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The Craftsman; or London Intelligencer


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The Craftsman; or London Intelligencer
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The Craftsman; or London Intelligencer

Date of Article: 06/12/1777
Printer / Publisher: W. Parker 
Address: No.6 Old Bailey, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 101
No Pages: 4
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The Craftsman; or, London Intelligencer. No. IOI. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1777. [ Price Three- Pence. The following is the Whole of The LONDON GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY, as published on Tuesday night. The LONDON GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY, published by Authority. TUESDAY, December 2, 1777. Whitehall, Dec. 2, 1777. YESTERDAY morning Major Cuyler, First Aid de Camp to General Sir William Howe, arrived from Philadelphia, with dis- patches to Lord George Germain, of which the following are copies and extracts. Copy of a Letter from General Sir William Howe to Lord George Germain, dated Head Quarters, German Town, Oct. 1O, 1777. My Lord, IN my last dispatch of the 30th of August, I had the honour to advise your Lordship of the army having landed on the West side of Elk River, and of its being afterwards divided into two columns ; one under the command of Lord Cornwallis, at the Head of Elk, and the other commanded by Lieutenant- General Knyphausen at Cecil- Court- House; I am therefore to give your Lordship an account of the operations from that period, wherein will be included two ge- neral actions, in both of which I have the satis- faction to premise, that success has attended his Majesty's arms. On the 3d of September Major- General Grant, with six battalions remaining at th : Head of Elk to preserve the communication with the fleet, the two columns joined at Pencadder, laying four miles to the Eastward of Elk, on the road" to Christien Bridge. In this day's march the Hes- sian and Anspach Chasseurs, and the zd battalion of Light Infantry, who were at the head of Lord Cornwallis's column, fell in with a chosen corps of one thousand men from the enemy's. army, advantageously posted in the woods, which they defeated with the loss of only two officers wounded, three men killed, and nineteen wounded, when that of the enemy was not lefs than fifty killed, and many more wounded. On the 6th, Major- General Grant, after Cap- tain Duncan, who superintended the naval de- partment, had destroyed such vessels and stores as could not be removed from the Head of Elk, joined the army. The whole marched on. the 8th, by Newark, and encamped that evening in the township of Hokessen, upon the road leading from Newport to Lancaster, at which first place General Wash- ington had taken post, having his left to Chris- tien Creek, and his front covered by Red Clay Creek. The two armies in this situation being only four miles apart, the enemy moved early in the night of the 8th by the Lancaster Road from Wilmington, and about ten o'clock next morn- ing crossed Brandywine Creek, at Chad's Ford, taking post on the heights on the Eastern side of it. On the gth, in the afternoon, Lieutenant- Ge- neral Knyphausen marched with the left of the army to New Garden and Kennet's square, while Lord Cornwallis, with the right moved to Hokes- sen's Meeting House, and both joined the next morning at Kennet's Square. On the nth, at day- break, the army advanced in two columns ; the right commanded by Lieu- tenant- General Knyphausen, consisting of four Hessian battalions under Major General Stern, the first and second brigades of British, three battalions of the 71st regiment, the Queen's American rangers, and One squadron of the 16th dragoons, under Major General Grant, having with them six medium twelve pounders, four howitzers, and the light artillery belonging to the brigades. This column took the direct road to Chad's Ford, seven miles distant from. Ken- net's square, and arrived in front of the enemy . about ten o'clock, skirmishing most part of the march with their advanced troops, in which the Queen's Rangers, commanded by Captain We- myss of the 40th regiment, distinguished them- selves in a particular manner. The other column, under the command of Lord Cornwallis, Major- General Grey, Briga- dier- Generals Mathew and Agnew, consisting of the mounted and dismounted Chasseurs, two squadrons of the 16th Dragoons, two battalions of Light Infantry, two battalions of British, and three of Hessian Grenadiers, two battalions of Guards, the 3d and 4th brigades, with four light twelve pounders, and the artillery of the bri- gades, marched about twelve miles to the Forks of the Brandywine, crossed the first branch at Trimbles Ford, and the Second at Jeffery's Ford, about two o'clock in the afternoon, taking from thence the road to Dilworth, in order to turn the enemy's right at Chad's Ford. General Washington, having intelligence of this movement about noon, detached Gen. Sul- livan to his right with near ten thousand men, who took a strong position on the commanding ground above Birmingham Church, with his left near to the Brandywine, both flanks being co- vered by very thick wcods, and his artillery ad- vantageously disposed. As soon as this was observed, which was about four o'clock, the King's troops advanced in three columns, and upon approaching the enemy, formed the line with the right towards the Brandywine; the Guards being upon the right, and the British Grenadiers upon their left, sup- ported by the Hessian Grenadiers in a second line : To the left of the center were the two battalions of Light Infantry, with the Hessian and Anspach Chasseurs, supported by the 4th brigade— The 3d brigade formed the reserve. Lord Cornwallis having formed the line, the Light Infantry and Chasseurs began the attack ; the Guards and Grenadiers instantly advanced from the right, the whole under a heavy fire of artillery and musquetry; but they pushed on with an impetuosity not to be sustained by the enemy, who, falling back into the woods in their rear, the King's troops entered with them, and pursued closely for near two miles. After this success, a part of the enemy's right took a second position in a wood about half a mile from Dilworth, from whence the 2d Light Infantry and Chasseurs soon dislodged them ; and from this time they did not rally again in force. The ist British Grenadiers, the Hessian Grena- diers, and Guards having in the pursuit got en- tangled in very thick woods, were no further en- gaged during the day. The 2d light infantry, 2d grenadiers, and 4th brigade, moved forward a mile beyond Dilworth, where they attacked a corps of the enemy that had not been before engaged, and were strongly posted to cover the retreat of their army by the roads from Chad's Ford to Chester and Wilming- ton; which corps not being forced until after it was dark, when the troops had undergone much fatigue, in a march of seventeen miles, besides what they supported since the commencement of the attack, the enemy's army escaped a total overthrow, that must have been the consequence of an hour's more day- light. • The 3d brigade was not brought into action, but kept in reserve in the rear of the 4th brigade, it not being known before it was dark how far Lieutenant - General Knyphausen's attack had succeeded; nor was there an opportunity of em- ploying the cavalry. Lieutenant- General Knyphausen, as had been previously concerted, kept the enemy amused in the course of the day, with cannon, and the ap- pearance of forcing the ford, without intending to ' pass it, until the attack upon the enemy's right should take place: Accordingly When it began, Major- Gejieral Grant crossed the ford with the 4th ajid 5th regiments; and the 4th re- giment passing first, forced the enemy from an entrenchment and battery, where three brass field pieces and a 3 and half inch howitzer were taken, that had been placed there to command the ford. The enemy made little stand on that side after the work was carried, when the guards appearing on their right flank, the retreat became general; but darkness coming on before Lieutenant- General Knyphausen's corps could reach the heights, there was no further action on that side. From the most correct accounts, I conclude the strength of the enemy's army opposed to Lieute- nant- General Knyphausen and Lord Cornwallis, was not less than fifteen thousand men, a part of which retired to Chester, and remained there that night; but the greater body did not stop until they reached Philadelphia. Their loss was con- siderable in officers killed and wounded; and ihey had about three hundred men killed, six hundred wounded, and near four hundred made prisoners. The loss on ths side of his Majesty's troops, and the ordnance, ammunition, and stores taken from the enemy, will appear in the inclosed re- turns, No. 1, and 2. The army laid this night on the field of battle, and on the 12th Major General Grant, with the ill and 2d brigades marched to Concord. Lord Cornwallis, with the light infantry and British grenadiers, joined him next day, and proceeded to Ash Town within five miles of Chester. On the same day ( the 13th) the 71st regiment was detached to Wilmington, where the enemy had thrown up works, both to the land and to the river, with seven pieces of cannon in the lat- ter; but these works being evacuated, Major M'Donell took possession of the place without opposition, and made Mr. M'Kinley, the new appointed President of the Lower Counties on Delaware, his prisoner. On the 14th, Lieutenant Colonel Loos, with the combined battallion of Rhall's brigade, es- corted the wounded and sick to Wilmington, whither the battallion of Mirbach was sent two days afterwards to join him. The army moved in two columns towards Goshen on the i6th ; and intelligence being re- ceived upon the march, that the enemy was ad- vancing upon the Lancaster Road, and were within five miles of Goshen, it was immediately" determined to push forward the two columns and attack them. Lord Cornwallis to take his route by Goshen Meeting- house, and Lieutenant- Ge- neral Knyphausen by the road to Downing Town. The two divisions proceeded on their march, but a most violent fall of rain setting in, amd con- tinuing the whole day and night without inter- mission, made the intended attack impracticable. The 1st light infantry, at the head of Lord Cornwallis's column, meeting with a part of the enemy's advanced guard, about a mile beyond Goshen, defeated them, killing twelve, and wound- ing more, without the loss of a man. Nearly at the same time the chasseurs in front of Lieutenant General Knyphausen's column fell in with another party, of which they killed an officer and five men, and took four officers pri- foners, with the loss of three men wounded. The enemy being thus apprized of the approach of the army, marched with the utmost precipi- tation the whole night of the 16th, and got in the morning to the Yellow Springs, having, as it since known, all their small ammunition da maged