The London Chronicle
Printer / Publisher: J. Wilkie
Volume Number: XL
Issue Number: 3073
No Pages: 8
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The London Chronicle
Date of Article: 17/08/1776
Printer / Publisher: J. Wilkie
Address: No.71, the Bible, in St Paul's Church-yard
Volume Number: XL
Issue Number: 3073
No Pages: 8
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VOL. XL. N° 3073 From THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, to SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1776. < 1 A VIEW of the INTERNAL EVIDENCE of the CHRISTIAN RELIGION. By SOAME JENYNS, Esq. ONe Vol small 8vo. HE design of this Tract is to shew that the Christian Religion cannot possibly be derived from human wis- dom, or human imposture; in order to which, the Au- thor states and explains the following plaib and unde- niable propositions: " First, that there is now extant a book in- titled the New Testament. Secondly, that from this book may be ex- traded a system of religion intirely new, both with regard to the objeCt and the
doctrines, not only infinitely superior to, but unlike every thing, which had ever before entered into the mind of man. Thirdly, that from this book may likewise be collected a system of ethics, in which every moral precept founded on reason is carried to a higher degree of purity and perfection, than in any other of the wisest philosophers of pre- ceding ages; every moral precept founded on false principles is totally omitted, and many new precepts added, peculiarly corresponding with the new object of this religion. Lastly, that such a system of religion and morality could not possibly have been the work of any man, or set of men ;
much less of those obscure, ignorant, and illiterate persons, who actually did discover, and publish it to the world ; and that therefore it must undoubtedly have been effected by the interposition of di- vine power, that is, that it must derive its origin from God." After separately considering and enlarging on his three first proportions, the Author draws the following Conclusion, which con- tains his fourth and last propositions : " EVERY one of these propofitions, I am persuaded, is incontrovertibly true; and if true, this short, but certain conclusion must inevita- bly follow : That such a system of religion and morality could not possibly
have been the work of any man, or set of men, much less of those obscure, ignorant, and illiterate persons, who actually did discovcr, and publish it to the world; and that therefore it most have been effected by the supernatural interposition of divine power and wisdom ; that is, that it must derive its origin from God. This argument seems to me little short of demonstration, and is indeed founded on the very same reasoning, by which the material world is proved to be the work of his invisible hand. We view with admiration the heavens and the earth, and all therein contained we contemplate with amazement the minute bo- dies of
animals too small for perception, and the immense planetary orbs too vast for imagi- nation: We are certain that these cannot be the works of man; and therefore we conclude with reason, that they must be the productions of an omnipotent creator. In the same man- ner we see here a scheme of religion and morality, unlike and superior to all ideas of the human mind, equally impossible to have been discovered by the knowledge, as invented by the artifice of man ; and therefore by the very same mode of reasoning, and with the same justice, we conclude, that it must derive its origin from the same omnipotent and omni- scient
being. Nor was the propagation of this religion less extraordinary than the religion itself, or less above the reach of all human power, than the discovery of it was above that of all human understanding. It is well known, that in the course of a very few years it was spread over all the principal parts of Asia and of Europe, and this by the ministry only of an inconsider- able number of the most inconsiderable per- sons ; that at this time paganism was in the highest repute, believed universally by the vul- gar, and patronised by the great; that the wisest men of the wisest nations assisted at its sacrifices, and consulted its oracles on the
most important occasions: Whether these were the tricks of the priests or of the devil, is of no consequence, as they were both equally unlikely to be converted, or overcome; the faCt is cer- tain, that on the preaching of a few fishermen their altars were deserted, and their deities were dumb. This miracle they undoubtedly performed, whatever we may think of the rest : and this is surely sufficient to prove the authority of their commission ; and to convince us, that neither their undertaking, nor the exe- cution of it, could possibly be their own. How much this divine institution has been corrupted, or how soon these corruptions be gan, how far it has been discoloured by the false notions of illiterate ages, or blended with fictions by pious frauds, or how early these no- tions and fictions were introduced, no learn- ing or sagacity is now able precisely to ascer- tain; but surely no man, who seriously consi- ders the excellence and novelty of its doCtrines, the manner in which it was at first propagated through the world, the persons who atchieved that wonderful work, and the originality of those writings in which it is still recorded, can possibly believe that it could ever have been the production of imposture, or chance; or that from an imposture the most wicked
and blas- phemouS, ( for if an imposture, such it is) all the religion and virtue now existing on earth can derive their source. But notwithstanding what has been here urged, if any man can believe, that at a time when the literature of Greece and Rome, then in their meridian lustre, were insufficient for the task, the son of a carpenter, together with twelve of the meanest and most illiterate me- chanics, his associates, unassisted by any super- natural power, should be able to discover or invent a system of theology the most sublime, and of ethics the most perfect, which had escaped the penetration and learning of Plato, Aristotle,
and Cicero; and that from this system. by their own sagacity, they had excluded every false virtue, though universally admired, and admitted every true virtue, though despised and ridiculed by all the rest of the world. If any one can be- lieve, that these men could become impostors for no other purpose than the propagation of truth, villains for no end but to teach honesty, and martyrs without the least prospeCt of ho- nour or advantage; or that, if all this should have been possible, these few inconsiderable per- sons should have been able, in the course of a few years, to have spread this their relgion over most parts of the then
known word, in opposition to the interests, pleasures, ambtion, prejudices, and even reason of mankind; to have triumphed over the power of prince, the intrigues of states, the force of custom, the blindness of zeal, the influence of priest, the [ Price Three- pence.] arguments of oratars, and the philosophy of the world, without any supernatural assistance; of any one can believe all these miraculous events, contradictory to the constant experience of the powers and dispositions of human nature, he must be possessed of much more faith than is necessary to make him a Christian, and remain an unbeliever from mere credulity.
But should these credulous infidels after all be in the right, and this pretended revelation be all a fable; from believing it what harm could ensue ? Would it render princes more tyrannical, or subjeCts more ungovernable? the rich more insolent, or the poor more disorderly ? Would it make worse parents or children, hus- bands or wives, masters Or servants, friends or neighbours? Or would it not make men more virtuous, and consequently more happy in every situation ? It could not be criminal; it could not be detrimental. It could not be criminal, because it cannot be a crime to assent to such evidence, as has been able to
convince the best and wisest of mankind ; by which, if false, pro- vidence must have permitted men to deceive each other, for the most beneficial ends, and which therefore it would be surely more meri- torious to believe, from a disposition of faith and charity, which believeth all things, than to rejeCt with scorn from obstinacy and self- conceit: It cannot be detrimental, because if Christianity is a fable, it is a fable, the belief of which is the only principle which can retain men in a steady and uniform course of virtue, piety, and devotion, or can support them in the hour of distress, of sickness, and of death. Whatever might be the
operations of true deism on the minds of pagan philosophers, that can now avail us nothing : for that light which once lightened the gentiles, is now absorbed in the brighter illumination of the gospel; we can now form no rational system of deism, but what must be borrowed from that source, and, as far as it reaches towards perfection, must be exactly the same ; and therefore, if we will not accept of Christianity, we can have N0 religion at all. Accordingly we see that those who fly from this scarce ever stop at deism; but hasten on with great alacrity to a total rejection of all re- ligious and moral principles whatever. FRIDAY,
AUGUST 16. COUNTRY NEWS. Oxford, August 14. YESTERDAY a young woman fell out of a boat, in going up the river to the races, and was drowned. The same day, during the races, a man was beat down on the course, and trampled to death. The same day a man was beat into a ditch leading to port- meadow, and pitching on his head had his neck broke, and died on the spot. : — LONDON. Extract of a Letter from Philadelphia, July 2. " The following is part of a letter received by the Congress, dated off Antigua, from Capt. William Davies, Commander of the Revenge, a provincial ship of war of twenty- eight guns: About
twenty leagues off this island I fell in with an English sloop of war of sixteen guns,, and two armed tenders. They had in their possession the brig Nelly, of Rhode Island, and the snow Mermaid, of Nantucket. They came from Cape Francois, and were homeward bound, with powder and other valuable articles. The sloop and tenders attacked me with great fury near three hours, when the former sheered
162 T H E L O N D O N C H R O N I C L E for 1776; August 1 5 - 1 7. off, one of the tenders I sunk, and saved the greatest part of her crew, and the other struck, which I have in my possession, as likewise the brig and snow, which I retook. My ship is so much shattered, that I must return to Philadel- phia to refit." A letter from Boston, dated July i, says, " The 29th ult. cast anchor in this harbour a Dutch ship of war of 24 guns, and two French frigates; two English ships of war were then lying at single anchor, almost at the outside of the harbour, the Captains of which sent on board the foreigners to examine their contents; but
