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The Glasgow Mercury

Date of Article: 20/01/1780
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Volume Number: III    Issue Number: 21
No Pages: 8
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GLASGOW MERCURY. Printed and sold BY ROBERT CHAPMAN and ALEXANDER DUNCAN, at their Printing- Office Mr. M'Nair's Land-, Trongate, first close East from the Head of King's Street. The Price of a single paper 3 d.— 128.3d. per annum, when called for at the Printing- Office 13s . 2d. when sent to any house in town;— and. 15s. * d. when sent by Post. .. - VOL. III; From THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, to T H U R S D A Y, JANUARY 2o, 1780 [ No. 107. tHE Magistrates and Town- Council of Glasgow hav- ing fixed upon a PLAN for a CHURCH and STEEPLE to be built in St. Enoch's Square, which may be seen in the hands of the Town- Clerk, all such persons as are willing to contract for building and finishing the same, agreeable to the plan and scheme thereto annexed, are requested to give in their proposals, with an estimate of the expencc, tc the Magistrates, on or before the 22d day of January next, that the Committee appointed by the Council may take the same into consideration. 22 December, 1779. SALE of LANDS IN RENFREWSHIRE. That upon Friday the twenty- first day of January, 1780, : there is to be exposed to public roup and sale, within ; the court- hall of Paisley, at 12 o'clock mid- day, ALL and haill the lands of LAIGH LYONCROSS, consisting of fifty acres, or thereby, lying in the pa- rish of Neilston. These lands are within four miles of the city of Glafgow, and three of the tow'n of Paisley. There are both, coal and lime in the ground, which may be wrought to great advantage. The articles of roup, and progress of writs, are to be seen in the hands of James Wilson, writer in Paisley. Any person intending to make a private sale, before the day of roup, may apply to Ro- bert Gibb of Lyoncross, the proprietor, or the said James Wilson. To be EXPOSED to SALE, By public roup, in the Exchange Tavern in Glasgow, on Monday the 14th of January current, at, or soon after, . one o'clock, mid- day, THE following SUBJECTS which belonged to JAMES DONALDSON, junior, merchant in Glasgow: I. All and whole the lands and mailing of EASTER CARDOWAN, with the pertinents thereof, lying in the barony parish of Glasgow, and shire of Lanark, as now or lately possessed by Jehn Meiklejohn and others. . 1! All and whole the lands and mailing of CAR- DOWAN MUIR, with the pertinents thereof, lying in the same parish and shire, as possessed by Robert Pender. 111. All and whole a feu duty or ground- annual, of nINETEEN POUNDS Sterling yearly, payable forth of that bleachfield called Bog- acre, and houses thereon, lying in Wester Craigs, a little to the east of the Drygate- bridge in Glasgow. As the trust- disponees of James Donaldson are resolved to dispose of these subjects for whatever the same will Bring, the upset prices will be low. • For particulars, with respect to the writs, and articles of roup, apply to Thomas and Archibald Grahame, wri- ters in Glasgow. NO T I C E. tHE Commissiioners appointed, by act of Parliament, for inspecting of duties levied, and money disbursed, in CLEANING and deEpeNiNg the HARBOUR of PORT- GLASGOW, are desired to meet in the Town Clerks Chamber, upon Tuesday the first day of February, at twelve o'clock, mid- day, to audit and adjust the fore- said accounts. NOTICE. ALODGING to be LET, to be entered to at Whit- sunday next, lying on the north side of the Bridgegate, near the east end, consisting of five fi e rooms, and a large kitchen, be- sides two light closets, all upon one floor; a well- finishecd room up slairs, a light closet, and good garrets and no dwellers above or below, with a gate to shut every night: also a large vaulted cellar, t8 feet long, a brew- house, and an open Coal- cellar, a garden, and good summer- house, with a vent in it. _ . For further particulars apply to Arthur Robertson, merchant, the proprietor. House, Garden, and Grass ground to Se T. THE HOUSE of PArk- HEAD, in the parish of Bothwell, containing ten fire- rooms, besides kitchen, cellars, and garret- roons, with office- houses, consisting of barns, stables, byres, chaise- housfe, washing- house, & c. garden, orchard, and bleach- ing- green, will be set for one or more years, after Whitsunday next, as tenants may incline. The house Is pleasantly situate, near the turnpike- road betwixt Edinburgh and Glasgow, within eight miles of Glasgow, and three miles of Hamilton. The tenant may have one or more grass parks, for pasture, as shall be a- greeable. . For particulars apply to John Boyes, junior, writer in Hamilton. ' For SAVANNAH in GEORGIA, tHE Snow JEAnIE, now lying in the harbour- of Greenock, taking on board goods, and will be clear to sail by the loth of February.' For freight or passage apply to Anderson, Fullarton, and Co. Greenock, or John Duguid, Glasgow. N. B. She is a strong armed\ vessel, and will be well manned, At RIGA for BORROWSTOUNNESS, THE DILIGENCE of Bor- gowstounness, ALEXANDER Combe, Master, will be ready to take on board goods, when the season will permit, for Bor rowstounness, and all adjacent places. Those who want pass- age in the above vessel will please forward their orderswith all convenient speed. The Mas- ter has powers to agree the freight with the shippers.— The interest of those who are pleased to order their goods, by the above vessel, will be attended to, if desired, on her arrival, by Peter Lawson. PROTESTANT ASSOCIATION. London, Thursday, Jan. 6, 1780. THe Right Hon. the President informed the Associatlon, that in obedience to their resolve of Thursday last, " That a deputation be appointed to wait upon the Right Hon. the Lord North, to request his Lordship to present, and support the petition of the association, and to report his Lordship's answer to the next pu- blic meeting," he had written the following let- ter, as the first proper step for carrying their commands into execution, viz. To the Right Hon. Lord North, First Lord of tbe Treasury, & e. & c. & c. My Lord, Inclosed I send your Lordship the copy of the resolves of the Protestant Association. You will see by them, that, as President, I am nomi- nated one of their deputation to wait upon your Lordship ; and that the association have adjourn ed only to Thursday next, to receive your Lord- ship's answer. I write this to apprise your Lordship of our coming; and to request to know whether Satur- day, Monday, or Tuesday, will suit most with your Lordship's convenience? Your Lordship knows, that you did not delay a single hour in returning me a satisfactory an- swer, when I had the honour to write to your Lordship on the business of the committee of correspondence for the Protestant interest at Edinburgh; and I trust that as you are a friend to the Protestants in London, your Lordship will show a similar attention to their applica- tion. I have the honour to be, & c. G. GORDON,| Welbeck- Street, Friday Dec. 31, 1779, six o'clock, afternoon. Lord North sent no anfswer to the above let- ter till Monday, between two and three o'clock,, when a messenger came to the President, from Lord North, and appointed twelve o'clock, next day ( Tuesday) to receive the deputation. On Tuesday at twelve, the deputation waited upon Lord North, in Downing- street, and after a conference of near two hours, they understood, his Lordship declined either to present or sup- port the petition of the Protestant Association. The President then desired Lord North to give his answer under his own hand, that he might deliver his Lordship's words exactly to the Asso- ciation. Lord North said he would send a writ ten answer that evening to the President. Lord North did not send a written answer that evening to the President, but at one o'clock on, Wednesday (,' yesterday) his Lordship- sent the following letter, viz. To the Right Hon. Lord George Gordon, & c. & c. My Lord, " After having fully reconsidered all that. passed yefterday at my house, I see no reason to alter the opinion I then expressed, and must beg leave to decline presenting the petition your Lord- ship left with me, or engaging to support any bill that may be brought into Parliament for re- pealing the act passed for the relief of the Roman Catholicks in the year 1778. I have the honour to be, & c. NORTH. Downing- Street, Jan. 5, 178o. Published by order of the Association, G. GORDON, President. Extract from the Minutes, JAMES FISHER, Secretary, The Right Hon. the Lord North having de-, clined to present or support the petition of the Protestant Association for a repeal of the Popish act: RESOLVED, That the Right Hon. the President be requested to make an immediate application to our Protestant brethren in Scot- land, to unite with this Association in petitioning Parliament for a repeal of the late act in favour of Popery. Resolved, That an application be made to the representatives in Parliament for the cities of London and Westminster, to request them to sup- port the petition of the Protestant Association. Resolved, That the petition be left at the Old Crown and Rolls tavern, Chancery- Lane, Lon < 22 T H E G L A S G O W M E R C U R Y. don, until the next meeting; and that the Com- mittee do attend between the hours of twelve and two every day ( Sunday excepted) to receive the signatures of the Protestants in London and Westminster. Resolved, That this Association do adjourn to the next quarterly meeting to be held at Coach- maker's Hall, on Friday the 14th day of Janua- ry instant, at six o'clock in the evening. Done in Association at London on the 6th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1780. By order of the Association, G. GORDON, President, Extract from the Minutes, JAMES FISHER, Secretary. SUNDAY's POST. Arrived the Mails from Holland, France, and Flanders. From