The Norfolk Chronicle or the Norwich Gazette
Printer / Publisher: John Crouse
Volume Number: XII
Issue Number: 640
No Pages: 4
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The Norfolk Chronicle or the Norwich Gazette
Date of Article: 08/09/1781
Printer / Publisher: John Crouse
Address: The Market Place, Norwich
Volume Number: XII
Issue Number: 640
No Pages: 4
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The NORFOLK O R, NORWICH VOL. XII ] Ready Money must be sent with Advertisements. CHRONICLE: THE GAZETTe. SATURDAY, September 8, 1781. [ No. 640.] Sunday and Monday's Post. LONDON, Saturday, September 1. FOREIGN NEWS. Madrid, Aug. 10. LETTERS from the camp at Saint Roche received here, dated July 30, advise, that nothing of im- portance hath happened in the camp, or in the bay since the 20th, on which day Te Deum was sung by way. of solemn thanksgiving, on ac- count of the taking of Pensacola, and that all the batteries of the lines and the corps of the army fired a triple discharge, of
cannon, as did several of the forts and men of was stationed near to Al- gesiras. But recollecting that the garrison at Gib- raltar had, on a like occasion, made a public re- joicing, the besiegers proposed to imitate them, and loaded their cannon with ball, directing them in such a manner as to annoy the enemy, which obliged them to abandon their works with preci- pitation, having had a number of men killed and wounded. The following days the besieged fired several shot on our troops, but without effect. The enemy continue their works with additional vigour; they have placed part of their camp on a more elevated situation than
before, and surrounded it with lines and other fortifications. It has also been observed that they have a different manner of pointing their mortars, and that they fire them at those places where the bomb vessels used to be placed. They, no doubt, take these precautions for the better direction of their fire in case of emergency.- Parii, August 19. A courier from Madrid has brought intelligence to the King, that the Duke de Crillon with his transports had arrived the 28th of last month at Carthagena, on the coast of Spain, to take in some necessary ammunition, where he was detained till the third of this month by a calm, when towards
evening the wind began to rise, and It was hoped he would be able to continue his Course to Minorca. This enterprize of Spain has made some of our politicians, imagine, that this sudden and unexpected resolution had some private motive. Accordingly they publicly gave out, that the Bri- tish Ministry, in order to detach the Court of Rus sia from the armed neutrality, and bring her over to their side, had proposed to cede to her the sole pro- perty of the island of Minorca ; that the Court of Spain, informed of that design. had immediately determined to send troops there under the command — Hague, August 20. His Serene
Highness the Stadtholder, besides the promotions already made amongst the flag officers, & c. has signified his in- tention, in testimony of his particular satisfaction at the courageous conduct shewn in the action of the 5th instant, to make each of those officers a present as a mark of distinCtion, viz. to M. Zoutman a gold hilted sword; to Mess Dedel, Van Braam and Vau Kinsbergen ( M. Bentink being dead) each a distinguished sabre with its belt; to Mess. Braak and Staring, each a sabre and belt, with permission - to wear, like the flag officers a white feather on their uniform hat; to Mess. Mulder. Dekker, and Count de
Welderen as also to Mess. the Captains en second Aberson, Staring, Bosch, and Smaason, each a sabre with a belt; to the Lieutenants of the ships which formed the line two gold epaulets upon their uniform ; and to the cadets a gold epaulet on the left shoulder. And moreover, by order of his Highness, in memory of this glorious action, medals are pre- paring, which will be given as a present, in the name of his Highness, to Mess. the officers, subal- terns, and wounded seamen and foldiers, as a mark of honour. A cruizer belonging to West Friezland having taken an English ship freighted by some Prussian merchants, and
carried her into Delfzyl, the 6th of July last, his Excellency the Baron de Thule- meyer, Envoy Extraordinary from his Prussian Majesty, presented the following memorial to the States General, on the subject of the capture : High and Mighty Lords, " The King my master has heard, with no less surprise than dissatisfaction, of the repeated acts of violence committed on the Ems, by a West Friez- land guardacosta, commanded by Captain Tecke Romkes. An English trading vessel called the Change, freighted by Prussian merchants, has been taken by him, and carried into Delfzyl, the 6th of last July. His Prussian Majesty cannot
be an indifferent spectator of an act that amounts to a direct attack upon his territorial rights, and which, if pursued, must tend eventually to ruin the trade of Embden, and, indeed, of the whole principa- lity of East Friezland. The mere restitution of the ship cannot be looked upon by his Majesty as a satisfaction such as he may expect from the equity of your High Mightinesses, and their wishes to maintain inviolate the perfect amity and har- mony that subsists between the two states. His Majesty therefore commands me to insist, that his subjects interested in the above ship be properly indemnified by your High Mightinesses; and
to inform you at the same time, that he expects Capt. Tecke Romkes's conduct will draw upon him some mark of your resentment. . " If precise and positive orders from your High Mightiness to the different Boards of Admiralty of the States General can alone maintain the un- interrupted freedom of navigation and commerce on the Ems, the King has not a doubt but you will readily adopt those measures which can best promote that object; and the more so, as the be- nefit even of the subjects of the Republic is great- ly concerned in it. " The underwritten hopes that a satisfactory re- solution on ' the subject of this memorial will
be soon passed by your High Mightinesses, and he will with eagerness transmit it to the King his master; THULEMEYER." From the LONDON GAZETTE. BANKRUPTS Charles FergUsson and James Mur- doch, of Coleman- street- buildings, London, merchants. — Charles Fergusson and Wm. Shepherd, of Coleman- street- buildings, merchants.— Jarvis Whitehead, of Cole- man street, smith and Ironmongers— Samuel Russel. of crOwn court, threadneedle- street, london, taylor.— Tho- mas Shelmerdine, of Manchester, worstead manufacturer. — John Fincham, late of St. Paul, Shadwell, cheese- ger.— Wm. Key, of Leak,
in Staffordshire, button merchant. An express arrived yesterday afternoon at the Admiralty, with dispatches from Sir George Rod- ney, dated at sea, acquainting their Lordships of his having sailed from his station in pursuit of the French fleet, which had left Martinique fourteen hours previous to his weighing anchor, with the charge of several store- ships and transports, in which it was said a body of troops consisting of 4,500 men were embarked. A report had been circulated that their destination was against the island of Jamaica, but he considered that rumour is only calculated to mislead him, as the course they were steering
was directly for America, and he had received previous information that they in- tended to take shelter during the equinoctial months, in the harbour of Rhode Island. Sir George writes with his usual spirits, and professes a determinative to watch all the movements of the enemy, and bring them to action, if possible. He speaks with the more confidence,, as he will have a decided su- periority as soon as the different ships destined for that quarter are all arrived.'— The fleet of Mons. de Graffe consists of 27 sail of the line", , Sir George has with him 21 sail, Admiral Digby has sailed with 3, and Admiral Graves is now at sandy-
Hook, and will join Admiral Digby with all possible ex- pedition, with seven ships of the line, three fri- gates, and a 44, besides several frigates of 32 guns, & c. These when joined will make, altoge- ther, 35 sail, and de Graffe's fleet, when united with that of Admiral Barras's, will amount only to 32 sail of the line ; so that whatever dangers may threaten us from other quarters, we do not seem to have much to apprehend from the west. Wednesday last Admiral Parker gave a formal intimation of his intention to resign his command, at St. James's; after whlth Lord sandwiCh held private conference with his Majesty, and Commo dore Keith Stewart was appointed to succed him. Admiralty Office, Aug. 30, 1781. Extract of a letter from Lieutenant Douglas, Com ' mander of the Resolution cutlcr, to Mr. Ste- phens, dated Hull Road, Aug. 27, 1781. " Please to acquaint their Lordships, that on the 25th instant, at 4 A. M. the Spurn Light House then bearing W. S. W. distant about five miles, in company with a large fleet of colliers, saw a lugger in the N. E. quarter, and two brigs near her. I immediately made sail and gave chace, at half past seven came within gun shot of her, she hoisted French colours, and after exchanging a few broad- sides she struck her
colours. She proved to be the Le Cersvolant, a French lugger privateer, Francis Rene Granger Commander, of six three pounders, four carionades of twelve pounders, and ten swivels, thirty- eight men, and had three ransomers on board, belonging to Dunkirk, and had been out from thence six days. I brought the prize into this port last night." There are advices received that one of the ships which compose Commodore Johnstone's squadron had put into Rio de Janeiro in May last, and that in their making that place they had fallen in with and captured a rich Spanish ship, valued at one hundred thousand pounds. The same
advices bring the following import- ant intelligence: — That the Commodore, with the whole of his ships, was gone upon an expedition to Monte- video, with intent to join the Spanish revolters of New Spain in South America, who had risen, armed, to the number of eighty thousand, had taken possession of the gold mines, had crowned a King of their own, descended lineally from one of their ancient Yncas, had appointed a Portu- guese Secretary of State, and had put two Eng- lishmen at the head of their troops. Rio Janeiro, where the above advices came from, is a river in South America, which rises in the mountains West of
Brasil, and running east through that country, falls into the Atlantic ocean in lat. 23, 30. south. The Plate fleet that is now on its way from Mex- ico to Spain, is by far the richest that Spain ever expected in her harbours. It is calculated that the annual returns to Spain, including about one fourth more, which is not re- gistered, in order to evade the King's duty, amount to about 3,904,600!. sterling; and as the register ships now on their way home carry the produce of two years, the fleet that was to have sailed for Europe last year having been detained on account of the war, Spain will receive, if her ships arrive safe, the sum of
7,8o9,20ol. sterling. The island of Minorca has changed its masters no less than eleven times, since the Carthaginians took it from the Phoenicians, 452 years before the christian era. Its last conqueror was the Duke de Richelieu, who took it from us in the year 1756, and it was restored by the last treaty of peace. But we find in Pliny, that this island was well nigh conquered by a set of four- footed victors, namely rabbets; for he relates, that the inhabitants of Mi- norca sent a petition to the Emperor Augustus, to beseech him to send, as soon as possible, a supply of troops against these animals, who were in such multitudes that
they undermined the houses, and grubbed up the trees. At present, there is a small island near Mahon harbour, named Laire de Ma- hon, but as it is totally inhabited by rabbets, the English seamen call it Coney Island. The sole produce of the vines in Minorca is worth to the inhabitants, one year with another, about 27,0001. and their produce of other commo- dities about 18, oool. a year; but the crown does not receive from it above 15. oool. a year, after all the charges of officers, & c. are deducted from the whole revenues. On Saturday a French merchant of this city received a letter from Paris, which mentions, that on the
26th ult. died Count d'Estaign; that : death was occasioned by a wound he received in an engagement in America, which broke out afresh, and turned to a mortification. AUGUST 21, 1781. THE Proprietors of Estates in the Parish of KENNINGHALL, in the County of Norfolk, are de- sired to meet at the White Horse Inn, in the said Parish, on Wednesday the twelfth Day of September next, at tea o'clock in the Forenoon, in order to consider of an Ap- plication to Parliament for an Act to inclose, divide, and allot the Commons and waste Lands within the said Parish. AGREEABLE to the Desire of many of the Proprietors of Estates
in the Parish of Great Elling- ham, in the County of Norfolk, Notice is hereby given that there will be a Meeting of the Proprietors at the Bell, in Great Ellingham aforesaid, on Tuesday the 11th Day of September, Instant, at ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, at which Time and Place all Proprietors of Estates in the said Parish are requested to attend, to assent or dissent from the inclosing and dividing the Commons and Waste Lands in the said Parish. _ ESCAPED from JUSTICE. JOHN TODD, of Mundham, in Norfolk, J Labourer, charged with stealing three Hogs, out of the Yard o£ Mr. Robert Frankling, of the same Parish. on the
31st of July last, and selling them the next Market day at Harleston, to Mr. Edwards, of Redden- hall, next Harleston.— Whoever will apprehend the said John Todd, or give Notice of him to Mr. Frankling, so that he he taken, shall on his Conviction be paid ONe GUINEA Reward by ROBERT FRANKLING. N. B. Todd is between Fifty and Sixty Years of Age, about Five Feet Eight Inches high, has Black lank Hair, and Black Eyes, generally wore an old Surtout Brown Coat, but went off in a new Slop, Buff- coloured Waist- coat and an old flapped Hat.— He was a Soldier in the last War, and lately lived at Reddenhall aforesaid.
