Dublin Almanack
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Dublin Almanack
Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Revenue, Sic. Impreft" Office.' Stamp- Office. Limerick. Collector, Caleb Powell. Surv.. Port; Charles Dawson, Esq; Sur- eyor- of Excise, Robert Lloyd. Land Waiter, Sexton Bayley. Lisburn.-. Collector-, William Sharman. Surveyors Excise, John Druitt Wm. Douglass, and James Hamilton. Londonderry. Collector. Hugh Hill. Surveyor Port, John Swan: Sur- veyors Excise, George Kirk, & Tho jennings. Land Waiters, Clotworthy Lenox, and Arthur Newburgh.. Loughrea. Collector, Hon. Jn. Evans Surv.- Excise, Rob. Hewetson. Maryborough. Collector, John Masy. Survs. Excise, Francis Empey, Arthur Allen, and Michael Kearney.
Moyallow. Collector, Edw. Ryves, Surv Excise, Neptune Blood, and Geythin Philpot. Naas. Collector, Nicholas Gordon, arvs. Excise, Rob. Roth-, Simon Marvault, John Cowell, and Henry Corbett Newry. Collector, Joshua Hamilton. Port Surv- Roger Bristow. Surv. Car- lingford Port, Arth. Moss. Surv. Exc Wm. Kelly. Land Wrs. John Gibsob and Wm. Porter. Ross. Collector Jn. Ward surV Port John Ward. Excise; John Allen Land Waiter, Benjamin Batts, Stage. Collector, William Ormsby Surv, Port, Stephen Wren. Survs, Exc George Hagarty, and Wm. White Landwaiter, Hugh Bowen. Strabane Collector, John Tyrrell Surveyors
Excise, John Rynd, John Spiller, and Delany Kingston. Strangford. Collector James Aynlworth. Port Surv. John Auclinleck. Of Exc. Nehemiah Cox- Land Rob. Tatterson. Tralee. Collector , Wm Blennerhassett Surv. Uriah Sealy, Surv. Lloyd. Land Waiter, Rob, Hillyard Trim. Collector, Wm. Handcock Survs. Excise, .. Rich Allen, Hercule Charleton, and Geo. Darcy. - Waterford, Collr. Sir James May Bt Port Surv. John Cahan Of Passage, Rodolphus Green. Surveyor Gua. 75 geron the Quay, John Moore. Of Ex- cise, —— 1 — Land Waiters, Ed- ward Irwing and Wm. Cuthbert. Wexford. Collector, George Parker, Port Surveyor,
John Cox. Of Ex- cise, Russell Budds. Land Waiter, Geo. Reade. • Wicklow. Collr. Mathias Earberry. Port Surv. and Land Waiter, Richard Lambert. Of Excise, William Parvisol and Paul Labertouche. Youghall. Collect. Peter Hennis Port- Surv. John Briscoe. Of Excite, William Green. Land Waiter, Deane Swift. Surv. Dungarvan Port, Bernard Dennison. Land Waiter, John Green. IMPRESTOFFICI, N°. 4, Eustace- st Commissi ONERS. GErvase Parker Bushe, Esq Henry Loftus, Esq; Edward Tighe, Esq; St. John Jefferyes,- Esq; John Darner, Esq; Secretary, Allen M'Lean, . Esq; Auditor of Imprefts, Sir William Montgomery..
Deputy-; Auditor, William Leslie Badham. Hours of1 Attendance from i i to 3. tbe STAMP Officer's for managing DUTIES, 1775, Stamp Officc, W. 5, Eustace- street. CoMMlSSlOSfRS, { 5) GErVase Parker Bushe, Esq , Henry Loftus, Esq; : ' Edward Tighe, Esq. - - St. John Jefferyes, john Damer esq; , Receiver General, John Bourke Secretary to' the Commissioners ; RAlph Ward, esq Comptroller, Peter Holmes, Esq; : Receiver General's, Clerks, Wm Hutton, Wm Daniel. . Sec retary's Charles Elle Robert Smith, John Reid Comptroler's Clerks Rob. Reeves Geo L'Estrange K. 2 Solicitor