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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack
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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Full (unformatted) newspaper text

The following text is a digital copy of this issue in its entirety, but it may not be readable and does not contain any formatting. To view the original copy of this newspaper you can carry out some searches for text within it (to view snapshot images of the original edition) and you can then purchase a page or the whole document using the 'Purchase Options' box above.

APRIL Ballymany Kild Ballynahinch Down Ballinamallard Ferm Belcoo Ferm Caftleotway Tip & c 6 Cloone Leitr Comber Down Crolfdoney Cav Drum Mon Eni( kean Cork Holy- Illand Cla Kilmurry Kilk Limrick Wex Lilnarrick Ferm Mulaghcrew Low Omagh Tyr Rathdrum Wic Summerhill Mea Timohoe Q^ C. Tipperary Town Whitewell Cork 6 fa. Clanoghkiky Cork Dunaghy Tyr Kilcooly Kilk Kilmacclenan Cork Newblifs Mon. c. f. 8 m. Ahaicragh Gal Ballingarry Lirh Bellaugiiy SIi Blarney Cork & 9 Carrigaline Cork Caftlefin Don Gormanftown Tip Gorten Tyr Killybeggs Don Mullingar Wef- Navan Mca Newmarket Cla New Rols Wex Portadown Arm Portarlinton CV C. Rofberkcn Kilk St Johndon's Don Sbrule Mayo Tarbert Ker Thurles Tip Timolin Kild c. f Tullk Rofc Tulkinlpafs Arm 9 tu. Ballidehob Cork BaJhnamultina Wat. APRIL Caftlebelling Hilllborough Down Moate Wef 26 fr. Anglefourro' I. im Burrafakane Tip Culloville Arm & 27 Kilgolah Cav Maghera Down Milltown Ker & 27 Rathclare Cork Warrenftown Mea 27 fa. TullowLim cetvr, Jheep ( Sc. 29 m. Balbriggen Dub Barn3grove Cork Barry Longf Cafti Ferm Clane Kild cattle c. f. Kircubin Down Mitchel's Fort Cork Murroe Lim gham Low Caltlelyons Cork Cafi- letown Cork Johnllon- bridge Kild Kilcafh Tip Kilda- e Town Killaloe Cla Kilmaganny Kilk Kilworth Cork Lough of Cork & 1 o Malin Don Monaghan ' 1' own Newtown Wic Newtown Forbes Longf Roftrevor Down Singland Lim jo w. K;! lyleagh Down 12 fr. Graney Kilk Ravenfdaie Low 13 f. Ennis Cla 15 m. Ballmagarrydown Tulleleafe Cork Lim 30 tu. Kildroghil Kild Ballingarry cramerLim c. f. Maherv Arm Clones Mon MAY, 1776. Emyvale Mon. c. f. 1 or / I Rvagh Cav Eyrecou: tGal w. Ballinclare Ker Newry Down Ballinhaflig Cork 16 tu. Cartledermot Kild Ballycleave Ker Cloghan K. C. c. f. Ballytrain Mon c. f: l8ih. Ballifarnon Rofc Bangor Down i9tr. Rathmolion Meaia/. Borris Car! 20 fa. CallletownLim Bray Wic. Charleftown K. C. CaLverftown Kild Droumanaragilebege Cork Garlanflown Mea 22 m. Ballinderry Wic Carrickfergus Antr Ballinvreeny LimjfarA'ngjCalllewellan Down Feathard Tip Coolkenno Wic Kilcummer Cork Croaghburgefs 1 im. Seranocum Antr Drumgriffin Gal Stratford upon Slaney WicForkill Arm Tullow Carl Gealhell K. C. 23 tu. Baljycanow Wex Grange Sli & c 2 Court & Curraheen Lim Kilcreetl Gal Palatine Town Carl Kildangan Kild Scar Wex Kildorrary Cork 24V/. Coolboy Wic c. f Kilmore Down c. f.- Kilnockin Tip Kilmurry Cork Rathfriland Down Kilteel Kild 25 th. Athv Kild Lifcarroll Cork Cecil's Town Cork Lifgoold Cork Grenoghs Cork Mijtownpai's Rof,. N 2 Moons„
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