by the excessive rain. In the evening of the 17th, Lord Cornwallis advanced to the Lancaster Road, and took post about two miles distant from Lieutenant General Knyphaufen. The army joined in the Lancaster Road at the White- Horse on the 18th, and marched to Tru- duffrin, from whence a detachment of light in- fantry was immediately sent to the Valley Forge upon Schuylkill, where the enemy had a variety of stores, and a considerable magazine of flour. The first battalion of light infantry, and the British grenadiers took post there next day, and were joined on the 20th by the guards. The enemy crossed the Schuylkill on the 18 th, above French Creek, and encamped upon the river, on each side of Perkyomy creek, having detached troops to all the fords of Schuylkill, with cannon at Swedes Ford and the Fords be- low it. Upon intelligence that General Wayne was lying in the woods with a corps of fifteen hun- dred men, and four pieces of cannon, about three miles distant, and in the rear of the left wing of the army, Major General Grey was detached on the 20th late at night, with the 2d light infantry, the 4zd and 44th regiments, to surprize this corps. The most effectual precaution being taken by the General to prevent his detachment from firing, he gained the enemy's left about one o'clock; and having, by the bayonet only, forced their out centries and pickets, he rushed in upon their encampment, directed by the light of their fires, killed and wounded not less than three hundred on the spot, taking between seventy and eighty prisoners, including several officers, the greater part of their arms, and eight waggons loaded with baggage and stores. Upon the first alarm, the cannon were carried off, and the darkness of the night only saved the remainder of the corps. One Captain of light infantry and three men were killed in the attack, and four men wounded. Gallantry in the troops, and good conduct in the General, were fully manifested upon this critical service. On the 21st the army moved by Valley Forge, and encamped upon the Banks of Schuylkill, ex- tending from Fat Land Ford to French Creek. The enemy upon this movement quitted their po- sition, and marched towards Potsgrove in ihe even- ing of this day. On the 22d the grenadiers and light infantry of the guards crossed over in the afternoon at Fat Land Ford, to take post, and the Chasseurs cros- sing soon after at Gordon's Ford, opposite to the left of the line, took post there also. The army was put In motion at midnight. The u being led bv Lord Cornwallis, and the whole crossed the river at Fat Land Ford without oppo- sition. Major General Grant, who commanded the rear guard with the baggage, passed the river before two o'clock in the afternooon, and the ar my encamped on the 23d, with its left to the Schuylkill, and the right upon the Monatomy Road, having Stony Run in front. The second battalion of light infantry was detached to Swedes Ford, which a small party of the enemy quitted immediately, leaving six pieces of iron cannon behind them. On the 25th the army marched in two columns to German Town ; and Lord Cornwallis, with the British grenadiers, and two battalions of Hessian grenadiers, took possession of Philadel- phia the next morning. In the evening of the 26th, three batteries for six medium twelve pounders and four howitzers were begun at Philadelphia, to act against the enemy's shipping and craft that might approach the town. These batteries were unfinished on the 27th, when two frigates, a number of gallies, gondolas, and other armed vessels, came up from Mud Island, and attacked the lower battery, of two guns and two howitzers. The largest frigate, called the Delaware, mounting thirty guns, an chored within five hundred yards of the battery, and the other frigate somewhat more distant; the gallies, gondolas, and othe vessels taking their respective stations as they could bring their guns to bear. About ten in the morning they began a heavy cannonade upon the town as well as the battery, but the tide falling, the Delaware ground- ed ; upon which the four battalion guns of the grenadiers being brought to bear upon her to the greatest advantage, they did such execution in a short time, that she struck her colours, and was taken possession of by the Marine Company of Grenadiers commanded by Capt. Averne. Bigadier- General Cleveland, who attended the batteries in person, seeing the effect of the batta- lion guns upon the Delaware, turned the direc- tion of his fire to the smaller frigate and armed vessels, which forced all of them, excepting a schooner that was disabled and driven on shore, to return to their former situation, under the protec tion of the fort, where there were two floating batteries in the manner of hulks, of considerable strength, with three ranges of sunken machines, which they term chevaux de frize, to obstruct the passage of the river, the lowest row being three miles below the fort. The enemy had a redoubt upon the Jersey shore, at a place called Billing's Point, with heavy guns in it, to prevent these machines from being weighed up. Upon the representation of Captain Hammond, commanding his Majesty's ship Roebuck, who was lying off Chester with some other ships ot war, that the possession of Billing's Point would give him the lower chevaux de frize, the 10th and 43d regiments were detached on the 29th, under the command of Lieutenant- Colonel Stir- ling. This detachment crossing the river next day from Chester, took possession on the 1st of October of the enemy's works at the point, which three hundred men posted there evacuated, after spiking the guns, and burning the barracks. Lieutenant Colonel Stirling pursued them about two miles, but to little purpose, as they retired with the utmost precipitation. Captain Ham- mond immediately opened the navigation of that place, by removing a part of the. chevaux de frize On the 3d the regiment of royal Welch fuzi- leers was detached to Philadelphia, with orders to proceed next day to Chester, where they were to be joined by the 10th and 43d regiments on their return from Jersey, and to form an escort, for a convoy of provisions to the army. The enemy having received a reinforcement of fifteen hundred men from Peck's Kill, one thou- sand from Virginia, and presuming upon the army being much weakened by the detachments to Phi- ladelphia and Jersey, thought it a favourable time for them to risk an action. They accordingly marched at six o'clock in the evening of the 3d, from their camp near Skippach Creek, about fix- teen miles from German Town. This village forms one continued street. for two miles, which the line of incampment, in the po- sition the army then occupied, crossed at Right angles near a mile from the head of it, where the 2d battalion of light infantry and the 40th regi- ment were posted. In this line of encampment Lieutenant General Knyphausen, Major- Generals Stirn and Grey, Brigadier General Agnew, with seven British and three Hessian battalions, the mounted and dis. mounted Chasseurs, were upon the left of the vil- ' age extending to the Schuylkill, the Chasseurs being in front. Major General Grant and Brigadier General Mathew, with the corps of guards, six battalions of British, and two squadrons of dragoons, were upon the right ; the ill: battalion of light infantry, and the Queen's American rangers, were advanced in the front of this wing. At three o'clock in the morning of the 4th the patrols discovered the enemy's approach, and upon the communication of this intelligence the army was immediately ordered under arms. Soon after the break of day the enemy began their attack upon the 2d light infantry, which they sustained for a considerable time, supported by the loth regiment j but at length being overpowered by increasing numbers, the light infantry and a part of the 40th retired into the village, when Lieu- tenant Colonel Musgrave, with six companies of the latter corps, threw himself into a large stone house in the face of the enemy, which. though surrounded by a brigade, and attacked by four pieces of cannon, he most gallantly defended, until Major General Grey, at the head of three batta- lions of the 3d brigade, turning his front to the village, and Brigadier General Agnew, who co- vered Major General Gray's left with the 4th bri- gade, by a vigorous attack repulsed the enemy that had penetrated into the upper part of the village, which was done with great slaughter: the jrh and 55th regiments, from the right, engaging them at the same time on the other side of the village, compleated the defeat of the enemy in this quar- ter. The regiments of Du Corps and Donop being formed to support the left of the 4th brigade, and one battalion of Hessian grenadiers in the rear of the Chasseurs, were not engaged ; the precipitate flight of the enemy preventing the two first corps from entering into action, and the success of the Chasseurs, in repelling all efforts against them on that side, did not call for the support of the latter. The ill light infantry, and pickets of the line in front of the right wing, were engaged soon after the attack began upon the head of the vil- lage ; the pickets were obliged to fall back, but the light infantry, being well supported by the 4th regiment, sustained the enemy's attack with such determined bravery, that they could not make the least impression on them. Two columns of the enemy were opposite to the guards, 27th ? nd 28th regiment, who formed the right of the line. Major General Grant, who was upon the right, moved up the 49th regiment with four pieces of cannon to the left of the 4th regiment, about the time Major General Grey had forced the enemy in the village, and then advancing with the right wing, the enemy's left gave way, and was pur- sued through a strong country between four and five miles. Lord Cornwallis, being early apprized at Phila- delphia of the enemy's approach, put in motion the two battalions of British aud one of the Hessian Grenadiers, with a squadron of dragoons; and his Lordship getting to German Town just as the ene- my had been forced out of the village, he joined Major General Grey, when placing himself at the head of the troops, he followed the enemy eight miles on the Skippach road, but such was the ex- pedition with which they fled, he was not able to overtake them. The grenadiers from Philadelphia, who, full of ardor, had run most of the way to German Town, could not arrive in time to join in the action. The country in general was so strongly enclosed and covered with wood, that the dragoons had not any opening to charge, except a small party on the right, which behaved must gallantly. The enemy retired near twenty miles by several roads to Perkiomy Creek, and are now encamped Upon Skippach Creek, about eighteen miles dis- tant from hence. They saved all their cannon by withdrawing them early in the day. By the best accounts, their loss Was between tWo and three hundred killed, about six hundred wounded, and upwards of four hundred taken. Among the killed was General Nash, with many other officers of all ranks, and fifty- four officers among the prisoners. Since the battle of Brandywine, seventy- two of their officers have been taken, exclusive of ten belonging to the Delaware frigate. Your Lordship will see the loss on the part of the King's army in return No. 3, and among the killed will be found the names of Brigadier General Agnew and Lieutenant Colonel Bird of the 1 jth regiment, both of whom are much to be lamented as officers of experience and approved merit. Lieutenant Colonel Walcot of the 5th regiment is among the wounded, bat I have the satisfac- tion to report that he is now in a fair way of re- covery, though at first his wound was thought mor- tal. His behaviour on this occasion reflects upon him infinite honour. In these several engagements, the successes at- tending them are far better vouchers than any words can convey of the good conduct of the general officers, and of the bravery of the other officers and soldiers. Tne fatigues of a march exceeding one hundred miles, supported with the utmost chearfulness by all ranks, without tents, and with very little baggage, will, I hope, be esteemed as convincing proofs of the noble spirit and emulation prevailing in the army to promote his Majesty's service. Major Cuyler, my First Aid deCamp, will have the honour to deliver my dispatches, and I flatter myself is well informed to answer your Lordship's further enquiries. With most perfect respect, I have the honour to be, Soc. W. HOWE. Return of the killed, wounded, and missing of the army under the command of his Excellency Sir William Howe, in the general engagement with the Rebel army, on the Heights of the Brandy wine, September 11, 1777. Royal artillery.. 