The Newcastle Courant
Printer / Publisher: T. Saint and Co.
Volume Number: Issue Number: 5311
No Pages: 4
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The Newcastle Courant
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The Newcastle Courant
Date of Article: 11/07/1778
Printer / Publisher: T. Saint and Co.
Address: Pilgrim-street, Newcastle upon Tyne
Volume Number: Issue Number: 5311
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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THE NEWCASTL G O f X T Printed and, Sold by T. SAINT and Co. in Pilgrim- ftreet, Newcastle upon l> ne. No 5311. S A T U R D A Y, J u l Y 11, 1778. 1 GENERAL , HUE AND CRY, ( Price Three- pence.]. cy NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, July, 1778. A BOY MISSING. . , v oN Saturday the 27th of June last, ( in the Race week) TIlOMAS LEE, aged about II years, c? a fair complexion, with light coloured hair, blue eyes, . cloathed in a large coarse white cow, light coloured waistcoat and breeches, and grey stockings, disappeared, and has not since been heard of, to the great affliction of his parents. It is supposed that he has
been decoyed and taken away, by some ill- disposed: person. Any ac- count that can be given of him, will relieve the anxiety of his parents, and be most gratefully acknowledged by his father William Lee, 011 the Bank- side, near the Castle- garth, in Newcastle upon Tyne, Taylor. WHEREAS JAMeS COLQUHOUN, Apprentice to William Brown, Shoemaker, in South Shields, hath absconded from his master's service: Whoever can apprehend him, so as that he may return to his said master, shall be sufficiently rewarded; and whoever, after this public notice, shall be found to employ him will be prosecuted with the utmost rigour
of the law The said apprentice, when he went off, was dressed in a grey coat, brown waistcoat, leather breeches round hat, and black stock ; is about five feet high, well made, light brown hair, and sixteen yea s of age.— Any Shoemaker who will secure the said JAMES COLQUHOUN, shall receive Half a Guinea reward. Durham, July 3d, 1778. STRAYED or CONVEYED, From off Gilligate Moor, late on wedneday night, the 1st instant, or early on Thursday morning, ABay MARE, aged ; has a dim star on her forehead, dish- faced, a bruise on the far side of her warrish, several white spots on her back, occasion- ed by the
saddle, her fore- legs very rough with white hairs, a ratch on her nigh fore leg,' a little above the hoof; a long black mane, and a thick cut tail. , . Whoever will bring, or give an account of the said Mare, to John Macknight, in Durham aforesaid, shall have Half a Guinea reward. TURNPIKE ROAD- . from DURHAM to TYNE BRIDGE. Alterations having been lately made in the laying out of Lawson's and Hoods Close Farms, part of Whittonstall, Langley Castle Farms, part of the Barony of Langley and the North farm at Meldon Park, and the South Farm at Needless Hall; being part of the Estates contained in the following
Advertisement: the seVeral persons inclined to make proposals, are desired to apply to the Bailiffs ot those Estates, who will shew . the Grounds as now to be let. Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich, February 3, 1778. TH E Commissioners and Governors of this Hospital do hereby give Notice, T hat on Wednesday the 5th day of August next, or as soon after as may be, will be let on Leases, to commence upon the 12th day of may, 1779, All those several Farms of Land, Tythes, Collieries, Corn- Mills, Lime- Kilns, and other Estates within the several Baronies, Manors, Lordships, Townships, Hamlets or Villages hereafter
mentioned, vise. Dilston, Thornbrough, Cor- bridge, Newton Hall, Whittle, Newlands, Whitton- stall, Wooley, Hexhamshire, Heckford, Langhope, Coastley, Highwood, Westwood, Barony of Langley, Barony of Wark, Buteland, Whitlees, Lee houses, Kirk- whelpington, Hartburn, Hartburn- grainge, Needless Hall, Meldon, Midford, Larbottle: Spindleston and Glororum, Outchester and Chester Hill, in the county of Northumberland, Scremerston and Tweedmouth in the county palatine of Durham, and Alston Moor, and Castlerigg and Darwentwater, iif the county of Cumberland or elsewhere being parts of the Darwent- water estate
held by leases, or other agreements, which expire the 12th of May, 1779; and that all • perfinis wishing to take any of the said Farms of Land, Tythes Collieries, Corn Mills, Lime- kilns or other Estates, may give in their proposalls in writing to John Ibbetson. Esq; at the Admiralty- Office, London, at any time before- the day above mentioned, and5 on that day, between the hours of eleven o'clock in the forenoon and one in the afternoon, at Salters- Hall, London; and in the mean time be informed of farther particulars by applying to Mess Waston and Turner, Receivers for the faid Hofpital, or to the Bailiifs of the respective districts.
1 N. B. Dilston, Thornbrough, and Corbridge Farms will be let on lease for six years; Newlands and Whit- tonstall, Wooley, Hexhamshire, Heckford, Longhope, Coastley, Highwood and Westwood Farms, for nine years; Harsondale, Sillywray, Plankey Pasture, Vauce and Loaning Foot, the 1- ough, Middle Dean Raw, East Dean Raw, the Lees, Tedcastle, land Ends West Farm, and Fourstones Farms, ( part of the Barony of Langley) for six years; Low Close, and Strother Close, and Water Wells Close part of Lipwoodwell Farm, ( also jiart of Langley Barony ) for three years; the other Farms in the Barony of Langley, for twelve
years'; Ellrington and Wood- hall Farms, ( in the Barony of Wark) for six years; Butelend for six years;- Whitlees and Lee Houses, hartburn- Grangs, Needless Hall, and Meldon, for nine years; and the remaining Farms, & c. will be let on lease for twenty one years or under. . All Grounds inclosed or marked off for- the growing Of wood or underwood, ( for which purpose seVeral par- cels have been lately assigned) 4nd also all such as have been fenced off on account of or for the use of Lang- ley Lead Mill, will be excepted and reserved, and no allowance will be made for damage by the said Mill. The several tenants are to
reside on their respective Farms, unless permitted to do Otherwise by the said Commissioners aad Governors: and no more than one Farm, will be let to the same tenant. - JOhN IBBETSON. Printed forms will be delivered by the Bailiffs,- or at Mr Saint's Printing Office, Newcastle, to all Persons- de- sirous to make proposals, who shall apply For the same. - ^ S () i, ALL that Copyhold Estate, situate at Ben- fieldside, in the parish of Lanchester, and county of Durham, pleasantly situated by the river Derwent, and now in the possession of John Selby, who will shew the same ; it- contains 130 acres, and is intitled to a large share
of Lanchester Common, which is aow dividing. And also all that other Copyhold Estate, situate at Sodfine, in the parish of Lanchester, and county of Durham, now in ihe possession of John Sewell, who will shew. the same ; it contains 14j acres, on So of which is a very fine spring of Oak and other Timber Trees, and it likewise is intitled to a share OJJ the said Common ; both' Estates lie within' two miles of good Coal.— For further particulars, enquire at Mr Rutter's Office, in Westgate street, Newcastle upon Tyne. for the TEETH and JACOB HEMEt, Dentist to her Majesty and the Princess Amelia, begs leave to recommend to
the public his Essence of Pearl, and Pearl Dentifrice, which he has fouud . to be greatly superior not only i- elegance, but also in efficacy to any thing hitherto made use of for complaints of the Teeth and Gums : particu- larly, they will preserve the Teeth in a perfect sound state, even to old age ; render them white and beauti ful, without in the least impairing the enamel; fasten such as are loose. keep such as are already decayed from becoming, worse, prevent the Tooth Ach, perfectly cure the scurvy in the Gums, and make them grow firm and close to the Teeth; they likewise render the breath delicately sweet, and remedy
almost all those disorders that are the consequence of fcorbutic Gums Sold ( by appointment of Mr Hemet) by T. Saint, Printer, Newcastle. Ptice is 6d. each. To it LET on Leases, For the term of fourteen year 1, to commence at Candlemas, 1786, ALL that Messuage, Burgage, or Tene- ment, situate in the Castle garth, within tire walls of Newcastle upon Tyne, late in the possession of David Croll, and now in the possession of Ann Croll, widow, her under tenants or assignees.— And also, Ail that Messuage, Burgage, or Tenement, situate in ilic said Castle- garth, late in the possession of John White, and now in the possession
of Nathaniel Bayles, his under . tenants or assignees. enquire of Mr Thomas Dixon, at Ravensworth Castle, who will shew the premises. A TURNPIKE MEETING. ' NOTICE is hereby GIVEN, THAT the next Meeting of the Trustees vof the Turnpike Road from Summerrods Bar, near the town of Hexham, in the county of Northum- berland, to the toWn of Alston, in the county of Cum- berland; is ordered to be held at the Golden Lion iu Hexham, oh Friday the 17th day of July instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, when the making and re- pairing of certain portions of the said Road, between the said Summerrods Bar, and the
Cupola Mills, betwen the said town of Alfton and Clargill Cleugh, and be- tween the said Cleugh and Plaintree House, will be contraction for; and upon other special matters relating the said Road, so that it is earnestly requested as many Trustees as conveniently can will attend. < A Surveyor is also wanted who can give constant at tendance upon the said ROad ;, and then applying with a proper recommendation will be attended to r By Order, WILLIAM HUNTER, clerk._ The old and well established . newcastle and York Diligences Continue to set out from Mrs Wilson's, at the Cock, Head of the Side, Newcastle, every morning
at four o'clock, and from Mr Jackman's, at the George, in Coney- street, York, at five o'clock in the morning, Sundays excepted; and arrive at the above respective places the same evenings. ' The Proprietors beg leave to assure their Friends and the Public, that they will exert their utmost endeavours to merit a continuance of that favour which they have hitherto met with, and which will always be gratefully acknowledged, by Their very humlle fervants, j. Carter, Northallerton James Jackman, York Wm Todd, Newcastle John Shaw, Durham R Thompson, Darlington , N 5. Places are reserved at the Cock, Newcastle, for the
Edinburgh Diligence, which sets out every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning at 1 o'clock. ' to be SOLD to the highest Bidder, Some day this month, at the White Swan, in Alnwick, in two lots, : LOT A Front House, with Back buildings, .. Stables, Garden, and other premises, situ- ate in Alnwick, and extending from the street called Fenkle- street to the Bowburn, occupicd by Mr Thomas Rankin, Joiner, apd others. > LOT x. A Dwelling- house, with back- houses, Stable, Brewhouse; and Granary, situate at Alemouth, lately occupied by Mr Page, deceased, and now by Mr Joshua Donkin, or his assigns. To be
SOLD h private Contract A range of Houses in Westgate- street, Newcastle; Mrs Tullie, mrs Nicholson, and others, tenants. Ren- tal j 71, per annum. . Also, A parcel of Houses in St Ann's- street, ( Sand gate) consisting of two Shop's; two Rooms, and two Garrets, in front, all lately rebuilt; with several Tene- ments behind, in good repair. John Dick, Smith; Mar- garet Dixon, Robert Coulson, and others, terants. Rental 14!. '• Enquire Of Mr John Fenwick, in Pilgrim- ftrcet, I. pUllin's Female Pills, forty in a Box, price JL is", have been found the best remedy for diseases incident to the Female Sex. They remove all obstruc- tions,
cleanse and purify the vessels, and give health and strength to decayed constitutions; . they are a so- vereign cure for the Green- sickness, and are extremely efficacious, in palpitations of the heart, loathing of food, bad digestion, pain , ip the stomach, short breath, dejected countenances, depression of the spirits, & c.- & c. , Th « y are very useful to married women, ( unless when with child) and should always be taken, one month after delivery; they amazingly strengthen the nerves, throw off melancholy, and difpose the body to universal chearfulness. Tlvcy are truly prepared by the late Author's appointment by B. Swinsen,
Surgeon, n Hinkley, and sealed with an impression of his coat of arms 15 prevent counterfeits. Sold by T. Saint, Printer, in Pilgrim- street, Newcastle. Of- whom also may he had,.- \ x Swinsen's Electuary, a certain and safe solvent or the stone gravel. Price js. the large, and is. fid. the small box. . . . 3. Pullin's Antiscorbutic Pills for the scurvy, leprosy, pimpled faces, King's evil, rheumatism, aud every dis- order arising from a foulness in the blood Pr. is. 6d. 4 Pullin's Purging Pills, very necessary to be taken Spring and Fall by people subject to the return of dis orders at those seasons. Price is. the box, containing three doses. An
incosmparable Elixir for the Cure of Dropsies, with printed directions for diet, Sic, & c. the bottle. Price js. TH E next Meeting of the Trustees of this Road is appointed to be held at the house of Mrs Huntley, Innkeeper, in Gateshead, on Thursday the t5th day of July next, at the hour of eleven in the forenoon; when the Trustees will compound ( with such persons as by law: they can, and who may desire the same) for the liberty of passing through all or any of the Bars erected upon the said Road, upon such Terms, ?! nd for such Time as shall be then agreed upon. June 22, 1778. SMITH BuRKE, ; " " June 19th, 1778. THE
Partnership between Ann Lowson and John Ridley, Edge- Tool Makers, in Gates- head, being now dissolved, the said Ann Lowson and Co. beg leave to inform their Friends and the Public, that they continue all the former workmen, and intend carrying on the said business in all its branches at the same place as usual, where all orders will be received and executed with the greatest care and dispatch, and all favours most gratefully acknowledged. ANN LOWSON and Co. N. B. All PersonS standing indebted to the said . Ann Lowson and John Ridley, arc hereby desired not to pay any debts till further notiCe. To be S O Ld,
AMessuage or Dwelling- house and Farm, containing x 13. acres or thereabouts, held , by lease under the Right Worshipful the Dean and Chapter of Durham, situate and being at Simondside, about two miles from South Shields, in the county of Dur- ham, and now in the occupation of Mr Ralph Hewit- son, as tenant thereof, who will shew the premises; a part of which lies within half a mile of the river Tyne, where manure may be landed ; the farm will admit of being divided, and is capable of very great improve- ment. Further particulars may be had by applying to Mr John Thompson, at the Limestone Quay in South Shields.
