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The Caledonian Mercury


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The Caledonian Mercury

Date of Article: 25/01/1779
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Address: Sold at John Robertson's Printing-house in the Parliament Close, Edinburgh
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 8951
No Pages: 4
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T H E THEATRE- RQYA L. pn Wednefday the 27th inrt. wiU be prel'ented, the Hiftorical Play of CYMBELINE KING OF BRITAIN. Pofthumus, Mi BROWNE; Clotten, Mr JENNINGS; Cvmbeline, Mr WILLIAMS; tleUarius, Mr WEB3; Guideriii,, Mr, YOUNG; Arviragtis, Mr TAYLOR ; i'iaruo, Mr MILLS; Caius Lucius, Mr HALLION ;• Piilario," Mr BAIL Y ; Frenchman, Mr CHARTERIS; Cuihetius, Mr CURTIS ; lit Lord, Mr HALLION; ad Lord, Mr TOWNSEND ; And lachitno, Mr WOODS. Queen, Mrs WXBB; Helen, I. Irs CHARTERIS; And Imogen-, Mils MOORE. In Aft II. a SONG, by Mrs BOTTARELLI. To which will be added, a Farce, as will be expreffed in the bills. This 1lay is piihliflted, in one Yolairic OCtavo, Price 5 s. bound, By CHARLES ELLIOT, Edinburgh, and T. CADEL, London, The Second Edition, with nrtny additions, of A SYNOPSIS OF PRACTICAL MATHEMATICS, Containing Plane Trigonometry; Menfuration of Heights, Diftances, Surfaces, and Solids; Surveying of Land; Gauging, Navigation, and Gunnery: With Tables of the Logarithms of Numbers, and of Sines and Tangents. For the ufe qf Schools and Men of Bufinefs. By ALEXANDER EWING, Teacher of Mathematics in Edinburgh. Of whom may he had, Ev the fame Author, Price 2 s. bound, INSTITUTES OF ARITHMETIC, For the life of Schools and Academies. C. ELLIOT begs to inform. Subfcribers and Purchafcrs of Magazines, Reviews, Sc. from him, . That, on account of the very irregular and backward payments of tliefc articles, which he Ins long experienced, together with the additional expence which he is now put to of carriage by land, that pcrfohs'owing Two Yzikj or. MORE for Magazines, Re- views, & c will be ' Hopped at the delivery of the Supplements J? 78, ctn- Iefs immediate payments are made. All fubferibefs in, the, country mull appoint fame perton in Edinburgh to pay them in future. Mr Elliot begs all thofe i'l arrears for the above articles, to make immediate pay- ment, he having loft very confiderably of late by them. On Wediiefday firjl - will he puilijhed, A CATALOGUE of PRINTS and DRAW- -*- INGS, by the mod efteemed Mafters, ancient and modern, and of the fined imprtflions; comprehending a great variety cf hidorical and land& ip, in the high eft prefervation, fit for the niceft cabinet, or for framing : To be SOLD by AUCTION, without referve, on We. dnefday the 17th of January inft. and the following evenings, at the Ware- room, bottom of Carrubber's clofe.— To begin each night precifely at fix 0 clock. Catalogues to be had gratis at the place of fale, where the prints may be feen. N. N. The fale of Books, confiding of feveral Libraries, and valu- able particulars, dill continues at the above Ware- room, where cata- logues may be had, with the prices affixed. This Day is publijbed, price 6 d. And Ibid by BAYNE and MENNONS, at their Printing- Office, Brodie's Clofe, Lawn- market, Edinburgh, Adorned with a Head of the Honourable JOHN HANCOCK, NUMBER IV. of AN IMPARTIAL HISTORY OR THE PRESENT WAR IN AMERICA. r By tbe Rev. Mr J A M E S M U R R A Y, of Newcadle, Whore alfi may be had, jujl publifbed, price 4 d. Number III. of the Second Volume of THE SCOTS TOWN AND COUNTRY MAGAZINE. This number contains, among a variety of other articles, a Letter to Sir W. Howe; an EfTay on the important fubjedt of the Roman Catho- lic Bill; Debates in th § Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale on laid Bill; and proceedings in the Trial of Admiral Keppel, & c. & c. A CORNETCY to SELL. r pO he SOLD, a CORNETCY of IIOR2E, at the regulated price. X If required, credit will be given for two years, upon proper fecurity. For particulars, apply to John Cumming writer in Edinburgh. EDUCATION. • W MESSRS. JOHN AND THOMAS KIRKBY of Catteffck, in York- jYJ. fhire, take this method of offering their refpcCtful compliments, and returning their grateful thanks lo their numerous Friends in Scot- land ; and of informing them in particular, and the Public in general, That though they have the happinels to think they have hitherto been very fuccefst'ul in the education of young Gentlemen ; yet, by long ex- perience and a drift attention to the effeCts of various arrangements, they flatter themfelves they have pow brought their School to fucli a flatc of completion, as cannot fail to be attended with tbe mod defire- able confequences. In teaching the claflics, they endeavour to make their pupils enter in- to the fpirit of the authors they read ; and to acquaint them with the cultoms and manners of the times the writer lived in, and of every hif- torical or chronological envent, that can ferve to elucidate the fiibjeft. To improve their tadc yet farther, every rhetorical figure is carefully pointed out to them ; and nothing is omitted that can be a means of enlightening their minds, of enlarging their ideas, or opening their un- dcrftanding. Such voung Gentlemen are intended for bufinefs, and have not time to attain to the knowledge of the clalfics, have that defeft, in fome ncaftire fupplied, by being taught the French language grammatically. By this mode of Education, imperfeft as it may feem, young perfons become fuch judges of the mother- tongue, as to write it not only gram- matically, but even with fome degree of elegance and tade. Arithmetic, Mathematics, the practical part of Land- furveying, and the ufe Df the Globes are taught according to the mod approved met tliods. Geography and Hidory, both ancient and modern, facrcd and pro- fane, are particularly attended to : And great care is taken that every one fpeaks and reads the Englilh language agreeable to the opinion of thofe of the moft refined tade and profound erudition. In fhort, they are willing to flatter themfelves, that any parent, in- tending his fon for a learned profelTion, for a military life, or for the mercantile line, wiU not be difappointed in fending his fon toCatterick, where there are alr. ife five teachers, and fcldom more than one hundred fcholars ; where the young Gentlemen are indulged in few holidays, and no long vacations,; and where they are treated with all the regard and tendernefs the nature of their fituation can poffibly admit of. " TERMS. Entrance, - - - L. o 10 6 each. Education, - - - - 220 per ann. Board and Lodging, - - - 12 12 9 Wafhing 11. 6 s. Repairs 8 s. Fire and Candle 4 s. Paper and Ink 4 s. Hair- cutting is. 230 Young Gentlemen of fourteen years of age are not admitted under fourteen guineas a- year for board, & c, LINTSEED SAVED FOR SOWING. Tmjiees Office, Edinburgh, i; tb January 1779s. rjTIE Commiffioners and Truftees for Filheries, Manufactures, and Improvements in Scotland, do hereby adver- tife, That every perfoii who intends to compete for the Premiums of- fered by them- for Lintfeed Saved for { owing of crop 17.78, muft lend intimation of his quantity to thtt Office, mentioning the farm, pariih, and thire, oil or b: fore ihe acthrday of February nest, that enquiry may be made as to the quality thereof. Where- the Itntfeed is not yet th rallied out, competitors may intimate the quantity they expeCt to have ; but all fuch as ricglcft to give this intimation, will lie debarred from the premium. By 0 der of the Board, . JA. GUTIiRI. lv, Secretary. Cupar, Jala 2.1. 1779. R~|"' HE Synod of Fife taking into their ferious cunfideratipa the great 1 and general alarm which hath fprcad through' itf'runks o'f people under their charge, relpcCUng alterations faid to be intended in the laics now in force againlt Roman Catholics in Scotland, find it neceflary, without departing from thofe mild and tolerant principles which their holy religion prescribes, to declare their detedation of Popery as. a fy- dem hodile to the facred and civil intereds of mankind. The Synod are of opinion, That the prefent alarm is well founded : That the per- miflion of a public exercjfeof the Popiffi religion in Scotland would be in- confident with thefafety of this Church : That fp< ecial[ danger might enfue from allowing Popifli Priefts and fcboolmafters to conduit the education of youth : That no oath or ted which human wifdom can devife can be a fufficient fecurity at the hands of men who acknowledge a difpenfing power on earth, in matters of moral Obligation ; and, in general, that any alteration in the laws now in being agaihft Roman Catholics in Scot- land would be attended with mod pernicious confequences in this coun- try. And the Synod appoint this minute to be publillied in the news- papers. Extracted by DAVID SWAN, Synod Clerk. Leith, Jan. 22. 1779. THE Incorporations of Shipmaftcrs, Maittnen, and Traffickers in Leith, having received information, That a bill for repealing the penal ftatutes a'gaitid Popery in Scotland will loon be brought into Parlia- ment, are unanimonfiy of opinion, That however much they arc difpo- fed to allow all reafonable liberty of confcience in religious matters, yet the Roman Catholic religion, if tolerated tinder the fanCtion of Parlia- ment : ry authority, would he productive of the word of confequeuces to Church and State, as it is contrary to the principles of the glorious Re- volution, which our ancedors purchafed with the price of their bloods They have therefore refolved to concur with the other focieties in ta- king every prudent method to prevent the faid repeal, and to contribute a proportional ( hare of the expences that may be incurred 011 that ac- count. ANDREW CASSELS, THO. HADAWA Y, f Meijicrs of the Incorporations. CHARLES COWAN, ) ExtraCled by JOHN PATSSON, Clerk. Edinburgh, Jan. 22. 1779. THE which day, the Society of Porters in Ldinbur- h being met, they - took into their ferious conifderation the genera! -" alarming report, That a bill is to be prefented to this prcfent feffion of Parliament for repeal- ing the penal ftatutes now in force agaiiitt Papiif s in Scotland: The So- ciety were unanimoully of opinion, That, Ihould fitch repeal take place, it would be a direct infringement of our conditntion, and an exprei's vio- lation of the claim of right, and of the moft facred aiticle of the Union : Wherefore they unanimoufly tedify their abhorrence and detedation of any redoration or re- eftablifliment of Popery in this nation, which the prefent faid repeal feems to amount to; and whereby a wide door would be opened for tyranny and perfection : And therefore refrdved to con- cur with all Protedant focietics, and others, in this kingdom, in every lawful meafure for preventing faid bill from paffing into a law. They, at the fame time, agreed to contribute their mite, according to ability, for laid purpofe, and that the fame lliould be published in the news- pa- pers. Signed by appointment of the Society, WALTER STEEL, Prefes. Potterroiv, Jan. 2C. 1779. THE Incorporation of Cordners in Potterrow having this day met, in order to take under confideration the tendency of a bill propofed to he brought into Parliament for repealing the penal ftatutes now in force in Scotland againft Papids, whofe known principles are deftruftive to the civil and religions rights of mankind ; and coufidering tliefe penal laws are the drongeft harrier againd the growth of Popery and fuperdition, they unanimoully came to a refolution to concur with che other Incorpo- rations in and about the city of Edinburgh, in oppofing the faid bill's paffing into a law, by every legal and conftitutional method ; and ap- point this to be infert in the Edinburgh news- papers. ExtraGed from the minutes of faid Incorporation by AND. PITCA1RN, Clerk. Edinburgh. Jan. 23. 