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The Newcastle Courant


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The Newcastle Courant
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The Newcastle Courant

Date of Article: 15/08/1778
Printer / Publisher: T. Saint and Co. 
Address: Pilgrim-street, Newcastle upon Tyne
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 5316
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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5316. Printed and Sold by T. SAINT and Co. in Pilgrim- street, - Newcastle upon . Tyne. [ Price Three- pence. 1 S A T U R D A- Y,. Aug ust 15, 1778. County of Northumberland. N O T I C E is hereby GIVEN, THAT the GENERAL MEETINGS of the JUSTICES for licensing Alehouse- keepers, pursuant to the Act of Parliament in that cafe made and provided, are appointed to be held on the several days and at the respective places following, in the forenoon of each of the said days respectively ' At the Town- hall, in Morpeth, oa Wednesday the 2d day of September. At Mr Henry Massey's, Innkeeper, in Tyne- mouth, on Friday the 4th- At the Moot- hall, in the Castle Garth, on Saturday the 5th. At the Town- hall, in Hexham on Monday the 7th. . At Mr Henry Howey's, Innkeeper at Wooler- haugh- head, pn Thursday . At Mr Amos Turnbull's, Innkeeper, at Rimside Moorhouse, on Friday the nth. At the Town- hall, in Alnwick, on Saturday the 12th. By the said Act of Parliament it is enacted; that every person, applying for such licence, must then enter into recognizance with two sufficient sureties, himself or herself in ten pounds, and the sureties in five pounds each, or with one surety in ten pounds. And if any person through siCkness or infirmity, or any other reasonable cause ( to be allowed by the Justices) cannot attend in person, he must procure sureties to enter into recognizance in ten pounds each, for the maintenance of good order and rule in such licensed person's house, during the conti- nuance of such licence. Every new retailer of ale, or person not licensed the year preceding, must pro- duce a certificate under the hands of the parson. Vicar, or Curate, or else of. three or four reputable housholders and inhabitants, that such person is of good fame, and of sober life and conversation. Every person, licensed the year preceding, must then produce his last year's licence, but need not bring such certificates as new retailers of ale are required to do. . If any perfon shall to take licence on the day appointed for the division in whith he lives, every such perfon will be excluded from having a licence for the year ensuing. The charge of every fuch licence will be tWenty five shllings as usual. , By Order, J. fRENCH Deputy Clerk of tbe Peace for the said County. STOLEN OR STRAYED, From a Field near Todburn, in the parish of Long Horseley, on Sunday the 9th of August ABlack Mare, about 14 hands and upwards, rising nine years old, with a star on her forehead, a switch tail mixt with grey hairs, rather Scotch headed, arid goes wide before.— Whoever can give information of th'e said Mare to George Vint of Todburn aforefaid, or to Daniel Anderson, of Earsdon, near North Shields, shall be handsomely rewarded, and have all reasonable charges and expences paid. ' To be SOLD BY AUCTION, to the best Bidder, At the house of Mr Lionel Robson, in the Broad Chair, Newcastle, on Thursday the 3d day of September next, between the hours of three and five in the afternoon, if not disposed of before by private Contract, of which notice will be given, ALL that Freehold Messuage, Burgage, or Tenement, situate at the head of the Broad Chair, in Newcastle upon Tyne, consisting ( if one large commodious Shop and three rooms, now in the occu- pation of Mr Matthew DavisOn, Taylor.: And also one House adjoining, consisting of four Rooms, ill the occupation of Mrs Binks, arid others.— For particulars, enquire of the said Matthew Davison ; or at Mr Gib* son's office in Westgate- street. . NORTH RIDING of YORKSHIRE. To be SOLD. . Either together or in Parcels or Lots, SEveral Freehold Farms, in the parishes of Middleton Tyas, Easeby and Catterick, near Rich- mond, consisting of three separate Farms, in the several occupations of William Robbinson, John Buddy, and Francis Geldart. Paiticulars whereof may be had of Messrs Coulthard Wildman and Graham, Lincoln's Inn, London; or Mr George Jackson, or Mr Richard Ren- der ot Richmond, who will shew the premifes. To , And entered on now, or at Martinmas next, i\ Neat and commodious Dwelling- house, at Gainford, in the county of Durham, late jn the possession of Sir Thomas Heron Myddleton, Bart, plea- santly situated near the river Teese, in a, fine sporting country, and within eight miles of the good market towns of . Darlington, Barnardcastle, Bishop Auckland, and Richmond consisting of eleven fire- rooms, most of them genteelly hung with paper a Pump well supplied with water, and all convenient offices lor gentleman's family, together with about jo acres of good meadow and pasture Land, or, any part thereof, lying contigu- ous to the same. N. B. The Land is to be entered on at May day next. The House to be let with ot without the Ground.— For further particulars, apply to Mr Ralph Hodgson, at Alwent, near this place ( who will, 011 application send one to shew tbe premises') cr to Mr Anthony Hood, painterheugh, Newcastle. WANTED immediately., or at Martinmas next, To wait upon a single Gentleman, . A Sober steady servant, who will undertake the care of a couple of horses, and knows some- thing of dressing hair Apply to the Printer of this Paper. M « COUNTY of NORTHUMBERLAND. Confined in the HOUSE of COrRECtlon CATHERINE MITCHELL, a middle sized woman, - who calls herself about 70 years of and AGNES MITCHELL alias WILKINSON, about 31 years of age, a stout made middle sized woman, swarthy complexion, pitted with the small pox, were apprehended at Alnwick, offering to sale one iron cobble hammer, one limestone hammer, six Mason's chizzels, and four points, supposed to have been stolen. Any perfon who has lost such things, may have an opportunity of seeing them, by applying to William Dixon, blacksmith, in Alnwick, in order that the said persons may be brought to conviction. ' . In CARLISLE GAOL. • ONE JOHN IRWING, late of Berwick town, i. n the parish of Kirklinton, in the county of Cum. berland, Labourer, who formerly made his escape out of the faid gaol wherein he was then charged with several misdemeanors. The above named John Irwing is the person against whom a warrant was granted by Henry Shaw, Clerk, for fraudulently obtaining and getting into his posses- sion a Mare from one George Dobson of Long Horsley, in the county of Northumberland at Whit tingham fair on the 4th of September last _ Newcastle upon Tyne,' 30th July, BOUNTIES to SEAMEN. THE CORPORATION of Newcastle upon Tyne, do hertby offer a BOUNTY of TWO GUINEA'S to every ABLE SEAMAN, . who shall, on or before the 31st . day of. August next, voluntarily enter to serve on board his Majesty'S ships the bEAVER's PRIZE, and QUEEN, commanded by Captains Drum- mond and Trotten now in. this port, who are appointed by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to protect the trade of this place - The said Bounty to be paid in the Mayor's Chamber, every Thursday, between the hours of eleven and one. By Order, GIBSON. , , August, 1778. Whereas upon the LORDS COMMISSIONERS of rte ADMIRALTY expressing a desire that the CORPO- RATION of NEWCASTLE would offer a BOUNTY for encouraging SEAmEN to enter voluntary on board the BEAVER's PRIZE, sloop of war, and the QUEEN armed ship, both appointed to. protect the trade of this port, a COMMON COUNCIL was fu pi- nioned by the Right Worshipful the MAyoR, at which it was ordered that TWO GUINEAS should be given to every ABLE SEAMAN, & c. and on which occasion GEORGE STEPHENSON, Deputy Master of the Tri- nity house, offered a GUINEA also, tor every Able Seaman as above, in behalf of the TRINITY HOUSE, expecting such measure would he approved by the Bre- thren of the said House whenever they met. - And whereas upon that proposa being made, at a Meeting of the said. brethren on Monday last, the same was opposed and rejected : NOW, This is to give No- tice.- that' the fore named George Stephenson, deputy Master, out of a desire to promote the good of his Ma- jesty's service, as far as in him lays, will give, out of his private purse, the said sum of ONE GUINEA, to every Able Seaman who shall voluntarily enter for , of two ships above mentioned. which is the . fame as was promised to be ' given by the TRINITY HOUSE in the hand bills published the 30th of last month. GEORGE STEPHENSON. Besides the above Bounties, given by the Corporation and George Stephenson., Efq; every such Seaman entering into the aforesaid service, will be intitled to his MajESTY'S BOUNTY of fIVE POUNDS, to be paid at the nore, to each man, immediately after the said- ships number of men are compleated : And as the intended to protect the trade here, and will be chiefly on these Coasts every Seaman will occasionally, in turn, be in- dulged with leave to visit his friends on shore, pro- vided no bad use be made of that liberty. JOHN AURIOL DRUMMOND, RICHARD TROTTEN. N, B. Any honest Tar may enter into tbe above ser- vice, either on board the said fhips, Or with Capt, Bo- ver, and. Lieut. Adamson, at Newcastle; Lieut. Okes, at Shields ; or Lieut. Campbell, at Sunderland. JOHN BoVER, Regulating Captain. ALEMOUTH TURNPIKE RQAD. N O T IC E hereby GIVE N', THAT the next Meeting of the Trustees of this Road, is appointed to be held the Moot- hall in Hexham, on Tuefday the ijth day of August at eleven, o'clock in the forenoon, on Special Business relating the said Road. " tj Order of the T rustees,- L • GEO. BROWN, Clerk. JUST ARRIVED, And sold wholesale and Retail, at 6d. a Paper, of Richard Fisher, at the Circulating Library, tHE celebrated Prussian Powder, for making Shining liquid Blacking, for Boots, Shoes, and Lea- tier Furniture. • 1 The very great quantity of1 the Prussian Powder sold in this town, where it was only advertised once, when it was first offered to the Public, proves the Blacking made from the Powder, to be better than any Black- ball or liquid blacking, whether sold with or without the King's Patent. Leather bottom'd chairs, cleaned with the powder, will not stain muslin. Superfine Seal- Wax, by his Majesty's Wax- Chandler. New Books ordered from London, and elegantly bound. Magazines and other periodical publications, by the waggon. Shop Books made to' any pattern. Daffy's Elixir, Anderson's Pills; with several other patent me- dicines. Lavender and Hungary Water, and variety Of perfumery. goods,- at the London prices. STRAYED or CONYEYED, Last night, August 7th, 1778, front Earl Houses, Witton, Gilbert, near Durham, A Dark Bay. Mare, near 14 hands high, two white, hind feet, a bald face, and long switch tail when she went away, three white marks behind the bridle, two on the near side and one on the far side under the mane, Occasioned by a bandage about her head } gone three years old, Whoever wiil give an account to Thomas Smith, at Earl- houses, or Mr John. Smith of Witton- Gilbert, so that she may be had again shall receive a Guiuea re- ward, and all reasonabie expellees allowed. to be L E T immediately, ' And. entered upon at May- day next, ALL that large and extensive Stock Farm, situate in the parish. of Simonburne, consisting of the several Tenements called tbe Bower, Dallicastle and Mill, Allery Bank, Whitchester, and one Moiety of the Crimmels, all lying near to and adjoining upon each other, now in Mr Thomas) Akenhead's possession as tenant. N. B. The premises consist of an exceeding good Dwelling- house, and other conveniences, and of feveral thousand acres of Land, and will be let either into one or two Farms as most agreeable. And alfo all that Tenement or farm, situate in the faid parish, called High Blakelaw, containing 136 acres, more or less, of exceeding fine grazing Land, ail now in grass ( except - very few acres) and lies well tq, and adjoins upon that large and extensive Common called Hairshaw, on which it has a right, and is now in the possession of William Charlton as tenant.— Enquire of Mr William Kirsopp, of Hexham. N. ft. Mr Joseph Wilthew, of Reedsmouth, will, upon application, shew the premises. To be LET immediately, And entered upon at May- day next, • ALL that Tenement or Farm, situate at Bywell, io the parish of Felton, callcd Bywell South Farm, now in Robert Brown's possession, con- taining lis acres, more or less, of exceeding fine arable^ meadow, and pasture Ground, well watered, and in- closed with good quickset Hedges. And also all that Tenement or Farm, situate at Great Swinburne, in the parish of Chollerton, called wheat Hill, now in Michael Reed's possession, con- taing acres, more or less, of exceeding fine Land, well watered, and inclosed with quick- set hedges. And also all that Tenement 0r Farm, situate at Great Swinburne aforesaid called Edge House, now in John Robson's possession, containing 17 3 acres, more or lefs, of exceeding fine l. and ( exclusive of the Woods dyked off for haining) well watered and inclosed with quickset hedges. And also, either together or separately, All those several Tenements or Farms, situate at Gunnerton in the said parish, now in' the several possessions of Tho- mas Nicholson, Stephen Kitchen, and Matthew Wil- son, containing in the whole lofS acres, more or less, of inn- field and out Land. There is Limestone in all these Farms, and a Draw Kiln in one of them now built, another will be built if required, and great encou ragement will be given to husbandry.