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The Norfolk Chronicle


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The Norfolk Chronicle

Date of Article: 18/11/1780
Printer / Publisher: John Crouse 
Address: Market Place, Norwich
Volume Number: XL    Issue Number: 598
No Pages: 4
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The NORFOLK O R, NORWICH VOL. XI.] Ready Money is expeCTed with Advertisements. ' CHRONICLE: THE GAZETTE. SATURDAY, November 18, 1780. [ No. 508.] Sunday and Monday s Post. From the LONDON GAZETTE. At the Court at St. James's, November 8, 1783. PReSeNT The KING's most Excellent Majesty in Council. THIS day the Right Honourable Charles Wolfran Cornewall, Spea- ker of the House of Commons, was, bv hs Majesty's command, sworn of his Majesty's most Ho- nourable Privy Conncil, and took his place at the board accordingly. BANKRUPTS.— Samuel Dean, of King- street, near Hoxton square, St. Leonard, Shoreditch, wine merchant. — John Cecil, of Birmingham, money scrivener.— Thomas Clay, of Theobald's Road, near Red Lion Square, white- smith and brazier.— William Pollard, of Bristol, dealer in brandy and spirituous liquors— Richard Hewitt, late of Edmonton, Middlesex, carpenter. Richard Brown, of Gresse- street, in the parish of St. Pancras, carver and glider.— William Gramlick, of Snow- hill, London, up- holder.— Charles Walsham and Humphrey John Payne, of Cheapside, linendrapers and late partners.— Joseph Bell, of Clerkenwell- closc, watchcase maker. II. LONDON, Saturday, November HOUSE of COMMONS. THURSDAY, NOV. 9. The Speaker reported to the House his Majesty's answer to the address. Several petitions, complaining of undue elections find returns, were presented and read. Mr. De Grey moved, " That a supply be grant- ed to his Majesty.'' Seconded by Lord George Germain, Mr. Byng rose, and declared, that in conformity wiih the constant tenor of his parliamentary conduit, he would oppose the motion till some steps were taken for the redress of those grievances, of Which the people so loudly, so universally complain. He knew it was rather informal to oppose the supply in that early stage of the business ; but. he considered according to the present motion, as allowing at least the propriety of opening the nation's purse before its wrongs were remedied, which was an inversion of antient parlamentary order. He expected to have found in the King's speech some assurances to quiet the minds of the people, some intimation of thay relief being near which they had associated to obtain ; but nothing to this effect had come from the royal lips ; the requisition of their assistance came unattended bv any such assurances, and yet he under- stood an additional perpetual load of 6oo, oool. debt was to be laid on this much oppressed country. Go- vernment might, he believed, be able to raise for the present the necessary supplies, aided as they were by some fortuitous circumstances ; by the expiration of the East India Company's charter, and by the falling in of the three and a half, and four per cents, at the Bank ; but could they possibly shew by which means the next year's supplies were to be procured ? till that was satisfactorily done, and a rational refor- mation commenced, he should dissent from the pre- sent motion. Sir Philip Jennings Clerke found some weight in the observations that fell from Mr. Byrg ; but still he did not see that there was any great danger in passing the present vote. When the Committee Should vote specific sums, and the Minister should afterwards propose the ways and means to raise them, if an opposition be made to the means he very likely would remind Gentlemen they had voted the supply, and that they could not object to the means of procuring it, without falling into an inconsistency. But in the present stage of the business, the House did not tie itself down to grant any specific sum whatever. Sir George Yonge observed, that it had lately been the practice of Ministers to propose the supply, with its quantum, in the earliest stage of parlia- mentary business, and in thin Houses, but produced no' the ways and means till after the Christmas re- cess. By this procedure, he said, their resolves were anticipated, and Gentlemen afterwards prevented from exercising their judgement on this essential point of duty to their Constituents; for it was told them, " You have already promised to grant sup- plies, and how can you refuse the means ?" He hoped to see the above rectified, and then when Ministers demanded the particular supplies, they would also intimate the means of raising them. With respect to the present motion, he had always understood, that such business required the attendance of those Gen- tlemen, or some of them, who were officially inte- rested. These propositions had commonly been made to Parliament by some Member of the Treasury Bench ; but, to his great surprize, none of them were present. He thought such behaviour derogatery from the dignity of that House, and disrespectful to the Royal Personage, whose speech was the ground of this motion. Sir Grey Cooper made a very respectful apology to the House for his absence, declaring, he had been detained by his duty at the Treasury, and had ima- gined he should have been in time, had he come half an hour later; but the moment he heard the House was gone into a committee of supply, he hastened to it. He lamented that there should prevail any idea of neglect ; and assured the House, that nothing could be more distant from his intentions at any time, than incurring the charge of warning respect for it.— His wish was to have business begun earlier each day, than it had been in former sessions; and whatever or- der the House should be pleased to make as to the hour of proceeding to business, he should pay strict atten- tion thereto. Sir Philip Jennings Clerke rose again, and urged the necessity of appointing some certain day for vo- ting the supply, and letting the House have proper notice of it. The supply was then voted without a division, and the Speaker resumed the Chair ; after which the House immediately adjourned. Yesterday morning, at a little after nine o'clock, Mr. Justice Willes came into the Court of King's Bench before the rest of the Judges, when the Grand Jury were sworn for the purpose of receiving a bill of indictment against Lord George Gordon. A charge was previously delivered to them by Mr. Justice Wills, in which he explained to the Jury the nature of such species of high treason as were likely to come under their cognizance. He dwelt upon the species of high treason which comes under the description of levying war against the King, his crown, and dignity ; and on that species which comes under the description of attempting to force the le- gislative body. He farther observed, that if any single overt act of high treason was proved in the court where the indictment was laid, any other overt act of high treason, committed in any other county, might be given in evidence. If an overt act should be previously proved in Middlesex, where a bill should be laid, an overt act in Surry, or any other court, would be admissible as additional testi- mony. After the charge had been delivered to them, the Attorney General presented an indictment against George Gordon, Esq; commonly called Lord George Gordon, for high treason. At half an hour past three, just as the Court of King's Bench was rising, the Grand Jury returned, when the Foreman delivered into the hands of Mr. Barlow, Clerk of the Crown, a true bill against George Gordon, Esq; commonly called Lord George Gordon, for high treason. Amongst the twenty- three Jurors, upon the Grand Inquest, were but three Magistrates, Justices Wilmot, Blackborrow, and Triquet. And this day the Attorney General made a mo tion, that the SherifF of Middlesex should be order- ed to summon a Jury for the trial of Lord George Gordon, and that the panel, together with a copy of the indictment, should be sent to his Lordship, which motion being assented to, Mr. Erskine, on the part of his Lordship, moved that he should have the liberty of nominating his own Counsel, under the act of the 7th of King William, and that Mr. Kenyon and himself be accordingly admitted his Lordship's Advocates. Mr. Justice Buller asked, if it was usual for such motions to be made, but by prisoners in person, at the Bar of the Court ; but Lord Mansfield observed, that if Mr. Attorney Ge- neral had no objection, the Court would not be dis- inclined to grant the motion in its present form. Mr. Wallace declining any opposition, it was ac- cordingly admitted. Mr. Erskine then moved to know, if Mr. Kenyon, being a King's Counsel, would be permitted to plead for his Lordship without the royal licence? To which Lord Mansfield replied, that he ( Mr. Erskine) knew, as well as the Court, that no such permission could be granted but by the King's authority. His Lordship observed, that the Court had not the power of dispensing with the oath taken by the King's Advocates, and that the licence therefore must be obtained at the proper office. By the indulgence of the Attorney General, it is thought that Lord George will not appear in Court until the day of trial, when he will plead to the indictment; and, if he thinks proper, challenge the panel, or as many of the body as may appear ineligible. The particular circumstance which led the Grand Jury to find the bill against Lord George Gordon, arose from the expressions which he used in the lobby of the House of Commons, on the day when the Protestant petition was presented. The following, among many others, are subpoe- na'd as witnesses upon the trial of Lord George Gordon, on the validity of whose evidence the Grand Jury thought proper to find a bill against his Lord- ship: John Cator, Esq; late Member for Wallingford, George Rous, Esq; Late Member for Shaftesbury. Counsellor Anstruther. Justices Wright and Hay. Mr. Chamberlain, Solicitor of the Treasury. Messrs. Pearson and Harwell, door- keepers of the House of Commons. vour of Mr. Smith, Lord P. was in Court, and when he heard the determination, he exclaimed in a fury, that that fellow ( meaning Lord Camden) knew no more of law than his horse. He behaved in other respects so ill, that he was taken into the cus- tody of the Court, but dischargd at the particular interposition of Lord Camden. When Earl Bathurst, then Lord Apsley, presided in the Chancery, Lord P. delivered, in his own per- son, a petition to the Chancellor, praying for a fresh recognition of the matter touching the lead mines ; it was however couched in such terms that the Chan- cellor, after having read a few lines, threw it with indignation over the bar; the Peer took if up, and with great vengeance flung it at the Chancellor, and it struck him in the face, which caused his being ap- prehended a second time in Court, but by means of friends the affair went no farther. The first fit of phrenzy was his affair with Mr. Gray, whom he killed, and for which he took his trial at the bar of the Old Bailey, before the death of his father, ( being then Lord Leominster) and was with difficulty acquitted. His Majesty has been pleased to grant his gra- cious pardon to the following persons, who were ca- pitally convicted, but set free by the late riots: — Sarah Budge, William Russel, Joseph Bayley, alias Brush, Susannah Flood, and John Pears, they hav- ing surrendered themselves. One day last week a servant maid belonging to Mr. Ferry, of Bathwick, gathering alder berries by the river side, unfortunately flipt into the water, and must have been drowned, had it not been for a dog she had with her of the Newfoundland breed, who, on her sinking leaped in and brought her above wa- ter, but not being six months old, had not strength to bring her out. By the help of a basket which she held on her arm she was kept above water, and car ried down the stream a considerable way, when the dog again leaped into the river, and getting hold of her brought her to the side of the water, where she happily got hold of the stump of a tree. The ani- mal then got on the bank, and by his moaning and yelping alarmed Mr. Sainsbury, of Lambridge, who with his servant went to her assistance, and a boat being at hand, her life was preserved. WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is a- warded and issued forth against ROBERT LEWIS, of the City of Norwich, Innholder, Dealer, and Chap- man, and he being delared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Com- mission named, or the major Part of them, on the twen- tieth Day of October, Inst. and on the tenth and twenty- fifth Days of November next, at nine o'Clock in the Forenoon of eaeh of the said Days, at the House of Ben- jamin Probert, commonly called, or known, by the Name) or Sign, of the King's Head, in the Parish of St. Peter of Mancroft, in the City of Norwich, and make a full Disclosure and Discovery of his Estate and Effects, when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second Sitting to choose Assignees, nd at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to fi- nish his Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent from, the Allowance of his Certificate.