This Day is Published, 1 ( Price Six pence, to be continued Monthly) Embellished with an esteemed likeness ( engraVed by COLLIER) of the Rev. Mr Daniel rowland, Chap- one of his Majesty's most honourable Privy Council; and also with another beautiful Copper Plate- in Natural History. No. L1V. For the month of June 1778. Of HE Gospel Magazine ; or Treasury of Divine Knowledge : Designed to promote Expe- rimental Religion. » London ; Printed for T. Vallance, at No. 12o, Cheap* side; and Alex. Hogg, at No. 16, Pater- noster Row ; and sold by all Booksellers and Newscarriers in Great Britain and Ireland. Of whom may.
be had either of the Four First Volumes, Price half bound 75. 6d. or neatly bound in Calf 8s. Also may be had any odd Numbers to complete Sets. ,, . ,''. The Editors return their warmed acknowledgements to the Public for their favourable reception of the Gof- pel Magazine, during the space of above four years ; alluring them that in future the mod unremitted atten- tion shall not be spared to conduit it 111 such a manner as shiall still continue its superiority over every other publi- cation of the kind. The Editors likewise acknowledge the great obligations they are under to their obliging correspondents, and. request a continuance
of their fa- vours, inviting hereby, also, the assistance of those who may be inclined to begin to encourage the cau'fe of'true religion, which is professedly recommended and promo- ted by the monthly publication of the Gospel Magazine. Ip the course of the preceding Numbers of this Work, besideS; a great variety of other Copper- plates, beauti- fully engraved, and Hymns set to Music, have been given no less than 56 heads, capitally executed, and representing striking likenesses of the most eminent Mi- nisters of the Gospel, as well amongst the. Dissenters as in the established Church ; we can here only mention' a fe- of
them, viz. Rev. W. Romain, A. M. M. Madan, J. Conder, D. D. S. Brewer, B D. R. Hill, A. M. A. Giffard, D. D. J. Berredge, A M G. Whitefield, A. M. H. Peckwell, A. M. J. Towers, J. Gill, D; D. W. Bur- kit, A. M. C. Glascott, A. M. J. Trotter, D. D. J. Joss, R. De COurcy, A. M. • By his majesty's Letters Patent. < LEAKe's PILULA SALUTARIA", or Sovereign Remedy in all Venereal' and Scorbutic Disorders.. For the Efficacy of this Medicine, The Public are referred to the Case of Garret Ivory, so often advertised in this paper, who had laboured under a Venereal Complaint for seven years, underwent a variety of means, and was at last
salivated without any effect ; after the latter operation he was seized with a- most violent pain in the limbs, a dreadful oppression Of the stomach, general languor, total loss of, appetite, with such agonies at night as entirely deprived him of rest, and emaciated him to such a dcgiee that he could not even walk without support. He was' then an In and Out- patient in. several hospitals, without deriving any effential benefit, and on his dismission from one of them, was assured that every probable means had been tried, which reduced the unhappy sufferer to a state of despair. ' in this truly deplorable situation he; applied to the
Proprietor of LEAKE'S Patent Pill, and to his great surprise, as well as comfort, found himself after taking one box able to walk without support, and in the course of three boxes the pains gradually subsided, the oppression of the stomach was removed, his appetite restored, and his health re- established; insomuch that I he now follows his business with his. usual alacrity, and is in every respect perfectly recovered. N. B. Many others might be referred to for attesta- tion, but it is presumed the cure is too well known to need enumeration of witnesses.— The patient was put under no restraint or confinement during the wholecourse
Sold in boxes, of is. 6 d. each, and may he had with proper dirctions sealed up of the printer of this paper To be LET or SOLD, LL that commodious and well accustomed Inn, pleasantly situate in Tweedmouth, with a full view'of the river Tweed, known by the sign of the Crown and Thistle, so long occupied by Mrs Hum- phreys. The house is spacious and convenient. It contains ten bed- chambers, besides bed rooms for ser- vants, two dining rooms, three fitting rooms, and all proper offices in proportion. stabling for 35 horses. Also a garden, a stable yard, granary, and every suita- ble convenience for an inn or gentleman's
house. N. B. A great part of the Houshold furniture, Linen, Plate, & c. to be sold. To be compleated in only Ten Numbers. New Editions of two very scarce and valuable Books, to be embellished with 144 Copper, plates. , This day is published, Price One Shilling, ( Containing 48 pages of letter- press and 16 engravings, illustrative of the various emblems) ' • , v NUMBER I. To be continued weekly of qUARLES' Emblems ; and the School of the Hearti I. Emblems, Divine and. Moral: Together with the Hieroglyhics of the life of man. It. The School of the Heart. In forty- seven Emblems. Whereunto is added, The Learning of the
Heart. All written by the same Author, and now carefully re- vised and corrested, with notes explanatory of obsolete words By an Eminent DIVINE. London: Printed for Alexander Hogg, l$ o. tS, Pater- Noster- Row; and sold by all Booksellers, Station- ers, and News- carriers in Great Britian and Ireland; of whom may be had proposals at large; And also new Editions of the beginning numbers of the Rev. Mr Middleton's New Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Mr Francis Quarks' Emblems first printed about the year 1630, have, been long esteemed, and much ad- mired by the sober, vit{ uous, and pious in every deno- mination.
There is not a single circumstance in the human life to which some part of them does not allude; the explanations of the figures are in easy agreeable verse; to each of them is added a striking quotation • from one of the fathers of the Church, and the whole is briefly summed up in. a general inference. The School of the Heart is an excellent performance; as it unfolds all the springs of action in the human niind, and . points out what are. the principles upon which the generality of. mankind act. These excellent pieces have been long out of print, which occasioned their being sold at an exorbitant price tp the great loss of many
worthy persons who would have been glad to purchase them. With respect to the present Editions, they exceed all that ever went before; the Cuts are engraved at a vast expence, all the Latin Mottos are translated, so that it will be found one of the most agreeable works that can be offered to the public ; especially to the rising generation. Here they will meet with no distracting controversy-, no doubts concerning religion, but entertainment and improvement will go hand in hand together. % * The . above works are recommended by some re- spectable characters in the Church, and amongst the Dissenters.. This work will
absolutely be comprized in ten numbers, making two volumes in nmo. and the pub- lisher will give a promissory note to deliver the overplus gratis. The first number may be perused gratis, and a list of the subscribers will be presented at the end of the work. Bv Authority of the KING'S PATENT, granted ' to THOMAS JACKSON, at his Royal Patent Wholesale Medicinal Warehouse, No. 95, Fleet • Market, London: ' " Where Country Dealers maybe supplied with the follow- ing Genuine Medicines, and good allowance to sell again. I. jAckson's Tiniture, for the Rheumatism, J Gravel, Stone, Colic, or Griping of the Bowels, or any
such like windy disorders; it not only gives present ease, but if continued taking, one bottle Or two will entirely remove and destroy the cause ; and is infallible in disorders of the fair- sex, either young or old ( it is far superior to any medicine extant.) Likewise burns, scalds, bruises, strain's, old ulcers, or swellings of any kind, especially white swellings, it cures to admiration. Price js. the bottle. ' ? x. Dr Bateman's Pectoral Drops, which have for- more than forty years, with uncommon success, been given in all fluxes, spitting of blood, consumptionns agues,' small- pox, measles, colds, coughs, and pains in the joints and limbs; they
put ofF the most violent fever even in the worst cafes, and with more ease and safety than any medicine ever yet discovered. Pr. is. thebottle. The only true British Powder for the teeth and gums. its virtues are as follow, viz. It cleanses the teeth aUd gums of all scorbutic ' humours, which always attend them when foul. It brings the gums to fill up the proper places and channels Which the scurvy hath eaten aWay. It causes a sweet and pleasant breath im- mediately after application. It refines the palate, and preserves a pleasant taste in the mouth. It preserves all the teeth that are found entire, and those that are de » cayed from
growing any worse. it will always prevent their aching after . this application. It makes them aft beautiful and white as the whitest ivory. It always keeps the mOuth free from cankers, and all other hot and: dangerous humours. Pricc fs. the box. . Mr, Jackson begs leave to inform the public, that Turlington's Original balsam of Life is prepared and sold by him, at his; Medicinal Warehouse, No. 9S, in Fleet- market, London;. Orders are attended to at T. Saint's Printing- office in Pilgrim street. Newcastle, Price 3s 6d. the bottle, or a smaller size at is. 9. Mr Robert Turlington being deceased, whose patent expired several years before
him; Mr Jackson, who is become lawfully possessed of the original- recipe, informs the public, ( that they may not be at a loss for so va- luable a medicine) that all captains masters of ships, and country dealers, may be supplied, with good al- lowance to sell again. r - Also may be had" at the above Warehoufse, by Virtue of line King's Royal Patent. ,• DR Hooper's Female Pills> is. Betton's True and Genuine . British Oil, is. Dr Bateman's Golden & Plain Spirits of Scurvy Grass, is. Dr Stoughton's Great Sto- machic Elixir, is. Dr Anderson's, or the true . Scotts Pills, is. a box. | ' | Dr Godfrey's Cordial, 6rl Improved Daffy's Elixir, is.
