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The Morning Post and Daily Advertiser


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The Morning Post and Daily Advertiser

Date of Article: 22/09/1779
Printer / Publisher: R. Haswell 
Address: Blake-Court, Catherine-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2165
No Pages: 4
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JO 2165 WEDNESDAY, September 22, 1779. [ Price Three- Pence. COVENT- GARDEN. AT the THEATRE- ROYAL, COVENT- GARDEN, THIS DAY, Sept. 1779. will be THE DUENNA. Or The DOUBLE ELOPEMENT. Ferdinand, Mr. MATTOCKS Isaac Mendoza, Mr. QUICK; Jerome, Mr. WILSON; Lopez, Mr. Wewitzer Father Paul, Mr. BOOTH; Carlos, Mrs. KENNEDY, ( late Mrs. FARREL) being her first appearance that character And Don Antonio, Mr. VERNON, Clara, Miss B R OW N ; Louisa, Mrs. MATTOCKS; And the Duenna, Mrs. GREEN. To which will be added a Farce, call'd THE LIVERPOOL PRIZE. Debenture, Mr. B O O T H; Teneriffe, Mr. Wilson ; Midships, Mr. Lee Lewes , George Belford, Mr. Whitfield , Wilmot, Mr Robson ; Coromandel, Mr. Wewitzer: Old Belford, Mr. L'Estrange ; And Harriet, Miss BROWN End of Act I. Of the Farce, a new Dance, called THE DOCK- YARD, by Mr. Dagueville, Mr. Langrish, Mr. Holland, Miss Matthews, and Miss Valois. With a new Scene painted by Mr. Carver. Pit 1s. First Gall. 2s. Upper Gall. 1s. persons admitted behind the scenes, nor any money returned after the curtain is drawn up. places for the Boxes to be taken of Mr. Brandon ( only) to be be opened at half an hour after five o'clock. To begin at half an hour after fix. Vivant Rex & Regina. ONLY for a FEW EVENINGS longer. A T ASTLEY ' s AMPHI- THEATRE, RIDING- HOUSE, WESTMINSTER- BRIDGE, THIS EVENING the Entertainments will consist of the following pleasing Amusements, viz. Part I . Les Ombres Chinoises ; or, the Chinese Sha- dows, in several parts. Part 2 A Mechanical Band of Musical Performers. Part 3. Tumbling and Agility of Body in a new and pleasing manner. Part 4. Horsemanship on a single Horse, by Mr. Griffin, Mr. Jones, and Mr. Miller. Part 5. The Exhibition of the Little Conjuring Horse. Part 6. Horsemanship on two and three horses, by Mr. Astley, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Jones, and Mr. Miller. • Part 7. Slack- Rope Vaulting. Part 8. Egyptian pyramids. . Part 9. o conclude with the Taylor riding on the . Dancer, the Hunter, and the rode Horse. Doors to be opened at half part five, to begin at half part six o'clock precisely. Box 2s. 6d. Upper Box is. 6d. Pit 1s- Side Gal, 6d. A TOwN RESiDENCE. TO be let, on the west side of Bedford- square, a very good HOUSE, with coach- houses, stabling for five horses, and all suitable detached offices, lately oc- cupied, and compleatly fitted up for the reception of a fa- mily. For further particulars enquire on the premises. STATE L O T T E R Y, 1779. THE Tickets, Shares, and Chances. stamped at the Bank of England, are sold and registered on the lowest terms ' By NICHOLSON and Co. Stock- brokers, At their Old State Lottery Office, the King's Arms, No. 103, Cornhill, where Six Capital Prizes in the last Lottery, were sold and shared. Also the new and advantageous adventure at ONE GUINEA. HALF A GUINEA, and FIVE SHILLINGS and SIX- PENCE each, similar to their much approved plan of last year, on which they paid undrawn tickets to the amount of 3,0001. besides 500I to Miss Smith, of Parlia- ment- street, Westminster which said Plans are much im- proved, both in the number and value of the prizes, as ad- venturers therein will receive considerably more for every prize of 2000I tool. 500U 100I. or 50I. than can possibly be gained on any other mode at so trifling a venture ; and may also gain the Twenty Thousand Pound, or any other of the CAPITAL PRIZES. Thus the smallest prize is a great object to the purchaser; and as these plans are under- taken at a fair price, without the least risk ( being formed from real tickets) it is, therefore, presumed will be found well worth the attention of every adventurer. Schemes and particulars to be had gratis. Likewise every. business relative to the Lottery or Government Security transacted with that known honour and integrity which can- not fail meeting with the approbation of the public. N. B. It is necessary to observe that the above plans are for the WHOLE TIME of DRAWING, STATE LOTTERY OFFICES, Licenfed according to Aft of Parliament, POPE and GALLEY beg leave to acquaint their Friends and the Public in general, that they have opened the following offices for the fale of State Lottery Tickets, Shares, and Chances, all of which have been re- gularly stamped at the Bank of England, and the original Tickets deposited there, viz. No. 55, Colman- street; No. 11, Piccadilly, facing St. James's- street; and No. 15, Lon- don- lane, Norwich ; where all business relating to the Lot- tery will be transacted with the greatest honour and fideli- ty. There are now selling Tickets and Shares, on differens plans, as usual, and likewise a variety of Insurance Poli- cies, from six shillings to two guineas each, which are the m0st advantageous of any thing ever yet offered to the pub- lic. Schemes given gratis. POPE and GALLEY take this opportunity of returning thanks to their friends for the favours they received during the last and former Lotteries, and hope their known punc- tually will recommend them to their future favours. Tickets insured to return undrawn. N. B. The Lottery begins drawing the 15th of No- vember. Fifty undrawn State Lottery Tickets may be gained for Five Shillings. HORNSBY and Co. No. 26, Cornhill, humbly solicit the Public to perude the following easy A BODY of LOYAL AMERICANS having . made an humble tender of their personal services to his Majesty, which offer has been most graciously accepted ; and it having been desired by the Commander in Chief that the said Americans should proceed to the choice of their Officers, in order to be recommended to his Majesty, this is to give notice, that, at a meeting held at the Adelphi Tavern on Saturday, Sept. 18th, Friday next, the 24th inst. is appointed for that purpose. It is therefore requested, that all those Gentlemen who have signed the said associa- tion, or may hereafter be disposed to join in it, do attend PERSONALLY on the day and place above mentiored, at twelve o'clock in the forenoon, in order to proceed in the said business, and to consider of other matters of great im- portance to the said body. JOHN RANDOLPH, Chairman- B A R O N E T S of ENGLAND, . This Day is published, Elegantly engraved, and brought down to the present time, in a pocket volume, price 3s. THE ARMS OF THE ENGLISH BARO- NETS, the KNIGHTS of the BATH; with the Dates of their Creations. To which is added, the His- tory of the Order of English and Irish Baronets, and. those of Nova- Scotia ; also the History of the Orders of the Gar- ter, Thistle, and Bath; with correct Tables of Precedency. Printed for G. Kearsly, at No. 46, near Serjeant's Inn, in Fleet- street; R. Faulder, in New Bond- street; and Richardson and Urquhart, at the Royal Exchange. Of whom may be had, price half a crown, The ARMS of the NOBILITY of ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, and IRELAND, brought down to the pre- sent time ; with an elegant English Translation of the Mottos. Also, the PEERAGE of the NOBILITY of ENG- LAND, ' SCOTLAND, and IRELAND. Containing their Titles, date of their Creations, Descriptions of their Arms, Crests, and Supporters, their Country Sears, and Town Residence ; together with their Surnames, and the Titles by which their eldest Sons are ( in Courtesy) distin- guished. Price 2S. Gd. t+ t The Peerage may be had with or without the Arms, Of the above booksellers may likewise be had, price half a crown, the Fourth Edition, A Short and Easy INTRODUCTION' to HERALDRY, in which all the most useful Terms are displayed in a clear and alphabetical manner; a concise method of blazoning arms ; likewise at- chievements ( commonly called hatchments) familiarly ex- plained ; with a great number of elegant copper- plates, con taining above eight hundred examples. To which is added, A Dictionary of Heraldry, by HUGH LARK and T. WORMULL. With considerable Additions, and a great number of Expla- natory Notes. This Morning will be published, a New Edition of THE HOUSE of PEERESSES ; or Female Oratory; containing the Debates of several Peer- esses upon the Bishop of Landaffs Bill, for the more effec tual discouragementof the crime of Adultery. Printed for G. Kearsly,. at No. 46, in Fleet- ftreet. N. B. „ The Editor of these debates finding many of the allusions were misapplied, ( and consequently some improper persons glanced at) has, in order to prevent such mistake; hereafter, added a considerable number of explanatory Notes, to prevent a possibility of mistaking the party. At the same place may be had, A Fourteenth Edition of tile SKETCHES from NATURE, containing upwards of one hundred Characters of the prin- cipal Personages in the Kingdom. By a MEMBER of PARLIAMENT. The character given by the Monthly and Critical Reviews, and the extensive sale of this pamphlet, of which there has been Thirteen Editions printed in a few weeks, are incontestible proof; of its merit, and such as cannot be produced in any other production that has appeared within these seven years. hangs over the kingdom, that our liberty is lost, and slavery at our doors. Permit me to inform these wiseacres, that the extension of empire generally weakens it ; that in keeping 22 ships of the line to protect these rocks, we exposed ourselves to insult at home. And tell them farther, that if England had not one island in the West Indies, she would be much more powerful than at present. To which you may add, that sugar is one of our greatest luxu- ries ; that its first cost, as well as the duty of a- bove six shillings per cwt, is altogether a total loss to the people ; and that it another cargo of su- gar was never to arrive in the kingdom, it would be an immense saving to the nation, and in con- sequence a great addition to its strength. Yours, Shrewsberry, EDWARD BEEHIVE. Sept. 20. For the MORNING POST. An ENQUIRY how far the present CRISIS is owing to ADMINISTRATION. Speedily will be published, PRELIMINARY DISCOURSE, wherein are delineated the very great Disorders which prevail in affairs of INSURANCE ; their principal Causes explain- ed, and Methods proposed for better Regulation aid Pre- vention. Together with, the PLAN of an entire New and Comprehensive WORK ( preparing for the press) contain- ing the THEORY, LAWS, and PRACTICE of Insur- ance in general. G O U T, INSTANTLY relieved from he greatest tor- ture from the Gout or Rheumatism ; this cure is new- ly discovered after a long study and great expence, by Dr. SOLOMON, Northumberland - street, Strand, who will engage to cure every species of a fresh gout in a few days, and if confined to their bed ever so long, or the joints have come to violent knots, he will promise to restore them in perfect use and health again in a few weeks time ; relief may be expected from the first dose, and the patient will daily get better till the cure is compleat. The price from One Guinea and upwards, according to the circumstances of the patient. There are now some persons of credit, which were very bad a few days ago, and almost well, to be met at the above place. Attendance from nine in the morn- ing till two in the afternoon. N. B. At the above place are to be had medicines, and will be engaged to cure a dry and wet Scurvy; and for a Cancer if ever so violent ; and also the famous Corn Extract, with several certificates, price 2S. 6d; per box. It perfectly cures Corns without