they positively denied complying with their request; yesterday they weighed their anchors, and put to sea. Some of the officers who came on shore informed us they were going to Phila- delphia, had many letters for the Congress, and cargoes that would by no means be unpleasing to them." The Lords of the Admiralty have sent notice to the West India merchants, that they have re- ceived advice from Admiral Gayton at Jamaica, of a convoy being appointed to come to Eng- land with the July fleet; that the Admiral had purchased armed vessels; that Admiral Young, at the Leeward Islands, was likewise purchas- ing armed
vessels; that their Lordships have Ordered armed vessels to be purchased here, all which are intended to be sent, as a further re- inforcement, to the West India squadrons ; that expresses are sent to the West Indies with orders that the late convoys of this year come the whole voyage; and that ships of war are sent from England to cruize in the tract of the homeward- bound West India ships. Extract of a Letter from Capt. Yoward, of the Mermaid Transport, to his Owners, dated Halifax, June 24, 1776. " We left Greenock the 29th of April, and having bad weather, parted with the fleet off Scilly the 4th of May; as my orders from
the Captain of the Flora frigate were, in case of a separation, to sail for Boston, I made the greatest dispatch in my power for that port. On my passage I picked up several transports, but by some accident or other parted with them all, so that we were a single ship for 24 days before we made land, which was on the 10th of June, when we discovered Cape Anne, ( 12 leagues from Boston) soon after which we fell in with an American privateer of 10 six pounders and four- teen swivels; we having only four swivels, we thought it best to bear off from her, but it sail- ing calm she rowed up to us; by this time we • were a little prepared
for her, having got the bedding, See. placed in the netting all round the ship, in order to seCure the soldiers we had on board, in number 120, from their grape shot. At a little before four in the afternoon the engagement began, and continued for nine glasses, when the privateer rowed from us again. It is impossible to know what execution we did, but as we were within pistol shot of each other during two hours of the engagement, we con- cluded our musquetry must have been severely felt amongst them. We could plainly see them heave two killed men overboard, and I saw one man fall from the shrouds. Three of our sol- diers
were wounded, one seaman, and myself. On the 13th inst. we fell in with his Majesty's ship Milford, from whence we learned that Boston was in the hands of the provincials, and that General Howe had sailed for Halifax; but as a few of our transports were then lying at Boston- bay, under protection of his Majesty's ship the Renown, Capt. Banks, the Milford • escorted us thither, where we arrived, or rather came within sight of it, on the 14th of June, for the provincials the night before had erected a battery on Long Island, and in the morning be- gan playing on the men of war and transports, whom they forced out to sea; we joined
them, and arrived safe here yesterday evening. " The officers and soldiers part of General Fraser's new- raised regiment) behaved with the greatest courage and activity, and two of the soldiers, who were dangerously wounded, we put on board the Renown, to be taken proper care of. The vessel suffered much in her rig- ging. On the 22d of June we fell in with the Lord Howe ( a single ship) who saw us safe into Halifax, as we parted with the Renown, and then, without entering the port of Halifax, stood out to sea, as we supposed to the south- ward." General Howe in his letter of tne 7th and 8th of July, to Lord George
Germaine, acquaints his Lordship, with what he seems to think an extraordinary piece of news, " That the rebels had more than 100 pieces of cannon for the defence of New York."— If the General wanted information in other matters as he did in this, it is no wonder he has not been more success- ful. With respect to this piece of intelligence, Lord Amherst, or Sir Charles Frederick, could have told him before he quitted England, that about 120 pieces of cannon were left at New York, at the end of last war. The Candidates for the City of Exeter, which were last week four in number, viz. Sir Charles Raymond, John Rolle, J. B.
Cholwich, and J. Baring, Esqrs. are now reduced to two, Mr. Cholwich and Mr. Baring, the two former hav- ing declined; and it is thought there will be a great struggle between the two latter Candidates, the Chamber of the City of Exeter being divided in their choice of the Representative. There are upwards of 3000 freemen. On Wednesday the remains of the Officers and Soldiers of the 65th regiment, that suffered so much at Bunker's- hill, were landed at Ports- mouth from the Renown transport. On Wednesday arrived off Dover the Hanover Planter, Lency, from Jamaica for London, one of the missing ships supposed to have
been taken by the Provincial privateers. Four more ships, which sailed under convoy of the Antelope man of war the 17th of June from Jamaica for London, are still missing; 30 per cent, has been offered on them and refused. Orders are issued for a guardship from each of the ports of Chatham, Portsmouth, and Ply- mouth, to take in their stores and full comple- ment of men, and to proeeed for America. The Union, Sevirk, is on shore on the Bar of Darent's Island, and it is feared will be lost. The Salisbury East Indiaman is purchased by Government, and is now fitting out as an armed ship for the North America station. The
following is a list of the ships taken up in the East- India service, August 14, with their different stations: For Coast and China. The Princess Royal, Robert Kerr; Prime, James Dundass; Resolu- lution, Sir Thomas Poynting; Royal Char- lotte; Joseph Cotton; Stormont, John Rogers; Worcester, John Cook; and True Briton, John Broadley. For Bencoolen and China. The Alfred, James William. For St. Helena and Bencoolen. The Bridg- water, James Parker. For Madeira, Coast and Bay. The Egmont, Charles Mears; Houghton, William Smith ; Duke of Kingston, ; and Duke of Port- land, John Sutton. For Coast and Bay. The Europa,
William Applegarth; Ceres, Thomas Newte; Valen- tine, James Ogilvie ; and Sea- horse, David Arthur. > For Bombay and Bengal. The Nor. thingtcn, John Durand, jun. For Bombay and Madrafs. The Rochford, Jolin Baird. Tor Madeira and Bombay. The Hawke, Join Cotton. R> r Bombay and China. The Belborough, Montgomery. A voyage is referved for the York, but re- ferr « l till the Hulband and Captain have fettled a diference; Tie Lords of the Admiralty have put his Majifty's new . fliip Bedford into commiffion, the command of which is given to Capt. Everet ; she is ordered to, be fitted out for immediate service. Robert Blunt,
Esq: is appointed a cornet in the royal regiment of Horse- guards, command- ed by Gen. Conway. The Rev. Robert Russell, A. M. Fellow of St. John's- college, Cambridge, is presented by Sir Whistler Webster, Bart, to the rectory of Ewhurst, in Sussex, vacant by the death of the Rev. Thomas Nairn, Dean of Battle. Lieutenant Colonel Campbell, who is taken prisoner by the Americans, is esteemed one of the best Engineers in the service. Yesterday Capt. George Ross, master of a vessel in the merchant service, was brought be- fore the Lord Mayor in the Council- chamber, Guildhall, being charged with a breach of the peace
against Mr. Alderman Lee, upon the Royal Exchange, and threatening " to do for him in another place." His conduct appearing to have been exceedingly outrageous, he bound over in a recognizance of one thousand pounds, and two sureties in five hundred pounds each, to appear at the next quarter sessions. It appeared on the evidence, that his assault on Mr. Lee was entirely unprovoked on the part of the Alderman, who had never seen him before. It was proved that the treatment of the prisoners brought into the river by the Yankee privateer, was literally as stated in a letter addressed to the Lord Mayor, signed Humanitas,
and published in the Ledger on Monday the 5th of this month ; that Captain Hodges's humanity and kindness to the pri- soners was uniform and laudable. Capt. Winne, who was present the whole time that Mr. Al- derman Lee was with the American prisoners, and heard all their conversation, declared, be- fore the Lord Mayor, that the conversation stated to have passed by a writer under the sig- nature of Plain Truth, in the Gazetteer of Wednesday last, was totally false. A Gentleman just arrived from a tour through Kent says, that the crops of corn in every part of that county are unusually large. Near Mar- gate there is one field
of horse- beans above three miles in length, on which the crop is so large, that the beans hang down like ropes of onions. A Gentleman just arrived from Northamp- tonshire says, thar the late rains have filled the corn to such an amazing degree, that the new wheat will measure full one fourth more than it would have done, if those rains had not fallen. It is said that the law for burying in woollen will shortly be repealed, as the quantity used by the Ladies in their hair sufficiently answers the purpose of that statute; and it is hard upon the Ladies to make them wear wool for the good of their country when they are dead, as they carry
a sufficient load about them while they are alive. On Wednesday was married Edmund Wil- liams, Esq; of George- street, to Miss Penelope Tomlinson, of Palace- yard. A few days ago died at Leeds, Major Barker, formerly of the 31st regiment of Foot. On Wednesday as the son of Mr. Allen, an, eminent Notary in St. Michael's- alley, Corn- hill, was taking an airing with his father, near Hoddesdon in Hertfordshire, he was thrown from his horse, his neck was dislocated, and he died on the spot. A few days ago died, at her house in Gros- venor Square, the Right Hon. Anne, Countess Dowager of Abercorn, aged 86 years. When
Goodwell came out of Newgate for execution on Wednesday morning, his sister, who had come too late to see him in the pri- son, got into the cart to take a last sad leave, of a brother, whom she most tenderly loved, and who, till very lately, had deserved her affection ; her parting with him exhibited a scene to which no language can do adequate justice. She wept, . knelt, clinged round, and embraced him. She then left him; looked at him with
August 1 5 - 1 7 . THE L ONDON C H R O N I C l E for 1776, 163 the most riVetted attention, And a set of fea- tures expressive of unutterable woe. Having again embraced him, she retreated to the ex- tremity of the Cart; but could not then leave him without taking one more fond farewell. The distress of this unhappy young woman drew tears from the surrounding multitude. Even the Sheriffs Officers viewed the scene with eyes of compassion! In a word, ( says our Correspondent) the sight was sufficient to have melted the most flinty heart'! She had a young, woman with him, to whom, in the anguish of her soul, she exclaimed :