3d. a bottle Dr RatclifFs Purging Elixir, Is. i Squire's Gr. Elixir, is. jd. Also, The Famous Corn Salve, that cures hard or soft corns in two or three weeks, and always gives imme- diate ease when applied, Price is Ci. the box
A. Adams W. Guthbert — James Liddell William Gibson Matthew Waters Wm Cramlington Ord, Pearth and Reay Sir M. W. Ridley, Bart, by letter Sir J. Trevelyan, Bart, by letter John SilvertOp The Corporation of Newcastle upon Tyne ) John Hedley John Simpson Aubone Surtees John E. Blackett Edward Mosley J. Baker Francis Forder Charles Atkinson Hugh Hornby Francis Johnson J T. Loraine To be LET or SOLD immediately, ALL that well accustomed and commodious Inn in Sedgfield, in the county of Durham, known by the name of the Golden Lion, with a very large and extensive Malting and Brewery, and all Utensils
and conveniences for the same, together with an acre of rich ground adjoining thereto; all which premises are free- hold and copyhold, and are now in the occupation of Mr John Pratt.— Apply to the faid Mr Pratt. N. B. The above premifes will be let together or separate. " fo be SOLD to the highest Bidder, On Tuesday the 14th day of July inst. at the house of Joseph Liddell, known by the sign of the Sun, situate in Spicer- Lane, near the Quay- side, in Newcastle upon Tyne, be- tween the hours of three and five in the afternoon, ALL that Messuage, Burgage, or Tenement, with the appurtenances, situate in Byker- chair, near the
Quay- side, in Newcastle aforesaid, now in the several tenures or occupations of Thomas Scafe and others.— The tenants will fliew the premises ; and for further particulars, apply to Mr Harrison, Attorney at law, Elgrim- street, Newcastle. WHEREAS by an Aft of Parliament made in the 1 3th year of the reign of his present Ma- jesty, it is enacted, that no Perfon or Persons shall, upon any pretence whatsoever, wilfully take, kill, dearoy, carry, sell, buy, or have in his possession or use, any Heath Fowl, commonly called Black Game, between the 10th day of December, and the 10th day of August; nor any Grouse, commonly
called Red Game, between the 10th day of December and the nth day of August, in any year, on pain of forfeiting, for the first offence, any sum not exceeding 10I. nor less than 10I. and for the second and every subsequent offence, any sum not exceeding 30I nor less than jol. one half to be paid to the informer, and the other to the poor of the parish, to be levied by distress, and - for want' of sufficient dis- tress the offender to be committed to the house of cor- rection, there to be kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding six nor less than three months.— And whereas, in contempt and defiance of the said AS. of Parliament,
several persons do presume to go upon the Moors in the county of Northumberland, and there de- stroy the Game, within the times by the said Act ( peci- fied j a Reward therefore of lol. ( over and above the moiety of the penalty) is hereby offered to any perfon who shall give information of any offender in the cases aforefaid, fo as such offender shall be thereof convicted, to be paid upon such conviction by Mr Ralph Heron, Attorney at Law in Newcastle upon Tyne. And we whose Names are hereunto subscribed, to discourage the offences aforesaid, do hereby agree that . we will use our utmost endeavours tO carry the said
Act into execution, and to punish any person or persons who shall prefume to offend against the same. Percy Algernon Percy Edw. Swinburn John Trevelyan Wm Middleton Wm Loraine Tho. Blackett L. Allgood Tho. Carr Wm Fenwick Cha. Brandling A. R. Bowes John Tempest Tho. Riddell Abraham Dixon John Tweddell John Hedley B. W. Wastell J. Allgood Henry Ellison Wm Lowes Wm Charlton Davidson Rich. Grieve W. Trevelyan Thomas Shafto John E. Blackett Edw. Mosley John Blackett George SilvertOp Tho. Witham John Clutterbuck John Cresswell Robert Lisle Tho. AdamS Fighting Cocks Inn, Durham. To be LET
and entered upon immediately, Or at Midiummer next, tHAT well known and good accustomed i Inn, most conveniently situated at Framwelgate Bridge End, and particularly for Gentlemen, and others travelling between London and Edinburgh, ivith four good Stables, * a Garth, and a Garden behind the same, and suitable out- offices thereto belonging. The Household Furniture in the said Inn, consisting of Beds, Bedding, and other things may be had by the perfon taking the Inn, at an appraisement to be made by two indifferent perfons, the one to be chosen by the Owner, and the other by the Tenant.— For further par- ticulars,
apply to Mr Barnes at the faid Inn. To be SOLD together, or in Parcels, AFARM, consisting of a Dwelling- house, Barn, and other conveniences in good repair, together with several Closes of arable, meadow, and padute land, part whereof is copyhold, held under the Bifhop of Durham, and Other part thereof cudomary freehold, held under the manor of the Rector of Haugh- ton, and situate in the parish of Haughton aforesaid, in the county of Durham; except one close situate in the township of Cockerton in the said county. The said Farm is within two miles of the town of Darlington, and in the common road leading to the several
Collieries at Wed Auckland, from the county of York, and is now let to Walter Johnson at the clear yearly rent of 30I. who will shew the premises.— For further particulars, enquire of the Rev. Mr Longstaff, of Sedgfield, or of Mr Michael Hardcastle, of Haughton aforesaid. If the above Farm and Premises are not sold before the month of August next, by private contract, the same will be advertised to be sold by public auction. To be SOLD to the best Bidder, On Friday the 14th of July, between the hours of three and six in the afternoon, at the sign of the Red Lion in Stanhope, TWO Estates of Customary Freehold Tenure, JL the
one called Brotherlee, containing about 30 acres of good arable, meadow, and palture ground, with 16\ cattle gates or dints in a large and extenfive padure called the Easterlee Pasture, and 315 beasts gates or stints, and sheeps gates or dints in and upon a large common callsd Swinhope Common, with a good Dwelling- house, Byer, and other conveniences thereon. The other called Wedernhopeburn, containing about s8 acres of good arable, meadow, and pasture ground, with 1 i\ cattle gates or dints in a large pasture, con- taining above 1000 acres, called the Billing Pasture, and also a right for zoo sheep to graze in and
upon a large and extensive Common called Wedernhope Com- mon, with a good Dwelling house, Barn, Byer, Stable, and other conveniences thereon. These two estates are now let to Messrs John and Robert Gray, at the yearly rent of 90I. Both estates are well watered and fenced, and there is a quantity of Ash and Elm Wood upon Wedernhopeburn estate — For further particulars, en- quire of Mr Benezer Powell, of Shield Ash near Stan- hope, who will shew and treat with any p'erlon for the sale of the above edates. N B. The present tenants lease expires at May- day, 1780. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, THE
Mansion- House, Offices and Estate, called West Ord, pleasantly situated on the Southern Banks of the Tweed, and near the town of Berwick; containing upwards of 300 acres of rich, arable, meadow and pasture ground; now tenanted by the executors of William Archbold, deceased, by Lease, which will expire the nth May, 1785, at the yearly rent of 1 jol. This Estate is free from hay tithe. Also the Estate, called Middle Ord, adjoining West Ord, contain; ng near 400 acres of rich, arable, meadow ahd padure ground, abounding with good marle ; has an excellent Farm- house and Offices, and several Cotta- ges; now let to John
Anderson by Lease, which will expire the nth May, 1783, at the yearly rent of i- Sol. Part of this Estate is also free from hay tithe. These Estates are Freehold, capable of great im- provement, and the buildings are in good repair. The Tenants will shew the premises. N. B. These Estates are intended to be sold separate. Likeviife to he SOLD by private Contract, The Valuable Fisheries in the River Tweed, called High Bells and Low Bells, with the Island, containing about three acres and an half, and a plot of ground lying oh the North sideof the river, containing about an acre. Also the valuable Fishery in the said river, called
Needle Eye and Whitesands. These several Fisheries are now let to Selby Archbold and Partners, for three years, from the 10th 0ctober, 1776, at 400I. a year. They are intended to be sold in two lots. The Tenant of West Ord will shew the Fisheries — Further particu- lars may be had, by applying to Mr Thomas Wall, at his Chambers, Paper Buildings, Temple, London; John Erasmus Blackett, Esq; or Ralph Heron, in Newcastle upon Tyne. WANTED immediately, or against Lammas next, APostillion: None need apply without a character.— Enquire of T. Saint, Printer, New- castle. York and Newcastle Diligence, In One DAY.
WILL begin to set off on Monday the 15th day of June, 1778, from Mr Warren's, the White Ewan, in York, at five o'clock in the morning, and from Mr Mordue's, at the Foot of the Side, Newcadle, 011 the same day and hour, and will continue to set out from the said Inns, and at the same time every day ( Sundays excepted); to carry three passengers, each to pay One Guinea from York to Newcadle, or from New- castle to York; those taken up on the road to pay 3d. a mile, to be allowed 14lb. ot luggage, and all above to pay three half- pence a pound for the whole diftance, or in proportion for the miles they go. The Proprie- tors
will not, upon any consideration whatfoever, carry in tliij Diligence any parcel above the value of jl. nor will they be anfwerable for any parccl above that value. Small parcels from York to Newcastle, or from New- castle to York, to pay one shilling each.. The elegant and commodious construction of these Machines, the Proprietors hope will engage the attention of the pub- lic, as they are determined to spare no expence to ren- der every accommodation as agreeable as possible ; and as no place or time is fixt tor the Diligence to stop for breakfaft and dinner, the passengers may bait at any of the stages mod agreeable to
themselves; whose favors will be gratefully acknowledged by Their obedient humble servants, Matt. Warren, York Wm Knowles, Eafingwold William Cass, Thirsk Godf. Hirst, Northallerton Wm Burnett, Darlington W. Arrowsmith, RUshyford James Crerar, Durham Martin Mordue, Newcastle N.. B. A Diligence for London fets out from ihe said White Swan; in York, every day in the week; and also the Leeds and Hull Machines six days in the week. To be SOLD together or in separate Parcels, At the house of Jacob Hutchinson, ut the Chapel, in Wear- dale, on Friday the r 1th day of July, 1778, at two o'clock in the afternoon, ALL
those two Messuages or Tenements called Frogghall arid Chesters, situate near the Chapel in Weardale, in the parish of Stanhope, in the county of Durham, with all the Lands, Grounds, Pasture- gates, and Appurtenances thereto belonging, now in the several occupations of widow Whitfield, George Syddal, and the said Jacob Hutchinson, at se- Veral yearly rents, amounting together to 3jl. us. Also to be SOLD separately, at the house of John Aislaby, at Bowes, in the county of York, on Tuesday the ft day of July, 1778, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Certain Fee Farm Rents, amounting to Jol. 1 7s. and upwards yearly, issuing
and payable out of several Freehold Lands and Tenements in the parish ot Bowes aforesaid. Also, A Freehold Tenement or Farm, called Low- field, in the parish of Bowes aforesaid, now in the occu- pation of William Bailey, at the clear yearly rent of til. Also, To be SOLD in separate Lots, at Mr John Wharton's, the Black Bull, in Barnardcastle, on Wednesday the 22d day of July, 1778, at two o'clock in the afternoon, A Freehold Tenement or Farm called Northfteld, in the parish of Startforth, in the said county of York, now in the occupation of William Milner, at the clear yearly rent of x 81. 10s. ' Also, A Freehold Allotment on
Thornberry, con- taining six acres and upwards. Two Freehold Closes, situate at Bolron, in the said county of York, now in the occupation of Joseph Clarkson, at the clear yearly rent of iol. Also, A Freehold Clofe, called Emanuel, otherwise Menvil Moor Close, situate In the parish of Startforth aforesaid, now in the possession of William Wyley, at the yearly rent of4l. 10s. And one other freehold, with the Frontsteads and Garth thereto adjoining, situate at Low Startforth, now In the occupation of Matthew Warde. Also, To be SOLD in feveral Lots, at the house of Mrs Bass, the Rose and Crown, in Barnardcastle, on Thursday the »
3 « I day of July, 1778, at two o'clock in the afternoon, A good and convenient Freehold Dwelling- house, situate in the Horfe- market, in Barnardcastle aforesaid, with the Stables, Out- buildings, Yard, and appurtenan- ces, now in the occupation of Mr Ferrand. Also, feveral other Freehold Dwelling- houses thereto adjoining, now in the several occupations of Thomas Harwood, Marley Troward, Ann Wetheral, William Robson, Hannah Vint, and others Also, A Freehold Dwelling- house, called Tram - House, situate in Briggate, iii Barnardcastle aforesaid. Also, A Freehold Dwelling- house and Garth, situate in Newgate- street, in
Barnardcastle aforesaid, now in the occupation of George Heathwood. And another Freehold Dwelling- house and' Garth thereto adjoining, situate in, Newgate- street aforefaid, lately occupied by Mr Brougham. Alfo, To be SOLd, at Mr Matthew Ford's, the Queen's Head, in Staindrop, en Monday the nth day oj July, 1778, at two o'clock in the afternoon, All those Freehold Messuages or Tenements, with' the Gardens, Croft, and appurtenances, situate on the South Row or Side of Staindrop aforesaid, now in the occupation of George Arrowsmith, and Stephen Ander- son, at the yearly rent of nl. And feveral Freehold Meadow'and
Pasture Closes, situate at Staindrop aforesaid, now in the several pos- sessions of Richard Lee, John Glendening, George Braithwaite, Jonathan Todd, John Wrangham, Leo- nard Hodgson, and Reuben Wilfson, at several yearly rents,' amounting to 44I. and upwards. And, To be SOLD together or in separate Lots, at Mr Bam- brough's, the sign of the Ship, in Stockton, en Thursday the 30th day of July, 1778, at two o'clock in the afternoon, . Four several Copyhold Clofes, situate at Norton, in the said county of Durham, now in the occupation of Thomas Hardy, at the yearly rent of 40I. The several tenants will shew their
respective Farms and premifes; and for further particulars, enquire of John Westgarth, of Unthank, Esq; Mr George Hutton, of Sedgefield, Mr Tootell, of Wycliffe; or Mr Joseph Coares, of Westpitts On the Bill for Recruiting the Army. TO abuse Ministers and their measures is the fa- shion of the times. The most salutary law pro- posed by a servant of government is instantly repre- sented replete with mischief, and an infringement on the constitutional liberty of the subject. Let us, for a moment, lay aside the spirit of opposition: let reason, not passion, direct our enquiry. The present Bill for recruiting the army, is a copy of that
passed in the year 1757. The late Mr Charles Townshend prepared the Bill, on principles the most just and candid to indi- viduals, and of acknowledged public utility. But left I should be confidered an advocate for oppressive mea- sures, I here insert the descriptive clause on which the entire operation of the Bill depends ; and submit to the impartial judgment of the public, whether anyone solid objection can be raised against the measure. " All able bodied, idle, and disorderly perfons, who cannot, upon examination, prove themselves to excrcise, and industriously follow some lawful trade or employment, or to have some
substance sufficient for their support and maintenance, to serve his Majesty as soldiers." I have confidered this clause with some degree of atten- tion, and am free to declare the English language does not admit of words more expressive of the intention, or less subject to be mistaken by the meanest capacity. A great mischief arising from Statute Law is owing to the ignorance or inattention of the framers, in making choice of iuch expressions as admit variety of construc- tiori. In the Bill under consideration, that mischief is guarded against. None can be objects of this law but such as are objects of a well- regulated Police. The.
