The Glocester Journal
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Volume Number: LXI
Issue Number: 3157
No Pages: 4
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The Glocester Journal
Date of Article: 14/10/1782
Printer / Publisher: R. Raikes
Address: Southgate-street, Gloucester
Volume Number: LXI
Issue Number: 3157
No Pages: 4
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VOL. LXI. MONDAY, October 14, 1782. 3157 THURSDAY'S POST. Since our last arrived a Mail from HOLLAND. Constantinople, August 26. H E desolation occasioned by the late terrible fire, which consumed more T ^ than half of this city, is now aggra- vated by the scarcity which has en- sued ; upwards of 500 mills were burnt, with the horses which worked them, and the grain they contained. In order to relieve the muititude of unfortunate persons who are in want of shelter and subsistence, some tents have been raised, and ovens built. It is computed that above 200,000 persons are reduced to the most shocking misery.
The greatest ferment arose against the government, and if the Grand Seignior had not timely distributed considera- ble sums among the Janissaries, matters would have been carried to the last extremity. If to these domestic embarrassments be added the troubles of the Crimea, and the dispositions of Russia, it will be allowed that the Ottoman ministry must be in great perplexity. Vienna, Sept. 14. The fortifications in the greatest part of the towns in Hungary are destroying. All the artillery and ammunition of thofe places are sent to the arsenal of Buda, and that city will be made one of the most formidable fortresses in Europe.
Hague, Oct. 1. The following is an extract of a private letter from Paris: Paris, Sept. 20. The following, Sir, is the de- plorable detail of some disasters which have happened at the siege of Gibraltar. " On the 9th inst. the land batteries began to play on the garrison. A well- directed and well- sustained fire made some progress every day. It was not doubted but as soon as the floating batteries began to fire, Gibraltar would be obliged to capitulate " On the 13th eleven floating batteries were ready to attack the place on the sea side; they carried in the whole 193 brass cannon, and above 150 others for ballast and exchange, of the
same calibre of 14 poun- ders. " The whole firing at once from the land side, and that of the sea, afforded the most terrible and horrid spectacle : success did not appear doubtful, but about 11 o'clock the English began to fire red hot balls, 110 pieces of cannon pouring forth incessantly a shower of fiery bullets, put the batteries in the most horrible disorder. Three of the floating batteries blew up. with every thing in them. The rest endeavoured to cut their cables, in order to retire, but in vain, the ropes, masts, sails, were all burnt. It was impossi- ble to get away, and the shower of incendiary bullets still continued. Boats were sent
as fast as possible to save the crews. The Prince of Nassau, who performed prodigies of valour, and who had lost the greatest part of his men, jumped, with several officers, into one of the boats, and 152 men belonging to his battery got into another; and the instant when the latter was moving off, a bomb fell into the midst of it, and the whether they will ever be able to arrive, both of them having lost their rudders, as well as being dismasted. The last letters from New- York mention, that up- wards of 20 ships from Newfoundland, and feveral from the West- Indies, were arrived there, and also several prizes ; that provisions were
very plentiful and cheap. Yesterday an officer arrived from the West- Indies, with letters from Admiral Pigot. The whole of the British fleet in North America and the West Indies at this time, consists of 34 ships of the line, which are Rationed as under : Gone with Admirals Pigot, Hood, and Drake, to America. 98 Magnificent Formidable Prince George Barfleur Duke Namur Alcide Fame Marlborough Alfred Bedford Princessa Monarch Arrogant 98 98 jo 90 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 Conqueror Hercules Warrior Valiant Torbay Shrewsbury Prudent Repulse America Belliqueux St. Alban's Agamemnon 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 64 64 64
64 64 64 64 64 64 With Admiral Rowley at Jamaica. London 98 Prothee Royal Oak 74 Nonsuch Ajax 74 Yarmouth Prince William 64 One sailed for Antigua in August last. The Ajax, Bedford, Torbay, Shrewsbury, Princes- sa, Royal Oak, and Prothee are all to come home next spring. The appearance again of Commodore Elliot off the French coast, it is believed will prevent the French convoys at St. Maloes and Morlaix from sailing. They had not quitted those ports on the 2d, when the Commodore was met by the Trinity privateer, which was carrying a prize to Jersey. Extract of, a letter from Kidwelly, in Carmarthenshire, Oct. 1,
1782. " A few days since some villains broke into the vestry- room of our parish church, and stole the whole of the plate used in administering the sacrament, with which they got clear off However, one of them who offered a gilt cup for sale the next day to Mr. Ed- wards, a silversmith, in Swansea, was immediately secured by him, and taken before a magistrate of that town, and after an examination of near three hours, committed to Carmarthen gaol. His name appears to be Evan Jones, and that he was formerly a servant at the Ivy Bush, Carmarthen. None of the other villains are yet found, tho' strict search is making after
them." Married.— At Eglingham, in Northumberland, William Routh, Esq; of the Middle Temple, to Miss Carr, daughter of Thomas Carr, Esq; of Eshot, in Northumberland. Died. About a fortnight ago, at Hurley- Hall, near Atherstone, in Warwickshire, greatly advanced in years, the Rev. Mr. Jackson, one of his Majesty's justices of the peace, and rector of Witley Magna, in the county of Worcester. We hear that he has left an estate for the institution of a new Professorship in the University of Cambridge, and the encouragement of the physic gardens there. Saturday, at Barton, near Stafford, aged 78, the Rev. Mr. Walter Collins.
Tuesday, at Bristol, Miss Coleman, of Newing- ton- Butts. boat sunk without a single man being saved. The next day four other floating batteries were blown up; and at eight o'clock the eleventh was set on fire, and instantly consumed. The loss of men is estimated at 1500 or 2000. " This terrible check hath not discouraged the besiegers ; they are preparing to carry the place by as- sault, and the soldiery are not dismayed at it, The fire still continues furiously on the land side. " The combined fleet is in the Bay of Algesiras; it is difficult for the garrison to receive any succours; the English fleet is advancing ; it will probably arrive
before the end of this month, and then another dread- ful scene will be exhibited." IRELAND. Dublin, Sept. 28. The Dublin corps of volunteers, who assembled yesterday in Eustace- street, resolved a- gainst the measure of the Fencibles ; which is a con- firmation of what was lately asserted, that his Grace of Leinster had refused, when solicited, to accept the command of a Fencible regiment. His Grace has publicly declared, he never would have voted for with- drawing the 5000 troops, but from a firm persuasion that the volunteers of Ireland were fully adequate to the defence of their country. An order was yesterday made by
the Privy- Council, to encourage a colony from Geneva to settle in this country. Some of the most respectable citizens from that oppressed republic have been soliciting an asylum in this rising land of liberty, for a number of their inhabitants, who give the preference to Ireland, and propose to bring with them the arts and manufactures that have fo long rendered that city the envy of Eu- rope. LONDON, Tuesday, Oct. 8. Advices were received on Saturday of the arrival of several of the homeward- bound Jamaica fleet at their places of destination; particularly of 10 at Bristol, others at Hull, Lancaster, & c. and it is hoped the re mainder will escape any danger from the enemy. Yesterday an express arrived in town from Dover, with advice of the Jamaica Planter, Capt. Hay, and the Mary Ann, Innes, two of the Jamaica fleet, being arrived off there. By an express received last night from Plymouth, we learn, that 16 ships, part of the Jamaica fleet, are arrived there. By the above vessels we are sorry to learn, that the Dumfries, Capt. Currie, belonging to the same fleet, bound to London, foundered in the gale off the Banks of Newfoundland, and very few of the crew were saved. . Orders are sent from the Board of Admiralty to the commanding officers at
Plymouth, Portsmouth, & c. to give every assistance to the Jamaica fleet; and if they press any of the hands, to supply their place with a sufficient number of men from the King's ships, to bring them to their moorings. The Pegase man of war is already sailed in order to succour the disabled ships that were dismasted off the Banks of Newfoundland; and we are informed, the Europe of 64 guns, and the Cato of 58, are likewise ordered immediately to sea for the same purpose. The Centaur and Ramillies have received fo much damage, by the hurricane, that it is very doubtful The wretched forcats, or convicts who had been
condemned to the gallies, and were brought to the camp before Gibraltar, with a promise of liberty and pecuniary rewards to those who should survive the ser- vice upon which they were to be employed, have been cut to pieces. Two hundred of these unhappy crea- tures were sent out to drop the anchors of the floating batteries, on the 13th ult. within musket- shot of the Old Mole; so that they were as greatly exposed to the fire of the garrison, as it was possible for men to be : the consequence was, that a dreadful havock was made among them ; and few indeed of them will ever pre- fer their claim to the promised reward. A
Spanish merchant received a letter last week from Cadiz, which says, that the Spaniards vow vengeance against the Moors for supplying the garrifon of Gi- braltar with provisions; that attribute to them partly their ill success in not having taken that fort; the Spaniards believing, that had not the Moors sup- plied them with provisions, they would have surren- dered some months ago. The Prince of Nassau, who commanded the gun- boats in the attack of Gibraltar on the 13th ot last month, is the same officer that commanded the troops that invested Jersey last year. The several camps are to break up, on account of the very cold
and wet season, as soon as Lord Howe ar- rives from the relief of Gibraltar, which is not, how- ever, expected before the latter end of the next month : routes and winter quarters for the several regiments, are now making out at the War- office. Extract of a letter from Versailles, Sept. 30. " The Comptrolleur General des Finances of France has reason to lament that the King gave leave to his brother, Comte d'Artois, to serve at the siege of Gibraltar, as his Royal Highness draws without the least mercy on the Treasury. He seems not to know the value of money : his table alone occasions a prodigious expence ; he has 60 covers
every day, to which he invites the Generals, Brigadiers, Colonels, and the officers of his own guards; the Captains are also invited in turn, and dine at a second table with his guards, who are all gentlemen, and with the lords and gentlemen of his household. When his Royal Highness went to view the floating batteries, previous to the late unsuccessful attack, he ordered 1000 pistoles to be distributed among their crews; 1000 more a- mong the company of the frigate which carries the flag of the naval commander in chief, Don Bonaventura Morena, and 50 to his boat's crew; upon the whole, the Minister of France complains, that
this trip has already cost very little short of 1,500,000 livres ; so that it will be in vain, he remonstrates, to retrench the expences of his Majesty's household, if the Princes of his blood are permitted to swallow up all the savings." The King of Denmark, in order to encourage trade, has lately published an edict, remitting the duty on ships that winter in the ports of his domi- nions. A letter from Oporto, received by a merchant in Dublin, says, " By a temporary order, Irish manu- factured goods may be imported into the Portuguese ports. This order is not established by an act of state, or royal edict, so that it may be instantly recalled.
Such is the precarious tenure by which we hold this almost only object of the free trade our sister kingdom has permitted us to participate with her." A letter from Harwich says, that they have re- ceived advice there by a neutral ship, that by the late high winds, the men of war in the Texel have received very considerable damage ; and that the shipping a- long the coast of Holland have suffered greatly; three Dutch ships are on shore near Flushing, and it is feared they will not be got off. It is said to be the squadron under Paul Jones which sailed from Boston in August last, and not three French frigates, which surprised and
plundered the forts in Hudson's Bay. After dismantling the forts, and taking away every moveable valuable, Jones left part of the troops on Digge's Island, near the en- trance of the Bay. Two vessels of the Company's had left Hudson's Bay but a few days before the plun- derer arrived there. 9 On Wednesday the Lady of the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Peterborough was safely delivered of a daughter, at Trinity- lodge. We have Authority to declare, that Mr. Spilsbury, Chymist, of Soho- Square, London, from a Consciousness of the im- proved Virtue of his Antiscorbutic Drops, is determined to raise their Price, on the 1st of
Auguft, 1783, viz. the 4s. Bottle to 55. and the 7s. to 7s. 6d. ' Such is the Efficacy of this Medicine, that a single Bottle is sufficient to prove their superior Excellence in relieving those afflicted with either the Scurvy, Gout, Rheumatism, Nervous Complaints, Indi- geftion, ( fee. as are daily exemplified at the Proprietor's Dsfpen- sary, instituted in 1773. The Drops to be had of R. Raikes, in the Southgate- Street, Glocester; T. Stevens, Cirencester; j. Bence and R. Dyde , Wotton ; at Brown's Medicinal Ware- house, Christmas- Street, Bristol; of W. North, Brecon and Mrs. Price, Hay. N OTICE is hereby given, that a Meeting of held at
the Lamb Inn, in Cheltenham, on Friday the 1st of November next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon ; when the said Trustees intend to borrow on the Credit of the Tolls of the said Turnpikes, the Sum of 1000l. to pay off the like Sum, now due on Mortgage of the same Tolls. E. M. WELLES, Clerk. September 27. NOTICE is hereby given, that the next Meet- ing of the Commissioners for the Cold Harbour Turn- pike Roads, held by Adjournment, will be at the Bear Inn, at Cold Harbour, on Monday the 21st of October Inst.; when *.'. said Commissioners intend to elect a new Surveyor of the said Roads. THOMAS ALEXANDER,
Clerk. %* Any Person qualified and willing to undertake the Sur- veyorship of the said Roads, may apply at the Time and Place above- mentioned. GLOCESTER. TO be LET and entered upon immediately, good and convenient MESSUAGE or DWELLING HOUSE, consisting of a Hall, two Parlours, four Chambers, and four Garrets, with other Appurtenances, and a Garden thereto belonging, situate in King- Street, in this City. For further Particulars apply to Mrs. Baylis, in King Street aforesaid. Turnpike Road from Cirencester to Stroud, and from the Market House in Tenbury, to Minchinhampton Common. NOTICE is hereby
giver; that a Meeting of the Trustees acting for the said Turnpike Roads will be held at the Crown Inn, in Minchinhampton, in the County of Glocester, on Tuefday the 22d of October Inst. at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. PETER LEVERSAGE, Jun. oct. 5. Clerk to the Trustees. GLOCESTERSHIRE. _ , TO be LET, and entered upon immediately. An improveable DAIRY FARM, situate in the Parish of Minchinhampton, and the adjoining Parish of Avening, in the County of Glocester, comprising a Farm House, with con- venient Offices, and about 30 Acres of Meadow and Pasture Land, late in the Occupation of William Pendley.