pain. For the MORNING POST. WEST INDIA ISLANDS CONSIDERED. Mr. EDITOR, THE Coffee- house Politicians give the alarm, and the multitude cry out that we are all undone, and the whole nation ruined by the loss of the Grenades ; in consequence every man car- ries as much dejection in his countenance as he did joy at the miserable mock victory of Keppel, to whose conduct the late insults we have received are owing. Please Sir, to inform those gloomy statesmen and the people at large, that the Grenades have belonged to England but fifteen years, having been ceded to us by the French, together with St. Vin- cent's, Dominica and Tobago, by the late peace ; - and is England ruined because the French have retaken them again ? The public should be informed that we now have every West India island that we had sixteen years ago, and which produce annually one hun dred and twenty thousand hogsheads of sugar, which is much more than this kingdom con- sumes, for we supply other countries with twenty thousand hogsheads a year. Where then exists the ruin of this country ? In the capture of three or four half cultivated islands, and which have cost this kingdom much more than they are worth islands which I say we- knew nothing of but six- teen years ago. Yet the cry is most industriously proclaimed by a few planters, merchants, and malcontents, that the nation, is ruined, the mi- nisters all traitors, that inevitable destruction Mr. EDITOR, NOTHING is more common than to hear Administration condemned, not only for the actual losses which the nation suffers, but also on account of our apprehensions of the enemy's greater force. Let us consider whether this is, or is not rational. There is no doubt but the revenue of France amounts to sixteen millions, sterling. a year, and that of Spain to ten millions, in all to twenty- six: that of Great Britain is thirteen exactly ; so the House of Bourbon possess just double the wealth that we do. I take no notice of loans, they are in the power of both nations ; Mr, Neckar could probably borrow upon as advantageous terms as Lord North. We are surprized that D'Estaing has twenty- six sail of the line in the West- Indies against Mr. Byron's tuenty- two, and that D'Orvilliers has sixty- six against Sir Charles Hardy's forty- six: this, in fact, is being surprized that twenty- six mil- lions a year is better than thirteen. Will any person be so preposterous, so mad, or so idle, as to imagine that we can make the latter sum go as far as France and Spain can do the former? And is it , believed that if Administration were changed to- morrow, and the popular leaders seated in their place, that the House of Bourbon would, as by enchantment, lose that positive, solid, and permanent superiority ? It it is said they did lose it when Mr. Pitt was Minister, I reply the fact is otherwise ; for they never possessed it. Three great circumstances decided the fate of that war—- first, 20,000 of the best seamen in France were seized before the war, an action Mr. Pitt had nothing to do with second, the finances of France were in such con- fusion from the extravagance of Madame Pom- padour, that she was a bankrupt early in the dispute third, Spain did not take part when she could streng: hen her friend—- not with any preparation adequate to the intention. Every one of these circumstanccs is different now ; we had no power this war of disarming France at a stroke— her finances are in great order under the ablest Minister of that department in Europe— and Spain is prepared with three years unremit- ting attention. Twenty Mr. Pitts' could not balaAce this contract ; all the Burkes; Foxes, Rockinghams, and Shelburnes upon earth, could not change these great, leading, and decisive circumstances. The House of Bourbon has no continental war now to demand six or eight millions a year to support— all her expence goes to her navy; and to suppose that the revenue of this country can build ships as fast as theirs, would he idle and nugatory ; on the contrary, they can do every thing cheaper than we. Hence therefore the superiority of the Houae of Bourbon arises from a concatenation of cir- cumstances which are beyond our power to change or alter, and for which Administration cannot be to blame; since they were totally beyond their influence. Nor should we flatter ourselves with the ideas of being more superior next year than the present ; the same reason will hold good then as now. Twenty- six millions will build faster than thirteen ; consequently, unless our Admirals perform much more than is to be expected, or there is a turn in the affairs of Europe to employ the House of Bourbon elsewhere, our superiority at sea must be gone for ever. The point of sea- men is not of so much confequence as it has been stated ; every well- informed man commended Sir Charles Hardy for retiring with forty sail from sixty- six, and yet it is a known fact, that he had as many seamen as on board his Ships as there were in the combined one. A ship of seventy- four guns can never lay along- side one of an hun- dred guns, whatever difference there may be in the manning ; and every year will increase the number of the enemy's men, if it were from no- thing but Channel campaigns. What then it the remedy Like that in all dangerous cases, make the utmost exertions, and lay twenty sail of first and second rate ships on the stocks at once to be finished in two years, and twenty more of seventy- fours to be compleated in a year ; lay a tax on all the counties to furnish common carpenters to work in the dock- yards— man with landmen as well as the enemy, and let it continue, if it must, a mere naval war. All this will require vast sums to be raised, which must be done within the year by a tax of ten, twelve, or twenty per cent, on every species of income. These measures must be taken, or the nation is no more. EUMENES. From the LONDON GAZETTE, Sept. 21 . , Whitehall, September 22, 1779 Copy of a Letter from Lord Macartney to Lord George Germain, dated near La Rochelle, Sep- tember 4, 1779; received the 19th instant by the packet from Ostend. Near La Rochelle, France, MY LORD, September 4, 1779. Flatter myself that long before this letter' reaches your Lordship, you will have received my dispatch of the 5 th of July ( A) from Grena- da, giving you an account of that Island's being in possession af the French, I sent several copied of it by different channels; but left none of them should have come to hand, I shall now in a few words acquaint yOur Lordship, That 0n the 2d of July the Count d'Estaing arrived at Grenada, with 25 sail of the line and 12 frigates, having 6,500 land troops on board. We made the best defence we could with the handful of people we had, which consisted of 101 rank and file of the 48th regiment, 24 artillery recruits, and be- tween 3 and 400 militia. We had the good fortune to repulse the enemy in their first attack, but in the second they carried our lines by dint of superior numbers, after a con- flict of about an hour and a half, in which they had killed and wounded 300 men and upwards which amounts to more than the whole force we had to oppose to their attack for in the preced- ing night we Were deserted by almost all the co- loured people, and the greatest part of the new subjects. Being at the discretion of the enemy, - without means of resistance or prospect of relief, we were obliged to propose a capitulation which was instantly and peremptory refused by the Count d'Estaign in toto ; and in lieu of it he sent to me the most extraordinary and unexampled project that ever entered into the mind of a Gene-- ral Or Politician. This I rejected in my turn and there being no possibility of obtaining any Other, all the principal inhabitants to whom I communicated it were unanimous in preferring a surrender without any conditions at all to the one that was offered ; and upon that footing the ene- my are now possessed of the Island. My letter of the 5th of July is so full and cir- cumstantial, that I must refer your Lordship to it, and to the papers inclosed in it for the particu- lars. I flatter myself that your Lordship will be- lieve, that nothing was omitted that could possibly have been done for the preservation 01 Grenada; This reflection is the only consolation I have un- der the misfortune 0r i s loss. In my former letter I mentioned, that it was intended that my fellow prisoners, of the remains of the five companies of the 43th regiment, should embark with me for Europe in a ship set apart for that purpose ; but I know not why its destination was altered ; the troops were sent, as I am informed, to Guadaloupe, and I was put on board a French frigate bound for this place, where we arrived last night. I have written to M. de Sar. ine, through whose hands this letter passes, to know the intentions of his Court with regard to my enlargement, and expect his answer in a few days. M. d'Estaing would not consent to any ex- change of prisoners in the West Indies on this oc- casion. An assurance was given to the inhabitants of Grenada, that they should retain quiet possession of their estates, and that, during the war, they should not be obliged to carry arms against his Majesty. The other arrangements, I presume, will depend on the court of Versailles. I am, & c. MACARTNEY, ( A) The letter referred to above his not been received. Dublin Castle, August 31. His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant has pleased to appoint Peter Earl of Altamont to be a Governor of the county of Mayo. BANKRUPTS. Edward Weeks Clarke and Charles Smith, of Thread- needle- street, London. Copartners, Watch- makers, to surrender Sept. 30, Oct. 1, and Nov, 1, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Blake, Cooke's- court, Carey- street. William Sugden, late of Leeds, York, Innholder and But- cher, to surrender Oct. 21; zz, and Nov. 2, at the house of John Cowling, Innholder, Leeds. Attornies, Mr. William Mann, or Mr. Charles Coupland, of Leeds. John Holbrook, of the parish of Bedminster, Somerset, Serge- maker, to surrender Sept. 30, October 2, and No- vember z, at the White Lion inn, in Broad- street, Bris- tol. Attornies, Mess. Kirby and Kelson, in Bristol, or Mr . Richard Edmunds, at his Seat in the Exchequer ffice of Pleas, Lincoln's- inn, London. Thomas Wickham, of St. Ives, Huntingdon, Worsted- maker, to surrender Sept. 25, October 9, and November 2, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Gotobed, Figtree- court, Temple. Thomas Johnson, of Gunstardwood, Hertford, Woolstapler, to surrender Oct. 1, 9, anJ Nov. 2, at Guildhall, Lon- don. Attorney, Mr. Constable, Abchurch- lane, Dividends to be made to Creditors. Sept. 25. Samuel Robinson, late of Houndsditch- Lon- don, Mahogany Merchant and Builder, but soner in the King's- bench Prison, at Guildhall. Oct. 8. Nathaniel Wiiliamson, of Salford, Lancaster, Fustian- dyer, at the house of George Kenyon, Esq. at Peel, Lancaster. Oct. 15. Peter Nouaille, late of Spital- square, Middle- sex, Silk Merchant, at Guildhall. Morning Post. LONDON. Our worthy malecontents were employed yester- day in, propagating a report ot Sir John Lockhart Ross being returned with his squadron to Spit- head, after finding the enemy too strong for him on the coast of France ; but we can assure the - public from very respectable authority, that this account is nothing more than an additional link to that chain of political fictions, for which the honourable troop of patriots have been so l0ng dis- tinguished. In former days when opposition to government run even the higheet, the men who composed that 0pposition, were satisfied with pointing out to the people the real mal- conduct of their rulers, but lamented in common with