— All persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give Notice to Messrs. Dewing and Russell, Attornies at Law, in Norwich. NORWICH to wit.— At the General Quarter Ses- sions of the Peace, held by Adjournment the 18th Day of October, 1780, ORDERED, That the Day of Appeals to the Ses- sions for the Poor Rates for the several Parishes and Hamlets in this City, and County, be on Wednesday the 22d Day of November next, at 10 o'Clock in the Forenoon, and that such of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor do then attend this Court, to shew Cause against such Ap- peals whereof reasonable Notice shall be to then given by the Party or Parties appealing. By the Court, DE HAGUE. An EASY and JUDICIOUS METHOD of adventuring in the LOTTERY. MARGRAY, and Co. at their Old and Licenfed Office, No. 130, Fleet street, London, beg leave 10 propose a plan, by which the Adventurer will be in Fortune's way for obtaining any of the prizes through the Whole Drawing of the Lottery, without risk- ing the value of a Whole Lottery Ticket; but by the small deposit of Fourteen Shillings, or Seven Shillings, viz. LEGAL CHANCES of FOURTEEN SHILLINGS will entitle the Holder thereof to 40 Whole tickets, orvahie, if either of the 20 Whole tickets, or value, if either of the 10 Whole tickets, or value, if either of the 5 Whole tickets, ur value, if either of he Whole tickets, or value, if either of the . Mr. C. Macrae. Rev. Mr. Bowyer, Clergyman of the Church of England. Parroutt, a chairman. This morning the King, Prince of Wales, Prince Frederick, and the Duke ef Cumberland, took the diversion of stag hunting near Windsor. The royal hunters arrived at Salt- hill a little after ten, and ha- ving affably saluted the whole field, the stag was im- mediately enlarged, and in the course of the day gave his followers the severest chace that has been known this season. After taking to the right down near Maidenhead, he headed back towards Windsor, just above which place he crossed the Thames; made several extensive circles near and through Windsor great park, where he took the soil followed by the whole pack, which with the cumber of horsemen variously disposed on the surrounding heights, form- ed one of the most striking spectacles of the kind ever beheld: from hence he bent his course out of the park by the Duke's kennel, took over Bagshot- heath, crossed the Thames again at Staines, and after being hard pressed along the meadows by the river side, headed back again towards Windsor, proudly bidding defiance to hounds and huntsmen, and leav- ing the whole behind in such a state, that scarce a dog or horse was able to follow him: he run from the time of his enlargement, till he was lost, five hours and a half. His Majesty and the two Princes are excellent horsemen, and rode boldly ; Prince Frederick took the river above Windsor, with seve- ral other sportsmen, the King and Prince of Wales crossed it in a ferry- boat. The following Noblemen partook of the day's sport, viz. Duke of Queensbu- ry, Earls of Carlisle, Chesterfield, Lincoln, and the Lords Bateman, Fairford, Malden, and Craven. No account is received at the Admiralty from Sir Richard Pearson, of his having had an action with, and taken the Velasco a Spanish man of war of 74 guns, as mentioned in letters from Cork ; conse quently the intelligence is but little to be depended on. Lord North's illness has terminated in a complaint called the quartan ague, which is likely to detain him from the House of Commons, and delay the ministerial operations. His Lordship's personal complaint has given the rest a political ague. By the last accounts from Bengal, there are now in the treasury of that Presidency, 304 lacks of ru- pees, which valued at 2s. 3d. per rupee, amount to above three millions sterling. An order is sent from the Secretary of State's Of- fice to indulge Mr, Laurens with the liberty of walk- ing abroad in the Tower, for the benefit of the air, with proper attendants. When Lord Camden was Chancellor, the fa- mous affair of the lead mines, between Lord Pom- fret and Mr. Smith, came to be determined in Chancery: when the Chancellor gave a decree in fa- WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is a- warded and issued forth against WILLIAM WooD- BINE, of Great Yarmouth, iu the County of Norfolk, Merchant, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major Part Of them, on the twentieth Day of October instant, and on the tenth and twenty- fifth Days of November next at Three of the Clock in the Afternoon of each of the said Days, at the House of Benjamin Probert, commonly called or known by the Name or Sign of the King's- Head , in the Parish of St. Peter Mancroft, in the City of Nor- wich, and make a full Disclosure and Discovery of his Estate and Effects ; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second Sitting 10 choose Assignees, and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent from, the Allowance of his Certificate : All Persons indebted to the said Bank- rupt, er that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or de- liver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall ap- point, but give Notice to Messrs. Dewing and Russell, At- tornies at Law, in Norwich. ASSOCIATION for Norwich, Yarmouth, South Town, and the several Branches of the North River. AT a MEETING of several Merchants, and Proprietors of Keels and other Vessels trading to and from YARMOUTH, NORWICH , and the sevenal Branches of the NoRTh RIVER , on November 2, 1780, at the Angel Inn, in the Market- place, Norwich, it was order- ed : For the better discovering, apprehending, prosecu- ting and bringing to Justice all such Person or Persons who have or hath stolen, purloined or embezzled, or may at any Time or Times hereafter steal, purloin or embez- zle any of their Goods, Wares or Merchandize, belonging to any Person or, Persons who are or may be Members of- this Association, and also for the better discovering, ap- prehending, prosecuting and bringing to Justice all such Person or Persons who have or hath received, or shall or may at any Time hereafter receive into their Custody or Custodies any Goods, Wares or Merchandize so stolen, purloined or embezzled as aforesaid; And at she said Meeting it was agreed that the sum of TEN GUINEAS be offered and paid by their Treasurer, as a Reward to any Person or Persons who shall discover and give Information of him, her, or them, who hath or have; been, or is, are, Or shall be guilty of the Offence or Offences aforesaid, so as he, she or they shall be lawfully convicted thereof. Witness our Hands, WILLIAM DYE, TREASURER. Mr. William Fell Samuel Gaze John Lock William Hanks Henry Mountain Thomas Thompson Clement Pernall Thomas Moore Bernard Wigg Stephen Danser Edwards and Woodrow David Jones Timothy Steward William Fisher, Esq. and Sons Henry Gooch, Esq. William, Thomas and Wm. Palgrave Mr. William Palmer John Rudrum John Clover Thomas Dade John Chastney John Withers Robert Jollins. BANK of EN GLAN D Security to every Adventurer in the present LOTTERY, 1780. MESSRS. POPE, GALLEY, and BEARD- MORE, at their Old State Lottery Offices, No. 64. Piccadilly, opposite St. James's- strret; No. 53, Colman street; and No. 90, Newgate street; most re- spectfully acquaint the Public, thay have formed some new and beneficial plans of chances and policies, which continue ihe whole drawing, and is allowed by many judicious persons to be the best Calculated for Adventurers of any yet recommended to the Public. By their ONE GUINEA POLICIES may he gained the following capital benefits : 2 Prizes of 20000 2 — 10000 3 - 5000 2 - 3003 10 - 2000 23 - 1000 36 - 500 ^ IOC - 50 360 - 53 Wednesday and Thursday's Postl. from the LONDON GAZETTE. WHITEHALL, NOV. 14, 1780. COPY of a letter from Sir Henry Clin- ton, K. B. to Lord George Germaine, one of his Majesty's Principal Secreta- ries of State, received by Captain St. George, one of Sir Henry Clinton's Aids de Camp, who ariived from New York in the Fortune frigate,. New York, Oct. 12, 1780. My LORD, IN my separate letter of yesterday's date, I had the honour of informing your Lordship, that the American Major Gen. Arnold had quitted the rebel service, and joined the King's Standard; and I at the same time gave your Lordship a circumstantial detail of the reasons that induced him to take this step, as well as of the unfortunate failure of a plan, which 1 had the most sangaine hopes, if carried into execution, would hive been productive of the great- est good consequences to His Majesty's service, but which terminated most fatally for Major Andre, my Adjutant- General, who being taken prisoner, was tried by a board of Rebel General Officers, and condemned by their sentence to suffer death ; which sentence was ordered by the rebel General Washing- ton to be Carried into execution_ upon this unhappy Gentleman on the 2d inst. I sincerely lament the melancholy fate of this officer, who was a very va- luable assistant to me, and promised to be an honour to his country, as well as an ornament to his pro- fession. 1 had the honour to transimit to your Lordship, in my dispatch marked 104, a Copy of the instructions I proposed giving to Major Gen. Leslie, whom I had appointed to command me expedition to Chesapeak, in. order that your Lordship might be informed as to the princapal objects of it. This expedition will certainly sail the firft favour able wind, the troops having been embarked for some days, and every necessary arrangement made for that purpose Your Lordship will receive herewith a state of the troops under my command On the 1st instant, toge ther with a distribution of the same, as they stood on the 6th of that month. I have the honour to be, With the greatest respect, Your Lordship's most obedient And most humble servant, H CLINTON AdMIRALTY OfFTCK, NOV. 14, 1780. CAPTAIN Brisbane, late commarder of his Ma- ysty's ship the Alcide, arrived at this office yesterday with dispatchs from Admiral Sir George Brydges Rodney, and Vice Admiral Arbuthnot, giving an account of the arrival of the former at New York, on the 14th of September last, with eleven sail of lne of battle ships, and four fri gates, and of having taken upon him the command of his Majesty's ships on that station. Extract of a letter from Vice Admiral Arbuthnot, to Mr, Stephens, dated on board the Royal Oak, at sea, Oct. 17, 1780. HAVING accidentally fallen in with the For- tune, under the orders of Admiral Sir George Rodney to proced to England, I avail myself of the opportuniiy to acquaint you, for their Lordships information, that I put to sea with this squadron from Gardiner's Bay cn the 10th instant, intending to cruize between the east end of Long Island and Nantucket shoals; but, on the 14th, falling in with the transports and victuallers under ths escort of the Hyaena, ( from which the Adamant had sepa- rated a few days) I judged it expedient, on account of the numhers of Rebel privateers fitted out to inter- cept us, to see them off Sandy Hook, which they en- tered yesterday. I am now proceeding to resume the cruising station before- mentioned. The Chevalier deTernay, and his squadron, yet remain at Rhode Island. The squadron under my command is in the best order, and ready for any service. Six privateers, mounting twenty guns, and manned by upwards of 7oo seamen, have been since my last, Captured from the rebels by his Majesty's cruizers, and carried into New York : And this day, after a chace from the squadron, by signal, of six hours, the Culloden came, up with, and took the privateer ship Washington, of Boston, mounting 20 six- pounders, and l20 men. On the 30th ult. the Pearl, being off Bermuda, fell in with the French frigate L'Esperance, of 28 twelve- pounders, which, after an action of two hours, struck to the superior gallantry and good conduct of Capt. Montagu. The prize arrived at New York two days For the particulars of the above- mentioned action see the following extract of Captain George Mon- tagu's letter to Admiral Sir George Brydges Rodney, dated off New York, Oct 11, 1780. Extract of a letter from Captain George Montagu, of his Majesty's ship Pearl, to Sir George Brydges Rodney. ON the 30th of Sept. we fell in with a French ship, who engaged us close for two hours, and main- tained a running fight for two hours and an half more, - when she struck. She proved to be L'Elperance, from Cape Francois, bound to Bourdeaux, a frigate belonging to the King, but loaded by the merchants, having only a letter of marque, mounting 26 twelve- pounders on her main deck, and 2 six- pounders • in her quarter deck, with 173 men: She had 20 killed, and 24 wounded. I think it a justice due to the Captain to say, that he defended his ship with great bravery. The Pearl had 6 men killed and 10 wounded ; among the former was the First Lieut. Foulke, of Marines, and the latter. Mr. Dunbar, Mstter. The very cool and determined behaviour of the Officers and ship's company merits my most sincere acknowledgments. BANKRUPTS. Thomas Williams Allen, late of Bow church- yard, in the city of London, hosier.