1779. THE Caroline Society of Journeymen WEAVERS, and others, e- reftedhere for the benefit of indigent members, having met, and conftdcring on, the alarming fituation the country is in, by hearing that the bill for the repeal of certain penal laws againft Popery made in the reign of King William III. contiary to the articles. of the Union, and a breach of the Coronation oath ; and fearing the dangerous con- fequencesthat may enfue from the fame . paffing into a law ; by imbibing into the minds of the lower clafs of mankind, fuch pernicious tenets, which may prove derogatory to the well- affeiled fubje& s of the Houfe of Hanover, have unanimoufly agreed to ailift, as far as in them lies, to prevnt the fame ; and has ordered the above to be printed in the Cale- donian Mercury. Extrafted from the minutes of the Society, bv JOHN WILSON, Clerk. Glafgoiu, December, 22, 1779. TIIF. Incorporation of Gardeners in Glafgow, taking into their feri- ous confident: ion, that at prefent alarms are fpread relative to an in- tended encouragement to be given to the Roman Catholic religion, by a repeal of the laws made and provided againd the evils arifmg from that religion being tolerated among us. Although the trade are far from pcrfecuting any party whatever for principles that are not preju- dicial to the intctefts of foeiety, yet they think themfelves bound to de- clare it as their opinion, that the laws at prefent in force againft the Po- pifli religion in this country cannot be underftood as arifing from a fpirit of pcrfecution, but felf defence. And that thcyjare bound by their oath taken at obtaining their freedom in this city, to mantain and defend the Protedant religion as edablilhed by law, to their lives end, which they confider as infeparably coiine& d with that allegiance and loyalty which they owe to their Sovereign. They therefore unanimoufly agree to con- cur with, and fupport to the utmod of their power, every legal meafure that may be taken to prevent a repeal of thefe falutary laws, apprehen- ding that fuch a repeal would greatly didurb the peace of this happy country. And agree that a committee fliall be appointed to meet with fuch'committees as the other corporations of this city fliall have order- ed, with them to deliberate and refolve upon fuch fchemes and mea- fures as may be moft eligible and effectual to prevent the above mention- ed repeal, and to corrcfpond with other incorporated bodies in this af- fair, as to them ( hall fecm meet; and further agree to publifh this their rcfolution in the Glafgow and Edinburgh newfpapers. ( Sijned) DANEIL KENNEDY, Deacon. Dunblane,. Jan. 20. 1779. r* ipiII. S day, feveral of the Heritors, and almoft the whole of the In- 1. habitants of the Parifli of DUNBLANE, met, and taking into their moft fcriotis confideration the certain information' they have re- ceived, That- a bill is to be brought in to the prefent Seffion of Parlia- ment, for the relief of the Roman Catholics in Scotland, fimilar to that paffed in their favour in England, whereby the public excrcife of their religion is to be granted them; trafficking Papilb," Priefts, and e- veti jefuits, who have been banifhed from Catholic countries for tliciv dangerous doctrines, are to be allowed to fettle among us, to ereft l'chools lor the education of youth, and to inherit landed edates, which mud give them great influence in the country, were unanimoufly of o- pinioh, That the paffing of fuch a bill into a law mull be attended with the mod fatal confequehct's to our religion and liberties. As Proteftar. ts, they are alarmed that any. countenance flioilld be gi- ven to Popery; a religion which is not only dircftly contrary to the word of God, rnarfy of its doftrines being blafphcmous, its li'orfliip ido- latrous, and its government antichriilian, but a religion which teaches its deluded votaries to third for Protedant blood ; and, wherever it hath power, devotes to the gibbet and the lfake all who are not of its com- munion. As Members of Society, they tremble to receive into their bofom men, upon whofe folcmn promifes, and even oaths, no dependence can be placed ; and who, when they can have an opportunity, think it merito- rious to butcher fuch who are not of their religion ; witnefs the maffa- cres at Paris, Ireland, & c. As loyal Subjcfts, who are firmly attached to our prefent Sovereign, and have the glory of liis illuftrious family neaily at heart, it gives them the mod uneafy fenfations to think that the number of Papids fhould be encreafed ; who, whatever oath of allegiance they may fwear, can never be faithful fubjefts to a Protedaut Prince ; efepcially when there is a Pretender to the Crown, whofe ancedors were dethroned becaufe they were cf the Popilh Religion. As Patents, all their tender feelings are awakened when they look forward to the many fnares that may be laid for their poor children, by Popilh Priefts and Jefuits, who lie in wait to decive, and who would compafs fea and land to make one profclyte. Farther, they apprehend, that faid bill would be contrary to the ar- ticles of the Union, and would have a drong tendency to alienate the hearrts of his Majefty's firmed friends in this part of ifland. For thefe reafons, thev unanimoully condemned faid bill; and heartily refolved to concur with other parifhes and focietics in oppoftng it, if brought into Parliament, by all legal and conditutional methods; and to contribute their Glare of the expence that may be contracted on that account. At fune time, they fondly perfwade themfelves, that bis Majefty, who hath all along, and efpecially of late, had fuch convincing proofs of the drong attachment of the Scots nation to his perfon and Govern- ment, will never give his countenance to a meafure fo univerfally re- pugnant to their inclination. The above rcfolution wis fublcribed by fix hundred and fifty men, modly heads of families. JA. PEARSON, Prefes. JOHN GRAHAM, Clerk. Extraft of the rcfolution of the Magidrates and Council of the burgh of Iiivernefs, againft the repeal of the penal laws againft Roman Catholics. AT Inverncfs, the 18th day of January 1779, The Magidrates and Council taking under'their confideration the apprehenfion that almod univerfally prevails, That the repeal of the penal laws againft; Roman Catholics which has taken place in England may extend to Scot- land, are unanimoufly of opinion, fuch a nieafure would be attended with many bad confequences to this country : Have therefore refolved to oppofe it by every lawful mean, and to join other communities for that purpofe; and they direCt their clerk to make extraC> s of this their refolution, to be tranfmitted to the publifhers of the Edinburgh news- papers and I. ondon Chronicle, that it may be infert in them refpcCtive-. ly. Extracted from the Council- books, by WILL. FRASER, Clerk. - Montrofe, Jan. 20. 1779. THE Magiftrates and Town- council of Montrofe, confidering that much clamour, and many groundlefs apprehenfions have been railed in the minds of the people in different parts of Scotland, from the indulgence granted to the Roman Catholics in England by a late aft of the legifljture ; which apprehenfions have induced feveral, loeietids in Scotland to intimate publicly their refolutiou of oppofmg fuch indulgence, in cafe it fliould be extended to Scot- land,— are unanimoufly of opinion, That, as they have no certain evidence of auv l'uch aft intended . to be brought into Parliament for the af'orefaid purpofe ; and although they had fitch evidence, that yet, as they are ignorant of the precife contents of fuch in- tended aft, they therefore do not think it abfoltiiely neceffary at prefent to apply to the'legiflature in regard to meal'ure, the fu- ture exiftetne of which is fo uncertain. On this occafion, how- ever, the Council think it their duty to declare, that they repro- bate the errors, fuperflitions, and grofs abfurdities of the Roinart Catholics, which are properly religious; and more particularly fo. a number of political principles, adjoined to the religious, affirmed by fome with great confidence, and perhaps with as little charity snd truth, to be held by every private individual Roman Catholic as well as by the Pope and Clergy of the Romifh com- munion, and at prefent as univerfally as in ancient times. Bat although thev do thus reprobate both the religious and ( political principles of the Roman Catholics, yet they do not think that they, or any human power, have any authority to fetter the mind, or over- awe the confcience, in regard to principles purely religi- ous. This is as contrary to right reafon and common humanity, as to the Spiritual, impartial, and benevolent doftri'nes of the gof- pel. The divine Author of Chriftianity declares, " That his te- " ligion and kingdom are not of this world :" But they are of this world, if they inuli be Supported by the fame means as that of Mahomet, or, what is equivalent to it, penal ftatutes. The reli- gion of Jefus Chrilt teaches us, To do to others as we would wHh they Ihould do to us,— not to render evil for evil, nor railing for railing,— to blefs, and not to curfe,— to blels even thofe that curfe us and delpitefully ufe us,— and, in a word, in what regards confcience, to call n » man upon earth nur Matter. Reafon, there- fore, Humanity, and Chriftianity call upon the Council to teftil v their difapprobation of intolerance in matters of confcience, and principles purely religious. In regard to the political tenets held in ancient times by the Pope and fome of the Romifh Cler- gy, and, perhaps, by fome of them ( till, and which certainly are of dangerous confequence to the happinefs and Safety of Society, the Council are of opinion, That the legislature have, in a great meafure. guarded againlt the evils that might ariSe from diem, by the regulations exprefled in the late aft relpefting the RomanCa- tholics in England ; and this appears evident from the unanimity with which it paffed both Houfes of Parliament, and from the ge- neral Satisfaction it has fince given in that kingdom. And they entertain the hope, that, if the legiflature fhould extend the in- dulgence to the Roman Catholics in Scotland, that they will Se- cure the Safety cf the State effeftually, and particularly will re- ftrain JeSuils and Popiih Priefts Sront'ercfting and teaching pub- lic fchools ; and, if any fuch bill is brought into Parliament, granting liberty to JeSuits, Popilh Priefts, or any other perfons profefling the Romiih religion, to open public Schools for the in- ftruftion and education of youth, the Council declare, That thev will exert their uttnoft endeavours, in every constitutional way, becoming dutiful and free- born Subjects, to prevent indulgence in this rel'peft from being carried into execution. Extracted from the records of the Town- council, by THOMAS STEWART, Clk. From ihe London Gazette, Jan. 16. War- Ofice, January, 16. Regiment