For a View apply to Mr. Thomas Playne, at Longford's- Mill; and for Particulars to Mess. Bowdler and Hoskins, At- tornies, in Tetbury. „ BRECONSHIRE. TO be SOLD by Auction, some Time in No- vember next, or in the mean Time by private Con- trail either together or in Parcels, Several MESSUAGES, LANDS, and TENEMENTS, in the County of Brecon, of the yearly Value of 500l. and upwards. Enquire of Mr. Hugh Bold, Brecon. T' O be LET, and entered upon at Candlemas next, a large FARM, confining of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, situate in the Parish of Shirenewton, in the County of Monmouth, called the
Grondery Farm. For further Particulars enquire of Thomas Davis, Attorney* Chepstow. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be LET for a Term of Years at Lady Day next, or sooner, about 200 ACRES of LAND, in Kingswood, in the Parish of Stapleton, in the County- of Glocefter. Any Person willing to treat for the Whole, or any Part thereof, may apply to Jonas Blandford, at Stoke Gifford, near Stapleton, in the said County, who will shew the Premises and contract for the same. o O N be SOLD by AUCTI X By JOSEPH PRATT, On Thursday and Friday the 17th and 18th Days of Oflober Inst. at the Town- Hall, in Cheltenham,
Glocestershire, All the live and dead STOCK, some Implements in Husbandry, Brewing Utensils, and entire Household Furniture, of Mr. WILLIAM LEAVER, of Alstone Mill, in the Parish of Chel- tenham, and the entire Household Furniture of a genteel Lodging House, in that Town. The Stock of the Mill con- sists of a Cart- Horse, a Mule, a Waggon, two Carts, Plows, Harrows, Fan and Sieves ; a Rick of well- ended Hay, a Rick of Faggots, and some Fire Wood; some well- grown Latter Marth, of five Acres, and all the Fruit and Potatoes growing on the Premises. The Household Furniture consists of fluted Mahogany, and other
Four- Post Bedsteads, with Check and Home- made Furniture, fine seasoned Goose Down and other Feather Beds, Puff and Flock Ditto, Blankets, Quilts, and Carpets; oval and square Pier, Swing, and Dressing Glasses; a valuable Mahogany Chest upon Chest ; Bureaus, Chefss of Drawers, Dining, Tea, Card, and Dressing Tables; a valu- able eight Day Clock; some seasoned Iron- bound and other Casks; Plate, China, Linen, Pewter, Brasses, and a Variety of Kitchen and other Furniture. The whole will be sold without Reserve, and may be viewed two Days preceding the Sale, at the Mill and Town- Hall. The Sale to begin at
Ten o'Clock. the first Morning, with the Stock and Crop. . Catalogues to be had in due Time at the Swan, Chelten- ham ; Swan, Tewkesbury; George, in Winchcomb; at the Time of Sale; and of the Auctioneer, in Evesham. To all his MAJESTY'S TENANTS in SOUTH WALES. My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, HIS MAJESTY'S Audit will be held at Car- marthen the 22d and 23d, and at Brecon the 25th and 26th of October next; it is therefore my Duty to request you will be pleased to pay your several Rents and Arrears then due to his Majesty, to me, on such of those Days as may best suit your Convenience. As the many public
and private Notices I have given to some Gentlemen to pay their Arrears, have hitherto been disregarded, it is now become necessary to levy them by Distress. But that no Gentleman may have Reason to complain of fo disagreeable a Measure, I beg they will take Notice, that, after the Audit is finished, I will continue at Brecon the 27th of October, and on the 29th and 30th will be at the Ivy Bush at Carmarthen, to give Gentlemen an Opportunity of discharging their Arrears before I proceed to Compulsion. After having given this Opportunity, I must, though much against my Inclination, proceed into different Parts of the
Principality to execute the disagreeable Part of my Office ; but as it is in your Power, permit me most earnestly to de- sire you will prevent yourselves the Expence and Trouble at- tending Distresses for Rents due to the Crown, by paying them at the ensuing Audit, or those Days mentioned after it, to, My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, Your most respectful, ever obliged, And most obedient humble servant, EDWARD MOORE. Somerset House, London, Sept. 29, 1782. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be LET, furnishedv and entered upon im- mediately, the MANOR HOUSE at Eyford, near Stow, in Glocestershire, with the Gardens and
Fish Ponds, and upwards of 30 Acres of Meadow and Pasture Land. There is a convenient Dog Kennel upon the Premises, and the Tenant will have the Liberty of sporting upon the Manorj which extends over 1200 Acres of Land, contiguous to the Houfe, and in the Midst of a well known fporting Country. Enquire of Mr. Knight, Attorney, at Stow ; of Mr. Jo- seph Yates, at Kingsweston, hear Bristol; or of Mr. Rayer, at Eyford. TO be SOLD in Fee, a Piece of MEADOW GROUND, called Shap House, containing by Estima- tion seven Acres, situate in the Parish of Hewelsfield, in the County of Glocester, in the Tenure of James
Baker, at the yearly Rent of 6l. The Premises are Parcel of the Dutchy of Lancaster, and exempts the Tenant from Payment of Tolls.— The Tenant is also entitled to Common of Pasture in the Forest of Dean, and in Brockware, and Hudnal's Common j both good Sheep Walks. , For further Particulars apply to Thomas Davis, Attorney, Chepstow. MONMOUTHSHIRE.. TO be SOLD in Fee, A FARM, Called Bellea Farm, in the Parish of Tregare, consisting of a substantial Messuage, two Barns, a Stable, Granary, Cow- house, about four Acres of Orcharding, planted with prime Fruit, and capable of producing 40 Hogsheads of
Cyder in a bearing Year, about 29 Acres of Meadow and Pasture, about 56 Acres of Arable Land, and 30 Acres of Coppice Wood, of sx Years Growth. The above Premises lie in a Ring Fence, . are well watered, and pleasntly stuated, about Half a Mile from the Turnpike Road leading from Monmouth to Aber- gavenny, sx Miles from Mosmouth, feven from Usk, nine from Abergavenny, and 14 from Chepstow; and are now let ( exclusive of the Coppice) to William Powell, at the yearly Rent of 53I. clear of Taxes, except Land Tax, and a Chief Rent of 3s. 3d. For a View of the Premises apply to the Tenant; or to James Seward, at
Pool Merrick, near Chepstow ; and for fur- ther Particulars, or Treaty for Sale, to George Rolph, At- torney, at Thornbury, Glocestershire. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be SOLD by Auction, on Saturday the » d of November next, at the Beaufort's- Arms, in Monmouth, between the Hours of Three and Six in the Af- ternoon, according to Conditions to be then produced ( or in the mean Time by private Contract) the several FREEHOLD and COPYHOLD ESTATES, in Lots, viz. Lot 1. The FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, FARM, and LANDS, called Cumbucban Farm, with the Coppice Wooda belonging thereto, fituate in the Parish of
Cumcarvan, in the said County of Monmouth, lying at the convenient Distance of about four Miles from the Town of Monmouth, and near the Turnpike Road The whole lies compact, and consists of 95 Acres ( more or lefs) of which 66 are Coppice, One- third whereof is now ( landing, and is upwards of nine Years Growth. The Remainder was cut in the last Season. This Lot is subject to the Payment of a yearly Chief- Rent of Five Shillings to the Lord of the Manor of Trellech, forever. . Lot 2. The Customary TENEMENT and LANDS, called The Lower House, or John Rosser's Farm, situate in the said Parish of Cumcarvan, in the
said County of Monmouth, lying about the fome Diftance as Lot t. from the Town of Mon- mouth, and alfo near the great Turnpike Road, and' consists of 56 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land.— The Premises adjoin to Mitchel Troy Common and err the Lands there is a Lime Kiln, with a valuable Quarry of Stone. Thefe Lots are in the Occupation of John Gynn, Yeo- man. Lot 3. The Customary TENEMENT and LANDS, tailed Tbi Hill Farm, situate near the Gocket, in the several Parishes of Mitchell Troy and Penalt, in the said County of Mon- mouth, containing by Estimation 15 Acres' of Arable and Pasture Land ( more
or less.) These Lands adjoin to Mitchell Troy and Penalt Com- mons, and are now on Lease to William Morgan, at the yearly Rent of 10l. Lot 4. A Piece of ARABLE LAND, called Cae Noon, with a valuable Mill- Stone Quarry adjoining the same,' situate alfo in the Parish of Penalt aforesaid, and now in the Possession of Joseph Davies, as Tenant. The Customary Lands are Part and Parcel of the Manor of Trelleck, in the said County of Mojo^ uth^ j^' s^ For a View of the Premises apply to the respective Tenants, or to Mr. John Aram, Land- Surveyor, at St. Arvans, near Chepstow, or to Mr. Patridge, at Monmouth Forge, both in
the said County of Monmouth ; and for further Particulars the Sale, either by public Auction, or private Contract; tr » the said Mr. Patridge ; at to Mr. Hughes, Attorney at Law, in Bristol.
CHIPPING SODBURY. THE First SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY for this Winter will be at the Bell Inn, on Friday the 18th of October. J ; AN ASSEMBLY and BALL at the Angel Inn, in Coleford, Glocestershire, will begin on Wednesday the 23d of October Inst. and meet every second Wednesday ' till the 28th Day of March, 1783, inclusive. be LET, a compact FARM, situate in in Glocestershire For Particulars enquire of To - . the Parish of Iron- Acton, in Glocestershire, consisting » f from 1 to, to 250 Acres Mr. King, at the Lodge. BRECON. JONESES, ( Successors to the Miss Griffiths) make and sell all Sorts of MILLINERY and
HABER- DASHERY GOODS, in the neweft and moft fashionable Taste: Likewise sell PERFUMERY and TEAS of the best - Sort and Quality. They hope, by their Attention and mo- derate Charges, to merit the Favors of all who are pleased to employ them. ' j N DON. NOTICE is hereby given, that a Court of Sewers for the Lower Levell of the County of Glo- tester, will be held at the Swan Inn, in the Town of Thorn- bury, in the said County, on Tuesday the 5th of November WILLIAM TURTON, Clerk. TURNPIKE. That the next WANTED a YOUTH of good Morals, as an Apprentice to a Working Goldsmith, and free of that
Company. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Cowcher, Glocester; or at No. 28, Giltspur- Street, Snow- Hill, London. N. B A Premium will be expected. W GLOCESTER EAST- GATE NOTICE is hereby given Meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike Road, lead- ing from the City of Glocester to the Town of Stroud, in the County of Glocester, will be held by Adjournment at the Falcon in Painswick, on Tuefday the 22d of October Instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. JOHN EDWARDS, Clerk. CRICKLEY HILL TURNPIKE. NOTICE is hereby given, that a Meeting of the Trustees of the Glocestershire district of the Turn- pike Road
leading from the Top of Crickley Hill, in the County of Glocester, to Campsfield, in the County of Ox- ford, will be held ( by Adjournment) on Monday the 28th Day of this Instant October, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, at . the House of John Miles, called tbe King's Head, in North- leach, in the said County of Glocester. WILLIAM STEPHENS, Clerk. October 8. LAND SECURITY. WANTED on the Security of a Freehold Estate, consisting of a Farm of upwards of 200 Acres of LAND, in a most eligible Situation in a neighbouring County, the Sum of 2500I Interest for which, at 5 per Cent, will be paid in Bristol punctually every Six
Months,- The Estate is of the annual Value of 180I. clear of all De- ductions, and will be let at that Sum, or upwards, at Lady- Day next, when an old Lease thereof will expire. *** Enquire of Mr. Ward, Attorney, Exchange, Oct. 3, 1782. BRISTOL, OCT. 5, 1782. FOR SALE, a Quantity of fine, GALLIPOLI OIL, just imported from Gallipoli, in Pipes, Hogsheads and small Casks For further Particulars apply to Philip Debell Tuckett. N B. A Parcel of pickled Pilchards for Exportation, to be sold at a very low Price ; likewise a small Quantity cf Beef and Pork.— Apply as above. EXETER T1 , Bristol. OCTOBER. 3 " HEREAS WILLIAM
WILLIAMS, Ap- prentice to THOMAS WILLIAMS, of Felton, in the County of Glocester, Wheelwright, did abscond himself from his said Master's Service on Wednesday the 2d Instant': This is to caution all Persons from harbouring or employing the said William Williams, as they will be prosecuted with the utmost Severity of the Law. The said William Williams between 18 and 19 Years of Age, about five Feet seven or ' eight Inches high, marked with the Small Pox, dark brown Hair, is supposed to have had on when he went away, a blue Jacket and Waistcoat, a Pair of Trowsers, or white Tick Breeches, or in a Suit of Brown