FOULDEN ENCLOSURE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the several Al- lotments intended to be made by the Commissioners appointed by an Act of Parliament lately passed, intitled, An Act for dividing and inclosing the Common Fields, Half Year Lands, Fen Lands, Lammas Meadows, Heaths, Commons, and Waste Lands, within the Pa- rish of Foulden, In the County of Norfolk, re staked. out, and such Person and Persons as have any Objections to make thereto, or desirous of any Alteration therein, are required apply to the Commissioners at their next Meeting, appointed to be held at the Crown Inn at Stoke Ferry, in the said
County, on Monday the seventeenth Day of September Inst. for the Purpose of carrying Powers of the said Act into Execution, of which all Per- sons concerned are desired to take Noticc. HINGHAM INCL0SURE. NOTICE is hereby given, that a book, con- taining an Alphabetical list of the Names of ths several Proprietors of Estates within the Parish of Hing- ham, who have made their Claims before the Commis- sioners at their first and second Meetings, under the Act of Parliament lately made and passed, for dividing and • — Lands within the Pa- rish of Hingham, in the County of Norfolk, and also all Account of the several
Claims made by each Proprietor, and of the yearly Rents, or Value, of their respective Day of October, 1778, 0r valued by the Proprietors, or their Agents, for the said Year, in case the Premises were then untenanted, or were then lett with other Lands, or Hereditaments, not entitled to Right of Common on Hingham Commons, is left at the House of Mr. Capel Bringloe, in Hingham aforesaid, to be inspected by all Proprietors of Houses, or Lands, in Hingham gham, or their Agents, on every Monday and Tuesday, until the next Meeting of the said Commissioners, from the Hours of Nine in the Forenoon Until two in the Afternoon
of each Pay, to the intent that all Persons may see and examine the said Claims, and be prepared to make and support their Objections thereto, at the next Meeting, if they disapprove thereof. By order of the Commissioners, CAPEL BRINGLOE, Solicitor. Mr. William Fell Samuel Gaze John Lock William Hanks Henry Mountain Thomas Thompson Clement Pernall Thomas Moore Bernard Wigg Stephen Danser Edwards and Woodrow David Jones Timothy Steward William Fisher, esq. and Sons Henry Gooch, Esq. William, Thomas and Wm. Palgrave Mr. William Palmer John Rudrum John Clover Thomas Dade John Chastney
John Withers Robert Jollins. STATE LOTTER Y, 1781. To Clubs, Societies, & c. Purchasers of Whole Tickets. or Snares in the present Lottery. MESSRS. NICHOLSON, and Co. respectfully beg Leave to rccommend the following advantaga- ous Mode of adventuring, viz. To pay 27I. 10s. for a ticket, for which if drawn a Blank on any Day throughout th: whole drawing, the Bearer thereof will receive, on demand, TWENTY POUNDS. Therefore, for the Risk of only 7I. 10s. any of the Prizes, from 20, oool. to 20I. may be gained. Halves and Quarters will be sold, on his Plan, at a small Advance for the Expence and Trouble of divid ing them —— N. B. Thosc who purchase THREE or any greater Numoer of Tickets or Shares, on this Plan, need only pay one half of the Purchase Money in which Case they must be deposited in the Hands of a Banker. It must be clear to every one, that in the common Mode of purchasing Adventurers lose the Whole of their Money, if their Tickets or Shares be drawn Blanks : Whereas, on this Plan, they cannot possibly lose more than 7I. 1os. by a whole Ticket, and in Proportion for Halves and Quarters, and have the Chance of gaining any of the Prizes in the Lottery. As Tickets are considerably higher than when this Plan
was formedi It is necessary to inform the Public, that it cannot be continued on The above Terms after the loth of September, when the Price will be twenty- eight Pounds per Ticket.- - Tickets are also selling on the lowest Terms, and are divided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, as under : Half a Ticket 7 3 o I An Eighth 17 o A Quarter 3 13 o A Sixteenth 019 a An important Observation. The Public are requested to take Notice, that the above Shares are actual Government Security, being issued from real Property, deposited at the Bank of England, where they are stampt ( in the Front) with these Words " Bank of
England. State lottery, 1781." Also with the Crown, and round it " Nicholson and Co.' s Lottery Office." N. B. The above Shares partake of every Prize what- ever, throughout the whole Time of Drawing, as also of all the first drawn Tickets and the last drawn : They will be paid in Money, without Deduction, agreeable to Act of Parliament, and have not two Blanks to a Prize. Note, The Price of Shares will rise in Proportion with the Tickets.— Schemes at large to be had Gratis at their Office, the KING'S ARMS, BANK- BUILDINGS, OR N- HILL, where Orders are received, and Letters ( Post paid) punctually attended to. The Lottery
begins Drawing the 15th of November. Bank, India, and South Sea Stock, with their several Annuities, also Navy and Victualling Bills. India Bonds, ar. d Exchequer Bills, bought and sold by Commission. ^ Bills at Sight or of a short Date only, can be taken. P 1 Extract of a letter from Plymouth, Aug. 26. " Yesterday afternoon Admiral Darby with the grand fleet anchored in Torbay. By an officer arrived from thence this morning we have the following account, that a few days since they spoke with a Portugueze ship off the Channel, bound for England, on board of which was an English Gentleman passenger, who says, that two
days before they were brought- to by a Spanish ship of war, who questioned them whether - they had seen the English fleet, & c. and before they parted with the said ship, a large fleet, consisting of 32 sail of the line, several frigates, and a con- voy of merchantmen, hove in sight ( about 90 sail in all) lat. 47, steering N. E. towards Brest; on which Admiral Darby called a council of war, when it was resolved to steer into the Channel, as the enemy might have slipt by them ; but on their steering up the French coast as far as Guern- sey, and seeing nothing of them, they returned to Torbay. The Minerva and another frigate
belonging to the grand fleet came into Plymouth Sound, and sailed again this morning. This day arrived the Narcissus with a French privateer cop- per- bottomed, mounting 20 guns, a prize to the Emerald, ( belonging to Admiral Darby's fleet) taken off Guernsey.'' A correspondent observes, that our most severe conflicts with the Dutch have happened in the month of August. On the 26th of that month, 1652, fought off Plymouth a most bloody battle' between As. scough and De Ruyter.— The following year, on the 8th of August, ment took place near Katwyk, between the Eng- lish fleet under Admiral Monk, and the Dutch, under
the command of Tromp, who was killed two days after in another action off Terheide and Schevening.— On the 4th of August, 1666, Admi- ral Monk, after a long and bloody contest, forced De Ruyter to a retreat; and on the 20th of the same month, the English fleet sailed to- wards Ulie, and burnt a great number of Dutch merchantmen. Public notice was given on Sunday last, at each of the foreign Ambassadors chapels, that the Pope had dispensed with the observance of Friday as a fall day, in favour of the Roman Catholics of this kingdom. Great damage has been done in various places in the vicinity ot the metropolis, by the
light- ning and storm yesterday morning, Upwards of twenty sheep, three bullocks, and two horses, were killed on Finchley Common. Several trees were split, or torn up, and many stacks of corn set on fire in the adjacent country. Several ships in the river had their masts shivered by the light- ning, one vessel below Greenwich was set on fire, and a great part of her burned ; and on Plaistow Marsh, several horses, kine, & c. were killed. ASSOCIATION for Norwich, Yarmouth, South Town, and the several Branches of the North River. AT a MEETING of several Merchants, and Proprietors of Keels and other Vessels trading to and
from YARMOUTH, NORWICH, and the several Branches oF the NORTH RiveR, on August 7, the Angel Inn, in the Market place, Norwich, it was order- ed : For the better discovering, apprehending, prosecu- ting and bringing to Justice all such Person or Persons who have or hath stolen, purloined or embezzled, or may it any Time or Times hereafter steal, purloin or embez zle any of their Good, Wares or Merchandize, belonging to any Person or Persons who are or may be Member of- this Association, and also for the better discovering, ap- prehending, prosecuting and bringing to Justice all such Person or Persons who have
or hath received, or shall or may at any Time hereafter receive into their Custody or Custodies any Goods, Wares or Merchandize so stolen, purloined or embezzled as aforesaid ; — And at he said Meeting it was agreed that the sum of TEN GUINEAS be offered and paid by their Treasurer, as a Reward to any Person or Persons who Hull discover and give Information of him, her, or them, who hath or have been, or is, are, or shall be guilty of the Offence or Offences aforesaid, so as he, she, or they shall be lawfully convicted thereof. Witness our Hands, WILLIAM DYE, TREASURER.
