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The Glocester Journal


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The Glocester Journal

Date of Article: 12/08/1782
Printer / Publisher: R. Raikes 
Address: Southgate-street, Gloucester
Volume Number: LXI    Issue Number: 3148
No Pages: 4
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VOL. I XI. MONDAY, Auguft 12, 1782. THURSDAY'S POST. This Day arrived the Mails from France and Flanders. Vienna, July 23. fJOGOGIOOOK LIKE Henry VIII. of England, our W glorious monarch will find his zeal for the reformation of abuses in the Romish church, and his endeavours TK ? K to dispel those clouds of superstition with which the priests have ob- structed the progress of true reli- gion and rational piety, amply re- warded. There was found in the monastery of the Carmelites in our suburbs, lately suppressed, the sum of two millions of florins, [ 200,000l. sterling] which those good Monks, who affect the most extreme in- difference to the riches of this world, had amassed by ' selling Carmelite water. The Emperor agreeably to his taste for simplicity in divine worship, has ordered the church of Luxem- bourg to be divested of a great number of its statues and images. His Majesty went there the other day to hear Mass, and as he arrived late, he knelt down among the crowd ; thereby shewing to the people, that he was well perswaded, that at church, as well as in Paradice, all places are equal, when the heart is sincere in its devotion to the Deity. He did the same a little time ago in a church in one of our suburbs. The lands, which the Carthusians of Kalemberg possessed, have been sold for 200,000 florins [ 2o, oool] to the Prince d'Esterhazy. Paris, July 30. The Spaniards are to return to Cadiz the 15th of August, where will be eight more ships of the line ready to join the fleet. Our whole naval force will follow them, as soon as they have taken their provisions and water on board, for which purpose they are every day expected into Brest. When our fleets have formed a junction, they are to cover the siege of Gibraltar, which the English can never think of interrupting, at the risk of an engage- ment against 50 sail of the line, at 300 leagues distance from their own coasts. According to letters from the camp before Gibral- tar, the Duc de Crillon had made an offer to Gover- nor Elliot of some fresh provisions for his table. The English Governor returned thanks to the Duke for his polite offer r but he could not accept it ; as it was no less his inclination than his duty to confine himself to share the lot of his brave garrison, and be as temperate as they. The Prince of Asturias never speaks but with the highest veneration of the brave defender of the pillars of Hercules. This siege will be one of the most memorable events of the age we live in. The Emperor of Morocco has intimated his desire of being present at the grand assault, and his Catholic Majesty has most willingly given his consent; in return the African Monarch hath made a present to the besiegers of 8000 oxen. Every thing announces that the de- fence will be as vigorous as the attack ; for from the Observatory, which the Duke caused to be erected, It is perceived that the preparations making by the English are immense. LONDON, Tuesday, August 6. Extract of a letter from Algesires, July 17. " Activity seemed to be a stranger in our camp be- fore Gibraltar,' ' till the Duke de Crillon assumed the command : since that period the whole camp is daily in motion ; the General is on horseback at six in the morning, and passes his time between the workmen and the troops under arms, directing the former, and exercising the latter in those evolutions which he fore- sees may be necessary in forming the grand attack, for - which he cannot be ready, after all his care, before the 20th of August. The oldest soldier in the world never beheld such an immense train of artillery at any siege, as we have here; there are at prefent, three batteries in forwardness, of 9 guns each, 54 pounders, for battering one particular part of the fortress, the fire to be angular, and to prevent the besieged from having a spot to stand on in safety in that quarter, there are vast ovens for heating balls, which are to be sent red- hot into the garrison, in hopes of setting fire to the powder brought out of the magazines for the supply of the different batteries of the besieged. It is the intention of our General, as soon as every thing is ready for commencing the most dreadful fire that ever was directed againlt any fortress, to send a flag to Go- vernor Elliott, to offer him the most honourable terms, if he will surrender the place; but it is not ex- pected that the English Commander will listen to any terms, ' till he is reduced to the last extremity ; his past conduct makes us look for a desperate resistance on his part; and we are all ready to do him the justice to think, that when he does surrender, it will be after having made the most gallant defence. " The Duke, though he expects a refusal to his summons, is nevertheless determined to send it, that he may not be answerable for the carnage that must ensue, if Gibraltar should be stormed. Strong as that fortress is at present, there is a moral certainty that it must fall, tho' the garrison should be even twice as numerous as it is; it is impossible that any garrison can long bear the fatigue consequent upon an inces- sant firing, day and night, from some hundreds of mortars ; we therefore look for the fall of Gibraltar, not more from the execution of our artillery, than from the exhausted state into which the garrison must be thrown by continual watchings, and endless labours in endeavouring to restore their demolished works. So certain are we of success, that the govern- ment of Gibraltar is already promised to the Duke of Medina- Sidonia. The old idea of undermining the rock, and blowing it up, is renounced as impracti- ble." Gen. Elliott's last dispatches mention, that the fatigues the men endure from their close attendance to duty, inevitably prevents him, till he can get a supply of men, from giving the enemy any interrup- tion in the carrying on of their works. He says, that since the last effectual sally which he made, they have been cautious; for that instead of having their grand camp at the distance of four miles from their works, they have now contrived it to be within half a mile of their engineers, which makes any attempt in the garrison of Gibraltar to disturb them, very dangrerous. ' The re- enforcements for the garrison of Gibraltar consist of the tw0 Hanoverian battalions now at Ply- mouth, and recruits for all the regiments at Gibraltar, consisting in the whole of 2000 men, who are to em- bark on board the men of war. On Wednesday landed on South Sea Common, Portsmouth, the Count de Grasse, where carriages had been procured by Vice- Admiral Sir Peter Parker, who conducted him to the George ; a most sumptuous dinner having been prepared for him and his suite by Sir Peter Parker, who, with the liberality of a prince, and the hospitality of a true born Englishman, pre- ferring the credit and honour of his country to the happiness of seeing his family, ( after a seven years absence in the service of the King) entertained him, and his officers, at his own expence, until the Count had permission to go to London, which was not till Friday morning, when he set off with his suite, at- tended by the Admiral, who had previously sent an express to the George at Godalming to prepare din- ner and beds, and on Saturday morning pursued their route to Mrs. Nugent's ( the mother of Lady Parker) in Queen's- square, Westminster, where another ex- press had been sent to prepare for their reception. Indeed it must be acknowledged, the bravery of the Count, added to his noble deportment and affability of his manners, justly entitles him to the civility and respect of the British nation. On Saturday Count de Grasse dined at the house of Lady Parker, mother of Sir Peter Parker, and con- tinued there for the rest of the day. Yesterday morn- ing he walked through the Park, from Queen's square to the house of Lord Harrington, where he sat at the windows, from which he had an opportunity of see- ing the crouds that were drawn into the Park by the fine day. The Count was drest in the French naval uniform, but agreeable to the etiquette, without his sword. The interview between him and Lord Rod- ney must have furnished an admirable hint for a ca- ricature. The contrast between his figure and that of Lord Rodney might have been brought into a print, intitled, The National Character Reversed.— He is tall, corpulent, and florid as an Englishman-.- Lord Rodney as lean and short as a Frenchman, When his Majesty heard of the arrival of the Count de Grasse at the Royal Hotel, he sent a polite message, informing him that an apartment was ready at St. James's for his reception, if he chose it ; to which the Count returned a grateful acknowledgment, thanking his Majesty for his offer, but he was so partial to his present apartments that he wished to retain them. The Count is about six feet four inches high, of an athletic person, fine manly carriage, and of a noble aspect. He appears remarkably cheerful, and is very fond of walking about. Yesterday as Count de Grasse was walking through Pall- Mall, he was accidentally met by an honest Jack Tar, who, eying the Count from head to foot, ex- claimed; D e, he is a fine fellow—- aye, and a brave one too, and fought like an Englishman: What say you, My lads ( addressing the crowd that gathered round) my shall we give him three cheers. The Count took off his hat very graciously, and walked on, seemingly de- lighted with this public testimony, void of flattery, which his enemies even give to his military prowess and valour. Yesterday fome difpatches were received from Charles- Town, South- Carolina, brought over in the Fame armed ship, Capt. Morgan, arrived in the Downs. From the SOUTH- CAROLINA GAZETTE Charles- Town, June 1. Yesterday arrived here the brig Mercury, laden with coffee, cotton, and sugar in 14 days from Port- au- Prince, bound for Philadel- phia, but taken by his Majesty's sloop of war Fury on the 27th of last month, in latitude 29 deg. N. The prize brings accounts of 21 sail of the French line having arrived at Cape Francois, some of them in a very shattered condition ; and that the French ship which sunk in the action with Admiral Rodney was Le Valiant, not La Diademe, as was first said A circumstance is added, the mentioning of which is distressing to humanity, that the whole crew of Le Valiant, which sunk in the action, were drowned. Baltimore, ( Maryland) May 14. A number of small privateers, five of which are said to be armed barges, manned principally by desperate refugees, now infest our bay, and greatly annoy our commerce. Three of them lately captured an armed boat from Annapo lis, under Capt. Grayson's command, near the Tan gier Islands, after a sharp contest, in which this brave Captain and several of his men lost their lives, after performing signal acts of valour. Annapolis, ( Maryland) May 16. In the House of Delegates, May 15, 1782. Rivington's Royal Gazette of the 8th instant an nouncing the arrival of Sir Guy Carleton at New York, as a Commissoner for making peace or war in North America; the dissolution of the late British Ministry, and the appointment of a new Administra tion ; and the draught of a bill brought into the Bri tish Parliament to enable the King of Great Britain to conclude a peace or truce with the United States ( by the appellation of the revolted Colonies) being laid before the house and read, Resolved unanimously, That it is the opinion of this house, that peace with Great- Britain and all the world is an object truly desirable, but that war, with all its calamities, is to be preferred to national dishonour and that it is the sentiment of this house, that any ne gociation for peace or truce, not agreeable to the al liance with France, is inadmissible; that every danger ought to be encountered, every event hazarded, ra- ther than fully our national character, or violate, in the least degree, our connexion with our great and good ally ; and that good faith, gratitude, and safety, forbid any treaty with Great Britain, but in conjunc- tion with France, or with her consent first- obtained. Resolved unanimously, That this House will exert the power of the state to enable Congress to prose- cute the war, until Great Britain renounce all claim of sovereignty over the United States, or any part thereof, and until their independence be formally, or tacitly, assured by the treaty with Great Britain, France, and the United States, which shall terminate the war. W. HARWOOD, Clerk. Extract of a letter from Dover, August 4. " Arrived the ship Lord Germain, Capt. William Thouburne, in six weeks, from Charles- Town, South- Carolina. In her Lieutenant- Colonel Macpherson, of the 71ft, Lieutenant Wynyard, of the 33d, and Lieutenant Sir Egerton Leigh, of the 37th regiment, came passengers, and by her we have the following intelligence : " That on the 17th of June, 36 sail of transports, nder convoy of a 50 gun ship and three frigates, had rrived off Charles- Town Bar, from New- York, and sailed from thence the 22d, for Savannah, for the purpose of carrying off that garrison and that of St. Augustine. That a brig had arrived on the 21st at Charles Town from Savannah, by which a merchant in that town received a letter from his correspondent, acquainting him, that the merchants and principal inhabitants, on hearing of the evacuation of the pro vince of Georgia, waited on the Governor and Bri- gadier- General Clarke, to request permission to apply_, to General Wayne, in order to try if they could pro- cure any terms for the security and preservation of their properties and effects, which being granted them, they sent a deputation from their number, with a flag to the rebel General, who returned them for answer, That should the British garrison eventually effect an evacuation, the persons and properties of such inhabitants who chuse to remain in Savannah, will be protected by the military, and resigned inviolate into the hands of the civil authority, which must ultimately decide. Given at head- quarters, at Sharron, June 17, 1782. " ANTHONY WAYNE, B. B. " Commanding in Georgia." " That