Cloaths, with mock Tortoife- fhell Buttons. He has an Impediment in his Speech, N. B. If the said Apprentice will return to his Master, he will be kindly received, and no Notice taken of his Offence. MONMOUTHSHIRE. WHEREAS at his Majesty's Court of Sewers! held the 27th Day of April last, I was ordered to apply for new Commissions of Sewers to be produced at the next Court to be held for the said County, at the King's Head, in the Town of Newport, in the said County, on the 22d Day of this Instant: In Pursuance whereof I did apply, and have this Day received the said Commissions, which will be read at the faid Court. I
therefore take this Opportunity of signifying the same, and returning my best Thanks to the Nobility, Clergy, and Gentlemen, who have done me the Honour of electing me their Clerk under the two last Com- missions; and to sollicit that they and the other Gentlemen, named in the new Commissions, will, at the next Court, con- j fer the same Favour on me which will be gratefully remem- bered by, Gentlemen, Your most obedient, and most obliged humble Servant, GEORGE KEMEYS. Newport, October 7. HEREFORDSHIRE. TO be LET, and entered on immediately, two TAN YARDS, or either of them, in perfect Re- pair, with a
Dwelling- House belonging to each, situate in the Town of Ross. For further Particulars apply to Thomas Prichard, the Pro- prietor thereof, on the Premises. There is 100 Tons of good BARK, now in the Yards, to be disposed of. GLOCESTERSHIRE TO be SOLD by Auction, on Friday the 18th of October Inst. at the Dwelling- House of Thomas Cosham, being known by the Name of the White Horse, at Cain's Cross, near Stroud, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, according to such Conditions as shall be then produced* A good and convenient FREEHOLD MESSUAGE and SHOP, with a Brewhouse, Stable, Garden, Orchard,
and other Outlet thereto belonging, situate in the Parish of Stone- house, fronting the Road leading to Glocester, and now in the Possession of Mr. Simpson, as Tenant at Will. Enquire further of William Vizard, Attorney, at Dursley. N. B. There are several Fixtures, which the Purchaser. will take at a fair Valuation j and till Lady- Day last, the Shop has been open, and in good Custom for near 40 Year. TO be SOLD by Auction, at the Angel Inn, in Haverfordwest, on Saturday the 2d of November next, between the Hours of One and Four in the Afternoon, subject to the Conditions of Sale then to be produced ( or in the mean Time
by private Contract, of which Notice will be given in this Paper) all that FARM and LANDS called Gailspring, situate in the Parish of Marloes, in the County of Pembroke, consisting of 77 Acres of good Meadow and Pasture Land — - The above is a most compact Estate, the Land lying all contiguous to each other; and at a small Ex- pence the whole may be made excellent Meadow Ground. This Farm adjoins a Creek of the Harbour of Milford, which is navigable within 100 Yards of it. Application to be made to Mr. Paynter, Attorney, Pem- broke. Tuesday, November 19, will be published, THE following ALMANACKS for the JL
YEAR 1783. Printd. and published by the COMPANY of STATIONERS, and sold BY JOHN WILKIE, at their Hall, in Ludgate Street Sold also by Evans and Hazell, T. Dunn, J. Hough, S. Har- ward, and J Washbourn, in Glocester j T. Stevens, Ciren cester; J. Bcnce, Wotton- Underedge ; J, Chew; Bristol j C. Badham and J. Allen, Hereford ; P. Davis, Leominster ; W. North, in Brecon j and Mrs. Price, Hay. Price Seven Pence each, 1 Price Nine Pence each, Wing's Sheet Almanack I Rider's British Merlin Cambridge Sheet Almanack J John Partridge's Almanack, To the PUBLIC. \ WHEREAS the MESSUAGES, TENE- MENTS,
and LANDS hereunder mentioned, being the Estate of the late Rowland Edwardes, of Trelfqarne, in the County of Pembroke, Esq; deceased, were, in pursuance of a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, fet up tor Sale on the 22d Day of July last, before Edward Leeds, Esq; one of the Masters of the faid Court, when but very few Bidders ap- peared, and the Estates were sold considerably under Value : It is therefore intended to open such Sale before the said Master, on the 19th of October Inst. ; when any Persons in- clinable to become Purchasers, may have an Opportunity f so doing. PEMBROKESHIRE. Lot T. All that
Messuage, Tenement, and Lands, called hill, in the several Parishes of Ludchurch, and Lampeter Velfrey, let to David Jones, on Lease for three Lives, which are now existing, at the yearly Rent of 50l. CARMARTHENSHIRE. Lot i. All those four Dwelling- Houses, Malt- House, and Garden, in the several Occupations of Mrs. Ann Edwardes, Mrs. Browne, Richard Wells, Martha Beynon, and Richard Row ; and also those two Fields, called Rokeums, in the Oc- cupation of Joseph Skeel, all situate in or near the Town of Laugharne, at the yearly Rent of 21l. 17s. 6d. Lot 3. All that Messuage and Tenement of Lands, called
Castlederrau, in the Chapelry of Castlederrau, in the Parish of Killymaenllwyd, now let to Edward Lewis on Lease for' three Lives, at the yearly Rent of 13I. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Hughes, Attorney at Law, Carmarthen. MILITARY ACADEMY, October 10, 1782. HE Nobility and Gentry are Hereby in- formed, that the said Academy will be immediately opened in the Suburbs of the City, for the Reception of all such youpg Gentlemen as are intended for the Army, or that their Friends wish should he fully accomplished in THE ART OF WAR, FORTIFICATIONS, PRACTICAL and ELE- MENTARY, MILITARY DISCIPLINE,
FENCING, and the FRENCH LANGUAGE, on the most easy Terms, with Board, & c. Applications ( franked) directed to A. T. CANON, at the Office for the Academy, St. Paul's Street, Exeter, will be duly and respectfully attended to; and a Card from the Aca- demy forwarded, containing the Terms in general. N. B. The Academy is on a healthy and pleasant Spot — Coach House, Stables, and Pafture Land belonging to the same. TO be SOLD by Auction in the following Lots, at the Ram Inn in Glocester, on Wednesday the 23d of October Inst. between the Hours of Three and Six in the Afternoon, according to Conditions that
shall be there produced, A FREEHOLD ESTATE, at Upton St. Leo- nard, in the County of Glocester: Lot 1. A Close of Pasture Ground, called Blackmore, with the Timber growing thereon. Alfo a Clofe of Arable Land, called Admond's Hill. Lot 2. Three Acres of Arable Land, lying in a Field called Brimps Field. Lot 3. Three Acres and a Half of Arable Land, lying in a Field called Bottom Field. Lot 4. Two Pieces of Pasture Ground, lying near Mr. Bevan's Mill. Lot 5. An Orchard of Pasture Ground, with a Barn, Sta- ble, a-: id Carthouse. A Close of Pasture Ground, called the Curtis. A Clofe of Arable Land, at the Bottom of Hawfield,
Four Acres of Arable Land, lying in a Field called Haw- field. Apply to Mr. PEMBER, Solicitor, at his Office in Glo- cester. GEORGE CONIBEERE, Auctioneer. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO be SOLD by Auction, to the best Bidder, 011 Thursday the 31st of October Inst. between the Hours of Twelve and Thiee in the Afternoon, at the Dwell- ing House of William John David, by Ystradyvoduck Church, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced, in two Lots ( unless disposed of in the mean Time by private Contract, of which Notice will be given in this Paper) „ v > LorA. All that MeiTuage and Tenement of
Lands, with the Appurtenances, called Cwm Saybren, in the Parifh of Ystra- dyvoduck, in the County of Glamorgan, consisting of 79 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, 228 Acres of rough Grounds, enclosed, together with an extenfive Sheep Walk for 400 Sheep. Also a good Water Corn- Grist- Mill on the Premises. Lot 2. All thofe three Closes of Arable and Meadow Land, ( formerly Part of Cwm Saybren Farm) containing z6 Acres, fituate on the East Side of the River Rhoudda, in the Parish of Ystradyvoduck, called by the Names of Cae Pwlly brwyn, Gwain Pwllybrwyn, and Cae bach. The Reversion only, of the Mill
and about ten Acres of Land adjoining, expectant on the Death of the present Owner, and of his Wife, will be dispofed of. N. B. There are Mines of Coal and Iron Ore, of excellent Quality, and very extensive Coppices, on the Premises. For Particulars enquire at Cwm Saybren ; or of Mr, Llew- ellin, Attorney at Law, Margam. WANTS a Place, as Lady's Maid, House- keeper, or Cook and Housekeeper, a WOMAN, about 38 Years of Age, who has been in Business 24 Years. but has lately failed.- Please to direct for C. E. W. at the Post- Office, Leachlade, Glocestershire. OST, on Thursday Night the 26th of Sep. tember last, from
Brockhampton, in the County of Hereford, a strong Bay MARE, five Years old, with a Star in the Forehead, 15 Hinds and a Half high. Whoever will give Intelligence of her, fo that ( be may be had again, shall receive One Guinea Reward, of Thomas Smith, of Brock- hampton aforesaid. I Price Eight Pence each London Sheet Almanack, on a Copper- Plate Rider's Sheet Almanack, and Goldsmith's Almanack, the Size of which is particular- ly adapted for the Ladies Pockets. which equally serves for either Parker or Saunders's Almanacks, as it contains must of the useful Parts of thofe other two Works; and White's Ephemeris
contains the rest. Price Nine Pence each, The Gentleman's Diary The Ladies's Diary Francis Moore's Almanack Poor Robin's Almanack Season on the Seafons Tycho Wing's Almanack White's Ccelestial Atlas; or- New Ephemeris. Also, Price Eight Pence each', The following COUNTY ALMANACKS, With Lists of Members of Parliament, Officers of the Militia, And various useful Tables, particularly adapted to each Coun- ty Price Ten Pence, A New London Sheet Alma- nack, printed on a Royal Paper; with the Court and City Register, containing complete List of the Peers, the Members of the House of Commons, as newly
elected, and various other useful Particulars. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be LET, and entered upon at Lady- Day next, a compact FARM, fituate at Launcaut, in the Parish of Tidenham, consisting of a Farm- House, and neces- fary Out- houses, several Orchards planted with Stier Trees, and about 80 Acres of very good Arable, Meadow, and Paf- ture Land. - The coming- on Tenant may sow his Corn im- mediately. Also to be let, a neat modern- built HOUSE, with 10 Acres of Land ( if required) situate in the Parish of Tyden- ham aforesaid. These Premises have every Conveniency for a genteel Fa- mily, and are delightfully
situated, commanding a most ex- tensive Prospect of the Bristol Channel, and Country adjacent. For further Particulars apply to Mr. T. Williams, Attorney at Law, Chepstow. GLOCESTERSHIRE. A DAIRY AND PLOW FARM. TO be LET at Candlemas next, situate be tween Coleford and Clearwell, in the Parish of New- land, consisting of about 120 Acres of Meadow, Arable, and Pasture Land, about an equal Quantity of each, with some Orcharding, a good convenient Dwelling House, Outhouse and a Lime Kiln on the Premises, all sound Lands, in good Repair and Condition, and well watered. Also to be let or sold, A good
roomy convenient DWEL- LING HOUSE, fit for a private Gentleman's Family, situ- ated in a pleasant Part of the Town of Coleford, near the Forest of Dean, a remarkable healthy Situation, a good, Sporting Country, Plenty of Coal for Firing, good Water and the Rent moderate. The House consists of a large Kit- chen, and Hall, a Parlour, about ix Feet square; a good back Kitchen, Pantry, and Cellar ; five Lodging Rooms on the first Floor, and three Garrets for Servants. There is a- bout an Acre and a Half of Meadow, close to the House, and about seven Acres more may be had if wanting. There is a Market at Coleford every
Friday. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Fryer, Mercer, at Cole ford. 9. Bedfordshire, Cambridge- shire, and Huntingdonshire 10. Warwickshire, North- amptonshire, Leicester- shire, and Rutlandshire 11. Shropshire and Stafford- shire 12. Cheshire and Derbyshire 13. Lincolnshire and Not- Itinghamshire 14. Yorkshire and I. ancashire 15. Durham, Westmoreland, Cumberland, and North I. Cornwall and Devonshire 9. Somersetshire and Dorset- shire j. Wiltshire and Hampshire 4. Kent, Surry, and Sussex Glocestershire, Worcester- shire, Herefordshire, and Monmouthshire t. Oxfordshire, Berkshire, and Buckinghamshire 7.