— John Lassels, of the Turk's Head coffee- house, in the Strand, dealer. — James Watts Romney, late of the parish of Dodden- ham, Worcestershire, money- scrivener.— Elizabeth Abbey, of the town of Nottingham, tea- dealer.— Henry Box, of Frome Selwood, Somersetshire.— Hugh Combe, of Stan- scope- street, Clare- market, Middlesex, druggist— Robert Sanderson, of Ratcliffe- cross, Middlesex, coal- merchant Tharaas Medhurst, of Kippax, Yorkshire, and John Med- hurst, of Leeds, in the said County, merchants and co- partners.— Isabella Bray, late of Deighton, in the parish of Hundersfield, Yorkshire, widow, dealer and chap- Vrsmsn. To the Right Honourable tht Lords Spiritual and Temporal, & c. The humble Petition of the Earl of Pomfret, Sheweth, " THAT your Petitioner hath, ever since he fell into the displeasure of this Right Ho- nourable House, been highly afflicted that he should, upon any account whatever, deserve to be separated from that House, of which he hath the honor to be a Member. " That your petitioner doth, in all humility, ac- knowledge his offence, aud your justice in all that you have ordered concerning him. " May it therefore please your Lordships, to take into your most honourable consideration, the deep sense your Petitioner hath, of having justly deserved the displeasure of your l. ord- ships, and therefore he doth must humbly im- plore the grace and favor of this Right honor- able House, in pardoning his faults, and the effects of them, and restoring him to the good opinion thereof. " And your Petitioner, & c. shall ever pray. " POMFRET." This Petition being read, their Lordships deferred the consideraton of it till Wednesday; till which day the House adjourned. LONDON, Tuesday, November 14. HOUSE of PEERS. MONDAY, NOV. 13. EARL, Bathurst presented a petition from the Earl of Pomfret, to the following purport: Governor Johnstone has received a letter from Sir George Brydges Rodney, from New York, contain- ing the following, amongst many other particulars, of the late discovery of Arnold's plot. He says, that the misicarriage of the plan was owing entirely to de- lay; for that major Andre had acted as valet de chambre to Arnold for some time, and had been twice backward and forward from New York in Washington's crmp. His detection was owing en- tirely to accident and a want of presence of mind ; for after he had been seize'd by the three stragglers who first took him, they suffered him to go ; but one of them stopped the others, and insisted upon going after him again, from a conviction that there was something suspicions about him. When they again took him, either from a want of recollection, or left it might occasion suspicions injurious to Arnold, he did not produce a pass from that General he had in his pocket, but imprudently offered, first his gold watch, and then his purse, which confirmed their suspicions. As soon as he was brought to General Washington, and his person indentified, the General, after consulting with M. de R chambeau, sent his compliments to Arnold, who had the command of five forts, amongst which were the important ones of West Point and Stoney Point, signifying their joint intention of visiting him the next day, with a request that his troops, consisting of 1700 men, might be drawn out. Arnold at that time not at all sus- pecting a discovery, returned a willing answer; but Washington's Aid de Camp unguardedly dtopping some expressions of a spy being taken, and great discoveries being made in the camp, Arnold took the alarm, and escaped precipitately in a whale boat. General Washington, immediately on his escape, put General Lord Stirling, seven Colonels, and two Members of Congress under an arrest. As soon as Sir H. Clinton was apprized of Major Andre's situa- tion, he sent General Roberts with a flag of truce, to obtain his release on terms proposed by him, or at least to spare his life; but General Washington act- ing conformable to the rules of war, said he could consider him in no other light than that of a spy, and that it was impossible to relax from his sentence. Since the receipt of the above news, it has transpi- red, that Ministers were thoroughly acquainted with this intended plot some weeks ago, by the Ge- nerals Matthew, Pattison, and Tryon, and had form- ed great expeditions from the event ; and it may likewise be relied upon, that vast sums of money have been remitted tor the purpose of bribing the American officers, and the Members of the Con- gress. General Lee is very strongly suspeCted to hsve been in the same conspiracy. The death of the gallant Major Andre must pain the heart of every well- wisher to his country ; but it must be doubly affecting to those who were particu- larly acquainted with the amiableness of his cha- racter, and the accomplishments of his mind. It will be too much to assert, that he was one of the most promising young men this nation ever produced. The whole army in America will bear testimony to the truth of this assertion, and the admiration of his merits will be as lasting in the hearts of his brother officers and fellow soldiers, as their affliction at his melancholy fate. Hs conduct at the gallows, which, on this occasion lost all its ignominy, discovered that greatness and intrepidity of mind that might be expected from a life spent in credit and in honour. When he arrived at the fatal spot, he addressed the American officers who stood round him, and called upon them to bear witness to the circumstances of his last moments. As I suffer, said he, for the service of my country, I must consider this hour as the most glorious of my life. Remember, that I die as becomes a British Officer, while the manner of my death must reflect disgrace on your Commander.'' Having said this, he tied the halter round his neck with his own hands, bound his eyes with his handkerchief, and crying out that he was now ready, sprung from the cart. On Wednesday last, Sir Hugh Palliser began a canvas in the borough of Huntingdon, ( in the room ot Sir George Wombwell) on the interest and re- commendation of Lord Sandwich. Never did the Burgesses give a more discontented acquiescence than on this occasion ; but compelled as they are, by an influence of the most indirect nature, it is in vain to resist the mandate of their patron. It is here that the abuse of the admirable institution of Greenwich Hos- pital is felt. Almost every person in lucrative em- ployments in the Hospital is a burgess of Hunting- don ; and the resident freemen are under absolute subjection by the provision which is made for their relations in the navy. Such as are independent will, on the present occasion, shew their detestation of the insult which is now attempted to be put upon them. But the opposition, we fear, will be fruitless and parliament will again be disgraced by this wretched character. Friday's Post and Express. LONDON, Thursday, November 16. received from following ships from Jamaica being safe arrived there, viz. the Al- bion, Major; Success, Ball; Fame, Burrough ; Lord North, Whebb ; and the John, Watfon. When the late conspiracy was discovered in Gen. Washington's camp, his head quarters were then at Bergen ; but, since the discovery, he was removed six miles farther from New York, to render the com- munication more difficult. A letter from New York says, It is expected, that when Gen. Clinton embarks for England, Gen. Arnold and his Lady will go over with him to settle there." Major Andre, who lately fell a sacrifice to his own intrepidity, has left a lady and four children in this city bemoaning his loss. The gallant, but unfortunate Major Andie, who lately fell into the hands of the Americans, was no more than twenty- seven years of age, and though but eight years in the army, had raised himself, by his personal merit, to the rank of Colonel by brevet, and Aid du Camp to the Commander in Chief. His fa- ther was a very eminent merchant in Austin Friars, London, whose widow, the mother of our deceased hero, now lives at Southampton. Young Andre's first introduction into the army was by purchase of a commission in the Welsh Fuzileers, from which he arose to the above rank. Major General Benedict Arnold, who has quitted the American cause, and joined Sir Henry Clinton, in the year 1775, when he was only Colonel of a continental regiment, he was appointed by Congress to command a detachment of two battalions, sent from Cambridge to join the late General Montgomery, in bis attack on Quebec, having Colonel Christopher Green, and Col. Roger Enos, under his Command. On the 13th of September, 1775, he began his march, and arrived at Newbury- port on the 16th, where he embarked his whole force, consisting of ten companies of musquet- men, and three companies of rifle- men, amounting to 1100 men, on board ten transports, and sailed from thence the same day, for Kennebec river, 50 leagues from Newbury- port. On the 20th he entered Kennebec- river, up which the transports went till tbe 22d, when the men embarked in batteaux, and proceeded up the river till the 30th of October, crossing the different carryirg places, till he got to the river Chandiere, whence he continued 10 match by land towards Quebec, and got to Point Levi on the 11th of Nov. On the 1st of December General Montgomery having taken Montreal, arrived with his army, joined Arnold's detachment, and began the siege of Quebec. An attack was made on the. 31st, in which General Montgomery was killed, and Col. Arnold was shot in the leg by a musquet- ball, as he commanded the attack by the suburbs of St. Rue, which he did with the greatest gallantry till be fell. The King was on Tuesday pleased to confer the ho- nour of the most Honourable Order of the Bath upm Sir George Brydges Rodney, bart. Admiral of the white squadron of his Majesty's fleet, and Commander in Chief of all his Majesty's ships and vessels employed at Barbadoes and the Leeward- Islands. From RIVINGTON'S NEW YoRK GAZETTE. NEW YORK, Sept. 23, By a person of good reputation, and perfecly intelligent, just arrived from the Northward, we are informed, that about a fort- night ago Fort Stanwix, after having been five or six weeks closely invested, was taken by 600 British troops, commanded by a Lieut. Col. supposed to be the King's, or 8th regiment: Our faithful friend, Capt. Joseph Brant, with a party of Indians, shared in the glory of this conquest. The Indians have laid Waste the whole country, the Tory houses excepted, down to Schenectady, where some rebels are throwing up works to oppose the progress of the British troops and our Indian allies; the rebel women and chil- dren have retired to Albany, where, from a conscien- tousness of their unprevoked persecutions aud mur- der, terror and jeopardy prevail even to distraction. NEW- YORR, Sept. 9. The following account may be depended on At the Fort now called Fort Renfalaer, Sir John Johnson, and Capt. Brant have burnt 51 houses, 42 barns 17 killed, 52 prisoners, At Schoharie ( burnt) 27 houses 7 killed, 21 prison- en. At Norman's Creek ( burnt) 20 houses. Total of the rebel loss at the above three places, houses and barns burnt 140; killed 24; prisoners 73. PHILADELPHIA, August 12, In Congress, June the 25th, 1780. Whereas it has been reported, in order to seduce the States of South Carolina and Georgia from tkeir allegiance to these United States, that a treaty of peace between America and Great Britain was about to take place, in which those two States would be ce- ded to Great Britain : Resolved unanimously. That the said report is infidious, and utterly void of foundation ; that this Confederacy is most sacredly pledged to support the liberty and independency of every one of its mem- bers, and, in a firm reliance on the divine blessing, will unremittingly persevere in their exertions for the establishment of the same, and for the recovery and preservation of any, and every part of these United States, that has been or may hereafter be in- vaded or possessed by the common enemy. Extract from the Minutes, CHARLES THOMSON, Sec. H O ME NEWS. _ The names of those who were nominated for She- riffs by the Lords of the Council at the Exchequer, on the 13th of November, in the twenty- first year cf the reign of King George the Third, and in the year, of our Lord 1780, for the undementioned counties, are, Norfolk.