— Enquire of Mr William Kirsopp, of Hexham. N. B. Mr Anthony Hedley, of Felton, will shew the premises, at Bywell.; and Mr Robert Cooke, of Great Swinburne; will shew the premises there and at Gun- nerton. The farms at Gunnerton will be let for the term of 1 i years. . To be SOLDto the best Bidder, At the house of Mr Hugh Brodie, the Turk's Head, in the Bigg- market, Newcastle upon Tyne, on Tuesday tbe nd day of September next, between the hours of two and six in the afternoon, in the following Lots, subject to such conditions of sale as pall be then produced, LOT ALL that Freehold Messuage, Tene- ment or Farmhold, situate at Seaton, in- the parish of Seaham, the county of Durham; con- taining by estimation tt. j acres or thereabouts, now let at the yearly rent of All that Freehold Messuage, Tenement or Farm- hold, commonly called Seaton Moor- house, situate within the said parish of Seaham; containing by esti- mation 114 acres or thereabouts, now let at the yearly rent of ( Sol 3. All that Messuage, Tenement or Farmhold, situate at East Burdon, in the said parish of Seaham, held by lease for three lives under the Loid Bishop of Durham; containing by estimation s 1 acre » or thereabouts, now let at the yearly rent of 41I. The above Farms are now In the occupation of Messrs Potters by separate agreements, whereof so years were unexpired at May day last. The Tenants pay all" cesses and taxes. The premises are well fenced and in good repair, and are situate near Houghton- le- spring, and about four miles from Sunderland: The Tenants will shew the premises; and for further particulars, apply at Mr Gibson's Office, in Westgate- street, Newcastle; and of Mr John Johnson, Attorney at Law, in Sunderland. N. B. Any person in the mean time will he treated with for the sale of the abo » e Estates in the way of f.' i" vate Contract. GAME, Manor of Urpeth. whereas the Game within the said Manor of Urpeth, has for many years past been greatly destroyed, Mr Bewicke requests the favour of all quali- fied persons to forbear porting thereon in future: And all persons unqualified who shall presume to poach with- in the said Manor, will, on information thereof, bo prosecuted with the utmost rigour of the law ; and a re- ward of Two Guineas ( over and above the penalty by Act of Parliament) will be paid upon such conviction by Mr Gibson, in' Newcastle.— A proper person is au- thorized to preserve the faid Game CALVERLY BEWICKE. Close- House, ifthAugufl, j 773. ' . To be S O LD, TWO freehold Tenements adjoining each other, consisting of several Rooms, and a Bake- house with an oven, in good repair, extending feverat yards down a lape Of chair leading to the river Tyne, behind and' adjoining to the sign of the Black Bull in Sandgate, tenanted by Mary Biggars and others. Also another Freehold Messuage and Shop, on the north fide of Sangate- street in front, with a large piece of Ground behind the same, very convenient to build on, extending to the Garth- heads, which said premises are opposite to the said Biack Bull,.. and tenanted hy Joseph Gillan, Barber, and others.—- The tenants will shew the premises ; and for further particulars, enquire of Mr Pow, in Percy- street, or at the Custom- house, Newt'aftI- WHereas a, Commission of BanKrupt is awarded and issued forth against Daniel Coats, of Haltwhistle, in the county of Northumberland, and John Reay of Aldston; in tbe county of Cumberland, Woollen Manufacturers and Partners, and they being declared Bankrupts, are hereby required to surrender; themselves to the Commissioners, in the faid Commission named, or tl. ie major part of them, 011 Monday the 7th, Tuesday the, 8th, and on Tuefd. iy the 19th days of September next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon of each of the fame days, at tlie boule of Mr Thomas Robinson. known by tlaa sign of the Crown and thistle ill newcastle upon tyne, and make a full discovery and diSclosure of their estates and Effects, when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to preive their debts; ri the second sitting to choofe Aflignees, and'at the laft Citing the, said Bankrupts are required to finifli their examination, and the Creditors are to ailent to or diffent from the allowance of their ceitificatcs. All Perfons indeb ed to the faid Bankrupts, or who hase any of their Effects are not to pay or deliver the fame but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, aud give notice to Mr Ruddock, Attorney, in Hexham. MORPETH RACES, 1778. On Tuesday. the 11 d of September - will be run for, en Cot- 5 tingwood Common, near Morpeth, FIFTY POUNDS ( given by the Right Hon. the Earl pf Carlisle) by horses, cic. of all ages; four years old to carry feven flone, five years old eight { tent, Cx- year3. oid eight ftone nine pounds, and aged nine ftonc. Winners of one fifty, to carry three pounds, and winners of two or more, five pounds extra; beats; four miles. each.. Wednesday the * jd, FIFTY POuNDs for four- year olds, colts eight stone seven pounds, fillies eight stone four pounds. A winner of one fifty t. o carry three pounds, and a winner of . more tb » p one to carry fitre pounds ex- tra; twice tound ihe raca ground for a heat." Thursday the i^. th, FIFTY POUNDS, ( given by Peter Delme, Esq; and Mr Egerton) for all ages thai never won- fifty pounds; four- year olds to carry seven stone, five- year old. eight stone, six- year olds eight stone ten pounds, and aged nine stone; fillies or mares to be allowed two pounds; heats, four miles each. Arid t . Friday the iSth, FIFTy pOUNDS, give and take, fourteen hands; aged to carry tight ftonc feven pounds., higher. or lower, weight in proportion, allowing feveu pounds for every year ' under seven . Winners of one fifty to tarry three pounds ; of more than cut fifty, five pounds eitra; heats, four rnileS'each. No less than three reputed running horsess will be allowed to start for the above prizes, except by the particular consent of the Stewards. If only one horse enter for any of the fifties, he shall receive 15I. if two, poj. each. The horse to be entered on Thursday the 17th of September, between the hous of two and four, at the Nag's Head; and thofe for the give and take to be meafured the same evening, at the fame place, between the liours of four and fi*. Each horse to pay three guineas entrance, and a Crown to the clerk of the course.— The winner of a fitfy to pay one guinea for drums, colours, & c. The ftarting poft is altered. Subcriptions are received by Mr Robert Saint : n Morpeth JOHN EGERTON, Esq; v WALTER TREVELYAN, Esq , There will be Assemblies and Ordinaries as usual. To be SOLD by private Contract. On reasonable Terms, at MrRobert King's, Plumber, Morpeth, tWO Well- marked Staunch Pointers, either fit for Gun or Net. J and entered upon at Martinmas next, \ Dwelling- house. suitable for a genteel Fa- mily, late in the occupation of Lady Bewick, atid at present of the Rev. Mr Thorp, situate near the White Cross, in Newgate street, Newcastle, containing two Par- lours, a large, drawing- room, seven good Lodging- rooms, Servants hall, two Kitchens, two Cellars, with a Coach house, Stabling for nine horses, a place for setting up hay, a Pump in the yard supplied with good water, and other suitable conveniences; there is a dif- tinct passage to the Stables, Also to be Let and entered upon immediately, or at Martin- . Mas next, A convenient Malting, situate in the Burn Bank in Newcastle, well supplied with water, the steep of which contains 1o8 bushels, with proper working floors, and two cbamhers for Barley and Malt, and the labourage fiom the Key easy. Likewise to be Let with said Malting, A Dwelling- house, nearly adjoining thereto, contain- ing six fire- rooms, four of which art used for the keep- ing of Malt -^- Torf litthef particulars, enquire at MrHenry Atkinson and Son's office on the Keyside, Newcastle. to be SOLD to the highest Bidder, ( For ready money) on Friday the 21st day of this instant month of august, at Broomhill, near Longhurst, in Nor- thumberland, aLL the Stock of Cattle, consisting of Cows, Calves, Heifers, Mares, Geldings,' Sheep, Corn, Hay, Straw, Houfliold Furniture, Implements ef Husbandry, and othcr Effects belonging to the late Mr Henry Sharp, deceased. The sale to begin at ten o'clock. — All persons indebted to the said Henry Sharp arc do1, fired forthwith to pay the fcveral Sums due from them to his Brother and Executor Mr Thomas Sharp, at the Hurst; and fuels persons as have any Demands upon the Estate of the said Henry Sharp,. are requeued to apply to the said Thomas Sharp, that tlie fame may be dischargcd. , . Cheap Gottenburgh Teas at Newcastle and Durham. THE Edinburgh Tea Company most grate- fully acknowledge their favours hitherto recei- ved, and beg leave to assure their Friends and the Pub- lic that their most assiduous attention will be paid to, merit a continuance of. it by providing Teas of the best qualities: The Company have now on hand a large assortment of very fine Gottenburgh Teas, which they sell at their Ware- house, Middlestreet, Newcastle, at the following low rates, greatly below the London wholesale prices. • , Best Common Bohea Tea at 3 8 per pound. Congoc ditto o Good ditto ditto at s 6 fine ditto ditto at 6 o— Cs fid. finest ditto ditto at 7 o Fine Suchong ditto at 8 o and 9s. finest ditto ditto at . O and 11s. Good Green ditto at o Fine Singloe o Hysen —- at 10 o. e Fine ditto — at . finest ditto — at 16 o The Company will open another Ware- house, at Durham On Satuiday 25th inst. current, under the ma- nagement of Mr George Douglass, Merchant, that their Friends icj and about Durham may. be fcrved with Teas upon the same terms as at Newcastle, and without the inconveniency of sending there: The Congoe at Ss. and $ s. fid. are remarkable good at the prices, and the fineft Congoe at 7s. is of an excellent quality. Com- missions addressed to William Ritchie, Newcastle; or to George Douglass, Merchant, in Durham, will be carefully attended to. brandy, Rum, and Geneva, as formerly. Sugars to Customers at prime cost Saturday's and Sunday's Posts. LONDON, Aug. j. FROM Dover we learn, that the French extol the bravery of their navy in the late affair, and have given it out that the English were ' cowards, and ran away from them ; however, they admit having about iioo killed, and oco wounded, amongst them many officers; that the Admiral's ship was almost shattered to pieces, and that they will not be fit to put to sea again for some time. So differently do the French think of the en- gagement between their fleet and Admiral Keppel to what we do, that France rings at present with nothing else but the disabling our fleet, and_ ex- tolling the French Admiral's manoeuvre of firing at our masts and rigging, which mult principally alFeft our sailing and fighting. Several of the topmasts of the ships in Admiral Keppel's fleet must be replaced with new ones. The ships which did not engage in Keppel's ac- tion, were the Duke of .90 guns, the Centaur, Cumberland, and Hector, of 74, and the Bien- faisant of 64. We are, by the Admiral's letter, left in the dark as to their situation. Letters of Marque will be ready to be delivered from the Admiralty on Saturday next. The expence of taking out a letter of marque ( office fees,& c. included) amounts to upwards of rzl. Advices having been received of an American privateer being in the North Seas, the Quebec frigate of 32- guns was ordered on that station, and on Thursday he was spoke with on the back of Yarmouth Sands, but had seen no privateer. The baggage of the Duke of Gloucester is or- dered back to Gloucester House, matters being Accommodated between Prussia and the Emperor. A gentleman lately arrived from Italy, has brought over a Tarantula of the true Calabrian kind, which is now alive, being preserved by Feeding on a species of wood moss that is com- monly found near the holes of those creatures: This insect measures two inches and a quarter from the snout to the end of the tail; is exceeding alert in catching flies and spiders, but shews no inclination to bite any of the human species. LONDON, Aug. 6. The last difpatcbes from Lord Grantham at Ma drid mention, that the Court of Spain is determi- ned to obserVe a strict neutrality betWeen France and Great Britain, and would act as mediators to compromise, if possible, the differences