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The Morning Chronicle, and London Advertiser


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The Morning Chronicle, and London Advertiser
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The Morning Chronicle, and London Advertiser

Date of Article: 24/02/1779
Printer / Publisher: W. Woodfall 
Address: No 62, Dorset-street, Salisbury-Court, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 3054
No Pages: 4
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The Morning Chronicle, and London Advertiser. NUMB 3054] WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1779. Price Three- pence DRURY - LANE AT The Theatre Royal in Drury- lane, THIS DAY the 24th Inst Will be performed, ESTHER. An ORATORIO. composed by Mr. HANDEL. The principal Vocal Parts by Miss M. LINLEY, Miss DRAPER, Miss WRIGHT, ( being her 2d appearance in public.) Mrs. KENNEDY, ( late Mrs. Farrell) Mr NORRIS, And Mr. WEBSTER. First Violin by Mr. RICHARDS. end of the first Part, a Concerto on the ORGAN, By Mr. STANLEY, End of the Second Part, a concerto on the Hautboy, By Mr PARKE. Tickets to be had, and places for the Boxes to be taken of Mr. FOSBROOK. at the Stage Door of the Theatre, at Half a Guinea each pit 5s; First Gallery is. fid; Second gallery 2s. The Doors will be opened at Half past Five; to begin at Half after Six. HANOVER SQUARE. MESSRS, BACH and ABEL most re- spectfully acquaint the Nobility and Gentry, Subcribers to their CONCERTS, that the Fourth wil be THIS DAY, under the dirction of Mr. BACH. The tickets are transferable as usual, Ladies to Ladies, and Gentlemens to Gentlemen only. ! The Ladies Tickets are Blue, and the Gentlemens Yellow. No Tickets but those of the Night will be admitted. The doors to be opened at Six, and to begin at Se- ven, the Nobility and Gentry are most humbly desired to order their coachmen to set them down and take them up at the door in Hanover- street, with their horses heads towards Grosvenor square. The door in the Square for Ladies chairs only. The hackney chair door is next the gateway in Hanover street, where the servants are desired to attend. Subscriptions received and Tickets delivered from Eleven till ' Three o'clock, by Mr. Lee, at No. 41, Suffolk- street, Charing cross. The Nobility and Gentry are humbly intreated to send their commands in writing. NEW MUSIC. This Day is published, Price six shillings, THE Overtures, Songs, Duettos, Cho- russes, Dances, Comie Tunes, & c. in the New Speaking Pantomime, called the ToUcHsTONe, as it is performing with the greatest applause, at the theatre Royal in Covent garden Composed by CHARES DIBDIN. This publication is particularly well . adapted as well for scholars a all other performets on the harp- sichord, the comic tunes being remarkably calculated for beginners, some of the songs for such a perform tolerably well, and the rest for proficients ; and it is presumed, for number and variety, no book of this size ever contained so much, there being in all between thirty and forty movements. Printed for S. and A. Thompson, No. 75, St. Paul's church yard. PATAGONIAN THEATRE, EXETER CHANGE. THIS EVENING, the 22d instant. Will be performed A New COMIC OPERA, ( in three Acts) called A TOUR to COX HEATH ; Or, the HUMOURS of a modern CAMP. With a Grand Perspective View of the ENCAMP- MENT, and an exact Representation of their Ma- jesties passing the Line. The Overture, and most of the Songs by M. Costel - low. Scenes entire new To which will be added, a pantomime called The PEASANT. With a fine View of the ALPS. The whole to conclude with a magnificent Represen- tation of The TEMPLE of the SUN, As formerly in the famous City of PALMIRA And a Grand CHORUS of the Priests of APOLLO. Boxes 4s. Pit 3s. Gall. 2s. The doors to- be opened at a quarter after Six o'clock, and begin exactly at Seven. The Proprietor of and who is also Painter to this Theatre, will undertake to instruct a few Ladies. and Gentlemen in the art of Drawing and Painting in Perspective, during the months of April, May, and June. Application to be made at the Theatre any day from Twelve to Three, By SUBSCRIPTION, On FRIDAY next, At FREE MASONS HALL, in Great Queen- street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, will be exhibited, THE CARMEN SECULARE of HO- RACE as it was adjusted by the learned SA- NADON, set to Music ( for the first time) by Mr. PHILIDOR. The vocal parts by Sig. GEORGI, Sig MENZO- LETTO, Sig. ROSSI, Sig. MICHELI, and Mr. At the end of the first Act, Mr. FISHER will play a Concerto on the Hautboy, ana Mr. HOCHBOUC- KER will play 0n the Harp. And at the beginning of the second Act, will be perfo: a Concerto ! or Tenor and violin, by Mr. STAMITZ and Mr. CRAMER. Composed by Mr. STAMITZ. The Band will be led by Mr. CRAMER. The doors to be opened at six, and to begin at three quarters past Seven o'clock precisely. The learned and the elegant are invited to this ex- hibition as to a new mode of pleasure, arising from the Union of ancient Poetry with modern Mu- sick. Tickets, Half a Guinea each, to be had at Mr. Philidor's, No. 20, in Duke- street, Piccadilly ; at Mr. Baretti's, No. 40, in Titchfield- street, Marybone ; at Mr. Lee's, No, 4', Suffolk- street, Charing Cross ; at Garraway's Coffee- house, by the Royal Exchange ; and ai Free Masons Hall. N. B. No money will b; taken at the door. this Day is published, In Two Volumes Octavo, price 10s. 6d. in boards, A VIEW of Society and Manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany, with An- ecdotes relating to some eminent characters. By a GENTLEMAN who resided several years in these countries. Printed for W. Straham, and T. Cadell in the Strand. GENERAL POST- OFFICE, February 22, 1779. THE Post- boy carrying the Mail which • was dispatched from this office last Friday, night, was robbed by two footpads with crapes over their faces, on Saturday night, at ten o'clock, at the bottom of Hack- lane, near Long- Compton, between Enstone and Shipstone, in Oxfordshire, of the whole Mail, containing the following bags, viz. Warwick, Stratford on Avon, Shipston o( n Stour, Ledbury, Hereford, Bromsgrove, Worcester, Stone, . Newcastle underline^ Macclesfield, Middlewich, Holms Chaple, Knutsford, Manchester, Stockport, Liverpool,' Warrington, Wigan, Preston, Blackburn, Lancaster, Kendall, Wolverhampton, Shrewsbury, Bridgnorth, Stafford, Shiffnal, Namptwich, Chester, Northop, Conway, St. Asaph, Bangor, Holyhead, and The Irish Mail. This afternoon will be published, Price Six- pence, THE First Part of the SESSIONS PA PeR, taken in Short Hand by JOSEPH GUR- NEY, and published by authority. Sold by M. Gurney. No. 34, Bell yard, Temple bar. Of whom may be had, a new Edition ( being the Ninth) of GURNEY's System of SHORT- HAND, dedicated ( with permission) to ' the KING.. The following few, from the many well authenticated Cures, are fully sufficient to prove the utility of MAREDANT's ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, prepared solely by. Mr. NORTON, Sur- geon, in Golden square. near Piccadilly, London where they are sold in square bottles at Half a Gui- nea and six Shillings each.— Those at half a Gui- nea are to be had at his house only. MR. Coulthard, formerly first Clerk to the Secretary of Lieutenant General Melvil, when Governor in the West- indies, cured of a most violent scorbutic humour on his hands, neck, face, & c. Mr. Robert Reid, No. 27, Suffolk street; Charing cross, of an inveterate scurvy, which appeared in blotches all over his body. Mr. George inch, Lamb street, Spital square, of a scorbutic humour in both his legs. Mr. John Williams, Church street, Westminster, of a scorbutic disorder in his arm. Captain Calvert, in the East- India company's ser- vice of scorbutic blotches. Mr Roderic Mac Donald, of a scorbutic ruption whose cure is attested by Dr. Cowper, of John street quare. The persons who. committed this robbery were small sized, men, but it being a dark foggy night the boy cannot give any further description of them. Whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted, both or this rob- bery, will be entitled to a reward of Two Hundred Pounds, over and above the reward given by act of Parliament for apprehending of highwaymen ; or, if any person, whether an accomplice in ihe said robbery, or knowing thereof, shall make discovery, whereby both or either of the persons who committed the same maybe apprehended, and brought to jus- tice, such discoverer will, upon conviction of both or either cf the parties, be entitled to the same reward of Two Hundred Pounds, and will also recei- ve his Majesty's most gracious pardon. By command of the Post- Master - General, ANTHONY TODD, Secretary. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE, No. 59, Theedneedle- street. WHcreas many MERCHANTS in. these Kingdoms, and our COLONIES, are often at a loss for want of able CLERKS, complete BOOK- KEEPERS, and PERsONS QUALIFIED for assisting them in their transactions, carrying on properly a cor- respondence in either the English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, or spanish languages,. Sec. even some- times for settling difficult and intricate accounts, or for proper agents to inspect our settlements abroad , Mrs. Mary Lute, at Mr. Field's, Castle street Lei- cester fields. cured of the Scrophula, or King's Evil. Lieutenant Colonel Feyrac, late of his Majesty's 18th or royal regiment of foot, of a most violent Scurvy, Mr. John Good, late Surgeon to his Majesty's sloop Ferret, of almost dangerous and obstinate Fistula. the daughter 0f Mr. D. Davis, schoolmaster, Isling- ton road, of an inveterate humour, occcasioned by the relicks of the small pox. Mr. Will. Pawlett, at the Hampshire Hog, Hammer- smith, 0f an inveterate Scorbutic humour in his legs. Mrs. Ann Croxford, of Kingstone, Oxfordshire, 0r paralytic disorder. Mr. James Sowden, of his Majesty's ship Aquilon, of a giddiness in his head, so violent, as to render him incapable of walking the deck. Mr. George langdon, No. 57, the north side of St- Paul's church yard, of a most violent Scorbutic hu- mour of tHirty years standing. Mr. John Frampton, of Cambridge, of a most vio- lent Scorbutic humour, attended with rheumatic pains, a general laxity of constitution, and lowness of Mrs. Ann Bowie, at Mr. Le Fevre's, Cogdell court, Silver- street, Golden square, of a violent inflamma- tion in her head and arms. On Monday next will be published, Handsomely printed in Quarto, with eleven engraved Genealogical Tables, price Half a Guinea sewed in boards and marble paper, THE SPEECHES of ISCEUS in Causes concerning the Law of Succession to Property at Athens. With a Prefatory Discourfe, Notes Critical Historical, and a Commentary. By WILLIAM JONES, esq; Barrister at Law, and Fellow of University College. Oxford. Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly in the Poul- try. Sold also by J. Robson, New Bond street; H. Payne. pall- mall, and J. Walter, Charing- cross. To Sail the last of Fcbtuary. A SWEDISH SHIP. For NAPLES Direct, For the FAIR of AVERSA, The LYCKELIG, BERGER BERGF LUNDSTROM, Commander, by the Custom- house and on the Exchange in ex change hours; Or WAITER COPE and WILL BIGNELL, for the Commander, at no. 15, Sweet- ing's alley. To Sail the 27th instant, A VENETIAN SHIP. For VENICE, ( with liberty to call at falmouth) The PREDILETTA, MARC ANTONIO BONICELLI Commander, every morning at Sam's Coffee- house, near the custom- house ; and on the Exchange, in Change hours; or WALTER COPE and WILLIAM BiG- NELL for the Commander, at. No. 15, Sweeting's- alley. WHEREAS there still remain on board the BETSEY, John Carbin, from Cadiz, Five Butts SHERRY WINE, marked S. shipped by. Mess Duff and Welch consigned to order the pro- prietors thereof are desired to enter them immediately, to prevent demurrage, and other heavy charges that may occur. For particulars apply to Mess. HUBBERT and DONOVAN at their offiCe, over the south- side of As Mr. DE MISSY has gone for himself through , the various degrees of MERCANTILE Transactions, not only in this metropolis; but also in different parts abroad, and has Had occasion likewise to carry on For himself an extensive correspondence in most of the above mentioned languages, he therefore persumes to be the most proper AGENT for pursuing this plan. II. In consequence of the above ancient establishment and the frequent Publications that appear in the Papers, PERSONS endowed with real Mercan- tile talents, experienced in business, and who. bear a FAIR character,. have now a continual open channel to make themselves known to the MERCAN- TILE PUBLIC, and to reap, as occasion offers, the most benefit of their ABILITIES. I III. Also, young GENTLEMEN, who incline to be brought up Merchants, are provided through Mr. De MISSY's mediation with reputable Counting- houses to be articled in, as APPRENTICES. IV. Mr. DE MISSY's plan exceeds likewise to the Ne- gotiating of PARTNERSHIPS. Proposals relating thereto are received by him in writing V. UNDENIABLE Bills of Exchange, if accepted, and notes ot Hand, discounted through Mr De MISSY'S Mediation. VI. TRAVELLERS may be supplied with good Let ters of credit for France, Italy, Holland, Germany, and all Flanders. ' Letters at No. 59, Threadneedle street behind the Royal Exchange 0r at Tom's Coffee house, Cornhill, will be duly answered : and the said Mr DE MISSEY is there to be spoke with, every fore- noon ; and, a ' lunge time, in the italian( french or Hamburgh Walks, ' For the MORNING CHRONICLE. HOUsE of COMMONS. Some Account of Yesterday's Business. THE HON. CHARLES FOX'S MOTION TO GROUND AN IMPEACHMENT OF THE MINISTRY. the degree of information which Ministry had obtained of the French force, that is, the number of ships, men, and guns," in Brest harbour and Brest water when Admiral Keppel was first sent out with a fleet of twenty ships last May. As the consequences- of Admiral Keppel's being so sent out were now over, at least as the production of the papers he wished to have before the House, could not, as far as his judgment went, do harm or injure the interests of Great Britain in any manner whatever, he was induced to hope that no objection would be made to the motion, and that the papers would be, pro- duced without a single negative. Under- standing, however, , that it was meant on the other side the House to oppose the motion, he should be under the necessity of going somewhat more at large into the reasons up- * Mr. Fox did not come into the House till fou o'clock. The House had sat for some time without. doing any business, in expectation of his arrival, and just as he came to, the Order of the Day, which had been repeatedly called for, was a out to be read. in which case his motion must have been postponed for R. Fox, after apologiz- ing to the House for his having. kept them wait- ing , said he had the preceding day given no- tice of his intention for moving as that day for certain papers relative to on which the motion was founded, than he had originally intended. He did not, he declared, with to quote the words of a for- mer, debate, or to mention what had been said in the other House of Parliament on a for- mer occasion j he knew very well that sucH practices were in general deemed irregular, and very properly deemed so ; but he con- ceived that it was fair to quote the official declaration of Ministers in either House, declarations made with a view to be dissemi- nated, which had been disseminated, and which were now become matters of publick notoriety. He therefore reminded the House, that in the beginning of last session of Parliament, in November 1777, the first Lord of the Admiralty had declared in Par liament that " there were at that time thirty- five sail of the line ready for sea, ard that seven more would be ready in a very few days." That the noble Lord accompanied this declaration with another; which was, " that if any first Lord of the Admiralty did not keep up the navy of England, so AS to have a fleet ready at all times to send - out superior to any fleet that the United Powers of France and Spain could send against this country, he ought not to hold his office." This latter declaration, he ob-- served, came spontaneously from the first Lord of the Admiralty, and was therefore the more worthy attention, and the more to be considered, as the test of the noble Lord's opinion of the nature of his own duty. Let gentlemen recalled a little what had fol- lowed this declaration, and how far ' the meaning and spirit of it had been complied with. He had early laft sessions had the ho- nour of informing the House of the Treaty of Versailles, ( or whatever other name it might be called by,) the treaty between France and the United States being signed. His information was, at the time he gave it, f 0uted by the noble Lord in the blue ribband, and his abettors, and depend- ants. In March last, however, a noti- fication of that treaty's having been so signed, was made by the Marquis de Noailles, and then Mr. Keppel, who had been about two years before that applied to by his Majesty to serve, as had been sent by every gentlemen who had read the newspaper account, ( an imperfect one it must be confessed, but a complete" one would soon be 011 the table) of what was said by Admiral Keppel in his defence, pre- vious to his calling of witnesses in support of his innocence, on his late trial, was called on to go and take the command of the fleet at portsmouth. Admiral Keppel went and found only six ships ready for sea ; more were, it was true, by great industry, got ready soon afterwards ; ( and so far the Admiralty Board had acted commendably, and deserved credit;) by May, Admiral Keppel went out with twenty sail. Gentle- men would therefore see how far this agreed with the declaration of the first Lord of the Admiralty, who had in November as- serted that there were then 35 ships ready for sea ; and that there would shortly be seven more ;' whereas in fact and in truth there were only six ready in March, and Admiral Keppel sailed with no more than twenty in May. Mr. Fox said he was aware that it would be said in answer to him, that we had detached various squadrons, and particularly one of 13 sail under Ad- miral Byron. Those he should consider as pleas of little avail, because it was noto- rious that France had sent out nearly as many ships under Comte d'Estaing, besides other detachments, and that therefore unless Ministers chose to forget that there was any such port in France as Toulon, and to assert we were only to consider the port of Brest as. a place from whence the enemy could send out ships, it was idle and frivolous to talk of the ships we had detached from Portsmouth, in proof that our navy was, at the beginning of the present war with France, a war foreseen and fore- told ' over and over again, as a war that was impending, and must be expected, equal to the navy of a single branch of the House of Bourbon. Admiral Keppel sailed in May with twenty ships, and by. his luckily taking the two French frigates, the Pallas and Licorne, had got acquainted with the superior force of France, then lying in Brest Harbour or Brest Water. In corroboration of which information, he had occular proof by his going and looking into Breft Water himself. As soon as Admiral Keppel saw that the French were so superior in point of force, he had returned to England: A circum- stance which had the appearance of running away from the French, inasmuch as the Admiral had thought it necessary to quit that station to which he had been ordered. Mr. FOX said, he did not mentioin this by way of censuring the Admiral's conduct, ve- ry fae from it; he thought if did him the highest honour as a good and a wise officer ; that his country . was infinitely obliged by it, for that possibly we should not have en- joyed the safety we now felt had it not for great measure. he Mentioned it only to shew that so far from the first Lord of the Admiralty's assertion respecting the number of ships ready in November, proving true, it was manifestly ill- founded, and likewise to shew, that so far from his con- duct corresponding with his other assertion, " that a minister of his department ought always to have ready for sea a fleet superior to any that the united branches of the House of Bourbon could send against us" that it was evident at the commencement of the present war with France alone, our fleet was no: only not