Middlesex, Hertfordshire, and Essex g. Norfolk and Suffolk umberland A CAUTION, Whereas Persons in various Parts of ihe Kingdom have piratically printed and circulated certain Almanacks,- artfully imitating those published by the Company of Stationers, whereby the Company is injured, and the Public imposed up on : it is thought proper to inform the Purchasers, That all Almanacks printed for the Company of Stationers are to be known by the following Words: '< Printed for the COMPANY of STATIONERS, " And sold by JOHN WILKIE, at their Hall in Ludgate- Street " N. B. Country Shopkeepers, Hawkers, and Retailers of
Almanacks may be supplied at the said Hall, for ready Money, or good Bills at- a short Date, at the same Price as the, London Dealers. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be LET, and entered upon immediately, or at Chriftmas next, the capital MESSUAGE MANSION- HOUSE of Goytrey, situate in the Parish of Goytrey, about five Miles from the Town of Abergaveany, and adjoining the Turnpike Road from thence to Pontypool, together with convenient Out buildings, a Cyder- Mill, good Orchard, and 126 Statute Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, lying compact, and having a valuable Common Right, with Liberty of getting
Lime- Stone and Coals, and burning Lime on very extensive Wastes or Commons near thereto. Alio a FARM called Pentwyn, situate in the Parish of Lanvair, about a Mile from the former, consisting of a con- venient Dwelling- House and Out- buildings, alt in good Re- pair, with 110 Statute Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Paf- ture Land, lying compact, and having the fame Common Right, and other Privileges above- mentioned. Also a MESSUAGE, with all convenient Buildings, and upwards of 75 Statute Acres of Meadow, Arable, and Pasture Land, including two Covers of Orcharding, planted with good Fruit Trees, now in their
Prime, situate in the Parish of, and adjoining to, the Town of Ragland, and within six Miles of Usk, seven of Monmouth, and nine of Abergavenny, all good Market Towns. N. B. The Dwelling- House on the last Farm is a very eli- gible Situation for a Publick, having great Conveniences for taking in Pigs and Cattle on their Road from Wales to Bristol. Also a BARN, with about 28 Statute Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, very good in their Kind, situate in the said Parish r, f Ragland, at a short Distance from the last Farm, and may be occupied therewith. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Powell, Attorney at Law, in
Abergavenny. N. B. Goed Tenant-; will have Encouragement DR. WATT's POETICAL WORKS are now completed, and sold for the first Time uniformly and elegantly printed, in seven neat small Pocket Volumes; each Volume is enriched with a beautiful Vignette Print, fuitable to tbe Subject of the Contents, befides a portrait of the Author, executed in a supcrior Stile, frosn an original Painting furnished for the Occasion by the late Mrs. Abney, of Newington. The Price of these seven Volumes is Half- a- Guinea, unbound ; and it should be observed by the Admi- rers of Dr. WATTS' WORKS, that there is no other com- plete and
uniform Edition of his Poems except the Quarto Edition, which now sells for Five Guineas. N. B. As thefe Volumes make a Part of BELL'S EDITION of ihe POETS, the Publisher propeses to sell any Volume se- parate to such as may desire it, for the ufual Price of is. 6d. each, at the British Library in the Strand. A List of Authors already publishcd, which may now be had complete, in various Accommodations for Travelling, or Cabinet Libraries, at the Britifh Library, Strand : Milton's Po » tical Works complete, 4 vols, neatly fewed in Marble Paper, Price Pope's Poetical Works, 4 vols. Dryden's Poetical Works, 3 vols. Butler's
Poetical Works, 3 vols. Prior's Poetical Works, 3 vols. Thomson's Poetical Works, 2 vols. Gay's Poetical Works, 3 vols. Young's Poetical Works, 4 vols. Waller's Poetical Works, 2 vols. Cowley's Poetical Works, 4 vols. Spencer's Poetical Works, 8 vols. Parnell's Poetical Works, z vols. Congreve's Poetical Works, 1 vol. Swift's Poetical Works, 4 vols. Addison's Poetical Works, 1 vol. Shenstone's Poetical Works, 1 vols. Churchill's Poetical Works, 3 vols. Pomfret's Poetical Works, 1 vol. Donne's Poetical Works, 3 vols. Hughes's Poetical Works, 2 vols. Garth's Poetical Works, 1 vol. Dyer's Poetical Works, 1 vol. Denham's Poetical
Works, 1 vol. Fenton's Poetical Works, 1 vol. Landsdown's Poetical Works, 1 vol. Buckingham's Poetical Works, i vol. Roscommon's Poetical Works, 1 vol. Somervill's Poetical Works, 2 vols. Savage's Poetical Works, 2 vols. Mallet's Poetical Works, I vol. Hammond and Collins's Poetical Works, 1 vol. Cunningham's Poetical Works, 1 vol. Broome's Poetical Works, I vol. Dr. King's Poetical Works, 2 vols. Tickell's Poetical Works, 1 vol. Akenside's Poetical Works, 2 vols. Rowe's Poetical Works, 1 vol. Lord Lyttelton's Poetical Works, 1 vol. Ambrose Phillips's Poetical Works, 1 vol. West's Poetical Works, 1 vol. John Phillips's
Poetical Works, j vol. Armstrong's Poetical Works, 1 vol. Moore's Fables for the Female Sex, I vol. Watt's Poetical Works, 7 vols. Pitt's Poetical Works, 1 vol. Gray's Poetical Works complete, to which ai. added those also of his Cotemporary Richard West, I vol. o I 6 The Conclusion of this most valuable Collection of ENG- LISH POETS is now in the Press, and will be published re- gularly, being CHAUCER'S POETICAL WORKS complete, in fourteen Volumes, and intended to be the moft excellent Edition which has hitherto appeared of that great Author. The Embellishments are singularly characterstic and will- be admirably
engraved, preserving both the Fancy of the Poet, and the Spirit of the Painter: The Painter hopes to do Jus- tice to the Author, and by this Effort of his Genius to raise | himself a Monument of Fame. Orders for first Impressions will be properly attended to, | . if ent immediately.- Sold by Evans and Hazell, T. Dunn, J. Hough, S. Har- ward, and J. Washboum, in Glocester; T. Stevens, Ciren- cester; J. Bence„ Wotton- Underedge ; J. Allen, Hereford; W- North, Brecon; f. Davis, Leominster j and Mrs, Price, Hay 1. s. i. 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 4 6 0 4 6 0 4 6 0 .3. 0 0 4 6 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 c 12 0 0 3 0 0 1 6 0 6 0 0 1 6 0 3 0 0 4 6 0 1 6 0 4 6 0 3 0 0
1 6 0 1 6 0 1 6 0 1 6 0 1 6 0 1 6 0 1 6 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 1 6 0 > 6 0 1 6 0 1 6 0 3 0 0 1 6 0 3 0 0 1 6 0 1 6 0 1 6 0 1 6 0 1 6 » 1 6 0 1 6 0 10 6 « 1 6 GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be LET, and entered upon at Lady- Day next, a well situated INN, with Stables, and Out- houses, lately putin good Repair, known by tbe Name of the New Inn, at Bisley, in the County aforesaid. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Draper, in Bisley a- foresaid. FARMS to be Let, Tythe- free, in Glocestershire. TO be LET, at Cowlesborne, near Cirencester and Cheltenham, several FARMS, of 25 I. a Year and upwards, with all the growing Crops, and live and dead
Stock, at the Option of the Tenants, to be taken at a Va- ^ luation. — To be entered upon immediately, or at Lady- Day, and great Encouragement to good Tenants. Enquire at Cowlesborne House; or of Messrs. Chambers, of Minchinhampton. Wanted immediately, a very clever active young Farmer, married or unmarried, to act as Bailiff on these Estates.—— Enquire as above. GLOCESTER, Sept. 25, 1782. TO be LET at Candlemas Day next, to the best Bidder, at the House of Thomas Hopkins, Inn- holder, known by the Name of the Fleece, in this City, on Friday the 18th of October next, at Four o'Clock in the Af- ternoon, All
that CLOSE of PASTURE GROUND, called the Oxleaze. the Westgate of this City, now in the Oc- cupation of Mr. Marshall. Also to be let by Auction, at the same Time and Place, upon a Building Lease, A Piece or Parcel of GROUND, be- longing to the Corporation of this City, situate at the End of Hare- Lane, adjoining to the Plow Alehouse, in the Lower Northgate- Street. For Particulars enquire of Mr. HENRY WILTON, Attor- ney at Law, in Glocester, Rentgatherer for the Corporation. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO be SOLD together, or seperate, several MESSUAGES, TENEMENTS, and LANDS, situ- ate in the Parish of
Swansea, and now in the several Occupa- tions of Edward Morgan, John Lloyd, Mary Bowen, Rees Richard, Thomas Ruarth, of the neat yearly Rent of 051.8s. Also two MESSUAGES or DWELLING- HOUSES, situ- ate in the Town of Swansea, called the Black Lion, and Port Cullis, now let at the yearly Rent of 4 61. For Particulars enquire Mr. Iltid Thomas, Attorney, Swansea. The Tenants will shew the Premises. SATURDAY'S POST. Yesterday Day arrived the Mails from Holland, France and Flanders. Paris, Sept. 27. J^ jS^ jig Courier is arrived here from the Comte <!' A i) d'Artois,- who left the camp on the 14th ^- fi'Jr
current, and brings a journal, from which the following are extracts : — " THE 13th, at seven in the morning, the float- ing batteries left Puenta Maillorca, and at half past nine anchored within 25o toises of the place; under the enemy's fire, between the Old and New Moles: this was the boldest manoeuvre ever done by sea ; from this moment the fire from the lines, the floating bat- teries, and the rock, cannot be described by words. '< 14th. All is lost but honour. The floating bat- teries, which were bomb and cannon proof, are at this moment all 0n fire, and many lives lost, par- - ticularly on board that of the Prince de Nassau, who
is himself in a most wonderful manner preserred un- hurt ; never was the courage of the two nations more conspicuous than at this unlucky attack. " The 14th, at noon, all the floating batteries were either sunk or blown up ; the number of men lost is reckoned to be from 1200 to 1500; the red- hot balls and bombs pierced through the batteries." Half an hour after the arrival of the courier who brought these difpatches, a courier arrived from Spain, who had left the camp before Gibraltar on the 17th. He brings word that the Duke de Crillon, ac- cording to an accurate list, makes out that there were 71 Spaniards, and 35 French killed
on the sea side, in the attack of the gun- boats, and about 200 wounded, LONDON, Friday, October 11. There can be no longer a doubt of the certainty of our late glorious success at Gibraltar. Ministry have; received recent and most positive assurances of the truth of that matter, at least so far as relates to the total demolition of the floating batteries ; and their advices likewise confirm what we have already heard, con- cerning the dispositions made by the combined fleet in the Bay of Algesiras, to oppose the passage of Lord Howe. Gibraltar is a large promontory in the province of Andalusia, in Spain, joined by a narrow neck of
land, only 3090 feet in its narrowest, and 4550 feet in its widest part; in length it is 4400 feet from the northern part of the mountain to where the neck widens on the Continent. The extreme length of the peninsula, from the northern plain to southernmost point, is two miles 2940 feet; the extreme breadth* of it is 4296 feet. The town is on the west side of the mountain, occupying a small inclined plain of .5820 feet long, and 1100 feet broad, which size can- not possibly be increased, as it is bounded on the west and north by the bay, and on the east and south by the rising of the mountain. The summit of the rock is about 1400 feet
perpendicular above the sea; it rises not with a sudden elevation, but by hill placed upon hill. Capt. Soyle, in the Lady Juliana West- Indiaman, is arrived at Poole from Jamaica, and writes to his owners, that after a chace of two hours he was brought to by the Buffalo and Panther men of war 0n the 29th ult. 100 leagues off Cape Clear, where the Captain of the Buffalo informed him, that Lord Howe's fleet had been drove back a considerable way by contrary winds ; but that the fleet was then collected together with a favourable gale, and expected to reach Gibraltar in a few days. It is astonishing, says a correspondent, to find
some people so ridiculous as to maintain, that the firing of red- hot bullets into the Spanish floating batteries, was an inhuman act, and not to be justified by any rules of war. The doubt that has arisen in France relative to the conduct of General Elliott, is not thoroughly under- stood.— War has its rules and laws, as well as the most peaceful societies ; one of these laws, it seems, is, that the use of red- hot balls between fleet and fleet shall never be revived; but the use of red- hot balls between besieged towns, and the batteries of besiegers is strictly legal. Those destroyed by our red- hot balls, were literally batteries ; and so
perfectly convinced are the military men in the service of the allies, that it was ex- pected the garrison would heat their balls, and the Chevalier d Arcon, the constructor of the floating batteries, they blame for not having the precaution to
contrive some means for preserving them from being - fired by the red- hot balls. Wednesday morning an express arrived at the Ad- miralty from Vice- Admiral Lord Shuldham, with an account, received from the Captain of a merchantman from Jamaica, of the loss of the Ramillies, of 74 guns. The Ramillies was built in 1763, and was reckoned one of the faltest sailers in the navy. We are happy to find that the mail onboard her was preserved, and that the letters will be delivered to- morrow from the post- office. It appears that Admiral Greaves, who had the charge of the homeward- bound Jamaica convoy, kept a very northward
course, to avoid the enemies . cruisers, which he apprehended might be detached to intercept and pick up the tardy ships of the convoy. His flag was flying 0n board the Ramillies from his departure from Jamaica to the moment it was found necessary to quit her, for the preservation of the lives of her crew. She lost her masts on the 10th of last month in a violent gale of wind, and continued un- governable ' till the 19th, when she was abandoned and left sinking.— She was then in lat. 4.2. 20. north, long. 17. west. A number of ships of the con- voy were observed foundering between the 13th and 79th of September, though most
of the crews were saved. Eighty guineas per cent, were offered at Lloyd's on Saturday night for the Lady Taylor Jamaica ship, and refused.— She arrived safe at Portsmouth on that day. The Antelope privateer, Capt. Jervis, belonging to Barbadoes, has taken and carried in there a French ship of 400 tons, bound from Martinico to Bour- deaux, loaded with cotton, toffee, indigo, sugars, & c. and is valued at 18, oool. By the above ship it is learned that the inhabitants on the island are still in great want of the necessaries of life, the provision ships from France not arriving there. Wednesday an express was received at the India-
House from the East- Indies, with an account that the Tartar, Fiot— Northumberland, Rees -- Lord Mul- grave, Urmstone- Deptford, Elkington - Blandford, Pigou— Earl of Hertford, Clarke— and Earl of Chesterfield, Boswell— from London, are all safe ar- rived at Madras. The Sultan and Magnanime men of war, with their convoy, arrived safe at Madras the 31st of March last. By advice received at the Admiralty, it appears, that the Stag, of 32 guns, commanded by Captain Cooper, was dismasted during her passage from Dub- lin, with some linen ships for Parkgate, and trade vessels from Plymouth under convoy; being in an un governable state, she was driven a- ground in Holy- head Bay, and expected to go to pieces. Several small craft are stationed to give her assistance. Tuesday the Standard man of war, of 64 guns, was launched at Deptford; and we are happy to learn that six other ships of the line will likewise be ready for launching from the different yards in the course of a short period. Yesterday evening their Serene Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Mecklenburgh Schwerin, arrived with a grand retinue at St. James's Hotel, Cleveland- Row, in perfect health, from the Continent. The Prince, though in an undress, wore the en signs of
royal and military orders. Wednesday, by order of the Lord Chanceller, a writ was issued for the election of a Coroner for the county of Glamorgan, in the room of Edward Saun- ders, Esq; deceased. The house of Major Burghall on Ham Common was lately attempted to be broke open : the Major was absent; but on the alarm being given by Mrs. B. the villains made off; not, however, without so much fright on Mrs B that she instantly miscarried. The rogues, on being thus driven from Major burg-' hall's, next went to Lady Chedworth's, where they stole a vast number of remarkable poultry, such as Guinea fowls, Asiatic ducks, and
foreign pigeons. On the return of Major B. he was of course informed of all these circumstances ; and not long after coming again to London, in his walk through Savile- row he was accosted by a fellow with a large basket of very fine poultry, which he was offering for sale. The Major suspecting the man, conducted himself accord- ingly ; he bought the whole basket of poultry, and expressing a wish to be a larger cultomer in future, artfully got from the man his place of abode. The birds were found to be those that had been stolen from Lady C. The fellow therefore was apprehended, and committed to take his trial for the robbery.
