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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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u Lying- in Hospital. gradually increased ' to 62,, which are generally full. Tht Hospital might contain more Were incorporated by At* of Parliament in. 1750. 1 n• 1 7 74-, thte'Itnerj^ s p^ re and: dilcha g^ d, were 6517V and- 1 1678 Exttfns wert neJieve< f'; the Annual Subsct.| ti'cnf paid in that Yeai, amounted to onlj' logV, 16/. ft*?., ft thi if't'l/ e tajilal Legacies and Benefactions had not been considerable,: th Annual Income must have fallen far short of the Expence. Dr. Archibald Hamilion, Castle- street, and Dr. Edward Mill, Anglesea- street, Physicians visit the Out- patients,. Mondays and Fridays, and- the ia- patijyits, Tiiefc! aiid S'anud ys. Messrs. Geo. Daunt, William- street. GustaVus Hume 11 BARTOLOMEW MOSSE, who. with the Assistance of several charitable Benefactions supported the same near m Years •' And having built the NeW Hospital Great Britain- street, ( for which he also obtained a- Charter the same was opened for the Reception of Patients,. 8 Dec. 1757; The State of the New Hospital, from the Opening, to 31 03. 1775; Delivered in the Hospital, 10716,. of 577a Boys, and 51.17 Girls— 17a ba'tJ Twins, and one 3. 1 s Women died. . THE GOVERNORS AND GUARDIANS OF THE HOSPITAL.' , . His Excellency, The LORD LIEUTENANT, Presidcnt. . CiQ\' S. bppjintediy Charter Ld. Lieut, or other Chief Governor or Governors . of lfc^ laitd. .1: '<. Lord Primate, V. P Lord Chancellor V. E; Speaker of the Hon . House of Commons- V.- P.' r. Lord Mayo'. vof Dublin. Abp. of ' Dublin• : Lord Bishop of Kildare. Commander ( in Chief of His Majesty's Forces. Dean of . St. Patrick's. Archdeacon of Dublin. Recorder of Dublin. High. Sheriffs, of. Dublin. ALL to; the Time being. M W. Duke of Leinster, V. P. Wm. Earl of Shelburne Rt. H. Jn. Jemmett, Arch Bishop of Arthur Craven, Esq Tuam Wm. Hen. Lord. Dawson Herc Lang,: Rowley Esq; Rt. Hon. Nath. Clements; Treasurer to the Hospital. Rev Dr Jn. Whittingham, Wm. Whittingham, Esq; Edw. Sterling Esq; Se- Cretary, GOVRS. Elected since the Charter, in; Orderr as . printrd. 1 • .. j ai, .; Richard Levinge, Esq; Ezekiel Nesbit MD Dr James, E. of Charlemont, . Sir Fielding Ould. Rt; Rev. Charles Mosse. Wm. Bury Esq; Tho. Tenison, Esq;. Luke Gardiner, Esq Garret, E. of Mornington Robert, Visc. Clare Edw. Earl of Kingston Frederick Jebb, M. D. Dr. Wm. Collum.) Francis Hutcheson M D. David Macbride, M D. George Putland, Esq; Samuel Croker King, esq Suffolk- street Henry Morris, Eustace- str. Michael White, Gt. Longford- str, Vernon Lloyd. Anglesea- str. and Francis. Fortside, Great Longford- street Surgeon', visit daily in . their Turns',. and'All ( erve without Fee or Reward SubkriptioH- and lit he fictions are received- 1% Morgan Crofton, Esq; Treasurer, Thompson, Steward to the Hospital. Old Linen greatly- wanted; THE HOSPITAL FOR THE RELIEF OF POOR LYING- IN WO MEN in Dublin, ( the first of the Kind in His Majestys Dominions,
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