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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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7° Artillery. Ordnance. Agents. Battle- axe. Barracks. 0RDNANCE. Office, Lower Castle- yard. CIVIL BRANCH. MAster Gen. Charles, Earl of Droghea. Lt. Gen. Bernard Hale, Esq; Survr. Gen. Ralph Ward, . esq; Clerk of the Ordnance, Jos. Keene, esq: Principal Score- Keeper, Thomas Coghlan, Esq; Clerk of the Deliveries, Robert Tighe, Esq; Treasurer, John Chaigneau, Esq; Secretary to the Master Gen. Henry Meredyth, Esq Proof- Masters, Thomas Trulock, Wm. Stokes. Clerk of the Works, Wm. Stokes. LABORATORY. Comptroller, Ralph Ward, Esq; Fire- Master, John Straton, Esq; Fire- Master's Mate, John Pratt, Gt. EnGINeERS. Chief Engineer, Henry Mark Mason, as Lt. Col. Director, Charles Vallancy, as Major Engineers in Ordinary, Charles Tarrant, and Tho. Jarrat, as Capts. Sub- Engineers, Arthur Forth, and Jo- seph Shewbridge, as Lieuts. Practitioner- Engineer, Matt. Nash, a Ensign. AGENTS with literal References. M. Sir W. Montgomery, Bt. Mary- st N. John Nixon, Esq; Summer- street. Wa. Major Holt Waring, Henry- str. Wy. Stephen and Rob. Wybrants, Esqrs; Granby- row H. Francis Heath. Esq; Abbey- street. Agents to the Half- pay Officer, Edward Bulkeley, Esq; and Sir Wm. Mt. Gomery, Bt. Office, Gt Britain- str. Agent to the Widows of Officers, John Chaigneau, & John Clements Chaig- neau, Esqrs. lower Castle- yard. Agent to the Half- pay French Officer, and Pensioners, Jasper Debrisay, Esq, Dawson- street. Agent for the Transmission . of De- serters, Kilner Baker, Esq; Practicque Master and Commander of brisay, and William Bacon, Esqs; Agent to the Pensioners < rn the Civil and Military Establishments, R. Hon Nat. Clements. Office, Treasury Cham bers. Company of BATTLE- AxE GUARDS, HEnry Gore, Esq, Col. as Capt. Thomas Hungerford Townsend, Esq; Capt. as Lt. Tennison Smith, Esq; Capt. as Lt. the Quarentine Sloop, Jasper D « l- Samuel COMMISSIONERS and OVERSEERS IJ the BARRACK s,& c. Dublin CaSTle. HON Ponsonby Moore, Tho. St. George, William Gamble, James Cuff, Tho. Tisdall, Hugh Hen. Mitchell, and Wm. Burton, Esqs. Supervisor of Accounts, William Bur- ton, Esq; Secretary to the Commissioners, Richard Thwaites, Esq; Comptr. of the Works, Lorenzo Nickson, Esq; Treasurer, Tho. Adderley, Esq; 1 Architect, Chr. Myers, Esq; Inspectors General, Wm. Mitchell, and Peter Maturin, Esqrs. Clerk and Inspector of Civil Buildings in Dublin, Thomas Cooley, Gt. i Counfel. William Dunkin, Efq; Solicitor. Willian Lyfter, Efq; Clerks, Wm. Donkin, John Stephens, James Collins, Jof. Adderley, Gt. BARRACK MASTERS. FItz- Gerald Alley, Clonakilty, See. Middleton Clarke, Castlebar, & c. Richard Cooke, Esq; Lim. Clare- Cas. John Courtney, Esq; Kingsale, & c. Nicholas Crawford, Philip's- town, & c. John Cullen, Esq; Sligo, & c. Alexander Daniel, Youghal, & c. Alex. Eason, Esq; Carrickfergus, Belf. Wm. Ferguson, Esq; Bray, Wick. SfC. Thomas Fleming, Esq; Belturbet, & c. John Forde, Charlemont, & c. William Hamilton, Ballishanncn, & C. Jacob Jackson, Drogheda, Navan. Rodolphus Kent, Esq; Galway, & c. John Law, Cork, Sxc. Lawson, Esq; Kilkenny, Thurles Thomas
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