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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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i WORK- HOUSE. Governors of Counties. POOR in the FOUNDLING HOSPITAL, 2- 5- March 1775 In the Houfe, 25 March, 1774- Above 6 & under 16 Years of age 788 Drafted from the Country - - 364 Returned from Apprenticeihip - 4 Returned from running away - 4 Total 1160 Apprenticed to 25 March, 1775. Died Ran away ------- Put on the. old List - - Given to Parents - - - - Remaining in the House - Total b7t 4 79 167 66 • 9 • > 3 616 ,1160 Besides 28 Poor above 16 Years of Age moll of which are grown Children reared in the House that by their Disorders have been rendered unfit to be Apprenticed. 26 Servants, and 34 Nurses. Infants in the Nursery, 25 Ma ch ' 774 36 Admitted to 25 March 177;. 1089 Returned to be Drafted - - 364 returned from Nurse Disordered 20 Returned to Parents - - - 10 Total At Nurfe 25 March 1774 Sent to Nurfe - - - Total J 54 9 2961 768 3729 Sent to Nurfe . ... - Died in the Houfe - - - - Drafted - - - - - - Given to Parents - - - - Remaining in the Nurfery Total Died at Nuife Drafted - Returned being Difordered Returned for Parents At Nurfe 25 March 1 774 Total 768 3? 3 364 20 « 4 37* 9 Collectors, for one Year, end. 25 June, 1776. Hugh Crawford, LockHof- fital. Edw. Dunn, Capel- flr. Hugh Gregg, / War/ r-<^.& Step. Malone, Comb, Collector of the Tax upon Carriages and cafual Revenue, Mr. Jocelyn Philips, Office Ram Alley in Skinner Row, where Complaints againft the Owners of Hackney Carriages are received, and fummonfes l'erved. GOVERNORS ANtrim. Randall- Wm. E. of Antrim Armagh. * Jas. E. of Charlemont Carlow Wm. Burton, Beauchamp Bage- hall, Clement Wolseley, and John Rochfort, Esqs; Cavan. * Brinsley, Earl of Lanesborough Clare. * William, Earl of Inchiquin Cork. * Richard, Earl of Shanon Donegal. Henry, Visc. Conyngham, & Ralph, Earl of Ross. Down. * Wills, Earl of Hillsborough Dublin. Thomas, Earl of Howth, and Luke Gardiner, Esq; Fermanagh. Sir James Caldwell, Bart. Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur Brooke, Bart. Mervyn Archdall, Esq Henry, Earl of Ely, John, Lord Erne, and * Wm. Willoughby, Lord Mt. Flo- rence. Galway. John, Lord Eyre, Sc Richard Trench, Esq; Kerry. Francis Thomas, Earl of Kerry Kildare. William, Duke of Leinster Kilkenny. * Wm. Earl of Bessborough Kings- County. * Charles, E. of Drogheda Leitrim. Kt. Hon. Owen Wynne, and * Rt. Hon. Nathaniel Clements Limerick. * Tho. George, Lord Southwell Londonderry City, and Co. and Town of Coleraine. Henry, Visc. Conyngham, and Rt. Hon. Thomas Conolly • Longford. George, Earl of Granard Lowth
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