Wednesday the Recorder made his report to his Majesty of 25 convicts under sentence of death in Newgate, when the following were ordered for execu- tion on Tuesday next, viz. Henry Barthaud, for a fraud; William Jones, for dealing a quantity of goods; Peter Verrier, for a burglary; William Odem, for a robbery in Spa Fields ; Charles Wool- let, for a highway robbery; John Graham, for al- tering a Bank note, with intent to defraud ; Charlotte Goodall and John Edmonds, for stealing a quantity of plate, & c.; John Weatherby and John Lafee, for coining. Fifteen were respited during his Ma- jesty's pleasure. first SUBSCRIPTION
ASSEMBLY and BALL will be at the Bell Great Room on Thursday the 17th inst. j which will begin precisely at Seven o'Clock. Glocester, October 5. WILLIAM MORSE, Wheelwright and Car- penter of Kinscot, near Dursely, Glocestershire, in- tending to leave off Business, any Person that wishes to take to it, with a good Stock of dry Timber, may have further Particulars by applying as above. G L O C E S T E R TO be SOLD by Aucttion, at the Booth- Hall, this present Monday the 14th of October, Three light POST COACHES, in good Condition. JOHN CHANDLER, Auctioneer. A" MONEY TO I. SUM of MONEY October 12.
END. from 400I. to NY 400I. to be lent immediately, on good real Security or good Securities, either in the Counties of Glocester, He- reford, or Worcester, where the Interest will be punctually paid. — Enquire of the Printer. N. B. It will not be advertised any more. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be SOLD by Auction, on Saturday the 26th of October Inst. at the Three Cranes, in Chep- stow, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, Two MESSUAGES or DWELLING HOUSES, and Gardens adjoining, situate in the Village of Caldicot, in the Occupations of Hannah Adames and Sarah Morris, at the yearly Rent of 7I. ics. STOLEN or strayed,
from Eldersfield, in Wor- cestershire, about the 24th of August last, a dark brown BULL, of the Glocestershire Sort, with a little White in the Twirt and Tail.—- Whoever will give Intelligence of the said Bull, so that he may be had again, shall, if stolen, receive a Reward ( upon Convicttion) of Two Guineas; but if strayed, Half a- Guinea, and all reasonable Charges, of Thomas Per- kins, of Eldersfield aforesaid. CUCKOLD's HUNT. ~ THE Members and such other Gentlemen as purpose favouring the ancient annual Hunt, commonly called the CUCKOLD'S HUNT, with their Company, are defired to meet at the Red Lion, at Newport,
in the Parish of Berkeley, Glocestershire, on Friday the 18th of October Instant. GOODSON VINES, Esq; President. N. B. The Hounds will be on Micklewood Chace, near Newport, at Six o'Clock, on the above Morning, and Dinner on the Table exactly at Two. SELLING at, or under PRIME COST. T. HARMER, Hosier and Hatter, the Corner of the College Court, impressed with a grateful Sense of the many Favours he has received from his Friends, * r « d the Public in general, respectfully informs them, that as he shall absolutely remove from his present Dwelling- House at Christmas next, to the Warehoufe lately occupied by
his Un- cle, Mr. John Harmar, deceased, is now selling off his whole STOCK in TRADE, without Reserve, and requests that those who are in want of such Articles, will make immediately Application. Great Variety of Ladies and Gentlemen's Silk, Cotton, Thread, and Worsted Hose ; Men's Silk, and Worsted Pieces for Waistcoats and Breeches, the newest Pattern ; Leather, Silk, Cotton, Thread, Callico, and Worsted Gloves; Silk and Worsted Mitts, and Silk Purses, & c. & c. A large Quantity of West Country, and Kendal knit Hose, ribbed and plain, calculated for Country Shopkeepers ; Ladies and Gentlemen's riding Hats; Men
and Boys' common Ditto; Children's neat brown Hats, & c, N. B. Wanted, a strong active middle- aged Man, who can write, and produce a good Character, as Porter to the W, f house. COUNTRY NEWS. Oxford, OS. i2. On Monday last, in full convo- cation, the Rev, Dr. Dennis, President of St. John's college, was, for the third time, invested with the of- fice of Vice- Chancellor of this University. On Thursday the Warden and Fellows of New- College presented the Rev. William Crowe, LL. B. Fellow of that society, to the Rectory of Abbot Stoke, in the County of Dorset. As also the Rev. Robert Holmes, A. M. Fellow Of the same
society, to the Rectory of Stanton St. John, in the county and diocese of Oxford. Worcester, 0ct. 10. Wednesday se'nnight passed the great seal a dispensation to the Rev. Anthony Apper- ley, A. M. chaplain to Lord Bagot, enabling him to hold the reftory of Barcheston, together with the rec- tory of Idlicote, in the county of Warwick, and dio- cese of Litchfield and Coventry. Monday morning, the Lady of William Lygon, Esq; knight of the shire for this county, was safely delivered of a son and Heir, at his seat at Madders- field. Bath, Off. 9. Friday and Saturday the 68th re- giment of foot, lately landed at Bristol from Ireland, marched
in here from Bristol, and on Saturday and Monday proceeded on their route to Portsmouth and 0n Monday and yesterday the 81st ( or Highland) regiment also halted here on their rout for the same port. They are immediately to be followed by the 36th regiment, and the 77th ( Highlanders) who are all destined, it is said, for the Spanish settlements in the South Seas, or for the West- Indies. They are part of the 5000 troops voted by the Parliament of Ireland as unnecessary in that kingdom, which is pro- tected by its own volunteers. * The 68th regiment had n0 less than nineteen wag- gon loads of ammunition, cainp equipage
and bag- Yesterday was married at St. Anne's, Soho, Lon- don, the Rev. Anthony Hinton, ot Norwood- Green, to Mrs, Pye, relict of John Pye, Esq; of this city. EDUCATION. AT STROUD, Glocestershire, YOUTH are boarded and taught English Grammar, Writing, Arith- metic, Merchants' Accounts, Geography, with the Use of the Globes and Maps, and those Branches of the Mathe- matics more immediately connected with, ths Way they, are designed for BY JOHN HYDE. N. B. A particular Care will be taken to establish his Pupils in a just and graceful Mode of Pronunciation; and those Authors will occasionally be put into their
Hands, and according to his Ability explained, whofe Works are moft ce- lebrated for Elegance of Language and Propriety of Senti- ment. >#* The Latin, Greek, and Hebrew Languages, Logic, Rhetoric, & c. by the Rev. Mr. HARRIES. To CONSUMERS of TEA. As many of the Nobility, Gentry, & c. have complained of its difagreeing with them, particularly Hyfon Teas, EAGLETON, Tea- Man, at his original Tea Warehoufe, the Grasshopper, No. 9, Bishopsgate- Street, near Cornhill, London, takes this Method to inform them, that he has found out a Way to analize Teas, by which, to a Certainty he discovers the light plain (
wholesome Sorts, so much recommended by the ablest Physicians who have treated on that Subject; and as none will be sold at his Warehouse but the TRUE LIGHT PLAIN TEAS, of the finest Flavours, carefully selected at the East- India Company's Sales, every Objection will be removed, and render TEAS agreeable and beneficial, to the most delicate Constitutions: Which are sel- ling at the following reduced Prices, and must be found wor- thy the Attention of all Families, and Dealers. Good common Bohea Tea, 4s. 4d. to 4s. Bd. per Pound j Congou Tea, 5s. equal to what is sold at 6s ; good Light Plain ditto, 6s. equal to
7s. ; fine light plain Souchong Tea, 7s. equal to 8s ; very line ditto, 8s. equal to 10s. ; fuperline light plain Padra Souchong, best imported irs. equal to 12s. ; good common Green Tea, 6s. to 6s, 4d.; fine and superfine light plain Singlo and Bloom's ditto, 7s. 8s. and 9s. equal to 8s. 9s. and 10s. ; good and fine light plain Green or Hyson Tea, jos. 10s. 6d. 11s. and 12s. equal to us. 12s. and 14s.; very fine light plain Green or Hyson, 13s. 6d. equal to 16s.; superfine light plain Green or Hyson ditto, best imported, 16s. equal to i8i. or 21s. ; curious Gunpowder and Cowslip Teas, 17s. equal to 21s*; good roasted Coffee, 4s. 4d. to js.;
very fine ditto, such as is sold for Turkey, 6s.; superfine Turkey ditto, 7s. 4d. equal to 8s. or 8s. and 6d. ; good plain Chocolate 4s. equal to 4s. 6d.; fine and superfine ditto, 4s. 6d. and 5s. equal to 5s. and 5s. 6J.; Sir Hans Sloan's Milk, Churchman's Patent, and the finest Vanilla Chocolates, ; s. 6d. per lb. each. •|--|- t Purchasers of Teas, & c. at the above Warehouse, save from 10 to 20 p- i Cent. : And if on Trial are not found to answer their Expectations, the Money will be re- turned. *„* The Multiplicity of Business I transact, has induced several small Dealers to advertise, therefore request Ladies or Gentlemen, & c. coming, or
sending Orders, to be particular in not mistaking my Warehoufe, as all Teas, See. sold by me, will be packed in Papers, with my Name printed, and the Price marked thereon. N. B All Goods must be paid for, on or before the De- livery. Good Bills at a short Date, taken in Payment. Orders, wholesale, or Retail, for Town or Country, by Poft or otherwise, sent to any Part of London. B O W E N's Patent Sago Powder, at 2S, per lb. MONDAY'S POST. From the LONDON GAZETTE. St. James's, October 9. The following intelligence was this day received from Bussora, dated August 6, 1782. accounts from Madras to the 13th of
April, we have the agreeable news of | B 8 the safe arrival of his Majesty's ships the Sultan and Magnanime, with all their w convoy, on the 31st of March; and that the French fleet had left the Coro- mandelcoast. . Admiralty- Office, October 12, 1782. Copy of a letter from Lieutenant James Hill, commanding his Majesty's cutter Mutine, to Mr. Stephens, dated Spithead, Oct. 11, 1782. -- pLEASE to acquaint my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, that on the 6th instant, at five A. M. the Gasketts bearing S. W. by W. about two leagues, I fell in with, and took, after a short chace, the Count de Valentenois, a French lugger,
Captain Le Dos, mounting two three- pounders, and eight swivels ; 31 men. She sailed from Cherburgh the evening before, and had taken nothing. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Petersburgh, Sept. 3. A fresh act of her Imperial Majesty's clemency and benevolence appeared last Tuesday ( in commemoration of her illustrious an- cestor, Peter the Great) by the publication of an ukase, or imperial edict, wherein all persons indebted to the Crown in a sum not exceeding 500 roubles, are forgiven ; all law suits with the Crown, which have lasted above ten years, are suspended ; and prisoners for all inferior crimes released. Constantinople,
Sept. 6. On the evening of the 26th of August, the deposed Grand Vizir was sent into exile to Demotica, nigh Adrianople: his successor, Jejen Mehemmet, has entered into that important office with great applause, and bids fair to quell the fermentation and discontent of the populace. It now appears that the late conflagrations have actually de- molished about two thirds of the city. [ Thus far London Gazette.] Berne, Sept. 13. The Grand Duke and Duchess of Russia arrived here on the 7th, accompanied by the Prince and Princess of Holstein, with a very large suite, desiring to be kept incog. They stopped at an inn in this town,
from which, after dinner, they went to see the ice mountains of Grindenwald. On the fame day the Duke and Duchess of Glocefter, with the young Prince and Princess, their children, ar- rived here, and spent fome days in viewing this town and its environs. The Duke and Duchess of Russia returned on the 10th from the ice mountains, very much fatigued from the tour they made to the top of those very high mountains. They did not refuse to gratify the great desire the people shewed to see them, and passed fome hours at the redoubt, where the Grand Duchess opened the ball with the Duke of Glo- cester. On the 11th, thefe
illustrious travellers de- parted from hence. Every person who had the honor of approaching them, has passed the greatest enco- miums on the very great courtesey they shewed to all those who crouded about them. Trieste, Sept. 5. Commerce begins to encrease here every day rapidly : they are cutting a canal of 500 fathoms length, and are building dwelling- houses and storehouses upon the banks of it. Among other warehouses which are erected there, is one Irish house called the Adolphia, which trades with feveral towns of the Levant, and some of Egypt. The As- surance Company of Verpoorten are equipping their first
ship for America, whose loading will consist of the productions of the country, such as corn, cloth, iron, & c. They continue to export great quantities of copper for France for the bottoming of their ships. LONDON, Saturday, Oct 12. " By the late express from India, there are authentic advices from Bengal of the 19th of April, which give the most pleasing accounts of the present flourish- ing. state of that government. By these we learn, that there is the greatest prospect of an immediate peace; but that in the mean time they abound in every species of resource for carrying on the war; having been able, for some time past, to send
monthly to Madras five lacks of rupees ( 62,5001.) besides o- ther requisites. The Mahrattas, weary of an unsuc- cessful war, have declared for pacifick measures; and the late misunderstandings with the Nizam, and some others of the Country powers, arc now so happily ta- ken away, that, should Hyder Alli alone prove re- fractory, they have all engaged to unite with the Com- pany's servants in bringing him to reason. Another favourable circumstance is, that none of them show the least inclination to see a French interest; ever re- es- tablished in their country. This favourable state of affairs, so different from the late distracted
and threatening prospect of things, is entirely owing to the activity of the prefent Supreme Council, and that perfect harmony among themfelves, which gives them weight and consequence with the native powers. But while thole gentlemen have been so attentive to measures of peace and conciliation, they have not neglected the commercial concerns of their employers; their investments being already compleated, not only for this year, but likewise for the next; a degree of forwardness in that business never known before. The island of St. Helena, belonging to our East- India company, which it is suggested the Dutch have
formed an expedition against, has a garrison of 800 men; besides its own natural strength, to withstand an attack. The French Ministry have received authentic ad vice, by a frigate arrived at L'Orient from Boston, in 23 days, that the French squadron, confiding of 13 ships of the line, and two frigates, under the com- mand of the Marquis de Vaudreuil, had arrived safe at Boston, except the Magnificent man of war, of 74 guns, which had been lost by the ignorance of the pilot, and every soul on board with it.— These let- ters further add, that the combined fleet, under Don Cordova, remained at anchor in Algesiras Bay, the 25th ult.