5 rank and file, killed-, 1 Lieute- nant, 2 Serjeants, 9 rank and file, wounded. ift battalion of light infantry. 1 lieutenant, 9 rank ar. d file, killed ; 3 captains, 3 lieute rants, 8 serjeants, 1 drummer, 36 rank and file, wounded, jd battalion of ditto. 6 rank and file, killed 5 captains, 4 lieutenants, 2 f rjeants, 2 drum- mers, 41 rank and file, wounded, 1st battalion of grenadiers, 3 lieutenants, 1 ser- jeant, 8 rank and file, killed ; 1 lieutenant colonel, 2 captains, 4 lieutenants, 3 serjeants, 46 rank and file, wounded ; wvo rank and file missing. ' ad battalion of ditto. 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, I serjeant, 9 rank and file killed ; 1 captain 1 lieutenant, 7 serjeants, 61 rank and file, wounded ; one rank and file missing. Brigade of foot guards. I rank and file killed e rank and file wounded ; 1 rank and file mis- sing. 1st brigade, 4th regiment. 2 rank and file kil led ; 1 captain, 20 rank and file wounded, 1st brigade, 23d regiment. 1 serjeant, 1 rank and file killed ; 4 rank and file wounded, lft brigade, 28th regiment. 2 rank and file killed ; 1 lieutenant, 8 rank and file wounded, ift brigade, 49th regiment. 1 serjeant, 2 rank and file killed ; 1 captain, 1 drummer, 9 rank and file, wounded. 2d brigade, 5th regiment. I ensign, 1 serjeant, 12 rank and file wounded, jd brigade, loth regiment. 2 rank and file kil led ; 6 rank ar. d file wounded. 2d brigade, 27th regiment. 1 rank and file killed ; 2 rank and file wounded. 2d brigade, 40th regiment. I rank and file wounded. 2d brigade, 55th regiment. 1 rank and file wounded. • 4th brigade, 33d regiment, 1 rank and file killed; 1 serjeant, 11 rank and file wounded. 1 rank and file missing. 4th brigade, 37th regiment. I serjeant, 6 rank 3nd file wounded. , 4th brigade, 46th regiment. I rank and file killed; 1 ensign, 1 serjeant, 12 rank and file wounded. , 4th brigade, 64th regiment. 1 captain, 4 rank and file killed 1 major, 3 lieutenants, 2 en- signs, 5 serjeants, 31 ra k and file wounded. . Two battalions of the 71st regiment. 3 rank and file wounded. Queen's American rangers. 1 captain, 1 ser- jeant, 12 rank and file killed; 4 captains, 5 lieutenants, 1 ensign, 4 serjeants, 43 rank and file wounded; one rank and file missing. Ferguson's corps of riflemen. 2 rank and file killed ; 1 captain, 5 rank and file wounded. Total British. 3 captains, 5 lieutenants, 5 ser- jeants, 68 rank and file killed ; i lieutenant- colonel, 1 major, 16 captains, 22 lieutenants, 5 ensigns, 35 serjeants, 4 drummers, 372 rank and file wounded ; 6 rank and file missing. Hessian Yagers. 1 serjeant, 3 rank and file, killed ; 1 captain, 3 serjeants, 12 rank and file wounded. Battalion Linfing. 2 lieutenant*, 1 ferjeant, 2 rank and file wounded. ditto Lengerke. 1 rank and file killed. Regiment Du Corps. 1 rank and file. killed; 2 tank and file wounded. Ditto Mirbach. 2 rank and file wounded. Anspach Yagers. I serjeant, I rank and file killed; 1 lieutenant, 1 serjeant, 5 rank and file wounded. Total foreign. 2 serjeants, 6 rank and file, kil- led ; 1 captain, 3 lieutenants, 5 serjeants, 23 rank and file wounded. Total British and Foreign. 3 captains, 5 lieu- tenants, 7 serjeants, 74 rank and file killed ; 1 lieutenant- colonel, 1 major, 17 captains, 25 lieutenants, 5 ensigns, 40 serjeants, 4 drummers, 395 rank and file, wounded; 6 rank and file, missing. Names and rank of officers killed and wounded in tbe general engagement of the 11th of September, 1777. Royal Artillery. Lieut. Shand wounded, ill battalion of light infantry, 38th company, Lieut. Johnston killed. 23d Capt. Meccan, 33d Capt. Dancey, 15th Capt. Douglas, 27th Lieut. Birch, 33d Lieut. Nicholl, 15th Lieut. Leigh, wounded. 2d battalion of light infantry, 49th company, Capt. Wade, 55th Capt. Downing, 57th Capt. Sir James Murray, 40th Capt. De Courcy, 45th Lieut. Ruxton, 49th Lieut. Armstrong, 63d Lieut. Ball, wounded, ift battalion of grenadiers, 15th company, Lieut. Faulkner, 27th Lieut. Minchin, 40th Lieut. Barber, killed. 55th Lieut. Col. Medowes, 15th Capt. Cathcart, 40th Capt. Simcoe, 33d Lieuts. Harris and Drummond, 37th Lieuts. Chapman and Cooke, wounded. 2d battalion of grenadiers, 63d company, Capt. Drury, 52d Lieut. D'Oyly, killed. 44th Capt. Fish. 64th Lieut. Peters, wounded. 4th regiment, Capt. Rawdon wounded. 28th reg. Lieut. Edwards wounded. 49th reg. Capt. Stewart wounded. 5 th reg. Ensign Andrew wounded. 46th reg. Ensign Bristow wounded. 64th regiment, Capt. Nairne killed. Major Macleroth, Lieuts. Jacob, Torianno, and Wyn yard, Ensigns Freeman and Grant, wounded. Queen's American rangers, Capt. Murden killed. Capt. Williams, Saunders, M'Kay, M'Crea, Lieuts. Ker, Agnew, Smith, Joel, and Close, Ensign M'Kay, wounded. Ferguson's corps, Capt. Ferguson wounded. Hessian yagers, Capt. Trautvitter wounded. Battalion of Linsing, Lieuts. De Buy and De Brumbak, wounded. Anspach yagers, Lieut. De Forstner wounded. Volunteers serving with the Queen's rangers, Capt. Burns wounded. Ditto with 1st battalion of light infantry, Capt. Cummings, Currey, M'Intosh, and M'Kenzie, wounded. Diuo with 2d battalion of light infantry, Capt. Moultrie, Evans, Fone, wounded. Return of ordnance, ammunition, and stores, taken from the rebels by his Majesty's troops, in the action near Brandywine Creek, Sept. 11, 1777. Ordnance mounted on travelling carriages. Brass six pounders, 1 Rebel Staffs, 1 Hessian, I English; four pounders, 4 French; three pounders, 1 Hessian, 1 French ; five and half inch howitzer, 1 Rebel States. Iron four pounder,.) Rebel States. Total 11. Shot fixed, with powder. Grape quilted, six pounders 188 ; three pounders zo. Ditto round, six pounders 76 ; three pounders 23. Ditto case, six pounders I 30 ; three pounders 225. • Shot fixed to wood bottoms. Round, six poun- ders 6. Case, six pounders 4 ; eight inch how- itzers 38 ; five and half ditto 39. |. Shot, round loose. Twelve pounders 6 ; six pounders 39; four pounder. 12 ; Three poun- ders 2 » Cartridges. Paper filled with powder, six poun- ders 24; three pounders 46. Flannel ditto TOr five and half inch howitzer 28. Musquet filled with ball 6000. Powder. Whole barrels 3. Budge barrels 4. Waggons covered for ammunition 9. Open ditto 1. A quantity of damaged tubes, port fires, and in- trenching tools. . The two Hessian guns were taken by the re- bels at Trent Town, and one of them since bored to a six pounder. The English gun was left at Prince Town, the carriage being broke. 572 rank and file, wounded ; 1 captain, 13 rank and file, missing. . Hessian chassurs. 10 rank and file wounded. . Hessian reg du corps. 1 serjeant, 13 rank and file, wounded. Total Hessians. 1 serjeant, 23 rank and file, wounded. Total British and Hessians, 2 lieutenant- colo- nels, ensigns, 7 serjeants, 1 drummer, 58 rank and file, killed ; 1 lieutenant- colonel, 6 cap- tains, r3 lieutenants, 10 ensigns, 24 serjeants, I drummer, 395 rank and file, wounded; 1 cap- tain, 13 rank and file, missing. . N. B. 16th light dragoons. 1 man killed ; 3 horses killed; and 4. wounded. Names and rank of tbe officers killed and wounded in the engagement at German Town, on the e\ th of october, 1777. Lieutenant James Frost, Lieutenant Morgan, 17th, Lieutenant Champaigne, Return of the killed, wounded, and missing, of tbe army under the command of his Excellency Gene- ral Sir William Howe, in the engagement with tbe rebel army at German town in Pensylvania, on the 4th of October, 1777. . Royal Artillery. 1 lieutenant, i serjeant, 13 rank and file, wounded. lfl Battalion of light infantry. 1 serjeant, 5 rank and fil « , killed ; 2 lieutenants, 1 serjeant, 36 rank and file, wounded; 2 rank and file mis- sing- ,2d Battalion of light infantry. 2 serjeants, 7 rank and file, killed ; 1 captain, 3 lieutenants, 3 serjeants, 1 drummer, 51 rank and file, wounded ; 1 captain, 4 rank and file, missing. . Brigade of foot guards. 3 rank and file wounded. .4th Regiment, 1 serjeant, 8 rank and file, killed; 1 captain, 3 lieutenants, 4 ensigns, 2 serjeants, 46 rank and file wounded 5 3 rank and file missing. , 5 th. 1 drummer, 9 rank and file, killed ; 1 lieu- tenant- colonel, 1 captain, 2 ensigns, 5 ser- jeants, 37 rank and file, wounded. ,15th. 1 lieutenant- colonel, 1 ensign, j rank and file killed; 2 captains, I lieutenant, 1 ensign, 1 serjeants, 42 rank and file, wounded. ,17th. 1 ensign, 1 serjeant, 4 rank and file killed; 3 serjeants, 21 rank and file, wounded. ,33d. 2 serjeants, 2 rank and file, killed; 13 rank and file, wounded. ,37th,. 3 rank and file killed ; 1 lieutenant, 20 rank and file, wounded. .40th. 4 rank and file killed ; 2 lieutenants, I ensign, 3 ferjeants, 23 rank and file, wound- ed ; 3 rank and file missing. , 44th. 1 lieutenant- colonel, 5 rank and file, killed ; 1 ensign, 1 serjeant, 31 rank and file, wounded ; 1 rank- and file missing. ,46th. 2 rank and file killed ; 1 serjeant, 5 rank and file, wounded. .49th. 1 serjeant, 11 rank and file, wounded. ,55th. 3 rank and file killed ; 1 captain, I en- sign, 1 3 rank and file wounded. ' 64th. 1 rank and file killed ; 6 rank and file wounded. • Queen's American rangers. 1 rank and file wounded. Total British. 2 lieutenant- Colonels, 2 en- signs, 7 serjeants, 1 drummer, 58 rank and file, killed; 1 lieutenant- colonel, 6 captains, 13 lieu- tenants, 10 ensigns, 23 serjeants, 1 drummer, Royal artillery. wounded. 1 st light infantry, dead of his wounds. 4th, wounded. 2d Light infantry. Captain Sir James Baird, 71st, captain Weir, 43d, lieutenant St George, 52d, lieutenant Campbell, sen. 71st, wounded. Captain Speke, 37th, prisoner. 