subsisting between the two courts. A letter from Plymouth mentions, that Admi- ral Keppel, since his return to that port, with the fleet under his command, has been indefatigable in using all proper nreans for the repairs of his squadron. in order to return to his station off Brest. We learn from good authority, that the French in the action off Brest sheWed great seamenship, and yet it is agreed that they never fought worse, nor ever behaved in a more dastardly manner. Had their courage been equal to the merit of their manoeuvres, they would have gained as much same in the eyes even of our officers, as they have now lost in the eyes of all who know any thing of a battle at sea. Admiral Keppel was greatly disappointed when he hoped ' hat the French intended handsomely to try their force with him; their intention was to use their sails, not their guns, and they were of opinion, that their men of war would make a touch handsomer appearance in Brest harbour, with their rigging entire, than in another engagement. The seafaring people on both sides the question ( says a correspondent) seem unanimously to doubt, whether the British Admiral was justifiable in dif- fering the French to form the line unmolested, ad mitting it was clear they intended to contest the point handsomely the next morning ; and whether it would not have been better, considering the slip- pery gentry he had to deal with, to have followed up the advantage he had just gained over them. The regiment from Winchester camp, which was put on board Keppel's fleet, in the room of marines, just before they sailed, are highly extol- led for their behaviour during the action. By a letter received from an English gentleman resident in France, we are informed, that Count d'Estaing's squadron was intended to attack Lord Howe's fleet in the Delaware; and that if the French had got the better of Admiral Keppel'S fleet, their design was to have embarked a body of 42, oco men, and have landed them in Ireland. The French letters of marque have got the start of us, their owners being previously informed by Government of what they intended to do. The Guards are recalled from America on ac- count of the difficulty found of employing them on detachments, from the superior rank of their cap- . tains to those of the line. Sir Wm Howe has gi- ven so forcible a description of the disadvantage the service has derived from the above circumstance, that it is imagined some mode will be adopted, to prevent the bad effects thereof in future. Portsmouth, Aug. 5. Yesterday orders came down for the Princess Amelia, of 80 guns, Sir Digby Dent; Magnificent, Capt. Elphinston; and Resolution, Sir Chaloner Ogle, both of 74 guns, to - join Admiral Keppel at Plymouth. • 3jt « To be LET immediately, And entered upon the 11 tli of May next, ALL that Messuage, Tenement, or farmhold, called Brown's Leazes, in the parish of Simonburn, and cOunty of Northumberland, containing by survey io< a. 1 r. X9p. of arable, meadow, and padure ground, J4 acres of which are free from both corn and hay tithe, within three miles of a good draw- kiln, and one mile of a current going colliery, well watered, and ca- pable of great improvement, in the possession of James Parker, as tenant thereof. Also all that Messuage, Tenement, or Farmhold, called Allgood Farm, in the parish of Simonburn, and county of Northumberland, containing by furvey 147 a. 33 p. within one mile of a good draw- kiln, and half a mile of a current going colliery, being well watered, and enclosed with beautiful hedges. And also all that Messuage, Tenement, or Farmhold, called Mount Farm ( adjoining the said Allgood Farm) containing by furvey xjxa. 3 r. » i p. of meadow and pasture land, 15 acres of which i- s free from both corn and hay tithe, with a colliery in the said premifes, and within half a mile of a good draw- kiln, which faid Farm and Allgood Farm are in the possession of Thomas Pickering, as tenant thereof. For further particu- lars. enquire of Thomas Bell of Simonburn. N. B. Whoever chuses to treat about the two lad- mentioned farms, will be sufficiently indemnified a- gainst the false and boasted claims of Thomas Picker- ing, the present tenant, as expressed in his insolent advertisement in the NewCastle Chronicle of the jft in ft. Just Published, Price One Shilling, ADiscourse delivered in one of the Catholic Chapels, on the Propriety and Necessity of taking the Oath of Allegiance tendered by Government. Durham: Printed by N. Thorne, and sold by W. Charnley, Newcastle, and S, Crowder, London, YORK and LEEDS New DILIGENCE SETS out from Mr Wrigglesworth's, the Black Swan, in Coney- street, York, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning, at nine o'clock, and will receive passengers and parcels that come up in the Diligence from Mr Mordue's in Newcastle, to Mr War- ren's, the While Swan in the Pavement, York, from whence it proceeds to Mr Wood's, the Old King's Arms, Leeds, ( to dine) and there unites with the London, Northampton, Leicester, Nottingham, Sheffield, Man- chester, and Liverpool Coaches, which go out every day. The Birmingham Coach, from the Angel inn, Shef- field, waits the arrival of this Diligence every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning, where two places are reserved certain for the passengers from Newcastle, & c. This Coach in one day proceeds through Derby, Bur- ton and Litchfield, to Birmingham, where it meets the Oxford, Worcester, Glocester, Bath and Bristol Coaches and Diligences, which go out every day.— By this means a cheap anclexpeditious communication is opened from Ik idol to Newcastle, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Sheffield, Manchcfter, Liverpool, and tnoft of the prin- cipal trading towns in England and Scotland. Newcastle to York Fare from Leeds to Shefield C_ Sheffield. Co Birmingham PeR FORMED, From Newcastle to York by Mordue, Warren, and Co. From York to Leeds by Wrigglesworth and Wood. From Leeds to- Biriningham bv Peech, Hart, and Co. The proprietors will not be accountable for any Parcel above jl. value, upon any account whatever. N. B. The Birmingham Coach returns from Mr Hart's, tlie Swan, in Birmingham, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, at tour o'clock, dines at Derby, and arrives at Sheffield the same evenings. To te LET or SOLD, ALL that commodious and well accustomed Inn, pleasantly situate in Tweedmouth, with a full view of the river Tweed, known by the sign of the Crown and Thistle, fo long occupied by Mrs Hum- phreys. The hoUse is spacious and convenient. It contains ten bed- chambers, besides bed rooms for ser- vants, two dining rooms, three sitting rooms, and all proper offices in proportion. Stabling for 36 horses. Also a garden, a stable yard, granary, and every suiti- ble convenience for an inn or gentleman's house. N. B. A great part of the Houshold Furniture, Linen, Plate, & c. to be sold: To be SOLD by Aucyiont together or in Parcel sf At Mr Richard Thompson's, the Post- house in Darlington, 011 Monday the 17th day of August instant, between the hours of two and four o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, subject to such conditions o fsale as shall then be produced, AFARM, consisting of a Dwelling house, Barn, and other conveniences'in good repair, together with feveral Clofes of arable, meadow, and paSture land, part whereof is copyhold, held under the Bishop of Durham, and other part thereof customary freehold, held under the manor of the Rector of Haugh- ton, asd situate in the parish of Haughton aforefaid, iu the county of Durham, except one close situate in the township of Cockerton in the faidcounty. The said Farm ii within two miles of the town of Darlington, and in the common road leading to the several Collieries at West Auckland, from the county of York, and is now let to Walter Johnson at the clear yearly rent of 30I. who will fliew the premises.— For further particular, enquire of the Rev. Mr Longstaff, of Sedgfield, or of Mr Michael Hardcastle, of Haughton aforesaid. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Monday the jffl day of August instant, at the house of Mr Thomas Ions, known by the sign of the Golden Lion, in ' Hexham, between tbe hours of three and five in the after- noon, pursuant to conditions then to be produced, unless disposed of in the mean time by private Contract, of which notice will be given in this Paper, ALL that Farm of Land, called Bridge End Farm, situate in the Township of Acomb, in the parish of Saint Johnlee, in the county of Northumber- land, containing as by a late furvey r 06 acres, » roods, and 37 perches, with an exceeding good Farm- house, Barn, Byer, Stable and Fold upon the premifes, in complete repair, and two Cottages and three Garths, in the town of . Acomb; together with a right of common upon Acomb Common, now dividing by Commissioners ap- pointed by Act of Parliament. The premises are Copy- hold, held of the Manor of Hexham, under a very small rent to the Lord, and pays a modus in lieu of hay tithe, which tithe, and the modus for the same, and all the vicarial or small tithes will be extinguished by the said Act of Parliament, as soon as the above Com- mon is divided. The right of Common will either be sold with, or distinct from the Farm, as shall be agreed upon at the time of sale. Mark Carr, at Bridge End House, will shew the pre- miles; and for particulars, in the mean time, apply to Mr Joseph Dunn; or Mr Ralph Heron, in Newcastle upon Tyne. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, THE Mansion- House, Offices and Estate, called West Ord, pleasantly situated on the Southern Banks of the Tweed, and near the town of Berwick; containing upwards of 300 acres of rich, arable, meadow and pasture ground; now tenanted by the executors of William Archbold, deceased, by Lease, which will expire the nth May, 1785, at the yearly rent of 1 jol. This Estate is free from hay tithe. Also the Estate, called Middle Ord, adjoining West Ord, containing near 400 acres of rich, arable, meadow and pasture ground, abounding with good marle ; hat an excellent Farm- house and Offices, and several Cotta- ges; now let to John Anderson by Lease, which will expire the nrh May, 1783, at the yearly rent of 1S0I. Part of this Estate is also free from hay tithe. These Estates are Freehold,, capable of great im- provement, and the buildings are in good repair. The Tenants will shew the premifes. N. B. These Estates are intended to be sold separate. Likewise to be SOLD by private Contract, The valuable Fisheries in the River Tweed, called High Bells and Low Bells, with the Island, containing about three acres and an half, and a plot of ground lying, on the North side of the river, containing about an acre. Also the valuable Fishery in the said river, called Needle Eye and Whitesands. These several Fisheries are now let to Selby Archbold and Partners, for three years, from the 10th October, 1776, at' 4001. a year. They are intended to- be fold in two lots. The Tenant of West Ord will shew the FisherieS.— Further particu- lars may be had, by applying to Mr Thomas Wall, at his Chambers, Paper Buildings, Temple, London; John ERASMUs Blackett, Esq; or Ralph Heron, ia Newcastle upon Tyne. To Be SOld, J ASmall Freehold Eftate in Knarsdale, in the ' county of Northumberland, called Darkdale, now Rented by John Vicars.— Enquire of Mr William Hunter in Hexham, or Mr John Philipson, at Brodwood, near Wolsingham. N0TiCE to OWNERS of SHIPS. NOTICESs hereby. GIVEN, THAT two separate Articles of Association for A durance of Ships against the dangers of the Seas, Enemies, and other accidents, are lodged at Mr Pearson's Office in Sunderland, where the fame may be perused, and such perfons admitted into the said Association or Company as are desirous of becoming Members thereof. N. B. By one of the said articles, the ships to be ad- mitted to the benefit thereof, must be oj the value of 1100I. and the other of the said articles are calculated for ships under that value. " The old and well established Newcastle and York Diligences Continue to set out from Mrs Wilson's, at the Cock, Head of the Side, Newcastle, every morning at four o'clock, and from Mr Jackman's, at the George, in Coney- street, York, at five o'clock in the morning, Sundays excepted; and arrive at the above respeCtive places six; same evenings. The Proprietors beg leave to assure their Friends and- the Public, that they will exert their utmost endeavours to merit a continuance of that favour - which they have hitherto met with, and which will always be gratefully acknowledged, by Their very humble servants, Wm Todd, Newcastle J. Carter, Northallerton John Shaw, Durham James jackman, York R. Thompson, Darlington | N. B. Places are reserved at the Cock, Newcastle, for the Edinburgh Diligence, which sets out every Monday, Tuefdav, Thurfday, and Saturday morning at » o'clock. This Day is published, Price is. 6d. in boards, or 31. neatly bound, THe Lady's, Housewife's, and Cookmaid's Assistant; or the Art of Cookery : Explained and adapted to the meanest capacity ! Containing, J. How to roast and boil to perfection every thing necessary to be sent up to table. II. Of made dishes. III. To ' make a number of pretty little dishes for a supper or | side dish, and little corner dishes for a great table. , IV. To dress fish. V. Of Soups and broths. VI. Of puddings. VII. Of pies. VlII. Of hog puddings, Sau- sages, & c. IX. To pot and make hams, Ac. X. 0£ pickling. XL Of making cakes, & e. Xli.