He would never have come to this untimely end, but on your account." H. M. The Devil upon Two Sticks, with The Lyar. To the PRINTER. IN palling through several of the provinces of France, I was minute in my enquiries into the state of their fabrics; and many enquiries brought me acquainted with several circum- stances of which I had then but little notion. The English manufacturers have an opinion that their men are so much more able and dex- terous, that they can undersell the French qua- lity of the fabric taken into account; but if they had made the examination which I hAve, they would know that the contrary was the
fact. The government and manners of France tend strongly to oppress the lower classes, who are contented with very ordinary fare, and get not often a belly- full of that, yet they work hard or starve; barley, rye, or buck wheat bread, With water, or a wine worse than water, in their food; thus they can work far wages lower than any thing we know of. A spinner, by an em- ployment which in England would yield or 6d. a day, does not earn a penny at Carcas- sone. And a weaver at Canterbury, who would get from 73. to ils. a week, will, at Lyons, nave not above 28. 6d. to 3s. 6d. In fabrics where the product of the labour is a great
proportion of the whole value, this cheapness must have a prodigious effect, and is not to be rivalled hy a country where the extreme dearness of provi- sions makes so much higher wages necessary. There are manufactures to be found of some sort or other all over France, and the surplus of their population is the usual fund for recruiting the army, agriculture not yielding nearly an equal supply. Besides a prodigious exportation, the French supply their own consumption with almost all fabrics; hardware from England is their greatest import, but that will not last long, for there have been lately established, by means of workmen
from Birmingham some fabrics that are likely to answer well. MELA. For the TEETH, SCURVY in the GUMS, and TOOTH ACH, Mr. GREENOUGH's TINCTURES. THESE Tinctures have now been in general use for more than thirty years past, and as this standing the tell of time and experience is the strongest proof of real excellence, it is hoped the universal esteem they have acquired during that period, is a sufficient evidence of their merit, efficacy and safe t": But as their success has occasioned many counterfeit Mr. GreenoUgh requests. that every purchaser will observe, that his genuine Tinctures are in 0blong square
bottles, on each of which is a label with the following words, PREPARED BY T. GREENOUGH : and that for the safety and efficacy of these he will be answerable, and no others. The Tincture for PRESERVING THE TEETH, cleanses and takes off all foulness from them, renders them beautifully white, fallens such as are loose, prevents their decaying, entirely cures the scurvy in the gums, and removes the cause of offensive breath. The Tincture for the TOOTH AcH never fails giving Immediate case, and in a little time perfectly cures the most excruciating pain. Sold by T. Greenough, Chemist and Apothecary, ' No. 10, Ludgate
Hill; and by F. Newbery, junior, at his Medicinal Warehouse, NO. 65, three doors from the bar, in St. Paul's Church- yard, London. Price is. each bottle. This Day was published, Price only 4d. Ornamented with a frontispiece of the principal characters, CATO. By ADDISON: Being the Third Number of the Fourth Volume of the BRITISH THEATRE. This Play is complete, as the Author wrote it, and not abridged by the Prompter, who has been known to dissect Three- eighths from a Play, and leave it a mere skeleton. In Vol. I. are, Zara, Venice Preserved Jane Shore, All for Love, The Orphan, with which was given a Frontispiece
and Title- page to the First Volume. Vol. II. Beaux Stratagem, Provoked Wife, Game- ster, Provoked Husband, Suspicious Husband. Vol. III. Siege of Damascus, Distressed Mother, Fair Penitent, Revenge, Henry V. by A. Hill. Esq. Vol. IV, Amphitryon, Drummer, Fair Quaker, Wonder, Loves Makes a Man. Vol. V. Tate's King Lear, George Barnwell, and Cato, above- mentioned. With a design to form a Book, called, The ' British Theatre, a Play will be delivered every Satur- day; and with every Fifth Play is given a General Title. The Plays designed for this Work are printed on a fine paper, for the right Owners, who have . paid
many thousand pounds to the Authors, or their Assigns; they do not look like Venice Preserv'd, and the Distress'd Mother, lately printed on a whited- brown paper, and now puffed away in London as part of a grand Work. Printed for T. Lowndes, T. Caslon, W. Nicol, and S. Bladon. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. To be Sold by AUCTION, On Thursday the day of August next, between the hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, at the New Inn , in Gloucester, according to such conditions as shall then be produced, AFreehold Estate called COMBEND, in the several parishes of Elkstone and Colesborne, in the county of Gloucester,
near the turnpike- road between Gloucester and Cirencester, part whereof is tythe- free, consisting of a capital messuage , barns, stables, with necessary outhouses and bartons, and upwards of 700 acres of inclosed arable, meadow, and pasture land, in the occupation of Mr. John Fletcher, at the annual rent of 2801. three cottages and upwards of 3o acres of inclosed arable, meadow, and pasture land, in the occupation of Mr. Samuel Walbank, or his under- tenants, at the annual rent of 22 1. artd upwards of 100 acres of coppices and woods worth annually from so I-. to 401. The faid John Fletcher pays all taxes and
outgoings for the whole Estate, except land tax and a rent- charge of 3I. 6s. 8d. a year. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Phillipps and Stock, or Messrs. Lane and Jepson, Attornies at Law, in Gloucester; Mr. Lawrence Mills, at Hucclecote, near Gloucester; Mr- Bowyer, at his feat in the Exchequer- office, Temple, london ; or to Mr. Abraham Walbank, Attorney at Law, at Chalford ; or on Mondays at the Swan at Cirencester; or to Mr. Webley, Attorney at Law, Chancery- lane; or Messrs. Chamberlayne and White, Attor- nies at Law, in Gough- square, Fleet- street, Lon- don. THE SPANISH FRYAR. By Mr. BRYDEN. Being
Number XI. of The NEW ENGLISH THEATRE, with a frontispiece embel- lished in splendid taste, was This Day published, Price only 6d. though the engraving is worth double the sum, being ornamented with a striking likeness of Mr. Dunstall representing the Fryar, drawn by Dodd, and engraved by Walker. In Vol. I. are, The Busy Body, Bold Stroke for a Wife, Conscious Lovers, Miser, and Suspicious husband, with Frontispieces, by the eminent Artists of this kingdom, and an elegant Vignette to this Book. Vol. II. The Orphan, Fair Penitent, Tancred and Sigismunda, Phaedra and HippOlitus, with The Revenge, and an high finished Title- page and Vig- nette. The whole will form a Dramatic Library, of which Gentlemen may now begin with No. I. and be served Weekly.— Some of each Play are printed on royal paper, having proof impressions of the plates, at I s. each Number. Printed for J. Rivington and Sons, W. Strahan, C. Bathurst, W. Johnston, T. Davies, L. Davis, J. Dodsley, Stanley Crowder, W. Owen, T. Long- man, T. Lowndes, T. Caslon, B. Law, W. Nicoll, S. Bladon, B. White, J. Wilkie, G. Robinson, J. Robson, E. and C. Dilly, F. Newbury, R. Bald- win., T. Becket, W. Flexney, T. Cadell, W. Wood- fall, and J. Bew. « ,* The id and id Vols,
may now be had in Boards, Priie 5 s. and the Large Paper at 10 s, For the TEETH and GUMS. JACOB HEMET, Dentist to her MAJESTY, and the PRINCESS AMELIA, hegs leave to recommend to the Public his EssencE of PEARL, and PEARL DENTIFRICE, which he has found to be greatly superior, not only in elegance, but also in efficacy, to any thing hitherto made use of for com- plaints of the Teeth and Gums; particularly they will preserve the Teeth in a perfect sound state, even to old age, render them, white and beautiful, with- out in the least impairing the enamel, fasten such as are loose, keep such as are already
decayed from becoming worse, prevent the Tooth- ach, perfectly cure the Scurvy in the Gums, and make them grow firm and close to the Teeth ; they likewise render the breath delicately sweet, and remedy almost all those disorders that are the consequence of scorbutic Gums. Sold ( by appointment of Mr. Hemet) wholesale and retail only by W. Bayley, Perfumer, in Cockspur- street, near the bottom of the Haymarket; and retail by J. Price, Perfumer, in Leadenhall- street; and no where else in London. Sold also by Mr. Purdie, Perfumer, at Bath,- price 7/ s. 6d. each. Next Week ' will be published. In Two Pocket Volumes,
Price Five- Shillings, AFOUR MONTHS TOUR through FRANCE in 1775. From SPILSBURY's DISPENSARY for the POOR, established in 1773, for the Cure of the Scurvy, Gout, Rheumatism, Ulcers, Ner- VOUS Complaints, & c. at No. 5, Mount- row, on the Surry Side of Westminster Bridge.' July 27. 1776 A DREADFUL SCORBUTIC CASE. IN January, 1774, JOHN PALMER, a Shoe- maker, near 50 years of age, now living at Mrs. Sango's Muffin- shop in Grafton- street, St. Ann's, Soho, london, was, by the advice, and at the expence of Mrs. Millar, of the Cock in the said Grafton- street, brought to my Dispensary in a
Coach. He had been afflicted u years. His complaint began by a pain in the left arm, which soon broke out in large ulcers, and whence, during the course of cure by the Drops, two splinters were worked out. in his right thigh there were near 40 running ulcers, some so large as would have contained a pigeon's egg, attended with a most foetid smell. Under his chin was a large ulcer. His face and mouth were both ulccratcd. On his breast there was a hole so large as to contain a pullet's egg. He had been in St. Bartholomew's Hospital six weeks; one month an outdoors patient in St. George's; six months in the Westminster
Infirmary; and every where deemed incurable.— I gave him, then, the quantity of Four Seven Shilling Bottles of my Antiscorbutic Drops in One, from the ufc of which he was so far reco- vered as to be able to walk to my Dispensary, an< fetch a second dose, by which he got strength enough to work. Thus continuing, in nine months all the capital ulcers were healed, except one or two now found. Ever since he has continued to take the Drops to this day. He has still however three or four small holes under the seat, otherwise is very hearty and able to work. The Reader is requested not to trust to this mere ailcrtion, but to enquire
from the man himself, and his neighbours at the places above- mentioned. They will see the deep scars left behind the healed up ulcers, and know more of the particulars of io extra- ordinary a case, too long for inserting more minutely in a news paper. *,<* These Drops are sold at the Dispensary in Bottles of Four and Seven Shillings sealed up in red wrappers with Folio bills containing the particulars of it Cures, and at Mr. Wilkie's, St. Paul's Church- • yard.