4th Regiment. Captain Thome, lieutenants Ar- buthnot and Kemble ; ensigns Dickson, Scho- en, Hadden, and Blenman ; adjutant Hunt, wounded. 5th Regiment. Lieutenant- colonel Walcot, cap- tain Charleton, ensigns Thomas and Stuart, wounded. 15th Regiment, lieutenant- colonel Bird, ensign Anthony Frederick, killed. Captains T. G. Goldfrapp, Henry Ditmas; lieutenant G. Tho- mas, ensign William Ball, wounded. 17th Regiment, ensign Nathaniel Phillips killed. 37th Regiment, lieutenant Buckeridge, wounded. 40th Regiment, lieutenants Doyle and Forbes ensign Campbell, wounded. 44th regiment, lieutenant- colonel Agnew ( bri- gadier- general) killed. Ensign David Stack, wounded. 55th Regiment, captain Fisher, ensign Shuld- ham, wounded. Volunteers serving with ill light infantry. James Forrest, William M'Intosh, wounded. Ditto, serving with 2d light infantry. Smiths. Waller, half pay ensign Gordon, wounded. N. B. Captain Wolfe, of the 40th light in- fantry, killed, and lieutenant Hunter, of the 52d ditto, wounded ; one serjeant and one rank and file killed, and eight rank and file wounded, — 20th September, on a detachment under the command of major- general Grey in Pensylvania. Extract of a letter from General Sir William Howe to Lord George Germain, dated Philadelphia, October 21, 1777. SINCE the march of the array from the head of the Elk, I have been honoured with your Lordship's several dispatches, No. 10, II, 12, and separate letter of the 20th of May, the du- plicates of which were before received, also the original and duplicate of the 12th of June, en- closing the states of Hessian chasseurs and recruits brought out by Major General Robertson, a cir- cular letter of the same date, and the original and duplicate of your Lordship's dispatch, No. 14. These reached my hands at German- Town on the 17th instant, and on the 19th I had the further honour of your Lordship's dispatches of the 6th of August, which came to New York by the Le Despencer Packet. The inclosed copies of reports from Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton, and Brigadier Ge- neral Campbell, will give your Lordship a parti- cular information of the most material transaC- tions that have passed on the side of New York. The very important and brilliant success set forth in No. 3, does infinite honour to the Gene- ral and his troops, and must be attended with the best consequences to his Majesty's service. The loss on the part of the King's troops on this last occasion is contained in return No. 4. One hundred of the enemy were killed in the different attacks, eight field officers, two cap tains, twelve subalterns, and about three hun- dred men made prisoners, by the best accounts that could be obtained before Sir Henry Clin- ton's advices were dispatched. On the 19th the army removed from German Town to this place, as a more convenient situa- tion for the reduction of Fort Island, which at present is an obstruction to the passage of the river, as the upper Chevaux de Frize cannot be re- moved until we have possession of that post. The difficulty of access has rendered the reduction of it a much more tedious operation, than was con- ceived upon our arrival here. I am to request that additional cloathing may be sent over for 5000 Provincials, which, by in- cluding the new levies expected to be raised in this and the neighbouring countries will certainly be wanting. Extract of a Letter from Lieutenant- General Sir Henry Clinton, to General Sir William Howe, dated Kingsbridge, 23d September, 1777. IN the last letter which I had the honour of writing to your Excellency of the 6th of this month, 1 mentioned my intention of making an incursion into Jersey ; the object of which was to make a small diversion in favour of both ar mies, at what, I supposed, a critical time ; having learnt by Rebel accounts that you had landed on Elk River. i My principal motive was, if possible, to at tempt a stroke against any detached corps of the enemy, if one offered, or, if not, to collect a- considerable number of cattle, which would at the same time prove a seasonable refreshment to the troops, and deprive the enemy of resources which I understood they much depended upon ; and finally t0 retire, with our body, by the. only- road practicable with thosfe embarrassments, to re- embark, return to our Camp, or proceed to fome other expedition, if any thing presented itself. ... All arrangements being settled, the landing was made at the four following places,, viz. at Elizabeth - Town- Point by Brigadier- General Campbell, with the 7th; 26th, and 5 2d regi- ments, Anspach and Waldeck Grenadiers, and 300 Provincials. At Schuyler's Ferry by Captain Drummond, with two pieces of cannon, 250 recruits of the 71st regiment, and some convalescents. At Fort Lee by Major- General Vaughan, with Captain Emmerick's Chasseurs, five companies of Grenadiers and Light Infantry, the 57th, 63d, and Prince Charles's Regiment, and five pieces of very light artillery. And at Tapan by Lieutenant- Colonel Camp- bell, with 200 Provincials, and 40 marines. The corps which landed at Elizabeth- Town- Point to proceed towards Newark, driving cattle, disarming the inhabitants, and if it met with the enemy in any force, so as to prevent its pro- ceeding to Aquakinack, its retreat over the Pasaick River was secured by a small corps with cannon op the heights of Schuyler, who had landed at Schuyler's Ferry, and were aportee to take possession of the high grounds which command the environs of Newark, & c.—— If the Elizabeth- Town corps continued its march to Aquakinack, it was there received by the corps which had landed at Fort Lee, and marched by Newbridge, Hackinsack, and Slatterdam, where it was in a situation to fulfil that object. A post was left Hackinsack, and I ordered General Vaughan to leave one battalion and two pieces of cannon at Newbridge to cover that very impor- tant pass. Lieutenant- Colonel Campbell, who had landed at Tapan, to remain there, and if pressed to fall back on Newbridge ; this, however subject to any alterations that General Vaughan should think necessary to make. Finding that Brigadier General Campbell had landed on Friday the 12th, about four o'clock in the morning, without opposition, I then went by Newark Bay to Schuyler's landing on Hackinsack River.— The cannon were that instant landed, and I or- dered them to proceed, through the Cedar Swamp, to the high grounds near Schuyler's House, where Captain Sutherland, with 250 men had been for some time.— Finding it necessary to amuse the enemy, who being informed of the landing at Elizabeth Town Point, were retiring with their cattle, the troops were ordered to shew them- selves, and about noon the enemy were much encreased in number, and had got one piece of cannon. They had all the boats on their side of the river— Firing of musquetry and cannon continued the whole day with little or no loss on either side. Much loose firing was heard beyond Newark, and at night we had a private report that General Campbell had taken possession of that town. I sent immediately to tell him our situation, but soon afterwards, by the noise of cattle driving and march of troops, found he had continued his route, was opposite to us, and on his way to Aquakinack. I judged it best to order him to halt till morning.— At day- break the re- bels appeared in some force, and about noon they had three pieces of cannon in battery on their side of the ravine.— I went over to observe them, and had every reason to suppose, from their cloath- ing and artillery, that they were reinforced by what is called Continental try their countenance, and give an opportunity 10 the Provincials, I ordered Burkick's battalion to march through a corn- field, with an intention of taking in flank a body of the rebels posted be- hind a stone wall, and which it wculd have been difficult to have removed by a front attack.— The regiment marched with great spirit, and their march, with some little movement to favour it, obliged the rebels to quit without a shot.— I then repassed the river, desiring General Camp- bell to lose no opportunity of giving them a brush, and, if possible, of taking their cannon. In the evening the rebels retired, as we sup- posed, to the neighbouring woods, and I waited only to hear of the arrival of a squadron of ca- valry, which I had ordered to join General Vaughan from Paulus Hook, to settle a plan ia which part of General Vaughan's corps might co- operate with General Campbell's, in endea- vouring to surround them. In the mean time I received a letter from General Vaughan, acquaint- ing me, that, by information from his patrols, the rebels were assembling in great force at the Clove. This intelligence, and their leaving us so suddenly, gave me some suspicion of their in- tention, and made it necessary for me to assem- ble our little army as soon as possible, occupy Newbridge in some force, and send Lieutenant- Colonel Campbell from Newbridge towards Ta- pan, to observe their motions in that quarter. General Campbell began his march at day- break, and was not followed.— I ordered the small corps on the Heights of Schuyler, reinforced with two companies of grenadiers, to fall back and cover the entry of the defile; and when the cat- tle we had got on that side had passed the river, they were to pass also, and remain with their cannon on the other side. 1 then went to General Vaughan at Slatterdam, aud having assembled the little army and the cattle, I ordered him to march to Newbridge, and General Campbell towards Hackinsack. The whole assembled at Newbridge on the 15th, and then hearing nothing of the enemy, having collected our cattle, the soldiers without tents or . blankets, and the weather threatening, I thought it advisable to fall back. I accordingly ordered General Campbell to continue his march to Eng- lish Neighbourhood, taking with him the cattle, amounting to 400, head, including 20 milch cows for the use of the hospital, ( which was all I would suffer to be taken from the inhabitants) 400 sheep, and a few horses. On the i6ih General Campbell marched to Bergen Point, where he embarked for Staten Island, and General Vaughan to Fort Lee, not followed by a single man, where he repaired the North River, and the whole returned to their former stations by two o'clock. I wish upon this occasion to express the very great assistance I have received from the Navy ; indeed I have experienced it in every instance ; but the excellent ' arrangement of the boats ia this affair, and the secrecy with which every thing was conduced, demand my particular acknowledgement. Your Excellency will permit me to give the highest commendation to the regularity of the troops, both British, Foreign, and Provincials, during this excursion. Their strict attention to discipline did them and their officers great credit. Return of the killed, wounded, prisoners, and missing cf the following corps during an excursion to Jersey, from the nth to the \ 6th of September, 1777' English Fuzileers. l Lieutenant, i rank and file, wounded. 