superior, but barely equal to hers. This, he said, was a fit matter of publick enquiry, and if we meant to be more successful than our arms had proved last year, it was right for us now to enquire into the failures in point of preparation for military defence, which had marked last year, especially those failures which he had just mentioned, and which respected so important a part of our defence as our navy. How the enquiry might turn out, upon whom the blame would fall, and what would be the proper steps to follow the enquiry with, were matters foreign to the present motion, and matters which he would not then go into ; he only contended that an enquiry was necessary, and that his motion, if complied with, would furnish the proper evidence to proceed upon. He disavowed any intention of disclosing secrets which might endanger the state ; he did not foresee any danger of that kind at a probable consequence, and therefore had hoped that the papers would have been granted with the same candour as other pa- pers of a similar tendency had been granted last year, and from the production of which no bad consequence had arisen. If, how- ever, his motion was thought to extend too far, or any gentleman would suggest words of a more proper tendency, he would rea- dily adopt them. His motion was as fol- lows : " That an humble address be presented to his Majesty, that he will be graciously pleased to give directions that there be said before this House, copies or extracts of all letters received by any of his Ma. jesty Ministers, Or the Lords Commissi- oners of the Admiralty, containing any intelligence relative to the equipment, number, and force of the fleet that sailed from Brest, under the command of Mons. d'Orvillier's, in July last." By the word Extracts, he conceived he had so guarded his motion, that it might safely be complied with, as under that word Ministers might keep back whatever was really improper to be communicated to the publick. If Ministers, however, should still think the motion improper, and would de- clare to the House verbally what the nature of their information was, and whether they did or did not know the force of the French in Brest before they sent out Admiral Kep- pel, with twenty ships only, he would be contented. He only wanted grounds for the enquiry to proceed upon, and he was free to say, that it might be conducted even with- out the papers moved for, but not so well, nor so accurately. One great inconveni- ence, which would arise, if neither the papers were granted, nor a verbal declara- tion was made, would be this ; Ministers would have it in their power to answer in that ambiguous, shuffling, evasive manner, in which they had ever answered on similar occasions. They would, as usu- al, make a double defence, and might reply just as they did last year, when he mentioned the French treaty with Ame- rica being signed, and was blaming them for their culpable ignorance in not know- ing it they then asked, " how he knew, or could he prove that they did not know it?" and afterwards, when he pose it; but he was most exceedingly glad to hear that it was the Honourable Gentle- man's opinion that the enquiry could be conducted without the papers which the mo- tion went to require. Had the case been otherwise, it would have been a matter of much doubt with him, whether the laying the papers before the House would not have been productive of more mischief, than the enquiry could possibly have produced bene- fit. The motion, if it were carried, not- withstanding what the Honourable Gen- tleman had said respecting the word Ex- tracts, went to all letters, and every part of letters which contained the least intelligence relative to the Brest fleet; intel- ligence, from its nature, secret and impro- per for publication ; intelligence which would at any time be a matter of great de- triment to the publick interest to produce ; but if it would be detrimental to produce it five years hence, how much more detrimen- tal would it be to produce it now, when it was so recent, and referred to occurrences scarcely a year old ? If it were improper for the papers to be produced, a verbal de- claration what the information was that Ministers had upon the subject, would be equally improper ; for, in his opinion, written evidence of a particular kind, and a verbal recital of that very evi- dence amounted to just one and the same thing. If Ministers were accused, and in the course of the enquiry blame was thrown upon them, the information and pa pers now moved for must necessarily be produ- ced by Ministers in their own defence; but he trusted there would be no necessity for the latter, as he saw not the least reason to fear the former, and as he had never heard that any blame whatever was thrown upon ad- ministration respecting the sending out Ad- miral Keppel, but on the contrary, that the first Lord of the Admiralty had gained great honour by his activity on the occa- sion, and by the excellent equipment of the fleet. The Honourable Gentleman had said, that papers had been moved for last year ; that the motion had been received with candour, and the papers granted. It was very true, but how did that happen ? Another branch of the legislature, the House of Lords, had thought proper to ask for papers, and they had been granted there. When the motion therefore was put in that Houfe, he had said he should not oppose it, and had given his reason for so saying. But he had not thought it wise in granting those papers, and he was not cer- tain that no ill consequences either had not, or would not yet follow, as the Hon. Gen- tleman had declared. With regard to Ad- ministration's not having expressed their approbation of Admiral Keppel's conduct, in returning home with twenty ships, as soon as he discovered the superior force of the Brest fleet, he was certain no blame had been thrown on the Admiral by Administration, and, as to himself, he had always thought the prudence and propriety of the measure was an ample justification of the Admiral's conduct. The Honourable Gentleman had talked of Ministers always making a dou- ble defence, and had forgot that he himself was urging a double charge against Minis- ters. The Hon. Gentleman had declared, that if Ministers did not know of the force of the French fleet in Brest water, they were most culpably ignorant ; if they did know the force of that fleet, they were inde- sensibly culpable in having sent out Admi- ral Keppel with only twenty ships. Surely this was an ambiguous and an unfair mode of reasoning, and not consistent with that re- peated mention of candour, which was heard so often from that side of the House. His Lordship took notice of several other was blaming them for not having done more to put this country into a state of defence, knowing, as they did, of the French treaty, they asked " what proof he had, and why j he took upon him to assert, that they knew of the treaty at all, previous to the notification by Monsieur de Noailles," This sort of unmanly conduct might be played over again ; even to this day, the nation at large would have been kept in the dark, as to the information, or want of infor- mation of Ministers, respecting the treaty between France, had not a noble Lord, Lord Stormont, stood up in defence of his honour, in the other House, and publickly declared, that he had done his duty to his country, by giving Ministers information of the treaty while it was in agitation, and that he had sent them word of it's being signed, the very night it was signed. Before he sat down, Mr. Fox again touched upon the Ministry with holding their approba- tion from Admiral Keppel, upon his ac- quittal ; and with- holding their approba- tion from the Admiral for his return to Plymouth from Brest Water with his fleet of twenty fhips as soon as he discovered the superiority of the French. It was there- fore, he said, an act of justice, due to Ad- miral Keppel, that the publick should be informed whether Ministers really knew, when they sent out Admiral Keppel with twenty ships, the force of the French in Brest Water, and whether they intended to risque the fleet and deliver it over to the French, or whether, as he believed was the case, they did not know the force of the French, and were not in possession of that informa- tion which many persons had, and which any person tolerably industious to acquire in- telligence, might have easily obtained. The motion was read by the Speaker. Lord North rose to reply. His Lordship said the enquiry which the Honourable Gen- tleman talked of was perfectly proper, and absolutely necessary. The publick had a right to it, and he should by NO MEANS op- matters which had fallen from Mr. Fox, and observed that it was impossible for Government to be conducted at all, un- less a proper degree of confidence was placed in Ministers ; he concluded with say- ing, that an enquiry into the business of last summer, was both expedient and necessary, but that when that enquiry was commenced it would appear that Admini- stration were perfectly firm, perfectly safe, as to the consequences of such an enquiry, and that in answer to any insinuation of blame, a defence could be made which would not only acquit them from such insi- nuation to the satisfaction of that House, but to the satisfaction of the whole nation. Mr. T. Townsend very warmly supported the motion, and replied to several parts of Lord North's speech. He expressed his sur- prize at the noble Lord's declaration that no person had thrown any blame on Ministry for their conduct last year, declaring that it was not possible for any, even the most ab- ject of the numerous herd of servile wretches who followed the heels of every treasury board, to have looked in his Lordship's face, and told him without a blush, that the conduct of Ministry was not universally blamed. In support of this assertion, Mr. Townsend instanced the suffering the French to engross our whole trade in the Mediter- ranean, and make prizes of every merchant- man we sent there. That it was unparal- lelled in any war with France, not to have a squadron to guard the Straits ; that at pre- sent we had only Admiral Duff, with a spy- ing glass, to see our ships taken from day to day, but with an