lying there with a determination to dispute the relief of the garrison with Lord Howe. They keep several frigates cruising, to apprize them of the approach of the British fleet, as it is thought they mean to come out to engage. Admiral Pigot was arrived at New- York with 21 sail of the line, befides 17 frigates. Yesterday in the afternoon a report was circulated, said to have come by the way of France, that Admi- ral Pigot had fallen in with, and taken the whole of the rich Spanish galloons, in their passage home from La Vera Cruz. English Chronicle. Extract of a letter from Plymouth, OS. 7 " On Saturday evening 12 sail of the
homeward- bound Jamaica fleet came in from the eastward ; two or three were dismasted " I have just heard that the Ville de Paris is ex- pected every day. She has got the Centaur in tow, with some crippled merchantmen. " The Ville de Paris weathered the storm owing to her having the masts of a 64." Yesterday the packet of letters from Jamaica, which was saved out of the Ramillies, was brought to the General Poft- Office, and the letters delivered out. Extract of a letter from Cork, Sept. 30. " Laft Saturday the Friends Adventure, with the King's stores, for Gibraltar, put into Cove ; she was one of Lord Howes fleet, and having
carried away her main top mast, parted from his Lordship last Tuesday, about two o'clock, lat. 49, 9. long. 11, 36. W-. The fleet consisted of 34 or 37 sail of the line, besides fif ties and frigates ; the Pegasus not having joined, hav- ing had heavy gales of wind. He left the fleet rather in a stragling situation, two of them three deckers ( one of which wore a flag) top- masts struck or carried away. The wind at S. W. " Yesterday arrived at Cove the Endeavour, of Yarmouth, Bearfort; she was on Thursday last sepa ' rated from Lord Howe's fleet, which she left at on o'clock, P. M. in lat. 49. long. 14. rather more col lected than when the
above vessel parted with him." - On Monday last, at St. Mary- le- bone frey Meynell, Esq; of Orchard- street, O' A ship, with all manner of stores, and the materials for a new barrack in the island of Goree, sailed yes- terday for that settlement.. She is of 400 tons bur, then, and carries out an engineer, with an additiona pay of forty shillings per day. A letter from the Hague has the following article ; Their High Mightinesses seem alarmed at the pre- parations making in Denmark for war, it being sup- posed, that a rupture will happen between the States and the Danes; and therefore their High Mightinesses have sent orders to their
Ambassador at Copenhagen to demand the reason of such vast preparations, and a- gainst what power they intend to employ their forces, A courier is daily expected from Copenhagen with an answer to the demand made by the Dutch Ambasssa- dor." By advices from Madrid, received by the way of France, we learn, that as soon as the news of the floating batteries, & c. arrived at that capital, a coun- cil was called, at the conclusion of which, a procla- mation was issued, ordering all prisoners confined in the different gaols of the kingdom, to be liberated ( those belonging to the Holy Inquisition excepted,) mass to be said in all
places of public worship for three days and nights without intermission, recom- mending the people to fast and humilitate themselves,' to implore the assistance of Providence to protect the fleets and armies of his most Catholic Majesty against, the numerous host of Heretics they shortly expected to encounter. Died. Saturday, at Bath, the Rev. Mr. Bra- den, rector of Clayhanger; in Devon.—- On Tues- day, in Bennet- street, Bath, the Hen Mrs. Freake. On the 29th, in Sussex, Mrs. Fairchild, relief of the Rev. Dr. Fairchild, and daughter of the celebrated Dr. Stukely. Married. - church, Godfre Portman- square, to Mrs. Susannah
Estridge, of Wick, in Somerset, relict of the late John Estridge, Efq; of the island of St Christopher's. - Thursday, at St. James's church, Bath, the Rev. Mr. Samuel Ashe, of Langly Burrett, in the county of Wilts, to Miss Margaret Catharine Bayly, daughter of — » Bayly, Esq; of Widcombe. ^ B A N K R U P T " S. Benjamin Oram, of Lemon- street, Goodman's- Fields tinman. John Cross, of York, haberdasher. Thomas Blake, of Gracechurch- street, London, haberdasher. ,, John Jackson, of Little Buls- lane, London, Cotton, merchant, DIVIDENDS. Nov. 4, Edward Parr, of Coventry, grocer and sadler. 12, John Strudwicke, the elder,
of Croydon, in Surrey* mercer. 4. Benjamin Booth, late of Savage gardens, Lon-. don, merchant. John Capper, late of Rugeley, Stafford- shire, linen- draper. Bank Stock, — —. Three per cent, con 57 j- 4ths. Three percent, red. —. Three per cent, f" 26, 57 (- 4th, Three i- half per cent. 1758, Four pe; cent, con. . Four per cent. ami. 1777, —- l. o'nj* Ann. 17 i- i6th. Long Ann. 1777, . Long Ami. 1778, 12 3- 4ths. India Stock, 130 1 half. India Bonds, is. prem. South Sea Stock, . Old Ann. . New Ann. —-—. Three per cent. fub. 59 1 8th. Four per cent. fub. . Navy Bills, 11 per cent. dif. Ex hequer Bills, 2s. a 3*. prem. Omniiim, Lottery
Tickets} 161. 14s, G L O C E S T E R Oct. 14. For the BENEFIT of Mr. JOHN FIELD. ON Thursday the 31st ot October Inst. at the Bell Inn, a this City, will be a CONCERT of Vo- cal and lnstrumental MUSIC. The Band ( which will con- first of the best Performers) will be led by Mr. WILTON ; and a Concerto on the Violin. *#* TICKETS, 2s. 6d. each. After the Concert will be a BALL. Extract of a letter from London, Saturday Evening. " The advices which have arrived this week from the East Indies are of a very agreeable nature, and promise to be soon followed with more substantial good news. What I can collect from the private
let » ters, is as follows : — " The Sultan and Magnanime men of war, were safe arrived at Madras, with the Company's ships under convoy. The French fleet had luckily left that coast the day before their arrival, and were gone to the Mauritius to refit the damages sustained in their ac- tion with Sir Edward Hughes.- The French had landed about 1400 men, who had joined Hyder Alli. By our fleet which was arrived, Sir Eyre Coote would receive a reinforcement of Lord Seaforth's regiment of Highlanders, which would give him 800 as good sol- diers as ever went from Europe. Sir Eyre Coote was pursuing his operations against
Hyder Alli. Every thing was quiet and peaceable in Bengal; 55 lacks of rupees were arrived, and 75 more lacks were said to be on the road ; which is supposed to be the treasure found at Bejye Ghur, the capital of Cheyt Sing's country. This supply had made money plenty again { with it, and the money and merchandize taken at the Dutch factory of Chinsura, the Company were pro- vided for the shipping investments for this and the next year. The ship Valentine was dispatched, and sailed for Europe on the 11th of April. — From Poonah ( the Mahratta Court) they write, that the Mahrattas are thoroughly tired of the war, and had
given full powers to their Minister to conclude a peace with Mr. Anderson, the British Resident there. They say fur- ther, that the Nizam ( Soubah of the Decan) and the other nations bordering, on the English possessions, are so jealous of Hyder Alli's growing power, and his connexions with the French, that they are de- sirous of uniting against them. Some letters add, that Hyder Alli, concious of this rising opposition, was desirous to strike up a peace with us, and had actually made some overtures to Sir Eyre Coote. " The Parnassus, which was the finest ship in the Jamaica fleet, belonging to Mess. Longs and Drake, of this city,
and laden with 700 hhds. of sugar, be- side other goods, was taken by the French after the violent storm ; but we have the satisfaction to hear this day, that she is retaken by the Viper privateer^ of Liverpool, and brought in there." Yesterday was married, Mr. William Holder, grocer, to Miss Workman, of this city. On Thursday died Mrs. Baylis, of King- Street,- ins this city. On Sunday died at Tewkesbury, in this county, D'Avenant Ankins, Esq. The 9th of this instant, at Carmarthen, Mrs. Da- vid, relict of the late Albert David, of this town, Esq; was seized, whilst at breakfast, with a paralytic fit, and expired soon after. The Rev. Mr.
Bridge, of Leominster, was, by the Bishop of that diocese, presented to the living of Weobly, void by the death of the Rev. Mr. Price. At the Michaelmas sessions for this county, the fol- lowing persons were convicted, viz. Richard Walker, for leaving his family, and William Stocking for as- saulting Mary Short , to be imprisoned one month. William Buttess convicted of felony, to be whipped, and imprisoned twelve months, at the end of which time he is to be whipped and discharged. Hester Malpass, convicted of felony, to be imprisoned one month, and privately whipped. Thomas Griffin, ordered to be discharged out of custody,
and from the power of the regiment wherein he has inlisted, he being an apprentice to his father, Anthony Griffin, of Cheltenham. Jane Stiles, acquitted, and ordered to be discharged. And at the quarter sessions for this city, Joseph Reeve and Mary Ludlow were convicted of felony, and ordered to be publicly whipped., Price of Corn the same as last Week,
MONMOUTHSHIRE. T0 be LET, and entered upon at Candlemas next, all that capital FARM, called Howick, situate about two Miles from the Town of Chepstow, with a House and Outhouie., in complete Repair, now let at t xSI. per Ann. Together with the above, and contiguous to it, will be let, • considerable Part of Itton Court Farm, which has been for < n » ay Years occupied by the Proprietor, containing about » oo Acres, Also to be let, another small FARM, in the Parish of Itton, called Languilan. For Particulars apply to Mr. Thomas Davis, Attorney, st Chepstow , or at Itton Court aforesaid. _ A Quantity of WALNUT TREES to
be sold standing STATE- LOTTERY, 1781- THE TICKETS are fold and divided into SHARES, by Mes NICHOLSON and Co. Stock- Brokers, at their State- Lottery Office, the King's- Arms, Bank Buildings, Cornhill, London. ( And no where else on their Account.) •„* In the last State Lottery thirteen of the capital Prizes were fold and fhs'ed at the above Office. The SHARES that are allowed to be fold, agreeable to the present Act of Parliament, are as under, ail of which are damped purfuant to the faid AS, as alfo with the Ciown, and round it " Nicholson and Co.' s Lottery- Office." A QUARTER SHARE, at 4I. 6s. will receive 5' jool.
if a Pri « e of 1500 I159 —— 75° $ 00 250 1* 5 * S til. IM- S'- 20,0001. 10,000. 5,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 5P° 100 5° to All the firft and laft- drawn Tickets « Te included, as wtll as every other Priz{ in the Lottery. Mot two Blanks to « Prize The Prites to be paid without Dedhftion. HALF A TICKET, at SI. t » « . will receive double the above Sums. An EIGHTH SHARE, at si. 3s. wilt receive Half the above Benefits. And a SIXTEENTH, at it. ts. will receive one Quarter the above Sums. Ac this Lottery contains only 40,500 Tickets, with nearly as many capital Prices as ufual, the Price of Tickets mult therefore of Courfe be very high.
Country Correfpondents may have Tickets and Shares fent them, on the fame Terms as if pei finally prefent, by re- mitting Bills at Sight or of very short Date. Alfo Commissions for buying or selling all Kinds of Go- vernment Securities executed with Fidelity and Dispatch.— letters ( Post- Paid) punctually attended to, and Schemes Craris. The Lottery begins drawing the ( Sth of November. The Lottery begins dr awing on Monday the 18th of November, 1782. r MR. HODGES, at his Office in the Strand, London, his now on Sale a Variety of Tickets and Numbers, stamped according to Act of Parliament. M H M No. of Prizes. Value
of each. Total Value. s of 20,000l « It 40, oooh s ——— IO. OCO • • » 20, coo a » L • 5,000 —— 10,000 2, OOO • 111 — 8,000 t — 1,000 11 8,000 ao —— S°° —— 10,000 — 100 • 5,000 * 5° 5° • 12,500 14,000 10 * — ' > 80,000 14,338 Prizes. » 3> 5° 0 Firft- drawn Ticket, for the fir ft J? t Days, 500! each - Fiift- drawn Ticket, for the IOth and? » 000 15th Days, i, o. ol- each * - $ Firft- drawn o « the 18th Day, - - - *. ooo Firft- drawn on the 21ft Day, - - 3,000 The laft- drawn Ticket - - . . s. ooo 26,162 Blanks. » s, 117 36,376 9,289 39,281 So, 665 46,^ 80 J5- 994 st, 044 , 1,000 500 500 500 500 500 JOO $ 00 40,500 Tickets.