ships actually in the North Seas, with a View of in- tercepting our homeward bound Baltic fleet. The combined fleets have a vast number of provi- sion- vessls sailing to them from France, to supply them continually with fresh provisions, as they mean to remain on our coast so long as the mildness of the equinoxial winds will let them. The reports relative to the French landing in Ire- land, which are. revived again to- day, are rather to be wished than other wise: for what would not fifty thousand brave volunteers, and well disciplined, oc- complish against any body of French mercenaries. Extract of a letter from Torbay, Sept, 1. This
day and not before, Admiral Darby, re- ceived authentic intelligence of 47 sail of the line of the combined fleets being off Scilly and as there may be a probability of their entering this bay; every squadron is moored in free from each other's wake; the three- deckers nine in number, are on the outside the Bay. " The fleet consists of 21 sail of the line, with se- veral frigates and fire ships every ship in the fleet is in constant readiness for action, with a spring on their Cable, so as to bring the ships to any bearings necessary, Should the Monsieurs and the Dons at- tempt entering here, there is no doubt but they will be sent home with
as dismal a tale. as poor Don juan, Langara told the Court of Spain" It is a fact that several regiments have been ordered lately to Brest; they are to embark, it is said, to the amount of 11,000 men for NorTh America, The reason for sending them is this ; The congress thought hitherto that they would have been able to carry on the war without any more auxiliary troops; but they now find themselves mistaken, and they have called upon France for a reinforcement, because the fresh regiments and new levies which England has been sending to America these two years, and the difficulty which the Americans find in raising and
maintaining an army, might at last,. incline the ba- lance in favour of Great Britain; particularly in the Southern Colonies, where the Marquis de la Fayette is in so critical a situation With his little army. It is certain, however, that forty have been already taken upon the King's account ; but as a still greater number will be necessary as Well as a strong convoy, the armament cannot put to sea bcfore the end of September. There is not a doubt now but Count de Rochambeau is coming home, and that the Baron de Viomesuil, who is beloved by the army, has already succeeded to the command, and has marched from Ncwport
towards Virginia.. H O M E N E W S. His Majesty's ship Albermarle, of 28 guns, is put into commission at Woolwich, and the command given to Captain Horatio Nelson, of this county; who commanded the detachment of ships from Ja- maica at the taking of Fort St. Juan, upon the spa- nish Main. Wednesday Edward Coldham, Esq, Attorney at law, and Under sheriff for the county of Suffolk; was chosen Town Clerk of Bury St. Edmund's, in the room of Pell Heigham, Esq; deceased The following letter from Corton dated. August 28, came to hand too late last Week for insertion : " On Saturday last, about one o'clock, the Spurn
Lights bearing N. W. distant about 3 or 4 miles, the Nancy, of Sunderland, Thomas BeWser, master, bound foi Chatham, was attacked, and taken by the Le Cersvolant, French lugger privateer Francis Rene Granger, Commander, of 12 short . 12 and long six pounders : the rascal fired a broadside into the Nancy without ever speaking in the usual manner, by which two young women who were in bed were desperately woundcd in their thighs, and one in her head, by splinters by a 12 pounder going through the cabin they lay in, one man has lost an eye, and is otherwise much hurt, The Doc- tors of two men of war Yarmouth
Roads have done all in their power at present for the sufferers, the women being so bad they cannot be removed, and the wind quite a- head at present Shortly after the Nancy had been ransomed for 300 guineas, the lugger was taken by the Resolution cutter and car- ried into the Humber" Saturday, and look every precaution in their power. A woman brought a hanger concealed into the prison, with which the ringleader armed himself, rushed be- tween the gates and attacked the turnkey, but was fortunately seized, and severely wounded in the struggle the most active of the prisoners had in the meantime forced the others,
with drawn knives, to join them in a general attempt to force Open the gates; but the centinels. were now alarmed, and a serjeant's guard, which attended the prison, turned out; they fired about fifty shot into the prison- yard, by which three prisoners were killed, and twelve wounded ; the prisoners then submitted, and were properly secured, ' We have been favoured wnn the following parti- culars relative to Commodore Johnstone, by a cor- respondent on whose information we can rely : After repairing the damages the men of war, In- diamen, & c. had received in the engagement with Mons. Suffrein's squadron, Commodore
Johnstone sailed the 1st of May from Port Praya Road, in the island of St. Jago, with the whole fleet he took from England, except the Porto Sloop, which brought home his dispatches The ships kept company for near three weeks, when the Hero, of 74 guns, Capt. Hawker. and the Monmouth, of 64, Capt. Alms, with the 13 East Indiamen under convoy, separated, to make the best of their way to the Island of St. Helena, the Commodore, with the rest of his squa- dron, keeping on to the river Plata in South America, where they arrived the beginning of June., Of the operations in that quarter little is known at present; but the city of
Buenos Ayres, which lies about 2oo miles up the river, and which is the seat of the Spa- nish Government, is certainly one of the objects: The Commodore's force is three ships of 50 guns, three of 36, one of 38, two sloops, seven armed transports, nine armed victuallers, and three armed storeships; the troops are about 3000, composed of the 42d, 98th, and 100th regiments, Under the com- mand of Brigadier- General Meadows. The Spanish Jesuit who was taken last year in his Voyage from South America to Old Spain, in a packet with dis- patches, is to the fleet; this expedition was planned twelve months before, and its
being delayed so long, made it believed that it was given over. Letters are received at the Admiraly from Captain Macbride, of the d'Artois frigate, commanding his miral Darby might very properly venture upon an engagement, as it is hardly possible that the whole of so large a fleet could get fairly into action. We may lay our expectations, therefore, to hear soon of an engagement, upon the event of which the splendour 0r destruction of this country must inevi- tably depend! The city, for these few days past, has been no- thing but scene of confusion, the situation of the combined fleets being almost the sole topic of con versation, and the doubts and apprehensions expressed for the safety of the Jamaica fleet being beyond all description. The underwriters have been so much alarmed at the combined fleet being cruizing in the Channel, that they refuse writing any ships either outward Or homeward bound. The Admiralty have received certain Information, that there are 13 sail of the enemy's line of battle it offers;— On Saturday last Abraham Hurst, a weaver, of Openshaw, near Manchester, went from home ( having had some friends with him making merry) to the Greyhound, a public house near Ash- ton, and while he was drinking some ale
there, a man came in and called for a glass of gin to give to a wo- man who was with him, at the same time setting down a bottle, of vitriol which he had in his hand. The landlady having served the woman, she drank the gin and then went out with the person who brought her. The unfortunate man being now left alone, and seeing a bottle upon the table, thought it was the gin, immediately went to it, and drank half a gill. The landlady returning, and observing some- thing spilt on the floor, asked him if he had drank any thing out of the bottle ? He replied, " Yes and I am killed by it." He then went out into the yard, but was soon
obliged to be carried into the house again in a terrible condition. He languished in great agonies till Monday, and then expired. One day last week, as a lad, servant to a farmer, was driving a cart loaded with barley, on the turn- pike near Larlingford, a carriage coming by, the lad in endeavouring to make way, slipped down, and the cart wheel going over his head crushed out his brains. DIED.] last week, at Manchester, Mr. Nath. Eyre, steward to the Duke, of NorfolK.— Sunday last, Mr. Driver, whitesmith, in the DoVe- lane. Last Thursday, in this city, Nathaniel Kinderly, esq; aged 73, One of the Serjeants at Arms to his Majesty,
and a Commissioner of the Lottery.— Thursay, Mr. William Duffield, master of the Duke's Palace inn, in St. John's Maddermarket.— A few days since, in the 84th year of her age, Mrs. Ann Nelson, relict of the late Mr. Thomas Nelson, of the parish of All Saints.— On Wednesday last, Lady Gage, Lady of Sir Thomas Gage, Earl of Coldham hall, near Bury St. Edmund's. HARWICH, September 5. On Thursday last the Sprightly cutter arrived here to go through a thorough repair. The day following the Prince of Wales packet arrved with a mail from Holland- The same day the Earl of Besborough packet sailed with a mail for
Holland; and ou Saturday arrived off Go- ree, where she was met by a Dutch cuiter, who took out the mail, and ordered the packet t0 return t0 England without delay ; and she accordingly arrived here On sunday without a mail. _ A ship of 60 guns, supposed to be the Prince Wil- liam, the Beltona of 22 guns, another Large ship which was lately an East Indiaman, but converted in- to a ship of war, and about 3o sail of merchantmen. Were lying in Helvoet Roads on Saturday last, and a ship of 50 or 60 guns was at the same time coming out of Helvoet Haven, to join the above fleet, and It is supposed that they all sailed out of the
Roads on Sunday, as the wind was in their favour, but their destination was kept a profound secret. This morning the Bee cutter brought in and landed at this Custom house 108 half ankers of geneva. - ; An express arrived here this morning for the Ar- gus and Bee revenue cutters to rcpair to the Nore without delay, t0 be employed in the service of the navy. Two mails due to, and two from Holland. Remain in the harbour the Liberty and Sprightly cutters, the four packets, and the Charlotte tender. IPSWICH, Sept. 6. Monday last Mr. Stephen Oliver was elected Mayor for the borough of Sud- bury; and Mr. Stephen Spurgin, Bailiff,
who had an elegant feast provided at the Swan Inn for the corpo- ration, and a respectable number of his friends Mr. Crespigny, candidate for the said election, was present, upon whose account several hogsheads of beer were placed upon the Market- hill, and distributed among a great concourse of the poor. Last week died Mrs. Bennington, wife of Mr. Bennington, of Boyton, aged 20 year: she was maid, wife, mother, and dead, within one year. On Sunday last died at Gifford's Hall, in this county. Sir Thomas Mannock, Bart. In the 6lst of his age, who ( dying Without issue) is succeeded in title and estate by his brother,