of Royal Highland Emigrants, Lieutenant- Gene- ral Sir Henry Clinton is appointed to be Colonel in chief. ift Battalion, Major Allan M'Lean, of kte 114th foot, to be Lieutenant- Colonel Commandant. . Captain Donald M'Donald, frgm the half pay of the ma- rines, to be Major. To be Captains, William Dunbar, late a Captain in the 44th foot. Captain John Nairne, oflate 78th foot. Captain- Jjieutenant Colin Campbell, of 7th foot. Lieutenant Alexan der Frafer, oflate 78th foot. Lieutenant Malcolm Frafer, oflate 78th foot, pay, of the 60th Lieutenant George jSi'Dougall, from half foot,. Lieutenant Daniel -. Robertfon, from half pay, ofthe 42d foot. Lieutenant David Alexander Grant, of 60th foot. To be £ aptain- Lieutenant, John Hay, of 28th foot. To be'Lieutenants, Neal M'Lean,. late a Lieutenant in the 47th foot. Enftgn John M'Lean, of late 114th foot. Lauch- lan M'Lean. Alexander Stratton. Archibald M'Lean. Hec- tor M'Lean. Francis Dambourgefs. Donald M'Kinnon. David Cairns. Ranald M'Donell. Ranald M'Donell, Gen- tlemen. To be Enjigns, Archibald Grant. John Smith. George Dame, late an Enfign in the 8th foot. Heftor M'Lean. Archibald M'Donell. James Pringle. Alexander Fletcher. Duncan M'Dougal, Gentlemen. Bethune, Clerk, to be Chaplain. Ranald M'Donell to be Adjutant. Lauchlan M'Lean to be Quarter Mafter. Alexander Davidfon to be Surgeon. RevimeM of Royal Highland Emigrants, id Battalion, Cap- tain John Small, of 21 if foot, to be Major Commandant. To be Captains, Captain- Lieutenant Alexander M « Donald, oflate 77th foot. Lieutenant Duncan Campbell, from the half pay of the 42d foot. Lieutenant Ranald M'Kinnon. Lieutenant Alexander Campbell, of late lofith foot. Mur- dsck M'Lean, of late 114th foot. Neil M'Lean. Allan M'Donald. John M'Donald; Allan M'Donald, Gentlemen. To be Captain• Lieutenant, John M'Lean. To be Lieutenants, James Lundin, late a Lieutenant in the 35th foot. Alexander M'Donald. Pvobert Campbell. Al- exander M'Donell. Samuel Blifs. James M'Donald. Ge- rald Fitzgerald. Lauchlan M'Lean. Hugh Frafer. Char- les M'Donald. John M'Donell, Gentlemen. To be Enjigns, Heftor M'Lean. Kenneth M'Donald. Jofeph Hawkins. John M'Donald. James Robertfon. Al- exander M'Lean. Chriftopher Seaton. Lauchlan M'Quary, Gentlemen. Alexander M'Kenzie to be Chaplain. Heftor M'Lean to be Adjutant. Angus M'Donald to be Quarter Mafter. Mate Georne Frederick Boyd to be Surgeon. From L L O Y D's LIST, Jan. 19. The Eagle, , from Newfoundland, is atrivtd at Lif- bon, after being taken by the Bennington American privateer and retaken by a Liverpool letter of marque; the Petty,. from Newfoundland to a market, is alfo retaken ; a privateer at Gibraltar, fuppofed to be the Revenge, Capt. Scarnichia, is taken and carried into Marfeilles. The Lovely Mary, Shippack, and Mary Amelia, French, from the coaft of Valencia to London, are taken by two French frigates, and carried into Almeria. The Betfey, Montgomery, of Newry, from Newfoundland for • Alicant, is taken by a fmall French privateer, and carried into Carthagena. The Betfey and Sally, Kean, from Limerick for Gibraltar, is taken by the Phaenix American Privateer, of I 4 fix and four pounders, and carried into Corunna. The John and Betfey, John [ ton, from Newfoundland to A- Iicant, has difcharged her cargo at Gibraltar, and will there end her voyage. The Giovanna, Zane, from Venice for London, is taken by two French frigates, and carried into Almeria. The Colebrook, Morris, from London to India, is loft 70 miles from the Cape of Good Hope on a funken rock, and twenty of the crew drowned. The Gatton and Calcutta, Eaft- Indiamen, failed from the Cape of Good Hope for India without convoy. From the London Pa pen, Jan. 21. LONDON. Debates in the HOUSE OF COMMONS on the Recruiting bill, on IVednefday, Jan. 20. Mr Jenkinfon, fecretary at war, yefterday moved, " That leave be given to bring in a bill for amending the ait paffed laff feffion to empower julfices to imprefs men for the land fervice." In every war fince the beginning of the prefent century, lie faid, extraordinary meafures had been taken for the purpofe of raifing troops. At this time they were highly neceffary, as it was meant to purfue the enfuing campaign with vigour, and to effeft; and he trufted that the bufinefs would on that account be got through the Houfe with all poffible expedition. Such regulations as thofe he intended to propofe to the Houfc, to be obferved on his Majefty's recruiting fervice, had frequently been found of the greateft utility. The aft, indeed, palled laft feffion, had proved extremely ufeful, bnt there were many things ftill requifite to be thought of. The bounty mo- ney for inftance, of three guineas, at prefent given, was by much too lo. v, fix or feven pounds being frequently paid by militiamen for a fubftitute. A larger bounty would therefore be one propofition he fhould make, and as an encouragement for men to enter, he would fubmit it to the Houfe, that volunteers fhould not in future be obliged to ferve for a longer term than three years, nor even thofe prefTed for more than five : That the former fhould, after the expiration of the time enlifted for, be exempt- ed ever afterwards from all military fervice, except in time of aftual invafion, as well as from all ftatute labour, and be allow- ed to open ( liop, and carry on trade in any corporation, and not be removed therefrom, before they fhould become charge- able to the parifh, befides that they fhould never be. liable to become the objeft of any prefs- warrant, Thefe amendments being made to the aft puffed laft feflion • would, he was of opinion, give fpirit aud aftivity to his opera- tions. Five hundred officers- were ready to co- operate with the magiftrates of the different counties, from the iheriffs of • which he had in general received the moft flattering opinion on the mode to be pnrfued. Indeed, it could not fail rendering the recruiting fet vice at once popular, and honourable. Another observation he fhould beg leave to make was, that the fervice, was much cramped by the prcfent fUndard height of the men. Five feet three inches was, in his opinion, a de- gree of ftature that was , not to be refufed, nor would he have any rejefted, even at fo early an age as that of Sixteen. Many good foldiers, it was well- known, were every day to be met with under fuch defcriptions,- and by no means to be thought indifferently of, at a time when an extraordinary number of troops are wanted for his Mikity's' fervice. Sir George Tonge approved; of the'araenaments faggefted, and profeffed himfelf perfeftly- fotisfied with the whole : all that feemed farther neceffary was, to exempt from his Majefty's fervice, men - who have a certain family. Col. Burre . wiflied.' to know, if the privileges to be given to volunteers were to be Extended to thofc men who flioald be railed, under the aft of parliament in queftion, or to his- Maje- fty's recruiting fervice in . general. •' Mr Jenkinfm . replied, it- was meant for every volunteer to enjoy thofe honours, who Ihould offer himfelf during the con- tinuance of the aft. Col. Bar re then role again, ' n very warm terms ex- preffed his approbation of the propofitions. The raifing of men to ferve for three yeats. only* he faid, was what he himfelf had not long ago intimated, and was likely to do more than any bounty. Col. Hartley, Mr Thomas Townfend, and Mr Charles Turner, fpoke alfo in favour of the motion, which was agreed to without a diffenting voice. Although the drawing- room at St James's on Monday was rather thin, the ball- room at night was exceedingly crowded. Lady Augufta Campbell, daughter of the Duke of Argyle, danced the fecond minuet with the Marquis of Graham. Her drefs was a pea- green fiittin, enriched with a gold trimming, and a great quantity of artificial flowers. The elegance of this young lady's perfon, her graceful manner of dancing, Arid the particular . tafte. of her. drefs, were exceedingly admired. Monday night was- the firft time the Marquis of Graham e ver danced at- St James's in public, and it was looked upon as extraordinary, that his Lordlhip fhould have the honour of o- pening the ball on his firft . appearance. It is faid, that advice is received from America, that Col. Campbell was fafely arrived at Charleftown, South- Carolina, with 2000 men from Rhode- ifland, where he was received with open arms by the people i'n general, who were heartily tired of the Congrefs. Some private advices being received from Sir Jofeph Yorke at the Hague, that the French Miniftry have in view fo: ne in- terefting manoeuvre to fee executed by the Breft fleet, orders were yefterday feri't to ' Jhe, fea ports for a number of men of war to proceed immediately to Plymouth Sound, and there wait for further inftruftions. A report prevails, - with forhe degree of credit, that there has been an engagement off Scilly between two of his Majefty' frigates and a French 50 gun fhip, and that the latter ftruck after an obftinate ftruggle for five glaffes. It is pretended by fome, Admiral Keppel will call but two of his witneffes,. viz. Rear Admiral Campbell, who afted as his firft Captain, and Captain Walfingham. Yefterday morning died, at his houfe in the Adeiphi, his 63d year, the great llofcius of this age and country, Da vid Garrickj Efq ) who for near 40 years paft, hath flione with unrivalled luftre the greateft ornament ofthe Englifh ftage, He was born at Hereford, in March 1716. His father was a French refugee, and a Captain of a troop of horfe then quarter- ed in that city. He had a liberal education under the moft able mafters; among whom were the great Dr Johnfon, and the late Mr Colfon of Rochcfter. In 1736, being intended for the bar, he was entered of the honourable Society of Lincoln's- inn. He afterwards followed, for fome time* the employment of a Wine- merchant. At length, his inclination for the ftage becoming irreflftible, he, after having for fome time joined a country company of . Comedians, in 17f t, engaged with Mr Gifford, the Maganer of the Theatre in Goodman's- fields, where . he made his firft appearance in the charafter of Richard III. in which he at oncedifpfayed fucli fingular and amazing powers, as gave a fare prefage of that eminence in the profef- iion which he foon' attained. After having appeared fucccf- fively in Dublin, and at Convent Garden theatres, with the moft unbounded applaufe, he in 174jbecame joint manager with Mr Lacy at Drury- lane ; and at length, in the fpring of 1776, he retired from'the ftage." To his extenfive powers of pleating in the greateft variety of charafters, in almoft all which h- fhone with equal excellence, he added every requifite that conltitutes the complete manager, and judge of theatrical compofitions, as well as of the meclwnicul conduft of the ftage ; nor were his abilities' as a writer much inferior to fome of our moft favourite authors, as the feyeral pieces he gave the public, and were all well received, fufficiently prow. In prologue and epilogue writing he had no equal, his nume- rous produftions in that way dilcovering great knowledge of human nature, and a happy talent of adapting his admirable ftrokes of wit and fatire to the circumftances of the times, and the tafte of his audience.