The Glocester Journal
Printer / Publisher: R. Raikes
Volume Number: LXI
Issue Number: 3156
No Pages: 4
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The Glocester Journal
Date of Article: 07/10/1782
Printer / Publisher: R. Raikes
Address: Southgate-street, Gloucester
Volume Number: LXI
Issue Number: 3156
No Pages: 4
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MONDAY, October 7, 1782. VOL. LXI. THURSDAY'S POST. This Day arrived a Mail from HOLLAND. Elsineur, Sept. 17. HE day before yesterday arrived an English convoy from the North- Sea, consisting of 14. merchant- ships, un- der the protection of two frigates of the same nation. Since the de- parture of the grand convoy, 58 British ships have arrived here from — the Baltic. Hague, Sept. 16. We are assured that the treaty of commerce between their High Mightinesses the States- General and the United American States will be signed either this day or to- morrow, by the respec- tive deputies of the United Provinces, and
by Mr. Adams, Minister- Plenipotentiary from the Congress. The Prince Stadtholder assisted yesterday at the de- liberations of the States General, and afterwards con- ferred with a Committee of their High Mightinesses. The Prince, sensible of tbe importance of using the utmost activity in the maritime operations, made the report of his last voyage to the Texel to the Secret Committee of the States General; in which, after hav- ing given a detail of his instructions for expediting the naval operations, his Highness concludes thus: « • I hope I have by the above conduct fulfilled the intentions of their High Mightinesses; and I am
ready to send to the squadron of the Republic such orders, particularly for its departure, as their High Mighti- nesses shall judge proper, every thing being ready for putting them in execution without loss of time, as soon as wind and tide will permit." Vienna, Aug. 28. The Emperor has determined that there shall be but seven Universities in his domi- nions, viz. at Vienna, Prague, Pelt, Lemberg, Pavia, Louvain, and Freyburg : the latter is to be upon the same footing as that of Gottingen, with leave to publish all sorts of productions relative to human knowledge. COUNTRY NEWS. Norwich, Sept. 28. We hear the batteries are now
compleated, and so well regulated along the Norfolk and Suffolk coasts, that we need not be under the least apprehension of an attack. On Wednesday evening several signals by dis- charge of cannon, musketry, sky- rockets, and fire- beacons, were exhibited on Herringfield and Mous- hold heaths, and at Lowestoft, which appear to be very well adapted to alarm the country on the ap- proach of an enemy. LONDON, Tuesday, Oct. 1. . Yesterday being observed as the birth- day of the Princess Royal, which happened on Sunday, their Majesties received the compliments of the nobility at Windsor; the Duke of Cumberland was
present, as were also the Duke and Duchess of Richmond, Lord Rodney, and many others of the Nobility, by invi- tation from their Majesties; in the evening there was a grand entertainment and a ball. Yesterday morning advice was received at the Ad- miralty from the Downs of Commodore Elliot, with a small squadron, having sailed for his former station, to prevent the sailing of some stout privateers from St. Maloes and Morlaix, which intended putting to sea in a few days, in order to pick up some of the homeward- bound Jamaica fleet, should they be sepa- rated by gales of wind. The following is a list of his ships, viz. Guns.
Guns. Romney, jo I La Prudente 36 Mediator, 44 | Eurydice 32 Admiral Sir Hyde Parker will supercede Sir Ed- ward Hughes upon the East India station as soon as he arrives there. According to the accounts brought by Lord Rod- ney from Jamaica, the next fleet may be expected to arrive about the middle of October. A letter from Antigua, dated July 30, received by the ship Barbadoes, Capt. Parke, arrived at Livre- pool, confirms the account of the loss of the two Ja- maica packets, in the following words 1 " Yesterday a gentleman arrived here from Guadaloupe, who law both the Jamaica and Windward Island packets lying
there: they fortunately threw their letters overboard. This has been a great disappointment to every body, as we have been for some time without any news from England. These two packets were taken to the windward of Barbadoes by two frigates ; they had also taken a brig from England, laden with flour and dry goods; a snow, from Madeira, with 300 pipes of wine, for Barbadoes and this island, and a ship from Newfoundland with fish." The fleet now in the East- Indies is by far the most respectable that Britain ever had in that quarter : the most powerful fleet there last war, which was com- manded by the Admirals Pocock,
Stephens, and Cor- nish, consisted only of one ship of 74, two of 70, four of 64, four of 60, and two of 54 guns : Sir Edward Hughes has with him at this time, one of 80, five of 74, two of 70, eight of 64, and two of 50 guns. The Gibraltar, of 80 guns, ( late Phoenix, a Spanish prize, taken by Lord Rodney, with the Spanish Ad- miral Don Juan de Langara on board) thought only a two decker, is equal to most ships of 90 guns ; her metal is 36, 18, and 9 pounders. The Dutch grand fleet, consisting of 14 sail of the line and three frigates, sailed from the Texel to the northward on Sunday morning the 15th ult. four days after Lord Howe
left Spithead j it is supposed their first object will be to intercept our Baltic fleet, but all the ships of that convoy bound to the north ward, and for Hull, Newcastle, and the Frith of Forth, have arrived safe; of those bound for the dock- yards in the Channel, we have got accounts that they are arrived in Yarmouth roads. It is pos- sible the Dutch may attempt to capture what colliers and merchantmen they can meet with on the coast of England and in the Channel, to prevent which an embargo ought immediately to be laid on all the ship ping in the British ports, until the fleet of observation now collecting, is ready to watch the motions
of the enemy. A large ordnance ship, which sailed from Toulon for Algesiras the 15th of last month, foundered with- in 50 leagues of that place, and- but very few of the crew were saved. Extract of a letter from an officer of rank at New York, dated August 9. " It is currently talked of to day, that the French are landing on the east end of Long Island, and that the rebels appear in force near the post at King's Bridge, on this island. What will be the event of it God only knows: this I know, that the offers of in- dependency, which were made public a few days ago, will be a great detriment to the garrison in repelling a serious attack on
this place, as the militia ( a body of near 5000 men) and the refugees ( near 1000) are ex- tremely alarmed at the acquiescence of the Ministry, and concessions of Government. The majority of these people have already sacrificed their property to their principles, and now have the mortification to find the one will avail them as much as the other. I am called upon to send this letter. Adieu." A- gentlemen at Paris writes to his correspondent in London, that on account of the great probability that England will be under the necessity of acknow- ledging America independent, and that a peace will be speedily concluded, the French
merchants who had formed the resolution of giving no further credit to the Americans, had abandoned that idea, and were making preparations for compleating all the orders which remain unexecuted. One of the happy consequences of a reconciliation with America will be a vast increase of trade to this country, which, through the medium of the Colo- nies, will become the great receptacle of the wealth of Spain. In return for British produce exported to America we shall receive from the people of that country, Spanish gold and silver, in bullion and in coin, besides a great variety of valuable drugs, and other most profitable
articles of commerce. the ballast lighters, in collecting from other convicts ( sent thither from all parts of the kingdom) the si- tuation of gentlemen's seats— those who are reputed to be worth money, and that keep cash in their houses— those who have quantities of plate, and the particular places in which they keep it, & c. that not a gentleman's house of that description ( be it ever so remote from the metropolis) can probably escape, un- less government will interfere, and form a resolution of sending the banditti ( discharged from time to time from the lighters, and now at large) to Africa, or some other place beyond the seas.
Married. ] Yesterday, the Earl of Mexborough, by a special licence, to Miss Stephenson, of Harley- Street, Cavendish- Square.—- Saturday, George Rous, Efq; of the Inner Temple, to Miss Charlotte Tho- mas, of Bath Monday, Robert Wilson, Esq; of Travallyn, Denbighshire, to Miss Talbot, of Lin- coln's- Inn- Fields. STROUD- WATER NAVIGATION. THE General Half- yearly Meeting of the Pro- prietors of the faid Navigation, ( appointed by Ad of Parliament) will be held at the ( Jeorge Inn in Siro- jd afore- said, on Tuefday the 8th of October next, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon. JOSEPH CRAZEBROOK, Clerk. Strmd, Sept. 17.
A1 Extract of an authentic letter from Ballymoney, dated September 19, 1782. *• Yesterday we had a review of thirty volunteer corps at this place, and after the review, a mock en- gagement, concluded by an attack and defence of the town ; the whole afforded infinite pleasure to an a- mazing crowd of spectators, and n0 less to the Gene- ral, James Leslie, who expressed the highest satis- faction at the appearance and discipline of the troops. « ' In the evening, a meeting of Delegates from the feveral corps was held, when they UNANIMOUSLY agreed on a very proper and spirited address to the re- viewing General: thanks to
the exercising officer, and a resolution to call a provincial meeting of the volun- teer Delegates at Dungannon, previous to the next session of Parliament, in order to consider of the most effectual means to procure an IRISH BILL OF RIGHTS, for the purpose of declaring and securing the freedom and independence of our constitution; and they appointed a committee to call such meeting in the name of the whole, when the proper time shall arrive. ' They also agreed to a resolution, reprobating in the strongest terms that PERNICIOUS measure- the raising ot Fencible Regiments in Ireland ; and declaring their opinion, that any
volunteer enlisting therein merited EXPULSION from his corps. " To this resolution there was ONE dissenting voice. Nine Delegates declined voting for their corps, because they were not instructed on THIS point by their constituents, though they in general declared their OWN opinions to be decided in fa- vour of the resolution." Resolutions, expressing a similar jealousy of the pro- posal of raising Fencibles in Ireland, have been en- tered into by the Dublin merchants corps, Castlebar volunteers, Armagh meeting, and Ulster regiment. At these meetings, the volunteers and delegates took occasion to express, among other
resolutions that breathe a great spirit of liberty, their sense of the ne- cessity of a Bill of Rights. Extract of a letter from Dublin, Sept. 24. " From what passed on Tuesday last, when the Lord- Mayor, Sheriffs, and Recorder, waited on his Lord Lieutenant, to congratulate him on his safe ar- rival, we have reason to presage most favourably of his Excellency's good intentions towards Ireland. The Recorder in a very handsome speech paid his Excellency many deserved compliments, and particu- larly observed, that he could not suppose, that one so nearly related to the greatest and the best man that England could boast, either
amongst the living or the dead ( the late Earl of Chatham) would accept of the Government of this country, but upon terms ho- nourable to himself, and beneficial to the people. His Excellency, after replying in an elegant manner to every part of the Recorder's speech, concluded with these remarkable words, " Mr. Recorder, you have judged rightly, and have done me no more than justice in supposing that I never would have accepted of the Government of this country, but upon such terms as will prove honourable to myself, and must be beneficial to the people." The Parliament of Ireland is prorogued from the 24th of
September last to the 26th of November next. The monument erected at Guildhall to the memo- ry of that celebrated statesman, the late Lord Cha- tham, not being compleated, the formal opening of it is consequently postponed. It was, however, ex- hibited on Saturday pro tempore, for the gratification of the curiosity of the livery assembled. Notwith- standing this monument is large, and consists of many figures, the idea on which it is designed, is the simplest possible; viz. the prosperity of the na- tion under that great man's administration ; to exhi- bit which the artist has introduced his Lordship lean- ing on a rudder, as the pilot
of the state : by his side sits Commerce, over whom he throws his fostering arm. Britaniia, seated on a lion, is receiving in her lap the contents of a large cornucopia, which the quarters of the globe, in the train of Commerce, are pouring into it. The most active figure in this com- position is the City of London, who, by looking Up to Lord Chatham, and pointing to Commerce, seems to be recommending her to his pretection ; by which distribution the artist has paid a well- turned compli ment to the corporation, in pointing out their impor tance as a means of national wealth. A correspondent who frequents the Public Office in Bow street, thinks it his duty to the community to declare, that on Wednesday last he heard Mr. Bond of that office solemnly aver, that such has been the in dustry of the London house- breakers whilst on board MONMOUTHSHIRE. Circular Letter, of which the following is a Copy, has been received by the Lord Lieutenant of this County, from one of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State. ' ( C I R C U L A R.) « MY LORD, Whitehall, Sept. 10, 1782. The very great Deficiency of Men in the Regi- ments of Infantry, being so detrimental to the public Service, the King has thought proper to give the Names of the different Counties to
the old Corps, in hopes that by the Zeal and Activity of the principal Nobility and Gentry in the several Counties, some considerable Assistance may be given towards recruiting these Regiments. As this is a Point of the utmost public Importance, his Majesty has no Doubt of your Grace's using your utmost Influence among your Friends, for the Ac- complishment of it. The King has been pleased to appoint the Forty- third Regiment to the County of Monmouth, and ' to bear its Name. * I have the Honour to be, « MY LORD, ' Your Grace's Most obedient humble Servant, T. TOWNSEND. Lord Lieutenant of the County 0f Monmouth.