George Mannock, Esq. of Bromley- Hall, in Essex. On Monday last died at Shottisham, Mr. Jeptha Waller, a very capital farmer there. On Tuesday a boy about nine years old, son of Cole Garrod, labourer, went into our river, near Stoke Bridge, to bathe, going beyond his depth, he to all appearanCe drowned, and on taking him Out of the water no signs of life appeared; but by an attentive and careful application of salt, and to other means prescribed in the rules of the Humane Society, to the astonishment of many beholders, the boy revived. On Saturday an inquest was taken at Wetlsham, near Saxmondham, on the body of
John Rogers, in a fit of lunacy Cut his throat. .. The_ Order to discontinue the Advertisement relative to John Todd, of Mundham came too late to be complied with — as did that respecting the Barley Mow, in the Market - place Norwich Extract of a letter from Wells, Sept. 1. " It was the P——— of Wells ( who by having taken an active part against obtaining redress for the injury done to Wells harbour, by the exclusion of the tides from their ancient Channels and re- ceptacles, had drawn upon himself the displeasure of the inhabitants,) that was publicly exposed and burnt In effigy by the populace, on the Mon- day after the last
assizes for Norforlk, and not ( as was erroneously stated in tHe Cambridge paper of last Saturday ) a certain Counsellor, meaning George Chad, Esq, whose name ( although the town was unsuccessful in the late- trial) will justly be eVer revered and esteemed at Wells, for the upright, manly, and generous cOnduct he has uni- formly adhered to, from and previous to that town's first appeal to the laws of the country, to the present moment.'' We hear, that Friday. the 5th of October next, is the time fixed for the disCharge of the prisoners in the city gaol, under the last insolvent debtors act. This dav Samuel Creasy will be executed
on the Castle Hill, pursuant to his sentence at the last as- The following melancholy accident may serve as a warning to those who are so unhappily fond of li- quor that they cannot resist the temptation whenever Extract of a letter frcm Dunwich, in Suffolk, dated September 2. " Last Friday morning, about two o'clock, we had here a violent storm of thunder, lightning, and rain, which lasted two hours ; by the lightning two thatched houses were set on fire, and entirely con- sumed; some sheep, and two cows, were found dead in a field adjoining to the above two houses. A Dutch privateer, which had been hovering on our coast two
or three days, was also set on fire, and consumed ; the crew got on shore some in their boats, and others swam and went to a little town three miles from hence, and cut out a vessel, and had got out to sea before they were discovered, the inhabitantS being asleep in their beds. A young fellow who was in- clined to stay in England, had hid himself until his shipmates were gone, from whom we had the above Account."— Lon. Ev. Post. The ringleader in the above riot, was --- Trentham, who had got his irons entirely off; the second was Ben. Lee, committed for coining, whose irons were sawed so nearly through, that a slight
touch wiih the fingers would have broke them asun- der; and the third was for house- breaking. All three were killed. Friday's Post and Express LONDON, Thursday, September 6. ADMIRAL Darby has received the most direct and positive instructions to leave Torbay at soon the different reinforcements have joined him, and to engage the enemy wherever he can find them. He had twenty two sail of the line when he retired. Torbay and he will be joined by eight more under the Command of Keith Stewart, making thirty: be- sides which, eight at least, including guardships, will certainly be dispatched to him from the different ports
of Plymouth, Portsmouth, Chatham, and Sheerness, so that he expected to have, by Sunday next, a fleet under his command consisting of not less than thirty- eight, sail of the line. This will give him the superiority, by two ships, over the enemy, for their original number consisted of forty- nine, thirteen of which have been converted into a flying squadron, and are now in the North Seas, so that they retain in ihe Channel no more than thirty- six sail. it is the opinion, however, of some of the most intelligent orficers in the navy, that, provided the whole forty- nine sail were in conjuction. Ad- Majesty's squadron cruising off the Texel,
giving an account of the Dutch squadron that lately engaged Vice Admiral Parker being all gone ui to the Arse- nal to refit; but that a large fleet, consisting of 74 merchant: ships, lay within the mouth of the river, which were expected to put to sea daily, under con- voy of two 64 gun ships, and five heavy sailing fri- gates. He adds, that the Latona frigate parted company_ with the squadron three days before,, and, to his great concern, had not since been heard of. Extract of a letter, from on board the Fortitude. -—— But great as the action was, and much as I may have excited your admiration, the circum-, stance, I know, of all
others, which will please you. most, was that Which followed it, ard which will speak directly to your heart; I mean the interview between the brave old fellow and his son Sir Hyde- During the engagement Sir Hyde, in the Latona frigate, had been stationed behind our line that as we were to windward of the enemyj he might, if there was occasion have towtd out a disabled ship. Thus situated he could only stamp upon his quarter- deck with indignation, at the fate which so cruelly confined his courage, and condemed him, however restless, to be but a spectator. When the affair was over you will imagine with what anxious
eagerness his filal duty impelled him 0n board the Fortitude ; calling out as soon as he was within hail, " How is the Admiral " " Safe and well." The old Gentleman was n5w reclining his body, harras- sed as it must be, notwithstanding all his coolness, with such fatigue of mind, as we may judge of, but a Commander in Chief alone can know, Upon a so- pha in his cabin, which, as in all ships of this size, was upon the floor of the quarter deck, but no sooner docs he see his son, from whom he derives, and to whom he does honour, coming over the side, than he springs up, all spattered over as he was with the blood and brains of
thofe who had been slain around him ( five of whom fell by the first broadside, and he presently had to walkover the heels of his shoes in gore) comes forward to meet Sir Hyde, and asks him, in the act of throwing his arms about his neck, with impatience for an approbation which he so much valued, Well, my boy, have I done my duly! but the boy, as he called him, could make no answer — in words. The father could not repeat the ques- tion. And thus they hung upon each other for a space, in which, if a pin had been dropped upon thedeck, it would have been heard, drawing tears front the rough visaged manly witnesses, to
this swelling only of a couple of great hearts, who had beheld many headless trunks and margled limbs, if not without emotion, without a watery eye. " What enviable beings were they both at this moment, but especially the father ! " Die, Diagoras ' yoU know the Spartan said, to a man at the summit of earthly happiness, " Die, Diagoras -, thou canst not be a God !. " What an honour to our nature was the sympa- thy of such standers by but it is ever thus. The truly brave, they " who date do all that may become a man," are always tender, and leave insensibility to those " who dare do more.' That a fierce two legged animal may be
found, who might treat what I have been telling you with contempt, i make no doubt; but, " Ch' Uomo sia quel, non etedero in eterno, Ma, in vista umana., un Spirto dell Inferno." _ " I heartily wish, considering the times we live in, that this most deferring Englishman may not have cause to dwell, frequently, in the remembrance of this moment, on the description of which I have dwlt, as the happiest of his life. But he is, to pa- rody a line of Prior's, Yesterday afternoon, about five o'clock, a disturb- ance broke out in New Prison, Clerkenwell, which has been some time expected on account of the great number of prisoners confined
there ( upwards of 200) there being no part of Newgate tenable but the condemned cells. Several Magistrates, assembled on Wednesday and Thursdays Post, LONDON, Tuesday, September 4. Extract of a letter from Bristol, Sep. 1. IN consequence of the accounts received here last Saturday, that the combined fleets were hovering near our coast. Our worthy Chief Ma- gistrate addressed a letter, to the Lords of the. Admiralty, and received the following answer from their Secretary Admiralty Office, Aug 28, 1781. " SIR, " I have receivcd and read to my Lords Com- missioners of the Admiralty your letter of yester- day, in
consequence of the information you had re- ceived of the combined fleets having been seen in the Channel, and in return I am commanded to ac- quaint you, that their Lordships have reason to Con- clude that the intelligence upon which the aforemen- tioned information was given has been without foun-. dation. The fleet under the Command of Vice Ad- miral Darby has put into Torbay, in order to take on board such refreshments as they were in want of, will return to sea without loss of time to cruise for the homeward bound Jamaica and Leeward Island fleets, the protection of which is one of the grand objects of his
instructions. Iam Sir yours, & c PHILIP STEPHENS " To William Mills, Esq. Mayor of Bristol" Dublin, in Hamoaze, August 30, 1781. " S I R " I think it necessary to acquaint you, by express, that on The evening of the 28th instant, the combined fleet of the enemy, consisting of 34 or 35 sail of the line, was seen about five or six leagues to the east of scilly, and that there is great reason t0 apprehend they are now in the Channal order that you may the same known to the Captains of any of his Majesty's shiPS which may be within your reach,, as well as the merchants of Bristol, to prevent any of their trade from falling into the
enemy's hands. " Vice. Admiral Darby, with his Majestys squa- dron under his command, is now at Torbay. I am, Sir, yours, & c. SHULDHAM. " To Capt Hamilton, Bristol. '' The last letter was received yesterday at noon, and leaves no room to doubt, but that the combined fleets was off Scilly, which rather increases an anx- iety in the inhabitants of this city, for the safety of our Jamaica fleet, very shortly expected home," The proofs of the combined fleet being now near the Channel, are too numerous and well authenti- cated to be any more doubted ; every necessary pre caution has been taken for the defence of Plymouth,
should the French attempt an invasion ; ball car- tridges have been delivered to the troops encamped Qn Makers Height's Major Listers light horse are marched into the town frpm Ashburton, and part of the first regiment dragoons from Exeter, to join the following troops, which have been some time stationed as follows: The 50th regiment of foot, the first and third re- giment of Devonshire, militia, the N0rth Gloucester, the Leicester. the Oxford, and the Shropshire regi- ments of militia on Roxborough Downs, six miles from Plymouth. The second regiment of Devonshire militia, the and the Carmarthenshire militia at Makers Hill.
