Dublin Almanack
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Dublin Almanack
Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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No Pages: 1
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and John Healy, esqrs.. j • Nevill forth, Rogers Taylor, Geo. Reade, john Swift, and examinator of the Customest.'. ulExarniMiur, 72 Magistrates. of the Revenue. 1776. Dom. M; Causland, Esq; Tn. Clk. Sackville Marcus Taylor, Gt. R Maryborough. Burgo- master Rob. Earl of Roden, G Webb, Gt: bailiffs, Jn. Patison, Tn. Cl New Ross. Charles Tottenham, Esq; Sov John Cliffe, Esq; Rec. Ambrose Bedford, Bailiff- Receiver. Portarlington. Jonathan Clarke, Esq: Sov. James Osborne, John Geoghegan, Gt. Portrives. Jonathan Clarke, Esq; Rec. James Dunn, Gt. Tn. Clerk. Strabane. William Maxwell, Esq; Provost. Tho. Hamilton, Tn.
Clerk. Thomastown. George Dunbar, Esq; Sovrn. Trim. Garret, Earl of Mornington, Port. Thomas Vizer, Gt. Tn. Clerk. Waterford. James Henry Reynet, Esq; Mayor. Robert Dobbyn the Vgi. Esq; Rec. Richard Kearney, and John Alcock, Esqrs; Sheriffs. Theodore Cocke Town Clerk. Wexford. John Lightburne, Esq: Mavor. ———— Rec. Nathaniel For the Port Business. SECRETARY,- Sackville Hamilton, Huson, and John Eustace, Esqs's Bai- liffs, Thomas Jones Esq; Town Clerk Wicklow. Arthur Deacon, Esq Portr. Edward Tighe, esq; Rec. . Youghall. William jackson, Esq: . Mayor. James Dennis, esq; Recr Roger Wigmore
Dartnell and Samu- el. Brien, Esqrs; Sheriffs Richard Martin, Gt. Tn. Clerk. cOMmISSiOneRS of His Majesty's Revenues December 16, 1775 JOhn Bourke, Esq; Rt. Hon. John Beresford. John Monck Mason, Esq; John Staples, Esq; Richard Townsend, Esq, James Agar, Hercules Langrishe, Esq; For the inland Department'. Secretary, , Vaughan Montgomery, Esq; First and Chief Cle. k in the Sc. - ta- y's Office, : Rob. Lovett, Esq Second Secretary, Hon. Bysse Moles- worth. First and Chief Clerk in the Secre- tary's Office, Wm. Molesworth Esq Clerk of the Minutes, Wm Mor- gan, Esq; . '," Clerks, John Clements, John Madden,
Ebenezar Miller, Gt. Clerk of the Portage, Tho, Hughes, Gent. Council, Robert Hellen, Esq; Solicitor, G. E. Howard, Esq; . , Solicitor in England, Robert Wes ton; Esq; Clerk of the Quit- Rents, Richard Vernon, Esq; Assistant Clerk, Richard Underwood, Esq; clerks, Rob. Warter Jn. Wilson, and Wm. Hutton, Gt. j, Register of the Forfeitures, Henry Sandford, Esq; Clerk in the Forfeiture Office, Rich. Bourke, Esq; Clerk of ifo Seizures; Robert Warter, Gt. Solicitor for the King's Rents: Sol citor for the forfeited Estates: Solicitor for the Casual Revenue Gorges Edmond Howard, Esq; Clerk of the Informations in Dublin Port, Robert
Stafford, Gt. Examiner and Comptroller of th Collectors Accounts of Incidents, William Horton, Paymaster of Corn Premiums, Roger Palmer, Esq; dep. Hen. Smyth, Esq; Examiner of Corn Premuims, William Horton, Esq; Clerk, Wool Accts. Jn. Wetherall, Gt Clerk, Ship entries, Edw. Sedgwick esq; Clk. Assist. Robert Hamerton, Gt. Clerk, Land, Permits, John Cooper, G Clk. Coast Permits, Joseph Lefanu, C Clerk of the Commissioners Cheque Book, Ralph Sneyd, Gt. Assist. clerk Customs, Henry John Wethe