insufficient force to pro- tect them. He mentioned, that it was hinted six ships had lately sailed from Tou- lon, to join the others in Brest water, and that from the conduct of Ministry, and their scandalous neglect of the Mediterrane- an, it seemed as if they had got Toulon rub- bed Out of the map, and as if no such por he was extremely severe on the Conduct of Lord Sandwich, and ridicul- ed Lord North for his asserting to en- courage an enquiry, and at the same time denying the House the means to carry it on, as well as Lord North's mode of saying that some defence of Ministers, would be made by somebody, upon some grounds, on some future occasion. Admiral KEPPEL declared he was a total stranger to the intention of his honourable kinsman, who had brought in the present motion ; that he had no hand in framing it, and that he made no complaints against any person ; he did not like speaking about him- self, and he should always avoid it as much as possible. On the present occasion, he thought it due to himself to declare, that he had never betrayed the secrets of Ad- ministration in any the least degree ; Ad- ministration, who trusted him, or rather whose orders he went to obey ( for he could not say he had a single friend among them, and they well knew there had not subsisted any sort of confidence or intercourse between them) should never have it in their power to accuse him of having diVulged their orders, or that any person knew whether he had violated their instruc- tions. When he came home with the twenty ships, his nearest relation did not know why he came home; nor could any one of his friends obtain from him, even had he been so imprudent as to require it, a syllable of what he necessarily knew of the secrets of Ministers. Ministers might treat him with as much indifference as they pleased, they should have no ground to impeach his honour, of which he was himself the guar- dian. The Admiral said it was true, Administration had not shewn any appro- bation of his conduct, either on his first return from Brest water, or on his late acquittal. He had nevertheless receiv- ed the compliments of his professional judges, the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, and the thanks of the public, which amounted, he feared, a greater degree of congratulation and honour than his ser- vices merited. If he had complained at all, it would have been at the very cold letter taking off his late suspension, which he had received from the Board of Admiralty. Had that Board put a few more words of the sentence of the Court Martial into the letter, he should have taken it kind, and it would have been a comfort to him and ' an encouragement. He concluded with declaring, that he considered himself as bound to exert his best abilities in the service of his King and Country, and to hold his life at their disposal, in gratitude for the very great favours he had received from them; favours which he repeated it, he feared were much superior to his merits. Lord Mulgrave in reply said, that the let- Icr iioni ihm AdilltraK^ wllielt the honoura- ble Admiral complained of, was a mere of- ficial order; that there was no idea of shew- ing the honourable Admiral the least cool- ness ; the only idea was to take off the suf- pension the first moment they knew of the sentence. That he was at the Board when it was drawn up ; that it was sent in the common manner, and that the honourable Admiral might be well assured he would ne- ver have given his consent to any letter meant to appear as a cold letter to Admiral Kep- pel, or that should seem to convey either a want of joy on his acquittal, or a want of respect to his person. Sir William Gordon made a very extraor- dinary speech, in which he attacked the Opposition for their want of candour ; made warm eulogiums on Lord Sandwich and Lord North, professed his duty and grati- tude to the King, and declared it was his determined resolution to support his Minis- ters. Sir William in a great part of his speech was ironical, and therefore created a good deal of laughter, but did not say much, if any thing, respecting the motion then before the House. Colonel Barre took up various parts of Sir William Gordon's speech, and returned his irony, by saying that the Honourable Gentleman had studied politics on a large scale, having been Minister to the impor- tant Court of Brussel ! The Colonel also was ironically severe on the Board of Ad- miralty, declaring, that dissimulation and hypocrisy were not among the vices of that Board ; that as they felt no joy on the ac- quittal of Admiral Keppel, they acted with perfect consistency in sending the Admiral as cold a letter as possible upon his acquittal. He produced the letter, and shewed to the House that the words malicious and ill- founded, which were very important words of the sentence of the Court Martial, were left out. Having dwelt for some time on that idea, the Colonel came seriously to consider the conduct of Ministers re- specting his honourable friend's motion, and made great use of Lord North's declaration that the prudence and propriety of Admiral Keppel's conduct justified the measure of returning home with the twenty ships, con- trolling it with the different mode of appro- bation that had been pursued respecting Sir Hugh Paliser, who had, he understood, re- ceived express thanks for the conduct of his particular squadron in the affair of the 27th July. After abundance of strong argument, the Colonel concluded with declaring, that if Ministers who stood accused of capital misconduct, with held the evidence by which alone the accusation could be supported of disproved, they ought not to march through the streets in safety, or be sufFered to live in a free country. Lord Mulgrave replied to the charge, that che Admiralty felt no joy 0n Admiral Kep- pel's acquittal, denying that the assertion, had the least foundation. Colonel Barre answered the Noble Lord, reminding him that his attempt to charge him as a malicious accuser, came with an ill grace from that side of the House, one of whose constant ministerial supporters had so lately been convicted of having preferred n malicious and ill founded accusation. Admiral KEPPEL again rose, and de- clared, that whether the letter he had received, and which took off his suf- pension, was or was not meant as a cold letter, he certainly felt it to be a cold letter. The noble Lord had said nothing had been done but what was common ; he begged leave to say, that the whole of his case was extremely uncommon. When he was upon his trial, a great many questions were suggested to him as proper to be put by him ; some by very low people, and some by very great people ; but he disdained putting any that might be imputed to dirty, mean motives : among others, he had infor- mation that a letter had been sent to Captain Bazeley by Sir Hugh Palliser, ( he begged pardon for using the name, he never would mention it again as long as he lived) declaring that the King had expressly thanked him for the conduct of the Blue squadron on the 27th of July, and de- sired that his thanks might be communicat- ed to the officers of that squadron. The Admiral said he made n0 use of the in- formation on his trial he was above it; The noble Lord had talked of his joy on his acquittal. He begged the noble Lord to consider always, that he seperated his pro- fessional from his official character. In the former, he knew no man more respectable, or who in the command of a ship, would behave more honourably. The Admiral repeated his gratitude to the publick, and said he was aware he stood now in a very ticklish situation, as the leaft ill conduct, or false step, would be attended with much worse consequences, in him, than in any other of- ficer. Sir George Saville made a long speech, in which he took notice of Sir William Gor- don's speech, and said that he had frequent- ly observed when the House had matters of great importance before them, their atten- tion was called off in that manner. Sir George also went into an examination of what had fallen from Lord North, answer- ing several of his Lordship's arguments very forcibly, and particularly holding out the request that more confidence might be pla- ced in ministers, made in the very moment when charges of misconduct of the grossest kind were urging against them, as a most unwarrantable piece of assurance. Mr. Powys made a few remarks on the speech of Lord North, taking up such points as fit matter of reply, as had escaped the notice of the other speakers. At length the strangers were ordered to withdraw, and shortly afterwards the ques- tion- was put, when the House divided, and the numbers were Ayes, — 97 Noes, __ ,34 After this the other motion, " for copies of all letters and papers found on board the Pallas and Licorue frigates, relative to the equipment and force of the Brest fleet." This was carried in the affirma- tive without a division. MORNING CHRONICLE.' LONDON, FEBRUARY 24, 1779. The printer kept his men in waiting as long as he prudently could withold his paper from press, in hopes of obtaining a copy of the London Gazette, which, he understands, contains an account of the very favourable news received by Government yesterday re- specting the recovery of Georgia, and the readiness of the Carolinas to return to their allegiance, as well as an account of the cap- ture of the Island of St. Lucie, and the re- pulse of Count d'Estaing, with considerable loss on his part, on his attempting to retake the Island.