idle and disorderly are not only useless, but dangerous to society To remove them from the possibility of evil is meritorious, and the duty of the civil magiftrate. This will scarcely be denied me. The present Act goes farther ; it renders them serviceable to the public in a variety of instances. The nation must be defended against the common enemy. In forming a defence it is wisdom not to distress the manufacturer. This can only be affected by taking such men into the service as come within the above description. What is the consequencc ? The community is eased of the burthen of maintaining useless members, and those who
are inclined to industry, and are employed at the loom and plough, pursue their avocations undisturbed. The equity and candour of the Bill do infinite honour to Government. Men coming under the cognisance of this law, are permitted to enlist voluntarily, and receive the bounty. They are no longer to be soldiers than during the continuance of the war. In whatever point of view we consider this act, it must meet the approbation of every dis- passionate man, and, I trust, when ordered into execu- tion, will be found to anfwer every end proposed by the Legislature. Z Z. A correct LIST 0f the FRENCH NAVY. B. Signifies Brest, T.
Toulon, R. Rochfort, and L'O, L'Orient. VAISSEAUX de LIGNE. Premier Rang. B. Le Royal Louis a recoa- struie 11S Guiis. La Couronne 80 LeDuc de Bourgogne 80 T. Le Tonnant 80 Le Languedoc B. L'Orient Le Magnifiq. Le Intrepide Lc Sceptre Le Palmier Le Defenseur Le Diademe Le Zodiaque Le Minotaure Le Robuste Le Citoyen B, Le Protee Le Sphinx L'Eveille Le Vengeur Le Soltaire L'Union 64 Le Brillant 64 L'Actionnaire L'Indien 64 Le Roland 64 L'Alexandre 64 B. La Pourva- veuse 40 La Consolante La Belle Poulle L'Amphitrite 31 La Dedai- gueuse 31 LaTourterelle La Nymphe 31, La Malicieuse La Licotue 3i Le
Zephir 31 L'Aigrette 31 L'Oiseau 31 La Fosle 31 R. L'Imperi- euse L'Envieuse 3i 3 » Le Marseillois le Cesar La Boutgogne Le Souverain le Destin B. Le Dauphin Royal Le Northum- berland ; Le Resou Le St Michel L'O. flamand B. L' Amphion Le Fier 50 T. Le Sagittaire R. Le Bordelois L'Hyppoppo- tame I'O. Le Triton T. La Coquette L'Atalante La Precieuse La Sultane La Chimere L'Engageante La Gracieuse La Pleiade La Fine La Torpaze L'Aurore La Flore La Mignone L'Amelone L'Aimble B. La Thetis L'Etourdie B. Hirondella La Perle R. LeRoffignol L'frte B L'EcuTeuil T. Le Serin B. L'Espiegel Le Chafleur le Coureur Le
Moucheron B. La Therese La Christine R. La Monique La Cunegonde R. La Balanee La Garonne La Normande La Bricole La Coulisse Le David L'Elephant La Fortune La Seine R. La Dorade T. Le Grand St Louis Le St Jean Bap- tiste 10 T. La Tempete La Salamandre L'Etno T. Le Requieu Le Singe Le Renard Le Seduisant T. L. Duchelle La Brave La Hardie La Sardine R. LaSilphyde La Curicuse La Bergere Le Cerf Volant L'Angelique Honcres. Le Milan Le Levriex Le Furet La Fortune 10 Le Vigilant 10 B. La Favorite 10 La Lunette 4 Prames. La Charlotte 20 La Fortunee 20 La Louise 20 La Bathilde 20 Flutes. La Menagerie B.
L'Etoile 20 La Tampone 20 La Porteuse 20 L'Ecluse 20 La Boussole 20 Le Compas 20 L'Esturgeon 10 Senaux, La Ville de Bil- boa La Manon 10 R Le Saumon 8 Le Pluvier 8 Galliotes a Bombes. 19 La Puce La Sophie La Fracoise R. L'Ecole Le Courrier Le Nbutrice La Barbue La Corifante Le 3alomon L'Afrique T. La Diligence 8 8 8 , Chebecs. Le Cameleon 20 Le Ruse 18 Le Serpent 18 La Fleche Galleret. L'Eclair La Ambiteuse Demi- Galleres Canonieres RECAPITULATION. Flutes Senaux Galliotes a Bombes Galares Demie Gallares Canonieries Besides the 22, frigates alive mentioned, there are eight shiPs of the line, of
84 and 64 guns each, built at Brest Rochefort, and Toulon, Saturday's and Sunday's Posts. LONDON, July 1. Letter from Calais lays, " An or- der is put in force here, which may be compared with your prac- tice of pressing seamen.— All those who have ever lived in the capa- city of seamen are registered, and liable to be called upon, even tho'they may have acquired a competence in another way of life. Many respectable characters of this town, who have followed different professions for many late years, are this day ordered to march for Brest; among the number is Mons. Toulier, who has kept the Table Royal, with much
credit and suc- cess, many years. He has acquired a great deal of money by his business, but cannot evade the necessity of obeying this summons." . The conduct of Admiral Keppel's fleet appears very mysterious. The Admiral writes home, that he had let a number of French merchantmen pass through the fleet, as not thinking it proper to in- terrupt their commerce; soon after he leaves his station, the Fox immediately takes two French mer- chantmen, and brings them into Portsmouth. Yesterday a Privy Council sat at Whitehall, present the Lord Chancellor, Attorney General, Earl Gower, Lords Notth, Weymouth, Amherst,
Germaine, and the Duke of Queensborough; the result of which was laid before his Majesty at St James's in Council, after the Levee was over, by the Lords North, Weymouth, Germaine, & c. Friday fseveral deserters from the Militia were, pursuant to the sentence of the Court Martial', flogged in the face of the camp on CoXheath', Sunday an excellent sermon was preached to the several regiments of militia encamped near Winchester, from St Luke iv. 14. " And the fol- diers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do ? And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely, and be content with
your wages." Extract of a letter from Warley Camp, June 30. " Lord Amherst reviewed the militia last Satur- day, as well as regulars, who went through their different exercises with the greatest exactness. Alderman Sawbridge, Colonel of ihe Kent militia, has a superb tent, where he lies every night — There is the prospect of the greatest crop of hops in this county known for many years." Portsmouth, June 28. The Licorne and Pallas, the two French frigates taken by Admiral Keppel, arrived yesterday from St Helen's, at Spithead. LONDON, July t. They write from Stockholm, that the govern- ment are going to lay a further duty of
three per cent, on all iron exported from that kingdom. The Arethusa, which engaged the French fri- gate, had only 31 guns, 26 twelve pounders, and 6 fix ditto, with 220 men. The Frenchman 44 guns, eighteen and nine pounders, and 340 men. The Belleisle and Fox are ordered on a cruize to protect the homeward- bound Well- India fleet. A large train of Artillery arrived at Warley Common early this morning from Woolwich. The 5th regiment of foot, now encamped at War- ley Common, have received orders to prepare for marching for Portsmouth, to embark on board some ships going on a secret expedition. All deserters from
any of the military corps are in future to be sent to the East Indies, or the Coast of Africa for life: this new regulation has been read at the head of every regiment in Great Britain and Ireland by his Majesty's order. At the final close of the poll yesterday for Chamberlain, the numbers stood thus : for Benja- min Hopkins, Esq; 1216, John Wilkes, Esq; 287. Lord Suffolk was yesterday not only not dead but so greatly recovered from his indisposition, that his physicians declared him out of all danger. On Sunday evening a very ludicrous accident happened at Henly upon Thames. A large party from town went after tea to enjoy the
coolness of the evening on the banks of the river. Youth and spirits hurried them into such fallies of vivacity, that in running with too much precipitation, 3 lady's foot tripped, and she fell into the Thames. The consternation was general; but how much Was every body surprised to see her swim like a a fishing float, half immersed, and half above wa- ter !— It seems the lady had been furnished with an immoderate sized cork rump, which buoyed her up so completely, that, in the golden age of fiction, she might have passed for a Naiade, or even Venus herself first rising from the water. She was towed to shore by a gentleman's
cane, without the least injury but wet petticoats. Newcastle upon Tyne, May 1st, 1778. ATa COMMON COUNCIL held heie on Monday laft, a SUBSCRIPTION was set on foot for the Defence of this Place, Port, and Neighbourhood ; and the Subscription Paper now lies in the Town Clerk's Office, for the Inspection of all Persons willing to subscribe. La Bretagne La Ville de Paris Le St Esprit Le Six Corps Le Diligent le Glorieux Le Conq'rant L'Actif Le Bien Alme Le Fendant T. Le Guerrier L'Hector Le Zele Le Protecteur Troisieme Rang Le Bisarre Le Reflechi Le Triton T. L'Altier Le Lion le Vaillant La Provence Le Fantasque Le
Hardi Le Caton R. L'Artesien La Terpsi- chore B. La Renom- mee La Sibylle R La Comete B. L'Indiscrete La Sensible La Legere L'Infidelle La Sincere L'Inconstante La Bodeuse La Blanche La Danae La Mouche : L'Enjouee R La Diligence Fregates Chebecs Cervettes Honcres Prames
Monday's and Tuesday's Posts. Arrived the Mails from Holland and Flanders. VIENNA, June 17. acCcording to the most recent letters from the frontiers of Bohemia, the inhabitants of the bordering places are t0 remove their effects into the interior part of the country, and the officers appointed for the receipt of money also directed to remove the chest which is entrusted to them. These orders, it seems, are the certain fore- runners of a war. Leipsic, June 19. On the 5th, a body of Croats, during the night, endeavoured to surprize on the frontiers an advanced party of our troops; but they met with such a reception as obliged them
to retire to Bohemia. A number of Imperia- lists were made prisoners, and conducted to Dres- den. On our side, a Captain of Grenadiers and the Chamberlain Van Hopfgarten an officer of great merit were slain. Berlin, June 20. Prince Charles of Hesse Cas- sel set out yesterday to join the King's army. Paris, June 28. Commissions will be granted in a few days to privateers. The King has given up his share, which is an eighth, to the captors. Hague, June 28. By advices from the Empire we learn, the Austrian and Prussian troops are daily reinforcing; the one on the frontiers of Mo- ravia and Bohemia, the other on those of
Silesia. LONDON, July 3. As the conduct of Admiral Keppel, relative to the French frigates, has afforded matter of much speculation, and some newspaper censure, a ma- ritime Correspondent, in justice to that brave Ad- miral, and by way of informing people who speak and write out of their element, has sent us the fol- lowing observations on it:— When one power is at war with another, by the law of nations, the con- tending powers have a right to question all neutral ships relative to their destination, cargo, See. and the reason for this is obvious, because those very ships which appearneutral, may be only so from their
colours, which an enemy's fhip has generally on board her of all nations, the better to conceal her designs; nay, if the Captain of the fhip who stops this neutral vessel, cannot be satisfied with what he can find out from the report of the stopt cap- tain and the crew, he has a right to insist on seeing his dispatches; and this list has been practised by several English commanders. Now, in the case of Admiral Keppel, he did no more than instist upon the French Captain's Satisfying him about fuch par- ticulars. The Captain would not be brought up to the Arerbusa to anfwer these questions; conse- quently a gun was fired across the
ship to bring him to. This the French Captain construed as an in- dignity ( which was no more than what has been usually done) and returned it by a broad- side; con- sequently the French have begun the war, and Ad- miral Keppel has done no more than is warranted by prudence, and the laws of nations- A letter front a Gentlemen belonging to Admi- ral Keppel's fleet, says, We are all here safe and well at St Helen's, but under such strict orders for holding ourselves ready to sail at a moment's notice, that not even an officer of us is permitted to go on shore, let the occasion be what it may. Oar fu- ture destination is altogether
unknown." .,> A gentleman remarked in company, that if the French should invade Scotland, there is not a single regiment of regulars in all that country to defend it; one prefent said, that government knew very well what they were about, and that the French • would never land but where they could at least find provisions. A correfpondent fays, that what Junius has wrote of the late Lord Chatham, is truly verified " Recorded honours shall gather round his tomb and thicken over him." In Berks, Oxford and Buckinghamshire, the quantity of grass has been fo great, that fields, which in the best seasons turned out six loads, have this