162 THE LONDON C H R O N I C L E for 1776; August 1 5 - 1 7. ADVICES from AMERICA. In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. ADECLARATION by THE REPRESENTATIVES . of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. in GENERAL CONGRESS assembled. WHEN in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have con- nected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes
which impel them to the Reparation. We hold these truths to be self- evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed . by their Creator with certain un- alienable rights; that among these are life, li- berty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; and whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new govern- ment, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall
seem most likely to effect their safety ans happiness. Prudence indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes ; and accordingly all experience, hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to sufFer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abo- lishing the forms to which they are accustomed, but when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despo- tism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such
has been the patient sufferance of these colonies, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. , The history of the present King of Great Bri- tain, is a history of repeated injuries and usur- pations ; all having in direct object the establish- ment of an ablolute tyranny over these states. . To prove this, let facts be submitted to a can- did world. He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. He has forbidden His governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should. be
obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend them. He has refused to pass other laws for accom- modation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the rights of re- presentation in the legislature; a right inesti- mable to them. and formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. He has dissolved representative houses re- peatedly, for opposing, with manly firmness, his invasions on the rights of the
people. He has refused for a long time, after such dis- solution, to cause others to be ereCted; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the state remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from with- out, and convulsions within. He has endeavoured to Prevent the population purpose obstructing the naturalization of foreigners refusing to ' ffife their migrations hither, thr conditions of new appropriations the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers. He has made judges dependent on his will
alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harrass our people and eat out their subsistence. He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies, without the consent of our legislatures. He has affected to render the military inde- pendent of, and superior to, the civil power. He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their pretended acts of legislation: For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
For protecting them, by a mock trial; from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states: For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world; For imposing taxes on us without our con- sent : For depriving us, in many cases, of the be- nefit of trial by jury : For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offences: For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighbouring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries, so as to render it at once an ex- ample and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these colonies: For
taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments: For impending our own legislatures, and de- claring themselves invested with power to legis- late for us in all cases whatsoever. He has abdicated government here, by de- claring us out of his protection, and waging war against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. Heis at this time, transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries, to compleat the works of death, desolation. and tyranny, already be- gun with circumstances of cruelty and
perfidy, scarcely parallelled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civilized na- tion. He has constrained our fellow citizens, taken captive on the high seas, to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands. He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inha- bitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian savages, whole known rule of warfare is an un- distinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions. In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress, in the
most humble terms; our repeated petitions hive been an- swered only by repeated injury:— A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every aCt which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. Nor have we been wanting in attention to our British brethren. We have warned them, from time to time, of attempts, by their legislature, to extend an unwarrantable juristiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and mag- nanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these
usurpations which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondenee They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, enemies in war, in peace friends. We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in general congress assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the retitude of our intentions, do, in the name and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare, that these United Colonies are,
and of right ought to be, free and independent states, and that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all political con- nections between them and the state of Great Britain is and ought to be totally dissolved ; and that as free and independent states, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, con- tract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honour. Signed
by order, and in behalf of the Congress, JOHN HANCOCK, President. Attest, CHARLES THOMSON, Secretary. Mrs. GLASSE's COOKERY. This Day was published, Price only 5s. bound, A New Edition. containing many sheets of letter- press, with more new and useful Receipts than any Book of the kind hitherto published ; and also in this Edition is now first added the order of a modern bill of fare for each month, in the manner the dishes are to be placed on the table, THE ART of COOKERY, made PLAIN and E A S Y: CONTAINING, I. How to roast and boil to perfection every thing necessary to be sent up to table. 3. Of
made dishes. 3. To make a number of pretty little dishes for a supper or side- dish, and little corner dishes for a great table. 4. To dress fish. 5. Of soups and broths. 6. Of puddings. 7. Of pies. 8. For a Lent dinner; a number of good dishes, which you may make use of at any other time. 9. To pot and make hams, & c. 10. Of pickling. 11. Of making cakes, & c. 12. Of cheese- cakes, creams, jellies, whip- sylla- bubs, & c. 13. Of made wines, brewing, French bread, muf- fins, & c. 14. Jarring cherries, and preserves, & c. 15. To make anchovies, vermicella, catchup, vine- gar, and to keep artichokes, French beans, & c. 16. How to
market ;, the season of the year for Butchers meat, poultry, fish, herbs, roots, and fruit. To which are added, One hundred and fifty new and useful Receipts, and a copious Index. By H. GLASSE. Printed for W. Strahan; J. and F. Rivington; J. Hinton ; Hawes and Co.; W. Johnston, T. Long- man ; W. Owen ; S. Crowder ; B. White; T. Caslon; J. Wilkie; G. Robinson; T. Davies; J. Robson; T. Cadell; T. Becket and Co. ; W. Davis; J. Knox; W. Nicoll; W. Cornish ; T. Lowndes; R. Dymott; H. Gardner; B. Domville; J. Richardson; T. Dur- ham ; R. Baldwin ; and J. Bell. MRS. STEPHENS's MEDICINES for tie STONE and GRAVEL, as
prepared bv Dr. D'ESCHERNY, are sold by appointment only at Messrs. Brunde and Pinner's, Apothecaries, in Arling- ton- street, St. James's, where all letters, post paid, will be duly answered. The. following Tracts by Dr. D'ESCHERNY may be had at F. Knight's, Stationer, in St. James's- street: • A Treatise on the Causes and Symptoms of the Stone. An Essay on the Causes and Effects of the Gout- An Essay on Fevers. And, An Essay on the Small pox.
Auguft 15— 17. THE LONDON CHRONICLE for 1776. 165 An ODE to CONTENTMENT. [ From Mrs. ROBINSON'S POEMS, lately pub- lished.] CElestial maid, if on my way, Propitious thou wilt' deign to smile, Let virtue guide each youthful day, From malice, envy, care, and guile. Protect my unexperienc'd youth. From ev'ry ill, from grief and pain, Infpire my heart with love and truth, Without ambition's idle claim. Banish'd from thee, what's ev'ry joy, What's beauty, wealth, delight, or ease, Without thee all our pleasures cloy, Which nature first ordain'd to please. In search of thee, long time I stray'd, Amid the throng of busy life,
But found, alas! I Was betray'd, For vanity's the source of strife. I've sought thee in the myrtle shade. The silent wood, and popular grove, I've sought thee in the lonely glade, The path , of friendship, and of love. Some hope to find thee in a court, In stately pomp, and Vain parade, But that is not thy calm resort, Such scenes of art you ne'er invade. ' Tis not in palaces you dwell, Among the gay, and giddy croud, Nor in the hermit'; lonely cell, Far distant from the great, and proud. The sordid miser hopes t'explore. Thy wondrous charms in idle toys, In hoarding heaps of yellow ore, In transitory, short- liv'd joys. Mistaken youth, too
often tries, With luxury, deceit and art, To find thee in the wanton's eyes, Which only shine t' ensnare the heart. Others by fickle fortune blind, To flatt'ry's mean device a prey, Vainly expect, content to find, Among the great, the rich, and gay. Alas! ye blinded, thoughtless race, Contentment ye will never find, Till ye abhor deceit, and vice, - And pay attention to the mind. In your own pow'r, alone it lies, To blend this life with joy, or care, Ambition's idle claim despise, Think yourself happy,— and you are. HENRY'S CALCINED MAGNESIA, prepared by THOMAS HENRY, Apothecary, in Manchester, may bo had of J. Johnson, No.