the LONDON GAZETTE, Jan. 11. Admiralty Office, January 11, 1780. CAptain Clerke, of his Majesty's sloop the Resolution, in a letter to Mr. Stephens, dated the 8th of June, ' 1779, in the harbour of St. Peter and St. Paul, Kampschatka, which was received yesterday, gives the melancholy account of the celebrated Captain Cook, late command- er of that sloop, with four of his private mari- ners, having been killed on the 14th of Februa ry last at the island of O'why'he, one of a group of new discovered islands, in the 22d degree of north latitude, in an affray with a numerous and tumultuous body of the natives. Captain Clerke adds, that he had received e- very friendly supply from the Russian Govern- ment ; and that as the companies of the Resolu- tion and her consort the Discovery were in per. fect health, and the two sloops had twelve months stores and provisions on board, he was prepar- ing to make another attempt to explore a northern passage to Europe. From the LONDON PAPERS, Jan. 11. Lisbon, Dec. 7. Advices are received here, that upon the arrival of the Spaniards at the island of Fernando Pao, ceded by the Court of Portugal to Spain, the inhabitants retired to the interior part of the island; so that in all proba- bility the Spaniards will have fome difficulties to surmount before they become peacefully posses- sed of that island; and with regard to the inha- bitants of the island of Aunoban, also ceded by our Court to that of Spain, they declared open- ly to the Spaniards, who came to take possession of it, that their ancestors having never been un- der the dominion of any other nation than the portuguese, they Would- follow their example. After this declaration, the Spaniards not chusing to use force against these islanders without fur- ther orders from the Court of Spain, sent a fri gate home to know the pleasure of the Spanifh government on that head. The Spanish Ambaffador has reclaimed the vessel, called Le Buen Conseillo, taken by the English, and brought in here. Rome, Dec. 15. Cardinal Alexander Albini died on the morning of the 11th of this month, aged 88. He was created Cardinal the 21ft of July, 1721, and was Deacon of the sacred Col- lege, Plenipotentiary from the Court of Vienna to the Holy See, and Protector of the churches in Germany, and those under the domination of the King of Sardinia. This Prelate was much esteemed for his many virtues, and his great love of the sciences and beaux arts. Madrid, Dec. 13. The seizure of the Dutch vessels takes up much of the attention of the pu- blic. The sentiments of the Court on that sub- ject are already known, and the Count de Rech- teren, Envoy Extraordinary of the United Pro- vinces, having present'd another Memorial to the Count Florida Blanca, relative to the Dutch ship called the Hope, that Minister of State sent him the following answer: " Sir, I perfectly understand the contents of your Memorial of the 4th of this month, in which you insist upon the release of the Dutch vessel the Hope, and found your request upon the customs which you think prevail at present with the English Admiralty in similar circum- stances. Notwithstanding the examples which you cite, the King knows that there is more than one instance in which a quite contrary con- duit has been observed, as several vessels laden with Spanish merchandizes, which were not con- traband, have been taken by English ships of war and privateers, and have been declared law- ful prizes ; for which reason, so long as we are assured that the English do not respect the neu- tral vessels laden with Spanish merchandizes, the King will not make any change in the method he has adopted relative to vessels taken from the English, and which are under the same circum- stances of the ship in question, called the Hope; so that it is not in my power to satisfy you. " I have the honour to be, & c. ( Signed) COUNT FLORIDA BLANCA." Dec. 7, 1779. LONDON. This day arrived a mail from the West Indies, which was brought over in his Majesty's packet- boat the Thynne, Capt. Jenkins; she sailed from Jamaica the 23d of November last. The last letters from Hanover mention a re- port prevailing there, that the French are medi- tating a plan for invading that Electorate early in the spring; for which purpose their troops in Alsace and Lorraine had been considerably rein- forced; that all possible precautions were taking to give them a warm reception. They write from Hanover, that the troops of that Electorate, pursuant to orders from Eng- land, have been augmented to 30,000 men, and that they are in two divisions 0n the frontiers of that Electorate, ready to march on the first no- tice. The four following new- raised battalions have received order to embark immediately for the West Indies, viz. Tottenham's, St. Leger's, Ackland's, and Lord Chewton's. Lord S is said to have delivered to a Great Personage a detail of the naval force for next year, as follows 1 In the Channel, of the line, 50 In the West Indies, - - 36 At New York, & c. - - 3 East Indies, - - - r z Mediterranean, - - - 15 116 It is confidently asserted, that the troops on board the fleet now under sail for the West In- dies, consisting of six thousand men, and several companies of Highlanders, are sent on a private expedition of very great importance, and that they are to be commanded in that enterprize by Col. Archibald Campbell. The troops under the command of Col. Camp bell are said to be destined against Panama, the isthmus that connects the kingdom of Mexico with the great peninsula of South America, and over which the trade is carried from the East course by land into the great Pacific Ocean. It is a fact that may be depended on, that a considerable part of Sir Edward Hughes's squa- dron has been detached across the Pacific Ocean to the coast of Chili, to attack the Spanish set- - tlements in that quarter. This enterprize was ' undertaken about three months ago; and it it well known, that at that time, no force capable of making any resistance existed there, and- any force detached subsequently must unavoidably come too late; there is a degree of probability, almost amounting to certainty, that this immense repository of Spanifh wealth will fall into the hands of our brave countrymen. This expedi- tion is said to have been planned by Governor Hastings, who has, for a great many years, ma- naged the concerns of this country in the East, with singular ability and success. There are Boston papers in town, dated as low as November 4th. All of them, down to Nov. 1st, are full of the good news, and the glorious pro- spect they had of the French under D'Estaing taking and destroying all before him at Georgia, and all along the coast, and a great deal of mis- chief of this sort is there dated to be effected by him. But the paper of Nov. 4th gives a melan- choly account of the matter: the news of the Count's defeat from New York had got current among the rebel quarters, and there was no sup- pressing it. In the paper of that date there is as candid an account of such a disafter as can be expected from a paper printed under the direc- tion of the Congress. In this paper ( Nov. 4th,) there is also an account of a great mob rising at Philadelphia on account of the regulations made in the price of provisions. This was chiefly com- posed of the farmers and countrymen. The de- preciation of the Congress dollars advances so rapidly there, that if matters go on as they have done lately, the present price of them, which is 50 for one hard dollar, will be 60 or 70 for one, in a month or so, and nobody can blame the' countrymen and farmers if they are dissatisfie'd with a regulation that fo materially affects them as these regulations of prices must. Their party gained many proselytes even in the town, and they made the principal attack upon some of the leading men among the Provincial regulators, one of whom, suspecting a visit from them, got' some assistance, to the number of 200, into his house, and when the insurgents came, they found, them ready to receive them. The mob was quiet a little at first, but at last several shot were fired into the house, which was returned, and several. of the mob were killed. A party of the Horse Volunteers was at last sent for, to prevent further mischief; and upon their approaching, with some' of the leading men of the town among them, the mob dispersed, but not before seven or eight of them were killed on the shot by the firing from, the house, and a great deal of mifchief done in the town. When this account came away- ( says the Boston printer) matters were seemingly very quiet, but some people were securing their effects, dreading a second tumult; and as the evil com- plained of still remains, and is every day likely to become worse, such another insurrection a- mong them must be attended with very dreadful consequences. The Irish accounts differ widely from any al- ready given on the nature of American agents commission to Europe, many letters being re- ceived in Dublin from America, which say, that the inhabitants of Boston were determined to afford no manner of assistance or provisions to the French ; and that the people in America were almost in arms against Congress, in consequence of which, two deputies from that body were on. their way to England, with proposals for an ac- commodation. T H E G L A S G O W M E R C U R Y. From the SUPPLEMENT to the JAMAICA GA- ZETTE, Nov. 20 Extract of a letter ( from the Count D' Argout, Governor of Hispaniola) found with other dis- patches to the Spanish Court, from the Governor of the Havannah, on board an Advice- boat, in- tercepted by one of Admiral Arbuthnot's cruizers, and transmitted to Vice- Admiral Sir Peter Parker. SIR, Cape Francois, Aug. 27, 1779. IDid not receive your Excellency's letter, which you did me the honour to write me the 18th of July last by Don S. Castian Forma- ris, who is just arrived at the Mole of St. Nicho- las, till