year produced eight and nine. Portfmouth, July 2. This morning the 50th regi- ment, commanded by Sir Thomas Wilson, em- barked on board several men of war in the harbour, going to join Admiral Keppel's squadron. ' This day arrived the Andromeda, with Gen. Howe on board, from Philadelphia. , LONDON, July 4. , , The Sieur de Sartine, Minister and Secretary of State for the marine department of France, having given the King an account of the engagement of the frigate la Belle Poule, his Majesty has granted to the Sieur de la Clocheterie, who commanded her, a brevet of Captain; to the Sieur de la Roche Kerandraon,
Ensign, the Crois of St Louis, and a pension; to the Sieur Bouvet, a brevet of Lieute- nant of a frigate ; and has given' marks of his fa- tisfaction to all the officers and marine guards. , A letter from Dover, dated the 1st inst. says, " An order is sent from the court of France to Dunkirk, signifying that any merchants who will fit their vessels for privateers shall be supplied with guns and warlike stores at the expence of the French King. The above order was lead publicly upon Change there, and is stuck up. Two large flat- bottomed boats are laid down, and 10 other vessels for the government." . Yelterday an eminent merchant in the
city re- ceived a letter from Nantz, which mentions the arrival of a ship from America, with the news that three of the colonies, viz. Virginia, Mary- land, and the Massachusets, had come to a reso- lution to address the congress, to send a deputa- tion to confer with the King's Commissioners on the subject of the new conciliatory propositions; and declaring if the congsess persisted in their re- solution of not treating with the Commissioners, that the said three provinces would for themselves fend Delegates to New York, to meet the Cora- missioners, and to open a treaty. The letter was publicly read at Lloyd's, and the names of
the pro- posed Delegates were mentioned, and known to be men of large fortune, and moderate principles, . The following are faid to be the names of the five Commissioners who are appointed by the Con- tinental Congress to treat with our Commissioners, if the latter will declare them independent; if not, the rebel Commissioners have instructions to return to Congress: Cha. Carter, of Carirowman, Philip Ludwell Lee Cha. Carrol, of Carrolton, Matthew Tilghman, ~ Adams, — — This advice comes from Paris to Col. Fairfax. A ship just arrived from New York, after a very short passage; brings advice, that the army is all arrived
at New York from Philadelphia; . and that Lord Cornwallis is to go to Jamaica with 5000 men. The Commissioners are arrived at New York. But there no hopes of any accommodation, without first acknowledging the independence of America. Report says, that eight Provinces have sent De- puties to the Congress, petitioning them to accede to the conciliatory plan offered by Great Britain; but that the five others are against it. Yesterday Gen. Sir William Howe went to Lord George Germaine, at his house in Pall- mall, with whom he had a conference; the General was af- terwards at Court, and introduced to the King; when the
Court broke up he had a conference with his Majesty, till, past five o'clock. Sir William Howe was introduced yesterday to his Majesty by Lord Fauconberg, and met with a most gracious reception.. Sir William Howe was just five weeks on his passage from Philadelphia. When he sailed no advice had been received of the Trident man of war, with the Commissioners on board. Gen. Howe brought only his Secretary with him. .. The court of enquiry on Gen. Burgoyne, it is iiiid, will be held in 14 days, on account of Gen. Howe's arrival, who is to be present. The British army in America were apprized of the French Rescript, and made
no doubt that a declaration of war had taken place in Europe, and that an expedition was to be prepared immediate- ly, after the arrival of the army at New York, under the command of a Major- General, against the French West India Islands. A superb entertainment called the MESCHIAN- ZA, was given by some officers of the army to their General, the Hon. Sir William Howe, before his departure for England. The various amuser ments consisted of a Regatta, Fete Champetre, with tilts and tournaments, and a procession thro' two triumphal arches, constructed with naval and military attributes and their devices, succeeded by a
grand exhibition of fire- works, and a ball; the whole concluded with a sumptuous entertainment prepared for the occasion, in a magnificent room of 180 feet in length, with 400 covers, illuminated with lustres and branches consisting of 700 tapers; the company attended by mutes in oriental dresses. The tickets for admission, were ornamented with the emblems of war— a setting sun, with the words, Luceo descendens, aucto splendore resurgam. And a- the top of the ticket these words, Vive, vale. All ranks of people exerted themselves in shew- ing. the greatest respect for General Howe. The army after quitting Philadelphia,
began their march, through Jersey, for New York. Lord Howe having received advice of Count d'Estaign's destination, has collected his force to- gether to receive him, and as Admiral Byron has orders to sail to the immediate assistance of that able Commander, it is hoped we shall receive a satisfactOry account of the Toulon fleet. Wednesday Lord Sandwich arrived from Ports- mouth, where he had been to give instruitions for some more men of war to join Admiral Keppel's fleet. . His Lordship was yesterday at Court, and had a conference with his Majesty. When Admiral Keppel sailed from Spithead he had zi ships of the line,
since which he has been joined by the Bienfaisant of 64, and the following ships are to be added to his fleets viz. the Formida- ble of 90, the Vengeance, Centaur, and Terrible, of 74, and the Defiance of 64, at Portsmouth, with the Duke of 90,. now ready in Plymouth Sound- It is somewhat remarkable, that Admiral Kep- pel found on board each of the French prizes written orders, not to molest that useful naviga- tor, Capt. Cook, on any account whatever; all which orders were signed Sartine. The Danae letter of marque, fitted out at Dept- ford two years since, is arrived in the river from the West Indies, where she has made
prizes of four- teen vessels, to the value of 33,000!. ExtraCt of a letter from Chelmsford, July 1. " A gentleman of Baddow is just arrived here, by whom we learn, that being at Paris on a visit ( which place he left on the 28th ult.) an order was issued immediately, on the news of the late en- gagements between some of Admiral Keppel's fri- gates and the French ships, for every Englishman resident there to depart, and likewise from all other ports of France, alter an hour's notice;, he adds, that war is to be declared without delay." COXHEATH. SINCE the late dispatches from Admiral Keppel, not an Officer of any kind of rank, from
the subaltern to the Colonel, can leave the camp without special licence from General Keppel. , The Marquees are not yet arrived from London, though the Camp now consists of 11000 men. The Officers, without distinction, He on trusses of draw, in a small tent, called a horseman's tent; and though many of them with for the soft beds, and agreeable lounge. of London, not a man of them openly complains. Such is the powerful impression of example! It must be owned, to the credit of most of the superior Officers, many of whom are of the first rank, that they conform, to all kinds of military exercises, with an alacrity and
precision that do them great honour. -' The spectators are just beginning to come from Lon- don ; and some families are already arrived, hut they i are likely to. pay dear for their curiosity, as a little | house, with two or three rooms meanly furnished, lets I from four to five guineas per week. If you expostulate 1 with the landlords, all their answer is, " Camp time, j Camp time." Provisions, as well as accommodations, are rising in proportion. ; WASHINGTON ST AITH, May 20th, 1778. WHereas Thomas Milburn, Richard Middle- ton Edward Brown, and Daniel Douglass, bound Pitmen to the Owners of Washington Colliery, have
absented themselves from their work at the said Colliery without leave : It is therefore desired that no person or persons will harbour or employ the said workmen 1 above- named; and in case they do, Notice is hereby 1 given, that they will be prosecuted as the law directs. ' ~ ESCAPED from JUSTICE, On the 17 th of June, as he - was conveying to York Castle, Person calling himself EDWARD GREEN, a Mountebank, who has travelled the country of late, and kept stages at the following towns, Northal- lerton, Thirsk, Bedale, Ripon, Knaresbrough, and several other market towns in the neighbourhood. He is about 21 or 23
years of age, s feet 9 or 10. inches high, has dark- brown long hair tied, a swarthy com: plexion, and well made ; he had on when he made his escape, a black coat, black silk waistcoat and breeches, black stockings, a pair of square silver buckles, and a cock'd hat. He has a pretended licence for disposing of silver plate. Whoever will give any information concerning him to the Constable of Bedale, in Yorkshire, from whom he made his escape, so that he may be retaken and com- mitted, shall receive Two Guineas reward. To be LET and entered upon the 12th of May next THE valuable Sheep Farm, called Birkey Burn, situate
about three miles north west of Cambo, in Northumberland, with a good Farm House, and other buildings, now in the occupation of Roger Wigham Proposals to be delivered in writing tr; Mr John Tur- ner, at Wallington, 011 or before the ill of August next. WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued against Thomas Johnson, of the town and comity of Newcastle upon Tyne, Apo- thecary, Druggist, Dealer and Chapman,; arid he being declared a Bankrupt, . is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major part of them, on the seventeenth and twentieth
days of July instant, and on the fifteenth day of August following, at nine o'clock in the forenoon of each of the said days,' at the house of Hugh Brodie, known by the sign of the Turk's Head, in Ncwcastle upon Tyne aforesaid, and make a full discovery and disclosure of his Estate and Effects, when and where the creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts; and at the second sitting to chuse Assignees, and at the last sitting, the said Bankrupt is required to finish his examination, and the creditors are to assent to or dissent from the allowance of his certificate. All Per- fons indebted to the faid Bankrupt, or that have any of
his effects are not to pay or deliver the fame but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give notice to Mr Jasper Harrison, of Newcastle upon Tyne afore- said, Attorney at Law, or to Mr Thomas Meggison, of Gray's- lnn, London, Attorney at Law. DURHAM RACES. To be Run for, on Tuesday the 21st July, 1778, ASubscription of ONE HUNDRED . GUINEAS, by Hunters, the property of the Sub- scribers, carrying 1 a done, one four- mile I1e. 1t. Wednesday the aid, FIFTY POUNDS, given by the Members for the County of Durham, for Horses, & c. that never won jol. at any one time ( matches excep- ted); three years old
carrying 7st 8lb. four years old 8ft. 7' b. two mile heats; Fillies allowed 31b. Thursday the 23d, FIFTY POUNDS, given by the Members for the City of Durham, for Horses, & c. that never won more than one ol. Plate ( matches excepted); four years old carrying 7st. lib. five years old 8ft. fix years old 8st. 8lb. aged 8ft. nib. three mile heats. I Friday the 14th, the Gentlemen's Subscription Purse of FIFTY POUNDS, give- and- take; 14 hands, aged carrying 8ft. 7II). fix years old 8ft, 41b. five years old 7ft. 1 lib. four years old 7st higher or lower, weight in proportion ; four mile hiats. Saturday the 25th,. the Ladies Subscription Purse of
FIFTY POUNDS, for any Horse, & c. four years old carrying 7ft. 41b. five years old 8st. lib. six years old 8st. 8lb. and aged 8st. nip. A winner of one Plate car- rying 31b. and of two or more 5Ib. extra, four mile heats. Bridles and Saddles are included in all weights, and no allowance for waste. ; The Prizes will be paid - with- out deduction. . And all Horses, & c. that run for the same must be entered with proper certificates, under the hands of the breeders, on Wednesday the ijth July, between the hours of three and six in the afternoon, at the Town- hall ill Durham.— The Horses, & c. which run for the give- and- take plate, must
be measured the same afternoon, at Mr Marshall's, the Green Dragon in Elvet, between the hours of six and eight. The owners of each horse to pay three guineas En- trance, and to enter and run subject to Articles. Three reputed running horses to start for each prize, Or no race; if one horse should enter lie will bs allowed iol. if two, iol. each, if not allowed to start. All disputes to be determined by the Steward, or whom be shall appoint.— Persons will be allowed to erecft Tents and Huts upon the Race Ground on the ufnal terms.— Assemblies, Ordinaries, and Cockings as ufnal. GEO. BAKER, Esq; Steward. ACOMB DIVISION.