— Sir Martin Browne Folkes, of Hillington, Bart. Thomas Durrant, of Scottow, Esq. Robert Lee Doughty, of Hanworth, Esq. Suffolk.— Wm. Cambell, of Melford, Esq. Bramp- ton Gurdon Dillingham, of Grundisburgh, Esq Charles Kent, of Farnham St. Genoveve, Esq. Essex.— Richard Wyatt, of Hornschurch, Esq. James Harris, of Great Baddow, Esq. William Dalby, of Walthamstow, Esq. Camb'. and Hunt.— John Johnson, of Leverington, Esq. William Coe, of Elme, Esq. Kilburn Jel- lings, of Mepall, Esq. Lincolnshire.— Edward NelIthorpe, of Scawby, Esq. John Manners, of Grantham, Esq. William Pen- nyman. of Little Ponton, Esq. Northamptonshire.— Nicolls Ransford of Brixworth, Esq. Simon Oliver Taylor, of Irthlingborough, Esq. Richard Lockwood, of Geddington, Esq. Wednesday morning the 4th regiment of foot, which had been quartered in this city, only since Sa- turday the 4th inst'. marched from hence on their route to Portsmouth. So long a march for the rem- nant of a corps of brave veterans is particularly hard at this severe season; more especially as they had lately come lrorn America, ( where they suffered much,) and at Haverford- west in Pembrokeshire, received orders to march to this city, a distance of 335 miles, and were in hopes of being cantoned here all winter, when they received orders ( after on- ly ten days rest) for a march of 18o miles. On Friday and Saturday evenings last, the 10th and 11th inst. two highwaymen, ( one of whom had a pistol) well mounted, infested tbe turnpike road be- tween Hockering and Easton, in this county, and about six o'clock in the evening of the 11th stopped and robbed several persons, particularly Mr. Smith, of Beetly, and Mr. Wiggett, of East Bradenham, farmers, and one Lydia Shardelow, of East Tud denham, who were all returning from Norwich mar- ket, They intended have robbed the Rev. Mr. Ives, of Bungay, on the Friday, who had been col- lecting his tithes at Easton Dog, but were prevented by the lucky discovery of a boy who overheard their discourse, as he was setting some rabbet traps. They were pursued by several persons, towards Mat- tishall, at one of whom ( Mr. Athow, of Hoo,) they fired a pistol, but escaped through ihe goodness of their horses, and are supposed to have gone towards the sea coast, having robbed on that road, about eight in the evening, Mr. Green, who keeps the Bull at Attlebridge, and a person near Reepham. It appears from a number of informations, taken by the Dere- ham Justices, that one of the highwaymen is very well known ; that his name is John Ewston, was apprentice to Robert Carfoot, of Ringland, in this county, gardener, and ran away from him about three years since ; he is about 22 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, pale complexion, dark brown hair, had on at the time of the robberies a dark- coloured great coat, dark ribb'd fustian breeches, white dimothy waistcoat, rode a black hobby, with 3 white face, two white feet behind, and switch tail cut, and has a wife, and children at Drayton: the other appears to be about 24 years of age, low and squattish, wore his own hair, of a darkish colour, had on a dark surtout coat, leather breeches, and rode a sorrel horfe, 16 hands high, with a little white down his face, and nick'd tail ; they both wore round hats. The above highwaymen, from their appearance and speeches, are supposed to belong to a large smug- gling party ; they were at two or three public houses in and about East Tuddenham, near Hockering, much in liquor, and about four o'clock on Saturday afternoon drank in company with William Goold, horse- dealer, and James Shipley, a farmer's servant. at the sign of the Coach and Horses in East Tudden- ham, behaved jn the most riotous and daring man- ner, bought gunpowder, charged and fired their pis- tol, abused and greatly terrified the landlord and landlady, Mr. and Mrs. Atherton, rent the said William Goold's coat, and threatened his life. It is melancholy to reflect, that smuggling is at this time got to so daring a height in this county, partly encouraged by the connivance of too many ill- disposed and self interested persons, and partly from some defect in the laws, insomuch that gangs 0f 40 or 50, and more, are seen often to ride in the day- time in the most audacious and triumphant man- ner from the sea- coast, through the middle of this county, towards London, with carts and horsesfully laden, and armed with fire- arms and other offesive weapons, to the great disturbance and terror of the industrious and worthy part of his Majesty's subjects, witness the late attempt made by a desperate and wicked party of them, of neat 20, to murder Mr. Diggens, who keeps the inn at Raipham, in this county, whom they supposed to have informed against them for some smuggled goods which were lately seized ; they beset his house in the night, broke all his locks, did other damage, confined his wife and servants, and swore desperately they would murder him unless sixty pounds were paid them, the price of the goods seized, and it is believed would have car- ried their wicked design into executien, had not Mr. Diggens been fortunately from home when the house was beset, and had notice given him by his wife, who narrowly escaped from the smugglers, and alarm- ed Lord Townshend and his servants, who immedi- ately came to their assistance, and upon whose ap- proach the smugglers thought proper to make off r Mr. Diggens has been obliged to abscond from his house and family ever since, and his house is at this same guarded by four dragoons.— Unless Govern- ment, and particularly ihe respectable gentlemen of. this county, will exert themselves to redress these very heavy grievances by anointing a Committee to inspect the laws against smuggling, amending such of them as are deficient, or by making new Laws, ne- cessary and proper to bring such notorious offenders to public justice, and putting such laws as are alrea- dy made in execution with ihe firmness and intrepi- dity becoming worthy Magistrates, zealous for the good of the community ; also by appointing proper coasting vessels to prevent the landing of smuggled goods, or by enacting some law whereby it may not be worth the while of such a number of stout, idle, and disorderly persons, to engage in this dangerous traffic, the great nursery of highwaymen, house- breakers, and every desperate offender against the laws, through whom it cannot be said that any man's person or property is safe.— There is a well known reward of forty pounds for taking of each highway- man, besides other privileges, and the real satisfac- tion of doing so noble an act to serve their country. We hear that four robberies were committed on Tuesday evening, between Scole and Diss, supposed to be by ihe two villains that have infested several parts of this county within these few days. Last Monday night Rumney, the horse- stealer, now in the City Gaol, made another attempt to break prison ; He was confined alone in a cell, chain- ed down to a post, rotwithstanding which he cut off his irons, made a hole through tbe plank in the cell, and also the wall, and then worked his way under ground fifteen or sixteen feet, next to Messrs Car- ter and Copping's, grocers, where he intended to have got out. Immediately after he was missed, several labourers were set to work in order to widen the breach he made in the cell, while others kept digging away on Mr. Carter's premisses: after dig- ging and searching for about five hours, he called out, almost suffocated for want of air, when he was taken out and properly secured, being now double ironed and chained. Maddle the horse- stealer, condemned with Rum- ney at the last assizes for this city, has received h s Majesty's pardon, on condition ot his entering into the land- service, and on Monday he inlisted into the 4th regiment of foot, then quartered in this city, and was accordingly discharged. On Saturday last, Mr. James Seagon, butcher, dropped down dead 111 ihe market with a cleaver in his hand, as he was chopping a piece of beef.. He was a friendly well behaved man, and much respect- ed. Same day Mr, Scarlet, Gardiner, in St. Martin's at Oak, dropped down dead. On Wednesday died Mr. John Rookwood, Clerk, of St. Stephen's parish. YARMOUTH, Nov. 16. Arrived, Hope, Waller, from Memel, with Timber Yarmouth. Haile ; Dove, Horn- Providence, Balls ; Thomas and Mary, West, from Lon- don, with goods.— Count Deny Cortols, from Oftend in ballast. MARK- LANE, Oct. 15. Early in the moaning on Monday some curious samples of white wheat were sold as high as 46, and 46- 6, but the most general prices for our best mealing runs were 44 to 45, with considerable quantities of the second sorts down to 42 and 43 per quarter. Barley and malt sold 6d. dearer, and horse beans, having but few here, rather better. la other gain no material variation. The following is the copy of an address from general Ar- inhabitants of North America, after his se- from the rebel service, dated at New York, Oc- ( and which appeared in Rivington's Royal printed in that city. To the INHABITANTS of AMERICA. ISHOULD forfeit, even in my own opinion, the place I have so long held in your's, if I could be indifferent to your approbation, and silent on the motives which have in- duced me to join the King's arms. " A very few words however shall suffice upon a subject so personal; for to the thousands who suffer under the ty- ranny of the usurpers In the revolted provinces, as well as to the great multitude who have long wished for its sub- version, this instance of my conduct can want no vindica- tion ; and as to the class of men who are criminally pro- tracting the war from sinister views, at the expence of the public interest, I prefer their enmity to their applause I am, therefore; only concerned in this address to explain myself to such of my countrymen, as want abilities or op- portunities to detect the artifices by which they are duped. " Having fought by your side when the love of our country animated our arms, I shall expeCt, from your jus- tice and candour, what your dcceivers, with more art and less honesty, will find it inconsistent with their own views to admit. " When I quitted domestic happiness for the perils of the field, I conceived the rights of my country in danger, and that duty and honour called me to her defence. A re- dress of grievances was my only objeCt and aim ; however,' I acquiesced in a step which I thought precipitate, the de- claration of independence: To justify this measure many plausible reasons were urged, which could no longer exist, when Great Britain, with the open arms of a parent, of- fered to embrace us aS children, and grant the wished for redress. " And now that her worst enemies are in her own bo- som, I should change my principles, if I conspired with her designs : Yourselves being judges, was the war the less just, because fellow subjects were considered as our foe ? You have felt the torture in which we raised our arms against a brother. God incline the guilty protectors of these unnatural dissentions to resign their ambition, and cease from their delusions, in companion for kindred blood. " I anticipate your question. Was not the war a defen- sive one until the French joined in the combination ? I an- swer, that I thought so. You will add, was it not after- Wards necessary, till the separation af the British empire was complete ? By no means; in contending for the wel- fare of my ceuntry, I am free to declare my opinion, that this end attained, all strife should have ceased. " I lamented, therefore, the impolicy, tyranny, and injustice, which with ai soverign contempt of the people ot America, studiously neglected to take their collective sentiment's of the British propasals of peace, and to nego- tiate, under a suspension of arms, for an adjuftment of dif- ferences ; I lamented it as a dangerous sacrifice of the great interests of this country to the partial views of a proud, ancient, and crafty foe. I had my suspicions of some im- perfections in our councils, on proposals prior to the par- liamentary commission of 1778 ; but having then less to do in the cabinet than the field ( I will not pronounce pe- remptorily as some may, and perhaps justly, that Cou- gress have veiled them from the public eye) 1 continued to be guided in the negligent confidence of a soldier. But the whole world saw, and all America confessed, that the Overtures of the second commission exceeded our wishes and expectations, and if there was any suspicion of the nation- al liberality, it arose from its