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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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Dublin Society. 93 Edward Sneyd, Merchant. late Michael Tramasse, Merchant. Valentine Tallan, Merchant, Henry Betagh, Gent. Garret Geoghegan, Merchant. Thomas Christy, Gent, Joseph Richardson, Merchant, Joseph Wakefield, Merchant. Timothy Dyton, Stationer. John Carrol, Gent. Late Edmund Cusack, Merchant. , William Sweetman, Brewer. Michael Cosgrave, Merchant. Oliver Plunket, Merchant. John Blake, Jun. Merchant. Owen Dermott, Merchant. John Fitzgerald, Esq; George Maquay, Merchant. Ebenezer Geale, Merchant. Michael Sweetman, Merchant, Edward Moore, Brewer. William Field, Jun. Merchant. Samuel Guinness, Merchant. | John Tunnadine, Esq; Arthur Guinness, Brewer. 4 Benjamin Bardon, Apothecary, Late Luke Stock, Esq; § Michael Cormick, Goldsmith. John Dillon, Merchant. Eliza. Patrick and Company, Merchts. John Patrick, Merchant. Luke Savage, Hatter. John Green, Merchant. Michael Keogh, Surgeon. David Dick, Merchant. Late Thomas Houston, Merchant. § Patrick Ford, Merchant. Butler and Pache, Merchants. James Farrell, Brewer. Samuel Wilkinson, Esq; Arthur M'Guire, Gent, Bartholomew Callen, Esq; Cooper Penrose, Merchant. Thomas Derham, Merchant. Michael Bonfield, Merchant. Wilcocks 8c § John Phelps, Merchts. § John Sutton, Merchant. Arthur Wolfe, Esq; Ebenezar & Samuel Pike, Merchts. Christopher Deey, Publick Notary, and Secretary to the Company. James Martin, Merchant, James Forbes, Merchant. Attendance will be given every Day at the Office of the Society, at Mr, Deey's in Crampton- Court, Dublin. The DUBLIN SOCIETY for improving Husbandry, and other useful Arts. Incorporated by Charter, dated i April, 1750. His Excellency, SIMON HARCOURT, EARL HARCOURT, President. The Vice Presidents, V. P. and other Officers chosen 11 Nov. 1775. P T. Hon. Sir Arch. Acheson, Bt. Thomas Adderley, Esq; Michael Aigoin, Esq; Tho. Andrews, Esq; n. Ld. Annaly. L. C. J . K B Henry Archdall, Esq; AndreW Armstrong, Esq; John Armstrong, Esq; Art. Saunders, E. of Arran Sir Fitz- Gerald Aylmer, Bt Michael Aylmer, Esq; John Bagwell, Esq; James Bailie, Esq; Richd. Baldwin, Esq; John, Lord Battinglas. Bernard, Ld. Bangor. Dr. Constantine Barbor. Sir Wiliam Baker, Bart Rev. Dean Barnard. Hon. Barry Barry. Rowland Bateman, Esq; Fran. Lord V. Beauchamp Tho. Earl Bective. Cha. Earl of Bellamont. Rt. Hen. John Beresford. Sir Charles Bingham, Bt. Sir John Blackwood, Bt. Townley Blackwood, Esq; Xaverius Blake, Esq; William Blakeney, Esq; Robert Bolton, Esq; Fra. Warren Bonham, Esq; John Bourke, Esq; Cha. Boyd, Esq; George Boyde, Esq; Hon. Wm. Brabazon. Robert Bradshaw, Esq; Patrick
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