72, St. Paul's Church- yard; J. Ridley, . in St. James's street; and no where else in London, in bottles at 3s. or with ground stoppers, at js. 6d. each. The great superiority of this, to every other prepa- ration which has been advertised, is now universally acknowledged. Common Magnesia has been observed, sometimes, to occasion uneasy sensations in the bowels, but being deprived 01 its fixed air, by calci- nation, instead of creating, it corrects flatulencies as well as acidities, and operates without griping, and in half the dose that is necessary of the uncalcined. It is the best purgative for patients labouring under the stone or
gravel, when taking the soap- ley or lime- water, as coinciding with the action of those solvents; it Is also a speedy cure for the heart- burn, and an esti- cicious medicine in the diseases of infants, pregnant women and persons of sedentary lives, arising from indigestion and sourness in the first passages. Mr. Henry's Process has been communicated to the College of PhysicianS and published in the Transac- tians of that, learned Body. Also uncalcined Magnesia, in boxes at 6s. 1os. 6d. and 11, is. each. N. B. Each box, bottle, and bill of directions is sign'd bv ThOMAS HenRy. Of the above Booksellers may be had Mr. Henry's
Experiments and observauons on Magnesia and other Subjects, price as. 6d. To the PRINTER. SIR, THE French fleet, at present, at Brest, con- sists of thirty sail of the line, twenty- five frigates, including an hospital ship, three bombs, two cutters, and a small shaloup as a tender. Ten of the line are very capital new ships, from 74 to 96 guns, all built within these eighteen months. These ships are supposed, by many judicious people in marine architecture, to be the finest moulded, best built, and compleatest of any in the whole French navy, or perhaps in Europe. And the other twenty, which com- pose part cf this gallant fleet,
although old ships, have had a thorough repair ; for which purpose upwards of ten thousand shipwrights, carpenters, caulkers, riggers, rope- makers, sail- makers, and block- makers, have been collected from all the sea- port towns in France to Brest, having worked night and day for these six weeks part, to complete them. At Brest, no stranger, of whatever rank, can be admitted to see the royal docks, rope- yards, & c. in order to prevent the enemies of France from penetrating into the immense quantities of stores that have been collected there within seven years past. So very strict are such orders obey- ed, they have, since
April last, doubled the guards at every avenue; and the centries are called on by an extra guard, placed both on Brest water and in the docks every half hour, from sun- set at night to its rising in the morn. Such extreme precaution was not observed dur- ing the late war. The centries and guards at that period were only called on once an hour. The French military were; never, since the days of Louis Quatorz, on so respectable a footing as at this present time, chiefly and prin- cipally owing to the new regulations introduced lately into the French army by his Excellency la Compte St. Germaine, who is confessedly acknowledged
the Pitt of France. The French army, Sir, are duly paid, well cloathed and fed, and perfectly disciplined, mostly young men ( the old ones being dis- charged) and ready at an hour's notice for any service the court may think fit to employ them in. At Dunkirk, although in the modern court cant, and soldier- like stile, its fortifications are all dismantled, ( on which assertion " there hangs a tale yet untold") there is a garrison of Sdoo effective men; at Graveline, that famous fortified town, which formerly made no little figure in our histories of the wars with France, there is a garrison of 3000 men, including a regiment of Swiss, as fine
troops as the sun ever shone on. At Ard, fourteen miles from Calais, is a garrison of 1000 men ; at Calais are three re- giments, including the Irish brigades, making all together nearly 6oco men. These troops, at their various stations, have been all, within six- weeks past, strictly and minutely reviewed by General Count Malebois, son of the famous Marshal Malebois, with such care and circum- spection,' as if they were all going immediately to embark for the opposite shore. The same orders, discipline, and attention, is observed among the troops stationed on the sea coast of France. Nov, Sir, a plain honest man would natu rally think such manoeuvres of the French court should mean something' very material, seeing that a body, of 2;, coo as fine troops as any in Europe, may be collected together in twenty- four hours, within twenty- two miles from the English coast, no ships to impede their passage across the channel, no garrisons nor regular forces to oppose their landing on any spot they might think proper, from the North- foreland to Dungeness. That such an expedition is very practicable at this time, and can be executed with a moral certainty of success, I appeal to the known sen- timents of the late Marshal Lovendahl, ( his son is now a
Colonel of. a regimen' at Calais) who in the year 1755 made an offer to the French Court, not only to land 25,000 veterans on the Englifh coast, between those two headlands be- forementioned, but to have marched them to London, and seized that capital. If such was the defenceless state of this kingdom at that period, what shall we say to the present, if an enterprising minister ( like the present of France) should take it in his head to put such an expedition into execution. Provisions throughout France at this time, are both cheap and plenty; even in the sea- ports, which are always known to be the dear- est, the best beef,
mutton, veal, and pork, at three- pence, sterling a pound ; the finest bread four- pence, second or houshold three- pence, and the coarsest or third sort at three halfpence and two- pence a quartern loaf; butter, eggs, fowls, and game of all sorts, exceeding plenty, good, and cheap. There are also at this very season as fine crops of grain, wheat, barley, rye, oats, beans, See. as ever I saw in England for these thirty years past. To shew I relate nothing but real, substantial truths, although not a tenth part of what I have in my power to disclose, I shall just mention a few particulars relative to the expedition of the present Duc de
Chartres, of whom so much nonsense has appeared in the English and fo- reign papers. There is an Ancient custom and law in France, That no subject shall enjoy the important place of Lord High Admiral, until he has served three years in their navy in the different capa- cities, from a cadet ( or midshipman) to an ad- miral. The Due de Penthievre, the present Lord High Admiral of France, growing old and in- firm, is going to resign in favour of his nephew the Due de Chartres, who is now performing liis three months fummer's cruize, in order to finish his qualifications, to enable him to suc- ceed his uncle. At the expiration of the
three months, he will return with the small squadron under his command to Brest. Then, in com- pany with his uncle, they are to visit ( accord- ing to custom) all the sea- ports in France; a ceremony always observed on such occasions. T. H. DESERTED from a Recruiting Party of His MAJESTY'S, 54th Regiment of foot, at Brentford, ths 15th of July last, DANIEL CRAWLEY, Between 30 and 40 year| of 5 feet 7 inches high, of a brown Complexion, brown hair, hazel eyes, was born in the parish of Tatchworth, in Hertford- shire, about 5 miles from Hertford Town, and had on when he deserted a regimental coat, waistcoat, and hat,
and a pair of ticking breeches. Whoever apprehends the above Deserter, and lodges him in any gaol or prison in Great Britain, shall receive Twenty Shillings reward over and above what is allowed by Act pf Parliament, on applying to the Commanding Officer at Brentford, or to Messrs. Ross and Gray, Agents, in Conduit- street, London. KENNEDY'S celebrated CORN PLAISTER. WHICH is well known to be a never failing cure for Corns of every kind, entirely dissolving them, or causing the root of them to come ent so as not to return again; yet it never occasions the least pain, but, on the contrary, gives ease im- mediately as
soon as applied. Numbers of persons, who were almost crippled by their corns, can now, by the relief they have received from it, walk any distance without the , least inconvenience to them. They are spread on linen ready for immediate use. Sold only by W. Bayley, Perfumer, in Cockspur- street; A. Rothwell, at the Civet Cat, in New Bond- street; F. Newbery, Bookseller, in Ludgate- street, the corner of St. Paul's Church- yard; J. Price, Perfumer, at No. 150, in Leadenhall- street ; J Grosvenor, Perfumer, n « ar Chancery- lane, in Holborn; and Messrs. Dicey and Co. in Bow- Church- yard. Price 1s. the box.