the rest of their fellow citizens any defeat, Or misfortune that befel their country ; modern refinements however have wrought a fatal change even in this line ; for not content with vilifying the members of administra- tion for offences they never committed, the pre- sent race of oppositionists exert themselves to the utmost to depress the national spirit, and then triumph over the national miscarriages that flow from their traiterous conduct. It is not improbable but Lord Howe may have a naval command next spring, for his professional abilities are unquestionably of the first rate ; and the reserved language he held on a late parlia- mentary enquiry, did not indicate that he wished his tale its shouid remain unemployed. Nothing can exceed the impudence of the camp intelligent forgers, in perpetually informing the public, that the bread at Warley Common is so bad that the men cannot eat it; when the fact is, they have been supplied during the whole sum- mer with the best bread that ever was issued in the camp, as a proof of which, it is everyday served up at the officers tables, and is preferred through- cut the line to any other bread whatever. Neither of the camps of Coxheath and War- ley, are to break up till the latter end of next month, previous to which they will both be re- viewed by hrs Majesty. The Military Association in the Artillery- ground now engages the attention of the public very much. Several thousands of genteel specta- tors are present every Wednesday, all of whom concur in passing the highest encomiums on these loyal and gallant youths. Even those tame spi- rited young gentlemen who will not join the as- sociation themselves, cannot but applaud the plan; little considering that in sounding abroad the praise which is due to public spirit, they place their own pusilanimity in the most conspicuous light and thus draw down shame upon themselves. Had these pusilanimous young gentlemen the least sense of honour, they would be modified beyond description to remain as idle spectators of so laudable an institution ;— the repeated insults offered to their much injured country would ere now have called them forth to arms ; and the of- fended majesty of their Sovereign would have fired their breasts with indignation and resentment against the common enemy : but alas ! they've bid adieu to all those generous feelings which their fathers knew, and have disgraced the name of Britons, by shrinking from the service of their King and country in this hour of general danger and alarm. Then let these male- prudes go and hide their faces in obscurity, nor let a soul be witness to their shame. They must for ever droop their heads when virtue is praised, because they there will have no claim ; and whilst the hard- earned laurels which their fathers won, are fading on their brows— these gallant youths shall spread their fame o'er all the globe, and every where acquire that honour which it justly due to those, of whom it may be truly said, The pleasures of their youth suspended are, And made a sacrifice to public care. We are authorized to assure the public, that so distinguished a charader as General P—— w would not have deigned to prosecute poor Watson for the trifling value of his ducklings, had they been of the common sort; but bring of the decoy kind, their loss is peculiarly unfortunate to the ' General, by whose industrious hands they could have been so admirably trained in that useful and profitable amusement. On Saturday the republican prints hinted that the French fleet had again sailed for Portsmouth, — on Monday they announced that D'Orvilliers was in the mouth of the Channel,— but on Tues- day when they promised a confirmation of this intelligence, not a syllable concerning the fleet is uttered: such are the patriotic intelligencers of the day. Had the many charges against Administration been credited without examination, what horrid apprehensions must we have had for the fate of the empire, But on investigation, happy for the Minister, and happy for the public, not one of the crimes alledged against him were founded in fact. He has often submitted his actions to the sense of the House of Commons, and as often come off with honour. The unsupported accu- sations of his enemies like their outrage and envy- have exceeded all bounds; and when enquired into proved to be political contrivances, which in detection, recoiled upon the accusers. Should Administration be for peace, the repub- licans will be for war— or if for war, then they we for peace. The maxim of these pretended patriots is never to agree with the King and his Ministers, nor to be upon terms with either. Let the public consider what here follows, and they will shortly see it verified. If there is a hint of peace thrown out, the republican papers will in- stantly begin with their assertions, that America is to be independent— or that Gibraltar is to be given up— or that Dunkirk is to be repaired, and that we are to be bullied and bit by every na- tion in Europe— then will follow the usual eulo- gium on the republicans— and that by taking them into power the honour of Britain is only to be preserved— And all this is occasioned by no rea- son whatsoever, but because these creatures are unemployed by government, and have it not in their power to turn out the present Ministry, and enjoy their places. It is worthy of remark, that whenever the po- litical system of Great Britain, meets with a vio- lent opposition from party, the discontented im- mediately adopt the word independent Gentlemen -— or patriots. And these sounds tickle the ears of the well- meaning multitude. If a Prime Mi- nister is accused by any anonymous paragraph, the patriots immediately cry it is for she inde- pendence of the kingdom to turn him out, and this is much better received by the people than any argument drawn from evidence or reason. Nay if a public writer hints that the prerogative of the crown should be lessened, though that could not be done without altering the constitu- tion, the multitude immediately cry out, let all good patriots assist, for this is for the independence of the kingdom. Thus are these clamours raised against government, without any foundation in truth, reason, or justice. There is not any government upon earth so completely perfect, but that something will be amiss; and occasions of discontent, though not designed, will often arise : This our political pa- triots well know; but the way in which their com- plaints are managed evidently discover that their desire is not to rectify mistakes, but to encourage a wanton abuse of the King and his Ministers. What a wretched condition would this king dom be reduced to, was any regard paid to the ridiculous chimeras of those writers who daily intrude their politics on the public through the diurnal retailers of abuse against government, with which this metropolis so much abounds. These underling mercenaries of faction are at the devotion of any party, and ready to open for or against any men or measures, who will pay them for so doing. Silence and contempt are the proper returns from Administration, to the igno- rance and impudence of such mercenary politi- cians. It is a weakness as well as wickedness to think the worse of our Ministers because they are abused by the patriots. Envy is the sole cause of all the stories propagated to their disadvantage, and the accusations are well known to be all false. If a man must be guilty because he is accused, there never yet was a Minister who was not criminal. The Duke of — and his infamous party, are the men whom ths people of this country should execrate. They, and they alone, are the cause of our present distresses, They labour the cause of sedition incessantly— they vent and they patronize all manner of scandal against the King and his government— every hour produces fresh falsehoods from them ; and all in hope of pre- venting the people being sensible of the justness of public proceedings, and having a share in the benefit arising from them. The enraged disappointed republican party may continue to insult, to sneer, and to practice every artifice to deceive and alarm us; but surely the people of Britain will not be such enemies to their own peace, as to take upon trust, the prospects with which they are presented, as a true state of their affairs, when it is so evident how much it serves the private interest of faction to make things appear desperate or distasteful: and the more so when it is beyond a doubt that the characters of those in power are blackened to render the advances of the patriots less dreaded by the people, A challenge has, in form, been sent by one of the belligerent Aldermen to his fighting antago- nist. They are to decide their contest on horse- back. The scene of action is to be the Artillery Ground, and they are to fight with gingerbread spears. Another account from the city mentions, that the Aldermen are to decide their quarrel in the ancient mode with gauntlets; that Astley's Am- phitheatre is to have the honour of the contest, that the price of admittance will be 5s. each per- son, and that the money arising from the collec- tion is to be laid out in purchasing locks and ramrods for the city militia guns ; and Should the Colonel of the white regiment come off victorious, it is confidently said that the corps will be allow- ed powder and flints the next field day. We are authorised by some respectable gentle- men, who hold a constant correspondence with the merchants in Cork, to declare that the extract of a letter, said to be from that place, and published in a republican paper, mentioning, the barbarous treatment of some foreigners by the press- gangs, is totally false, and that it seems to be a patriotic fabrication here with intent to injure as much as possible, by malicious reports, the characters of the gentlemen in the navy there. By a private letter from Corke we learn, that the cargoes of the Marquis de Marboeuf and la Dugeclaine, French Indiamen brought into the Shannon, have been landed at Limerick, and stored for better security. Being favoured with a letter from one of the Captains of the East Indiamen, now in the river Shannon, Ireland, we give the following extract from it, containing, among other matters, an account of all the passengers which came in the fleet. The four whalers sailed from St. Helena with our fleet, and arrived in the Shannon the same day with us; the London and Dragon are at least worth 10, oool each, the other two not more than 2000I. each, having been unsuccessful. The Dragon and Beaver caught a spermaceti whale about two days before we arrived here, but night coming on, and a breeze springing up, they were obliged to leave half the fish behind them for fear of losing the fleet; this fish, had they got the whale of it, would have been worth 800l. to them. " The following is a list of the passengers.— By Latham, from Madrass, Capt. Harley, Mr. Popham, Mr. Frazer, and three children.— By Lord North, from Madrass, Mr. Wynch, son to Governor Wynch, and Capt. Grant.— By Valen- tine, from Madrass, Mr. Benfield, Mr. Steward, Mr. Weston, Mrs. Bromley, and four children. — By Mansfield, from Madrass, Mr. Fowke.— By Rochford, six children.— by Lord Holland, from Madrass, Mr. Wilton.