WE, William Harbottle, John Fryer, and John Swinburn, Commissioners, named ' and appointed, in and by an Act passed in the last Ses- sion of Parliament, intitled " An Act for dividing and inclosing a Common, Moor, or Tract of waste Land, called Acomb Common, within the Regality or Manor of Hexham, and county of Northumberland;" have, with the Agents of Sir Thomas Blackett, Bart. Lord of the said Regality or Manor, and other perfons interested in the said intended Division, rode and pe- rambulated the Boundaries of the said Common, Moor Or. Tract of waste Land, according to the directions of the said Act : We have
alfo held our first Meeting, for putting the said Act in execution; and in case any person or persons, body or bodies, politic or corporate, shall have or make any claims which affect the said Boundary, or any part, thereof, they are by the said Act Of Parliament, respecctively to give and deliver to us the said Commissioners, at our Second Meeting, an account in writing under his, her, or their hand or hands, or un- der the hand or hands of his, her, or their Steward or Stewards, Bailiff or Bailiffs, Agent or Agents, Attorney or Attornies, of such his, her, or their claim or claims. • We, the said Commissioners, do hereby give notice, that
we intend to hold out Second Meeting for putting the said Act into further execution, on Tuesday the 21st day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the houfe of Mr Joseph Forster, known by the sign of the Black Bull, in Hexham, at which time and place, all and every person and persons, body and bodies, politic and corporate, having or claiming to haye any Right of Common upon the faid Common,. Moor, 0r Tract of Wafte Land, are, by the said Act, required by them- felves, their Stewards, Agents, or Tenants respectively, to give and deliver to us, the said Commissioners, in writing, under his, her, or their hand or
hands refpec- tively, his, her, or their. Claim or Claims, containing a full, true, and juft account of the feveral Mefluagcs, Lauds, Tenements and Hereditaments, . together with, the names of the tenants or perfons in po. Tcffion, for OF in refpedt wheieof he, flie, or they refpeitively claim to. be intitled to fuch Right of Common as aforesaid; and all ancl every person and persons, body and bodies politic and corporate, negleaing fo to give and deliver, or caufe to be given and delivered, such Claim or Claims as aforefaid, shall be, and is and are, by the laid Ait, excluded and totally debarred of and from all Right and Title of, in, or to
the said Common, Moor, or Trait of Waste Land, and of and from all Benefit and Advantage of, in, or to any Share or Allotment thereof upon the said Division. WILLIAM HARBOTTLE, Hexham, JOHN FRYER, June 20th, 1778. , JOHN SWINBURN. a To the P R I N T E R. AGreat deal has been said about the naval armament at Brest, in order to alarm our fellow subjects, as if an invasion of this country required nothing more i than a favourable wind for three hours, and could be performed as easily as commanded. It would greatly contribute to quiet the minds of the people, if they were to read Lord Bolingbroke's sentiments
upon this subject, , expressed in the. Craftsman, which is now in the hands of so very few, I shall beg the favour of you to give to the public the following extracts from No. 340 of that most excellent paper. , A TRUE BRITON. « NOBODY can be ignorant that the necessary pre- parations for an effectual invasion of this island take up a great deal of time, and require such a number Of ships, both for transports and convoys, that all Eu- rope must be fast asleep if it should pass unobserved. It is well known that the spanish Armada ( at that time the terror of the world) consisted but of 18OOO men; and it is still fresh in our memory,
that King William brought over, but 14,000 in six or 700 ships; so that nothing but the egregious indolence, or even foolish- ness, can ever expose us to such. an attempt, without some warning and time for defence. " This seems to have been the case of the late King James, who, very happily for us, paid no regard to all the repeated advices from France, concerning the Prince of Orange's design, and could not be induced to believe it, till the Prince declared his intentions himself, and was preparing 10 set sail from Holland. " As to King James's fleet lying Wind- bound in the mouth of the Thames, when the Prince of Orange
sailed by, it hath been much doubted.- whether our deliverer was not, at least, as much obliged to the affections of the officers and seamen who composed that fleet, as to the winds, for his passage to Torbay, without any molestation. " But however that, affair might stand, it is certain that such a disposition might be made of our fleet, upon any apprehensions of danger that it would he exceed- ingly difficult for any considerable squadron to escape us. The Spanish invasion of Scotland in the last reign, with an army of 30o men, is so very ridiculous a proof of our insecurity, that I am ashamed to take any fur- ther notice of it. " But
let us suppose that a foreign power should con- jure up a great naval armament, all on a sudden, with- out any body's notice, and find means to steal into England, by the assistance of a dark night, or a fa- vourable wind, yet I should be glad to know what they are to do when they get here; for though they might land upon us in such a clandestine manner, I pre4 sume it would not be altogether so easy for them to sculk back again, or a very difficult matter for us to in- tercept their supplies. " Suppofe, then, that 20,000 men, of which very few can be horse, are landed in England, without any human probability of being supplied
from abroad; this army can never march 10 miles into the country ; for they cannot put themselves in a marching posture in less than a fortnight or three weeks, and by that time we may have 100,000 ' militia drawn down upon them whereof 10,000 shall be horse, and as many dragoons as we please; and if this militia does nothing else but drive the country, cut off their foragers and stragglers, possess themselves of the defiles, and intercept provi- ions, their army must be destroyed in a short time. " If this reasoning is just in any degree, and it was never yet answered, what danger can we possibly appre- hend from such an
invasion, when our militia is backcd with a body of several thousand regular troops; besides a sufficient number to man our garrisons, and secure Scotland. " This was the opinion of the great Duke of Marl- borough, who declared, upon a very important Occa- sion, that he would undertake to defeat any body of men which could possibly be landed upon us by surprise, with only his own regiment of guards, two or three regiments of dragoons, and such a train of. artillery as he could easily draw out against them; whereas they could not possibly bring any with them of any conse- quence Besides, it ought to be considered, that,
hav- ing no fortified towns to secure themselves till people could come in to jotn them, it would be impossible for them to stand long against such a force. " King William, indeed, found an easy passage through all these obstacles by a wonderful concurrence of incidents in his favour. Yet even all these might uo; have been sufficient, if the way had not been paved for him by that well grounded disaffection: which had spread itself so generally amongft all ranks of people, not only in town and country, in the camp, the fleet, and the court, but amongst his favourites, his relations, and even his very . children themselves." FAREWELL
the scythe, the sickle and the plough, Farewell the nymph, but with a lover's vow; Farewell to rustic toil and awkward gait, ' Tis honour calls, and to defend the state. ' Tis British courage fires with martial zeal, For Britain's sons will fight for Britain's weal ( Let France her legions boast, make naval brags, Courageous Britons will- pull down her flags. Militia courage, with a nerve strung arm, Shall save Britannia from intended harm. While British tars will curb cach vain conceit, And shew what Frenchmen are, that would be great, " Stand firm, my boys," the hardy sailor cries, " We'll bravely fight," the. martial shout replies. United thus
the tar and warlike baud, Resolve to die, or save a threaten'd land. W. ANECDOTE of the late Captain ( known by the name of mad) Montague. WHEN the above brave Officer commanded his Majesty's fhip the Bristol, of Co guns, meeting with a. French man of war at sea, of 74 guns; he ran along side of her, poured his whole broadside into Monsieur, grappled him, and then, told him to strike im- mediately, or ( he swore) he would set his own ship on fire, and they should both go to hell together; when the Frenchman, perhaps not being prepared for so precipi- tate a voyage, immediately hauled down the Gallic flag Sound List
of the 20th ult.— Wind N. W. Ships Captains from to loaded DOWNWARDS. Lond. PacKet Myles Leviathan Marshall 1 Kitty Bendin Providence Dabnaham Two Brothers Digance Providence Gray ' Juno Roundtree Hawk Grigson Nancy Robbs ' Lively Johnson Swan ' 1 Sinclair Four Brothers Smith Lloyde Hodgson Pitt Cook . Venus Hutton jameson Salkeld Betty & Jane Patrick I p Patrick Olive branchThompson Patty Green Favourite Self Hope Waller ne 9 Jason Clark Betty & Sufannah Spink Bedford Pridgeon Young John King Joseph & John Collins Betsey Collins Wm & Fanny Cram Elizabeth Brown Elizabeth & Ann
Jackson Industry Hunter Concord Dewitt Betsey Gibson Royal Union Hurtson Louisa Wentheringham Carpenter Thorsby 10, Charlotte Wornes Savell Thomas Jackson Good Intent Dickinfon ne Providence Stonehouse 17 Amity's Expc. Moore Cumberland Nicholson Dabby Neal Providence Holder Marquis of G. Chrip i H Alexander Bartleman i -) Joseph & Mary Hopper 10 Flora Hearn Polly Spcnce Delight Watson
Thursday's and Friday's rotts. Arrived the Mails from Holland and Flanders. Madrid, June 6. It is still generally believed hat our court will observe an exact neutrality in the present circumstances, and not interfere direct- ly or indirectly in the affairs of the English colonies. Ratisbon, June 20. According to a calculation made of the respective forces, which the powers on the point of becoming belligerent have on foot in Germany, they amount to 600,000 men. _ Cologn, Jnne 26. Letters from Ratisbon, ad- vise, that the Baron de Schwartzenau, minister of Brandenbourg to the diet of the empire, had re- ceived orders to declare, "
That the King his matter, after having tried every conciliatory me- thod to engage the Emperor to evacuate Bavaria, and not having succeeded therein, found himself under the necessity of employing the forces he had on foot for the security of the Germanic consti- tution, & c." Hague, June 30. Several letters from the em- pire confirm the account of the minister of Bran- denbourg having received orders to make a decla- ration to the diet \_ See the above article from Co » hgn~] and that it was to be delivered on the very day that Prince Henry of Prussia put in march from Berlin at the head of his army, which will probably be
transmitted to future times as a most remarkble epoch in the annals of Germany. Vienna, June 30. A report prevails here, that his Prussian Majesty hath demanded of the Empress of Russia 60,000 men stipulated in the treaty con- cluded last year between Berlin and Petersburgh. LONDON, July 7- Extract of a Letter from New York, May 13. " We are informed from Connecticut, that one of the regiments of that province, commanded by Col. Megg, had mutinied, which occasioned two " battalions to be sent for, who fired upon them, killed seven, and wounded thirty This corps has been long suspected of disloyalty to the 13
stripes." Some overtures have been made within these few days on the part of France, by means of a fo- reign Secretary now here, for establishing peace. The destination of the Toulon fleet is Boston; Count d'Estaing's instructions are merely defensive, nnd to assist America only in case of any attack be- ing made on that City. The St Lawrence, Capt. Abbot, from Halifax, is arrived at Dover; she sailed the nth of June. Capt. Abbot spoke with Admiral Byron on the 24th of June, near the Western Islands, all well; he told him he was in pursuit of the French fleet. A letter from Halifax, Nova Scotia. May 9, says, Wednefday arrived