405,000 Not two Blanks to a PtSe. The following CAPITAL Psiztt were fold sad Aired in the laft Lottery, viz. a Prize of £ 20,900 j 39,79* » Prise of £ 10,000 1 11,485 ' 1 • 5,000 l 9,507 ' • » ' 5,000 13,456 —— s, oeo 42 ro8 1 •' • s, ooo ' 19,53* • 1,000 S3> 4'> § 11 ' ' t, OOO j s3,848 —— JI. JOO And capital Prizes fold in former Lotteriet, for 7 for the laft twelve Years, amount to - J Toul 266,000 N. B. Such Ladies or Gentlemen as chufe to become Ad- venturers, by leaving their Orders, and the Money for what they intend to purchafe, with Mr. HoDGZt't Agents, may have the fame executed without any additional Eipence. *„*
Letters ( Poft paid) duly anfwered. Duly Licensed, agreeable to Act of Parliament. STATE LOTTERY, 1782, THE TICKETS and SHARES of TICKETS are sold and divided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, at the lowed Prices, by BYFIELD AND HAWKESWORTH, At their Original State- Lottery- Office, the Corner of Craig's. Court, Charing- Cross, London; where the Lottery Business has been carried on with Care and Fidelity, and where many capital Prizes have been fold and lhared in the Lotteries for Twenty- nine Years past. TICKETS and SHARES registered at Six pence per Number, and the earliest Account
sent to any Part of Great- Britain or Ireland. HEME. Value of each so. ocol. 10, coo 5,000 2,000 1,000 5 ° 160 5" 20 14,338 Prizes. First- drawn Ticket, for the first five Days, 50c!. each First- drawn Ticket for the 10th and 15th Days, i, oool. each First- drawn tin the 18th Day, First- drawn on the 21st Day, The last- drawn Ticket » S, i6i Blanks. 2,000 2,000 3, ceo l, oo © 40,500 Tickets. 4c5> cco Not two Blanks to a Prize. ' In this Lottery the full Money will fce paid fur the Prizes; snd will begin Drawing on Monday the iSrh of November. All Shares fold at this Office are ( lamped under the Direc- tion of his Majefty's Commiffion- rs for
managing the Stamp Duties; where the original Tickets are deputed purfuant to Act of Parliament. Schemes gratisj and Letters ( Poft- paid) duly anfwered. Tke prefent Price of SHARES 1 Half, - 8 ' 2 j Eighth, - s 4 o Quatter, - 4 7 1 Sixieenth, - 1 2 o * * Country Correfpondents, by remitting good Bills at Sight, or of a ( hurt Date, may have Tickets and Shares on the fame Terms as if perfon « li> pteCent. The curious SMELLING BOTTLE, Called LE SEL POIGNANT D' ANGLETERRE. HELD in the highest Esteem by all the Quality and Gentry throughout Europe, who constantly carry It in their Pocket; and is infinitely superior to
every other Kind of Salts hitherto invented, and far more fragrant and re- settling than either Lavender, Hungary, or any Kind of Es- sence, or odoriferous Water. Its Uses. By smelling to it it gives inftantaneous Re- lief in all Sorts of Head- Achs, Sickness, Faintings Swoon- ings, Tremblings, sudden Frights, Hysteric and Hypochon- driacal Disorders, Oppression and Palpitation of the Heart, Melancholy, Lowness of Spirits, Anxiety, Inquietudes, and all the whole Train of nervous Disorders. It gives the greatest Relief in convulsive and epileptic Fits, Apoplexies, Pallies, Vertigoes, Heartburns, Yawnings, croaking and tingling of the
Ears; add to these most excellent Qualities, only by open- ing the Stopper now and then, it gives a most pleasing and a- greeable Flavor to a Room, or any public Place; and by its penetrating and discutient Effluvia, it a certain Preventative from the Small- Pox, Measles, and every Kind of infectious Disorder; in short, considering the many sudden Disordcrs we are liable to, no one is really safe without it. This celebrated Smelling Bottle is prepared only by Dalma- boy, Chymist to her Majefty, on Ludgate- Hill, London; and old, by Appointment, only at Mr. CHARLES Cox's, Per- fumer, Glocester, st ss. 6d„ is. and ics. 6d. each. In
ordtr to preserve the Reputation of thefe most excellent Smelling Bottles, the Public are requefted to observe, that the Name Dalmaboy is engraved on each Bottle, and that none elfe are genuine. Also, DALMAB0Y'S incomparable PLATE POWDERS, so famous for cleaning and preserving Silver Plate of all Sorts, which gives it a moft fuperb and elegant Luftre, far superior to new; alfo for giving a most high Polish and Lustre to all Sorts of Steel and other Metals, totally preventing them from Rust or Canker, at is. the Packet. N. B. A great Variety of Foreign and English Essences, Waters, & c. & c. Pomades, hard and foft, with
every other Article in the Perfumery. Likewise the choicest long Hair for Braids, with all Kind of artificial Hair made in the most natural Form. Light Summer Cushions on a new Con- struction, by CHARLES Cox. Elliott, Gibraltar, and Diving Bell. This Day is published, Price u. Embellished with the following Engravings: 1. A ( triking Likeness of Lieutenant General Elliott, drawn by Miller, from an original Painting in the Possession of Mrs. Fuller, the General's Daughter.— 2. A large Quarto perspective View of the Castle and Bay of Gibraltar, with the Spanish Investment, and the English Fleet relieving the Garrison in April, 1781.- 3.
A View of the Diving Bell and Machinery used in the Case of the Royal George.— 4. Fuur Pages of Music. THE EUROPEAN MAGAZINE, and LONDON REVIEW, for SEPTEMBER, 1782. By the PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Containing Memoirs of the Life and military Services of General Elliott.— Syllabus of the Anatomical Le& ures de- livered by Dr. Hunter and Mr. Cruikftiank, with Anecdotes of Dr. Hunter.-— Description of the Diving Bell.— Luctle, ou femme a la mode.-.- Anecdotes of the Arts and living Ar- tists of Great- Britain, No. 1 History and Description of Gibraltar. Henry and Eliza.—- The Country Curate. Charles and
Sophia.— Essays on Thinking, judging, See.— The London Review contains Remarks on the new Publica- tions, with Anecdotes of the Authors; among which are Mr. Scott's Poems.— Miss Bumey's Cecilia Dr. Andrew's Inquiry into the Manners and Customs, & c.--- Ignatius San- cho's Letters Mrs. Mary Deverell's Miscellanies The Bishop of Landaff's Answer to Soame Jenyn Malcom Mac Gregor's Poem of the Dean and Squire Biographical Anec- dotes of Sir William Backstone, & c. & c. Parliamentary Pro- ceedingr - Theatrical Register.- - Revolution of Ireland Mufic. Poetry.--- Chronicle, & c. London, printed for J. Fielding,
No. 23, Pater- nofter- row. And sold by Evans and Hazell, T. Dunn, J. Hough, S. Harward, and J. Washbourn, Glocester ; T. Stevens, Ci- rencester; J. Allen, Hereford } W. North, Brecon; Mrs. Price, Hay; and P. Davit, Leominfter. This Day is published, Price 7/. bound, Printed on FINE PAPER and GOOD LETTER, A new EDITION, very much amended, with the Addition of the DERIVATIONS, and other rery material Improve- ment!, which render this Dictionary, beyond a Doubt, the beft snd moft: perfeCk extant, AComplete and Universal ENGLISH DICTIONARY, on a new Plan. INCLUDING NOT ONLY I. A full EXPLANATION
of difficult WORDS and tech nical TERMS, in all Faculties and Professions, whether 1* Algebra, , Geometry, Natural History, Anatomy, * i Grammar, Navigation, Architecture, i Heraldry, Optics, Arithmetic, History, Painting, Astronomy, Husbandry, Perfpective, Botany, Hydrostatics, Philosophy, Chemistry, Law, Pneumatics, Dialling, Mathematics, Poetry, Divinity, Mechanics, Rhetoric, Gardening, Military Art, Sculpture, Geography, Mufic, Surveying, & c, BUT II. A PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY; in which the proper Sounds of English Words are given in a Manner fo plain and simple, that both Natives and Fo- reigners may
correCt an improper, or acquire a right Pro- nunciation of the Englilh Language. III. The Origin of each Word ; its different Meanings or Applications explained ; and illuftrated by Authorities, and properly accented ; as alfo followed by Initial Letters, de- noting in the Part of Speech to which it is appropriated. IV. The Difference between Words efteeraed Synonimout pointefl out | and the proper Choice of them determined. V. An Epitome of the Hiftory of England; including every remarkable Event, from the Time of Egbert to the Con- clufion of the Peace of Vtrfailles in 1763, arranged alpha- betically under each King's Name, and
including the Cha- raCttr of each Sovereign, with the State of the Arts sad Sciences during his Reign. VI. An Hiftorical and Geographical Defcription of the vari- ous Empires, Kingdoms, States, Republics, Provinces, Cities, and chief Towns of the known World. VII. A lhoit Account of the Primitive and Modern Sefls snd Divifions in the Chriftian Church j their Opinions and Practices; together with a brief Hiftory of tie Prophets and Apoftlcs. VIII. An authentic Account of the Cosnties, Cities, and Market Towns in England, Wales, and Scotland; as alfo the Villages with Fairs ; the Days on which they are kept according to the New Stile,
as well as the Cattle, Goods, and Merchandize fold thereat; and the exaCt Diftance from London, carefully corrected from the lateft Meafurements. To which is prefixed, A free Enquiry into the Origin and Antiquity of Letters; An Essay on the Origin and Antiquity of the En^ lifli Language; A Sketch of the Constitution, Go- vernment, and Trade of England; a new compendious Gram- mar < if the Englifh Language ', and to the whole is added, An Outline of Ancient and Modern History; including a chronological Series of remarkable Events, Discoveries, and Inventions, from the Creation to the prefent Time : Toge- ther with a
complete List of the Grecian, Roman, and Eng- lish Classicks. Tha whole comprising several Thousand Ar- ticles not to be found in any other Dictionary. By the Rev. JAMES BARCLAY, Curate of Edmonton, in Middlesex, and many Years Master of an Academy in Goodman's Fields, and at Tottenhamj AND OTHERS. London, printed for John Rivington and Sons J B. Law'j T. Lowndes; S. Bladon; Richardson and Urquhart j J Sewell; W. Otridge , H. Gardiner and J. Bew. Sold alfo by Evans and Hazell, T. Dunn, J. Hough, S. Hsr- waid, and J. Washbourn, in Glocester; T. Stevens, Ciren cester ; J. Bence and R. Dyde, Wotton ; C.
Badham, and J Allen, Hereford; W. North, Brecon; Mrs. Price, of the Hay; L. Barnikel, Carmarthen; and P. Davis, Leominster. To CLOTHIERS. TO be SOLD, by Order of the Assignees of Mess. Joshua Mathews and William Powell, of Stour- bridge, in the Counry of Worcester, Clothiers, their Trade and Business, Stock of Cloths, Wool, Yarn Materials, Mills, Presses, Stoves, Racks, Looms, Implements and Utensils in Trade, sufficient to manufacture 1000 Pieces of Cloth per Annum. The Bufinefs will be carried on by the Assigiees till fold: And for further Particulars apply at the House of Mess. Mathews and Powell; to Mr.