— So far we can with truth arid juf- tice fpeak of hint as a genius of the nioft various excellcnce in his line of life that ever adorned this or any other country. — lie was, befides, a moft refpeftable member of fociety, and difchargcd all the duties of a good citizen in an examplary manner; for thefe who knew him beft, loved him moft. Being an ceconomift, he acquired a large fortune; but he lived with a decent elegance, and his charities were both extenfive and numerous. As a companion he was fo agreeble, witty, arid facetious, that his company WAS coveted by, and gave high en- tertainment to the greateft names in this country*; fo that it was really . difficult to afcertain whether he was more agreeable in public or in private fociety. After What we have advanced, it is needlefs to add, that . this country hath in his death Tuf- tained an irreparable lofs;- for it may truly be faid of this in- comparable man, that " take him for all. in all, " We ne'er ffiall look upon his like aoain." ED I N B U R G H. ' Extra fl of a private letter from London, Jan. 21. - " This day, in the Houfe of Lords, Lord Percy's divorce bill Was read a feco'rid time, and evidence given to fupport the allegations containeddn- tbe preamble. After fome witneffes were examined to the iffuing of the'licence,' by virtue of which bis Lordfliip was married to ' his ' prefprit Lady, Mr Bearcroft, ( one of the coqnfel;' fpr Lord Percy) acquainted their Lord- ffiips, that, from lome uniuckymift- jke, : thfe marriage was not. properly regiftered, and could hoi therefore be proved in the ufual form ; but; in order to prove it, he muft be under the neceffity of examining his. Grace the- Duke of Northumberland, he being ' prefent thereat. His Grace was accordingly called, who informed their Lordfitips, that the rilarriagc between Lord Percy and his Lady was folemnized at the houfe of her Lady- ihip's father ( Lord Bute) by virtue of a fpecial licence grant- ed by the Archbilliop of Canterbury, " Mr Bearcroft then obferved, that, from forrle dif? gree- ments between Lord Percy and his Lady, articles riffeparation were prepared and executed by them in 1769 ( which articles were produced and the execution proved) ; and that, finCe that period, his Lordlhip had never vifited Lady Percy, or had « ny fort of accefs to her, which lie would prove to their Loidihips fully as the nature of the cafe would, permit: That, in 1774, Lord Percy joined his regiment in America, and on the 12th of. March 1778, Lady Percy had criminal converfation and adulterous intercourfe with a Mr Bird, with Whom her Ladylhip had formed an acquaintance at Southampton : That. Lord Piercy brought his aftion againft Mr Bitd, Tipon - which final judgment was obtained for 500 1. damages ; and that* by the Ecclefiaftical Court, a divorce and diffohition. of their marriage was decreed. Two witneffes were then called, by whom it was proved, That Lady Perc^' became acquainted with Mr Bird at South- ampton, and that they were frequently together, without any other company, until two or three o'clock in the morning: That her Ladyfhip continued nine weeks at Southampton, du- ring which time fhe was conftantly vifited by Mr Bird, and from thence w? nt to her houfe in Hampfliire, where fhe was alfo vifited by him ; and that he frequently continued with her there two or three days together: That one of the witneffes ( Lady Percy's woman) on the morning of the 12th day of March laft, having occafion to go into her Lauyfhip's bed-. chamber, about half after nine o'clock, faw Mr Bird, in bed with Lady Percy : That he feemed lomewhat alarmed at fee- ing the witnefs, and immediately quitted the room, and went to his own bed. " The next witnefs, another of Lady Percy's female fcr- vants, proved, That, during the time her lady was at Bromp- ton, Mr Bird ftill continued his vifits to her ; and, when there, always flept on the fame floor her Ladylhip did, and in the next room to her ; and that thefe rooms had a communication with each other : That this wi'. nefs frequently heard Mr Bird go into her Ladyffiip's room, but never faw'him there, " Doftor Percy was next examined with refp'eft to Lord Percy's intercourfe with her Ladyfhip. The Doftor depofed, That he had known Lord Percy many years ; had the honour to be his friend and companion; arid, from feveral circumftan-. ces, was fully convinced, in his own mind, that his Lordihip was never in company with Lady Percy fince the execution of, their articles of feparation. " The other witneffes alfo depofed, That they had never feen Lord Percy with his lady fince that period ; nor did. they believe he had ever vifited her. " The bill was then referred to a Committee of the whole Houfe. i » " It is reported, that Lady P is now pregnant: It is, however, rather unfortunate for her Ladyfhip, that her Bird is not likely to take a flight. into the wcrld before the divorce bill paffes, by which means the unhappy offspring will be illegita- 2, mizsd." " This day, in the Houfe of Commons, Mr Jenkinfont a- greeable to the order of yefterday, brought in his bill " for the more fpeedy recruiting of his Majefty's army," which was read a firft time, ordered to be printed, and read a fecond time to- morrow. " Lord Beauclamp moved, " That an account be laid be- ' fore the Houfe of the linen yarn imported imported into this kingdom from Ireland, for the laft feven years." His Lord- fhip obferved, That, fome few years ago, the duty which a- rofe from that fmgle article amounted to about 7000 I. per an- num, and that at piefent fcarce any thing arofe from it. . This differ ence muft of courfe be occaiioned either by an extreme diminution of the linen trade, or by fmuggling. If by the latter, it was furtly neceffary to endeavour to put a flop to fo pernicious a praftice ; and, he conceived, in order to do that with the greater facility, it would be right to afcertain the true caufe of the evil, which could not fail of being done, by taking an exaft account of the linen yarn entered at pur Cu- ftom Houfe, and of that exported from Ireland. The Direc- tors ofthe Board of linen trade in Ireland faw the neceflity pf. this application, which they had' intimated to his. Lurdflup 5 anu at their inftance it Was he made the motion. " The motion paffed without a divifioh. " Prefented, an eftimate of the charge of the ont- penftooers' of Chelfea Hofpital; and alfo a lift of half- pay officers, with an ftimate. " Ordered to lie on the table. , « , Paffed the Berwick Road Bill. ' ' f" : " The opening ofthe Budget is certainly poftponed ; and, we hear, Lord North has acquainted his moneyed friends Who rcfide in the cities of London and Weftmirtfter, . that, accor- ding to his prefent intention, the fame will, be opened on Wed- nefday the 1 ith of March next." This day, the Lord Provoft, Magiftrates, and Town Conn- cil of this City, refolved, That petitions fhould be traofmitted to London, praying, that they might be heard by counfel a- gainft the repeal of the penal ftatutes againft Popery, fhould fuch a bill be brought into Parliament. The petitions we^ e figned by the Lord Provoft, in name of the Community, ha- ving the feal of the City appended, and are forwarded tothe Right Hon. Sir Laurence Dundas, to be by him prefenred,' if found neceffary. On Saturday the 9th current died at Bath, George Gordon, Efq; of Gight. It is hoped that his friends will accept of this as a fufficient notification of his death. Upon Tuefday, the 19th inft. died at her hotife, by Leitb, Lady Stenatt, widow of Sir James Steuatt of Burray, Barohet. We have been favoured with the following lifts,' which are vouched as correft as the prefent fituation of affairs will admit; STATIONS OF THE BRITISH FORCES : Iu England. 2 troops horfe guards; 2 troops grenadier guards; 1 regiment horfe; 3 regiments dragoon guards; 8 re- giments dragoons, viz. lit, 2d, 3d, 41b,' 6th, 7th, 10th, and 15th ; 3 regiments foot guards, formerly feven battalions, now only - five, as two battalions are abroad ; 14 regiments of foot, viz. ift, two battalions, 2< 1, 6th, 13th, 14th, i8:),, ijth, 41ft, 55th, 59th, 65th, 69th, 75th,' and 79th. In Jerfiy. 78th, or Seaforth's Highlanders. In Scotland. 1 regiment dragoons, viz. 11 th ; 3 regiments, and pari of a regiment, foot, viz. 76111 ( Macdonatd's), 80th ( Royal Edinburgh), part of the 8ad, 83d ( Royal Glafgow) ; 3 regiments of fenfible men, and fome independent companies. In Ireland. 3 regiments horfe'; 7 regiments dragoons; 11 regiments foot, viz. jd, nth, 19th, 30th, 32d, 56th, 66tb, 67th, 6Stli, fjih, and 81 It', and 12 independent companies invalidst 5 In Minorca. 2 regiments foot, viz. 51ft and 61 ft, a'nd 2 regiments Hanoverians. In Gibraltar. 5 regiments foot, viz. 12th, 39th, 56th, 58th, and 72d,- ahd 3 regirtlents Hanoverians. > In the Eafl Indies. t regiment foot, viz. I ft battalion of 73d, or Macleod's Highlanders. In America, under Sir Henry Clintfttl at Ne% o. York. 2. regiments; light horle, viz. 16th and 17th ; 2 battalions foot 1 guards; 15 regiments foot, tv'?. 7th, 10th, 17th, 23d, 26th, 33d, 37th, 38th, 42d, 44th, 45th, 52d, ?~ th, 63d, and 64th ; Skinner's, De Lancey's, Brown's; Bayard's, and a number of other provincial corps; above 70OO Heflians, and a regiment Waldeckers. At Rhode' IJland, under General Prefcoit. 3 regiments foot, viz. 22d, 43d, and 54th ; Fanning's corps ; 6 battalions Heffians, and 2 battalions Anfpachers. At Hallifax, Brigadier . Francis Maclean Commander. 70th regiment, 74th. ( Argylelhire Highlanders), 8 companies of 8jd, 2d battalion Royal Highland Emigrants, and Gore- ham's corps of Fencible Americans. In Canada, uiider General Haldimand. Sth, 29th, 31/^ 34th, and part of the 53d, lit battalion Royal Highland Emi- giants, with- 2 battalions Brunfwickers. Gem'with General Grant to the IVeJl Indies. 10 regiments foot, viz. 4th, t; th, 15th, 27th, 28th, 35th, 40th, 46th, 49th, and 55th. Formerly in the Weft Indies. 48th, 3 battalions of Royal Americans, and Dalrymple's Irifi 1 corps. In Florida. 16th regiment of foot, a battalion of the 60th, or Royal American regiment, and a corps of rangers. Gone upon, an Expedition tinder Colonel Archibald Campbell. 