Dublin Almanack
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Dublin Almanack
Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Charitable, Incurable, St. Nicholas, and Meath Hospitals. 8- 7 Master of the Hospital, Frederick Jebb; M D. ' Consulting Physician Francis Hutcheson, M. D. Chaplain Surgeon ( fie . Hospital, Samuel Croker King, Esq; Assistants to the Master, Mr. John Hallahan, Orr, House- keeper, Mrs. Eliazbeth Denniston., Apothecary, Mr John Wade. register and Agent, Mr. Benjamin Higgins, Moore- street. benefactions are received by all the Governcti^' and by the Register. THE CHARITABLE INFIRMARY, on the Inn's- Quay, ( the first house of . that Kind, to., which the ever had Access for Relief in their different Distemper. s) was opened
iz'Auguft, 1728. Six Surgeons were the Founders of this Charity. Dr. john Purcell, Fleet- street,. and Dr. Garret Hussey, Montrath- str. Phy- . ci? n'. s, Wifrt. on Tuesdays . and Fridayi: . and William Ruxton, Esq; Hoey's- court; Henry Lyster, john Fownes street. And Francis Mc. Evoy, Abbey- street ; ivtheir Turns; . and all serve without Fee or Reward- From Nov. 1774 to .^ ov. ,1775. Surgical Exte. ns. 23906, Phyfical Extei ns 3096. Intern Patients, NEW HOSPITAL FOR INCURABLES, on Lazers- hill, is attendedby Dr. Constantine Henry Morris; Philip Woodroofe, and James Tasker, Surgeons. Since the Opening,. 533 s;: arid
when they1rit?,, are decently buried. Vagabonds, who. Will not be subject BenefadVwns. arete^ ivod^ t all thj2- BanKs in Dublin, and by Thomas Adderley, Esq; Treasurer, or any. other Member. No incurables, but those offensive to sight, can be admitted, till more Benefactions come in. The Constable or Beadle, sent by Gentleman Or Church'-^ thc^ rs,'' with Objects, who expose their Deformity through the Streets, to the Danger of Women with Child, & c. shall; for his Encouragement, have Half a Guinea Reward. ST. NICHOLAS'S HOSPITAL, in Francis- str. the fit ft of the Kind established ^• in- thit- p » p8loHs. part. « f. tbe.
City,- wasiopfiftftl. 1. Apr. 17,5.3, and is capable of receiving 40 Intern Surgical Patients. Messrs James Dillon, Lower- Jervis- str. Mich. Keogh and Mark Rorke, Meath- str. Tho. Meyler James Sullivan, Fisher's- lane, W. Dease, Meath- str. Leon. Keating, Stafford- str. and John Berne, Earl- street* Surgeons, attend alternately, every Morning from 8' ill 10. Dr. Cha. Ferrall, Ussher's quay, Phyician, visit on Tuesdays and inlays. All serve without Fee or Reward. T'vtry'MonJny at la: o'Clock is appoincrd for the Reception of . Patients, ( sudden Accidents excepted) each bringing-- a Certificate signed by 3 ' Subscribers. Ffom, i- Nov. i'
774r- t « t No^. i- 77^ v, btr « ftU received, 459. Extem- s re> lievtd, about 00.. . Old Linen i6 greatly wantwJ. . auuj* i . . : • .... :: THE MEATH HOSPITAL, appointed by. Parliament; in the Year 1774, the Countt Infirmary for the County of Dublin was at first instituted to relieve the Poor Manufacturers in THE EARL OF MEATH's LIBERTY, and has, for abeve • these 20 Years past Supported Annually from are