attention shewn by that gentleman to the case of the late Prince Alfred, with whom the Doctor sat up the whole night preceding his Royal Highness's death. Mrs. Siddons made her first appearance at Drury- lane theatre on Thursday last in the character of Isa- bella, and received the unbounded applause of a large and brilliant audience. She is universally considered as a most valuable acquisition to that theatre. Monday evening, about eight o'clock, six ruffians, armed with pistols, cutlasses, & c. went to the house of a miller at Rasebury, who being from home, they se- cured all the servants, and robbed them of what mo- ney and watches they had, then fastened them to- gether in a room, and plundered the house of all the wearing apparel, linen, plate, & c. after which they regaled themselves for upwards of two hours in a room belonging to the mill. It is supposed they are the same fellows who a few days since broke into and plundered a surgeon's house at Egham, of plate to the value of upwards of 150l. Yesterday came on at the Old Bailey, the trial of John Gray, for the murder of Mr. Hurd, in a lane near to the Shepherd and Shepherdess, — Milbourne, an accomplice, swore, that on the night the murder was committed, the prisoner at the bar, Gatkin and Stilton, lately executed for robbing the Rev. Mr. Bromley, and himself, attacked three persons in the place above- mentioned, and perceiving they intended to resist, he fired a pistol, to intimidate them; after robbing one of them, he jumped over the hedge into the field, where he was soon after joined by Gatkin, who said, Gray and I followed one of the men that ran away, we have done him, and Gray has shot him as dead as a stone. The other then coming up, they all went to Gray's house, and divided their booty.— Watson swore that he is a servant to Capt. Best, and was along with his master, and the deceased, at the time of the robbery ; when the men came up he en- deavoured to fire his pistols, but they both flashed in the pan ; this drew upon him the vengeance of the vil- lains, and, after robbing and beating him very much, they threw him into a ditch, where he remained until all was quiet, he then got up, and after walking a few yards discovered the body of Mr. Hurd, quite cold, and the upper part of the head shot away. Capt. Best. related the particulars of the murder, but could prove nothing against the prisoner, only that the man who shot Mr. Hurd was about the size of the prisoner. Two of the turnkeys at Clerkenwell, swore that they were present when Gray said, that he had a scuffie with the deceased, and snapped two pis- tols- at him ; after receiving several blows, he called Stilton to assist, who struck Mr. Hurd several blows with a hanger; disapproving of this barbarity, he en- deavoured to catch the hanger upon his pistol, but that in the scuffle it went off, and the . unfortunate gentleman was killed. The jury found him guilty'. The Recorder immediately passed sentence on him. He will be executed 0n Saturday morning. At the sessions at the Old Bailey 011 Wednefday, Mr. Akerman represented to the bench, that the number of prisoners in Newgate was so great, that he could not engage to keep them in safety ; and that they were so daring, that the best language he or his assistants could get from them, were dreadful curses and threatenings, with drawn knives in their hands. He said, that his people were every moment in such danger of their lives, that it was with difficulty he could procure men to run the hazard ; and that every day five or six pair of fetters were- sawed asunder, without any possibility of his preventing it. Should these desperadoes break loose, there would be no living near London with any degree of security. TO be LET immediately, the WHITE HART INN, in Malmsbury, in the County of Wilts, and the STOCK of Beer and Liquors, and Part of the Household Goods to be sold. For further Particulars enquire of Joseph Canter, of Malmsbury ; or of Betty Reeves, the Tenant. GLOCESTERSHIRE; TO be LET and entered upon, on the < th Day of April next, Two very complete DAIRY FARMS, situate at Shurdington, six Miles from Glocester. For Particulars enquire of Robert Lawrence, Esq; at Shurdington aforesaid ; or of Law. Mills, at Hucclecote, near Glocester. TO be LET, the ancient DEMESNE of Penlloyn Sarph, and a convenient Malthouse adjoining thereto, with 170 Acres of Arable, 77 Acres of Meadow: and 41 Acres of Pasture Land, situate in the Parish of Mony- thuslloyn, in the County of Monmouth. For further Par- ticulars enquire of Henry Morgan, Attorney, at Caerleon. DEALS. FOR SALE by Auction, at the New George, in Stroud, in the County of Glocester, on Friday the 25th of October Inst. at Three o'Clock, a Quantity of CHRISTIANA DEALS, in Lots, viz. 13 Feet. a Inches and a Half, best Red ; - 12 Feet, Ditto ; — 12 Feet, Inch and Quarter, Red;— 13 Feet, 3 Inches, best White; 12 Feet, Ditto; - fome 14 Feet, 3 inches, Red Enquire of Mr. Wyatt, at the New George, who will shew the Deals. JOHN SHEWELL, Auctioneer. GLOCESTER, October 12. SELLING at, or under PRIME COST. T. HARMER, Hosier and Hatter, the Corner • of the College Court, impressed with a grateful Sense of the many Favours he has received from his Friends, and the Public in general, respectfully informs them, that as he shall absolutely remove from his present Dwelling- House at Christmas next, to the Warehouse lately occupied by his Un cle, Mr. John Harmar, deceased, is now selling off his whole STOCK in TRADE, without Reserve, and requests that . those who are in want of such Articles, will make immediate Application. Great Variety of Ladies and Gentlemen's Silk, Cotton Thread, and Worded Hose ; Men's Silk, and Worsted Pieces for Waistcoats and Breeches, the newed Pattern ; Leather, Silk, Cotton, Thread, Callico, and Worsted Gloves; Silk and Worsted Mitts, and Silk Purses, & c. & c. A large Quantity of West Country, and Kendal knit Hose, ribbed and plain, calculated for Country Shopkeepers; Ladies and Gentltmen's riding Hats; Men and Boys' common Ditto; Children's neat brown Hats, & c„ N. B. Wanted, a drong active middle- aged Man, who can write, and produce s good Character, as Porter to the Ware- house. CIRENCESTER, Oct. 19. THE first Subscription ASSEMBLY and BALL will be at the Ram Inn on Tuesday the 22d of October Inst. and will be continued on that Day Month during the Season. TAKEN up at Wheatenhurst, in the County of Glocester, three Two year- old HEIFERS ; one of a sparkled Colour, another brindled, and the other yellow, with a little white on the Back. Any Person proving them to be their Property, and paying the necessary Expences, may have them restored, by applying to Wm. Short, at Wheaten- hurst aforesaid. OCTOBER 19. WANTED a PERSON to superintend the Poor in Painswick Work- House; Any Person who has been ufed to the Clothing Bufinefs, desirous of under- taking the Management of them, is desired to apply to the Churchwardens or Overseers, on or before the 13th of Novem- ber next, on which Day a Meeting will be held at the Falcon in Painswick, to elect a Work- House Keeper. To prevent Trouble, it is requested that none will apply but such as can come properly recommended in Respect to Ability and Honesty, and can bear Confinement, as