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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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No Pages: 1
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7* Royal Hospital. Blue Coat Hospital. GOVERNORS if the ROYAL HOSPITAL near Kilmainham. ffr dntien and maimed Officers and Soldiers of the Army of Ireland, in Dec. 1775 N. B. The Officers marked thus *, are now discontinued; but Governors are elected or appointed, pursuant to the Charter, as if those Offices were still Thus § marked, the Office is continued, but the Name of it altered. Charter, dated 1 9 Feb. 1683. 1 \ 0 THE. Lord Lieut. His Excellency, SIMON HARCOURT, Earl HARCOURT; or Other Chief Go- vernor or Governors of Ireland Lord Private, His Grace., Dr. Richard Robinson. Lord Chancellor, James, Baron Lifford. Lord Abp. of Dublin, His Grace, Dr. John Cradock. Marshal of the Army, Master of the Ordnance, Charles, Earl of Drogheda. Lord Chief justice of the King's Bench, Right Hon. John, Lord Annaly. Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, Right Hon. Marcus Paterson. Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Right Hon. Anthony Foster Secretary of State, Rt. hon. Phil. Tisdall Deputy Master, Capt. John Taggart * Major General of the Foot, M. G. Rob Cuninghame. Colonel of the Regiment of Guards. Lt. Col. H. Henry Lawes Lutterell Commissary General of the Horse, Maj. Gen. Edward Sandford. Muster Master Gen. Rich. E. of Shannon. Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard, Col. Henry'Gore. Captain of the Troop of Horse Guards, Major Gen. John Pomeroy. Lieut. Col. of the Regiment of Guards. Lt. Gen. Charles Montagu. Quarter Master Gen. Lt. Col. Simon Fraser. Major of the Regiment of Guards,: Col. James Paterson. Master of the Hospital, Rt, Hon. Lt Gen. John Irwine. Chaplain, Rev. Wm, Darby, A. Physician, Dr. Nath. Barry. Auditor & Register, Geo. Burston, Esq; and Beres- ford his Son. Paymaster, Tho. Goold, Esq; Surgeon, Mr. Edw. Crofton. Reader, Rev. Arthur Hodgkinson, A. M. Providore, Rich. UnderWood, Esq; & Christiana, his w ife. Apothecary, Mr. James Nicholson. Butler, Fueller, & Chamber- keeper, Mr. J. Hankison. Register's Clerk,, Mr. J. Peile Hankison. All at the Hospital. GOVERNORS of The BLUE- COAT HOSPITAL, / » Dec. 1775, For editing, Maintaining, Service, the Sons of reduced Citizens of Dublin : Containing - about 170 Boys the Charter, dated 5 Dec. 1670. LOrdMayor, Recorder, Aldermen, Sheriffs, Sher iffs Peers, Master of St. Ann's, Guild; now James Somervell, Esq) and. Se- nior Master of Trinity Guild ficiftn to the Hospital.. Joseph Kane, Esq;.. , Bishop of Kildare. Geo. Simpson, Esq; , Earl Roden. Sir Lucius O Brien, Esq ( now Geo. Maquay, Esq;) All for. tht Time being. Rt. Hon: Nash. Clements. Isaac Holroyd, Esq; R. H. In. Hely Hutchinson Dr. Constant. Barbor, Phy- ' They meet at the Hospital, the first of every Month. Chaplain and Schoolmaster, Rev. Hamilton Morgan, M A. Agent and RE- pifter, Tho. Hawkshaw, Gt. Steward, Mr. Thomas White. Writing Mathematical Master Mr E. Draffen House- keeper, Mrs.: Rebecca White All at John Whiteway, Upper Stafford- str Apothecary, Mr. Martin Brownly, Bridge str. *'-
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