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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Sir Henry Hartstonge, Bt Geo. Hart, Esq; Sir John Haslar, Kt. .-'• SKI John Hatch, Esq; Samuel Hayes, Esq; Hugh Henry, Esq; Jos. Henry, Esq; Wills, Earl of Hillsborough John Hobson, Esq; Peter Holmes, Esq; Rev. Philip Homan. Gorges Edm. Howard, Esq; Rt. H. Ralph Howard. Wm. Humberstone, Esq; R. H. John Hely Hutchinson Rev. Archdn. Hutchinson. John Hyde, Esq; Richard Jackson, Esq; Mr. Alex. Jaffray. St. John Jefferyes, Esq; Denham Jephson, Esq; Wm. Earl of Inchiquin, Charles Innes, Esq; Sir John- Allen Johnston, Bart. Sir Richard Johnston, Kt. Lostus Jones, Esq; Rt. Hon. Theoph. Jones John Pim Joshua, Esq; William Irvine, Esq; Michael Keating, Esq; Joseph Keene, Esq; Denis Kelly, Esq; James Kerney, Esq; Cha. Lord Bp. of Kildare Robert, Lord Bishop of Killaloe. Anthony King, Esq; Gilbert King, Esq; Tho. Kingsbury, Esq; Edw. Earl of Kingston. Edw. Kirwan, Esq; Tho. Lord Knapton. John Ladaveze, Esq; Henry Larieve, Esq; David La Touche, Esq; Dav. La Touche, Jun. Esq: John La Touche, Esq; Walter Laurence, Esq; Rev. Robert Law, D. D. Nicholas Lawless, Esq: Dublin Society. Richard Le Hunte, Esq; Francis Leigh, Esq; John Leigh, Esq;; V. P. Robert Leigh, Esq; William, Duke of Lein- ster. V. P. Rev. Dr. Tho. Leland Charles Leslie, esq; Sir Richard Levinge, Bt. Richard Levinge, Esq; Ald. Willoughby Light- burne. William Lord Bishop of Limerick. Tho. Litton, Esq; Sir Edward Loftus, Bt. Captain Nicholas Loftus. Richard Longfield, Esq; Robert Longfield, Esq; Edward - Michael, Lord Longford. Gorges Lowther, Esq; William Lyndon, Esq; , John Lyster, Esq; Chri. Kirwan Lyster, Esq William Lyster, Esq; Alex. Macdonnell, Esq; , Sa. Molyneux Madden, Esq; Richard Magennis, Esq; John Malpas, Esq; George Maquay, Esq; Col. Tho. Marlay. Francis Mathew, Esq; Thomas Ridgate Maunsell, Esq; f Sir William Mayne, Bt. George Meares, Esq; John Meares, Esq; Anthony, Earl of Meath. Rt. Hon. Henry, Lord Bp of Meath. Luke Mercer, Esq; Hon. Richard Rochfort Mervyn. Peter Metge, Jun. Esq; John Mitchell, Esq; ; Tho. Mitchell, Esq; Hugh- Hen. Mitchell, Esq John, Earl of Moira, FRS Sir Capel Molyneux, lit George- Paul Monck, Esq 95 Alex. Mt. Gomery, Esq; Alex. Mt. Gomery, Esq; George Mt. Gomery, Esq; Sir Wm. Mt. Gomery, Bt. Rev. Arthd. Edw. Moore. Richard Morgan, Esq; Lodge Morres, Esq; Redm. Morres, Esq; V. P. Wm. Willoughby, Lord | Mt. Florence. Hervey, Ld. V. Mt. Morres. John Nairac, Esq; William Gleadowe New- comen, Esq; Sir Edw. Newenham, Kt. John Nixon, Esq; Lorenzo Nixon, Esq; Conolly Norman, Esq; Edward Noy, Esq; Walter Nugent, Esq; Sir Lucius O Brien, Bt. Rev. John O Connor. George Ogle, Esq; William Meade Ogle, Esq; , Charles OHara, Esq; Cha. OHara, Jun. Esq; Rt. Hon. Silver Oliver. ; Tho O Reilly, Esq; William OReilly, Esq; William Lord Bishop of Ossery. Sir Fielding Ould, Knt. Rev. Dr. John Palliser. - Wray Palliser, Esq; Mathew Pearson, Esq; Thomas Pepper, Esq; Wm. Persse, esq; Rt. Hon. Edm. Sexten Pery, V. P. Aldworth Phaire, Esq; Tho. Phelps, Esq-, Rev. Richard Piggott. Mr. Joseph Pike, Arthur Pomeroy, Esq; John Pomeroy, Esq; R. H. John Ponsonby. James Ponsonby, Esq; : j;! Richard Ponsonby, Esq; 5 Rev. Joseph Pratt, . Mervyn Pratt, Esq; John Preston, Esq;
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