— by Northington, one child from Bengal— By Grosvenor, from Bengal, Mrs. Barton and two children, Mrs. Higgins, Capt. Thompson, and four children." People should be on their guard at this time concerning the news which is privately imported from Holland, for several reasons. A report was a few days ago circulated with great confidence about Change, that the Dutch had given a fa- vourable answer to Sir Joseph Yorke's memorial ; but, the last public news- papers printed in Hol- land, do not mention a word about it. Last night her Grace the Duchess of Devon- shire was in the stage- box at Drury- lane theatre, and seemed perfectly recovered from her late na- val alarm. The Duchess of DevOnshire, Lord and Lady Spencer, the Hon. Miss Harriet SpEncer, and other persons of distinction from Helvoetsluys, landed on Thursday last at Harwich, from whence they directly proceeded to Mr. Rigby's seat near Manningtree. His Lordship and his amiable fa- mily, were so anxious about the fate of Captain Garner, that on their arrival at Harwich, they dispatched expresses to Yarmouth, Lowestoffe, Aldborough, and other parts along the coast, to know if their gallent defender, with his disabled ship, had found an asylum ; but, to their great disappointment, could obtain no tidings of him. No mention is made of the arrival of Lord Cornwallis, and the other general officers at New York, in Admiral Arbuthnot's dispatches, from whence it is conjectured they sailed in the Greyhound frigate immediately for Georgia, where his Lordship will probably command. We hear that Lord M'Cartney's conduct in the defence of Grenada, has met with the fullest approbation of his Majesty. Mr. Oliver, late an Alderman of the City of London, was on the island of Grenada when taken by the French. He had large possessions there, and went over on a suspicion of what would happen. The French always make it a rule to oppose the Irish and Scotch brigades in their service against the English ; there were two battalions of the former at the taking of Grenada. It is expected that Monsieur Chaffault, the new Frenth Commander, will will attempt wome depredations upon our coasts, unlews his wings are a little contracted by the spirited Lockart Ross, who is an excellent marksman at the enemies of Great- Britain. On Sunday night the new- born son of Lord Algernon Percy, son of his Grace the Duke of Northumberland, was baptized at his Lordship's houfe in Audley- fquare by the name of Alger- non : the fponfors were, the Earls of Strafford and Aylesford, and Mrs. Barrell, Lady Percy's mother. It is said that at the meeting of parliament the tax on servants will be revised and improved, when a real friend to his country intends pro- posing a clause to oblige thofe who entertain fo- reign domestics, to pay in a quadruple propor- tion to such as can submit to be served by the clumsy natives of this island ; at present the coun- try gentleman who contributes near half his pa- ternal estate towards the support of government, pays as much for honest John, as my Lord, who by place or pension drains the vitals of his coun- try, does for the French favourite that generally goes halves with his Lord in the meanly acquired income. The Deputy and Common Councilman of Aldgate ward ( in consequence of a letter they have received from William Lee, Esq; Alder man of that ward, signifying thai he resigned his gown, and requesting them to chose another in his room) waited on Mr. Sheriff Kitchen on Monday, offering to elect him into the said of- fice ; who he said that if they thought proper to make choice of him, he was willing to accept] of it, but if there was an opposition he would de- cline standing a candidate. The Stag frigate and the Drake sloop arrived in Plymouth Sound on Saturday last. They have been cruizing off the Lizard for these ten days past, and have not discovered any trace of the enemy, nor have they seen any detached cruizers whatever. From the best reports we can assure the public, that they are safe in Brest water, and that they have orders not to sail before the 15th of Octocter. The Occan is now out of dock, and has got 400 men on board ; she will be ready for sea in three weeks. The Dublin is in dock, and will be fit for service in a month. The Rawleigh is in the Sound, waiting for General Robinson and his retinue, to sail to New York. The four camps on Mount Edgecumbe are now combined into one, in which situation they are to continue till they go into winter quarters. Monday an express arrived from Bristol with an account of the arrival of the Mary Anne, from Georgia at that port, which place she left the 18th of August. A letter from Gosport, dated 18, says, " We hear from Guernsey and Jersey, that th y were much alarmed at seeing Sir John Ross's squadron passing by under French colours." By letters from Southampton, dated the 19th of September, we learn, that a cutter was spoke with off that port, bound to Spithead, by express, which carried the intelligence, that a fleet of twenty sail, partly French, and partly Spanish, had been feen off Guernsey, and were supposed to be meditating an attack upon that place. The cutter further reported, that Guern- sey was in an excellent state of defence, and that the inhabitants were not so much alarmed with apprehensions for the place itself, as for the fate of several of their privateers, which were cruiz- ing off the coast, and might inadvertently fall a prey to the enemy. The same letters add, that it is the opinion at Southampton, that if Sir Charles would dispatch twelve or fourteen sail of the line in pursuit of the enemy's squadron, and also transmit an immediate message to Sir John Lock- hart Ross, to intercept it in it's flight, as fly it certainly would, that between the one and the other, an account might be given of this twenty sail, more in the old style than has lately been the fashion. The weather has been so extremely hot, that the harvest is all got in in the most northern parts of this kingdom ; so easy and favourable a time is not remembered by ths oldest man living. In some parts of Yorkshire oats are frequently cut in the month of November, but it is imagined that at present not a piece of oats or beans is standing in the whole of that county. How thankful ought we to be for this kind interposition of providence, when from the present trouble as scarcity might reasonably be apprehended Extract of a letter from Northampton. " From the quiet, and indolence that general- ly attends an inland town, desitute of manufac- tures', we have for some months had as much bu- siness, and as much noise as can be found in the most tumultuous trading city.— Since the Earl of Harrington's new regiment removed from here Colonel Keating has established his head quarters for the regiment he is now raising; he is almost compleat, and stands a good chance of having some good soldiers amongst them, since they are of all ages, and all sizes, from seven to seventy, and from three feet to six. We have a great number of French Officers here, who are prisoners on their parole, and are allowed the privilege of going one mile from the town ; many of them have their horses and their servants, and in gene- ral behave themselves very well towards the townspeople ; it is true that a little fracas hap- pened at the George the other night which ter- minated a I'Angloise, with black eyes and a bloody nose. One of the Frenchmen, who had a smat- tering of English, was asked by an Officer of Keating's how he liked the town, and the im- provements now making, by beautifying the fronts of the houses, paving the streets, & c.? The Frenchman replied, between jest and earnest, that he liked the town very well, and would advise the finishing it with all expedition, to receive his countrymen, who would soon be masters of it. The Englishman told him, it was no easy matter to conquer this country-, even, supposing they got the better of our fleet, for that we had a fine land force of 2o, 0oo men. The Frenchman asked if he was to judge of the fineness of our army from the specimen of his regiment ? This query was so ill relished that it was answered by a punch in the face, which immediately produced a pretty severe battle, that terminated in favour of the English Officer." Extract of a letter from Richmond, in Yorkshire, dated Sept. 10. " At Richmond races on Tuesday last, the town purse was won by Mr. Radcliffe's bay horse Lofty ; and on Wednesday the cup was won by Mr. Bethell's brown colt Honest Robin. The number of spectators on each day was immense. The ladies wore cockades of red and white roses in honour of Lord Fawconberg's North Riding Volunteers; indeed too much honour can scarce be conferred on them, they made a very brilliant and agreeable appearance, clad in white jackets turned up with black, their cockades being the red and white roses above mentioned. They are pick- ed men, and will Form a noble regiment when compleat, which it is expected the will be very soon, as there seems to exist a conSiderable emu- lation to enter, and be distinguished in so respect. - able a regiment." Extract of a letter from Portsmouth, Sept, 20 " Arrived the Friends Desire, Wall, from Plymouth ; the Prosperous, Lizard, from Port- land j the Unicorn, Pierson, from Exeter ; - the General Clinton, Strong, from. London. Sailed the Triton man of war, and the Good Intent, Martin, for Jersey ; the Hawke sloop of war, for ditto. Came into harbour the Wolfe sloop of war. ** Saturday the Sandwich, of 90 guns, came out of dock. This is the first second- rate sheathed with copper, which was begun and compleated in fifteen hours. " This day Edward Linzee, Esq. was chosen Mayor of this Borough for the ensuiug year." Extract of a letter from Liverpool, Sept. 19. " The Molly ( late Captain Seddon) sailed from Tortola the 2d of August, the day after the fleet, in company with the Prosperity, Captain Mandervil, for this place, a ship for London, and a Scotch vessel, all of which she parted com- pany with three days after in a gale of wind, in lat. 49. Ion. 36. On her passage home she had an engagement with an American privateer of 26 guns, in which Captain Seddon and five of his men were killed, and the ship, sails, and rig- ging greatly damaged ; and notwithstanding the great Superiority of the enemy, she obliged the privateer to sheer off, and is now arrived in this port." Extract of a letter from Plymouth, Sept, 18. " This morning arrived here a small cutter, with dispatches from Admiral Ross, which were sent off immediately express for London ; by which we are informed, that the Admiral was off St. Maloes on Friday last, and was then go- ing in with his bombs and fire ships ; so that we may hourly expect to hear of his having destroyed the transports and flat- bottomed boats lying there." Extract of a letter from Londonderry, Sept. 10. " On Saturday last, the 4th inst. the Right Hon. Thomas Conelly, Governer of this county, entertained in a most elegant manner, at New- town Lamadavy, above one hundred officers of the different volunteer companies of the city and county of Londonderry, when an association was entered into by the officers present, for their mu- tual defence against the hostile attempts of out inveterate enemies, the House of Bourbon ; at- the same time appointing Mr. Conolly General; of the Associations. When Gentlemen of his great property and patriotism, thus patronize Martial Association, it is to be hoped they will rapidly increase, and procure us additional re- spect over the world, that must be attended with very essential advantages to this kingdom. Mr. Conolly, with the consent of the officers present, arranged the companies into five distinct regi- ments, consisting of six or eight companies each, with field- officers to be immediately chosen out. of them ; and to act separately, or in conjunct tion, for the security of the city and county, as well as for that of the province of Ulster." The Hector privateer, of Guernsey, Captain Natfall, has taken the Spanish polacre Nostra Signora de la Misericordia, Captain Salvador Cassans, from Buenos Ayres to Cadiz. A large ship being in fight, and supposed an enemy,..