the inhabitants and merchants having sent a second flag out, Gen. Wayne, at the desire of the civil authority, sent them for answer, " That the merchants, not owing allegiance to the United " States, will be permitted to remain a reasonable time, to dispose of their goods, and settle their af- fairs. This is as far as General Wayne can en- gage." Major Habersham, who was charged with the last message, pledged himself, that they might rely, with the utmost confidence, on the terms pro- mised them. Dispatches were received yesterday at the Right Hon. Thomas Townshend's office at Whitehall, from Gen. Carleton, at New- York. They contain the ac- curate particulars of the negotiation lately entered into with the Congress, and the ultimate decision of that assembly upon it. It appears that Sir Guy had found means to bring over several members of that body to his interest, and among the number had in- duced Sir James Jay, their late president, who, it is supposed was tempted by very powerful reasons to alter his former opinions, and become an ad- vocate for a separate peace with England. Matters were in a train of promising expectation, he says, at one time, and he was in actual hopes that the preli- minai to a negotiation would have been agreed to, when an un- looked- for impediment took place, arising from a new convention of the inhabitants, who stile themselves Loyalists, and who have chosen Governor Franklin, nephew to Dr. Franklin, their commander. Their frequent excursions into parts of the country, where they commit the greatest depredations, such as setting fire to houses, & c. and particularly their affair of executing Capt. Huddy, induced Congress, in their first answer to Sir Guy Carleton's requisi- tions, to demand, in the most peremptory manner of him, to demolish and put an end to the Board, con- stituting and stiling themselves American Loyalists. This Sir Guy has transmitted to Government, at the same time informing the Secretary of State, that it was impossible for him to comply with these terms, as he represents the body of Loyalists to be in such force as to render a quarrel with them very dangerous on the part of this country ; and adds, that, from the greatness of their numbers, any offence against them might very much endanger New- York itself. On Saturday Government received some dispatches from Quebec, brought over in the King George, Capt. Whitfield. She sailed from thence the 7th of July, and brings advice that the London fleet, which sailed from Spithead the 2d of May, under convoy of the Assistance, of 50 guns, Captain Worth, being ar- rived in the river St. Lawrence; and she likewise brings intelligence of the arrival of the Cork fleet, which sailed from thence the 27th of April,, under convoy of the Daedalus, of 32 guns, Capt. Pringle. These fleets were very valuable, and great apprehen- sions were entertained by the merchants for their safety ; as certain advices had been received that Paul Jones, with his squadron of privateers, had left his station in the West- Indies, on purpose to attempt the interception of them ; but Government having been apprized of it, ordered an additional number of fri- gates on that station, which frustrated his intentions. Nathaniel Smith, Esq; is chosen deputy chairman of the East- India Company for the remainder of the year, by a considerable majority. It is finally settled, that Governor Hastings is not to be recalled, and that all the proceedings against the Eslt- India delinquents shall not be resumed; but in- stead of that process, that a new plan shall be laid be- fore Parliament, in which all past offences shall be pardoned, and provisions only made to prevent rapa- city, defalcation, and cruelty for the time to come. That towards this great and desirable object the system of Asiatic policy shall undergo a total change, and the government of the East be taken altogether out of the hands of the Company, and vested in those of the Crown ; that the management of the commerce of In- dia only shall be left to the Directors in Leadenhall- street; but the sole appointment of all the great officers, as well as the formation of all measures of state, ne- cessary either for the collection of the territorial reve- nues, or the preservation of our possessions, shall be vested solely in the Crown. All the capital ships of war now building are or- dered to be finished with the utmost dispatch ; up- wards of 500 shipwrights are put on the Impregna- ble, of 90 guns, at Deptford- yard, to compleat her as fast as possible. We hear from Leeds, that it appeared on examin- ing the Cloth- Searcher's account, at the sessions at Bradford last week, that there had been manufactured in that neighbourhood, within the last three months, no lefs than 36,210 pieces of broad woollen cloths, a greater quantity, by several thousand pieces, than were ever manufactured before in the same space of time. Wednesday last came on at Newcastle, before Lord Chief Baron Skinner,' and a most respectable special Jury, the great tithe cause between the Duke of Port- land, and the Rev. Mr. Smallridge, rector of Bothalj when, after a full hearing, the jury gave a verdict in favour of his Grace, to the satisfaction of the whole court. The two pirates Ryan and M'Carthy, condemned in March last, and who have been in prison upwards of eighteen months, have received his Majesty's par- don. On Saturday a man brought his wife and a soldier before the Lord- Mayor at the Mansion- House, and told his Lordship that he went home unexpectedly, and found the soldier in a very indecent situation with his wife, and that he wanted the soldier to be punished; and to get quit of wife ; his Lordship told him it was a matter that did not lie before him, but it belonged to the Ecclesiastical Court to determine the affair. " My Lord ( says the husband) I have no money, and there- fore I must determine it myself;" then taking his wife by the shoulders bid her follow the soldier, and carry the knapsack, for she should not live with him any more, and turned her out of the Justice- room, which occasioned much merriment among the persons present. Extract of a letter from Fraustadt, in Poland, dated June 26. " A duel has been fought in our neighbourhood, the circumstances of which are rather remarkable The two champions were Comte Gurowski, eldest son to the Castellan of Gnesen, and the young Lord of Bolesz, who had treated the former in a manner that could not be put up with by any man of honour. The 15th inst. was the day appointed for the awful meeting on the frontiers of Silesia. On the 13th the young Comte arrived here with his second, and, the next day, went to a neighbouring Lord, Colonel Schlichting, requesting he would grant an asylum for the conqueror, and honour the combatants with his presence ; this was readily assented to. Comte Gu- rowski repaired to the sign of the Hondpas, where he. was to meet his rival, He there found his uncle's phy- sician, surgeon, and chaplain, together with a great concourse of the nobility, to whom he was presented by the said Colonel. About ten, Col. Madalinski, se- cond to the other combatant, made his appearance, with the news that Lord Bolelz could not be there be- fore eleven, and wished to have an interview with his antagonist; but this was refused by the Comte's friends. At a little after eleven the young Lord ar- rived, accompanied by several people of the first rank, some in coaches, others on horseback, and the Starost Pursimski, as his other second. After the usual com- pliments, the ground was measured by the seconds, and each stand marked by a sword fixed in the ground. The pislols were then loaded ; when a dispute arose about the first fire, the Comte waving his claim, as being the in- jured party.— At last it was agreed that they should together. Lord Bolesz miffed, but received the ball of his antagonist in the forehead, just above the eye, and fell to the ground. The Comte took of the wound- ed a most affectionate farewell, and tenderly recom- mended him to the care of the surgeon : the latter re fused to perform any operation till he could get more assistance ; so that nothing was done till the next day, 16th, when it appeared, that although the brain was untouched, the skull had been greatly fractured ; two splinters were instantly extracted, but the patient did not live to have the third taken out; he expired on the 17th, early in the morning. The father and uncle of the survivor having applied to his Polish Ma- jesty for a pardon, it was the more readily granted, as the deceased had been the aggressor; and Comte Gurowski is already set out on his way to Warsaw." Married. Thursday, at St. George's, Hanover- square, William Hoskins, Esq; of North Perrot, So- merset, to Miss Addington, third daughter of Dr. Addington. STAMP OFFICE LONDON, JULY 11, 1782. THE Commissioners for managing his Majesfty's Stamp Duties, do hereby give Notice, that there will be Attendance every Day at the Wine Licence Office, frofn Half an Hour after Eight o'Clock in the Morning, till One in the Afternoon, ( Holidays excepted) for granting Wine Licences. And whereas the said Commissioners have received Infor- mation that divers Persons sell Wine by Retail without Li- cence, contrary to Law, Notice is hereby given, that unless they do forthwith take out Licences, they will be prosecuted as the Act of Parliament directs. By Order of the Commissioners, JOHN BRETTELL, Secretary. Note,— Every Perfon selling Ale and spirituous Liquors is to produce those Licences when he applies for his Wine Licence. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, By WILLIAM BIRCHALL, On Tuesday the 10th of September next, at Pile Inn, in the County of Glamorgan, between the Hours of Twelve and Two in the Afternoon, in three Lots, The several FREEHOLD ESTATES herein after men- tioned, late the Property of JOSEPH LLOYD, Esq; deceased. Lot i. The MANOR and FARM of Skerr, in the County of Glamorgan, consisting of a large Mansion- House, with Barns, Stables, and other Offices, and upwards of 400 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pafture Land, besides a large Rabbit Warren, and several Cottages and Gardens thereunto belonging, moft pleasantly situated in the Parishes of Pile, Kenfig, and Newton- Nottage, and bordering on the Sea, with a most beautiful Beach, now in the Occupation of Mr. Mor- gan Howell. Lot 2. The capital MESSUAGE, FARM, and. LANDS, called Tally Van, situate in the Parishes of Dingeslow, and Pen y Clawth, in the County of Monmouth, consisting of a Farm- House, Barns, Stables, Out houses, Orchards, and Garden, and about 280 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pas- ture Land, now in the Occupation of — Lot 3. The FARM and LANDS, called Treveldee, situate in the several Parishes or Hamlets of Cumcarvaw, Lan Thomas, and Pen y Clawth, in the said County of Mon- mouth, consisting of a Farm- House, Barns, Stables, f houses, Orchard, and Garden, and about 267 Acres of. ble, Meadow, and Pasture Land, now in the Occupation The respective Tenants will shew the Premises Particulars and Conditions of Sale will be produced at Auction, and in the mean Time may be had, by applying Mr. Thomas, Attorney, at Cardiff; Mr. William Birchall Auctioneer, or Mr. Fowcll, Attorney, both of Bath Hiog. ( i BRISTOL, July 30, 1782. THE Anniversary Meeting of the Wykehamists will be held at the Bush Tavern, on Wednesday the 14th of August next; when the Gentlemen educated at either of the two St. Mary Winton Colleges, are requested to meet The Rev. SLADE BAKER, Presidents And J. P. ANDERDON, * t* Dinner will be on the Table at Three o'CIock. ALL Persons who Hand indebted to the Estate and Effects of John Yearsley, late of the Lea, in the County of Glocester, Blacksmith, deceased, are desired im- mediately to pay the same to Mr. John Price, of Barborn, in the County of Worcester, Schoolmaster, ( who is appointed sole Executor of the faid John Yearsley) or to Mr. Lane, At- torney, in Ross. ALL Persons indebted to the Estate and Effects of the late William Mann, of Tirley, in the County of Glocester, deceased, are required to pay such Debts to Mr. Cheston, Surgeon, in Glocester, his Executor in Trust; and all Persons who have any Demands on the said William Mann, are requested to transmit their Accounts immediately to Mr. Cheston, that they may be discharged. ALL Persons who Have any Demands on the Estate or Effects of William Richards Powell, late of Energlyn, in the Parish of Eglwysilan, in the County of Gla morgan, Esq; deceased, are requested to send an Account thereof to John Richards the Elder, of the Town of Cardiff, in the said County, Esq. August 6, 1782. __ ALL Persons who stand indebted, as well to the Estate of SAMUEL YEATS, of Alderley, in the County of Glocester, Clothier, as to THOMAS YEATS, late of Minchinhampton in the same County, Esqulre, are required forthwith to pay their respective Debts to Mr. Wil- liam Stratton, of Brinkworth, in the County of Wilts, Mr. Isaac Austin, of Wotton- Underedge, in the said County of Glocester, Matthew A'Deane of Alderley aforesaid, ( the Assignees of the Estate of the said Samuel Yeats, under the Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued against him) or to Mr. Thomas Perry, Attorney at Law, in Wotton- Under- edge aforesaid. THE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Commission of Bankrupt, awarded and issued against Samuel Yeats, of Alderley, in the County of Glo- cester, Clothier, are desired to meet the Assignees of his Es- tate on Tuesday the 20th of August instant, at Eleven o'clock, in the Forenoon, at the Swan Inn, in the Town of Wotton- Underedge, in the said County, in order to assent to, or diffent from, the said Assignees' commencing, prosecuting, or deserting any Suit or Suits at Law, or in Equity, con- cerning the Bankrupt's Estate and Effects ; or to their com- pounding, submitting to Arbitration, or otherwise agreeing, any Matter or Thing relating thereto. W ' HEREAS the GAME on the Manors of of Gellygerne, Tallyvan, and Lantrithyd, belonging to Sir Thomas Aubrey, Bart, has been greatly destroyed by unqualified Persons and Dogs hunting by themselves, This is to give Notice, That any unqualified Persons, who shall pre sume to sport on the said Manors, will be prosecuted, and' any Dogs hunting by themselves will be shot. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO be LET, and entered upon immediately, a good DWELLING HOUSE and SHOP, well situated for Business, in the Town of Cardiff. For Particulars apply to Mr. Willfred Colley, at Cardiff. N. B. The Fixtures and Goods in the Shop, consisting of Woollen and Linen- Drapery, Hosiery, & c to be taken at an Appraisement. A COUNTRY SEAT. TO be LET, ready furnished, a small neat HOUSE, commanding a pleasant View of the River Neath, and within two Miles of the Town, through which a Machine goes to London twice a Week ; consisting of a good Parlour, small Breakfast Room, Servants Hall, and Kitchen; five Bedchambers, with good Garrets; Coach- House, Stable, and all necessary Offices; with any Quantity of Land that may be wanted. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thomas Griffith, near Neath, Glamorganshire. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO be LET at Michaelmas or Candlemas next, a verv compact FARM, in the Parish of St. Lythian, within six Miles of the Town of Cardiff, consisting of 160 Acres of Arable and Pasture Land, well supplied with Water in the driest Summer. More Lands that Join it may be had, if required. — There are ten Acres of Lands well limed for Wheat.—- Good Encouragement will be given to a substan- tial Farmer. For further Particulars enquire of Evan John, at Duffryn. TO be peremptorily SOLD, pursuant to a De- cree and subsequent Order of the High Court of Chan- cery, in 14 separate and distinct Lots, at the Sign of the Unicorn, in Leominster, In the County of Hereford, by the Appointment of Edward Leeds, Esq; one of the Masters of the said Court, on Friday the 6th of September next, between the Hours of Ten and Eleven in the Forenoon, Past of the ESTATES of Richard Gorges, late of Eye, in the said County of Hereford, Esq; deceased, situate in the Counties of Hereford and Radnor. Particulars whereof may be had at the said Masler's Chambers in Lincoln's Inn, of Mr. Hodges, of Clement's Inn, London ; or of Mr. Coleman, Attorney at- Law, in Leominster aforesaid. To the Right Rev. the PRESIDENT, the Hon and Rev. the VICE- PRESIDENT, and the rest of the GOVERNORS to the GLOCESTF. R INFIRMARY. GENTLEMEN, ENCOURAGED by many respectable Friends I beg Leave to offer myself as Candidate for the Place of Apothecary to your Infirmary ( Mr. Trye having signified his Intention of resigning: Should I be so happy as to meet with Success, my ultimate Wish will be, by a diligent Attention to the Duties of my Office, to merir the Trust you repose in me, I am, GENTLEMEN, With all Deference and Respect, Your most obedient humble Servant, DANIEL COX. Glocestery June 20, 17S2. N. B. The Day of Election is fixed for Thursday the 11th Day of September next, at Eleven o'Cloak, in the Forenoon, at the Infirmary, where the Attendance of my Friends is humbly requested. MINCHINHAMPTON, GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO' be SOLD at Mattockland, in the said Parish, THREE COTTAGES and Gardens, with two Acres and a Quarter of Woodland Ground' lately cleared, and two Acres ot Pasture Land planted to an Orchard, now in full Prime. Also at Sprigswell, in the same Parish, a TENEMENT with a very large Garden and Grove of Wood in full Growth adjoining, in Possession of the Widow Bird. Also two Inclosures of Arable LAND, in the West and Box Fields in the said Parish, in the Possessions of Richard Smith and John Chambers. Also a TENEMENT and Garden, at the Box, in the Pa- rish aforesaid, in Possession of John Swain. Also two DWELLING HOUSES and Gardens in the West End, in the Town of Minchinhampton, in Possession of Samuel Clift and the Widow Chambers. Also another DWELLING HOUSE and Garden in the Butt- Street, in the said Town, in Possession of Thomas Bingham. For Particulars enquire of Mr. James Chambers, or Mr. Gardiner, of Minchin Hampton aforesaid. 8 ATURDAY's POST COUNTRY NEWS. Ipswich, Aug. 3. AT the last assizes for this county a cause PURSUANT to an Order made by the Right Hon. Edward Lord Thurlow, Lord High Chancellor of Great- Britain, for enlarging the Time of William Mountain, heretefore of the City of Hereford, but now or late of Min- chinhampton, in the County of Glocester, Carrier, Dealer and Chapman, ( a Bankrupt) to surrender himself, and make a full Disclosure and Discovery of his Estate and Effects, for 36 Days, to be computed from the 13d Day of July Instant: This is to give Notice, that the Commissioners in the said Com- mission named and authorised, or the major Part of them, intend to meet on Wednesday the 28th Day of this Instant August, at Ten o'CIock in the Forenoon, at the House of James Savage, the Sign of the White Lion, in Tetbury, in the County of Glocester, where the said Bankrupt is required to surrender himself, between the Hours of Eleven and One of the same Day, and make a full Disclosure of his Estate and Effects, and finish his Examination ; and the Creditors who have not already proved their Debts, may then and there come and prove the same, and assent to, or dissent from, the Allowance of his Certificate. TURNPIKE TOLLS to be LET. WHEREAS the Three Years, the Time for which the TOLLS of the Southgate and Hardwick Turnpikes were let to the present Tenant, will expire on the 8th Day of September next, Notice is hereby given, That the next Meeting of the Trustees for these Turnpikes will be held ( by Adjournment) at the King's Head, in Glo- cester, on Wednesday the 4th of September, at which Time the Tolls arising at the said Turnpikes, will be again let by Auction to the best Bidder, between the Hours of Eleven and One on the same Day, in the Manner, directed by the " Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, for regulating the Turnpike Roads,— which TolIs were let for, the last three Years, the Sum ol' 4c- ol. annually, above the Expences of collecting them, and will be put up at that Sum. Whoever happens to be the best Bidder, must, at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Road, for Payment of the Rent agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct. Glocester, Aug. 10. JOHN EDWARDS, Clerk to the said Trustees. TURNPIKE TOLLS to be LET. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike Road leading from the City of Glocester to the Town of Stroud in the County of Glocester, will be held, by Adjournment, at the Falcon, in Painswick, on Tuesday the 3d of September next, when the Tolls arising at the Toll Gates on the said Turnpike Road, called or known by the Names of Barton- Street, Wick- Street, and Nowel- Stream Turnpikes, will be let by Auction, either jointly or separately, to the best Bidder, between the Hours 0/ One and Four on the same Day, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the Third, for regulating the Turnpike Roads, which Tolls produced the last Year the Sum of 51931. 14s. id. Farthing, above the Expences of collecting them, and will be put up at that Sum if let jointly, if sepa- rately as under, s. d. Barton Street - 196 4 6 Wick- Street and Nowell- Stream 97 9 8 Farthing. Whoever happens to be the best Bidder, null at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfac- tion of the Trustees then present, for Payment of the Rent agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct. July 6, 1782. JOHN EDWARDS, Clerk. CARMARTHENSHIRE. WHEREAS it is proposed to present a Peti- tion, the next Session of Parliament, to the Ho- nourable House of Commons, for Leave to bring in a Bill for renewing the Term and enlarging the Powers of an Act of Parliament made and passed in the'fourth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty King George the Third, intituled, " An Act for repairing, widening, and keeping in Repair the High Road leading from the Fourteen- mile Stone in the Parish of Mothvey, in the County of Carmarthen, through Llando- very to Llydiad- y- Gwyn, in the Parish of Llandilovawr, and from thence by Cledfulch, and over Duless Bridge, to the Town of Llandilovawr; and from the said Town along the Poll Road by Rhwyradar, through the County Borough of Carmarthen, and Village of St. Clear's, to Tavernspite, in the Parish of Kiffig, on the Borders of the County of Pem- broke." In pursuance of the standing Order of the Honourable House of Commons, Notice is hereby given, to the Trustees named in the said Act, and since appointed by Virtue thereof; and also to all the Gentlemen, Clergy, Landholders, and others concerned in the said County, that a Meeting will be held at the Ivy Bush, in Carmarthen, on Wednesday the first Day of next Michaelmas Quarter Sessions, where the Attendance of the above Trustees, Gentlemen, Clergy, Landholders, and others concerned, is desired for the above Purpose; and also to consider whether it would be proper to apply for the Repeal of the said Act, and to comprehend other Roads in the said Parishes intended to be made Turnpike Roads, as well as all those Roads now men- tioned in the present Act ; as likewise to comprehend certain other Roads in the several Parishes of St. Peter's, Abergwilly Llanpumpsaint, Llanllawthog, Llanvihangel Yearoth, Llan- dilovawr, Llanthoiseint, and Mothvey, in one Act of Parlia ment, and such other Matters as may be thought of Service to the Roads of the said County : And also to subscribe suff- cient Sums of Money for the procuring and obtaining such in tended Act or Acts of Parliament, and making such Roads as u al be thought adviable to insert therein N' the Turnpike Road from Cirencester to Lansdown NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of I the Trustees, or Commissioners, appointed by Virtue of an Act of Parliament, intitled, An Act. for repairing the Road from the Town of Cirencester in the County of Glo- cester, to the Tenth Mile Stone from Cirencester, at or near rhe East End of the Town of Tetbury; and from the West End of the Church Yard, in the said Town of Tetbury, to a Gate in the said County, near the Monument upon Lansdown, for putting the said Act in Execution, Will be held at the dwelling Houfe of John Ledgingham, being the Sign of the White Hart, in the said Town of Tetbury, on Tuesday the 13th Day of August next, at Ten Forenoon. JAMES LUDLOW, Clerk-. Sodbury, July 25, 1782. CHIPPING- SODBURY, August 1. ANN JENNINGS, Widow of JOHN JEN- NINGS, late of Chipping- Sodbury, in the County of Glocester,. Linen- Draper, Haberdasher, and Hosier, de- ceased, impressed with a due Sense of Gratitude, returns her warmest and most grateful Acknowledgments to the Friends and Customers of her said late deceased Husband, for the many Favours conferred on him in his Life Time ; and to inform them, that she intends continuing the Business in its full Ex- tent, in the fame Shop in Sodbury aforesaid, which is amply supplied with every Article in those Branches of Business, and will be sold on the most reasonable Terms r She presumes there- fore to solicit, and ardently hopes for, the future assitance and Continuance of the Friends and Customers of her late Husband, which ihe will ever studiously endeavour' to merit, by civil Usage, moderate Charges, and the strictest attention to please. Of great Utility to the Gentlemen of the Army, Navy, private Gentlemen, and Travellers in general. CONCAVE RAZORS, on philosophical Prin- ciples, of genuine German Steel, which require neither setting or grinding, but continue to preserve a keen and smooth Edge ; so extensive are their Virtues, that they want no Recommendation. The rapid and enereasing Sale hath nduced Come Persons to introduce to the Public a spurious Sort, of Country Work. By Order of the Proprietor, sold by Joseph Wright, at No. 11, Ludgate- Streetr a few Doors from St. Paul's, and no where else. The Proprietor, from repeated Experiments, can assure the Purchaser, that two Razors, and a Strop of Diamond Com- position, without any further Expence, will serve a Gentle- man his whole Life. Good Allowance to Merchants and Captains of Ships for Exportation. Savon Nonpareil Soap, for making the Skin delicately soft and smooth, and greatly assists the Operation of Shaving. GLOCESTER. COWCHER, Cutler, Toy and Hardware Man, Northgate Street, acquaints his Friends and the Public, that he has greatly enlarged and fitted up his Shop with every genteel and useful Article in the Cutlery and Hardware Trade, viz. Table Knives and Forks with Mahogany and other Cases; Fruit Knives, witb Silver Blades, Spring Knives, Scissars, Razors, Phleagms, Surgeons and other Instruments, & c. & c, He likewise sells Plated Goods of all Sorts j also Tea Urns, and Japan and Clay's Patent Tea Trays and Waiters, of the newest Taste; also a fresh and elegant Assortment of Umbrel- las and Paresoles; and Ladies and Gentleman's Pocket Books, furnished with every necessary Article. A fresh Assortment of English and Dutch Scates.