— As the Gazette will not be published till late in the morning, he submits the following summary and imperfect ac- counts to his readers, and must intreat their patience for a more authentic account till to- morrow. Yesterday morning at one o'clock, an Officer arrived express at Lord George Ger- main's Office, with dispatches from Colonel Campbell at Georgia. The contents of these dispatches are, that the Colonel had landed in that Province, where he had had two skirmishes with the people, in both which he beat them; that numbers had come in and taken the oaths to his Majesty, and that the whole Province had surrendered. They further say, that he was shortly to march against Carolina, where he had every reason to expect the like success, having had great offers made him from the principal people in that Province ; the inhabitants of Charles- town in parti- cular having sent word that they were ready to receive the King's troops, and wished most ardently for the Royal standard to be erected there. Advice is received by a vessel just arrived at Lancaster, from St. Vincent's, that Ad- miral Barrington had wrote to Governor Morrison, informing him, that having just taken possession of the Isle of St. Lucia ; and the troops having had time to intrench, Count d'Estaing appeared in sight, and landed a large body of forces, which were beat off with considerable loss that the next \ i I day he landed 5000 more troops, which after a severe action, were again beat, with the loss of 500 men killed on the spot, and 900 taken: that d'Estaing reimbarked as fast as possible in great disorder, and to Admiral Barrington's great surprise, steered his course immediately for Mar- tinico, from whence the Admiral con- cludes, that d'Estaing's precipitate flight, proceeded from some intelligence he had received, that Admiral Byron was within 12 hours sail of him, with 11 ships of the line, three 50 gun ships, and six frigates. General Medhurst was wounded in this action, and the Ceres sloop taken by d'Estaing. The Boyne's lower deck guns were landed, and mounted on a battery, and did considerable execution. Other accounts say, our troops landed the 18th of December, and the place capitulated on the 29th, having lost 1600 men, killed and taken, with the loss of only 40 on the side of the English. The Diamond frigate was sent by Admi- ral Byron to acquaint Admiral Barrington of his being on his passage to the West- In- dies, but when she arrived at Antigua, the fleet were at St. Lucia, to which he imme- diately proceeded, and by very great luck got in, though D'Estaing's fleet were cruiz- ing off the harbour : from some scout D'Es- taing learnt the news she brought, and next morning left his station off St. Lucia. When the several fleets of men of war are arrived in the West- Indies, now bound thi- ther, the number of the line will amount ( two with Barrington, two with Parker, twelve with Byron, eight with Rowley, and two with Hotham) to twenty- six sail, besides four fifties, and a great number of frigates and sloops of war. Yesterday morning about three o'clock her Majesty was safely delivered of a Prince, at her own palace; the Lord Bishop of Can- terbury, the Lord Chancellor, and several Privy Counsellors attended, agreeable to the usual formality, and Lady Viscountess Weymouth sat in the Prefence Chamber at St. James's, to receive the compliments of the Nobility. Her Majesty and the young Prince are in as good health as can be ex- pected: cake and caudle were given as usual, and will continue till next Sunday. Yesterday in the afternoon Colonel Camp- bel's aid de camp waited on Lord George Germain, and had a long conference on the subject of the dispatches brought by him from Georgia, and of the general situation of affairs in that province, which his Lord- ship immediately communicated to his Ma- jesty at the Queen's palace. Yesterday the House of Peers broke up at a quarter before five o'clock, and adjourned till this day. Yesterday counsel were called to the bar of the House of Peers, to be farther heard on the appeal of Gorman againft Mc'Cul-' lock ; after the counsel on both sides had been fully heard, Lord Bathurst spoke for a short time, and proposed two short amend- ments. The Lord Chancellor afterwards put the question, that the decree thus amend- ed be affirmed, which was agreed to by the House. A motion was yesterday made in the House of Peers, to congratulate his Majesty on the happy delivery of the Queen, and the birth of a Prince. The Earl of Effingham rose up yesterday in the House of Peers, and moved, " That the proper Officers do lay before this House, an account of the number of Seamen and Marines employed in the ser- vice of the Royal Navy, from December 31, 1770, to the 31st of December 1771, upon a medium of each month, distinguish- ing the Seamen from Marines, and the num. of each borne and mustered in the service. Also, An account of the expence of the Navy for five years, ending in December 1772. Also, An account shewing the payment of the Navy during the same period. And also. An account of the amount of what has been received for old Naval Stores ; and also the expenditure of the same, for the same period." Yesterday the Naval Court Martial Bill Was read a third time in the House of Peers, and passed. The Mariners Bill, the Abbington In- closure Bill, the Coleshill Inclosure Bill, and the Bill for repairing Gloucester Roads were presented yesterday in the House of Peers. The second reading of Mr. Edwards's di- vorce Bill is put off in the House of Peers till to- morrow. The Duke of Richmond, and the Earl of Shelburne are both indisposed. The House of Commons broke up yester- day at seven o'clock, and adjourned till this day. A motion was yesterday made in the House of Commons by Lord Lewisham, for a congratulatory message to his Majesty on the safe delivery of the Queen, and the birth of another Prince, which upon the question put was carried nem con. Yesterday the resolutions came to in the Committee of supply on Monday last, were reported in the House of Commons, read and agreed to. Yesterday the Militia Bill was presented to the House of Commons, and read the first time. The second reading of the Dutchy of Lancaster Bill was put off yesterday in the house of Commons sor fix months, and a motion afterwards made for a new Bill t0 be bronght in. An account of the sinking Fund Was yesterday ordered to be laid before the House of Commons, and also some accounts respec- ting the navy, similar to those moved for in the House of Peers. The Committee on the Naval Court Martial Bill which stood for yesterday in the House of Commons is postponed till to- morrow. We have authority to say, that the enter- tainment which was intended for Admiral Keppel by the West- India Planters and Merchants, and which was fixed for to- morrow, is postponed to a further day, by the particular desire of the Admiral, from an apprehenfion that the excesses which were committed on Saturday last, and which he or his friends could not repress, might be renewed on this occasion. A private letter from Madrid says, the French Ambassador being engaged in poli- tical conversation with the Prince of Asturias the heir apparent to the Crown of Spain, the Prince differing with him in opinion, grew warm, and gave the Ambassador a box on the ear, in full levee. The Ambassador putting his hand to his sword, instantly recol- lected himself and retired. This affair makes a great noise in Madrid, and is as yet unsettled, which causes much specula- tion. Monday advice was received at the Ad- miralty from the Mayor of Lynne, that a number of Colliers had been taken off Flamborough Head, ( some say thirty) by two large French privateers, and sent to France, and that they had ransomed several others. In consequence of this advice, or- ders were immediately sent to the command- ing officer in the Downs, for two frigates and two sloops to sail diredtly, to cruize in search of the privateers. The Hazard privateer, of Whitehaven, has taken a brigantine of 200 tons, bound from France to the West- Indies, with bale boods, & c. The Ellen, Power, from Cork to Ma- laga, is taken in the Gulf by a French privateer. The Pomona, Ashelford, which is arrived in the river from Lisbon, was taken on her passage by a French privateer and afterwards ransomed for 1200 guineas. The John and Elizabeth, Covell, which was taken by a French privateer, is ransom- ed for 100 guineas. The Brighthelmstone packet, which was taken by a French privateer, near Yar- mouth, is ransomed for 120 guineas. A large brig belonging to London, Capt. Boulter, which was taken by a French pri- vateer, near Scilly, is ransomed for 250 guineas. A letter from Plymouth, received on Monday afternoon, mentions the capture of the Dauphin de Francc, a Privateer 0f 24 guns, Levelade, Commander, off the Start, belonging to St. Maloes, by the Tyger of London, the King George of Guernsey, and the Shark of Dover, their arrival there, and sailing to the eastward. The company at the Pantheon on Mon- day evening were very brilliant, and con- sisted of at least elven hundred persons : among whom were, His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, the Dukes of Devon- shire, Manchester, and Queensbury; Lords Egremont, Macclesfield, Powis, Cholmond- ley, Dunmose, Lyttleton, Carlisle, Nor- thington, Carmarthen, Foley, Donnegal, Beauchamp, Courtney, Bulkley, Mountmor- ris, Petersham, Hinton, Cranbourn, Kelly, Maldon, Sefton, Ferrers, Tamworth, & c. Lord Edward Bentinck, Lord Rich. Caven- dish. Lord W. Gordon, Lord F. Campbell, Sir C. Thompson, Sir G. Warren, Sir R. Payne, Sir M. Featherstone, Sir F. Moly- neux, Sir R. Hildyard, Sir Watts Horton, Sir H. Oxendon, Sir R. Smith, Sir G. Stetham, Hon. Mr. Brudenall, Hon. Mr. Walsingham, Hon.. Mr. St. John, Mr. Hare, Mr. Storer, Mr. Delme, Mr. Fitz- patrick, General Paoli, General Skin- ner, Mr. Stackpoole. Mr. Tollemache, Mr. Dundass, Hon. Mr. Masham, & c. fcc Duchess of Beaufort, Marchioness of Gran- by; Ladies Buckinghamshire, North, Co- ventry, Grimstone, Ligonier, Beauchamp, Bulkley, Essex, Howe, Egmont, Irwin, Worsley, Melbourn, Strathmore, Ferrers, Fortescue, Falconberg, Archer, Cooper, Clarges, Donnegall, Lady Julia Howard, Lady Frances Morgan, Lady Bridget Tol- lemache, Lady Laura Waldegrave, and sist- Lady Caroline Herbert, Lady Clayton, Lady Frankland, Lady Ann Foley, Lady Finch, Lady Hearn, Lady Margaret For- dyce, Lady Ann Lindsay, Lady Head, Lady Ashton, Miss Hotham, Miss North, Miss West, Lady Francis Marshal, La- dy Horton, & c. See. Count Belgiosiosi, Count Pignatelli, Count Maltzan, Ba- ron Nolken, Chevalier Pinto, & c. & c. The company were all out between one and two o'clock, and would have been much, sooner, but for the obstinacy'of some of the coachmen. Extract of a letter from Newcastle, Feb. 20. '* Laft Thursday at a meeting of the master and brethren of the Trinity- house, it was resolved to present the Hon. Admiral