last night, and I shall embrace this op- portunity of answering it. I had been informed by Don Isidro de Peralta & Bozas, of his Catholic Majesty's having de- clared war against the King of Great Britain; but he did not send me a copy of the royal order, which your Excellency did me the kindness to inclose me; for which I beg leave to return you my grateful thanks. I am going to send to the President of St. Do- mingo the dispatches your Excellency forwarded to me for him: I have had the honour of inform- ing him of my preliminary orders, as also, what appears to me necessary for the defence of the possessions of our respective Sovereigns, and we coincide in opinion on this subject: but it is es- sential, that his Excellency the Commandant of the marine should come to our relief with some ships of the line of his Catholic Majesty, to cruize on the coasts of St. Domingo, to drive from thence the English, and to put the Spanish and French colonies in safety from any enterprise or landing. Your Excellency will be more con- vinced of the necessity of taking this step, when I shall have had the honour of informing you of the operations of the Count d'Estaing in the Windward Islands, of the time of his arrival here, and, finally, of his last plan, which has de- termined his last expedition. The Count d'Estaing anchored here the 31st of last month, with 25 ships of the line and 13 frigates, which convoyed 80 transports: They Came from the Windward Islands, where they had obtained the greatest advantages, having made themselves masters successively of St. Vin- cent and Grenada. He engaged the Admirals Byron and Barrington, and defeated part of the English squadron, the remainder of which have taken refuge in St. Kitt's, where it is known the English have remained much shattered. In consequence of the preliminary advices that I had received from the Count d'Estaing, I had informed myself circumstantially of the island of Jamaica: at his arrival, I laid before him plans relative to the various modes of attack that might be made on it. Although the Count d'Estaing is persuaded of the necessity of this conquest, and its importance, yet he thinks he ought not to risk the enterprise, as he has not a sufficient number of troops to take the island and keep it; and we are of opinion, it will be better to wait a more favourable opportunity, that we may give the blow in concert with a reinforcement from his Catholic Majesty. I have given an account to the King, my master, of my plans respecting this matter, and I make no doubt our respective courts will concur in carrying the expedition into exe- cution. I have furnished the Count D'Estaing with what was necessary for refitting his fleet, and after having embarked here 1800 men in his ships, which, with the troops he brought from Windward, compose a body of 5300 men ; he sailed the 16th of this month, and was to be joined two days after, off the Mole of St. Ni- cholas, by a division of his squadron, which he had sent to Port au Prince ; and he got through the Windward passage a few days after. His plans are these; First, he goes to Charlestown, to relieve the Americans, and fight the Roya- lists, if he can meet them there ; from thence he goes to Halifax, and will send to take possession of Bermuda, and leave a garrison there; after- wards he will go to Newfoundland, and form a settlement, and leave a division there. I am the only one the Count has trusted with the secret of his expedition, of which every one forms what conjectures they please; and, under the same confidence, I have the honour to im- part the secret to your Excellency, as I think it expedient for the success of our scheme, and that you may take your measures accordingly. But, as it is of the utmost consequence that the mo- tives of Count D'Estaing's expedition should be kept secret, I have ordered Mons. Formaris, in case he meets with an enemy's vessel of superior force, and that he cannot possibly efcape from them, to sink my dispatches in the sea. It is the Count D'Estaign's intention, after he has finished his expedition, to dispatch to this port five ships of the line and three frigates of his squadron; but this relief we cannot expect in less than two months; and it is necessary to guard against what may happen in the mean time. This induced me to write to Signor Bon- nel what I have the honour to communicate to your Excellency, antecedent to this. Upon the whole, I can only assure your Excel- lency, that I will avail myself of all opportuni- ties that may offer, to give you such advices as I may deem worthy your attention : will in- terest myself to concur with your Excellency for the security and preservation of the possessions of our respective Sovereigns, and I will leave no- thing undone that may tend to so important an object. I beg your Excellency will inform your Court of the various particulars I have had the honour to communicate to you, and that you will assure the King your master, that, at all times, I will make manifest the ardent zeal with which I in- terest myself in the glory of his Catholic Ma- jesty's arms. I have had the most exact intelligence of the interior, as well as exterior parts of the island of Jamaica; and on this subject I have the honour to tell your Excellency, that the accounts I have received are correct. When we treat of making the conquest of Jamaica, we are to understand, that this island must belong to the King my ma- ster, or to his Catholic Majesty. I will with the greatest pleasure give you all the information that already has, or may hereafter come to my knowledge of the proper time for the conquest, from the different spies I have in that island. Finally— I cannot do less than reiterate to your Excellency the great desire I have of ren- dering myself agreeable to your Court; and I request my attention and the desire I have of serving it, may be my interpreter to this end. ( Signed) D'ARGOUT. His Excellency Don Joseph Navarra, Governor of the Havannah. TUESDAY'S POST. No foreign Mails. From the LONDON PAPERS, Jan. 13. Paris, December 27. D'ESTAING'S left leg is contracted from his wounds. He had not seen the king December 26. He arrived at Versailles Decem- ber 22, and went to M. de Sartine, and then to M. de Maurepas, where it was reported he had seen the king,, but his Majesty was that day gone a hunting. The physicians afterwards told D'Estaing he must not go out; so that he had not returned to court. Mr. John Adams, One of the members of the Congress, is arrived at Corunna. LONDON. A correspondent has favoured us with the fol- lowing account of the celebrated Captain Cook; — He was born in the neighbourhood of New- castle, and had been at sea from his youth, and passed thro' all the stations belonging to a sea- man, from an apprentice boy in the coal trade to a Post Captain in the royal navy. He was first appointed Captain of the Endeavour, and sailed from Deptford July the 30th, 1768, and arrived at Otaheite the 13th April following. He con- tinued in the South- Seas till March 1770, and returned by way of Batavia to England, July I2 » 1771. In this voyage he was accompanied by Mr. Banks and Dr. Solander. Nov. 28, 1771, he was appointed Commander of the Resolution, and in June, 1772, made his second voyage for the discovery of the Southern hemisphere, and having sailed into as high a southern latitude as 71, and met with nothing but islands of ice, which interrupting his passage, obliged him to return, and on the 29th of July, 1775, he ar- rived at Plymouth. In July, 1776, Captain Cook sailed from Plymouth a third time on the same discovery; of whom nothing had been heard after his departure from the Cape of Good Hope till the unfortunate account of his death arrived by way of Russia. It is almost incredi- ble, that in the second voyage the Captain esta- blished such a system of diet and cleanliness, that ( to use his own words) under the Divine favour, Captain Cook, with a company of one hundred and eighteen men, performed a voyage of three years and eighteen days, throughout all the cli- mates from 52 degrees north to 71 degrees south, with the loss of only one man by distemper, and this man is supposed to have had a disorder upon his lungs when he went on board, which proba- bly occasioned his death. Captain Clerke who has succeeded the late ce- lebrated Captain Cook, as commander in chief, was a midshipman with him on his first voyage round the world; then made by him a Lieutenant, and next a Master and Commander. He had. been with Captain Cook three voyages. We have great pleasure in hearing that Omiah was safely landed, in good health, at Otaheite. Besides a vast number of various presents, he landed a horse and a mare, a bull and a cow, and several head of sheep and other live stock, which were never before seen in those parts. While the enemies and republicans of Britain trumpet forth the excessive naval strength of our antagonists, France , and Spain, a correspondent sends us the following accurate account of the present state of the British Navy, which is not in the least exaggerated:— In commission, 3 first rates of 1oo guns, 13 second ditto, 73 third ditto, 20 fourth ditto, 49 fifth ditto, 63 sixth ditto, 57 sloops, 22 cutters, 5 bombs, 17 fire- ships, besides armed ships, whose number is not easy to obtain; in all, 89 ships of the line, 132 50 to 28 guns, 57 sloops, & c.