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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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No Pages: 1
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... Incorporated Society in Dublin. » : The, Society; at iai^ s- taeet in Suffolk'- Jlr. the MVWedrief. esfch'MbrtthV'atj ii.. Acd'the- Confctnittdtffeff'iftaen, every Wed., at- i i. 1 Th%: ufually examine Reports and Account; and trftfaft iiathioirher Business of the Society; Hid before ' them. « ' A LIST of the Charter Working Schools in Ireland.' ' Thus Marked* are all Boys, aid- thus f all Girls Numer of Children, ^ f Children Apprenticed, Marriage'Portions pa " Places. Courties: ~ J ' qf f meet; SiuntkV. Caflledetmot K. Mare Ao ¥ btt>* V ArKI'iw Wirklow • Castledermot Kildare Ballynahinch Down Shannongrove Limerick Castlecaulfeild Tyrone Creggane Armagh • Ballycastle Antrim Temple's- tn. Wicklow fDundalk Lowth Stradbally Kilfinane Ballinrobe Ray ^ ,- j New Rols " f- Santry Waterford * Kilkenny Ardbraccan Charleville Strangford Donegal Wexford Dublin Waterford Kilkenny Meath Cork Down Castlecarbery Kildare Clonmel Tipperary Trim Meath 40 ibj'' 5' " 30104 Too 338 45 40 99 < 4 401,36 12 4o 96 15 40 74 r 40 71 18- Queen'sCo. 50 105 7 Limerick 40 65 4 Mayo 40 76 6 Arklow ..' Wicklow Castlemartyr Cork * Clontarf Str. Dublin . Loughrea Galway * Maynooth Kildare Cashel Tipperary Dunmanway Cork ^ Newport Tipperary 30 86 4° 14 1 5o 135 4o 95 60 55 50 90 12 30 51 6 50 84 2 50 us ' 2 40 90 9 40 92 3 t lb 50- 98 > Ballikelly Innishannon Franckfort Longford Galway Monivae Sligo Farra - f- Innifcarra Caftleifland Rofcommon Athlone Newmarket Castlebar ' 46' 87 4 idd 245' 14 5 ® i ° 5 3 4a 60 1, 4q 80 1V 40 7913 40 48 1 5° 9o ro 30 99 40 60 1 60 iii 40 75 40 70 8< r 92 40 4 4 50 20 45 20/ 0 Lon. Derry Cork . 1 King's- Co. Longford Galway Galway Sligo Weftmeath Cork Kerry Rofcommon 40 4i t> Rofcommon 40 43 o Clare ' 40 5 o Mayo 50-— 5 o 592. Number of Children apprenticed in the eight fupp refled Schools, Number of marriage Portions paid in do. 46. Total number of Children in the Schools, 2045. Total number of Children Apprenticed, 44891 Total number of marriage Portions'paidri349. The Schools are fupported by His Majesty's Bounty of 100ol. Yearly ; by a Tax upon Hawkers and Pedlars; and by sundry Annual Subscriptions, casual Benefactions, and Legacies in Gt- Britain, Ireland, and the American Colonies. The Publick will observe, that tho' fome of the Schools have been sup- pressed, yet the number of Children under the care of the Society- iVthe same as formerly, the Schools at prefent fubfifting having been greatly enlarged. The Children admitted are those born of Popish Parents,^ such as. or would be bred Papists, if neglected, and are of sound health and limbs. - Their Age from 6 to to Years. They are placed in Schools remote from their former Abode ; the Boys " at 16, and the Girls at i4Years of Age, are^ apprenticed into Pro- testant Families. - - The Society give, a Portion of FIVE POUNDS to every Perfotf e- iucaudtn thefe Schools, upon lias or her parrying a Proteftant, with t> M - j approbation of the Committee of fifteen, and every ftjch pe :•!"•-. n p <.. 1tic - u' » proper Certificate that he or fhe hath duly ferved out - their A'iptfc& tice& jJi ' ' "' L
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