his Majesty's ship Expe- riment, from the Delaware, and has taken the Portsmouth, an American privateer, mounting 24 guns, and 1 50 men. General Grant has sailed from America with a detached army of 6000 men, for the reinforcement of the garrison on the island of Jamaica. The King's army 011 their march from Philadel- phia, through the Jerseys, to New York, was attended by a number of the inhabitants, who did not chuse to stay after they left it. The evacuating Philadelphia was not a matter of necessity but of choice; the intention offending over the Commissioners being formally announced, and the appointment of a
deputation ( though the Congress should refuse to treat) being positively resolved on by many different colonics, it was thought advisable to withdraw the troop's, at once to evince the candour and sincerity of our propo- sals, and to remove all grounds for distrust. We hear that the following are the terms which the Commissioners from the Congress are desired to insist on from the Commissioners of Great Bri- tain: 1st, An acknowledgment of Independency. 2d, A withdrawing of the troops. And 3dly, An Inhibition on our side to declare war against France on account of her signing the Convention with Ame- rica. As soon as these
points arie yielded, then the Commissioners will sign a peace with Great Bri- tain, and establish a treaty of reciprocal commerce. It is confidently asserted that fresh instructions will be immediately sent out to the Commissioners to treat with the Congrefs as independent states. Though there is not a formal breach between Mr Washington and the congress, yet there is a want of cordiality. He will not co- operate with them in all their measures, and they know not how to enforce them. They disapprove his con- duct dare not avow it:— Washington has fixed principles, from which he will not recede. An order is given that the ships
and vessels of the royal navy do until further notice, salute each other with cheers only, and not with guns, ss heretofore; but that the usual salutes be con- tinued to be made to all ships belonging to foreign princes and states in amity with his Majesty. The above order is in confederation of the great quan- tity of powder usually expended in salutes, and which cannot at this time be conveniently spared. According to the rules of the navy, an English frigate is compelled to fight a French man of war of 40 guns, an English 40 a French 50, an English 50 a 64, an English 64 a 74, and an English 74 the largest ship that swims the
seas. It is said, that in the course of this summer a new regiment of light dragoons is to be raised, to be called the Queen's regiment; their uniforms are to be green and gold. This day at noon an express arrived at Ports- mouth, with an account that the Leeward Island feet were all safe off the Isle of Wight. The Jamaica fleet, hourly expected, is the lar- gest that has sailed from that port for some years. The fears of their being, taken last week raised sugars 57 per cent. The regiments of militia' that are encamped at Winchester, are the. following, in the order they rank as to precedency, viz. No. 12, West Kent; 19, Wiltshire; 22,
South- Gloucestershire ; 30 Dor- setshire; 38, Lancashire 40, Staffordshire This camp is now without any regulars.- A Bill is preparing for the next Irish Sessions of Parliament, requiring that all officiating priests of the Romish persuasion in that kingdom, shall be natives of a, take the oath of allegiance, have a licence ( or performing the ceremony of the mass, and wear black, or dark blue cloaths. Earl Mansfield has now presided at the King's, Bench as Chief Judge twenty- two years, having been called up to that honour and peerage in the month of September, 1756, on the death of Sir Dudley Ryder, which is longer than any of
his predecessors on record ever sat there.- Saturday the several depositions on the part of the Earl P— cy, in a libel for a divorce against his . Lady, were read in the Consistory Court of Doc- tors Commons, which were deemed of so substan- nature that Dr Bettesworth pronounced im- 3cot, I mediately for a divorce. . Portsmouth, July 3. Arrived the Susannah, Scot from Newcastle ; Capt. Stiles, of his Majesty's cutter, Roebuck, went on board her in Stokes Bay, and found concealed under her coals 30a small casks of liquor, and " above isoolb. of tea, for which she is seized and brought in here, with the above goods. Arrived at
Spithead ( taken by the Fox frigate) the Bon Jesus Defam, and N. S. de Schuldad, Capt. Doningode de Oliveire, from Amsterdam for Oporto, with 160 barrels of gunpowder and arms on board; most of her papers the Captain sunk on the approach of the Fox. A letter from Portsmouth, dated July 6, says, " This morning arrived at St Helen's, the Fox fri- gate, Capt. Windsor, with two more prizes; one an Irish wherry from Nantes, laden with tobacco and spirit, on a contraband trade; the other a Dutch ship from St. Eustatia bound to Holland. The Fox was chased by a French 74 gun ship, which she outsailed. " Went out of harbour,
and joined Admiral Keppel's fleet, the Vengeance of 64 guns, Capt. Clements; Defiance, 64 guns, Capt. Goodall; and Terrible, 74. guns, Sir Richard Bickerton. " The fleet under Admiral Keppel at St Helen's we hear, is to sail in a dav or two." Yesterday the prices of grain at the Corn Exchange, were, wheat 389 to 455 < Sd. barley 18s to 21s 6d. rye 13s Oats 1 3s te, i7s0d. pale malt 2< Ss til 30s 6d. brown malt ids to 28s pease 30s. to 32s. od. hog pease 24s. to 25s. beans 26s. to 27s. rtd. tick 22 23s. fid. tares 26s to 32s. per quarter, rape seed per last, finest flour second sort 35s. third sort 32 s per lack. BANKRUPTS. Wm
Clack, of St Leonard Shoreditch. Middles. Carpenter John Weldon, of Broad- street- buildings, London, Mercht John Price, Of Cheapside, London, Linen- draper Thomas Johnson, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Apothecary Thomas Gibson, of Wells- strret, Middlesex, Hosier John Mallard, of the city of Bristol, Merchant James Burton, Edward Jolly, and Richard Leather, of Liverpool, Lancashire, Ship Carpenters John Bottomly, of St Gregory, London, Pawnbroker Wm Clark, of Queen- street, Mayfair. Middlesex, Surgeon C. Williamson & T. Alex. Craig, Middlsex, Linen- dra. T. Hitchcock, of Bishopsgate street, Lond. Wollen- dra. John
Aspinall, Middlesex, Cheese- monger Wm Swale, of Kipley, Yorkshire, Raff- merchant Newcastle, July 11, 1778. War Office, July 4. 23d regiment of foot, Se- cond- Lieutenant William Ogle Wall is is appointed to be Firft Lieutenant, vice William Russell.— nth dragoons, Cornet Robert Riddell, of the 9th dra- go ms, to be Lieutenant, vice George Warde.— 19th foot, Mr ConWay Blennerhassett to be Ensign, vice Hickman. — 37th foot, Captain - Lieutenant Geo. Beckwith to be Captain, vice John Hamilton. Wednesday se'nnight Lord Algernon Percy took leave of his Majesty at the Levee, and next day set off to join his regiment of
Northumberland Militia in this town, and arrived here on Satur- day last. Monday Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. ( and family) one of our worthy Members, arrived here from London. Wednefday the Rt Hon. Lord and Lady Ravens- worth arrived at Ravensworth Castle from London. Thursday Sir Thomas Clavering, Bart, and Lady arrived at Axwell Park from London. Saturday came on, at the Shire- hall in Appleby, an election of a Coroner for the county ofWest- morland, in the room of John Nicholson, Esq; de- ceased, when Mr Bowness of Raisbeck near Orton was unanimously elected ; after which, there was an elegant '
entertainment for the Gentlemen at the King's Head. The anniversary sermon, for the benefit of the charity children of St John's' parish, will be preached at that church to- morrow in the forenoon. The Batchelors Prize at Oxford for the best english Essay ( the subject the right Improvement of an Academical Education) this vear was adjudged to Mr Barrow of Queen's College, a native of Westmoreland, and formerly under the tuition of the Rev. Dr Bateman, at Sedburgh. When the Se- nior Proctor acquainted Mr Barrow with the de- termination of the Vice Chancellor, Poetry and Rhetoric Professors, Sec. Sic. he added, that he
was desired to return him the thanks of the Uni- versity for the best composition whith had gone through their hands for several years past. Saturday, at Stagshaw Bank fair, there was a large shew of black cattle, which sold low, and it is computed at acs. 1 head less than at the Whit- sun fair. The shew of horses was very indifferent, and also sold low; there were great quantities of sheep and lambs, which sold high at first, but fell in price considerably before the fair was over. Linen cloth, of which there was a great quantity, sold very reasonably A Captain of a ship arrived at Whitby from the Greenland fishery gives an account
that the fishery has turned out but very indifferent, owing to the tempestuous weather on the coasts. Monday se'nnight the Friendship, Nicholson, arrived at Musselburgh from Bergen in Norway. He brings an account that on the 25th ult. the Deane Privateer, of Salem, had taken four ships from Drontheim to Londonderry, and ransomed them. The privateer is about 350 tons' burden, a fine ship, and full of men. The Captain told Ni- cholson these were other two privateers on the coast, one of 24 guns, and another of 14, which left Bergen on the 23d of June. Arrived at Shields: The Adventure, Ackinson ; John, Lyall, front Hambro',
with timber: Lively, Johnson, from Colburgh, with plank: Dolphin, Al- derson, from Riga; Friendship, Yellowly, from Me mel, with timber: Ann, Petre; John and Mary, Cook, from London, with goods: Friends Increase, Ramsey, from Yarmbuth, with flour: Active, Oxenborough, from Wells, with flour. Also several light ships. Ships cleared oVersea : The Squirrel, Smith, for Petersburgh; St Peter, Elder, for FredericKs- hall; Salvator, Brede, for Christiana; Thomas, Halder; Kingston Packet, Turner; Noble Ann, Dixon, for Riga; Katy and Peggy, Sherwin, all coals. Married. In March, at Bombay, Capt. Blan- shard, of the York East lndiaman, and son of the late Mr John Blanshard, Proctor in York, to Miss Gale, of Scruton, near Northallerton.— Monday, at Earsdon, by the Rev. Mr Warkman, Mr Tho- mas Hogg, an eminent Gardener, in Hallowell, to Miss Hannah Anderson, a young lady whose per- sonal charms, and intellectual acquisitions, cannot fail of rendering the connubial state agreeable in a superlative degree.— On Tuesday se'nnight, at Middleton in Teesdale, Mr Henderson, Surgeon, of that place, to the amiable widow Holding, sister to the late Mr Francis Haswell, of Frosterly, near Wolfingham, with a considerable fortune. Died. Suddenly last
week, Mrs Hassel, late of Dalemane; ( Ed. Hassel, of Dalemane, Esq; last week, being a mistake) a gentlewoman, whose hu- mane disposition, and generous offices extended to ! the poor, make her highly regretted by all within the circle of her acquaintance.— A few days ago, much lamented, of a lingering illness, which ( he bore with becoming fortitude and resignation, Mrs Armstrong, wife of the Rev, Mr Armstrong of Belford; a gentlewoman in whom centered every christian, as well as social virtue; and wh0 was " universally respected by all who had the honour of her acquaintance.— Tuesday, at Morpeth, Mr Andrew White,
well known to the gentlemen of the turf. Saturday as a poor man was creasing the waggon way near Fugo- house, being hard of hearing, a waggon run over him, and killed him on the spot. THE following Persons being Prisoners for Debt, in the respective persons, or gaols, hereafter- mention- ed, do hereby give notice, That they intend to take the benefit of an act of Parliament, passed in the eighteenth year of the reign of his present Majesty King George the Third, intitled, " An Act for the Relief of Insol- vent Debtors, and for the Relief of Bankrupts ih cer-> tain Cases;" at the next General or Quarter sessions of the Peace to be
