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The Glocester Journal


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Volume Number: LXI    Issue Number: 3144
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The Glocester Journal

Date of Article: 15/07/1782
Printer / Publisher: R. Raikes 
Address: Southgate-street, Gloucester
Volume Number: LXI    Issue Number: 3144
No Pages: 4
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are desired to meet at the The following are faid to be the respective plans for an accommodation - with America, and the other warring powers, proposed by the Rockingham and Shelburne parties, ROCKINGHAM PLAN. ww nj^ w with her on a broad bottom. O Peace with France, Spain, and I. A the Dutch; a general restoration XX. JSC of territory captured on ' all sides, and t'ie Powers t0 be put in the jSCM^ OJOK^ C farae situation as before the rup- 3. A parliamentary reform to a short parliament,' and a general system of economy in every depart- ment, in order to render more distinct the powers of the Crown and Parliament. 4. Twenty new peers, six to be made directly; and a dissolution of the parliament;. at the end of the present session, if it should be found necessary : of the new peers the King to name six, First Lord of the Treasury four, each of the two Secretaries two, Pre- sident of the Council, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord High Chancellor of England, Lord Privy Seal, First Lord of the Admiralty, one each; the other to be adjusted in the Cabinet. 5. An increase of the navy, as far as is possible ; a system to be adopted so as to reconcile all parties, and recal to the public service men of the first abilities in the naval line. All the marines on the present establishment converted into sailors, and a reduction of twelve regiments to serve as marines. 6. A general reform and reduction in the army; no more foreigners to be hired, except to recruit such German or other foreign regiments now in service, and no foreign troops on any account admitted into England or Scotland. SHELBURN PLAN. 1. America to have the most equitable terms held out to her— an Independence of the British Parlia- ment, but not of the British Crown ; and an immer diate repeal of all acts passed against her; a bill of general oblivion, and an immediate exchange of good offices, a viceroy for the Northern colonies, and another for the Southern; the peerage to extend to America. 2. A general peace; but Great Britain to retain the Isle of Ceylon, and to have it guarantied for ever to her by the other powers : Eustatia to be a neutral island ; in all other respects matters to be put on the same footing as before the war. . ... 3. An ( economical system to be adopted, and a general reform as to the abolition of useless offices, & c. but no reform of Parliament so as to alter the period of sitting ; it being alledged that the Crown is empowered to dissolve and call fresh Parliaments every year if it should be found necessary. Twenty four new Peers, & c, - 5. The navy to be increased as much as possible; a register of seamen under, parliamentary sanction ; a general attention to fisheries, commerce, & c. new recruits for marines, in the room such as it may be found necessry to take and convert for seamen. 6. No reduction in the army establishment till the war is concluded, except in the article of foreign troops; all the rest as in the first plan. ' N » B. A great Personage adopts the articles of the Shelburne party, as do likewise all of the Bedford side. THURSDAY'S POST. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Camp of St. Roch, May 30. OUR camp is no longer called the camp of '• qf > Ji' St. Roch, but the camp before Gibraltar, O w because we are seriously preparing to form OwwV the siege of that place, so that the general •.>•.>", quarters are transferred from St. Roch to the camp itself. We are now no forwarder than on the 1st day du- ring the 33 months we have been here. Paris, June 25. We were informed yesterday that the frigate la Medea is arrived at Rochefort from Cape Francois, from whence she has brought the Marquis and Marchioness de Bouille, also M. de Bougainville, whom the Marquis de Vaudreuil per- mitted to return to France 0n account of his bad state of health. Paris, June 30. We learn, by the Medea, that the St. Esprit joined the fleet at the Cape, and that the Dauphin Royal, an old ship of 70 guns, has been broke up. The Auguste had above 400 balls in her, and is acknowledged to be one of those which suffered most on the 12th of April. If this be the case, M de Grasse is certainly wrong in complaining of the be- haviour of M. de Bougainville, her commander. It is said that M. de la Clocheterie, Captain of the Her- cules, is dead of his wounds at Curassoa. Rome, June 16. The Holy Father, after an ab- sence of three months and a half, returned to this capital 0n the 13th inst. in the most perfect state of health. sailed from thence on an expedition against Madras, Dec. 7, 1781, consisting of a number of ships, fitted out at the expence of above seven millions of their mo- ney ; and that on board them were upwards of 11,000 men, with provisions for six months, 20 mortars, 4.0 pieces of cannon for the siege, and 32 smaller pieces ; the fleet commanded by Mons. Thomas D'Orves, Commodore, together with the Commander de . Suf- frein; the troops by M. Duchemin, Marechal de Camp." Extract of a letter from Portsmouth, July 3. " The Royal William, of 84 guns, Captain Allen, would have gone out of harbour this day, but was prevented by want of wind. "• The Pegase, Elizabeth, Ruby, and Trident re- main in dock repairing. At Spithead, the Diligente, of 7o guns, Admiral Evans ; Bristol, of 50, intended for Admiral Parker; Belle Paule, and seven other frigates." Orders were yesterday sent to Sheerness for the Blenheim of 90, Asia, Belleisle, and Polyphemus, of 64, to proceed to Portsmouth with all possible dispatch. GLOCESTER INFIRMARY. June 27, 1782 LL Persons inclined to favour the Glocester Colonel John Parr is appointed to the government of Nova Scotia, and has kissed hands on the occasion. His Excellency will embark in a few days for that place. Vice- Admiral Milbanke is appointed by the Board of Admiralty to the command of the squadron destin- ed for the North Seas, in the room of Sir John Lock- hart Ross, who retires from the service. William Burke, Esq; is appointed Paymaster and Cornmissary to hjs Majesty's forces in India. The Lord Chancellor has presented the Rev. Lan- caster Framingham to the vicarage of Rougham, in Norfolk, void by death. The Lord Chancellor has presented the Rev. George Sewell, son to the Master of the Rolls, to the rectory of Byfleet, in Surrey. , Saturday a dispensation passed the great seal to the Rev. George Popham, M. A. Chaplain to Lord Montford, enabling him to hold the rectory of Church- stanton, in Devonshire, together with the rectory of Buckland St. Mary, in Somersetshire... Saturday last the Rev. William Swanne, M. A. Fellow of Dulwich College, was inducted into the living of Acris, in Kent. Sir James Lowther, Bart, has resigned the com- mand of the Westmoreland militia to Sir Michael le Fleming, Bart. Last Saturday night as a tradesman was going to his lodgings in Kentish- Town, he was overtaken on this side Pancras by a man of decent appearance, who asked to what part he was going ; which being told him he said there were such a number of robberies committed that it was dangerous to go alone, and de- sired leave to walk along, with him, which being- granted, they went together until they came into a field the other side Of the George, when the stranger said, Sir, I must take . my leave of you here, but first you must deliver your money, . See. and holding a pistol to his head, robbed him of two guineas, and a half, some silver, and his watch, and then ran off across the field. Saturday the session ended at the Old Bailey, when 11 convicts received Judgment of death-— six to be transported for seven years, five to his Majesty's Colonies in America, and one ( a black) to the coast of Africa-- 12 were sentenced to hard labour in the house of correction-'- four to be imprisoned in New- gate— two to be whipped, and discharged—- and 23 discharged by proclamation. Married. Yesterday morning, at St. James's church, the Right Hon. the Earl of Cavan, to Miss Gould, youngest daughter of- Sir Henry Gould, , Knt. one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. Monday se'nnight, Albermarle Bertie, Esq; Captain of his Majesty's ship Crocodile, to Miss Heywood, daughter of James Modyford Heywood, Esq; of Marikow, in the county of Devon. Died.— Yesterday morning, the Rev. Mr. Max- well, late chaplain to the asylum. nesday the 17th of July next, by Ten o'Clock in the Morn- ing, to attend the President to the Cathedral-; after Divine Service to proceed to inspect the Infirmary, and from thence to the King's- Head, where an Ordinary will be provided at Two o'Clock. ' - » There will be a General Court at the Infirmary the pre- ceding Evening at Five o'Clock. To the Right REv. the PRESIDENT, the HOn. ANd Rev. the VICE- PRESIDENT, and the reSt Of the GOVERNORS to the GLOCESTER INFIRMARY gEnTle men ENCOURAGED by many respectable Friends. I / *! Leave- to offer myself as Candidate for the Place of Apothecary to your Infirmary ( Mr. Trye having signified his Intention of resigning: Should I be so happy as to meet with Success my ultimate Wish will be, by a diligent Attention to the Duties of my Office, to merit the Trust you repose In me. I am, GENTLemEN, With all Deference and Respect' Your most obedient humble Servant, DANIEL COX. Glocester, June 20, 1782. LONDON, Tuesday, July 9. ' Extract of a letter from Dover, July 7. « Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Glocester arrived safe at Calais about seven o'clock in the evening of the same day they sailed from hence. " Their Royal Highnesses were received at Calais with all the attention due to their rank ; a boat was sent off to fetch them on shore, and as they passed the grand parade, the whole band of martial music escorted them to their hotel." Letters were received in town on Saturday last. from on board the Diomede frigate, which is one of the convoy to the New- York fleet, dated at sea the 26th of June, all well, by which it appears they had parted from Admiral Campbell before the late unfortunate capture. The dispatches which arrived at the East India House on Wednesday, make not the least mention of any miscarriage having happened to Sir Edward Hughes, as was reported in the French and Dutch Gazettes. Extract of a letter from Liverpool, July 4. " It appears from papers brought home in the Isa bella from the Isle of France, a prize to the Ellen arrived here, that the squadron of Mons. Suffrein A DAIRY FARM., , , TO be LET, and entered upon at Candlemas, 1783, a very compact FARM, called Redymane in the Occupation of Henry Williams, consisting of a substantial and commodious Farm- House, and all necessary and useful Out- houses, in compleat Repair, together with 174 Statute Acres, of Land, about 50 of which are Arable, and the rest Meadow and Pasture. The Premises lie on the Turnpike Road leading from Mon- mouth to Usk, are distant about eight Miles from Monmouth, seven from Chepstow, and three from Usk, all good Market Towns, For Particulars enquire of Mr. Aubry Barnes, Monmouth. TO be SOLD by Auction, in two Lots, on Thursday the 1st of August next, between the Hours of Three and Six in the Afternoon, at the Plough Inn, in Cheltenham, in the County of Glocester, if not disposed of in the mean Time by private Contract, of which Notice will bs given, A FARM and ESTATE in the Parish of Charlton King's, in the same County, now in the Possession of John Lawrence, consisting chiefly of Meadow and Pasture Ground, and containing about 80 Acres. . Also one other FARM, in the same Parish, in the Possession of Nehemiah Robinson, containing about 120 Acres. Both the Estates are very compact, and pleasantly situated, and have an extensive Right of Common. Particulars may be had of Mr. Thomas Humphris, or at Messrs. Delabere and Markam's Office, in Cheltenham. COUNTRY SEAT. - TO be LET, ready furnished, and entered on immediately, for three Years certain,—- The capital MANSION- HOUSE called Knole with the Coach Houses, Stables, Gardens, and other Appurtenances, lately occupied by Mrs. Chester deceased ; with or without the Park, well stocked with Deer, thereto adjoining, and any Quantity of Meadow or Pasture Ground that may be wanted ; situated at Almondlbury, in the County of Glocester, six Miles from Bristol and the Hotwells-^— The House stands on an emi- nence, commanding an extensive and pleasing prospect of the adjacent Country ; the Gardens are well cropped, and planted with Fruit- Trees in good Order. For further . Particulars, apply to Mr. Turton, at Olveston ; or Mr. Yates, at Henbury, near Bristol, Glocestershire. m To prevent Trouble, no Person will be permitted to see the House and Gardens, without an Order in Writing from Mr. Turton. M1 To the Right Rev. the PrEsident, the Hon. and Rev. the VICe- PRESIDENT, and the rest of the GOVERNORS of the GLOCESTER INFIRMARY. genTlEMEn, ' R. TRYE having signified bis Intention to resign the Office of Apothecary at the Infirmary, I take the Liberty to offer myself a Candidate to succeed him, and humbly solicit the Favor of your Votes and Interest on the Occasion. - Should I be to happy as to be appointed, I shall endeavour, by my Attention and Steadiness in the Dis- charge of my Duty, to justify your Choice, and express the Gratitude of, GENTLEMEN, Your most respectful, and most obedient Servant, THOMAS MILES. Eastington, June 22, 17S2'. A1 WILTSHIRE. TO be SOLD in Fee, aFARM, called Claverton Farm, situate in the Parish of Lea, in the County of Wilts, consisting of a Farm House, Outhouscs, and about eighty Acrcs of Pasture Land , and now in the Occupation of Farmer Henry Millard. The Tenant will shew the Premises; but for Particulars Enquire of Mr. Clutterbuck, of Bradford, Wilts. Claverton is two Miles from Malmesbury and five Miles from Tetbury. ' * GLOCESTER. TO be SOLD by Auction, on Wednesday the 7th of August next, at- the New Inn, in the Upper Northgate- Street, in this City, between the Hours of : Three and Six in the Afternoon, ( unless disposed of in the mean Time by private. Contract,- of which Notice will. be given in - this Paper) subject to such Conditions as will then and there be produced, a HOUSE, situated in the Upper Northgate- Street, now in the Occupation of Mr. Moore, Shoe- maker, and fe: at the yearly Rent of Twelve Guineas., N. B. The Premises are iu good Repair ; and a View of the same may be taken any Day previous to the Sale, by ap plying to the said Mr. Moore. -. TURNPIKE TOLLS to be LET. NOTICE is hereby given, That for want of 2 LL Persons who stand indebted to the Estate and Effefts of Mr. Adam Ward, late of Bircher, in the County of Hereford, decessed. are desired to pay the same immediately to Mrs. Ward, at Bircher aforesaid And all Per- sons who have any Claim or Demand upon the Estate and Effects of the said Adam Ward, deceased, are desired to send their Accounts thereof to Mrs. Ward, at Bircher aforesaid, in or- der that the same may be discharged. ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of Mr. John Thurston of Tirley, in the County of Glocester, Tim- ber nt, deceased, are required to pay their respective Debts to his Executors, Mr. William Daffey, of Mazington, in the Parish of Ledbury, in the County of Hereford, Grazier, and Mr. William Thurston, of Dymock, in the County of Glocester, Butcher j or Mr. W. Jarvis, Attorney at I. aw, at Newent, in the said County of Glocester, or one of them, on or before the 1st Day of September next, otherwise they will be sued for the same; And all Persons having any Demand on the said Mr. John Thurston at the Time of his Decease, are desired to bring in, of send an Account thereof to the Exccutors aforesaid, in order that the same may be discharged. •>, ALL Persons who are indebted to the, Estate of Mr. Richard Miller, late of Scrubbets, in the- Parish of Bagpath, In the County of Glocester, Gent. deceased, are desired to pay forthwith the Money they: respectively owe to such Estate, unto Mr. George Miller, of Tressham, in the Parish of Hawkesbury's Upton, in the said County, Gent. Brother and Administrator to the Goods, Chattels, and Cre- dits of the said deceased Richard Miller; And all Persons who have any Claims or Demands on the Estate of the said Richard Miller, are desired to send an Account thereof, with the Par- ticulars of such their respective Claims and Demands, unto the said George Miller, in order that the same may be immediately satisfied and discharged. WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against William Bloxham, of the City of Glocester, Mercer, Linen Draper, Dealer and Chapman and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby re- quired to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major Part of them, on the First Day of July Inst. at- Four of the Clock in the Afternoon, and the 2d and 30th Days of July Inst. at Ten 0f the Clock in the Forenoon of each of the faid Days, at the Dwelling Houfe of George Hinks, Innholder, commonly called ot known by the Name of the Boothall, situate in the West- gate- Street, in the City of Glocester, and make a full Dis- covery and Disclosure of his Estate and Effects, when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts; and at the second Sitting to choose Assignees ; and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his Examina- tion ; and the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent from, the Allowance of his Certificate. All Persons who are indebted to the said Bankrupt, or who have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to, whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give No- tice to Messrs. Lane and Jepson, in Glocester. TO be peremptorily SOLD pursuant to an Order of the High- Court of Chancery, before John Hett, Esq; one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers in Symond's Inn, Chancery Lane, London, on Tuesday the 16th of July. Inst. between the Hours of Five and Six in the Afternoon, in two Lots, several MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, FARMS, Arable, Meadow, and Pas- ture LANDS, with the Appurtenances, situate in the Parish of Llanvihangel Rhydithan, in the County of Radnor; and also a Messuage or Tenement, Farm, and Lands, called Cwm Whitton, otherwise Comb Whitton, situate in the said County of Radnor, late the Estate of Daniel Wheeler, Yeoman, de- ceased. Particulars whereof may be had gratis at the said Master's Chambers; of Mr. Hodges, Clement's Inn, London, or of Mr. Matthews, of Bishop's Caftle, Salop, who will ( hew the Premises. A COUNTRY HOUSE In the pleasant Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales. TO be LET against Midsummer next, or en- tered upon at Pleasure, the small neat HOUSE of CATHAYS, delightfully situated near the Town of Cardiff, commanding from the Windows most beautiful and romantic Prospects ; consisting of two Parlours, a small Breakfast Ditto, Kitchen, Pantries, & c. on the Ground Floor; four Lodging Rooms above, with Garrets and Accommodations for Ser- vants; together with a Coach- House, Stable, Brewhouse, Poultry Yard, and a large Kitchen Garden, full cropt; also with or without three or four small Fields in Grass, and Li- berty on an extensive Common adjoining. This House is a very eligible and convenient Spot for a pri- vate Family, being within a Quarter of a Mile of Cardiff, a cheap and plentiful Market, in a fine sporting County for fishing and hunting, the River Taff almost adjoining these Premises, an excellent Pack of Hounds being kept by the neighbouring Gentlemen, and very beautiful Ridings on the adjacent Heath. _ Enquire at Cardiff Castle. sufficient Meeting of the Trustees of the Glocestershire District of the Turnpike Road leading from the Top of Crick- ley Hill, in the County of. Glocester, to Campsfield, in tha Parish of Kidlington, in the County of Oxford, appointed to be held this Day, another Meeting will be held on Monday the 29th of July next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon precisely, at the House of Daniel Field; called Frogmill, in tbe Parish of Shipton- Sollars, in the said County of Glocester; and that at such Meeting the Tolls payable at the several Turnpike Gates erected on the said District of Road: will be let by Auction to the best Bidder or Bidders, in the Manner di- rected by the Act of Parliaiment of the 13th Year of his pre- sent Majefty,!' for regulating the Turnpike Roads;" and will then be put up to be let from the 30th Day of July next, at such Sum or Sums of Monty as the said Trustees present at the said Meeting shall think fit; but the Bidders must pro- duce sufficient Sureties for Payment of the Rent, either monthly or quarterly, as shall be required by the Trustees. WILLIAM STEPHENS, Clerk to the Trustees. Frog Mill, June 28; 1782.' - TURNPIKE TOLLS to be LET. OFFICE is hereby given, That a general Meeting of the Trustees appointed by an Act of Par- liament for repairing the Turnpike Roads leading from the Town of Cirencester to Stroud, and to that Part of Rodbo- rough Hill which leads to Dudbridge, and other Roads in the said Act mentioned.; and also the Trustees of the Turnpike Roads leading from the Market- House in Tetbury to Min- chinhampton Common; and from the said Road, in Minchin- hampton Field unto the. Turnpike Road from Cirencester to Stroud, near Burnt Ash; and from the said Turnpike Road to- Tayloe's Mill- Pound, in Chalford- Bottom; and through Hyde to the Bottom of the Bourn Hill, all in the County of Glocester-. will be held, by Adjournment, at the House of Richard Smith, the Sign of the Crown,- in Minchinhampton, in the said County, on Tuesday the 30th of July next at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon; when the Trustees are de- sired to attend, to take into consideration . the lesscning and reducing the Tolls now taken and: collected at the several Turnpike Gates erected upon the said Roads abovementioned, and other special Affairs; and at which Meeting the Tolls, arising at the several Turnpike Gates erected at Rodborough, Bowle Hill, Woeful Dane Bottom, the End of the Town at Tetbury, and Burnt Ash, will be let . by Auction to the best Bidder, and will be put up at such Sum or Sums'of Money as the Trustees present at the said Meeting shall think fit. Whoever happens to be the best Bidder, must at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfac- tion of the said Trustees, for Payment of the Rent agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct. By Order of the Trustees, PETER LEVERSAGE, Jun. Clerk. June 29, 1782. G L O C E S T E R S H I R E. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs, RUDDER and DAWSON, on Wednesday the 17th of July Inst. at the White Hart, Innt in Tetbury, be] noon, subject duced; One FREEHOL Horsley, in t n the Hours of Three and Six. in the After- he Conditions then and there to be pro- THlRD PART of a very valuable. pleasantly situated in the Parish'of ' of Glocester, consisting of a modern Mansion- House in perfect Repair, with every suitable Office, Garden, Orchard, & c., now in the Occupition of Edward Wilbraham, Esq. Also a good and substantial Farm- House nearly adjoining to the said Mansion, consisting of a capital Messuage, Barn;, Stable, Garden, Orchard," and above 183 Acres of rich Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land, in fine Order, and well timbered, now in occupation of William Parnell, as Tenant thereof at Will, Also a small Cottage, with the Garden thereto belong, now in the Occupation of Nathaniel Pride, as Tenant at Will - The above Pre- mise sare of the annual Value of 150l they lie very compact, within a small Distance of Tetbury, and Hampton, good Mar- ket Towns, and may be viewed, by applying to the said Wil- liam Parnell; and further Particulars may be had of Messrs, Bowdler and Hoskins; Attornies, in Tetbury. SALE by AUCTION, By J. STEPHENS, On the Premises,— On Tuefday the 23d of July, and the fol- lowing Days, all the elegant Houshold FURNITURE, PLATE, LINEN, CHINA, HORSES, & c., of Mr. Yeates, at Alderly, near Wootton- under- Edge, Glocestershiire Consisting of a Mahogany Four- post Bedstead, fluted and carved, with rich Chintz Cotton Furniture, lined and fringed, with Window Curtains to match; Four- post Bedsteads with Green Marine and Check Furniture ; fine bordered Goose • Feather Beds; Mattrasses; Marseilles and Linen Quilts; Cotton Counterpanes ; . Blankets; Crimson Silk and Worsted Damask, and Cotton Window Curtains; Mahogany Cabriole and Splat- Back Chairs, covered over the Rail with Damask, Hair Seating, and Brass nailed ; Mahogany ' Bureau and Book Cafe; Diningi Sideboard, Pier and Pembroke Tables,; Chests of Drawers; Wilton,- and Scotch Carpets; Looking Glases in carved and gilt Frames; Kitchen Furniture; a large Quantity of Cafes ; fee. la the Afternoon of the fecond Day's. Sale will be fold,' one Bright Bay Filly, Four Years old, 14 Hands one Inch high, got by Whipster, her Dam by the Duke of Buccleugh'a Arabian, her Grand Dam by Bajazet, her Great Grand Dam by the Stamford Turk, and her Great Great Grand Dam by the Devonshire Childers.— One bright Bay Filly, Three Years old, 14 Hands two Inches and three- quarters_ Hi^ ha. got by Lamplights: —- "— '"•* ->—'-"" Te Filly. The Sale to begin each Morning at Ten O'CIOCK tinue till Two, and. from Three to Six in the . Catalogues may be had after Tuesday the < at the Bell, Sodbury ; Mr. White's, the Cross White Hart, Tetbury ; the White Lion, Wo Edge ; the Bell, in Dursley; the White Hart, and of the Auctioneer, No. 7, Bridge- Street, B; VOL. LXI. MONDAY, July 15, 1782, M' UPTON UPON- SEVERN, Worcestershire. MONSIEUR DE CLERCQ, French As- sistant to the Rev. Mr. Raines, at Upton- npon- Sevem, begs Leave, under his Protection and Recommenda- tion, to offer his leisure Hours to the Service of such Schools, or private Pupil), as shall do him the Honour to make Trial of his Punctuality and Abilities. WANTED immediately, a sober and JOURNEYMAN TANNER, who « Vc> n wo- 1 • rfi at the Beam, and capable of directing the W, of a Tan- Yard, in Wales. — Good Wages and constant Employment will be given. Enquire for further Particulars of the Printer, and by Let- ter, Post paid. FOR Sale by Auction, on Tuesday the 16th of j July, at Ten o'CIock in tfce Forenoon precisely, at Messrs. John Garnett, and Co.' s Deal- Yard, Cannons- Marsh, A CARGO of about 90 Hundred red and white best Norway DEALS, from two to four Inches thick. Catalogues will be timely dispersed. J. BONBONOUS, Broker. TO be SOLD bv AUCTION, By GEORGE CONIBEERE, Auctioneer, At the Bell, in Glocester, on Monday the 15th of July In- stant, between the Hours of Six and Eight in the Evening, A Leasehold ESTATE, consisting of 15 Acres of rich Meadow Ground, fituate at Hartpury, near Glocester, and now in the Possession of Thomas Middletoo, of Neverton, who will shew the Premises. ' CARMARTHENSHIRE. TO be SOLD, together or in Parcels, the great and small TY'THES of the several Parishies of Langendairn, Llandeveylog, Llannon, Llannelly, and Llan- ginnuch, in the County of Carmarthen Any PersonS in- clined treat for the whole, or any Part of these Tythes, ate defired to apply to Mr. Roderick, at Newton, near Llandilo, on or before the first Day of August. TO be SOLD, pursuant to a Decree of the X High Court of Chancery, before Edward Leeds, Esq; one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers in Lincoln's Inn, London, en Monday the 22d of July lnst. be- tween the Hours of Five and Six in the Afternoon, sundry MESSUAGES, LANDS, TENEMENTS, and HERE- DITAMENTS, situate in the Counties of Pembroke and Carmarthen, late the Estate of Rowland Edwardes, of Treff- garne, in the said County of Pembroke, Esq; deceased. Particulars whereof may be had gratis at the said Master's Chambers; or of Francis Skyrme, of Llawhaden, in the faid County of Pembroke, Esq; or of Messrs. Bateman and Davies, in Little St. Helen's, London. GLOCESTERSHIRE. To the CLOTHIERS.. TO be LET, and entered on immediately, or at Michaelmas next, a complete CLOTHING MILL, fit for the carrying on a very considerable Business, situate at Millend, in the Parish of Eastington, about a Mile from Frocester Inn; adjoining to the Mill are Shear- Shops, Scrib- bling Shops, and every other Convenicncy; together with a well ranged Number of excellent- Wool Lofts. The large Mansion House, together with the Gardens, Orchards, and Pafture Grounds belonging, will be let with the fame; or if the Mansion- House should not be approved, a Messuage at small Distance from the Mills, and now in the Possession of Mr. William Fryer, may be had instead of it. Enquire of the said William Fryer ; Mr. Pruent at the Bell In Glocester; or Mr. Willam Vizard, Attorney in Dursley. TO be LET, and entered upon at Lady- Day next,. Two good inclofed DAIRY FARMS, at Clot- ley, in the Parish of Hankerton, in the County of Wilts, one late In the Occupation of John Ferrebee, containing 157 Acres of Pasture Land, and the other now in the Occupation of Farmer John Stagg, containing 105 Acres of Pasture, and feven Acres of Arable Land. I ythe- free, about seven Miles from Cirencester, five from Malmsbury, and five from Ter- bury, with very convenient Farm- Houses, Cheese Lofts, Pig- Sties, Cow- Houses, and Outhouses, in good Repair. The Lands lie well together, and the Farms are well wooded and watered, with Right in two very extensive and valuable Com- mons. The coming- on Tenants may be accommodated with a Quantity of Hay, of this Year's Growth. lor further Particulars enquire of Mr. Samuel Walbank, near Cirencester ; Mr. Abraham Walbank, at Chalford; or Mr. James and Thomas Chambers, at Hampton, Gloces- tershire; and of Mr. John Cole, of Minety, who will shew the Premises. HEREFORDSHIRE TO be LET, and entered upon at Candlemas, 1783, All that capital MESSUAGE and FARM of Street Court, in the Parish of Kingsland, in the said County, Consisting of a very good House, with convenient Barns, and other necessary Outbuildings; with 430 Statute Acres of ex ceeding good Arable, Meadow, Pasture Land, Orcharding, and Hop Ground, Tithe free, all within a Ring Fence, md ia- an, excellent State of Cultivation, with Plenty of Water ; together With five Pieces of Leafehold Meadow and Pasture Land, called Shobdon Marsh, adjoining thereto, with 11 Acres of Arable Land, in the Parish of Eardisland. The Cyder and Hops produced on this Estate are inferior to none in the County. The Premises are five Miles distant from Leominster, i » from Knighton, feven from Kington, 15 from the navig. abie River Wye and the City of Hereford. Samuel Gwillum, of Corney, near the Premises, will shew the same. " For further Particulars apply to Mr. Morris, At- torney at Law, In Leominster; Mr. Bowen, in Knighton; UT Mr. Preese, at Mortimer's Cross. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be SOLD by Auction, at the Three Cranes, in the Town of Chepstow, between the Hours of Three and Six in the Afternoon, on Saturday the 3d of August next, ( according to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced) either tqgether or in the followingLots; Lot 1. All that capital Customaryhold MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with the Barns, Srables, and Buildings ( the whole of which has been latelyiput into excellent Repair) called Tyvree, situate and being in the Parish of Langum, in the said County of Monmouth; together with upwards of 250 Acres of Arable, Meadow, Orcharding, and Pasture Land, and 40 Acres of Coppice- Wood to the same belonging; which said Premises ( except the said Coppice- Woods) were lately, and for a great many Years past have been, in the Possession of Charles Williams, as Tenant at Will, at the yearly Rent of 70I. and now let at the yearly Rent of 8cl. exclusive of several Parcels of Arable Land now in Hand, and not let out. Lot 1. All thofe feveral Parcels uf Customaryhold Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, containinga about 35 Acres, called 1 The Forresta, nearly adjoining the above Premises, ami now and for manv Years part in the Possession of George James, as Tenant at Will, at the yearly Rent of 10I. N. B. This and the above may be included in one Lot, at the Option of the Bidders. Lot 3. All that Freehold MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with a Grift Mill, Barn, and Stable, all in excellent Repair, and 30 Acres of very good Arable, Meadow, Orcharding, and Pasture Land to the fame belonging, called ' The Mill Farm ; and all those several Parcels of Freehold Arable, Meadow, and Pafture Land, containing 35 Acres, or thereabouts, called The Carneys, now and for many Years past in the Occupation of William James, as Tenant at Will, at the yearly Rent 01* 44I. 5s. — The Grift Mill has a constant Employ. Also all those several Parcels of Freehold Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, containing 40 Acres, or thereabouts, called Ynis y Meele, now and for many Years past in the Occupation of Mr. William Evans, as Tenant at Will, at the yearly Rent dfijl. tos.— The Premises contained in this Lot are also situate in the Parish of Langum aforesaid. And also all that Freehold Messuage or Tenement, with the Barn, Stable, and other Conveniences, and 40 Acres of Pas- ture Land to the same belonging, called Pen y Cwm Mawr, in the Parishes of Newchurch and Lantrissent, in the said County, now and for many Years last past let to John Lang- ley, as Tenant at Will, at the yearly Rent of 81. Enquire t « r f- i* tb* T ( Particulars of Mr. Atwood, Attorney; GLOCESTERSHIRE TO be LET, and entered upon at Michaelmas next, Old Stile, in the Parish of Frethern, in the Vi- cinity of Saul, and near to Frampton- upon Severn, a neat DWELLING HOUSE, Ma! t- House, and Bake House, with convenient Outhouses, about three Acres of rich Pasture Ground, partly Orchard, adjoining. is a very desirable Thing for those whom it may suit. The (, tenant had it for a Lease of 14 Years, which will expire at the above Time. For further Particulars ta^ S* ; c /->!> « Mjuteis, £ Saul, Glocestershire. jJsj N. B. This will be advertised ' 1 11 1 1 . To the AFFLICTED in the GOUT. JOSEPH BENNETT, of Glocester, having ,1 newly made, from fresh Herbs, a Quantity of his GOUT OINTMENT, recommends it to those who wish to be re- lieved in that most painful Disorder. He is happy to hear' from all Parts where this Ointment has been tried, that those who have persevered in the Uae of it, have never failed to find Relief.—— If those Who are sub- ject to this Complaint, would always keep this Ointment, and apply it when the Fits are coming on, many Hour's of Pain might be prevented. The above Ointment is sold at Five Shillings per Box, tyr Joseph Bennett; in the Southgate- Street, Glocester; of Mr. Nicholas Bennett, at Torrmarton Lodge, Glocestershire* two Miles from the Cross- Hands, on the Road from Bristol Chippenham; of Mr. Collins, Printer, at Salilbury; Mr. Cruttwell, Printer, Bath; Mr. Pine, Printer, Bristol; with Directions for ustng it. WHEREAS William Leaver, of Alstone- Mill, in the Parish of Cheltenham, in the County of Glocester, hath assigned over all Debts due to him, and likewise all and singular his Estate and Effects, unto Thomas Easthope, of Tewkesbury, in the same County, Barge- Master, and John Leaver the Younger, of Overbury, in the County of Worcester, Miller: Now the said Thomas Easthope 3nd John Leaver do hereby g: ve Notice to all Persons in any wise indebted to the faid William Leaver to pay their respective Debts forthwith to them, the said Thomas Easthope and John Leaver, or to one of them. Such Persons. , make Default herein will be proceeded against at Law. - d all Perfons to whom the said William Leaver stands indebted, are desired to send an Account of their, several Demands the faid Thomas Easthope and John Leaver, or one of yfo* it i order that such Demands, may be liquidated and discharged. Bowcott- Hill Hubbis- Ash, Billow- Bridge, and Wisloe- Gate TURNPIKES. F OTICE is hereby given, That the next General Meeting of the Trustees. appointed putting in Execution an Act of Parliament passed in the Nineteenth Year of the. Reign of his present Majefty King George the Third, entituled, An AiS for amending the Road from the Nine- mile Stone; on the Bristol Road, at or near a Place called the Clay Pits,, to or near the Chapel at Stone; and also the Roads, to and near Berkeley, Dursley, Wotton- U - deredge, Stroud, and Sodbury, and several other Roads in ths Counties of Glocester and Wilts; and acting for that Division of Roads leading from Stone to the Clay Pits, and to and near Berkeley and Durlley, in the County of Glocester, '' 1 be held at the Dwelling House of William Richards the .. Younger, Innholder, being the Old Bell, ai Durley.^- iSpSit,'* on Monday the 22d of July Instant, at Ten o'Clock' the Forenoon. By Order of the Trustees, CONWAY WHITHORNE, Clerk. Dursley, July 6,1782 N' THE Annual Whig- Meeting will be held ai . the George Inn, Stroud, on Tuesday the Sixth Day of August next. Dinner to be on the Table at Two o'CIock. ROBERT KINGSCOTE, Esq; President. WALTER MAYERS, Watch- Maker, Gold- smith, and Jeweller, in the Westgate- Street, begs Leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he is re moved next door to the House of Mr. Alderman Webb, late Grocer, where he continues to make and sell every Article in the Trade on the most reasonable Terms, and also carefully re- pairs in all the various Branches, as neat as in London He likewise takes this Method to return his most grateful Thanks for the very great Favours already received, and hopes, from his Constant Study to oblige, still to merit a Continuance of their future Custom. N. B. Motto Rings on the shortest Notice, and most Money given for old Gold and Silver. MARY MAYERS likewise begs Leave to inform her Friends, and the Public in general, that she is removed from ' the House of her late Father, William Price, to the above- mentioned, where she still continues to carry on the Boot and Shoe Trade in all its various Branches,' on the most reasonable Terms. She also takes this Method to return her sincere Thanks for the great Encouragement she has received since the Death of her Father, and hopes from her Assiduity to please, to merit a Continuance of their future Favours. N. B. Horrocks original Blacking Balls sold Wholesale and Retail as usual. SATURDAY'S P O S T. LONDON, Friday, July 12. HOUSE of COMMONS, Tuesday, July COKE, of Nottingham, rose and ! ' |' said, he had heard that a pension had jfl j been granted to the present Treasurer of the Navy ( Colonel Barre) of 3200l. . - a year ; in order therefore to prevent an additional burthen from being laid upon the people, he would move, that an humble address be presented to his Majesty, praying, ' That ' he will be graciously pleased to inform this House, ' which of his Ministers it was, who had dared to ad- ' vise his Majesty, in the present distressed state of the c finances of this country, to grant a pension of ' 32ool a year, to the Right Hon. Colonel Barre " commence when that gentleman shall cease to fill ' the office of Treasurer of the. Navy, OR any other ' office under his Majesty.' Mr. Martin seconded the motion. Mr. F. Montague took to himself a share. in the blame ( if any there was), of the measure, which the motion censured, because he was one of those who had signed the Treasury warrant for the pension ; but he was much inclined to think that there was no GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, By SAMUEL DAVIS, at Woodchester, near Minchinhampton, the 24th and 2h of July Instant, { beginning each Day at Ten o'Clock), the late Dwelling House of Mr. William Hill, deceased, All the Houshold GOODS and FURNITURE, a Quan- tity of empty Hogsheads, and a fire Engine j and on Friday the * 6th Inftant, will be sold by Auction, in four at Mr. Walter Smith's, at the Three Tuns Inn, in Woodches- ter ( the Sale to begin at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon) four Messuages or Tenements lately built, with an Orchard and Gardens adjoining, exceeding pleasantly situated in Wood- chester.,_ Lot. t.' A Messuge or Tenement lately occupied by Mr. William Hill, Consisting of a Kitchen, a Parlour, a large Pantry, three Bedchambers with Garrets over ; a good Cellar, Brew- House, and Out- Houses, with a large Garden, and about three Quarters of an Acre well planted with Fruit Trees adjoining. Lot 2. A Messuage or Tenement, consisting of a good: Kitchen, 3 large Pantry, two Bed Chambers with Garrets over, occupied by John Hedges, as Tenant at Will, at the yearly Rent nf 3I. Lot 3. A Messuage or Tenement consisting of two good Rooms- and two Pantries on the first Floor, two Bed- Cham- - bers, a large Closet, and Garrets over, with a Garden ad- joining, lately occupied by John Allaway, at the yearly Rent of 3. l 10s. Lot 4. A Messuage or Tenement consisting of a Kitchen and Pantry, two Bed- Chambers and Garrets over, with a Garden adjoining, occupied by Thomas Willis, as. Tenant at Will, at the yearly Rent of al. 15s. The above Premises may be viewed by applying, to Mr. Tyndale, Mercer, in Woodchester. N. B. A good Stone Cyder Mill to be s0ld by private Contract, enquire of Mr. Richard Hill, Butcher, at Nails- worth. G L A M O R G A N S H I R E R A CE S ON the Great Heath near Cardiff, on Wed- nerday, JULY 31, a Purse of FIFTY POUNDS,, given by the Member for the County, will be run for by any Horse, Mare, or Gelding ( having never started for Plate, Match,, or Sweepstakes) the Property of a resident Freeholder, and having been in his actual POSSESSION in the County- three Months, im- mediately preceding the Day of running.— To carry 12 Stone. The best of three Four mile Heats. On Thursday, August, r,. FIFTY FOUNDS, by any Horse, Mate, or Gelding, bred in South Wales or Mon mouthshire having never won Plate, Match, or Sweepstakes.. Four- year- olds to carry 9st. ^ Five- years- olds 10st.; Six year- olds 10ft. 91b.; and Aged ult.. The best of three four- mile Heats, On Friday, August I, FIFTY POUNDS, by any Horse, Mare, or Gelding; Four- year- olds carrying 8ft.; Five- year- olds 9st.; Six- year- olds q!\- 91b.; and Aged 10 : t.. ^ Win- ner of one Plate since the first of Marchj had to carry 31b. estra ; and a Winner of two or more Plates to carry $ Jb. extra. The best of three Four- mile Heats. On the same Day, a CUP, the Gift of Thomas Mansel Talbot, Esq; by. any three or Four year- olds Colt or Fiiley, bred in the County of Glamorgan ;. Three- year- olds carrying 7ft. 7lb.; Four- year- olds 2ft. 8lb. One Two- mile Hear. Not less than three, Horses will be permitted to start for any of- the above Plates unless by Consent of the Stewards. If only onr- enters. to have Ten Guineas; if- two, Seven Gui- neas each,, and their Entrance Money returned, unless agreed by the Stewards that two shall start, when, if either' refuse, they shall have no Claim to such Premium. The Horses, & c. to enter on Wednesday the 14th of July, at the Red- House, in Cardiff, be'ween the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, with Certificates of their Age and Qualification. A Subscriber to pay ~ One Guinea Entrance, and Half a Guinea to the Clerk of the Course, or Double at the Post. A NON- Subscriber to pay Two Guineas Entrance, and Half a Guinea to the Clerk of the Course, or Double at the Post. The Horses to be kept from the Day of Entrance till the Day of Running at such Public House as shall have subscribed One Guinea, and to be plated by none blst * flrW scribing Blacksmith, and each Winner to pay One Guinea to the Clerk for Weights. The Stakes to the second best Horse winning a clear Heat. All Disputes, either about entering or running, to be decided by the Stewards, or by whom they shall appoint, and that De- termination to be conclusive. To start each Day at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon. No Person will be permitted to erect a Booth or sell Liquors on the Race Ground but those who shall have subscribed Half a Guinea, to he paid into the Hands of the Clerk of the Course before such Booth is erected. Ordinaries and a Ball each, Day, THOMAS WYNDHAM, Esq . PETER BIRT, Jun. Esq; Stewards JOHN BRADLEY,. Clerk of the Course. blame at all in the measure, and he hoped the house would think so too, when, he should- have informed them that the warrant had been signed also by that ' .. jfat and respectable personage whose memory would ever be held in veneration, and whose loss the whole nation must long deplore. Mr. Gascoyne, sen. approved very much of the mo- tion against the penfion. He must condemn those, who, at the time they were arraigning their prede- cessors for prodigality, and declaring that the finances of the country were completely distracted, were heap- ing new burdens upon the unfortunate people. The new Ministers, however, appeared better qualified for finding