26th regiment. z rank and file, killed ; z rank and file, wounded. 52d regiment. 6 rank and file wounded; i drummer, 4 rank and file, missing; 5 rank and file taken prisoners. 57th regiment. 3 rank and file, killed ; 2 rank and file wounded ; 2 rank and file missing. 71st regiment. 1 rank and file wounded. Gen. Skinner's brigade. 3 rank and file, killed; 5 rank and file wounded ; 3 rank and file missing. Total. 8 rank and file killed; 1 Lieutenant, 17 rank and file, wounded ; l drummer, 9 rank and file, missing ; 5 rank and file taken prisoners. Lieutenant Haymer of 7th regiment, wounded. ( Signed) H. Cliton, Lieut. Gen. Copy of a letter from Brigadier General Camp- bell to Sir Henry Clinton, dated Head Quar- ters, Staten Island, August 23, 1777. SIR, I HAD the honour of informing you yesterday morning of a descent made by the rebels on this island, and of my being on my march w; th the 52d regiment of Britilh and 3d regiment of Waldeck, with two field pieces to each battalion, to reconnoitre, and if possible to attack them. I am sorry now to add that the enemy effeCted almost a total surprize of two battalions of the Jersey Provincials, which occasioned nearly the whole loss sustained by his Majesty's troops, as will appear by the inclosed return, Soon after I wrote, I had intelligence that tie enemy was moving towards Richmond, with an intention ( as I conjeCtured) of occupying the adja- cent heights, and thereby be enabled to cut off the retreat of three Provincial regiments stationed beyond that village, which determined me to move forward to prevent the sacrfice of that corps; but a messenger soon after arrived from Lieutenant- Colonel Dongan, with information, that an attack had likewise been made on the West part of the island; that Lieutenant- Colonel Lawrence and a good many of his corps had been made prisoners; but that he and Lieutenant- Colonel Allan and their battalions, with a few of Laurence's that lnd joined them, had taken possession of some works formerly thrown up by the rebels near Princes Bay, where they should be able to defend them- selves Until supported, or that boats should arrive to carry them off. This strengthening me in my former resolution » , I advanced on the fOOtsteps of the enemy, and proceeded without the least inter- ruption to the village of Richmond, where I was obliged to halt to bring up the rear, and to re- fresh the troops, who were even at this time very much fatigued from excessive heat. From this place Brigadier- General Skinner was directed to send repeated expresses to inform Colonel Dongan of my approach, and desiring him to endeavour a junCtion. I had proceeded but a short way beyond Richmond, when I was informed that the rebels had reached the Old Blazing Star, and were using the greatest diligence in transporting their troops to the Jersey shore. At this very instant an officer arrived from Colonel Dongan, that he was a little more than at a mile's distance on his way to join me ; whereupon I sent him orders to turn towards the enemy, and to attack whatever body he could come up with, and I was following with all ex- pedition, and would immediately support him. He obeyed my orders with spirit, bravery, and re- solution, and engaged their rear for near half an hour, when the 52d regiment coming up, ex- changing some shots, and moving to take them in flank, and the cannon having by this time bt- gun to play upon their boats, about 150 surren- dered themselves prisoners to Lieutenaut- Colonel Campbell of the 52d regiment, and the remainder, of nearly the same number, retreated towards the extremity of the island opposite Amboy, of which last number I have since learned was Brigadier General de Bore; and reports render it still doubtful whether he has as yet made his escape from off the island : however, the troops were by this time so much fatigued, that I found it alto- gether impossible to pursue them ; and I fear the greater part, if not the whole, found means to cross over near Amboy. The troops lay for that night under arms, and this morning I detached the greater part of Ge- ral Skinner's brigade towards Amboy, and pro- ceeded with the regular troops on my return A party was this day also ordered to bring off the enemy's boats under the cover of a piece of can- non, which was effeCted without any loss. I must not forget to mention that Colonel Bus- kirk's battalion was early in the day ordered to attack a party left to cover the enemy's boats, which they did with charge of bayonet, and obliged them to retreat to the Jersey shore. By prisoners reports, and from an inclosed or- der found in General Smallwood's, Major of Bri gade's, pocket, who was killed, it appears, that this attack was carried on by select and chosen troops, and formed from three brigades.— Sulli- van's Smallwood's, and de Bore's, and headed by their respeCtive Generals, besides Drayton's and Ogden's battalions. We have taken in all 259 prisoners, among whom are 1 Lieutenant- Colo nel, 3 Majors, 2 Captains, and 15 inferior officers. Their loss in killed cannot be ascer- tained, but must have been considerable, 1 cannot do too much justice to the bravery and spirit of the troops. both officers and men seemed only anxious to engage, and emulous who should be foremost in the race Of glory. And I must add, that the several commanding officers did justice to the ardour of their troops, which they knew to temper with judgment and conduCt. For further particulars I refer you to Brigade Ma- jor Campbell, who was present at the whole af- fair, and charged with the delivery of this. I have, & c. ( Signed) John Campbell, Brigadier- General. Copy of a letter from Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton to General Sir William Howe, daied Fort Montgomery, October 9, 1777. SIR, IN the last letter which I had the honour to write to your Excellency, I mentioned my intention, with the small force that could be spared from the important post you had left under my command, to make an attack upon Forts Clinton, Montgomery, Sec. Your Excellency recollects the situation of these forts, that they are separated by a creek which comes from the mountains, and communicate with each other by a bridge. In my opinion, the only way of effecting it was by a coup de main in the unguarded state they then were. The Commodore and I having made our arrangements, and every proper jea- lousy having been given for every objeCt but the real one, the little army, consisting of about 3000 men, arrived off Verplanks Point, preceded by the gallies under the command of Sir James Wal- lace. On our appearance the enemy retired without firing a shot, leaving a twelve pounder behind them ; and Sir James moved up to Peak's Kill Neck to mask the only communication they had across the river on this side of the High- lands. At day- break on the 6th, the * troop's disem- barked at Stoney Point. The avant garde of 500 regulars and 400 Provincials, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Campbell, with Colonel Ro- binson of the Provincials under him, began its march to occupy the pass of Thunder hill. This avant garde, after it had passed that mountain, was to proceed bv a detour of seven miles round the hill, and debouches in the rear of Fort Mont- gomery, while General Vaughan with 1 zoo f men, was to continue his march towards Fort Clinton, covering the corps under Lieutenant- Co- lonel Campbell, and aportee to co operate, by attacking Fort Clinton, or in case of misfortune to favour the retreat. Major General Tryon with the remainder, being the rear J guard, to leave a battalion at the pass of Thunder- hill, to open our communication with the fleet. Your Excellency recollecting the many, and, 1 ~ 7 say, extraordinary difficulties of this march over the mountains, every natural obstruCtion, and that art could invent to add to them, will not be surprized that the cOrps, intended to attack Fort Montgomery in the rear, could not get to its ground before five o'clock ; about which time I ordered General Vaughan's corps, aportee, to begin the attack on Fort Clinton, to push, if pos- sible, and dislodge the enemy from their advanced station behind a stone breast Work, having in front, for half a mile, a most impenetrable ab. batis. This the General, by his good disposition, obliged the enemy to quit, though supported by cannon, got possession of the wall, and there waited the motion of the co- operating troops, when I joined him, and soon afterwards heard Lieutenant Colonel Campbell begin his attack. I chose to wait a favourable moment before I or- dered the attack on the side of Fort Clinton which was a circular height, desended by a line for musquetry, with a barbet battery in the centre of three guns, and flanked by two redoubts. The approaches to it, through a continued abbatis of 400 yards, defensive every inch, and exposed to the fire of ten pieces of cannon. As the night was approaching, I determined to seize the first favourable instant. A brisk attack on the Mont gomery side ; the gallies with their oars approach- ing, firing, and even striking the Fort; the men of war that moment appearing, crouding all sail to support us ; the extreme ardour of the troops in short, all determined me to order the attack General Vaughan's spirited behaviour and good conduCt did the rest. Having no time to lose, I particularly ordered that not a shot should be fired ; in this I was striCtly obeyed, and both re- doubts, & c. were stormed. General Tryon advanc ed with one battalion to support General Vaughan, in case it might be necessary, and he arrived in time to join in the cry of victory. Trumbach's regiment was posted at the stone wall to cover our retreat in case of misfortune. The night being dark, it was near eight o'clock before we could be certain of the success of the at- tack against Fort Montgomery, which we found afterwards had succeeded at the same instant that of Fort Clinton did, and that by the excellent disposition of Lieutenant Colonel Campbell, who was unfortunately killed on the first attack, but seconded by Colonel Robinson of the Royal Ame- rican regiment, by whole knowledge of the coun- try I was much aided in forming my plan, and to whose spirited conduCt in the execution of it I impute in a great measure the success of the en- terprize Our loss was not very considerable excepting in some respeCtable officers, who were killed in the attack. About ten o'clock at night the rebels set fire to their two ships, Montgomery, and Congress, some gallies and other armed vessels, with their cannon, stores, & c. in them. I have the honour to send your excellency a re- turn of the cannon, stores, See. taken. That of stores is very considerable, this being I believe their principal magazine. The Commodore has assisted me with his ad- vice, and every effort. We sent a joint summons * 52d and 27th regiments, Loyal Americans, New York Volunteers, and Emerick's Provincial chasseurs. f Grenadiers and Light Infantry, 26th and 63d regi- ments, one company ofthe 71st, one troop of dismounted Dragoons, Hessian Chasseurs, Royal Fuzileers, and Hessian regiment of Trumbach, to Fort