71ft regiment foot, 2 battalions; Simcoe's corps, or the Queen's rangers ; a detachment of riflemen, and fome other provincial corps. At Newfoundland. Two additional companies of the 71 ft, and one company of the 42d. In Africa. A corps of foot under Lieut. Colonel Clarke. Prifoncrs at Bofion. The 9th, 20th, 21ft, 24th, 47th, part 53d, and 62d regiments of foot. • It is believed the above lift will be found pretty corredt. It is only neceffary to mention, that all the regiments in America conftft of 12 companies, 56 men per company ; thofe at home 10 companies ; and that all the regiments above the 70th con- lilt of 10 companies, of 100 private men ' per company. It is now propofed to give each regiment two more additional com- panies. The trade from London are got fafe into the E. oad of Leith. We have undoubted authority, that the Town Council of Montrofe rejected, with the utmoft contempt, the petition of the kirk- feffion, incorporated trades, and almoft all the inhabi- tants of Montrofe, praying them to take a part in the oppofition to the Popith Bill. It is carious ( fays a correfpondent) to obferve, notwithftan- ding the general contrariety of fentiments of Proteftants and Papifts*- that, on this occafton, both argue upon the very fame principle. No Papift is at prefent perfecuted in this country. Every one of that perfuafton enjoys the fulleft liberty, both ci- vil and religious. All that is required of them, is only to be pofiefTed of as much common fenfe and difcretion, as to keep their principles to themfelves, and not to trouble their neigh- bours with their opinions. " No but" ( fay the Catholics) " unlefs the penal ftatutes are repealed, < we are afraid, fome time or other, - we may be hurt." The Protectants again fay, " We do | not want to opprefs the Papifts. We do not with ro put the penal ftatutes againft them in force. But we will, at fame time, oppofe, with all our might, their being repealed; becaufe, in that cafe, tue are afraid the Proteftant intereji • mould be in danger? not confidering, that there could be really nothing to fear, while the number of Papifts in Scotland, to that of Proteltants, is not above one to fixty. Thus both parties are influenced by the principle of fear, and both are more afraid than hurt. Mean time, the fober and thinking part of Scotland remain filent, and are only afraid, that thefe two parties, by their imaginary fears, will bring the nation in- to real danger. The Managers of the burgh of Stirling, on Saturday laft, fet the alfize of bread for the faid town and territories as follows, viz. Averdtfpoife. Price. lb. 07.. d s. d. _ „ . . - . , - 7 and to f Wheaten for, 4 The Peck Loaf to weigh 17 6 be fold 1 Houfehold, 1 8± „ , , : . , „ Tr 1 and to f Wheaten for, I Half- peek Loaf to weigh 8 11 oj be fo, d | Houfeholdj 0 I0 _ „ „ . , „ ? and to f Wheaten for, o 64 Qaartern Loaf to weigh 4 5 ® J be fold {. Houfehold, oj And lefter bread in proportion. PROTESTANT INTEREST, Guildhall, Dundee, Jan. 22. 1779. AUTHORISED in due form by the Honourable tbe Provoft, Ma- giftratcs, and Counfellors.,. and by the Kirk Seilion, and Incorpo- rati ns of the Town of Dundee, their committee formerly named, to oppofe the repotted defign of repealing the laws prei'cntly in force againft Popery in Scotland, having met, and properly confidercd the important end of their commiilion, with the beft method of executing it, unani7 - moufly declare for their conflituents, and for the inhabitants in general of this populous town, ( which was the firft in Scotland that declared , for the Reformation,) as well as for thcmfelves, that they hold the rights of private judgment and of toleration, to be ( acred and obligatory in all cafcs where the lights of l'clf- prefervation, and the firft principles of religion, morality, and focietv, are not attacked : That many of the doflrines and confequent praftices of Poperv, evidently ( land in the noli hoftile oppofition to all thefe, that a free toleration of Popery would be isconflftent with the nature and fafety of our happy conftitu- tion in church and ftate, forwhich fo much treafure and blood has been expended; and particularly, with the fundamental articles of the Union of England and, Scotland, and that even to diminifh the neceflary re- ftraints that Pbpifh idolatry, fuperftition, cruelty, and fraud, row lie under in Scotland, would be a rood dangerous and unconflitutionalmea- fure at any time, but efpccially in the prefent ftate of the Britifh em- pire, and when it is more dreaded than at any other period fince their inftitution with Jefuits, whom Frande, Spain, Portugal, and even the Pope himfelf, jjayc. baniftied, becaufe they could no longer tolerate them. It is therefore with the deepeft regret, that the conftitifents and members of the committee having received credible information of fucli a defign, find themfelves bound by every religions, civil, and perfonal obligations, to unite with other Communities and Societies in Scotland, in employing every cor. ftitution-. il and proper means to. prevent its accom- pliihment, and in contributing towards the expense that may attend fo indifpenfable a duty. Their reprefenta'iv. e in Parliament was- inftrufted fame time ago to oppofe this dreaded defign in its. every Stage, . and to give the eariitft Information concerning it," tlu- y being determined to prefent humble petitions to the Ring and the t\ k> Houfes of Parliament ' againft the bill, as ibon as they hear'that leave is given to bring it in; while they earneftly wi( h, while they ftill hope that the defign ( hall be dropt, and that the apprehenfions now becomc fo very general, will be fpecdily removed by proper authority. Thefe fentiments and refolutions the meeting appoint to be ptiblilhed in all the news- papers of Edinburgh. Signed in name, and bv appointment of the meeting, KEN, GEEK. IE, Pjcfts- .'."•. Montr,, Jan. 23, 1779. r fTHS day, the Kirk- feffion of this paVith met to deliberate ebneern- . JL ing an ait pail'cd in laft fc- ffion of Parliament, relieving PSpifts in. England from certain penalties, and dilabilitieS therein fpeeified, and which, it is generally feared, is propolfed loort to be extended to Scot- land. " After mature ' deliberation, thfe members of Seffidn were tinani- moufly of opinion, tjjat an act giving inch an tinbohnded toleration to Papifts, Whofe principles anii practices have'been long known and, expe- rienced tS be peniitious to Proteftant States, would expofe not only the Proteftant intereft, but our civil and . reiigiabs' libe't- ties to hin'ch danger ; and that no afteverations, rior even the molt, lolemn oiths made by theih can be conlidered as 4 futfidlnt lecurity, ijfiaAeouiit of tise ealincfs with which difpenfations fj- om oaths are obtained in the Roman commu- nion. As this is the opinion of the ICirk- feflioii, and of the great body of the people, c'dnfiftingof more than 5600 inhabitants, th^ y, judged it incumbent oh them, as office- bearers Irrtffis clitircb, and friends'both to the eftablilheti religion of this kingdom, anil the ProteSlant IhccefTion; publickly to make known their fentiments with regard to this matter, and to declaie, that, though they are 110 friends to pei- fecution for con- fcience- fake; it is their fincere defire, that fnch an aft 111 favour of Pa- pifts may not be patTed into a law, anij their firm refolution, if it ( hall be brought into Parliament, to oppofe it by every constitutional method in their power And they order this their refolatton to be published in the Edinburgh Advcrtife: and Mercury. t Extrafli. il by JOHN JOHNSTON, SelSiori Clerk. Inverkeithing, Jan, 29. 1.7 7 g. WE, the. five Incorporations of Tr'adefmeri in the Burgh of INVfiR- KEITHING, having met, in confequence of a prevailing report of an intended repeal of the penal laws againft Papiils in Scotland; ahd as we regard thefe laws as our chicf defencc againft the grow th of Popery, and a repeal of them would be attended' with, the moft pernicious con- fequ£ nces, and endanger our prefent happy fcenftitation ; therefore, as friends to civil and religious liberty, to the principles of the Revolution, and to the Proteftant fucceiCdri in the Hoiife of HanoVer, afltl as loyal fubjefls of his prefeht Mtijefty Ring George ill. unanir/ ioully iefol- ved to oppole any bill that may be broiight into Pdriiament for the faid repeal; and we cannot forbear to exprei's our concern, that any propo- sal fliould be made to extend the faid repeal to. this part of the United Kingdom; as Popery is particularly offenftve and pdioits to Pitibyterians; and a burden which neither we nor pur fathers could bear. We obferve tvith pleaftire the unanimity and. Spirit of our. Proteftant bretliren, in different parts of this country, againft the laid " repeal, and we heartily concur with them in oppofing the fame, by all ' Segal and conftitutional means, and will cheerfully contribute our rrtite for defray- ing the expence of fuch oppofition : And appoint this our refohttion to be publilhed in the Edinburgh news- papers. Signed in name, and by appointment of the faid Incorporation, by WILLIAM DRUMMOND, Prefes; AT Perth, and within the Guild- hall there, on a geriehtl meetirig of the Guiidry Incorporation of the faid borough j. tbe weetlltg being well informed that a bill is now prepared, and intended to . be , foo. n brought into Parliament, for repealing the penal ftatutes prefeiitly in force within Scotland againft Roman Catholics' j'ariJt- haring ma- turely and deliberately conliuercd the nature of the faitt? bill, iand the confequences which they apprehend muft unavoidably en- fueyihould the fame pafs into a law, theyai'e nnanimouily ofopinioii, that fuch a repeal would prove extremely- fatal; ahd be attended with the moft dangerous confequences to this kingdom in- its conftitution, both as Church and State ; and therefore refolve to: exert their utmoft en- deavours, by every legal and coaftitutional meanS- in their power, to oppofe the faid bill ( If p'r'efented in Parliament;: paftisa tBt; t>; aJawj and for this end they recommend to and eihpower, the Dcan,. of Guild in their name ( in cafe the faid bill is- brought in) to • petition either or botl. Houfes of Parliament, and. to remonftrate- againft theA fame palling into a law, and, if neceftary, to employ Counfel 111 their be- half to be heard upon it: And for defraying the expence of fuch ap- plication, the meeting refolve to open, a voluntary fubferiptjon a-, mongft the members of this incorporation « apd: for that end appoint the clerk to make out fubfeription- papers to lye ready in his office to receive the fubferiptions ofthe members; and the faid fiibfcrip- tions to begin the 25th curt, and to continue till the 14th of Febru- ary next, when the f ime fhall be clofed,— and impower the clerk to colleft the fums Ribfcribed, in cafe the forefaid application ( liall be made: And they appoint this minute to be- piiblilhed iu both the Edinburgh news- papert. ( Signed) . THOMAS MARSHALL, Dean of Guild. Refolution of tbe Mogiftrates of the. Bwgh of Ayr, ugaiiijl the Pipijh Bill, and. feveral others,- will appear in our next. In the Prefs, And will be publilhed upon Wednefday next, the 2.7th curt. At the Ware- room of his MAJESTY'S POINTER in Edinburgh, A FORM OF PRAYER, To be ufed in all the Englilh Churches and Chapels-- throughout Great Britain, upon the enfning General Fait- day. Of- The public will pleafe obferye, that the above differs from the Forms of Prayer formerly tiled1. To be SOLD at Mr Cricheon's Cb. ich- yard, Canonpate, 1 A Second- hand POST- CO A. CH,; good con- dition; with Harnefs for four hotiek.—- NT^ to. be repeated. THE NEWCASTLE POST- COACH, ~ IN THREE D A Y, Sj The direct poft- road by Weatherby, which is feven miles nearer than- fcy way of " York, SETS out from Mr Jaques's, the George1 and Blue Roar in - Holbprn, London, and from Mr Nelfon's, the fwft. and- Poft- bby, in Ncw- caftle, every day ( Sundays excepted) i each paffenger to pay as- under, and out- fide . patfengers to pay half price, allowed. 14 lib. of lujgage ; and all above to pay as ufual. The proprietors, will, not be accountable for money, plate, jewels, or watches,-- upon any cb'nfideration y-' hatfo- ever; or for any other parcel above the value of ijli' t'o be1 fpecifieU at the time. of delivery. From Newcaltle to London, - . v.-, L.- t 6 0 Froth Durham to Ditto, - ' - j - 2 .2 J From Darlington to Ditto, - -' . 1 17 9 From Northallerton to Ditto, - - x 13 9 From Borough- bridge to Ditto, - - I 9 o From Weatherby to Ditto, * ;. " > -. •; - 1 6 o N. B, The Diligence continues to fet out from the Bull and Poll boy, Newcaftle, for Edinburgh; and. from James Rofiertfbli's; Black Bull, E- dinburgh, for Ncwcaftle, every day as ufual. Tickets t'l.' Ji s. 6d. By this conveyance pafltngers go from Edinburgh to London, or fcomLoi)- don to Edinburgh, for 3 1. 