- Capt. Natfall took out of his prize seven chests, containing 20,000 dollars, made all the sail he could, and has brought them safe into Guern- sey, together- with the Spanish captain, OLD BAILEY INTELLIGENCE. On Monday night sentence of death was passed on the capital convicts. Chamberlain, who was self convicted, was particularly destred by the Re- corder not to flatter himself with any hope of par- don, as his crime ( stealing letters from the Post Office) was of such a nature as to render it dan- gerous not to make an example of him. After the awful ceremony of passing sentence was over, a girl was tried for uttering a bad shil- ling, knowing it to be such ; she was found guilty, and sentenced to six months confinement. John Kippax was tried for bigamy ; his two marriages were proved very clearly, the latter one by the second wife Mary Gwin, and the for- mer by the father- in- law of the first wife. The prisoner had no defence to make, and the jury without much deliberation, brought him in guilty. The common opinion is that bigamy is a capital crime ; but it appeared by the sentence passed on Kippax, to be of a much milder nature. Accord- ing to a statute passed in the reign of James the first, the punishment was burning in the hand, and twelvemonths imprisonment; but a late act of parliament left it to the discretion of the court to change the branding into a fine ; the deputy re- corder therefore through humanity sentenced the prisoner to one years imprisonment, and fined him ten shilling. Branding seems at present likely to be laid to- tally aside, as the deputy Recorder took advan- tage of the new act of Parliament, and fined every prisoner who was to have been branded, one shil- ling, instead of the burning in the hand. The capital indictment that had been laid against Mrs. Solomons the Jewess, for setting fire to her house, was withdrawn, and another indict- ment laid in its Head. She was told, that on ap- plication to the Lord Mayor, and 0n finding se- curity, she might be admitted to bail. Five boys, the eldest eighteen, the youngest only twelve years old, were found guilty of lar- ceny, for stealing ribbons and lace at Bartholo mew- fair. The eldest was sentenced to the Thames, the other four to be whipt, and sent af- terwards to sea. The sentence of whipping was immediately ex- ecuted on them, and one lad more, and twelve women. Numbers of others were discharged one of the latter was so old and infirm, that she could fcarce walk out of court; Mr. Akerman very humanely gave her some money. With this the sessions ended. Mealing, who attempted to kill himself on Monday; was very ill yesterday; he was troubled with reachings which prevented the wounds from closing, and were likely to break open afresh the half- closed blood vessels. On Thursday the East India Company gave notice to their servants, that they must learn the manual exercise; so that it may be said 600 recruits were raised in an hour. They are to ex- ercise two afternoons in the week, and to have a gratuity allowed them. Lately died in Dublin, the Right Rev. Philip Chevenix, Lord Bishop of Waterford. He was the oldest prelate in that kingdom, and one of the most remarkable characters there, having made it the uniform rule of his conduct to give his vote in the Upper Assembly on that side of the question against which the majority of the Spiritual Peers gave theirs. Sunday last, during the absence of the family at divine service, Mr. Wright's house, of the Grove Farm, near Edgeware, Middlesex, was plun- dered of all its valuables he robbers left an inventory of what they had taken, and went off without the least traces that could lead to a disco- very. Monday night and yesterday morning there was a very hot press below London- bridge ; every vessel was cleared of their men, and many were taken on shore on both sides of the river, and im- mediately put on board tenders and sent down to the Nore. They are to man two ships at Ports mouth, which are ready there, and as soon as they are manned are to join the grand fleet. Monday died, at his house, at Ham, in Essex, Jacob Dawson. Esq. late of Sudbury, in Suffolk. Monday morning died, Mr. John Thorne, aged 21 years, only son of Thomas Thorne, Esq, of Doctor's Commons. Norwich: Sept. 18. Last week died, at his seat at Wingfield- castle, the Rev. Dr. Leman, rector of the medieties of Wakefield, and vicar of Mendam, in Suffolk. Amphitheatre Riding House, Sept. 18. The many pleasing new entertainments which are exhibiting at Astley's Amphitheatre Riding House, Westminster- bridge, and which have given universal applause to all ranks of spectators ( particularly the new additions) will be repeated this evening, no other place of entertainments in the world can equal it for variety of rational amusements, and the proprietor begs leave to in- form the Nobility, Gentry, and others, that in a few evening; the Riding Houfe will close for this season. Doors to be opened at half part five, to begin at half past six o'clock. Boxes, 2s. 6.1. Upper Boxes, is 6J. Pit, 1s. Side Gallery, 6j. STATE LOTTERY, 1779.— The Tickets- and Shares of Tickets, and Shares of Chances, are sold and divided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, by HAZARD and Co. Stock- Brokers, at their State Lottery Office, No. 93, under the Royal Exchange, London, and no where else on their account. Correct numerical and register books are kept, and Tickets, Shares, and Chances, registered at six- pence per number.— Note, In the last and pre- ceding Lotteries the following capital prizes were sold and shared at this Office, viz. two of 20, oool. and two of 1o, oool. Not two blanks to a prize. The prizes to be paid without deduction. All shares and chances sold at this office will be stamped agreeable to Act of Parliament, and also with the Crown, and round it Hazard's Lottery Office. Money for the prizes will be paid at this office as soon as drawn. Letters ( post- paid) duly answered, and schemes gratis. Begins drawing the 15th of November. Sporting intelligence, ABINGDON. TUESDAY, SEPT. 14. The Corporation Purse of 50I. weight for age. D. of Cumberland's b. h. Pompey — I i Hon. Peregrine Bertie's br. h. Bumper, 2 dr Same day a Sweepstakes, 50gs. each, h. ft. by 3 year olds. One mile and half. Mr. Napier's b. c. by Mask Mr. Parker's b. c. by Eclipse __ D. of Cumberland's c. Young Faggergill Mr. O'Kelly's h. Thunderbolt, beat Mr. May or's Jolly Roger, one four mile heat, for 2oo0gs. WEDNESDAY. Fifty Pounds, for 4 year olds. Mr. Way's ch. h. Ready Rhino Mr. Watt's b. c. Victorious Sir T. Shelly's b. f. Everlasting — THURSDAY. The Members Purse of 50I. Mr. Wilkin's b. m. — Mr. Weeks's b. m. — Mr. Cope's b. m. — Mr. Mayor's br. h. Jolly Roger — LEICESTER. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 15. The Burgesses Purse of 50l. Mr. Keyworth's bl. m. Venessa —• 11 Mr. Burlton's b. h. Hydaspes — —- z 1 T H U R S D A Y. The Gcntlemens Purse of 50I. was won by Mr. Harrison's ch. m. Lucy — —- 2 1 t Mr. Groce's b. m. — — 131 Mr. Dymock's b. m. Champion — — 3 2 dis Hatton- House Academy, No. 6, Cross street. Hatton Garden. D A N C I N G. La- dies and Gentlemen taught to Dance the Minuet de la Cour, and Gavote, in the most ele- gant manner; the Minuet and Cotilons, in a few lessons; also the Allemande and Hornpipe, and English Country Dances perfected in three evenings practising. No enquiry of persons names, or places of abode, and are punctually attended as privately as they please. Ladies and Gentlemen attended at their own apart- ments, by their obliged humble servant, J. WALL DU VAL. N. B. The Assembly Rooms for this season will open on the 1st of October, and will be con- tinued every Friday. Subscriptions received at the Office as above. A saving to the Public of Three Shillings per Chaldron on COALS. - At SELBY POTTS's Coal Magazine, Adelphi Wharf, Strand, on the right hand side of the centre arch, is sold for ready money) thirteen sacks to the chaldron, containing thirty- nine bushels, at the same same which twelve sacks, containing only thir- ty- six bushels, are usually sold for. The coals shall be of the very best quality, and measures, under the inspection of a sworn meter. To CORRESPONDENTS. MARIA'S Stanzas to Sir CHARLES HARDY to- morrow.— Simon Downright's letter to one of the Managers of the theatres, contains too many vague and groundless charges to justify a publication of it.— The PIMPING song in a day or two.. Sales by auction. By Mr. SCOTT, At his Rooms, opposite Trinity Chapel, Conduit- street, Hanover- square, on Wednesday the 29th instant, and following days, THE Genuine and Genteel HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, LINEN, CHINA, PictuRES, PRINTS, BOOKS, handsome Four- post BEDSTEADS, With mahogany feet posts, and elegant chintz, pattern cot- ton, and other furniture ; particularly a japanned and paint- ed Bedstead, with elegant silk furniture, Exceeding good : goose feather- beds, and excellent bedding, elegant inlaid card, pier tables, and commodes, India cabinets, mahogany chests of drawers, book cases, wardrobes, large pier glasses in rich burnished frames, carpets, an excellent mangle, kitchen furniture, and other Effects of A LADY, / Retiring into the Country for the benefit of her health, and removed for the convenience of sale. To viewed two days preceding the sale, when catalogues may be had as above, and of Mr. Scott, John street, Berk- ley- square. N. B. A house in John- street, Berkley- square, to be let. Enquire as above, By Mess TEASDALE and PITT, At their Rooms in St. Alban's street, Pall- mall, without reserve, on Tuesday next and the two following days, at Twelve o'clock, - ALL the neat and genuine Household Furni- ture, comprizing four- post and field bedsteads, with printed cotton, striped, Manchester, and morine furnitures, excellent bedding, carpets, glasses, variety of cabinet work, a fine toned piano forte, in a beautiful inlaid case, by Gar- kar, some wines, a model of a frigate, & c. together with the stock in trade of an Ironmonger and Brazier, in embar- rassed circumstances; consisting of excellent Bath and steel stoves, jacks, variety of locks, hinges, bolts, bells, copper- pots and sauce- pans, anvills, hammers, and other imple- ments in trade. To be viewed on Monday, when catalogues will be de- livered at the Rooms. By PRIVATE CONTRACT, By Mr. RILEY, A Compact, desirable Freehold Estate, in Surry, 18 miles from London, and four from the Thames, consisting of a compart Dwelling- house, Barns, Stabling, and all proper Out Offices, together with 70 acres of arable and meadow Land, in a ring fence, very improvable, with an unlimited right of a very large common ; the situation in a healthy chearful spot, and will unite pleasure and profit to the purchaser. Several packs of hounds kept in the neigh- bourhood. For further particulars apply to Mr. Riley, No. 71, Long- acre. WIGS on a new construction, never seen be- fore, remarkable for their natural appearance, and superior to any yet invented; the border or edge, which is the most critical part of a wig, is of such a fine and thine workmanship, as will convince, at first sight, that the whole is conducted on principles different from all other wigs, and when on, will appear like natural hair; by a peculiar me. thod they sit close to the face, without the assistance of steel springs, double pieces of buckram, thick linings, & c, unne- cessary articles, which only serve to overheat the head, and to give the wig a heavy and clumsy appearance , there is no caul in the inside, so that you may put your finger be- tween the hair, and feel your own skin; the many super- fluous things which are put in wigs only serving to lodge the powder and