The 75th regiment of foot, the derbyshire, the S0uth. Gloucester regiments of militia in the barracks at Plymouth Dock. „ Plymouth division of Marines at Plymouth. Part of the Queen's regiment of dragoons at EXe- ter, and the Cornish militia at Bricksham and Star Point, very near Torbay. The West India merchants are exceeding anxious for the arrival of the Diligence packet that was to sail from Jamaica the 10th of July, as. there are some hopes that she might bring intelligence of the homeward bound having failed in their attempt to come through the windward passage, which in the present situation of affairs would be deemed
a fortu- nate circumstance. . Government have undoubted intelligence that Washington means to make an attack On New York; and that the French fleet are to sail for that place im- mediately to inVest it by sea, and though little appre-- hension is entertained of any harm that may arise from the enemy by land, they are not so confident of what may be the consequence of the attack by sea, as that place is not in a condition to resist so formida- ble an investment; however thev place great faith in the diligence of Sir George Rodney. who, no doubt, will keep a close watch on the motions of the enemy, and follow them with all
possible dispatrh. Yesterday Lord George Gordon sent a letter to Lord North, desiring leave to present a book, ( inti- tuled, Scotland's Opposition to the Popish bill) to his Majesty, in which he also desires to know, whe- ther he shall have the honour of presenting it to his Majesty at his public levee, at his private house, or when his Majesty is sitting on his throne, it being his Lordship's wish at once, to do his duty to the peo- ple of Scotland, and to comply with all the forms and ceremonies of the Court of London, in approaching the King 0n a public subject of the deepest political Consideration,
the last Night this Season, Weather permittng. AT BUNN'S PANThEON, on Thursday next, September 13, will be a Concert of VOCAL INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. After the Concert will Be exhibited in the Temple of Curiosity ( and positively the last and only Time) the curious prospects and moveable Paintings which have given such general Satisfaction, with improvements. The Evening to conclude with a grand Display Of fiREWoRKS, by Signor BAPTISTA PE- DrAlIO. Admittance One shilling RICHARD CLARKE, IroNMOnGer having declined Trade, returns his Thanks to all his Friends, for the Favours conferred on him, and
hopes for the Continuance of the same to his Successors, RANSOME'S and Co. n. b. All Gentlemen and Tradesmen who stand indebted to Richard Clarke, are desired to pay the same to Ransome's and Co. when called on by them, whose Receipt shall be a full discharge from their Norwich, Most humble Servant, Aug 31, 1781 RICHARD CLARKE. A PETTY SESSIONS, NOTICE. is hereby given, that the Petty Ses- sions for the Hundred of HUMBLEYARD will be held at Mulbarton, at the House of William Larter, known by the Sign of the World's End, on thursday the 13th of this Instant, for the hiring and retaining of Ser vants,
by And JOHN TURNER, WILLIAM HUGHES, Chief Constables N. B. this Sessions for some Years has been held on NeW Michaelmas Day, but Mr. Larter has found many Inconveniences front it, therefore begs to acquaint his Friends and the Public in general, that in future he means to have it about this Time — A genteel Ordinary will be provided at two o'Clock, at which time Mr. Larter will be very thankful to have his Friends with him. - RANSOME's and Co, Ironmongers, Stove GRATE MAKERS AND BRASS FouNderS, BEING removed from the Red Well to the Shop late Mr. RICHARD CLARKE'S, at the Corner of the
Dove- Lane, fronting the Market- Place, Norwich, They take this opportunity of returning their most grateful Acknowledgements to the Public for the liberal Encouragement they have met with in their old Shop, and hope for a Continuance of the same; also of those Friends of their Predecessor Mr Richard Clarke, who may depend on being served wi. h every Artickle in the above Branches on the best Terms. JOHN ALdRlCH, Nephew, and Partner to the LATE MR. SAMUEL DriVER, IN Dove Lane, Norwich, Whitesmith, deceased, returns sincere Thanks to his. Friends, and the Public in general, for Favours conferred on him, and
begs the Continuation of the same, as he has taken the whole Stock and Trade on his own Account. All Gentlemen- ana Ladies that please to favour him with their Commands, may depend ON having them executed in the quickest and neateat manner, and on reasonable Terms, by their humble Servant, JOHN ALDRICH. The BRASS and iron Wire Trade carried on Whole- sale and Retale on the lowest Terms. Norwich, Aug. 30; 1781. TO be LETT immediately, within four Miles of Norwich, pleasantly situated in St. Faith's, a convenient DWELLING HOUSE, consisting of a good Kitchen, a Keeping- room, Parlour, four Bed-
Chambers, two in the Attic Story, and a Stable for four Horses: Also a Garden planted with the best and choicest of fruits, a pightle and Meadow. i Likewise a small TENEMENT to Lett. Enquiry the House in St. Faith's, or of Mr. John Aldred. Wine Merchant, St. Peter's Hungate. To be SOLD by AUCTION, in separate Lots, A CARGO of Swedish TAR, at King's Coffee- House, in Kingston- upon- Hull, on Tuesday the 11th of September, 1781, between the Hours of three and five, o'Clock in the Afternoon. A NORFOLK FARM. TO be LETT, and entered at Michaelmas next, Old - Stile, a FARM HOUSE, with Barns, Stables, and
other ConvenienCes, and a Farm, consisting of between Seven and Eight Hundred Acres of Land, within a few Miles of Houghton Hall. For the Rent and other particulars apply to Mr, Cony, in Lynn. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Saturday the 15th Day of September, instant, at the George Inn, in Swaffham, between the Hours of four and five in the Afternoon, ALL those MESSUAGES, or Tenements, in the Occupation of the Widow Laws, Widow Drew, and John Howlet, situated at Northwell Pool, in the said Pa rish.—— Further Particulars may be had by applying to Mr. Wm. Drew, at Downham, or Mr. Christopher Rod- well,
Swaffham. To be SOLD by AUCtIoN, By EDWARD CRANE, from NORWICH, On- Monday; the 10th Day of September, 1781, at the King's Head Inn, at Pulham St. Mary the Virgin, in the County of Norfolk,, between the Hours of two and four, ALL that the said INN, being an antient and well accustomed PUBUC HOUSE, late in the Oc- cupation of Mr. David Pye ( the Owner) for Upwards of forty Years, with large brewhouse, Cellars, Storehouses, Stables, Outhouses, & c. and every other Convenience for a Victualler. All the Premisses are in exceeding good Re- pair. And one Acre of very rich Land adjoining, the Premisses are
Copyhold of the Manor of Pulham. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Swan, Surgeon, at Pul- ham, or of Mr. Charles Lay, jun. Attorney, in Norwich. To be SOLD by AUCTION BY EDWARD CRANE, On Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Monday, the 12th, 13th. 14th, and 17th Days of September, instant, ALL the HOUSHOLD FURNITURE, Plate, China, Glass, Linen, Prints; Paintings well chosen Collection of Books, Brewing Utensils, & c. & c. of Mr. THOMAS NASMITH, deceased, at his late Dwelling- House on Tombland, Norwich. The Furniture consists of Four pOst Bedsteads, with Moreen, Check, and other Hangings excellent
Feather Beds, Bolsters, Pillows, Mat- trasses, Blankets, and Cotton Counterpanes, Mahogany French and other Chairs, covered with crimson Damask and Brass- nailed Mahogany Wardrobe, Chest upon Chest of Drawers, & c. & c. exceeding good Table and other Linen, useful and ornamental China and Glass. Amongst WANTS a PLACE immediately, or at Ml- chaelmas next, a young MAN who has served a regular Apprenticeship to a Grocer and Draper, and since that lived two Years as Journeyman In a large Country Shop, can have an undeniable Character, and may be spoke with by directing a Letter to A. B. post paid,
to be left with the Printer of this Paper. This will be advertised no more. WANTED at Michaelmas next, a JOURNEY- MAN who understands the Drapery, Grocery, and Tallow Chandling Business. A steady careful Man, with a gOod Character, will be treated with by applying to John Toll and Co. Norwich. N. B. An Apprentice wanted in the Grocery and Chandling, in a considerable. Wholesale and Retail House in Norwich.— Enquire as above. NORFOLK, 1781. SWAFFHAM RACES will be on TUESDAY, September 25, and WednesdAy, September 26. JACOB ASTLEY, Esq. steward. JOHN WM. CHUTE, Esq. For Particulars
see Weatherby's Sporting Calendar, No. 9. THOMAS BREESE, Clerk of the Course. NOTICE to DEBTORS. ALL Persons indebted to Mr. YAXLEY ADAMS, of Tittleshall, in Norfolk, Shopkeeper, are required to pay their Debts forthwith at his Shop ; for which Purpose Books are opened, and will continue open there till the Day after Old Michaelmas Day next: and if any Persons shall not pay their Debts, as above, on or before Old Michaelmas Day next, or the Day after, ( on which Days a Person will attend at Mr Adams's on pur- pose to receive them) all such Persons will be immediately proceeded against without further Notice.
The Creditors of the said Mr. Adams are requested to send an Account of their respective Demands to Mr, Copping, Grocer, or Mr. Booth, Linen Draper, both of Norwich. Shortly wilL be published, THE TRIALS of TWO ACTIONS, wherein JOHN HoWe, Esq was Plaintiff, and LEWIS GEORGE DIVE, Esq Defendant, at the Assizes for the County of Surry, held at Croydon on Wednesday, Au- gust 15, 1781, before the Right Hon. William Earl Mansfield, Lord Chief justice of his Majesty's Court Of King's Bench, , and a Special Jury. To be LET and entered upon at Michael- mas next, the Public House, or Inn, called the BulL, at
Foulsham. For Particulars enquire at Mr. Bircham's Brewing- Office, Reepham ; or at Mr. Thomas Catermoul's, Wine Merchant, Norwich. NORFOLK FARMS. TO be, SOLD, together or separate, two very good FARMS, at Thorpe, within two Miles of Nor- wich; consisting of yery good Farm Houses, convenient Outhouses, and about three hundred and twenty Acres of Land. Part Free, and part Copyhold. There is belonging to. and lett with the above, a very fine Plantation, with a Summer- House, situate upon an Eminence, commanding the most extensive and delightful Prospects in the County of Norfolk. ' For farther Particulars
apply to Captain Stevens, Mr. Robert Marsh, Mr. James Smyth, Attorney, or Messrs. Fuller and Cooper, Attornies, all of Norwich. Also, an exceeding good Dwelling- House, with Press. Shop and other Offices adjoining, in St. George's Colgate, Norwich, late in the Occupation of Mr. John Lindoe. These Premisses are well calculated for a Manufacturer, Dyer, Corn Merchant, & c, having a Communication with the River.. Also, several Dwelling- Houses in St. George's Bridge- street, ia the Occupation of the Widow Colls, and others, and from their Situation always well tenanted. Also a new built Dwelling House at Thorpe, near
Nor- wich, pleasantly situated against the River. For further Particulars apply to Messrs. Foster and Cooper, Attornies in Norwich TO be SOLD, the following eStATES, late of Mr. MATTHEW Goss, deceased, viz. The MANOR of FORNCET CLAVERS, in the County of Norfolk. Also, a FARM in Forncet St. Peter, in the said County, consisting of a good Farm- House, with a Barn, Stable, and convenient Outhouses, in good Repair, together with about ninety Acres ( more or less) of rich Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, all lying contiguous; Part Freehold, and Part Copyhold. The above Farm is now in the Occupation of Mr.
