Dublin Almanack
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Dublin Almanack
Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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2 ^ Clergymen's ' Widows. Hiberinan Society Gentlemen, Manufacturers ( particularly linen Weavers and Farmers, may be supplied with Servants and Apprentices, either Boys or Girls, educated in these Schools, by applying to the Secretary, Mr. Gibbons'; no. 6 in Suffolk- str Besides the Children subsisted in the School the Society have a Nur sery. on Milltown Road Dublin, for Children, designed to be transplanted to fill up Vacancies, and 3 other Nurseries, for the Rcception of 1oo Children each, from two to six Years Of'Age, - and then to be . draughted into the Schools Vr,' t< fB. from the Province of Conaught, at Monivae,
Co. Galway ; f r, Munster Kildare. Names of persons to receive Benefactions for the Society. In DUBLIN. Redmond Morres, Esq; Treasurer : Mr. Thomas Gibbons, Secretary ": Wm. Gleadowe Newcomen, Esq; and Co. David Latouche, Esq; and Sons. q LONDON Rob. Drummond, Esq; Treasurer to the corresponding Society, Charing cross. Messrs. Hoare, Fleet- str. Messrs Nesbitt, and Cor Bps gate str, Mr. Wm. Oddy, Secretary, at the Merchant's Seaman's 0^ 7c4 exchange. vLtxi A tafi THE SOCIETY for the Relief of the WIDOWS and CHILDREN^ CLERGYMEN of the Diocese of DUBLIN, was. elUblifted) rij t. 714^ ' By
Means of this Society, upwards of Thirty Families, ' most of chem invet treat Distress, have already received Relief;' In this Numbdr . are, included;. ® Widows, who have ( till within these two Years part) received iqftji Year each; but by reason of the Death " of many original Subscribers, and some of their Successors not subscribing;, the last Annual Collection for this excellent Charity, became utterly insufficent. 1c WEre to be wished deplorable situation. The Society hold their chief annual- Meeting on the Thursday nkiUhe Wstf of the Archbishop's Visitation. Present Officers,. Abp. of. Dublin; President of Dublin, - and Arcbd* »
iMt; UP. or lynoare, ! of Glandelagh '^ tcfe- frefutents. Treafu> ev3. ReV. Dr. Lyon, Aungier str ; Secretary',! ' Rev. William Ford,. Molesworth street- M Subfcript'ioils are taken in by the Secivtaiy, , o any' Member.. THE HIBERINIAN SOCIETY, foV maintaining, educating, and ap- prenticing the Orphans arid children of SOldier. RS,. IN IRELAND. • 1765^ 4 School was opened] by Subfcripiinn for , zo Chili - andoy" th£ Bounty' ^ f the Publick is5;'- irilarged to 1 40' Boys, and 60 C 83 tyfyP. have been apprenticed to uieful 1 rades, or as vaots, and 70 Boys enlisted as Fifes or Drums. 60 Boys a. nd 15 '. GW have been given to'their
Parents', they being able, to provide for - them, W only 15 Boys arid 4 Girls have died since the conntiencement ot'this Charity The Humanity of this Undertaking, and the Ac(| uifuiort it riliift.- b£> the Protestant Religion, render it an Object of real National. Utility. His Majesty' 5 Approbation has been . test- ified, by. Cant of the King's Garden's Chapd- izod and 3 Acres in the Phoenix- Park, tor an Hospital, with a Bounty Parliament for building the Hofpital, dennonftrate their: Opinion of this flu • dirtaking. The Society at large meet tbe'fifll Monday hrNovember*' Ffb ru » ry, May, and Auguft, and the Committee of Fifteen, the fiift at
ie* ond Tucfdav in . every Month, at the Castle.