— The new invented Money Scales, called Jack in the Box, at 5s. each. All Sorts of Instruments repaired, and Grinding usefully executed. Shopkeepers, Travelling Auctioneers, and others are supplied, Wholesale and Retail, with every Article on as low Terms as at any Warehouse whatever. An APPRENTICE is wanted. W* To the P U B L I C. HEREAS JOHN TURNER, of Harn- hill, in the County of Glocester, to display his Im- potence, Inserted an Advertisement in the last Week's Glo- cester Journal, saying, that I had reported that he robbed my Shop of six Dozen ot Stockings; which he says is entirely false, threatening to prosecute any Person who shall accuse him of the same. The Word Prosecution sounds, no Doubt, very alarming, from the Mouth of a Cobler, who spins and cards the greatest Part of his Time. True it is, that the said John Turner was taken to Justice on very strong Suspicion of being an Accomplice in feloniously taking out or my Shop, twenty- six Pair of Stockings, nor did he before the said Justices bring any lawful Witnesses to confute the Suspicion ; but I had the good Fortune to find the Stockings again, and very lucky on his Part, not quite near enough to him. But as he has made such a Pother about his Character, I will here give the Public ] a concise, but true Account of some of his Behaviour, that " they may judge whetner or no this Man stands in Danger of losing what he never was possessed of. What shall HE he called, who elopes from a Wife and six small Children, and that in Time of Sickness, leaving them to be maintained by the Parish, and going to some other Na- tion ( according to his own Account, America) and there stay- ing 12 or 14 Years, and returning with another Woman he called his Wife ? What can an impartial Judge call this Man ? Very likely it might pass for Honesty in the Country he lately came from, but I hope not in England. Ampney Cruris, August 7. was tried in which Mr. Osborn was I A I plaintiff, and one Bobby, defendant; I I the action was brought to recover sa- tisfaction for the loppings of pollard trees and quick fences, cut and sold by the defendant off a farm which he held as a tenant at will; the learned judge, before whom the cause was tried, was clearly of opinion, that such a tenant has not any legal right to the loppings or fences upon his farm, for any other purpose than for his reasonable use on such farm, and not for sale ; and a verdict was accordingly found for the plaintiff, with full da- mages. Stowmarket, Aug 5. At a numerous meeting of the county of Suffolk held this day, it was unani- mously agreed to build a ship of 74 guns as a present to Government. The company present were Lord Cornwallis, Sir Gerard Van Neck, the two Members of the county, and Sir Charles Davers, who subscribed 500I. each ; the Sheriff, John Freere, John Golding, Efq; & c. & c. were 300I. each, and many of 100I. each. Such laudable examples we hope will inspire other counties to do the like, and prove to our ene- mies that the true British fpirit is not exhausted. Bath, Aug. 7. The grand jury of Devon at the last assizes, having received a proposal from Dennis Rolle, Esq; for the county to build a ship of the line for strengthening his Majesty's navy, were unani- mously of opinion, that men are more wanted than I ships, and that it would be of great public utility to adopt measures for raising them ; a meeting for this purpose is accordingly called by the High Sheriff to be held on Friday next at the castle of Exeter. Newbury, Aug. 1. We have had in this part of the world a play acted by Lord Craven's young family ; the sight was altogether the newest and most entertain- ing that imagination can form. The theatre was made in the wood behind Benham- House ; the trees formed a canopy, and the darkness and stillness of the night were favourable to the lights and dresses, which were Spanish, and very magnificent. The play was Moliere's Statue Feast, but much altered, and cut in- to two acts, by Lady Craven. No audience ever gave so many proofs of satisfaction, as those which were permitted to see this little play; the interest of which was heightened by the Statue presenting a lit- tle child to Don Juan ( Don Juan's son) which he knew not he was possessed of. The infant was Lad Craven's beautiful youngest son, only three years old, who embraced his theatrical parents with much grace. I have procured a copy of the prologue, said to be written by Lady Craven; the epilogue was an old one. PROLOGUE. TO this deep shade, this sacred wood belong The pow'rs of wit, the harmony of song. No longer, as in days of yore, the owl With midnight shrieks affrights the calmest soul. No more the hoarse and death forboding raven With croaks disturbs the peaceful house of Craven. A Muse, with all a mortal's'care and grace, First decks with artful hand this lovely face; Here fixes all the objects of her love, And with a smile, now consecrates the grove. Lightly she skims the cream of ancient lays, Now trims new fashions for our modern days; Then soars aloft in poetry and air, Leaving the earth- born all to nature's care: To- night Moliere appears, a l'Angloise dress'd, And if by your applause he is confess'd A welcome foreigner; perchance your smile May be an omen to this war- worn isle, That France and England may once more agree, Let France give wit, we'll grant it liberty ; — Yes, liberty !— with song and dance to roam, While we our thoughts and virtues keep at home. Hereford, Aug. 8. On Monday last, at the annual meeting of the corporation of this city, William Ravenhill, Esq; was elected Mayor for the year en- suing. On Sunday last died, advanced in years, Mrs. Ann Cope, of this city: she was a serious and devout Christian— a character that necessarily implies the uni- form practice of every moral virtue. The following horses are entered for next Wednes- day's plate of 50I. for all ages, viz. Lord Milford's bay horse Obscurity, 5 years old, 8ft. 3lb. Mr. Francis's bay mare Miranda, 5 years old, 7ft. 1 tlb. Others are expected to enter at the post, and there are several in town for Thursday's plate. Bristol, Aug. 7. Last week was married Mr. But- ler, of Caerleon in Monmouthshire, to Mrs. Davis, of the same place. The following is an account of the cargoes im- ported in the fleet arrived last week from Jamaica, viz.—— 5565 hogsheads, 491 tierces, 26 barrels, 6 puncheons of sugar : 1311 puncheons, 4 hogsheads of rum, 1 barrel of rum ( hrubj 107 bags 44 bales of cot- ton, 1 pipe, I puncheon, IJ barrels, 1 tierce, 1 bag coffee ; 30 barrels, 6 tierces, 487 bsgs of ginger ; 104 bags pimento, 279. izC. logwood, 152 i-. half JOHN SAVORY. T. fustic, 37 i- half T. and 12 pieces lignuinvitae, pipes of wine, 286 planks and pieces of mahogany, rj90 c0w horns, 506 cow hides,- - 30 elephants teeth, 2 hogsheads 3 tierces ot tobacco, 1 ton of ebony, 2 bundles of fustis boards, and j bundles of maho- ' gany boards. Worcesler, August 8. At our assizes, which ended on Friday morning last, before Mr. Baron Hotham and Mr. Justice Buller, William Parry, and James Pow- ney, for sheep- stealing; John Roberts, and Hannah Aplin, for burglary ; and Robert Raper, for forgery, received sentence of death ; but were all reprieved be- fore their Lordships left the city. Ann Morton, in- dicted for a misdemeanor, in assisting some person un- known to commit a rape 011 the body of Bina Scudder, an infant under ten years of age, was found guilty, and sentenced to two years imprisonment, and to pay a fine of two guineas. On Tuesday our races began, when the maiden purfe of fifty pounds, given by the Members of the city, was won by Mr. Cresswell's bay m. Sappho, 4 years, 1 t o- Mr. Hope's bay horse, Tom Styles, 4 do. 221. Mr. Wilkin's chs h. by Lycurgus, 5 do. 332 Each heat afforded excellent sport, the horses being frequently abreast, and all came in within little more than a length. The same day Mr. John's black mare, Matilda* ; walked over the course for the hunter's sweepstakes. Wednesday the hunter's purse of fifty pounds, given, by the Members, for the county, was won by Mr. Fretwell's horse, • - - - 11 Mr. Johnson's black mare, Matilda 2 1 Mr. Newnham's grey horse, 3 dr. And on Thursday the county and city subscription for all ages, was won in two heats, by Mr. Lam bourne's bay horse Critic, beating Mr. Hope's bay horse Coniac, and Mr. Thistlewait's brown horse Rodney. Oxford, Aug. 10. On Tuesday evening died, after a long and painful illness, which he supported with great fortitude, William Phillips, Esq; of Culham. High Sheriff for this county. On Wednesday last the Rev. Mr. Townesend, Fel- low of Trinity College in this University, was pre- sented to the rectory of Rotherfield- Greys in Oxford- shire, by that society, worth upwards of 400I. per annum. The same Day the Rev. Mr. Warton was presented to the donative of Hill- Tarrance in Somer- setshire. , On Thursday was married at the cathedral church in Hereford, by the Rev. Charles Dunster, George Hayward, Esq; to Miss Russell, daughter of the late John Russel, Esq; of that city ; a lady of a most amiable character, with a fortune of 30,0001. - After the ceremony the new married couple set off imme- diately for South Wales. LONDON, Friday, Aug 9. Wednesday an express arrived at the Admiralty from Lord Howe, informing their Lordships of his arrival in Torbay, with the fleet, on Monday last j his Lordship has ordered some of his ships to Ply- mouth, and some will remain in Torbay, and his Lordship, with the Victory and several others, will come up to Portfmouth. We are happy to find, from the great exertions now making in the different dock- yards, that his Lordship will be reinforced with the following ships, viz. Guns. Guns. Princess Royal 98 Bombay Castle 74- Blenheim 90 Ruby 64 Royal William 84 Belleisle 64 Egmont 74 Polyphemus 64 Pegasus 74 disputable that the combined fleet is gone into Brest. The preparations that have been made to furnish him with every necessary, in order to expedite his re- sail- ing, makes it probable that he will be able to put to _ sea again by the 20th of this month. His Lordship has left several ships cruising to the Westward, to meet the Leeward- Island fleet; and has likewise sent cutters to watch the motions of the enemy off Brest, to give information should any detachment be made from the combined fleet; so that we may rest satisfied in regard to the safety of the homeward- bound trade. Extract of a letter from on board the Victory, at Torbay, August 7. " which nothing occurred particularly worth mention- ing, except the weather, which has been the most sin- gular ever known in this part of the globe at this sea- son: such thick fogs and heavy rains, attended with horrid peals of thunder, and the most tremendous flashes of lightning. I believe we may reckon at least 30 days of rain since we left Torbay. Our crew not r withstanding are tolerably healthy, as are those of most of the other ships. We never saw the combined fleets plainly, but once, and that was on the 12th of last. month, when the wind fell to a flat calm, and pre- vented the squadrons coming so close as to engage; though had the enemy meant to fight, they certainly might have done it. Their ships however seemed ra- ther foul, at least they move but slowly in the water, according to our cruizers, even in a stiff gale. Send my necessaries to Portsmouth directly, as we shall be here only a few days." Extract of a letter from Sheerness, Aug. 6. " The Princess Royal, of 98 guns; the Blenheim, of 90 ; and the Polyphemus, of 64 ; are sailed from the Nore for the Downs, " The Bombay Castle, of 74 guns, and the Cato, of 50, are likewise ordered to proceed immediately for the Downs." Le Pegase of 74 guns, late prize to the Foudroyant, is put into commission at Portsmouth, and the com- mand of her given to Capt. George Berkley. Government hath adopted the maxims of the French in building ships of war in haste ; 12 sail are to be launched in ten months: this practice, which nothing but extreme necessity can justify, must be discontinued as soon as possible, as ships built in this manner seldom last long. There are six ships of 74 guns now building in the River, to be finished hy Christmas, though their keels have been laid down this year. The Impregnable, of 90 guns, in the King's- yard at Deptford, is to be launched in February next, though her keel has been laid down this year. Last Tuesday's Gazette contains the Speaker's notice that at the end of 14 days he should issue a writ for electing a Member for Wells, in the room of Robert Child, Esq; deceased. The Candi- dates are, Capt. Curtis, of the Somerset militia, and Thomas Coward, Esq; of Spargrove. On Monday evening Lord and Lady Temple, Lord Nugent, and the Count de Grasse, went to Vauxhall gardens. • The Count de Grasse went on Monday to view Westminster- Abbey; where, amongst the crowd, an old woman addressed him thus: " God bless your old brave face of oak, Mr. Mountsheer.'" The Count, after earnestly looking at her, gave her a crown piece. Yesterday morning Count de Grasse paid a visit to Lord Keppel at the Admiralty, where he was intro-, duced by Admiral Sir Peter Parker. This day the Count de Grasse, together with his suite, dined with the Earl of Shelburne, at his house in Berkeley- square. Yesterday Count de Grasse was at the Royal Ex- change and the Bank, where he was complimented by several merchants, & c. and in the evening he was at the theatre in the Hay- market. Extract of a letter from Gibraltar, July 25. "' This being St. James's day, the patron or tute- lary Saint of Spain, the Dons have, in honour of the day, saluted us with the most infernal fire that we had received for many weeks ; but their honest patron did not take charge of a single ball, to see it do execution ; for not a man was killed in consequence of all this dreadful fire, or even hurt, except a Hanoverian cor- poral, who, as he was relieving guard, had his left eye struck out by the splinter of a stone; the poor fellow, however, tho' in great agony, would go through with his business, and putting his handkerchief to his eye, relieved the remaining centinels, before he would go to the surgeon. ' Too much cannot be said of our gallant Gover- nor ; he is every where; trusts hardly any thing even to the Lieutenant- Governor, but sees every thing with his own eyes, and is making every necessary prepara- tion to give the Dons a warm reception, if they should venture to make an assault." The corn harvest will be the latest this year that ever was known in the memory of man ; the farmers in Essex and Hertfordshire, who generally commence first, do not expect to begin cutting their wheat before the first week in September; last year they began by the middle of July; an astonishing difference of near eight weeks. Under the idea of absolute independence of legisla- tion, we are informed that several Irish merchants are instituting a fund for the equipment and support of ships to trade with the East- Indies, and the coast of Africa. As the East India and African Company- hold an exclusive right of trading to those parts by compact, and purchase, with, and from the crown ; which right is confirmed by British acts of parliament; and, as this proceeding of the Irish will evidently lessen the value of such exclusive interest, it may fairly be concluded, that the business will become the cri- terion of ths question depending in Ireland, respecting the repeal and renunciation of the act of the 6th of George the First, & c. Ml STOLEN or STRAYED, from off Hampton Common, the 19th or 30th of July last, a BROWN MARE belonging to John Perrin, of Nailsworth, Clothier ; eight Years old, 14 Hands high, with a remarkable made Star in her Forehead, and a single Saddle Spot behind the near Shoulder, and a cut Tail. Whoever will give Infor- mation of the said Mare to John Perrin, so that she may be had again, shall receive Half a Guinea Reward and all rea- sonable Expences, by me JOHN PERRIN. CIRENCESTER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. RUDDER and DAWSON, The 21st and 22d of August Instant, A great Part of the genuine HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of Mr. John Silvester Dawson, who is going to remove from Cirencester. Catalogues may be had in due Time of the Auctioneers, jnd at the White Lion, Tetbury ; the Swan, Stroud; and Bull, Fairford. N. B. All Persons who stand indebted to Mr. Dawson are desired to pay the fame before the firft of Septr| jfoi next. FOR SALE by Auction, at the Exchange Cof- fee- House, Bristol, on Wednesday the till of August Inst. at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, ( being postponed from the 8th as before advertised) about 150 Hogsheads of Virginia and Maryland TOBACCO, lately imported in the FAME, MARY, and HErCUlES, from Tortola. Samples of which will be laid out 1n due Time, and Cata- logues published. T. WINWOOD, Broker. u MONEY. EIGHT HUNDRED POUNDS ready imme- diately to be advanced on approved Freehold Security. For Particular apply to Mr. James Rudge, Attorney at Law, at Stanshawes, near Chipping Sodbury, Glocestershire. S T R O U D, Glocestershire. R. MOOR, Surgeon Dentist, from Oxford, informs his Friends in and near Stroud, that he will be at the George Inn on Thursday the 15th of August, till Monday Morning the 19th ; and then will be at Glocester, at the King's- Head, for that Day only. Those Ladies and Gen- tlemen who will please to favour him with their Commands, are desired to direct a Line for him to either of the above Inns, before his Arrival. N. B. His Dentrifices are sold by Mr. A. Williams, in Glocester, and Mr. Pugh, Hereford. CHELTENHAM. AST Friday Morning, a Person who had aspersed the Character of a Gentleman, now resident here, was in the Public Room at the Spa held forth and pro- claimed by him to be an infamous LIAR and COWARD ; that Person was S. M. Esq; M. C_ Arbiter, ille, Morum ! Quel beau protecteur des Mesdames ! Quel brave Controleur des Messieurs ! Quel digne Compagnon de l'une & l'autre. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO be SOLD by Auction, to the bect Bidder, on Thurcday the 29th of August Inst. at the Dwelling- House of William Edmund, Innkeeper, situate in the Town of Caerphilly, in the said County, subject to the Conditions of Sale to be then and there produced, All the Copyhold and Leasehold ESTATES of Francis Durbrow, late of Lauedarne, Gent, deceafed. The Premises will be put up in Lots, to suit the Convenience of the different Purchasers. - For further Particulars apply to N. Price, Esq; Pontipandy ; or Mr. Wood, Attorney, in Cardiff. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be LET, and entered upon at Candlemas next, all that capital FARM, called HOWICK, situate about two Miles from the Town of Chepstow, with a House and Outhouses, in complete Repair, now let at 118I. per Ann. Together with the above, and contiguous to it, will be let, a considerable Part of Itton Court Farm, which has been for many Years occupied by the Proprietor, containing about aoo Acres. Also to be let, another small FARM, in the Parish of Itton, called Languilan. For Particulars apply to Mr. Thomas Davis, Attorney, at Chepstow ; or at Itton Court aforesaid. A Quantity of WALNUT TREES to be sold standing. a Fair at Llandilofawr is found wanted for the Disposal of Cattle at WHEREAS to be much this Season of the Year, We, whose Names are here- under written, being much encouraged thereto by the Gentlemen Graziers, and Farmers of the County do hereby promise to attend at Llandilufawr aforesaid, on the 13d Day of August Instant, for the Purpose of buying all Sort of Cattle that may be offered for Sale, and establishing an annual Fair on the said Day, and for the better Encouragement of all Dealers, the Proprietors of the Toll engage to raise no Tolls for the first three Fairs. August 1782. - As Witness our Hands this Sixth Day of EVAN EVANS, THO. WILLIAMS, DAVID STEPHENS, T. BAYLYS, E. DAVIES, DAVID PRICKETT, J. RICE 4 Drovers. FOR SALE by Auction, at the Exchange Cof fee- House, On Thursday the 15th of August Inst. at Five c'Clock in the Afternoon, About 200 Dozen of genuine Sherry, ef excellent Quality, 4 Quarter Casks of ditto, so Dozen of old Mountain, ,50 Quarter Barrels ? Sun R,; finJi 30 Jars S 8 Barrels of red Smyrnas, 4 Boxes of Figs. Further Particulars of which may be known by applying to THOMAS WINWOOD, Broker. A COUNTRY HOUSE. FOR SALE by Auction, at the Exchange Coffee Houfe, Bristol, on Saturday the 14th of August Inst. at one o'Clock, a commodious well- built HOUSE with a Garden, & c> fituated at Henbury, in the County of Glo- cester, and late in the Possession of Mr. Richard Champion; consisting of a large handsome well proportioned Drawing- Room, a Parlour of a very good Size, a Study, and two Kitchens on the Ground Floor ; large and convenient Bed- chambers, well fitted up with Closets, on the first Story; and good Lodging Rooms over; together with Cellars, Walk and Brewhouse, Dairy, Coachhouse, a fine Stall Stable, Cart- House, Cow- House, and every Sort of Convenience for a fa- mily. The Pleasure and Kitchen Garden in the highest Order, full of fruit Trees in good Bearing ; together with about 18 Acres of excellent Meadow Ground adjoining to and imme- diately behind the House. The Whole is about 20 Acres, and Freehold, ( except about Half an Acre) delightfully situated within four Miles of Bris- tol, commanding ( within a Quarter of a Mile from it) great and extenfive Views of the River Severn and Bristol Channel. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Peter Morris, Car- penter, York- Street, Brunswick Square; or THOMAS WINWOOD, Broker. To the PUBLIC. IN Vindication of my own Character, by the grofs Attack made by an Advertisement in the laft Glo- cefter Journal, signed RICHARD WEBB, I find myself under the disagreeable Necessity of stating the real Fact : That by repeated ill Treatment of the said Richard Webb, I was un- der the cruel Alternative of fubmitting thereto, or retiring to my Daughter's, the latter of which I adopted, and sent to my Husband for my Cloaths about a Week afterwards, which he refused sending, unless I would come and fetch them, which I accordingly did, taking my Son- in- Law's Servant, William Waite, with me, and went about a Week after to the said Richard Webb's, and brought away my own Clothes only, and no other Goods whatever, and which he is pleased to ad- vertise as an Elopement. MARY WEBB. Minchinhampton, Aug. 9, 1782. TO be SOLD by Auction in the following Lots, at the Ram Inn in Glocester, the 10th of Sep- tember next, between the Hours of Three and Six in the Af- ternoon, according to Conditions that shall be there produced, A FREEHOLD ESTATE, at Upton St. Leonard, in the County of Glocester: Lot 1. A Close of Pasture Ground, called Blackmore, with the Timber growing thereon. Also a Close ol Arable Land, called Admond's Hill. Lot 2. Three Acres of Arable Land, lying in a Field called Brimp's Field. Lot 3. Three Acres and a Half of Arable Land, lying in S Field called Bottom Field. Lot 4, Two Pieces of Pasture Ground, lying near Mr. Bevan's Mill. Lot 5. An Orchard of Pasture Ground, with a Bam, Sta- ble, and Carthouse. A Close of Pasture Ground, called the Curtis. A Close of Arable Land, at the Bottom of Hawfield. Four Acres of Arable Land, lying in a Field called Haw- field. Apply to Mr. Pember, Solicitor, at his Office in Glo- cester. GEORGE CONIBEERE, Auctioneer AT CHELTENHAM SCHOOL young Gen- tlemen are boarded, and educated in the ClaJlkks, Writing, Accounts, & c. By the Rev. H. FOWLER, A. M. The Classicks are taught after the Method 0f the capital Schools, and particular Care is taken to inculcate a thorough Knowledge of the Rudiments of Grammar. Terms 18I. per Ann and One Guinea Entrance. The many local Advantages which Cheltenham enjoys, to- gether with the medicinal Virtues of its Waters, are to gene- rally known, that it is needless to offer any Enccmiums on them. Mr. FOWLER ' therefore only thinks it necessary to assure his Friends and the Public, that he shall strenuously en- deavour to give them the most entire Satisfaction, and to pro- mote the Reputation of his School, by a Ready and conscien- tious Attention to the Morals and Improvement of his Pupils, and to every other Requisite in his Undertaking. A COLLIERY. TO be SOLD, during the Remainder of a Lease for 21 Years, whereof 17 Years are to come and unex- pired from Michaelmas last, All that valuable COLLIERY of PONT YeTTS, situate in the several Parshes of Llangen- deirne and Llanelly, in the County of Carmarthen, adjoining the Turnpike Road leading from Lianelly to Carmarthen, and being within six Miles of the former, and nine of the latter, and about two Miles from a navigable Part of Gwendraeth Vaur River, and within five Miles of the Town of Kidwelly, where there is a Coal Yard, and to which Place the Coal and Culm raised out of such Colliery, maybe cheaply conveyed, and from thence exported, at an easy Rate, to any Part of the World. The Veins of Coal are, one of upwards of two, the other between four and five Feet thick, and the most pleafant burning Stone Coal of any in Wales.— The Engine ( which will clear all the Water from the Pits by working eight out of 14 Hours, and is of a most curious Construction) with the Timber, Implements, and Tools thereunto belonging, also to be sold. As also the Lease of the Tenements of Tyr Yetts, and Ynis Yetts, ( under which the Veins of Coal lie) for the Remainder of the Term aforesaid. The Reason of the Partners being desirous of parting with the Work is, that they are not sufficiently acquainted with the Nature of Coal Works, and the working thereof, so as to prevent their being cheated by their Agents and Workmen ; and that they have been very unfortunate in their Agents; their last Agent, John Dawson, a Derbyshire Man, but late of Eskirmwyn, in the County of Cardigan, having ran off, without giving them any Account of the Money received, either from the Colliery or from the Lands. Apply to Robert Brigstocke, Esq; at St. Ismael; to John Lewes, Esq; Carmarthen; or to Mr. Hughes, Attorney, Carmarthen N. B. The Partners are desired to appoint a Day to meet and to settle their Accounts* Carmarthen, August 1 MONDAY's POST. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Lisbon, Aug. 3. LETTERS from Cadiz are full of the immense ( f L i) preparations making for the reduction of SS^ S* Gibraltar. If the safety of the whole king- dom depended on the possession of that bar- ren rock, it could not be made a greater object. The following illustrious characters are to assist at the grand attack :--- The Due de Crillon, as commander in chief; the Count d'Artois, and the Duke de Bour- bon, as volunteers from France; together with the Emperor of Morocco; and most of the Spanish grandees. LONDON, Saturday, Aug. 10. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Whitehall, August 10. The King has been pleased to grant the dignity of a Baronet of the kingdom of Great- Britain to Francis Geary, of Polesden, in the county of Surry, Esq; Admiral of the white squadron of his Majesty's fleet, and to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten. The King has been pleased to present the Rev. Da- vid Meyrick, Batchelor of Arts, to the rectory of Lutterworth, in the county of Leiceister and diocese of Lincoln, void by the death of the Rev. Mr. Billio. The King has b: en pleased to grant to the Rev. Mr. Denny Martin, of Leeds, in the county of Kent, and his issue, ( pursuant to the will of His late uncle Thomas Lord Fairfax-, deceased) his royal licence and authority to take and use the surname and bear the arms of Fairfax. London Gazette. The Antelope packet, Capt. Kempthorn, is arrived from the Leeward- Islands, from whence she sailed on the 1st of July, and brings the following intelligence : that the fleet for Europe, consisting of near aoo fhips, above 80 of which are for London, sailed on the 15th of June, under convoy of the Robuste and Janus— that the ships from St. Christopher's, Nevis, and Mountserrat had joined them, and on the 14th of July the packet fell in with the fleet at sea, all well. Opwards of 1000 soldiers, from the evacuated pro- vince of Georgia, had arrived in the islands, under convoy of a fifty gun ship, and two or three frigates. General Mathews was preparing to go on an ex- pedition from St. Lucia, but kept the object of it so great a secret, that no conjecture could be formed of the place against which the armament was intended. — Admiral Pigot, in the Jupiter, of 50 guns, ar- rived at Barbadoes on the 28th of June, in good health, and was expected to sail in a few days for Ja- maica, to take the command of the fleet. The Navy Office has given public notice that they will contract with any merchant or owners of ship- ping, for the conveying of 100 soldiers to the Lee- ward Islands, and 200 for Jamaica. From the small number of soldiers sending from hence to those islands, it is plain more troops are going there from America, which makes it probable either that Charlestown or New- York will be evacuated, as well as Georgia. Lord Howe has left several ships cruising to the Westward, to meet the Leeward- Island fleet; and he has likewise sent cutters to watch the motions of the enemy off Brest, to give information should any de- tachments be made from the fleet gone into that harbour. Yesterday Mr. Wilkes was for upwards of two hours with Lord Shelburne, and afterwards waited on his Maiesty at St. James's. The present state of the Cabinet is now said to be this » -- The Duke of Richmond, by his own desire, has not been summoned to it ever since Mr. Fox left it, but at the same time said he should keep the Ordnance, as he thought that in that department he might be be serviceable to the state; but in a Cabinet which he foresaw would either be a divided one, or else in the hands of Lord Shelburne, he could be of no use. In a conversation be had with Gen. Conway, the latter declared he would also leave it, if peace was not made with America; but the General stays in, though n0 peace is now thought of, and is looked very coldly upon by many of his old friends The Duke of Grafton is in a different situation; at the same time that the Duke of Richmond withdrew, he shewed such a coldness to the rest of the Administration, that the Chancellor asked him if he designed to attend the Ca- binet ? The Duke said he should consider of it. He continued to be summoned, but has never been there, except three times on business not of great consequence. This is the state of the Ministry ; so that the fact is, Lord Shelburne is sole Minister at present, and with- out control; at the meeting of Parliament, there- fore, we may expect there will be as strong an opposi- tion as has been known for many years.