— Out of commis- sion, 27 ships of the line, four 50 gun ships, and six frigates. Building, I first rate, 2 second ditto, 21 third ditto, and 38 from ; c to 20 guns. So that the whole naval force of Great Britain may be set down at 141 ships of the line, 227 from 50 to 16 guns, making in the whole 368 sail of vessels. Commodore Johnstone has been introduced at the Portuguese Court by the British Ambassador, and met with a very favourable reception. The county meetings have greatly added to the weight of the Minister with a Great Per- sonage, as they have confirmed, in appearance, the artful insinuations which have hitherto been used to lessen the influence of the opposition within doors, and the universal clamour without; namely, that the attack was levelled at the Ma- ster instead of the Minister; for the declaration of the several county assemblies, that their view is to reform and reduce the civil list, has given an alarm at Court, and raised suspicions in the breast of the S n, that the members which compose those assemblies are not well inclined to his interest and happiness. A journey to Ireland was proposed by the Oppositionists, for two of their party, during the Christmas recess; but affairs have taken so dif- ferent a turn in that kingdom to what was ex- pected, that their business there is put an entire stop to. A loyal, and not a factious spirit, now runs through the inhabitants of that kingdom of all denominations. PROTESTANT ASSOCIATION. The Archdeacon of St. Alban's has sent the following letter to the Secretary of the Prote- stant Association: ( COPY.) " S I R, " Having this day seen the advertisement from the Protestant Association, I entirely ap- prove of the intended application to Parliament, and will be a subscriber towards defraying the expence. " The difficulties are very great which every Protestant is now brought under by the late sta- tute, who is necessitated to make oath, that no foreign Prince, State, or Potentate, hath any jurisdiction, & c. Ecclesiastical or Spiritual, within this realm. I am, Sir, Your most obedient servant, Bushey, Jan. 2, JAMES IBBETSON, D. D. 1780. Archdeacon of St. Alban's." < 22 T H E G L A S G O W M E R C U R Y. The following accounts are taken from the Jamaica Gazette: • - JAMAICA GAZETTE, Nov. 21: Antigua Journal, Sept. 24. extract of a letter from a Midshipman on board the Vengeance man of war, to a merchant in, this Island. " We have been cruising with Sir Hyde Par- ker and the rest of the fleet for three weeks, to the windward of Barbadoes, but without success, till yesterday, when we sell in with fifteen sail of French ships, nine of which we sent to Barbadoes, and three by the Portland to Antigua. Three sail of the line are chasing the remaining six, and we have not the least doubt of their being taken; — and hope to fall in with still better luck." The following are the accounts of the ships sent into Barbadoes by Admiral Parker's fleet. One polacre; three large transports, with pro- visions for nine months, for 14 sail of the line; three rich merchant ships; one American vessel, with lumber; one large vessel, which had been a 50 gun ship. The following into Antigua: One large frigate- built ship ; three rich mer- chant ships; two ships from Cayenne. Kington, Jamaica, Oct. 16. Our fellow sub- jects, whom the fortune of war has made priso- ners at the Havannah, are treated with great tenderness; their allowance is ample, and they are permitted in parties to take the air at some distance from their place of confinement under a very slight guard. On Tuesday an embargo was laid on all ves- sels, except those bound from one port to another of this island. Kingston, Nov. 20. Admiral Parker is still cruizing to the windward of Barbadoes with eight ships of the line, in consequence of the informa- tion he has received respecting a large Spanish armament, intended to join the French at Mar- tinico, but we hope destined to another fate. Should he prove as successful in that enterprize as the former one, the face of affairs in the West Indies will be greatly altered; the allegiance both of Grenada and St. Vincent's to the crown of Great Britain may be soon expected to follow. We are informed by a gentleman of veracity, who has been but a short time from Virginia, that the greatest part of the colony are well affected to Government, and instead of shipping their produce to their good allies the French, it mostly, particularly tobacco, goes to St. Eustatia, from whence a trade for that commodity is car- ried on to Antigua, St. Kitt's, and the rest of the Windward Islands. WEDNESDAY'S POST. No foreign Mails. From the LONDON PAPERS, Jan. 14. MEssengers are almost continually passing between our court and the Hague, where the ruling powers are on the side of the English, while the people loudly complain of the depre- dations on their trade, in which they are set on by some self- interested men. The Utrecht Gazette mentions that Gibraltar was taken on the 11th of December by the Spa- niards, by surprise. But this intelligence gains no credit. On the contrary it is believed that the Spaniards raised the siege on hearing of the sailing of Admiral Rodney's fleet. Some give out, that by this time the Spaniards will have received a blow from the British arms, which will make them repent the part they have taken, by the reduction of one of their richest possessions in the South Seas. A gentleman in London received a letter from a correspondent at Charlestown, in which there is a passage, intimating that the generality of the people in America were rather sorry they were deprived of a share of the usual booty made on the Spanish trade by privateering. Yesterday orders were sent down to Ports- mouth for three frigates, ( which the Admiral is to appoint,) to sail immediately to cruize off Dunkirk, to prevent the privateers coming out, or their carrying any prizes into that port. Press warrants are to be issued out in the course of next week, in order to man those ships which are ready to come out of the several docks of Portsmouth, Plymouth, and Chatham. The Charon, of 44 guns, and the two other men of war that were at the taking Fort Omoa, and the register ships, with the other Spanifh prizes, were to sail the 30th of November from Jamaica for England with them. A private letter from Berlin mentions, that great warlike preparations are carrying on there, and particularly speaks of the extraordinary di- ligence in getting ready field equipages and car- riages. By letters received on Wednesday from Yar- mouth we learn, that the large vessel, which went on shore near Corton on the 4th instant was the Ariadne man of war, in which Admiral Barrington lately returned from the West Indies. She had only two days before been ordered from Sheerness, to protect the trade in the German Ocean from two French privateers, and an A- merican brig which had appeared on the eastern coast of this kingdom; and had got so far on her voyage, when, by a misreckoning in the pi- lot, she ran on the sand which lies near three miles from shore, and is called the Cross Sand, where she lay several hours- in the . greatest di- stress. By the assistance of a great number of boats, and the judicious conduct of Captain Squires, her commander, she was happily got off, and now lies safe at Yarmouth. The da- mage she received occasioned her to make near two feet water every hour, and she will be obliged to return to Sheerness to be docked and refitted, The following sums have been remitted to North America, of which no account has been given to Parliament: In 1675— 1776— 1777— 1778— 1,535,701 _ _ t The accounts of the sums remitted in 1779 have not yet been presented to Parliament, there fore the remittances of that year are not yet known. The following is the import and export of wheat and flour for eight years: Export. Qr,. Intelligence from LLOYD'S LIST. Jan. it. elsimore , Dec. 28. The 26th, wind W. N. W. and N. by E. arrived the Jason frigate; she sailed again, yesterday with the wind at E. by S. and E. N. E. a fresh breeze, and clear weather, convoy to the kingston Pa- quet, Turner; and the James' and Mary, M'Tier; the' Mary and Nelly, Rea, sailed thence the 25th. Sailed hence yesterday the Copenhagen, a private East India ship, Kru- ger, commander, from Copenhagen to Tranquebar. The Trimmer privateer, Capt. Henderson, has taken and carried into St Mary's, Scilly, the Moon, Parlew, from' Bourdeaux to St Maloes, with 820 hhds. of wine, besides brandy, almonds, prunes, & c. The London, Steene, from London to Dublin, is taken by a Dunkirk privateer, and carried into Havre de Grace. The Henry, Cummings, from Liverpool to Dublin with sugar, is totally lost on the island of Lambay, a lit-: tle to the northward of Dublin. The Polly, Cummings, from London, if arrived at Corke, after being taken and ransomed for Icoo guineas.' The Joannes, Cheater, and Lark, from New- foundland to a market, are taken by the Centpedes, an American privateer, and for America. Liverpool, Jan. 7. The Campden, Wright, from Me mel, and Ceres, Curtis, from Lynn, both for this port, were taken the 28th ult. 10 leagues N. of the Land's end, r by the Black Prince and Princess privateers, and a small brig; the Peter and John, from London to Waterford, was taken the same day by the above; the , Arm- strong, from Dublin to London, was taken the 26th dit- to; the Campden was sent to France, the Ceres ranso- med. Jan. 14. Portsmouth, Jan. 11. The Namur, Coura-. geaux, Centaur, and Thunderer are come up to Spithead. Admiral Evans has hoisted his flag on board the Arro- gant at Spithead, being appointed to command here in' the absence of Admiral Pye. The Alexander of 74 guns, sheathed with copper, is, gone out of harbour to Spithead. The nine East Indiamen, lately arrived, are all got safe into the Downs. The Conference, late Cox, which was taken by the \ < 22 T H E G L A S G O W M E R C U R Y. french at Granada, is retaken, with her cargo on board, by one of Sir Peter Parker's squadron, and carried into Jamaica, and sold there. The Hinde, Bayne, from Lancaster to St. Kitt's, is taken and carried into France. ' The David, Colly, late French, was taken by the Re- nomme French frigate, after engaging upwards of two Hours, and carried into Brest. The Cecilia, Atchison, from Savannah to Jamaica, was taken by a French privateer off Cape Maize, the 11th of September, and carried into Port- au- Prince. • The Comet packet, Capt. M'Donough, from St. Au- gustine to New York, is taken by the French, and carried into Savannah river in Georgia. t The N. S. da Arabida Santa Christo, , from Lisbon to London, is stranded off Montruel on the coast of France, and several hands drowned. STOCKS, Jan. 14. Bank stock, III};. India, ditto, 141*. 