pomatum, which, with the perspiration that is raised by the heat of the head, renders it very dis- agreeable to the wearer.' Please to direct to A. AUBERY, No. 24, Warwick- street; Golden- square. By Mess. CHRISTIE and ANSELL, On the premises, To- morrow, THE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CHINA, PICTURES, PRINTS, BREWING UTENSILS, & c. of Mr. LA FONTAINE, At his house, opposite the TWO MILE STONE, in LITTLE CHELSEA. To be viewed to the sale, which will begin at 12 o'clock. Catalogues may be had on the premises, and in Pall Mall. To be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT, By Mess. CHRISTIE and ANSELL, A VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, a FAREHAM, in HAMPSHIRE ; consisting of the Manor of Cams, and a capital and new- built mansion, ele- gantly furnished, and innumerable offices, pleasure- ground, lawns, gardens, with greenhouse, fruit and flower- houses, domaine lands, & c. consisting of 230 acres, of Major General CARNAC. Together with several eligible farms surrounding the pre- mises: the whole of the buildings in substantial and elegant repair, and the lands in high manurage ; are of the yearly value, exclusive of the mansion, pleasure- ground, gardens', & c. of near 900I. per annum. The elegant household furniture, live and dead stock, farming and gardening implements, & c. may be had at a fair valuation. A person attends, who will shew the premises : and printed particulars may be had of Mess. Christie and Ansell Pall- mall. To be LETT or SOLD, FURNISHED, or UNFURNISHED, By Messrs. CHRISTIE and ANSeLL, AFREeHOLD DWeLliNG- HOUSE, with GARDENS, COACH- HOUSe FOUR- STALL STABLE, BREWHOUSE, GREEN- HOUSE, and other convenient OFFICES, situated on an agreeable eminence, in the county of MIDDLESEX, about thirteen miles from London in exceeding good repair, ard fit for the immediate reception of a genteel family. The environs are extreamly pleasant, with an unlimited right of common, and abound with game. If sold, the purchaser may be ad- commodated with the furniture, which is substantial, and neat, at a fair valuation, and a rich meadow of about six acres. For further particulars enquire of Messrs. Christie and Ansell, Pall- mall To be LE T, By Mess. CHRISTIE and ANSELL, 1 ANOBLE SPACIOUS MANSION, with numerous OFFICES, & c. situate in GREAT GEORGE- STREET, WESTMINSTER, principal front next the Park, late in the occupation of The MARQUIS D'ALMADOVER. For further particulars enquire of Mess. Christie and An- sell, Pall Mall j By Mr. TATTERSALL, T Near Hyde- park Turnpike, To- morrow, at Twelve o'clock, FOUR very handsome, seasoned, nag- tail, chesnut Geldings, generally used in a coach, near fif- teen hands high, ' have been in constant work, and just come off a long journey ; they are full of good meat, in excel- lent condition, and will be sold to- the best bidder. At the same time will be sold four chesnut Mares that have been constantly used to harness; likewise a pair of Phaeton Geld- ings, with a Phaeton and Harness compleat. To be viewed. To be sold, a thorough bred, staunch Pointer, the pro- perty of Lord Grimstone's keeper. By Mr. TATTERSALL, At the Turf CofFee- house, Hyde- park Turnpike, To- morrow, at Twelve, SEVERAL Carringes of different sorts ; some pairs of coach geldings of different colours; several odd ditto ; a great many strong boney geldings and mares, fit for machines, post chaises, & c. also some good useful hacks, & c. To be viewed and a trial had. At the same time will be sold, a very compleat Lady's horse, with full mane and tail, warranted sound, and master of 13 stone. A trial will be allowed. By Mr. ALDRIDGE, At the Original Repository in St. Martin's- lane, This Day, at 12 o'clock, SEVERAL CARRIAGES as usual, some clever Pairs of seasoned Coach Geldings, and single ditto, two clever strong Chaise Geldings, and several boney Hunters, fit for high weights, a great number of Road Geldings and Mares, come off long journies, Post Chaises, Machine and Cart Geldings, & c. In all upwards of 150 lots. To be viewed, and a reasonable trial had. By Mr. JESTENS, On the premises, This Day, at Twelve o'clock, THE genuine HOUSHOLD FURNITURE of a large house, in Northumberland- street, Strand ; consisting of exceeding good mahogany press, four- post and other bedsteads, and furniture ; fine goose feather beds and bedding; an exceeding good eight- day clock in an elegant mahogany case, by Taylor, a table ditto, by Walker; ex- ceeding good mahogany furniture, in double and single chests of drawers, bookcases, wardrobes,' tables, chairs, fine pier glasses, carpets, some exceeding good pictures, china, linen, a copper, a jack, & c. To be viewed till the time of sale. Catalogues may be had on the premises ; at Slaughter's Coffee- house, and of Mr. Jestens, No. 31, Portland- street, Soho. Mr. BROWNiNG, Auctioneer, Upholder, Appraiser, and Undertaker, begs leave to inform his Friends, and the Public, that he has taken a comodious Auction room and Warehouse at No. 30, opposite the Royal Exchange, Cornhill, where he shall transact every branch of his profession in the sale of household furniture, pictures, prints, libraries of books, plate, jewels, china, stocks in trade, houses, and estates, in the most faithful and correct manner. Executors, assignees, manufactures, and wholesale dealers, who have any effects to be sold by public or private sale, are requested to send an account of of them as soon as convenient, the place being now ready to receive them. This day is published, price 1s. A NEW EDITION, the THIRD, of THE GARDEN COMPANION for Gen- tlemen and Ladies; or a Calender, pointing out what should be done every month in the Green- house, Flower, Fruit, and Kitchen Gardens, with the proper seasons for Sowing, Planting, See. with the time when the product may be expected, so as to have a regular succession of Flow- ers and Vegetables throughout the year. To which is added, A Compleat List of the Flowers and shrubs that blow each month, with some curious obser- vations. Sold by R. Baldwin, Paternoster- roW. Where may be had, A Farming Calendar, price is. pointing out what should be done in the farm as the seasons come round. M0NEY NEGOCIATIONS. THE Nobility, and Gentry, Ladies of For- tune, and others, may be supplied with sums of money to any amount, on bond, mortgage, annuity, or reversions, merchants and others may be accommodated on dry saltery and all kinds of mercantile goods ; insurance made on lives, goods, ships, & ce. government securities bought and sold and information given how to invest: money the most advantage- ously in stocks or other securities; India bonds, navy bills, and respondentia business transacted ; gentlemen and trades- mens bills, not exceeding twelve months, legally dis- counted. Apply from twelve till two o'clock, or address to Mr. Johnson, at his office, the Rainbow Coffee house, King- street, CoVent- garden. The secrecy and dispatch with which Gentlemen have hi- therto been accommodated, he hopes will intitle him to pre- ference, Nothing under will be attended to. By Mr. SKINNER This Day, at Eleven o'clock. ; street, Greenwich by order of the The genteel housHOld TUrE, PLATE, LINEn, CHINA, themacical and Optical Instruments, Collections of Maps and Charts, a compleat set of prints of the Luxemburgh Gallery, beautiful Oriental Pictures, Cabinets, and Orna- ments, some Madeira on eccellent double rowed HARP- SICHORD , by KIRKMAN, a two barrelled Organ, young and handsome BAY SADDLE GELDInG, large Scales and Weights, Fixtures, and various other valuable Effects of CAPTAIN CHARLES MEARS, Late Commander of the Egmont East lndiaman. Also, punctually, at one o'clock, in the first day's sale, will be sold, the Lease, for Eighteen years, of the THE COMPLEAT DWELLING HOUSE, with coach- house, Stabling, large Gardens, and proper conveniencies, in fect condition.. Catalogues may be had on the premises,. and at Mr. Skinner's, Aldersgate- street. ~~ By Mr. SKINNER, To- morrow, the 23d insT. on the premises at 12 o'clock^ by order of the Assignees, THE COMPLETE and sPAcious PRE- MISeS in FLEET- STREET in the possession of Mr GEORGE GOOD, Upholder and Auctioneer, comprising a commodious Dwelling House, neatly fitted up, an excellent Auction Room, Ware Rooms, and every pos- sible conveniency for carrying on an extensive business, very good vaults and cellaring, and large yard, with distinct com- munication to Shoe lane, Racquet- court, and Poppins- alley, which, renders the same very desirable for an AuCtion eer, or any profession that requires roomy premises. The whole has been repaired and improved at an expence of near 120ol. A Messuage in front of Fleet- street is let to a good tenant, and reduces the rent of the above to only 45I. per annum, for an unexpired term of sixteen years. To be viewed to the sale. Particulars may be had On the premises,. and at Mr. Skinner's, Aldersgate- street By. Mr. SKINNER, To- morrow, the 23 J, and two following days, at 11 o'clock, on the premises, by order of the Assignees, THE neat HOUSHOLD FURNITURE, Plate, Linen, China, a small collection of PIC- TURES, among which are some good originals by esteemed makers, a Library of BOOKS, by the best authors, th « COMPLETE SET of PLATES, with the sole right of publishing the OPERA of ARTAXERXES, by Doctor ARNE, a capital MODEL of the ROYAL GEORGE MAN of WAR, and five others, together with the STOCK in TRADE, fixtures, and other Effect of Mr. GEORGE GOOD, Upholder and Auctioneer, at No. 121, Fleet- Street. To be viewed to the sale. Catalogues may be had on the premises, and at Mr. Skinner's, Aldersgate- street By Mr. SKINNER, On Monday next on the Premises, at Eleven o'clock, THE HOUSHOLD FURNITURE, fixtures, linen, china, stock of books, comprizing 1500 vo- lumes, stationary, and fittings up of the shop at the CIRCULATING LIBRARY, No. 38, Duke- street, Manchester- square, near Oxford rOad. Also the complete Letter Presses, PRINTING MATE- RIALS, Book- binding implements, & c. To be viewed on Saturday. Catalogues then on the premifes, and at Mr. Skinner's in Aldersgate- street. By Mess. SAMPSON and SPURriER, On Monday, the 17th instant, on the Premises, at 12 o'clock, by Order of the Assignees. THE lease, for an unexpired term of 18 years, of a most excellent, roomy, convenient dwelling house, and spacious warehouse, ( on the whole of which a large sum has lately been expended) situate, No. 106, opposite Bow Church, Cheapside, late in the pos- session of Mr. JAMES PEARSON, Wholesale Linen- draper. On the above and following day ( beginning at 11 o'tlock) will be sold all the genteel houshold furniture, sideboard of plate, linen, china, several very capital and undoubted ori- ginal pictures, a large iron book case, a mahogany comp:- ing- house desk, warehouse counters, and various other va- luable effects. The whole may be viewed on Saturday the 25th, when catalogues and particular may be had on the premises, of Mr. Sampson, No. 29, Budge- Row; and of Mr. Spurrier, No. 101, Leadenhall- Street.. By Mess. SAMPSON and SPURRIER, On Monday the 4th of October, and the following day, on the premises, at Eleven o'clock, THE Neat ar. d Genteel Houshold Furniture, beautiful old useful and ornamental china, extensive and valuable library of books, in good condition, a few ex- cellent pictures, a portable billard table, a fashionable whis- key, a fine milch cow, and other valuable effects of GEORGE WILLIS, Esq. At his late house at Beddington, near Carshalton, Surry. To be viewed on Saturday, the std, when catalogues be had on the premises, at the Fox and Hounds, Croydon the Spread Eagle, Epsom ; the Greyhound, Carshalton ; the White Hart, and King's Head, Mitcham ; of Mr. Samp- son, Budge- row ; and of Mr. Spurrier, Leadenhall- street, London. To be LET or SOLD for a LoNG TERM, By Mess. SAMPSON and SPURRIER. AGenteel, commodious Lease- hold HOUSE; With Coach- house, stabling, and every desirable con- venience, a large garden, amply stocked, and in excellent condition, with or without a neat small house and meadow adjoining. , The buildings are substantially erected, and in thorough repair ; though not a mile from town perfectly rural and pleasant, and the neighbourhood very genteel. For further particulars, and an order to view, apply to Mr. Sampson, Budge- row, or Mr. Spurrier, Leadenhall- street, London. N B. Part of the purchase- money may remain secured by the premises. By Mr. WILLOCK, On the premises, No. 16, the west side of Holles- street, Cavendish- square, on Saturday next, at 11 o'clock, by order of the Executrix of a GEnTLEMAN deceased, THE Genuine HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE, consisting of BEDS, BEDDING, CHAIRS, TABLES, DRAWERS, PIER and 0ther GlassES, & c. part of which were removed from his late House at PAr- SOn's- gREEN, FULHAm. To be viewed on Friday, and till the sale, when cataolgues may be had on the premises, and of Mr. Willock, in Cha- pel- c0urt, New Burlington- street. By Mr. GODFREE, Upon the Premises in St. Margaret- street, near New Pa- lace- yard, Westminster, on Friday the 14th instant, at 11 o'clock,' THE Genuine and neat HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, HARPSICHORDS, PICTURES, PRINTS, two neat FOWLING PIECES, PISTOLS, CHINA, and other Effects of Mr. NICHOLAS LADE; who if removed to Windsor. One of the harpsichords is a Remarkable fine toned, dou- ble- key'd instrument, made by Joannes Ruckers, of An- twerp, 1633 ; the other in a neat mahogany case, by jo- seph Mahoon. The furniture Consists of four- post and other bedsteads, with neat and clean bedding, fine goose feather beds, sundry pier and other glasses, stove- grates, carpets, and good ca- binet- work, in mahogany, wallnut- tree, & c. To be viewed on Thursday the 23d, until the time of sale. Catalogues then to be had, and of Mr. Godfree in New Palace- yard; divine compassion conceive,— it was, my Lord, the dew drop of Heaven. Honours, fortune, fame; are yours in the highest degree ; may uninterrupted health ensure to you a long, a very long enjoyment of them ; but at that awful hour when the choicest earthly blessings, even the richest gifts of Kings cease to- be of value, the Kings of Kings, the God of eternal mercy, shall for acts like those reward you with glory and happiness everlasting." Sept. 21. m While Faction yet was mute, Britannia at her virtuous suit, / And fond desire, Could swell the soul to rage, and kindle Glory's fire ! At last false Oratory came, Inventress of unreal Fame. The Vile Enthusiast, from her spacious store, Enlarg'd the former narrow bounds, And added weight to specious sounds. With Nature's mother- wit, and arts unknown before. To Oratory yield the prize, Or Faction share the crown This rais'd a J mortal to the skies, That drew a § Hero down ! • VII. See the furies arise ! See the snakes that they rear, How they hiss in their hair ! And the sparkles that flash from their eyes! Behold a ghastly band, Each a torch in his hand ! Those are British ghosts that in battle were slain, And unburied are lain Inglorious in the main : Give the vengeance due To the valiant crew. Behold how they toss their torches on high, How they point to the Gallick abodes, And glitt'ring temples of their hostile Gods ! The tailors applaud with a furious joy, And Keppel seiz'd a flambeau, with zeal to destroy ! Britannia led the way, To light him to his prey; And like another Helen, fir'd another Troy ! CHORUS. And Keppel, & c. * White- shores. f At Commerce, Keppel. § PALLISER. POETRY. A NAVAL ODE, intended to have been performed at BATH, on Admiral KEPPEL's retreat to that place after the memorable 27th of July, 1778. TWAS at the female seat—- of FRANCE not won ' By ALBEMARLE'S brave son, Aloft in awful state; The Ladies' Hero sat On his Tea- table throne j His valiant Peers were plac'd around, Their brows with blue cockades and favours bound ; ( So should deserting arms be crown'd) The lovely Ladies by his side Sat wishing each to be his bride, In flow'r of Youth, and Beauty's pride. Happy ! happy ! happy ! Man !, None but the brave ! None but the brave ! None but the brave desert the Van ! CHORUS. Happy, & c. MR. C DEFENDED.- <£ Their mangled reliques we observe, " And curse the barb'rous job " For sure no mercy they deserve < c Who murder, those they rob, Mr. EDITOR, OBSERVING the treatment Mr. C has lately met with from a set of would- be cri- tics, Who, among other charges highly- injurious to his literary fame, accuse him of murdering those authors whom he robs. I am happy t0 de- clare that is not a general rule with that Gentle- man to behave in so barbarous a manner. Dip- ping the other day into the second volume of Fielding's Joseph Andrews, from page 100 to 105 I found the very identical dispute between a poet and player, which Mr. C has so hap- pily put in the mouths of Catchpenny and Ranter in the favourite comedy of the Suicide, almost word for word. This scene having met with more applause than any. other in the play, will, I hope, sufficiently prove the truth of my assertion. I am, Sir, Your most obedient servant, Cocoa Tree, Pall- mall. SNOW- BALL. SHIP NEWS. DEAL, Sept. 20- Wind N. W. Sailed on a cruise the Fairy sloop. Remain as before, and Smaragda, Brine, for New York, the Hope, Smith, for ditto; the Beverline, Culverwell, victualler, and the. Hazard, Penrice-, for New- haven. Ruazzini plac'd on high, Amid the tuneful chair, With plying fingers touch'd the lyre, The trembling notes ascend the sky, And heav'nly joys inspire. The song began from Hawke, Who left fair England's clifts of chalk, ( Nor e'er returned our hopes to balk) Though greater fleets rode on the flood, Sublime upon the helm he stood ; When he to treach'rous Gallia prest, And while he fought her snOwy * breast, Then round her silenc'd ports he sail'd, And stamp'd fear on his name, that o'er all France prevail'd The list'ning crowd admire the lofty sound, A present Conqueror they shout around, A present Conqueror the vaulted roofs rebound ! With ravish'd ears The Adm'ral hears, Assumes the God, Affects to nod, And seems to shake the spheres. CHORUS. With ravish'd ears, & c. NICHOLSON and Co. Stock- brokers, and State Lotte ry- Office} the King's- Arms; No. 103, Cornhill. HIGH WATER at LONDON- BRIDGE. Morn. I min. aft. 12 Astern. 25 min. aft- 12.' Sooth'ld with the sound, the man grew vain, Fought all his battles o'er again, And thrice was routed by his foes, and thrice he fled the main The master saw the madness rise His glowing cheeks, his ardent eyes j And while he Heav'n and Earth defy'd, ' Chang'd his hand, and check'd his pride, He chose a mournful Muse, Soft Pity to infuse, He sung of Palliser the good, By too severe a fate, Fallen ! fallen ! fallen ! fallen ! fallen ! from his high estate, And welt'ring in his blood, ^ Deserted at his utmost need, By those his former- valor led ; On the bare deck expos'd he lies, With not a friend to close his. eyes. With down cast look the joyless Victor sat, Revolving in his alter'd soul, The various turns of chance below, And now and then a sigh he stole, And tears began to flow. CHORUS. Revolving, & c. MEETING of CREDITORS This Day, at GUILD- HALL. Daniel Justius, Union- buildings, Leather- lane, Holborn second meeting—' ten o'clock. WANTS a Place in a Gentleman's Family, where a kitchen maid is kept, a middle- aged Per- son, who is a perfect c00k and house- keeper ; understands every branch of her business in both capacities, and can be well recommended. Letters directed to E. P. at Mrs. Harden's, No. 82, Shoe- lane, Fleet- street, will be duly attended to. WANTS a place, as Housekeeper, or Lady's Maid and Housekeeper, one whom experience has rendered capable of every thing required in that station ; can have an unexceptionable character from her last place. It is hoped no Lady in want of such a servant will object to this mode of application, the advertifer having few acquaintancet is the cause of it. Direct for A. B. at Mr Fretwell's, Hair- stresser, No. 189, Holborn " ' WANTS a place an elderly Woman, who would be glad to serve a single Lady or Gentleman, or to be Cook in a small family. Has no objection to a place of all work, if not too hard. Enquire for, or direct to M. T. No. 1, Hand- court, Maiden- lane, Covent- garden, will be attended to. WANTS a place, as Lady's Maid, or Lady's Maid and House- keeper,- in a genteel family, a young Woman; can dress hair, work well at her needle, and get up small linen ; understands millinery, can pickle and reserve, and understands the kitchen thoroughly. She can have an unexceptionable character from her last place. Direct for A. B. at Mr. Ritchie's, Hair- dresser and Per- fumer, No. 58, near the Pantheon, Oxford street. WANTS a place a young Woman, as Lady's Maid, or as Upper Maid, in a genteel family- Can dress hair in the present taste, get up fine linen, lace, ruffles, and silk stockings perfectly well ; understands millinery and mantua- making, works well at her needle, and can be well recommended. Enquire for E. D. No. 1, ' Hand- court, J Maiden- lane, Covent- garden. The mighty Mailer smil'd to see Int'rest was in next degree ; Twas but a kindred found to Fame, Honor and Wealth so near the same. Softly sweet in Scottish measures, Soon he footh'd his soul to treasures ; War he sung is toil and trouble, Honor but an empty bubble ; Never ending, still beginning, Fighting still, and still destroying, If the - f- Poor be worth thy winning, Think, O think, it worth enjoying ! Lovely Ladies sit beside thee, Take the good that, they provide thee, They many rend the skies with loud applause ; So Fame was Crown'd, but Int'rest won the cause, Keppel, unable to conceal his pain, Gaz'd 0N the Fair, Who caus'd his care, And sigh'd and look'd, sigh'd and look'd, Sigh'd and look'd, and sigh'd again ; At length with tea, and cards, at once opprest, The vanquish'd Victor stole away to rest. CHORUS. Keppel unable, & c. Now strike the golden lyre again, Oh ! louder yet, and yet a louder strain Break his bands of sleep asunder, And rOuse him like a rattling peal of thunder ! Hark ! hark ! the horrid sound- Has rais'd up his head, As awak'd from the dead, And, amaz'd, he stares around. Revenge ! Revenge ! Britannia cries ! Thus long ago, Ere Fame her false trump learnt to blow, LONDON : Printed by H. HASWELL. Blake Court Catherinc- Street, WHERE Letters ( post paid) for the EDITOR for the MORNING POST. M . EDITOR, IT gave me no small pleasure to observe in one of your papers of last week, that Admiral Bar- rington had hid a formal complaint before his Majesty, of the badness of the gunpowder made use of in the engagement with Count D'Estaing in the West Indies lately, where he observed that our 18 pounders scarce penetrated the sides of their ships, when theirs ot the same weight came quite through our ships hulk ; which may also serve as a lesson to teach us the necessity of close engagement, and I hope to see the same complaint followed and seconded by many other officers by sea and land, till finally inspected into and re- moved : for to my certain knowledge ( who am a small dealer in that commodity, and therefore may be allowed to have some judgment) what is contracted for, for the use of the army and navy, Is composed of two- thirds of charcoal, and only one- third of saltpetre and sulphur, and of course must be very weak and foul; the consequence of which is, it blackens the men's faces who use it, and fouls their