- Of cheese cakes, creams, jellies, whip syllabubs, & c. XIII. Of made wines, brewing, French bread, muffins, & c. XIV. Jarring cherries, preserves, ike. XV. To dress Turtle, and make mock Turtle, &£. & c. The whole designed to fit out an Entertainment in an elegant manner, and at a small expence; and calculated to improve the Servants, and save the Ladies a great deal of trouble. By E. TAYLOR. The 2d Edition, greatly enlarged and improved. Berwick : Printed and sold by R. Taylor; W. Cham- ley and the other Booksellers 111 Newcastle; and A. Graham, Alnwick. This Day is Published, Price 6d. ( To be continued Monthly) THE Town and Country Magazine; or, Universal Repository of Knowledge, Instruction, ami Entertainment, ( ot July 1778. Embellished with, 1. A beautiful Portrait of the Paphian Votary, x. A striking Likeness of the fuccefsful Gallant: and 3. An historical Picture, difplaying aa affc& iftg Sccnc ot' con- jugal Distress. Containing among a great Variety o- f original and interesting articles: Histories of the Tete- a- Tete, or, Memoirs of the Successful Gallant, and the Paphian Votary. The Man of pleasure. The Theatre. Account of new Books and Pamphlets. Machematical Questions. Poetry. Foreign Occurrences. State of Europe. Domestic Intelligence, Ikc. Sec. The Proprietors of the Town and Country Ma- gazine think they cannot too frequently pay their ac- knowledgments to the Public, for repeated favours re- ceived during a series of years. They present their readers in this Number, amongst a variety of interesting articles, a Tete- a Tete that has made a great noise in the polite world, and been the subject of a late legal determination. A number of rivals have attempted to supplant them in the opinion of their frb nds. but all have, hitherto, found their endeavours abortive; like meteors of an hour they have just appeared, and been feen no more. They may, however, have been of ser- vice to this Miscellany, in stimulating the authors en- ' deavours to surpass their former efforts. If this be the case, the more rivals that may arise, in proportion this Magazine will become the more valuable; at all events it will be the constant endeavour of the Proprietors to improve as far as possible upon their original plan, and render it the most complete monthly productiion tha has hitherto been presented to the public. London : Printed for A. Hamilton, jun. near S John's Gate; and sold by G. Robinson, No. xj, Pater- noster- Row. Of whom may be had, The nine frrd Volumes, half bound, Price 7s. < Sd. each, or any fingle Number, Price fid. This Day is Publish'd, Price 6d. " ( To be continued Monthly) Embellished with the following Copper Plates, 1. Two mod curious and elegant Patterns for working Lace, x. A very capital engraving of the Disappointment of Treachery; and, 3, A Song, set to Music by Mr Henly. TH E Lady's Magazine, or Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex, appropriated solely to their Use and Amusement, for July, 1778. Contain- ing, Observations on the Behaviour of Dido to Aeneas, in the Elysian Fields.— Marriage Ceremonies among the Chinese— The true Point of Honour— An historical Account of the most celebrated English Beauties— Re- flections on a Voyage to Italy— Letter from Frances Scudamore to Lady Saville— Instances of the acute Senses of the Blind— History of Lady Bradley— The Matron— The Female Reformer— Poetry— Foreign, Home, Ame- rican News, Sec. To the PUBLIC. The Proprietors of this Magazine think it a duty in- cumbent upon them to return their thanks to the Ladies for the patronage they have given- to- this Publication, and much more on account of the increase of Corres- pondents this year. As their Repository was solely destined to the improvement and amusement of the sex, they doubt not of their encouraging a Work instituted fer their benefit and amusement; and the stores which they have in reserve will shew, that they have it in their power to demonstrate that their friends are not declining, bur increasing. As this Work is continued on a presumption, that Ladies can emulate the other sex in their mental accomplishments and writings, we return thanks to our former friends, and doubt not of receiving additional favours from those of the sex, who may have the ambition of convincing the world, that the Lady's Magazine has 110 rival, as a composition con- duced and compleated by the favours of Ladies only. London: Printed for G. Robinson, No. xj, Pater- noster- Row— Of whom may be had, complete Sets, or any single Number. To be LET and entered upon at May- day 1775, High Warden Farm, in the parish of Low Warden, and county of Northumberland, con- taining j37 acres of Land, or thereabouts, in tillage and padure, clear of corn tithe, and pays » os! a year for modus, in lieu of hay tithe; it lies within two miles of Hexham, and one mile of lime and coals. For further particulars, enquire of John Errington, Esq; at Chesters, 01 his Agent, Mr William Morrison, at Walwick Grange. Also to be let, and entered upon at May- day, 1779, a Farm at Newbrough, in the Chapelry of Newbrough, and parish. of Low Warden, containing 187 acres of Land, or thereabouts; it pays a corn tithe and a modus of is. 8d. iii lieu of hay tithe, and lies within less than four miles of Hexham, and two miles of lime and coals. — For further particulars, enquire as above. A most superb and elegant fet of Engravings to decorate the Cabinets of the Curious. This Day is published, ( inscribed to the King) Handsomely printed 011 a new set of types, cast on pur- pose for this work, by the celebrated Messrs Wilson and Sons, of Glasgow, and embellished with an ele- gant Copper- plate Head of his present Majesty George HI. engraved by that brilliant and aspiring artist Mr Pollard, of London. NUMBER I. ( Price only fid.) Of AN impartial History of the present War in America ; containing an account of iti rise and progress, the political springs thereof, with it various successes and disappointments on both sides. By the Rev. j. MURRAY, of Newcastle. Arma Virumque cano — — Bella horrida Bella Et Tybiim multo spumantem ( anguine cerno. Vigil. aEN EID. VI. 85. Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed lor T. Robson, at the New Printing Office on the Side; R. Baldwin, No. 4?, Paternoster Row, London; N. Frobisher, York; Bayne and Mennons, Edinburgh ; and Dunlop and Wilfon1, Glasgow, by whom subsriptions are taken in.— Subscriptions are like wise taken ill by all the Book- sellers and News- carriers in town and country. CONDITIONS. I. That this work will be neatly printed on a fine paper and new type, in octavo, of which No. I. is a specimen. II. The whole, unless the war continues long, will be comprized in 14 numbers, making two large volumes. III. Each number will consist of three sheets of letter- press, or 48 pages of large demy octavo, decorated with an elegant copper- plate head, engraved on pur- pose, by Mr Pollard; and delivered to subscribers once a fortnight, price 6d.~ I'lis money to be paid on delivery. IV. If number I. is not approved of, the purchaser is at liberty to have his money returned. The following is a Lid of the Heads of those noble personages, & c that will be given in the course of this work, ( which if sold feparate, would be worth its whole price) viz. The King ; Dr Franklin ; Lord North ; John Han- cock; Lord G. Germaine ; Silas Deane; Gen. Gage; Gen Washington ; Gen. Howe Gen. Putnam ; Lieut. Gen. Earl Percy ; Gen Lee; Lieut. Gen. Clinton ; Gen. Montgomery; Gen. Carleton ; Gen. Gates; Gen. Bur- goyne; Gen. Sullivan ; Major Gen. Grey ; Brigadier Gen. Arnold ; Lord Howe ; Commodore Hodrew1187* pkins, & c. MECHANICAL HUSBANDRY. I. Have often thought what a great faving it would bi to the farmer to have his plows cloutted ( as the ex- , pression goes) in the sole and side of the head, and of Ws plows, with cast iron instead of hammered work, which would not be half the expence, would wear twice as long, and besides would make them go far smoothcr. These clouts should be about a quarter of an inch, or three eighths thick, with tapered holes; and any plow- carpenter may be consulted about the size; they had best be of different sizes, and should be hot when they are nailed on, that they may make thrmfelves a seat. A G R I C O L A. OBSERVATIONS. NOtwithdanding the boasting gasconade of the French Gazette, from all the sober and impartial relations of the late most material engagement, the na- tion has reason to build the fullest satisfaction and as- surance, that 011 the part of the English fleet, every- thing possible to have been effected by brave and skil- ful men was wisely, soberly, and magnanimously per- formed by Mr Keppel, and every other British Com- mander who had the honour to come up in the engage- ment; an- d though we had joo men killed and wound- ed, yet the enemy confess they lost 1100 killed, and near 3000 wounded; and within the next week, when Mr Keppel's fleet, refitted and ready for a final decision of the dispute, shall appear off brest harbour, if the French shall be so intimidated, weakened, and disa- bled, as not to dare to seek him again; this their con- duct, which the spectator of the late scenes between the two fleets prophesies wiil be the case, we must no longer liften to the whispers of the enemy, either abroad or at home, but fairly and honedly own, that in spite of Lord Sandwich's misinformation, when he dispatchcd our Admiral with only twenty against thirty- two of their line, that the French have been at last, in spite of e- very effort of seamanship, to decline the combat, drub- bed, disabled, and to all intents and purposes defeated by twenty- five English men of war, to whose skill and superior bravery the action, in spite of the French, was forced upon them ; and that personally or professionally, no battle at sea was ever fought more to deserve the grateful applause of this country, than Admiral Keppel does on this occasion. It is as plain, from every account, that the French wished to avoid a battle with Mr Keppel, as it is that having been once forced into it, they wished to get out of it; for towards dusk, when Mr Keppel thought they were forming to renew the fight next day, they made a most prudent manoeuvre, by ranging their best going ships to the front iu extended lines with Admirals lights in them, whilst their heavier ships were ranged behind, but who, instead of waiting for fighting, stole away as they could; so that in the morning the few ships that were to be seen, were at such a distance from us, and so near their own shores, that with the disabled state of our fleet, it would have been madness to pursue them. The British tars, upon every broadside, give a gene- ral huzza, which has an admirable effect in keeping up their spirits, drowing the groans of the wounded, and damping the courage of their enemies. A midship- man, who was on board the Victory, writes word, upon every cheer, more Or less of the crew of the Bretagne run from their posts. The French, during the late engagement, did not use the long guns they did last war, neither did they ride them on the outside in charging, as they used to do. In short, they now use nearly the same size guns we do, and charge them exactly like us. It is confessed by all our fleet, that they found them much better sailors- than they have been. Many of our ships, which were engaged during the late sea fight, being three deckers, they could not use their lower tier, as the French ships were mostly two deckers, which probably accounts for some of them not being taken. Monday's and Tuesday's Posts. WAR- OFFICE, Aug. 8. CAptain Francis Lord Rawdon, of 63d to be Adjutant General to this army in North Americaunder Sir Henry clinton, the rank of Lieut. Col. in the army.— Col. James Murray to be Colonel in the army: Commission dated i8thDec. 1777.