Kep- pel with the freedom of that House, in a gold box, for his late meritorious services. They also generously voted 5ol. to be dis- tributed amongst the distressed families of this port who suffered in the storm of the 31 ft of Dec, last." Extract of a letter from Gosport, Feb. 20 " Last night a Serjeant of the Westmin- ster regiment, who was on guard at Forton prison, heard some of the prisoners at work he immediately gave information to the of- ficers, who, upon a diligent search, found a subterraneous passage, near a dozen yards in length, quite under the soldiers guard- room ; in another night most likely every prisoner would have been out, as they had not a quarter of a yard to work through." Monday afternoon Edward Newham, Esq. of Bridge- street, was killed by a fall from his horse, near the Shepherd and Shepherdess in the City- road, Moorfields. On Saturday evening the following strange and melancholy transaction happened at Black friars Bridge : Robert Ravenscroft, apprentice to Mrs. Harrison, Printer, in Red- lion- court, Fleet- street, sitting upon the Ballustrade of the bridge, said to a stranger who was standing near him, " I live at No 2, in Red- lion- court," which the per- son not seeming to observe, he repeated with some uneasiness, and immediately threw himself into the river. No reason can be assigned for this rash and strange action, as he had discovered no signs of discontent or uneasiness, and was walking quite uncon- cerned with his young master in Fleet- street just before he committed it. His body was taken up on Sunday morniug near the bridge, and carried to an Undertaker's in Fleet street in order to be interred. Yesterday morning was married, at St. Michael Royal, College- hill, Mr. Darling- ton, of Clifford's- inn, to Miss Stracy, only daughter of Mr. Stracy, of Elbow- lane, Wine- Merchant. On Monday in the afternoon died of a fe- ver. at her father's house in Cheapside, Miss Simpson, aged 20, daughter of Mr. James Simpson, of said place, possessed of every virtue and accomplishment that could adorn her sex. Yesterday morning died at her lodgings in St. James's- street, Mrs. Hawkins, a widow gentlewoman of a plentiful fortune. ERRATUM.— In the paragraph concern- ing the situation of the island of St. Lucia, in the 4th col. of the 2d page of yesterday's paper, where it is said that island is seven leagues from Martinico, and the like from Antigua, instead of Antigua, read St. Vin- cents. Now the gentle gales, Fanning their odoriferous wings, dispense Native perfumes, and whisper whence they stole those balmy spoils. RICHARD WARREN. PERFUMER. Of MARY LE BON STREET, GOLDEN SQUARE, and fronting WOOD STREET, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, Humbly begs leave to inform the Nobi- lity and Gentry of Great Britain and Ire- land, that he hath brought to the greatest perfection his new invented AMBER SOAP for shaving and washing the skin, also for washing laces, muslins, cambricks, & c. & c. In long voyages at sea no soap hath been found to answer the purpose so well as the Amber Soap in sea water, at 4s. a pound. The fragrant agreeable smell it leaves af- ter washing, is better conceived than ex- pressed. N. B. All sorts of Perfumery Goods, English and Foreign, in the highest perfec- tion, wholesale, retail, and for exportation. HATS for East and West- Indies, by COMYNS, Hat- maker, at the Military Hat- warehouse, the King's- arms, No. 19, Catharine- street, in the Strand for the very great demand he has had for these seven years past, for his light hats of different colours, induces him to make them pub- lic, and he invites those gentlemen to inspect them who are going into those parts; they are light and fine, of an excellent black, equally durable, and calculated for those climates : with various other sorts, viz. Green, White, and Natural colour'd hats, which are matchless. All orders executed with dispatch and punctuality, for ready money only. N. B. Mr. Comyns having been in the Eaft and West Indies for several years, pre- sumes he has some little knowledge of what must best suit those climates. nic diseases, proceeding from obstructions, Sec. & are fully illustrated by a variety Of cases, published in a new edition of the nar- rative on the efficacy of this medicine, sup- ported by the united testimonies of many noble personages, ambassadors, ministers so state, eminent physicians, surgeons, & c< who have so strongly recommended its ge- neral utility, that by order of the govern- ment it is the only medicine made use of for the cure of veneral and scorbutic complaints in the military and marine hospitals. of France They are to be had of the only proprietor. Dr. James Cowper, Ne. 2, John- street, Oxford- Market, London. The masters of taverns, inns, and public houses, may now be served with ROWLEY's BRITISH HERB TOBACCO, folded in- to two- penny papers; but many of them having been long imposed upon by a spuri- ous sort, which for the sake of cheapness may be compounded of herbs of pernicious quality, they and their customers are hereby requested to observe, that each packet of the genuine sort is signed with the name James Rowley. His British Herb Snuff, as well as in the fifteen- penny cannisters, is now also sold in neat six- penny boxes. The reputa- tion of both these articles are long since established in the cure of head- achs, weak ness of fight, and palsies; and the Tobacco in particular is exceeding useful in com- plaints of the breast and lungs, in asthmas, & c. Sold at usual, wholesale and retail, at the London Coffee- house, Ludgate- hill, London ; and may be had of the printers of the country newspapers, and of the grocers or druggists in most of the market towns in the kingdom. The salutary and permanent effects of KEYSER's celebrated PILLS, in all impu- rities of the blood, particularly in venereal scorbutic, and scrophulous disorders. pim ples, and all complaints of the skin ( especi ally the yaws, so dreadful in the western co lonies) ; gouty, rheumatic, and other chro SHAVING CASES. GREAT Choice of Mahogany Shaving Cases, that hold every article for shaving, dres- sing, and writing, of various sizes, fit for Gentlemen that travel or go sea voyages, leather pouches, that roll up, and hold razors, combs, tec. Polished Razors, where the greatest care has been taken to being the steel to a proper temperature ; so that the razor may receive a smooth edge, and war- ranted to answer, or change them for others, ' till ap- proved of. Razor Strops that will keep razors in good order, without the use of a hone, 1s. 6d. All sorts of Tortoiseshell, Ivory, Box, and Horn- Combs, that will not split. Ladies Dressing Cases of various sizes, that hold powder, pomatums, combs, essences, and writing, with every convenience fit for travelling, A compleat set of Teeth Instruments, fit for gen- tlemen to clean their own teeth, in a fish- skin case, 7s. single instruments, is. black fine bags for the hair, 2s 3d. rosettes, is. id. A very large assortment of Morocco Pocket Books, Letter Cases, and Ladies Housewives, with gold, Sil- ver, enameled, or metal locks; red and black Writ- ing Cases, fit for travelling and Asses- skin Memo- randum Books. Great variety of Tortoiseshell Smelling Bottles and Tooth pick Cases, inlaid with silver and gold; Silver and Silk Purses, and Cane Strings. The above articles, and all sorts of Pefumery, sold wholesale and retail, by R. SANGWINE. at the sign of the Rose, No. 58, opposite New Round Court Strand. By the KING' PATENT. CAKES for making of SHINING Li- QUID BLACKING tor SHOES, BOOTS, & e- These Cakes make, by the addition of water only most excellent Shining Liquid Blacking, much supe- rior to any hitherto known : it gives the finest black, and most beautiful gloss to the leather, yet never ren- ders it stiff or hard, but, on the contrary, prevents its cracking, and preserves it soft and pliable to the very ' .1, whereby it is rendered more agreeable to the wearer, as well as much more durable ; and the Shoes that are blacked with it will neither Soil the fin- gers in putting on, nor the stockings in wearing. Sold Wholesale and Retail only, by W. BAYLEY, Perfumer, in Cockspur- street, London. Price 6d, each Cake. The Patentee intreats all persons who are curi- ous in Blacking, to take the trouble of seeing that the Cakes bought for their use have a Label pasted on them, with the following inscription : " By the King's Patent, CAKES for Shining Liquid Black- ing, prepared by WILLIAM BAYLEY," he hav- ing discovered that their great reputation has occasion- ed many persons to counterfeit them, some of whom have been proSecuted ; but as there are still others whose names he cannot yet find out, who continue the fraud, and impose upon the Public, he hopes this caution will be attended to. SIX Excellent MEDICINES, Invented by the late Sir JOHN HILL, M. D. and now truly prepared from his Receipts, by his Execu- trix, in the broad part of St. James's place, where they are now to be had wholesale and retail. ESSENCE of WATER- DOCK, FOR THE cure of the Scurvy, Leprosy, and all other cutaneous disorders. This excellent medicine has at all times been allowed to be the most certain, perfect, and lasting cure for all Scorbutic caSes, notwithstanding they be ever So inveterate, as ever has been discovered^ Price js. a bottle. II. TINCTURE of CENTAURY; being a fine stomachic cordial and enlivening medicine ; it given ealthy appetite and Sound digestion, it strengthens weak stomachs, and never fails to cure Loathings, Reachings, and Sickness after Meals, Price 3s. a bot- tle. PECTORAL BALSAM of HONEY i for Coughs, Colds, and Consumptions. Price 3s. a bottle— She Proprietor earnestly requests the public ( as they value their health) to beware of whom they purchase this medicine, and to ask for Hill's Balsam of Honey, a Spurious medicine under that title having been passed upon the publick, for is. and zs. a bottle j the Pro- prietor hereby declares she knows nothing of such pre- paration, and therefore cannot be answerable for its consequences. IV. ELIXIR of BARDANA ; for the Rheumatism. and for giving relief in the pains of the gout, short ening the fits, Sec. Price js. a bottle. V. The NEW CANADA BALSAM; for