constant Atten- dance will be expected. AGentleman, who has carried on an extensive Trade for upwards of 20 Years, In the Woollen- Dra- pery, Linen- Drapery, and Haberdashery Branches of Business, in a very capital City, wishes to decline Trade : Any Person willing to engage therein, will meet with an advantageous Opportunity of coming into a very good, House, well situated, and well established in Business, which he may either pur- chase, or have a Lease of. N. B. If the Person cannot make it convenient to advance the whole Amount of the Stock in Trade, a Security for a Part will be accepted. None but Principals will be treated with. For further Particulars apply to Mr. NICHOLAS BARNES, Auctioneer, in Glocester; to whom Letters ( Post paid) will be duly attended to. Frocester Hill, Alkerton, and Frampton TURNPIKES. NOTICE is hereby given, that a Meeting of the Trustees appointed for putting in Execution an Act of Parliament made and passed in the 19th Year of the Reign of his present Majesty King George the Third, intitled, " An Act for amending the Road from the Nine- mile Stone on the Bristol Road, at or near a Place called the Clay- Pits, to or near the Chapel at Stone; and also the Roads to and near Berkeley, Dudley, Wotton- Underedge, Stroud, and Sod- bury ; and several other Roads in the Counties of Glocester and Wilts," will be held at the George Inn at Frocester, in the said County of Glocester, on Tuesday the 29th Instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, for that Division of the Roads com- prised in the said Act, which leads from Framiload and Newn- ham Passages to the Top of Frocester Hill, in the County of Glocester aforesaid ; at which Meeting all the Accounts re- specting the said Division are intended to be settled. CHARLES WHITTARD, Clerk. N. B. The several Surveyors are particularly requested to attend early with their Accounts, that Business may be done before Dinner. DEAN FOREST, October 19. WHEREAS a large Oak TIMBER TREE was, on the 17th Day of October Inst. found by Mr. Robert East, one of his Majesty's Keepers of the said Forest, in the Yard of Henry Powell, of Blakeny, in the Parish of Awre, that had the preceding Night been stolen out of the said Forest by John Saunders, of Blakeny, and others ; which Tree, after being marked by the said Robert East with the King's Seal, was afterwards again stolen out of the said Henry Powell's Yard, by some Person or Persons at present unknown. Whoever therefore will give Information of the Person or Persons taking away the said Tree from the Yard of the said Henry Powell as aforesaid, fo that he or they may be convicted thereof, shall receive a Reward of Twenty Guineas, to be paid by T. B L U N T, Deputy Surveyor of the said Forest. An Accomplice making a Discovery shall be entitled to the same Reward, and a Pardon. To CLOTHIERS. TO be SOLD, by Order of the Assignees of Mess. Joshua Mathews and William Powell, of Stour- bridge, in the County of Worcester, Clothiers, their Trade and Business, Stock of Cloths, Wool, Yarn Materials, Mills,. Presses, Stoves, Racks, Looms, Implements and Utensils in Trade, sufficient to manufacture 1000 Pieces of Cloth per: Annum. The Business will be carried on by the Assignees till sold.: And for further Particulars apply at the House of Mess. Mathews and Powell; to Mr. Palmer, of Coleshill, War- wickshire; or Mr. Robins, of Stourbridge, Attorney. MONDAY'S POST. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Madrid, Sept. 27. - • ACCORDING to accounts from the. camp at dP A i> St. Roch ( now called Buen Vista) • nothing material has happened since the 13th. Our ® ® batteries continue firing at intervals, which is warmly returned by the enemy. We have made a breach in the wall, towards the new mole, of five yards long, and another of three. Some Irish deserters from our troops, prove to be spies sent into the place, who found means to return with the prisoners sent back by General Elliot. They say the garrison are tolerably well provided with flour, salt beef, powder and ball, but that they have not more than 600 shells left. Ten thousand men have lately been embarked on board the men of war ; information having been received that the English Admiral had six regiments of infantry on board. The King has sent orders to the Duke de Crillon to press forwards the siege. LONDON, Saturday, Oct. 19. St. James's, Oct. 16. This day Lord Viscount Townshend kissed his Majesty's hand, on being ap- pointed Captain of a corps of light horse and infantry, called the Norfolk Rangers; being composed of his lordship's neighbours and principal tenants in that County. Lond. Gaz. Yesterday the agreeable news was received at the Admiralty and India House, of the arrival off Ply- mouth Sound, of the four following East- India ships : the Duke of Portland, Capt. Sutton; Royal Char- lotte, Capt. Cotton; Contractor, Capt. Baldwyn ; and Ponsborne, Capt. Le Messurier. The afore- mentioned ships came under convoy, from St. He- lena, of his Majesty'ss( hip Mcdway, Capt. Edgar. Capt, Edgar in his dispatches takes notice of his having fallen in with the Atlantic, Capt. Taylor, one of the Jamaica fleet, for London, which ship was likewise arrived with him ; and 011 the 8th instant, off Scilly, he spoke with the Pegase of 74 guns, Capt. George Berkeley. The Southampton frigate of 32 guns, Captain Affleck, is arrived at Portsmouth from New- York, from whence she sailed on the 15th of September, and brings the agreeable news of Admiral Pigot's arrival there with 23 sail of the line and a number of prizes, amongst which are four Spanish ships from Cadiz to the Havannah, two of them valued at 40,0001. earii, three stout American privateers, and the Thorn sloop of war of 18 guns, which he retook near Florida. A considerable number of merchant ships and small pri- vateers had also been driven 0n shore by Admiral Pigot in Virginia and, the Delaware, as he- coasted it along from- the Havannah to New- York. A confirmation is likewise received, that the French ship the Magnifique, of 74 guns, was lost going into Boston, the men and stores saved; and the 80 gun ship, supposed to be the Triomphante, on board of which was the Admiral, received so much damage, that it was thought ( he would be condemned as unfit for further service. There were 12 other French ships of the line repairing at Boston, commanded by Mons. Vaudreuil, but they were in so bad a condition, that it would require three or four months to put them in good repair. The news- papers and private letters from New- York agree in giving a wretched description of the American finances, and that parties had been formed in several states, which' openly defied the power of the Congress: one of the commissaries had been ar- rested for not fulfilling his engagements with the farmers, and on his application to Congress, com- plaining of the hardships he suffered, in not being Supplied with the money he had been promised, they openly acknowledged their inability, and supplicated the country people to have patience till they should receive some expected remittances from Europe. On the whole they write from New- York, that anarchy tind confusion was gaining ground very fast in the A- merican provinces. We are sorry to