Palmer, of Coleshill, War wickshire; or Mr. Robins, of Stourbridge, Attorney. NORTH WILTSHIRE FARMS TO LET. TO be LET and entered upon, at Lady- Day next, two good FARMS at Little Blunsdon, one con- taining 125 Acres of Meadow and Pafture, and 96 Acres of Arable Land, and the other containing 197 Acres of Meadow and Pafture, and 38 Acres of Arable Land ; all old lnclosure well fenced with old Quickset Fences; the Lands lie well to- gether, with convenient Farm Houfes, Cheese Lofts, Barns, Stables, Cow- Houfes, Out- Houses, Cfcc. If convenient to a Tenant the Farms may be laid together, being all within a
Ring- Fence, and the whole of the Arable Land may be entered upon immediately, as likewise to carry out the Dung and Soil from the Yards. The Premises are within four Miles of Swindon, four of Highworth, four of Cricklade, four of Wotton Bassett, and 11 of Cirencefter, all good Market Towns For Particulars apply to Mr. Hawkins, at Down Ampney House, near Cricklade, Wilts; or to R. Pember, Solicitor, at his Office in Glocester; and for a View of the Premifes to Robert Dufter, at Tadpole, near Little Blunfdon. The following MEDICINES are sold by R. RAIKES, Southgate- Street, Glocester. To Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, Golden-
Square, London. S I R, Bath, August 15, 1782. IHave been many Years afflicted with a vio- lent Scorbutic Humour, and for more than seven have had three large Ulcers; I have applied to the most eminent of the Faculty in Bath, without the lead Benefit; but by taking your MAREDANT's DROPS I am perfectly cured, and enjoy a good State of Health at present.— I wish to see this published for the Benefit of others afflicted as I was. I JANE WOODROFF, Wife of Daniel Woodroff, Gardener, at Bath. Thorp- Lane, Turnpike- Gate, Yorkshire, Dec. 11, 1781. To Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, Golden- Square, London. SIR, MY Son is 14
Years old ; he was most violently afflicted with the Scurvy, which appeared all over his Body, Legs, & c. in Sores; their first Appearance wa3 at the Age of four, but by taking your Maredant's Drops he is quite well, and hath been so for fome Time. In Justice to this excellent Medi- cine, and for the Benefit of those afflicted as he was, i fend you this to publish for it it an extraordinary Cure. I am your humble Servant, WILLIAM BINNINGTON. N. B. Mr. NORTON has two more recent Cures, which in a short Time he means to publish. Thefe Drops are sold in square Bottles, by Mr. Norton Surgeon, in Golden- Square, London, and at
his Country House, at Smallberry- Green, near Hounslow, at Half a Guinea and Six Shillings each, with the following Inscription on them, viz. JOHN NORTON, ONLY PROPRIETOR AND AUTHOR or MAREDANT's DROPS, Each Bottle is wrapped in a Folio Bill of Directions, signed by Mr. Norton, in his own Hand- writing. The Half Guinea Bottles are sold at hit Houses only. N. 15. Beware of Counterfeits. The Six Shilling Bottles are fold ( by Mr. Norton's Ap- pointment) by R. Raikes, Glocester; T. Stevens, Ciren- cefter; Mr. Careless, Newent; Mr. Wood, Winchcomb; Mr. Ford, Grocer, Chepstow; Messrs. Robson and Rees,
Neath; Mrs. Downes, Carmarthen; Mr. Pugh and Mr. Allen, Hereford; Mr. Harward, Tewkesbury; Mr. Mor- gan, Newport j Mr. Willet, Cardiff; Messrs. Rees and Thomas, Cowbridge; and Mr. Padley, Swansea. Where may be likewife had, VANDOUR's PILLS, at Two Shillings and Sixpence a Box; fo efficacious in Nervous Complaints. FENDON's NERVOUS DROPS, at Six snd Three Shil- lings per Bottle. As also WACE'S ASTHMATIC DROPS, at Si* and Three Shillings per Bottle. Of whom may be had, By his Majestys Letters Patent, I. EAKE's justly famous PILL, well known for CURING, in all its Stages, the VENEREAL DISEA
SE Price as. 6d. the Bos One fmall Pill is a Dole; and the taking of one Box in s recent Case will soon convince the Patient of the Certainty of his speedy Recovery. Nothing can be better contrived, more fafe, or more conveni- ent than this Remedy for fuch as are obliged to go Journies, or to Sea, as it needs no Confinement or Restraint of Diet; and 50 Years Experience ( in an extensive Practice) has proved, that it will effect a Cure, when repeated Salivation, and all other Methods avail nothing — For the Scurvy, and other chronicle Disorders, this Medicine has not its parallel: Thou- sands in this Kingdom are convinced of its
happy Effects in these cruel Disorders by their perfect Cure. Sold it the Patentee's, No. 13, in Bride- Lane, Fleet- Street, London. B I C K L E Y and Co.' s HEALING MAMMILLARY BALSAM, For Tender or Chapt NIPPLES. DISORDERS of the NIPPLES have long been a Reproach to the healing Art, and for Want of this much desired Secret arise not only immense Pain to Mothers, but the long Train of Diseases ( not to mention the Death of Thousands of Infants) which proceed from the abominable Neglect and Baseness of mercinary Wet- Nurses ; whereas, if the Mothers had been able to give suck, they would have bred up
their tender Infants under their own Eyes. It is perfectly safe, and may be applied while the Child sucks, at it is also a Remedy for sore Mouths. It has all the healing Properties of the most excellent Balsam ; it gives in- stant Ease to the most painful Breasts and Nipples, without a Particle of Opium; it is a sovereign and immediate Cure for chapt or spreathed Lips, Cheeks, or Hands, tho" ever so much exposed to the Inclemency of the cold Air. Sold by the Proprietor, at 01- ir Wholesale Medicinal Warehouse, No. 5, the Foot of Black Friars Bridge, Surry- Side. Price 2s. 6d. the Bottle. Sold also by R. Raikes, Printer, Southgate-
Street, Glocester; S. Harward, at Glo- cester, Tewkesbury, and Cheltenham; Tymbs, Worcester; Mrs. Prosser, Ross; Stevens, Cirencester; Dyde, Wotton Under- edge; Forty, Chippenham; Barnikell, Carmarthen; Rees, Llandovery j Pugh, Hereford; and by the Glocester News- men. Where also may be had, The Grand Febrifuge and Specific for the Hooping or Chin Cough. Price ss. the Bottle. Dr. Logan's never- failing Ointment for a Scald Head, ss. 61. the Box. Electuary, Diet Drink, Lotion, and Ointment, for the King's Evil and every Scorbutic Complaint. Electuary, is. 6d. the Pot. Diet Drink, 3s. the Quart. Lotion, is. : 6d. the
Bottle, and Ointment, is. 6d. the Pot. Vegetable Specific Electuary and Apozem for the Stone and Gravel. Electuary, as. the Pot. Apozem, » s, 6d. the Bottle. Pectoral Asthmatic Mixture and Electuary. Mixture, 2s> 6d. the Bottle. Electuary, 21. 6d. the Pot. Vegetable Restorative fur Coughs and Consumptions, Price 3s,. the Bottle. Balsam of Liquorice Root, for Colds, Coughs, » nd all Dis- orders of the Breast and Lungs. Price 2s. the Bottle. Ointment for the Itch, which was never known failing ta cure Price is. 6d. the Box. Tincture for the Teeth. Price It. the Bottle. Sugar Cakes for Worms. Pric^ is. the Box. Vegetable Lotion for
Chilblains, price Is. 6d. the Bottle. Ointment for Ditco. Price is. 6d. the Pot. For Disorders of the Bowels, so common at this Sea- son of the Year. DADBY's CARMINATIVE. THIS Medicine, which it founded on jut Medical Principles, has Seen long established as a just safe and effectual Remedy, generally affording immediate Re- lief in the Wind, Cholics, Convulsions, Purgings, and all those fatal Disorders in the Bowels of Infantsf which carry off fo great a Number under the Age of two Years. It ii atfo equally efficacious in Gouty Paim in the Intestines, in Fluxes, and in the Cholicky Complaints of grown Persons A striking Proof of
the Power of this Medicine lately was seen in the Case of Mr. Low, Officer of Excise,' in Gloeester; who, having been long afflicted with a most violent Cholic, and twisting of the Intestines, which reduccd him to a State in which his Life was despaired of, could find no Relief, till a Lady in his Neighbourhood advised him to give Dalby's Car- minative a Trial. From this he received immediate Eafe, and was peffeCtly cured by two- Bottles; and hat had no Re- turn of his Complaint. It is prepared bv the Inventor, J. Dalby, Apothecary, and fold by Francis Newbery, at the only Warehoule for Dr. James's Powder, No. 45, in St. Paul's
Church- Y « d, Price is. 6d. a Bottle, with an Allowance to thofc who buy it for charitable Ufes, or to fell again. Sold also R. Raikes, Printer, Southgate Street, Clocefter'. and appointed Vender of Mr. Newbery's Medicines in odut * Country Towns. Of whom may he had, JESUITS DROPS. By his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. JOSEPH WESSELS, Surgeon, Patentee, an-< J only surviving Successor to the late Dr. WALKER, and sole Proprietor of the GENUINE PATENT JESUITS DROPS, arid SPECIFIC PURGING REMEDY. Which may be had at my Warehouse, No. 45, the Corner of Fleet Lane, opposite New Newgate, in the
Old Bailey, London. The Patent Jesuits Drops being universally known, and the many Thousands that have experienced the happv Effects of them, let it suffice to say, they are a sovereign Remedy for Weaknesses and Obstructions in the urinary Passage, Gravel or Stranguary, incident to both Sexes likewise in scorbutic or rheumatic Complaints, for the Stone in the Bladder, an4 all Disorders in the Stomach, Lownefs of Spirits, Pains ia the Head and back, nervous Disorders, and Dimness of Sight, being void of all Mercurials, and operating by Urine, ( which may be seen by my Patent.) Bottles at 5s. and is. Likewise Dr.
Walker's genuine Specific Purging Remedy, which totally eradicates all Injuries in the Venereal Disorder, from the slightest to the most malignant Case, and purifies rhe Blood, with ample Directions. One Pot at as. 6d. it fuf- ficient in a slight Case. Several Persons having lately been imposed on with a spu- rious Medicine, by some Impostors in the Old Bailey, on the Directions of which the two initial Letters of my Name were forged, has determined me to write my Name ( Joseph Wessels) in full length on the outside of each of my Bottles, and like- wise on- the first Page of nsy Directions, given with my Bot tles and Pots. By his
Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, The TASTELESS AGUE and FEVER DROPS. No MEDICINE wis ever offered to the Public that has a greater Claim to their Approbation than this, as many Thwfaidt can teftify. If taken regularly and accord- ing to the Directions, it is the mo ® efficacious Medicine in the World for the Ague and Intermittent Fever, and in moft Cafes one Bottle is fuffi. rnt for a Cure. The Bark ts the ufual Remedy in this Cafe, but being a very naufeous Medicine, and feldnm taken in a fufficient Quan- tity, it very of en fails, and Children and thofe who hare weak Stomachs ate frequently loft for Want of a more ea( j and
pleafant Remedy. In thefe Drops the Afflicted w'l! find a Medicine, in which the greatell Safety is uniied w. th the utmoft Efficacy, and fo perfectly taftelefs. that they may be given to any Perfon with- out their Knowledge, yet fo efficacious, that they have feW dom or never been known to fail. * » * As there are other dangerous Preparations that are sold under the Name of Ague Tincture and Drops be careful to have none but thofe fold by the King's Parent, at .. chest be-, ing Counterfeits, and the Venders liable tr> he profeeuted. By Appointment of the Patentees, this Medicine is fold ta Bottles at 2S. 6d. each, by R. Raiket, Printer,
Southgate- Street, Glocefter. Of nlom may be bad, HEMET's ESSENCE of PEARL. Mr. HEMET, Dentist to her Majefty .- id the Prin- cess Amelia, begs Leave to obferve, that he na. nd from long and repeated Ohfervation, that one prin. cipal Cause of the Loss of Teeth early in Life, is % Neglea of them when in the State of Childhood ( pro- ceeding from an opinion that they are too tender to bear cleaning) and being thoroughly sensible that his Essence of Pearl will not do the least Injury to the Teeth even in their tendered State, but, on the contrary, is fo very efficacious that it will keep the Gums of Chil- dren from being affected
with tlie Scurvy, will pre- ferve the first Teeth from premature Decay, and pre- vent thofe fwelled Faces and severe Pains in the Teeth, to which they are fo much subject about the Time of shedding them, that it will certainly render the fecond Teeth stronger and more regular, consequently contri- bute very greatly to the Beauty and Prefervation of thevn throughout their whole Lives : He therefore thinks himfelf thoroughly warranted in taking the Liberty to recommend the Use of his Essence, according to the Direftions given with it, as soon as the first Set of Teeth is complete, which is generally about the Age of two Years. LE
COEURS's IMPERIAL OIL, Improved fo as to be a safe and certain Remedy for Sprains. Bruises, Injurious from Blows or Falls, Weakness, Stiff- ness and Contraction of the Joints aod Sinews, Old Achs and Pains, Rheumatic Pains, Weakness and Rickets ia Children, & c. — It has been found efficacious in the Cure of Cuts, Chilblains, and Chaps in the Hands and Feet. WHEN the IMPERIAL OIL was first of- fered to the Public, it was avowed only to be a Cure tor Sprains and Bruises; but the present Proprietor, has, by much Study and Application, made such considerable Addi- tions and Improvements in it, as to render it the
most salu- tary Medicine ever before offered to the Afflictted for all the above Complaints, and has refined it to such a Degree, that, inftead of a thick muddy Oil, it is now become a tranfparent Balfam. This Compaction is extracted chiefly from Vegetables, and may therefore be used without the lead Hazard of Danger j which certainly gives it the Superiority over thofe Waters, & c. which are extracted from Lead and other poisenous Minerals. - It is a certain Cure for long contracted Sprains, and is the finest outward Application for the Rheumatism that can be. It is also particularly recommended to Captains of Ships, Ac. a3 it will
keen its Virtue for leven Years, in any Climate, and Accidents often happen at Sea, which this Oil would prove an effectual Remedy for. It is Old at 2S. 6d. a Bottle, by R, Raikes, Glocester; Ste • vens, Cirencester) Careless, Newent; Allen, Hereford; P Davis, Leominster ; at Brown's Medicinal Warehoude, Christ. mas Street, and J. Chew, Bristol; Price, Hay; Cruttwell Bath; Jackson, Oxford; and by Mr. Hodson, jun. in Cam- bridge, who supplies all Orders for the Country or Exposi- tion. At the same Placed may be had, VELNO's VEGETABLE SYRUP, an acknowledged specific in all Venereal and Scorbutic Cases, Scrophula ar
King's Evil, Inflammations of the Eyes, Piles, Fistulas, and pimpled Faces. Price 10s. 6d. The EGYPTIAN BalSAM, a Medicine for old Sores and Ulcers, green Wounds, cancerous and inflammatory tu- mours, Biles, Blotches, Whitlows, and particularly for ex- tracting Thorns and Splinters. Price 1s- 6d. GLO CE S T E R, Printed by R. R A I K E S , in the Southgate- Street.