1 " T H E v o n d o n fitot 1776. Alfgiift 15- Saturday, August 17. Yesterday arrived a Mail from FRANCE. . . Versailles, August 10. . . Few days ago as the Queen was passing through the vil- lage of St. Michael, About a league and a half from hence, she saw an infirm old woman surrounded by a number of little children, which excited her curiosity and companion. Upon examining the old woman, she found these were her grand- children, who, notwithstanding her age and infirmities, were obliged to her alone for support, having lost both their father and mo- ther. Her Majesty was not satisfied with giving them present relief only,
but fixing her eyeS upon the youngest child, who was a boy of three years of age, declared she would take him under her care and provide for him. His Majesty has given leave to the Count la Marche to take the title of Prince de Conti. His Majesty has likewise granted to the Duke de Chartres the government of Poictou, vaeant by the death of the late Prince de Conti. IRELAND. Dublin, August io. A letter received yef- terday by an eminent Merchant in this City, dated Glafgow, August i, gives the following account : A vessel from Virginia arrived here this morn- ing, by whom we learn, that the Province of Virginia has declared for
independence. That as soon as the army under General Lee were informed of this resolution,. with a zeal and ardour unprecedented, they requested to be led against the enemy, who then lay before Nor- folk, commanded by Lord Dunmore : Their brave Commander acquiesced with the desire of his men; his Lordship was attacked and totally defeated. With the remnant of his shattered forces he has made a precipitate re- treat, leaving behind him his cannon, baggage, and ammunition. By a letter from Belfast we learn, that a young man, supposed to be disappointed in love, leaped from the battlements of the bridge at low
water, and falling upon the piles was killed. Last Thursday two women, supposed to be disordered in mind, were found hanging in their rooms, the one at the Little- green, and the other in Channel- row. SHIP NEWS. Deal, August 15. Wind at S. W. Sailed yesterday after port, the Tranquebar, Berg, for Denmark. Remain in the Downs, the rest of the outward- bound ships as before; and the Brothers, Murphy, for Dublin; the Elizabeth and Sarah, Welden, for Corke; and seven • Coasters. LONDON. Yesterday some dispatches were received at the Plantation Office from Admiral Young, on the Leeward Island station, brought by the
Ag- nes, Captain Mather, arrived at Corke from Antigua. Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman at San- dyhook, near New York, to his Friend in London, dated July 6. " We left Halifax the 10th, and arrived Sandyhook the 2,9th of June, and on the even- ing of the 1st of July the army took possesion ot Staten Island without opposition, and have fortified it in such places as to have the entire command of the whole island. The poor tories, 0 the King's loyal subjects are called in New York, are suffering the most cruel persecutions; some have been obliged to ride skimmington on a rail, till they died; one was lately executed; others are
confined in gaol in irons. Some have been lucky enough to escape, and have sought an asylum among us ; others have fled to avoid being impressed, they being now reduced to the necessity of drafting their men, in conse- rence of a resolve that every fourth man shall serve this campaign. Some of their riflemen have joined our army, and many more are watching a convenient opportunity to come over. . The progress our army is making in Ca- nada has damped their spirits greatly, which, with the circumstances of the backwardness of their soldiers, and the daily desertions from them, together, with the great force we shall
muster upon Lord Howe's arrival make me hope we shall see an end of the rebellion this year." Extract of a Letter from an Officer in the 35th Regiment, at Staten Island, July 9. " Our army consisted of 6155 effectives, on our embarkation at Halifax; they are now all safe landed here, and our head- qUarters are at your late old friend Will Hick's mansion- house.. " The accounts given of the numbers of the whole army upon the island of New- York vary very much; some pronounce them u, 14, and others from 14,. to 30,000 men ; but we well know their numbers were very much exagge- rated when intrenched before Boston. " Mr.
Washington's head- quarters were lately removed to the City- hall, upon the discovery Of a design to seize and deliver his person to Gover- nor Tryon; for which a drummer, who had de- serted frOm. the Royal Welch Fufileers, was ap- prehended and hanged; A pardon and rewards were repeatedly offered to this young lad ( not exceeding 18 years of age) if he would im- peach his associates in the enterprise; but he, with a glorious disdain, continued inflexibly se- cret, and died resolute. The Provincial Con- vention of New- York have tried, and Sentenced the Mayor of their city to death, for holding a correspondence with
Governor Tryon ; and who should this prove to be but the facetious David Matthews, with whom we dined, and passed a most convivial day, just before our embarkation for Martinico 1761; should the sentence be executed, many shocking events of the kind will follow. On our landing we found Colonel De Lancey, Mr. Apthorpe, Major Bayard, Mr. Skinner of Jersey, Mr. Kempe of New York, Mr. Barrow, PaymasterS of his Majesty's forces, Mr. Moore, & c. & c. The former of these gen- tlemen had been employed, at an advanced age, and ip an infirm state of health, upon the most laborious work in the Provincial entrench- ments ;
he proves, from his intimate acquaint- ance with the disposition of the inhabitants, and his accurate knowledge of the country, a valu- able acquisition to our excellent General. " The Provincials have driven most of the cattle from Long Island to the Island of New York; they were employed in carrying off all that existed on Staten island, but luckily were prevented by the critical arrival of our troops. " The New York papers tell us, that Donald Campbell, who had long prevailed at the end of the New York mobs, insulting and torturing the friends of government, has been tried and dismissed the Provincial service. for his two late aler t
retreats in the province of Quebec. " We are just now informed that the Lady and family of Sir John Johnson have been taken prisoners by Gen. Schuyler, by way of hostages, as Sir John is at the head of a number of the Six Indian nations, and on his way to facilitate the progress of the Britifh troops from Canada to Albany, & c. " We expect orders to land the army beyond King's- bridge, and make our approach to the city on the rear of the island ; in which case Mr. Washington must present his front to us in the fair field, or submit to an alternative, which, in its event, will put an end to this hurlyburly touching independence." . ,
Extract of a Letter from an Officer, dated Staten Island, July S. " General Clinton was to have joined us here, but is not yet arrived, and as Sir Peter Parker has got his ship over CharlestoWn bar and a report prevails that General Clinton had sailed from Cape Fear, in order to go to Charlestown, I am afraid I shall be obliged to go to that place as our regiment is with him. " The island we haVe now possession of is a beautifUl fertile spot, and our distanee from New York nine miles. The inhabitants, from their loyalty, have suffered much in both their per- sons and property. The very day we landed, the continental light- horse were
to have driven off all the cattle. " The inhabitants had been taught to be- lieve, that the King's troops would indiscrimi- nately put all to the sword, and their disap- pointment on this occasion not a little adds to the happiness they enjoyed at our first coming among them. " The further operation of the campaign is not publicly known ; from all appearances we think New York will be the first object, but that little will be done till the arrival of Lord Howe." Letters from Virginia, by the Way of Glas- gow, giVe an accoant of an engagement between the Liverpool frigate, of 28 guns, nine pobn- ders, and 160 men, and the Defiance and Re venge, two American privateers, the former of 18 guns, six pounders, and 110 men, and the latter of 11 guns, six and three pounders, and 80 men, in which the two privateers were torn almost to pieces; and on the Liverpool's tender ( a brig) coming up, they both struck, supposing her to have been a sloop of war, but indeed they were in no condition to have, got away, having neither brace or bow- line left, and 47 men killed, and a great number wounded. The action lasted upwards of two hours, during which they were always within point blank of each other, and no sea running. The guns of the Liverpool were exceedingly well
served, and nothing could be worse than the gunners aboard the privateers, which accounts for the Liverpool having received but little damage, and only one man killed and seven wounded. The above action happened about ten leagues to the north- ward of Cape Fear." Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, Aug. ,13. " Yesterday arrived at this port the ship Hope, Capt. Strade, from Lisbon, who has been 11 days on his passage, and informs 113, that a Spanish Admiral with three ships of the line, a snow, and two sloops, came into Lisbon while he lay there, and sailed, shifted his flag on board another ship and the next day came
in again with three others, but could not learn what they were about. Sailed the Mercury for London, an American prize taken some time ago. Remain all the transports and men of war as before." A letter from Portsmouth, dated August ijrj says, " Just now an officer landed at this place, and set off for London immediately. It is imagined he has brought over some fresh dis- patches from America, as we were informed by a Pilot's boat, that a vessel, which seemed to be an American, was seen by them yesterday off the Isle of Wight, which they thought to go on board, but were not suffered to go near them. They have about 16
guns, but did not seem to be very full manned.". • Yesterday it was reported, that the above vessel has brought advice that Lord Howe had joined his brother, the . General, at Staten Island, with his whole fleet. - - Another report says, " That Lord Howe, in the Eagle man of war, with the fleet, had ar- rived off Staten Island, but his Lordship did not intend to land his men, the island being too small; that it was agreed Gen. Howe should embark his men, and sail for New York, to en- deavour to make good their landing there". Yesterday an express arrived at St. James's from General Clinton, the contents of which were immediately
laid before his Majesty.