17 s. 6d. per feat. SUCH Perfons as are Creditors of the deceafed Mr GEORGE JOHNSTON, Minifter of the Gilfpel'at Monikie, Will tranfmit notes of their debts, and how they are coMitiite I, to Wil- liam Chalmers town- clerk of Dundee, or Thomas Davidffiil writer there, fo as meafures may be taken for their payment. ^ O T 1 C E To the Creditors of JOHN DDNLOP late tenjnt ifa Chiftolth. npHAT, at a General Meeting of the Creditors of the faid John Dun- JL lop, held at Hawick, upon the Jd day of December laft, the ft- veral preferable claims contended for were theiV finally adjnfted and de- termined, and a ( late of the debts having been made « p accordingly, the Meeting authorifed tbe truftecs to make a diftributidn of the funds among the refpeflive creditors, agreeable thereto,; The Truftees of the faid John Dunlop, therefore, in terms of the rc- folution arid order of the faid Meeting, do hereby. intimate, that a t^ ivi- iion of the funds of the debtor, upon thrplan fixed; hy'the federufit of the General Meeting, of date above- written, will be made: at the " term of Candlemas next -, and the' fefpeflive. creditors,, who bitve proved their debts, in manner required by the act of Parliament, and in terms of the former adveitifemcnts to that purpose,- may theft call upoti Jdhn . Lai- g writer in Selkirk, faftor for the truftees, for their payments, in whole hands the fchcme of divifion, ftate, and minutes of the ^ editors a/ ore- faid may be fetn. The Trtiftees further intimate, That a General Meeting of the creditors of the faid John Dunlop is to he held in the houte of Michacl Stevenfon vintner in Hawick, 0.1 the firft ThurfJay of Februa- iy next, when al) concerned aie required to attend. \ TTHEREAS the Society in Scotland for l4; opo* ating Chriftian V t Kno\ iiedge, have not, of late; received regular annual reports of the ftate of Ibme icliools Upon their eftablillimcht in the Highlands and Iflands of Scotland; Intimation is hereby given to fitch Pref- bvteci'es as have been temifs in vifiting fu^ h i'chools as are ftationed within their bounds, that the Society are dtjfci-' mihe'd not to pay the fdary for next Whitlimday, to any fchootmafter, unlefs thei- e tliall be transmitted by poft or bthervylfej between and iitft of June next, aii cxadt report of the ftate of each fchool; in terms of tlie Sbclety's regu^ lations; if thefe riiles are not complied with, the Society have refch etl to withdraw their bounty from fuch fchools and parifhes as ( hall be feunct deficient. The Sbciety alfo expert to be Informed whether there is a parochial fchool in each parifli where the Sdciety- fchools are eftablilbcd. Reports to be feflt, dite& ed " to Mr Archibald Lundie book- helder, Society- hall, Edinburgh." . ... . ^ DWELLING- HOUSE, L ajnilfting of four good rooms and - a kitchen, being the fecond ( torey of a Tene- ment of Land carled Patterfon's Land, lying in the Pleafance of Edin- burgh ; with a Cellar, Graft- plot, and othet eonveniericies. For particulars, apply to Robert Botwell Wi- itet to the lignet, St An- tlrevv's . Square, - Not to be repeated. ... . To be SOLD, and entered to at Whitfitnday nekt, ATENEMENT of Land at the foot of Craig's Clofe, confifting of ift, A Dwelling- houte containing five fire- i- ooms and a kitchen, two clofcts with veflts, two good garrets, one of which has alto a vent, ? Small room with a vent, fome time tifed as a counting- room, a larger ' room adjoining thereto, both diftinfl from the houfe, with cellars and otheir conveniences, - ail entering from faid Clofe ; and, 2dly, Tvvo other i'mall. Dwelling- hoiifes in the ground- jlqrey, having feparate entries from the laritb or rdad at the back of the town, and both at prefent poffefled by tenants. The laid two fmail Dwelling- hoiife? cortipofed formerly one large wark- honfe, having entries both from faid Upper dweiling- heufe and the aforefaid back- lane, and may be ealily laid out again ill the. fame manner, fo as to make 4 moft convenient work- houfe, particularly for any perfon dealing in heavy goods, on account of tlie eafy carriage and landing of fuch goods at the door of the work- houfe. The fubjefls may- be feen any day frtjm ti to 2, and from 3 to 5 o'ci jck afternoon. For further particulars; apply to Robert Bofwell writer to the Signet, St Andrew's Square- To be SOLD, by public bono, within the Britiih Coffee- hoUfc, Edin- burgh, upon Wednefday the 3d day of February next, between the hours of 5 aiid 6 o'clock afternoon, VaR HOPE'S HOUSE and Offices, and Ground belonging iherc- : V i to, fronting the great avenue leading from tile City thro' Hope Park. The Houfe will accommodate a large family, ahd is well Appli- ed with good water by 4 pip'c in the kitchen. The offices contain coach- lioiife, ( tables, arid many otlier conveniericies. There is good accefs for carriages tb the back of the houfe. The avenue to the houfe, with kit- chen and flower- gardens, aiid other grounds, contain about two actes Scots meafure. The hoble may be feen every fueftiay, Thurfday, and Saturday; from II till 1 o'clock. For particulars enquire at Mr Hope fccretary TD the Royal Bank, or Jamfes Stewart wjiter to the fignet. . If the houfe Is not fdld, it will be LET from Whitfunday next ei- tlier furniihed or unfurhSflied. ' B'Y A D~ J O - U R N M E N r. TO be SOLD by public roup, within the Exchange CblFeehoufe, E- diribtirgh, onTuefday the 2d of February next, between the hours of five and fix o' clock afternon. That LARGE LODGING in St Andrew's Square, new- extended Royalty, Edinburgh, lately built and. fini'flied by William Key builder. The hoiife conlifts of 16 fire rooms, belides kit- chen, cellars,, pump- well, water- pipe, and other Convepiencies; arid is allowed by judges to be more blegant in the finifhing than any houfe yet executed in this New Town. As it has for fomfe time been finifh- ed, it may be entered to and pofleffed immediately. For the ehcou- ' ragement of pui- chalers, it is to be expofed to roup at the fum of 1300I. which is greatly below prime coft. The key of the houle will be found With Mr Rabiage, St David's fti- eet, Which is in the neighbourhood of the houfe • and for further par- ticulars, enquire at William Sprot writer, Morocco's clofe, Canongate, or Robert Scyth upholfterer in. Edinburgh. - N. B. If not fold, the premifles will be fet for the enfiiing yeaf, and to be entered to at the term of Whitfunday firft, or immediately. be SOLD by public voluntary, roup, within tile Britiih Coffee- X houfe in Edinburgh, upon Wednefday the loth of Fehmary 1779, betwixt the hours of five and fix afternoon; That Lodging or Dwelling- Houfe, being the ad ftorcy or flat above ground of the fouthmoft weft wing of Alifon's Square, next to the Potter- row ftreet, corififling of three fire rooms; kitchen, and other conveniencies; together with a cellar, and other pertinents^ belonging thereto; all prefeiitly pofleifed by Mrs Stevenfon. The articles of roup and progefs of writs, whUh are complete and clear, are to be feen in the hands of Thomas Rattray writer in Edin- burgh, at his houl~ e in Carrubber's clofe, any day before the roup SALE of LAND'S in Roxourghihire, by Adjournment. TO be SOLD by public roapf in whole or in parcels, as formerly advertifed, within the Biitifli Coffeehoufe, in Edifiburgh, on Thurfday the 25th of March, betwixt the hours of fite and feven after- noon. The half of the Lands and Barony of WIL- TON, called LANGLANDS, lying within the parilh of Wilton and ' ( hire of Roxburgh. This Eftate is pleafantly fituated upon the banks of the Teviot, op- poflte to tbe tovvn of- . Hawick. The lands are all enclofed, and there is a good deal of planting, and ftripes, which, with the hedges, are i. a a thriving condition. There is a good houfe upon the eftate, with fuitable offices; and ari excellent walled garden of three acres, flocked with a fine affortment of fruit. . There are feveral Superiorities belonging to this eftate; of confiderable ValUe, which, together with betwixt 20 and 30 acres in plantations and timber fit for cutting, are not- valued in the rental. Moft < jf the leafeS, which have been of fome years ftanding, are near expiring; and the tenants have been reftriftedto a fupceflioti of crops, to prevent fpuilzieing the ground, as may be feen by the tacks. This eftate is freehold, and gives a qualification to vote for a mem- ber for the county. It is ealiiy. rated in the eefs- book, and the other public burdens are very fmall. The . gardener at Langlands will ( How the grounds; and, for further particulars; apply to Dr Langlands, the proprietor, at his houfe in Sbakfefpear Square, Edinburgh, or to Cornelius Elliot writer to the fig- net, St Andrew Square, who will ( how the title- deeds, which are clear, or will commune with any who defire to make a private bargain. AT~ L~ O~ N irti N ~ FO~ 77E~ rT H; ^ The KING GEORGE, ( One of the Contract Ships) RICHARD GARDINER, for W I 1, I. I A M MARSH A'L L Mafter, is now loading at Hawley's Wharf, near tiie Herrhitare Bridge, taking in goods for EDINBURGH, LKiTH; and all places adjacent to the frith of Forth, to be de- livered at Leith. Sails with the firft convoy. This Ship hath good accommodations for paffengers. l etters on bufinefs, direfted to the Mafter, at the Edinburgh Cofee- lioui'e, No I. Swithir. g's Alley, will be properly attended to. For Savannah- la- Mar, Luce a, Green Ifland, and Kinzftotn J A M A I C A THE WEST INDIA PLANTER, ANDREW MASON; Mafter, Now taking on board goods at Leith, and will fail with the Weft India Convoy from Spithead, in Ja- r, ur. ry current. For freight or paffage, apply tb Mr Mnfon, at his- honfe, or Mr Alexander Ogilvie, at the Ropework, I. eith; Mr John Reddie, at Dyfnrt; cr George Veiteb junior, merchant in Edinburgh. N. B. WANT£ D, a- Mafuh, a Ccopsr, and a Carpenter. Apply as above; To be SOLD by public roup, within John's Coffeehoufe in Edinburgh, upon Wednefdav 27th january inft. at five o'clock afternoon, The FOLLOWING SUBJECTS: I. HpIlAT LODGING, at the Head of the New Stairs, fa- 1 ' cmg the In finance Office, entering off the ftreet; containing a rood dining- room, drawing- room, three bed- chambers, a large weii- ftghted clolet, four other dofets, with kitchen,, pantry, and other con- veniencics. II. The Fifth Storey of the Weft Tenement of Miln's Square, fronting the ftreet, pofiefied by Mr John Gray writer to the fignet, cohfifting of five good rooms, pantry, and large clofets, befide a dark room for Rrvant, with other conveniencies. Thefe houfes may be feen on Ta- fdays apd Thurfdays, from eleven to two o'clock. Such is . define to make a private bargain before the day of roup, ma apply to James Scve'ruTge writer, St Andrew's ft en. . HOUSE SOR SAL E. ' PO be fold, That LODGING or DWELLING- HOUSE being the X fourth ftorey of Riddle's Land, Lawn Market, belonging to Mrs Gordon, reli£ tof the deceafed John Gordon, Efq; of Buthlaw. The houfe is all well lighted, is free of vermine, and confifts of nine rooms, three whereof are to the ftreet, two kitchens, three garrets, and three cellars, befides clofets, pantries, and feveral other conveniences. — The houfe is at prefent