weakness in either sex, arising from whatever cause ; all weak ning drains are gradually, and at length totally cured by this medicine ; the lowness, weariness, and dul- ness which attend these disorders, go off in a few days and we see persons, who had to all intents and pur- poses grown old before their time, restored to second youth and strength by it. Price 3s. a bottle. VI. GENUINE TINCTURE of HEATH VA- LERIAN : excellent and incomparable beyond all other medicines, as is seen by every day's experience, in the cure of all Nervous Complains, Fits, Head- achs, Weakness, Heaviness, and Lowness of Spirits, dimness of Sight, Vapours, and Melancholy Price M. 6d. a bottle, or 10s. 6d. per pint. These medicines are by appointment to be had of Mr. Porte, apothecary, St. Giles's church, Oxford str, the printers of all the country papers ) of Mr. White, newsman, at Rumford ; Mr Stidolph, at Epsom; and Mr. Blakely, at Windsor.. In London, of Mr. Bald- win, Paternoster- row ; Mr. Newbery, in Ludgate- street; Mr. Tilly, on Fish- street- hill; Mr. Bayley, In Cock Spur- street; Mrs. Randall, at the Royal Ex- change ; Mr. Moggeridge, in the Borough ; Mr. Price, in Leadenhall- street; Mr. Mathews, near Hungerford market, in the Strand; Mr. Joliffe, in St. James's-- street; Mr Jenkins, in Gresse- street, Rathbone- place ; Mr. Tindlay, Perfumer, opposite Melbourne hOuSe, Piccadilly; Mr Jackson, corner of Orchard street, oxford- road and at Messrs. Babb's in Oxford road. THE ANNUAL. MEETING of the Gentlemen educated at the ACADEMY at Greenwich, will be THIS DAY at the Crown , and Anchor Tavern, Strand. STEWARDS. John Stanley, Esq. John Debouaire, Esq. George Drake, esq. Arnol Nesbtitd, jun. Esq. George Birch, Esq Samuel Encerby, Esq. Dinner 0n table at four o'clock. Tickets at Half a Guinea each, to be had at the bar of the CroWn and Anchor Tavern, George's cof- fee house, at the top of the Haymarket ; the Piazza coffee house, and at Batson's coffee- house, Cornhill. N B No servants to be admitted but those of the Stewards. To- morrow, at Noon, will be published, Pr ce Two Shillings and Six- pence, THE SE'ER; or, The AMERICAN PROPHECY. A PoEM. Being the Second Sight of that eminent Ohio Man, or Indian Se'er, OOMIANOUSKIPITTIWANTIPAW, In the year One Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty- eight. — , — — our senators .. Cheat the deluded people with a shew Of Liberty, which yet they ne er must taste of '• All that bear this are villain , and I one, Not to rouse up at the great call of Nature, And check the growth of these domestic spoilers, That make us slaves, and tell us ' tis our chapter. OTWAY Printed for Harrison and Co. No 18, Paternoster- and sold by all other bOoksellers in Great Bri- tain and Ireland. SALES bv AUCTION. By Mr. GREENWOOD, This Day and To- morrow, At Twelve o'clock, THE Genteel and Useful HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, China, Linen, and other ef- fects 0f a Gentleman, at his house, rear the Chapel, in oXendon street, near the Hay- market ; consisting of four- port bedsteads, with printed cotton, morine, and other furniture ; window- curtains ; prime sea- soned bedding, elegant glasses and girandoles; a side board, dining and card tables, Carpets chairs, chests of drawers, stove- grates, and kitchen furniture. To be viewed till the sale, when catalogues may be had on the premises, and at Mr. Greenwood's, in the Hay- market. N . B. The House to be Lett. by Mr. morgan. On the premises, by order of the Executors, This Day and To- morrow, At Twelve o'clock, ALL the neat and genuine HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. plate, linen, China, a small but well chosen Library of Books, Diamond, and other Rings, of great beauty and perfection ; a capi- tal Stop Watch, wearing Apparel, Wine, Brandy, Rum, and other valuable effects Of Mr. JOHN DUNSTALL, late of the Theatre- Royal, Covent- Garden, deceased, At his house in Little Queen- street, Lincoln's- lnn Fields, comprising a genteel and general assortment of convenient articles for family use, executed with neat- ness, and in good preservation.- To be viewed till the sale, when catalogue* may be had on the premisses, and of Mr. Morgan in Great Queen- street, Lincolns- Inn Fields. SALES by the CANDLE, At the NEW- YORK. Coffee house, Sweeting's alley This Day, the 2y. h lnft. is' At Five in the afternoon, THE FOLLOWING GOODS SALES by the CANDLE. At NEW LLOYD'S Coffee house, over the North- west Part of the Royal Exchange, On Friday the 5th of March, At One o'clock, The good ship LORD HOWE. S QU ARE sterned, built at Charles Town, South Carolina, five years ago, for private use, about ' 51 tons carpenters measurement, and carries j5o- tons dead weight ; made one voyage in the Newfoundland trade, and has been since employed as a Navy victualler ; is a remarkable well ; built ship, being attended the whole time of her build- ing by Captain John Studdy : is pierced for twenty guns; has excellent dimensions, and in every other respect a very compleat ship for the present times; ill remarkably wel found, and all her stores in good or. der, now lying in the wet dock, John Studdy, Com- mander. Inventories to be had on board, at the place of sale; and of WALTER COPE, Sworn- Broker, Seething- Lane, Any person inclined to treat by Private Con- tract, may apply to the Broker. At NEW LLOYD'S Coffee house, over the North West part of the Royal Exchange, On Friday the 5th of March, At One o'clock, The good Brigantine REVENGE, LATELY returned from a » < ''' re m0f'l'' s cr"' zf> ai 3 pr ship of war, With fifteen carriage guns, ySt^ S.^^ and all her warlike and other stores, as she came from sea ; square sterned, plantation built, and sheathed; burthen about u tons; is a remarkable fast sailer, and in all respects well adapted for the employ she has been in has a valuable inventory of all kind of store and in such order that she may proceed on another cruize at a tri- fling expence ; now lying in the Wet Dock, Jeremiah Smith, Commander, i Inventories to be had on board, at the place of sale, and of WALTER COPE, Sworn- Broker, Seething lane. s HIP NEWS;. Deal Feb. 22. Wind S. W. , Came down and re main in the downs with the ships as before, the Mo- narch,, Carter, for Jamaica ; Bacchus, Robson, for Oporto Montague, Waterer, for Portsmouth ; and HanOver Packet, Capt. Todd, Gravesend, Feb. « » . passed by, the Content, Ead- des; Goodwill, Alsrees, for Amsterdam j Nostra. Sig nora, F aancrosoo, from lisbon St. Peter, Herde- man, Seville; Young Jacob, Hendricks, fm Harling and Elgavetar, Delegado, fm Lisbon. Portsmouth, feb. 22. Arrived the Lietuil Yebbe, Ruskes for Marseilles, for. Havre de grace, laden with oil brandy, soap, nutge'ls, liqu 1 Ife, and drug , taken and first in here by the Rady's Resolution and Portsmouth privateers and the Unity, a Dutch now, fm Havre de grace. Sailed the Charity, Eldridge, for Cork four Brothers, Johnson, for Flushing ; Happy Return, Friendly ; Eleanor, Chapman ; William and Mary, Cummins; and Good Intent, Gundry, for Ply 60 Hhds Prize Tobacco; consisting principal- ly of fine James's River, 9 Seions Indigo, Casks Prize ditto Samples of the tobacco may be seen to the' time of sale, at Mr. Henry Spencer's warehouse, No 5;, Queen street, Cheapside. Where catalogues may be had, at the place of sale and of WilliaM P TT. No. 74, Garlick hill. N. B. The Indigo at Mr. Petty's warehouse, ft. Hi. ter- lane, sto the time of sale. At SAM's Coffee house, next the Custom house, in Thames- street, To morrow, the 25th Inst. At Six in the afternoon. THE foll0wing GOODS, 1 VIZ. Ten Pipes and Ullage of fine Madeira Wine, from the West- Indies by order of the assignees of Mr. Willey's, a Bankrupt, in a vault the upper end; of Garlick- hill. Thirty Pipes of Madeira, from the West Indies, in a vault, under the Upholder. , No. 157, in Fen- church- street, near the end of Lime street. One Pipe ditto, in a warehouse on Wiggons key Three PipeS one Hhd Madeira, from the next in- dies, One Pipe old Red Port; two Hogsheads one Quar- ter Cask white Wine, in a vault the lower end of Mincing lane Tower- street. , Five Pipes fine Red oporto, Vintage 151 just land- ed, and one Hhd Madeira, ac Mr. Dutton's, St Dun- stan's hill. All the aforesaid Wines to be seen and tasted This Day from Nine in the Morning, till two and from Three to Six in the afternoon, and all To- morrow to the time cf sale. To be Sold by JOHN BAMFORD, Sworn Broker,:, At Sam's Coffee- house, Thame- street; 1 And at No. 6, Snow- hill. At GARRAWAY's Coffee- house, in Exchange alley Cornhill, To- morrow, the 25th instant, At Eleven o'clock precisely, ThE FOLLOWING GOODS now lying at Plymouth, and there to be de- livered, viz. 255 Hhds i Pieces ditto ( SUGAR. 9 tierces I J 5 Barrels J 103 Hhds. "> » o6 Tirces (. COFFEE. 106 B rtes \ 264. Bags ' . ? COTTON, . 