hear, that no accounts have yet been received of the four sail of the line that were with the Jamaica fleet in- the hard gale of wind on the Banks of Newfoundland; and that the greatest ap- prehensions are entertained for the safety of at least three of them, as well as for upwards of 20 sail of merchant ships yet unaccounted for. The Irish mail of this day has brought letters from Corke up to the nth; from Waterford to the 12th, and from Lime- rick to the 10th, but no further arrivals at either of the above places. The Artois and Nemesis frigates, with a sloop of war, sailed on the 12th from Waterford, to look out for the Jamaica fleet, in order to give them every as- sistance in their power. On Wednesday came on, in the Court of Directors at the India House, the question of the recal of Go- vernor Hastings, when, after a long and warm de- bate, it was carried for his recal by a considerable majority. A General Court, however, must ulti- mately decide the matter. India Stock rofe on Monday from 127 to 136^, in ; consequence of the late favourable advices from Ben- gal ; but some insinuations having been thrown out, that these accounts were fabricated to answer a parti- cular purpose, this matter will be very fully enquired into at the general court of Proprietors on Thurfday next. In the mean time we are assured, that the Go- vernor- General of Bengal has written a short letter to a gentleman now in London, which has been very generally communicated, in which Mr. Hastings says, " Here, in Benares, in Oude, all our affairs prosper. I can answer for this government. Its exertions shall equal your most sangnine wishes, and I have no fear from their effects while we direct them." Sir William Draper certainly brings Governor Mur- ray to a trial for the loss of Minorca: it is to bea- general court martial, and will sit on the 12th of No- vember. The general court martial to be held on General Murray, will bring to London all the Generals at present in England. The charges of Sir William Draper against General, Murray, go into several articles :— That he allowed himself to be taken by surprise, tho' he had received abundant intimation of the enemy's intentions against Minorca ; that he acted, even after the landing of the enemy, in a very uni- officer- like manner ; and that, in particular, he restrained Sir William Draper from those exertions which evidently might have resisted the disgraceful surrender of the place. To the above- mentioned allegations General Mur- ray replies Not guilty ; and in particular insists that he cannot be so as long as he proves, which he is able; to do, that he kept the place four days longer than Sir William S* him to resistance. Some discontents having arisen among the colliers and forgemen in' Staffordshire, on account of the ad- vance in malt, and some other articles, from the late badness of the weather in the- barley harvest, there have been assemblies of those people at Walsal, Wol- verhampton, & c. ' But Sir John Wriotesly, and other gentlemen attending, and demonstrating that their mode of proceeding would infallibly tend to increase, and not lessen their grievances, the people dispersed,, and on Thursday last all was said to be quiet again. This day the session ended at the Old Bailey, when eight convicts received sentence of death, among whom was one Syddal, just come from ballast heaving. He behaved with great audaciousness while the Re- corder was passing sentence on him, laughing almost the whole time. The. others behaved with great de- cency. This morning was executed at Tyburn, John Gray, far the wilful murder of Mr. Hurd. He waS dressed in a suit of black, with a hat- band in his hat. He prayed fervently, and behaved with great decency. He was attended by the under- sheriff, and other officers; and after execution was brought back in a ' hackney- coach to Surgeons- hall, to be anatomised. Married Thursday, at Chittern, in the county of Wilts,. Charles Gordon Gray, Esq; to Miss Hughes, of Warminster. On Tuesday se'nnight, at Edinburgh, John Hamilton, of Pencaitland, Esq; to Miss Dundas, daughter of the Lord President of the Court of Session Tuesday last, at Harlsey, in the North- Riding of Yorkshire, Alexander Burnett, Esq; son of Sir Thomas Burnett, Bart, to Miss Ban- nerman, eldest daughter of the late Sir Alexander Bannerman, Bart.-— Same day, at Cambridge, Wil- liam Roberts, Esq; to Miss King, niece to the late Dr. Caryl, D. D. died. Monday, at East- Sheen, the Right Hon. the Countess of Denbigh, Lady of the present Earl.— , Sunday last at Clapham, Mrs. Stone, widow of the late Richard Stone, Esq; banker. - Tuesday, in Holborn, Capt. Edward Vernon Yates, many years a commander the navy.~ m hi New King- street, Bath, Samuel Court, Esq. Saturday se'n- night, in Jermyn^ street, St. James's, the Rev. Capel Berrow, Rector of Rossington, in Northamptonshire. —— Monday, in Cheapside, Mr. Israel Eltington, hosier.—- Wednesday, at Margate, of a paralytick stroke, Joseph Nash, Esq. F. R. S. of Queen- Square, only son of the late Mr. Alderman Nash.— Last week, of an apoplexy, at Kipling, in the North Riding of Yorkshire, George Crowe, Esq; Register of the said Riding.--- Tuesday, at Beverley, Joseph Bell, Esq; many years an alderman, and thrice mayor of that corporation.--- Sunday, at York, Edward Wal- lis, M. D. and one of the aldermen of that corpora- tion Yesterday, at Rickmersworth, of a paralytick stroke, John Reddall, Esq; Captain of the Lord Cam- den East- Indiaman. BANKRUPTS. James Vansommer and Peter Paul, of Pall Mall, Middle- sex, silk- mercers. Richard Jefferis, of Bristol, linen- draper. William Ashton, of Warrington, in the county of Lan- caster, bookseller and printer. DIVIDENDS. Nov. 7. Charles Basham, of Long Melford, Suffolk, mer- cer. 7. John Collier, of Newgate- street, London, linen- draper.. 8. John Plasket, late of Wigton, Cumberland, gro- cer. 11. William Lewis, of Bilston, Staffordshire, innhol- der. 12. Philip Chivers, late of Piccadilly, Middlesex, upholsterer. 16. John Warner, of East lane, Rotherhithe, in the county of Surry, merchant, and coal- factor. Sept. 30. Daniel Davis, the younger, late of Cirencester, in Glocester- shire, woolstapler. Bank Stock, Three per cent. con. 58 i- Sth a l- 4' fi. Three per cent. red. —. Three per cent. 1726.— Three I- half per cent, old ann. ——. Four per cent. aim; 17771 T. c'fig Ann. 17 j- iSths a i-^ tfil Long. Ann. 1777, Long Ann. 1778, » i 7- 8lKs a 15th- 16ihs. India Stock, 134 India ?', ids, 4S.,.! preSi. South Sea Stock, ——. . Three per cent. C: d Ann. —. New Ann. 57 g.'^ thi'. Ditto ijjt, . Three per cent. fob. 59 5 8ths a 3-' 4tl s. F,. : r per eent. ftib. ——. Navy Bills, 11 i- S( h a 1.4th. per cent. dif. Exchequer Bills, js. prem. Omnium^ Lottery Tickctsj 161.13s. a 13s. 6d. ,..