3 per cent. b. red. 6l| aJ. Do. con. 6o$ a£. Dublin Exchange, 7J. BANKRUPTS. John Armstrong and Thomas Walter, of Bermondsey- street, Southwark, Surry, distillersand copartners.— John Spottiswoode, of Sackville- street, Piccadilly, Middlesex, money- scrivener.— John Sowden and Thomas Robinson, of Bradford, Yorkshire, merchants and copartners. EDINBURGH, Jan. 18. - On Wednesday the 12th current, the Court of Session gave judgment in the following cause. At Michaelmas 1778, Mr Thomas Hopkirk, merchant in Glasgow, having been elected Dean of Guild of that city, and having refused to ac- cept of the office, the Town Council, who are the electors, decerned him to pay the sum of 40l. sterling in name of fine. Mr John M'Call merchant,. was next elected; and having in like manner declined, was fined in 40I. sterling. Both these gentlemen presented suspensions, which being pleaded before Lord Gardenstown, his Lordship " suspended the letters simpliciter." The Town- CoUncil reclaimed, by petition to the Whole Lords. The chargers, rested their plea upon an act of council, passed in 1748, and ratified by the convention of Royal Burghs, whereby it is enacted, " That every person who shall be elected Provost, one of the Baillies, Dean of Guild, Deacon Conveener, or Treasur- tr, shall, on his refusal, or declining to accept any of the said offices, be fined in the sum of 4ol.' sterling." The defences stated for the suspenders were, 1st, That the decreets charged on, were null and void, being pronounced by the Town- Council, who have no jurisdiction. 2dly, That the Town- Council had no power, by the sett, to impose fines; and the council act, 1748, could not legally invest them with such power. 3dly, That, by a special clause in the said act of coun- cil, 1748, it is provided, " That every person hereafter elected a counsellor, shall be obliged to accept of his office, under a penalty of 20I. sterling, declaring always, that if any person shall make payment of the above fine for not accepting to be a counsellor, he shall not be a- gain . compellable to accept of that office:" That Mr. Hopkirk was elected a counsellor in 1752, and, having refused to accept, was fined in 2ol. which he paid accordingly; and Mr. M'Call, having been elected counsellor in 1769, and de- clining officiating, he also paid a fine of 20]. That therefore- the suspenders must be considered as having purchased an exemption from serving as counsellors at any future period: That the Dean of Guild is, ex officio, a counsellor, sub- jected to the whole duties of this office, as much as any ordinary member; and therefore the suspenders should not be obliged to accept of the office of Dean of Guild, which includes the office of counsellor, agreeably to the express terms of the Act of Council,. 1748, on which the decreets of the Town Council were founded, which de- clares, " That if any perfon shall pay the fine of 20I. for refusing to be Counsellor, he shall not be again compellable to accept of that office. The suspenders, in order to obtain a judg- ment upon the merits of the cause, dropt their first defence. And, upon the second, it appear- ed, from the reasonings upon the bench, to be the opinion of the court, that town- councils have an inherent power, at common law, to inflict moderate fines on the burgesses refusing to accept of the offices, in the duty of exercising which all the members of the community are bound to bear a share. In considering the third point, the Lords were unanimously of opinion that the suspenders, by having formerly fined off, when elected counsel- lors, could not, upon a fair construction of the act of council, 1748, be again fined for refusing to act in the office of Dean of Guild, who must, ex officio, act as a member of the town- council; AND THEREFORE, adhered to Lord Garden- ston's interlocutor. Counsel for the chargers, the Lord Advocate, Mr. Hay Campbell, and Mr. William Craig; agent, Mr. John Russel, junior. Counsel for the suspenders, Mr. Crosbie, and Mr. John Morth- land;- agent, Mr. Robert Trotter. The gentlemen of the county of Dumfries, at their meeting held the 5th current, appointed a committee of their number to meet with com- mittees from the other counties in Scotland, and concert with them the proper method of apply- ing to Parliament for a militia for North Bri- tain, or for arms, as should be judged most ad- visable. We hear that Administration have wrote let- ters to the counties of Scotland, which wanted arms, that they will get them, and be allowed to raise troops, which are not to be marched out of their respective counties, except in cases of actual invasion, provided that Government ap- points all the officers. It remains to be seen, whe- ther the counties agree to this proposal, or a national militia upon the same footing as Eng- land. A celebrated clerical American patriot, and a member of Congress, in a letter to a friend in this city, seems to have considerably altered his political principles. He is now of opinion that a speedy re- union with the mother- country is the only measure that can contribute to the ad- vantage of America. During the late frost the thermometer was, on the 14th instant, at 9 of clock in the morning, so low as 5 degrees in the Botanic Garden; and, at a gentleman's in the neighbourhood, it was at 4; a circumstance never known before. At Newcastle the thermometer was still lower. The Tartar of Virginia, John Vianie Com mander, with a cargo of about 275 hogsheads of tobacco, was taken in the Borhin Islands the 20th ult. by the Resolution privateer of Folk- stone, John Pisaing Commander, carrying 18 Carronades 24 pounders. The prize is now in possession of the Three Sisters armed, ship in Leith Roads, and the Resolution is gone to sea on another cruize. On Friday died, at her house in Nicolson's Street, the Right Honourable Lady Diana Mid- dleton, widow of the late George Middleton, Esq; of Seaton. Monday died here Thomas Rigg of Morton Esquire. GLASGOW, Jan. 20. As there can be no doubt of the accuracy with which the cold was observed in this place, during the last week, the following short account of it, we presume, will be very acceptable to our readers. Tuesday, January 1 ith, there was a slight ' frost; and, on the evening of that day, a fall of snow to the depth of about twelve inches. Wednesday, January 12th, the cold increased all day, but so gradually, that, at sun- set, it was not more than 12 degrees below the freezing of water, by Farhenheit's thermometer. Thursday, January 13th, at one o'clock in the morning, the atmosphere being still and serene, and the barometer at twenty- nine inches and nine- tenths, a Farhenheit's thermometer, when exposed at a high north window in the College- Court, sunk to 26 degrees below the freezing point; and, in five hours afterwards, it fell 6 deg., more, that is, to 32 deg. below the freezing of water. The same instrument was then carried to the Observatory Park, and there laid on the surface of the fnow; in which situation, it fell to 45 deg. below the freezing of ' water: and this great degree of cold was verified by another very; accurate thermometer, which was made by. a, different hand. The cold increased all this day,' and observations were taken every half hour, from this evening till the sun rose on Friday morning. Friday, January 14th, at six o'clock in the morning, two thermometers, when hung in ths air in the Observatory Park, stood at 46 deg. below the freezing point in Farhenheit's scale4 and other two, when laid on the surface of the; snow, fell to 55 deg. below the freezing point in the same scale, while the same snow near the, surface of the earth was only 8 degrees below the freezing point. At this time the air was per- fectly calm; and though there was a little haze; near the horizon, not a cloud was to be seen, and the stars shone with a full and steady light,' The cold became much less intense on Friday e- vening, and a thaw began on the Saturday fol- lowing. The above degree of cold in the air is much greater than any that has ever been observed in Britain. At Chatham, a sea- port- town In Kent, on the 31st day of January, 1776, a Farhenheit's thermometer stood at 35 deg. and an half below the freezing of water. At Glasgow, in the year 1740, it is said,' that it was only 23 deg. below that point. And in the same place, January 1768, it was at 34 deg. below it: but, on Fri- day last, it was 12 deg. still lower; though the temperature of this place is, in general, very mild for its latitude. On Tuesday evening there was an assembly here in honour of her Majesty's birth- day. The company was numerous, and made a brilliant ap- pearance. Friday morning a man travelling on horse- back was found frozen to death on the Long- Bank, between Chester le street and Newcastle.. Yesterday morning about 70 recruits, for Col. Reid's new regiment, marched from this place for York, the head- quarters of that corps. The keeper of the Tolbooth of this city has received, from some generous and humane per sons, the sum of 3l. 12 s. 6 d. for the use of the poor prisoners, at this inclement season ; and, on Tuesday a cart of coals was given for the same kind purpose. Such examples of generosity re flect great honour on the unknown donors, and it gives us pleasure to record them. < 22 On Tuesday died here, much regretted, Mrs. Denniston, younger, of Colgraine., On Saturday Last the Peggy, Rymer, from Leith for Aberdeen, was put ashore and wreck- ed on the sands of Belhelvie. The crew and part of the cargo are saved. The following Proclamation appeared in the Supplement to the Jamaica Mercury of