Dublin Almanack
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Dublin Almanack
Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Hibernian Marine Nursery. By the Charter, Twenty Guineas entitles the Donor to be a Governor: for Life, and Three Guineas for ' olie Year. ,, ' J v linrj; r . ji Treasurer, Ralph Ward, Esq; Cumberland- street.. Chaplain, Rev. Nat. Smith. Secretary and Apothecary, Samuel Burrowes, Esq, Arran- Quay. Physician, Dr. John- Charles Fleury, Stephen- street. Surgeon* Mr. Francis, Forefide, Great Longford- ftreet. Subfcriptions and Benefactions are received sit all the Banks in Dublin,,, and by the Treasurer, Secretary, or any Governor. THE HIBERNIAN MARINE SOCIETY IN DUBLIN, for Main- taining, Educating, and Apprenticing the
Orphans and Children of decayed Seamen in His MAJESTY'S NAVY; and Merchants fervice. In 1766, a School was opened at Ring'send, by Subfcription for ithe reception of .20 Boys, who were Cloathed, Supported and Educated for the Sea Service; and this Scheme loon appearing to the Publick, to'be founded on the Principles of true Policy and real Humanity, the Gover- nors were enabled by lundry Donations and Subfci iptions to take in 13} Boys, of whom 69 have been apprenticed to the Sea Service, and 50- are sow in the School. The Parliament approving of this Inftitution, were pleafed to Grant 6000I. to build an House
which has been accordingly Erected, at Rogerson's Quay, now capable of accommodating aoo Boys, to which number they, will be encreafed, fo foon as tl> e Funds of the Society fhall become adequate to their Support. And His Majelly has been gracioufly pleafed to Grant his Royal Charter 6f Incorporation, to perpetuate the great utility of this undertaking. The Society at large, meet the fir ft Monday in November, February, May, and Auguft, and the Committee of Fifteen, the first Monday in every Month, or oftneT if necefiary. His Excellency, the LORD LIEUTENANT, Prefident. 1 e, f< Thus marked V. P. Vice Presidents, and
thus * the Committee of 15, with other Officers chosen the first Monday in November, Annually. f GOVERNORS appointed by Charter dated zoth June 1775- Lo. d Lieu- tenant, or other Chiet Governor or Governors of Ireland. Lord Primate, V- P. Lord Chancellor, V. P. Arch Bishop of Dub. V. P. Speaker © t the Hon. Houfe of CommonsV. P. Members of parliament for the City of. Dub. now Doctor Clement. Redm. Morres, Esq; V. P. LordiMayor of; Duo. V- P. Senior- Vhe Guild < it- Merchants.. . , 7 Archdeacon of Dub. now * Rev. Dean Bayly, all for the time being Duke of Leinster. Earl of Hertford. E. of Lanesborough, V. P. Lord
Longford. Lord Dartrey. * Redmond Morres, Esq * Dav. Latouche, Jun Esq; * George Simpson, Esq; * Luke Mercer, Esq; * William Lyndon, Esq; * David Burleigh, Esq, * Theo. Thompson, Esq; Wm Barton, Esq; Tho. Barton, Esq; Alex Schomberg, Esq; Governors elected ( ince the Charter. Wm. Alexander, Esq; Alex. Armstrong, Esq; Hon. John Butler. John Barton, Esq; George Boyd, Esq; John Gas. Battier, Esq; Edward Beatty, Esq; Bingham Burke, Esq; Mr James Babe. Wm. Chaigneau, Esqr Bishop of Cork. Mr Precious Clarke. Capt. James Cooke. Samuel Delap, Esq;.—, * Capt. Christ. Dunn. Christ Deey, Esq. Michael