That the important Objects of the above Letter may be generally known and promoted within this County, it has been thought proper to publish it. H. MORGAN, Clerk ot the Peace. WOOD to be SOLD. ALarge Quantity of FIR and ASH POLES, now growing, the latter fit for Coopers Use. Enquire of Mr. Sinclair, at Hensol, Glamorganshire. TO be SOLD in Fee by Auction, at Mr. Long fellow's, at the Golden Lion, in Brecon, on the 26th of October next, between the Hours of One and Two in the Afternoon, an ESTATE, called Nantyfrad, consisting of a Messuage or Dwelling- House, and convenient Out- buildings, with several
Closes or Parcels of Land, Arable, Meadow, and Pasture, in the whole, by Estimation, about 300 Acres; alfo a Coppice or Grove, about eight Acres, wherein are growing upwards of 500 young Oaks : All which Premises are situate in the Parish of Gwenddivi, in the County of Brecon, ten measured Miles from Brecon, five from Builth, and ten from the Hay, and within a Quarter of a Mile of the Turnpike Road leading from Brecon to Builth; with a very valuable and extensive Right of Common for all Manner of Cattle and Sheep, with great Command for Water, which is conducted through the Fold, and over greatest Part of the
Meadows; which Premises are now let to David Jones, as Tenant ac Will, at the yearly Rent of 4cl. but capable of great Improve- ments.—— For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Holder, Attorney at Law, Ross; or of the Tenant, who will shew the Premifes. At the same Time and Place to be let together, and entered upon at Candlemas next, two FARMS, in the Parish of Lani- gon, five Miles from the Hay, in the County of Brecon, now in the Possession of David Powell, and Richard Parry, consist- ing of 109 customary Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, and the Tenants have an unlimited Right of Common on the Black
Mountain. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Holder, Attorney at Law, Ross; or of Mr. Rock, at the Hay.— The Tenants will shew the Premises. STATE- LOTTERY, 1782. THE TICKETS are sold and divided into SHARES, by Messrs. NICHOLSON and Co. Stock- Brokers, at their State- Lottery Office, the King's- Arms, Bank Buildings, Cornhill, London. ( And no where else on their Account.) In the last State Lottery thirteen of tbe capital Prizes were sold and shared at the above Office. Tt; SHARES that are allowed to be sold, agreeable to the present Act of Parliament, are as under, all of which are stamped pursuant to the said
Act, as also with the Crown, and round it " Nicholson and Co.' s Lottery- Office." A QUARTER SHARE, at 4I. 6 » . will receive 5000I. if a Prize of ao, oool. 2500 . ( 0,000. 1250 _____ 5,000 750 3,000 500 • • ' I • 1,000 * 5o " '•- i, ooo 125 • • • —— joo 25 • • 100 111. I0 » . • 50 51. - •— 20 All the firft and laft- drawn Tickets are included, as well as every other Prize in the Lottery. Not two Blanks to a Prize. The Prizes to be paid without Deduction. HALF A TICKET, at 81. J2 » . will receive double the above Sums. An EIGHTH SHARE, at 2I. 3s. will receive Half the above Benefits. And a SIXTEENTH, at it. 2s. will receive one Quarter
of the above Sums. As this Lottery contains only 40,500 Tickets, with nearly as many capital Prizes as ufual, the Price of Tickets muft therefore of Courfe be very high. Country Correfpondents may have Tickets and Shares fent them, on the fame Terms as if peifonally prefent, by re- mitting Bills at Sight or of very ( hjit Date. Alfo Commifiions fur buying or felling all Kinds of Go- vernment Securities executed with Fidelity and Difpitch — Letters ( Pod- Paid) punftually attended to, and Schemes Gratis. The Lottery begins drawing the iStb of November. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be SOLD, by private Con trait, three PIECES of
Padure and Arable LAND, known by the Name of Tbe Territories, containing thirty one Acres, now in the Poflefliun of Mr. John Wood, at the yearly Rent of 30I. fituated in the Parilh of South Cerney. For further Particulars apply to Farmer William Stephens, of Baunton near Cirencefter. GLAMORGANSHIRE. . ~ be SOLD together, or feperate, feveral MESSUAGES, TENEMENTS, and LANDS, fitu- atein the Pari( h of Swanfea, and now in the feveral Occupa- tions of Edward Morgan, John Lloyd, Mary Bowen, Reea Richard, Thomas Ruarth, of the neat yearly Rent of 05I. 8s. Alfo two MESSUAGES or DWELL1NG- HOUSFS, fitu ate in the Town of Swanfea, called the Black Lion, and Port- Cullis, now let at the yearly Rent of 46I. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Iltid Thomas, Attorney, Swanfea. The Tenants will ( hew the Premifes. GLOCESTERSHIRE TO be LET, and entered upon at Lady- Day next, a compact FARM, fituate at Launcaur, in the Parilli of Tidenham, confifting of a Farm- Houfe, and necef- fary Out- houfes, feveral Orchards planted with Stier Trees, and about 80 Acres of very good Arable, Meadow, and Paf- ture Land.— The coming on Tenant may fow his Corn im » mediately. Alfo to be let, a neat modern- built HOUSE, with 20 Acres of
Land ( if required) fituate in the Parilh of Tyderi- ham aforefaid. Thefe Premifes have every Converiiency for a genteel Fa- mily, and are delightfully fituated, commanding a moft ex- tenfive Profpefl of theBriftol Channel, and Country adjacent' For further Particulars apply to Mr. T. Williams, Attorney at Law, Chepftow. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO be SOLD by Audion, to the beft Bidder, on Thurfday the 31ft of Oitober next, between thi Hours of Twelve and Three in the Afternoon, at the Dwell- ing Houfe of William John David, by Yftradyvoduck Church, fubjeft to fuch Conditions of Sale as ( hall be then and there produced, in two Lots
( unlefs difpofed of in the mean Time J> y private ContraS, of which Notice will be given in this Paper) Lot 1. All that Meffuage and Tenement of Lands, with the Appurtenances, called Cium Saybrtn, in the Parifh of Yftra- dyvoduck, in the County of Glamorgan, confifting of 79 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pafture Land, 228 Acres of rough Grounds, enclofed, together with an excenfive Sheep Walk for 400 Sheep. Alfo a good Water Corn- Grift Mill on the Premifes. Lot 2. All thofe three Clofes of Arable and Meadow Land, ( formerly Part of Cwm Saybren Farm) containing 16 Acres, fituate on the Eaft Side of the River Rhoudda, in
the Parilh of Yftradyvoduck, called by the Names of Cat Pwlly brwyn, Givain Pwllybrviyn, and Cae bacb. The Reverfion only, of the Mill and about ten Acres of Land adjoining, exp- fhnt on the Death of the preCent Owner, and of his Wife, will be difpofed of. N. B. There are Mines of Coal and Iron Ore, of excellent Quality, and very extenfive Coppices, on the Premifes. For Particulars enquire at Cwm Saybren ; or of Mr. Llew- ellin, Attorney at Law, Margam. the Public are requeued to obferve, THAT the original Tickets of all Shares fold at the undermentioned Office, are depofiud in the Hands of his Majefty's Commifiioners of
Stamp Duties for the Security of the Adventurers, and the Shares are ( lamped by the faid Commilfioners, agreeable to Aft of Parliament; which renders them as fecure as the original Ticket. Licenfed to deal in Lottery Tickets, agreeable to Aft of Parliament, JOHN BARNES PEARCE, at his old Stat « Lottery Office, No. 19, Cornhill, is now felling Tickets and Shares of Tickets in HALVES, QUA it TI R S, EIGHTHS, and SIXTEENTHS, ia the greateft Variety of Numbers, and oil the loweft Terms. Having condufted himfelf through twelve Lotteries with Satisfaction to the Public, and Credit to himfelf, and in that Time been very
fuccefsful in ( haring and felling many capital Prizes ; and paid large Sums uf Money to the Amount of IOO, OOQ1. he prefumes he may be entitled to ftand as fair a Chance for the further Favours of the Public as any other Office whatever. The following U. a Lift of fome few of th « capital Prizes fold by him 1 ( 3 < 3 Befides the 20, coo f 10,000 '. tu> OQO irr No. of prizes. % '„ of a — » —- 10 SO 150 14,000 7 of 2,000 6 of i, oco 15 of 500 » e'of io, oool. in Cox's Lottery, which waa fold for only 28s. SCHEME Value of each. Total Valae. 20,900)* 10,000 5,000 2,500 J, 0O0 500 109 S » 19 14,338 Prizes. Firft- drawn Ticket, for the
firft 5 Days, 500I. each Firft- drawn Ticket, for the 10th 15th Days, i, ocol. each - • Firft- drawn on the i8rh Day, - Firft- drawn on the 21ft Day, - The laft- drawn Ticket - - - 26,- 62 Blanks. * 1 40, cool* 10,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 5,000 12,500 280,000 393,500 2,5th* 2,000 2 COO 3,000 z, ooo 40,5^ 0 Tickets. 40,5,000 Not two Blanks to a Prize, Schemes of the Lottery may be had Gratis at the afcovi Office, where an authentic numerical Book is kept. . • - » Tickets also registered at 6d. per Number, and an ActStat" of their Fate sent on the Day the Number is drawn, K&^ iairr Part of England. Begins drawing November the
18th. Country Correspondents, by sending good Bills, Date, may be supplied 00 the most honourable Bank, South- Sea, India, and other Stock, tualling Bills, Ordnance Debentures, and all ment Securities, Shares of Companies, or bought and sold by Commission, on the Alt Letters, ( Port- paid) either on Lottery Sec. will be immediately attended to.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the next Meet- ing of the Commissioners for the Cold Harbour Turn- pike Roads, held by Adjournment, will be at the Bear Inn, at Cold Harbour, on Monday the list of Oftober Inft. j when the said Commissioners intend to elect a new Surveyor of the said Roads. THOMAS ALEXANDER, Clerk. *,* Any Person qualified and willing to undertake the Sur- veyorship of the said Roads, may apply at the Time and Place above mentioned. DESERTED from the First or South Batta- lion of Glocestershire Militia, quartered in Plymouth Dock Barracks, THOMAS LAMB, Fifer, aged 19 Years, five Feet five Inches
high, strait and slender made, light brown Hair, grey Eyes, pale Complexion, born in the Parish of Tetbury, in the County of Glocester. Also WILLIAM HANDS, aged 25 Years, five Feet eight Inches high, strait and well made, brown Hair, grey Eyes, fresh Complexion, born in the Parish of Camden, in the County of Glocester, by Trade a Carpenter. Whoever secures one or both of the above Deserters in any of his Majesty's Gaols, shall receive Twenty Shillings each, over and above what is allowed by Act of Parliament, by applying to the Commanding Officer of the Regiment; or to Alexander Adair, Esq; Agent to the Regiment,
Mall, London. Pall- To all his MAJESTY'S TENANTS in SOUTH WALES. My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, HIS MAJESTY'S Audit will be held at Car- matthen the 22d and 23d, and at Brecon the 25th and 16th of October next; it is therefore my Duty to request you will be pleased to pay your several Rents and Arrears then due to his Majesty, to me, on such of those Days as may best suit your Convenience, As the many public and private Notices I have given to some Gentlemen to pay their Arrears, have hitherto been disregarded, it is now become necessary to levy them by Distress. But that no Gentleman may have Reason
to complain of so disagreeable a Measure, I beg they will take Notice, that, after the Audit is finished, I will continue at Brecon the 17th of October, and on the 19th and 30th will be at the Ivy Bush at Carmarthen, to give Gentlemen an Opportunity of discharging their Arrears before I proceed to Compulsion. After having given this Opportunity, I must, though much againft my Inclination, proceed into ' different Parts of the Principality to execute the disagreeable Part of my Office ; But as it is in your Power, permit me most earnestly to de- sire you will prevent yourselves the Expence and Trouble at- tending Distresses for Rents
due to the Crown, by paying them at the ensuing Audit, or those Days mentioned after it, to, My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, Your most recpectful, ever obliged, And most obedient humble servant, EDWARD MOORE. Somerset Houfe, London, Sept. 29, 1782. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be SOLD in Fee, A FARM, called Bellea Farm, in the Parish of Tregare, consisting of a substantial Messuage, two Barns, a Stable, Granary, Cow- house, about four Acres of Orcharding, planted with prime Fruit, and capable of producing 40 Hogsheads of Cyder in a bearing Year, about 29 Acres of Meadow and Pasture, about 56 Acres of
Arable Land, and 30 Acres of Coppice Wood, of . fix Years Growth. The above Premises lie in a Ring Fence, are well watered, and pleasantly situated, about Half a Mile from the Turnpike Road leading from Monmouth to Aber- gavenny, six Miles from Monmouth, seven from Usk, nine from Abergavenny, and 14 from Chepstow ; and are now let ( exclusive of the Coppice) to William Powell, at the yearly Rent of 53I. clear of Taxes, except Land Tax, and a Chief Rent of 3s. 3d. For a View of the Premifes apply to the Tenant; or to James Seward, at Pool Merrick, near Chepstow; and for fur- ther Particulars, or Treaty for Sale, to
George Rolph, At- torney, at Thornbury, Glocestershire. GLOCESTERSHIRE. SODBURY Great MARKET will be held on Thursday the 31st of October Instant, instead of Thurs- day the 24lb, 00 account of Marshfield Fair happening on that Day. ISAAC NASH. Bailiff. GLOCESTERSHIRE. THERE is now in the Hands of William Mor- gan, of Breem, in the Parish of Newland, in this County, a brinded yearling BULL, marked with a Spade Mark under the right Ear, and the Letters 1. B. burnt in the left Horn: The Owner of which may receive the fame, by paying the Price of this Advertisement. G L O C E S T E R. TO be LET and
entered upon immediately, a good and convenient MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, consisting of a Hall, two Parlours, four Chambers, and four Garrets, with other Appurtenances, and a Garden, thereto belonging, situate in King- Street, in this City. For further Particulars apply to Mrs. Baylis, in King- Street aforesaid. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be LET for a Term of Years at Lady Day next, or fooner, about 200 ACRES of LAND, in Kingswood, in the Parish of Stapleton, in the County of Glocester. Any Person willing to treat for the Whole, 1 any Part thereof, may apply to Jonas Blandford, at Stoke Gilford, near Stapleton, in
the faid County, who will shew the Premises and contract for the same. BRECONSHIRE. TO be SOLD by Auction, some Time in No- vember next, or in the mean Time by private Con- traft either together or in Parcels, Several MESSUAGES, LANDS, and TENEMENTS, in the County of Brecon, of the yearly Value of 5C0I. and upwards. Enquire of Mr. Hugh Bold, Brecon. TO be LET, and entered upon at Candlemas next, a large FARM, consisting of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, situate in the Parish of Shirenewton, in the County of Monmouth, called the Grondery Farm. For further Particulars enquire of Thomas Davis,
Attorney, Chepstow. O be SOLD in Fee, a Piece of MEADOW GROUND, called Shap House, containing by Estima- tion seven Acres, situate in the Parish of Hewelsfield, in the County of Glocester, in the Tenure of James Baker, at tin yearly Rent of 61. The Premises are Parcel of the Dutchy of Lancaster, and exempts the Tenant from Payment of Tolls.— The Tenant is also entitled to Common of Pasture in the Foreft of Dean, and in Brockware, and Hudnal's Common, both good Sheep Walks. - For further Particulars apply to Thomas Davis, Attorney, Chepstow. N( Turnpike Road from Cirencester to Stroud, and from the
Market House in Tetbury, to Minchinhampton Common. NOTICE is hereby giver, that a Meeting of the Trustees acting for the said Turnpike Roads will be- held at the Crown Inn, in Minchinhampton, in the County of Glocester, on Tuesday the 22d of October Inst. at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. PETER LEVERSAGE Jun- Off. 5. Clerk to the Trustees. NOTICE is hereby given, next Court of Sewers for the MONMOUTHSHIRE. that his Majesty's the Levels of the Hundreds of Caldicot and Wentlooge, in the said County, will be held at the Dwelling- House of Charles Chambers, at the King's- Head, in the Town of Newport, in the
County aforesaid, on Tuesday the 22d of October Inst. at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon. GEORGE KEMEYS, Clerk of the Sewers. Newport, October. 2. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. TO be LET, furnished, and entered upon im- mediately, the MANOR HOUSE at Eyford, near Stow, in Glocestershire, with the Gardens and Fish Pond's, and upwards of 30 Acres of Meadow and Pasfture Land. There convenient Dog Kennel upon the Premises, and the Tenant will have the Liberty of sporting upon the Manor, which extends over 1200 Acres of Land, contiguous to the House, and in the Midst of a well known sporting Country. Enquire of Mr.