— Major James Gordon, of the Royal Edin- burgh Volunteers, to be Major in the army: Com- mission dated the 19th of Aug. 1777. { Gazette.) Arrived the Mails from Holland and Flanders. Dantzick, July 10. An order of his Prussian Majesty to his Custom- house Officers at Wester- deep, that in future no masts shall be permitted to pass that are destined for certain European powers, has just reached this place, and causes much spe- culation. Tne French Consul immediately dis patched a Courier with the news to Paris, which is indeed highly interesting to all the naval. powers. Francfort, July 27. We have accounts that cn the 13th of this month, a Prussian convoy of S2co waggons of provision, 60 waggons loaded with 700 barrels of coined money, and four boats with 40 millions of rixdollars, passed by Torgau, in their way to Dresden. Paris, July 29. Letters from l'Orient advise, that they were very anxious about the arrival of some ships richly laden, five of which are from China, 1 from Bengal, and 1 from Pondicherry. LONDON, Aug. 7. Extract of a letter from an Officer on board his Majesty's ship Berwick, to his friend in London, dated. Plymouth Sound, Aug. 1. " Our ship being the fastest sailer in the fleet, we got into action among the first, and received the fire of several ships, which we returned like Britons. During the time our ship was passing through them, we fired. upwards of 2.50 shot at them, some of Which did severe execution; one of them was towed out dismasted, and the French Admiral's guns were once entirely silenced, as the Victory and Formidable drove the French from their quarters. Night drawing on, we hoisted a flag of defiance, and drew up in line of battle. The French did the same, and seeming determined to end the contest in the morning, both fleets hove- to. Accordingly, we lay at our quarters all night, expecting in the morning a dreadful affray; but at day- light we were disappointed, as under the cloud, of night they had all got away." A letter from Plymouth, Aug. 1, says, " There are now 31 line of battle ships in Plymouth Sound, four frigates, and a fire ship. Admiral Keppel will be refitted in about ten days or sooner. The report of Admiral Keppel's arrival in town, is without foundation, the Admiral not having been ashore since the engagement with the French. His Majefty his ordered a present of 300 guineas to be given to Capt. Faulconer, who brought the news of the Victory over the French fleet. The communication between Dover and Calais is now as free and open as ever, so that our pre- sent war with France may, with no breach of propriety, be termed a civil one, as well as that with America, and is the first instance we have of Great Britain being engaged in two civil wars at one and the fame time. The only difference observed by the King of France towards the subjeCts of his Britannic Ma jesty, between the present time and that of peace is, that those residing in the sea port towns, & C. belonging to France, must depart therefrom: in all other respects we are, by an express order from the King, to travel, or live there as heretofore. It is plain, from the intentions of both Courts, that neither the French nor English mean war, though they are committing hostilities. Why nei- ther declares as formerly, is, Upon a declaration of war, the furrounding nations let them fight it out, it being then considercd as a point of honour, ' that can only b, e settled between themselves; but when a declaration does not take place, it is not against the etiquette of other Courts to interfere. The workmen at Woolwich, are calling moulds for the making of bomb shells upon a new con- firmation ; an invention of Col. Desaguliers, with along neck or spout, which will cause the bomb, when thrown, to do twice the execution. The orders that have been sent to the Baltic for naval stores this year for the service of government exceed the value of 600, cool. The Captain of a certain ship lately arrived at Plymouth, intends shortly to apply for a patent for his new invention of saving ammunition, and preserving his ship and men from the fire of the ene- my, and bringing her safe into port. And it is not doubted but his Majesty will grant it, especially as the gentleman, at two separate times some years since, made the like request without effect. All Governors and other Officers, as well civil as military, are for the future to reside on the spot where their commissions direct, or give them up. Upwards, of 500 smugglers_ have surrendered, and have been incorporated in the several regi- ments since the late proclamation for their pardon. LONDON, Aug. 8. Extract of a letter from Robert Wynch, Esq; son of Gov. Wynch, Lieutenant of the Defiance, Capt. Goodal, dated Plymouth, August 3. " I am happy that I can inform you, that the Defiance has had a very active part in the late en- gagement. Goodal behaved exceedingly brave. We had no less than five ships on us at once ; and every thing was conduced with the most surpri- sing coolness and spirit on board the Defiance. As soon as we Were out of the line of fire, Capt. Goodal wanted to tack and stand after them; but to his great mortification, all the bracings and bow- lines were shot away, and therefore it was im- possible. Out rigging suffered very much, and fails. The fore- top- sail had above twenty large shot through; fore and main- sail blown to pieces; main- top- sail seven or eight shot through; main- top- mast Stay sail, and mizen stay- sail shot a great deal: four shot between wind and water. The french managed their shot very well for their pur- pose, as they never meant to have engaged us, if they could have avoided it. We chaced them fiom ihe 23d to the 27th, before we could bring them to action; and then, had not the wind been in our favour, we could not have done it. They have damaged our ships in their rigging, owing to their firing high : but am certain We must have killed very great numbers of them, as we in general were very near, and our grand object was for the hull. I pointed most of the guns where i commanded myself, and really was astonished to see with what coolness Sc regularity our brave fellows behaved." Mr Keppel left four sail of the line, and three frigates off Brest, to watch the motions of the e- nemy; which force, it is conjectured, after the drubbing the latter Have received, will be a suf- ficient power for the French, to block up that port, sunday a gallant young nobleman, who was on board the Victory during the late engagement, dined at White's, and there declared, that the French fired four broadsides before the English discharged a single shot: that the French and the English Admirals were so close during the action, that he often supposed that they would have grap- pled ; and so well directed and continued were the fires of the Victory, that he saw the enemy drop in abundance; a circumstance which struck such ter- ror to the survivors, that he clearly perceived, when the enemy was sheering off, they all had skulked under hatches. The surgeon of the Elizabeth got wounded through his curiosity in going upon deck to have a peep at the French. A random shot happening to hit a piece of timber, a splinter from which en- tered the Doctor's side. Extract of a letter from Mounts- bay, Aug. 4. " The Burntwood lugsail boat has brought ad- vice, that the Milford frigate, stationed off Brest harbour, to reconnoitie the further proceedings of the French fleet, had been engaged by two of the enemy's frigates 13 glasses, both ot' which sheered of, and the Milford being much disabled in her masts and rigging, was unable to pursue them." A letter from Paris, dated August 3, 1778, says, " The Captains who did not answer the signal for Coming into the line of battle are under disgrace, and one of them, as is said, will be shot. In a few days ' Te Deum' will be sung all over the king- dom. The Duke of Chartres was at the Opera last night, and received with the greatest demon- strations of joy.'* Letters from Paris advise, that the people in ge- neral have it there, that in the late engagement at sea between the French and English, nine ships of the latter were nearly destroyed ; and that this fact was attempted to be established throughout that city by the copy of the letter said to have been written by a principal officer to his confort. Two very different accounts of the killed and wounded in the late engagement are received from Paris : one by Mr Bourdieu, making them 120 killed, and 340 wounded ; the other by the well known Mr Peter Thellusson, brother to the late Banker at Paris, and formerly partner with Mr Neckerthe present Financier of France, which says, that there were 2000 killed, and 30O0 wounded. An Embassador Extraordinary from the Hague is daily expeCted, with powers for negotiating fome important maiters between their High Migh- tinesses the States General and our Court. Portsmouth, Aug. 6. This morning arrived at Spithead, under convoy of the Warwick of so guns, Capt. Moutray, the following from the Eaft Indies, viz. the Earl of Sandwich, Capt. Deane; the Alfred, Capt. Williamson; the Worcester Capt. Cooke; the Prime, Capt. Duadas; the Hawke, Capt. Cotton; the Houghton, Capt. Smith; the Ceres, Capt. Newte; the True Briton, Capt. Broad- ley; the Resolution, Capt. Poynting; and the Princess Royal, Capt. Kerr. The following East Indiamen are safe arrived at the Cape, viz. the Grosvenor, Coxon ; the Hillsbo- rough, Collett ; and the Osterley, Rogers. It was happy beyond expresion, that the gallant Admiral Keppel fell in with the French fleet, beat them, obliged them to quit the sea and return to Brest, otherwise the whole of the East India fleet must inevitably from their course have fallen into their hands; for it is scarce probable that one of the foul heavy laden ships should have escaped such a number of clean fast sailing ships as com- posed the Brest squadron. Choppington Colliery, July iSth, 1778. WHereas John Patterson, a bound Pitman to the above Colliery, has absented himself from the work without leave; it is therefore desired, that no person or persons will harbour or employ him : And in case they do notice is hereby given, that they will be prosecuted as the law directs. SHIRE MOOR- COLLIERY, July 18th, . WHereas John Snowden, Thomas Barras, and John Burn, bound Pitmen to the above Colliery, have absented themselves from their work without leave: It is therefore desired, that no person or persons, will harbour or employ the said workmen ; and in ealc they do, Notice Is hereby given, that they will be prosecuted as the law directs. ALL Persons to whom James Holdsworth, late of the city of Durham, Shoemaker, deceased, stood indebted, and who have not already sent in their respective demands, are requested tb snd in the fame to Isabel Holdsworth, his widow and admististratrix. And all perfons who were indebted to the faid James Holdsworth, at the time of his death, are defired im- mediately to pay their respective debts to his faid widow, Isabel Holdsworth, otherwise prosecutions will be commenced againlf them tor the recovery thereof. TURNPIKE MEETING GATESHEAD ROAD, up TYNE. NOTICE is hereby GIVEN, THAT the next Meeting of the Trustees for making the Turnpike Road from Gateshead up the south side of Tyne, to join the Hexham Road a Dilston Bar, is ordered to be held at the Moothall in the Castle Garth, Newcaftle, 011 Wednesday the 19th day of August instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon; in order to take into consideration the proper situations for the Turnpike Bars to be erected upon this Koad, and upon other particular business relating the faid Road ; and it is earnestly requested that all, or as many of the Subscribers and Trustees as conveniently can, will attend. By Order, WILLIAM HUNTER, Clerk. to be SOLD or lET, And entered upon either at Michaelmas, Martinmas, Lady- day, or May- day next, ALarge Dweliing- house, at Ferry- hill, with a Coach- house, Stable and Garden thereto be- longing; and also a Farm there called the Howle Farm, containing iz 5 acres of Freehold, and 18 acres of Lease- hold Land. Also to be Sold, the following Farms, either separately or together, with the Royalties therein, viz. A Lease- hold Farm, called the Town- end Farm, and the Colliery therein, now in the possession of William Norton, Esq; and Thomas Gibbon. Also another Leasehold Farm j ( at 18 years purchase called Moorhouse Farm, now in ! the possession of the sand thomas Gibbon. Also Two Freehold Farms there, now in the possession of George Skelton and Tobias Cevil. And also the Crop of Corn now growing on the Howle Farm, and about S° tons of new Hay. N B. The greatest part of the Furniture in the Dwel- ling - house will also be sold at a fair appraifement. For lurther particulars, enquire of Mr Bowlby, at Durham or Ferryhill. This Day is Published, Price is. TEISA : A Descriptive POEM of the RIVER TEESE, Its TOWNS and ANTIQUITIES. ' BF ANNE WILSON. Sold by ihe booksellers in Newcastle, Durham, Sun- derland, Shields, Stockton, Darlington, Morpeth, Aln- wick, Hexham, and Carlisle. THOMAS SANDERSON, HAVING taken and entered upon that commodious and well- accustomed Inn, known by the sign of the Globe, in Hexham, and he having fitted up the same in a genteel manner for the recep- tion of Gentlemen Travellers and ethers, such Gentle- men, & c. who intend to honour him with their Custom, may depend on his utniofl care atid attention to merit their Favours, which will ever be gratefully acknowledged by Their humble Servant, THOMAS SANDERSON. By the King's Patent- to JOHN WALKER, for his new invented ELASTIC SADDLES. THE Properties they possess are, their being easier to Man and Horse, less liable to run for- watd, and the Rider enabled to perform a better and firmer seat on them, their usual neatness being fully preserved, without addition to their weight. The truth of this character is now fully authenticated by the concurrent testimony of a very extensive experi- ence, principally amongst the first persons ir. the king- dom, as to preclude the possibility of an objection. To be had at John and Thomas Walkers, near Lord Coventry's, Piccadilly j and at their shop, Newcastle upon Tyne. AUCKLAND TURNPIKE ROAD. NOTICE is hereby GIVEN, THAT the next Meeting of the Trustees of the faid Road is appointed to be held at the house of Mrs Dunn, in BishOp Auckland, on Thursday the xotli day of August next, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon, in order to take into consideration a late Act of Parliament to repeal a Clause in a former Act relating to Turnpike Roads, as fome of the Leffees of the Toll Gates hath intimated that they intend to take the Be- nefit of the said late Act, and upon other Business con- cerning the said Road. By Order, HAMMOND HUBBUCK, Clerk. West Auckland, lift July, 1778. wHereas on Sunday the 19th of July last, between four and five o'clock in the morning, three Men were feen coming out of a plantation be- longing to Thomas Riddell, Esq; of Swinburne Castle adjoining the turnpike road upon Chollerton Edge, with a scored brown and mottled Greyhound or Lur- cher, and also a black and white Cur.