occupied by one family, but may be ufed to accommodate two, as moft of the other flats in the ftair are. For . particulars as to purchase, application may be made to Ifaac Grant writer to the fignet, in whofe hands the title- deeds are, who is autborifed to conclude a bargain. ThC hoilfe may be, feen upon the W » dnefdays and Saturdays, be- tween the hours - of twelve and two in the afternoon. HOUSES and GROUND HOUSES ! < J R b A l. L. ' T O be SOLD, by public roup, within the Exchange Coffee- houfe in i Edinburgh, on Wednefday the 3d of February next, betwixt the hours of 5 and 6 afternoon, That LODGING, being tlie two upper Sto- reys, with the garrct- ftorev, in the fouth end of the large land lately built on the weft fide, and about the middle of Carrubber s Clofe, en- tering from a fmall paved Court, confiding of a kitchcn and fix othsr 100ms in the two firft ftoreys, and three good rooms in the garret- ftorey entering within the houfe, with a cellar. This houfe is fubftantially built and neatly finished, well fituated betwixt the Old and New Town, and of eafv accei's from the paved Court. And alfo, That other LOD- GING or DWELLING- HOUSE, being the firft ftorey down flairs of Campbell's Land, lying on tile eaft fide of the Meal- market, and enter- ing by the ( tair at the back of the Parliament Square leading to tbe l'oft Olfice, as the fame is prefently pofl'effed by Robert Jamieton book- feller. For further particulars enquire at William Lcflie writer to the fignet, who will treat with any perfon defiling a private bargain. "" • ' TO BE SOL D, " ' THAT HOUSE in Adam's Square belonging to and poffeffed by Mr Buchan of Iiello, confiding of a kitchen, fcul- lery, fervants hall, houfekeeper.' s appartment, & e. on the ground ftorey; — on the fecond ftorey, a dining- room and two back parlours;— on the third ftorey, a drawing- room, a bed- chamber, and drelling- room ;— fourth ftorey, four bed- chambers, clofets, & c.— and on the fifth ftorey, three garret- rooms. There is alfo a back court, cellars, & c. a coach- oule, and ( tables for four horfes. For particulars, apply to Ifaac Grant writer to the fignet. To be SOLD by private bargain, " THE NEW- BUILT HOUSE in the Society entering from Brown's Square, and confifting of tight rooms, " bffidcs kitchen, fervants apartments, feveral large light clofets, with a variety of other conveniencies, and a back- court, water- pipe, & c. The houfe js fiujtlied iu the beft manner, and particularly well adapted for a man of bufinefs, Alfo the HOUSE in Gosford's Clofe pofleflcd by John Gray, rented at 35 1. Stert. being the 4th ftorey of the turnpike ftair; on the left hand, within the Court. It confifts of 3 handfome rooms to the ftreet, and three back- rooms, with kitchen, feveral light clofets, a garret, cellar, and various other conveniencies. The houfe is infured in the Edinburgh Friendly Infurance Office at 40001. Scots, and the premium paid up. To be LET, and entered to immediately, or at Whitfunday next, a NEW SHOP and BACK SHOP in Brown's Square, both genteelly fi- nilhcd, and very fit for carrying on the Millinery or Haberdathery hufmefs. The whole will be Shown on Tuefdays and Thurfdays, from one to two o'clock ; and, for further particulars, application may be made to Andrew Stewart junior, writer to the fignet, the proprietor. r- « ~ o be fold by public voluntary roup, within the Exchange Coffee- J_ houfe, Edinburgh, upon Thurfday the 25th day of February next, between the hours of five and fix afternoon, The Whole LANDS and ESTATE, lying in the county of Argylc, belonging to ROGER HAMILTON M'NEIL of Taynilh, Efq; either in whole or in lots, as purchafers incline, If fold in lots, they will be divided as follows, viz. LOT I. The Property and Superiority of the Ifland of GIGHA. This ifland contains, by an accurate furvey, 2607 acres 3 roods and 15 falls, of which above 1500 acres belong in property to the faid Roger Hamilton M'Ncil, and the reft are held feu of him for payment of confiderabli; feu- duties. The property lands are all out of leafe ; the farms are molliy inclofed, and are very improveable. The prefent yearly rent of Gigha is as follows, viz. Sterling. ' Property, - ... L. 236 16 6 Feu- duties, - - - - 61 12 9 I- 3d Duty payable by the wadfetter of Ardemenilh, 280 L. 300 17 3 1- 3 d Ardmenifh is wadfetted for 350 1. fieri, but when redeemed it will yield about 50 L of yearly rent; and the right of reveriion will be difpo- ned to the purchafer of this lot. Gigha is fituated on the weft fide of Kintirc, fcarce three miles from the continent, and is remarkable for excellent harbours, which are much frequented, being the only ones in that part of the country. The leas around Giglia abound with all kinds of fith, particularly cod, which is caught and exported in great quantities. There is plenty of limeftone on the grounds, and the ftores arc covered with wreck for making kelp. LOT II. The Lands of ROSS and others, lying in the parilh of North Knapdale. Theie lands confift of 2240 acres I rood. 14 falls, and are all out of leafe, except one farm upon which there is a liferent tack, at a low rent The lands are moftly arable, and are the beft for pro- ducing corn and barley in that country. There are two corn mills well watered, on t, he ground, fome planting, and fome natural oak woods. There are feveral itlands adjacent, which afford fine pafture; and the lhores likewife abound with wi^ ck for making kelp. The yearly rent of this lot, converting the viftual at 16 s. per boll, is as follows, viz. Property, - - - L. 389 3 2 7- I2ths Feu- duty out of Aidnackaig, 5 n 1 4- i2ths L. 394 14 3 n- i2ths The above two lots hold feu of the family of Argyle, and the tenants pay the whole public burdens over and above their rent, except what follows, viz. Feu- duty payable to the Duke of Argyle out of Taynifh's eftate in Gigha and Knapdale, L. 39 13 Money- ftipend payable to the minifter of Gigha, 15 o Augmentation ftipend to the minifter of Knapdale, 4 3 ' [ ' HE following fubjects are to be ibid by public roup, within John's' L Coffee- honfe in Edinbuigh, upon Friday the 29th Canongate to be SOLD , John's . of January current, at 5 o'clock afternoon. All and Whole that TENEMENT of LAND lying in the Canon- gate, and on the north fide thereof, a little above the Tolbooth, con- lifting of three ftereys, a cellar, a garret, a bowling- green, iummer- houfe, and garden, which belonged to John Aitken late watchmaker in Edinburgh, and paid of rent yearly preceding Whitfunday laft 27 1. xo s. Sterling. The purchafer's entry to commence from Whitfunday next. The above tenement is capable of being greatly improved, by having a flat, or perhaps two flats, added to it; and the ground occu- pied by the bowling- green and garden is of confiderable extent, and very'fit for building on. The title- deeds and rental may be feen ill the hands of Samuel Mil- chelfon junior writer to the iignet. The Creditors of the faid John Aitken are requefted to meet in John's Coffee- houfc, Edinburgh, upon Tuefday the 26th of January cur- rent, at 12 o'clock n-. id- day. I 8- l2ths o 3 9- l2ths L. 58 16 5 5- i2ths LOT III. The I. and « of TAYNISH and DONTAYNISH, SCOT N1SH, and ARDNAFADBEG. Thefe lands confift of 1311 acres and upon this part of the eftate the manfion- eoufe ftands. Befides yie'ding good grain, thefe lands contain fine natural woods, a great part of which has been lately cut, but what remains is ftill valuable. The woods lately cut are moftly inclofed with a good ftone wail. The Ihores of this lot likewife produce great quantities of kelp. The prefent yearly rent, including fome cafualtiSs payayble by the prefent tenants of Lot II. is 981. 9 s. and thefe tenants likewife pay the whole public. burdens, Owing to various circum( lances, the whole of the above eftate has been let for many years paft, at a great under value ; but from offers which have been already made by the prefent poffefiers, and others, there is no doubt that this eftate will yield of free lent, upon giving leafes for 19 years, above 1000 1. fterling. For further particulars, application maybe made to Dr James Mack- ncil of Neilhall, Stephens Garden, Leith Walk, who has full powers to conclude a private bargain, and who is poflefTed of maps and rentals 1 the eftate. e SALE of LANDS in FIFE. TO be SOLD by public roup, within the Exchange Coficehoiife in Edinburgh, on Wednefday the 10th of February 1779, betwixt the hours of five and fix in the afternoon, The Lands and Barony of KINNAIRD, lying in the parilh of Abdie and Ihire of Fife. Thefe lands pay of yearly rent 2C3 1. fterling, hold of the Crown, and are valued in the eels- books at 930I. Scots." They pay no ftipend or fchoolmafter's falary; lie within five miles of the county- town, and one mile of the town and harbour of Ncwburgh, up- on the river Tay; contain about 369 acres; are of a deep black foil; and there is a great deal of valuable timber upon the ground. Alfo, the Lands of 1NVERDOVAT, comprehending the Lands call- ed PLEWLANDS and BANKS of INVERDOVAT. Thefe lands, including 9I. us. 10d. fterling of fcu- duty, and a converfion for eight bolls oat meal, and ten bolls barley, pay of yearly lent 159 1. 5 s. 2 d. fterling. Thefe lands hold of the Crown, and ftand valued in the cefs- books at 723 1. 9s. 7d. Scots. They contain about 478 acres, are of a good arable foil, pleafantly fituated upon and near to the river Tay, oppofite to Dundee. And it is generally reckoned in the neigh- bourhood, that upon expiry of the prefent tacks, few of which have a- bove 7 or 8 years to run, the lands will give double the prefent rent. As Kinnahd and luverdovat iie difcontiguous, they will be expofed to fale ftp - lately. The rental, conditions of fale, and title- deeds, are to be feen in the hands of Charles Mackenzie writer, Byrcs's dole, Edinburgh. By his M A J ES T Ts Patent. Fis daily and voluntarily acknowledged by perfon's of all ranks, that the STOMACH PILLS ( made up of the nioft valuable fimples) are the beft remtd/ yet difcovered for com- plaints in the ftomach and bowels, either of long ( landing or newly con- traded, by any natural weaknefs, or for a want of a proper fupply of the alimentary juices, or from the bad qualities of fome forts of food or drink; any of which caufes often bring on indigeftion, want of appetite, oppreflion by wind, headachs, coftivenefs, and that dangerous diforder the bilious Cholic; in all which complaints thefe Pills afford fingular re- lief. They are the beft phytic in fome female complaints; and they have been found of great fervice in ill- formed Gouts, in windy ruptures, in preventing the dropfy and jaundice. They are never uneafy to the ftomach; and when it is fo much disordered as not to be able to relilh the moft innocent diet, they ftrengthen it fo as it can with eafe and fafety digeft any ufual food or drink. The Stomach Pills are prepared and fold by James Speediman, at the Pine Apple, No. 193, Strand, London ; and, by his appintment, they are fold by MefTrs HUSBAND, ELDER, and CO. only at Edinburgh, at I s. 6 d. per box, with particular diredions for ufing them. A CAUTION to the P U B L 1 C in general, but more particulary to Merchants, Captains of Ships, and thofe con- cerned in trading to the Eaft or Weft Indies, & c. ' T'HE daily complaints of injuries received bv fpurimis medicines A fold for MAREDANT's DROPS, prepared folely by me, require the molt ferious attention, as well in fafety to the patient as my own intereft. Thofe impoftors not only attempt to deceive by hav- ing bills printed like mine, and bottles of the fame . mould and uifcrip- tion, but are even daring enough to counterfeit my band- writing: Some I have punifhed; notwithstanding which, the fame malpraftices are continued. Others ufe more caution, by vending medicines under the names of MEREDENT, MERIDENT, NORDON, Sec.; and feveral m ike ufe of their own names, alledging their having been affiftants to me.