Knight, Attorney, at Stow ; of Mr. Jo- seph Yates, at Kingsweston, near Bristol ; or of Mr. Rayer, at Eyford. A- jpe could come to their assistance, he made His escape at the back door, which was found open.— It is imagined that he had secreted himfelf some time in the house. Worcester, Oct. 3. On Tuesday WAS committed to our castle, Joseph Pardoe, otherwise Joseph Hurst, on suspicion of breaking open the dwelling- house of Mr. Samuel Mogridge, mercer, of Stourbridge, and setting it 0n fire. At our market on. Saturday last, 5? pockets of new hops were sold, from 61. to 7I. 15s. percewt.; and 216 pockets of old, from 3I.
to . jK 5s. FOR Sale by Auction, at the Swan- Inn, in the Town of Thornbury, in the County of Glocester, on I I Saturday the 12th of October Inst. between the Hours of I - 1. Three and Five in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced, The Reversion in Fee expectant on the Death of a Person upwards of Eighty Years of Age, of and in One undivided Moiety, or Half Part, of the MESSUAGES and LANDS hereafter mentioned, in the following Lands, viz. Lot 1. Two Messuages or Tenements, with a Garden, Orchard, and a Close of Ground thereto adjoining, by Esti- mation three Acres,
with about four Perches of Meadow Ground, lying in a Close called Innermead Lot 2. Two Closes adjoining together, called Newbridge Leazes, by Estimation six Acres. Lot 3. One Close, called Hampton Paddock, by Estima- tion one Acre. . Lot 4- One Close, called Swanacres, by Estimation two Acres. Lot 5. Two Closes, called Swinnall;, by Estimation seven Acres, and two Closes, lately three Closes, called Great- Newbridge, Little- Newbridge, and Wet Acre, by Eftimation feven Acres, all adjoining together. Lot 6. One Close, called the Great Lease, by Estimation fifteen Acres. All the above Premises are situate in the Tything
of Moor- ton, in the Parish and Manor of Thornbury, in the faid County, and are Copyhold Estates of Inheritance, held un- der an antient and advanrageous Custom of the said Manor, established and confirmed by Act of Parliament. *,* For further Particulars apply to John Cullimore, At- torney, at Moorton aforesaid. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be LET, and entered upon at Candlemas next, all that capital FARM, called HOWICK, situate about two Miles from the Town of Chepstow, with a House and Outhouses, in complete Repair, now let at 1181. per Ann. Together with the above, and contiguous to ir, will be let, a considerable
Part of Itton Court Farm, which has been for many Years occupied by the Proprietor, containing about ; oo Acres. Also to be let, another small FARM, in the Parish of Itton, called Languilan. For Particulars apply to Mr. Thomas Davis, Attorney, at Chepstow ; or at Itton Court aforesaid. A Quantity of WALNUT TREES to be sold standing. To CLOTHIERS. TO be SOLD, by Order of the Assignees of Mess. Joshua Mathews and William Powell, of Stour- bridge, in the County of Worcester, Clothiers, their Trade and Business, Stock of Cloths, Wool, Yarn Materials, Mills, Presses, Stoves, Racks, Looms, Implements and Utensils in
Trade, sufficient to manufacture 1000 Piece's of Cloth per Annum. The Business will be carried on by the Assignees till sold : And for further Particulars apply at the House of Mes. Mathews and Powell ; to Mr. Palmer, of Coleshill, War- wickshire; or Mr. Robins, of Stourbridge, Attorney. RADNORSHIRE. O be LET, and entered upon at Lady- Day next, in the Parish of New- Radnor, a compact eligible FARM, called Downton Farm, comprising 320 Statute Acres, and upwards, of rich Meadow, Arable, and Pafture Land, with a fine extensive Sheep Walk adjoining; together with a capital Farm House, Barns, Stables, and divers con venient Offices and Buildings contiguous thereto. The above Farm is fituated in the Vale of Radnor, adjoining to the Turnpike Road, five Miles distant from Kington, and feaen from Presteign, both Market Towns, and within one Mile and a Half of the Lime Rocks at Old Radnor. The Rent 300I. a Year, clear of all Deductions. For further Particulars enquire of George Wills, at Down- ton, near New Radnor, who will shew the Premises. ULEY, GLOCESTERSHIRE, Sept. 13. TO be LET, and entered upon immediately, a large and convenient MALT- HOUSE, with a large Lead Cistern, two Malt- Mills, and other Conveniences, ca pable of making 11 Quarters of Malt per Week ; together with the Dwelling- House, Orchard and Garden, lately oc- cupied by Mr. William Trotman, situated at Uley aforesaid, about two Miles from Dursley, and within eight of five or six other good Market Towns. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thomas Went, at Uley ; or Mr. Samuel Davis, in Hampton, Glocestershire. The Tenants may be accommodated with 20 or 30 Acres of good Pasture Land, conveniently situated. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be SOLD by Auction, on Friday the 18th of October Inst. at the Dwelling- House of Thomas Cosham, being known by the Name of
the White Horse, at Cain's Cross, near Stroud, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, according to such Conditions as shall be then produced, A good and convenient FREEHOLD MESSUAGE and SHOP, with a Brewhouse, Stable, Garden, Orchard, and other Outlet thereto belonging, situate in the Parish of Stone- house, fronting the Road leading to Glocester, and now in the Possession of Mr. Simpson, as Tenant at Will. Enquire further of William Vizard, Attorney, at Dursley. N. B. There are several Fixtures, which the Purchaser will take at a fair Valuation; and till Lady- Day last, the Shop has been open, and in good Custom for
near 40 Year. T MONMOUTHSHIRE, be SOLD by Auction, on Saturday the § 2d of November next, at the Beaufort's- Arms, in Monmouth, between the Hours of Three and Six in the Af- ternoon, according to Conditions to be then produced ( or in the mean Time by private Contract the several FREEHOLD and COPYHOLD ESTATES, in Lots, viz. Lot 1. The FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, FARM, and LANDS, called Cumbuchan Farm, with the Coppice Woods belonging thereto* situate in the Parish of Cumcarvan, in the said County of Monmouth, lying at the convenient Distance of about four Miles from the Town of Monmourh, and
near . the. Turnpike Road.— The whole lies compact, and consists o!:'.-> 5 Acres '( more or less) of which 66 are Coppice, One- fhird whereof is now standing, and is upwards of Years • Cp'. vh. The Remainder was cut in the last Season, Tb', Lot is subject to the Payment of a yearly Chief- Rent of Five Shillings to the Lord of the Manor of Trellech, for ever. lot 2. The Customary TENEMENT and LANDS called The Lower House, or John Rosser's Farm, situate in the said Parish of Cumcarvan, - in the said County of Monmouth, lying about the same Distance as Lot 1. from the Town of Mon- mouth, and also near the great
Turnpike Road, and confifts of Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land.—'! he Premises adjoin to Mitchel Troy Common ; and on the Lands there is a Lime Kiln, with a valuable Quarry of Stone. These Lots are in the Occupation of John Gynn, Yeo- man. ' Lot 3 The Customary TENEMENT and LANDS, called The Hill Farm, situate near the Gocket, in the several Parishes of Mitchell Troy ahd Penalt, in the said County of Mon- mouth, containing by Estimation 15 Acres of Arable and Pasture Land ( more or less.) These Lands adjoin to Mitchcll Troy and Penalt Com- mons, and are now on Lease to William Morgan, at the
yearly Rent of icl. Lot 4. A Piece of ARABLE LAND, , called Cae Noon, with a valuable Mill- Stone Quarry adjoining the same, situate also in the Parish of Penalt aforesaid, and now in the Posession of Joseph Davies, as Tenant. The Customary Lands are Part and Parcel of the Manor of Trelleck, in the said County of Monmouth. For a View of the Premises apply to the respective Tenants, or to Mr. John Aram, Land- Surveyor, at St. Arvans, near Chepstow, or to Mr. Patridge, at Monmouth Forge, both in the said County of Monmouth ; and for further Particulars of the Sale, either by public Auction, or private Contract, to the said
Mr. Paridge or to Mr. Hughes, Attorney at Law, ; Bristol • ; NORTH WILTSHIRE FARMS TO LET. TO be LET and entered upon at Lady- Day next, two good FARMS at Little Blunsdon, one con- taining 125 Acres of Meadow and Pasture, and 96 Acres of Arable Land, and the other containing 197 Acres of Meadow and Pafture, and 38 Acres of Arable Land ; all old Inclosure well fenced with old Quickset Fences; the Lands lie well to- gether, with convenient Farm Houses, Cheese Lofts,' Bams, Stables, Cow- Houses, Out- Houses, & c. If convenient to a Tenant the Farms may be laid together, being all within a Ring- Fence, and
the whole of the Arable Land may be entered upon immediately, as likewise to carry out the Dung and Soil from the Yards. The Premises are within four Miles of Swindon, four of Highworth, four cf Cricklade, four of Wotton Bassett, and 11 of Cirencester, all good Market Towns- For Particulars apply to Mr. Hawkins, at Down Ampney House, near Cricklade, Wilts; or to R. Pember, Solicitor, at his Office in Glocester; and for a View of the Premises to Robert Duster, at Tadpole, near Little Blunsdon. GLOCESTERSHIRE. A DAIRY and PLOW FARM TO be LET at Candlemas next, situated be- tween Coleford and Clearwell, in the
Parish of New- land, consisting of about 120 Acres of Meadow, Arable, and Pasture Land, about an equal Quantity of each, with some Orcharding, a good convenient Dwelling House, Outhouses, O be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOSEPH PRATT, On Thursday and Friday the 17th and 18th Days of October Inft. it the Town- Hill, in Cheltenham, Glocestershire, All the live and dead STOCK, some Implements in Husbandry, Brewing Utensils, and entire Household Furniture, of Mr. WILLIAM LEAVER, of Alstone Mill, in the Parish of Chel- tenham, and the entire Household Furniture of a genteel Lodging House, in that Town. The
Stock of the Mill con- lifts of a Cart- Horse, a Mule, a Waggon, two Carts, Plows, Harrows, Fan and Sieves ; a Rick of well- ended Hay, a Rick of Faggots, and fome Fire Wood; some well- grown Latter Marth, of five Acres, and all the Fruit and Potatoes growing on the Premises. The Household Furniture consists of fluted Mahogany, and other Four- Post Bedsteads, with Check and Home- made- Furniture, fine feafoned Goose Down and other Feather Beds, Puff and Flock Ditto, Blankets, Quilts, and Carpets; oval and square Pier, Swing, and Dressing Glasses; a valuable Mahogany Chest upon Chest ; Bureaus, Chests of
Drawers, Dining, Tea, Card, and Dressing Tables 5 a valu- able eight Day Clock; some seasoned Iron- bound and other Casks; Plate, China, Linen, Pewter, Brasses, and a Variety of Kitchen and other Furniture. The whole will be sold without Reserve, and may be viewed two Days preceding the Sale, at the Mill and Town- Hall. The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock the first Morning, with the Stock and Crop. Catalogues to be had in due Time at the Swan, Chelten- ham ;. Swan, Tewkesbury; George, in Winchcomb; at the Time of Sale ; and of the Auctioneer, in Evesham. and a Lime Kiln on the Premifes, all sound Lands, in good