No- vember 6, 1779, which plainly proves that the Island of Jamaica was at that time not only thought to be in a sufficient state of de- fence by the inhabitants, but that an offensive expedition against the enemy was actually preparing. BY THE KING, A PROCLAMATION. " WHEREAS a number of volunteers are wanted for an EXPEDITION, in which they may easily acquire riches and honour, and be of essen- tial service to their country: And whereas we are desirous to give every encouragement to all able- bodied men, not now belonging to any Corps in our service, or to any of our ships of war, who shall engage in this expedition; we hereby make known, that they shall be allowed pay with our other troops, the accustomed ra- tions, and the plunder impartially divided. And as it is necessary that these volunteers should for a time be under military command, they will be divided into companies; the rank and pay of Captain given to the gentleman during the ser- vice, who shall procure twenty five, of Lieute- nant to the gentleman who shall procure fifteen, and of Ensign to the gentleman who shall pro- cure ten able- bodied men. And we hereby promise, that so soon as the end of this Expedition is accomplished, the vo- lunteers shall be returned to their homes, there to enjoy the fruits of their public spirit and successes. Those who incline to offer themselves from leeward for this essential service may repair to Head- Quarters, and those from windward to Roger Shakespeare, Efq; Regulating Captain for Kingston and the windward parishes. Witness, his Excellency JOHN DALLING, Esq; & c. & c. Arrivals in Clyde. Jan. 12. Robert, Angus, Belfast, goods. Two Busses from the fishing. 15. Jeanie, M'Kellar, Dublin, goods. 16. Nancy, M'Kinlay, do. do. 17. Ann, Paterson, do. do. Christie, Weir, do. do. Charlotte, Scott, Drogheda, do. Cumbray Cutter from a cruize. Sailings. Jan. 12. Fly, Ward, Liverpool, goods. Peggy, Bouskie, Lancaster, do. 14 Bellona, M'Lean, on a cruize. Royal Oak, Watson, Irvine, ballast. 15. Alexander, Bain, Jamaica, goods. Blagrove, Thomson, do. do. Betty, M'Dougall, Antigua, do. ( 6. Atlantic, Dunnet, Dublin, tobacco. peggy, Kerr, Belfast, goods. T H E G L A S G O W M E R C U R Y. On the DEATH of CAPTAIN COOK. THE curious Sage ! who, undismay'd, Adventuring o'er an unknown main, Through pathless ways, Nature survey'd, Is by the rude Barbarian slain. Yet shall not Death his course impede, New wonders open to his eyes; HiS soul from cumbrous matter freed, Ranges through worlds beyond the skies. PLATONICUS. The following SONG is introduced in the Pan- tomime of HARLEQUIN FORTUNATUS. SONG. Mr. VERNON. I. CHEERLY my hearts, of courage true, The hour's at hand to try your worth, A glorious peril waits for you, And valour pants to lead you forth: Mark where the enemy's colours fly, boys! There some must conquer, some must die, boys ! But that appalls not you nor me, For our watch word, it shall be, Britain, strike home! revenge your country's wrong I II. When rolling mists their march shall hide, At dead of night a chosen band, List'ning to the dashing tide, With silent step shall print the sand. Then where the Spanish colours fly, boys! We'll scale the walls, or bravely die, boys! For we are Britons bold and free, And our watch- word it shall be, Britain, strike home! & c. IIL The cruel Spaniard then too late, Dismay'd, shall mourn th' avenging blow, Yet vanquish'd meet the milder fate, Which mercy grants a fallen foe. Thus shall the British banners fly, boys! On yon proud turrets rais'd on high, boys! And while the gallant flag we see, We'll swear the watch- word still shall be, Britain, strike home ! & c. To the PRINTERS. The following is the close of a Discourse deli- vered in a country church, on the late an- niversary of the Accession, taken down in writing. HAVING stated the doctrine of allegiance with judgment and precision, the preacher concluded his sermon in the following manner: " If ever there was a time when the injunc- tion given by our Lord himself, and his holy a postles Paul and Peter, ( viz. " of rendering to Caesar the things that are Caesar's," of subjec- tion to the higher powers, & c.) was highly sea- sonable, it is the present. If ever the caution a- gainst turning liberty into licentiousness was absolutely necessary, it is now; now, I say, when too many among us plainly act, as if they thought the greatest degree of liberty to be not worth enjoying, unless it be abused; when their fixed plan and settled design is to embarrass Go vernment, and to create difficulties in every de- partment; and then to make those very evils of their own creating a fresh matter of complaint. Our colonies abroad were encouraged and even excited to rebel; our enemies nearer home were invited to invade us; they had repeated assuran- ces given them, that they would find us unpre- pared, and an easy prey. And as to the state of our internal govern ment, that has been represented over and over in such odious colours, as if the country was be- come a scene of bloodshed and horror, filled with despotic cruelty and tyranny beyond example; whereas, in solemn truth, it may be affirmed, that our present government is the mildest, the most patient, and forbearing upon earth. And it is hardly conceivable, how any authority what- ever could exist with a less exertion of power and prerogative than has been exerted during this reign. Nay, our gracious Prince, as on this day set over us, has, of his own accord, done more towards establishing the liberty of the people on the surest foundation, than any of his predeces- sors. Yet, just Heaven! what requital has he re- ceived! how has he been described as the word of Princes, the most arbitrary and odious of all tyrants! But alas! as the calling to remem-- brance such a series of calumnies, falsehoods, and. forgeries, as have been spread most industriously for these nineteen years last past, is painful to an honest mind and an ingenuous breast, I shall wave the recital of them ; and will content my- self with one general prediction, which I request the junior part of my audience particularly to bear in mind. That the memory of the present reigning Prince will be highly respected and re- vered by those very persons, should they survive him, who are now pouring forth the bitterest re- proaches and execrations against him. Yes,- they will then acknowledge the honest truth, when it will answer no wicked ends to disguise or conceal it! The worst thing to be- said a- gainst him will be, that he was of a nature too mild, and of a temper too forgiving, to controul such turbulent spirits as he had to deal with, and to keep them under a proper degree of sub- jection; inasmuch as those good qualities of gentleness and clemency, which should have en- deared him the most to a loyal and grateful peo- ple, became through the perverseness of the times,, and the boldness of factious leaders, the means of encouraging sedition, and of fostering treason; and rebellion." , P. S. These are the sentiments of an ho-, nest unbiassed man, out of the reach or desire of preferment; and, I really believe, will be echoed back with the hearty assent of every unprejudiced person in the three kingdoms. Thursday's Express. Arrived a MaiI from Flanders. From the LONDON GAZETTE, Jan. 15. War- Office, January IJ, 1780. 92d Regiment of foot. HON. James Stuart is appointed to be Lieutenant- Colonel Com- mandant. Majors. Captain Colin Mackenzie, of 71st foot. Capt. Peter Hunter, of 1st foot. Captains. Lieut. Hew Dalrymple, of 13th foot. Lieut. George Viscount Garnock, of 51st foot. I. ieut. Colin Campbell, of 1st foot. Hon. Lieut. Robert Hamilton l. indfay. of j 1 st foot. Hon. Lieut. Bute Lindsay, of 14th foot. Robert Aberdeen, Esq. Captain- Lieutenant. Lieutenant Alexander Edwards, of 53d foot. Lieutenants. Cornet Sir Alexander Hay, of 2d dragoons. Ensign James Abernethey, of 81st foot. Ensign Miles Wells, of 75th foot. Ensign Queely Davis Tailour, of 1st foot. Ensign Alexander Dalrymple, of 87th Foot. Ensign John Bridger, of 12th foot. Ensign B. Gran- tham, of 90th foot. Ensign John Stuart, of 48th foot. Ensigns Quarter- Maater George Delap, of 69th foot, Andrew Wight, Henry Smith, John Sawell, Edward Bowers, John Muir, Nicholas Ball, Samuel Bradford, Quarter- Master George Delap, of 69th foot, to be Ad- jutant. Dougal M'Millan, gent, to be Quarter- Master. Thomas Tarpley, gent, to be Surgeon. from the LONDON PAPERS, Jan 15. Camp of St. Roch, Dec. 13. Nothing interest- ing hath happened during the last week. The enemies continued their fire every day, but did us little, or no damage. They are constantly exercising their troops, and have already finished their bastions 0n the road which leads to the powder magazine, and 0n Queen Aune's battery. On our side, the works, and the construction of barracks, & c. are going forward with alacrity. [ The eleventh of december was the day that the accounts from France, by the last Dutch mail, said Gibraltar was taken by surprise. J < 22 T H E G L A S G O W M E R C U R Y. Corunna, Dec. 15. Mr. John Adams, a mem- ber of the American Congress, and Minister Plenipotentiary to the court of France, and Mr. Deane, Secretary to the Embassy, are just arrived here from Boston, in the French frigate la Sen- sible. The Captain reports, that the English having evacuated Rhode- Island, and withdrawn their troops from New- York, the Americans had taken possession of those two places. LONDON. Captain Paisley, of the Sybil, just arrived from a cruize with Com. Johnstone's squadron off Lisbon, looked into Cadiz in his way home, and reports, that the part of the Spanish fleet, which left Brest lately, and was stated to have sailed for Cadiz, had not arrived there on the first instant." • Captain Paisley, in his passage through the Bay, met with a Dutch trader, from the West Indies, the master of which informed him, that Admiral Hyde Parker had fallen in with the