fault, than for avoiding the commission of - faults. Mr. Fox rose next, he stood in his old place, on the opposition side: he had not, he said, signed the warrant for the pension in. question ; but then it was not in his department to do so - for he confessed that he knew of it from the beginning-; and, as one of the Cabinet Council, he had advise'd his Majesty to grant it: the gentleman to whom it had been granted was a person, than whom no one could be more deserving of reward ; and therefore he should hold himself justified for the advice he had given, up- on the merits of the Member who was to enjoy the pension. If it should appear to some gentlemen, that any blame should fall upon Ministers for advising the grant of the pension in question, he begged it might be remembered, that it was not granted to any one of those who had thought proper to resign their em- ployments. The late noble Marquis had not pro- vided for those who most enjoyed his favour and esteem; it was a part of his character that he was most ready to provide for those with whom he was the least connected, and who, perhaps, were the most hostile to his own principles : If he had been of a different turn of mind, he would not have forgotten one, whose merits- gave him at least as high a- claim to public reward. But that noble Lord was no more his principles no longer guided the Cabinet;— and those who adhered to his principles, could no longer fit in the Cabinet,— since he, who had been the cor- ner stone of. the Administration, was removed ; with him his principles had been removed from the Cabi- net; and he should not be surprised, if he saw, in a short time, the Old Ministers restored to their former favourite bench in that House; for when he had rea son to think that their principles would soon be re- vived in the Councils of his Majesty, there could be little ground for surprise, if, with their principles, they should re- enter the Cabinet: nor ought it to He matter of surprise that he should have resigned his si tuation, when he faw a very great probability that those principles, which had been the very foundation of the Admimstration. in which, he had borne a part would be given up. General Conway lamented- that fatal difference of opinion, which had deprived his Majesty of the bene- fit of the splendid talents and extraordinary abilities of his honourable friend; but he really could not see that there was such a disagreement in the Cabinet, as could justify his honourable friend in withdrawing from it. When eleven Cabinet Ministers were assem bled in Council, it was impossible that there should not be some difference in opinion ; but when this difference was not of an important nature, to retire from the Cabinet was a measure, in his mind, not to be justi fied. For his part, he had not perceived any depar- ture whatever from those principles, which had been the basis of this Administration ; an Administration which he believed to have been the most popular that had ever been formed in, this or any other country. If he had perceived any such departure-, he not only would applaud his honourable friend for having with- drawn himself, but would accompany him in his re- treat, That the House might judge whether the ori- ginal principles upon which the late Administration had been formed, were still adhered to, or not, he would; with the leave of the House, state to them what these principles were. The first was, that the Inde- pendence o£ America should be unconditionally acknowledged; Upon this head; he remarked, that he had always considered this independence, came when it would, as a very great evil; but since he found that it had become necessary, since he found that- its must be acknowledged, or that this country must be undone, he thought, that of two evils, the left should be adopted, and that America ought to be declared independent, rather than that this country should be undone. In this opinion the whole Cabinet had concurred ; and tho' there was no difference uf opinion as to the means by which this business was to be done, there was but one opinion as to the main question. This would appear incontestibly from the dispatches which had been sent to America, by which an offer was to be made to the Americans t0 n - rh a negociation with them, upon this preliminary, that they were to be acknowledged an independent nation, and treated with as such.—[ Mr. Fox whispered across the House, that, by the resolutions of the Cabinet, the independence of America was to be the price of peace, and therefore could not be said to be uncondi- tional.]—' To this General Conway replied, that the distinction was, in his opinion, futile ; that the inde- pendence of America was what the people of that country had long been fighting for ; and when they found the great object for which they had supported 1 long, expensive, and bloody war was attained,, he was convinced that their arms would drop from their hands, and that they would think that a happy peace, which could be obtained by the attainment of that object for which they had been so long fighting. He wished that what he said might be as public as possible in America, that the people of that country might no longer be imposed upon by those who wished for a continuation of the war by the French, or by those among themselves whose ambitious views might be disappointed by a peace. The next principle upon which the new Adminis- tration had been formed was— that a regular system of oeconomy should be established in the expenditure of the Public money. From this principle he had not as yet been able to discover a deviation : the pension granted to the Right Hon. Member near him, did not appear to him a departure from it : indeed, he knew nothing of it originally, and had heard af it only very lately ; but he could not but approve of it. The third principle was, that the Independence of the lrish lcgislature, so fully acknowledged by the repeal of the 6th George I. should be established upon a firm system never to be departed from. From this, system it could not be said that the new Administra- tion had in any degree departed.. The fourth principle, was that a reform should take place in the Civil List, and other departments of the State. This principle had already been ad- hered to in part, and a bill now lay in the. Upper House for the Royal Assent, which would convince the Public that the Cabinet were in earnest on that head. These were the great principles upon which the Administration was' Formed , the House could already pronounce. how faithfully three of them had been ad- hered'to; as to the other, which related to America, time would convince them that the Cabinet were as determined to adhere to it as the others: . for his part he proclaimed- these to be his principles ; he had hi- therto every reason to say, they were the principles. also of the Cabinet ; but if ever it. would be resolved in Council to depart from any one'of them,, he would, rest satisfied to be pronounced the. most infamous of' men, if he should continue to act one moment with those men who should enter into such a resolution. For his part he did not mind men; he never would take a part in a scramble or quarrel for places, pen- sions, or for power ; he did not care who were the Members of the Cabinet, or who enjoyed power pro- vided those principles, which he had statcd as the fundamental points of the new Adminstration, were strictly adhered to: he looked to measures only, and and not to men. He lamented as much as any man the death of the noble Marquis which had occasioned the late division ;--- but he saw no, ground ' for appre- hension that the successor, who had been given to him, would not steadily pursue the true interests of his country ;--- that he would not- strictly adhere to the great leading- principle relative to America, which he had stated to the House : the noble Lord in question was-- not satisfied at bringing himself to think favoura- bly of American independence, to which the change of affairs had made him a convert; he went farther-, he had persuaded the King to think favourably of it also. He therefore was at a loss to discover the- effential ground of difference in the Cabinet, and the- cause of that separation and the loss of the assistance- of his honourable Friend, which no one could more sincerely lament than he did. Mr. Fox expressed his hope, that the house would escuse himself he shonld rise a fecond time, to excul- pate himself from so heavy a charge, as that of having: quitted the service of fhe public without cause, and ascribed a conduct or intention to the present Cabinet- which they had a right to disclaim. It seemed to have been insinuated, that disappointment in a con- teft for power, or for place, had been the true cauft of his retreat from Administration ; but he was hap- py to- have it in. his power to answer this charge effec- tually, by assuring the House, that he had, in a full' Cabinet Council, expressly declared, that if such and, such a measure should be adopted, he must necessarily resign his employment.— This declaration he had made before the death of the noble Marquis;- if he did not actually resign before that melancholy event, took place, it was because he would not accelerate it or embitter the last moments of a venerable friend, by taking a step which, he knew, would give him the greatest uneasiness : but to prove that the proba- bility of the death of that great and good man had no influence whatever upon him in his resolution to rea- lign, he said that when there was every hope given by the faculty, that the noble Marquis was likely to.- recover, he had on the very day these glad but delusive tidings had been brought to the cabinet,, positively declared that he must retire, if such a • particular measure should be adopted : he was out- voted in the Council, and that measure was adopted. Now as he looked upon that measure to be to the last degree dangerous to this country, he owed it to him- self and to his country, not to remain any longer in a situation in which he could not continue to act, with- out renouncing his own principles, or betraying his trust with the public. He stood in a delicate situa- tion,; it had been often said, - that while he himself and some other men, should continue in office, it would be looked upon as a pledge that nothing was going; forward that could be injurious to the public interest r. must he not therefore deceive those who should look upon his continuance in office as such a pledge, if he should consent to retain his situation, while measures- were pursuing . which he thought highly injurious to. the public interest? All that was great, all that was- good in the kingdom had countenanced his . retreat. His noble friend ( Lord John Cavendish) had resigned his employment;. and the, public would be naturally ted to pressume, that when such, a character quitted the Cabinet, n0 man of character ought to remain in it. If the higher sense of duty had not compelled him ( Mr. Fox) to resign, he had many very powerful in- ducements to keep him- in the Cabinet : he would not say that he was such a stoic as to wish rather to be neg- lected than courted, to prefer poverty, to riches, in- convenience to ease, and obscurity to splendour and power ; but when power, emolument,, celebrity, and ease were to be acquired by a base desertion of princi- ple, an honest man could not hesitate a moment what line of conduct he should pursue.— It was said that he- differed only for shades ;. perhaps to his honourable friend the figure, which to others appeared the most; tremendous monster,. might appear only as a shade ; but to him this seemed of that consequence, as to be decisive of this great question " Whether we shall have peace or war?" And it was not a little strange that the honourable gentleman, by whose vote in, the: Cabinet the question was decided, should have so little penetration as not to discover, that the fate of the- empire, and not a little shade of difference, depended upon his vote. But it was the fate of friend to be last to discover those things which stuck every man alive; and experience ought to have sharpened his penetration. In the year 1766, when his honourable friend had voted for the repeal of the stamp- act, he never dreamt that the idea of taxing America would revive ; he had then the security of al- most every man in the present Cabinet; the present Lord Shelburne was at that time Secretary of State; the then Chancellor had signed a strong protest against taxing America; the Duke of Grafton was at the head of the Treasury ; the characters of all those Mi- nisters were as pledges that the system of taxing Ame- rica was at an end ; but so greatly had his honourable friend been deceived, that he had since been obliged to fight hard, to put an end to a war, entered into solely for the purpose of raising a revenue in America. His efforts had been successful; he had crushed that war; but after he had succeeded, and carried the ad- dress of that House to the foot of the Throne, for put- ting an end to the American war, he was willing to give up the honour of it to the Earl of Shelborne, and to say that it was that noble Lord who had made the King think favourably of the independence of America. That House had spoken out; it had spoken the voice of the people ; and the King must have listened, as no doubt he was well inclined, to their voice. True it was, the Administration, of which he him- self had lately formed a part, was a popular one ; but he could not call it the Earl of Shelburne's Adminis- tration , they did not go into office with him ; he had called upon them, in the name of his Majesty, to invite them to the Cabinet; there was another great character in his Majesty's Council ( the Lord Chancellor) who could not be said to have gone in upon the popular grounds ; that learned Lord had, in conjunction with Lord Shelburne, treated with them, and brought them into the Cabinet. The country had now an Administration, which could not be that popular Administration to which his hon. Friend had alluded ; it was now the Administration of a man who was gigantic in promises, but a pigmy in performance; a man who could not think of re- formation with temper, however loudly he might speak about it; a man who would declare, that the influence of the Crown ought to be diminished, but who would, at the same time say, that the King had a right to use his negative in passing laws, and would threaten with the exercise of that negative all those - who should attempt to move any bills that went to re trenchment: such was the man now at the head of the Treasury. The principles of the late Ministry were now in the Cabinet; and the next thing he should look for, would be to see the late Ministers themselves again in office. He was not to be reasoned out of his senses by his hon. Friend ; for if it was now the intention of the Cabinet, as he said, to grant in- dependence to America, it was an intention very lately adopted ; and he found that he, in fact, had much more weight out