Repair and Condition, and well watered. » , . . . ^ — Also to be let or sold, A good roomy convenient DWEL- her bowsprit and foremast gone; the Ville de Paris SATURDAY'S POST. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Petersburgh, Sept. 1. our docks and arsenals are fully em- ployed in building and fitting out men IAS of war, so that in less than 20 years we I shall probably be ranked among the J. JL most formidable maritime powers; for thiswe are indebted to our august So- vereign, by whole wisfdom and superior talents our trade flourishes, our laws have been settled, the po- lite arts thrive, and this empire can boast of an honourable
influence in the cabinets of many courts both in Europe and Asia. * COUNTRY NEWS. Bristol, 0ct. 2. This day arrived here the ship Tobago Planter, Capt. John Stephens, she sailed with the fleet from Jamaica, and gives the following ac- count :--- that on the 16th of September, in lat. 43. long. 48. they met with a heavy gale of wind, and on the 17th at nine A. M. he spoke with the Ramil- lies, Admiral Graves, her main and mizen mast gone; also the Centaur, all her masts gone, bowsprit, head and rudder; saw the Canada, with her mizen mast and main- top- mart gone; the Glorieux with LONDON, Friday, October 4. It is with
the greatest pleafure we inform our readers, that a gentleman arrived in town yesterday from France, with the following important intelli- gence. That on the 12th of September the Spaniards made their grand attack, by sea, on the garrison of Gibraltar; and that on the 13th, the day following, their floating batteries and gun boats were all set on fire, by red- hot shot, and totally destroyed. It is- imagined that upwards of 2000 men perished in the conflagration, which lasted for many hours. It is said their fleet were in the bay, and not able to render them any assistance. From another correspondent we have the following: —
Yesterday in the afternoon an express arrived from Paris, addressed to a merchant of considerable emi- nence in the city, and which brought the following glorious intelligence:— That the grand attack, so long meditated by the French and Spaniards, against Gibraltar, had taken place on the 12th ult. in the morning, assisted by all their gun- boats, floating bat- teries, & c. & c. The event was a total overthrow of the enemy. Their gun- boats, & c. were mostly sunk, in which were upwards of 2000 picked men, employ- ed to work the cannon, together with a prodi- gious slaughter of those troops that were ordered to storm under
cover of the machines. These advices further add, that our brave Governor, observing the discomfiture of the enemy, made a sally from the gar- rison with three battalions of British infantry, and- two of Hanoverians; the carnage was then renewed with redoubled horror, the enemy flying in every quarter with the utmost precipitation. The vistors, on this occasion, destroyed all the works of the enemy, and captured near 100 pieces of heavy artillery. These important advices were received by a gentleman of so unimpeached a character in the city, that they were universally credited, and a messenger was dispatched to the King at
Windsor, with the information. The accounts from Gibraltar, which we have from a correspondent who is generally very well informed, says, that on the night of the 13th of September Ge- neral Elliot permitted the Spaniards to advance with all their floating batteries and gun- boats to the spot where they intended to act, and suffered them to moor without interruption; when, before they had fired a single gun or mortar, he began such a dread- ful cannonading with red- hot balls, that he destroyed the whole, without having received the least injury in the garrison. Two of the Spanish floating bat- teries blew up, and every soul on
board perished; and the rest, with the gun- boats, were burnt to the water's edge, and then sunk. The accounts from France say, the assault on Gibral- tar was general, tho' principally carried on from the sea by the enemy's floating batteries and gun- boats; that Gen. Elliot however, being apprized of their in- tention to attack him on such a day, caused every ne- cessary preparation to be made for their reception, and particularly by ordering all the batteries towards the sea to be supplied with stoves for heating the shot; to which circumttance, we understand, the defeat of the enemy is chiefly to be attributed ; as the red- hot balls
set fire to many of the floating batteries, and sunk se- veral of the gun- boats. The above accounts further add, that the General's humanity not suffering him to see the poor wretches in the floating batteries perish in the flames, he had sent out boats to their assistance, and saved the lives of a great many, from whom he learnt that their loss must exceed 1500 men. Mr. O'Reiley, a merchant of Dublin, and who ar- rived here on Monday from Paris, assures us, that the defeat of the Spaniards at Gibraltar had the fullest credit in that metropolis. It is said there, that the express arrived from Gibraltar in ten days. This news had
thrown a general damp over the inhabi- tants at Paris, who began to fear for the Princes of the blood. It is said the destruction of the gun- boats, by the brave garrison of Gibraltar, was principally effected in the following manner : The Governor having re- ceived information that the grand attack would be made at a certain part of the rock, had employed a number of hands in digging out a cavern large enough to contain 200 men, and 12 pieces of heavy artillery, together with two forges for the heating of shot. The rock was chipped so near the surface, that nothing remained but a few strokes of a sledge or iron- bar to make
appertures for the muzzles of the cannon. The stratagem succeeded; and when the enemy's gun- boats and floating batteries had arrived within point- blank shot of the place where our men lay concealed, they instantly made way for the cannon to play upon the enemy. The artillery was so well served, and with balls red hot from the forges, that in less than an hour 17 gun- boats were set on fire, and completely de- stroyed, together with most of the people on board them. ING HOUSE, fit for a private Gentleman's Family, situ- ated in a pleasant Part of the Town of Coleford, near the Forest ot Dean, a remarkable healthy
Situation, a good Sporting Country, Plenty of Coal for Firing, good Water, and the Rent moderate. The House consists of a large Kit- chen, and Hall, a Parlour, about 12 Feet squared i good back Kitchen, Pantry, and Cellar; five Lodging Rooms on the first Floor, and three Garrets for Servants. There is a- bout an Acre and a Half of Meadow, close to the House, and about seven Acres more may be had if wanting. There is a Market at Coleford every Friday. F0r Particulars enquire of Mr. Fryer, Mercer, at Cole- ford. TO be SOLD by Auction in the following Lots, at the Ram Inn in Glocester, on Wednesday the 23d of October Inst.
between the Hours of Three and Six in the Afternoon, according to Conditions that shall be there produced, A FREEHOLD ESTATE, at Upton St. Leo- nard, in the County of Glocester: Lot 1. A Close of Pasture Ground, called Blackmore, with the Timber growing thereon. Also a Close of Arable Land, called Admond's Hill. Lot 2. Three Acres of Arable Land, lying in a Field called Brimp's Field. Lot 3. Three Acres and a Half of Arable Land, lying in a Field called Bottom Field. L « r 4. Two Pieces of Pasture Ground, lying near Mr. Bevan's Mill, Lot 5. ^ Orchard of Pasture Ground, with a Barn, Sta- ble, and Carthouse. A Close of
Pasture Ground, called the Curtis. A Close of Arable Land, at the Bottom of Hawfield. Four Acres of Arable Land, lying in a Field called Haw- field. Apply to Mr. PEMBER, Solicitor, at his Office In Glo- cester. GEORGE CONIBEERE, Auctioneer. appeared to be all well, except the loss of her mainsail.—- Capt. Stephens spoke with the Alexander, ( of Glasgow) the fame day, her mizen- mast and rud- der gone ; — saw the Salt River with her mizen- mast gone, and her sails flying to pieces;— the Minerva with her bowsprit and foretopmast gone ; and several ships ( names unknown) their masts and bowsprits gone.--- The same
morning he passed through a large quantity of puncheons, bags of cotton, logs of ma- hogany, masts, spars, empty casks, & c The 19th A. M. says he was in company with the ship Lady Taylor, when a strange sail fell in with them, which the Lady Taylor perceiving wore to the Westward, and the strange vessel followed her with all the sail she could crowd. Saw the Good Hope all well, and the ship Druid all well except the loss of her mainsail, a sixty- four- gun ship ( Le Caton) in a leaky condi- tion with the Pallas frigate to accompany her, left the fleet bound for Hallifax before the gale of wind.--- Admiral Pigot has destroyed
about 25 American privateers, & c. which were rendezvousing in the Bay of Mattania, supposed to be in waiting for the fleet ; he also landed and destroyed a fort. The following circumstance happened one evening last week at the house of a gentleman in Brunswick- square, who was absent on a journey.— About eleven - o'clock at night, the lady being gone to bed, the maids were preparing to follow her, when to their great astonishment they heard the sneezing of a man in the house, upon which they fled to their mistress's apartment., The villain pursued them, but by tum- bling up the stairs, he gave the girls an opportunity to
secure their mistress's door, , and they immediately alarmed the neighbourhood, but before any one A letter from Lisbon, dated the 24th ult. men- tions, that a large fleet parted by that place on the 22d, which was suppofed to be Lord Howe's. A passenger from on board a Jamaica ship, who arrived in the city yesterday morning, brings a most melancholy account of the fleet; the following are some of the particulars attending this unfortunate event, which will be a great loss to the merchants and under- writers : — The storm began on the 10th of Sep- tember, and lasted three days without intermission. On the first day the Caton,
of 64 guns, made signals of distress, and was ordered for New- York, with the only frigate in the fleet. On the second day, the Centaur, of 74 guns, was entirely dismasted, and signals of distress were flying on board two other ships of the line, which are supposed to have put back for America or the West- Indies. Many of the merchant ships, it is feared, have foundered. The gentleman who brings this news, counted nine sail of them dis- masted. Commodore Elliot having resumed his station off the Isle de Bas, it is thought very valuable captures will be made, as some of the shipping bound to St. Maloes and Morlaix must
inevitably fall into his hands. Extract of a letter from Plymouth, Sept. 27. " Arrived the Wagter, a French prize of 500 tons burthen, laden with ordnance stores and soldiers,. bound from Rochelle to the East- Indies, being one of 300 sail of transports and storeships, under convoy of five fail of the line and eight frigates, bound to the East and West- Indies, but were separated from their convoy off Cape Finisterre the 17th inst. in a gale of wind. The above ship, with four others, were taken by the Resolution and Anson men of war the day fol- lowing. It is supposed that many more are taken, as the two men of war were in the middle
of the convoy when the above prize left them, and the French line of battle ships were not then in sight. It is supposed the separation of the above fleet will occasion their re- turn into port."
