Dublin Almanack
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Dublin Almanack
Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Court of Exchequer. v,. the Outlawries, Tho. Tis- dall, Esq; Office, Kennedy's- lane. The Examiners. Hector Graham, Com. Pleas Office, Wm. Cuthbert, Wood- str. EsqrS. Clerk to Ld. Chief Justice Paterson, Thomas Tisdall, Esq; Great- Cuff- str. Clerk to Mr. Justice Tenison, Henry Coddington, Esq; Britain- str. Clerk to Mr. Justice Lill, John Boland, Esq; Nicholas- street. Deputy Seal- keeper, William Fenner, Gent. Common- Pleas Office. Deputy Cryer, Daniel Mulcahy. COURT of EXCHEQUER. Treasury- Office, Dublin- Castle. LORD High Treasurer, His Grace William, Duke of Devonshire. Vice- Treasurer, Rt. H. Robt. Ld. Vis.
Clare Rt. Hon. Welbore Ellis, and Rt. Hon. Henry Flood. Dep. Vice- Trea- surer, Rt. H. Nat. Clements. Clerks in the Treasury, Wz. Chief Clerk Keeper of the Vouchers, John Cooper, Esq; Assistants, Robert Ashworth, Henry Standish, Joseph Walker, and Austin Cooper, Gt. Clerk of the Receipts, John Kelly, Esq; Ledger Keeper, John Mit- chell, Esq, CASHIER, or Teller of the Exchequer, Rt. H. Sir Henry Cavendish, Bt. His Clerks, viz. Cash- keeper, Tho. Hig- ginbotham, Esq; Examin. of his Vouch- ers, and Keeper of the Ledger, Theo. Bolton, Esq; Assistant, Robert Wade, Gt. Keeper of the Houfe for Receipt, John Noble. ^
Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rt. Hon. Wm. Gerard Hamilton. J- f- Lord Chief Baron, Rt. Hon. An- thony Foster, Molesworth- str. J £ Second Baron, William Scott, ESQ; Sackville- str. J- f- Third Baron, Richard Power, Esq; Kildare- street. Auditor General, Robert, Earl Ro- den, and Robt. Lord Jocelyn. Deputy, Robert Waller, Esq; Lower Castle- yard. Clerks, Samuel Fenner, Wm. Bower, and Charles Crow, Gent. Commissioners of the Treasury Ac- counts, Lord Chancellor, ' Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Chief Baron, snd Barons of the Exchequer, CommilTioners of all other Public Accounts, Gervase Parker Bush. Henry
Loftus, Edward Tighe, S John JefFeryes, & John Damer, Esq Secretary, Allan Maclean, Esq Office Lower Castle- yard. Alnager of Ireland, R. Ho. Sir John Blaquiere, K. B. Deputies, Co. & City Dublin, Messrs. Joseph Webster, Robert Riky, & Wm. Yeates. Assistant Deputie James Dowdal, Tho. Walsh, and Job Morgan. Escheator of Leinster, George Meare Esq;; Hume- street. Escheator of Munster, Rob. Fitz Gerald, Esq; Merrion- square. Escheator of Conaught, — Escheator of Ulster, — Surveyor General of Lands, Supervisor, and Valuer nors, & c. Hon. Robert Rochfort. Dep Mr. Mathew Handcock, Office, Low, Castle- yard.
Exchequer- Office, Kennedy s- lane. Chief Remembrancer, James, Earl of Clanbrassill. Deputy, James Shiel, Esq; Filacer, John Rotton, Esq; Auditor of Accounts, Samuel Heatly, Esq; Register, Secondaries, Abraham Hill, Andrew Malie, Crofton Warren, John Wolver- ston, and James Hamilton, Gt. Dep. Filacer, Roberts White, Gt. Lord Treasurer's, or Second Remem- brancer, Rich. Morgan, & Rich. Hely Hutchinson, Esqrs. Deputy, And. Car- michael, Esq; Kennedy s- l. Secondaries, Tho. Cade, and Sam. Kathrens, Gt. Clerk of the Pleas of the Exchequer Francis Plumptre and Polydore Plump- tre, Esqrs. Deputies, Charles
Farran, and Peter King, Gent. Law or Plea Office of the Excheq. Fishamble- str. Clerk of the Pipe, Hon. John Butler, and Brinsley, Earl of Lanesborough. Deputy, Tho. Cade, Gt. Wm- str. Chief Chamberlain, Roger Palmer and Wm- Henry Palmer, Esqs; Lower Castle- yard. Second Chamberlain, John Clarke, Esq; Lower Castle- yard. Comptroller of the Pipe, George Meares, Esq; Hume- str.