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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack
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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Full (unformatted) newspaper text

The following text is a digital copy of this issue in its entirety, but it may not be readable and does not contain any formatting. To view the original copy of this newspaper you can carry out some searches for text within it (to view snapshot images of the original edition) and you can then purchase a page or the whole document using the 'Purchase Options' box above.

ie8 AUGUST AUGUST Ballyvary Mayo Limrick Wex Coolymoroohoo Cork City Lurganbuy Leitr Pivemiletowri Tyr Kilkenny City frize Killala Mayo Mullahifh Ker Newblifs Mon c. f. Scotllown Mon Tarmonbarry Rofc 19 m. Claddagh Gal Dromon Lim Finae Wef Monaghan Town Scortagliny Ker Swinford Mayo 40 tu. Ardee Low Ballahean Mayo Beltra Sli Magilla Cork MolahafFe Ker Palmerftown Dub Ramullin Don Rockcorry Mon Stradbally Q^ C. Stragowna Ferm Thurles Tip Timoleague Cork Windygap Wat 22 th. Durrow Kilk Inniftimond Cla Omagh Tyr 23 fr. Ballicarry Antr Calllereagh Rofc c. f. Milhown Ker & 24 Bunclody Wex frize, linen 24 fa. Ballynafs Don Caherconlifh Lim Cullenwayne K. C. Dromagh Cork Fermoy Cork Loughrea Gal Moyvore Wef Newcaftle Lim Oldcallle Mea Shandrom Cork Sherwood Carl Spanfelhill Cla Tullk Rofc 21 w. Abbyknockmoy GalBallyhooly Cork Caftlecauiield Tyr Currabeglands Cork Fore Wef Milford Cork Turlough Mayo Wexford Town 26m. Ahafcragh Gal Ahoghill Antr Ardagh Longf Baliicaftle Antr Ballimore Dub Ballintubber Rofc Balliboy K. C. Ballimany Kild Ballinarnone Cork Ballinamore Gal Ballinderry Wic Ballypooren Tip Bantry Cork Callan Kilk Callidon Tyr Banbridge Down 3 Days Bennett's bridge Kilk Birr K. C. Cahirellyweft Lim Carlow Town Carnteel Tyr Carrigtwohill Cork Church- town Wef Cloghanbegg Don Carndonagh Don_ yar » , eat. Clonagam Wat Caftlecomer Kilk Crebilly Antr Currans Ker Dunlavin Wic Hackeftown Carl Killifhandra Cav Killuran Wex Kitft. lawrence Wat Kaockecroghery Rofc Cloone Leitr Coollatin Wic c. f. Crookltown Cork CrofTdoney Cav Donagh Ferm Donnybrook Dub Drogheda Town Drumfna Leitr Dundalk Low AUGUST Ennifcorthy Wex frize 24 < Garretftown Mea Garriftown Dub Goolden Tip Grange Sli IfTerkelly Gal Kells Mea Kilgarvan Wef Kilmurryibrickan Cla Lowtherftown Ferm Magheraielt Der Modiligoe Wat Monea Ferm Mountmellick Q. C. Mulaghcrew Low Newmarket Cla Newtown Leitr Port Don Racahill Lim Rathangan Kild Rathfran Mayo Rathkeal Lim Rockhill Cork Ruflewood Kild Saintfield Down Summerhill Mea Tillaroan Kilk Tubbermurry Lim Tullyvin Cav Whitewell Cork 27 tu. Dunymana'Tyrc./". Kildyfart Cla Lough of Cork & 28 Raphoe Don 28 w. Cafllelyons Cork Kircubin Down Mt. Shannon Gal cattle 29 th. Mullingar Wef 30 fr. Ballingarrycramet Lim c. f. Churchill Ferm 31 fa. Ballinvreeny Lim Donaghmore Q^ C. Gorey Wex Infegelagh Cork Killygordon Don Lifcarroll Cork • Tynagh Gal • SEPT
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