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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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ALTERATIONS SINCE THE PRINTING. I Page 39, Rates of Carriages, for Glenville read Glynville. Page 54, fi- ft col. No 8 after Sir Annesley Stewart, Bart, read, Henry Grattan, Esq; . Page 55, first col. Bor. of Bangor, for John Blackwood, Esq; read Sir John Blackwood, Bart. ' • ^ Page 62, first col. Ulster King of arms, for Office, Stafford street, read Office, I No. 54 Exchequer street." I Page 95, third col. Dublin Society, Insert John Patrick, Esq; Where the Earl of Antrim's name is lnserted for William- Randall, read, Randall- William « . „. . , _ Just Published, by S. WATSON, atVirgil's Head, ( N° .48) Dame- str. WATSON's Compleat MEMORANDUM BOOK for 1776. ( Humbly Inscribed to Her Grace the Durchess of LEINSTER) PRinted on fine Paper, from very elegant engraved Copper Plates; contain- ing an Account of Cafh received and expended, Engagements, and occa- fional Memorandums; bound up with the KALENDAR ( which contains all the Table; neceffary for the Pocket) in a Variety of Morocco Bindings, ele- gantly Gilt ; and fome with \ fles Skin Leaves for writing on, an Ivory inched Kule, Parer Cutter,. b ack Lead Pencil tipt with Silver, & c. ; Just Published, By J. EXSHAW, ( N°. 86) Dame- street, Price 6d. halfp, THE ENGLISH REGISTRY for 1776. Or a large Collection of English Lists. Containing His Majesty's most Honourable PRIVY COUNCIL;. The Lords and Commons of PARLIAMENT. With other useful Lists Just Published, by WILLIAM WILSON, ( N°. 6) in Dame- street. fVi h a new Plan if the City and Suburbs of Dublin, divided into Wards. WILSON's DUBLIN DIRECTORY for the Year 1775. Con- taining an Alphabetical List of the Names of the Merchants and Traders of the City of Dublin, with their Occupations, and Places of Abode numbered; together with several other Lists of Public ufe and curiofity ; re- vifceJ, corrected and enlarged. [ Price a Britifh Shilling.] STEWART'S I N K - P O W D E R. THO. STEWART, Bookseller, Old Bridge, Dublin, with Pleafure in- forms the public, that hq has brought that neceffary Article to a Perfec- ion equal to any imported from London. A Paper, which is fold for a britifh lixpence, making a Pint of fine Ink in 6 Minutes, by mixing it with a Pint if Water; as the Direction I'ealed about each Paper fhews at large. N. B. Stewart's Name is in Copper- plate Engraving on each Paper. 1INTEND, God willing, in May next, to print the List of HIGH SHERIFFS,, together with the COMMON COUNCIL of DUBLIN to be given gratis, as ufual. SAMUEL WATSON. *** GENTLEMEN are requested to send any Alterations necessary to'be fnade in the FAIRS before the first of September, and Alterations in NAMES, Kxc. before the fir ft of October, that they may be in Time for Insertion in y
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