The papers having mentioned that no intelligence had been received from Admiral Campbell, we are happy to have it in our power to acquaint our readers, that he arrived at Newfoundland in the Portland man of war, after a quick passage, and without any acci- , dent, save the interruption he met with from the French fleet on his clearing the Channel. As the approaching war between the Turks and Russians engages much the attention of Europe, it may not be unentertaining to observe, that should the Grand Vizir take the field in person, which is very probable, the standard of Mahomet will be displayed ; previous to which there
will be a proclamation, com- manding all Christians not to look at this standard on pain of death. When the above- mentioned Holy Banner was dis- played in 1769, the Lady of the Ambassador from Vienna peeped at it through a window, and being observed, the Turks broke into the house, and lay- ing hold of her, would have certainly strangled her, had not a party of Janizaries come up instantly to her assistance.—- After the above assault by an infatuated rabble, the Vizir sent her a present of jewels ; with these jewels there was also a bag, and in the bag were the heads of three of the people who had been most active in
breaking into her house. A letter from Ashburton, in the Peak of Derby- shire, mentions, that as some persons were cutting down a large wood near Barton, about five miles from the first- mentioned place, they discovered the ground- plot or foot- steps of an ancient Roman city or town, hitherto unnoticed by any of our antiquaries, and al- though the pavements and foundations were either sunk or over- grown with earth, yet the streets were easily discoverable. TO be LET, and entered upon immediately, a good convenient DWELLING HOUSE, with two Parlours and good Cellars, a good Dye House, with Coppers and Presses,
with a Stream of exceeding fine Water for Dyeing ; with Wool Lofts, a Stable, and other Outbuildings, Cloth Racks, a good Yard and Gardens. All very conve- nient for a Clothier and Dyer, in the Parish of Pitchcomb, between Stroud and Painswick, in the County of Glocester. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Joseph Cooper, on the Premises. FARMS to be Let, Tythe- free, in Glocestershire. TO be LET, at Cowlesborne, near Cirencester and Cheltenham, several FARMS, of 150!. a Year and upwards, with all the growing Crops, and live and dead Stock, at the Option of the Tenants, to be taken at a Va- luation.— To be entered upon
immediately, or at Lady- Day, and great Encouragement to good Tenants. Enquire at Cowlesborne House; or of Messrs. Chambers, of Minchinhampton. GLOCESTER, Sept. 25, 1782. TO be LET at Candlemas Day next, to the best Bidder, at the House of Thomas Hopkins, Inn- holder, known by the Name of the Fleece, in this City, on Friday the 18th of October next, at Four o'Clock in the Af- ternoon, All that CLOSE of PASTURE GROUND, called the Oxlease, near the Westgate of this City, now in the Oc- cupation of Mr. Marshall. For Particulars enquire of Mr. HENRY WILTON, Attor- ney at Law, in Glocester, Rentgatherer
for the Corporation. THE first SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY and BALL will be at the Bell Great Room on Thursday the 17th Inst. Gloucester, October 5, GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be SOLD by Auction, at Tarlton, The HOUSEHOLD GOODS and DAIRY UTENSILS, of the late Mr. John Yarnton, deceased ; likewise a Waggon and four Draft Horses. The Sale to begin on Friday the 11th of October Inst. at Ten o'Clock, and continue till all is sold. SAMUEL DAVIS, Auctioneer. Tarlton is situate about four Miles from Cirencester, six from Minchinhampton, and six from Tetbury. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, By NICHOLAS BARNES,
Auctioneer, at the House of Farmer Greville, at Hucclecote, in the County of Glocester, on Thursday the 10th of October Inst. several large Ricks of Hay and Clover, a Quantity of Wheat, Barley, and Beans, about seven Acres of Clover now growing, three Mares, one Colt, three Geldings, five Sets of Harness, two Waggons, two Carts, five Sheep, two Pigs, and several other Articles in Husbandry. The whole may be viewed the Day and Morning preceding the Sale, which will begin at Ten o'Clock precisely. *#* A large Oak Counter, a large Beam, and several Iron Half Hundred and Quarter Weights, to be sold. Enquire of the
Auctioneer. BRISTOL, October 3. GRASS for Horses, Cattle, Sheep, & c. in the Grounds lately occupied by John Rogers, near Park- Street, in the City of Bristol, but now in the Possession of John Powell, at the Sign of the Full- Moon, in Broad- Street, who has Accommodations for Drovers, & c. on reasonable Terms. » „* A Key will be left at the Turnpike leading from Durdham Down to Park- Street. " LAND SECURITY. WANTED on the Security of a Freehold Estate, consisting of a Farm of upwards of 200 Acres of LAND, in a most eligible Situation in a neighbouring County, the Sum of 2500I. — Interest for which, at 5 per
Cent, will be paid in Bristol punctually every Six Months. — The Estate is of the annual Value of 180I. clear of all De- ductions, and will be let at that Sum, or upwards, at Lady- Day next, when an old Lease thereof will expire. %* Enquire of Mr. Ward, Attorney, Exchange, Bristol. oct. 3, 1782. OCTOBER 3 WHEREAS WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Ap- prentice to THOMAS WILLIAMS, of Felton, in the County of Glocester, Wheelwright, did abscond himself from his said Master's Service on Wednesday the 2d Instant: This is to caution all Persons from harbouring or employing the said William Williams, as they will be prosecuted with the
utmost Severity of the Law. The said William Williams is between 18 or 19 Years of Age, about five Feet seven or eight Inches high, marked with the Small Pox, dark brown Hair, is supposed to have had on when he went away, a blue Jacket and Waistcoat, a Pair of Trowsers, or white Tick Breeches, or in a Suit of Brown Cloaths, with mock Tortoise- shell Buttons. He has an Impediment in his Speech. N. B. If the said Apprentice will return to his Master, he • will be kindly received, and no Notice taken of his Offence. OCTOBER 4. STOLEN on Monday Night, the 30th of Sep- tember last, out of a Clover Field at Caerwent, Mon mouthshire, near the New Passage, a strong black GELDING, near sixteen Hands high, aged Seven Years, has a Star on his Forehead, a long Swiss Tail, short Hair in the Butt of the Tail, a small white Circle over the near Foot behind, and rather rank in his Shaft. The Person supposed to have stolen the above Gelding, is 1 tall lusty Man, between fifty and sixty Years of Age, near six Feet high, wears his own Hair, a mixed great Coat, and new Leather Breeches, rode a bay Horse with one Eye and two broken Knees. Whoever will apprehend the Offender or Offenders, shall on Conviction receive a Reward of Five Guineas from
Thomas Dodd, at the Bear Inn, in Redriff Street, Bristol. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be LET, and entered upon immediately, An improveabie DAIRY FARM, situate in the Parish of Minchinhampten, and the adjoining Parish of Avening, in the County of Glocester, comprising a Farm House, with con- venient Offices, and about 30 Acres of Meadow and Pasture Land, late in the Occupation of William Pendley. For a View apply to Mr. Thomas Playne, at Longford's- Mill; and for Particulars to Mess. Bowdler and Hoskins, At- tornies, in Tetbury. i OCTOBER 3. STOLEN, on Thursday Night, the 26th ult. out of an Orchard at Little-
Froome, near Bromyard, in the County of Hereford, a ftrong bay MARE, of the Sad- dle Kind, six Years old, about 15 Hands and a Half high, with a Star, a good Forehand, a black Lift down the Back, a cut Tail, which she carries well, but never nick'd ; and a little Blemish on both Hocks.— Whoever will give Informa- tion to Mr, Richard West, of Little- Frome aforesaid; or to Mr. John Jones, Soapmaker, of Worcester, so that the Mare may be recovered, fhall receive Five Guineas Reward j and a further Reward of Five Guineas on Conviction of the Of- fender or Offenders, from me Richard West. MONDAY'S POST. FOREIGN
AFFAIRS. Petersburgh, Sept. 2. HE statue of Peter the Great, the inaugura- tion of which ( if the expression may be al- lowed) was attended with such pomp here, has this singularity to recommend it, that the whole is formed by one single stone ; man, horse, and the rock up which the Emperor seems to be riding. This stone was of a prodigious size ; it was found in Siberia, and was brought to Petersburgh at an im- mense expence. The sculptor is the famous Falcon- net, a Frenchman, whose fame will not die while this great production of his art endures. Vienna, Sept. 4. The Emperor intends to signalize himself, in imitation of
other princes, by sending a ship round the world to make discoveries. The vessel destined for this expedition, is the Comte de Cobenzel, which cleared out of the port of Lon - don the 15th of April last, sailed from Leghorn the 26th of August, and arrived at Trieste the 1st of Sep- tember with a great cargo, a part of which she is to takeout with her, particularly 14 chests of watches and watchwork, which she brought from London. Four persons of great learning are to be sent out in her, at the Emperor's expence, to make discoveries in natural philosophy. L O N D O N, Saturday, Oct. 5. " When any enterprize cf importance is
depending, the London papers are, by interested persons, to an- swer their stock jobbing views, made the vehicle of great variety of specious and contradictory informa- tion : An instance of this is the article in our first page, respecting the Dutch fleet, which, from ap- pearing in so positive a form in a number of papers, procured our admission; it is now contradicted with the same unreserve with which it was asserted; and it is said, that government have recived advice, that the fleet was seen moored in the Texel 0n Friday the 27th ult. The following is said to be a compleat return of the forces in garrison at Gibraltar on the 24th of
July last, fit for duty 12th regiment of foot 39th ditto 56th ditto . 58th ditto • 72d ditto 73d ditto • Corsican corps — Hanoverians, Hardenberg's Ditto, La Motte's Ditto, La Ruyden's Artillery company 251 7 » 3+ The number of sick, on the above date, were 26, unfit for hard duty, though some appeared in the ranks occasionally. Some private letters from Leghorn mention, that a conspiracy has been discovered at Constantinople, and that the parties concerned in the late conflagrations have happily been detected. The last letters from Petersburgh mention, that all the ships from London bound to that place are safe arrived there.
Yesterday advice was received from Plymouth, of the London, Captain O'Brien, being returned to that port. She was bound to Jamaica, and sailed from Spithead the 11th of last month, in company with Lord Howe, but having sprung a leak, was obliged to put back. By this vessel we learn? that Lord Howe had met with a series of blowing weather since he sailed, which had prevented him making much way, but none of the ships had received any material da- mage. The London left him on Friday the 27th ult. 95 leagues West, half South, from the Lizard, at which period he had not parted with the trade to the East or West Indies.
Lord Rodney did not give up the command of the West- India fleet ' till he had got thro' the windward passage, when Admiral Pigot parted from him with 22 sail of the line, to cruise off the Havannah ' till the merchant ships from Jamaica should have passed that place. Five or six sail of stout American privateers were waiting in the Gulph of Florida for the heavy.^ sailing ships, all of which he captured. This so alarmed them at the Havannah, that 13 Spanish ships of the line which were at anchor in the mouth of the harbour, slipped their cables, and ran farther into port It was very fortunate that Admiral Pigot picked up the
privateers that hovered about the Jamaica fleet, and which would have pursued them over to Europe, in the hope of picking up stragglers, or taking the ad- vantage of any storm that might separate them. Had these privateers been with the fleet when the hurricane happened, there is no doubt but they would have made a dreadful havock among the disabled ships. The Thetis, Capt. Major, one of the Jamaica fleet, is arrived at Bristol. She brings advice of the Withy- wood, for London, belonging to the same fleet, hav- ing foundered. We hear that orders were sent on Thursday night to Portsmouth and Plymouth, for several
frigates to put immediately to sea, with a view to assist the dis- abled ships belonging to the Jamaica fleet, and to pre- vent their falling into the hands of the enemy. Forty guineas were offered for underwriting the homeward- bound Jamaica ships, yesterday on ' Change. A French ship from Guadaloupe, with about half her laden of sugars, coffee, and indigo, & c. is taken by the Jupiter privateer, and carried into Guernsey. By this ship it is learnt, that the inhabitants of that island are in a very deplorable situation for the neces- saries of life, that many of their slaves have perishied for want, so that the plantations lie waste for want
of hands to cultivate them. That all the provision ships, excepting two, which have been sent from France, were taken by the English, which has been the prin- cipal cause of their distress. Yesterday morning four storeships, which are go- ing on government account to Antigua, with a sup- ply of naval articles for the King's dockyard there, fell down the river from Deptford to join the convoy at Portsmouth. There are accounts from America by the way of France, which state, that Mons. Bougainville, who commanded the van of the French squadron in the ever memorable engagement on the 12th of April last, was arrived at Boston,
in La Neptune of 80 guns, with eight sail more of the line, all under jury masts, and in a very bad condition; they sailed from the Cape with Vaudreuil, who soon after parted company with 15 sail, bound to the Chesapeak. The ships of Mons. Bougainville's , squadron will be docked and new masted at Bolton, where they expect also to reinforce their crews with American seamen. The Americans had not launched at Boston, on the 16th of August, any larger ship than one of 50 guns, which was called the Union, and was then fitting. Paul Jones, who. had the command of a squadron, was in and out of that port ' till the 24th of July,
when he took his de- parture with four ships, one of 32, one of 16, one of 20, and one. of 16 guns, on an expedition to the north, which had been planned by himself. They complained that the markets at Boston were not so well supplied as heretofore; and that vegetables of all kinds were uncommonly scarce. The report circulated a few days since concerning the settlements in Hudson's Bay, turn out to have no foundation in fact. An order is given from the war office for a general muster and return of all the regiments of militia in England and Wales, to the 29th ult. • In the Gazette of Saturday last is published his Ma- jesty's
proclamation for the meeting of Parliament on the 26th of November next. Thursday, previous to the drawing- room, a Chapter i of the Garter was held at St. James's, when the Duke of Rutland was invested with the ribband, and other ensigns of the order of the late Marquis of Rocking- ham. The Knights present at the ceremony were, the Prince of Wales and Duke of Cumberland ; Dukes of Marlborough, Grafton, and Northumberland; 1 Bishop of Salisbury, Dean of Windsor, & c. ' Government have experienced a vexation from the contractors' bill which they had no reason to appre- hend. Different articles of the heavy iron
work, ne- cessary during the prosecution of the war, had been furnished by Meffrs. Crawley and Co. who have an extensive manufactory on the banks of the Tyne, near Newcastle ; the ostensible proprietor being dead since the above act passed, the Earl of Ashburnham and Mr. B. a Member of Parliament, became the mana- gers, and these gentlemen immediately determined to : throw- up their contract with government; in conse- quence of this resolution, upwards of 1600 men were discharged, and, notwithstanding the many advertise- ments issued from the Board of Ordnance, soliciting tenders for the supplying of this
deficiency, no person had yet applied. The iron contract with the navy, lately given up by the Crawleys, is suppofed to be an engagement of trade in its magnitude more remarkable than any. The articles which the contractor binds himself to sup- ply, are all the wants of the navy, from a common nail to the largest anchor of a first rate. The grandeur of the above mentioned trade becomes evident on a view of every part of it. We shall men- tion one article in the exterior management which to us seems very remarkable ; it is the appointment of the first clerk, who has that handsome house on the water- side at Greenwich, with a
table, and servants, to- gether with a salary of 500I. a year. Letter from NATHANIEL BAYLEY, Esq-, to WILLIAM MIDDLETON, Esq; High Sheriff of the County of Suffolk. Epsom, Surrey, Sept. 26. . " SIR, " AFTER returning , you many thanks for the trouble you are taking, to procure an adequate sub- scription in the county of Suffolk, for the laudable purpose of adding a fhip of the line to the navy of Great- Britain, give me leave to beg that you will subscribe one hundred guineas thereto for me. Hav- ing no estate or interest in your county, ( more than in common with every Englishman, who may think, as I d0, himself deeply
interested in every place and part of the British empire) is the reason I did not offer you my mite sooner; but hearing that the subscription is not yet compleated, and hoping that in so liberal a nation, there may be many persons disposed to contri- bute in the same manner, without regard to local in- terest, particularly in London, and other great cities, who have been remarkable for their liberality, so that I doubt not, it these subscriptions are set on foot, they will meet the greatest encouragement; for I assure you, Sir, and hereby pledge myself, to give the same sums, not only to the twelve counties you have pro- mised, but to
every other county and city in which the subscriptions shall be opened for the like good pur- pose, throughout our three kingdoms. " As I have not the honour of your acquaintance, you may not know so insignificant an individual, therefore I take the liberty of mentioning, that I am the person who had the happiness to break some of the shameful contracts which the late Ministry had en- tered into, particularly that of rum, which I offered in the House of Commons to undertake at half price, by which, I flatter myself, some thousand pounds have been since got to the nation ; and much more might have been saved, had those
Ministers before learnt the difference between currency and sterling, which is 40 per cent. I have the honour to be, With the greatest respect, - S I R, Your most obedient servant, NATHANIEL BAYLEY. To William Middleton, Esq. Married. Tuesday se'nnight, at Luggershall, in Wilts, the Rev. Joseph Eyre, vicar of Ambrosden, and Bicester, in Oxfordshire, to Miss Ann Dyer, of Redcliffe Parade, Bristol. Wednesday, at Mary- bone church, Dr. Richard Dennison, of Mark- lane, physician, to Miss Buckley, of Dolver, in Montgo- meryshire. Thursday, by special licence, at Llan- aidyr, in Denbighshire, Philip Yorke, of Erthing, Esq; to Mrs.
