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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Court of King's- Bench, and Common- Pleas. Hanaper, Michael Nowlan, esq; Peter street, Office, Darby- square. Register, Wills, Earl of Hillsborough, and George Roth, Esq: Deputy, Constant. Cullen, Esq; Office, Golden- lane. Cursitor, Cha. Fitzroy Scudamore Esq; Dep. Steph. Wybrants Esq; Christ Church lane. Register and Clerk of the Faculties, Darby Magill, Esq; Dep. Wm M'Kay, Gt. Maiden- lane, Wood- str Clerk of the Recognizances, Wm Deane, Esq; Kennedy's- lane. Secretary to the Lord Chancellor, John Smyth, Esq; Chancery- lane. Purse- bearer to the Lord Chancellor, ; John Hewitt, Esq; Sackville- street. Train bearer, Gawen Lane, Gt. to 4 Summer- hill. Chief Examinator, Wm. Ryves,. Esq: Second Examinator, John Godley, Esq; Deputy Examinator, Tho. Tench, and W. Patrickson, Esqrs. Office. Aungier- st. Usher & Acct. Gen. R. Power, L. L. D. Dep. G. Roth, esq; Office Golden- l,. Twenty Commissioners of Bankruptcy appointed by the Rt. Hon. the Lord Chancellor. Ambrose Smith, Hugh Wilson, Tho. Kingsbury, Step. Dickson, Tho. Spring, Bryan Finnucane JA. JOHNston, Tho. Scott, A. Wolfe, Rob. Paul, Alex. CrOokshank, Rob. French, John O'Connor, ja. Fitzgerald, Hon R. Annesley, Jon. Darby, Jun. Christ. Hendley, Brett Norton, Sam. Forth, and James Dunkin, Esqrs; Secretary of Bankrupts, JohnHewitt, Esq; Sackville- sreet. Messengers to the Commissioners, Wm Mc. Kay, Gt. Maiden- l. Wood - str and Gawen Lane, Gent. Summer- hill Pursuivant Hugh Reilly, Esq; Deputy Pursuivant, Thomas Mil- wood, Gent. Aungier- street. Cryer, Mr. Nath. James, Bride- str. COURT of KING's BENCH Office, Kennedy's- lane. LOrd Chief justice, Rt. H. John, Lord Annaly, Steph. Gr. East. Second Justice, Christopher Robinson esq; Jervis- str. t+ Thi d Juftice, William Henn, Esq Merrion- street. Clerk of the Crown, Prothonotary, Keeper of the Writs, Philizer, Clerk of the Entries, and Clerk of the Errors, Henry Boyle Carter, Esq; Deputy Clerk of the Crown, Thomas Tisdall, Esq; Office, Kennedy's- lane. Deputy Prothonotary, Keeper of the Writs, Clerk of the Entries, and Clerk of the Errors, James Hamilton, Esq; Mary- street. Office, K ennedy' s- lane. Clerk to Lord Chief Justice Annaly, George Meares, Esq; Hume- street, Of- fice, Cork- hill. Clerk to Mr. Justice Robinson, John Ford, Esq; Abbey- street. Clerk to Mr. Justice Henn, Wm. Harrison, Esq; Great Ship- street. Dep. Philizer. Tho Church Gt Peter- str. Tipstaff, Pat. Corbett, Gt. Mary- str, Seal- keeper, Robert Moore, Gt. Office, Kennedy's- lane. COURT of COMMON- PLEAS, Office, Wine- tavern- street. LORD Chief Justice, Rt. H. Mar- Cas Paterson, Dawson- str. | J- second Justice, Thomas Teni- on, Esq; Granby- row. Jf- Third Justice, Godfrey Lill, Esq; Merrion- square. keeper of the Writs, Wm. Acton, 8c. Tho. Acton, EsqrS. Wine- tavern- str. prothonotary, Hon. Barry Barry, Palace Row. Secondary, Hector Gra- ham, Esq; Common- Pleas Office. Chirographer. Sf.' Keeper of the Writs Clerk of the King's Silver, William Acton, Esq;; Wine- tavern- str. Philizer, Tho. Dulhunty, . Esq; Exigente-,. Tho. Dulhunty Esq; Clerk of the Warrants, Richard Fen ner, Esq; Common- Pleas Office. Clerk of the Entries, Isaac Bomford, Gt. Fishamble-- street. Clerk of the Essoins, . Clerk of the Errors, and Clerk of the Juries, Joshua Carter, Gt. Common- Pl. Office. Tipstaff and Cryer H. Hewitt, Gt.
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