— Can it be poffible for any perfon to think me fo weak, as to dilclofe fo valuable a fecret to my fervants, more efpecially to thofe of fo menial a fort as to be employed in the diftribution of pamphlets packing up and delivering boxes at the different inns, with every drudgery attendant! JOHN NORTON. The following few, from the many well authenticated CURES are fully fuiiicient to prove the utility of thefe Drops, fold at my houfe in Golden- Square, near Piccadilly, London, in fquare bottles, at Half- a- Guinea and Six Shillings each. Thofe of half- a- guinea are to be had of me ONLY—( VIZ.) Mr Coulthard, formerly firft: clerk to the fecretary of Lieut.- Gen. Melvil, when Governor in the Weft Indies, cured of a mod violent fcorbutic humour on bis hands, neck, and face, & c. Captain Calvert, in the Eaft India Company's fervice, of fcorbutic blotches. Mr Roderic Macdonald, of a fcorhutic eruption, whofe cure is at- tefted by Dr Cowper, of John- Street, Cavcndith Square. Mrs Mary Lute, at Mr Field's, Caftie- ftreet, Liecefter- fields, cured of the Scrophula, or King's Evil. Lieut- Col. Fevrac, late of his Majefty's iStli, or Royal Regiment of Foot, of a moft violent fcurvy. Mr John Good, late furgeon to his Majefty's floop Fertit, of a moft dangerous and obftinate fiftula. Mr John Fofter at tbe Rofe, Welling in Kent, of a leprofy, attend- ed with rheumatic pains. The daughter of Mr D. Davis fchoolmafter, Iflington Road, of an inveterate humour, occafioned by the relics of the fmall- pox. Mr John Crew, of the Dolphin Inn, Kingston upon Thames, of fe- veral obftinate fores or ulcers on his legs, veral obftinate fores or ulcers on liis legs. Mrs Ann Croxford, of Kingftone, Oxf'ord- fhire, ofa paralytic dif- order. Mr James Sowden, of his Majefty's fhip Acquilon, of a giddinefs in his head, fo vielent as to render him incapable of walking the deck. The fon of Mr Thomas Wilkins, of Oxford, of a fcorbutic humour in his gums, by which the falival glands were fo fwelled and inflamed, that it was with difficulty he could open his mouth to receive nou- rifliment. The daughter of Mr Robert Inglis. ofLeith, ofan inveterate fcurvy. Mr John Brampton, of Cambridge, of a mod: violent fcorbutic hu- mour, attended with rheumatic pains, a general laxity of conftitu- tion, and lownefs of fpirits. GEY MR NORTON has appointed the following as retail venders of the Six Shilling Bottles, viz. MESS. HUSBAND, ELDER, and CO. only, at Edinburgh; and MR MOSCROP at Berwick. SALE of CULMONY. THE Lands and Efiate of CULMONY, Lands of FLEEMINO- TON, and Lands and Salmon Fifliirig, lying contiguous to the Town of Nairn, belonging to Hugh Rofe of Kilravock, Efq; as for- merly advertifed, ate to be expofcd, to public voluntary roup and fale, within the Exchange Coffeehcufe in Edinburgh, on Wednefday the loth day of February next, to come. The eftate of Culmony, holding of the Crown, and which entitles the proprietor to a freehold qualification in the county ot' Nairn, is about 2261. fteiling of free yearly rent, exclufive of public burdens. Flecm- ington,' on which marie has been difcovered fince laft advcrtifeir. ent, is about loo 1. fterling yearly rent; and the lands in the neighbourhood of Nairn about 230I. fterling. For the encouragement of purchasers each parcel will be fet up at twenty years purchafe; although the cxten- five woods of Culmony are of very confiderable value, not rentalled, and fit for cutting. Any intending to treat by private bargain before the day of fale, may apply to the proprietor at Kilravock, or to James Frafer writer to- the fignet at Edinburgh, who will fhow a plan of the eflate of Culmony, and a: i eflimate of the woods thereof. SALE of the ECTATE of WINTON, and. othl^ T BY authority of the Lords of Council and Seftion, and in purfuante of an ait of Parliament in tbe 17th year of his prcfent Maiefty, there will be expofed to pubjjc SALE by Auction, within the Parlia- ment- houfe of Edinburgh, 011 Monday the 15th day . of February next between the hours of four and fix afternoon, The Lordfhip, Baronies, and Lands in EAST LOTHIAN, belonging to the YORK BUILDING COMPANY, viz.— The I. ordftiip of SEATON, the Baronies of LONGNIDDRY, WIN- TON, TRANENT, and COCKENZIE, whereof the rents and upfet price was formerly advertifed ; to be fold cither in feparate baronies or fmaller lots. I11 the view of a fale in fmaller lots, a fcheme of thclc fmaller lots into which it is propoltd to divide the eflate, has bfen pre- pared, and warrant obtained for expofing the lame in eleven different lots, whereof the proven free rent and upfet price for each lot is as fol- lows : THE LORDSHIP OF SEATON, in Three I. ots. Lot I. Lot II. Lot III. L. Proven free Rent. 389 349 275 Barony of LONGNID- DRY, in Four Lots. I. ot I. L. 477 15 3 Lot II. 180 5 o Lot III. 258 18 II Lot IV. 343 10 3 Barony of WINTON. One Lot, 409 TRANENT & COCK- EZIE, with the Coal, & Salt- pans, in 3 lots. Lot I. 679 17 Lot II. 286 4 Lot III. 619 2 2 6- I2ths 1 7- i2ths 2 Il- I2ths Vpfet Prict 9739 0 8732 13 6S7J 6 6- i2lhs 7- l2ths O II- I2tllS 6- I2ths 4- I2ths 4- I2ths L. II944 2 4506 5 6473 13 8587 16 6- iaths 4.- 12ths 4- Wths o. 7 6- l2ths | IOOOJ 15 6 6- l2ths 3- l2ths I0- I2ths 7- i2ths L. 4168 11 16995 2 2755 12 13498 18 3- liths lo- i2ths 7- i2ths 100114 6 I 4- nths 5 4- I2ths Some of the advantages attending thefe lands have been noticed in the former advertifements; and the eftate itfelf being fo generally known, it is unneceffary to fay any more, than to obferve, that in the divifion of the eftate into lots, great attention has been paid to render the lots commodious. The Salt- pans, by the fcheme of th£ lo, ts, goes into lot II. of Tra- nent ; 2001. ofthe rent ofthe coal and falt- pans being thrown into that lot; 90 1. of the rent of the coal on lot III of Tranent; and the re- mainining 10 1. of rent paid for the coal on the barony of Winton.—— The coal and falt- pans are pofleffed on tacit relocation, under a lcafe, by which the leffee was taken bound to work the coal in a regular man- ner, fo that there ( hould be no fits therein, and to drive the level of the main coal 200 fathoms each year of his leafe, and to leave the whole, together with the falt- pans, waggon- way, and machinery of eve- ry kind in good order; the machinery, waggons, tools, colliers and falters houfes, agreeable to a valuation and inventory taken at his en- try. The waggons, tools, and other moveable machinery, are to be conveyed to the purchafer of the fecond lot of Tranent; and the other obligations on the tackfman of the coal, fo far as regards the colliers- houfes, fixed machinery, and the working of the coal in the lots, will be made over to the purchafer of the refpeflive lots in which the fame is locally fituated. The waggon- way is to be communicated to the pur- chafers of lots II. and III. of Tranent, and a liberty referved, on paying damages, to carry the waggon way through the Links of Seatoh to the harbour of Port- Scaton, in the diredtion it formerly went, when the coal was wrought for the Company's account. The fchemes of the lots, printed particulars of the rental of each lot, a general plan of the eftate, dillinguifliing the boundaries and marches of the different lots, plans of each barony, and feparate plans of the eleven lots, pointing out every pofteflion, ( hot or field, and its quality, may be feen in the han- ls of Alexander Mackenzie writer to the fignet. ALSO to be SOLD at the fame time and place, The Lands of EAST RESTON, and Part of WEST RESTON, with the Mill and Mill- lands of Eaft Refton, lying in the parilh of Coldinghame, and ( hire of Berwick, alfo belonging to the faid Company. The prefent free rents of thefe lands and mill, after dedu- cing the annual burdens, is 155 1. 13 s. 7 d. 9- I2ths fterling, which are to be fet up at 38171. lid. 8- I2ths, being 25 years purchafe of the free rent of the lands, and twenty years purchafe of the mill and mill- lands. The leafes of the lands and mill expire at Whitfun- day next, when the tenants are obliged to leave the mill and houfes on the premilfes all in good repair; and confiderable additional rent may be expefted, on account of the fertility of the foil, and their vicinity to the town of Eyemouth. The valued rent is 4111.19 s. 7 d. Scots which affords a qualification to the purchafer to eicft or to be elefted a member of Parliament. The whole of thefe lordlhips, baronies, lands, and others, are holden blench of the Crown. The title- deeds, articles of fale, and the judicial rentals, may be feen in the office of Alexander Keith, depute clerk of Seflion, or in the hands of the faid Alexnder Mackenzie. SALE OF LANDS IN PERTHSHIRE: TO be SOLD by public voluntary roup, within the Exchange Cof- fee- houfe, Edinburgh, upon Friday the fecond day of July I779, at 5 o'clock afternoon, The Lands of DUMBARNIE, lying within the pari( h of Dumbarnie, and county of Perth, with the lalmon- filhing on the water of Earn thereto belonging. This eftate lies in a moft a- greeable country, about a mile weft from the bridge of Earn, and about five meafured miles from Perth ; and, being the firft rifing ground from the confluence of the Tay and Earn, it commands a molt delightful profpecft of the country round. The foil is in general a fine ftrong clay, and is highly cultivated, having been moftly polfeffed by the proprietor for thefe laft twenty years. Great part of the ground is inclofed ; and there are many ftripes and clumps of planting in a thriving condition. The eftate contains about 340 Scots acres. The houfe and office- houfes are commodious. There is a convenient kitchen Garden, a good pigeon- houfe, and an orchard well- ttocked with fruit trees, which begin to bear plentifully. There is on this eftate an inexhauftible quarry of fine free ftone, which, from the fcarcity of ftone in that country, and ea( y communica- tion both by fand and water with Perth, may turn to great advantage. The lands hold partly of a Subject fuperior, and partly of the Crown, fo as to entitle the proprietor to vote in eledions. The teiuds are va- lued. The progrefs of writs, articles of fale, and furvey of the lands may be feen in the hands of Lawrence Craigiii^ r David Erlkine clerks to the fignet, to whom any inclining to purchafe: by private bargain may apply. EDINBURGH: Printed for and by JOHN ROBERTSON, and fold at his Printing- houfe in the PARLIAMENT- CLOSE, where ADVERTISEMENTS and SUBSCRIPTIONS are taken in. This Paper is regdarly publifhcd every Monday, Wednefday, and Saturday. The price as follows, viz 46s. 6d. per annum when fent by pod; 40/. 6 d. when fent to any houfe in this city or fuburbs; 37 ( jd. when called for at the Printing- office; and a fingle Paper 31/.
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