— One of the men had a sack or wallet carrying, which seemed almost full, and which was supposed to contain hares and other game.— The said men are also greatly suspected to have made a practice of letting snares in the hedges and fences in the said Mr Riddell's estates near to Swin- burne woods.— After those men came out of the plan- tation, they crossed the turnpike road and went into Chollerton grounds, and there started a hare, which they pursued with the said greyhound aad cur. Any person or persons who. will difscover the offenders, or any one of them, to Mr Jasper Gibson of Hexham, shall, upon conviction of one or more of them, imme- diately receive a reward of Ten Guineas, to be paid by the faid Mr Gibson 8th August, 1778. To be L E T immediately, And entered upon at MAY- DAY next, ALL that Tenement or Farm, containing xi1 acres, more or lefs, situate at Edlingham New Town, in the parish of Edlingham, called New Town East Farm, now in William Embleton's possession. And also all that other Tenement or Farm there, containing 169 acres, more or less, as the fame is fet out, now in Robert Snowdon's possession. These farms are mostly now used in grazing, and may be either continued fo, or converted into tillage. They pay neither corn nor hay tithe, can go twice a day to the draw- kilns with each draught upon a good turnpike road, and lie within fix miles of Alnwick,— i Enquire of Mr William Kirsopp, of Hexham. N. B. Mr James Howe, of Edlingham Castle, will upon application fliew the premises, as now set out. To be SOLD to the highest Bidder, At the house of Mrs Isobel Bullock, Innkeeper, at Morpeth, in the county of Northumberland, upon Wednesday the a6th day of this instant month of August, between the hours of three and five of the clock in the afternoon of the same day, pursuant to conditions of sale then and there to be produced, unless disposed of in the mean time by pri- vate contract, in which case' notice - will be given in this paper, \ Freehold Estate, situate at Ellington, in \ the parish of Woodhorn, and county of Nor- thumberland, containing 17 acres or thereabouts, to- gether with a Moiety of a Dwelling- house, Byers, Sta- bles, and other conveniences thereunto belonging. A part of this Estate has a right to four Stints upon two Valuable Pastures now let at lb ros. per Stint, and which premises are in the occupation of William Brown as tenant thereof. Mr Thomas Clark, at Linton, will shew the premises; and for further particulars, apply to Mr George Knox, or Mr Bulman, at Morpeth. N. B. The purchase money may be rested in the hands of the purchaser, if desired, upon proper security. For S H E E P. ASafe and most efficacious new- invented Remedy ( called Brown Spirits) for the Scab and Maggots in Sheep, being entirely free from all poifonous and destructive qualities of mercurial preparations, be- ing of a balsamic and healing nature, and which on the first application entirely destroys the maggots and cures the wound they makes; and from its peculiar nature prevents the flies from Blowing the sheep again hastily. It is also a never- failing remedy for the Scab, de- stroys the Lice, arid preserves the sheep frOm the same and other disorders. It may be used alone, or mixed with about one- third of whale oil, and when mixed with oil it may be used more freely ; but if ufed alone the part afFected must be sparingly anointed with a feather or some such thing.— And it may be depended upon, that one gallon of this Spirits will go as far, and infinitely more efficacious for the above- mentioned dif- orders in Sheep, than rogallous of any other Sheep Water, 6r preparation generally made ufe of. Besides, there is no occasion to clip the wool from the parts af- fected, but to shed it when this remedy is applied, nor does it any way injure the wool. The above medicine is sold by appointment by Mess. Wilson and Marshal, Merchants in the Side, Newcaftle; Mr William Wood, Grocer at Berwick upon Tweed, and Mr Andrew Davison, at Akald, in Northumber- land, at is. 6d per gallon. Alfo is fold at the fame places, a new- invented Sheep Water for the Scab only, which it effectually cures by being ufed in the same manner as other Sheep Water, at is. per gallon. WASHINGTON STAITH, May lolh, WHereas Thomas Milburn, Richard Middle- ton Edward Brown, and Daniel Douglass, bound Pitmen to the Owners of Washington Colliery, have absented themselves. from their work at the said Colliery without leave : ft is therefore desired that no person or persons will harbour or employ the said workmen above- named; and in cafe they do, Notice is hereby given, that they will be prosecuted as the law directs. CAMP INTELLIGENCE. WE are in high spirits, as the report is, his Majesty will review us on Monday next; after which we expect less exercise. Tuesday evening Serjeants Dews and Barclay of the Royal Liverpool Blues, at Warley Common, per- ceiving a stranger in the lines of a military countenance suspected him to be a deserter, and after some conver- sation apprehended him, and carried him before Lieut; Col. Mansfield, who in the most direct and positiVe terms, charged him to be an officer in the Irish bri- gades, for that he had some little time past been in his company at Paris. He was searched, and many papers of secret intelligence found oii him, and as the Colonel thought, fo it fell out; his name Geoghagan, a native of Ireland, Chevalier of the order of st Louis, and a. Captain in the Irish brigades in the service of the French King. A consultation of field officers was held ; but his examination was so private, that nothing has or caii yet transpire, as a serjeant and n ftv n with bayonets fixed, were placed round the marquee, and it was near ten o'clock before they broke up, when Mons. Geog- hagan was sent to Cox- heath, to be disposed of as Gen. Lord Amherst shall think fit. His papers were sealed up under cover, and sent in the chaise with him. . Wednesday the. Spanish Embassador, attended Hy lord Barrington and several nobility, paid a visit to Coxheath camp: they were saluted with 19 guns when they arrived at head- quarters The troops assem- bled at half past ten, and the brigades, composed of the regulars, marched by his Excellency, & c. in grand diVisions; several battalions of militia performed tii< r whole exercise arid firings, entirely to the amazement and, satisfaction of all present. Wednesday afternoon the Spanish Embassador, Lord Barrington, S; c. arrived at Warley camp from Coxheath Pli their arrival at head- quarters, they were saluted with 19 guns, when the troops assembled and marched by them in grand divisions. The Gloucester militia performed the whole of their manoeuvres, and fired 14 rounds each man. His Excellency, and all prefent, expressed their astonishment at the battalion's perform- ance, when they were dismissed, and the noble visitors quitted the camp under a discharge of 19 guns. Mons. Geoghagen is now in confinement at Chelmsford, as are two men, who will take their trials this week for an offence of the same nature as that committed by those men on Coxheath camp. These fellows had actually enlisted for the French and American service three men just about to be discharged from the militia, and were detect- ed in inveigling away the fourth man, and it is supi posed they will be hanged in chains near the camp. ANECDOTE, THe late Mr Handel, who, it is well known, was one of the greatest gluttons of the age, frequently Ordering a dinner at the tavern for five, when only himself was to sit down to it, once eat so immoderately of a sturgeon, of which he was remarkably fond, as to occasion an oppression at the stomach that nearly depri- ved him of all power of respiration. In this situation a physician, a friend of his, was called- in, who think- ing to frighten him out of his beastly custom, directly told him, he was a dead man. " Are there no hopes ?" aaid Handal " None," replied the firat. " Say you. fo!" returned the other. " Then, faith, I'll make the moat of my time," and accordingly, seizing hold of the fish, actually devoured the remainder of the fish, with a voraciousness that mult have killed any other man in the world besides himself. a German Cure for a dead Palsey — Take a large handful of red sage, boil if in two quarts of old beer down to three pints, and drink a tea- cup full of it every morning fasting; and eat plenty of white mustard seed ( unground) to common food. 13. William Crosby 8elina Brown . Prospect Stonehouse Irvelars Clark Sea Nymph Hebden Delight Hutchinson . Charm. Polly Harrison Mackell Hustler Industry Bear Minerva Landbrugh Charm. Nancy Bouter Ann Pigg Illy 18 Providence Garbutt . Forth Thompson Friends Adventure Weatherill Sisters Matson Sally; Wright Mary- flower Cady , Friendship Bosburg Elizabeth Bowman Peggy Betty Russel Commerce Wray Christiana Lasley Margate Cloud 20. Adventure Cram Delight Ward Ann Thompson Nelly Mary Miller Swan Swan Eagle Smith Thomas Alice Headlam Isabella Willes Friendship Melvin John Lawson Jonas Feard Hanmond Blythe Pearl Thornton Richard & Jane Heppe Kitty Wills Hartly Jackson Warrise Wilson Rosemouth Kirkwood. Alexander Blin Three Sisters Shannon Margaret Anderson Success Thompson Jennet Marry Industry Cour Debby Niule Endeavour Tate Sea- Flower Beilby July at. Unicorn Hurry Good Intent Sadler . Sir Lawrence Lamb . Dilpateh Hubbart Catharine Thoursby . Martha Scrivener Martha Holt Elizabeth Fenton Vigilance Pressick London Packet Robinson :. Venice Painar Hannah Grand Thomas Kaggs Centurion . Harris Delight Knight Active Kierdell Olivebranch Swales Tryall Cummins Betty Jowes Jurboba Young ASkin Nicole Eliizabeth Shields Hope Bope Essay Stonehouse Unity Pentice Swan Richardson John & Sarah Bulington Thursday's and Friday's posts. LONDON, Aug. Yesterday's French mail brought over advice that the negociation between the Emperor and the King of Prussia was not likely to answer the paci- fic intention of iu advisers, for that both armies were again in motion. The above mail brings nothing new4 excepting a very long account, most plentifully stuffed with sea terms, of the late engagement, concluding " The King's naval army pursued that of Eng- land, ( till presenting combat to it in the best order, from two in the afternoon till the next day ; but the English Admiral did not think proper to accept of it, and availed himself of, the obscurity of the >, rght to make his retreat, concealing his fires, While the King's ships carried theirs, that their position might be clearly perceived by the English. " The 28th in tSe evening the King's army were surprised to discover the Isle of Ushant, which the Count D'Orviliiers estimated at between is and 30 leagues distance. After so many days cruise, . and such a number of evolutions, an error of 25 leagues, assisted by the uncalculable effects of the currents, is not to be wondered at,, " The Count D'Orvilliers finding himself fo near Brest, entered that harbour for the sake of getting the wounded on shore, and taking fuch other mes- sures as might be necessary to continue his cruise. " We have no list as yet of the killed and wound.