6 small Bags Being the entire Cargo of the LA FLORA, a French prize from Guadeloupe, taken by his Majesty's ships Bienfaisant, Valiant, Arethusa, and Proserpine, John Macbride, Esq; Honourable John L. Gower, Samuel Marshall, and Evelyn Sutton, Esqs. Commanders.' Samples of the sbove Goods to be seen to the time of sale, at MessrS, Tyers and GorsTs, No. 31, in Little Eastcheap, where Catalogues may be had, at the place of fale, and of VAUGHAN, WINNE, and MARGETSON, ' Brokers. PORT of LONOON, February 1-, 1779. SHipS ENTERED INWARDS. From Tortola, the Friends, G seling. Harling n, Vrow Jacob, Hendrecks. La Betsey, fm St. Domingo to France, taken, by the squirrel sloop of war. The Good intent, Grant, fm the Lord Hardie' Triez fm Gottenburgh to London, stranded at Margate. CLEARED OUTWARDS. For Jamaica, Ladies Adverture, Henderson, St. Kitt's Peggy, Lamb. Jamaica, Goldsmed, Curtis. ditto, jarnett Clenham. Cadiz, Friends, Fitzgerald, cork and St. Augustine, Sim, Smith. Middlebro Middlebro' Packet, Bevers. Jamaica, Sloop Orange, Dakers. At GARRAWAY's Coffee- house, in Exchange- Alley, Cornhill, On Thursday the 4th of March next, At Twelve s'clock, THE FOLLOWING GOODS 6S4. Planks of fine Mahogany, 100 Tons fine Honduras Logwood, 25 Ditto fine Jamaica, 19 Ditto Ebony, 17 Ditto Fustick, 7 Ditto Lignum Vitae, • jo Hhds. Tobacco, 5 Casks Indigo, 5 Bags West- India Cotton, And other Goods. Of which timely notice will be given by ABRAM LARA, Sworn Broker, In Frederick's- place, Old Jewry At GARRAWAY's Coffee- house, Excharge alley, Cornhill, On Thursday the 11th of March, THE Following GOODS, [ Lying at LIVERPOOL, and there to be deli- vered : Being part of the cargo of the L'IRIS, a French East- prize, from the Isle of France, taken by the Townside privateer, of Liverpool, Capt. John Wat- mough, Commander. Further particulars of which will be given in due time, by TOLFREY and MAUGER, Sworn Brokers At GARRAWAY's Coffee- houfe, Exchange- alley, Cornhill, On Thursday the nth of March next, At Ten o'clock in the forenoon precisely, THE FOLLOWING GOODS, vIz, Cases Nankeen Silk, 16 Ditto Canton ditto, 5 Bales Bengal Ditto, j » 90 Pieces Nankeens Cloths, Being part of the Cargo of the CARNATIC, a French prize, from Penpal and Pondicherry, taken by the MENTOR Letter of Marque, of Liverpool, Cap- tain John Dawson. Catalogues may be had at Tom's Coffee- house, Cornhill, at the place of sale, and of OSVALD, GODWIN and COLES, Sworn Brokers. Mr. METIVIER's SALE is unavoid- ably postponed till WEDNESDAY, the ijd of MARCH next, on account of the Melasses not being landed. SALES by the CANDLE. At the NEW- YORK Coffee- house, Sweeting's alley Cornhill, ON Wednesday the 3d of March, At Five o'clock in the afternoon, THE following PRIZE GOODS, viz. 550 Casks Weed ASHES 100 ditto Casombra ditto 30 ditto Pot ditto Being the entire Cargo of the GOODE HOOP, Re- ceint Teissen, Commander, taken on her passage from Danizick to France, by the KITE Cutter, Henry Jol- lop, esq; and the WELLS Cutter, James Cook, esq. Also a remarkable large CHAIN, consisting of 293 links, each link weighing about three quarters of a hundred, fit for mooring ships; being only a small part of a Chain, made by the French, by the order of Americans, to go across Montgomery river, to prevent our fleet from going to Philadelphia; and it Is supposed the whole cost Seventy Thousand Pounds sterling. Catalogues and further particulars will be given by WILLIAM PRINCE, Broker, No. 1, over the Royal Exchange At GARRAWAY's Coffee- house, Exchange- alley Cornhill, On Wednesday the 17th of March next, At Ten o'clock in the forenoon precisely, THE FOLLOWING GOODS, viz. 10361 pieces Bastaes ? 4< i Ditto Humhums 17^ 3 Ditto Cossaes lS 1 Ditto Alliballies 66 Ditto Abroahs, 24 Ditto Jamdannies 67 Ditto seerhaudconnaes 189 Ditto Nainsooks IS? Ditto Doreas 19 Ditto Terrendams 16 Ditto Tanjeehs 29 ditto Mulmuls. Being part of the Cargo of the CARNATIC, a French prize from Bengal and Pondicherry, taken by the MENTOR Letter of Marque of Liverpool, Cap- tain John Dawson. Catalogues to be had at Tom's Coffee house, Corn- hill ; at the place of sale, and o f OsVALD, GODWIN, and COLES, ? JOHN KENNEDY, and > Brokers. TOLFREY and MAUGER, 3 At GARRAWAY's Coffee- houfe, Exchange- alley Cornhill, On Thursday the 18th of March next, At Ten o'clock in the forenoon precisely, THE FOLLOWING GOODS, VIz 9365 Pieces sundry Romals, from eight to six- teen Handkerchiefs each. 345 PieceS Allejars 3 14 Pieces Sartracundies 165 ditto Ginghams, Being part of the Cargo of the CARNATIC, a . French prize, from Pondicherry and Bengal, taken by the MEN'TOR Letter of Marque, of Liverpool, Cap tain John Dawson. Catalogues of which will be timely delivered by OSVALD, GODWIN, and COLES, j ABRAM LEVY, and i Brokers. WILLIAM and GEO. PANTER, At LIVERPOOL, At GEORGE's Coffee - house, On Thursday the 4th of March, At Ten o'clock in the forenoon, THE CARGOES OF THE SHIPS LA VIL- LE DU CAP, and the Brig L'EAGLE, bound from St Domingo to Bourdeaux and Nantz, taken by the Ellis, Captain Washington, and the Gregson, Captain Jolly, Letters of Marque belonging to Li- verpool. The Cargoes consist of About 230 Casks Clay'd Sugar, most of the first quality tiO ditto Muscovado ditto q o ditto - Coffee 16 ditto indigo 7; Bales Cotton 31 Casks Rum Samples to be seen at the Office of THOMAS RYAN, Broker, in Liverpool, where Catalogues may be had. At the NEW- YORK. Coffee- houfe, in sweeting's- alley, Cornhill, On Thursday the 25th of March, A t Nine o'clock in the forenoon, THE FOLLOWING GOODS, The ENGLISH ROSCIUS. This Day is publiShed, Price one shilling and Six pence. THE LIFE and DEATH of DAVID GARRICK, esq; the celebrated English Ros- cius. In which is given a particular Description of his figure. Face, Voice, and education ; his great powers both in tragedy and comedy are considered ; and mess. Alleyn, Mohan, Hart, Noke,. Leigh, Bet- tern n, Wii. 4, Cibber, and Barry, compared with Mr. Garrick. This pamphlet also contains Mr, Garrick's celebra- ted Speech on his retiring from the Stage, in 1776 j the proCession and ceremony at his funeral substance of his will an account of the jubilee; at Stratford upon Avon ; with part of the Ode. and Songs on that occa- sion his best. prologues, epilogues, bon mots, icpai- - SKINS About 45ooo Parchment Beaver 2,000 Coat ditto 40.0.10 Deer in the Hair. Catalogues of which will be timely delivered by ROBINSON, GOAD, and ROW, Brokers. Also about 5,100 Deer Skins in the Hair 340 Beaver, Being part of the Cargo of the LE CIGOGNE, a prize to the HAWKE private ship of war, Captain John Peters ; catalogues cf which will be timely de- livied by ' j ROBINSON, G0AD and ROW, , and 5 Brokers. OSWALD, GODWIN, and COLES This Day is published, Price Six pence, REMARKS on a Letter to sir ROBERT BARKER, Knight, and GEORGE STAC- POOLE, Esq. 0n General Inoculation, By JOHN COAKLEY LETTSOM, M D. FR S. & SA. By the Hon. Baron THOMAS DIMSDALE, First Physician and actual Counsellor of State to her Imperial Majesty the Empress of all the Russias and F R S, Printed by James Phillips, for W. Owen in Fleet- street, and T. Carnan and F. Newbery, jun. in Pauls Church yard. This Day is published, price I s. A SERMON preached before the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in the Abbey church, Westminster, on Saturday, January 30, 1779. being the day appointed to be observed as the day of the Martyrdom of King Charles I. By JOHN LORD, Bishop of Exeter. Printed for T. Payne and Son at the Mews Gate St. Martin's. This Day is published, AN ADDRESS to the Public on the Care and Cure of Insane and Lunatic Persons ; the Epileptic, Nervous, & c. By WILLIAM PERFECT, Surgeon and Apothecary of Malling, in Kent. , To be had GRATIS ot Mr. Dodsley. in Pall mall; Mr. Cc * tn, in fleet street; a d Mr. Bew, in Pater- noster- Row. N. B. Mr. PERFECT may be treated with on the subject of his Address, on Thursday, Friday, and Sa- turday the 25th, 261I1 and 17th instant, from Two till Six in the afternoon, at the Blossoms Inn, Lau- rence- lane, Cheapside. This Day is published, In Two Volumes, price cs. sewed. or fs. bound, CHARLES; or The HISTORY of a YOUNG BARONET and a LADY of QUA- LITY. A NOVEL. Printed for the Author; and sold by J. Bew, No. 28. Paternoster- Row. Of whom may be had, by the same Author, pr. 1s. 6d The ENRAPTURED SWAIN. A Postoral Poem. Speedily will be published, In one handsome volume, in 8vo. price 5s, in boards, or 6s bound, - - • OBSERVATIONS concerning the PUB- LIC LAW, and the CONSTITUTiONAL HIS- TORY of SCOTLAND with occasional Remarks concerning ENGLISH ANTIQUITY. By GILBERT STUART, LL. D. This performance includes an enquiry into the Nobile Officium of the Court of Session in Scotland; and contains a comprehensive and candid refutation of the view of the Political Constitution of Scotland, prefixed by Dr. Robertson to his History of ihe Reigns of Queen Mary and King James VI. , London printed for J. Murray, No. 32, Fleet- street; and W. Creech, at Edinburgh. Where may be had, written by the same author, In one volume 4to, price 1 in boards, A VIEW Of SOCIETY in EUROPE, in its Pr0 gress from Rudeness to Refinement ; or, Enquiries concerning the History of Law, Government, arid Manners. At GARRAWAY's Coffee house, Excharge- alley Cornhill. To morrow, the 25th Instant, Immediately after the Sale of the Cargo of LA- FLORE, i THE following GOODS, now lying at Plymouth, and there to be delivered, viz. . 99 Hhds. - - • 3 Tierces SUGAR, X Barrels 54 Pipes. 44 Hhds. tll^! COFFEE. 2 Kegs I 98 Bags J i COCOA 12 Bags a 7 Casks ( about 15cwt. Cassia Fistula Bag, COTTON 14 Cases Cordials 1 Cask new Copper Saucepans, Skimmers, Being the entire Cargo of the FORT SAMPSON a French prize, from Martinico, taken by his Majesty's ship Proserpine, Evelyn Sutton, Esq; Commander ( in fight of the Valiant, Bienfaisait, Arethusa, Sea- ford, and Grasshopper men of war) Samples of the above Goods be seen to the time of sale, at Messrs. Tyers and Gorst's, No. ; r, in Little. Eastcheap, where Catalogues may be had, at the place of sale. and of VAUGHAN, WINNE, and MARGETSON, Brokers^?! At GARRAWAY's Coffee- house, in Exchange- alley, Cornhill, To- morrow, the 25th instant, Immediately after the Sale of the Cargo of FORT SAMSON, THE following GOODS, now lying at Plymouth, and ther t0 be delivered, vz. 74 Hhds. ) 6 Tierces SUGAR 2 Barrels 49 Pipes 3 Hhds. 28 Tierces COFFEE. 57 Barrels I4X Bags 4 PiPes 11 Tierces COCOA, 1 Bags 6? Bales COTTON. % small Being the entire Cargo of the LA JEUNE, HENRI- ETTE, a French prize from Guadaloupe, taken by his Majesty's ships Bienfaisant a d Valiant, John Mac- bride, Esq; and the Hon. John L. GoWcr, Comman- ders, Samples of the above Goods to be seen to time of sale, at, Messrs Tyers and , Gorst's No. Little Eastcheap, where Catalogues may be had at the place of sale. and of VAUGHAN, WINNE, and MARGETSON, Brokers; Immediaely after the Sale of the above will be. Sold, about Twenty three Tons 0f EBONY, and Se- venty- one ELEPHANTs. TEETH and SCRIVEL- LARS, lying at Plymouth, and that to be delivered being part of the Cargo of L'AIMABLE VICTOIRE, a French prize, taken by the Fortune Privateer Tho- mas Fortune, Commander,. > i LONDON Printed for WILLIAM WOODFALL, No, 62. Dorset- street, Salisbury- Court, where LETTERS, & c. are received 1 . ADVERTISEMENTS are » fo taken in a, - am. „ fur WILL'S coffee house, at the Royal Exchange NeW LLOYD'S Coffee- house, over the Royal Exchange EAST INDIA , ROLINSOn., paternOster row J. MURRAY's. opposite St Dunstan's Church, Fleet- street
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