August 15— 17. THE L O N D O N C H R O N I C L E for 1776. 167 • It is supposed by many intelligent persons that General Howe will reimbark his troops, quit Staten Island, sail up the river Delawar, and proceed to Pennsylvania. His attempt on New York is said to have been merely a feint made in order to cover his real designs. Should General Howe proceed with his troops up the Delawar river, and reach Pennsylvania without any considerable loss, the first attempt he will make will be to seize the members of the Congress. Yesterday advice was received, that the fol- lowing ships, which were taken by the Provin- cial
privateers, are carried Into the following ports in America, viz. The Lady Juliana, into Salem. The Reynolds, into Dartmouth. The True Blue, into Newport. The Juno, into Philadelphia. A large ship, with 200 hhds. of sugar, & c and three or four West Indiamen, into Martha's vineyard ; and a large ship into Long Island. 1 The Lords of the Admiralty have put his Majesty's ship Belleisie, of 64 guns, into com- mission, the command of which is given to Capt. Brooks, and she is fitting out for a fo- reign voyage. Two French frigates, Le Mars and Apollo, were lost the 26th ult. near the Canary islands; their crews were taken up by a
Portuguese vessel. Extract of a Letter from Vienna, July 17. " The new regulations of the House of Au- stria in its demesnes in Bohemia, have the greatest success. In consequence of these regu- lations the villanage is entirely abolished, the task- labour of the poor subjects is changed for a trifling pecuniary composition, and the doma- nial possessions of the Sovereign are let out on moderate leases. These changes have but lately taken place, and nevertheless the salutary effects of rising liberty, property, and industry, are already spreading over all the country, and give to all true friends of humanity the best ground- ed hopes
to see the generous and benevolent scheme of Mr. de Raab, Counfellor of Court to their Imperial Majesties, adopted by all the nobility of Bohemia, which of course must be- come one of the most glorious epochas in the annals of Austria." Yesterday his Majesty came to St. James's from Kew, where there was a levee, at which the Earls of Suffolk and Clarendon, Lords North and Barrington, Major Hawke, Col. Ainslie and Col. James, Gen. Hervey, Mons. Guernier, the Secretary charged with the French affairs in the absence of their Ambassador, and several Offi- cers, were the only persons present. After the levee, which broke
up at two o'clock, Lord Suffolk held an hour's conference with the King; and after his Lordship was withdrawn, Lord North kept his Majesty another hour in conse- rence, and several American dispatches were laid before his Majesty. At four o'clock his Majesty set out for Kew, and this day their Majesties went to Windsor. The same day the Baron De Plantin, who ar- rived from France on Wednesday, was intro- duced to his Majesty by Mons. Guernier, Se- cretary to the French Embassy. , We hear that the late Lord Cathcart is to be succeeded by the Earl of Cassillis as one of the Sixteen Peers for Scotland ; the Earl of Kelly as
the Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland ; Lord Stormont as First Lord Commissioner of the Police; and that the Marquis of Lothian is to have the vacant Green Ribband. It is said that the late Lord Cathcart was sent for from Scotland to be appointed one of the Lords of the Bed- chamber to his Majesty, in the room of Lord Masham, deceased ; but his Lordship was taken ill soon after he came to town, and died before his commission was made out. The Duke of Athol will be proposed to be elected one of the sixteen Peers for Scotland, in the room of the late Lord Cathcart. Charles Schaw
Cathcart, late Lord. Cathcart, succeeded his father Charles, the former Lord, in 1740; and on July 4, 1753, married Jane, daughter of Lord Archibald Hamilton, and sister of the Countess of Brooke and Warwick; ( she died at Peterfburgh in 1771) by whom he had issue, William, now Lord Cathcart, Charles- Allan, George, Jane, Mary, and Louisa. At Gosford- castle, in the county of Armagh, Ireland, Thomas St. George, Esq; member of parliament for Clogher, was married by the Lord Primate to the Hon. Miss Acheson, daughter of Lord Gosford. Yesterday died the Rev. Mr. Willes, of Whitchurch, near Edgworth in Middlesex. On
Thursday evening the Coroner's Jury sat at a tavern in Covent- garden, on the body of a young gentleman of family, who shot himself through the head, at three in the morning of the same day, at the said tavern. After a very deliberate inquiry into the circumstances of this unfortunate case, at ten o'clock the Jury brought in their verdict Lunacy. Yesterday Thomas Connor, otherwise James Smith, was removed from Newgate to take his trial in Dublin, for the murder of the servant of Justice Beasly. Yesterday one Coperthwait stood in the pil- lory facing the Royal Exchange Gate for de- frauding Mr. Broughton, Wine and Brandy
Merchant in Bishopsgate- street, of 43 1. by bad notes. When he was set on the pillory, he made a long speech to the populace, setting forth his innocence; and papers, called his case, were delivered about, which had such an influ- ence on the people that they did not pelt him; and the Sheriffs took great pAins in preserving good order. EXCHANGE. Madrid, 38 J of ANECDOTE of the celebrated ANDREW MARVELL. DR. Parker, at that time Chaplain to the Bishop of Rochefter, meeting Marvell in the street, ( between whom there had been a paper war) rudely attempted to take the wall of him. which Mr. Marvell wanting,
placed his foot and arm in such a manner that the Doctor fell into the kennel; and as the Doctor lay sprawling in the dirt, he said to him with his usual pleasantry, " Lie there for a son of a whore." The Doc- tor complaining to the Bishop, his Lord- ship desired that Mr. Marvell would be pleased to call upon him: when on the visit, Mr. Marvell asking his Grace the occasion of it, he reproached him with the abusive usage of his Chaplain; but laid the emphasis on the foul lan- guage, and assured him, that unless he made ample satisfaction, a prosecution should take place, and he would see justice done Dr, Par- ker. Mr Marvell
replied, that his Chaplain was impudent to demand the wall of a Mem- ber of the House of Commons; and that he had only given him the reproachful name he had given himself.— How does that appear?— Have you not, my Lord Bishop, such a book, which he hath lately written:— Yes.— Please to produce it. There, my Lord, says Marvell, look over that page of the preface?— Well what of this ?— Why, my Lord, does he not say, " he is a true son of his mother, the Church of England?"—" Well,, and what of that?" Read further on, my Lord ; " The Church of England has spawned two bastards, the Presby- terians and the
Congregationals." Ergo, my Lord, he expressely declared, " that he is a son of a whore."— You are very witty, indeed, Mr. Marvell ( replies the old Bishop) but let me in- treat you in future time to shew more reverence to the cloth. To the PRINTER of the LONDON CHRONICLE. SIR, THREE young gentlemen of an academy in Essex, making merry over a bottle of wine, agreed for amusement to make Latin verses, which I communicate to you, in order to be published. I am, yours, & c. Aug. 8, 1776. J. M. J. F DIALOGUS. H. En saltant atomi, patet excellentia vini! En mustum natum nobiliore solo ! Exhilarare juvat mentes, et
pellere musas, Cura fugit multo diluiturque mero. F. Dulciter, o Socii ! caveamus munere Bacchi, Ne stupeant multo corda sepulta mero: Vino forma perit, vino corrumpitur aetas, Et data non apto tempore vina nocent. R. Quid? nugae— madeant generoso pocula Bacche, Et nobis prona funde salerna manu ! Est notum o Juvenes in prcelia trudit inermem Inventor vini, laetitias que dator, Efficit et, notum est, in qualibet arte Magistrum; Hoc socii siccam fonte levate sitim ! To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of- the County of DEVON. GENTLEMEN, THE SHERIFF having, this day, in a full and very respectable County
Meeting, declared that I am honoured with your unanimous voice to succeed your late worthy Reprefentative in Parlia- ment, I take the earliest opportunity to return you my sincere thanks for the great honour conferred upon me ; and to solicit'your appearance, in support of your nomination, on the day of Election.— I beg leave to assure you, that. I will, with the strictest attention, faithfully discharge the important trust you shall then repose in me; and am, Gentlemen, With grateful respects, Your most obliged humble servant, Exeter, Aug. J. ROLLE WALTER. This Day was published, Price 1 s. A New Edition, corrected,
illustrated with a Map of the Isle of Thanet, and a View of the Bathing Machine, THE MARGATE GUIDE: Containing, A particular account of Margate;, with respect to its new buildings, assemblies, accommodations, man- ner of bathing, and remarkable places in its neigh- bourhood. To which is prefixed, A short Defcription Of the Isle of Thanet; and at the end is added, A Tide table for Margate. Printed for T. Carnan, and F. Newbery, junior, at No. 65, in St. Paul's Church- yard; and J. Hull, in Margate. This Day was published, Price 6 s. bound," A New Edition, being the Fifth, of THE EXPERIENCED ENGLISH HOUSEKEEPER.
By ELIZABETH RAFFALD. Consisting of near 900 Original Receipts in Cookery, Confectionary, Pickling, Preserving, & c. with copper- plates, and directions to set out a table in the most elegant manner, and in the modern taste. Printed for the Author, and sold by R. Baldwin, in Pater noster- row; and J. Ridley, in St. james's street. The number of large impressions this Book has so rapidly run through, is the truest test of its merit; the Author avoids invidious comparisons with similar publications ; all that she chuses to say in its favour is, that oeconomy with elegance are its great recom- mendations.