„-. - , , ., GLOCESTERER Oct. 21 For the BENEFIT'of Mr. JOHN FIELD. N Thursday the 31st of October Inst. at the Bell Inn, in this City, will be a CONCERT of Vo- cal and Instrumental MUSIC. The Band ( which will con- sist of the best Performers) will be led by Mr. WILTON ; and a Concerto on the Violin. . TICKETS, 2s. 6d. each, may be had at the KING'S HEAD, BELL, BOOTH- HALL, GEORGE COFFEE- HOUSE, EVANS and HAZELL. in the West- Gate Street, and of J.' FIELD in College Court. After the Concert will be a B A LL The English Chronicle say's, that an express is ar- rived from Admiral Pigot with the news of a victory gained, in which he had taken three ships « * Wte line, with the loss of the Lion man of war on our side. But as the Gazette is silent, and our own private letters mention that the English and French fleets are in the harbours of New York antl Boston, we cannot give the least degree of credit to the report. Extract of a letter from London, Saturday Evening. " Seven sail of the line, and three stout frigates, sailed from the different ports of Holland last week : it is suppofed that they collected into one squadron, and are gone for Brest, as nothing hath been heard of their appearance in the North Sea. It is very fortu- nate that our four China ships, under convoy of the Medway, which are just arrived, did not fall in with' them. . " A petition hath been presented to the Stadtholder, signed by Admiral Hartsinck and several other of the Admirals and oldest Captains in the Dutch fleet, com- plaining of the numerous libels which have been pub- lished, in which their names have been freely men- tioned, as impeding the preparations and weakening the efforts of their fleet. They defire the Prince of Orange to use his utmost endeavours 111 the Assembly of the States, to punish the authors, and repress in future the publication of such scandalous insinuations — adding, that if this be not done, ' they will one and all throw up their commissions, and leave the defence of the republic to those who may be thought more worthy of the trust.' " A gentleman of character in London has received the copy of a letter sent by the King of Spain- to his Admiral, Don Cordova, dated the 20th of Septem- ber last, in which his Spanish Majesty expresses the utmost confidence in the skill, abilities, and courage of his Admiral : he tells him, that the English are coming with a powerful fleet to the relief of Gibral- tar ; but he trusts that he will exert the great force which he commands, with effect to prevent it, and to drive away the enemy with disgrace and loss He reminds him, that the eyes of all Europe are upon him ; and he doubts not but he will prove, himself by his valour, to be of true Castilian descent, and worthy of the affection and esteem of his Sovereign,. " The letters from France yesterday mention-, that the combined fleet left the Bay of Algezires on the 20th of September, and were to cruise off Cape St. Mary's, to wait for Lord Howe. They are here said to consift of 51 sail of the line ; but we have reason to think that many of them are in bad condition. We learn direct from France, that one of Vau- dreuil's fleet, the Magnifique, a 74. gun- ship, foun- dered in the Streights of Bahama ; and by a frigate of 32 guns, which 5s: just arrived at Portmouth from New- York, we have a report of four more French ships of the line, under Vaudreuil, being a- shore in the harbour of Boston, and likely to be lost. The frigate brings the news of Admiral Pigot's being safe at New- York, with 23 sail of the line. On his pas- sage he captured two large transports, well armed, and laden with naval stores and provisions for Vau- dreuil." On Thursday last was married Mr. John Bedford, attorney at law, of Pershore in Worcestershire, to Miss Fortune, only daughter of George Fortune, Esq; late of Salisbury- Square, London, deceased. Lately was married, at Alvington, in this county, Mr. John Powell, stonemason, to Miss Lucy Warren, eldest daughter of Mr. Warren, perfumer, in Cheap- side, London. On Tuesday last owner Smith was married to Mrs. Humphreys, widow of the late owner Humphreys,. of this city. Saturday last died, at her house in Barton- street, Mrs. Blanch, widow of the late John Blanch, Esq; of this city. On the 10th inst. Flock Roberts and Robert Smith, Gents, were elected Bailiffs of the borough of Tewkesbury for the year ensuing. About seven o'clock on Tuesday evening last, a gentleman was attacked about three miles from Ci- rencester, on the Tetbury road, by two footpads, one armed with a pistol, the other with a cutlass, who robbed him of three guineas and twelve shillings. They seemed to be stout young men, with dark- co- loured cloaths, and, by their language and manner, were judged to come from the metropolis .--- About ten minutes after they robbed a servant of Mr. Tug- well, of Beverstone, of 9s. Last Wednesday night Mr. Hope Hayward, of Forthampton, spending an evening in his neighbour- hood, chose to walk home, and sent his horse by a servant; who, as he was passing through a gate,- was surprised by a man on horseback that rushed upon him, and endeavoured to seize his bridle. Mr. Hayward's horse being very spirited, started and ran away with the servant, and the highwayman having taken the precaution to leave open the gates of the field, that he. might not be impeded in his flight, the servant got off Tt is supposed the robber was lying in wait for Mr. Hayward, who was fired at a few weeks ago' near his own house. On Wednesday last a young man, said to have been an inhabitant of Charlton Kings, was apprehended at Ashborne in Derbyshire, for stealing two coach horses from Thomas Browne, Esq; of Sevenhamp- ton, in this county.--- He had dispofed of the horses before he was detected, but they were afterwards se- cured for the owner. Encomiums too great cannot be paid to the two justices, William Nourse and William Matthews, Esqrs. who, on the evening previous Ross sent the constables to apprehend all the . vagabonds, that assembie at those times, different alehouses, 45 of these miscreants were taken into custody, and the above gentlemen sat on the bench from seven o'clock in the morning till six in the evening, examining them, and the next day passed them off to their parishes. The overseers and constables were particularly active upon this occasion. When measures like these become a general practice, the country may expect to he relieved from these pests of societv. PRICES of CORN per Bushel at last Week's Market. Rofs fairj ogues and From ths Beft Old Wheat 9s. ood. Second - 7s. . oSd. Third 7s. osd, Barley 4s. oSd. to 5s. ood. Beans js. ood. to js. 03d. Oats as, 04d, to as. oSd. ) The Christian's Magazine ; AN ENTIRE NEW WORK, Absolutely necessary for every Christian Family in the King- dom, and Calculated, on an elegant, cheap, and extenfive Plan, to merit univerfal Approbation, the elegant Copper- Plates of which alone are worth three Times the Price of the whole Magaiine. On Friday the First of November 1782, will be published, ( Price only SIX- PENCE,) Embellished with the following truly beautiful and elegant Copper- Plates : viz. 1, An emblematical Frontifpiece, reprefentlng Chriftianity difpelling the Cloudsof ignorance, Supersistion, and Infidelity. 1. A beautiful engraved Ge- neral Title- Page, with a Capital Vignette, reprefenting Faith, Hope, and Charity. 