Meyrick, of Dyffrynaled, in the same county, relict of Ridgway Owen Meyrick, Esq. This morning, by special licence, at Lady St. Aubyn's, in Bond- street, John Baker, Esq; of Ed- ward street, Portman- square, to Lady St. Aubin, re- lict of the late Sir John St. Aubyn, of Clonnance, in Cornwall, Bart. Died. Sunday evening, on Blackheath, aged 101, Mr. George Reden. — Monday, at Bath Hamp- ton, the Hon. Mrs. Digby, of Bath. BANKRUPTS. John Vetch, of George- yard, Lombard- street, grocer. Walsingham Collins, late of Charing- Cross, Middlesex, mo- ney- scrivener. John Herraden, late of Chichester, Sussex, linen- draper.
Richard Culverhouse, late of Sidney's- alley, Westminster, perfumer. James Blundell, of the Haymarket, Middlesex, dealer in music and musical instruments. Angel Pares, of Somerset- street, London,- merchant. DIVIDENDS. 0£ t. 23. Edward Leppingwell Dodson, of Castle Heding- ham, Essex, hop merchant. Nov. 5. Elizabeth Abbey, of Nottingham, tea- dealer 5. Peter Milner, late of Leeds, Yorkshire, grocer. 11. Thomas Collinson and John Henton Tritton, of Lombard street, London, bankers. 2. John Mortimer, of Trowbridge, Wilts, clothier. Bank Stock, Three per cent. con. 58 1- Sth. Three per cent. red. Three per cent. 1726,
. Three i- half per cent. 1758, Four per cent. con. —•-. Four per cent. ann. 1777, . Long Ann, 17 i- i6th. Long Ann. 1777, . Long Ann- 1778, 12 3- 4ths. India Stock,—. India Bonds, is. prem. South Sea Stock, . Old Ann. —. New Ann. . Three per cent. fub. 59 i- 8th. Four per cent. fub. 74 i- Sth. Navy Bills, to 7- 8ths. per cent. dif. Exchequer Bills, 3s. a 4 » , piem. Omnium, ——. Lottery Tickets, 161, iSs. G LOCESTER, Sept. 30. BELL INN, GLOCESTER, September 3, 1782. TPRUEN, having this Day quitted the • above Business in Favour of Mr. JOHN PHILL— POTTS, begs Leave most respectfully to return his grateful and
warmest Thanks to his Friends and the Public, for the many and great Kindnesses he received during, his carrying on that Business; at the same Time he humbly solicits their In- terest and Support in Favor of his Successor. As T. PRUEN intends dealing in WINE, SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS, & c. he begs to acquaint his Friends and the Pub- lic, that, he is removed to the House, late Mr. BUSH'S, in the Friars, where he will continue to sell upon the same reasonable Terms as he has hitherto done. BELL INN, GLOCESTER, SEPTEMBER 28. 1782. J. PHILLPOTTS, having this Day en- o tered on the above INN, humbly solicits the
Patron- age of the Nobility, Centry, and Public, and hopes for a Continuance of their Favour and Support, which, under the strictest Attention, he begs Leave most humbly to say shall be his constant Study to deserve. Extract of a letter from Gibraltar, Sept. 4. " We had a skirmish yesterday with a Spanish xebeque with our 12 gun boats, and should have taken her, but a breeze sprung up. Yesterday a ma- gazine blew up, by the falling of two shells upon it 5 very fortunately there was but little powder in but we had thirty men killed and wounded. We ex- pect a storm every day: ; We can see their launches sounding and laying
buoys for their mortar boats. They will attack the garrison with 30 mortar boats, 20 junk ships, and a number, of gun boats, besides the men of war." Extract of a letter from London, Saturday Evening. " The grand fleet were certainly met last Saturday about 90 leagues from the Land's End. We cannot expect to hear from them for some time, as they were so much driven out of their course by the late heavy winds. < 1 " Col. Barre has certainly lost his fight. It is generally suppos'ed he will give up his Paymastership; this is more easily believed, as he has a pension of 3200I. a year on his quitting it. Col. North, son of Lord North, is
talked of for the place." Extract of a letter from Fishguard, in Pembrokeshire, oct. 3. " The people of this place were greatly alarmed a few days ago by a French privateer, which attempted to cut out several vessels that lay at anchor in our road ; but they slipped their cables, and ran on shore, under cover of the guns of our new fort. The ene- my, feeing the colours hoisted, and the inhabitants flocking to the guns, went off to sea without their booty. Among the several vefl'els on shore are the Nightingale, Dodding, the Elizabeth, Lewis, of Newnham, and the Hannah, Rawlings, of Berkeley. If the weather continues moderate, they
will be got off without damage next spring tide. " This week two men working at the harvest near this town, quarrelled, and one of them fractured the other's skull in such a manner, that his life is despaired of. " Yesterday was interred here, Mr. Mansel Hugh, of Mansel Town, a place which takes its name from this gentleman, who built it, and is sole proprietor of all the houses." Extract of a letter from St. David's, Sept. 26. " An accident happened here a few days ago that was likely to produce many disasters. —- Mr. William. Lloyor, a distinguished preacher among the methodists, having assembled a numerous congregation at a
house in this place, which had been newly fitted up as a granary, was, in the midst of his exhortations, inter- rupted by the sudden sinking of the floor of the room, which giving way on the side where the preacher was exalted, he first disappeared, and the congregation following him, a poor old woman had both her legs broke, and is since dead. " On Wednesday the 18th inst. the brig True Love, bound from Chester to London, laden with 32 large cannon, two and thirty pounders, was stranded in Sandy Bay, near St. David's Head, where she lies without hopes of being got off." We hear that Dr. Benson, Chancellor of the diocese
of Glocester, will hold his visitation at the places and on the days hereafter mentioned, viz. Northleach, Tuesday, Oftober the 15th; Stow, Wednesday, the 16th; Chipping- Camden, Thursday, the 17th 5 Tewkesbury, Friday, the 18th; Stroud, Monday, the 21st Dursley, Tuesday, the 22d; Chipping- Sodbury, Wednesday, the 23d ; Glocester, Wednes- day, the 30th ; Mitcheldean, Thursday, the 31st. On Monday last Richard Webb, Esq; was sworn in Mayor of this city ; and Messrs. Jeynes and Read, Sheriffs, for the year ensuing. Last Monday Mr Richard Haylings was sworn in Bailiff for Leominster. On Thursday last was married,
at St. James's church, Bristol, Mr. Taylor, surgeon, of Wotton- Underedge, to Miss Eleanor Ady, of this city. On Thursday last was married, at Monmouth, Henry Barnes, Esq; of that place, to Miss Louisa Macennion, daughter of Macennion, Esq; of Antigua. On Tuesday the 10th ult. was married at Ports- mouth, by Dr. Bingham, Captain Smith, of his Majesty's navy, to Miss Margaret Roberts, the youngest daughter of Mr. E. Roberts, of Trevecka, Breconshire. On Wednesday last died, at Tewkesbury, in this county, Mr. Hartelbury, grocer, of that place. A few days since died, at his seat at Tregunter, in the county of Brecon,
Thomas Harris, Esq; aged 70; several years in the commission of the peace for that county. His liberal and extensive charities will make his loss severely felt by the poor, as well as regretted by all those who had the happiness of his acquaintance. On Monday morning died, at her son's house in Hereford, Mrs. Rudd, widow of the Rev. A. Rudd M. A. late Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford. His Grace the Duke of Manchester has been pleased to appoint Thomas Holbeche, of Hill- Court, in the county of Worcester, Esq; to be one of the gentlemen of his Majesty's most honourable Privy Chamber. At Ledbury fair, last
Wednesday, there was a great shew of cattle, but few buyers. On Wednesday last, as Mr. Ireland, of Forthamp- ton, in this county, was returning from Tewkesbury market, he was overtaken at the Load by a man on a grey cropt ear'd horse, who rode with him near a mile, and then taking out a pistol, bid him deliver his money: he immediately fired, which grazed Mr. Ireland's cheek. He swore he had another ready for him if he made any resistance ; but it is sup- posed he had not, as he immediately rode off. Mr, Ireland pursued him, but could not come up with him.--- It is imagined he went towards Ledbury, as a person so
mounted was seen at Birchmorton. PRICES of CORN per Bushel at last Week's Market, Best Old Wheat 9s. ood. Second - 7s. 03d. Third - 7s. ood. Barley 4s. o6d. to 5s. ood. Beans 4s. led. to 5s. ood. Oats 2s. 03d. to as. ofid. New Wheat 7s. to 7s. Gd.