French fleet, which parted from D'Estaing on their way to Martinico, after the affair at Savan- nah, and that an engagement ensued; in which Le Motte Picquet lost his life, and seven sail of the line were taken from the French. The Dutchman further added, that an expedition had been planned and executed with so much success in the West Indies, that one of the French islands there was captured by the British forces. The name of the island he could not tell, but was certain it ended in co. The Dutchman must have meant either Porto Rico, or Marti- nico; but whether his account of the capture of an island, or of the success of the engagement, stated by him to have taken place between Ad- miral Hyde Parker and Le Motte Picquet, be well or ill- founded, mull be left to the determi- nation of time. This day it was reported in the city, that Ad- miral Rodney had fallen in with a fleet of mer- chant- ships, from St. Domingo, bound to France, and had taken six or seven fail, and sent them for England: the others slipped away in the night. The American war, after the taking af Caro- lina ( which it is not doubted is accomplished long ere this) is to be merely defensive, except as to their trade, which will be more- effectually cut off than ever; government having appointed cruizers at the entrance of all their ports and strong garrisons from Savannah to Halifax. By this plan of operation, the fatal and destructive measures of carrying on war by detachments in such an extensive country as America, will be avoided, and the lives of many thousand soldiers and subjects be spared in this unfortunate contest: add to this, the end of war will be more readily accomplished, as by only blocking up the ports of America, our troops may be employed offen- sively against our natural enemies, the French and Spaniards, in all parts of the world, it not being doubted that our fleets will be full a match for them in another campaign. A correspondent assures us from his certain knowledge,' that if a few bomb- vessels, with five thousand troops, had been sent out with Sir John Lockhart Ross, Cadiz would, in its present situ- ation, have fallen an easy conquest. If the eyes of the people of France had not been blinded by the mock compliments paid to the supposed victories of D'Estaing, and the ut- most art had not been used to smother the dis- grace at Savannah, there would have been an actual insurrection in France. All discourses on political subjects are forbid under pain of death, and spies to watch the expre. s of the people are placed in every city, town, and village. The following persons of distinction in the American army fell before Savannah 1 Mr. Ed- ward Rutledge, brother to the Governor, Mr. Charles Motte, and Mr. Price, son to the At- torney- General of Georgia. Mr. Rutledge is thought to have been the person who planted the American colours on one of the redoubts, and received his death- wound from Capt. Taws, just before he was killed himself. Count Polaski sur- vived his wounds some days, but died of a fever in consequence of them. From the date of Captain Clerk's account from Kamskatka of the death of Capt. Cooke, and of his intention to pursue his route for the discovery of the North- West passage, we must with regret conclude that he has failed in the attempt, or we should have heard of him at least in the North Seas long ere this, if not have can- gratulated him on his actual arrival. Extract of a letter from Providence, Nov. 28. " During the time that D'Estaing was on the coast of Georgia, his frigates kept a sharp look- out, and stood a great way to sea ; our privateers thought it therefore adviseable to change their station, which used chiefly to be off the Caroli- nas and Georgia; they are now returned back to them, and have sent in five prizes since his depar- ture, two large ships from France for Charles- town, with cargoes, worth together near 15, oool. the other three were from Charlestown to France, with rice, indigo, and tobacco, and are no bad prizes. Settlers are continually coming' from the continent to reside here, having heard of our great success at sea, and that our government is so well established. The number of our privateers are thirteen, but the major part of them are small. You may, perhaps, wonder how we man our ves- sels: We run over to Savannah or Augustine, where we are sure to get hands enough." Extract of a letter from Portsmouth, Jan. 14. " Yesterday evening arrived here the Kite Cut- ter from Faro, where she had been cruising the Captain of her landed at Falmouth, with di- spatches for government, in order to make more haste, the wind not being fair for Portsmouth." FARM at BLANTYRE to LET. To be LET for 19 years, and entered to immediately, or at Whitsunday first, THE FARM of Craig and Meadow of Blantyre, con- listing of about thirty acres — The lands are of an excellent soil, all enclosed and subdivided, and will be let either for labour or pasture Apply to William MacGruther, factor for Lord Blan- tyre, at Erskine- house. William Thomson of Priestfield, at Kirk of Blantyre, will show the lands. No offers will be received after the 8th of February: and if the lands are not set betwixt and that time, they will afterwards be rouped in grass, for one year. Not to be repeated. For QUEBEC, ' THE Brigantine FRIENDS,, - James Sinclair, Master, bur- then 150 tons, mounted with 10 carriage- guns, fwivels and small arms, sails fast and will be well manned, and ready to take on board goods, at Port- Glasgow, the 10th of January, and sail early in March, with or without convoy.— For freight or passage apply to Craw- ford, Stevenson, and Co. Port- Glasgow. Greenock, January the 19th, 1780. Now loading for LIVERPOOL, The Sloop VENUS, ALEX. BLACK, Maater, and will sail the first of February, wind and weather permitting. For freight or passage apply to Messrs. Morrison and Taylor, Gree- nock, or the Master on board. She NOTICE. THE CREDITORS of ADAM GRIEVE, late merchant 1 in Greenock, ars desired, either by themselves or their Attornies, to meet at Mrs. Johnston's vintner in Greenock, on Wednesday the 16th current, at 12 of the clock forenoon, to concert measures for making the most of his subject, for. behoof of all concerned. NOTICE. tHE CREDITORS of the deceaaed CHARLES FREEBAIRN, late architect in Edinburgh, and tacksman of the mines in Islay, are desired, immediately, to transmit exact notes of their debts, and claims against Mr. Freebairn, to Alexander Abercromby, writer to the signet, Edinburgh, Co as the proper measures may be taken for their payment. NOTICE to the CREDITORS of ALEXANDER WILLIAMSON of Petershill, and of ROBERT WIL- LIAMSON of Springvale. THESE Creditors are desired to meet in the house of Mrs. Gourlie, vintner, behind the Exchange, Glas- gow, upon Tuesday the 7th of March, 1780, at one o'clock mid day, in order to continue the Trustees on the perso- nal sequestrated estate of the said Alexander Williamson, or to chuse other Trustees in their place, in terms of the act of Parliament in that behalf. And also, in respect the Trustees named on the herita- ble estate of the said Alexander Williamson, and on the personal and heritable estate of the said Robert William- son, have not accepted of that office, the said Creditors are desired to meet at said place on Tuesday the first day of February next, in order to Chuse new Trustees on the he- ritable estate of the said Alexander Williamson, and cm the heritable and moveable estate of the said Robert Wil-. liamson. And at this last mentioned meeting, the Credi- tors are desired to bring along with them their grounds of debt, and diligence, in order to assign the same to such persons as shall be pitched upon as Trustees for leading an adjudication against Alexander Williamson's heritage, in order to prevent undue preferences. Glasgow, January 12, 1779, ASSIZE of BREAD For the District of the Under Ward of the County of La- nark, fixed by the Justices of the Peace, at their ad- journed Quarter Sessions held this day; commencing on the 19th day of January current. Wheat at 5 s. 3 d. per Bushel, manufactory included, at which price the following Table relative to the Assize of Bread is as under, i\ z. AveRDUpOIZe. Kb. oz. dr. s. C Fine white • a Peck Loaf 17 60^ Wheaten - 1 CHoushold - 1 f Fine white , - i Half peck do; 8 II o < Wheaten - 1 C. Houshold - o f Fine white - ® Quartern do. 4 3 8 < Wheaten- - o 4 Houshold ' o T Fine white « o Half Quartern do. 4 % 11 ^ Wheaten - o C Houshold - o Penny Loaves and half- penny Rolls to weigh as follows. i. o & a o 9 7 s 6 4* 2i 3 r Fine white Penny • • i Wheaten £ Houlhold f Fine white Half- penny — < Wheaten C Houftold The Justices considering that k has been the practice. of the Bakers, for this sometime past, to- make fourteen Rolls to the dozen, that practice is hereby discharged. and they are in time coming ordained to allow only twelve halfpenny Rolls to the dozen, in terms of the above: Assize. oz. 9 rx JJ 4 5 7 dr.- icy 9 7 IS IV it To be SOLd, At Mrs. Hopkins's, Greenock, betwixt the hours of twelve and two, on' Wednesday the 19th current. THE Ship VENUS, as she now lies in the harbour of Port- Glaagow. Inventory to be aeen in the hands Jt of Patrick Hunter, Glaagow, and Hugh Millikin, Port Glasgow. < 24 DESERTED from Major Pierson's Company of Col. Reid's now raising Regiment of Foot, quartered at York, JOHN HUSBAND and JOHN ETHORP. Husband was born in the parish of North- Couterton, Notting- hamshire, by trade a labourer, 29 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches and a half- high, fair completion, dark brown hair, gray eyes, had on, when he deserted, a brown fustain frock, white linen waistcoat, and leather breeches. Ethorp WHS born in Windsor, iu Berkshire, by trade a labourer, 19 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches and a half high, dark black hair, cut short, gray eyes, had on, when he deserted, an old brown surtout coat, white waistcoat, and leather breeches, has a florid completion.