held in and for the countv, riding, di* - city, town, liberty, or place, or any adjournment H1 Vifinn, thereof, which shall happen next after TWENTy- one days from the FIRST publication of the undcr- men tioned names. And they do likewise give notice, that true and perfect schedules, containing a discovery of all their real and personal estates ( hereafter to be sworn to) are now ready to be delivered to any creditor applying for the same to the respective gaolers or keepers, or their deputies, in such manner as by the said ast is directed. prisoner in the Gaol of DURHAM, in and for the County of Durham. THIRD NOTICE. William
Story, late of the town and county of New- castle upon . Tyne, Ironmonger and Hardwareman PrisonerS in HEXHAM Gaol, in and for the county of Northumberland. THIRD NOTICE. John Watson, formerly of Spartywell, in the county Northumberland, Husbandman William Hogarth, late of Ridinghill, near Allendale town, in the county of Northumberland, Blacksmith ; Bath, June 28. Monday last was married at St Michael's church, in this city, John Webbe, of Hammersmith, Esq; to Miss Lawson, only daughter of John Lawson, Esq; and niece to Sir Henry Law- son, of Brough- hall, Yorkshire, Bart. York, July 7 The ensuing assizes
for this county begin On Saturday the first of August next. Tuesday was killed by Mr John Walker, But- cher in Knaresbrough, a wether sheep, two years old, which weighed 17olb. fed by Mr Jacob Smith, of Sugar Hills, near Ripon. Thursday se'nnight was cast ashore, about three miles to the northward of Hornsea in Holderness, a female fish of the cetaceous kind, usually called a fin fish, from its having a fin near the tail. It measures 40 feet in length, and is said to be one of the largest of the kind. It was expected to yield a large quantity of oil when cut up. Manchester, July 7. We do, with great plea- sure, inform the public, that
the greatest part of the Leeward Island fleet arrived at Liverpool on Saturday and Sunday last. A new kind of counterfeit Shillings have made their, appearance within these few days. They imitate the coin of Queen Ann, and are all bent, so as to prevent their ringing. On the cross side, the B in HIB. is inverted. They are not worth id. HELFT'S POWDER for taking ink spots or iron moulds out of linen, lawns, muslins, and laces, has from eleven year's experience been found the only salutary thing ever invented for the above purpose. Mrs Long, at her perfume shop, in the Old Pullen- market, near the Post- house, Newcastle, has
convinced every lady who ap- plied to her, of its utility, by taking out any spot before them even upon the richest lace, and it was never known to damage the linen; and as ( he has lately tried it upon SilK and ScARLET CLOTH, and found it effectually to answer its purpose, re- commends it for taking spots out of either. To avoid counterfeits Lewis Helst is upon each paper, and they are requested to apply ONTY to the under- mentioned, viz. T. SAINT, in Newcastle, serves shop- keepers on the same terms AS the PROPRIETOR, and orders ere taken in by the above Mrs Long, W. Charnley, and Messrs Vesey and whitfield, in
Newcastle; and Miss Kent in Mor- peth; and the other Persons who have been repeatedly adver- tised in this Paper.— Price ONE SHILLING. In consequence of repeated solicitations from the friends and admirers of ROWLEY's BRITISH HERB SNUFF, the sale of that useful article is now reduced into neat pocket boxes, at 6d. each. His BRITISH HERB TOBACCO' is also reduced into two- penny papers; but these last are only intended for the consumption of ta- verns, inns, and public- houses, to the masters of which an allowance is made on their taking 3- lb.— Orders for those into, the country must he paid for by the carrier,
who will be a lowed a penny per lb. for his trouble. The great efficacy of these herbs in the cure of head- ache, deafness, giddiness, in palsies, apoplexies, epi- lepsies, in strengthening and restoring the sight, arid in relieving coughs, catarrhs, and shortness of breath, having been often declared to the public, under the testimonies of her Grace CHARLOTTE, Duchess Dowager of SOMERSET, and of many other honour- able and respeilable personages— let no, v. their S^ a merit fpeak their further praise.— Soid by T. Saint. HAWKERS and- PEDLARS. ' NOTICEi) hereby GIVEN, THAT Licences are issued at the usual places
in the counties of Durham and Nor- thumberland : It is, therefore, expected that travelling Chapmen will make no delay in taking out their Li- cences, as the being tardy in that particular may be severely felt by them.—— Felton, July 5, 1778. To be SOLD, TWO Farms oF Land in the township of Monkwearmouth, containing upwards of one hundred and twenty acres of ground, held by leafe under the Worshipful the Dean and Chapter of Durham, and very lately renewed, together with a' large House, a small one, three Cottages, Stables, Barns, Byers, Gardens, and all Offices. For further parti- culars, enquire of Mr John Avery, in
the township of Monkwearmouth. This day is published, Price is. 6d. in Boards, TRAVELS'of REASON In EUROPE, Txanflated from the F R E N C H of the MARQUIs of CARACCIOLI. .. London Printed for J. Johnson, No. 71, St Paul's. Church- yard W. Charnley, and Vesey and Whitfield, Newcastle. 2. The Life of Pope Clement XIV. ( Ganga- nelli) greatly enlarged and improved from the laft Paris Edition of the Marquis CArRAccioli. To which it added, The FUNERAL ORATION of POPE CLE- MENT XIV. ( GANGANELLI.) delivered by the Abbe MATZELL, formerly a member of the Society of Jesus; now preacher to the
Chapter of the great Colle- giate Church, of Fribourg in Switzerland, before ihe supreme Senate of the Republic, the 15th cf Nov. 1774 Also the last Edict of the French King, relative to the late Members oi the extinct Society of Jesuits. The Second Edition, with a striking Likeness of the late Pope. Price 4s. , 3, The Interesting letters of the late Pope Clement XIV. ( Ganganelli) in Two Volumes, Octavo, Price 1 os. or the Second Volume, separate, Price ss. B' T A B O U N D A R Y. HE Proprietors of the Birks Fell, in the Chapelry of Fallstone, parish of Simonburn, and county of Northumberland, intend to perambulate and ride the
Boundary of the said Fell on Monday 1 7th day of ihis instant July, beginning at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the Bent House close Dyke Nuke, . or Boundar Mark, and from thence to proceed Around the said Fell, of which all persons are hereby required( jcr tie faid Cemsiiilioa to take notice.—— For the TEETH and GUMS. HEMET HART, DENTIST, from Manheim , At Mr Mailiard's, Barber, near the Head of the Groat- Market, Newcastle, BEGS Leave to recommend to the Public his Tincture and Dentifrice, which have been found i) y ihofi of the nobility and gentry of great Britain and High Germany to be greatly fuperior, not
only in ele- gance, but alfo in efficacy to any thing hitherto made ufe of for complaints of the Teeth and Gums particularly. They will preftrve the Teeth and Gums in » perfeit found ( late eyeh to old age, render them white and beautiful without impairing the chamd in the lead, faflen fueh as are loofe, keep fuch as are already decay- ed from becoming worfe, prevent the Tooth- ach, per- fe& ly cure the Scurvy in the Gums, changing them from that livid difagreeable colour to a fine pale red, and make them grow fifm and clofe to the Teeth; they like- wife render the breath delicately fweet, and remedy all thofe dilorders that are the
confequence of fcorbutic Gums. The Tooth ach cured without drawing He makes and fixes from one to complete a fet of artificial TEETH ; natural Teeth reinftated, operations and the various incidents to the Teath and Gums, perfor- med with the greateft fafety. N B. Mr HART will wait ort Gentlemen and Ladies at their houses, if required.— He will attend at DUR- HAM during the Races; orders sent to Mr Thorne, BOokseller, will be duly observed. To be LET or SOLD, furnished or unfurnished, ANew- built Freehold Messuage or Tenement, with a garden, and all appurtenances, situated in . Old Elvet, Durham, where Mrs Ellison
now lives. — For further particulars, enquire at the said house. To be now LET, Limestone Quarry and Draw kilns, at Whittle, in the parirh of Shilbottle, in the county Of Nonhumberland, and to be entered upon at Martin- mas next Als, A current- going Colliery, with Houses for Pit- men; and a Farm of Land at Whittle aforesaid, with Houses, Barns, Byers, and other suitable conveniences, containing about 143 acres, to he entered upon at May- day, 1779.:— The, said premises are now in the posses- sion of William and James Anderson. Also, A Farm of. Land in Whittle aforesaid, contain- ing near aoo acres of land, w- ith good
conveniences for a tenant, now in the possession of Caleb Richardson, and, to be entered upon at May- day, 1779. Thomas Stokeld and John Telford, at Whittle, will shew the premifes; and any perfon inclinable to take the same, may apply to Mr Adams, Attorney at Law, in Alnwick. WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt ii awarded and issued forth against Patrick San- derson, of New Elvet, near the city of Durham, in the county of Durham, Bookseller, Dealer, and Chapman, and he being declared Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the faid Com- mission named, of the major part of them,
011 the twen- tv- second and twenty ninth days of July instant, and the twenty- second day of August next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon on each of the faid days, at the house of Thomas Clack, Innkeeper, known by the figii of fhe Queen's head, in the city of Durham, and make a full discovery and disclosure of his estate and effects; when and where the creditors are to. come pre- pared to prove th- ir debts; at the fecond fitting to chuse Assignees; and at the last sitting, the said Bank- rupt is required to finish his examination, and the creditors are to assent to or dissent from the allowance of his certificate. All per'fous
indebted to the faid Bankrupt, or who have any of his effects, are not td pay Or deliver the fame, but to wliom the Commillion- ecs shall appoint, and give notice to Mr Ornfby, At- torney at Law, in Darlington. PEASE and DENT, BANKRUPTS. NOTICE- to CREDITORS. PUrsuant to an Order of the Right Honorable the Lord High Chancellor ot Great Britain, hearing date the xoth day of February last past, made in tile master of John Pease and William Dent, late of Dar- lington, in the county of Durham, Grocers, Copartners, Dealers, and Chapmen, againft whom a joint Commis- sion of Bankrupt hath been awarded, Notice is
hereby given', that tlie said Bankrupts joint and separate Cre- ditors be at liberty within two months from the day of publication of this Notice in the Loudon Gazette ( ij June 1778) to inspect the accounts of the joint and separate Estates of the said Bankrupts, and the pro- ceedings under the said Commission, and to take copies of such parts thereof as they shall think fit, at their- own expence; and that the said joint and separate Cre- ditors shall, within one month after the expiration o£ the said two months, make their election before the major part of the Commissioners in the said Com- mission named, whether they will take a
satis- faction for' their respective debts out of the joint Estate of the said Bankrupts, or out of their respctive sepa- rate Estates ; and that they do make such election ac- cordingly : And Notice is hereby further given, that the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major part of them, will meet at the house of Richard Thompson, the Posthouse, and sign of the Talbot in Darlington aforesaid, on the 17th day of September next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, • when and where the said Bankrupts joint and feparate Creditors are to come prepared to prove thtir Debts, and make their election a> aforef^ id; and all
Claimants are then to make good their claims, or they will be ex- cluded the benefit of a Dividend. N. B. The Assignees accounts and proceedings undel the Commission, miy be feen and perused, by applying to Mr George Allan, of Darlington aforefaid, Solicitor: