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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack
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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Full (unformatted) newspaper text

The following text is a digital copy of this issue in its entirety, but it may not be readable and does not contain any formatting. To view the original copy of this newspaper you can carry out some searches for text within it (to view snapshot images of the original edition) and you can then purchase a page or the whole document using the 'Purchase Options' box above.

102 M A Y Terrilspals Wef Tubberfcanav'an Sli i 8 fa. Ballybay Mon Ballyhays Cav Balnalack Wef Coothall Role Donaghmore Cork Goolden Tip Killanteel Cla Kinvara Gal Swadlinbar Cav 10 m. Armagh Town Armaghbrega Mea Ballifamon Role Ballinderry Wic Ballintra Don Brodagh by Crufheen Cla Bunnidane Sli Claddagh Gal Clr. ghanbegg Don Coole We I Down Down Dromagh Coik Droumalegree Cork Drurocafhel Low Drumfna Leitr lalper's Pound Cla Riltinan Lim KiUorglin Ker Kilmichael Cla Lifnelkea Perm Milford Cork Sherwood Carl Swinford Mayo 2 i tu. Ardrahin Gal Ballibotcy Don Balliclare Anlr Ballimote Gal Beltra Sli Relturbet Cav Carndonagh Don yarn, cattl< Cartlepollard Wef Callleihane Mon Cotter/ borough Coik Derrilin Perm Donelong Tyr Drimbar Antr Dunlavin Wic Ernly Tip French Park Rofc Garrilon Ferm MAY MAY 27 m. Abingdon Lim Ardfert Ker Armoy Antr Ballimore Wef Ballinamony Cork Ballingarry Lim Ballir. garry Tip Ballinrobe Mayo Lurgan green Low Mollide Antr Portclannon Antr Portgienone Der Rathmelton Don Rockhill Cork 22 w. Kilfenora Cla Kildylart Cla Largy Cav by Belcoobridgc Banada Sli Needen Ker & 23 Caher Tip Portarlinton Q^ C. Carnteel Tyr Rockcorry Mon Carrickmacrofs Mon Tobercorry Sli Carrigaiine Cork 23th. Ballimagawran Cav Caftlecarberry Kild Ballyket Cla c. f. Caftlecaufield Tyr CafUereagh Rofc Caftlefin Don Coolymoroohoo Cork City CafHelaken Mayo Croffmolyna Mayo Durrow Kilk Fivemiletown Tyr Garvagh Der Kingfcourt Cav Mulpheder Mea Omagh Tyr Templeftown Wic 24 fr. Bunfinglas Mayo Caftledermot Kild Killafhee Longf Killmeague Kild Kilmuriy mc. mahon Cla- Lepp Cork Redhill Cay Templehoufe Sli Tullk Rofc 25 fa. Anngrove Cork CafHetownroche Cork Clare Town Dungjven Der Dunkerrin K. C. Finae Wef Johnflon's bridge Arm Kilbalinerin Kild Killuccan Wef Lilmore Wat Loughgiin Rofc Magherafelt Der Maflacan Lands Cork Newtown Leitr Ratoath Mea Shandrum Cork Thomaftown Kilk Caftlelyons Cork Claremore Gal Clonegal Carl frizc Cloone Leitr Coolinanta Kilk Coollatin Wic c f Croffdoney Cav Cuiiihiii 4. c. Currabeglands Cork Danyan Rofc Donamona Mayo Doobally Cav Downderry Cork Drumkerrin Munterk. Leit • Dunymanagh Tyr c. f. Dy fart Q. C. Farnicarny Sli Fieldflown Dub Glanarm Antr Holyilland Cla Kilcoole Wic Killyon K, C. Ivnocklong Lim Knoctopher Kilk Limrick Wex Loughrea Gal Macreddin Wic Molahaffe Ker Monea Ferm Moning^ gagh Cav Mullahifh Ker Naas Kild Nautenane Ker & 28 - Ne\ vrols Wex Portadown,
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