of the Cabinet than ever he had in it. He had never before seen the paper from which his hon. Friend had stated his four great prin- ciples ; and therefore he could not be answerable for their contents; but this much he could assure the House, that he differed from the Cabinet on this subject, because he found the majority of them averse to that idea of unconditional independence to Ame- rica, which he conceived it to be necessary to the sal- vation of this country to have granted : if, since he quitted his employment, his late colleagues had changed their opinion, he rejoiced at the event; and would feel himself satsfied, if the sacrifice he had made to his principles should ultimately be service- able to his country. The number of eleven in a Com- mittee of Council, he certainly thought too great; and he was of opinion, that those Minitters who hold great responsible situations, should have more interest in the Cabinet, than those Members of it who attend- ed merely to give counsel, but without holding re- sponsible situations. The principles of the new Ministers would be found • In the end to be precisely the same with those of the Ministers who had been driven out; and he had ra- ther see them supported by the old Ministers than by the new ones : He would draw no comparison between the present First Lord of the Treasury and the predecessor of the noble Marquis:— HE WOULD NOT INSULT FAL- LEN GREATNESS BY THE COMPARISON ; THEIR ABILITIES, THEIR CHARACTERS WERE NOT TO BE COMPARED. He concluded by observing, that he should have been mad indeed, if, having been placed as a watch- man in a tower, he remained an unconcerned specta- tor, while he saw the enemy at work in undermining it, and had not hung out the flag of distress, to warn the people of their danger. He was now about to build a fortress, to which all those might fly who should hereafter find it unsafe to trust their fortunes and characters in the tower from which he had fled ; and he made no doubt but, sooner or later, he should see his honourable friend and others fly to it for shel- ter. Mr. Burke rose next, and after an eloquent speech, in the course of which he observed, that the world • would be satisfied that he did not retire from idle pique, when they were acquainted that a poor man gave up a lucrative office to enjoy narrow circum- stances with an enlarged heart.— I will ask, says he, that gentleman ( Gen. Conway) whether if he had lived in the time of the immortal Cicero, he would have taken Catiline for his colleague in the consul- ship, after he had heard his guilt so clearly proved by that orator. Would he be co- partner with Bor- gia, after he had read his accursed principles in Ma chiavel ? I can answer for him he would not. -- Why then does he adhere to the present men ?— I mean no offence, but I will speak the dictates of an honest mind. If Lord Shelburne be not a Catiline or a Borgia in mo- rals, it must not be ascribed to any thing but his under- standing. -- Under the present baleful influence— an in- fluence if possible more baleful than even the old Ad- ministration, there is every thing to dread. In so disastrous a crisis, a good citizen should remove to a distance, and bewail what be could not help. Mr. Fox, Gen. Conway, Mr. W. Pitt, and Mr. Burke were severally up two or three times to explain and reply to each ether. The houfe adjourned at half after ten. Yesterday, at two o'clock, his Majcfty went in state to the House of Peers, and having passed the Civil List Bill | th* Bill for disciplining Volunteer Corps; the Bill for regulating the Office of Paymaster General of his Majesty's forces; and five other bills, his Majesty made the following most gracious speech: " Lords and Gentlemen, " THE unwearied assiduity with which you have perfe- cted in the discharge of your duty in Parliament, during fo long a session, bears the most honourable testimony to your and industry in the service of the public : for which you ' have provided with the clearest discernment of its true inte- rests; anxiously opening every channel for the return of peace; and furnishing with no less vigilance the means of carrying on the war, if that measure should be unavoidable. " The extensive powers with which I find myself invested to treat for reconciliation and amity with the colonies which have taken arms in North America, I shall continue to em- ^ ploy in the manner most conducive to the attainment of those objects, and with an earnestness suitable to their importance. " The zeal which my subjects in Ireland have expressed for the public service, shews that the liberality of your proceed- ing towards them is felt there as it ought; and has engaged their affections, equally with their duty and interest, in the common cause. " The diligence and ardour, with which you have entered upon 1 he consideration of the British interests in the East In- dies, are worthy of our wisdom, justice, and humanity.— To protect the persons and fortunes of millions in those dis- tant regions, and to combine our prosperity with their hap- piness, are objects which amply repay the utmost exertion. " Gentlemen of the House of Commons, ' I return you my particular thanks for the very liberal supplies which you have granted with so much cheerfulness and zeal for the service of the current year. I reflect with extreme regret upon the heavy expence which the circum- stances of public affairs unavoidablly call for. It shall be my care to husband your means to the best advantage, and, as far as depends on me, to apply that Oeconomy which I have endeavoured tosfet on foot in my civil establishment, to those more extensive branches of public expenditure, in which still more important advantages may be expected. . " My Lords and Gentlemen, ' f The important successes, which, under the favour of Di- vine Providence, the valour of my fleet in the West- Indies hath obtained, promise a favourable issue to our operations in that quarter. The events of war in the East- Indies hare also been prosperous. Nothing however can be more repugnant to my feelings then the long continuance of so complicated a War •• My ardent desire of peace has induced me to take every measure whicb promised the speediest accomplishment of my wishes; and I will continue to exert my best endeavours for that purpose. But if for want of a corresponding disposition in our enemies, I should be disappointed in the hope I enter- tain of a speedy termination of the calamities of war, I rely on the spirit, affection, and unanimity of my Parliament and people to support. the honour of my crown, and the interests of my kingdom; not doubting that, the blessing of Heaven, which I devoutly implore upon our arms, employed as they are in our just and necessary defence, will enable me to obtain fair and reasonable terms of pacification. The most triumphant career of victory, would not excite me to aim at more ; and I have the satisfaction to be able, to add, that I see no reason which should induce me to think of accepting less.". , Then the Lord Chancellor, by his Majesty's command, said, My Lord, and Gentlemen, It is his Majesty's royal will and pleasure, That this Parlia- ment be prorogued to Tuesday the third of September next, to be then here holden ; and this Parliament is accordingly pro- rogued to Tuesday the third of Septemher next. ROSS, July 15. LOST, supposed to be stolen, on Friday Night the 5th Inst. out of Broadmeadow, near the town? of Ross, a Brown MARE, rising eight Years old, about 14 Hands high, a Star in her Forehead', her hind Feet white, and her Tail cut rather short. Whoever will give Intelligence of the said Mare, so that she may be had again, to William Norris, in Ross aforesaid, shall receive One Guinea Reward. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be SOLD, all that Leasehold MES- SUAGE and APOTHECARY'S SHOP, with their Appurtenances, very pleasantly situated in the Market Place of Dursley, lately occupied by Mr James Berriman Tippets, Apothecary, deceased; together with the Stock of Drugs, Fixtures, and other Things belonging to the said Business of an Apothecary. — A « Gentleman of the Faculty may become a Purchaser, and have immediate Possession. The Premises « re held for the Life of Mrs. Elizabeth Tippetts, the Widow if the Deceased, aged about 40. Enquire of William Holbrow, Attorney at Law, at Dursley. ' Yesterday the E 0 table bill was thrown over the table at the House of Commons, on account of alte- rations made to it by the House of Peers. . Friday night Lord Howe's squadron came into this bay, having been obliged to put back by contrary winds. The fog was so exceedingly thick that the whole fleet had a very narrow escape from being wrecked. It consists of 22 sail of the line, three fri- gates, one fire- ship, and three cutters from the West- ward. The Raisonable, which was the leading ship, was within a cable's length of the bolt head, with the wind right upon the shore, before she perceived it, and had she missed stays, she must inevitably have been dashed to pieces on the rocks. She immediately made the signal of danger, and the rest of the fleet, which were a little to windward, tacked just in time to save themselves^ • " On Sunday the whole fleet sailed again to the Westward, with the wind at E. S. E." A fine new ship of 4.4. guns, commanded by Capt. King, the circumnavigator with the late Capt. Cook, was launched yesterday at Deptford ; she is called the Resistance, and carries her guns on two decks. The Lord Chancellor has presented the Rev. Ed- ward Hawkins to the vicarage of Bilsey, in Glocester- shire — and the Rev. William Pickering to the vica- rages of Lenton and Radford, in Nottinghamshire, both void by death. The Rev. Humphrey Jones, M. A. has been insti- tuted and inducted to the rectory of Trelaehaddy, in the county of Brecon, in the diocese of St. David's, on the presentation of Mr. John Williams, of Bart- lett's Buildings, the patron thereof. COUNTRY NEWS. Bristol, July 10. Wednesday died at the Hotwells, Francis Rainsford, Esq; of Northampton. Tuesday night died Henry Muggleworth, Esq; one of the Alderman of this city, Oxford, July 13. On Saturday last Mr. John Ma- thews, of Merton college, and Mr. John Bree, of University college, were admitted to the degree of Doctors in Physic. And on Monday Mr. John Littlehales, of Pem- broke college, and Physician at Winchester, was ad- mitted to the degree of Doctor in Physic; for which he went out grand compounder. The same day the Rev. Mr. John Spark, of Lincoln college, was admitted to the degree of Doctor in Law. The number of Regents this act are as follow — Nine Doctors in Divinity, six Doctors in Law, four Doctors in Physic, and sixty- five Matters of Arts. On Wednesday Mr. Justice Buller arrived here, and opened the commission for this county, where Thomas Haddon, for robbing the mail at Dedding- ton, on the 22d of November last, was sentenced to be hanged ; and Joseph Simmonds and Paul Ragg, as accessories after the fact, were ordered to be impri. soned for one year, and then discharged ;-- as was William Ward and William Brown, for coining half- pence An inquest was taken on Friday last, the 5th in- stant, before Lawrence Mills, Gent. one of the Co- roners for the county ot Glocester, on view of the body of Mr. Jasper Bailey, of Bourton- on- the- Water, whose death was occasioned by a fall from his horse as he was going home from Stow market the preceding evening. GLOCESTE R. WANTED immediately, a sober steady LAD, as an Apprentice to a Baker, in this City.— He must have had the Small Poax. Enquire of Evans and Hazell, Booksellers, in the Westgate- Street. MONDAY'S POST. LONDON, Saturday, July 13. WHITEHALL., July 13, 178s. ^ jC THE following letters from John Maxwell, Esq; Go- , vernor of the Bahama Islands, were- received at the J^.' j office of the Right Hon. Thomas Townshend, one © Jof*- Sf of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, the I1th insant: MY LORD THE large army under the command of the Governor of the Havanna, consisting of three frigates, 60 sail of trans- ports, 40 of which were top. sail vessels, having 2500 troops on board, invested me the 6th instant, at day break, and summoned me to furrender, upon honourable terms, at nine o'clock. 1 called my Council together, who were unanimous in their opinion, that as the strength of the country was then out in privateers, and an invalid garrison of 170, fit for duty ( on the ramparts only) and just arrived, they advised me to pro- pose terms honourable. . Not satisfied it was doing justice to my character, I called the officers of the garrison present, the militia officers, and the principal inhabitants, who were unanimous in their opi- nion, that to make a defence of a few hours would not entitle them from the Governor but to termsof discretion. X have the honor to be, & c. New Providence, May 14, 1782. JOHN MAXWELL. New Providence, May 14, 178e. MY LORD, ' THE Spanish troops under the command of Don Juan Ma- nuel Cagigal were the second division going to the Cape, in order to join their first under the command of Don Galvez; but as they had no transports of their own, they wisely laid an embargo, by which means they procured a sufficient num- ber from the Americans who readily hired their vessels to gi against Providence at their own risk. However the Spanish General disappointed them exceedingly in not including them in the capitulation, and now compels them to proceed further, paying them as transports. , Jamaica was the original object, and we might have escaped a visit, had not the winds, and the assurances given them by several cf our own inhabitants, who were employed by government in flags of truce, of the facility cf reducing this place, joined to the consideration of the risk of the vessels being on the American account, induced them to malce the attempt, in which they have been too suc- eessful, but I am certain they adhere to their first intention of attempting Jamaica. immediately on my arrival I gave your Lordship my opinion of the inhabitants, and the strength requisite to keep the island in order. In the Council of war, consisting of the militia officers and principal inhabitants, there were 33 unanimously of opinion to capitulate. , 1 have the honor to be, & c. JOHN MAXWELL. Right Hon. Lord George Germain, & c. & c. St James's, July 10. This day the Right Hon. William Pitt, Chancellor and Under Treasurer of his Majesty's Ex- chequer, was, by his Majesty's command, sworn of his Ma- jesty's molt honourable Privy Council, and took his place at the board accordingly. j. . -..'