Dublin Almanack
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Dublin Almanack
Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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tmroili Lock Hofpital. Trinity College. 15° to 300 Interns, and relieved by Medicine and Attendance at leaft 30c Externs " Yearly.— The Covernors have built a large commodious Houfe, •(' the Combe ( originally conftrudted for an Hofpital) at above zoool. Expend and fitted it - up properly : It is now ready for the Reception of Patients. All Perfons paying zo Guineasbecome Governors for Life; and fuch as p' 3 Guineas annually ate Governors for one Year, having a Power ( at 1 Times when there is a Vacancy, or upon any fudden Emergency) of fendit a Patient into the Houfe. Attending Physicians, Dr. John Charles Fleury and Dr.
Dan. Cooke. Attendii Surgeons, Mess. Alex. Cunningham, Hen. Hawkshaw, Wm. Vance, Mich. White James Mills, and Arthur Winter. All of whom have resigned to the Hospital Fee or Reward. Benefactions are received by the Treafurer Arthur Guinness, Esq; James gate, or any of the. above Gentlemen. Old Linen is much wanted, ai may be sent by charitable Ladies to the House- keeper at the Hospital. TRINITY COLLEGE near Dublin, 21 Nov. 1775. , His Royal Highness, William Henry, Duke of GLOUCESTER. Vice Chancr. His Grace, the Ld. Primate. Visitors : The Chancellor, ( or in his. Absence, the Vice Chancellor) and
the Archbishop of Dublin. PROVOST. RIght Hon. John Hely Hutchinson, L. L. D. Senior FELLOWS. Wm. Clement, M. D. Vice Provost and Auditor. Rev. Thos. Leland, D. D. Senic! Lecturer, and Sen. Dean. Rev. Wm. Andrews, D. D- Rev. Richard Murray, D. D. Regii ter. and Catechist. * Rev. Tho. Wilson, D. D. Librarian Rev. Michael Kearney, D- D. Set. n... Proctor. • jw Rev Henry Dabzac, D. D. Bursar. THE LOCK HOSPITAL in George" s- lane, now removed to Clarendon- st ( the first of the Kind in this Kingdom) for receiving poor Women and Children infested with the Venereal Disorder, was instituted in 1755, by Surgeon to
the relieving infected Penitents, allowed to be received into the Asylum Nurses infected by disordered Children, Husbands of Nurses infected by t: Foundling Children, innocent Wives with Children at their Breasts, infected Cured at a Medium Yearly for 7 Years pad, about 130 Women and Mi exclusive of Children) besides many Extern^ to whom Medicines and Advi' are dispensed, all at the Yearly Expence of about 160/. not amounting to zj per Head on the Number of Interns, to whom Lodging, Diet, Medicines,' » « all Necessaries are supplied. Physicians, Dr. Nath. Barry, and Dr. Fran. Hutcheson. Surgeons, Messrs. G Doyle,
David Fitz- Gerald, and Carden Lee. All serve without Fee or Rewar Donations are received by Ald. Percival Hunt, Milltown, Treasurer. Dr. Barr ; Leinster- str. Surgeon Doyle, Kildare- str. and Surgeon Fitzgerald, Grafton- st And Yearly Subscriptions by the Register, Mr. Henry Courtenay, Aungier- str'