— Husband formerly drove a hackney- coach, and Ethorp served as a soldier in the Middlesex militia. N. B. They deserted from York the 11th of January, 1780. ONE GUINEA and a HALF will be paid for appre- hending each of the above deserters, by applying to James Brown, merchant, Glasgow. A FARM to LET. HILLHEAD, and part of LITTLE DRYPS, to be entered to immediately, to be laboured this year, and the houses and grass at Beltan next, lying in the pa- rish of Carmunnock by annexation, within six miles of Glasgow. The lands are in good heart, as the tack was let on life- rent for a number of years.— Those that propose tu take a lease of it may apply to Sir William Maxwell, the proprietor, without loss of time. NOTICE. AT a general meeting of the COMMISSIONERS of SUPPLY of the Shire of DUMBARTON, upon the 13th of January current, there was laid before them, by the Sheriff, a letter addressed to him from the Preses of a general meeting of the Shire of Haddington, relative to a proposed application to Parliament for a Constitution ' Militia to be established in Scotland. The Gentlemen now present, deem the subject- matter of the said letter to be of such importance, as to render it absolutely necessary, that a more numerous and general meeting of the Shire be held to deliberate thereupon: and therefore this meet- ing appoint their Clerk, by advertisement in the Glasgow, and some one of the Edinburgh news- papers, in their name, to call such general meeting, to be held at Dum barton, upon Thursday the 27th of January current, for the purpofe aforesaid. Extracted from the minutes by NEIL CAMPBELL, CLERK. Dumbarton, Jan. 13, 1780. T H E G L A S G O W M E R C U R Y. FIVE GUINEAS REWARd- STOLEN, in December last, a large black and white Spanish POINTER DOG, answering to the name of DUKE. He is a young dog Whoever will bring him to Mr. Dreghorn's house, Clyde- Street, Glasgow, will receive FIVE GUINEAS reward. Any person who can give information so as he may be recovered, shall receive TWO GUINEAS reward.— As it is suspected he is carried off either to England or Ireland, it is hoped that masters of vessels from Carron or Leith, at from the west- coast, will give information. To be SOLD, by PUBLIC ROUP, At the GOUROCK ROPE- WORK, on Tuesday the 1st of February next, betwixt the hours of twelve and two, SIX to eight tons of damaged clean HEMP, imported in the Yenus from St. Petersburgh.— Articles of roup to be seen at the time of sale. For Montague- Bay, Lucea, and Green Island, JAMAICA, THE CHRISTINA, ROBERT BAINE, Master, now lying at Greenock, is ready to take 011 board goods, and will be clear to sail by the 25th of January. The Christina is a fine large ship, mounts 14 carriage- guns, and men in proportion, and has excellent ac- _ commodation for passengers. For freight or passage apply to Somervell, Gordon, and Co. merchants in Glasow, or the Master at Greenock. SOFT SOAP. THE PAISLEY SOFT SOAP COMPANY beg leave . to acquaint the public in general, and their friends in particular, that, owing to the great advance on soap- materials, they are under the necessity of raising the price of Soft Soap four shillings Sterling each barrel, or one shilling Sterling each firkin. This advance to take plac from the 18th of January, 1780. FORTH and CLYDE NAVIGATION. AQuarterly General Meeting of the Company of Proprietors of the Forth and Clyde Navigation fall to be held within the Laigh Parliament- House, Edin burgh, on Tuesday the 1st day of February next, at eleven o'clock forenoon, in terms of act of Parliament: But as the Court of Session will then be fitting, the Meeting will adjourn to the Gold Smiths Hall. To be SOLD, by PUBLIC ROUP, On Wednesday the 15th day of March next, in the Ex- change Coffee- house, Glasgow, tHAT MILL on the Water of Kelvin, called SCOTS- TON MILL, with the garden, lands, and houses thereto belonging N. B. The gardener's house, garden, and lands, to be set up separately, if purchasers incline. There is also to be SOLD privately, The POINTHOUSE, with the ferry and boats, and some lands adjoining to the same. These inclining to purchase any of the above subjects, may apply to William Robertson at Smithfield, or to Patrick Robertson, writer in Glasgow, with whom the title- deeds, plan of the lands, and conditions of sale, are lodged. Part of the price may lye in the purchasers hands upon finding sufficient security. To be SOLD, by PUBLIC ROUP, In the Exchange Coffee- houfe, Glasgow, upon Wednes- day the id of February, between the hours of one and two, mid- day, tHE Brigantine ESSEX, burden about; four hundred hogsheads of tobacco, with all her materials, as she now lies in the harbour of Port- Glasgow. Inventory to be seen, by applying to Alexander Donald in Glasgow, or to Capt. Edward Kirby in Port- — • —„ Glasgow. N. B. For the encouragement of purchasers, she will be set up considerably under her former price.— Any person willing to conclude a private bargain, before the day of sale, may apply to Alexander Donald. Glasgow, 19th January, 1780. For SAVANNAH in GEORGIA, THE Ship MINERVA, Edward Morrison. Master, lying at Greenock, is now tak- ing on board goods, and will be clear to sail by the 1st of March. the Minerva has letters of marque, mounts eight long guns 6 pounders, four Carronades 12 pounders, with cohorns and swivels. For freight or passage apply to George Brown and Co. Glasgow, or James Gammell in Greenock. For Port- Maria, Martha- Brae, Montego- bay, lucea, and Green Island, JAMAICA, tHe Ship NELLY|, JAMES NOBLE, Master She is now ready to receive on board goods at Port- Glasgow, and will positivetly sail in all January; is a stout vessel, carrying 8 eighteen- pounders Carronades, and 10 six- pounder guns, and will have it good crew. For freight or passage apply to Robert Dunmose and Co. merchants in Glasgow, or to the Master at Port- Glasgow. LAND'S FOR SALE, In the Shires of Stirling, Linlithgow, and Mid Lothian, AND Two HOUSES IN EDINBURGH. 1 STIRLING- SHIRE. THE lands and estate of STEWARTHALL, ans teinds thereof, lying in the parish of St. Ninians and shire of Stirling, and within two miles of each; with i boat- fiahing on the water of Forth. The present free rent is about 3601. Sterling, and aet to four tenants only, one of the tacks expired at Martinmass last ; and by set- ting it for 19 years, and the mansion- house, garden, and five parks adjacent ( which have been only set from year to year,) the above rental may be raised, as lime and stone can be brought thereto by water. These lands are 1- mongst the richest in the Carses of Stirling; are pleasantly situated on the water of Forth, and command a most beautiful prospect of the Castle of Stirling and other pla ces around; and there is a considerable quantity of valu- able old timber about the mansion- house. The lands hold in part of the Crown, and valued in the cess- books at 3331. l1s. id. Scots. LINLITHGOW- SHIRE. The lands of FIDDLECROFT, lying near the loch of Linlithgow, rented at 61. Sterling; and the superiority of the lands of Couparscroft, Rivaidsgreen, and the six butts of land near the said loch; all holding of the Crown; and; the first two parcels valued in cess- books at 351. Scots. MID- LOTHIAN- SHIRE. The Well part of the Easter Half of DALRY, lying, in the parish of St. Cuthbert's, and shire of Mid- Lothian, as now possessed by James Russel, surgeon in Edinburgh, at the yearly rent of 18a 1 is. 10 d. Sterling, being at the rate of 50s. per acre; together also with the superiority of certain parts of said lands, feued to Mess. Adam and Orme, for payment of i l, 6d. of yearly feu- duty. These lands hold of the Crown, and valued in the cess- books at 600 L Scots. They are beautifully situated within a mile of E- dinburgh, on the road leading to Glasgow; of a rich soil, and completely inclosed; so that they will eife conside rably in rent. The lands will be shown by applying at the house of Stewart hall; at Mrs. Finlayson's, vintner, Linlithgow; and at the tenant's house on Dalry. • As ALSO, That HOUSE about the middle of Niddry's Wynd; Lockhart's Court, Edinburgh, on the west side, presently possessed by Mrs. Hay of Mountblairie, at the yearly rent of 30I. Sterling. It consists of dining- room, drawing- room, six bed- chambers, a light bed- closet with a fire- place, a kitchen, and garrets, with a variety of closets and other conveniencies, and three large vaulted cellars. AND LIKEWISE, That HOUSE in Fowlis's Close, Edinburgh, first storey, fronting the street, presently possessed by Mrs. Haldane, consisting of five fire- rooms, a kitchen, pantry, and closets, with a cellar, and other conveniencies. For particulars, about the sale, apply to David Steuart,' writer to the signet, Grey's Close, Edinburgh. A SALE of GOODS, at and below prime cost. JAMES CALDWELL, at the third shop west from the Cross, south side of the Trongate, is disposing, at and below prime cost, for ready money, the following articles, viz. Broad cloths, narrow ditto. Shalloons, buttons, silk twist, and thread, Callimancoes, black and coloured. Camblets, ditto, ditt; o. Men and womens worded ( lockings. Stocking shapes for breeches. Spotted flannels and bays. Printed cottons and linens. Cotton and linen checks. Cotton and linen check handkerchiefs. Cotton printed ditto. Coloured filk ditto. With a variety of articles not mentioned. The sale began last Thursday, and will continue till the whole are sold off. Those who are owing James Caldwell, by bill or ac- count, past- due, are intreated to order immediate pay- ment, otherwise he will be under the disagreeable necessity of prosecuting for the payment. Advertisements and Articles of Intelligence are taken in by CHAPMAN and DUNCAN, the Publishers, and by Mr. MICHAEL ERSKINE, at his Insurance- Office, in the Exchange.
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