Pearson, at the yearly Rent of 80I. Also, a FARM in Forncet St. Peter aforesaid, consist- ing of a Farm house, with a Cottage adjoining, Barn, Stable, and Outhouses together with twenty- three Acres, ( more or less) of good Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, all lying within a Fence, Part Freehold and Part Copy- hold, now in the Occupation of Robert Scales, at the year- ly Rent of 281. Also, a TENEMENT and BLACKSMITH'S SHOP, with about three Acres of Land ( more or less) adjoining, all Copyhold, in Forncet St. Mary, in the said County, now in the Occupation of Daniel Clarke, Tenant at Will, at the yearly Rent of Also
an ESTATE in the Parish of St. Michael at Plea, in the City of Norwich, confining of three good Dwelling- Houses. now in the Occupation of Captain Gordon, Mr. Riches, and Mr. Hawkins; also, five small Tenements adjoining. The Whole are rented at 661. per Annum. Further Particulars may be had by applying to Mr, John Aldred, Merchant, 0r Mr. James Smyth, Attorney at Law, is Norwich capped and jewelled; and in the fourth Day's Sale will be sold with the Books an excellent Theodolite, & c, & c. The Whole may be viewed 0n Tuesday, the Day preceding the Sale, from eleven till two o'Clock and Catalogues may be had this
Day at the Auctioneer's Upholstery Warehouse, London- Lane, Norwich; at the Angel, Yarmouth; the King's Head, Diss ; SWan, Long Stratton, Pye, Harleston ; Black Boys, Aylsham ; King's Head, Bungay ; and King's Arms Northwalsham. N. B. This Sale will begin each Day at Ten o'Clock, AND At his Repository in Sir Benjamin French's Court,; the beginning of October next, Will be SOLD by AUCTION, By EDWARD CRASE, A large Collection of elegant and useful HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Any Persons desirous of putting in any good Furniture to this Sale, must apply before the 25th of this Month, as the Catalogues will
then be made out. The whole Expence on Goods sold at this Repository is eight per Cent: Duty, Excise included. Mr. S. Leggatt, in St. Andrew's, takes in Goods for the Repository N. B. The best Price given for Feathers at the Auction neer's Upholstery , Warehouse, London Lane, Norwich. To be SOld by AUCTION, By RICHARD BACON, from Norwich, On Monday, September the 10th, and the four follow- ing Days, THE neat and elegant HOUSHOLD FURNITURE, Plate, Linen, China, Pictures, Books, and other Effects, of Mr. CHARLES Marston, of East Dereham, in Norfolk ; comprising several good Beds, an Eight- day
Clock in a Mahogany Case, some very fashionable Plate, a very capital moving Stove, with a Prince's Metal en- graved Front, Pillars and Vases, a very elegant Sofa, Chairs, Tables, Looking glasses. Kitchen and Brewing Utensils also about twenty Dozen of fine old Port.— The whole may oe viewed on Friday the 7th of September, from Ten to Three o'Clock. Catalogues to be had at the George, and King's Arms, Dereham; of the Auctioneer, at No. 14, White. Lion- lane, Norwich i of Mr. J. Wright, Appraiser; and at the Place of Sale. The Sale begins each Day at Ten o'Clock precisely. MR. RUSPINI, SURGEON DENTIST, Pall-
Mall, London begs Leave to acquaint the Nobility and Gentry of Norwich, and Its Neighbourhood, that his Dentifrice Powder, for cleaning, preserving, snd beau- tifying the Teeth, and his Tincture for removing all Scorbutic affection, and all other troublesome Maladies in the Mouth and Gums is sold ( by his Appointment) by Mr. Beatnisse, BooKseller, in Norwich — Mr. Ruspini, ' Is happy to inform them he has not known it to fail In any Case whatever, after thirty years Experience, and as some spurious Compositions have been, and are still vending in many parts 0f the Kingdom, he solicits the Ladies and Gentlemen, will be
particular In giving Direc tions to their Servants to apply to the appointed places, and to receive ( Gratis) his Trestise on the Tenth and Gums, with Directions for using of them. N. B. Wholesale Dealers ARE desired to apply to Mr. Ball, Perfumer, No 70 New- Bond- Street, London, who is appointed my sole Agent for that Purpose. The NORFOLK and NORWICH STATE LOTTERY OFFICE, for 1781. fReer and Co, at their office, NO. 7, Lon- don- Lane, Norwich, are now selling tickets, Shares of Tickets, and Chances, in the greatest Variety of num- bers.— They do, with the greatest Propriety, declare, that there never was so
great Advantages offered to the Public in the lottery Line as is contained in their CHANCES, and which the following will prove, viz. Chances at One guinea each, to continue the whole Time of Drawing, may gain from 10I, to 2,2ool.; Chances at 10s. 6d fromt5l. to 11ool. , Ditto at 5s. drom 2l. 10s. to 6ool. Ditto at 2s. 6d. from 1l. 5s. t0 350 which Sums we promise to pay the fortunate Bearer on Demand, at the above Office, of at No. 9, Bow lane, Cheapside, London. Ladies and Gentlemen are desired to take Notice, that there is no other Office in the County authorizod by Par- liament to carry on the Business of the Lottery in all
its Branches, and that they shall be accommodated with Tickets and Shares at the same Prices at in London.— They may also be assured that FREER and Co. are ac- tuated by nothing but Honour and Integrity. They neither wish for nor expect greater Encouragement than the Public at large may judge them deserving of from their Rectitude and equitable Dealings.— All Letters ( Post paid) duly answered. Numbers registered at 6d. each, and the earliest Notice of Success sent to all Parts Of the Country. SCHEME of the STATE LOTTERY, 1781. AMERICAN NEWS. From Mess. BrADFORD and HALL's PENNSYL- VANIA
JOURNAL, dated July 7. PHILADELPHIA, July 7. , YESTERDAY arrived a flag from Charles- town, by which we learn that all the prisoners, both continental and militia, were exchanged, and on board of vessels bound to the Delaware and Che- sapeak, and that the commandant had ordered all the wives and children of those he terms disaffected to leave Charles- Town by the 1st of August. Mr. Tyre's Plantation, twenty miles from Williamsburgh. 27th June, 1781. " I do myself the honour to inclose your Excel- lency a copy of ray letter to General Greene, con- taining the events which have taken place sinCe my last of the 18th.
I also inclose the Copy of a letter from Colonel Tarleton to Lord Cornwallis, which fell into out hands on his Lordship's retrogade move- ment. " I have the honour to be, " With the greatest respect; " Your Excellency's most obedient " And very humble servant, " LA FAYETTE His Excellency Samuel Huntingdon. Mr. Tyre's Plantation, twenty miles from Williamsburg, 27th June, 1781, " SIR; " My letter of the 18th informed you of the ene- my's retrogade movement to Richmond, where they had made a stop. Our loss at the Point of Fork chiefly consisted of old arms out of repair, and some cannon, most of whith have been since re covered. " On the 18th, the British army moved towards us, with a design as I apprehended, to strike at a detached Corps Commanded by Gen. Muhlenbergh. Upon this the light infantry, and Pennsylvanians, marched under Gen. Wayne, when the enemy re- turned into the town. The day following I was joined by Gen. Steuben's troops, and on the night of the 2oth Richmond was evacuated. " Having followed the enemy, our light parties fell in with them near New Kent Courthouse. The army was still at a distance, and Lord Cornwallis Continued his march towards Williamsburgh. His rear and right flank were covered by a large
corps, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Simcoe. I pushed forward a detachment under Colonel Butler, but notwithstanding the most fatiguing match, the Co- lonel reports that he could not have overtaken them; had not Major Macpherson mounted 50 light infan- try behind an equal number of dragoons, which com- ing up with the enemy, charged them within six miles of Williamsburgh. SUCH of the advanced corps as could arrive, composed of riflemen, under Major Call and Major Willis, began a smart action. Inclosed is the return of our loss ; that of the enemy is 60 killed including several Officers, and one hun- dred
wounded, a disproportion which the skill of our riflemen easily explains. I am under great ob- ligation to Col. butler, and the officers and men of the detachment, for their ardour in the pursuit, and their conduct in the action. " General Wayne, WHO MARCHED to the support of Butler, sent down some troops under Major Hamil- ton, The whole British army Came out to save Sim- coe, and ON the arrival of our ARMY ON THIS ground; returned to WilliamsbURgh. The post they now oc- CuPy IS StroNg, and UNDEr The protection of their shipping, but upwards of 100 miles from the Point of Fork. " I had the honour to communicate
the move- ments to the executive of the commonwealth, that the seat of Government may be again re established in the capital. . . " LOrd Cornwallis has received, A reinforcement from Portsmouth. "% " With the GREATEST respect, " I have the honour to be, & C. Major General Greene. LA FAYETTE." Return of the killed, wounded, and missing, of the light corps under Col. Butler, in the action of the 26th of June, 1781. Total wounded, 1 Capt. 2 Lieutenants, 10 pri- vates. Killed, 2 lieutenants, 1 Serjeant, 6 pri- vates. Missing, 1 Lieutenant, 12 privateS. Pri- soners,. 1 Serjeant. 1 Private returned since. \ RICHARD BUTLER, Col.
Commanding the advanced light corps. Copy of a letter from Colonel Tarleton to Lord Corn- wallis, dated Colonel Adams's Plantation, June 13 half past four P. M. MY LORD. " I believe that La Fayette passed the Southanna or Pamunkey this morning for the Mountain Road at Bird's Ordinary, He lay at Bird's Mill yesterday evening. I have Been on the three notch'd road all day; I have left it for this place for the benefit of forage and communication with your Lordship; I shall strike into it again to- morrow morning, and go by Napier's to Pier's Mill. I cannot yet Learn what water it STANds on. La Fayette's design IS TO follow. I will
immediately inform your Lordship if he does not keep a proper distance; any detachment I shall strike at. I have the honour to be, my Lord, your Lordship's most obliged servant, B. TARLETON.'' New York, July 14. The following is an authentic account of the action between the brave Col. Simcoe and the rebels, near Williamsburgh, in Virginia: Lord Cornwallis matched towards Williamsburgh, where he arrived ths 25th ult. Lieut. Col. Simcoe commanded the rear at the head of the cavalry, sup- ported by Capt. Ewald with his yagers, they were intercepted in their march by the rebels, whose force consisted of 500 light infantrv,
300 riflemen, snd 100 horse, near Spencer's plantation, seven miles from Williamsburgh ; Col. Simcoe was put t0 the alternative either to fight and conquer, or to lose his baggage, cattle, & c. he instantly charged the right wing of the rebels with his usual intrepidity, which put their horse to flight, killing and wounding many of the riflemen ; Capt. Ewald at the same time at- tacked their left wing, which were endeavouring to cut them off from Williamsburgh with equal success, making four officers and 20 privates prisoners. ' Our loss on this occasion is about 40 killed and wounded, and that of the rebels upwards of 120 ; after the
ac- tion our army proceeded to Williamsburgh. His Lordship, who never suffers merit to pass unnoticed, was pleased to issue the following public thanks on the occasion. Head Quarters, Williamsburgh, June 27. ORDERS. Lord Cornwallis desires that Lieut, Col. Simcoe will accept of his warmest acknowledgments for his judicious and spirited conduct in the action of the 26th inst. when he repulsed and defeated so superior a force of the enemy, He likewise desires that Lieut. Col. Simcoe will communicate his thanks to Captain Ewald, and to the detachment of yagers, and to the Officers and soldiers of the Queen's rangers. I
yArmoutH, Aug 30, 1781 SAMUEL BREAM having compleated his very commodious HOT ( salt or fresh- water) BATHS, with proper Dressing Rooms, humbly solicits the Attention, and Favour of the PublIc N. B. Genteel Lodgings to be had at the House Norwich, August 25, 1781 TO be LETT, or SOLD by PRIVATE CON- TRACT, all that large and good accustomed PUBLIC HousE, known by the Sign of the BARLEY Mow, situ- ate in the Haymarket, Norwich. For Particulars enquire of Thomas Nicholds, Hair- dresser, No. 12. Market row', Yarmouth. To be SOLD, together, or separately, AN exceeding good DWELLING HOUSE, with Work rooms and Tenements adjoining, equally convenient for Business, if wanted, late in the Occupation of Mr. Nathaniel Springall. Also, an old- accudtomed Baking Office, in the Occupa- tion of—— Jolly. Also, two other tenements, separate from the above. All these Premises are in good Repair, and Freehold. Also, a very good farm, at Tasburgh, near Long Strat- ton, in Norfolk, with about eighty Acres of Land, in the Occupation of Mr. William Holmes, under Lease. LOST on Saturday last, the 1st inst. in this City, or in the Road to Hellesdon, FIVE NOTES drawn by Messrs. Richard Bartlett, and Joseph Gurney,
10I. each', the Numbers 11841 to 11845.— whoever has found the said notes, and will bring them to Mr. John Haines, at the Rose in St. Augustin's Street, or to the Printer of this paper shall receive TWO GUINEAS Reward. r FoulDeN, Aug. 1781. WHEREAS in the Night of thursday last a large Quantity of FURZE belonging to FRANCIS John Tyssen Esquire, in the Parish of Foulden, in the County of Norfolk, were maliciously set on Fire and en- tirely consumed: Notice is hereby given, that if any Per- son or Persons will discover the Offender or Offenders, or give information thereof, so as he or they may be convict- ed, shall on
such Conviction receive TEN POUNDS Re- ward, by Applying to the said Mr. Tyssen, at Foulden afore- said, or to Mr. Harvey, at Oxburgh. or Messrs. Meadows and Browne at Diss in the said County, LODDON PETTY SESSIONS. THIS is to give Notice, that Loddon Petty Ses- sionS for Hiring and Retaining of Servants, will be held at the Swan aforesaid, on Tuesday the 18th Instant. REEPHAM PETTY SESSIONS for the hun- dred of EYNSFORD Will be held at the King's Arms, in Reepham, on Wednesday the 19th of September, for the hiring and retaining of Servants. NorwiCh and y ArMOUTH MAChiNeS set out on
Sunday Morning next, at eight o'Clock, and at Three in the Afternoon. Prices as usual, by your humble Servants,. JOHN EVeRETT, JOHN HOWSE, JOHN SMITH Hearse and Mourning Coaches, with able Horses, to any Part of England, by everett and Howse. NORWICH NEW and ELEGANT POST- COACH, by Newmarket, from the White Horse, Fetter lane, London, to the King's Head, in the Market- place, Norwich, will set off from the White Horse, Fetter- lane, on Friday next; September 14, precisely at Ten at Night: Inside passengers at One Guinea each, and outsides at Half Price.— The same Night, at Ten, a
dilLiGENCe, to carry Three Insides only, at One Guinea each, and One Outside, at Half Price, will set out from the King's Head, for. London. The above Carriages will continue to run in and out re- gularly every day.— The Proprietors return Thanks for . and being determined to spare neither Expence nor Trouble to accommodate their Friends in the best Manner possible, they hope for a Continuence of them.— Performed by PROBERT and Co,
TO be SOLD CHEAP, an undeniable mortgage Security for 2822l; payable at the Death of a Lady, aged 6o Years. For further Particulars apply to Messrs. Foster and Cooper, Attornies, in Norwich. TO be LETT, and entered upon at Michaelmas next, HUNGATE LODGE, in tHe Parish of Weston, in Norfolk, with nine or sixteen Acres of very good Land, now in the Occupation of Press Custance, Esq. For Particulars, enquire of Messrs. foster and Cooper, of Norwich, or Mr. Girling, at Ling. HORNSBY and Co's LEGAL and SECURE ADVENTURES for the State- Lottery, At One Guinea, - Half a Guinea, and Six Shillings, ARE now
ready for delivery at their office's, No. 26, Cornhill No. 16, Aldgate and No. 11, Corner of York Street, Covent Garden ; including all the prizes in the lottery, and continue for the whole time of drawing, returning the whole of the purchase money if drawn a prize of 2ol. which is omitted by most other offices ; and if any prize above a 20l the purchaser shall immediately receive the full money he is entitled to, and also a new adventure, gratis, affording the same be- nefits for the remainder of the drawing. Also the following extraordinary benefit will be given to the purchasers of these legal adventures, A person buying five adventures
of either the one guinea, half a guinea,, or six shillings, if they are all drawn prizes, he shall receive five times their original pur- chase money, besides the money he is entitled to, as mentioned in the plan. Adventure at one guinea. And if drawn any prize above 20l. a new adventure, TO be SOLD, and entered upon immediately, or at Old Michaelmas next, a DWELLING HOUSE, with an old accustomed Baking Office, a Gra- nary,' Woodhouse, and Stable, situate in the Market- Place, in Hingham, in Norfolk. For Particulars apply to Messrs. Bringloe and Son, Attornies, in Hingham. Thirty- four Acts of Parliament This Day is
publidhed, Price is. 6d. sewed in marble Paper , AN ABSTRACT of all the most important Clauses in the following interesting ACTS of 10 Corn Act. 11 Papist Act. 12 Marriage Act. 13 Cocoa Act. 14 Act for additional Stamps on Almanacks. 1 5 Act for Relief of In-. solvent Debtors. , 16 Act for the Residence of the Parochial Clergy. High Treason Act. 2 Dutch Prize Act. 3 Militia Act. 4; Tobacco and Sugar Act. i Importation of Portugal Gold. 6 Cotton, Linen, & c. Ex- portation Act, 7 Smuggling Act. 8 Greenwich Hospital Act. 9 Sunday Act. Also 18 other Acts, passed from November, 1780, to July, 1781, with a Preface, Notes, and
References. By a GENTLEMAN of the INNER TEMPLE. Salus populi suprema iex est. London: Printed for John Fielding, No. 23, Pater- noster Row. This Abstract contains a full Recital of the Con- tent of every public Act passed in the last Session of Par- liament ; and the Publisher proposes to continue his Plan annually, while he experiences the public Encourage- ment TO THE PUBLIC, FROM THe many extraordinary and well authen- ticated Cures already published, some of which are here inserted, and the daily Proofs Mr. Norton has of the Efficacy of his DROPS, he can justly recommend them as effectual in entirely
eradicating the following disorders, which he is convinced, from Experience, arise from the same Cause, viz. The Leprosy, Scurvy, old Sores or Ulcers, large Blotches or Boils, the evil, Fistulas; Piles, pimpled Faces, long continued Inflamation of the Eyes, Bilious Cholic, St. Anthony's Fire, Scorbutic Gout and Rheumatism, and every other Disorder arising from a foulness of the Blood. They perfect Digestion, ama- zingly create an Appetite, and by strengthening the Sto- mach, act as a restorative to the most reduced Constitu- tion. They may be taken in any Season, by the most, delicate, without the least Confinement, Danger of
catching Cold, or Hindrance of Business Their singu- lar Efficacy in removing the Maladies too frequently the Consequence of Inoculation, however skilfully practised, induces him earnestly to recommend them, assured of their happy Effects in Cases, even when, from a long Contintuance of sharp corroding Ulcers, the Bones have been ultimately affected, and the Limbs endangered ; the Safety with which they may he administered to Children, lnfants, and Women during Pregnancy, is in additional Encouragement to the timely Use of them, CURES Mr. Bamber's Son, of Brockholes, near Preston, Lancashire, of a most violent
Humor on his Head, one Thigh, and both Legs, with a total Loss of Appetite ; sworn at Preston, 2oth of April, 1 781, before Bartholo- mew Devis, Mayor. A poor Woman, of Pendleton, near Manchester, of sixteen running Sores in her Right Thigh, which rendered her s0 lame and weak, she could scarcely move with the Assistance of a Crutch and Stick. Witness, Thomas Butterfield Bayley, a Justice of the Peace for the Coun- ty of Lancashire. Joseph Womersley, of Clifton, Yorkshire, of two Ulcers on his Left Hand, one in his Elbow, five in his Right Side, five on his Right Shoulder, five on his Right Leg, and one over his Left Eye
; a contracted Knees With a most violent inflammation, which deprived him of the Use of it. Authenticated by Sir George Armytage, Bart, of Kilklee's Hall, in the West Riding of York- shire. Captain Calvert, in the East India Company's Service, of the Scurvy, his Skin was universally rough, from the Pores being obstructed ; he was also coveted with Blotches that were extremely painful, Thomas Trueman, at Mr. George's, No. 11, Castle- Street, Leicester Fields, of the Scrophula, or King's Evil, after having been Twelve Months in an Hospital, and discharged as incurable. Lieutenant Colonel Feyrac, late of His Majesty's 13th or
Royal Regiment of Foot in Ireland, of a most violent Scurvey having no Part free from Pimples, Scurf, and Ulcers, except the Palms of his Hsnds-, his Face and Breast, attended with a total Want of Appetite, Sleep, and Spirits. Mr. John Good, late Surgeon to his Majesty's Sloop Ferrit, of a most dangerous and obstinate Fistula. Mr. John Foster, at the Rose at Welling, in Kent, of a Leprosy, attended with violent Rheumatic Pains, Mrs. Ann Croxford, of Kingston, Oxfordshire, of a paralytic Disorder, ( preceded by a violent Pain in her Back) attended with an universal Numbness, which de- prived her of the Use of her Limbs. The
Son of Thomas Wilkins, of Oxford, of a Scor- butic Humour in his Gums, by which the salival Glands were so swelled and imflamed, that it was with Difficulty he could open his Mouth to receive Nourishment, which could only be conveyed by a small Spoon. These Drops are sold. in Square Bottles by Mr, NOR- TON, Surgeon, in Golden square, near Piccadilly, Lon- don, at HALF a GUINEA and Six ShILLINgS each ; with the following Inscriptlon on them, viz. ( JOHN NORTON, only Proprietor and Author of MARE DANT's DROPS ;) those of Half a Guinea, are sold by him only. N. B. None are genuine but what are signed by Mr.
Norton, in his own Hand Writing, on both the Bill of Directions and a Copper- Plate Check, offering a Reward for the detection of those who fell a spurious Sort. The Six Shilling Bottles arc appointed to be sold by the Printer of this Paper.; Mr. Eaton, Yarmouth, and Messrs. Bollingworth and Son, at Lynn. Of the above John Crouse may also he had. prepared by Mr. NORTON, VANDOUR's NERVOUS PILLS ; the efficacy of which have heen sufficiently proved, for the removal of that disorder in every degree, viz.. lowness of spirits, head ach, tremblings, vain fears and, wanderings of the mind, frightful dreams, catchings, startings,
anxieties, dimness, with appearance of specks before the eyes, loss of memory hysteric fits, and the falling sickness. They prevent sickness in the stomach, and take off entirely the sense of fulness after meals, and that swelling of the flesh in damp weather, which so greatly affect Persons of relaxed fibres; they give a serene chearfulness of dispo- sition, instead of those horrors which so dreadfully op- press people of weaK nerves They are likewise effica- cious in what Is commonly called the green sickness, so incident to young women. .. It is earnestly requested that those who receive benefit by this medicine, will sfend their
case ( in writing) to Mr. Crouse, who will transmit it to the author for publication ; it will not only be justice due to him, but may be the means of relieving others afflicted with, the like Com plaint. N. B. They are sold, wholesale and retail, by Mr. Norton, Surgeon, in Golden Square, London; whole- sale by him only, and retail, by his appointment, at Mr. Crouse's medicinal Warehouse, In the Market- Place, Norwich.— price as. 6d. per box, containing 50 Pills. None are genuine but what are signed by Mr. Nor- ton, in his hand- writing, beneath each bill of Direction. For the NORFOLK. CHRONICLE. EPIGRAM: On hearing that a
Marriage is shortly to take place be- tween Mr. ****, a very worthy character, and Miss * * a most amiable young lady ; the for- mer is fond of smoking, - which the lady disapproves, and the latter is said to amuse herself occasionally with painting, without the concurrence of her admirer APassion tender and sincere Unites fair Trussonine and Neddy And to their wishes all things are, To celebrate their nuptials, ready But Ned at sight of rouge expires His fair one faints at smell of smoke Ye Gods!— to crown their fond desires. Such slight antipathies revoke. The joy they'll then pass day and night its Will be of heavenly bliss the
type, Her brush he'll take supreme delight in, And she'll, sans fainting, bear his pipe, TO be LETT, and entered upon at Michaelmas nexr, all that good accustomed Public- House, or Inn, known by the Sign of the RED BULL, in Downham Market, in the County of Norfolk. N. B. The Fixtures, Brewing Utensils, Stock and Fur- niture, to be taken at a fair Appraisement.— Enquire of James Moon, the prefent Occupier, who is going to de- cline that Way of Business. Le Cocur's Imperial Oil Improved so as to be a safe and certain Remedy for Sprains, Bruises, Injuries from Blows or Falls, Weak- ness and Contraction of the Joints and
Sinews ; old Achs and Pains, Rheumatic Pains, Weakness and Rickets in Children, & c.— It has been found efficacious in the Cure of Cuts, Chilblains, and Chaps in the Hands and feet. A very REMARKABLE CASE. NOT an instance has yet come to the Knowledge of the Proprietor, of this Oil having ever failed of success, where it has been used according to the Direc- tions given with each Bottle ; and even in many cases where people have been very negligent in this particular, of which the following is a striking instance : CAMBRIDGE, Feb. 24, 1780. ALICE COOK, a poor woman in Green- street, about, a month since
sprained her wrist very much in wringing some sheets, which she had been washing ; her Arm swel- led from her wrist quite to her Shoulder, was exceedingly full of Pain, and she continued in that Situation near a Fortnight without any Assistance : when a Gentleman, distinguished for his Humanity, hearing of her Misfor- tune, sent her a Bottle of the imperial Oil, ordering her to use it according to the printed Directions sent there- with, but this her Circumstances and Occupation in at great measure presented ; She was under the Necessity of continuing her Employment for a subsistence, though her Arm was in constant Agony,
and was often obliged, after rubbing the affected part with this Medicine, to go im- mediately to the Wash Trough. However, notwithstand- ing all these disadvantages, and of dabbling sometimes in hot and Sometimes in cold water, from the first Applicati- on of this Oil she found great Relief.— After applying it a second Time she felt very little Inconvenience, and by that Bottle alone was perfectly cured. As acknowledging the Truth of the above is the only Means I have of testifying my Gratitude to the above mentioned Gentleman, and to the Proprietor of the Medi- cine, for the Cure I have received, I declare the to be a Fact.