- ed. We only know that the Count Duchassault has received a grape shot in the shoulder, and that the Chevalier Duchassault, his son, who was on board the same vessel, had the small bone of his leg broken" there was upwards of 4,000, oqp of property on board the ten East indiamen lately arrived. India stock rose yesterday ten per cent, in con- sequence of the arrival of the India fleet. LONDON, Aug. it. Arrived the- Mails ; from Holland and Flanders. . Dresden, July. Yesterday his Royal Highness Prince Henry of Prussia, with about 60, odo men, passed the Elbe between Pirna and Pilnitz, a mile send half above this town, and marched to Neustadt. His Royal High- ness left on this side of the Elbe three considerable corps under the Generals Moellendorff, Platch, and An- halt: the Saxon Generals Zanthier le Coq, Greenberg, and Goldacker with- the troops under their command, are also left, making altogether about 30,000 men. Aug.: i. From Neustadt his Royal Highness entered Bohemia by Hansbach and Schlukenau, and proceeded to Rumburg: his left wing extends towards Zittau. General Moellendorff's c0rps, consisting of upwards of 10, ooo men, and which forms the right wing of Prince Henry's army, passed the Elbe on Thursday last, entered Bohemia by Schaudau, and is now posted at Tetschen. By the last accounts fresh the King of Prussia's army, Me continued near Jaromirz,, and was in possession of Arnau, at a small distance from thence. ( Gazette ) A letter received from Brussels says,. " According to advices from the frontiers all the. troops are in motion in French Flanders and provinces adjacent." : The last accounts from Brest mention, that the whole of their fleet was, then in harbour, that Workmen at- tended the repairs day and night, but that several of them were found to be so severely hulled, that it would be some time before they could be got ready for service. ' Orders are given for two men of war to be stationed between Harwich and Helvoetsluys, for the better pro- tection of the packet boats. Portsmouth, Aug. 9 Admiral Harland. with sail of the line, it sailed, supposed. as a fleet of observation or protection of the large homeward bound West India fleet. • Admiral Keppel's squadron will be ready for sea by the latter end of this week, and will be so reinforced as to from Plymouth with 32 ships of the line. AUTHENTIC INTELLIGENCE from AMERICA. from the Pensylvania Gazette of Saturday July 20, 1778.' The following . is a copy of a letter from the Com- missioners, read in Congress, june 13. To his Excellency HENRY LAURENS, the President, and other Members of Congress. Gentlemen; WITH an earnest desire to stop the further effusion of blood, and the calamities of War, we communicate to you, with the least possible delay after our arrival in this City, a copy of the Commission with which his Majesty is pleased to honour us, as also the Acts of Parliament cm which it is founded; and at the same time that we assure you of our most earned desire to re- establish, oh the basis of equal freedom and mutual safety, the tran- quillity of this once happy empire, you will observe, that we are vested with power equal to the purpose, and such is are even unprecedented in the annals of our history. « In the present state of. our affairs, though fraught with subjects of mutual regret, all parties may draw some degree of consolation, and even an auspicious hope from the recollection that cordial reconciliation and affection, have, in our own and other empires, succeeded to the contentions and temporary divisions not less violent than those we now experience. We wish not to recal subjects Which are now no lon ger in controversy, and will reserve to a proper time of discussion, both the hopes of mutual benefit, and the consideration of evils that may naturally contribute to determine your resolutions as well as our own,; on. this important occasion.. The ActS of Parliament which we transmit to you having passed with singular unanimity, will sufficiently eVince the disposition pf Great Britain, and shew that the terms of agreement: in contemplation with his Ma- jesty and with Parliament, are such as come up to every wish that North America, either in the hour of tempe- rate deliberation, or of the utmost apprehension of dan- ger to liberty, has expressed. More effectually to demonstrate our good intentions, we think proper to declare even in this our first commu- nication, that we are disposed to concur in every satis- factory and just arrangement towards the following, among other pusposes:— " To consent to a cessation of hostilities both by sea and land. " To restore free intercOurse, to revive mutual affec- tion, and restore the common benefits of naturalization' through the several parts of this empire. ' " To eXtend every freedom to trade that our respec- tive interests can require. " To agree that no military force shall be kept up in the different states of North America; without the con- sent of the General Congress, or particular Assemblies. " To concur In measures calculated to discharge the debts of America, aud raise the value and credit of the paper circulation. To perpetuate our Uuion, reciprocal deputa- tion of an agent or agents, from the different States, who shall have the privilege of a seat and voice in the Parliament of Great Britain; or; if sent from Britain, to have in that case, a seat and voice in the Assemblies of the different States to which they may be- deputed respectively, in order to attend to the several interests of those by whom they are deputed. " In short, to establish the power of the respective legislatures, in each particular State, to settle its revenue, its civil and military establishment and to exercise a Perfect freedom of and internal govenment, to ThaT the British States throughout North America, acting with us in peace and war, under our common Sovereign, may the irrevocable enjoyment of every privilege that is short of a total separation of interest, or confident with that union of force, on wit ch the safety of our common religion and liberty depends. " In our anxiety for preserving those sacred and es- sential interests, we cannot help taking notice of the infidious interpostition of a power, which has from the first settlement of these Colonies been actuated with enmity to us both And notwithstanding the pretended date, or present form, of the French offers to America, yet it is notorious, that these were made in consequence of the plans of accommodation previously concerted in Great Britain, and with a view to prevent our reconci- liation, and to prolong this destructive war. But we trust that the inhabitants of North America, connected with us by the nearest ties of consanguinity, speaking the same language, interested in the perfec- tion of similar institutions, remembering the former hap- py intercourse of good offices, and forgetting recent animosities, will shrink from the thought of becoming an accession of force to our late mutual enemy, and will prefer a firm, a free, and perpetual coalition with the pa- rent state, to an insincere and unnatural foreign alliance. This dispatch will delivered to you by Dr Ferguson, the secretary to his Majesty's Commission ; and for fur ther explanation and conculsion of every subject - of difference, we desire to meet with you either collectively, or by deputation, at New York, Philadelphia, York- town, or such other place as you may propose. We think rr right, however, to appiize you, that his Ma- jesty's instructions, as well as our own desire, to re- move from the immediate seat of war, in the active operations of which we cannot take any part, may in- duce US' speedify to remove to New Y0rk ; but the Com- mander in Chief of his Majestys land forces, who is Joined with us in this commission, will, if it should be- some eligible, either concur with us in a suspension of hostilities, or will" furnish all necessary passports and safe conduct to facilitate our meeting, and we shall course expect the same of you. " If after the time that may be necessary to consider 0f this communication, and transmit your answer, the horrors and. devastations of war should continue, we call God and the world to witness, that the evils which must follow are not to be imputed to Great Bri- tain. and we cannot without the most real sorrow, an- ticipate the prospect of calamities which we feel the most ardent desire to prevent.. We are, with perfect respect, Gentlemen., Your modt obedient, and most humble servants, CARLISLE, WILLIAM EDEN, - GeORGE JOHNSTONE. To the above LettercongRESS returned the fol- lowing answer: ' To their Excellencies the Right hon. the Earl of CarLISLe. , WILliAM EDEN, and GeORGE JOHNSTONE, Esqrs. Commissioners from his Britannic Majesty. , " I have received the letter from your Excellencies of the S) ih indant, with the enclosures, and laid them be- fore Congress. Nothing but an earnest desire to spare the farther effusion of human blood, could have indu- ced them to read a paper, containing expressions so dis- respectful to his most Christian Majesty, the good and great ally of these states, or to consider propositions so derogatory to the honour of an independent nation.. " The aCts of the British parliament, the commission from your sovereign, and your letter, suppose the people of these states to be subjects of the crown of Great Bri- tain, and are founded on an idea of dependence, which is utterly inadmissable. " I am further directed to inform your Excellencies, that Congress are inclined to peace, notwithstanding the unjust claims from which this war originated, and the savage manner in whieh it hath been conducted they will therefore be contented to enter upon a consideration of a treaty of peace and commerce, not inconsistent; with treaties already subsisting, when the King of Great Bri- fiSh shall demonstrate a sincere disposition for that pur- pose. The only solid proof of this disposition, will be an explicit knowledgement of the independence of these states, or the withdrawing his fleets and armies. I have the honour to be, your Excellencies most obedient, and humble servant, Henry LAuREnS, President,'" B A N K R U P T S. Geo. Humphrey, of St Martin's- lane, Middlesex, Dealer Tho. Durham, of Cockspur- street, Middlesex,. BoOkseller Matthew Haynes, of H! gh Holborn, Middlesex, Mercer Wm Sparks, of Little Walsingham, Norfollt, innholder John Reay, of Alston's Cumberland, Grocer Thomas Wardle, of Westoe, Durham, Butcher James Dawson of Monmouth- street, Middlesex Salesman John Sanderson, of Thame st. London, Insurance- broker John Wallis, Of Ludgate- street, LondonvBookseller Richard Payne, of Whitchurch, Salop, Cheese- factor Sam. Gooch, ot Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, Shoe- maker Stratford Adams, of Rotherhithe, surry. Dealer John Downing, of Horslydown, Surry, Sail- maker' John Burnitt, Of Shad Thames, Surry, Shipwright EdWard Ryan, of Queen- street, London, Merchant Jona. Sheffield, of Bomsgrove, Worcester, Dyer Newcastle, Aug. 15, 1778. This day the Stewards of the Infirmary, meet at the'Change, at ten o'clock, and proceed' from thence to St Nicholas church, where a ferrnon will be preached for the. benefit of that charity, „ Colonel Sir Ralph Milbanke, bary. and the corps of Officers, of the North Riding Yorkshire militia in quarters here,- have given a benefaction of 30, guineas.: to the Infirmary Tuesday the Judges of Assize were met at - thi usual place by Sir Hedworth Williamson, Bart'. ' High SherifF for the county of Durham, when they proceeded to Durham and opened their commission The following felons in Durham gaol took their trials this week : John Wilkinson, for the murder of Matthew Halliday; Andrew Young and James Chambers, for robbing' Robert Ancrum; Thomas Carlisle and Edward Trenham,' for robbing Ralph Marley; William Scott alias James Scott alias William Cunningham, William Blenkinsop, Lydia Hildreth, and Averil Marey,' for theft; Mary Davison, for beating and wounding Sarah Peace Harford; Christian Gowther, for concealing a fe- male bastard child ; and Donald Macbean, a French officer, for being a spy.. ' the Felons in Newgate here, are: Mary Stoker, for murdering her bastard child;, and Robert Johnson, for picking pockets. The Felons from Morpeth are : Thomas Sheild alias Sheil for stealing a bank note or bill out of the Berwick bag; Jonathan Newton, for horse- stealing; Mary Brown, for theft; Joseph Mitchell, for sending a threat- ning letter to Hendry Barber of Belford; Ann Cowen, and Barbara Watson, for an assault. There' will'be a Concert in the Assize week at the Great Assembly Room.; see advertisement. We hear that Mr Hawdon intends soon to en- tertain the public with-. a performance of some of our best Oratorios, and that the most capital Vo- cal performers in England will be engaged. Wednesday being the anniversary of the birth' of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, who then entered into the 17th year of his age, was Observed here with the usual rejoicings. Wednesday Sir Ralph Milbanke's regiment of militia marched out of town on account of the assizes, three companies to Morpeth, three to Sun- derland, three to Gateshead, and one to Chester.. The Northumberland militia quartered at Gates- head marched to the barracks at Tynemouth. Wednesday being our Lammas fair, the number of cattle was remarkably fewer than usual, as were the buyers; the shew of horses was also a poor One. Cattle sold from 15s. to 20s. a- head below eXpectation, and the horse market was very slow. We hear from Durham, that on Monday