- His Majesty having been pleased to appoint the Right Hon. Thomas Townshend, to be one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, he was this day, by his Majesty's com- mand, sworn one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State accoidingly. v- TO be peremptorily SOLD by Auction, at the Beaufort Arms, in the Town of Chepstow, on Sstur-- day the 20th of July lnst. between the Hours of Three, and Six in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be there produced, All that FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, Malt- House, Coach- House, Sta- ble, and Granary, with a Garden walled- in, situate in the Moor's- Street, in the Town of Chepstow, and late in the Oc- cupation of Mrs. Martha Loftus. Immediately after will be sold, a POST- CHAISE, with Harness compleat. for a View of the Premises, apply to Mr. John Buckle, or to Mr. James Davies, Attorney, in Chepstow. I To the Right Rev. the President, the Hon. and Rev. the Vice- President, and the rest of the Governors of the Glocester INFIRMARY. GeNTLEMEN, Beg Leave to offer you my Services in the Room of Mr. Trye, Apothecary to your Infirmary, ( who has signified his Intention of resigning) and humbly solicits the Favour of your Votes and Interest on the Occasion.' I flatter myself that my Qualifications, & c. will meet the Approbation of the Gentlemen of the Faculty, and Governors at large.— Should your kind Suffrages place me in that Office, my con- stant Attention shall lie paid to the Duties of it, in discharging it with Diligence and Humanity. I am, Gentlemen, With all due Respect, Your most obedient and humble Servant, JOSEPH MILLS. J. MILLS requests those Governors who have not yet received Letters, or personal Application, to impute such apparent Neglect to unintentional and unavoidable Causes, as he will do himfelf the Honour of paying his, Respects to them as early as he possible can. Hereford, July 4 Whitehall, July 13. The King has been pleazed to con- stitute the. Right Hon. William Earl of Shelburne of the kingdom < sf Ireland, Knight of the mozt noble order of the Garter, the Right . Hon. William Pitt, James Grenville, Richard Jackson, and Edward James Elliot, Esquires, to be Commissioners for executing the office of Treasurer of his Majesty's Exchequer. The King hajs been pleased to grant to the Right Hon William Pitt, the offices of Chancellor and Under Treasurer of his Majesty's Exchequer. . . .. , - i- - The King has been pleased to constitute and appoint. the Right Hon. Augustus Viscount Keppel, Sir Robert Harland, Bart. Admiral Hugh Pigot, Charles Brett, Richard Hop- kins, John Jefferies Pratt, and John Aubrey, Esqrs. to be his Majesty's Commissioners far executing the office of Lord High Admiral of the kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, and of the dominions, islands, and territories thereunto re- spectively belonging. The King has been pleased to constitute and appoint the Right Hon. Sir George Yonge, Bart, to be his Majesty's Se- cretary at War. - . , The King has been pleased to appoint David Parry, Esq; to be Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Island of Barbadoes, in the room of Major- General James Cunning- hame. The King has been pleased to appoint Archibald Campbell, Esq; to be Captain- General and Governor in Chief of the Island, of Jamaica, in the room of Major- General John Dal- ling, The King has been pleased to appoint John Parr, Esq; to be Captain- General and Governor in Chief of the Province of Nova Scotia, in the room of Francis Legge, Esq. Yesterday Capt. Deake, commander of the Vigilant, arrived at the Admiralty with dispatches from Admi- ral Rodney and Governor Campbell at Jamaica : he sailed from Bluefields in company with the home- ward- bound fleet, and parted from them on the 9th of June, clear of the Gulph. He brings advice that there were only two sail of the line left at the Ha- vannah, and that Don Solano's squadron, with the remaining part of De Grasse's fleet, were yet lying at Cape Francois. A very large fleet of merchant- men sailed from the Havannah, under a very weak convoy, just before they passed it. Many of the ships were very valuable that were bound to Europe. A re- port prevailed at Jamaica, just before they left the island, that Admiral Hood had fell in with an out- ward- bound Dutch fleet that was going to Curacoa, and captured several of them. Admiral Rodney, in his dispatches observes, that from several corroborat- ing circumstances, he has every reason to believe the St. Esprit, of 80 guns, sunk a few days after the ac- tion. De Grasse is on board the Sandwich, coming home with Sir Peter Parker. , , This day advice was received at Lloyd's that the Emperor and the Wiltshire, two ships from Jamaica, were safe arrived in the Downs. Tho' they sailed two days after the fleet, and came through the Gulph, they saw nothing of the fleet. The fleet which sailed from Jamaica under convoy of the Sandwich, Russel, Intrepid, and Pomona men of war on the 25th of May, were left on the 9th of June near the Gulph, and consisted of 100 sail as fol- lows :— For London, 42 j Bristol, 21Liverpool, 16 ; Gtafgow, Sj Portfmouth, 2; Ireland, 2; Lan- casterr 1 ; America, 8. The force with which Admiral Graves sailed from Port Royal, Jamaica, was several sail of the line, and three frigates -. There was no doubt of its being des- tined against Curacoa. The Admiral had his flag in the London, of 90 guns. A dispute has arisen bctween Sir Guy Carleton and General Washington, and is as follows A board of refugees, it seems, had been for some time past formed at New- york, consisting of about 400 people, under the command of Governor Franklin. The point in- sisted upon by these men, who had their commission.'- from Sir Henry Clinton, was, that they should be controuled by their own laws, subject, however, in their military services, to Sir Henry Clinton. A- mongst other exploits, which these people performed, was the attack of a block- house, which Gen. Wash- ington had erected, and which they carried, killing every man found in it, except three, whom they brought away as prisoners of' war. Among these was a Captain Huddy, whom they carried at first on board a vessel, where he was closely confined for up- wards of three weeks, He was then taken on shore, under pretence of being exchanged, but was in fact forced to the first tree that could be found, on which he was hung ' till he was dead, without any trial, or charge made against him. Upon this being related General Washington, he immediately wrote to Sir Henry Clinton, insisting upon it, that Capt. Lippen- court, by whole order Capt. Huddy was hung, should be executed by way of retaliation, , Sir Henry Clinton upon this, directed a court- martial to be held upon Capt. Lippencourt, and when Sir Guy Carleton ar- rived at New- York, the court martial was sitting; but as his appointment superseded Sir Henry Clinton's, the court- martial broke up without coming to any de- termination. General Waihington upon this, wrote to Sir Guy Carleton on the subject, and informed him, that unless Capt. Lippencourt was hanged, he would have one of the British officers in his possession executed for Capt. Huddy, and that he had caused the British officers, his prisoners, to cast lots which of them should suffer. We are very sorry to find, that it has fallen to the lot of a Capt. Asgyll ; and when the last accounts left New- York, Gen. Wash- ington bad determined that he should suffer death, unless the satisfaction he required was made ; and that he would also retaliate by every other means in his power. The Congress refuse to treat with Gen. Carleton. They will not allow even a passport to the General's secretary to present his papers to them. They declare they will receive no terms of pacification, but through the medium of France. Sir Guy Carleton has, during the short period of his arrival at New- York, actually made reductions and reforms to the annual amount of 500,000l. Yesterday a new writ was issued for electing a Mem- ber for Calne, in Wiltshire, in the. room of Isaac Barre, Esq appointed Paymaster- General of the Forces, Pepper Arden, sfq; of the Middle- Temple, is ap- pointed to succeed to the Solicitor- Generalship, vacant by the resignation of Mr. Lee. Mr. Ord is appointed by Lord Shelburne to be his Chief Secretary. Never were the gentlemen of the long robe so tossed about by political changes as of late; Mr. Mansfield, on the late change, returned to the western circuit, and Mr. Burke quitted it;-- Mr. Pitt, in the present change, quits it, and Mr. Burke returns to it.-— Mr. Adams is just out of the ordnance, and goes the northern circuit.-— Mr. Lee goes the same circuit, and lays down the Solicitor- Generalship, which Mr. Arden takes up, and quits the circuit.--- Mr. Wallis resumes his station on that circuit, having resigned, on the late change, the office of Attorney- General. A letter from Falmouth mentions the agreeable news of the Aurora frigate; of 28. guns, having taken and carried into St. Ives the Madame, of 44 guns, aftera severe action in which the Aurora had seven killed, and nine wounded; the enemy's loss is very considerable. The same letter mentions the arriva of a packet from New- York in 19 days. BANKRUPTS. John Snell, late of Bristol, vintner, but! now < 5f St. George, Glocestershire, dealer John Woan, late of Three- crown- court. Southwark, apothecary,- Richard Preston, late of St. Martin'si lane, Cannon- street, London, insurance- broker. William Jackson, of Bristol, hosier. DIVIDENDS. Aug 1. Samuel Mellor and Ebenezer Mellor, late of Man- chester, distillers. 5. William Hodges, of Cheapside , Lon- don, haberdasher. Samuel Wilson, of Birmingham, War- wickshire, gunsmith. , _ Bank Stock, Three per Cent. con. Three per cent. red. 58 I- Sth. Three per cent. .1726, —. Three i- half per cent. . 1758, —., Four per cent, con. —. Four per cent, ann, 1777, 71 7- 8ths. Long Ann, 1 1 . ; Long Ann. 1- 777, —-.—-. Long Ann. 1.778, 1 . India Stock, f— India Bonds, 7s. puo, South Sea Stock, —. . Old . Ann.>•—.:- New Ann. —. Three n- r-' ctn- t. fub.- jS. Four per cent, fub, 7* i- 4th. Navjf BHls, n 3- Sths per cent. dif. Exchequer Bills, 53, prem. psnaium,—. Lot, Tit. Ijl. 6s. GLOCESTER, July On Saturday arrived here Mr. Justice Buller, and Mr. Baron Hotham, and opened the commission for holding the assizes;-— and their Lordships have or- dered, that all Jurors do attend by seven o'clock on Monday morning, that business may immediately be- commenced. Jurors not attending will be fined, Extract of a letter from Cheltenham, July 13. . .." Oh Tuefday last Lord Viscount Kingsland gave an elegant entertainment and fete champetre to a very numerous and genteel company here. At eight o'clock they met at: Mrs. Field's rooms to drink tea, & c. Between nine and ten they attended his Lord- ship to the public walks, which were finely decorated with grand arches, illuminated with a variety of dif- ferent coloured lamps, which had a fine effect. The two public rooms were alfo decorated with festoons and wreaths of flowers, and grandly illuminated,. In the large room was a concert of vocal and instru- mental music; and Mrs. Watson, in the character, of Diana, with her bow ahd quiver, sung a hunting; song with great applause. The ball then, began ;' and about one the company were summoned to an elegant cold collation of every delicacy in season, and a side- board of excellent wines.-— The company did not breakup ' till three o'clock, highly pleased with the great hofpitality, and polite attention of the noble Lord." . . We hear from. Cardiff, in Glamorganshire, that great sport is expected there at the ensuing races, ( which begin the 31st instant). Many horses being in training, and several very capital ones expected to enter for the different purses and cup." The race ground is in excellent order, and proper attention paid to render every thing convenient and agreeable in the town to the company, which is expected to be very numerous and splendid. A gentleman who was of a party on Tuesday night last at the Taylors- Hall, Bristol, to see the famous Boaz's exhibitions of his new invented deceptions, informs us, the great success of this ingenious artist is by no means to be wondered at, for that his deceptions on cards, valuable rings, medals, watches, & c. are truely amazing, but that his method of telling persons their real thoughts is astonishing beyond conception. It is expected he will pay a visit to this city after leaving Bristol. The following came too late to be added to Mr. Miles's Advertisement in the first Page.—— T. Miles hopes, that as his professional Connection re- quires his Presence in London. Gentlemen will excuse any further Application for the present, but he will certainly return to the Country previous to the Election. Advertisements omitted this week will be inserted in our next. GLOCESTERSHIRE TRINITY SESSIONS, 1782. WHEREAS a Precept hath been issued for holding the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace at the Boothall, in the City of Glocester, for the County of Glo- cester, on Tuesday the l6tb of July Inst. but the Assizes for the said County interfering, This is to give Notice, that the said General- Quarter Sessions will be adjourned to the said Bootball, on Tuesday the 23d of the said Month of July, for the Dispatch of Business; when and where all Jurors, High Constables, Bailiff's, and Persons bound by Recognisances, are required, to attend ; and all Justices of the Peace who have taken Recogni- zances to prosecute at the Sessions any Person in Custody for Felony or Misdemeanors, are desired to return such Recognizances to the Clerk of the Peace, at his Office in Glocester,' on Tuesday the 16tb of July, in order to prevent such Persons being discharged at the Assizes. CONWAY WHITHORNE, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. A New and Complete Universal SYSTEM of ANTIENT and MODERN GEOGRAPHY. The Result of extreme Assiduity and Study for many Years; founded 0n the most respectable Authorities, arranged with the greatest Care and Accuracy from valuable Materials of undoubted Credit and Authenticity, and judiciously cor- rected by modern Observations, comprising all the new Im- provements, and late Discoveries made in every Part of the World ; and containing a comprehensive Account of the present Geographical, Political, Civil, Commercial, and Military S'ate of the UNIVERSE. MIDDLETON's New Complete and Universal SYSTEM of GEOGRAPHY. Elegantly printed in Folio, on an excellent new Letter and superfine Paper, and embellished with upwards of 120 beautiful Engravings, more highly finished than any which have hitherto appeared in any System of Geography what- ever 5 consisting of historical Prints, superb Buildings, Views, Landscapes, delightful Prospects, Cities, Towns, Villages, Ruins, Designs, Battle and Sea Pieces, including whole Sheet Maps, Draughts, Charts, Plans, & c. Repre- sentations of Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Infects, Reptiles , am- phibious Creatures, Vegetables, Minerals, Fossils, & c. Also characteriftic Portraits, exhibiting the Persons, Dresses, Customs, Manners, Ceremonies of the various Nations in the Universe, particularly those who inhabit the Places newly discovered by the late Captain Cook and other re- sent Navigators. The whole forming the most superb Set of Prints ever given in a Work of the like Kind, in this or any other Kingdom, the Expence of which has cost the Proprietors upwards of Two Thousand