Dublin Almanack
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Dublin Almanack
Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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No Pages: 1
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!! rum , • Guineas 0JCl GOVERNORS appointed byCharter, 15 July 1769. ' Lord Lieutenant, or other Chief Governoror Go- vernors of Ireland Pre- sident. Lord Primate, V. P. Archbishop of Dublin, Lord Chancellor, Bishop of Kildare. Lord Annaly, C. J. K. B. Rt.- Hon. Marcus Paterson, C. Rt H Anth Foster, C. B. E, Lord Mayor of Dublin. Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieut, or other ' Chief Governor or Go- vernors of Ireland. • Prime Serjeant; Attorney General. Solicitor General.- HI •<;'< Commander ioJChief. , ; * Lieutenant General. ii Adjutant- Geneiah. Quarter Master General r- Rev. Dean of St.' Patrick's. Rev. Archdeacon of Dub.
PieW Officers of' the re- spective'- regtiments.' on Dublin Duty .' r* rthe K4- dett. . >, ; R- ecorder of- Dubitni- AUtfbr oha Time being'. Duke) of! Leinfttrv: ..- Rt. Hon. Nat. Clements: Thos Waite; Esq; Major G. Edw. Sandford'. Henry Meredyth Esq; y Gen Hunt Walsh. Gen. Rob. Cunninghame. Lt. Col. Wm. Burton, Samuel BurroWes, Esq; Mr Fran Foreside, Surgn Archibald Richardson,. Esq; Surgeon. GOVERNORS elected in the O. derof Subfcrip- tioi>, fmce tht; Charter. Earl. Bective. Earl of Abercorn. earl of Shannon, Bishop of Clogher. Bishop of Waterford. Bishop of Ossory. Bishop of Killaloe. Lord Clermont. Lord Dartney Rt
Hon. John Ponsonby. Lt. Gen. Hodgson. Major Gen. Lambart: Major Gen. Pierson. Earl of Drogheda. Dixie Coddington, Esq',. James AndreW Crawford,' Esq; Henry Williams, Esq; Mr. Benj. Garstin;. GeorgE Simpson, Esq; George Wrightson, Esq Thos Croker, Esq; Wm Chaigneau esqrs. Rev Dr, Theobd. Disney. Sir Wm. Mt Gomery, Bt.( * Maj. Cha. Vallancey,,, ; Maj, Donald Grant. ... john Leigh, Esqj CharleS O Hara, Esq. Mr. john Gasper Battier Rev Dr Brabazon Disney Arthur Craven . 5 ' i* Gen James Gisborne.' . Ralph Ward ' . . \ L 2,1 Mr. John Gasper Battier. Esq; Nath. Barry, Esq; Physi- cian General - Wm. Ruxton,
Esq Sur- geon- General. Tho. Verner, Esq; Lt. Col. Chenevix,. * Lt. Col. Straton, Rev. Dean Bayly. Capt. Tho. Simes. Major Holt Waring. Rev. Dean Marlay Rev. John Jackson. Rev. Dr, Lyon, Col. Henry Gore. , ; Lt. Col. Congreve. ' Maj. Carleton Whitlock. Rev. Joseph Pratt; sen Francis White, Esq;. Mr, Henry Hunt. Rev. Dr. Dixie Blundell Rt. H. Sr Hen. Cavendish Bt- Robert Clements, Esq; ' Francis Leigh Esq Wm. Mead, Esq; , Tho. Tipping, Esq; , Major Wm. Bury. . Rev Dr. Stewart. . Rev. Wm Maxwell. Sir Henry Hartstonge, Bt Rev. John O'Connor. Rev. Nat. Smith. •> § Capt. Edward Candler, James Ford, Esq; Doct. FIeury.
Doct: Hamilton. Col. Ward General Eliott § Lord vis Beauchamp. Rev. Mr. HarpUr Rev. Mr. Warren. Rt. Hon Gen. Irwine. Esq; Colonel Lushington