3. An excellent Portrait and striking Likeness of the Right Rev. Dr. Robert Lowth, the present Lord Bishop of London, taken, by Permission, from the original Painting in his Lordship's Possession, executed by Mr. Pine; illustrating the Memoirs of his Lordship's Life and Charadter, which will be given in this Number. All thefe elegant Embellishments are drawn, designed, and engraved, with a superior Degree of Excel- lence, by Messs. Hamilton, Pollard, and Thornton. The whole fining a valuable Family Companion, confiding of the moft important and interesting Subjects, conveyed in a delightful Manner, and being very near the fame Quantity usually given in other Magazines sold at double the Price.] NUMBER I. ( For OCTOBER 1782, to be continued Monthly) of THE NEW CHRISTIAN'S MAGAZINE : Being an UNIVERSAL REPOSITORY of DIVINE KNOWLEDGE. Calculated to furnilh the Reader with a complete Chriftian Library of Divinity and Morality, and containing a greaier Variety of curious original Essays and valuable Productions, suitable to the Work, than was ever given in any similar Publication whatever. The whole intended to promote the Caufe of Piety and Virtue, and undertaken By a Society of Clergymen, of the Diocese of London, Who are honoured with Communications for the proper Ac- complishment of their Design from the Clergy and others in different Parts of the Kingdom. London: Printed for the Editors; and publiflied by Alex- ander Hogg, No. 16, Pater- nofter- Row, ( by whom Letters, Poft. paid, for THE NEW CHRISTIAN'S MAGA- ZINE, from learned, ingenious, and pious Cotrefpondents, are received) Sold also by Evans and Hazell, T. Dunn, J. Hough, S. Har- ward, and J. Wslhbourn, in Glocefter; T. Stevens, Ciren cester j J. Bence and R. Dyde, Wotton ; C. Badham, and j. Allen, Hereford ; W. North, Brecon ; Mrs. Price, of the Hay; L. Barnikel, Carmarthen ) P. Davis, Leominster} and J. Chew, Briftul. The EDITORS of the NEW CHRISTIAN'S MAGAZINE To the PUBLIC at Large. XKf ARMED with a benevolent Wish to profit and please our fellow Christians, we have resolved to furnish them with a Repository of Divine Knowledge, fo happily calculated on the general Principles of Christianity, as to be highly accept- able to all Ranks of People who prosess the Christian Name, and which will conduce no less to the Benefit of Society than of Individuals. In the first and second Divisions of our Work, namely, Modern and Antient Christian Biography, will be presented the Lives and Characters of such of our present Bishops as have been conspicuous in defending the Doctrines of Chris- tianity, and other celebrated Divines and Characters of former and later Ages, Fathers, primitive Christians, Martyrs, Sec. eminent for their Learning ot Piety, such as Dr. Porteus, Bishop of Chester, Dr. Hurd, Bifhop of Worcester, the late Dr. Newton, Bishop of Bristol, Secker, Latimer, Burnet, Beveridge, Hoadley, Pearce, Wilkins, Wilson, Dr. Watts, Dr. Young, Usher, Stillingfleet, Tillotson, Addison, Sher- lo -, Hall, Gardener, Doddridge, Hervey, & c. in two other Heads, which we have allotted for Astro- Theology and Physico- Theology, we shall exhibit the Wisdom and Wonders of Divine Providence m the Works of Crea tion, See. Our next Department will include Divinity, systematical, historical, and practical, and will comprize all those impor- tant Matters which relate to the Faith and Practice of every Chriftian. The seventh, eighth, and ninth Parts are allotted for Christian, Jewish, and Roman Antiquities; History of Monu- ments and Tombs in Westminster Abbey, and of St. Paul's Cathedral, London ; but it is necessary to observe, that a Variety of other instructive and highly pleasing Articles will be introduced,— Scripture Chronology and Geography - the Rise, Progress and Evidences of Chrsftianity— The Christian Monitor, and Family Instructor— A Summary of Ecciesiastical Hiftory ; and many other Particulars. The tenth Division will contain every Thing striking and entertaining, serious and profitable; Dissertations, Letters, Essays, Remarks, Thoughts, Anecdotes, critical and prac- tical Pieces, Solutions of doctrinal and scriptural Difficulties, Sec. The eleventh Space is allotted for Poetical Divinity, and Pieces of a Moral Nature; and the twelfth will contain, for the Use of the Clergy, a Lift of Church Livings in the Gift of the King. Another Part will include an Account of Books on Divi- nity. To close this comprehensive Undertaking, a brief Diary will be annexed monthly of the most material Occurrences, foreign and domestic, with a Lift of Deaths, Births, Marriages, Pre- ferments, Bankrupts, Bill of Mortality, Sec. which will be sufficient to furnish Families and Individuals with an Idea of the Times. Such is the Plan we offer to the Public, and do not doubt that a Design so exceedingly useful will be very favourably re- ceived; by which Means every Family, and the rifing Gene- ration especially, will have an Opportunity of possessing ( at a very easy Rate) a rational serious Performance, inculcating the most solemn Truths in the most engaging Manner, where- in nothing of Indecency or Impropriety shall ever be admitted. Truth shall guard our Entrance, Virtue conduit our Pens, Piety direct our Steps, and the present and future Felicity of our Readers be our invariable Aim. *„* Respecti to the internal Execution of The Nxw CHRISTIAN'S MAGAZINE, we have said sufficient; but dis- daining to derive Credit from mere empty Promises, which are in the Power of the meanest Adventurer, we shall only take a Pride in that Applause which flows from the Perfor- mance of our Engagements. With respect to its external Execution, it will surpass every Wotk of the Kind hitherto published. The Paper and Print will be greatly superior— the Types better, being entirely new, and call on purpose by Caslon— and the Portraits really genu- ine, and other elegant Embellishments, will be finely executed by the moft eelebrated Artists who have exerted their Skill and Abilities in raising the Reputation of the Publisher's other elegant and much admired new Publications, ( which are readily allowed to be preferable to any other Works of the Kind, viz. ' Ibe Rev. Dr. Wright's Complete British Family Bible, being a real new Exposition and Commentary on the Holy Scrip- tures. 11te Rev. Dr. Wrigbt't New and Complete List of Christ and his Apostles, & c. elegantly printed in Folio, Mr. Millar's New and Universal System of Geography, with all the new Discovcries, Sec, Mr. Barnard s New and Complete History of England, from the earliest Accounts, to the present Time. These Works, embellished with elegant Copper- Plates, engraved by Pollard, Thornton, Grignion, Heath, Bartolozzi, Collyer, Waller, Hall, and others, from Designs made by Hamilton, Wale, Dodd, Cipriani, Angelica Kauff- man, Edwards, & e. ( which ate now publishing in Weekly Numbers, with unprecedented Success) being universally ap- proved of and known throughout thefe Kingdoms, may ferve to convince every Person of the Truth of our Assertions re- fpedting the Execution of the New Christian Magazine, now offered to the Publ^ t. For further Particulars we beg Leave to refer the Public to the first Number, which is offered as a Specimen, and may bs read gratis, as the Money will be re- turned if no: approved. Modern Universal BRITISH TRAVELLER. Every Briton, who wishes to acquire with Ease, Facility, A- musement, and Pleasure, a competent Knowledge of his own Country, and be intimately acquainted with its natural and artificial Curiosities, Antiquities, Laws, Governments, Biography, memorable Transactions, as well as every other