Elliott, Gibraltar, and Diving Bell. This Day is published, Price 1s. Embellished with the following Engravings: I. A striking Likenefs of Lieutenant General Elliott, drawn by Miller, from an original Painting in the Possession of Mrs. Fuller, the General's Daughter 2. A large Quarto perspective View of the Castle and Bay of Gibraltar, with the Spanish Investment, and the English Fleet relieving the Garrison in April, 1781. — 3. A View of the Diving Bell and Machinery used in the Case of the Royal George— 4. Four Pages of Music. THE EUROPEAN MAGAZINE, and LONDON REVIEW, for SEPTEMBER, 1782. By the
PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Containing Memoirs of the Life and military Services of General Elliott—- Syllabus of the Anatomical Ledures de- livered by Dr. Hunter and Mr. Cruikshank, with Anecdotes of Dr. Hunter.-— Description of the Diving Bell — Lucile, ou femme a la mode Anecdotes of the Arts and living Ar- tists of Great- Britain, No. History and Description of Gibraltar Henry and Eliza.— 1The Country Curate Charles and. Sophia.— Essays on Thinking, Judging, & c.— The London Review contains Remarks on the new Publica- tions, with Anecdotes of the Authors; among which are Mr. Scott's Poems.— Miss Burney's
Cecilia Dr. Andrew's Inquiry into the Manners and Customs, & c Ignatius San- cho's Letters.— Mrs. Mary Deverell's Miscellanies.-- The Bishop of Landaff's Answer to Soame Jenyn Malcom Mac Gregor's Poem of the Dean and Squire.— Biographical Anec- dotes of Sir Willam Blackstone, & c. & e. Parliamentary Pro- ceedings. Theatrical Register— Revolution of Ireland.- — Music.- — Poetry.— Chronicle, & c. London, printed for J. Fielding, No. 23, Pater- noster- row. And sold by Evans and Hazell, T. Dunn, J. Hough, S. Harward, and J. Washbourn, Glocester ; T. Stevens, Ci- rencester; J. Allen, Hereford; W. North, Brecon;
Mrs. Price, Hay ; and P. Davis, Leominster. STATE LOTTERY, 1782. THE TICKETS, and Shares of Tickets, are sold and divided into HALVES, QUARTERS, EIGHTHS, and SIXTEENTHS, by HAZARD and Co. Stock- Brokers, at their State Lottery Office, No. 93, under the Royal Exchange, London, ( and no where else on their Account.) Correct Numerical and Register Books ate kept, and Tickets and Shares registered at Six Pence per Number. Note, in the last Lottery the following capital Prizes were sold and shared at this Office, viz. two of 20,000l. and one of 10,000!. THE SCHEME. Value of each. 2C, oool. is 10,000
5,000 — 2,000 — 1,000 500 loo —— 50 ao No. of Prizes. % % » 4 8 20 SO 250 14.000 of Total Value. 40,000). 2C, OCO 10,000 ,8,000 8, co © to, 000 5,000 14,500 2 So, coo 14,338 Prizes • Firft Drawn Ticket for the firfi five? Days, 500I. each - - - - • ' j Firft Drawn Ticket for the loth and ? 15th Days, l. oool. each - - . - J Firft Drawn Ticket for the iSth Day - - Firft Drawn Ticket for the 2ift Day - - The laft Drawn Ticket 26,162 Blanks 40,500 Tickets, 393' 5co 2,500 2, COO 2,000 3,000 2, QUO 405,000 The prefent Price of SHARES HALF 81. 12s. FOURTH — 4I. 7s. EIGHTH — 2I. 4s. SIXTEENTH — tl. 2s. Not two Blanks to a
Prize.—- The Prizes to bs paid with- out Deduction. %* All Shares fold at this Office will be damped agreea- ble to Ad of Parliament, and alfo with the Crown, and round ! t Hazard's Lottery Ofjic*. Money for the Prizes will be paid at this Office as foon as drawn. Letters ( Poft paid) duly anfwered, and Schemes gratis. Begins Drawing the 18th of November. N. B. Agreeable to Aft of Parliament, no Buftnefs in the Lottery tranfaded before Eight o'Clock in the Morning, nor after Eight o'Clock in the Evening. Bank, India, and South Sea Stocks, with their feveral Annuities, India Bonds, Navy and Vidualling Bills, and all Kir.!? of
Government Securities bought and fold by Com- miffion. Bills not payable at Sight muft be drawn on ( tamped Paper, and no Bill of a long Date can be taken. This Day was published, In one large Volume, 0ctavo„ Price bound 7s A new Edition, greatly enlarged, and carefully corrected by Edward Harwood, D. D. Being the Twenty- fourth, of AN UNIVERSAL ETYMOLOGICAL EN- GLISH DICTIONARY; comprehending the Deriva- tions of the Generality of Words in the English Tongue, ei- ther ancient or modern, from the ancient British, Saxon, Danish, Norman, and modern French, Teutonick, Dutch, - Spanish, Italian; as also
from the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew Languages, each in their proper Characters. And also a brief and clear Explication of all difficult Words, derived from any of the aforesaid Languages, and Terms of Art, relating to Anatomy, Botany, Physic, Pharmacy, Sur gery, Chemistry, Philosophy, Divinity, Mathematics, Gram- mar, Logick, Rhetorick, Musick, Heraldry, Maritime Af- fairs, Military Discipline, Horsemanship, Hunting, Hawk- ing, Fowling, Fishing, Gardening, Husbandry, Handicrafts] Confectionary, Carving, Cookery, & c. Together with a large Collection and Explication of Words Phrases used in our ancient Statutes, Charters,
Writs, old Records, and Processes in Law; and the Etymology and In- terpretation of the proper Names of Men, Women, and re- markable Places in Great- Britain : Also the Dialects of our different Countries. Containing many Thousand Words more than either Harris, Philips, Kersey, or any English Dictionary before extant. To which is added, a Collection of our most common Pro- verbs, with their Explication and Illustration. The whole Work compiled and methodically digested, as well for the Entertainment of the Curious, as the Information of the Ignorant; and for the Benefit of young Students, Ar- tificers, Tradesmen, and
Foreigners, who are desirous tho- roughly to understand what they speak, read or write. By N. BAILEY, Philology. Printed for J. Buckland, W. Strahan, J. F. and C. Riving- ton, W. Owen, T. Caslon, T. Longman, B. Law, C. Rivington, J. Wilkie, C. Corbet, G. Keith, J Robson, T. Lowndes, S. Bladon, G. Robinson, R. Baldwin, H. S. Woodfall. W. Woodfall, W. Goldsmith, J. Sewell, T. Bee- croft, J. Bew, Z. Stuart, J. Russell, T. Evans, J. Field- ing, J. Walker, S. Hayes, W. Lepard, E. Newbery, and B. Collins. And sold by Evans and Hazell, T. Dunn, J. Hough, S. Har- ward, and Washbourn, in Glocester; T. Stevens, Ciren- cester; J.
Bence, Wotton- Underedge ; C. Badham and J. Allen, Hereford; P. Davis, Leominster; and Mrs. Price, Hay. #*„ The peculiar and unrivalled Excellence of this Work is the Definition and Explanation of many technical Terms, which belong to refpedive Sciences, and are not found in otner Dictionaries; particularly are the Terms in Anatomy, Physic, Natural Philosophy, and the Mathematics, Concisely and familiarly illustrated in this Thesaurus. In short, its principal Excellence is, that it is a scientific Dictionary, and more useful to common Readers, especially to Persons in the Country, than any Dictionary hitherto published. The Ety mological Part is written in plain and easy Language, and every Thing is treated wirh Perspecuity as well as Erudition, Mr. Bailey possessing a happy Method of communicating his Ideas. tN. B, This new Edition is entered at Stationers- Hall, ac- cording to Act of Parliament. THE CHELTENHAM COACH is removed from the Castle and Falcon Inn, Aldersgate- Street, to the Bell- Savage Inn, Ludgate Hill, LONDON, which, instead of running three Times will run only once a Week during the Winter. Will set set off from the Bell Savage Inn next Wednesday Night, at Ten o'Ctock, the 2d of Odober, to the George Inn, Cheltenham,
and return from thence every Thursday Night to London. Performed by MASTERS and BREWER, Cirencester. PHILLIPS, and Co. Fairford. Sept. 27. Siston, in the County of Glocester, Sept. 24. WHEREAS William Player, lately advertised in the Bath Chronicle and Glocester Journal, and who was desired to return home to his Wife and Family, has not given proper Attention to the same : This is therefore to give Notice, that any Person of Persons who will discover where the said William Player is, so that he may be appre- hended and taken before some one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, shall receive One Guinea
Reward by sending such Information to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Parish of Siston near Bristol, who are authorized to pay the same. %* The said William Player is about five Feet eight Inches high, has sandy Hair and Eyebrows, is betwen thirty and forty Years of Age, and has been accustomed to drive a Team of Horses, Duly licensed, agreeable to Act of Parliament. STATE LOTTERY, 1782 THE TICKETS and SHARES of TICKETS are sold and divided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, at the loweft Prices, by BYFIELD AND HAWKESWORTH, At their Original Stale- Lottery- Office, the Corner of .
Craig's- Court, Charing- Cross, London ; where the Lottery Business has been carried on with Care and Fidelity, and whete many capital Prizes have been sold and shared in the Lotteries fur Twenty- nine Years past. TICKETS and SHARES registered at Six pence per Number, and the earliest Account sent to any Part of Great- Britain or Ireland. SCHEME. No. of Prizes. Value of each. Total Value. 2 of 2O, 0OGl. is .40,0001. 1 10, coo • • • 2C, OCO % —— 5, coo 10. COO 4 —— 2, GOO 8, 00 8 —— 1,000 8,000 20 SO 10, coo ' jp — lOO 5, COO 250 5° — 12,5OO 14,000 -—- 20 280,000 14,338 Prizes. 393,500 First- drawn
Ticker, for the fird five 7 Days, tool. each 5 2,5 10 First- drawn Ticket for the loth and 7 15th Days, l. oool. each r - 5 2,000 First- drawn on the l- Sth Day, 2,000 First- drawn on the 21ft Day, 3, oco The last- drawn Ticket 2, COO 26,162 Blanks. 40,500 Tickets. 405,000 Not two Blanks to a Prize. In this Lottery the full Money will be paid f r the Prizes; and will begin Drawing on Monday the 18th- of . November. All Shares sold at this Office are stamped under the Direc- tion of his Majesty's Conmissioners for managing the Stamp Duties; where the original Tickets are deposited pursuant to Act of Parliament, Schemes gratis; and
Letters ( Post- paid) duly answered. The present Price of SHARES : £ <• & d. Half, - 8 12 I Eighth, - 240 Quarter, - 4 7 1 Sixteenth, - 120 Country Correspondents, by remitting good Bills at Sight, or of a short Date, may have Tickets and Shares on the same Terms as if personally present. This Day is published, Price 7s. bound. Printed on FINE PAPER and GOOD LETTER, A new EDITION, very much amended, with the Addition of the DERIVATIONS, and other very material Improve- ments, which render this Dictionary, beyond a Doubt, the best and most perfect extant, AComplete and Universal ENGLISH DICTIONARY, on a
new Plan. INCLUDING NOT ONLY I. A full EXPLANATION of difficult WORDS and tech- nical TERMS, in all Faculties and Professions, whether in Algebra Anatomy, Architecture, Arithmetic, Astronomy, Botany, Chemistry, Dialling, Divinity, Gardening, Geography, Geometry, Grammar, Heraldry, History, Husbandry, Hydrostatics, Law, Mathematics, Mechanics, Military Art, Music, Natural History, Navigation, Optics, Painting, Perspective, Philosophy, Pneumatics, Poetry, Rhetoric, Sculpture, Surveying, & c. TO be LET, a compact FARM, situate in the Parish of Iron- Acton, in Glocestershire, consisting of from 110, to 25o Acres.
— For Particulars enquire of Mr. King, at the Lodge. HEREFORDSHIR E. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. LUCAS, Auctioneer, at Whitchurch, in the faid County, on Tuesday the 8th of October next all the genuine HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE, PI. ATE, CHINA, & c. of a Gentleman going to leave the Country; consisting of Four- post Bedsteads, with Mahogany fluted Pods, and Moreen Furniture; fine Goose and other Feather Beds, Blankets and Counterpanes; Ma- hogany Chairs, with Darnask and Satin Hair Bottoms; Dining, Card, Pembroke, and Tea Tables; Bureaus and Chests of Drawers; Oval, Pier, and Swing Glasses;
Floor, Bedside, and Stair- case Carpets; with a Variety of other va- luable Articles. The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock, and continue ' till all is sold. The following MEDICINES are sold by R. RAIKES, Southgate- Street, Glocester. Against AUTUMNAL COMPLAINTS, At this Time so very predominant from OBSTRUCUTED PERSPIRATION, BEAUME DE VIE. By the KING's Patent THERE is not, in the whole Materia Medica so great a Preservative as this celebrated Medicine ; which, by its cordial, attenuating, and detergent Powers, fortifies the Stomach and Bowels, purifies the Blood and Juices, and gives to the whole System its
natural Equilibrium. To thefe Qualities the Faculty ascrihe its great Efficacy ip BILIOUS, GOUTY, RHEUMATIC, and SCORBUTIC Complaints. From the same Principle, it has never failed to relieve in Languid, Nervous, and Hypochondriac Cases: And hence it has been found so particularly beneficial in Fe- male Disorders. %* To prevent Counterfeits the Bottles are each signed by W. Nicoll., T. BECKET, ( Vender) ( a Proprietor) *„* The Proprietors of this Medicine are very happy to receive from their Correspondents the most flattering Accounts of its Efficacy in the present reigning Complaint in the Sto- mach and Bowels. Sold,
by W. Nicoll, in St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, at 3s. the bottle, with the usual Allowance ; and by R. Raikes, in Glocester; Husband and Elder, Edinburgh; and J. Potts, Dublin; Taylor, and Crutwell, Bath; Pearson and Co. Bir- mingham ; North, Brecon; Browne, Chew, Bonner and Co. Bristol; Williams and Co. Carmarthen; Potter, Haver- fordwest; Pugh, and Allen, Hereford; Jackson, Oxford; Allen, Pembroke; Tudor, Monmouth; Harrold, Marl- borough; Hogg, Stroud: Hartelbury, Tewkesburyj Hart, Wolverhampton ; and Tymbs, Worcester. Of whom may be had, Dr. ANDERSON'S only Genuine SCOTS PILLS, Truly prepared by
the sole Proprietor, JAMES I N G L I S H, At the Unicorn, at No. 165, opposite the New Church in the Strand, London. THIS Medicine is peculiarly useful in disor- ders of the STOMACH and BOWEL- after hard drink- ing, excess in eating, SURFEITS, want of Appetite or Sleep, One or two pills taken twice a week, or oftener, will pre- vent the SCURVY, PESTILENTIAL FEVERS, and other malignant distempers: it is therefore the best medicine for seafaring people. It will preserve its virtues many years, and in all climates. It ia very beneficial in the following disor- ders, viz. INDIGESTION, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, DROPSY, TONE,
GRAVEL, GREEN- SICKNESS, CHOLIC, GRIPE, WIND in the Stomach and Bowels, and all Obstructions WORMS cannot breed in the bowels of those who frequently take this medicine. It is excellent in disorders peculiar to women ; and may be taken with great safety during the whole time of pregnancy, and even in the time of delivery if the body be costive. A greaterproof of the excellency of this medicine cannot be given than that the gentlemen of the facuity take it fre- quently. The late celebrated , hysician, Sir Edward Hulse, Bart, was so fully convinced of the great excellency of it, that he gave Mr. Inglish a certificate,
recommending it as an ex- cellent family medicine : which certificate and treatise Mr. Inglish is willing to shew to any gentleman who may be desi- rous to see them. There are many who counterfeit it; some have copied Mr Inglish's direction, which are the Doctor's own words, taken from his treatise. Some make use of his family coat of arms, which is his seal on the top of his boxes: others say, that they are partners with him, and ride the country in his name, though neither his grandfather father, or himself, ever has any partner, or ever allowed any one to take orders for them For these reasons he troubles the public with this
advertise- ment. II. A PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY; in which the proper Sounds of English Words are given in a Manner so plain and simple, that both Natives and Fo- reigners may correct an improper, ot acquire a right Pro- nunciation of the English Language. IIR The Origin of each Word ; its different Meanings or Applications explained ; and illustrated by Authorities, and properly accented ; as also followed by Initial Letters, de- noting in the Part of Speech to which it is appropriated. IV. The Difference between Words esteemed Synonimous pointed out; and the proper Choice of them determined. V. An Epitome of the
History ' of England; including every remarkable Event, from the Time of Egbert to the Con- clucion of the Peace of Versailles in 1763, arranged alpha- betically under each King's Name, and including the Cha- rader of each Sovereign, with ' the State ' of fhe Arts and Sciences during his Reign. VI. An Historical and Geographical Description of the vari. ous Empires, Kingdoms, States, Republics, Provinces, Cities, and chief Towns of the known World. VII. A short Account of the Primitive and Modern Sects and Divisions in the Christian Church ; their Opin • s and Practices; together with a brief History of the Prophets and
Apostles. ' VIII. An authentic Account of the Counties, Cities,, and Market Towns in England, Wales, and Scotland; as also the Villages with Fairs ; the Days on which they are kept according to the New Stile, as well as the Cattle, Goods, and Merchandize sold thereat; and the exad Distance from London, carefully corrected from the latest Measurements. To which is prefixed, A free Enquiry into the Origin and Antiquity of Letters; An Essay on the Origin and Antiquity of the English Language; A Sketch of the Constitution, Go- vernment, and Trade of England ; a new compendious Gram- mar of the English Language ; and to the
whole is added, An Outline of Ancient and Modern History; including a chronological Series of remarkable Events, Discoveries, and Inventions, from the Creation to the present Time : Toge- ther with a cOmplete List of the Grecian, Roman, and Eng- lish Classicks. The whole comprising several Thousand Ar- ticles not to be found in any other Dictionary. By the Rev. JAMES BARCLAY, Curate of Edmonton, in Middlesex, and many Years Master of an Academy in Goodman's Fields, and at Tottenham; AND OTHERS. London, printed for John Rivington and Sons; B. Law; T. Lowrde; ; S. Bladon; Richardson and Urquhart ; J.