Constitution, but our flag meeting with an insolent reception, unknown in any war, we determined to chastize, and therefore an embar- kation under Major General Tryon, and Sir James Wallace, with the gallies, was ordered. They found the Fort evacuated in the greatest confusion, their storehouses burnt, but their can- non were left unspiked. The Commodore im- mediately ordered Sir James Wallace up the river, and if it should be possible to find a passage through the Chevaux de Frise, between Polypus Island and the main, he may probably do most essential service. In justice to Captain Pownal, who commanded the flat boats, and the officers under him, I must mention to your Excellency that that service could not have been more zealously or punctually at- tended to. I have the honour to be, Sec. Signed H. CLINTON, Lt. Gen. October , 10 o'clock at night. P. S. Major General Tryon, whom I detached this morning with Emerick's chasseurs, 50 Yagers, the Royal Fuzileers and regiment of Trumbach, with two three pounders, to destroy the rebel set- tlement called the Continental Village-, has just returned, and reported to me that he has burned barracks for 1500 men, several storehouses, and loaded waggons. The extreme badness of the weather making it necessary to be as expeditious; as possible, no account could be taken of the stores. ! but I believe them to have been considerable. j ' need not point out to your Excellency the conse- quence of destroying this post, as it was the only establishment of the rebels in that part of the Highlands, and the place from whence any neighbouring body of troops drew their supplies. Fanning's and Bayard's corps marched from Verplanks point to co- operate with General Tryon, but finding he met with no opposition, they were ordered back to their post. Signed H. C. Return of cannon, stores, ammunition & c. taken and destroyed upon tbe expedition up the North River, October 6, 1777. Cannon, 32 pounders 6; 18 pounders 3; 12 pounders 7; 9 pounders 3; 6 pounders 41; 4 pounders 3 ; 3 pounders 2 ; 2 pounders 2 ; total 67. Two frigates built for 30 and 36 guns were burnt by the rebels on the Forts being taken. The guns aboard them, and two gallies which were likewise burnt, amounted to above 30. one sloop with ten guns fell into our hands. The whole loss therefore is above 100 pieces. Powder. 54 casks; 11 i barrels; 12,236 lb. exclusive of what was aboard the vessels. Cartridges fitted. 1,852 cannon; 57,396 mus- quet. Cannon shot. 9,530 round; 886 double head- ed; 2,483 grape and case ; 36 cwt. 1 qr. 15.1b. landgridge. For musquets. 1379 wt of ball; 116 wt of buck shot; 5,400 flints. Every article belonging to the Laboratory in the greatest perfection. Other stores, such as port- ly instruments, Sec. Sec. in great plenty. A large quantity of provisions. The boom and chain which ran across the river from Fort Montgo- mery to St. Anthony's Nose is supposed to have cost the rebels 70,000!. Another boom which we destroyed near Fort Constitution, must like- wise have cost the rebels much money and la- bour. Barracks for 1500 men were destroyed by Major- General Tryon at Continental Vil- lage, besides several store- houses and loaded waggons, of the articles contained in which no accounts could be taken. Return of the killed, wounded, and missing of the troops under the command of Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton, in the storm of Forts Clinton and Montgomery on the 6th of October, 1777. Light infantry and grenadiers. 1 captain, 3 rank and file killed ; 1 captain, 1 lieutenant 1 ser- jeant, 30 rank and file, wounded; 3 rank and file, missing. 26 regiment. 1 rank and file killed ; 1 lieute- nant, 1 rank and file, wounded. 52d. 1 lieutenant- colonel, 2 rank and file, killed; 2 lieutenants, 1 ensign, 13 rank and file, wounded. ,57th. 2 serjeants, 4 rank and file, killed ; 1 captain, 1 drummer, 18 rank and file, wounded. 63d. 1 major, 1 lieutenant, 1 serjeant, 6 rank and file, killed ; 2 captains, 2 serjeants, 27 rank and file, wounded. . One company in 71st. j lieutenant, 3 rank and file, killed ; 1 lieutenant, 1 serjeant, 7 rank and file, wounded. . Hessian chasseurs. 3 rank and file, killed; 11 rank and file, wounded. Hessian regiment of Trumbach. 2 rank and file, wounded. Capt. Emerick's provincial corps. 1 rank and file, killed ; 5 rank and file, wounded. Loyal Americans. 1 ensign, 2 rank and file, wounded. . New- York volunteers. 1 major, 7 rank and file, killed; 10 rank and file, wounded ; 2 rank and file, missing. Total. 1 lieutenant- colonel, 2 majors, 1 cap- tain, 2 lieutenants, 1 ensign, 3 serjeants, 30 rank and file, killed ; 4 captains, 5 lieute- nants, 2 ensigns, 4 serjeants, 1 drummer, 126 rank and file, wounded ;• 5 rank and file, mis- sing. Names and ranks of the officers killed and wounded in the above return. Light infantry and grenadiers. Capt. Stuart, 26th, killed. Capt. D'Eeb, Anspach grena- diers, Lieut. M'Donell, 26th, wounded. 26th regiment. Lieut. Delhunty, wounded. 52d. Lieut. Col. Campbell, killed; Lieute- nants Grose, Russel, Ensign Thomas, wounded. 57th. Capt. Brownlow, wounded. 63d. Major Sill, Lieut. Wrixen, killed; Cap- tains Nesbitt, Jones, wounded. 71st. Lieut. M'Kenzie, killed ; Lieut. Frazer, wounded. Loyal Americans. Ensign Ward, wounded. New- York volunteers. Major Grant, Ensign M'Donel, killed. N. B. Count Grabouskie, a Polish nobleman, aCting as Aid du Camp to Lieut. General Clin- ton, killed, not included in the above return. Copy of a letter from General Sir William Howe to Lord George Germain, dated Philadelphia, 25th October, 1777. My Lord, THE enemy having entrenched about eight hundred men at Red Bank, upon the Jersey shore, some little distance above Fort Island, Col. Donop, with three battalions of Hessian grena- diers, the regiment of Mirback, and the infantry, chasseurs, crossed the Delaware on the 21st inst. to Cooper's Ferry, opposite to this town, with directions to proceed to the attack of that post. The detachment Marched a part of the way on the same day, and on the 22d in the afternoon was before Red Bank : Col. Donop immediately made the best disposition, and led on the troops in the mOst gallant manner to the assault. They carried an extensive outwork, from whence the enemy were driven into an interior intrenchment, which could not be forced without ladders, being eight or nine feet high, with a parapet boarded and fraized. The detachment, in moving UD, and returning from the attack, was much galled by the enemy's gallies and floating batteries. Col. Donop and Lieut. Col. Minningerode being both wounded, the command devolved upon Lieut. Col. Li fing, who, after collecting all the wounded that could be brought off, marched that night about five miles towards Cooper's Ferry, and on the following morning returned with the detachment to camp. Col. Donop unfortunately had his thigh so much fractured by a musquet ball, that he could not be removed, but I since understand there are some hopis of his recovery. There several brave officers lost upon this occasion, in which the utmost ardour and courage were displayed by both, officers and soldiers. On the 23d, the Augusta, in coming up the river with some other ships of war, to engage the enemy's gallies near the Fort, got aground, and by some accident taking fire in the aCtion, was unavoidably consumed; but l. do not hear there were any lives lost. The Merlin Sloop also grounded, and the other ships being obliged to remove at a distance from the explosion of the Augusta, it became expedient to evacuate and burn her also. These disappointments however will not pre- vent the most rigorous measures being pursued for the reduction of the Fort, which will give us the passage up the river. I have the honour to be, & c. W. HOWE. P. S. I have the satisfaCtion to inclose to your Lordship a report just received of a very spirited piece of service performed by Major General \ ton's river. Copy of Major General Vaughan's report. On board the Friendship off Esopus, Friday, Octo- ber 17, 10 o'clock morning. SIR, I Have the honour to inform you, that on the evening of the 15th instant 1 arrived off Eso- pus ; finding that the rebels had thrown up works, and had made every disposition to annoy us, and cut off our communication, I judged it neces- sary to attack them, the wind being at that time so much against us, that We could make no way. I accordingly landed the troops, attacked their batteries, drove them from their works, spiked and destroyed their guns. Esopus being a nursery for almost every villain in the country, I judged it necessary to proceed to that town. On our approach they were drawn up with can- non, which we took and drove them out of tbe place. On our entering the town they fired from their houses, which induced me to reduce the place to ashes, which I accordingly did, not leav- ing a house. We found a considerable quantity of stores of all kinds, which shared the same fate. Sir James Wallace has destroyed all the ship- ping except an armed galley, which run up the creek with every thing belonging to the vessels in store. Our loss is so inconsiderable that it is not at present worth while to mention. I am. See. ( Signed) John Vaughan. Admiralty- Office, December 1, 1777. Copy of a letter from Vice- Admiral Lord Viscount Howe to Mr. Stephens. Dated on board his Majesty's ship Eagle, in the River Delaware, October 25, 1777. THE Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty will be informed by my last letter of the 28th of August of the arrival ol the fleet at the Head of Chesapeak Bay, and the debarkation of the army the 25th in the River Elk. The provisions, military stores, and baggage required having been landed under the direction of Captain Duncan, by the 7th of the next month the army advanced towards the rebel forces as- sembled near Wilmington on the side of the De- laware, The enemy confiding in the strength of their situation, and waiting the approach of the army were charged the 11th in the evening with so much spirit, that notwithstanding the advantages of their post, they were quickly forced on every part, and retreated in great confusion towards the town of Philadelphia. When this account was forwarded, the loss in either army was not ascertained. But twelve pieces of cannon had been taken in the field; j and the victory would have probably been com- pleat, but for the great fatigue of the King's forces in a long and difficult march round by the forks of the Brandywine, to arrive in the dos tined position for the commencement of the at- tack. Upon intelligence of this event received the 13th, preparation was made for taking the first favourable opportunity to move the fleet round to a proper anchorage for preserving a free com- munication with the army in this river. The progress down the Bay was considerably retarded by the state of the weather and intricacy of the navigation, which did not admit of con- tinuing under sail during the night, wherefore, though quitting the Elk the 14th, the fleet could not put to sea trom the Capes of Virginia until the 23d of the same month. I then proceeded forward in the Eagle with