excess. " Do any believe we were at that time really entangled by an alliance with France? Unfortunate deception ! They have been duped by a virtuous credulity, in the incautious moments of intemperate passion, to give up their felicity to serve a nation wanting both the will and the power to protect us, and aiming at the destruction both of the Mo- ther Csuntry and the Provinces. In the plainness of com- mon- sense, for I pretend to no casuistry, did the pretended treaty with the Court of Versailles amount to more than on overture to America? Certainly not, because no au- thority had been given by the people to conclude it, nor this very hour have they authorised its ratification. The articles of confederation remain still unsigned. '* In the firm persuasion, therefore, that the private judgment of an individual citizen of this country is as free from all convential restraints since as before the infidious offers of France, I preferred those from Great Britain, thinking it infinitely wiser and safer to cast my confidence upon her justice and generosity, than to trust a monarchy too feeble to establish your independency, so perilous to her distant dominions; the enemy of the Protestant Faith, and fraudulently avowing an affection for the liberties of mankind, while she holds her native sons in vassalage and chains. t I affect no disguse, and therefore frankly declare, that in these principles I had determined to retain my arms and command for an opportunity to surrender them to Great Britain ; and in concerting the measures for a pur- pose, in my opinion, as grateful as it would have been beneficial to my country, I was ONLY solicitous to accom- plish an event of decisive importance, and to prevent, as much as possible, in the execution of it, the effusion of blood. " With the highest satisfaftion I bear testimony to any old fellow soldiers, and citizens, that I find solid ground to rely upon the clemency of our Sovereign, and abundant conviction that it is the generous intention of Great Britain not only to leave the rights and privileges of the colonies unimpaired, together with their perpetual exemption from taxation, but to superadd such further be- nefits, as may consist with the common prosperity of the empire. In short, I fought for much less than the Parent Country is as willing to grant to her Colonies, as they can be to receive or enjoy. " Some may think I continued in the struggle of these unhappy days too long, and others that I quitted it too soon.— To the first I reply, that I did not see with their eyes, nor perhaps had so favourable a situation to look from, and that to our common Master I am willing to stand or fall. In behalf of the candid among the latter, some of whom I believe serve blindly, but honestly— in the bands I have left, I pray God to give them all the lights requisite to their own safety before it is too late ; and, with respeCt to that herd of censurers, whose enmity to me ori- ginates in their hatred to the principles by which I am now led to devote my life to the re- union of the British empire, as the best and only means to dry up the streams of misery that have deluged this country, they may may be assured, that, conscious of the rectitude of my intentions, I shall treat their malice and calumnies with Contempt and neg- lect. B. ARNOLD. New York, Oct. 7, 1780. RAN AWAY from Mr. Robirt Jary, Collar- maker, in Holt, on Monday the 6th Inst. ANTHONY BRETT, his said Apprentice, about Twanty Years of Age, five Feet eight Inches high, strait made, fair Cam- plexion, with his own Hair, tied behind j had on when he went away a light Lemon coloured Coat, white printed Diinity Waistcoat, Black Breeches, and a round Hat. Whoever harbours the said Apprentice, or employs him, will be prosecutcd as the Law directs, by his said Master, ROBERT JARY. TO be LETT, and entered upon immediately, a FARM at Felthorpe, six Miles from Norwich, con- sisting of a good and convenient Farm- House, Barns, Stables, and other necessary aud convenieal Outbuildings, With two Cottages belonging, and upwards of 281 Acres « t Arable and Meadow Land, at a moderate Rent; also Upwards of 300 Acres of the Dole and Heath Lands al- lotted by Act of Parliament, staked out, and which will be inclosed in the Spring, 1781, any substantial Tenant may have added to the above Farm at a very moderate Rent, « » improve the same. N. B. For further Particulars apply to Mr. John Sibel, at South Walsham, or Mr. Bailey Bird, Land Surveyor, at Norwich, Capt. LAYTON, Mr. JER. THOMPSON WILLIAM HILLING, MUFFIN- BAKER, Removed from his House near Charing- Cross, to the Lower Goat- Lane, Norwich, TAKES this Opportunity of acquainting the Public, that he has begun to bake MUFFINS, and will continue during the Season ; also Manchets, French Rowls, Biscuit, & c. every Morning. He begs Leave to return Thanks for the Favors already received, and hopes for a Continuance of the same. N. B. Good Allowance to Wholesale Dealers in the Country. Those Perfons who sell for him, have Hilling marked on their Baskets. WoLTERTON, Nov. 9, 1780. WHEREAS tHe GAME has been greatly de- stroyed, and much Damage has been done 10 the Gardens and Plantations adjoining to Wolterton House, as alfo to the Woods and Coppices lying and being in the se- veral Pariehes of Wolterion, Wickmere, Mannington, Itteringham, Barningham, Calthorpe, and Saxthorpe, the Property of Lord Walpole : This is therefore to give Notice, than from and after the 14th of this Inst. MAN- TRAPS and SPRING GUNS will be placed in the several Gardens; Plantations, Woods, and Coppices above- men- tioned, that no Person may wilfully traspass thereon, as in these Gardens, Woods, Plantations, and Coppices, there is no FootPath or Road whatsoevcr. CHARLES HAWKSLEY, at the Cock Inn, at Attleburgh, begs Leave to return his Thanks to the Public in general, and his friends in particular, for the many Favours already conferred, at the same time, at the particular request of Mr. R. Hobbleday, of the Crown Inn, he returns the Thanks of the said Richard Hobbleday for Favours received, but who, thro' Deecline of Business, has thought proper to give up his House amd Post- chaise business to the said Charles Hawksley, who will at all Times endeavour to merit the patronage of the Public, and their Encouragement will be gratefully ac- knowledged by their most humble Servants, CHARLES HAWKSLEY, R. HOBBLEDAY. STATE ' LOTTERY, 1780. Mess. SHARMAN and Co. during the Time of Drawing, have opened an INSURANCE- OFFICE, At the REPOSITORY, the BACK> OF- THE- InNS, NORWICH, WHERE they are determined to INSURE TICKETS and SHARES on the same Terms, and in the same Manner as in London and where all legal Bu- siness of the Lottery is transacted with that Honour, Fide- lity, and Punctuality, which has ever distinguished them here and elsewhere. TICKETS, SHARES, and CHANCES, from Mr. MOLESWORTH'S Calculation, may be had of W. Chase, at his Lottery- Office, in the Cockey- Line, Norwich ( war- ranted undrawn) during the Time of Drawing, STOLEN from the Chains on Saturday Night, the 18th of October, or early the next Morning, out of the Pastures belonging to Hustanton hall, a stout GROWN MARE, about 16 or 17 Years of Age, a sma11 White Shim on her Forehead, about Fifteen Hands high, and of the Cart Kind, It is supposed she was rode off with smuggled Goods. Whoever will bring the said Mare to Hustanton- hall, shall receive Half a Guinea Reward, and all reasonable Charges paid him, by Mr. Abraham Norman, of Hunstanton. A SALE TO be SOLD by HAND, at Mr. John Mash's, at Wood- Dalling, the STOCK of the said John Mash, consisting of Horses, Cows, Two- year old Heifers and Steers, Yearling ditto, Carts, Ploughs, and Harrows, and some Houshold Furniture. The Sale to begin at Ten o'clock in the Morning of the 21st Inftant, November, and Continue till all are sold. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the House of William Wingrave, the Three Kings at Haddenham, in the Isle of Ely, and County of Cam- bridge, some Time in the Month of December next, in several Allotments, THE valuable Freehold and Copyhold ESTATES of Mr. Henry Porter, situate and being in Hadden- ham aforesaid. The different Allotments, and the Time of Sale, will shortly be advertised in this Paper. For further Particulars, and Conditions of Sale, enquire of Mrs. Sarah Gifford, of Haddenham aforesaid, Widow ; or of Mr. Holman, of Downham Market, in the County of Norfolk. THE Commissioners named and authorized in and by a Commission of Bankrupt, awarded and is- and now in Prosecution against THOMAS HOL- MAN, of Downham Market, in the County of Norfolk, Scrivener, intend to meet on the THIRTEENTH Day of December next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, at the House of William Jackson, known by the Sign of the Crown, in Downham Market aforesaid, in order to make a Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt ; when and where the Creditors who have not already proved their Debts under the said Commission, are hereby required to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be ex- cluded the Benefit of the said Dividend; THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bank rupt awarded and issued against ROBERT WAR- TERS, of the Hamlet of Lakenham, in the County of the City of Norwich, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on Tuesday the 21st Day of November, Instant, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the House of Benja- min Probert, called the King's Head, in the Parish of St. Peter of Mancroft, in the City of Norwich, in order to make a Dividend of the Estate and EffeCts of the said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors who have not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the fame, or they will be excluded the benefit of the said Dividend ; and all Claims not then proved will be disal- lowed. NOVEMBER 8, 1780. NOTICE to CREDITORS and DEBTORS. WHEREAS THOMAS BAXTER, of Should- ham, in the County of Norfolk, Miller, hath, by Indenture, dated the 7th Instant, assigned all his Estate and Effects unto Bartholomew Ramsey, of Stow Bardolph, in the said County, Gentleman, in Trust for the equal Benefit of such of his Creditors who shall execute the said Indenture on or before the seventh Day of January next: Notice is hereby given, that the said Indenture is left in the Hands of the said Bartholomew Ramsey, in order that the Creditors of the said Thomas Baxter may execute the same. And all Persons who stand indebted to the said Thomas Baxter, are desired forthwith to pay their respective Debts to the said Batholomew Ramsey, within one Month. from the Date hereof, or they will be sued without further Notice. TO be SOLD or LETT, a BREW- OFFICE, with a Copper of 40 Barrels, and suitable Utensils, convenient , Tun- houses, Store- houses, and Drawing- Houses, with two or three Malt- houses ; also a Dwelling- House adjoining to the Brew- Office. Apply 10 Mr. Roger Manclarke, of Great Yarmouth where the premises are situate. TO be SOLD, a valuable ESTATE at Scole near Diss, in the County of Norfolk, now in the Occupation of Edward Mines, and before him of Mr James Plowright, deceased, then Owner thereof, being Part Freehold, and Part Copyhold; consisting of a good Farm- House, a Cottage for Labourers, three large Barn Stables, and convenient Outhouses, in good Repair, and upwards of 150 Acres of rich Arable, old Pasture, and Meadow Land. For further Particulars enquire of Messrs, Meadows and Browne, of Diss aforesaid. TO be SOLD at Horsey, in Norfolk, a few- Hundreds of the best Sort of REED for Thatching, and some Fodder Hay ; also some Tons of Clover and Upland Hay, in any Quantity not less than a Ton. Apply to Mr. James Foreman, of Horsey, Mr. Allen, of Hick- ling, or to Mr. Johnson, at the King's Head, Yarmouth. There is a Convenience of Water Carriage to Norwich. TO be put off immediately and entered on at Mi- chaelmas next, the Lease of that capital Farm, called METTINGHAM CASTLE, of which there is Fourteen Years to come, with the great Tithess of the said Town, a very desirable fituation for a Gentleman, or capital Far- mer. Mettingham is situate in Suffolk, One Mile from Bungay, and Four from Beccles, two fine Market Town » for shipping Corn. , Further Particulars may be known by applying at the said Farm. No one need apply but whose Character and Cir- cumstances will bear the strictest Enquiry. To the Public in general ; and particularly t0 every Person concerned in the Lottery. On Thursday the 16th Inst. was published, Price THE BRITISH MERCURY, and EVENING ADVERTISER ; which contained an accurate at complete List of all the BLANKS and PRIZES, numeri- cally arranged, drawn the same Day, before the Commiss oners of the Lottery, at Guildhall. This Paper will be continued every Evening, not only during the Drawing the- Lottery, but also, with the Public Favor, after that Time, upon the Footing of a permenent EVENING NEWS- PAPER, to be publish'd every Night, without inte mission. The furnshing a correct list of the BLANKS and PRI- ZES, numerically arranged, at so EARLY AN HOUR a. « 5 o'Clock, having hitherto been thought impracticable in the ordinary Way of Printing, that an inferior Invention supply the supposed Deficiency has been honored with his Majesty's Letters Patent, and the Inventor amply rewarded in the high Publication, entitled The Patent Prize List, which sells in Town for 6d. and for 110 lefs than a 1s. in the Country ; it is needless therefore to surgest that a Proposal to produce an earlier and moie exaft Lift, for fa very inferior a Proportion of Price, mult give the Proprie- tors of this Publication a peculiar Title to the Public At- tention ; and more particularly at this Time, when by the ACt of Parliament no Information respeCting the Fate of any Ticket can be obtained at the Lottery- Offices after the Hour of Eight o'Clock. Orders for the above Paper are taken in by J. Crouse, in the Market- Place. Norwich. Of whom may be had, London News Papers every Day, Price 4d. each, in Manner following, viz. Every Sunday precisely at 2, those now delivered by Post Monday Morning. Monday and Tuesday Afternoon about 4, those now de- livered by ditto Wednesday Morning. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Friday, December the 1st, and following Day, by HENRY TAGG, from Walsingham, ALL the entire, neat, and elegant HOUSHOLD FURNITURE of Mr. BODKER , at his House at Wells next the Sea; confifting of Four- post Bedheads, fluted Posts, and Blue Chin z Pattern Cotton Furniture, Feather Beds, and other' Bedsteads, Festoon Window Curtains, Mahogany and other Chairs, two Mahogany Fire sides, Mahogany, Dining, Card, and Claw Tables, Mahogany Four- feet Bureau and Bookcase, Glass Door, Mahogany double Chest of Drawers, Glass, an elegant Pier Glass in a carved and gilt Frame, a neat Screw Range, Kitchen Furniture, two Coppers, Brewing Utensils, and some exceeding good Nefts of Drawers, proper for an Apothecary's Shop, a Counter, and other Fixtures; also a Grey Poney. N. B. There is a Quantity of Drugs to be disposed of by private Contract, by applying to the above Mr. Bodker. The Goods to be viewed 0n the Thursday preceding the Sale. Each Day's Sale begin at. Ten o'Clock. To be SOLD by AUCTION," At the House of Benjamin Probert, known by the Sign of the King's Head, in the City of Norwich, on Saturday the Second Day of December, 1780, between the Hours of Two and Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, viz. the fol- lowing estates, lately belonging to Henry Hagon, de- ceased, situate at Hindringham, in the County of Nor- folk, viz. LOT I. AN ESTATE, consisting of a capital Messuage, with the Barns, Stables, and other Buildings, and Three Hundred and Twenty- Two Acres and Three Perches, by Estimatian, of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land thereto belonging, as the same were lately occupied by Jonathan Ward, and are now in the Useof the Executors if the said Henry Hagon. And also a Messuage, or Farm- House, together with the Barn, Stables, and other Buildings, and One Hundred and Forty six Acres, Two Roads, and Twenty Perches ( by Estimation) of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, now in the Occupation of Stephen Warnes, at the yearly Rent of Ninety- Six Pounds, by Virtue of an Agreement which will be determined at Michaelmas next. And also Two small Plantations of young Trees, con- taining OneRood and Two Perches. N. B. The Purchaser may have the immediate Possession of the Premisses in theUse ef the said Executors!*, LOT II. A Messuage, or Farm House, together with Three Cottages, a Malthouse, a Windmill, Barn, Stables, and other Buildings, and about Forty- six Acres of Arable and Pasture Land, now in the Use of Anthony Wilson, and his Under- tenants, at the yearly Rent of Sixty Pounds, by Virtue of an Agreenwnt, which will be determined at Mi- chaelmas next. And also a capital Messuage, or Farm- House, togethe with fhe Barn, Stables, and other Buildings, and about Seventy- one Acres of Arable and Pasture Land, mow in the Use of William Steward, at the yearly Rent of Forty- five Pounds and Fifteen Shillings, under an Agreement, which Will be determined at Michaelmas next. And also Four Acres and Three Roods of Land, now in the Use of the said Stephen Warnes, at the yearly Rent of Two Ponnds and Seventeen Shillings, under an Agreement, which will be determined at Michaelmas next. For the Conditions of Sale, and further Particulars, en- quire of Roger Kerrison, Esq. of the City of Norwich} Mr. Edward Browne, Cornfactor, Mark- Lane, London; Mr. Richard Reeve, the Younger, at Barney; or of Mr. Daniel Jones, at Fakenham, in Norfolk TO be LETT, and entered on immediately, a large and commodious DWELLING- HOUSE a Downham market, in the County of Norfolk, with or without Two Pieces of Pasture Ground adjoining. This House is very conveniently situated for a Boarding- school for young Ladies, or young Gentlemen, and is now in the Occupation of Mr. Gould, Schoolmaster, who re- moves to Spalding, in Lincolnshire. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Saffery, of Downham. TO he LETT, and entered upon immediately, a PUBLIC- HOUSE, the Sign of the Chequer, at Grimston, in the County of Norfolk, in the Occupation of Jonathan Woodfield, with a Barn, Stable, and Homestall, containing by Estimation five Acres of exceeding good Whole year Arable Land, Tithe free, together with a Right of Common for four Head of Cattle. Also, to be Lett, and entered upon immediately, a FARM, consisting of a good Farm- House, Bam, Stable, and Outhouse, with thirty Acres, by Estimation, of whole Year Arable and Pasture Land, Tithe free, situate in Grimston aforesaid, together with a Right of Common for twelve Head of Cattle. The Farm- House, and Part of the Land, now in the Occupation of Thomas Seerjeant. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Holman, of Downham Market, in the County aforesaid. TO be LETT, and entered upon immediately, for the Remainder of a Term ot Ten Years, Eight whereof were unexpired at Old Midsummer last, all that good and old accustomed LEATHER- CUTTER's Shop, with tha Dwelling house and Warehouse thereto belong- ing, situate in Grass- market, in King's Lynn, late In the Tenure of John Shepperson, deceased, now of Sarah Shepperson, his Widow, and before of John Carter, who acquired therein a very ample Fortune. The above Shop is remarkably well situated for the Trade, which has been used therein for Time immemo- rial, and now carries on a very desirable one, with many substantial Customers in a large Scope of Country round Lynn. The Stock, Fixtures, & c. to be taken at a fair Appraisement. For further Particulars enquire of the said Sarah Shep- person, or Collier Matland, Attorney at Law, in Lynn, This Day is published, Price 6d. ( To be continued Monthly) of THE TOWN and COUNTRY MAGAZINE ; Or, Universal Repository, of Knowledge, Induc tion, and Entertainment, For OCTOBER 1780. Embellished with the following Engravings. 1, A beau tiful Portrait of Mrs, Fl yd.— 2. A strong, Like- ness of Sir J. Hogstie. And 3. An elegant historical Plate of the Happy Lovers. Containing, among a Variety of original and interesting Articles, Histories of the Tete a- tete annexed ; or, Me- moirs of Sir J. Hogstie and Mrs. Fl— yd.— The be' nighted Knights: Reflections on Duelling. The Thea- tre ; No. I2i. On the Spirit of the Nation. A remark able Story. Memoirs of the Life ot Agricola, The fa- tal Effects of Gamboge. The Man of Pleasure ; No. 96. The Observer ; No 80. Essays on several Subjects. The Delineator. Character of Atticus. On Treaties. On public Accusations. The Happy Lovers. Mathematics. Account of New Books and Pamphlets. Poetry. Foreign Occurrences. State of Europe. Domestic Intelligence. Births, Marriages, Death?, & c. & c. & c. The Town and Country Magazine for this Month, contains eight Pages more than is given in any similar production, in which is presented to the Public, a correft List of the new Parliament. London: Printed for A. Hamilton, Jun. near St, John's Gate ; and sold by G. Robinson, No. 25, Pater- noster Row, and by R. Beatniffe, in Norwich. Of whom may be had the Eleven Volumes, half bound, Price 1s, 6d. each, or any single Number, Price 6d SPILSBURY's DROPS. To the PUBLIC. THE frequent Opportunity that occurs of the Efficacy of Mr, Spilsbury's Medicine, in Cases of the Scurvy, Gout, Rheumatism, & cc. cannot fail of excit- ing pleasing Inferences in the Breast of the afflicted, more so when our own Neighbourhood furnishes us with the Testimonial. Mr. WATSON, Bookseller, of Thetford, IN Norfolk, has favoured as with the following Cure: — MARY PALMER, a Girl of this Town, aged 17 Years la- boured under an inveterate Scorbutic Complaint several Years j after trying various Medicines to no Purpose, was happily relieved from her Misery by only taking Three Seven Shilling Bottles of Mr. Spilsbury's Drops, and is now gone to Service, a Circumstance the Disorder had prevented her from embracing before. THeTFORD, Oct. 2, 1780. N. E. These drops are sold in bottles 014s. 7s. and One Guinea, with folio bills; but, as the medicine is greatly improved, agreeable to notic, the price will be advanced in March, 1781, to 5s. and 8s. per bottle. We have the pleasure to announce a new publict- tion of Mr. Spilsbury's, intitled, Free Observations on the Scurvy, Gout, Diet, and Remedy, independent on any party; to which are added 70 select cases ; Price 2s. 6d. od avo, sewed printed on a fine paper, and a large type, different to foregoing publications. Also Mr. Spilsbury's Address on the subject.— Others as usual either for the book or the medicine, executed by J. Crouse; printer, Norwich, and Mr. Lambert, Yarmouth. Turlington's Original Balfam of Life" IS prepared and sold by Martha Wray, Niece, and Hilton Wray, successors of Mr. Robert Turlington, the paten- tee, at the original Warehouse, the King's Arms, No. 14, Birchin Lane, London, where all persons may be assured of having the original genuine BALSAM OF LIFE, truly pre- pared, as in his life time, no other person being acquaint^ therewith. The balsam is sold in bottles of 1s. 6d. & 1s. 9d. each & to prevent counterfeits, each bottle will be wrapped in j. direction, signed with the hand- writing of Hilton Wray only, and the bottles sealed with a seal, bearing his coat of arms, and the coat of arms of Robert Turlington, without which it is a spurious composition, and may be of the worse consequence if taken. This valuable medicine has always proved a sovereign re- medy for the stone, gravel, cholic, gout, rheumatism, asthma. tical complaints, pleuritic disorders, coughs, agues decays of nature, inward weaknesses, broken constitutions, all inward bleedings of whatsoever nature, in short, for almost every disorder incident to the human frame. If outwardly applied it is a sovereign remedy for green wounds At the above Warehouse are sold Daffy's, Stoughton's Squire's, Radcliff's, and Bostock's Eiuirs ; Golden and Plain Spirits of Scurvy Grass; Hungary, Lavender, Rose Honey, and Citron Waters; Hooper's and Anderson's Pills' Bateman's Drops, British Oil, Godfrey's, and several other sorts of cordials, and other articles in the medicinal way . N. B. Some persons basely continue to advertise that upon the death of Mr. Turlington they became possessed are grci « of the receipt for making the above balsam ; such impositions, as Mr. Turlington never did make known his method of preparing it to any person bar to William Wray his partner, and the said Martha Wray, his widow, to whom he left the trade by will. Theae Medicines may be had of Mr. Brook, Norwich, Mr. Keymer, Colchester ; Mr. Keymer, Hadleigh , Mr Shave, Ipswich; Mr. Ridley, Woodbridge; Mr. Millet' Bungay; Mr. Ransome, Northwalsham ; Mr. Potter' Fakenham; Mrs. Noak, Downham; Mi. Eaton, Brandon- Mr. Foreman, Newmarket; Mr. Elliot, Mildenhall Mr. Digby Bury, Mr Frost Chelmsford.; Eaton and Chicheley, Yarmouth, and of J. Crouse, Printer of this Paper. WEEKLY BILL of MORTALITY. I NORWICH Second Subscription COTILLON BALl, will be on Tuesday, November 21, 1780, at CHAPEL- FIELD- HOUSE. Such Gentlemen, Tradesmen, & c. as are disposed encourage this Undertaking, are requested to give in their Names, and Places of Abode, together with the Title of the Paper they chuse to take in, and how often weekly. It is hoped every Gentleman when he intends to de- cline taking his Paper, will give at least one Week's Notice of such his Intention. TO be LETT, and entered upon immediately, at Thorpe- Market, five Miles from Cromer, five Miles from North Walsham, and eight Miles from Ayls- ham, compleat and convenient BAKING- OFFICE, wihh all the Furniture, in good Condition, proper Outhouses, Yard, Garden, and a few Acres of Land. For further Particulars enquite of Mr. Marshall, at Gun- ton,. Mr. David Caston, at Thorpe, or Philip Terry, Baker, at Cromer. POETICAL NOVELIST, A new Magazine for the Ladies ; To he Published MONTHLY, by HARRISON and Co. No. 18, Pater noster- Row. On Friday, December 1 , 1780. will be published, ( Price ONE SHILLING) Elegantly printed on superfine paper, with a real new- and most beautiful type, cart on purpose by Mr. CAS- LON ; embellished with a most superb Frontispiece, designed by that aspiring artist, the truly Ingenious Mr. STOTHARD ; and engraved in a very capital style, by the celebrated Mr. HEATH, together with a fine engraved' title- page, and most elegant vignette by the same eminent gentleman. NUMBER I. ( To he continued on the first day of every Month 0f THE LADY'S POETICAL MAGAZINE . Or, Beauties of Britifh Poetry, selected in the manner of Mr. DODSLEY'S celebrated collection ; but calculated on a far more elegant, cheap, and extensive Consisting wholly of the most entertaining pieces fuc- h as This Day is published, Price 6d. ( To be continued Monthly) Embellished with the following Copper- plates, 1. An elegant and new fancy Pattern. 2. A beautiful histori- cal Picture of the Remonstrance ; and, 3. A new Song, set to Musicby Mr. Hudson, NUMBER cxxxIII. of THE LADY'S MAGAZINE; Or, Entertain- ing Companion for the fair Sex. Appropriated solely for their Use and Amusement. For O C T O B E R, 1780. Containing Distress of a Lady's Companion.— Interest- ing History of the Monmouth Family.— Rural Courtship. CharaCter of the late Queen Caroline.— Letters from a Friend.— Lauretta.— The Governess.— The Matron.-^ History of the Duchess of Beaufort.— Solutions and Questions.— Poetry. — Foreign News. — American News. Home News.— Births. — Marriages.— Deaths, & c. London: Printed for G. Robinson, No. 25, Pater- noster row; and sold by R. Beatniffe, in Norw ich. Of whom mry be had complete Sets, or any single Number. Allegories Imitations Elegies Novels Epiilles Odes Fables Pastorals Including not only the best poetical pieces speare,- Milton, Spencer, Waller, Cowley, This Day is published, ThE following A LMANACKS for YEAR 1781. Printed and published by the COMPANY of STATIONERS, and sold by JOHN WILKIE, at their Hall, in Ludgate- ilreet. Satires Sonnets files Visions, & c. . of Shske- Congreve, Dryden, Pope, Parnel, Swift, Prior, Shenstone, Gay, Pomfret, Thompson, Churchill, Gray, and other first rate Poets ; bat also the elegant productions of Lord Roscom- mon, the Duke of Dorset, Gilbert West, Esq. the Rev. Mr. Moore, Lord Littleton, Mr. Whitehead, Richard West, Esq. Lord Landsdown, the Duke of Wharton, Mr. Deck the Earl of Chesterfield, Mr. Garrick, Mr. Derrick Mr. Tate, Mr. Glover, Mr. Farquhar. Dr. Goldsrnith. Mr, Mason, Mr. Potter, Moses Mendez. Esq. Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Fawkes, Mr. Woiy, Dr. Beattie, Mr. Cunningham, Dr. Kenrick, Dr. Shaw, Dr. Langhorn, the Earl of Car- lisle, the Earl of Bath, Dr. Armstrong, Sir Hanbury Wil liams, Dr. Johnaon, Lord Nugent, Soame Jenyns, Esq. and other Persons of the first Distinction, remarkable for their poetical abilities, although none of them have ever been included in any edition of the Poets— together with the divine Pieces of Lady Wortley Montague, Lady Winchelsea, Lady Chudleigh, Lady Irwin, Mrs. Rowe, Mrs. Centlivre, Mrs. Behn, Miss Carter, Mrs. Barber, Mrs. Killigrew, Mrs. le por, Mrs. Cowley, Mrs. Thrale, Miss Moor , Miss Aitkin, Mrs. Madan, Lady Craven, and other noble and celebrated Ladies, whose productions have never been properly attended to in any collection whatever, though many of them would obtain infinite honour to the most distinguished writers of the other sex ; and a great variety of original pieces, and enrire new transacions, the whole Comprehending A Complete POETICAL LIBRARY for The. FAIR SEX. LONDON: Printed for HARRISON and Co. No. 18, Pater- noster Row ; and sold by Mr. Booth and Mess. J. and C. Berry, Norwich ; Mr. Hollingworih, Lynn; Mr. Brown, Diss; and all other Booksellers, Stationers, and News carriers, in Town and Country. The above work may be properly considered as a Poetical Companion to the Novelist's Magazine ; now publishing by HARRISON and Co. that celebrated performance, consisting only of Histories, Adventures, Anecdotes, Memoirs, Tales, Romances, & c. in Prose ; and this being intended to contain a complete library of elegant and entertaining Poetry. The em- bellishments to be executed by the same artists as have obtained so much reputation by the display of their abilities in decorating the Novelist's Magazine, which is universally, allowed by every person of taste and dis- cerameet to the most elegant publication the world has ever produced » „* A new edition of the Novelist's Magazine, now pub- lishing Weekly, Price only 6d. each Number, with fine impression of the matchless engravings, may be had of the same publishers; the first Forty numbers ot which ( being the whole yet printed) contain as follows : any of the little paltry and imperfect editions of which, even without Copper- plates, would cost about 4I, I. Almoran and Hamet, 2 v Is. written by Dr. Hawkes- worth, and dedicated ( with permission) to the KING II. Joseph Andrews, 2 vols, written by Henry Fielding, Esq. III. Amelia, 4 vols. by Fielding. IV. Solyman and Alomena ( which begins the 2d vol. of the Novelist's Magazine) writon by Dr. Langhorne, and dedicated ( with permission) to the QUEEN. V. The Vicar of Wakefield, 2 vols, by Dr. Goldsmith. VI. Roderick Random, 2 vols, written by Dr. Smollett, VII. Zadlg ; or the Book of Fate ; an entire new transla- tion from the French of Voltaire, by Francis Ashmole, . Esq- Vll . The Devil on Two Sticks, 2 vols, from the French of Monsieur Le Sage. IX. The Tales of the Genii, 2 vols, ( which begins the 3d vol. of the Novelist's Magazine) written by the Rev, Mr. Ridley, and dedicated ( with permission) to his Royal Highness the PRINCE of WALES. X. Tom Jone's, 4 vols, by Fielding. And the 4th vol. will commence wilh an elegant transla- tion of Gil B1as, from the French of La Sage. The above celebrated works are not mutilated and abridged, but contain the exaCt words written by the respeCtive Authors, And as so many volumes printed on the old manner, with small unintelligible types and on coarse paper, are contained in one of ours, it is easy so perceive what a material difference there is in the article of Binding only, in favor of the present publica- tion ; to say nothing of the vast quantity of Letter press, and the Forty beautiful Copper plates, and Vignette Title page given with each volume, which greatly sur- pass every thing of the kind hitherto published in these Kingdoms, and will no doubt render immortal the re- spective artists by whom they are executed. In No. 1. of the Poetical Novelist, will be given, The Female Seducers, by the Rev. Mr. Moore; Chur chill's Rosciad ; Cunningham's Elegy on a Pile of Ruins; and other approved Poems : with a Poetical introduc- tion, by the Editor, including an Eulogium to the QUEEN; and an Epistle to the Rev. Mr. Madan, occasioned by his late publication in favour of poligamy, transmitted to the publishers by a dignified Clergyman of the Church of England, & c. & c. The Editor of the Poetical Novelist returns his most grateful acknowledgements to the Nobility, Gentry, and others, who have already honoured him with so many beautiful Original Poems, for insertion in this elegant work; and will be happy to receive the future favor the truly learned and ingenious. But though he would feel himself exceedingly hurt at the idea of discouraging . Genius; yet he must beg leave to observe, that no piece can possibly gain admission in this elegant work, unless the style be correctly beautiful, and the subject interesting : as what might he deemed very good poetry in a News- paper, or common Magazine, will never- theless be rejected in this, unless it be capable of sus- taining the most critical Investigation. Price Five Pence each, Wing's Sheet Almanack Cambridge Sheet Almanack Price Six Pence each, London Sheet Almanack, on a copper- plate Rider's Sheet Almanack Price Nine Pence each, The Gentleman's Diary The Ladles' Diary- Francis Moore's Almanack John Partridge's Almanack Parker's Ephemeris Poor Robin's Almanack Saunders's English Apollo Season on the Seasons Tycho Wing's Almanack At the same time is published, price Six Pence each, The following COUNTY A L M A N A C K S, With various' useful Tables, particularly adapted to each County, viz. Price Nine Pence each, White's Coelestial Atlas ; or New 1 hemeris Rider's British Merlin Price Eight Pence each, A New London Sheet Alma- nack, printed on a royal paper j with the Court and City Register ; containing complete lists of the peers, the Members of the House of Commons, as newly eleCted, and various other useful particulars. Goldsmith's Almanack, the size of which is particular- ly adapted for the Ladies. This Day is published, THE NORFOLK. ALMANACK, For the Year 1781. Calculated to Latitude 52 1- half. In a Sheet, or Book not much larger than a Crown- pieCe. Containing, 1. The Fasts, Festivals, & c. Moon's Signs, rising and setting of the Moon, rising and setting of the Sun, and the Equation of Time, every Day in the Year, — 2. A Prognostication of the Weather,— 3. Terms and Returns, Eclipses, & c.— 4 A List of the Royal Family, Judges, and Sovereigns of Europe;— 5. The Members of Parliament, Officers of the Militia, Fairs fixed and moveable, and Quarter Sessions 6 A new and accurate Tide Table for the Coast,— 7, The Moon's Phases. Printed for T. CARNAN, in St. Paul's Church- yard. Of whom may be had, r, Francis Moore's Almanack. 2. Ladies Diary, with Enigmas, Rebusses, & c, 3. Rider's Almanack, with Fairs, & c, 4. Goldsmith's Almanack. 5. Wing's Sheet Almanack. 6. Cambridge Sheet Almanack. 7. London Sheet Almanack. 8. Rider's Sheet Almanack. 9. Ladies Diary, the Calendar only, without the Ea- nigmas, & c. ioi The Gentlemans Diary, the Calendar only, without the Enigmas ,& c. 11. The London Sheet Almanack, with Court and City Calendar, containing a List of the Houses of Lords, Commons, & c. 12. An Almanack Journal; printed in Red, and ruled for every Day ih the Year, with a Meteorological Diary, & c. 13. The Essex, Hertfordshire, and Csmbridgeshire Al- manack. 14. The Lancashire, Cheshire, and Derbyshire Almanack. 15. The Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, and Rutland- shire Almanack. 16. The Northamptonshire, Huntingdonshire, and Lei- cestershire Almanack. 17. The Suffolk Almanack. Also the following Annual Memorandum Books, & c. 18. The Ladies Complete Pocket Book. 19. Ladies New Memorandum Book. 20. The Gentleman's Pocket Book. 21. Baldwin's Daily Journal. 