Sewett; W. Orridge; H. Gardiner ; and J. Bew. Sold also by Evans. and Hazell, T. Dunn, J. Hough, S. Har- ward, and J. Washbourn, in Glocester; T. Stevens, Ciren- cesler; J. Bence and R. Dyde, Wotton ; C. Badham, and J. Allen, Hereford ; W. North, Brecon ; Mrs. Price, of the Hay ; L. Barnikel, Carmarthen; and P. Davis, Leominster. B I C K L E Y and Co.' s Grand FEBRIFUGE and SPECIFIC, For the HOOPING or CHIN COUGH. THIS GRAND ARCANUM is an infallible Cure for the Hooping or Chin- Cough, which is con firmed by abundant Experience. This Medicine is perfectly wholsome ; gently removes the gross, tough
Phlegm with which the Hooping- Cough is always attended ; the Want of such a Medicine, and the Loss of a great Number of Chil- dren, have induced the Proprietors to publish this Specific for general Good. It is a mod excellent Remedy in all Fevers, particularly all the Train of inward Fevers in Infants and young Children, when, by too much Food and too little Exercise, Indigestion and Obstructions are produced, which end in the Rickets or Death Also, Fevers in grown Persons, caused by sudden Chills or Colds; and is far more commodious and equally ef- ficacious with any Medicine hitherto known in Europe.- As its great
Merit consists in removing Obstructions, this Specific, if continued for some Weeks In small Doses, opens all the Canals in the Constitution, especially in the mesente- ric Glands, by which the Heat and Fulness of the Belly are removed; and being of a subtile, penetrating Nature, it en ters the Substance of the Bones and Gristles of Children, and reduces their enlarged Heads and Joints to a natural Size, with little or no sensible Operation. Sold by the Proprietors, at their Wholesale Medicinal Warehouse, No. 5, the Foot of Black Friars Bridge, Surry- Side. Pr'ce 2s. the Bottle. Sold alfo by R. Raikes, Printer, Southgate- Street,
Glocester; S. Harward, at Glo cester, Tewkesbury, and Cheltenham ; Tymbs, Worcester Mrs. Prosser, Ross; Stevens, Cirencester ; Dyde, Wotton Underedge; Forty, Chippenham; Barnikell, Carmarthen Rees, Llandovery; Pugh, Hereford; and by the Glocester Newsmen. Where also may be had, Healing Mammillary Balsam for tender or chapt Nipples, which gives immediate Relief, and never known failing to cure. Price 2s. 6d. the Bottle. Dr. Logan's never- failing Ointment for a Scald Head 2s. 6d. the Box. Electuary, Diet Drink, Lotion, and Ointment, for the King's Evil and every Scorbutic Complaint. Electuary, 2s. 6d the Pot.
Diet Drink, 3s. the Quart. Lotion, is. 6d. the Bottle, and Ointment, is. 6d. the Pot. Vegetable Specific Electuary and Apozem for the Stone and Gravel. Electuary, as. the Pot. Apozem, 2S. 6d. the Bottle. Pedoral Asthmatic Mixture and Electuary. Mixture; is. 6d. the Bottle. Electuary, 2S. 6d. the Pot. Vegetable Resterative for Coughs and Consumptions. Price 3s.. the Bottle. Balsam of Liquorice Root, for Colds, Coughs, and all Dis- orders of the Bread and Lungs. Price 2s. the Bottle. Ointment for Itch, which was never known failing to cure Price is. 6d. the Box. Tincture for the Teeth. Price 1s. the Bottle- Sugar Cakes for Worms.
Price 1s. the Box. Vegetable Lotion for Chilblains. Price is. 6d. the Bottle Ointment for Ditto. Price is. 6d. the Pot. Dr. LOWTHER's NERVOUS POWDERS and DROPS, Prepared by Dr. H I N D E. CERTIFICATE of CURE. S I R , WITH the greatest Joy and Pleasure I can in- form you of my Restoration to perfect Health, and the Continuance of it for twelve Months past, by Use of your Nervous Medicines, without Interruption, or Occurrence of any bad Symptom since. I was greatly affected with Dizzi- ness, Stupor, and Pain of the Head, continual Dejection, Lassitude, Inattention, Failure of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Horrors,
Startings, Indigestion, Oppression from Wind, and many other dismal Symptoms. In this Situation, de- spairing of Relief, ( from Inefficacy and Trial of Variety of Medicines,) being providentially recommended to your Care by Mr. Howland, ( cured by you of similar Complaints,) and now recovered to Vigour and Strength; I think it an incum. bent Duty to publish and atted my Cure, that People, labour- ing under Nervous Disorders, may know where to apply for Relief. JOHN ANDREWS. Woolwich, April 26, 1782. These Medicines are sold only by R. RAIKES, in ti* Southgate- Street. Of ivhom may be had, CAKES for making a
SHINING LIQUID BLACKING, for SHOES, BOOTS, See. These Cakes make, with the utmost Ease, by the Addition of Water only a most excellent Shining Liquid Blacking, much superior ia any hitherto known. It gives the fined Black, and most beau- tiful Gloss to the Leather, yet never renders it stiff or hard, but, on the contrary, prevents its cracking, and preserves it soft, pliable, and mellow to the very last, whereby it is r* » - dered more agreeable to- the Wearer, as well a » much more durable : It is perfedly free from Smell, and the Shoes that are blacked with it, will neither soil the Fingers in putting or. nor the Stockings in
wearing. By Authority of the KING's PATENT, granted to JACKSON and MOWBRAY, At his Royal Patent Wholesale Medicinal Warehouse, 95, Fleet Market, London j where Country Dealers i » a- be supplied with the following genuine Medicines, sat good Allowance to sell again, I. JACKSON's TINCTURE for the Rheumatism, Gravel, Stone, Cholic, or Griping of the Bowels, or any windy Disorders; it not only gives dresent ease, but if continued taking, one bottle or two will entirely remove and destroy the Cause; and is infallible in Disorder of the Fair Sex, either young or old ( it is far superior to any Medicine extant.) Likewise
Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Strains, old Ulcers, or Swellings of any Kind, especially White Swel- lings, it cures to Admiration. Price 16. the Bottle. » . The only true BRITISH POWDER for the teeth gums. Its virtues are as follow, viz. It cleanses the teeth and gums of all scorbutic humours, which always attend them when foul. It brings the gums to fill up the proper places and channels which the fcurvy hath eaten away. ' h causes a sweet and pleasant breath imimediately after applic- cation. It refines the palate, and preserves a plesfant taste in the mouth. It preftrves all the teeth that are found en- tire, and those that are decayed from
growing any worse. It will always prevent their aching, after this application. It makes them as beautiful and white as the whitest ivorj, and always keeps the mouth free from cankers, and all oth « hot and dangerous humours. Price is. the box 3, The famous PATENT OINTMENT for the ITCH, which effectually cures that Diftemptr at once dreffimj, without the leaft Danger: It entirely cleanfes the Body from all Spots, Blotches, scurvical Itchings, or Breakings on « whatsoever, as Thousands to their great Joy have happily experienced ; and is allowed to be one of the safest and best Remedies for that Distemper ever found out, and
never known to fail.—^ N. B. It does notdainthe fined linen, b « has a delightful Smell, and makes the skin extremely smooth and soft, and for its Safety may be applied to a fucking chiid. Price is. 6d. the Box; one Box being ' ufficteot to cure a grown Person, and divided, is a Cure for two Children. Despair not, for it has never been known to fail: Sold by R. Raikes, Glocester; Mr. Hogg and Mr. Ranger, Stroud; Mr. Constable and Mr. Harris, Tetbury; Mr. Faithorne, Dursley; Mr. Sarjeant, Newent; Mr. Wood, Winchcomb; Mr. Hartlebury, Tewkesbury; Mr. Lewis and Miss Watkins, Ross ; Mr. Fryer, Coleford. Of whom may be had. The
RESTORATIVE MEDICINE. To Dr. SMYTH, Suffolk- Street, near Charing- Cross, LONDON. AS I shall leave England in a few Days, I beg Leave to inform you, that I am happily recovered from the weak relaxed State I was in, by taking your RESTORA- TIVE MEDICINE, and now enjoy better Health and Spirits than I have done for Years past. I intend taking some of your Medicines to Sea with m* » and will ever retain a grateful Senfe of the Obligations I am under to you for the particular Attention you paid to my Cafe. You may make what Ufe you pleafe of this Letter, and I am, Sir, & c. Portsmoutb, June 30, 1781. WILLIAM
WHITE. In the Course of 14 Years, since the Publication of this NEW MEDICINE, as well as before in private Practice, no- thing of the Kind was ever known to be given with the like Success in Gleets, Weaknesses, Debility, See. in either Sex, whether natural, or acquired by the Effects of Mercury, frequent Debauches, and in nervous Complaints; alfo the Difeafes OG- casioned by a Residence in a hot Climate, and thofe fecret In- firmities which attack Persons advancing in Years, have beta by this Remedy removed, and the natural Powers of the whole vital System nourished, comforted, and prolonged. For a more particular
Account, read a Treatise just pub- lished, the Eighteenth Edition, Price is. 6d. ( to be had where the Medicine is sold) where the above- mentioned Dis- orders are particularly described, and some remarkable Cases taken Notice of. The Restorative is to be had in Bottles at 10s. 6d. each. The EGYPTIAN BALSAM. THE EGYPTIAN B A L S A M is. the Result of many Years Application of one of the first Physicians this Kingdom ever produced. The Knowledge ac- quired by his Travels and Study, added to his very exten- sive Practice for many Years, have rendered his Reputa- tion above all the Power df Panegyric. Hence the
Faculty fcruple not to declare the Egyptian Balfam superior to any Thing before offered to the Public for the Cure of old Sores and Ulcers, Green Wounds, Cancerous and Inflammatory Tu- mours, Biles, Blotches, Whitlows, and particularly for <*- trading Thorns and Splinters. WILLIAM WILKIN, a boy about ten Years of Age, was bad for some Time with a sore Leg. It was first occa- sioned by a Scratch, and not being taken proper Care of im- mediately a violent fcoibutic Humour fell into it, and he be- came quite lame. The Wound in a short Time was very much inflamed, and his Leg apparently in great Danger; but by a proper
Application of this Balsam he was in a short Time perfectly cured. The Egyptian Balsam is certainly preferable to any Thing else in the World, as it is most exceedingly delicate, having no- thing disagreeable either in the Smell or Colour; the Coni- position is so perfectly Innocent that it may be applied to the mod tender and weak Constitutions, even to an Infant, and the Application is so easy, that it requites very little Trou- ble and to Confinement. It is sold at Is. 6.1. a Pot, by R. Raikes, Glocester; Ste- vens, Cirencester; Careless, Newent; Allen, Hereford $ P.. Davis, Leominster ; at Brown's Medicinal Warehouse, Christ- mas-
Street, and J. Chew, Bristol; Price, Hay; Cruttwell, Bath; Jackson, Oxford; and by Mr. Hodson, jun. in Cam- bridge, who supplies all Orders for the Countiy or Exporta- tion. At the same Place may he had, VELNO's VEGETABLE SYRUP, an acknowledged Specific in all Venereal and Scorbutic Cases, Scrophula or King's Evil, Inflammations of the Eyes, Piles, Fistulas, and pimpled Faces. Price 10s. 6d. The IMPERIAL OIL, a Medicine in the highest Repute as a certain Remedy for all Kinds of Sprains, Bruises, Weak- ness, Stiffness, Contradions, Injuries from Blows and Fails, Rickets, Rheumatic Pains, & c. & c. Price 2S. 6d. G L
O C E S T E R , Printed by R. R A I K E S , in the Southgate- Street,