the Vigilant and Isis, and a small division of the transportS in which some articles of provisions and military stores, likely to be soonest wanted for the army, had been for that purpose embarked, and left the body, of the fleet to be conducted by Captain Griffith with the rest of the shipS of war. Having had very tempestuous weather of some duration to the Northward, in the passage down Chesapeak Bay, the prospect was favourable for the speedy arrival of the fleet in the Delaware. But when the two divisions ( little separated) were advanced within a few leagues of the en- trance of the river, the wind changed in a sudden squall from the Southward in the evening of the 25th; and having continued between the North- West and the North- East with a degree of force much too great for the transports to make any way against it, I was unable to get into the river ( fol lowed a few days after by the first convoy, which I had left in the care of Captain Cornwallis when the weather became more settled) until the evening ot the 4th instant. The larger convoy with Captain Griffith, though much more dispersed, arrived between the 6th and 8th of the month, with no other ma- terial accident except the loss of the transport na- med The Father's Good Will, which having sprung a leak when no assistance could be given during the bad weather, sunk at sea, but the crew were saved. The ships of war and transports were anchored in the most convenient situations in the western 1 shore from Newcastle down towards Rudy Island. - On my arrival off Chester on the 6th instant, I learnt that the rebel army, since the 11th of last month, had always been retiring with precipi- tation to avoid a general action, sometimes at- tempting advantages by surprize ; but the king's forccs maintaining their usual ascendancy on every occasion. The general was in possession of Philadelphia, and a frigate of 32 guns named the Delaware, attempted to be passed above the town, had been taken by the troops which were first posted there. Captain Hammond ( who was returned here in the Roebuck) had moved up the river with the Pearl, Camilla, and Liverpool, as the army ad- vanced. When I came to this station, he was lying with those frigates off of Billingport, where the rebels had nearly compleated a very extensive work for defending the approach to the first double line of sunk frames or chevaux de frize, which crossed . The general having a few days before appointed a strong corps of infantry to be landed on the Jer- sey shore, to dislodge the enemy from that post, they abandoned it at his approach. The front to the river had thereupon been destroyed, and the troops that evening withdrawn. A trial had in the mean time been begun for opening a passage through that first obstruction, which the enemy, with their fire rafts, gallies, and other armed craft, repeatedly endeavoured to prevent undercover of the night, but without any material injury to the frigates: And a sufficient channel was at length ( though not without much difficulty) made for the larger ships, by the ad- vanced squadron ; the conduct of which was on every occasion to be much approved. The remaining obstruCtions to an uninterrupted communication with the town of Philadelphia, consisted of an inclosed work erected on a flat muddy Island, named Fort Island, a little distance below the entrance of the Schuylkill, strengthened by four blockhouses ; with two floating batteries cf nine guns each, and twelve or fourteen gal- lies mounting heavy cannon, besides many other armed craft of lesser force, and several fire- ships". Opposite thereto, on the Eastern shore at Red Bank, above Manto Creek, a redoubt was con- struCted, under which their moveable water force could find protection occasionally. In the front of these defences, to the extent of half a mile or more below the Island, ( being the part of the channel where the navigation was con- tracted in the width to about 100 fathoms) several rows of the chevaux de frize were sunk so as to render thc nearer approach of the ships impracti- cable ; and no attempt could be made for moving the sunk frames, or otherwise clearing the chan- nel, till the command of the shores on each side of the river could be obtained. For these purposes the General ordered some batteries to be erected on the Western shore to dis- lodge the enemy from the island ; and a body of troops to be landed for forcing the redoubt on Red Bank. It was intended that the Vigilant should pass through a shallow and very confined channel be- tween Hog Island ( next below Fort Island) and the Pensilvania shore ; to arrive and act upon the rear and less defensible part of the work ; And the circumstances of the navigation not admitting of a more serious attack, for the reasons before men- tioned, a diversion was proposed to be made at the same time by the advanced frigates, together with the Isis and Augusta, in the Eastern or main channel of the river, as well for engaging the attention of the enemy at Fort island and the redoubt, as to restrain the motions of the gallies and other armed craft which had retired under the works at Red Bank, when they discovered the danger they would be exposed to in their former stations near Fort Island, from our batteries on the Western shore. The wind continuing from the Northward se- veral successive days, the Vigilant could not pro- ceed according to her destination at the time in- tended. The Augusta, Roebuck, Liverpool, and Pearl were nevertheless ordered above the first line of chevaux de frize the 22d instant, to be in readiness for such service as they shall be able to render when the redoubt should be attacked; and Captain Reynolds, being the senior officer, suc- ceded to the command of the advanced squadron. Thc detachment of the army, consisting of Hessian troops under Colonel Donop, appointed to attack the redoubt, crossed the Delaware oppo- site to Philadelphia the 2 ill instant, in a division of flat boats, which Captain Clayton conducted in the night by Fort Island along the Western shore for that purpose. The attack of the redoubt being observed to take place the evening cf the 22d, just upon the close of day, Captain Reynolds immediately slip- ped, and advanced with the squadron, ( to which the Merlin had been joined) as fast as he was able with the flood, to second the attempt of the troops, which were seen to be very warmly engaged: But the change in the natural course of the river, caused by the obstructions, appearing to have altered the channel, the Augusta and Merlin unfortunately grounded some distance below the second line of cheavaux de frize; and the fresh Northerly wind, which then prevailed greatly checking the rising of the tide, they could not be got afloat on the subsequent flood. The diversion was endeavoured to be continued by the frigate, at which the fire from the enemy's gallies was chiefly pointed for some time. But as the night advanced, the Hefiian detachment hav- ing been repulsed, the firing ceased. The rebels discovering the state of ihe Augusta and Merlin in the morning of the 23d, renewed the fire from their gallies, works, and floating bat- teries. But their moveable force approaching little nearer than a random shot, the injury was incon siderable to the ships : and by the alertness and spirit of the officers and seamen ( of the transports as well as ships of war) attending in the boats of the fleet on this occasion, four fire vessels directed against the Augusta, were sent without effect. The Isis was at this time warping through be- tween the lower chevaux de frize. Empty trans- ports had been ordered up from the fleet, and other preparations made for lightening the Au- gusta; when by some accident, no otherwise connected with the circumstances of the action but as it was probably caused by the wads from her guns, the ship took fire abaft, and it spread with such rapidity that all endeavours to extin- guish it were used in vain. The men were there- upon taken out, except a very small number not yet ascertained. The second Lieutenant Baldock, the chaplain aud gunner, appear to be of that number. In this state of the proceeding it was necessary to withdraw the frigates, for securing them from the effect of the blast. And as the Merlin could requisite to give orders for the sloop to be evacu- ated and destroyed. The other ship dropped down nearer to Billingport. Much commendation is due to the several Cap- tains, inferior officers, and seamen, concerned in this service ; and particularly in their resolute exertions 10 assist in saving the crew of the Augusta. Admiralty- Office, December 1, 1777. Copy of a letter from Commodore Hotham to Vice Admiral Lord Viscount Howe, and by his Lord- ship transmitted to Mr. Stephens, dated on board his Majestys ship the Preston, of Peak's Kill Creek, the ( jth of October, 1777. SIR Henry Clinton having thought it adviseable to make a diversion up the North river, and the necessary arrangements being made in conse- quence, the flat boats and batteaux on the 3d inst. proceeded to Spikendevil creek in three divisions, under the Captains Pownall, Jordan, and Stan- hope : Captain Pownall having the direction of the whole. A body of about 1 iso troops were embarked in them that evening, and the sfame night proceeded to Tarry Town, where they landed at dry- break, and occupied the heights adjoining. A second division, nearly of that number, marched out at the same time from Kingsbridge, and formed a junction by land with those who passed by water. The squadron under Captain Ommanney had moved up the day before to receive them, the smaller part of it, namely, the galleys and armed vessels, ( as they might be to act separately) I thought it adviieable on this occasion to make a distinCt command, and could not place them better than under the direction of Sir James Wallace, whose knowledge of the river, as well as Captain Ommanney's, we fully experienced the advantage of. The third division of troops were embarked in transports, and on the 4th in the morning left New York, under convoy of the Preston, and in the course of the same tide arrived off Tarry Town. The general embarkation was that night made, and the wind being still favourable, the whole, preceded by the squadron under Sir James Wal- lace as an advanced guard, reached Vere Plank Point at noon the day following, and those in the flat boats landed with appearance, only of an op- position. Sir James Wallace was immediately dispatched higher up the river to cut off the ene- my's communication by Peak's Kill Ferry. The 6th at day- break the general debarkation took place, and all the troops, except about four hundred, who were left to secure Vere Plank Neck, were soon landed at Stoney Point, upon the opposite shore, from whence they had about twelve miles to march through a mountainous and rugged road to Fort Clinton and Montgo- mery. The ships and transports then moved higher up, and anchored opposite Peak's Kill landing. In the afternoon the advanced squadron and the two frigates got under sail and opened Fort Mont- gomery, with a view only to make an appearance, and therby