22. . A Companion to Rider's Almanack, containing the Fairs, Gardener's Calendar, & c. 23. A Companion to the Ladies Diary, containing / Enig- mas, & c. The above Country Almaitacks are calculated to the different Latitudes, and contain a daily Equation of Time, an Account of the Members of Parliament, Offi- cers of the Militia, Fairs fixed and moveable, Quarter sessions ; and to the Maritime Counties are added new and more accurate Tide Tables for the Coasts than have ever been printed. Whereas persons in various parts of the kingdom have piratically printed and circulated certain Almanacks, art- fully imitating those published by the Company of Stationers, whereby the Company is injured, and the Public imposed upon, it is thought proper to inform the Purchasers, That all Almanacks printed for the Company of Stationers are to be' known bv the following words : " Printed for the COMPANY of STATIONERS, " And sold by JOHN WILKIE, at their Hall, in Ludgate- street;" Which words are printed on the title- page of the Book Almanack, or at the top of the Sheet Almanack JOHN WILKIE, To Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, Golden- square, London. East Hatch, in the parish of Tilbury, S I R, Wilts, Oct. 14, 1780. IHAD been long subject to the scurvy, which, about two years since, terminated in a violent eruption on my face and right hind, attended with a running hu- mor of a most foetid smeil, In this situation, so distres- sing to myself and disagreeable to my friends, I consulted two gentlemen eminent in their profession, whose directi- ons I followed without the least benefit. The many respectable cures, published in the Salisbury Journal, by your Drops, induced me to make a trial of them : from the first three or four bottles I found relief, and by continuing them to nine, every disagreeable symp- tem vanished ; since the cure ( full 16 months) I have been entirely free from any complaint, and now enjoy a per- fect state of health. I am, Sir, your obliged servant, HANNAH ARNOLD. Witnesses to the cure, William Turner, Martha Cole, John Andres, Joan Bracher, Sarah Snook. These Drops entirely eradicate the leprosy, scurvy, old sores or ulcers, large blotches or boils, the evil, fistulas, piles, pimpled faces, long continued inflammation of the eyes, bilious cholic, St. Anthony's fire, scorbutic gout and rheumatism, and every other disorder arising from a foul- ness of the blood. They perfect digestion, amazingly create an appetite, and act as a restorative to the most reduced constitution. They may be taken in any season, without the least confinement, danger of catching cold, or hindrance of business, and the safety with which they may be admini tiered to children, infants, and women during pregnancy, is an additional encouragement to the timely use ef them. * They are sold in square bottles, by Mr. Norton, Surgeon, Golden- square, near Piccadilly, London, at HALf A GuineA and six ShIllINGS each ; with the fol- lowing inscription on them, viz. ( JOHN NORTON, only Proprietor and Author of MAREDANT's DROPS); those of Half a Guinea are sold by him only. Mr. NORTON may be consulted every Tuesday and Thursday, GRATIS, from Ten o'clock in the Morning ta Four in the Afternoon N. B. The Six Shilling Bottles are sold by his Appoint- ment by Mr. CrOuSE, Printer of this Paper-, Mr. EATON, at Yarmouth; Mess. HOLLiNGWORTH and Son, at Lynn; Mr. FORTIN, at Swaffham ; Mr. CLARKE, at Thetford ; and by Mrs. RAVEN, at Fa- kenham. Of the above John Crouse may also be had, prepared by Mr. NORTON, VANDOUR'S NERVOUS PILLS ; the efficacy of which have been sufficiently proved, for the removal of that disorder in every degree, via. lowness of spirits, head ach, tremblings, vain fears and wanderings of the mind, frightful dreams, catchings, startings, anxieties, dimness, with appearance of specks before the eyes, loss of memory hysteric fits, and the falling sickness. They prevent sickness in the stomach, and take off entirely the sense of fulness after meals, and that swelling of the flesh in damp weather, which so greatly affeCt Persons of relaxed fibres; they give a serene chearfulness of dispo- sition, instead of those horrors which so dreadfully op- press people of weak nerves. They are likewise effica- cious in what is commonly called the green sickness, so incident to young women. It is earnestly requerted that those who receive benefit by this medicine, will send their case in writirg) to Mr. Crouse, who will transmit it to the author for publication ; it will not only be a justice due to him, but may be the means of relieving others afflicted with the like Com- plaint. N. B. They are sold, wholesale and retail, by Mr. Norton, Surgeon, in Golden- Square, London; whole- sale, by him only, and retail, by his appointment, at Mr. Crouse's medicinal Warehouse, in the Market- Place, Norwich.— Price as. 6d. per box, containing 50 Pills. GRAVE L and S T O N E. HICKMAN's original Pills for the Cure of the GRAVEL and STONE, Suppression of Urine, Complaints in the Back, Bladder, and Kidneys, and a Restorative of lost Appetite. ACTUATED by Principles of- Benevolence and Humanity, the Proprietor of these invaluable Pills, during a series of Years, has happily cured some Thousands of Persons, who laboured under these excru- ciating Tortures. Such is their specific Property, that by a safe and gentle Operation, which does not cloy the Stomach, nor excoriate the passages, they disunite from the Body every Degree of gritty Concretion, and give Strength and Vigour to the Urinary Vessels. The Pro prietor humbly offers them as a Medicine, which by 1 peculiar Affinity operates powerfully in every State of the above Complaints alone, and not as a Quack Nostrum, insultingly obtruded as a Sovereign Cure for every Disor der incident to the Human Frame. That the Afflicted of every Denomination should receive Benefit, and at a small Expence, the Price of each Box, inclosing full Directions, is Two Shillings only, sealed W. J. H. Motto, " Amicis prodesse, nemine nocere." Sold by Appointment, Whole sale and Retale, by M. and H. Wray, Birchin- lane London, and Resale, only, by J. Shave, and C. Punch- ard, Ipswich ; Hollingworth and Co. Lynn ; J. Cromp- ton, Southwold ; T. Foster, Swaffham; T. Bl. field, Loddon ; B. Lambert, and T. Chicheley, Yarmouth; Thomas Miller, Bungay; William Barker, Dereham; Elizabeth Rogers, Bury, and in every principal Town in England. N. 1>. Time nor Climate will injure its Efficacy. The above Pills may be had of JOHN CROUSE,. Printer, in the Market Place, Norwich — Where also may be had, just received from the above Warehouse in London, _ II. KENNEDY'S Celebrated CORN PLAISTER, in neat Boxes, with Bills of Directions, Price only rs. III. CORDIAL CEPHALICK SNUFF, Price only Six pence a Bottle, which by long Experience has been found an effectual Remedy for most Disorders of the Head, especially the common Head Ach, to which it hardly ever fails eiving immediate Ease, and by frequent Use prevents its Return— Those who so far comply with that Idol Fashion, as to take much of the common Snuffs ( and thereby injure both Head and Stomach) are desired to mix some of the Cephalick Snuff with what they take in common, and their bad Effects will in a great Measure be prevented. IV. ESSENCE of PEPPERMINT. Pepper- Mint, a Plant peculiar to our own Country, differs re markably from all the other Kinds of Mint, in quick penetrating Smell, and its strong warm Taste, pungent like Pepper, glowing upon, the Lips, and sink ing as it were into the Tongue.— General Experience h confirmed, beyond Dispute, the great Virtues of this Plant in Cholicky Pains and Flatulencies, as well those which happen suddenly from various Causes to Persons in Health, as in those which are in a Manner habitual to the Weak and Sedentary ; in the Reachings, Sickness Loss of Appetite, and other Injuries brought on by the Abuse of Wines or Spirituous Liquors; In Hysterical, or Hypochondriacal Depressions ; in the Tremblings, Low- ness of Spirits, and various Nervous Weaknesses, which Women of tender Constitutions are so often afflicted with, and which the plentiful Use of Tea contributes greatly to support. V. CAKES for making SHINING LIQUID BLACKING for Shoes, Boots, & c. Thesfe Cakes make, with the utmost Ease, by the Addition of Water only, a most excellent Shining Liquid Blacking, much superior ta any hitherto known : It gives the finest Black, and must beautiful Gloss to the Leather, yet never renders it stiff or hard ; but, on the contrary, prevents its cracking, and preserves it soft, pliable, and mellow to the very last, whereby it is rendered more agreeable to the Wearer, as wall as much more durable : It is perfectly free from Smell, and the Shoes that are blacked with it will neither soil the Fingers in putting on, nor the Stockings in wearing. VI. JESUIT'S DROPS. Dr, Walker's Genuine and True Original Patent Jesuit's Drops, and Specific Purging Remedy, faithfully prepared from the original Re- ceipt, left by the late Dr. Walker in his own Hand- wri- ting— On each Bottle, Price 2S. 6d. is wrote J. Wessel. in his own Hand writing ; and all others which are sold without his Name wrote on them are Impositions on the Public. The Patent Jesuits Drops, and Specific Purging Remedy, are a safe, cheap, effectual, and im- mediate Cure for Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses, which both Sexes are subject to, though ever so obstinate, of ever so long Continuance, or by what Means occasioned ; likewise for the Venereal Disease, from its slighted to its mod malignant Symptoms ; likewise for the Gravel, Stone in the Bladder, and all Disorders in the Stomach aad all Scorbutic Cases. THE CONSOLATION. A PUDDING PASTORAL. Occasioned by the Citizens having altered their deter- mination, and dining at the Guildhall, at usual. Addressed to my dear Friend, Mr. B y, of the L— g R— m, at the C— m H— s. AT length was poor CORYDON seen Bewailing beneath an elm tree, Which grew upon Camberwell- green, So chuckful of sorrow was he. No powder was there in his wig, No spirit was there in his eye ; And his pipe, that could once play a jig, With his crook was hung carelessly by. LYCIDAS. Why make this nonsensical rout, For a matter that's not worth a pin, Why should you be weeping without, When the breakfast is waiting within ? The tea is put into the pot, There's a fine butter'd toast at the fire, The muffins are charming and hot, What more can my Shepherd require? CORYDON. Once muffins were all my delight, Once with ease I demolish'd a score ; Once I thought butter'd rolls a good sight Butter'd toasts I could almost adore ! ' But now quite dejected with woe, My gizzard is grumbling all day ; And the plaits in my waistcoat will shew How much I am fallen away. LYCIDAS. Why does CORYDON pine thus in thought? Burn my wig, if I'd fret thus and stew, Till my guts were to fiddle- strings brought. And I think you're a fool if you do. But I've news that will give you content, So I prithee lad, whimper no more ; Mr. A n P m has sent, And they dine at Guildhall as before, CORYDON. Then, Shepherd, adieu to all care, This will comfort my cockles indeed; O— I'll meet Mr. Alderman there. The appointments already agreed. There'll be deputy W— ns, so wise : There'll be H— f— d half stew'd in his grease There'll be great store of charming mine'd pies And plenty of Michaelmas geese. Tongue and udder then too will come in. Together with turkies and chine; Ah ! what wou'd I give to begin The very next moment to dine ! LYCIDAS. And there will be ladies so fair ! CORYDON. And there will be judges so grand ! LYCIDAS. And there we shall see the Lord Mayor CORYDON. And there'll be the musical band LYCIDAS. And I hope, when the dishes appear, The things will be all in their prime, CORYDON. Ard I wish that my taylor was here, To let out my waistcoat in time. O. This Day is published, ( The whole to be comprised in one hundred and forty Numbers, making two Volumes in Folio,) N U M B E R I. Of the Third Edition of a NEW and COMPLETE LAW DICTIONARY'; Or, A GENERAL ABRIDGMENT OF THE LAW, On a more extensive plan than any Law Dictionary hi- therto published, containing not only the Explanatian of the Terms, but also the Law itself, both with regard to Theory and Practice. Very useful to Barristers, Justices of the Peace, Attornies, Solicitors, & c. By T. CUNNINGHAM, of Gray's- Inn, Esq. BARRISTER at LAW. Printed for G. ROBINSON, NO. 25, Paternoster- row - J, F. and C. Rivington ; T. Longman ; S. Crowder j C. Dilly ; W. Flexney ; K. Baldwin, and W. Fox; and. sold by R, BEATNIFFE, in Norwich.- CONDITIONS. I. As this work will be much more extensive than any Law Dictionary that ever appeared, it will make two volumes in folio. II. Each Number will contain three sheets, printed on a very fine paper and letter. III. It will be comprised in one hundred and forty Num- bers, price sixpence each Number. IV. If this work should make more than one hundred and fifty Numbers, by the Additions from Reporters, and the Statutes enacted since the last Edition, which are numerous and important, the overplus will be given gratis. To the PUBLIC. THE vast number of volumes of all kinds in which the laws of England lie dispersed, not only requires more time and application to acquire a competent knowledge of, than most people can bestow, but likewise to greater ex- peace to purchase than they can afford ; for which reason, dictionaries and abridgments haye been found absolutely necessary to facilitate the study of a science of so various and complicated a nature. Nothing more need be said ia favour of the utility of tho work proposed ; it remains only to see in what manner it will be executed. But though the Author is determined to exert the utmost degree of patience and Industry he is master of, in making this work useful, yet he is so far from being vain of his own abilities, that any hint for im- proving it either in form or substance, communicated its. him by any person whatsoever, will be thankfully- receiv- ed, and gratefully acknowledged. The present Edition will be corrected, augmented, and improved from all the Reporters lately published; re- ferences to the aCts of parliament respecting particular PLACES will be inserted ; and the General Statutes wiil be abridged-, and continued to the dissolution of the parlia- ment in the year 1780. Gray's- Inn, Oct. 1780. T. CUNNINGHAM' Tu » m » i-. i » a-. 1' n,. » « ._! « » .' mja" NORWICH: Printed BY JOHN CROUSE, THE MARKET PLACE- Price THREE PENCE,
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