last the loth instant, a genteel company of the gentle- men of the Friendly Society of Florists in and about that city, met at the house of Mr Nicholas Clarke? New Elvet, where an elegant entertainment was provided, and every thing conducted with great regularity. A very, fine and plentiful show of Car- nations was produced, besides a most suitable and learned lecture, on the occasion, delivered by the ReV. Mr Robt Green, wherein ( after a curious intro- duction) was described: 1st, the Class, Order, Ge- nera, & c. in the Tournesortian and Linnean Systems, t « r Which Carnations originally belong : 2d, their various assortments: their peculiar proper- ties, & c. every part of which' lecture gave great satisfaction to the gentlemen assembled: And the first prize was adjudged to Mr T. Potts's Queen Charlotte, the second to Mr W. Foster's Dutchess of Newcastle, and the third to Mr Ch; Douglass's Bishop of St David's. Friday and Saturday se'nnight, Mr William Hindmarsh of Keepwick Mill, in Northumberland, had upwards of 80 persons employed in Cutting down barley; and should the, weather prove, fa- vourable the same gentleman has two. large exten- sive fields of wheat, which will be ready for the sickle in a few days. The. barley is very prolific, and the wheat rank and good., . Mr Robert Atkin of the Cock, nigh Hexham, has finished his barley harvest; and has upwards of , 60 acres of wheat ready to cut. 1 The following account of the action between Adm, 1 Keppel and the French fleet, is faithfully extracted from two letters received by a gentleman in this town from his son. After three days chace, on Monday July i7* th, at fix in the morning, the French fleet bore from us S. W. by W. about four leagues distant. The wind' then blew from that point, and the French were making the best of their way from us; but the wind favoured us so much, that at eight we lay eight for them, and gave chace.. At eleven the Monarch of 74 guns, leading on the starboard tack, came near the headmost of the French fleets van, who fired several shot at her; on which Vice- Admiral Harland made the signal to en gage, which was immediately executed. > " The French being on the larboard tack, had the wind of us; the Queen was the second ship that en- gaged, and the Centaur the third', Ushant then bore from us N. 67 dig. E. distant 45 leagues, 1 think I am not far out; but the heat Of action, and our hurry in repairing' afterwards, prevented my attending to the reckoning so accurately as I could have wished. ': " At 20 minutes past noon, the rear of the French fleet, being past our headmost ships, left off firing; the center and rear of our fleet being still engaged, who kept up a very brisk fire: at half past two, found that the whole of the two fleets had left off firing. During the engagement one large ship of the French bore away with a frigate, which we supposed to have received X shot or two between wind and water: and we since heard that she foundered at sea' before she reached Brest. " Our ships suffered most in their masts and rigging, but I believe, the French, lost a good many lives, au< J were a good deal damaged in their hulls. We should have engaged them again that night, but our ships were hurt so much in their rigging, that we could not form the line of battle. And the next day we all expected to have had a very warm piece of work; but at day- light we could but see three sail of them, and thofe a long way off, steering right for Brest " I conclude with assuring you that T am well, only one of my hands a little scorched, by an accident of powder, and that almost recovered. This is the Si ft time for me; but really you never saw any sight so noble. I am, & c." Tuesday Alexander Blakey,' a sailor, fell from the foretop- mast shrouds to the fore- castle of the Wellington,- a new vessel lying in the river, by. which accident his scull was fractured and several bones broken. He was carried immediately to the Infirmary, where he died on Thursday morning. The Dove, Howlett, from this port to Poole, is lost on the coast of Kent. The Elbe, Capt. Varley, just arrived at Hull from Hamburgh, laden with rags, staves, brandy, yarn, lamp- black, & c.. was. taken on the 6th instant, about half seas over, by a French privateer of six guns, and jo men, and ransomed for 800I.— She brought passenger the Ma- ster of a ship belonging to Bridlington, called the Sea Flower, that had been made a prize of by the above- privateer, which ship the Frenchman would not ransom,. she being laden with naval stores for government Extract of a letter from Yarmouth, Aug. 6. *' Last night arrived his Majesty's sloop Alderney, Philip Walsh, Esq; Commander. O her passage to Hel- voetsluys, with the Norwich pacquet, Capt. Thompson, a valuable ship under her convoy , the fell in with a dogger privateer, which she chaceed, but could not come up with her'. On her return, having four London tra- ders under convoy, she fell in again with the afore- mentioned dogger, who endeavoured to cut off some of her convoy, but by the vigilance or Capt. Walsh was prevented. The Alderney reports for certain, that there are on the coast of Holland, from Dunkirk, a brig, three cutters, arid two row- boat privateers, now cruizing there, one of which carried into Helvoetsluys a brig from Sunderland, aud a Scotch sloop." Arrived at Shields, the Diana, Miller, from North Bergen, with tar; three Sisters, Bell, from Hamburgh, with plank; Noble Ann, Roberts, from Greenland, with one fish - Perth; Englis, from Perth, with goods; Active, Oxenbrough, fromi Wells; Alice and Susannah, Taylor, from Blackney, with flour; Dysart, King, from Ipswich, with corn: Union, Knags; Mary, Smith, from London, with goods. Also several light ships. Cleared over sea; the Polly, Caveller; Earl of Glen- cairn, Thompson; for Gibraltar; Fortitude, Marshall, for Wyburgh, with coals; Elizabeth, Pederson, for Eastrice, with goods. • Married. Thursday was married at the Quaker's Meeting- house here, Mr John Homer, Merchant, in- . Bradford, to Miss Ann Robinson Wakefield, daughter Of Mr Robinson Wakefield Of North Shields; a genteel and accomplished young lady, with a large fortune.— Saturday at St. Michael le Belfrey's., York, Mr Francis Whaley, of Hawes, in the North- Riding of Yorkshire, to Miss Brooke, only daughter of Mr Thomas Brooke. Died. A few days ago at Penrith, Mr Thomas Abra- hams, formerly a merchant in. Whitehaven.— Yesterday se'nnight, at Buston in Northumberland, Francis Forster, Esq.— Last week, at Bishop Auckland,' Mr Thomas Dobson, who kept the Angel Inn there many years.— The 3d inst. at Ballincrieff, in Scotland, the Right Hon. Patrick Lord Elibank.— Last - week, at Moffit Wells, where he went for the recovery of - his health, Mr An- drew Whelpdale, an eminent Attorney in Penrith, and Clerk of the Peace for Cumberland. York, Aug. 11. was tried before Mr Justice Willis, at own castle, cause wherein Mr William Coats, of Sowerby, was plaintiff, aad Mr William Carver, of Thirsk, defendant, for the recovery of Sol. being half of a 20I. prize in the State Lottery 1776 or the money paid by the plaintiff to the defendant, who was Agent to Mr C. Etherington, for the price of the said half tick- et; when, after a trial of two hours, a verdict was gi Ven for the defendant. The judge and court were of opinion the defendant Was not liable to refund the pur chase money, ( no demand having been made by the plaintiff of defendant previous to the defendant's settling accounts with, and paying, Mr Etherington) nor to pay the plaintiff the prize, the defendant - being clearly pro- ved to be Mr Etherington's Agent, and that the plain- tiff had notice given him of such Agency before he bought the said share of the defendant. THE following Persons being Prisoners for Debt, in the respective prison, or gaol, hereafter- mention- ed, do hereby give notice. That they intend to take the benefit of an act of Parliament, palled in the eighteenth! yea? of the reign of his prefent Majesty King George the Third, intitled, " An Act for the Relief ot Insol- vent Debtors, and for the Relief of Bankrupts in cer- tain Cases; at the next General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held in and for the county, riding, Ui- vision, city, town, liberty, or place, or any adjournment thereof, which shall happen nejtt after TweNTY- ONE days from the FIRST publication of tha under- men- tioned names. - And they do likewise give notice, that true and perfect schedules, Containing a discovery of all their real and personal estates ( hereafter to be sworn to) are now ready to be delivered to any creditor applying for the same to the respective gaoler or keeper, or their1 deputies, in such manner as By the said act is directed. Prisoners in the Gaol of NEWGATE, in and for tie Town and County of NewCastle upon Tyne. THIRD NOTICE. Jacob Blades, formerly of Darlington in; the County of Durham, late of the town of Newcastle upon Tyne. - Dealer in Flour and Brandy. Mark Hall, late of the City of Durham, Carrier. INFIRMARY For the, Sick and Lame Poor of the counties- oi Durham, NewCastle upon tyne, and Northum- berland. THE ANNIVERSARY. SERMON, for the Bene- fit of this. Charity will be " preached before, the President, Vice Presidents, and Governors, at St Nicholas Church, this day being, the 1 ith. day of Au gust instant, by the Rev. Nathaniel Ellison, M. Vicar of Bolam, in the county of Northumberland. STEWARDS. Mr Wm Monkhouse Sir John Trevelyan, Bart. Sir Tho. Blackett, Bart. John Strother Kerr, Esq; John Thornhill, Esq Mr Henry Scott The Governors, Contributors, and all well- wishers; to this charitable undertaking, are desired to meet at the Exchange, exactly at ten o'clock, in order tn proceed from thence to church, ana after divine service to Mr Brodie's Long- Room, where a din- ner will be provided. Tickets for the dinner., at is. a piece, may be had of the Stewards. N. B. ' There will be a collection at church only. JACOB LAMBERT, Secretary. ASSEMBLIES In the ASSIZE WEEK. Will be on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Minuets to begin half past eighty o'clock each night. IN the Assize week, at the Great Assembly Room, on Tuesday Evening the r8th instant, there will be a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music A- CT 1. Overture in the Institution of the Garter Dibden Song— Amphitrion, a Cantata — Hook Concerto Harpsicord Hawdon Symphony Abel Sung and Chorus in Alexander's Feast, Happy Pair Handel AcT . Overture in the Duenna Dibden Song, WHy Should Delia pine and languish Concerto Violino — — Avison Song and Chorus in the Messiah— Comfort ye my People '— Handel Chorus— Hallelujah — — Handel Tickets to be had at 35. < 5d. each, at Mr Barber's, Amen Corner'; Mr Walker, at the Rooms and of Mr Hawdon, Saville Row. to begin at seven o'clock. The Gentlemen of the Choir from Durham are enga- ged with a Chorus of Boys.— Newcastle, August 8, 1778. To be publicly SOLD to the highest Bidder, At the CUSTOMHOUSE, NEWCASTLE, On Tuesday tHe 18th of August, 1778, ABout 80o gallons of foreign Geneva, 40 gallons of foreign Rum, & gallons of foreign Brandy, 3 gallons of Geneva Bitters, 81 lb. Congo Tea, i4ib. Bohea Tea, r- Jlb. Hyson, 41b. Raw Coffee, a parcel of: old fron : Also the Materials of two Sloops, one of the burthen of 70 tons, and. the other 7 tons; and a six oar'd boat, with rudder arid tiller.—— To be put up in different lots; samples of'the liquor will be produced, and the other goods shewn, at the time of fale, which beyins at ten o'clock in the forenoon. At the THEATRE in the BIGG- MARKET, Monday Evening, being Auguat 17, will be perform By the ITALIAN COMEDIANS, The Birth of Harlequin From an EGG, In Three Axts, to be repreaented by a most curious Set of magic Figures feet high. Between each Act will be performed two grand ITA- LIAN DANCES, the like never performed at this place before, in all six different Dances, with a grand Repre- sentation of of Day break and the Rising of the Sun. The Company beg Leave to acquaint the Public they have performed at London, Dublin, arid Edinburgh, and are on their way back again to London; hope therefore'to meet with the Encouragement of the No- bility and Gentry of- Newcastle, as their flay will be very fliort. BOX is. PIT. ts. 6d. Firft GAL. is. The Doors to be opened at Six, and to begin at Seven.. fo be SOLd ALL that Messuage or Tenement, Shop, Warehouses, and Premises, with the Appurte- . nances, situate in the Close, in Newcastle upon Tyne, nOw in the tenure or occupation of Mr Jonathan Skel- ton and others.— For particulars, apply to Mr Roger- son, Attorney, in Newcastle. • RAW sUGAR. To be SOLD to the highest Bidder. At the Folly, near Sandgate Gate, Newcastle, on friday 21st August, 1773, TWENTY Hogsheads of Raw Sugar, fit for Sugar Boilers and Shopkeepers.. Ta be put up in Lots of Two Hogsheads each, and the sale to begin at two o'clock.— Samples are lyings with William Scott, at Hamilton and Rogerson's office. OB the Key.
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