— St. Ja Ch. Count de Grasse and the other French officers were yesterday at Court; and had the honour to be intro- duced to his Majesty. They were received with par- ticular distinction, and the Count conversed for a long time with his Majesty. After the levee they dined with the Earl of Shelburne. His Majesty, who has been particularly attentive to his Excellency aver since his arrival in England, sent him his sword on Wednesday last, accompanied with an intimation ifi this presence would be extremely agreable at St. James's. On Suuday the Count will set off for France, previous to which he will dine with Lord Keppel at the Admiralty. We are assured that in the northern counties there has been no rain for a considerable time, and every thing wears the appearance of a very plentiful harvest. One day last week as Mrs. Demainbray, of Rich- mond, was walking with her daughters, a Mr. Clarke, and her footman, about nine o'clock, in Kew Road, they were attacked under the wall by a single highwayman, who demanded their money: Mrs. Demainbray, placing herself against the wall, declared she would not be robbed. The highway- man upon this said he would fire amongst them. Mrs. Demainbray told him she saw no pistol, and asked him to shew her one if he had it, but he could not. One of her daughters out of compassion then gave him six pence, and the other some half- pence; but Mrs. Demainbray would not give him any thing, He immediately rode after Mr. Clarke, who was at a little distance, and who delivered up his watch, and was going to give his money, when Mrs. Demain- bray coming up, declared that no man ( hould be rob; bed in her company; and continuing in this dispoli- tion, the highwayman was forced to ride off. Thursday morning, about two o'clock, the house of Mrs. Hollingshead, in St. Margaret's church- yard, was broke open by three men. The maid servant hearing them in the house, alarmed the watchman, who coming up to the door, three men with cut- lasses in their hands, rushed out, and one of them stabbed the watchman in the belly. They then crossed the way, when a second watchman attempted to stop them, whom they wounded in a more dangerous manner than the former, who having now a little re- covered himself, seized one of them by the collar, and secured him. His name is Messenger, a noto- rious villain, who hath long been committing depre- dations on the public, and was lately dismissed from . the ballast lighters. . Married.— Saturday last, John Fownes Luttrel, Esq; of Duncaster- caftle, in Somersetshire, Member of Parliament of Minehead, to Miss Drewe, of Grange, in Devonshire. Died. Monday the 29th ult. at his Lordship's seat at Donore, in the county of Kildare, the Lady of the Right Hon. the Lord Chief Baron Burgh Wednesday, at Eversley, Hants, the Lady of the Hon. Sir George Nares, one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. Her Ladyship was daughter of the late Sir John Strange, Master of the Rolls. Tuesday, in Charterhouse- square, Mrs. Crusius, wi- dow of the late Rev. Dr. Crusius. The Rev. Wil- liam Wight, D. D. Professor of Divinity in the Uni- versity of Glasgow Tuesday last, at Tynemouth, of an apoplexy, Mrs. Boucher, wife of Capt. Boucher. — The latter end of June last, at Messina, in Sicily, where he went for the recovery of his health, William Hucks, Esq; fon of the late William Hucks, Esq; of Knaresborough, and one of the clerks of the Exche- quer. Saturday se'nnight, at Iscoyd Park, near Whitchurch, the Rev. Mr. Congreve. Monday, at Ashgrove, in Kent, Robert Mayne, Esq; Mem- ber for Gatton. Tuesday, the 30th ult. at Cardiff, in Glamorganshire, Bartholomew Greenwood, Esq; one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, and late High- Sheriff for the county. On the 28th ult. at Kirk- Hammerton, in Yorkshire, the Rev. Mr. Coates, master of the grammar- school at Shipton, and Vicar of Overton, near York. Tuesday last, at the Duke of Bridgewater's, in Cleveland- row, the Hon. Leveson Gower, uncle to Earl Gower.—"— Saturday laft, at Edinburgh, the Hon. Charles Boyd, brother to the late Earl of Errol. Sunday last, at Man- chester, the Rev. Randle Andrews, Vicar of Preston, BANKRUPTS. William Wetton, of Abbots Bromley, in the county of Stafford, mercer and grocer. Mary Folkard, of Ipswich, in the county of Suffolk, milliner. . , DIVIDENDS. Aug. 27. Joseph Brown, of Bethnal- green, Middlesex, dealer and chapman. 30. Richard Tomlinson, of Darsing- ham, Norfolk, butcher. 28. John Johnson, late of Liver- pool, Lancashire, baker. Sept. 4, John Obrien, of Gosport, wine- merchant. 2. Joseph Butter, of Wokingham, in the county of Berks, druggist. Bank Stock, . Three per cent. con. 56 3- 4ths. Three per cent. red. 57 3- 4ths. Three per ccnt. 1716, —. Three i- half per cent. 1758, ——. . . Four per cent, con. —. Four per cent." ann. 1777, 72 i- lialf. Long Ann. —. Long Ann. 1777, —. Long Ann. 1778, —. India Stock, —. India Bonds, . South Sea Stock, —. Old Ann. —. New Ann. 56 3- 6ths. Three per cent. fub. 58 i- 4th. Four per cent. fub. - r-. Navy Bills, 11 per cent. dif. Exchequer Bills, 4 Lottery Tickets, 16I. 3s. 6d. a 6s. prem. Omnium, • E' GLOCESTER, Aug. li. EVANS and HAZELL, Booksellers, opposite St. John's- Lane, in the Westgate- Street, Glocester, beg Leave to inform the Nobility and Gentry, that they have just received a Parcel of SCOTT'S superfine WATER COLOURS, prepared as in China, in Pots and Cakes. —- These Colours will work as free, and lay as soft, at the finest Indian Ink, and may be used in the same Manner.- It is adapted for painting in Miniature, on Silk for Signals, Forti- fication, or Landscape.— The Cakes are stampt, SCOTT's superfine Water Colours, Inventor, NO. 419, Strand, London. — Their superior Merit has not only recommended them in most of the capital Cities and Towns in Great- Britain and Ireland, but has also extended it to the Continent, there being a considerable Quantity lately sent there, by Order, and for the immediate Use of several Royal Personages. Likewise a large Assortment of very fine CRAYONS, and real fine INDIA INK; warranted Camel Hair PENCILS, LIQUID COLOURS for Maps and Plans; DRAWING CHALKS, just imported; with all Things necessary for drawing and colouring, in Mahogany Boxes of various Con- structions, in complete Sets, and in great Variety. Of whom may be had ( a few Copies only remaining) Price 6s in Boards, The HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES of GLOCESTER; including the Civil and Military Affairs of that ancient City ; with a particular Account of St. Peter's Abbey, and other religious Houses; of the Bishoprick, Bishops, and Dignitaries of the Cathedral Church", and all other public Establishments, from the earliest Period to the present Time. N. B. The best Prices ( ready Money)' given for any Quantity of good BEES WAX. Extract of a letter from London, Saturday evening seven o'clock. " We have no particular news to- day. The fleet from Antigua is hourly expected in the Channel. " The conduct of the Loyalists at New York, it is imagined, has determined the Cabinet no longer to re- sist the Independence of America. I am inclined to this opinion, as I know for certain that a gentle- man of consequence set off for Paris last Monday, and took with him three of the King's messengers, who are to return successively with the result of the conferences." The Rev. Robert Myddleton, M. A. and fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge, was, on Act Tuesday, ad- mitted to an ad eundem degree in the University of Oxford. Lately died, at Pitchcombe, in this county, Mrs. Palling, wife of the late Thomas Palling, Esq; of that place. Last week died, at Stoke, in this county, Silas Blandfprd, sen. Esq; steward to his Grace the Duke of Beaufort. Last week died Mr. John Lovatt, of this city, On Tuesday last died, at Cirencester, in this county, after a tew hours illness, Mr. Thomas Parsons, in the 72d year of his age, many years post- master that place. Our letters from Bengal mention, that in the month of February last died, at Calcutta, Mr. James Warren, second son of the Rev. Dr. Warren, of Rip- ple, in the county of Worcester; a young gentleman whose death is the more to be lamented, as he pro- mised to be an honour to his family, and an ornament to his country. By the same letters we learn, that Thomas Davis, jun. Esq; son of Thomas Davis, Esq; of Newhouse in the county of Hereford, is appointed by the Gover- nor and Council of Bengal, their Advocate General 5 a place, the emoluments of which are upwards of 6000I. a year. Also, that Mr. Samuel Turner, son of Mrs. Turner, of this city, is appointed Aid de Camp to the Governor General of Bengal. Captain Davy of this city, who went out to India with Lord Macartney, is appointed chief Persian Se- cretary to the Governor of Bengal, a port of great ho- nour and consequence, and which he was best qua- lified to fill, as no European ever attained to the pro- ficiency in Oriental languages, which this gentleman has acquired. Extract of a letter from Carmarthen, Aug. 8. " For two days and nights past there has been con- tinual rain, which has caused great floods in all ths rivers and brooks about this place, which are swelled so amazingly as to obstruct horses and carriages from passing the roads. The damage done to the far- mers on the Towey fide is almost incredible. The grain is beat down and lodged in such a manner, that it will not be worth the reaping ; and the hay has been in many places entirely swept off by the floods. This morning a boy about nine years old fell over the bridge, and was immediately carried away by the stream, and never heard of since." The overflowing of the Severn has occasioned in this part of the country no less damage than has been sustained from the river Towey in Carmarthenshire, Extract of a letter from Cardiff, August 5. " Last week the Glamorganshire races were held, the firft time for many years, at this place. They were honoured with the attendance of most of the families of fashion for several miles round, and the entertain- ments of the week were conducted in a manner which gave the most universal satisfaction. The dress ball on Thursday was one of the most brilliant sights ever ex- hibited here ; and towards the conclusion of it, the company were agreeably surprised by a polite invita- tion from the stewards ( William Wyndham, and Peter Birt, jun. Esqrs.) to a public breakfast and dance in the Town- Hall the next morning. There were like- wise undress balls on Wednesday and Friday evenings. « The races in general afforded excellent sport, particularly on Thurfday afternoon.— John Mansel Talbot, Esq; of Margam, who was winner on Wed- nesday, generously refused to accept of the 50I. but contributed it towards the races of the ensuing year; in favour of which, all the company present, as well as others, whose engagements prevented their atten dance, have promised their warmed support." Extract of a letter from Chester, August 7. " I have this moment seen a gentleman come over from Ireland, who assures me, that the Parlia- ment of that kingdom, almost to a man, are returned to their houses in the country, satisfied with what has been done by Great- Britain The people are against Mr, Flood's violent schemes in a proportion of fifty to one— The Duke of Portland's loss is regretted; but, this gentleman says, his Grace is himself impatient to return." Best Wheat Second Third ofil. ood. ojd. Barley 2s. 04d. to 2s. oyd. Besns 3s. © 4d. to 3s. oSd, Oats is. lod. to 2</ 9od NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of X\ the Trustees cf the Sudbury Division of Roads, and cf the Commissioners of the Sudbury Hill District of Road, will be held at the Bell Inn, in Chipping Sodbury, in the County of Glocefter, pn Wednesday the 14th of this Instant August, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon agreeable tb their respective Adjournments. GEORGE HICKS, Clerk to the Commissioners. be SOLD, together or in Parcels,- the A great and fmall TYTHES of the several Parishes of Langendairn, Llandeveylog, Llannon, Llannelly, and Llan- ginnuch, in the County of Carmarthen. Any Persons in- clined to treat for the whole, or any Part of thefc Tythes, are defired to apply to Mr, Roderick, at Newton, near Llandilo, on or before the 1oth day of August. TO bs LET, and entered upon at Lady- Day next, Two good inclofed DAIRY FARMS, at Clot- ley, in the Parish of Hankerton, m the County of Wilts, one late in the Occupation of John Ferrebee, containing 2,37 Acres of Pafture Land, and the other now in the Occupation of Farmer John Stagg, containing 205 Acres of Pafture* and feven Acres of Arable Land, Tythe- fvee, about feven Miles from Cirencester, five from Malmesbury, and five from Tet- bury, with very convenient Farm- Houfes, Cheefe Lofts, Pig- Sties, Cow- Houses, and Outhouses in good Repair. The Lands lie well together, and the Farms are well wooded an'd watered, with Right in two very extenfive and valuable Com- mons. The coming- on Tenants may be accommodated with a Quantity of Hay, of this Year's Growth. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Samuel Walbank, near Cirencefter; Mr. Abraham Walbank, at Chalford ; or Mr. James and Thomas Chambers, at Hampton, Gloces- tershire 5 and of Mr. John Cole, of Minety, who will shew the Premises. BRECONSHIRE. TO be SOLD to the best Bidder, at the Golden Lion, in the Town of Brecon, on Friday the l6rh Day of August Inst. between the Ho « rs of Four and Five in the Afternoon, in Pursuance of a Decree of the Court of Chan- cery of the great Sessions for the several Counties of Gla- morgan, Brecon,- and Radnor, before Hugh Bold, Gentle- man, Register of the Court of Chancery aforesaid, All that capital MESSUAGE, FARM, and LANDS, with the Appurtenances, called Trebinshun, lying in the Pa- rities of Llangaftey Tally Llyn, and Cathedine, in the County of Brecon, of the Yearly Value of One hundred and Thirty Pounds or thereabouts, containing about Three Hun- dred Statute Acres, having many Acres of Orcharding well wooded, and a fuitable Quantity of Arable, Meadow, and Pafture j lies near the Turnpike Road from Brecon to Abergavenny, and at a convenient Diftance from Lime and Coal ; is capable of great Improvement. Inquire of the Owner Mr. William Jones, on the Premifes; Edward Allen, Esquire, Hay; or Mr. Bold, Brecon. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. SKINNER and Co. On Wednefday the 28th of Auguft, at Twelve o'Clnck, at Garraway's Coffee- Houfe, Change- Alley, Cornhill, London, A valuable FREEHOLD FARM, situate at Wibden, in the County of Glocester, three Miles from Chepstow, in Monmouthshire, comprising ONE HUNDRED ACRES of fertile old inclofed LAND, of a natural rich loomy Soil, a Fart bounded by the River Severn, and the Hedge Rows ex- ceedingly well ftocked with fine young thriving Timber, on leafe to Mr. John James. Also four TENEMENTS, with Paddocks, let to Mr. Benson and others; the whole Rent only Eighty nine Pounds per Ann. To be viewed 21 Days preceding the Sale, when Particulars may be had of the Tenant; of Mr. Davis, Attorney, at C'hep- stow; alfo at the Poft- Houses at Monmouth and Glocester; Angel, Oxford; Red Lion, Henley; Sun, Maidenhead; of Mr. Kiernan, Gray's- Inn ; at the Place of Sale, and of Mr. Skinner and Co. Aldersgate- Street, London. WARWICKSHIRE, TO be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. SKINNER and Co. On Wednesday the 28th of Auguft, at Twelve o'Clock, at Garraway's Coffee- House, Change- Alley, Cornhill, London, A valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, desirably fituate in the Parish of Studley, in the County of Warwick, 12 Miles from Birmingham, seven from Alcester, and five from Hen- ley Arden, comprifing the extenfive MANOR of SKILTS, with all its Privileges and Appurtenances, together with 836 Acres of Meadow, Pafture, Arable, and Wood LAND, di- vided into eligible Farms, with fuitable Dwelling- Houses and Buildings, and alfo a Manfion- Houfe and Offices ; the wholt let to Mr. Martin, Mr. Bolt, Mr. Millington, and others, at 4 reafonable Rent, amounting to THREE HUNDRED and FIFTY- SEVEN POUNDS per Ann. which is considerably un- der the yearly Value. To be viewed 11 Days preceding the Sale, when Particulars may be had on the Premises; at the Post- Houses at Birming- ham, Alcester, Henley, Warwick, Stratford- upon- Avon, and Coventry ; also of Mr. Kiernan, Gray's lnn; at the Place of Safe, and of Mr. Skinner and Co. Alderfgate- Street, London, OXFORDSHIRE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. SKINNER and Co. On Wednesday the 28th of August, at Twelve o'clock, at Garraway's Coffee- House, Change- Alley, Cornhill, London, The capital and very desirable FREEHOLD MANOR ESTATE of STEEPLE BARTON, near the Turnpike Road from Oxford to Banbury, distant 12 Miles from the former, and seven from the latter, and only four Miles from Woodstock, in Oxfordshire, comprising- ONE THOUSAND and NINE ACRES of Meadow, Pasture, Arable, and Wood LAND, Tithe- free, in fine Condition, within a Ring Fence, divided into eligible Inclofures, and exceedingly well timbered and watered, with two Dwelling- Houfes, and pro- per Buildings, in the Possession of Mr. George Trotman and Mr. Richard Ibell, unexceptionable Tenants, at reasonable Rents, amounting to 510I. exdufive of the Wood Land, which has been valued at 40!. making the whole annual Rents FIVE HUNDRED and FIFTY POKNDS. To be viewed 21 Days preceding the Sale, when Particulars may be had of the Tenants; alfo at the Poft- Houfes in Ban- bury and Woodstock ; Angel, Oxford ; Red I. ion, Henley; Sun, Maidenhead; of Mr. Kiernan, Grays- Inn ; at the Place • f Sale, and of Mr. Skinner and Co. Aldersgate- Street, Lon- don. ^ HEREFORDSHIRE. TObeSOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. SKINNER and Co. an Wednesday the 28th of August at Twelve o'Clock, at Garraway's Coffee- House, Change Alley, London, A most desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, delightfully ( tuated on the Banks of the River Wye, at Kenclwfter, ad- joining the Turnpike Road, and only four Miles from the City of HEREFORD. Confifting of Two HOHDKID and FIFTY- TWO ACRES of MEADOW, PASTURE, and ARA- BLE LAND, of the firft Quality, within a RING Fence, properly interspersed with a large Quantity of Oak and Elm Timber, near Perfection; and planted with Fruit Trees, which produce Yearly from 80 to 100 Hogsheads of Cyder, together with a good Water Corn Mill. Let to an une*- ceptionable Tenant at Two Hundred AND SIXTY- FIVE POUNDS per Annum. Also an excellent modernised MANSION, with neccffary Out- buildings. A Moiety of the MANOR abounding with Gam*, ud extensive FISHERY in Hand. The Lands are well watered, and- afford a Variety of beau- tiful Prospects; the House on a rising Ground, having a full command of the River io a most pleasing serpentine Form, over which the Meadows, hanging Woods, aad dillant Hills, afford a Prospect truly picturesque. To be viewed by applying to Mr. Benjamin Watkins, Car- penter, in Hereford, of whom printed Particulars may be had twenty Days preceding the Sale; ; also of the Printer of the Glocester Journal; of Messrs. Parrott and Hodgson, In- ner Temple ; at Garraway's; and of Messrs. Skinner, and Co. Aldersgate Street, London, CIRENCESTER, July 17, 1782. ALL Perfons that have any Demands upon the Estate and Effects of the late Mr Albert Eyles, Apo thecary, are desired to make the same to John BROwn, and they will be paid. And all Persons indebted, are defired to pay the fame to John Brown, Executor to the late Mr. Byles. PURSUANT to an Order made by the Right Hnn. Edward Lord Thurlow, Lord High Chancellor nf Great- Britain, for enlarging the Time for William Bloxham, now or late of the City of Glocester, Mercer, Linen- Draper, Dealer and Chapman, ( a Bankrupt) to furrender himfelf, and majce a full Difcovery and Disclofure of his Estate and Effects for 49 Days, to be computed from the 30th Inftant; This is to give Notice, that the Commissioners in the faid Commission named and authnrifed, or the major Part of them, intend to mert on the 17th of September next, at Ten in the Forenoon, at the House of George Hinks, the Boothall Inn, in the City of Glocefter; where the faid Bankrupt is required to furrender himfelf, between the Hours of Eleven and One of the fame Day, and make a full Difcovery and D'fclofnre of hi-? Eftate and Effects, and finish his Examination; and the Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, ate to come pre- pared to prove the fame, and alfent to, or different from, the Allowance of his Certificate. CARMATHENSHIRE. TO be SOLD by Auction, at the Greyhound Inn, in the County of the Borough of Carmarthen, on Saturday the 28th Day of September next, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon of the fame Day, unlefs previously disposed of by private Contract, Subject to fuch Conditions of Sale as shall be then produced, All that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, and LANDS, called Pentre Meyrick, situate in the Parish of ' S'. PeterT* in the said County Borough of Carmarthen, now set to David Rees, at the clear yearly Rent of 2-;!. ITS. 6d. Also all that MESSUAGE, Dwelling House, and Garden, situate in Priory Street, in the said County Borough, now fet to Owen Young, Gent, at the Yearly Rent nf 4I. Also all that MESSUAGE or Dwelling House, and Gar- den, situate in Priory Street aforesaid, in the County Bo rough aforesaid, how fet to William Williams, Gent, ?_: ;!'• Yearly Rent of 61. Also- all that MESSUAGE or Dwelling House, situate in Priory Street aforefaid, in the County Borough aforesaid, now fet to John Thomas and others, at the Yearly Rent of 61. 4s. For Particulars apply to Mr. Thomas Howell, Attorney at Law, Carmarthen.— The Tenants will shew the Premises TO be SOLD in Fee, to the best bidder, on Thursday the 22d of August instant, at the Talbot- Inn, in Upton- upon- Severn, Worcestershire, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, subject to such Condi- tions as shall Be then produced, A MESSUAGE or FARM HOUSE, with a Barn, Stable, and other convenient Out- buildings ; and a Garden and small Orchard thereunto adjoining; also three Pieces of Paf- ture Land, containing about nine Acres, and five' Pieces cf Arable Land, containing about twenty- one ( more or less) ad- joining together, and lying extremely convenient, situate in Woodmancote, in the Parish of Defford, in the County of Worcester, about three Miles distant from Upton- upon- Se- vern, and five Miles from Pershore. Also Common of Pas- ture for all Commonable Cattle, in Defford Common, valued by the Commissioners, under an Act of Parliament; at 31, is. 3d. a Year. The Premises are capable of great Improvement at a small Expence ; are all TYTHE- FREE, and not subject to the Payment of any Herriott or Chief Rent. For a View apply to Mr. William Wood, the Proprietor, at Woodmancote aforesaid ; and further Particulars may be had on Application to Mr. Francis Welles, Attorney, in Upton- upon- Severn, Worcestershire. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be LET and entered upon at Michaelmas or Christmas next, the capital MESSUAGE or MANSION HOUSE of Goytrey, situate in the Parish of Goytrey, about five Miles from the Town of Abergavenny, and adjoining the Turnpike Road from thence to Pontypool, together with convenient Outbuildings, a Cyder Mill, good Orchard, and one hundred and twenty- fix Statute Acre;; of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, lying compact and sav- ing a valuable Common Right, with Liberty of getting Lime- ftone and Coals, and burning Lime on very extensive W-- or Commons near thereto. Alfo a FARM called Pentwyr., situate in the Parish of Lanvair, about a Mile from the former, consisting of a Con- venient Dwelling House and Out- buildings, all in g > od Re- pair, with One Hundred and Twenty Statute Acres of Ara- ble, Meadow, and Pasture Land, lying compact, and having the like Common Right, and other Privileges above men- tioned. Also a MESSUAGE, with all convenient Buildings, and upwards of Seventy- five Statute Acres of Meadow, Arable, and Pasture Land, including two Covers of Orcharding, planted with good Fruit Trees,, now in their Prime, fituate in the Parifh of, and adjoining to the Town of, Ragland, and within fix Miles of Usk, seven of Monmouh, and nine of Aber- gavenny, all good Market Towns. N, B. The Dwelling- House on the laft Farm is a very eli- gible Situation for a Publick, having great Conveniences for taking in Pigs and Cattle on their Road from Wales to Briftol. Alfo a BARN, with about Twenty- eight Statute Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pafture Land, very good in their Kind, fituate in the faid Parifh of Ragland, at a fhort Diftance from the laft Farm, and may be occupied therewith. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Powell, Attorney at Law, in Abergavenny. N. B. Good Tenants will have Encouragement. GLAMORGANSHIRE. COWBRIDGE RACES, 1782. ON Stallingdown, Wednefday the 25th of September, a Purfe of FIFTY POUNDS, given by the Member for the County, will be run for by any Horfe, Mare, or Gelding ( having never won any Plate, Match, or S'weepftakes) the Property of a refident Freeholder, and ha- ving been in his Possession in the County two Months, im- mediately preceding the Day of running.— To carry la Stone. The beft of thiee HSats. On Thurfday the » 6th, FIFTY POUNDS, to b « run for by any Horfe, Mare, or Gelding, Four- year- olds to carry 9ft. Five- year- olds 10ft.; Six- year- dds 10ft. 91b.; and Aged 11 ft. A Winner of one Plate fince the iff of March laft to carry 31b. extra. A Winner of two or more Platot to carry 5lb. extra. The bed of three Heats. On tfr « fame Day will be r » n for, a Subfcription CUP, lot Three- year- olds, bred in South Wales, Colt, to carry 7 ft. 71b. Filliea 7 ft. 41b. One Two- mile Heat. No lef. than three reputed running Horfes will be per- mitted to ftart for either of the above Plates unlefa allowed by the Steward,. If only one enters, to have Ten Guineas ; if two, ftven Guinea, each ; and the Entrance Money re- turnad, unlefs agreed by the Stewards that two fhall ftart, when, if either refufe, he fhall have no Claim to fuch Pre- mium. Th » Horfes, AK. to enter on Monday the 15th of Septem- ber at th « Houfe of Mr. William Bowen, the Throe Tuns and Tennis Cottrt, between the Hour, of Four and Six io the Afternoon, with Certificates of their Ages and Quali- fio « tio> i to be produced ar the fame Time. A subscriber to pay One Guinea Entrance, and Half a Guinea to the Clerk of the Courfe, or double at the Poll; a Non fubferibar to pay Three Guineas Entrance, and Half a Guinea to the Clerk of the Courfe, or double at th « Prg, And each Winner to pay One Guinea to the Cletk of the Courfe for Weights. Tbe Stakes each D « y ts » the Second beft Horfe winning a cleir idi'at; and all Di^ nte, either in tKitering or running to br decided by the Stewards, or whom '. hey fhall appoint, and that Determination to b » Una!. No Person will be permitted to erect a Sooth to fell Li quors on the Race Ground, but thole who fhall have fub- lcnbrd Half- a- Guiuea, to be paid into the Hands of the Clerk of the Courfe, be^ fu- e futh Booth is creeled. Ordinaries each Day and Balls, as usual, at the Bear and Green Dragon inns. RICHARD AUBREY. 