pieces very much, with a kind of greasy soot, in a few firings, and at the same time does very little execution ; which to me is a mat- ter of great moment, and I have often wondered at and mentioned it in company, that it has never been thoroughly enquired into; but perhaps those whose business it is to enquire strictly into it, either think it a matter of but little moment, or I possibly may receive a bribe for hush money. I mean no reflections, but I would ask, to what pur- pose does so many brave fellows venture their lives by fea and land, in defence of their King and country, if fo important an article is to be neglected, either through carelessness or something WOrse ? The land officers may in vain take great pains to teach the military so many manoeuvres, and their regular exercise, when so little depen- dance is to be placed 0n the musket ; for I do a- ver, that they may almost as well have their bay- onets fixed on poles, and depend on that sort of defence in battle, together with swords, rather than 0n such filthy, coarse gunpowder, which will not kill above 50 or 60 yards for certain ; but I suppose the grievance is like to remain, so long as that commodity is contracted for on such low terms, and the contract given to him who will serve at the lowest price, without regard to the quality; though, by the bye, it- might be afford- ed much better for the price now given; but for a trifle more, government might be served with very good, clean, fine strong powder, which ought only to be used in battle, and theother sort might do very well for exercising in Hyde- park, & c. or for a salute at sea, or a feu de joye ashore. The price ought to be the least object in time of war, for only consider the great advantage the enemy must have over us in sea fights, with much stronger powder, and making use of chain- shot, tears all our rigging to pieces ; while ours, unless very close, does them but little damage. As I have no other interest or motive for making the above remarks, but a sincere love for my country, I hope you will also do. your part in publishing them, which I hope will be productive of public good, and very much oblige Your constant Reader, Sept. 20, 1779- . M. T. For the MORNING POST. To the Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND. MY LORD, AN unfortunate Gentleman, who lately re ceived'relief in a manner so delicate, as to preclude him from making personal acknowledge- ments, yet so liberal and noble, as to leave no doubt ot the hand from which it was conveyed, avails himself of this only method of laying be- fore your Grace, a heart penetrated with the deepest gratitude, for a bounty so unmerited and unsolicited a bounty received in such a mo- ment of distress, as no words can describe, nor any heart, but 0ne like your Graces, fraught with WANTS a place a Coachman, Any Noble- man or Gentleman wanting a Coachman that knows his business will be waited on by enquiring of Mr. Bevins, Cooper and Turner, in Portland- street, opposite Great Marlborough- street. WaNTS a Cook's place in a small genteel family, in town or country, a middle- aged Wo- man, who can have an undeniable chararter from her last place. Direct to, or enquire for R. R. at No. 9, Heddon- court, Swallow street, Piccadilly. WANTS a place, as Cook and House- keeper, or profest Cook, a Woman that thoroughly under- stands her business, and. has lived in that capacity many years. Direct for A. B. at Mr. Evans's, Grocer, Lower Brook- street. WANTED a sober, sedate Person as Lady's Maid in a capital family of the Jewish persuasion, to wait on two young Ladies; must understand hair- dressing, millinery, work well at her needle, with fine linen well, and if the underdands mantua- making, the more agreeable; one who would wish to settle in a good place, and no fol- lowers allowed. Those whose characters are undeniable may apply any morning before three o'clock at Mrs. Mere- dith's, chandler's shop, next door to the Flying- horse, Mare- street, Hackney. N. B. Ten other servants wanted. WANTED in a pleasent retired situation, at the distance of eight or twelve miles from Lon- don, in Kent Surry, a commodious dwelling- house, with out- houses, coach- house, stabling, a good garden, and a small quantity of land. If the premises are situated in, or close to a town, they cannot suit : and they must be de- tached from any other house. Immediate possession will not be required; Direct for A. L. at Mr. Mudge's, Stationer, t the Royal Exchange. ENSIGNCY WANTED AnY Person having interest to procure a gift Ensigncy in any Regiment of Foot or Horse, or fo- reign service, will be presented with a considerable premium, and informed of some particular circumstances which would facilitate the same, , Principals will be treated with by di- recting a line to F. S. at the Salopian Coffee- house, Char- ing- cross. ENsIGNCIE'S, LIEUTENANTCIES, and CORNETCIES. TO be disposed of, Ensigncies, and Lieute- nancics in new or old regiments; Cornetcies in the Dragoons, and one in the Dragoon Guatds. Enquire for particulars at Furness and Co.' s Army Office, No. 2, Craig's- court, Charing- cross, between one and three, or seven and nine. Any Gentlemen who wish to sell or exchange their com- missions may meet with purchasers as above. where no ex- pence is incurred unless the business is compleated No letter received unless post paid. FOOT SOLDIERS. ANY Persons wh0 can procure men for a regi- ment of foot, or, publicans who wish the grear ad- vantage of having their houses opened as e drz ; ,' i who have been in the Guards, or other regiments act as temporary Serjeants, Corporal , Drummers , may be very advantogeoulsy engaged, by applying ARMY OFFICE, No. 2, Craig's court, Charing cross any day before one o'clock., A R M Y, & c. GENTLEMEN who are, or wish to the army as Ensigns, Cornets, Lieutenants, Sur geons, Chaplains, ( in the army, navy, or marines) Cap- tains, Majors, Lieutenant Colonels, or those in any such situations, who wish for promotion, may be fully informed if they please t apply at the Agency Office, of Furness and Co. No. 2, Craig's- court, Charing- cross, between one and three, or seven and nine. Noblemen and Gentlemen who are ( or intend) raising re- giments, may be informed by Furness and Co. of their plan approved of, as giving perfect stability to such an undertaking, not only advantageously securing the commanding and other officers, but really advantageous to the service, and in which are now ready to engage expe- rienced and approved officers with a certainty of expediti- oufly raising men to form the whole or part of one or several regimerts, for which the money is now ready to be deposited in any agent's hands. No letters received unless post paid. GOLDEN CROSS INN, Charing- Cros COX- HEATH, MAIDSTONE, TOWN MALLlNG, and WROTHAM Coach discoutinues this week going and coming in a day, and for the winter season will go from the above inn every Monday, Wednes- day, and Friday mornings at seven, to Mr. Bish's, stationer, nearly opposite the center of the Camp, where passengers and parcels are carefully booked ; and returns from thence Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings at eight.— Coxheath and Maidstone seven shillings, Town Malling six, Wrotham five, allowed 20lb. of luggage, all above a half- penny- per pound. Outside half- price. For the conveni- ence of passengers and parcels, a book is kept at the Haunch of Venison, Maidstone. performed by Mess. G. BOULTON and FOULSTONE, Charing- cross. N. B. Neat post coaches and- chaises to be had at the above inn. Golden- Cross inn, Charing- Cross. CHESTER FLY in THREE DAYS and a HALF to HOLY- HEAD, SETS out from the above Inn every evening ( except Saturday) at seven o'clock ; Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, through Coventry, Castlebromwich, Newport, and Whitechurch; Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, through Lutterworth, Hinkley, Atherstone, Tamworth, Litchfield, Stafford, and Namptwych ; also the post- coach every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning at five, through Coventry, Newport, and Whitchurch. Performed by G. Boulton and Co. Charing- cross, London; D. Smith Hart and Co. Chester. N . B. The Packet sails from Holyhead every day. Castle, Salt Hill, Sept 18. HENRIETTA PARTRIDGE BEGS LEAVE TO inform the Nobility, Gentry, and othersr that she continues to let her post horses at the same price as befOre the act took place, exclusive of the duty, ( although it has been reported to the contrary, with a view to prejudice her) and solicits the continuance of the favours of her friends and the public. MATRIMONY AGentleman of undoubted character, of a sober, active disposition, and in a respectable line of business whose income is 400I. per annum, is desirous of obtaining an agreeable companion for life, maid or widow, whole property is in her own power, and adequate to his ; her age not exceeding 40. An amiable temper is more the advertiser's object than personal beauty, and 0n a lady an- swering such a description, he will chearfully settle a hand- some jointure. N. B. The Advertiser keeps a house in London, and lives in a genteel stile, and is in all respects, free from in- cumbrance. Letters, post- paid, appointing an interview, & c addressed to Mr. Richard Mills, at the Cecil- street coffee- house, Strand, till called for, will be respectfully at- tended to, and the greatest honour and secrecy observed. AT NO. 18; King- street, Covent garden, is now on sale a considerable number of Greek and Ro- man- coin, a large suit of modern medals in silver in the highest preservation, upwards of 10, o0o foreign and English insects of every class, near 500 curious and rare birds, ele- gantly set up in cases, from different parts of the world, some scarce gems, fine Sardonyx and other rare opaque stones, antique cameo and intaglia rings, variety of Italian bronzes, carvings in ivory, enamel and other miniatures, rich spe- cimens of gold, silver, and copper ores, & c. uncommon pe- trefactions, and other natural productions. The utmost value given for the above, particularly coins and medals, and antique intaglia rings. Apply to Mr. Martyn as directed. A Young Person of good education, genteel connections, and undeniable characte. r, would wish to engage herself to wait upon any Lady, if single more agreeable, in which situation she flatters herself she would have the happiness of giving satisfaction, as she understands millinery, hair- dressing, and getting up fine linen. Direct to A. B. the corner of Charles- street, Grosvenor- square ; or at No. 20, . Great Trinity- lane, near Cheapside ; has no objection to wait for such a situation. TURTLE in the greatest Perfection. KINSEY, at the Bedford Coffee- house, Co- vent- Garden, begs leave most respectfully to in- form Noblemen and Gentlemen,, and his Friends in general, - that they may be supplied either singly, or in parties, at a minute's notice. Families, & c. in town and country, supplied with the utmost dispatch. N. B. Kinsey also begs to inform them, that he has fitted up a number of lodging apartments for single gentle- men, upon such a principle as he hopes will procure him their approbation. HORSES to be Sold. AChesnut Mare, well bred, six years old, 1 5 hands high, walks extraordinary fast, and is an un- common good hunter. Also a bay shooting Galloway, ma- ster of 16 stone, 13 hands and a half high ; no horse in Eng- land better calculated for the purpose, as he is Very safe, and pleasing to ride, fast in his paces, and leap cool and steady A month's trial may be had. Enquire at Mr. Roads, at the New Inn, Surry side of Westminster- bridge.
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