162 T H E L O N D O N C H R O N I C L E for 1776; August 15- 17. PROLOGUE. Written by Capt. THOMPSON, and spoken by Mr. JEFFERSON before the performance of the Farce of ST. HELENA, or the ISLE OF Love as acted, with great applause at Richmond Theatre. OUR Bard on bold advent'rous pinions flies, In search of foreign beauties, foreign skies; Tho' few the spots upon the worid's great chart Like this can please the eye, or charm the heart; Thy prospect, Richmond, and thy sylvan scenes, For ages honour'd by our Kings and Queens; Where all our heroes have retlr'd from war, The vet'ran soldier, and the
gallant tar; Where all the wits and beauties of our isle Have deigh'd to sweetly sing, and sweetly smile; Thro' whose Elysian groves our bards have play'd, Then peaceful slept beneath the laurel's shade. To- night we use no pantomimic skill To bring St. Helena to Richmond- Hill; That halfway house, where India Captains bait, And to their cabbins take an extra mate; Where pompous Nabobs, rich by Bengal plun- der, [ der, Talk of their lacks to make the maidens won- And come like Jove in showers of gold and thunder. Where the brisk sailor sings o'er bowls of rack, Nor sighs for red cheeks, while his girl has black; He seeks no
roses to adorn her face. But laughs in spite of all the laws of Grace. To- night a first attempt our author brings, To lead the Muses to the seat of Kings; Yet a fair herald comes our cause to plead, Who with your * gentle natures must succeed; For sure no belle to her can cruel prove, Nor beau- unless he's with himself in love; Aye! there's the rub— that is our greatest care, Beaux love themselves too well to love the fair, Ye who have cross'd our Twick'nam, Isles- worth ferry, I'm sure of you, ye're always kind and merry; There Thomas squeezes black- ey'd Susan's hand, A kinder couple lives not in the land ; William— and John—
in beauty's cause will fight, Lend us your hands to row us ' cross to night! Give us your wishes, and we'll drop all fears; You are the rudder— which our vessel steers; And if successful— you'll this pleasure prove, Upon this spot to fix the Isle of Love. * Boxes. Gallery. Postscript. This Day arrived the Mails from HOLLAND and FLANDERS. Constantinople, July THE head of Ali Daher, son of the late Cheik Daher, was not found among those which were exposed lately on one of the prin- cipal gates of the Seraglio ; that of Kiaya was at first mistaken for his. We are informed, that the said Ali Daher lies concealed with his troops near
Jaffa, The Georgians, who inhabit the environs of Erzerum and Kars, are in motion on the fron- tiers of the empire ; which occasions so much the more inquietude here, as their number daily increases by the junction of a considerable body of rebels, who are now in our Asiatic pro- vinces Since the city of Bassora hath been taken by the Persian army we begin to fear that Bagdad will meet with the same fate. It is even said, that Spanakfi- Zade, the Governor of it, has been already forced to abandon it. Vienna, July 27. letters from Hungary advise, that on ihe 17th instant a dreadful fire • broke out at Eisenstadt near the frontiers
of Austria, which entirely consumed 118 houses, the inhabitants of which are reduced to the utmost- misery. Warsaw July 31. The grand affair of the Dietines for the election of Representatives at the Diet is at length terminated. In some places there has been a double election, which will occasion more work for the Diet to determine' their legality. LONDON. Extract of a Letter from Lisbon,. July 16. " It is remarked that his Majesty's ministers have frequent conferences with those of the Courts of France and England, which according to all appearances relate to the means of termi- nating the differences between Spain and this
kingdom. " The Sieur Hesselberg, a Dane, who had entered into our King's service as a Captain of a ship, was killed in the attack of the fort, which the Portuguese took lately at the entrance of Rio de Janeiro. " The King hath been obliged to keep his bed for some days past, on account of an erysi- pelas in his leg." Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Aug. 16. " This morning arrived here his Majesty's ship Arethusa, Capt. Dent, from St, Helena with the following East Indiamen under convoy, viz. the Grosvenor, Saunders, Anckerwyck, Barwell, Godfrey, Reed, Osterley, Rogers, and Hillsborough, Preston, from India. The Queen,
Stainforth, in a gale of wind, carried away her foretop mast, and was obliged to bear away for Ireland." Capt. Stott, of the Rebecca, whose ship was lost on the Colleradoes, is arrived at Bristol, says, on the nth of July he was brought to while on board a French ship by an American privateer of 14 guns and 90 men belonging to Philadelphia; had been out 11 weeks and had taken nine prizes, which were sent into Rhode Island. Extract of a Letter from Deal, August " Came down and remain with the Dutch man of war, and ships as before, the Fisher and Hope, Forrester, for Mississippi; the Blizard, Merrifield, for Antigua; the
Tagus, Innis, for Lisbon; the Weston- galley, Miller, for Oporto; the Henry, Mann, and the Thetis, Miller, for Portsmouth. Sailed for the River, the Queen- borough, Downs, from Ireland. Wind at South West." Sixteen West Indiamen, being part of the fleet which sailed under convoy of the Antelope man of war, are not yet arrived, A letter from Gibraltar, dated July 31, says, " I believe the Dutch will at last settle their matters with the Emperor; the Sieur Webster Blunt, Vice Consul for the republic, has got into the good graces of the Emperor of Mo- rocco, and has had an audience of that Prince in one of his gardens. Mr. Blunt assured
him, that as Vice Consul of the States General of the United Provinces, he should be highly flattered to convey to them the propositions which his Majesty should make; the Emperor in return said, that he should give him a letter for his matters. The Consul has since Learnt from those who are near that Monarch's person, that he did not approve the terms offered by the Sieur Peter Humbert, who was in Tangier road with the Dutch squadron. It. appears that the Em- peror is resolved to have from the Dutch an annual turn, in like manner as he is paid by other powers; he received a letter lately from the King of Denmark, with
advice, that the annual subsidy payable to him of twenty- five thousand piastres ( about 4000 guineas) was shipped on board of a vessel bound to Tan- gier." This day the Duke of Roxburgh set out for his seat at Broxmouth near Dunbar, in Scotland. The Earl of Rochford Is expected in town this day from Brussels; after which his Lordship will immediately set out on' his Lieutenancy for Ireland: ' At the last assizes at Hereford, a cause was tried before Lord Mansfield and a Special Jury of the county, wherein the Chamberlain of the borough of Hertford was plaintiff, and Mr. Isaac Mather, Printer there, defendant, upon an axtion
for the recovery of a penalty incurred by the defendant for exercising his trade in the said borough, ( he not being a freeman thereof) contrary to ancient and immemorial custom: when a verdict was given for the plaintiff, with costs of suit. The new comedy of Mr. Foote's, so long ex- pected, is called The Capuchin, and is to be exhibited ntxt Monday for'the first time. This morning was married James Meadows, Esq; of Hackney, to. Miss Jennett, of Wal- thamstow, 1 We hear from Bath, that Lord Delawarre died there on Wednesday last. The unfortunate young Gentleman, who. put an end to his existence on Wednesday night at
the Bedford- arms in Covent- garden, was eldest son of Lord M—, and heir to an estate of 33, cod. per annum. A few moments before he committed the rash act, he was in company with four women of the town, and Burnet the blind musician, drank hard, but did not express, either by words or actions, the least degree of despondency. He held the pistol close to his temple, as is conjectured, in order to prevent a loud explosion ; and in case the first attempt should fail, had secured another ready charged; and laid it within his reach. After the women were dismissed, he ordered Burnet to go down for about twenty- five minutes,
who returning at the expiration of that time to the apartment, was the first who discovered, by the strong smell of gunpowder, the dreadful event. When the waiters entered, the deceased was disco- vered sitting, and in the same attitude in which it is supposed he committed the fact. The Hon. Mr. Fox met the Hon. Mrs. D in the city foon after the fatal accident, and opened it to her with all imaginable tenderness, yet the shock is said to have afflicted her beyond measure. Last night a waggoner was run over by a cart in Spitalfields, and killed on the spot. At Whitcchapel hay- market this morning, hay sold from 3I. to 4I. 8s..- per
load ; straw from rl. 8s. to il, i6.~. per ton. The prices of hops in the Borough this morn- ing were, new hops in bags from 2I. to jl, pockets 4I. to 41. 4s. old bags il. 5s. to il. x' 6s. pockets al. to 2I. xos. per hundred. Last night two footpads were taken by the Lambeth patrole for attempting to rob a Gen- tleman. LOTTERY, 1776. The particulars of Mr. Molesworth's Calcu- lations are this Day published, in a manner most clear and satisfactory; and are delivered gratis at No. 67, High Holborn ; No. 30, Fleet- street ; and No. 34, King- street, Cheapside; where the Tickets, Shares, and Chances, are selling. Cambridge, August 16. This
week Messrs. Cole, Elliston, Hayter, and Kaye, were elected Fellows of King's College in this University. and Letters to the LONDON: Sold by J. WILKIE No. 71; the Bible, in St. Paul's Church- yard, where Advertisements, Authors, are taken in: And where all Persons who chuse to be regularly served with this Paper are desired to apply.