to cause a diversion in favour of the attack, which we observed had now begun. Sir James, by the help of his oars, got near enough in with the gallies to throw some shot into the fort. The cannonading and fire of musquetry continued ' till night, when, by a most spirited exertion, a general and vigorous assault was made, and the two important forts of Clinton and Montgomery fell by' storm to his Majesty's arms. On which I have the honour to congratulate your Lordship most sincerely. The rebels frigates are both burnt, with a galley ; and a sloop of ten guns is taken. The loss on the enemy's side is not yet exactly known, but they are supposed to have had about 100 killed, and 250 taken prisoners. The great- est loss on the side of the King's troops arc about 40 killed, among whom are some valuable officers, namely, Lieutenant- Colonel Campbell, Major Sill, Major Grant, and Capt. Stewart, and about 150 wounded. A summons signed by Sir Henry Clinton and myself was the next day fent up to Fort Consti- tution, by a flag of truce, which being fired at returned, and determined the General immedi- ately to correct the insult by an attack. An em- barkation was accordingly made on the morning on the 8 th, and proceeded up the river for that purpose, under cover of the galleys. We found upon our arrival the fort had been abandoned in great confusion, their barracks burnt, but all their artillery left. The whole number of cannon taken in the three forts amount * to 67, with a large quantity of provisions, ammu- nition, and stores of all kinds to a very consider- able amount. I have directed such part of the chain and bomb as cannot be saved to be destroy- ed ; the construction of both give strong proofs of labour, industry, and skill. Sir James Wallace with his flying squadron is gone still higher up the river, and if he passes the chevaux de frize at Pellipus island, he may do es- sential service, as there can be nothing to give him any interruption. When it is considered that this attack was made after a most fatiguing march over precipices, and through roads almost impenetrable, which made it impossible for the troops to avail themselves of the use of cannon so unnecessary for such a pur- pose, and the little assistance they could therein promise themselves from the ships ; the access through the highlands to the forts, rendering the approach to them so precarious, it redounds the more to the credit of an enterprize, which was formed and executed with equal judgment, va- lour, and success. • The Captains, officers, and men under my com- mand have been so strenuously zealous in their ex- ertions upon this occasion, that every testimony is due from me in approbation of their conduct during this service of fatigue, of which Captain Pownall has had his share, and is well able to in- form j/ mir particular. I have the farther pleasure to acquaint your Lordship, that General Tryon is just returned from Continental Village, where he has destroyed barracks for 1500 men, with stores to a conside- rable amount. Copy of a letter from Sir " James Wallace to Commo- dore Hotham, dated, Gallies and armed vessels off Esopus Creek, October 17, 1777. SIR, WE proceeded up the river, destroying a number of vessels as we sailed along, with- out stopping till we arrived at Esopus Creek, where we found two batteries ; one of two guns, the other of three guns erected, and an armed galley at the mouth of the creek, who endeavoured to prevent our passing by their cannonade. General Vaughan was of opinion such a force should not be left behind. It was determined to land and destroy them, and immediately executed, without retarding our proceeding up the river. The Ge- neral marched for the town and fired it. The boats from the armed vessels went up the creek, burnt two brigs, several large sloops and other craft, with all their apparatus that was in store upon the shore. Lieutenant Clark of the De pendance, with two or three others, in firing the stores were blown up, but we flatter ourselves not dangerously. The officers and men upon this occasion behaved with the greatest spirit. ^ Friday morning a man went into the shop of Mr. Tyrrel hosier in Fleet- street, and chose six pair of worsted slockings, which he desired might be sent to the Bolt- and- Tun inn, Fleet street. On the shopman going soon after with the parcel the pretended customer met him in the passage ANECDOTE of the late Sir CHARLES KNOWLES. WheN Admiral Knowles was in Russia, by leave of the King, to put the Russian navy on a respectable footing, among the many abuses that he endeavoured to reform IN their marine, he found some very enormous ones in the article of cloathing the seamen. He represented a state of the facts to the Empress, who, after examining the Admiral's papers, said to him, " I see, Admiral, how much I am imposed upon by those who have had the cloathing of my fleet. I wish to give the contract to you to myself alone you shall be ac- countable; I cannot place my conscience in better hands," The Admiral, with that singular. disin- terestedness which so strongly marked his charac- ter, replied, ' « Your Imperial Majesty does me the ; highest honour in so signal a mark of your confi- dence. The profits that would be supposed to arise from such an extensive contract, would give cause of envy, and make it be imagined, I sought to profit myself; such a mark of your lmperial fa- vour to a foreigner might create jealousies, and pre- judice your . Majesty's service." An example of disinterestedness seldom found in Courts. . LONDON. Tuesday the motion of his Grace the Duke of Richmond, for a committee to enquire into the state of the nation, was agreed to, and the com- mittee to make their report on the zd of February. The House of Lords adjourned till Friday. A few days ago; Lord Chatham dined with Lord Temple, in Pall- Mall, and Lord Temple dined with Lord Chatham at Hayes. It is said, the warmest friendship subsists between the noble brothers; which cannot fail affording the highest satisfaction to every true friend to Old England and America.' Yesterday John North, for horse- stealing, and John Gagin, for a burglary, were capitally con- victed at the Oid Bailey. POSTscript. FRIDAY. LONDON. On Tuesday night arrived at the Admiralty, Captain Moutray of the Warwick man of war, from Quebec, sent by Sir Guy Carleton, with the most disagreeable difpatches Ministers have received since they begun this mad war with America. The substance of these important dispatches is related as follows, ( upon the best authority) viz. General Burgoyne, having been some days in great distress for provisions, he made a desperate effort to extricate himself; and detatched Colonel Fraser, with one thousand chosen men, to open the communication, to procure provisions, and facilitate his retreat. General Arnold at- tacked Colonel Fraser; the engagement was very fierce. Neither would yield, Fraser's people were chiefly Scots. After the most gallant efforts on both sides, 800 of Fraser's men were killed upon the spot; together with both Colonel Fraser and General Arnold ; the remaining 200 of Fraser's people surrendered, and were spared. The brave Arnold was wounded in the knee ; and the bones being Shattered, it was necessary the limb should be immediately amputated ; and he died under the operation. Thus ( politics apart) died a brave, intrepid man, that would have done honour to any country. As soon as the fate of Colonel Fraser's detach- ment was known in General Burgoyne's camp, the whole army saw their situation was desperate. The American army, under General Gates, pressed them close on all sides. General Burgoyne made another desperate attempt to extricate him- self; but was repulsed with great loss, and wounded himself in three places. In this action, the two Generals commanded. Next day Ge. neral Burgoyne offered to capitulate. The pur- port of the terms of capitulation, is, that the British army should march out of their camp, lay down their arms, become prisoners of war, en- gage not to serve during the war, shall go to Boston, and from thence to England, All the arms, colours, cannon, stores, & c. Sec. together with the military chest, containing THREE THOUSAND GUINEAS, are given up to the Ame- ricans. These conditions were agreed to. A victory, so complete, has not happened in the history of modern times. The troops were immediately fed, and put into comfortable habitations. and told him he would take the stockings up stairs to his box, and bring down the money. The shopman gave him the parcel, and after waiting a considerable time, discovered the man was a stranger to the people of the house, and had made his escape out of the back- door. It is re markable that, about an hour after, Mr. Tyrrel Church in the Strand, saw a man with a parcel under his arm', who answered his description upon which he asked him how he liked his stockings ? the fellow was thrown into great confusion at this question, and dropping the bundle, ran off, and escaped through a court which leads to Holywell street. On examination six pair of dockings were found in the paper, those which he had defrauded Mr. Tyrrel of but which have since appeared to belong to Mr Raven hosier, in the Strand, which the fellow had just before obtained in the same fraudulent manner. In the House of Commons on Wednesday on the supply for voting thc forces for guards, garrisons, the army, & c, & c. a very long and very warm debate enfued. Lord George Germain said, that he had received dispatches from Quebec with this account, " That some deferters had arrived at " Ticonderoga, who said that the remains of " General Burgoyne's army had surrendered to " the enemy on the 16th of October." The event, he observed, was melancholy; nothing but the greateft distress, and superiority of strength, could have forced General Burgoyne to submit. He knew himself to be responsible for the orders he had given : These he was ready to com- municate to the House when called upon ; as to the expedition, it was well planned; if on en- quiry it should be found otherwise, he wished gentlemen would let their censure fall on the measure, not on the General; who, he was con- vinced, had done his duty, and who would, no doubt, be able at his return, to clear himself of any imputation that might be fastened on him; he repeated that the plan had been well concerted j and that it was only to be lamented that it had not been successful.— His Lordship's speech struck the House with astonishmcnt; and such a gloom appeared on the countenance of every member, as might be supposed to have settled on the face of every Roman senator, when the defeat at Cannae was announced in the senate. Printed and Published by W. PARKER, No. 6, Old Bailey; and Sold by M. Holland, No. 135, Borough High- Street; H. Setchell, King- Street, Covent- Garden ; Mr. Axtell, at th Royal Exchange; of J. Jones, Coventry; W. Thompson, jun. Hertford ; Mr. Hough, Sheffield; Mrs. Drummond, Lincoln; Mr, Wilson, Rotheram ; Mr. Curtis, Worksop Mr. Bradley, Chesterfield ; and of the Clerks of the Roads.
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