Dublin Almanack
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Dublin Almanack
Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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k 94 Patrick Bride, Esq; Henry Brown Esq; Hon. James Brown. Right Honorable William Brownlow. Edward Bulkely, Esq; Walter Hussey Burgh, Esq;* Wm. Burke, Esq; David Burleigh, Esq; Wm. Burton, Esq; Col. Wm. Burton. Wm. Bury, Esq; Gervais Parker Bush, Esq; Andrew Caldwell, Esq; Shapland Carew, Esq; Rt. Hon. Edw. Cary. Rt. Hon. Sir Hen. Caven- dish, Bt. Wm. Chaigneau, Esq; Graves Chamney, Esq; Benj. Chapman, Esq; James, E. of Charlemont James, Earl of Clanbrassill. John, Visc Clanwilliam. Dr. George Cleghorn. Rt. Hon. Nat. Clements. William Henry Lord Cler- mont. John, Lord Bishop of Clogher.
Walter, Lord Bishop of Clonfert. Charles Lord Bishop of Cloyne. John Dawson Coates, Esq; Tho. Cobbe, Esq; Dixie Coddington, Esq; Thomas Coghlan, Esq; Sir Vesey Colclough, Bart. Rt. Hon. Tho. Conolly. Henry, Visc. Conyngham. John Cooke, esq; Arthur Cooper, Esq; Joshua Cooper, Esq; Rev. Dean Coote. Henry Cope, Esq; Mr. Wm. Cope. Maurice Copinger, Esq; Isaac, Lord Bishop of Cork and Ross. Armar Lowry Corry, Esq; Dublin Society. 94 Sir James Cotter, Bt. Arthur Craven, Esq; Edward Crofton, Esq; Morgan Crofton. Efq; John Cromie, Esq; Hon. Dean Crosbie. Edw. Crosbie, Esq; Hon. John Crosbie. Lancelot
Crosbie, Efq; Wm. Visc. Crosbie. Hon. and Rev. Hamilton CufFe. James CufFe, Efq; John Cuming, Esq; Charles Curtis, Esq; Michael Dalley, Esq;_ Secr. Marriott Dalway, Esq; Ald. John Darragh. Thomas, Lord Dartrey. Joseph Deane, Esq; Sir Rob. Tilson Deane, Bt. Wm. Deane, esq; Rt. Hon. Frederick Bishop of Derry. Samuel Dick, Esq; John Dillon, Esq; Theobald Dillon, Esq; Conway Richard Dobbs, Esq; Charles Domvile, Esq; Denis Doran, Esq; James, Ld. Bp. of Downe. Wm. Doyle, Esq; Cha. Earl of Drogheda. Rev. James Drought. Charles Dunbar, Esq; Wm. Dunkin, esq; Wm. Dunn, Esq; Daniel Eccles, Esq; John
Echlin, Esq, Charles Lord Bishop of Elphin, F. R. S. Ald. Tho. Emmerson. Fran. Evans, Esq; John Everard, Esq; Mr. Tho. Ewing. Dan. Falkiner, esq; Frederick Falkiner, Esq; Riggs Falkiner, Esq; Rob. Earl of Farnham. Dr. John Ferrall. 4 Edward Fitzgerald, Esq; Richard Fitzgerald, Esq: John Fitzmaurice, Esq; John Fleming, Esq; Rt. Hon. Henry Flood. Rev. John Flood. James Ford, Esq; Fr. Forster, Esq; Rev. Dr. John Forster. Lord Chief Baron Foster. Rev. Dr. Tho. Foster. John Forster, Esq; V. P. Samuel Foster Esq; Rt. H. James Fortescue. Wm. Fortescue, Esq; William Fortick, Esq; Sir Wm. Fownes, Bt. Sir John Freke, Bt.
Robert French, Esq; Luke Gardiner, Esq; Rev. Archdeacon Gast. Ald. Benj. Geale. Ebenezer Geale, Esq; Mason Gerrard, Esq; Sir Duke Giffard, Bt. Tho. Gledstanes, Esq; Francis Charles Visc. Gle- rawly. John Godley, Esq; Rev. Dr. Wm. Godley. Charles Gordon, Esq; Wm. Gore, Esq; Hamilton Gorges Esq; Richard Gorges, Esq; Rich. Gorges, Jun. Esq; Anthony Grayson, Esq; John Greene, Esq; Corn. Grogan, Esq; John Grogan, Esq; Roger Hall, Efq; Rev. Geo. Cary Hamilton Cha. Hamilton, Esq; Claude Hamilton, Esq; Rev. Dean Hamilton. Geo. Hamilton, Esq; Hon. Gustavus Hamilton, James Hamilton, Esq: Jn. Stewart
Hamilton. Robert Hamilton, Eli Wm. Handcock, Esq; Rev. Dean Harman. Sir Hen