Pounds. On Saturday, July 6, 1782, will be published, ( Price only 6d.) NUMBER I. To be continued weekly till the whole is completed ( without any Interruption whatever) Containing three whole Sheets of Letter- Press, elegantly printed in Folio, on an excellent new Letter, and superfine Paper, and adorned with a curious emblematical Frontis- piece, drawn by Samuel Wale, Esq; Member of the Royal Academy, and engraved by Mr. Burder. Also a large and beautiful whole Sheet Map of the World, corrected from the latest Observations, and containing the Tracks of the principal Navigators who have recently sailed round the Globe, ANew and Complete SYSTEM' of GEO- GRAPHY. Containing a full, accurate, authentic, and interesting Account and Description of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America', as consisting of Continents, Islands, Oceans, Seas, Rivers, Harbours, Lakes, Deserts, Promon- tories, Capes, Bays, Peninsulas, Isthmusses, Gulphs, Pro- vinces, Governments, & c. Being a complete and universal History and Description of the WHOLE WORLD, as di- vided into Empires, Kingdoms, States, and Republics. To- gether with their Situations, Limits, Boundaries, Climates, Soil, natural and artificial Curiosities and Productions, Reli- gion, Laws, Government, Revenues, Naval and Military Forces, Antiquities, & c. Also the Cities, Towns, Villages, Fort's, Castles, Harbours, Sea- ports, Aqueducts, Moun- . tains, Volcanos, Caverns, Mines, Minerals, Fossils, Roads, Palaces, Churches, Temples, Edifices public and private, Universities, See. contained in each. With an historical Ac- count of the Customs, Manners, Genius, Tempers, Habits, Amusements, Shape, Colours, Beauties, Virtues, Vices, Entertainment, Ceremonies at Births, Marriages, and Fu- neral*, Commerce, Arts, Sciences, Manufactures, Learning and Language of the Inhabitants. — With an accurate and lively Description of all the various Kinds of Birds, Beads Reptiles, Fishes, amphibious Creatures, Insects, vegetable Productions, Herbs, Plants, Flowers, Fruits, See. Includ- ing the Essence of all the moil remarkable VOYAGES and TRAVELS, that have been performed by the Navigators and Travellers of different Countries, from the earliest Ages to the prefent Time ; particularly the modern Discoveries made by Cook, Clerke, Colander, Banks, Byron, Mulgrave, Wallis, Carteret, Coxe, Dillon, Baretti, Sharp, Thickness, Furneaux, Bougainville, Ives, Chandler, Johnson, Twiss, Osbeck, Thoms- son, Cooke, Forster, Parkinson, Irwin, Falconer, Anson, Forrest, Wraxall, Hanway, Algarotti, Drummond, Bruce, Carver, and Suckling. Including all the late Discoveries, in the South Seas, to- wards the North Pole, in the Japanese Ocean, in the New Northern Archipelago; compiling all those made by Order of the Empress of Russia, in the Red Seas, the Indian Seas, Eastern Ocean, &' c. See. With a great Variety of curious Pieces communicated to the Authors of this Work, by several Naval and Military Commanders, Captains of Vessels, Noble- men, Gentlemen, ingenious Travellers, & c. Forming upon the whole the moft original Composition 0n the Subject ever yet published. Also a compendious History of every Empire, Kingdom, State, & c, with the various Revolutions they have under- gone. To which will be added, a new and easy Guide to- Geo- graphy and Astronomy, representing a clear and ample Display of the various Principles and Terms of both Sciences, the Figures and Motions of the Earth, Planers, & c. Latitude, Longitude, Use of the Globes, Maps, Compass, & c. To- gether with an Account of the Rise and Progress of Naviga- tion, its Improvements, at different Periods, and in different. Parts of the World. By CHARLES THEODORE MIDDLETON, Esq; ' Assisted by several GENTLEMEN eminent for their Know- ledge in the Science of Geography. London, printed- for J. Cooke, at No. 17, in Pater- noster- Row. Sold by Evans and Hazell, T. Dunn, and J. Hough, in • Glocester; S. Harward, Tewkesbury ; T. Stevens, Ciren- • cester ; J. Bence, Wotton- underedge; C. Badham, and J. Allen, Hereford ; W. North, Brecon; Mrs. Price, Hay. *„* The Copper- Plates in other Works of this Nature hav- ing been more a Disgrace, than an Embellishment, we have.. ' totally obviated that Imperfection, by employing the most able and renowned Artists in the Kingdom; whereby they will justly correspond with the Dignity and Elegance of. the Work they are intended- to embellish. •)-,-(- It is necessary to observe, that this Work could- not He completed in less than 100 Numbers; considering the Co- piousness of the Subject, and the Addition of th « great Va- riety of Places lately discovered by our modern Navigators, to- . getter with the many curious Observations aria Descriptions communicated to us by real Travellers. From these As- sistanccs we are enabled to present to the Public a more com- plete Performance of the Kind than any hitherto offered; and those who purchase this Work, will be possessed not only of a Complete SYSTEM of GEOGRAPHY, but also an Universal HISTORY and DESCRIPTION of ALL NATIONS through- out the Universe — A List of the Subscribers will be printed and delivered gratis with the last Number. We would have given a List of the Copper- Plates with which this Work is adorned, but they are so numerous, and the Subjects and Beauties of them so great, that to describe them in such a Manner as to convey a proper Idea of their . Excellencies Would, insftead of being contained in an Adver- tisement, extend to the whole Side of a Newspaper. J|| jf. The whole of this truly authentic and valuable Work being just printed off, may be had complete in 100 Numbers, Price Fifty Shillings, or elegantly bound in Two Volumes Calf, and lettered, 3l. 3s. Thofe whom it may not suit to purchase the whole complete, may have one or more Numbers at a Time, as may best suit their Convenience. N B. To prevent Mistakes, pray be careful to ask for MIDDLETON s New Complete and Universal System of Geo- gr ^& . pjbliflieil by J. COOKE, No. 17, Pater.- noster Row. This Day is published, Price ONE SHILLING, . Illustrated With a neat and correct MAP of Great- Britain, describing the principal Roads and chief Towns, See. on a large Scale, OWEN's New BOOK of ROADS; or, a De- scription of the Roads of Great- Britain ; being an use- ful Companion to OWEN'S New BOOK of FAIRS. • CONTAINING - X. An alphabetical List of all the Cities, Towns, and re- markable Villages in England and Wales; the Counties in which they are situated, and the Market Days. II. The Distance in measured Miles, from London, to the several Towns, & c. and from one Town to another on the several Roads. III. The Cross Roads. IV. The High Roads, and principal Cross Roads in Scot- land. V. The general Roads of the Judges Circuits. VI. A concise Account of the Noblemens and Gentlemens Seats upon each Road. VII. An authentic Account of the Posts and Postage of Letters, as regulated by the Post- Master- General. The THIRD EDITION, corrected and greatly improved.. Printed for W. 0wen, No. 11 Fleet- Street, London. And sold by Evans and Hazell, T. Dunn, and J. Hough, Glocester; S. Harward, Tewkesbury; T. Stevens, Cirences- ter ; C. Badham and J. Allen, Hereford ; J. Bence, Wotton- Underedge; W. North, Brecon; and Mrs. Price, Hay. Where may be had, OWEN'S New BOOK of all the FAIRS in England and Wales, in three distinct Lists, with an Abstract of all the Acts of Parliament relating to Fairs. Price is. or is. Sd. bound with the Book of Roads. Christians of every Denomination are earnestly requested to read the following Advertisement of The Rev. Dr. SOUTHWELL's New Exposition and lllustration of the HOLY SCRIPTURES. A Work which, from the masterly Execution of the Notes, Annotations, and Reflections, at the Close of each Chap- ter, forms a most valuable Treasure of Divine Knowledge, and is better calculated to promote the temporal and eter- nal Happiness of all Christian Families, than any Work of the Kind that has hitherto appeared in this or an? other Kingdom., A magnificent, learned, pious, and- much- admired Work, to be compleated in 100 Numbers, or the Overplus given gra- tis. Elegantly printed in large Folio, on a beautiful new Letter, and superfine Paper, embellished with upwards of .100 beautiful and superb Copper- plates, more highly and" curioufly finified than any hitherto given in a Work of the like Kind. These Engravings are not ( as is the general Custom with periodical Publications) entirely copied from Drawings, but taken from the finest Paintings of the ni^ ft esteemed Masters, such as Raphael, Urbin, Rubin, Van- dyke, Picatt. & c. and are minutely and strikingly descrip- tive of the most remarkable Incidents that occur in the Sacred Writings. The whole engraved t> y the following well- known and celebrated Artists, viz. Grignion, Walker, Collyer, Taylor, White, Roberts, Smith, Reynoldson, Chesham, Proud, Royce, Bowen, See. This Day is published, NUMBER I. ( Price, only SIX- PENCE)- Containing three whole Sheets of Letter- Press, elegantly printed on an entire new Letter and superfine Paper, and adorned wiih two masterly Copper- Plates, viz. an emble- matical Frontispiece, designed by the ingenious. Samuel Wale, Esq; Member of the Royal Academy, and en- graved in a most masterly Stile by that celebrated Artist Mr. Grignion; also an accurate View of Solomos's Tem- ple, with the Priests and Sacrifices, Sec. taken from a Painting in the Possession of an eminent Divine, and en- graved by a capital Artist, To be continued Weekly, till the whole is completed ( with- out any Interruption whatever) of , THE UNIVERSAL FAMILY BIBLE ; or, Christian's Divine Library. Being a new, complete,, and clear Exposition and Commentary on the HOLY SCRIP- TURES ; containing the Sacred Text of the OLD and NEW TESTAMENTS, with the APOCRYPHA, at large: Il- lustrated with- NOTES and ANNOTATIONS, Theological, Historical, Geographical, Systematical, Chronological, Bio- graphical, Practical, Critical, Explanatory, Morai, and Di- vine. Wherein all the difficult and obfeure P^ ffages are clearly and fully explained ; the seeming Contradictions re- conciled ; the Mis- translations corrected; former Errors, rec- tified; the Deistical Objections refuted; the Prophecies and Parables faithfully elucidated ; and the whole of Divine Re- velation ( on which the eternal Happiness of Mortals depend) displayed in its original Purity, and rendered eafy and profitable to every Capacity. The whole forming a complete COMMENTARY, with practical Improvements and general Reflections on each Chap- ter, calculated to enlighten the Understanding, purify trie Heart, promote the Cause of Piety and Virtue, and make Mankind wife unto Salvation. To which will. be added, a circumspect View of the great Connection between the Old and New Testaments; an Explanation of the Divine Ofii: c3 ; used in the Jewish Church, both before and after the Cap- tivity ; Account ' of the Lives of all the inspired Writers; and many other Articles relative to Jewilb and Christian Antiqui- ties not to be met with in any other Work of the like Kind. Also, a copious Index, or Concordance, pointing. out, in the cleared Manner, every minute Transaction recorded in the Holy Scriptures. With a brief Table of the Interpretnions of all proper Names; Indexes historical, and geographical; Account of Scripture Weights and Measures; with many 0- ther Matters of the moft important Nature, and essentially necessary to explain and illustrate the Sacred Writings. The whole forming a complete universal Treasury of Divine Know- ledge. By the Rev. HENRY SOUTHWELL, L. L. D. Late of Magdalen College, Cambridge; Rector of Afterby, in Lincolnshire; and Author of the New Book of Martyrs, or complete Christian Martyrology. London, printed for J. Cooke, No. 17, Pater- noster Row, Sold by Evans and Hazell, T. Dunn, and J. Hough, in Glocester; S. Harward, Tewkesbury; T. Stevens, Ciren- cefter; J. Bence-, Wotton- Underedge; W. North, in Bre- con ; Badham and Allen, Hereford; J. Chew, Bristol. #% The Publisher of thir Work thinks it unnecessry to observe,. that it could not be completed in less than 100 Num- bers 5 considering the Largeness. and Beauty of the Type, the unavoidable Length of the Notes, and the necessary Indexes of every material Transaction recorded in the Sacred Oracles, from the whole of which we- may prefume to affert, that the Rev. Dr. Southwell's Family Biblesftands alone unequalled. i; 4- t The Copper- Plates in other Works of this Nature having, been more a Difgrace, than an Embelliflirnent, we have totally obviated that Imperfection, by employing the mod admired Artifts in the Kingdom, whereby they juflly correfpond with the Dignity and Elegance of the Work they are intended to embellilli; and which, from the very great Expence in Drawings, Paintings, Engravings, & c. have cod- upwards of Two Thousand Pounds. We would have given a List of the Copper- Plates with which this Work is adorned, but the'Subjects and Beaaties of them are. fo great, that to defcribs them in fuch a Manner as to convey a proper Idea of their Excellencies, would, inftead of being contained in an Advertisement, extend to a whole Side of a Newspaper. t* t The Advantages which this Work has over any si- milar Publication, will appear very obvious to every attentive Reader. Besides the superior Elegaace of the Size, Paper, Print, and Copper- plates, there will also be given a greater Quantity of Letter- Press, and on a larger Letter, than in any other Bible, three whole Sheets being to be given in every Number at the same Price. The whole of this Work being just printed off, may be had complete in One Hundred Numbers, Price Fifty Shillings, or elegantly bound in Calf^ Two Pounds Eighteen Shillings'.' As the Work, themfore, is thoroughly compleated, the Public may ealily perceive there cannot be any possible Im- position hereafter, with regard to the Largeness and Unifor- mity of the Lester, gee. as has been to often the Case in Pub- lications of. a similar Nature; and that, upon the whole, it will be the most elegant and superb Edition of the HOLY BIBLE ever yet offered to the Public. To prevent Mistakes, pray be careful to ask for the Rev. Dr. Southwell's Universal Family Bible, which the Public may depend is executed throughout in as elegant a Manner as that juftly efteemed and much admiied Work, entituled, '' be New Book of Martyrs, written by the same Antbor. THIS is: to give Notice, that the General Quarter sessions of the Peace, which was to be held at Chepstow, in the County of Monmouth, the 17th Day of July Inst. will he adjourned to the 14th Day of July, at that - Place, becaufe the Assizes for the County of Monmouth is ap- pointed to be held at Monmouth on the 17th Day of July Inst. MORGAN, Clerk of the Peace. This Day are published, Price is. 6d. LAWS' relating to SMUGGLERS ; Or, A Pocket Companion for the Custom- House Officer, the Excise Officer, the Smuggler, and the Encouragers of Smug- glers. Containing all the Acts of Parliament now in Force, together with the adjudged Cases, respecting contraband, un- customed, or run Goods. Including the whole Laws of Cus- toms and Excise. With ample Instructions for avoiding the severe Punishments and Penalties inflicted by those Laws. Proper to be carefully perused and attended to, not only by • Smugglers, but those who, in any Degree, assist them in secreting, concealing, conveying, or disposing of any of their Goods; or who shall harbour or entertain th « Offenders a- gainst the Laws of the Customs and Excise ; or who incon- siderately purchase Tea, Foreign Spirituous Liquors, or other run Goods, without knowing, or considering, that they a> e liable to Punishment. for buying, as well as telling, uncustom- ed Commodities. By an ATTORNEY of the EXCHEQUER. London, printed for S. Bladon, in Pater- noster- Row, Sold also by Evans and Hazell, T. Dunn, and J. Hough, Glocester; S. Harward, Tewkesbury; T. Stevens, Ci- rencester; C. Badham, and J. Allen, Hereford; and Mrs. , Price, of the Hay. The following MEDICINES arS foltl R. RAIKES, in Glocester._ ty This Day is published, Price 21. 