Dublin Almanack
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Dublin Almanack
Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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No Pages: 1
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io4 JUNE Droumiroiik Ker & I 1 Drumadooan Antr Drumquin Tyr Fivemilebridge Cork Iniftioge Kilk Killough Down Longford Town Mount Charles Don Oldcaftle Mea Seaford Down Summerhill Mea 11 tu. Ball Mayo Balhlhannon Don Ballytrain Mon c. f. Clahaman Wex JUNE Leitrim Town Lifnacon Cork Londonderry City Mulaghcrew Low Palatine Town Carl Soots Town Moa St. Mullins Carl i 8 tu. Cookftown Tyr Drumahare Leitr Kingfcourt Cav Strokeftown Rofc 19 w. Belleek Ferm Connagh Cork Coolboy Wic c. f. Loughgill Antr Cooigreney Wex c. f. for- Rockhill Cork < ward Cc< ws Scarvaghpafs Down DonafteCia c. f. & 12
Dunlhaghlin Mea Kilcullenbi idge Kild Kilgobenet Wat KiileneaaghCIa Rathbeagh Kilk Scar Wex it w. Ballybrood Lim Ballynafs Don Belturbet Cav Cregg « Gal Donaghmore Q^ C. & Dromdeer Cork & c 13 Killivally Wef Lifmalla Ftrm Sixmilecrofs Tyr 20 th. Ardnaree Mayo Droununaragilebegg Cerk Drum Mon Goolberry hill Cork Rochdale Low Skreen Mea 21 fr. Aghrim Gal Ardeath Mea Au. naglas Sli Ballicarry Antr 3 Ballinvreeny L\ m yearling, Broadfoid Cla Callidon Tyr Carrigart Don CaRlereagh Rofc 4 J PalTage Wat c. f. 13 th. Em wale Mon c. /". Cartlelhane Mon Killeagh Cork Cloghan K. C. e. f. Maghrea Der
Newtownlimavady Der OldOone Antr Turlogh Mayo 14 fr. Baliinacarrow Sli Mount- talbot Rofc Sevenchurches Wic 15 fa. Baillvbo row Cav Windygap Wat Bamagrove Cork 22 fa. Aghrim Wie Barrowmt. Kilk c. f. Balliragett Kilk Caftletown Lands Mayo Balliwalter Down 17 m. Ballymoate Sli linen Banoge Wex Broughlhane Antr Carl « w Town Bunclody Wex fri& e I'm. 18Clare Mayo Dromore Cla Donaghmore Down Kilbeggan Wef Downpatrkk Down Fermoy Cork Gilford Down llferkelly Gal Kilmacclenan Cork Lurganbuy Leitr Moylogh Gal Rolcrea Tip JUNE Dungarvan Wat Enniikeane Cork Fintona Tyr Graig Kilk Kilcullen Kild
Killifhandra Car Kilnockin Tjp Lifnarrick Ferm Mapkethill Arm Moatagrenoge Wef Philipftown K. C. Raphoe Don Tarbert Ker Warrcnftown Mea 24 m. Balliconnell Cav Hallygurteen Cork Ballyludanweft Cla Birchgrove Wex Bulhmills Antr Croome Lim Cullyvore Longf Curran Der Dervockrace Antr Drogheda Town Drumfna Leitr Kilcreeft Gal Kilteel Kild Lilgoold Cork Mahery Arm Malin Don Milltown Ker Nath Wex Rathvilly Carl Shannon K. C. c. f. Spanfelhill Cla Stradone Cav Tedounet Mon Waterford City 25 tu. Ballybought Arm B ury Lim Fox ford Mayo Gray.-. bby Down * 6 w. Burrafakane Tip Crebilly Antr Glaflough Mon
Newmarket Rofc c. f. yarts Newtowngore Leitr Saintfield Down Tenehely Wic 27th. Callahan's Mills Cli! Kildorrary Cork Tobercwrji