interefting Particular necessary to form a complete Know- ledge of his native Country, is earnestly desired to peruse the following Proposal of An Entire NEW WORK, on an improved PLAN, to be completed in 80 Numbers only, or the Overplus given gratis, making one Volume, beautifully printed iu Folio, on a new Letter and superfine Paper, enriched and embellished with upwards of 100 large, grand, and superb r Views of the principal Cities and Towns in Great- Britain ; perspective Views of Villages, Gentlemens* Seats, Castles, Ruins, Abbies, Cataracts, Sea Pieces, Landscapes, natural and artificial Curiofities, correct Maps, Sec. drawn with critical exactness by the most capital Painters in England, and engraved in the moft mafterly Manner, by the follow- ing ingenious Artists, viz. Grignion, Sparrow, Scott, White, Royce, Chesham, Taylor, Morris, Reynoldson, and others, who have distinguished themselves by their great Abilities in the polite Arts. On Saturday, October 26, will be published, Price only SIX- PENCE, Enriched with a most beautiful Frontispiece, engraved by Mr. Taylor, from an original Drawing, and a whole Sheet Map of Great- Britain and the adjacent Isles, distinctly and ac- curately laid down from the latest and best Surveys, by Mr. Bowen, NUMBER I. ( To be continued Weekly) of THR Modern Universal BRITISH TRAVEL- LER ; Or, A new, complete, and accurate TOUR through ENGLAND, WALES, SCOTLAND, and the neigh- bouring Islands. Comprising all that is worthy of Observa- tion in GREAT- BRITAIN. Containing a full, ample, and circumstantial Account of every Thing remarkable in the se- veral Cities, Market Towns, Villages, Hamlets, Sec. through- out the Kingdom. Being calculated equally to please the Polite,— entertain the Curious,- instruct the Uninformed,— and direct the Traveller. The whole displayed under the following Heads, Situation, Extent, Latitude, Longitude, Roads, Battles, Sieges, Skirmishes, Civil Commotions, Trading and other Companies, Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Military Offices, Earth- quakes, Storms, Inundations, and other singular Occurrences; Rocks, Mines, Grottoes, Fossils, Caves, Minerals, Plants, Agriculture, Beasts, Birds, Fishes, Insects, Reptiles, Am- phibious Creatures; Castles, Military Ways, Docks, Har- bours, Markets, Fairs, Canals, Buildings, Fortifications, Palaces, Seats, Parks, Bridges, Cathedrals, Collegiate and Parish Churches, Monuments, Ecciesiastical and Civil Juris- dictions, Corporations, Customs, Manners, Sec. Govern- ment, Manufactures, Trade, Commerce, Forces, Naval and Military Exploits, Polity, Power and Prerogative of the King, Laws and Customs of the House of Lords, Privileges and Usages of the House of Commons, Nature of the Legisla- ture, and Modes of Proceeding in the various Courts ot Jus- tice, Lives of such Persons as have done Honour to the Coun- ties in which they were born, whether King's, Princes, Peers, Admirals, Generals, Divines, Lawyers, Physicians, Philosopher's, Poets, Historians, & c. Being the Result of an actual and late general, SURVEY OF THE WHOLE KINGDOM. And including various Maps, corrected from the latest Ob- servations, a Collection of Landscapes, Views, Sec. that make an admirable Groupe of elegant Copper- Plate Prints; a com- plete Road Book; a List of all the Fairs, and a Variety of other useful and entertaining Particulars. The Articles respecting ENGLAND, By CHARLES BURLINGTON, Efq. Such as relate to WALES, By DAVID LLEWELLYN REES, Gent. And those defcriptive of SCOTLAND, By ALEXANDER MURRAY, M. A. The whole being interspersed with many valuable and cu- rious Circumstances communicated by other Gentlemen of Rank and Abilities. To foreign Climes no Briton need to roam. The World of Wonders may be found at Home. London : Printed for J. Cooke, No. 17, Pater- noster Row and may be had of the Booksellers of Oxf1 Cambridge^ Bath, Bristol, York, Norwich, Birmingham, ofeelii, 4 " J of all other Booksellers and News Carriers in Town an,. Country. t+ t In the first Number will be given a promissary Note' to deliver the Overplus gratis, if it should exceed Eighty Num bers ;— and in the laft Number a List of such Subscribers as chuse to have their Names inserted, shall be printed and deli- vered gratis. The Proprietors can with Truth assert, that this is the most compleat and elegant Work of the Kind ever yet offered to the Public, as no Expence or Pains have been spared to ren- der it worthy the Reader's Attention; the Drawings, En- gravings, Embellishments, Sec. being finished in a superior Stile to those of any similar Publication, and at the very great Expence of upwards of One Thousand Pounds. The Whole of this truly valuable and authentic Worki being just printed off, may be had complete, elegantly bound in Calf and lettered, Price 2I. 8s. or in Eighty Weekly Number!, Price 6d. each, one or more at a Time, as may best suit the Convenience of the Purchaser. STATE LOTTERY, 1782. THE TICKETS, and Shares of Tickets, are fold and divided into HALVES, QUARTERS, EIGHTHS, and SIXTEENTHS, by HAZARD and Co. Stock- Brokers, at their State Lottery Office, No. 93, under the Royal Exchange, London, ( and no where elfe on their Account.) Corredt Numerical and Register Books are kept, and Tickets and Shares registered at Six Pence per Number. Note, in the laft Lottery the following capital Prizes were fold and ( hated at this Office, viz. two of 20,0c0L and one of 10, cool. THE SCHEME. TO be SOLD in Fee, a Piece of MEADOW GROUND, called Shap House, containing by Estima- tion feven Acres, situate in the Parish of Hewelsfield, in the County of Glocester, in the Tenure of James Baker, at the yearly Rent of 61. The Premises are Parcel of the Dutchy of Lancaster, and exempts the Tenant from Payment of Tolls— The Tenant is also entitled to Common of Pasture in the Foreft of Dean, and in Brockware, and Hudnal's Common, both good Sheep Walks. For further Particulars apply to Thomas Davis, Attorney, Chepstow. w To the PUBLIC. WHEREAS the MESSUAGES, TENE- MENTS, and LANDS hereunder mentioned, being the Estate of the late Rowland Edwardes, of Trelfqarne, in the County of Pembroke, Esq; deceased, were, in purfuance of a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, fet up for Sale on the txd Day of July laft, before Edward Leeds, Efq; one of the Matters of the faid Court, when but very few Bidders ap- peared, and the Estates were sold considerably under Value : It is therefore intended to open fuch Sale before the faid Master, on the 29th of Oftober Inft.; when any Perfons in- clinable to become Purchafers, may have an Opportunity of fo doing. PEMBROKESHIRE. Lot t. All that Messuage, Tenement, and Lands, calfed Hill, in the several Parishes of Ludchurch, and Lampeter Velfrey, let to David Jones, on Lease for three Lives, which ere now existing, at the yearly Rent of 50I. CARMARTHENSHIRE. Lot*. All thofe four Dwelling- Houses, Malt- House, and Garden, in the feveral Occupations of Mrs. Ann Edwardes, Mrs. Browne, Richard Wells, Martha Beynon, and Richard Row; and alfo those two Fields, called Rokeums, in the Oc- cupation of Joseph Skeel, all fituate in or near the Town of Laugharne, at the yearly Rent of ail. 17s. 6d. Lot 3. All that Messuage and Tenement of Lands, called Castlederrau, in the Chapelry of Castlederrau, in the Parish of Killymaenllwyd, now let to Edward Lewis on Leafe for three Lives, at the yearly Rent of 13I. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Hughes, Attorney at Law, Carmarthen. English s State C H Lottery, 1782. M No. of Prizes. Value of each. 1 of 20,0001* is * 10,000 1 . 1 9 — 5,000 —— 4 •• 2,000 — ... 8 » , ooo —• 20 •' - 500 • SO — mo — 250 —— 50 14,000 " 20 Total Value. 40,000). 20,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 5,000 12,500 280,000 14,338 Prizes. Firft- drawn Ticket, for the firlt five 7 Days, 500I. each - - - J Firll- drawn Ticket, for the loth and ] I ctn Days, ioool. each Firft- drawn on the 18th Day, Firft- drawn on the 21ft Day, 1 he lad- drawn Ticket 26,161 Blanks. 280,000 I '" J"* nd ^ 393,500 2,500 » , 000 3,000 3,000 2,009 40,500 Tickets. 405,000 Not two Blanks to a Prize. Begins drawing November 18— The Prires to be paid in full. TICKETS are fold and divided into HALF, QUARTER, EIGHTH, and SIXTEENTH SHARES, By Messrs. RICHARDSON and GOODLUCK, Licensed by Authority of Parliament, ( Remarkable for selling capital PRIZES) At their Office, No. 104, the Corner ot the Bank- Build- ings, Cornhill, also at their Offices, oppofite the King's- Mews, Charing- Cross; and at Messrs. White and Mitchell's, facing the Tron Church, Edinburgh; and no where elfe on their Account. The following capital Prizes have been fold and fhared in former Lotteries at the above Offices, viz. three Prizes of x » , eC<> l. four ditto of io, o<- ol. ten of 5000I. fixteen of 2Cool. one of 1,0501. four of i, o2oI. one of 10 iol. twenty- eight of 1000I. and forty- one of 500I. Country Coirefpondents may have Tickets and Shares fent them, by remitting good Bills payable at Sight, or of a ( hort Date. All Shares fold at the above Offices are ( tamped agreeable to Aft of Parliament, alfo with the Crown, and round it,— " Richardfon and Goodluck's Lottery- Office." Tickets reglftered at Six- pence each, and the earlieft In- telligence fent of their Succefs. N. B. There will be no Chances, Policies, or Infurances, in this Lottery, they being contrary te Adt of Parliament. No. of Value of Prizes. each. a of 2O, O00l. % —— 10,000 2 • » •• 5,000 2,000 8 —— 1,000 20 —_ 500 5° - • - 100 250 —— 5° 14.000 1 20 H> 33s Prizes Firft Drawn Ticket for the Days, 500I. each - - - Firft Drawn Ticket for the 15th Days, i. oool. each - - - 5 10th and f Total Value. 40,000). 20,0- 0 10,000 8,000 8, oc » 10,000 5,000 12,500 280,000 2,500 Firlt Drawn Ticket for the 18th Day - - Firft Drawn Ticket for the 21ft Day • - The laft Drawn Ticket - - - - - 2,000 16,162 Blanks 2,000 2,000 3,000 40,500 Tickets, 405,000 The prefent Price of SHARES HALF 81. 12s. FOURTH — 41. 7s. EIGHTH — * 1. 4s. SIXTEENTH — il. is. Not two Blanks to a Prize.— The Prizes to be paid with out Deduction. All jjhares fold at this Office will be ftamped agreea- ble to Adt of Parliament, and alfo with the Crown, and round it Haxard't Lottery Office. Money for the Prizes will be paid at this Office as foon as drawn. Letters ( Poft paid) duly anfwercd, and Schemes gratis. Begins Drawing the 18th of November. N. B. Agreeable to Adt of Parliament, no Bufinefs in the Lottery tranfadted before Eight o'Clock in the Morning, nor after Eight o'Clock in the Evening. Bank, India, and South Sea Stocks, with their feveral Annuities, India Bonds, Navy and Vidtualling Bills, and all Kind of Government Securities bought and fold by Commiffion Bills not payable at Sight muft be drawn on liamped Paper and no Bill of a long Date can be taken. This Day was published, In one large Volume, Octavo, Price bound 7s. A new Edition, greatly enlarged, and carefully corrected by Edward Harwood, D. D. Being the Twenty fourth, of AN UNIVERSAL ETYMOLOGICAL EN- GLISH DICTIONARY; comprehending the Deriva- tions of the Generality of Words in the English Tongue, ei- ther ancient or modern, from the ancient British, Saxon, Danish, Norman, and modern French, Teutonick, Dutch, Spanish, Italian ; as also from the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew Languages, each in their proper Characters. And also a brief and clear Explication of all difficult Words, derived from any of the aforesaid Languages, and Terms of Art, relating to Anatomy, Botany, Physic, Pharmacy, Sur- gery, Chemistry, Philosophy, Divinity, Mathematics, Gram- mar, Logick, Rhetotick, Musick, Heraldry, Maritime Af- fairs, Military Discipline, Horsemanship, Hunting, Hawk- ing, Fowling, Fishing, Gardening, Husbandry, Handicrafts, Confectionary, Carving, Cookery, Sec. Together with a large collection and Explication of Word', and Phrases used in our ancient Statutes, Charters, Writs, old Records, and Processes in Law; and the Etymology and In- terpretation of the proper Names of Men, Women, and re- markable Places in Great- Britain : Also the Dialects of oar different Countries. Containing many Thousand Words more than either Harris, Philips, Kersey, or any English Dictionary before extant. To which is added, a Collection of our most common Pro- verbs, with their Explication and Illustration. The whole Work compiled and methodically digested, as well for the Entertainment of the Curious, as the Information of the Ignorant; and for the Benefit of young Students, Ar- tificers, Tradesmen, and Foreigners, who are desirous tho- roughly to understand what they speak, read, or write. By N. BAILEY, Philologos. Printed for J. Buckland, W. Strahan, J. F. and C. Riving- ton, W. Owen, T. Caslon, T. Longman, B. Law, C. Rivington, J. Wilkie, C. Corbet, G. Keith, J Robfon, T. Lowndes, S. Bladon, G. Robinson, R. Baldwin, H. S. Woodfall, W. Woodfall, W. Goldsmith, J. Sewell, T. Bee- croft, J. Bew, Z. Stuart, J. Russell, T. Evans, J. Field- ing, J. Walker, S. Hayes, W. Lepard, E. Newbery, and B. Collins. And sold by Evans and Hazell, T. Dunn, J. Hough, S. Har- ward, and J. Washbourn, in Glocesterj T. Stevens, Ciren- cefter; J. Bence, Wotton- Underedge; C. Badham and J. Allen, Hereford; P. Davis, Leominster; and Mrs. Price, Hay. The peculiar and unrivalled Excellence| of this Work is the Definition and Explanation of many technical Terms, which belong to respective Sciences, and are not found in other Dictionaries; particularly are the Terms in Anatomy, Physic, Natural Philosophy, and the Mathematics, concisely and familiarly illustrated in this Thesaurus. in short, its principal Excellence is, that it is a scientific Dictionary, and more useful to common Readers, especially to Persons in the Country, than any Dictionary hitherto published. The Ety- mological Partis written in plain and easy Language, and every Thing is treated wi'h Perspecuity as well as Erudition, Mr. Bailey possessing a happy Method of communicating his Ideas. N. B. This new Edition is entered at Stationers- Hall, ac- cording to Act of Parliament. TIE FOLLOWING MEDICINES ARE / M I, R. RAIKES, Southgate- Srreet, Glocester-. \ RHEUMATISM; The following Cafe, tranfmitted by Sir WIH, IAM LEI, Bjrt. will be a farther Proof to the Public of the Efficacy of Dr. James's Powder, and Analeptic Pills, in this Com- plaint. « JOHN HARMAN, a poor Labourer, had " been often afflicted with the Rheumatism; in ja- " nuary last it fell into his Leg, Ancle and Foot, attended ^ " with great Pain, Coldness, and Numbness of the Foot, of " which he had very little Use, and hardly any Feeling from " outward Impression; he was worse in Bed, and no sensible " Perspiration was obtained from warm Liquors taken for that " Purpose; he took three Analeptic Pills, by my Desire, 12 " Nights successively; they produced no other sensible Ope- " ration than keeping his Body gently open, and relieved his " Complaint but little; I therefore ordered him Half a Paper, " or 10 Grains, of Dr. James's Powder, mixed with the " Powder of Crabs Eyes ; after taking this three Nights, the " Pain in the Foot and Leg abated, and moved into the Hip " and Side, and at the same Time a scorbutic Rash broke out " over the whole Body. A Repetition of the same Mixture " four successive Nights more carried off the Rash and Rheu- " matism, and on Sunday last he walked hither, about five " Miles from his Home, without any Difficulty; and he as- " sures me he has had only very slight Sensations of his Rheu- " matism upon Change of Weather for some Weeks past. " A few occasional Doses of the Analeptic Pills, will pro. " bably secure him from any formidable Return o£ his DiC " order. " I have done many great Cures in Rheumatisms with Dr. " James's Powdsrs and Pills; but as they were similar to " those which have been already published, 1 thought it un- " neccssary to trouble you with them. " 1 am, & c. W. LEE Hartwell, Bucks, March 19, 1782. Dr. JAMES's POWDtR and ANALEPTIC PILLS, are fjd only by FRANCIS NEWBERY, at No. 4;, in Paul'. Church- Yard, London; but as many Perfons miftake hie Houfr, they are lequefted to obferve, that it is at the Eaft End of St. Paul's, on the Coach- Way, five Doors from Cheapfide, towards Watling- ftreet. Sol. t alfo by R. Raikes, Printer, Southgate- Street, Glocef- ter; and by thod'e Persons only in other Country Towns who have an Appointment under Mr. Newbery's Hand and Seal. Against AUTUMNAL COMPLAINTS, At this Time fo very predominant irom OBSTRUCTED1 PERSPIRATION. BEAUME DE VIE. By the KING', Patent. HERE is not, in the whole Materia Medica fo great a Prefervative as this celebrated Medicine j whkh, by its cordial, attenuating, and detergent Powers, fortifies the Stomach and Bowel*, purifies the Blood and Juices, and gives to the whole System its natural Equilibrium. To these Qualities the Faculty afoibe its great Efficacy in BILIOUS, GOUTY, RHEUMATIC, and SCORBUTIC Compla; nts. From the same Principle, it has never failed to relieve in Languid, Nervous, and Hypochondriac Cases And hence it has been found Co particularly beneficial in Fe- male Difordera. ##* To prevent Counterfeits the Bottles are each signed by W. NICOLL, T. BECKIT, ^ Vender) ( a Proprietor) %* The Proprietors of this Medicine ate very happy to receive from their Correfpondents the rooft flattering Accounts of its Efficacy in the prefent reigning Complaint in the Sto- mach and Bowels. Sold by W. Nicoll, in St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, at 3s. the Bottle, with the ufual Allowance ; and by R. Raikes, in Glocefter; Hufband and Elder, Edinburgh ; and J. Potts, Dublin; Taylor, and Crutwell, Bath; Pearson and Co. Bir- mingham ; North, Brecon; Browne, Chew, Bonner and Co. Bristol; Williams and Co. Carmarthen; Potter, Haver- fordwest; Pugh, and Allen, Hereford; Jackfon, Oxford} Allen, Pembroke; Tudor, Monmouth; Harrold, Marl- borough; Hogg, Stroud: Hartelbury, Tewkesbury ; Hart, Wolverhampton; and Tymbs, Worcester. Of whom may be bad, Mr. HILL's ORMSKIRK MEDICINE, THE MEDICINE for the CURE of the BITE of a MAD DOG, prepared by Messrs. Hill and Berry, Nephews to the late William Hill, of Ormskirk, Lancashire, is sold at Mr. Berry's, Apothecary, Mount- Street, Berkeley- Square, at 5s. 3d. per Dose, with proper Directions. As the Accident, for which this Medicine is used, is of the moft alarming Nature, and ferious in its Consequence, the Importance of obtaining it authentic muft be obvious; and therefore every Person, having Occasion for it, is requested to be particular in observing, that each Packet is sealed with Mr. Hill's Coat of Arms, and signed by J Berry, as the surest Means to avoid being imposed on by spurious Preparations. .' * BICKLEY and Co.' s Grand FEBRIFUGE and SPECIFIC, For the HOOPING or CHIN COUGH. THIS GRAND ARCANUM is an infallible Cure for the Hooping or Chin- Cough, which is con- firmed by abundant Experience. This Medicine is perfedtty wholfome ; gently removes the grofs, tough Phlegm with which the Hooping- Cough is always attended j the Want of fuch a Medicine, and the Lofs of a great Number of Chil- dren, have induced the Proprietors to publilh this Specific f. ir general Good. It is a moft excellent Remedy in all Fevers, particularly all the Train of inward Fevers in infants and young Children, when, by too much Food and too little Exercife, Indigeftion, and Otftrudtions are produced, which end in the Rickets or Death: Alfo, Fevers in grown Perfons, caufed by fuddea Chills or Colds; and is far more commodious and equally ef- ficacious with any Medicine hitherto known in Europe.— As its great Merit consists in removing Obstructions, thi » Specific, if continued for some Weeks in small Doses, open* all the Canals in the Constitution, efpecially in the mefeote- ric Glands, by which the Heat and Fulnefs of the Belly are removed; and being of a subtile, penetrating Nature, it en- ters the Subftance of the Bones and Gristles of Children, and reduces their enlarged Heads and Joints to a natural Size, with little or no sensible Operation. Sold by the Proprietors, at their Wholefale Medicinal Warehouse, No. 5, the Foot of Black Friars Bridge, Surry- Side. Price 2s. the Bottle. Sold also by R. Raikes, Printer, Southgate- Street, Glocefter; S. Harwaid, at Glo- cefter, Tewkesbury, and Cheltenham ; Tymbs, Worcester j Mrs. Prosser, Ross; Stevens, Cirenceftcr; Dyde, Wotton- Underedge ; Forty, Chippenham; Bamikell, Carmarthen} • Rees, Llandovery j Pugh, Hereford j and by the Glocester Newsmen, Where also may be had, Healing Mammillary Balfam for tender or chapt Nipples, which gives immediate Relief, and never known failing to cure. Price 2s. 6d. the Bottle. Dr. Logan's never- failing Ointment for a Scald Head, 2s. 6d. the Box. Electuary, Diet Drink, Lotion, and Ointment, for the King's Evil and every Scorbutic Complaint. Eledtuary, 2s. 6d. the Pot. Diet Drink, 3s. the Quart. Lotion, is. 6d. the Bottle, and Ointment, 2s. 6d. the Pot. Vegetable Specific Eledtuary and Apoeem for the Stone and Gravel. Eledtuary, 2s. the Pot. Apozem, 25. 6d. the Bottle. Pectoral Asthmatic Mixture and Eledtuary. Mixture, 2s. 6d. the Bottle. Electuary, 2s. 6d. the Pot. Vegetable Restorative for Coughs and Consumptions. Price 3s. the Bottle. Balsam of Liquoiice Root, for Colds, Coughs, and all Dis- orders of the Breast and Lungs. Price 2s. the Bottle. Ointment for the Itch, which was never known failing te cure Price is. 6d. the Box. Tincture for the Teeth. Price is. the Bottle. Sugar Cakes for Worms. Price is. the Box. Vegetable Lotion for Chilblains. Price is. 6d. the Bottle, Ointment for Ditto.' Price is. 6d. the Pot. G L O C E S T E R , Printed by R. R A I K E S , in the Southgate- Street. (
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