6d. EVERY Tradesman his own LAWYER ; Or, Laws concerning Merchants and Tradesmen. Contain- ing all the Laws now in. Force, essentially necesary to be known by every Person in any Degrer Concerned in Trade or Commerce, under the following Heads, among Variety of o- ther Articles, viz. I. The Law of Awards and Arbitrations, i. All the Sta- tutes and adjudged Cases concerning Bankrupts, from the taking. out the Commission to the signing of the Certificate, 3.. The Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, and Bank Notes, including the last Act respecting Bills or Notes under Five Pounds. 4. All the Acts of Parliament in Force concerning the Manufacture and Importation of Silks, Cam ' brick, French Lawns, Scotch, or Irish Linens. 5. Of To- bacco and Snuff. 6. Laws to regulate the Master and Ser- vants among the Woollen Manufacturers, Weavers, Taylors Butchers, Clock and Watchmakers, Shoemakers, Farmers, Carriers, & c. 7. Also of Insurances. 8. Weights and Mea- fures, 9. Hawkers and Pedlars. With several other Articles, in which the trading Part of Mankind are particularly in- terested. Together wifh such Precedents in Conveyancing as are ab- solutely necessary to be in the Possesion of every Merchant and Tradesman, that they may have recourse to them as Oc- casion may, require, viz. Indentures of Apprenticeship ; Ar- ticles of Copartnership; Precedents of Bonds; Bottomry, and Respondentia Bonds;. Alignments of Bonds, & c. As- signments of Leases; Assignment of- Debts; Arbitration Bonds ; Form of ah Award : Form of an Umpirage ; Leases; Letters of Attorney; letters of Licence from Creditors; Letters of Composition- for- Debts, & c. See. By WILLIAM SERLE, of the Inner Temple, Esq; London, printed for S. Bladon, No. 13, Paternoster- Row ; and sold by Evans and Hazell, T. Dunn, and J. Hough, is Glocester; S. Harvard, Tewkesbury ; T. Stevens-, Ciren- rester; J. Bence, Wotton- Underedge; J. Allen, Hereford ; W. North, Brecon ; and Miss Price, Hay. ENGLISH STATE LOTTERY, 1782. Begins Drawing the jSth of November. Till the 14th of JULY, and » o LONGER. . THE LAST OPPORTUNITY. THE Act of Parliament for the English State Lottery, 1782, contains such Restrictions and Regula- tions, that, in future, there can be no Insurance of any Kind, nor any Shares sold of a less Price than about TWENTY- FIVE SHILLINGS, therefore all Adventurers who cannot conveniently, or do not chuse to risque much, will be excluded from having any Chance, and even the Purchasers of whole Tickets must encounter the Hazard of losing 161. or 17I. they not being allowed to insure their Pro- perty. To remedy this Inconvenience and real Hardship, Messrs. SHARMAN and Co. Have adopted a Plan for the Purchasers el whole Tickets, and also a Scheme of Chances more advantageous than Shares of four Times their Price, at HALF- A- CROWN, SIX SHILLINGS', and HALF- A- GUINEA each, by which lat- ter the capital Sum of TEN THOUSAND- POUNDS will be gained. These Chances are now delivering, till the 24th of July, and no longer, at their Offices No. 30, Fleet- Street, No. 6, Cockspur- Srreet, Corner of Suffolk- Street, Charing- Cross, and No. 67, High- Holborn, where upwards of 276,000 have been paid in Shares and Chances. N. B. The Act of Parliament becoming in force on the 25th of July, no Chance can be sold upon any Account after the 24th, therefore every Person wishing to be most advan- tageously in Fortune's way, at small Expence, must apply, on or before that Day, or entirely lose the Opportunity. CHANCE at HALF- A GUINEA of Ten Numbers. For Half- a- Guinea the Purchaser will receive Ten Numbers, the first- drawn of which will be entitled to aoool. If a Prize of 3000). 300I. if a Prize of 20,000!. I 40I. if a. Prize of I, oool. 1 jo , iojoocl. I 20 ~— 1— 500I. lea •, 5,0001. j 6 • - •• •• xool. 60 • z, oool, I 3 50I, aool. if Firft- drawn the lath Day.. 400 if Fird- drawn the 15th Day. 600 if Firft- drawn the iSth Day. 2,000 if Firft- drawn the aid Day. TEN- THOUSAND Pounds if Firit- drawh the 17th Day. The Chance at SIX- SHILLINGS will be entitled to Half the above Benefits, and may gain Five Thousand Pounds. CHANCE at HALF- A- CROWN, of ooe Number, fct which the Purchaser will receive 200I. if a Prizs of 100 — 60 5o 3° 20,0001. JO. OOO 5,000 3,000 2,000 20I. 10 3 if a Prize of il. is. loool. 500 JOO 5° AS a Proof of the superior Efficacy of MARE- DANT's DROPS ( to any other Ant: fcorbutic Medi- cine hitherto publiflied, Mr. NORTON, Surgeon; of Gol- den- Square, London, the only Inventor and Proprietor of them, refers those afflicted with the Scurvy, and other Com- plaints arising from that Cause, to the following People who have been cured by them, via. the Son of William Barber of Brockholes, near Preston, in Lancashire, ( after being deemed incurable) by taking them, the Humour, though very inveterate, was totally eradicated, and his Health, ^ hich wa « very bad, restored; this wassfwom at Preston, the zoth of April, 1781, before Bartholomew Devis, Mayor. A poor Woman of Pendleton, near Manchester, of a scrophulous Disorder in her right Thigh, which she had nine Years; it made her so emaciated and lame that she could scarcely move with the Assistance of a Crutch and Stick; she had 16 run- ning Sores, in her Thigh. Witness, Thomas Butterworth Bayley, Esq; a Magistrate for the County of Lancashire. A Cure authenticated by Sir George Armitage, Bart of Kirk- lees Hall, in the West Riding of Yorkshire; Mr. Joseph Wormsley, a Tenant of his, of the Parish 0f Clifton, had two Ulcers, each as large as a Crown Piece, five in- his right Side, five on his Shoulder, five in his right Leg, and one over his left Eye Matthias Calvert, a Captain in the East. In- dia Company's Service, of Blotches all over his Body. The following Cure authenticated by James Cowper, M. D. viz. Roderic Mac Donald of a moft violent Scurvy. Lieutenant Colonel Feyrac, late of his Majesty's 18th or Royal Regiment of Foot, of a violent Scurvy, attended with a total Want of Appetite, Sleep, and Spirits Mr. John Good, late Sur- geon of his Majesty's Sloop Ferrit, of an obsinate Filtula.—— Mr. John Forster, at the Rose at Welling, Kent, of a Le~ prosy, attended with a severe Rheumatism. — Mr. Atwood, in the Market Place, Bath, of an inveterate Scurvy, which affected his Head and Face; on the Side of his Nose grew spongy Flesh, the same round his Eyes and Mouth, attended with a Pain in his Head so violent as to deprive him of the Use of his left Eye, with many other Cures which would! lengthen this Advertisement exceedingly. Thefe Drops are sold in square Bottles, by Mr. Norton, Surgeon, in Golden- Square, London, and at his Country House, at Smallberry- Green, near Hounslow, - at Half a Guinea and Six Shillings each, with the following Inscription on them, viz. ( JOHN NORTON, ONLY PROPRIETOR AND AUTHOR or MAREDANT's DROPS) each Bottle is wrapped in a Folio Bill of Directions, signed by Mf. Norton,, in his own Hand- writing. The Half^ Guinea Bottles are sold at his Houses only. N. B. Beware of Counterfeits. The Six Shilling Bottles are sold ( by Mr. Norton's Ap- pointment) by R. Raikes, Glocester; Mrs. Hill, Ciren'- cester; Mr. Careless, Ne# ent; Mr. Wood, Winchcomb, Mr. Ford, Grocer, Chepstow; Messrs. Robson and Rees, Neath; Mrs. Downes, Carmarthen'; Mr. Pugh and Mr- Allen, Hereford; Mr. Harward, Tewkesbury; Mr. Mor- gan, Newport; Mr. Willet, Cardiff; Messrs. Rees and Thomas, Cowbridge; and Mr. Padley, Swansea. Where may be likewise had, VANDOUR's PILLS, at Two Shillings and Sixpence a Box; so efficacious ; r. Nervous Complaints. FENDON's NERVOUS DROPS, at Six and Three Shil- lings per Bottle. As also WACE's ASTHMATIC DROPS, at Si* and Three Shillings per Bottle. Of whom may be had, By his Majestys Letters Patent, LEAKE's justly famous PILL, well known f t CURING, in all its Stages, the VENEREAL DISEASE. Price 2S. 6d. the Box. - One small Pill j « * Dose; and the taking of one Box in a recent Case will soon convince the Patient of the Certainty of his speedy Recovery. Nothing can be better contrived, more fafe, or more conveni- ent than this Remedy for such as are obliged to go Journies, or to Sea, as it needs no Confinement or Restraint of' Diet; and 50 Years Experience ( in an extensive Practise) has proved, that it will effect a Cure, when repeated Salivation, and ali other Methods avail nothing For the Scurvy, and other chronicle Disorders, this Medicine has not its parallel: Thou- sands in this Kingdom are convinced of its happy Effects in these cruel Dsforders by their perfect Cure. Sold at the Patentee's, No. 13, in Bride- Lane, Fleet- Street, London. N. B. Letters ( Post paid) to the Patentee dulyanswered. All the above Chances are for wholr Time of Drawing, and include all the firft- drawn Tickets entitled to Prizes, and the Lad- drawn. To PURCHASERS of Whole Tickets. A Whole Ticket for the fixth Part of the Drawing at the Risque of ONE GUINEA only. Receipts for Tickets are now delivering on the following moft advantageous Plan. Every Subscriber to pay Twenty Guineas for each Ticket, for which if drawn a Blank during the first five Days, being a Sixth of the whoje Drawing, S H A R M A N and Co. . Will pay 19 Guineas for the Blank, or if undrawn they will . purchase it at 19 Guineas, and if a 20I. Prize they will give 20 Guineas for such Prize., consequently the Adventurer can lofe bat one Guinea for rhe Chance of all the Prizes for five Days, which is at the same Rate a3 if a Ticket could be putchafed for Six Guineas and much cheaper than a Ticket could be insured, even if Infurance was allowed. But as the Tickets are not issued from the Bank, and may not till after the 24th of July, when this Plan mud con- clude, the Purchafers of Receipts will only be required to pay 10 Guineas for each, and the Remainder on exchanging them for Tickets ; and even then, if agreeable, Messrs. S H A R M A N and Co. Have adopted a Mode, by which they will accommodate their Customers, fo as to render it unneceffary for them to ad- vance mora than the first 10- Guineas. In the lad Lottery Messrs. SHARMAN, and Co. nego- tiated 400 Tickets upon a similar Plan; a Receipt for Ticket in the common Way would cost 161. Ladies- and Gentlemen are once more requeded to parti- cularly observe, that they must apply on or before the 24th of July, or be disappointed. London, Junef24, 17S2. GREEN'S SPECIFIC DROPS IS certainly the only Medicine in this King- dom, that can be depended upon to cure the VENEREAL. DISEASE; either Sex who are afflicted with this cruel Dis- order, stubborn Gleets, heat of Urine, and all' Dsforders in. urinary Passages, nocturnal Pains, foul Bones, and ill Effects of Mercury, may depend on a found and perfect Cure, a slight Cafe is generally cured in a few Days, and a confirmed Lues in two Months, even if the Disorder has been standing twenty- Years. They require no restraint of Diet, or Hindrance of Business. In Bottles at Five Shillings, « nd Two Shillings and Six- pence each.-- Also, BOERHAAVE's universal Re- dorative of Human Nature Is a Specific Medicine for emaciated Youth and others- afflicted with nervous Disorders whether from Excess of vene- real Enjoyments, or from that detestable Practice of Self Po- lution, or other Debaucheries; trembling of the Hands from d Drinhaking, or otherwise ; Dimness of Sight, Pains in the Stomach, Back, and Head, frightful Dreams, Lowness and Depression of the Spirits, or any other nervous Complaints — Price 10s. 6d. atjd 5s.. 6d. each Bottle. Sold by the Proprietor Dr. GREEN, at his Dispensary No. » . Little- Hoe- Lane, Plymouth: Also by his Appoint- ment by the Printer of this Paper; and by his News- men; also sold by Mr. R.. Crutwell, Printer, Bath; Mr. Pine, Printer, Wine- street, Bristol; Mr, Thomas Woods, Printer, Shrewsbury ; Mr. Tymbs, Printer, Worcester; Mr. Jackson, Printer, Oxford: Messrs. Carnan and Smart, Read- ing; Messrs. Collins and Co. Printers, Salisbury ; Mr. Breadhewer, Bookseller, Portsmouth; Mr. Allen, Hereford j. and Mr. Careless, Newent. Of whom may be had, GRAVEL and STONE ; Stoppage of Urine ; Com- plaints in the Back, Kidneys, and Bladder, 3cc. effectually cured; and lost Appetite restored. H I C K M A N's original PILLS, Composed of the most innocent Ingredients, are of singular Efficacy in not only strengthening the Vessels containing the.. Urine, but destroying the petrifying Qualities without Con- finement. After a private Practice of many Years, they are now pub- lickly offered to the Afflicted. To advance that they will cure every Disorder which the human Frame is incident to, would be adopting the Stile of a QU ACK; they are therefore recom- mended as falutary for a Cure of the above Complaints only9 by a safe and gentle Operation, without the least painful Sen- fation. .- They are made up in oval Boxes, labelled HICK- MAN'S original PILLS for the effectual Cure of the Gravel and Stone, See. Three Shillings per Box; Directions inclofed.. sealed W. J, H. the Motto Amicis prodresse Nemine Nocere.— Also fignsd W. J. H. on the Inside of the Cover. — Sold by Appointment of the Proprietor, Wholesale and Retail by M. and H. Wray, Birchin- Lane, London; and at every prin- cipal Town in England, by their Appointment. The following are Cures almongst many otheri too tedious to insert. Numerous original Letters may be seen by ap- plying to the above Messrs. Wray's. Mr. John Bent, of Barnesly, Yorkshire, cured by taking three Boxes, of the Pills, of a gravelly Complaint, attended with violent Pains in the Loins and Sides. Mr. Thomas Bessley, of Woods End, in the Parish of Hambleden, Bucks, cured of the Gravel; the violent Pains ot which bad reduced him so low, he could not title or walk, and frequently rendered him unable to stand upright. George Gordon, Esq; Sub- Sheriff of Berwickshire, by using Hickman's Pills two Months, cured of the Gravel of 20 Years standing, attended with the mod acute Pains, after following the best Advice without finding Relief. GLOCESTER, Printed by R. R A I K E S.
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