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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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9 6 Ricd. Ld. Primate. V. P Henry Prittie, Esq; Rev. Sam. Pulleine. Francis Purcell, Esq; George Putland, Esq; Cha. Visc. Ranelagh. John, Ld. Bp. of Raphoe. John Richardson, Esq; Ralph, Earl of Ross. Rob. Ross, Esq; Hercules Langford Rowley, Esq; Thomas Rutledge, Esq; William Ruxton, Esq; Rev. Dean John Ryder. Sir Richd. St. George, Bt. Tho. St. George, Esq; Treasurer. Edw. Scriven, Esq; Richard, Earl of Shannon. Henry Shaw, Esq; Wm. Earl of Shelburne. Richard Sheridan, Esq ; Sydenham Singleton, Esq; V. P. Ralph Smith, Esq; John Smyth, Esq; Tho. Smyth, Esq; Wm. Smyth, Esq; Geo. Stackpole, Esq; Rev. Alex. Staples. John Staples, Esq; Sir Rob. Staples, Bt. Sir Richard Steele, Bt. Edward Sterling, Esq; Luke Sterling, Esq; William Steuart, of Bai- lieborow, Esq; Wm. Steuart, of the Coun- ty of Carlow, Esq; William Stewart, of Killymoon, Esq; Dublin Society. 96 Sir Annesley Stewart, Bt. Rev, Hugh Stewart. Rev. Dr. Richd. Stewart. Robert Stewart, Esq; Edw. Strettell, Esq; Hamilton Stuart, Esq; Wm. Swift, Esq; George Sympson, Esq; Mark Synnott, Esq; Walter Synnott, Esq; Plunket Hen. Talbot, Esq; Wm. Talbot, Esq; Wm. Talbot, Jun. Esq; Wentworth Thewles, Esq; Theoph. Thompson, Esq, George Thwaites, Esq; Richard Thwaites, Esq; William Tighe, Esq; Rev. Henry Tilson. Thomas Tisdall, Esq; William Hull Tonson, Esq; John Traile, Esq; Dominick Trant, Esq; Rev. Holt Truell. John Tunnadine, Esq; George Tyrrell, Esq; Arthur Visc. Valentia. Major Cha. Vallancy. Crofton Vandeleur, Esq; Jn. Ormsby Vandeleur, Esq; Tho. Verner, Esq, Agmondisham Vesey, Esq; Edw. Villiers, Esq; Richard Vincent, Esq; John Usher, Esq; Robert Wade, Esq; John, Earl of Wandesford. John Warburton, Esq; Ralph Ward, Esq; Holt Waring, Esq; Secry | folliot Warren, Esq; Richard, Lord Bishop of Waterford. Nicholas Westby, Esq; Henry Westenra, Esq; Tho. Earl of Westmeath Rev. Archdeacon Wight Abraham Wilkinson, Esq- Samuel Wilkinson, Esq; j Adam Williams, Esq; Henry Williams, Esq; Thomas Winder, Esq; Sir Richard Wolseley, & Rev. D. Woodward. V. 1F Meredyth Workman, Esq; Rev. John Wynne. Honorary MEMBERS, j Rev. Mr. Bertrand, of Bern- in Switzerland. Rev. Mr. Chaise, Frent1 Minister at the Hague1"- 1 Sir James Jay, M. D. > Rev. Olaf Moller. Joshua Steele, Esq;. Rev. Dr. Tucker, Dean. Gloucester. Mr. Vavasseur, Secretary to the Agriculture S: ciety at Rouen. Mr. Adam Walker, Rt. Hon. Lady Arbell Denny. Lady Bingham. Henry Waring, of Bangor Esq; Rev. Thomas Campbell v L. L. D. Dr. David M'Bride. Arthur Young, Esq; John Mills, Esq; Richard Geoghegan, Esq Assistnt Secretary to the Society, Rev. Thomas Lyster, A. M. Grafton- street Register, and Collector, Mr. Patrick Brien. Three Stated general Meetings ( to wit) on the fecond Thurfday in Novembt the firft Thurfday in March, and the firlt Thurfday in June, every Year, with1 che Liberties of the City of Dublin. Tk [ W ' It: I k I ( if
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