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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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Ccmmiflioners for taking Affidavits. 1 33 City of Cashel. Samuel Neve, 3. Cavan. Andrew Bell, K. E Tho. Donaldson, C. Ch. William Leet, 3. Ralph Harman, 4. Patrick Smyth, C. E. Tho. Stanford, 4. Neason Wildridge, C. K. E. Clare. Anthony Boland, 4. Jerom Cloran, E. Ch. Francis O Brien, for Re- cognizances, C. Cork. James Alleyn, 4. Tho. Barter, 3. Roger Callaghan, E. Tho. Chatterton, 3. Wm. Coghlan, E. Tho. Cooke, E. Daniel Crone, E. Richard Daunt, E. James Dennis, K. E. Coakly Docket, E. Joshua Fennel, Ch. C. E, Henj. Hayes, E. Matthias Hendley, K. E. Dennis Keefe, 4, and Spe- cial Bail. Charles M'Carthy, E. John Philpot, 4. Barry Power, E. James Quin, Ch. C. E. Jonas Travers, C. K. E. James Wallis, K. E. Tho. Widenham, Ch. K. E Cork City. Tho. Beamish, E. Wm. Chartres, E. Tho. Chatterton, 3. Richard Daunt, E. William Heard, K. E. William Jones, K. Dennis Keefe, 4. Jonas Lander, Ch. Michael McCarthy, ch. Barry Power, . E. John Terry, p., james Wallis, Donegal. James Baxter, E. John Cambell, Ch. John Campbell, 3. Alex. Carlisle, K. Wm. Chambers, C. Arthur Smith, E. John Thompson, E. K. Down. Geo. Anderson, 4. Thomas Braddock, Ch. John Brett, Ch. Matthew Breet, 3. Joseph Dickson, E. Ch. Alex. Gordon, 4. Francis Seawright, Ch. R. StevensonN. P. Ch. K. F Samuel Strene, 3. Drogheda Town. Wm. Holmes, 4. Fermanagh. Archib. Graham, 4. Arthur Johnston, E. Galway. Thomas Campbell, 4. John Concannon, 3. Cha. Davis, K. C. Ch. Barth Hanly, Ch. Edw. M'Kenny, 4. Tho. Millbank, Ch. Tho. Noland, E. James O Hara, 4. Hugh Rowan, Ch. C. E. Galway Town. Barth. Hanly, Ch. ; Fran. Matthews, E. James O Hara, 4. Kerry. James Fleming, 3. John Giles, E. Godfrey Leonard, E. Domk. Sheehan, Ch. E Joseph Smith, E. James Yielding, 4. Kilkenny. Robert Blake, F, james Butler, Ch. E. John Cole, E. K. Thomas Hacket, 3. Chr. Hewetson, Ch. Wm, Waters, K. Kilkenny City. Robert Blake, Ch. C. Thomas Hacket, .3. Wm. Hartford, E. Ch. Chr. Hewetson, Ch. Wm. Waters, K. King's County. Nich. Crawford, K. E. Ch, James Fleming, to take special Bail, C. William King, E. Kingsale. Elwell Leary, Gt. Leitrim. Richard Cary, Ch. E. K. Cha. Gallagher, Jun. Ch. William Hartley, E. K. Limerick. Geo. Black, E. Tho. Colles, E. Jeremiah Dwyer, C. Raymond Evans, Ch. E. John Dowdall Hamond, Ch. K. Robert Hickson, K. E. Samuel Johns, K. Ch.- Jonas Leake, 4. Geo. Leake, 4. Henry M'Mahon, Ch. E. John Owens, E. John Smith, E. Ch. Wm. Smith, E. , Limerick City. Raymond Evans, Ch. C. Alex. Franklin,' 3. John Dowdall Hamond, Ch. K. Joseph Holland, 4. Samuel Johns, 4. Henry M'Mahon, Ch. Matthew Moynham, E. Londonderry. John Hamilton, E. Francis Kane, E. K. Ch. Domk. M'Causland, K. E. Peter M'Donagh, K. E. Geo. Ogilby, K. Henry Sloan, Ch. E. Samuel Strean, 3. John Title, C. Ch. John Wright, Ch. • London
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