ALICE COOK, It is earnestly requested that those who have Oc- casion to use the Imperial OH will be very particular in observing the Directions ; which are remarkably short, the Medicine perfectly safe, the Application exceedingly easy - and a speedy Cure will be qcite certain. It is sold at 2s. 6d. a Bottle by J. Crouse, Printer, in the Market- Place, Norwich; Hollingworth and Co. and Whittingham, Lynn; Chapman, Downhan; Barker, Dereham; Rogers, Bury; Watson, Thetford ; Nichol- son, Wisbech; Cnicheley, Yarmouth-, Foreman, New- market ; and of Mr. Hodson, jun. in Cambridge, who supplies all Orders for the Country.. At
the same Places may be had, Price is. a Pot, The EGYPTIAN BALSAM, a Composition in great estimation as a certain Cure for old Sores, Ulcers, green Wounds, cancerous and inflammatory Tumors, Biles, Blotches, Whitlows, and particularly for extracting Thorns and Splinters. ~~ A CAUTION to the AFFLICTED, To be aware of a certain IMPOSTOR in the COUNTRY, WHO has basely counterfeited my Medicines, called the Grand Restorer of Human Nature ; also my Venereal Medicine, called, Gutta Salutaris, or Royal Antivenereal, Dieuretic Vegetable Drops, and has been audacious enough to make use of the copy of my
adver- tisements, and the direction's of my medicines almost verbatim, only changing the name with an intent to impose spurious and poisonous compositions upon the unwary and credulous part of mankind.— Therefore for the future, in order as much as possible to put a stop to this daring self- created Doctor,— I give this public notice, to all who want my Advice, Assistance, and Medicines, that the copy of my degree of Doctor of Physic is translated from the Latin, printed verbatim, and sealed up with each bottle of Medicine, which it is hoped will be sufficient to unde- ceive the afflicted, and prove to every sensible person, that
Doctor FREEMAN is a Phyfician, and not self- created Doctor, nor an impostor in Medicine ; as the one he al- ludes to certainly is, and ought to be punished as the law directs in such cases— as does many others in London of the same stamp, as well as many of the self- created Pa- tentees. The Doctor's Grand Restorer of Human Nature, com- monly called Fothergel's Chymical Nervous Cordial drops for all Nervous Complaints, frightful dreams, loss of memory, shakings of the nervous system, dimness of sight, horrid thoughts, and every disease arising from excess of venereal enjoyments and taking too great quan- tities of
mercury, or disorders from that abominable Vice Secret Venery, semial weaknesses, gleets, in both sexes, as well as psins in the back, stomach, and head. This grand preparation is in bottles of 10s. 6d. ; s. and 3s, 6d. each. Also, Doctor FREEMAN'S Gutta Salutaris, or Royal Anti- venereal Diuretic Vegetsble Drops, for all Venereal and Scorbutic Complaints, and disorders in the urinary Para- ges.— A confirmed Lues is cured upon a certainty in a few weeks, and a recent case in about fifteen, or twenty days. It is sealed up with directions, in bottles, of half a Guinea, six Shillings, four shillings, and two shillings— and may be
had at the Doctor's house, No. 9, Salisbury square, Fleet street, London.— Letters for advice mull be post paid. Mr. Martin Booth, Bookseller, in Norwich, as- sures the Afflicted he will never undertake to vend any Medicine unless he has it of a Physician, and one that he knows to be such, having refused vending all Medi- cines that are prepared by the self- created Doctors The above Medicines may be had genuine of Mr. Martin Booth, Bookseller, in the Market place, NORWICH: Printed by JOHN CROUSE, in THE Market- Place.-— Price THREE PENCE, i Cox's Mufcum Lottery 6 j io. oool. in r777 ; for the NORFOLK
CHRONICLE. A short summary of the American war, from 1775 to 1781 IN 1775, after being in hostile possession of Boston for twelve months, having lost in bat- tle, or destroyed of our Enemies, between four and five thousand men; after having burnt Charles: Town, near Boston. and spent five millions of mo- ner, we were at length obliged to abandon it pre- cipitately. The next campaign was occupied in making ourselves masters of New York, the Jersies, and Rhode Island. In the course of that campaign upwards of eight thousand men fell in battle ; the country possessed was defolated, of other wise destroyed by fire and
sword, without being able to make any real acquisition beyond our lines, or the posts which we had established. The campaign of 1777 opened with our relin- quishing the Jersies, and taking possession of Penn- sylvania, and of its capital, Philadelphia. In this contest it is a moderate computation to say that ten thousand men lost their, lives, at the ex- pence to this country of at least ten millions of money, the loss of a considerable army under Gen. Burgoyne, and the full establishment of the power of the Congress. The campaign of 1778 opened with the eva- cuation of Philadelphia, and of Course the whole province of.
Pennsylvania, with a shameful, tho' a well- conducted retreat through the Jersies, and the abandoning of Rhode Island, which brought likewise along with it all the ravages of civil war, and those butcheries and retaliations carried on between the savages and back settlers, the very idea of which, no matter who were the first ag- gressors, is sufficient to fill the breast of the most obdurate and unfeeling with horror. The campaign of 1779 printed the same spe- eies of war, the like progress, and similar success. Our advantages in the South were more than ba- lanced by our want of success in the North if we gained Georgia and its
capital, we were driven from our posts in the North River, and by that means have ever since been cooped up within our lines on York Island and its vicinities, which has opened a free communication between the Nor- thern and middle colonies, and of course in some measure, a free and safe communication, between every part of the colonies, from New England to South Carolina. The campaign of 1780 opened, I confess, with much fairer prospect. We possessed ourselves of the capital of South Carolina, and by our success at Camden seemed to bid fair to restore the British Government over the two Carolinas. The check,
howewer, given to our arms towards the conclu- sion of the campaign, plainly demonstrated that the people were unfriendly ; for what the regu- lars were unable to perform, the militia volunta- rily, of their own accord, and independent of the compulsive power of the Congress, actually exe- cuted ; and the defeat of Major Ferguson again limited our conquest to merely our military posts and station. The campaign of the present year commenced in a manner. equally unfavourable, with the de- feat of Col. Tarleton, ard the total destruction or capture of upwards of 800 of our best veteran troops, Since that period the fortune of war
has been so various, that it is difficult, and would be presumptuous for any person so far distant from the scene of action, to pretend to say how it may terminate. It has presented, I will confess a succession of victories on our side, and of defeats on that of the Americans — but cui bono! What are the solid advantages already reaped, or likely to be reaped ? We have beat the enemy at Guild- ford, Camden, and lastly at James Town. We have traversed a country of several hundred miles extent, and have marked out footsteps with blood and staughter. We have destroyed above a mil- lion of their property ; we have fired their
habi- tations, and rendered their countryi a desart and what have we to balance the loss of blood and treasure on our side,: amounting to many thousand lives and many millions ? The melancholy conse- deration that we did not the day after the battle of James Town, that is. on the 7th of July, possess a foot of land in any part of America beyond the protection of our posts, or the fire of our cannon. These are facts I fancy no one will controvert; and if what our Minister have a thousand times over solemnly asserted be true, " that the pre- fent war is solely carrying on for the purpose of recovering America," two points will be well
worthy public attention : the first is, whether the probability of success be such as will justify the fur- ther continuance of the war upon its present plan, footing, and prospects ? And secondly, if the advantages depending upon this contingent event be such as may render it politic, wise, or ex- pedient to endeavour to obtain, them at a certain ex- pence of eighteen millions per annum, over and above the ordinary peace establishment ? By Virtue of the King's Patent. The CORDIAL CEPHALIC SNUFF, WHICH is found to be an effectual Remedy for most Disorders of the Head, especially the Common Hcad- Ach, to which it will
often give immedi- ate Ease, and by frequent Use prevent its Return.— It removes Drowsiness and Giddiness, relieves Dimness of the Eyes, and strengthens the Sight is excellent In cur ing recent Deafness ; and has been of great Service in Pa- ralytic Complaints, and in restoring ihe Memory, when impaired by Disorders of the Head. It has a most grate- ful aromatic Smell ; and is extremely proper for all per- sons who visit the Sick, or go into unhealthy Places, as it fortifies the Head against infectious Air. Sold in London, only by FRANCIS NEWBERY, Joint Proprietor, ( having purchased of the Inventor Half the Right to the
Patent,) at his New Warehouse, No. 45, in St. Paul's Church Yard, on the Coach- Way, five Doors from Cheapside, towards Watling Street ; and by B. C. Collins, in Salisbury, Price 6d. a Bottle.— Also by J. Crouse, B. Shreeve, W. Chase and Co. and R. Beatnisse, at Norwich, and by the Country Venders of Mr. New- bury's other Medicines.,