7 „ DAVID THOMAS, Esqrs. ST E WAR Ds- DAVID WILLIAMS, Clerk of the Course. BRISTOL. FOR SALE by Auction, on Tuesday the 13th of August Inst. at Ten o'Clnck in the Forenoon pre- cisely, at Messrs John Garnett and Co.' s Deal- Yard, Can- non's- Marsh, about 100C. Red and White DEALS, from 1 and a Half to 3 Inches thick. Being the Cargo of the Providentia, from Dram. Catalogues of which will be timely dispersed. FOR SALE by Auction, at the Exchange Coffee- House, Bristol, on Monday the 19th of August I nst at One o'Clock, 97 Puncheons of fine flavoured strong- Jamaica RUM, 50 Puncheons of very good Leeward Island RUM, One Puncheon in a Lot. Catalogues of which will be timely published, and Samples may be tasted at the Office of J. BONBONOUS, Broker. To all Lovers of Fun, Humour, Wit, Repartee, Mirth, Jollity, and Glee. This Day is pubished, Price only One Shilling, Embellished with a droll Frontispiecee, adapted to the Drol- lery of the Book, THE FRISKY JESTER; or, the CREAM of the JEST, and the MARROW of the TALE. Consisting of a Banquet of " Wit for the Laughter- loving Crew. Containing a Dish of Fun for every Palate, from the Peer to the Peasant, or from the superb Drawing- Room to the humble Cot finely relished, and highly season- ed. Consisting of laughable Stories, diverting Tales, pojgnant Jests, keen Repartees, interesting Bon Mots, Bulls a la Dub- lin, in the true Hibernian Taste, luscious double Entendres, pointed Epigrams, paradoxical Enigmas, Rebusses, Conun- drums, See. & c. Together with a curious Collection of cele- brated Songs, and a great Variety of new Toasts and Senti- ments. By ROGER R U B Y F A C E, Esq} Common Council- man of PORT- SOAKING WARD. itx Mirth lengthens Life ( agreed by all the Sages) ** Then read these Jests and live a thousand Ages." RUBYFACE. London, printed for the Proprietors, and sold by B. Corn- well, No. 198, Fleet- Street; G. Lister, No. 46, Old Bailey. Sold also by Evans and Hazell, S. Harward, T. Dunn, J. Hough, and J. Washbourn, Glocester; T. Stevens, Ci- rencester; J. Allen, Hereford; W. North, Brecon j and Mrs. Price, Hay. The following MEDICINES are sold by R. RAIKES, in Glocester. AS a Proof of the superior Efficacy of MARE- DANT's DROPS ( to any other Antiscorbotic Medi- cine hitherto published, Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, of Gol- den Square, London, the only Inventor and Proprietor of them, refers those afflicted with the Scurvy, and other Com- plaints arising from that Cause, to the following People who have been cured by them, viz. the Son of William Barber, of Brockholes, near Preston, in Lancashire, ( after being deemed incurable), by taking them, the Humour, though very inveterate, was totally eradicated, and his Health, which was very bad, reftored ; this was sworn at Preston, the 20th of April, 1781, before Bartholomew Devis, Mayor.—— A poor Woman of Pendleton, near Manchester, of a scrophulous Disorder in her right Thigh, which she had nine Years; it made her so emaciated and lame that fhe could scarcely move with the Assistance of a Crutch and Stick; she had 16 run- ning Sores in her Thigh. Witness, Thomas Butterworth Bayley, Esq; a Magistrate for the County of Lancashire. A Cure authenticated by Sir George Armitage, Bart of Kirk- lees Hall, in the West Riding of Yorkshire; Mr. Joseph Wormsley, a Tenant of his, of the Parish of Clifton, had two Ulcers, each as large as a Crown Piece, five ia his right Side, five on his Shoulder, five in his right Leg, and one over his left Eye. — Matthias Calvert, a Captain in the East- In- dia Company's Service, of Blotches all over his Body. The following Cure authenticated by James Cowper, M. D. viz. Roderic MacDonald of a most violent Scurvy.— Lieutenant Colonel Feyrac, late of his Majesty's 18th or Royal Regiment of Foot, of » violent Scurvy, attended with a total Want of Appetite, Sleep, and Spirits Mr. John Good, late Sur- geon of his Majesty's Sloop Ferrit, of an obstinate Fistula Mr. John Forster, at the Rose at Welling, Kent, of a Le- prosy, attended with a severe Rheumatism. — Mr. Atwood, in the Market Place, Bath, of an inveterate Scurvy, which affected his Head and Face; on the Side of his Nose grew spongy Flesh, the same round his Eyes and Mouth, attended with a Pain in his Head so violent as to deprive him of the Ufe of his left Eye, with many other Cures which would lengthen this Advertifement exceedingly. These Drops are sold in square Bottles, by Mr. Norton, Surgeon, in Golden- Square, London, and at his Country House, at Smallberry- Green, near Hounslow, at Half a Guinea and Six Shillings each, with the following Infcription on them, viz. ( JOHN NORTON, OMV PROPRIETOR AND AUTHOR OF MAREDANT'S DROPS) each Bottle is wrapped in a Folio Bill of Dire& ions, figned by Mr. Norton, in his own Hand- writing. The Half Guinea Bottles are fold at his Hgufes only. ti. B. Beware of Counterfeits, The Six Shilling Bottles are fold ( by Mr. Norton's Ap- pointment) by R. Raikes, Glocester; Mrs. Hill, Ciren- cester ; Mr. Careless, Newent; Mr. Wood, Winchcomb; Mr. Ford, Grocer, Chepstow; Messrs. Robson and Rees, Neath; Mrs. Downes, Carmarthen; Mr. Pugh and Mr. Allen, Hereford; Mr. Harward, Tewkesbury; Mr. Mor- gan, Newport; Mr. Willet, Cardiff; Messrs. Rees and Thomas, Cowbridge ; and Mr. Padley, Swansea. Where may be likewise had, VANDOUR's PILLS, at Two Shillings and Sixpence a Box; fo efficacious in Nervous Complaints. FENDON's NERVOUS DROPS, at Six and Three Shil- lings per Bottle. As alfo WACE's ASTHMATIC DROPS, at Six and Three Shillings pet Bottle. Of whom may be had, CAKES for making a SHINING LIQUID BLACKING, for SHOES, BOOTS, & c. These Cakes make, with the utmost Ease, by the Addition of Water only, a most excellent Shining Liquid Blacking, much superior to any hitherto known : It gives the finest Black, and most beau- tiful Gloss to the Leather, v « never renders it stiff or hard, but, on the contrary, prevents its cracking, and preserves it soft, pliable, and mellow to the very last, whereby it is. ren- dered more agreeable to the Wearer, as well as much more durable : It is perfectly free from Smell, and the Shoes that are blacked with it, will neither soil the Fingers in putting on nor the Stockings in wearing. To Mr. FRANKLIN, Chymist, and Wholesale Perfu- mer, No. 11, Gray s Inn- Lane, London. S I R, I take this Trouble to acquaint you, I have for Years been assisted with a soft Corn next my great Toe, and was advifed by Mrs, Webster, of Lombard- Street, to try your Corn Salve, and upon her Recommendation fent my Seivant for a Box of it, though fearful of receiving Benefit, having tried fo many before to no Purpofe; but from yours I have found fuch Relief, that what has been a great Grievance to me. for Years, appears to be perfectly cured, therefore for the Good of the Public you are welcome to make what Use of this you think proper. I am, Sir, yours, Mount- Street, Grosvenor- Squarc, S. I L E S. May 9, 1782. This justly celebrated CORN SALVE is sold Wholesale and Retail, with printed Directions, at Mr. Franklin's, Wholefale Perfume- Wharehouse, No. n, Gray's- Inn- Lane, London, Price is. 6d. per Box, ( if it fails, the Money to be returned.) Where may be had all Sorts of Foreign and Eng- lish Perfumery on the loweft Terms, Wholefale only. %* Country Orders punctually executed on the loweft Terms, by a Line addressed as above. - j - l- J- Also regular Assortments of the best Goods made up for the Accommodations of Persons entering into Business, 18 per Cent, cheaper than any where in London. His Cora Sale is also to be had of the Printer of this Paper, and of any of the News Carriers, By the KING's Patent. THE great Number of extraordinary CURES daily performed by this, most efficacious Medicine, render, it unneceffary to lavifh Encomiums on its falutary EfJVfb : f„ f_. fice it therefore to fay, that the Beauine, by its coidial, at- tenuating, aad detergent Powers, fortifies the Stomach and Bowels, and by promoting a good Digeftion, purifies the Blood and Juices, and gives Vigour to the Conftitution.- To- thefe Qualities the Faculty attribute its having proved fo emi- nently ferviceable in Gouty, Rheumatic, Scorbutic, Languid,. Neivous, and Hypochondriac Cafes: And, hence, alfo. they account for its being fo particularly beneficial in FEMALE DISORDERS ; and fuch as are incident to the Conflitution in- the Sp- ing and Fall. To present Counterfeits the Bottles a- e each figned by W. NICOLL, T. BECKET, I Vender) ( a Proprietor) Sold by R. Raikes, Glocester; Mr. Crutwell, Bath-. Brown, Briftol; Stevens, Cirencester; Wright, Haverfordi wilt; Allen, Hereford; Harold, Marlborough; Tudor Monmouth; Eddowes, Salop; Hogg, Stroud; Hartlebury Tewkesbury; Tymbs, Worcester j North, Brecon; Chew, Bristol; Potter, Haverfordwest. Of whom way be bad, HEMET's ESSENCE! of PEARL. Mr. HEMET, Dentist to her Majesty and the Prin- cess Amelia, begs Leave to observe, that he has found from long and repeated Obfeivation, that one prin- cipal Cause of the Loss of Teeth early in Life, is a- Negleft of them when in the State of Childhood ( pro- ceeding from an opinion that they are too tender to- hear cleaning) and being thoroughly fenfihle that liis- Essence of Pearl will not do the least Jujury to the Teeth-- even in their tendereft State, but, on the contrary, i » fo very efficacious that it will keep the- Gums of Chil- dren from being affected with the Scurvy, will pre- serve the first Teeth from premature Decay, and pre- vent those swelled Faces and fevere Pains in the TcL- th,. to which they are fo much subject about the Time shedding them, that it will certainly render the second Teeth stronger and more regular, consequently contri- bute very greatly to the Beauty and Preservation of them throughout their whole Lives : He therefore think* himfelf thoroughly warranted in taking the Libercv t ® recommend the Use of his Essence, according to'tha Direaions given with it, as soon as the first Set of Teeth is complete, which is generally about the Age of two Years. GREEN's SPECIFIC DROPS IS certainly the only Medicine in this King- dom, that can be depended upon to cure the VENEREAL. DISEASE; either Ses who are afficted with this cruel Dif- order, ftubborn Gleets, he » t of Urine, and all Diforders in urinary Passages, nocturnal Pains, foul Bones, and ill Effects, of Mercury, may depend on a found and perfeil Cure, a slight: Cafe is generally cured in a few Days, and a confirmed Lues in' two Months, eyen if the Diforder has been Handing twenty. Years. They require no reftraint of Diet, or Hindrance of Bufinefs In Bottles at Five Shillings, and Two Shilling,. and Six- pence each.-- Alfo, BOERHAAVE's universal Re- ftorative of Human Nature. Is a Specific Medicine for emaciated Youth and other, afflicted with nervous Disorders whether from Excess of vene- real Enjoyments, or from that detestable Practice of Self Po_ lution, or other Debaucheries ; trembling of the Hands from- d Drinhaking, or otherwise;. Dimness Of Sight, Pains in. the Stomachjfcifcck, and Head, frightful Dreams, Lownefs and. Depression of the Spirits, or any other nervous Complaint. —- Price fc> s. 6d. and 5s. 6d. each Bottle. Sold by the Proprietor Dr. GREEN, at his Dispensary No. 2. Littlc- Hoe- Lane, Plymouth: Alfo by bis Appoint- ment by the Printer of this Paper; and by his News- men; also sold by Mr. R. Crutwell, Printer, Bath ; Mr- Pine, Printer, Wine- street, Bristol ; Mr. Thomas Woods,. Printer, Shrewsbury ; Mr. Tymbs, Printer, Worcester; Mr. Jackson, Printer, Oxford : Messrs. Carnan and Smart, Read-, irtg; Messrs. Collins and Co. Printers, Salisbury ; Mr. Breadhewer, Bookfeller, Portsmouth j Mr. Allen, Hereford and Mr. Careless, Newent. Of whom may be had, By his Majesty's Letters Patent. LEAKE's justly famous PILL, well known for CURING, in all its Stages, the VENEREAL. DISEASE. Price is. 6d. the Box One small Pill is » Dose; and the taking of one Box in a recent Case will soon convince the Patient of the Certainty of his speedy Recovery. Nothing can be better contrived, more safe, or more conveni- ent than this Remedy for, such as are obliged to go Journies, or to Sea, as it needs no Confinement or Restraint of Diet; and 50 Years Experience ( in an extensive Practice) has proved, that it will effect a Cure, when repeated Salivation, and all other Methods avail nothing - For the Scurvy, and other chronicle Diforders, this- Medicine h^ is not its parallel: Thou- sands in this Kingdom are convinced of its happy Effects in these cruel Disorders by their perfect Cure, Sold at the Patentee's, No. 13, in Bride- Lane, Fleet- Street, London. Dr. LOWTHER's NERVOUS POWDERS and DROPS, Prepared by Dr. HIND E. CERTIFICATE of CURE. SIR,, WITH the greatest Joy and Pleasure I can In- form you of my Restoration to perfect Health, and the Continuance of it for twelve Months past, by Use of your Nervous Medicines, without Interruption, or Occurrence of any bad Symptom fince. I was greatly affected with Dizzi- ness, Stupor, and Pain of the Head, continual Dejestion, Lassitude, Inattention, Failure of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Horrors, Startings, Indigestion, Oppression from Wind, and many other dismal Symptoms. In this Situation, de- fpaiiing of Relief, ( from Inefficacy and Trial of Variety of Medicines,) being providentially recommended to your Care by Mr. Howland, ( cured by you of fimilar Complaints,) and now recovered to Vigour and Strength; I think it an incum- bent Duty to publifh arid attest my Cure, that People, labour- ing under Nervous Disorders, may know where to apply for Relief. r ' JOHN ANDREWS, Woolwich, April 26, 1782. These Medicines are sold only by R. RAIKES, in the Southgate- Strcet, Of whom may be had, - The RESTORATIVE MEDICINE; To Dr. S M Y T H, Suffolk- Street, near Charing- Cross, LONDON. AS I shall leave England in a few Days, I beg Leave to inform you, that I am happily recovered from the weak relaxed State I was in, by taking your RESTORA- TIVE MEDICINE, and now enjoy better Health and Spirits than I have done for Years past. I intend taking some of your Medicines to Sea with me, and will ever retain a grateful Sense of the Obligations I am under to you for the particular Attention you paid to my Cafe. You may make what Ufe you pleafe of this Letter, and 1 am, Sir, & c. WILLIAM WHITE. Portsmouth, June 30, 1781. In the Course of 14 Years, since the Publication of this NEW MEDICINE, as well as before in private Practice, no- thing of the Kind was ever known to be given with the like Success in Gleets, Weaknesses, Debility, & c. in either Sex, whether natural, or acquired by the Effects of Mercury, frequent Debauches, and in nervous Complaints; also the Diseases oc- casioned by a Residence in a hot Climate, and those secret In- firmities which attack Persons advancing in Years, have been by this Remedy removed, and tbe natural Powers of the whole vital System nourished, comforted, and prolonged. For a more particular Account, read a Treatise just pub- lished, the Eighteenth Edition, Price is. 6d. ( to be had where the Medicine is sold) where the above- mentioned Dis- orders are particularly described, and some remarkable Cases taken Notice of. The Restorative is to be had in Bottles at 10s. 6d. each. G L O C E S T E R , Printed by R. R A I K E S , in the Southgate- Street,
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