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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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St. Patrick's, and Mercer's Hospitals. 85 Michael Dally, Esq; Capt. Thomas Dunn, Capt. John English. Mr. Thomas Ewing. Joseph Fletcher, Esq; James Ford, Esq. Anthony Grayson, Esq; Christ. Gernon, Esq; Charles Gordon, Esq; Francis Hutchinson, Esq; John Hunt, Esq; Travers Hartley, Esq; Wm. Horton, Esq; Gorg. Edm. Howard, Esq; Alex. Jaffray, Esq; Hugh Kerr, Esq; Mr. Griffith Loyd. Gapt. James Lamb. Ald. Joseph Lynam. Edward Lord, Esq; Daniel Marston, Esq; Mr. And. Maziere. Alex. Macdonnell, Esq; Robert Magee, Esq; Capt Stewart Murray. Capt. John Mayne. John Nairac, Esq; John Read, Esq; Thomas Read, Esq; Capt. Edward Snead. Amos Strettell, Esq; Edward Strettell, Esq; Mr. John Seaton, Capt. Win. Sweetman. Tho. Trulock, Esq; Henry Tildall,. Esq; . Richard Tighe, Esq; Jeremiah Vickers, Esq; Abraham Willinon, Esq; Michael Wills, Efq; John White, Efq; John Wallis, Efq; 1) 1 By the Charter, twenty Guineas, entitles the Donor to be a Governor for •• r| n, ife. Secretaries, Luke Mercer, and David Burleigh, Efqrs. Treafurer, ) aviL Latouche, Jun. Efq; Regifteiy Mr. Alexander Worthington, No. 10 ,' i'jJisCing Street Linen Hall. Phyfician, Doftor Daniel Cooke, Mcath Sreet • clffliiurgeon, Alexander Cunningham, Efq; Euftace Street. Apothecary, Mr. ^ Stephen Reynolds, Suffolk Street. | w:{ « f(> 42 » Benefiftions and Subfcriptios will be received by all the Governors, and tilt the leveral Banks in Dublin, at the feveral Banks in Coik, Watefford, iwd Belfaft, and by all the Colleaors of His Maiefty's Revenue in Ireland, ind alio by the Treafurer, Secretaries, and the Regifter to the Society. 4' By Arnold and Albert Nefbitt, Efqrs; Aide* man Bury, Ralph Knox, and Sa- dirmuel MerceV, Elqrsy Croffiey Square, and William Lyndon, Efq; Great Ri- der Street London, | ames Read, Efq; Briftol, john Blackburn, Efq; Liver- pool, James Folliott, Efq; Chetter, and Samuel Martin, Eiq; Whitehaven. iiQAINT PATRICK'^ HOSPITAL, for Lurtaticks and Ideots, was fopnded O ' n 174.5, by Dr. JortSfhan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, and incorporated by Charter, 8 Aug. 1,746. In this Houfe, onlv 38 Lunaticks and Ideots " are admitted,, becaufe b^ the Stb'ailnefs' of' the Fund., But i'l mere Patients are received, and put pd^ r cure,' as Boarders, at 30 Guineas yearly. The. GovermiVs ;. nteh( V'thisi Year to add an additional Building to the Hospital for Prefent Governors. Lord Primate, Lord Chancellor, Abp of Dublin, Deans of Christ- Church and St. Patrick's, State Physician, and Surgeon General, ALL for the Time being. Rt. Hon. Lord Chief Baron Foster, Richard Levinge, Tho. Cobb, Esqrs. Rt. Rev. Dr. Isaac Mann, Bishop of Cork, Rt. Hon. John Beresford, Rev. Dr. Lyon, and Rev. Dr Thomas Paul. Treasurer, Rt. H. Ld. Ch. Baron Foster. Secretary, Rev. Dr. John Lyon. Physician, Robert Emmet, M. D. Molesworth- street. surgeon, Mr. John Whiteway, Stafford- street. Master of the Hospital, Mr. Timothy Dyton. Housekeeper, Mrs. Elizabeth Dryden. Receiver of the Rents, Apothecary, Mr. Edward Pannell, Capel- street MERCER'S HOSPITAL in Stephen- street was opened for the Reception oi the Sick Poor in August, 1734, being theb. a House built by Mrs. Mary Mercer> containing only to Beds for PatientS : ' That Number has been
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